#sweet pee riverdale
lilhemmo · 5 years
Can I uh get a "bookshop au" + "flirting under fire" au for sweet pea? your writing is so good and he's my baby please give me more
a/n: yes, friend, you can!!! i know this is.. old, but, hey, what can i say? i’m not apologizing!! 
ps, dear chels @the-gargoyle-queen i am so sorry for picking on your ghoulies but it’s just sO EASY
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You’d inherited the book shop from your grandmother once she passed, but you never really had a hand in it until you heard about the state Riverdale was in. So, you packed your things and moved back into the loft upstairs, taking a much more direct approach with the store. 
You bought books online, through thrift stores - anything you could find to keep the shelves stocked. Eventually, your shop was a safe haven - a Switzerland, if you will. It was a place where anyone from any walk of life could take a seat and escape the world.
There were high schoolers who host homework and study sessions, middle aged moms who gather for book club, and even Southsiders who show up just to get away from the street’s carnage every once and a while.
The tattoo artist from the Pretty Poison Tattoo Parlor stops by once a week for a new book on nature and you’ve managed to have a short conversation with him each time.
You’ve learned his name - Sweet Pea - and that he gets the books to study for his tattoos. A lot of the people who come in are female bikers who want different flowers mixed with skulls and crossbones tattooed on them, so he has to be educated.
“Got another random tattoo booking later this week, gotta learn how to draw…” Sweet Pea shakes his head, holding out the book, “Whatever the hell these are.”
You’re laughing but then the whole room goes silent, cold. You look up just as a car steers off from the road and crashes into your glass windows. Sweet Pea wastes no time in hopping over the counter and grabbing you up, turning so his back is to the car and you’re caged under his arms.
“Shit,” he shakes his head, turning get a glance of the people in the car. “Fuckin’ Ghoulies.”
You blink slowly, your head spinning as your heart beats increasingly faster, “G-Ghoulies? Here?!”
Sweet Pea nods and for the first time you notice the serpent tattoo on his neck. You’ve only known him through the winter, and now that it’s spring, he’s no longer wearing turtle necks or thick jackets to cover his tattoo. You grip him by the flannel, staring up at him, “B-But this isn’t…this is supposed to be a safe space.”
“Seems like the Ghoulies don’t agree with you. Call 911, I’m gonna see if I can do anything.”
He’s gone before you can protest, and you swear you hear the zing of a knife in the air, but you disregard it. Grabbing up your phone, you call the police and shakily tell them all of the details. Luckily there are officers on foot who make it there before too much carnage breaks loose.
They have to grab up Sweet Pea and administer medical treatment and also question him regarding the knife wounds they found slashed into various Ghoulies, but he manages to describe it well enough as self-defense that they release him once they’re finished.
“H-How can I thank you?” you ask, wrapping yourself up in a blanket given to you by the police department.
Sweet Pea shrugs, “I like gettin’ to kick those jackasses around, so I don’t need a thank you.”
You’re smiling and he wants to ask why, but the sound of shattering glass makes him pause. Your frame is practically shaking, and he remembers a conversation where you told him you lived in the book shop, above the store in a one bedroom situation.
“Hey,” he nudges your calf with the toe of his boot, “do you need a place to stay?”
You swallow, blinking the tears away as you realize that your home has been crashed into, your livelihood ruined for an innumerable amount of time. You shake your head despite yourself, “No, I-I think the county is going to give me a bit of an allowance to stay at the motel up the street.”
“That place is infested with cockroaches,” Sweet Pea chuffs, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why don’t you come shack up with me and Toni at Poison? She’s hardly there anyway, now that she’s got that little Northsider girlfriend, so you can take her bed.”
The laugh that bubbles from your lips makes him look you over again - still in your resolve, head held high despite your home being destroyed and your heart and soul crashed by a set of pathetic Ghoulies trying to make a name for themselves.
“I don’t know that your roommate would like you giving up her bed,” you sigh, glancing up at him through thick, wet lashes. “Really, it’s okay.”
Sweet Pea shrugs, “Well, it’s always available, okay? We’ve got a pull out couch too, if you change your mind.”
Well, you do change your mind.
Sweet Pea is all but not surprised to see you on the doorstep of the Poison Parlor later that same night. 
He’s laughing as he lets you inside. There are a couple of late night customers and you can hear the buzzing of tattoo guns as Sweet Pea walks you through the parlor and up the stairs.
You’re making yourself comfortable on the pull out couch when he turns to go back downstairs, but you stop him, “H-Hey, Sweet Pea?”
“Hm?” he looks over his shoulder to acknowledge you.
Your whole face goes beet red, but you stand to your full height and say it anyway, “I-uh, I want you to teach me how to defend myself.”
There’s a silence that hangs in the room and you wonder for a moment if he thinks you’re crazy. Of course he wouldn’t train a weakling Northsider like you, even if your shop was Switzerland for his Southside buddies. What the Ghoulies had done, you couldn’t have stopped anyway.
“L-Listen, I just, I want to be able to stand up for myself. It’s not like I can stop a crashing car, but I can punch a guy in the gut or keep myself from getting snatched off the street,” you start rambling, using your hands as you talk, your voice growing in octaves the longer he lets you speak.
“Hey,” Sweet Pea grasps you by the wrist, “I get it.”
There’s a mutual understanding that passes between the two of you, quiet but determined. He releases you and walks back down to the parlor, leaving you to get settled in. 
And that’s how it starts.
When your bookstore is back up and running six weeks later, you’re practically a boxing prodigy. Sweet Pea has taught you the simplest of moves, and you can catch him off guard every once and a while. He has the crooked nose to prove it.
The tension between the two of you has grown as well. He’s given you a small tattoo that you’ve been dreaming about since high school, and you’ve taught him words and jargon that he never dreamed could be real. You spend almost every waking moment of the day together, between training to grow stronger and smarter, the both of you have developed a routine.
The next time you spot a band of Ghoulies, you and Sweet Pea are helping to close up the tattoo parlor. You’re taking the trash out in the back alley, and when a snap resounds against the brick walls, your heart drops into your stomach.
You swallow the lump in your throat, toss the garbage into the bin, and turn, fists held tight at your sides.
A taunt passes your lips and then the Ghoulie on the right jumps towards you with a knife held tight in his grip. You spot his weak form and step downward, using his weight to roll him over your shoulders and toss him against the dumpster.
“What?” you laugh, “Scared now?”
The other lets out a grunt before slashing at you with a makeshift shank. He looks like a feral animal - teeth bared and knuckles white as saliva gathers at the corners of his mouth. You can’t help but roll your eyes at the dramatic gang member, but when he tries to kick you in the face, you grab his ankle and twist, sending him soaring over your shoulder to lay unconscious with his Ghoulie counterpart.
There’s a loud noise from inside the parlor and your mind starts racing - Sweet Pea. Sure, he’s perfectly capable of taking care of himself, but your heart still picks up the pace as you run toward the door.
He’s got two on either side of him, and another set of three in the back rummaging through the money drawer and supplies. You grab the nearest thing to you, a case of ink, and throw it against the back counter. It pegs one of the Ghoulies in the head, the other two turning their attention to you now.
“Th-They’re on something!” Sweet Pea shouts even though his throat is currently in the grasp of one of the brawnier Ghoulies. You laugh, shaking your head as the two from behind the counter charge at you, “You don’t say?”
Sweet Pea shoots you a glare and you barely have time to shrug before you’re back in attack mode - focused on the two grown men in front of you. Their weight and their obvious lack of focus is something you can prey on, just as you did the two in the alley.
“So, do I get a raise or something?” you call between punches, landing a kick into one of their chests. Sweet Pea now has one of them in a headlock, the other crumpled against the wall, twitching as he tries to stand back up.
“Funny, I didn’t know I paid you,” he grunts, dropping the bulky guy to the ground once he stops struggling.
You stumble backward, but he catches you, “You don’t.”
“Maybe I should start.”
The duality of the phrase makes your spine shiver, but you’re back to action before you can contemplate how much you want to kiss him. You get a good, solid punch into one of their faces, turning to hit the other in the sternum.
“Finally putting those lessons to good use!” Sweet Pea winks at you from across the room where he’s got the Ghoulie held up by the throat on the wall.
Him holding someone by the throat, blood on his nose and knuckles, should not turn you on the way that it does. Either way, it makes you smirk. Your attention falters just long enough for the smaller of the two Ghoulies to land a punch to your jaw.
You seethe in pain, gripping at your face as you stumble backward. All you can see now is red, blinding rage like a filter in your vision. You dig your fingernails into your fists so hard you think you’ve drawn blood, “Oh, that does it.”
They swing at you again, both moving sloppily as whatever drug that has tainted their system begins to wear off. You fight them both off until you hear Sweet Pea stalk across the room, his combat boots making noise as he stomps towards you.
“Did good,” he grunts, grabbing one of them by the arm to yank them away from you, dealing with him on his own. Sweet Pea struggles, taking a shot to the eye, but you make eye contact with him just as you say, “I had a good teacher.”
You swear you see a smile on his face, but you can’t pay him much mind as the Ghoulie tries to stab at you with the pocket knife they’re holding. You slam their wrist against the tattoo table, the knife clattering to the ground a few feet away.
Now both goons are crawling on the floor, and you take a step toward Sweet Pea with adrenaline pumping through your veins, “Do you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you?”
“Hell yeah,” he manages to get the words out before pulling you to him for a harsh kiss. His hands are on your waist and your palms find purchase against his flannel.
You feel a feeble arm wrap around your ankle and you snap your knee forward to kick him in the face, eliciting a moan from the perpetrator. Sweet Pea’s palm drifts to your jeans, tucking into your pocket to anchor you to him for just a moment longer.
“You call, I’ll tie,” he pants as he pulls away, the high wearing off as he looks into your eyes. “Sound good?”
You nod, releasing your death grip on his shirt, “There’s two more in the alley.”
The shining admiration in his eyes does little to quell the churning of your stomach and you find yourself wanting to tackle him right here and now. Instead, you turn and head towards the parlor phone, not missing the gentle tap he gives your backside as you walk away.
“Sheriff Jones? Yeah, it’s me again…”
a/n: i hope that was enough flirting under fire! 
taggin: @the-gargoyle-queen @theangriestpea @sweets-rivervixen @southsidearchive @cactiem 
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
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Fangs Fogarty- 2 Lines
For the last week or so I’ve been feeling sick all day everyday. Toni joked the other day that I could be pregnant, but now I’m paranoid that I actually could be as I’m 2 weeks late on my period. Right now I’m in the bathroom at the Whyte Wyrm, while on my break. I text Toni to come meet me and to bring a test for me.
Thankfully she arrives quickly
“YN are you ok?” She asks handing me the test
“Toni I’m so scared. Can you stay with me please?”
“Of course YN, remember whatever that test says I got your back” I nod my head and walk into a cubicle to pee on the stick
When I walk out Toni is leaning against the sinks waiting for me
“Got to wait 5 minutes” I place the test on the sink and wash my hands “Toni what happens if it’s positive?”
“Then we figure it out”
“What if Fangs breaks up with me?”
“Then he’s an idiot. Will you keep the baby?” Toni asks and I reply nodding my head
“Don’t think I could have an abortion or give the baby up. God Toni we just moved schools. They already hate us at Riverdale High. They’re going to hate use even more. Prove that I am what they call a ‘Serpent Slut’. Reggie’s words exactly”
“Don’t listen to Reggie. He’s a dick. Let’s just see if your pregnant first before we spirals”
Finally it’s time to check the test. I pick it up and see two lines
"Shit. My dads gonna kill me”
“YN your mum and dad had you young, they won’t kill you”
“More the reason to. Oh my god I gotta tell Fangs. He’s gonna break up with me, then Pea is gonna stop being my friend which mean that all the Serpents are going to hate me so you can’t hang out with me. Oh my god Toni I’m going to be alone”
“Ok first of all calm down. Your not going to be alone. I promise you I’m not going anywhere and I will slap some sense into Fangs if he does leave you. Its his fault you got into this situation in the first place. Your right though. You need to speak to Fangs”
Later that day I finish my shift at the Wyrm. Sweet Pea, Fangs and Jughead have now joined us. Pea is playing some arcade game, Jug is ranting, I’m sat on Fangs’ lap next to Toni
"I can't believe you guys don't see it"Jughead yells “Weatherbee is profiling us, telling us what to wear. What's nexts brain implants controlling what we think?"
"Jughead you sound like conspiracy nut. A school closed down" Toni takes a sip of her drink. I play with the rings on Fangs’ hand, something I do when I’m nervous about something
"A crappy school" Pea says still focused on his game. I keep quiet trying to think about how I'm going to tell Fangs I'm pregnant
"Yeah and now we're at a better one with a computer lab and textbooks"
"And toilets that flush" Pea once again pipes up
“Getting transferred to Riverdale high is the best thing that could have happened" Toni continues
"Maybe ever" Pea says
"So if I have to take off my jacket 8:30 to 3 Monday to Friday, hey, I'm down with that"
“Hey are you ok?” Fangs asks me
“Huh?” I look up at him and then at the others who are all looking at me. Toni gives me a little nod
“I errm, I just need to talk to you… alone”
“I guess we will be back in a bit” I get up as Fangs says this to the others.
We make our way to Fangs’ truck and get in
“What’s going on YN? are you ok? your not breaking up with me are you?”
“No, but you might break up with me” I now have tears in my eyes
“Why? you’ve not cheated have you?”
“No of course not but…”
“Fangs I’m pregnant”
"Oh shit" he says leaning back into his car seat running his hands through his hair, I look down at my hands “what are we gonna do?"
"I... I don't know" I start to cry but immediately feel arms around me
"Baby don't cry. I know we're young, but we’ve been together for years. We're going to get through this. I'll be by your side with whatever you decide. I love you so much"
“I can’t give the baby up and I can’t have an abortion”
“So we’re going to be parents?”
“I guess so” Fangs smiles at me and takes my hand in his “also Toni knows, she brought me the test. I know Pea is your best friend so you can tell him. But that’s it for now”
“Ok, you wanna go back home or back to the Wyrm?”
“Can we go home and eat ice cream?”
“Of course. Let me just tell the others” Fangs exits the truck and I text Toni to let her know everything’s ok. Next task is telling my parents…
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fanficimagery · 4 years
Hell Takes Riverdale pt. II
Imagine moving to Riverdale while your father has some business to attend to. While there, you meet some people you find yourself growing attached to. (In which the other three most important serpents accept Y/N and shit goes down).
You can find part one right HERE.
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Words: 12.9K Author’s Note: Violence. Somewhat.
For the next couple of days, you're a little bummed that no one other than Jughead texts you to see what you're up to. You respect your friends' decision to distance themselves, but it still hurts. And not even Jughead's words of assurance are enough to ease your mind.
Your mood sours even more when you and your dad are visited by the Plague Kings who are rather pushy and wondering about when their Queen will return to finally marry a Prince of their choosing. Lucifer managed to make you bite your tongue, answering their questions with questions of his own and annoying them enough that they returned to Hell rather quickly.
"I am not marrying Caliban, dad," you tell him. "The only reason they're pushing this marriage is because they don't like a woman in charge. You have no idea how close I am to just putting Lilith in charge in my absence."
Lucifer chuckles. "Fret not, darling. As soon as Riverdale sees the error of their ways I will be returning to Hell to reclaim my throne." You frown and your dad's smile turns genuine, not a hint of mockery in his tone or expression. "I wanted you to rule Hell, but you've seem to have found your footing here on Earth."
"So I'll reclaim Hell and leave you with Riverdale. All I want for you is to be happy, my darling daughter, and if those in Riverdale give you that happiness, then who am I to take that away and make you rule a place where your subjects would see you dead rather than on the throne?"
"I don't know about that," you mumble. "The only ones speaking to me right now are Jughead and FP."
"The others will come around. Trust me. Especially little miss Pinky. She's been yelling at the boys to get their head out of their asses."
"Yeah? If that were the case then she would have visited me herself with or without the boys."
"Give them a bit more time. It's like FP said- they're a loyal bunch. They just need to wrap their minds around a few things."
"If you say so." You watch as your dad fiddles with his cufflinks. "Well while you're out ruining lives, I'll be downstairs in the theatre. I don't feel like going out tonight."
Lucifer chuckles. "Sweetheart, you haven't been out in the last few nights. Or to school for that matter, but I get it. Shall I tell your friends where you are if they ask?"
"I don't care, dad. Tell them whatever you want."
Before your dad can leave, you head downstairs to the basement where you set up a movie theatre in your free time. Closest to the stairs, a kitchenette of sorts was installed so you didn't have to go far for snacks, a projector hung from the center of the ceiling and was pointed towards the back wall where a large white screen was installed. There's a large sofa in the middle of the room, which is larger than a king sized bed, and a speaker in every corner of the room so you can really enjoy whatever movie or show you watch.
After turning on the projector and searching for something to watch on your laptop, you settle down in the middle of the sofa and snuggle down with a blanket and pillows. You're watching a show where each episode is about a different murder mystery and you're two episodes in when the doorbell rings. You groan and remain laying down, hoping whoever is at the door goes away, when it rings again.
Pausing the show, you roll out of your haven of comfort and trudge upstairs. You yank open the front door upon the third ringing of the bell and not even the sight of three faces you'd been longing to see is enough to pull you from your funk. "What?"
Toni's eyebrows raise at your tone and the two boys grin at your pouty expression. Sweet Pea reaches forward, tugging on a loose strand of hair. "And to think you're the daughter of the devil. You're as adorable as an angry kitten."
You slap at his hand, exhaling loudly as the three of them chuckle. "What are you guys doing here?"
"Can't we visit our friend?" Fangs shrugs. Your expression softens just so at the casual mention of him calling you their friend. "It's been a few days. We missed you glaring the Ghoulies into submission at school."
"That and we might have overheard your dad telling FP about some demons demanding you return to Hell and marry some douchebag prince," Toni says. "No way are you running off and getting hitched before you tell us what the hell that is all about."
You glance between all three of them and, seeing as they're trying, you decide to let them in. "If you're going to stay, shoes come off. We're going to be in the theatre."
"Theatre?" Sweet Pea wonders.
Finally grinning, you step back from the door and gesture them inside. Seeing that you're in socks, Toni readily kicks off her boots. Fangs shrugs and does the same, and Sweet Pea sighs before toeing off his own boots as well.
Afterwards you lead them down into the basement and choke down a laugh when Toni gasps at your setup. "We've been having sleepovers and movie nights at my trailer when you had this beneath your house?!"
"Well to be fair, I couldn't bring any of you over because I couldn't risk anyone from Hell popping in while I had you over." Toni, Sweet Pea, and Fangs all tense and you crawl onto the sofa to get comfortable. "But they've been chased away for now so there's no worry." Slowly but surely your friends crawl in, but only Toni is brave enough to sit directly next to you. Fangs stays on Toni's other side while Sweet Pea lays across the end of the sofa. "So any questions before I restart my murder mystery marathon?"
"Well you can start with these plague kings or whatever the hell your dad was talking about," Sweet Pea says. "What's their deal?"
You sigh, dragging a blanket to cover your lap. "So the thing is," you start to tell them, "the throne was never meant to be mine. Lucifer had his sights set on his first born daughter since she's a witch-"
"Witches exist?!" Fangs exclaims.
"Yep. So do a lot of other things," you muse. "I'd stay away from Greendale if I were you." His eyes widen, but Toni and Sweet Pea merely chuckle. "Anyway, my sister was supposed to take after my dad, but she refused him. She was raised to believe Lucifer was the ultimate evil and she didn't want to follow in his footsteps."
"So when do you come in?" Toni asks.
"About a few years ago," you admit. "When my sister refused him, Lucifer sought me out since I'm only a couple hours younger. He brought me into the fold, showed me and told me everything I'd need to know, and I accepted. I learned all about the ins and outs of Hell, learned exactly who is who, but since I'm still half mortal none of the higher ups don't exactly accept me. My coronation almost didn't happen, but it did and now the Plague Kings have been hounding my dad to marry me off to some prince Caliban since he was quite literally made in Hell."
"Well you aren't going through with it, are you?" Sweet Pea asks.
"Ugh. No," you scoff. "I was meant to rule a lot longer than what I have, but no one could have guessed that I'd get attached to a couple of snakes here in Riverdale." You glance at Toni and nudge her arm. "So as of right now, my dad is closing up a few deals before he reclaims his throne down in Hell and I'm left up here in the mortal realm to do as I please. I'll still be obligated to visit Hell, but my main residence will be here."
"And you're okay with that?" Toni asks. "Giving up the title of queen, I mean."
"Of course. I spent many years not knowing who my biological father was and living life like a normal mortal," you say. "I have quite a few perks now, my dad has made a mortal his best friend for the first time ever, and I- I like it here. I like you guys."
"Aww," Toni coos. "You're giving up a throne for us?"
"I guess so." You glance between all three of them. "So are we going to watch something or are we going to play twenty questions all night?"
Fangs glances around, spotting your laptop and pulling it into his lap to search through Netflix. "If we're watching something, we're not watching murder mysteries. Riverdale is weird enough."
Sweet Pea huffs. "You got that right."
"Fine. Pick whatever you want."
Fangs and Sweet Pea settle on the Conjuring much to Toni's dismay and your amusement. You and Toni prop up a mountain of pillows at your back while Fangs uses Toni's thigh as his pillow. Sweet Pea snags a pillow of his own, laying on his side and shoving the pillow between his arm and head as he faces the screen. You turn out the lights, Fangs hits play, and you watch the tale unfold about a haunted house that terrorizes a family. There are a few eerie moments and jump scares that startle all four of you, but only you and Toni roll into each other giggling while the boys swear at you.
Then after the first movie ends, everyone takes a pee break and you lead Toni into your room so she can find something more comfortable to wear seeing as they plan to watch a couple more movies. When you get back down into the basement, you smile as you realize the boys have made full use of the kitchenette and have snacks and drinks waiting for you all on the sofa, and the Conjuring 2 waiting to be played. When the boys complain about the unfairness of your comfort clothes, you tell them you can grab them pajama bottoms from your dad's dresser for them. They hesitate and Toni rolls her eyes, telling you to grab some pants for them. And a little while later, after the boys have changed into the cotton pajama pants, you can't help but laugh as they boast about wearing the devil's pants.
As everyone finally settles down, the boys join you and Toni at the sofa's backrest. You and her are in the middle with Fangs on her other side and Sweet Pea on yours. The lights turn out again, the movie plays, and you soak in the closeness of your friends. Halfway through the boys collect the bowls and trash, and take it to the kitchenette. You and Toni stretch out then, laying on your sides in the middle of the sofa with you cuddling her from behind as you face the screen. The boys coo and Fangs dives in front of Toni so she can cuddle him and Sweet Pea hesitantly slides in behind you. You grin at him over your shoulder and then try to focus back on the movie.
"Is this okay?" Sweet Pea murmurs, his large hand squeezing your hip.
His lips brushing the shell of your ear makes you shiver. "Mhm." You pause to clear your throat and lean back a little bit until the back of your shoulder hits his chest. "If, uh, if my dad shows up just ignore his orgy comments."
He chuckles. "What?"
"Apparently orgies are common down in the pits. Everyone's been waiting for the Queen- soon to be Princess again- to have her first one, but I don't think I'll ever be ready for that."
"What!?" The movie is paused and Fangs immediately turns around, Toni grunting but turning as much as she can as well. "You're gonna have an orgy?!"
"What? No!" You laugh. You gulp when you feel Sweet Pea squeeze your hip again. "I just said I don't think I'll ever be ready for that."
"Think being the key word," Toni muses and you groan.
"Well if you agree to one, in Hell or Riverdale, think of me. I'll join." Fangs winks at you and Toni laughs.
"Screw it. Count me in too."
You giggle, shaking your head at them. "Guys, you were literally scared of me days of ago because of who I am and now you wanna have sex with me?"
"Well not with you exactly," Fangs says. "Don't get me wrong, you're hot, but someone's already called dibs and-"
"What?" You frown.
Fangs eyes seem to widen then, momentarily darting over your head. "N-Nothing. Nevermind." Toni giggles at his rambling. "But yeah, orgies. Woo."
Having heard enough, Toni pushes Fangs' forehead away from her so he'll turn around. "Can we table the topic of orgies for now? Let's get back to our movie."
Fangs grumbles but turns around nonetheless and the movie resumes.
You get through the second movie with no problem, but before a third could be chosen a loud crack of thunder interrupts the tranquility of the basement.
"Shit." Sweet Pea is the first to rush off the sofa, followed by Fangs and then Toni. Everyone scrambles upstairs and the front door is thrown open, and all three groan at the drizzle that will no doubt turn into a full blown downpour in no time. "We need to move our bikes."
"The garage," you tell them. "Bring them into the garage." Your hurry towards the kitchen where there's a door that connects to the garage, hitting a switch that opens up the door. You step down, watching as your three friends drive their bikes into the safety of the garage so the rain won't ruin their leather seats. "All good?" You ask as they turn off the engines and dismount.
Another crack of thunder has you flinching and hugging yourself. Sweet Pea eyes you warily and you offer him a feeble smile. "You good?" He asks instead.
"Mhm. I'm just- I'm not a fan of thunderstorms."
Toni grins. "Seriously? You see demons on the reg and you're afraid of a little lightning and thunder?"
"I know. It's dumb. Can we go back downstairs now or do you need another change of clothes? You guys can spend the night if you want so you don't have to drive on slick roads."
"We're hardly even damp," Toni tells you. "We're fine."
You flinch yet again when the thunder cracks, louder now, and Sweet Pea chuckles at you. You frown at him, walking back into your house after hitting the switch to close the garage. The others follow you and you head back down into the basement, readily climbing under the blankets.
"Aw. Don't worry, Y/N. We'll protect you." As Sweet Pea crawls back in, he pillows his head on your chest and wraps an arm around your stomach.
For some reason, being weighed down seems to calm you so you lay one hand on his arm over your stomach and the other around his back to let him know you were okay with his position. Fangs grins at you and Toni smiles warmly, her eyes darting between you and Sweet Pea before the two of them settle down on your other side.
Apparently Fangs has taken it upon himself to pick what you're watching and you're so wrapped up in the fact a thunderstorm is raging outside that you don't mind his choosing of the Fast and the Furious. Then during the second movie in that series, the boys have apparently fallen asleep and you know you'll be joining them soon.
"I think I've figured it out."
Toni's voice startles you and you quickly run your fingers through Sweet Pea's hair, gently scratching at his scalp to calm him back to sleep. "Figured what out?" You mumble.
"That serpent you had your eye on." You freeze and she quietly giggles. "It's Sweet Pea, isn't it?"
You mull over her words for a moment until you exhale softly. "Yes, but I'm pretty sure being the daughter of the devil killed any chance we could have had."
"Are you kidding me? That boy is head over heels," Toni says. "Yes, your true identity threw him off a little, but I mean look at him! He's wrapped around you, head on your tits." You can't help but giggle, frowning at Toni when Sweet Pea stirs yet again. "Shut up. You're gonna wake him up."
"You two are adorable. He's not as aggressive when you're around and I've noticed tonight you smile a little bit brighter when it comes to him. I give you guys a couple of weeks top before someone makes a move."
"You're delusional, Topaz. Get some sleep."
She smiles at you. "Just you wait and see, Morningstar. And besides, you didn't see his face when we were talking about orgies. If looks could kill, Fangs would be dead right now."
"Mhm. We'll see."
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Over the next couple of weeks, the three friends of yours seem to be at ease with you once more. Jughead was always at ease with you and your dad, so it was a relief when Toni, Sweet Pea, and Fangs started loosening up as well. There were times, however, when Sweet Pea and Fangs would straighten up whenever your dad walked into the room and that highly amused you every single time.
Your basement seemed to become hangout central and Jughead often joked that it was a shame everyone knew about it now. Which then led to Fangs and Sweet Pea ganging up on him for keeping it a secret.
You, Toni, Jughead, and Sweet Pea find yourselves at Pop's one day while Fangs went to visit a family member. You and Sweet Pea are practically sitting thigh to thigh on one side of the booth with Toni and Jug across from you. Toni, to this day, hasn't let you live it down that you have a crush on her longtime friend and it seems Jughead has now noticed it too. It also doesn't help that Sweet Pea is oddly rather touchy and has taken to slinging his arm across your shoulders whenever you're near- something which sets your heart racing every single time and fighting off a telltale blush that threatens to bloom.
"Alright," Jughead muses as Pop delivers your milkshakes, "so we were meant to celebrate the good news together, but Fangs isn't here so we'll just have celebratory shakes instead."
Your brow furrows. "Celebrate what?"
"You haven't heard?" Toni wonders. "Y/N, your dad bought Sunnyside Trailer Park." Your eyes widen and your friends chuckle at your expression.
"He visited my dad a few weeks ago and was appalled at our living conditions."
"Oh no," you mumble. "He was rude, wasn't he? I'm so so-"
"Actually," Toni interrupts, "he wasn't. "Either the devil has seriously gone soft or he's always been this amazing person because not only did he wipe out rent for everyone in the park, but he's also having the trailers renovated. My grandpa is seriously so happy to have his porch and the leaky roof in his bedroom fixed."
"Oh." You allow yourself to relax. "That's seriously really cool of him," you say. "I wonder why he didn't tell me?"
"Y/N!" Your attention is quickly diverted to Veronica Lodge as she marches up to you, milkshake in hand, and Archie trailing after her as he quietly tries to direct her elsewhere. "What the hell is your dad playing at?"
You frown as you stare up at her, Sweet Pea's arm tightening around you as he tries to pull you closer to him. "Excuse me?"
"Every bank account under my family's name, personal and business, has been frozen. Care to explain?"
It takes a moment for her words to sink in and when they do you hold back a snort that wants to break free. Your father was very vindictive. "I don't know what to tell you, Veronica. I don't put my nose where it doesn't belong. Maybe you should take a page out of my book and stay out of it."
She scoffs. "Please. Daddy has eyes everywhere. We know you're in the thick of things as well. You're not fooling anyone, Y/N. You're exactly like your mafioso father."
"Mafioso? You think my dad is part of the mafia?" You giggle. Toni, Jughead, and Sweet Pea share your amusement. "Oh Veronica," you coo, "the only mafioso in this town is your crooked father. And at that he's not very good at it, is he?"
Before anyone can even blink, the strawberry milkshake in her hand is being up-ended on your face. "Ronnie!" Archie is quick to yank her back, stepping in front of her as Sweet Pea growls and moves to stand up.
But since he's stuck between you and the wall, you raise your arm closest to him and drag him back down by his wrist. With your free hand, you wipe away some of the milkshake from your cheek with your forefinger and pop it in your mouth, sucking it clean. "Delicious," you purr. Grabbing the offered napkin from a still shell shocked Jughead, you wipe more of it out of your eyes. "Hate me all you want Veronica, but your family won't be crawling out of this hole your father dug. Enjoy the luxuries you still have while they last because the Lodge's are done." Veronica huffs, stomping away in a fit of anger. You smirk, chuckling as the other few patrons sitting around stare at you in shock, picking up more napkins to clean your face and shirt when you notice Archie Andrews still standing by the booth. "Yes?"
He shoves his hands in his jean's pockets, staring off in the direction his girlfriend left before looking at you yet again. "All I've been hearing for this past month is what a horrible man your father is." You blink at him, wondering where he's going with this. "So give it to me straight, Y/N. Does my dad have anything to worry about with your dad?"
And oh. Okay. Now you understand why he stayed back and why he's worried. Your father basically ruined the Lodge's, but Archie's never been terrible to you so you decide to ease his mind. "Mr. Andrews has nothing to worry about," you tell him honestly. "Apparently my dad's on the track of doing several good deeds for the town of Riverdale and FP told my dad all about Fred Andrews' hard working nature. He only wants to help those he thinks deserve the help. No strings attached."
"It's true," Jughead tells his friend. "Mr. Morningstar bought Southside High and got jingle jangle out of the halls."
"He bought Sunnyside and wiped out our rent," Sweet Pea says. "There's a crew coming in that's going to start hauling out all the junk and fixing up our trailers."
"In the couple of months that Mr. Morningstar has been here, he's purchased and cleaned up the southside rather than tearing our school and homes down and building over it," Toni tells him. "Could you say Hiram Lodge would have done the same for us?"
Archie shifts uncomfortably under everyone's gaze and you say, "Hiram and my dad had business dealings going back to before we were born. He royally messed up and my dad cleaned it up." You then offer him a faint grin. "My dad is not the horrible person you've no doubt heard about from your girlfriend and her family. Keep that in mind."
The redhead nods. "Thanks. And uh, I'm sorry about Veronica. I tried to stop her."
You shrug. "No harm done. The clothes can be washed. You and me are good, but if your girlfriend steps up to me again I won't be settling things with words."
He huffs a small laugh. "Duly noted." He then glances at the occupant across the booth from you. "See you around, Jug."
As soon as Archie takes his leave, your three friends all converge on you.
"Are you okay?" Jughead immediately asks.
"Girl, you have been blessed with the patience of a million people because I would have lunged across this table if it weren't for your calm demeanor," Toni says.
"I was so close to shanking her," Sweet Pea mumbles.
You snort and swat at his chest with the back of your hand. "It's just a little ice cream, guys. No biggie." You pull at your shirt, nose wrinkling. "I'm just going to go clean up in the bathroom. I'll be back."
"Oh hey," Toni climbs over the back of her seat, hopping out of the booth behind her to meet you, "I have some clothes in my bike's bag if you're interested."
"Yeah. Just bring it to the bathroom."
You head to the bathroom, not caring a bit about your clothes and instead turn on the water at the sink to wash off the stickiness of the ice cream that stayed behind on your skin. Toni appears not a minute later, clothes in hand, and you readily strip out of your jeans right then and there. She doesn't bat an eye and tosses you the pants first.
When you catch them, you give her a deadpan stare which she laughs at. "Leather? Seriously?"
"Put them on, Y/N."
You grumble all the while, putting one leg in and then the other, you almost falling a couple of times as you drag the leather up your legs. Toni is no help, she laughing at your misfortune and then at your exasperated, "Fucking hell. How do you breathe in these?" She tosses the shirt at you next and you glare when you see all the mesh involved. "My tits are gonna be out."
"No they won't. There's material sewn in so there no nip slips. You'll just be showing off the perfect amount of skin."
"I hate you." You strip off your shirt, turning around and stripping off your bra as well. You pull the long sleeve shirt on, frowning when you realize there's only a single band of material that wraps around your breasts. Everything else is see through. "I seriously hate you."
"Yeah well you're about to hate me more."
Toni quickly grabs up your discarded clothing and books it out of the bathroom, you lunging after her. She laughs as she makes a break for the exit and you freeze right before you can enter the main part of the diner. Through the windows you can see her stashing your clothes in the bag on her bike and you mumble threats at her as she re-enters the diner, walking towards the boys.
You've worn a couple of risqué outfits in front of your friends by now, but the shirt makes you feel really exposed. So after gathering your wits, and wishing you could just disappear in a swirl of flames, you march out from behind the wall and towards your friends. Sweet Pea is the first to see you and his eyes widen before they glance up and down your form. Jughead and Toni turn around in their seats, Jug's eyes widening before he laughs and Toni snapping a few photos on her phone. You pout at them as you cross your arms over your chest. "I'm ready to go now. Toni's clothes and I do not mix."
Sweet Pea seems to snap out of his stupor long enough to stand up and shed his jacket, then draping it over your shoulders. You exhale in relief and quickly shove your arms through the sleeves, smiling up at him until Toni coos and your gaze darts to her. If looks could kill, your friend would be seriously maimed.
"So are you guys ready for the Whyte Wyrm?" Jughead asks. "Fangs texted that he's on the way there right now."
"Sure, but we're swinging by my house first so I can get back into my own clothes."
"Do we have to?" Sweet Pea's voice rumbles directly above you. "I'm kind of into this look you have going on right now."
You freeze and glance upward, reaching out to poke his chest. "Don't press your luck, Sweets. Now come on. You're driving me."
"Yes, ma'am," he chuckles and follows after you.
Jughead and Toni watch as their friends leave, grinning at the sight of their friend swamped in Sweet Pea's serpent jacket. "Is it just me or is Sweet Pea seriously sweet on the devil's daughter?"
Toni chuckles. "That's nothing. You should see the way they sleep when we spend the night down in the theatre. You would think Y/N would be wrapped around him, but nope. Sweet Pea uses Y/N as his personal pillow and practically glares Fangs to death every time Lucifer brings up orgies."
Jughead's laugh falters. "O-Orgies?"
"Yeah. Apparently they're part of the norm down in Hell. I'm pretty sure Lucifer is gonna give Pea a heart attack one of these days if he keeps mentioning Y/N having her first one."
He shakes his head, chuckling. "Life with the devil and his daughter just keeps getting weirder and weirder."
"Preaching to the choir, Jug."
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You're at home, alone for a change, and making yourself something to eat. Every now and then you just needed a day or two for yourself to decompress and it was something that your new friends seemed to understand. Especially since the Ghoulies started to push back, something having changed within their ranks and making them that much more cocky, and you had your hands full with them. But thankfully, they couldn't reclaim the school.
You manage to eat at least half a plate pasta when your cell rings, the unknown number making you frown. You take a sip of water before answering.
"Y/N?" Toni's voice wavers over the line. "You need to get down to the hospital."
"Hospital?" You sit a little straighter in your seat. "What happened?"
"It's Jughead." She says. "The Ghoulies and Penny beat him. It's not good, Y/N."
The blood in your veins runs cold. You mind blanks before rage seeps in. "They what?" You seethe.
"FP's a mess. And they also stabbed Fangs, but it's nothing serious. And Sweet Pea-"
"What did they do to Sweet Pea?"
"He's fine." She's quick to assure you. "He's the least injured with a busted lip and bruised eye. He's more pissed and worried about Jug and Fangs right now."
You can feel your body trembling. "Toni, is there anyone around you right now?"
"No. The payphone was down some deserted hallway."
"Good. Give me a few seconds and I'll be right there." You hang up on her, pushing up from your chair and rushing down the hall to put on some shoes. You forgo any type of jacket, your cable knit sweater and plaid skirt just going to have to do. You inhale and exhale deeply, closing your eyes and concentrating on Toni. Once you feel like you've sussed her out, you will yourself to be taken to her and the telltale whoosh of flames lets you know they've done their job. When your eyes open, Toni's staring wide-eyed at you. "Take me to the boys."
Toni numbly nods, turning around and rushing down the hall. You're fast on her heels, your rage still boiling beneath the surface. Especially when you're led to the waiting room where your dad casually sits in a chair and FP paces in front of him. Archie Andrews and Betty Cooper are a few chairs down, and Sweet Pea is not far from them.
You completely pass up your dad and FP, heading straight for Sweet Pea. When he sees you, he attempts to stand but you catch his face in your hands and gently cradle it to examine his wounds. "What happened?"
"Ghoulies," he mumbles. His hands come up to wrap around your wrists, trying to smile reassuringly at you, but then flinching when his split lip stretches. "And Penny. She's back and out for your blood."
"She's dead," you murmur.
Sweet Pea's eyes widen. "Y/N-"
"Don't." You meet his gaze and you can see the concern there. You offer him a feeble smile in return, leaning down and pressing your lips to his forehead. "She will not get away with touching what is mine. She's dead."
As you pull back to make sure he understands you're being serious, you see him gulp and tersely nod. You drop your hands and step back from him, and he's quick to stand. Towering over you, he reaches down and grabs your hand within his own. He seems almost nervous about his move, but you merely squeeze his hand in response and lead him towards FP. Your dad stands as you pass him this time, joining you, Sweet Pea, and the elder Jones in the corner of the waiting room.
"I am so sorry, FP," you tell him.
He glances at you, eyes red-rimmed as he smoothes his hair back with one hand. "Not your fault, kid. I should have known Penny wouldn't have been kept at bay so easily. Or that she'd sit idly by as Lucifer took up Ghoulie territory."
You shake your head at him. "Penny doesn't know what we're truly capable of- she only thinks we're good with our fists and blades. She doesn't know that by touching my boys, she just signed her death certificate."
FP blinks at you as Lucifer chuckles. "Ding dong the witch is dead."
"So dead," you quietly seethe. Glancing up at Sweet Pea, you say, "I need you to take me to where they're laying low."
"I'm not taking you directly to them. It's you they're after, Y/N. Penny knew the only way to make you a loose cannon was to attack those closest to you."
"I am not a loose cannon, Pea. I am focused." You squeeze his hand. "I've never been this focused before, but if you won't take me I'll just get my dad to suss her out and you'll miss all the action."
"We'll take you," FP says. "I wanna be there for her downfall."
"And the Ghoulies," you tell him. "Whoever laid a finger on the boys are all going down."
Sweet Pea sighs. "You're gonna be the death of me." Lucifer full blown smirks and FP cracks a grin at the serpent in distress. "Fine. We'll take you, but you're riding with me."
And if they didn't think you were serious before, they know now seeing as you didn't make a joke about riding with FP like you normally would have given the chance.
Toni steps up to the group then, FP grasping her by the shoulder and leaning in to murmur, "Stay with Jug. We'll be back." She looks at you, but you subtly shake your head and she takes a seat in one of the waiting room chairs.
Hand in hand, you and Sweet Pea stalk out of the hospital with FP at your side. Lucifer decides to hang back as well, saying he's just going to check on Jughead as soon as he can and jumpstart the boy's healing process.
On the back of Pea's bike, you hang on to his waist and let the wind whip at your face and hair. Your rage at Penny and the Ghoulies has overcome you, that not even the sting of the cold air or cold drizzle is enough to faze you. It's about a ten minute ride to the clearing and by the time you get there your rage has made you eerily calm. The bikes are shut off and off in the distance, just beyond a bridge, there are several barrels emitting flames. As you climb off, FP and Sweet Pea stand on either side of you as they glance around your surroundings.
"Whatever you see, let it happen. I won't be responsible for what happens if anyone tries to interfere with what I'm doing."
The both of them mumble their acknowledgements and then you're walking. The clearing seems void of any life, but then the blonde bitch you watched Maze beat down and threaten over a month ago saunters out from between the trees. And she's not alone. About ten to fifteen Ghoulies come out from between the trees behind her and spread out.
"Tall Boy?" You glance at FP and follow his gaze, frowning at the semi-familiar Serpent standing with Penny Peabody.
"Told you going after the Jones kid would bring the little bitch out." Tall Boy chuckles and Penny looks like Christmas has come early.
"What the hell, man?!" Sweet Pea shouts. "You sent the Snake Charmer and her junkie little lap dogs after us? Serpents don't betray Serpents!"
"That's rich coming from you, boy." He huffs. Tall Boy points at FP as he says, "He teamed up with outsiders and practically lets them have free reign of the Whyte Wyrm."
"And don't forget he let his little lap dogs take me out of town and cut me up," Penny says. "But now I'm back, better than ever, and I'm out for blood. That," she points directly at you, "little bitch's blood to be exact."
Sweet Pea steps forward in your defense, but you grab his arm and pull him back. FP steps up to your side again, clearly not letting Tall Boy's betrayal go. "So what? Say you do take out Lucifer and Y/N. What is that going to solve? You're out Tall Boy. Exiled. You have no home here. Not anymore."
He shrugs. "Well then I guess I'll take out their king and rule the Serpents myself."
"I'd like to see you try." Everyone glances at you, your too calm tone seeming out of place for the current confrontation taking place. "Let's go, Tall Boy. You and me. Right here, right now."
"Uh, Y/N?" Sweet Pea says.
You step forward, gaze set on the Serpent in question. "What's wrong, Tall Boy? Are you afraid of a little girl?"
Tall Boy, Penny, and all the hopped up Ghoulies laugh, and you step forward. Tall Boy meets you halfway, grinning. "As soon as I'm done with you, my boys are gonna carve up your boys and then I'm gonna make a quick trip down to the hospital and finish what we started with Jughead."
"Oh Tall Boy," you mockingly smile. "Shut the fuck up."
He lunges forward to grab you, but you're quick to duck into a crouch and send your fist flying into his groin. You slide to the right and kick in the back of his knee, then sweeping his legs out from under him. You slap a hand down on his forehead, Tall Boy's screams resonating around the clearing as he convulses beneath your hand. You glance up and meet Penny's gaze head on. Her eyes widen and you sneer at her, and then you look back down at Tall Boy as you release him.
"Exile is too good for the likes of you," you say as he tries to scramble to his feet. On his forehead, there appears to be three claw marks branded there. "So I want you to run like the hounds of hell are after you, Tall Boy. Because they will be." As if on cue, eerie howls rip through the air and you slowly stand tall. Everyone tenses and glances around, but only Tall Boy seems to be staring at something that only he can see. You glance over your shoulder, grinning as two hellhounds step out from the shadows and brush up against FP and Sweet Pea. The two of them freeze and shift to the side, and you beckon the hellhounds closer to you. They stand at your side, under your palms, and you grin at Tall Boy. "Run, Tall Boy. My babies are hungry."
The hellhounds snarl as Tall Boy turns around to run and you click your tongue a minute later to let the hounds loose. Tall Boy can be heard screaming deep into the windows and you smile innocently at Penny and all the Ghoulies. A Ghoulie steps forward, taking Tall Boy's place next to Penny. His wild and curly hair hangs to his shoulders, and black coal is smeared across his eyes which seem a little too wide for any sober person.
"One down," you muse. "Who's next?"
"What the hell did you do to Tall Boy?" Penny seethes. She steps forward and you smile at her.
"Penny, Penny, Penny," you tut. "You're in no position to be asking questions." Your smile drops as your gaze hardens. "You should have listened and stayed out of Riverdale."
"Who the hell do you think you are, little girl?"
"Why I'm the queen of hell, of course." You smile innocently as lightning suddenly forks across the sky and everyone ducks on instinct. Penny and her ghoulish companion look up before they glance warily back at you, and you smirk. "Now kneel." A moment of silence passes before Penny and her friends laugh. Your smirk drops. "I said kneel!" You snap your fingers and everyone standing across from you falls to their knees. They glance around wildly, not knowing why they listened.
You stalk forward, your feet unknowingly leaving behind smoldering prints and lightning flashes ominously across the sky. "You mortals never listen," you seethe, your voice changing and sending chills down everyone's spine. "And now I'm going to finish what Mazikeen should have done the first time around."
Penny spits at your feet. "Screw you. You don't have what it takes to play with the adults, sweetheart."
"No?" You walk forward until you're just in front of Penny, reaching out and walking your fingers along her forehead until she jerks out of reach. "I command a legion of demons, sweetheart," you mock her. "You have no idea what I'm capable of." Penny opens her mouth to no doubt spew some idiot bullshit and you sigh. "Bored now. Bye bye, Snake Charmer." You shove your palm against Penny's forehead, smiling as a glow emits from your palm and seeps into her head.
Her mouth gapes open as she screams, her own eyes and mouth slowly emitting the same glow from your hand before her screams die out and she falls back. Dead.
Her ghoulish companion stares up at you in fear. "What the fuck are you?"
"Don't you listen, Malachi?" You sweetly coo. His eyes subtly widen at you knowing who he is.
"Queen of Hell. Yeah, I got that," he says. Suddenly his resolve seems to harden. "But what you don't seem to know is that you messed with the wrong ghoul. You see, I overthrow royalty." Before you can blink, his arm is raising and you see the glint of a blade a second too late.
The sharpened metal is embedded in your gut and he laughs cruelly.
"Y/N!" Sweet Pea and FP yell.
But you merely stumble back a single step, glancing down at the knife before you grab the hilt and yank it free. Dropping it, you look at Malachi from under your lashes. "That was a very stupid move." He snorts, but before he can say another word you reach forward with both hands and twist his head violently to the side.
As you glance up at the rest of the Ghoulies, you're met with fearful stares. You want to make each and every one of them suffer, every single face staring up at you guilty for having taken part in putting Jug and Fangs in the hospital. Stalking towards the first Ghoulie, you ignore their whimpers and press a single finger to the middle of their forehead. "Death is too harsh at the moment for the lot of you," you say. The Ghoulie beneath your finger screams before passing out, he falling limp to the ground. "So live your life to the fullest," you say as you touch the next one, "because the moment you cease to live, your soul will be dragged to Hell where you'll be tortured over and over and over again." At the next Ghoulie, you chuckle. "You really shouldn't have touched what was mine."
One by one, the Ghoulies fall unconscious under your hand. The clearing is littered with unconscious junkies, and by the time you turn around FP and Sweet Pea are a lot closer than they were earlier. FP is staring at you like he can't believe what he's just seen, but Sweet Pea's gaze is set on your abdomen where your blood has soaked through your sweater. You glance down, pressing your hand to your wound and then bringing your hand away soaked with blood.
"Oh. Well that's not good." You stumble backwards, but hands are quick to catch you before you can fall. Looking up at your savior, you smile shakily at the boy who had quickly won over your affections. "Hey Pea."
"Hey." His own smile is shaky as well, but the concern is clear as day. "You put on quite the show there, babe. What the hell did you do to the Ghoulies?"
"N-Nothing. Just branded their souls for a f-future trip down to Hell. And I made them forget what they'd seen here so they can't tell anyone."
FP comes up to your side then, grinning. "Smart move, Morningstar. Now come on. Let's get you to the hospital. We need to get you checked out."
Your teeth chatter as you nod. "O-Okay."
You gasp as Sweet Pea literally sweeps you off your feet, one arm beneath your knees and the other supporting your upper back as he walks you towards his bike. Instead of reprimanding him for the sudden movement, you lean your head against his chest and let your eyes fall shut. Gosh, you're so sleepy.
"Hey. Y/N, wake up."
"I know, babe, but you still need to keep your eyes open."
"Five more minutes."
Sweet Pea sighs. "If you don't open up your eyes, you're gonna miss a shirtless FP."
Your nose wrinkles and a moment passes before you crack open one eye. "You're a dirty rotten liar, Pea."
His upper body shakes with his quiet laughter. "Did you really just open one eye to see if I was telling the truth?"
"I'm injured. Don't mock me."
"You're right. I'm sorry," he muses. "Now come on. I really need you to open your eyes. You need to be alert so you don't fall off the back of my bike."
You groan. "Fine. But when I fall asleep at the hospital, you're not allowed to wake me up."
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The steady beeping of a machine is what wakes you, your eyelids feeling too heavy to open. You try turning your head the other way, but the beeping continues and it makes you frown. You manage to flutter your eyelids open, blinking a few times until your vision focuses. The first person you see is Sweet Pea, the boy in question sitting in a chair with his head tilted back and mouth agape. You can hear faint snores coming from him and it makes you smile.
You turn your head the other way, smile blossoming at the two sleeping figures of Toni and Fangs.
"So Sleeping Beauty finally wakes." The gruff voice startles you and you have to pick your head up to see where it's coming from. Across the room from you, in a bed of his own, is a severely bruised Jughead who's eating a cup of green jello. "The bed remote is to your right if you wanna sit up."
You turn to your right, spotting the remote hanging from the bed railing and make a grab for it. Figuring out which button is which, you press the correct one to lift the upper half of your bed. You cringe as you do so, head throbbing suddenly. "How- how long was I out?"
"According to my dad, you've been out for three and half days. I woke up two days ago so I heard all about the craziness that went down the night I was brought in."
"Oh." You glance around, frowning. "Do, uh, do you know where my dad's at?"
"He's been in and out. The three stooges around you haven't given up their seats since you were put in here, so he said to call him when you woke up. I texted him while you were ogling Sweet Pea in his sleep."
"I wasn't-" You pause, sighing as Jughead chuckles. "Whatever." Glancing around again, you say, "What does a girl gotta do to get some food in here?"
As if on cue, the door bangs open and both you and Jughead flinch. Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea all startle awake. In walks your father, bags from Pop's in hand, and behind him FP walks in with two trays of drinks.
"You," Lucifer points out, "darling daughter, have a lot of explaining to do."
It's then your friends notice that you're up and awake, and you brace yourself as Toni and Fangs practically climb atop your bed.
"Will you be careful, you dumbasses!" Sweet Pea barks. "She just woke up."
"She just woke up," Fangs mocks him, earning a punch to the back.
You laugh, flinching when Toni's arm lays across your abdomen. Thankfully she notices and quickly readjusts her position, not moving from your side. Fangs, however, gets pulled from your other side and Sweet Pea carefully takes his spot. He maneuvers his arm so it's behind your and Toni's heads.
Glancing up at your dad, you accept the bag of food he holds out to you as he asks, "When exactly did your powers fully manifest? FP and Sweet Pea told me what they witnessed, and a sudden show of power like that is what kept you asleep so long. As well as the blood loss. You completely exhausted yourself."
You shift nervously under everyone's sudden gaze. "I, uh, it's all been slowly manifesting over the past couple of weeks. But then hearing about Jughead, it kind of sped up the process in one fell swoop and well.. FP and Pea saw how that ended."
Lucifer tuts. "You're lucky you didn't kill yourself. You know better than to use so much power while still untrained."
"I know," you mumble. You make quick work of digging into the bag that's resting in your lap, pulling out a burger and unwrapping it. You immediately take a bite, groaning as the taste explodes across your tongue. "Can you lecture me later? I feel like I can eat ten of these."
Your dad wrinkles his nose. "Your mortal side is showing. Swallow before you speak."
"That's what he said," Toni mumbles.
You choke on your food and Sweet Pea immediately starts hitting your back in a panic. Eventually your airway clears and you glare at Toni who's smiling innocently at you. "You're a bitch." She laughs, but then your attention is stolen by FP whose handing you a drink. You grin gratefully at him as you suck up some ice cold Cola through the straw. "I hope I didn't leave you a mess to deal with."
"You didn't." He smirks. "I put in an anonymous tip to sheriff Keller about some Ghoulies who'd looked like they overdosed. I also might have told him they were also the ones involved with Jughead's beating. They ain't getting out anytime soon."
Everyone makes themselves comfortable around the shared room, FP sitting next to his son's bed while Lucifer sits next to yours, but Toni and Sweet Pea have you squished between them on the bed while Fangs sits in an empty chair.
You manage to eat three burgers, two cartons of fries, and siphon down three cups of Cola when you notice all eyes are on you. Immediately you can feel the flush burning up the sides of your neck and up to your face. Leaning back, you push the rest of the food away and curl in towards Sweet Pea as the room's occupants start to laugh.
"So are you gonna share those burgers or you gonna wolf down every single one?" Jughead muses.
"Don't mock me. You're lucky I even left anything." Fangs chuckles at your pout and gets up, grabbing up the bags from your lap. He takes a burger for himself before walking the food across the room, and you grin as Jughead immediately digs in. FP can only shake his head at his son as Jughead groans in delight. "So," you say as you glance at your dad, "what happens now?"
"Now you heal," Lucifer says. "However, when you're all better we need to take a trip to Hell." Sweet Pea tightens his hold around your shoulders and you quickly glance up at him, smiling softly to reassure him everything would be fine. "I'm just about done with business here on the mortal plane, so we need to transfer roles back down in Hell."
"Ugh. Do I have to stay for the party? Your creepy minions are gonna try to bed me again."
"Well if you'd show up with a consort on your arm you wouldn't have that problem."
You frown. "You know damn well if I show up with a mortal in Hell it'll be chaos."
"But what fun chaos it'll be," Lucifer smirks.
"Hold up," Toni says. "Consort?"
Your dad's smirk widens and you sigh. "For some reason, dad wants me to take a boyfriend. Or husband. He's not picky."
"What!?" She laughs.
"Yeah. He's got his money on Sweet Pea just because he's tall and intimidating." Sweet Pea suddenly chokes and everyone in the room laughs at him. You grin at him, poking him on his side. "Relax. There are no wedding bells in any of our immediate futures. And besides," you say as you let yourself relax into Sweet Pea's side once more, fatigue suddenly overcoming you, "the elite of Hell only approve of a wedding if it's officiated in Hell. And quite frankly, no one I choose will ever step foot down there if I have anything to say about it."
"Wait. Hold on," Jughead says. "Are you saying you can get us in and out of Hell, and you haven't done so?"
FP scoffs. "Don't even think about it, kid."
You grin at Jughead's affronted expression, letting your eyelids fall shut. "We are not taking field trips down to Hell. Now everyone shush. M'sleepy."
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It took you a few days before your dad deemed you well enough to visit Hell, making sure you did not show any form of vulnerability in front of the others. So you rested at home during the day and spent your evenings entertaining your friends who wanted to know all about Hell and how long you'd be away. But the truth was, you didn't even know yourself.
So when you and your dad finally left for Hell, you hadn't anticipated just how long you'd be there. You did anticipate, however, several demons being happy over the transfer of power. And that several others would swoop in in hopes of courting you. All of which you happily declined.
Your dad's coronation lasted a full day and you lost track of time after the second day of partying. You caught up with what few companions you actually had in Hell, ate, drank, and danced. It felt like only a couple of days had passed before you decided you'd been there long enough and sought out your father, only for him to happily send you on your way with promises that you'd visit every month. You had waved him off before going back to your rooms to change into regular clothing, and then let a swirl of flames whisk you away.
Reappearing in your house, you glance around happily until you notice it's not quite as you left it. The lights and TV, which had been turned off prior to leaving, are now on and the more you linger in the same spot it's easier to hear the noises coming from the kitchen. Quietly heading in that direction, you stop short at the sight of FP and Jughead preparing what appears to be their dinner.
"Um, hi?"
Jughead and FP's attention immediately snap to you, and Jughead quickly rounds the kitchen island. "Y/N, you're back!"
"Of course I am." You laugh as he wraps his arms around you, returning his embrace as you grin at FP over Jug's shoulder. "I told you I'd be back as soon as possible."
Jughead pulls back from you, hands on your shoulders as he keeps you at arm's length. "I know, but we thought you meant like three days tops, not two weeks!"
You look at FP and he nods. "Sorry, babygirl, but he's telling the truth."
Your mind briefly short circuits at the nickname and you glance at Jug, smile slowly blooming. "Your dad called me-"
You laugh as FP snorts, shaking his head at you. "Only joking. I haven't done that in two week apparently," you say. You reach up to pat one of Jughead's hands on your shoulders and he releases. Walking over to one of the stools lined along the kitchen island, you take a seat. "And besides, you know I have my eyes on a certain tall Serpent friend of yours."
"Speaking of which," FP then says as he leans across the counter across from you, "you better text him. He's been bugging us nonstop to see if we heard from you or not."
"I will." Jughead offers you a bottle of water which you accept. "I just- I need to decompress for a little bit. Socializing in Hell kind of took it out of me."
"Well you can always join us for dinner." Jughead looks so hopeful that you actually feel a little bit bad turning him down.
"Sorry, JJ. I've been eating nonstop for days. I kind of just want to sleep it off."
"Oh. Okay sure."
"But before I head upstairs, can I just ask what you guys are doing here?"
Jughead looks like a deer in headlights at the question, so FP takes over. "Lucifer wanted us to keep an eye on the place while you were gone. Said we could crash here if we needed to and our trailer went under renovations two days ago."
"Oh. Okay." You smile at them. "Well you guys are always welcome here no matter what and just because I'm back it doesn't mean you have to leave. I welcome the company," you say. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sleep my dad's coronation off."
"We'll keep your return under wraps, but if anyone stops by we won't lie to them."
"That's fine," you tell Jughead.
After drinking some more of your water, you decide to head upstairs. In the privacy of your room you decide to quickly change into some sleepwear before crawling into the comfort of your own bed.
Sleep finds you fairly quickly and you're not quite sure how long you've been asleep when you're suddenly awoken. The sky is completely pitch black outside your window and the house is eerily quiet. You figure it must be very early morning so it's no use getting up now, but just as your eyes close once more the sound of a chair creaking has your eyes flying open.
On your stomach, you immediately push yourself up until you're sitting on your knees and glancing around your room. "Hey. Hey, you're okay."
Your lamp clicks on and you cringe away from the sudden brightness, only to slowly open your eyes and be met with the concerned expression of possibly your favorite Serpent. "Pea?"
He grins. "The one and only."
"What are- what are you doing here?" You crawl towards the edge of the bed closest to him, sitting down so your feet touch the ground.
"Stopped by for some dinner earlier and Jughead told me you were back. FP took pity on me and let me stay until you woke up."
"So you- you watched me sleep?" Sweet Pea's smile slowly falls as yours grows. "That's kind of creepy, Pea."
"Well I didn't- I didn't know-"
You quickly lean forward, one hand gripping the armrest of the chair to hold you up and the other cradling the side of Sweet Pea's face as you angle it towards yours. You gently brush your lips against his just to test the waters before you pull back just an inch, your eyes fluttering open to gauge his reaction. Sweet Pea blinked owlishly at you before his eyes darted over every inch of your face, lastly settling on your lips as his hands came up to cradle your face and bring you back in.
Smiling against his lips, you allow him a moment of control, letting yourself get briefly carried away in one another. You nip at his bottom lip and when he groans you peck the corner of his mouth before falling back onto the edge of your bed. You lick your bottom lip before biting it sheepishly, eyes shining at a clearly distracted Sweet Pea.
"I'm not gonna lie. I've been wanting to do that for a really long time."
Gathering his wits once more, Sweet Pea scoffs. "You mean to tell me we could have been doing this since the beginning?"
"Well yeah. But I didn't wanna come off as easy."
"You.. easy? Yeah right," he chuckles. Slowly, he sobers up. "But, uh, your dad's not gonna be a problem. Right?"
You shake your head. "Nah. Believe it or not, Lucifer's a cool dad. He doesn't care what I do or who I do it with so long as it's consensual."
He seems to blanch just a little. "Of course. Always."
"Then we're good." You flash him a small smile as you scoot back into bed, tossing the blanket over your legs. "Now will you come to sleep rather than watching over me? I wasn't lying when I said it was weird." Sweet Pea readily stands to strip out of his jacket, laying it across the chair as he toes off his boots. When he starts to walk to the other side of your bed, you say, "Feel free to sleep sans jeans, but only if you're wearing underwear."
Sweet Pea smirks at you as he slowly unbuckles his belt, sliding it out of his jean's loops before tossing that on his jacket as well. You roll your eyes as he unbuttons his jeans and lets them fall, haphazardly kicking them aside before crawling into your bed.
"If that was an attempt to seduce me, you're really terrible at it." He laughs as he lays on his back, you grabbing his arm and picking it up so you can lay close to him. You're on your side, head on his shoulder and arm around his waist. "But you still get an A for effort."
"I wasn't even trying, sweetheart. If I was to seduce you, you'd know it."
"Mhm. I'm sure. Now close your eyes. I have a feeling everyone's gonna be here later on."
          - - - - - - - - - - 
"Do- do we wake them?"
"No, you idiot, let them sleep."
A sigh. "This is going to be a regular thing now, isn't it?"
You slowly smile, the voices of Fangs, Toni, and Jughead waking you up. "You're damn straight this is going to be a regular thing." Your eyes open and you grin. "I'm going to be climbing this like a tree every chance I get." The chest beneath your cheek rumbles with sleepy laughter. You yawn, stretching at Sweet Pea's side before slowly sitting up. "What time is it?"
"Almost ten," Jughead says. "Dad was going to wake you for breakfast, but he saw you and Sweet Pea and figured he'd let you sleep."
"FP is officially my second favorite Serpent," you say. With his eyes still closed, Sweet Pea smiles and you roll your eyes at his smugness. "I hope you guys have nothing planned. I just want to relax and go to school like a normal person for a few days. I'm all partied out."
"Whatever you want, girl." Toni tells you. "We're just glad you're finally back."
"You and me both."
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Over the next few days, your group of friends grow used to the fact that you and Sweet Pea have officially become a thing. Neither of you are fond of the terms boyfriend/girlfriend since it sounds kind of juvenile, but you don't correct anyone when they use that particular label. As far as the two of you are concerned, you are his and he is yours, and that's enough for the two of you.
Another change that seems to have happened is at the Whyte Wyrm, your presence being a great deal more tolerated. You know no one other than a select few knew of your true heritage, so you figure one of your friends name dropped the pet name Princess and now the other Serpents boldly greet you as such, especially FP who takes great delight in calling you that once he realizes you find it annoying.
You're happy you don't have Queenly duties niggling at the back of your mind and that you can just be as normal as you can be with your friends. There are a few instances in which your powers come in handy, but you don't use them as often as you thought you would. Then as the days slowly progress and the weather turns chillier, you find that Sweet Pea is a constant presence in your home. His trailer had been updated, but while he's grateful for it he much prefers coming home to you and your house.
You and Sweet Pea are sleeping down in the basement, the lounging sofa being more comfortable for him to sleep in since he was so tall. You've already ordered a new bed, but for now the two of you happily camp down in the theatre while you wait for your bed to come in.
The doorbell ringing pulls you from your dreams and an arm tightens around your waist. Sleep starts to pull you back under seconds later until the doorbell rings again and you quietly groan.
"Don't answer it," Sweet Pea mumbles. "They'll go away."
You press back into his chest, yawning and willing yourself to fall back asleep. But whoever's at the front door is insistent and the doorbell rings for a third time. "I'm going to smite them," you grumble. "Smite them and then blissfully come back to sleep." Sweet Pea chuckles at your threat, but though you're getting annoyed for having had your sleep interrupted you don't actually do anything about it.
Seconds seem to pass and when the doorbell doesn't ring again you let your body start to relax once more. Sweet Pea curls even more against your back and you chuckle softly at the fact that one of the Serpent's most intimidating secretly loves to cuddle.
And then just as you're fully relaxing and being pulled back under, there are footsteps coming down the staircase. "I knew I'd find you guys down here."
You and Sweet Pea both groan, Jughead's amused laughter making you open your eyes and glare at the teen in question. Betty Cooper is standing just behind him, glancing around your home theatre in wonder, but you bite your tongue on questioning her presence since you know full well that she and Jughead were more stable than they've ever been.
"If you know what's best for you, JJ, you'd walk away."
"It's three in the afternoon, Y/N. You should have been awake hours ago."
"We had a late night."
"First off, ew." His nose wrinkles at you and Sweet Pea, and you, Sweet Pea, and Betty grin at Jughead's comment. "And secondly, dad sent me. We're having a meeting."
Sweet Pea seems to take those words seriously and you whine when he moves to get up. He chuckles, quickly kissing your temple and then turning to crawl out of the comfort of the sofa. You sigh. "And why, pray tell, is my presence needed?"
Jughead smirks. "You'll see."
His vague answer is enough to get you moving, you grumbling all the while. On your way upstairs, you hit Jughead with your shoulder and then smile innocently at Betty while telling her to help herself to whatever's in the kitchen while you and Sweet Pea get ready.
You and Sweet Pea take the quickest showers you've ever taken, separately, and meet Jughead and Betty in the kitchen. Sweet Pea is pulling on his jacket and you're tying your hair up into a ponytail, grinning at Jughead who has a plate of sandwiches in front of him. "So what's the deal, Jones?"
He shrugs. "M'just under orders to bring you to the quarry."
You glance at Betty and she chuckles. "I just came along for the ride. Jughead's actually dropping me off before you go to the meeting."
"I feel like I should be scared nervous, but I'm actually excited nervous." You muse. "I mean, daddy Jones-"
"God you're so gross," Jughead groans. You wink at Betty as Jughead turns to Sweet Pea. "How are you okay with your girl fawning over my dad?"
"Because everyone, including FP, knows it gets under your skin and it's fun to watch your squirm."
You look at Betty and grin. "Have I told you about the time FP called me babygirl?"
"And we're leaving!" Jughead is quick to latch onto his laughing girlfriend's wrist, tugging her out of the kitchen and towards the front door.
You turn towards Sweet Pea, wrapping your arms around his waist as you lean up on your tiptoes to play a chaste kiss to his lips. "I absolutely adore you. Now come on. Let's go see what the boss wants."
Sweet Pea pecks your lips twice more before you fall back flat on your feet, then making your way towards the hall closet. Inside, you pull free a jean jacket and quickly pull it on while Sweets grabs both your helmets. The two of you head outside to see Betty already hanging onto the back of Jughead. You and Sweet Pea readily climb onto his bike, you tucking yourself as close as you can to his back while he follows Jughead towards Betty's house.
Then once Betty's hopped off and heading towards her front door, Jughead signals for Sweet Pea to follow and you're on your way once more. The part of the quarry Jughead leads you to is not familiar to you and you're surprised to see the entire Serpent clan hanging around. And as you climb off the bike, waiting for Sweet Pea who takes your hand and then starts leading you towards your friends, you glance around to take in your surroundings.
A wooden walkway leads down to a boathouse just on the water, trucks and motorcycles parked all around. There are a couple of tapped kegs and barrels of fire scattered about. Between two wooden poles, a Serpent banner hangs just behind some stacked wooden pallets that FP hops up onto.
FP whistles, gaining everyone's attention. "Listen up now!" Some music that had been playing is lowered and everyone turns towards their leader. "I know some of you have recently had your opinions about the way I was running things with the Serpents." Some people boo and FP chuckles, instantly calming them. "Our image has never been as clean as it should have been and certain events led a few of us to make decisions that could have had repercussions against all of us." Some very brave individuals glance at Jughead and you glare at them until they look away. "But then an old friend of mine swooped in and changed everything." At this, some nervously glance at you.
"Some sixty years ago, the very first Serpent meeting took place on these same river banks. So I find it fitting that we meet here to introduce a new snake to the den." Everyone cheers this time, including you, though your amusement falls when FP meets your gaze head on. You freeze. Surely he's not talking about- "You all know about Penny, the Ghoulies, and Tall Boy attacking three of our own- my boy included. What you don't know is that girl," he points directly at you, "that girl right there is who took a knife to the gut avenging us. So Y/N Morningstar, come on up here."
Sweet Pea, Jughead, Toni, and Fangs start the whooping and hollering until the rest of the Serpents all join in. You're gripping tight to Sweet Pea's hand as he starts to drag you towards FP's platform, you nervously grinning at the Serpents who part down the middle to give you a path.
At the makeshift stage, Sweet Pea then nudges you up there and you chuckle nervously as you stand next to FP. He smiles at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to keep you close while addressing the crowd again. "The Morningstars, while some of you were against it at first, helped clean up the Serpent image and helped improve the Southside when even our own mayor had given up on us. They've been a tremendous help to us and it all started with an act of kindness from one of the Serpents which then led to my release. So with that said, Jughead will you come on up and do the honors?"
You look out at Jughead, brow furrowing as Toni smirks at you while handing a duffel bag over to the boy in question. He unzips it, pulling free what looks to be a cherry red leather jacket. He holds it, scrunched up in one hand, as he makes his way to the platform. "What's going on?" You mutter.
FP releases you just as Jughead takes his place by your side. He's smiling as he inhales deeply, letting out it loudly before addressing the rest of the Serpents. "When Lucifer left, he asked my dad and I to look after his precious little princess." You scoff, punching Jughead's arm much to everyone's amusement. "And I know some of you are going to say that that's why we've decided to welcome Y/N into the Serpents, but the reason why we're welcoming Y/N into the fold is because she earned her place. She took a knife for us and got rid of our enemies once and for all. I don't know about you, but to my dad and I that makes her worthy of being a Serpent."
Sweet Pea is the first to whoop, followed by the rest of your friends and the crowd of Serpents lingering about.
"So what do you say, Morningstar? Will you don the Serpent jacket and put the fear of the devil into any person who dares smear the name of your brethren?" He asks while grabbing the cherry red jacket with both hands and shaking it open.
You smirk at him, already stripping out of your jean jacket. "As if you even had to ask."
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You toss your jacket to Sweet Pea and stand in front of Jughead, placing your arms into the sleeves one at a time. It fits perfectly, Toni's doing no doubt, and you laugh openly at the roar of applause. Turning around, you hug Jughead and then walk over towards FP to offer him the same embrace.
"Who picked the color?" You ask.
"Who do you think?" He muses.
FP releases you with a grin, nudging you towards your friends. "Go on. We'll be celebrating tonight at the Whyte Wyrm."
You offer him one of your genuine smiles instead of the teasing one you usually reserve for him. "Thanks, FP. For everything."
"No problem, kiddo. Now seriously, go. Go have a burger and a shake at Pop's with your friends."
As you turn to hop off the platform, Toni is the first to wrap you up in a hug. "Welcome to the club! You're seriously lucky you didn't have to do the dance."
"I'd have seriously gouged someone's eye out if anyone suggested I do the dance to earn my place."
She laughs and then Fangs takes her place, you hugging him back. Then finally Sweet Pea is standing in front of you and he laughs as you jump into his arms.
"Happy, princess?"
"Ecstatic," you muse as you wrap your legs around his waist. His hands find your ass, supporting your weight as you quickly lean in to kiss him. More cheers erupt all around you, you and Sweet Pea smile against each other's mouths, and Jughead gags behind you. Pulling back, you lay your forehead against his. "Wanna grab some food or go properly celebrate at home before tonight's party at the Wyrm?"
"How about we hit up Pop's for burgers to go, burn off some calories before consuming them right back in the comfort of our own home, and then go to the Wyrm?"
"I like the way you think, Pea. Let's go."
You kiss him once more, Toni cheering you on as Sweet Pea carries you off.
"Just please don't contaminate the basement!" Jughead yells out. "I actually like it down there!"
You wave him off over your shoulder, grinning at Pea. "Who's going to tell him he's a few weeks too late? Me or you?"
"I wanna tell him when he least expects it. Probably when he's laying on the sofa and being a little shit."
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Sweet Pea and Fangs//Mission Accomplished
Request: If you're busy you can ignore this. I really like your poly! Fangs and Sweet Pea and I was wondering if you could do another one. Maybe about what being a family with them would be like. (You know like what kind of fathers would they be.) Thanks!
hey!! this was super cute to write! i hope you like it! 
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- Okay, so lets just say right now
- They would be the best dads in the world 
- And you can bet that they both have mugs with ‘best dad in the world’ written on them
- Which they of course use literally every day 
- So much so, that you have to replace them every couple of months 
- Usually because Sweet Pea puts his down on a table to aggressively 
- Or because Fangs doesn’t stir coffee, he bashes the spoon from side to side until he breaks the mug, the spoon, and occasionally himself. 
- Anyway
- So lets say you got pregnant at like 24/25ish 
- All three of you had moved out of Riverdale 
- Because I mean lets be real, its not the safest place to start a family 
- With the murderers and the cults and the gangs and literally everything else 
- Plus, it had been Sweet Pea and Fangs’ dream to get out of the southside and riverdale and to have a better life than their parents did 
- So all three of you have stable jobs that you love 
- And a cute little apartment
- Filled with photos of the three of you 
- And so many memories of your life together 
- Including some random dog statue that Fangs found in the skip behind the apartment complex 
- To this day you and Sweet Pea have no idea why he was there in the first place 
- But you think the scratches on his hands, face and neck had something to do with it
- And so many plants 
- So basically you’re parents already...right?
- Anywayyyyyy
- So, you guys were doing pretty good
- Vey, very happy together 
- And you’d just come back from visiting Toni and Cheryl and their new baby girl
- Who is adorable by the way 
- So you’d be chilling at home
- You and Sweet Pea watching something on Netflix 
- While Fangs cooks dinner (its his turn and he’s the best cook)
- And you’d notice Sweet Pea and Fangs exchanging looks 
- So you’d be suspicious
- And eventually, after the two of them giving each other very odd looks all throughout dinner, you’ve had enough. 
- ‘okay. what’s going on?’ 
- ‘we wanna have a baby’ Fangs would blurt out and you and Sweet Pea’s eyes would both go wide. 
- ‘what?’ you’d look between the two of them 
- Fangs is pushing the last bit of food around the plate 
- Sweet Pea is refusing to make eye contact with either of you, finding the ceiling fascinating 
- While you’re tapping your foot against the floor 
- ‘hello? anyone care to expand?’ 
- And Sweet Pea would sigh, and tear his gaze from the ceiling, settling on you. 
- ‘fine. we’ve both been thinking about it for a whil-’ 
- ‘and then we went to see toni and cheryl and their kid is so cute and they look so happy and we want to start a family with you’ Fangs would interrupt. 
- Of course you’d also thought about having kids.
- Sweet Pea and Fangs are the love of your life 
- They’re who you want to spend the rest of your life with
- Plus you’ve been dating since you were like 16, so it makes sense 
- But it was difficult enough for Toni and Cheryl to have a baby
- This is going to be complicated 
- Both of them will obviously be this kids dad...
- But what if when its born the other gets jealous?
- What if they feel like they’re not properly apart of it? 
- Would you even find out who the biological dad was? 
- Or would you just leave it?
- What about when the kid is older?
- There’s already enough stigma about kids having two moms or two dads
- What about one with two dads and one mom?
- So, you’d all sit down after dinner and talk about everything 
- The possible problems 
- How you would raise it
- If you’re all ready
- And you’d finally figure it out 
- Well, the best that you could anyway
- But in the end you’d figured that you’d all be alright because you had each other
- So then the fun bit ;)
- You’d be trying for a few months 
- Much to the happiness of Fangs and Sweet Pea
- They weren’t complaining 
- And then when you do get pregnant 
- Holy fuck are they happy
- Like literally jumping around, hugging each other, hugging you
- They’re literally the happiest people ever 
- The first thing they do is call Toni
- Because well, they have to tell their best friend that she’s going to be an aunt. 
- And a few minutes later, Cheryl texts you a video of Toni on the phone, jumping up and down as they tell her. 
- Anyway, so once they’ve calmed down they instantly go into protective mode. 
- Like
- ‘oh, sit down. standing up is not good for the baby.’ 
- ‘what?’ 
- ‘do you need a drink? food? a nap? a hug?’ 
- ‘i’m good’ 
- And you think this is just going to last for a few days 
- But no
- This continues all through the pregnancy 
- And afterwards tbh
- They are so protective 
- You always sleep in the middle so they can both keep you two safe 
- Even if it is a nightmare when you need to pee
- Fangs did suggest a bucket by the bed but you and Sweet Pea both agreed that was too far
- They go to all the scans 
- And cry
- Every. Single. Time
- Sweet Pea’s suggests going to the baby classes
- Even though you’re kind of unsure of what people will say
- But you go
- And its surprisingly, okay
- You get a few strange looks 
- But who the hell cares 
- And Sweet Pea and Fangs both have their own little notebooks that they’re furiously scribbling notes in 
- And they always take turns to practice on the fake babies 
- Plus, before you all go to bed the three of you will read baby books, occasionally swapping them every so often. 
- ‘did you know that new-borns are short sighted’
- ‘ha, four eyed loser’ 
- ‘i’m sorry. how old are you sweet pea?’ 
- So they’re just the sweetest 
- And every time they come back from work they aways have something for the baby 
- Literally. Every. Time 
- No matter what.
- ‘how many shoes do you think this baby is going to need?’
- ‘i don’t even think babies need shoes, at least not for the first few months’ 
- ‘no baby needs this many leather jackets.’ 
- ‘yeah, but its got a snake on the back! how could i just leave it there?’ 
- ‘where did you find a leather jacket for a baby with a snake on the back?’ 
- ‘...the serpents made it for us.’ 
- And they buy the most weird stuff 
- Like you’re getting amazon packages every other day
- The neighbors think you guys are doing something illegal 
- Sweet Pea buys a baby grow that has labels for where the arms and legs go 
- And when you ask him why
- ‘its for fangs. i’m just helping him out’ 
- So in retaliation, Fangs buys one with instructions of where to feed the baby and where to change it
- Also this doesn’t stop when your baby is born, they’re still buying stupid t-shirts with stupid slogans on well into its 20s 
- Your favourite thing they’ve bought is definitely the fake tattoo sleeve 
- So, you’re keeping the gender a surprise 
- Because who cares 
- So you’re going for like a yellow or gray nursery 
- And Sweet Pea and Fangs are insisting on doing it all them selves 
- The painting 
- The furniture 
- The little accessories 
- Everything
- Needless to say you hear a huge crash within five minutes of them starting 
- So you do it together instead
- You start painting while they put the crib together 
- There’s some left over screws at the end but they decide against telling you that
- It looks stable enough 
- And just to make sure, Fangs tested it out...and got stuck
- They make sure to take tons of pictures throughout the entire pregnancy 
- Much to your annoyance 
- ‘I’ve just thrown up for the third time in five minutes...stop taking my damn picture.’ 
- ‘i want to capture every moment’ 
- ‘why!?!?’ 
- But you love the majority of them 
- There’s some of you by yourself 
- Some of them with you and one of them 
- Others with the three of you together 
- Both of them looking at you like you’re their entire world 
- (which you are) 
- And there’s a few pictures of just the two of them with fake pregnancy bellies on, in the style of a professional photo shoot 
- Another late night Amazon purchase 
- Which when you opened you were...confused to say the least. 
- When you’re nearing your due date they make sure at least one person is with you at all times, just in case you go into labour 
- And that works, until the day you actually go into labour and you’re alone 
- Fangs is at work and Sweet Pea had to run to the store to get ice cream and snacks
- And then it happens
- You’re panicking but trying not to, but its not working 
- Sweet Pea comes back and then he sees your panicked face and he drops the food and almost himself to be honest 
- He’s running around trying to find your bag and his bag and Fangs’ bag
- And you’re trying to ring Fangs but he’s not answering 
- Sweet Pea eventually gets through to him when you guys get the hospital and you can hear Fangs screaming down the phone
- He makes it there in five minutes, even though he works at least fifteen minutes away
- They’re on either side of you 
- Both panting and telling you to breathe
- Basically they are being ridiculous 
- And very unhelpful 
- Especially when the breathing is mainly to calm themselves down
- And then Sweet Pea gets distracted, blows a rubber glove up and it pop’s 
- And to be honest the fright it gave you, you thought you’d given birth
- But when its time for you to start pushing they’re right next to 
- Holding your hands 
- Saying so many nice things 
- Being so sweet and supportive 
- And they also take a moment to hug each other while they watch 
- Like they’re crying 
- At one point Fangs just screams 
- ‘i told you not to look down there’ Sweet pea scolds 
- ‘does it go back to normal?’ Fangs would ask
- ‘god, i hope so’ You’d groan in pain
- But then your daughter is born and they’re smitten
- This tiny little life is theirs 
- And it relies on them for everything 
- And they’re so proud of you
- Literally they’re heart is going to burst with love and pride for you
- They love her so much 
- And instantly take their roles very seriously 
- The first night they let you sleep because well you’ve just given birth, you need a rest
- And it gives them a chance to bond 
- They take turns holding her 
- And feeding her 
- And just talking to her
- ‘we’re you’re dads’ Fangs would whisper
- ‘i’m sweet pea. nice to meet you.’
- ‘what are you doing?’ 
- ‘introducing myself. i have to make a good impression, and we need to teach her manners’ 
- ‘shit, you’re right. hello, i’m fangs, your other dad...do i like, shake her hand?’ 
- ‘hmmm, yeah. i think she’s too young for a high-five’ 
- ‘thats your mom over there. she’s asleep at the minute so we have to be really quiet, but she loves you so much...and so do we. you’re our entire world’ 
- They’re so gentle with her
- And with you 
- When you get home, the three of you show her around her new home 
- And show her all the pictures on the walls, explaining the memories behind each of them 
- You also make sure to introduce her to her siblings (the houseplants) 
- When she’s a little older Sweet Pea starts teaching her how to defend herself 
- ‘she’s three sweet pea, she doesn’t need to know how to karate chop someone’ 
- ‘yes she does. i’m always going to be around to keep her safe...but just in case. which reminds me, do you know how to karate chop someone?’ 
- Fangs teaches her how to cook 
- Like she knows everything by the times she’s 10
- Both of them teach her stupid (and sometimes inappropriate) jokes
- Out of the two of them, Fangs is usually the one to tell her off
- Actually, its you...you’re the one to tell her off if she’s done something wrong because they both can’t bring themselves to shout at her 
- Its difficult for you too (so its a blessing that she’s actually pretty well behaved, unlike all three of her parents) 
- Fangs is definitely the most over protective 
- He follows her around when she starts to crawl, literally if she moves a centimeter, he’s up and following her around. 
- Sweet Pea is always the one to cheer her up when she’s sad
- And you’re the one she always goes to when she’s hurt herself or if she just needs a hug
- She loves all of you so much 
- And you love her
- They still insist of taking pictures of literally every moment 
- It actually increases after she’s born 
- You really don’t know how thats possible 
- Even she gets annoyed at it
- ‘really dad? another one??’ 
- ‘hey! when all three of us are dead and buried you’re going to look back at these and wish we’d taken more’ 
- They make it their life mission to teach her every single thing they know about the world 
- And all three of you make it your life mission to make sure she knows how loved she is 
- Which you definitely accomplished
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no one will hurt you ~ sweet pea;riverdale
word count: 1812
request?: yes!
@lucialilithmalfoy​ “yey the requests are open! can you do a Sweet Pea imagine where the reader is blind and he takes care of her? everyone knows him as the hot head and never soft, so when he’s taking care of the reader with gentle and softness, they’re surprised. he only has a soft spot for her. could be set in a time where the serpents are already on the northside and the reader is a northsider. just a bunch of fluff pls? i’m a hoe for soft Sweet Pea hehe”
description: sweet pea is known as the hot headed member of the southside serpents, but he does have one soft spot
pairing: sweet pea x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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Sweet Pea was always known for being a hothead. He was very passionate about his gang, the Southside Serpents, and would swing without hesitation at anyone who dared to mock them, or threaten them. He had been suspended from school, both Southside High and Riverdale High, due to fights on multiple occasions, he had returned home from school with black eyes and bruises most days.
Besides that, he loved running with the Serpents. He spent most of his time at the Whyte Wyrm with his friends, or out goofing off with Fangs and Toni. He was tough and, sometimes, ruthless through and through. The words “Sweet Pea” and “soft” did not belong in a sentence together.
That was, until he met his girlfriend.
She was a new girl at Riverdale High. She made a grand entrance her first day of school by tripping over something in the hallway, sending her books flying. Nearby students giggled and snickered as they whispered to each other about her. Sweet Pea hated the preppy assholes of Riverdale High, especially when they picked on others for no reason, so he made a point of helping her picking up her things.
“Here,” he said, extending the books and papers towards her.
Her face twisted with confusion and that’s when Sweet Pea got a good look at her eyes. It seemed like she had no control over them, they were just stuck in one position - staring straight forward. That’s when he realized that the poor new girl was also blind, something else that she’d definitely be picked on mercilessly for by the preppy’s.
He took hold of her hand gently and placed her books in them. She sighed with relief. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome,” he responded. “Here, take my hand.”
Her hand found his and he pulled her to stand, slowly. “Do you have a cane or anything to help you walk?”
“It’s...somewhere...” She gestured to the floor. Sweet Pea looked around the floor, but the students were now moving and he couldn’t get a good glimpse of where her cane might’ve gone.
Sweet Pea took hold of her shoulders and pulled her towards the lockers to get her out of the way of the busy hallways. When it was nearly clear, Sweet Pea managed to locate her cane and gave it back to her.
“Thank you,” she said. “I didn’t know this school was going to be so full or so busy, I wasn’t ready for it.”
“It’s alright,” he responded with a shrug. “Where’s your first class? I can help you find it if you want.”
Her fingers brushed over her schedule, which was given to her with both normal writing and braille underneath. Sweet Pea couldn’t understand why they’d give her a schedule with writing on it, but he decided it was best not to question it for now. It could be helpful to him if she had trouble reading it.
She recited the name and room number of her first class. Surprisingly, it aligned with his, which unfortunately meant that he’d actually have to show up to class for once.
Sweet Pea took her arm and slowly led her down the hallways towards the classroom, taking his time and allowing her to survey the path ahead of her with her cane. By the time they reached the classroom, the final bell was just ringing, meaning they weren’t exactly late but also not really on time.
The teacher gave Sweet Pea his normal, disapproving look as he walked through the door. “How nice of you to finally join us, Sweet Pea.”
“I’m so sorry, sir,” the girl spoke before Sweet Pea could say something he regretted. “I had some trouble in the hallway and...and Sweet Pea helped me. I’m the reason he’s late, I’m very sorry.”
The teacher looked between her and Sweet Pea, taking in her eyes and her cane the way Sweet Pea had. Even the worst of teacher couldn’t make comments about a new blind student, so he sighed heavily and responded, “It’s alright. You must be our new student, Miss (Y/L/N).”
“That’s me,” she confirmed.
The teacher sighed and waved a hand towards the two empty seats in the classroom. “Just take your seats.”
Sweet Pea helped her over to her seat and made sure she was properly sat in the desk before sitting next to her. The class started and Sweet Pea was immediately bored. He was starting to remember why he always skipped his classes and was wondering if he’d be able to ditch so far into class.
The sound shocked Sweet Pea and he nearly jumped before looking over at the girl next to him. She was slightly leaned towards him, but it was still enough to look very obvious that she was trying to talk to him. Sweet Pea chuckled and gently moved her so that it was less obvious.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“It’s no problem. The teacher is kind of a hard ass, I wouldn’t want him to get angry at you for no reason.”
“No, no, not that,” she said. “Thanks for your help, it really means a lot to me.”
Sweet Pea couldn’t help the smile that spread on his face. “That was also no problem. If you need anymore help, just let me know.”
“I’m (Y/N) by the way.”
“Sweet Pea.”
He could see she was trying to contain a giggle. “Is that your real name?”
He smirked. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
That’s how it all started. The next day, (Y/N) managed to find Sweet Pea in the hallway, claiming that he wore a distinct body spray that was easy to point out in the crowd, however much later she would admit that she asked someone to point out where he was to her. They decided to eat lunch together that day, and later that evening Sweet Pea took her to Pop Tate’s, where they decided that what they were doing was a date.
One date turned into many and before he knew it, Sweet Pea was introducing (Y/N) to his friends, and she was introducing him to her family. He was taking her home after school, where they’d hang out for the day until (Y/N) had to go home. Days turned into weeks which turned into months and, before he knew it, Sweet Pea was in his first serious relationship with the sweetest, most kind girl he could’ve ever met.
On one nice day during lunch, the friend group decided to eat outside. Sweet Pea was guiding (Y/N) out when she stopped in the doorway. “I gotta pee, I’ll meet you guys out there.”
“Okay.” He gave her a quick kiss, causing her to giggle as she passed him her lunch, before the two went their separate ways.
Sweet Pea set his and (Y/N)’s trays down onto the table and sat next to Fangs, leaving a seat free next to him for when (Y/N) came back.
“Where’s (Y/N)?” Toni asked first.
“Hello to you, too, Toni,” Sweet Pea responded, sarcastically. “She’s gone to the bathroom, she’ll be back soon.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t go with her,” Fangs said. “You know, to make sure she was okay.”
“Shut it, Fangs,” Toni said, throwing some food at him.
“She’s able to do things on her own, I just like helping her from time to time because I know how much of assholes these preppies can be,” Sweet Pea defended himself. “You can call me every name in the book that means whipped, but I will stand by myself on this one.”
“You don’t have to defend yourself. She’s your girlfriend, you’re free to help her however you want,” Toni said, glaring slightly at Fangs.
“You’re just a completely different person with her,” Fangs said. “It’s so weird to see hotheaded Sweet Pea being all soft and sweet with his little blind girlfriend.”
Sweet Pea hit Fangs’ arm, causing his friend to yelp in pain and take hold of his arm.
“Don’t ever say shit about her again, Fangs,” he hissed. “Honestly man, even if she wasn’t my girlfriend, that’s some fucked up shit to say.”
“I wasn’t saying it like it was a bad thing! I just wonder sometimes if you’d act this way if she wasn’t blind, you know?”
“You really don’t know when to shut up,” Toni groaned, rolling her eyes.
“The fact that you don’t think I’d still treat (Y/N) like the queen she is to me if she wasn’t blind just goes to show that you’ve never been in a good relationship before, Fangs, nor do I think you will be,” Sweet Pea retorted. “I don’t care if (Y/N) is blind, deaf, in a fucking wheelchair, none of the above or all of the above. I love her for her, and because I love her, I love helping her. She’s the sweetest person I’ve ever met. She’s not a judgmental, asshole preppy, she’s a kind person who understands what it’s like to be the outcast. And if you ever say some shit like that about her again I will not hesitate to hit you so hard that you’ll lose feeling in your arm for a full day.”
Fangs flinched at the threat and quickly changed seats to sit next to Toni. She chuckled at his childishness and shook her head.
“Do you really mean that?”
They all turned to see (Y/N) standing behind Toni and Fangs. She looked shocked and as if she were close to tears, which worried Sweet Pea immediately.
“Which part?” he asked. “Dumb question actually, because the answer is yes, I meant every word I said.”
“I was specifically referring to the part about you loving me,” she responded, feeling her way towards the seat next to Sweet Pea. “You love me?”
“Of course I do,” Sweet Pea responded nonchalantly, although those words were very foreign to him. “I love you, (Y/N), you should know that.”
She smiled and leaned forward slightly. It took Sweet Pea a moment to realize she was trying to kiss him and met her halfway, pressing his lips against hers.
“I love you, too,” she said, her voice so soft that it was hard for anyone besides him to make out what she was saying.
Hearing the words come from her mouth made Sweet Pea smile uncontrollably. His heart was racing with happiness as he kissed (Y/N) again, never wanting to let her go.
“Aweeeee-ewwww,” Fangs said, making a fake gagging noise at the end of his sentence.
Sweet Pea glared at him before rising from his seat. “That’s it, Fangs, I’m gonna kill you.”
Fangs was up from his seat and running around the courtyard in seconds. The two girls laughed as Sweet Pea took off after him.
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Bughead Trivia: Some of Jughead’s Hobbies were Influenced by Betty.
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During a regular hangout at the chock’lit shoppe in Thought For Food (Jughead’s Double Digest #167, 2011), Betty complained that Jughead only talks about food so she decided that what he needs is a new hobby to help him expand his interests. After leaving Pop’s, Jughead immediately visited the Riverdale hobby shop to buy a kit for model building. Of course, the scale model he built was later revealed to still be food-related (a sort of fast food town with a pizzeria and a burger joint, among other things), but it is sweet that he took Betty’s suggestion seriously. She is one of the few people in Riverdale who can actually influence the very individualistic Jughead in some way and it is very evident in the number of hobbies he has taken up over the years.
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While reading a book in The Unfolding Crisis (Archie’s Pal Jughead #124, 2000), Betty suddenly asked Jughead about his opinion on origami. Jughead was unfamiliar with it, so Betty tried to explain that origami is the art of paper folding and showed him the page with a how-to guide. Jughead tried following the instructions out of curiosity, but he ended up discovering that he has a natural talent for it when he successfully folded a “pretty paper ballerina” on his first try. He became so obsessed with origami that he started folding every piece of paper he sees: Coach Clayton and Coach Kleat’s game plan, Dilton’s Blue & Gold layout, Professor Flutesnoot’s test forms, Ms. Beazley’s menus, Principal Weatherbee’s speech notes, Mr. Svenson’s paper towels, and even Reggie’s candy bar wrapper.
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In Summer Fun.. and Some 'R Not (Jughead #316 1981), Jughead took Betty’s suggestions even seriously when he put his trademark laziness aside to try a bunch of summer sports. He tried everything from windsurfing and beach volleyball to diving and surf boarding. Although he proved to be quite inadequate when it comes to all those sports and he eventually resorted to what he does best (eating, of course!), Jughead still showed in this particular story how much he valued Betty’s opinion by trying out all of her ideas without any hesitations.
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Another Jughead hobby that was influenced by Betty is cake decorating, which was featured in Cake Mistake (Archie’s Pal Jughead #135, 2001). In the story, Jughead became interested in the art of cake decorating after Betty told him that she taught herself how to do it by simply watching an instructional video by Marta Stewmeat. Jughead, who decided he wanted to learn how to “adorn a cake so festively” like Betty, borrowed the said video, bought a multi-nozzle pneumatic decorator, and went on to ice every random thing he lays his eyes on (much to the Riverdale townsfolk’s dismay, of course). 
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Betty's influence over Jughead also made him change his mind about certain activities that he would otherwise not touch with a ten-foot pole. In The Quiet Man (PEP Comics #266, 1972), Jughead was very vocal about his dislike of miming. He even went as far as making fun of the people who perform it. A furious Betty, who flat-out accused him of having no culture, insisted that miming is an ancient art form that is very difficult to pull off. Years later, in the story Mime Your Own Business (Jughead #39, 1992), Jughead went full-on Marcel Marceau by performing a mime act at the park: he entertained passers-by while sporting the stereotypical mime outfit consisting of white facial makeup, black suspenders, and a silk opera hat. To say that Betty approved of this change is an understatement. The girl was charmed.
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Volunteering is not exactly considered as a hobby, but Jughead has developed a habit of offering his services to help the needy because of Betty. Thanks to her, he has gotten involved in a string of charitable acts that include donating books for a charity drive, signing up Hot Dog as a therapy dog to comfort hospital patients and nursing home residents, painting a mural for senior prom, working at the chock’lit shoppe for a day to give Pop Tate a much-deserved vacation, coaching a pee-wee baseball team, building a sand castle inside a mall, preparing dinner at the community center, running a marathon to help raise funds for hospital equipment, donating toys to the orphanage, doing a bunch of chores to help celebrate Svenson Appreciation Day, raising a Christmas fund for the senior citizens of Riverdale, taking photographs for the retirement community’s prom-themed dance, serving food at the homeless shelter, and a bunch of other things. He even donated his prize money to The Goodwill Girls, the philanthropic group founded by Betty. ♥
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riverdale-retread · 3 years
Riverdale S2 Ep 13
- NEWSFLASH: Jughead Jones is ambidextrous.  Evidence: Jughead can draw on a map with his right hand while he eats noodles using chopsticks (held correctly!) with his left.  (Who taught Jughead how to use chopsticks?)   When the phone rings, he picks it up with his right hand, while continuing to ply the chopsticks with his left.  Betty is calling him to involve him in the cover up of a murder (nice girl you got there) but I had to push pause on the rage about that, because I had to (had! to!) go back to the Bughead Consummation right quick to see if the ambidexterity has an impact on how he unzips the pink dress.  It does.  Lucky Betty, she really does get everything.
- Alice hiding the body in her ‘childhood secret place’ which is a filthy looking giant sewer pipe in the middle of the forest. Or is this the swamp where Polly goes missing in S5?  This says a lot about Alice’s childhood. 
- Jughead
Jughead is so brave.  Even when he was the bullied boy with literally one friend, Jughead never backed down from Reggie.  Adults scream at him all the time about his newspaper articles and he never loses his nerve.  By the same token, given Betty’s behavior Post-Bughead Consummation, he has good reason to think Betty might pull an about-face, that she is going to tell him “it wasn’t enjoyable” (this phrasing has the same vibe as Thank You For Meeting Me, so cute).   Jughead just decides to go straight to her house as soon as it’s light out, to ask her directly what’s going on.  I admire his courage, though like many things about Jughead, it’s a bit twisted.  Jughead’s courage is flavored with masochism, he is resilient because he has had to endure so much despair, and later, his creativity is fueled by a destructive reliance on drugs. 
Oh great, and now I have made myself sad. 
Let’s make fun of Jughead, then!
He’s such an impatient smartass. When he figures something out, Jughead takes it directly to the perpetrator so he can Poirot-shout into their face, AHA I AM ON TO YOU, rather than maybe think about how to actually use the insight to stop that person or punish them. (Sending the statue head to Hiram; confronting Mayor McC with that map).
- Tender Cheryl.  Cheryl has very strict insider-outsider rules about people in her life.  Betty is family, so she uses that sweet, family-voice when Betty is vomiting in the bathroom.  Even when she hates her mother, she calls her Mommy in that same cute voice.  She hasn’t done it yet, but I recall that one time when Cheryl hollered at some clueless kiddo who came into the bathroom at the wrong time and got told to pee somewhere else.  Cheryl tells her mother and Hal Cooper to Think Of Betty. (Betty takes all this for granted, of course, because Protagonist Girl.)
- Archer Cheryl.  This is the first time we see her with archery.  Ooh, tingles! The calligraphy on the target, Cheryl’s whole look with the long wavy hair, grey-red tartan jacket, the wide belt fitted so tight at the waist (does Cheryl have all the organs in there and if so how?), that long shot of the curated grounds and pond at Thornhill cloaked in mist.  Every element of every single shot of this Archer Cheryl sequence is so sumptuous.  People who natter on about how ‘awful’ Riverdale is don’t know how to appreciate splendor. Also Cheryl wears that flaming red lipstick when she’s just hanging out by herself at home, which I appreciate.
- Betty, exploiting her Protagonist Girl privileges to the max.  Betty feels no qualms about burdening Jughead, the gang member, who already has been hauled in as a suspect on a different murder and just barely avoided being scapegoated, with information about a new murder and becoming an accomplice to hiding evidence thereof, but she will not tell him that she kissed Archie. (And she never does; Cheryl tells Jughead, and I will be doing some shouting about this later, probably).  Then she gets on her high horse, judges and yells at her father for the Penelope Blossom affair.  Oh, and the only I’m Sorry that’s said in this episode is uttered by Alice apologizing on behalf of Betty, for bringing in Jughead, to FP.  Betty is absolutely not sorry, and accepts Jughead’s comforting shoulder as her due. I really want to go back to having peachy glowing feelings about Betty Cooper, but it’s hard. 
- Archie v Fake FBI Man
Jughead, as I’ve posited (ahem), really can’t be the protagonist, stealth though he  may be, when the site of the action is Riverdale High.  I think this is why they all spend so little time at school starting with Jughead’s return.  But Archie doesn’t know how to be a protagonist anywhere else, though, which is why so many things just happen to him, over which he either feels powerless or is in fact powerless.  
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whoviancumberbunny · 3 years
The Butterfly and The Serpent - Part 1
The Butterfly and the Serpents An AU Riverdale Fanfic Riverdale Characters Owned by their creators
all OCs Created by Melissa C. Scraper
Lucy had been living in the southside of rioverdae for 6 years.   She had disowned the knowledge that she was a Collins. Her Attorney had helped her legally change her last name to DuPres-Topaz after her mother's relatives.  her half brother, via a one stand with her father's brother's fiance a the time of the one night stand, Declan had started living in Riverdale. and helped  Cheryl and Veronica open a gay bar.
Lucy was in a Polyamorous relationship with Fangs Fogarty and Sweet Pea.   She looked up to see her father coming "DJ, Take your brother to Toni and Cheryl's."
The Five Year old "Okay Momma." she took the little boy's hand "Come on, Tony. Momma's going ot have adult conversations."
Quentin "Lucero Tamsyn Collins i...."
"No, you refuse to call me the name i've bee using since i was 19.  DuPres -Topaz." she glared at him "Stop using the name of person who doesn't exist for me any more." "So you've become a biker whore!" "You Quentin Charles Collins are not even welcome here.  You pretend Mom was never a Serpent.  I belong here. while your trusted business partner tries repeatedly to destroy this land for his own selfish gain."
Sheriff FP Jones drives up "Betty and Jughead reported seeing you enter Riverdale. You were told last time when you crashed Lucy's Serpent Initaition. That you would be arrested for Trespassing."  he looks at Lucy "I will deal with him and you talk to him later when there are jail bars between you."
"Thank You FP."  she ad used most of her inheritance to revitalize parts of hte southside it was still a little rundown but it wasn't as bad as before.  DJ was the biological daughter of Fangs and Tony the son of Sweet Pea. Jughead hadn't like the idea of Lucy and Sweet Pea giving their son the middle name Pendleton.  he children called them both Daddy.
Later  at dinner "Fangs, is this what you and Sweet Pea have been going to the city for?"
"Yes.  A Friend of Ronni's  is a jewelry designer and she suggested  we have them make it."  he carefully takes out a silver necklace with five birthstones on it, one for for each of the kids, fangs, sweet pee and ibn the center an emerald, lucy's birthstone.  "Ronni and Cheryl pay us well working as bouncers at the Sakura Club."  
"You Deserve it Angel." Sweet Pea said as he kissed her "We love you so so much." even though they couldn't find anyone who would recognize them as a relationship.  they all wore wedding bands. Silver, because gold made Lucy's skin itch. "Are you going to tell Juggy and Betty the baby you're carrying for them is twins?"
"We are going we are having Lunch tomorrow. I will tell them then."  she said with smile. Betty and Jughead had been unable to safely conceive on their own and they had been uncomfortable with seeking out strangers to interview for surrogacy.  So Lucy had volunteered.  "Dad called me a Biker Whore." she said when they were talking after putting the kids to bed
"If we had been home when he showed up we would have punched the old man in the gut." "Fortunately he drove past Betty and Jughead's House and Juggy called his dad. FP arrested him before anything could escelate."    While Fangs cleaned the dishes  Sweet pea danced with  Lucy  "Oh Sweet Pea. You Fangs always know just the right thing to do."
The next day in the corner booth at Pop's "You don't need to pay for my meal."
"Betty was called into work last minute."  Jughead replied "Can you tell us the gender?"
"i want you stop eating so you don't choke when i tell you."  she waited until he finished the bite of food "I had thought it was my imagination that i was gaining more weight than i did with DJ or Tony." she takes out the ultrasound printout she had put it in a frame  and slides it over to him
He stopped for moment and stared at the image "Twins?"  he started smiling "Betty and I agreed if the baby is a girl we want to make the baby's middle name Lucero."
Lucy, "Juggy it is not needed i am just glad to be their god mother." she responded "their heart beats are both healthy." she paused  "Thanks for understanding that I didn't want a serpent tattoo when you accepted me into the group."
"I am allowed to make concessions i know you will be loyal to everyone."  he pays for Lunch and lucy gets three orders of fries to go. Veronica "On the house. I am testing out a new customer loyalty program." she hand her a card "with three spots punched.  and she whispered "The world may not recognize your relationship. but those two are your husbands." To Be Continued.... ‎Saturday, ‎May ‎1, ‎2021 7:48:46 PM
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Tag: @fanfics4all​
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theangriestpea · 5 years
Ménage à Trois
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Summary: Abi thought of the perfect Valentine’s Day present for her two boyfriends. Needless to say, they love it almost as much as they love her. 
Pairing: Sweet Pea x OC x Fangs (polyamory)
Rating: Mature // Explicit
Word Count: 2.6k+
Warnings: Smut, Threesome, Double Penetration, Oral, Some Dirty Talk, Unprotected Sex (wrap it upppp)
A/N: This is a bit of a double celebration fic! One for reaching 700 Followers! And Two for @riverdale-events​ V-Day Event: Fall in Love with Riverdale! Hope everyone has a great Valentine’s day! And I hope everyone enjoys Abi’s debut. This takes place during Compersion which is while they are in college
This was their first Valentine’s Day together and Abi thought long and hard about what gifts she could give her lovers. Finally one Sunday afternoon it dawned on her. A new bed. The double she had was much too small for the three of them and she was sick of having to choose who she’d sleep with that night. Now it was the day before the 14th and the bed and finally been delivered. She waited until Fangs and Sweet Pea were done with their classes for the day before showing them.
“What is it called again?” Fangs asked, his breath hitched in his throat at the size of the enormous bed in front of him. She had confessed to them that she was tired of having to make a sleeping schedule for the bed. Making sure everyone got equal time with each partner was a headache. Though the boys didn’t think it was nearly as important as she did. They were happy just to be together, even if they were a room apart.
Abigail smiled, her arms outstretched as if welcoming the bed into the family. “An Alaskan King,” She said with an abundance of happiness in her voice. “Isn’t it perfect?”
“It takes up the whole room…” Sweet Pea muttered, noticing how little space there was between the bed and the walls. This kind of bed was not really suited for a two bedroom apartment. There wasn’t really room for their dressers. He supposed they all fit but just barely. Now if only they could improve the closet space…
A giggled erupted out of her as she jumped onto the bed, bouncing on the soft cushion. “Aren’t you guys excited? Now we just have to decide who gets to be in the middle!”
“Definitely not you.” Sweet Pea said, smirking as he joined her on the bed. “You get up to pee every two hours.” He trapped her beneath him, his large hands encircling her wrists playfully.
Fangs sat down next to them, watching Abi’s smile morph into a pout. “I can’t help I have a small bladder.” She replied hotly. She didn’t want to be forced to sleep on the side every night just because she got up to use the bathroom every once in a while…that just wasn’t fair.
Sweet Pea dipped down and kissed her neck, making her giggle again. “Maybe you should stop drinking so much tea right before bed.” He said in a taunting voice, his breath fanning across her soft skin.
The shorter boy smiled at them softly and stood up, prepared to leave to let them have some fun. Abi tilted her head to look at him, “don’t go.” Her voice was now a whine, “there’s room for all of us now.”
Fangs quirked an eyebrow at her. “Does this mean you’ve reconsidered?” He asked curiously. For weeks now he and Sweet Pea had been trying to get her to do a threesome with them. Despite all being in a relationship together, they had never been intimate all at the same time. There was always someone left in the dark while the other two were filling the apartment with moans. It had simply become a way of life. Abi had been adamant about not wanting to take two at once, so he was surprised that she was telling him to stay.
Sweet Pea’s lips moved along her neck, making her concentration hazy at best. “Yes…” Her voice was light, airy. “I have. Don’t go.” She repeated, her eyes slipping shut.
The taller Serpent glanced up at Fangs, a smirk evident on his lips though it was hidden by her dark hair. His hands let go of her wrist and snuck up the front of her shirt, sending chills through Abi’s entire body. He peeled it off quickly and tossed it to the floor.
Fangs discarded his shirt as well, adding to the pile on the ground. He watched with a degree of intensity in his eyes, observing his lovers entwined together. How exactly did she want this to go down? There hadn’t been much discussion. He supposed he would just let it come naturally.
Sweet Pea sat up and away from her. “Why don’t you suck my cock while he eats you out?” He proposed as he took off his own shirt and began to work on his belt. Abi sat up and licked her pouty lower lip slowly. Her eyes darted to Fangs who still looked ever so curious.
“Alright,” She answered before reaching around and unhooking her bra. “Get naked and assume the position.”
He’s eyes darkened and he unbuckled his thick belt. “I know you’re not giving me orders, baby girl.” He said, his voice as shadowy as his gaze. His pants dropped, his boxers followed, and he settled down in the middle of the bed, resting his back against the headboard. He stroked his length slowly so that he would harden more.
Abi rolled her eyes at him playfully as she took off her pants and underwear as well. She flipped onto her hands and knees and crawled over to him slowly, settling down between his toned legs. Her mouth found his scrotum, giving light licks to it before teasing it with a nip.
Fangs had freed himself from the rest of his clothing as well. His calloused hands ran up Abi’s legs, starting at the ankles and going up to her thighs. He spread her legs gently before leaning down and licking down her slit in one broad motion. She shuddered against him, eyes glued on Sweet Pea’s as she moved to trail her tongue up his hard cock.
Sweet Pea wished his phone was close so he could capture this moment on film for eternity. Unfortunately it was across the room on the dresser. He’d have to commit it to memory instead. Abi was teasing him still with her tongue, simply licking at his veins and tip, and drinking in his pre-cum. It was harder than usual for her to pay him attention, as Fangs was doing something similar to her.
She took him fully into her mouth then and Sweet Pea let out a low throaty growl. Fangs was sucking on her clit, moving circles around it with his tongue. She whimpered at the sensation, her eyes falling shut as they normally did when she was being pleasured. Pea didn’t quite like this though, he rather her look at him while he fucked her mouth.
“Look at me,” He ordered and her eyes popped back open obediently. “Good girl,” He praised as her head bobbed up and down. She took as much of him as she could without deep throating, her hand on the part of his base that wouldn’t fit. Her hand and mouth moved in tandem as she was sure to pleasure all of him and not just the part that was inside of her.
Fangs inserted his middle finger into her, curling it inside so he could feel along her walls for her sweet spot. He found it in no time, the loud moan she let out when he brushed against it gave him an intense feeling of satisfaction even though it was greatly muffled by Sweet Pea’s penis.
Her eyes stayed connected with his as she took even more of him into her mouth, his tip hitting the back of her throat as she hummed to vibrate it around him. Her tongue worked his shaft swift and fast, one hand coming to stroke his balls and gently massage them.
Sweet Pea let out another moan, his hips bucking without him meaning to. Abi choked for a brief moment, sputtering with him still lodged in her mouth. He gave her a sympathetic smile.
Meanwhile Fangs had inserted a second finger and was attacking her clit with his vigorous tongue. Abi almost instantly forgot about Sweet Pea choking her with his dick and was moaning more in pleasure, her eyes threatening to close again.
Pea put a hand on her head and pulled her hair roughly so her eyes would widen again. She whined in response, making him huff with aggravation. Abi increased her pace to further him along and he could feel his orgasm building as she felt hers. Fangs’ fingers pleasuring her core while his mouth worked her clitoris over.
A few minutes later both were coming, Sweet Pea releasing into Abi’s mouth and Abi shuttering against Fangs’ fingers. She swallowed his cum before pulling away slightly, her green eyes on Sweet Pea as she kissed up his abdomen and finally up to his lips. “Fangs didn’t get one.” She pointed out before looking back at the Afro-Asian boy, who seemed happy just to be there.
“Then give him one, baby.” Sweet Pea said, brushing hair behind her ear. “I need a moment to recover.”
Abi nodded and sat up on her knees as she half turned towards Fangs. “Lay on your back, Fangs, beside Sweets.”
Fangs grinned, getting into position. His hard cock resting at attention against his stomach. He pumped lazily until she grabbed his wrists and pinned them playfully, straddling his waist. “Hands off.” She whispered in a sultry voice that did nothing but turn him on even more.
One hand left his wrist so she could guide him into her. They simultaneously threw their heads back and moaned in unison. Abi sat still for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of him inside of her and taking her sweet time. Fangs almost bucked his hips but knew if he did then she’d likely punish him but not letting him come at all. She could be cruel that way.
Abi watched his expression closely, seeing how her stillness almost pained him. A cruel smile crossed her lips as she moved her hips slowly, rocking them against him in a small undulating manner. Fangs let out a quieter moan as she just bit her lip. She released his other wrist from her grip so she could straighten her posture.
She found the angle that had him hitting her spot with every thrust of her hips. “Can I touch now?” Fangs asked, his voice strained.
For a moment she pondered the question and she glanced at Sweet Pea, who was very much enjoying the show, as if to ask him his opinion. He shrugged, “He does deserve a reward for eating you out so well.”
Abi chuckled lightly before looking back at Fangs, “you can touch me, baby.” She cooed and his hands slid up her thighs and rested on her delicate hips. He gripped them briefly, testing her patience as he forced her to increase her pace.
She would have been annoyed if not for the pleasure it brought her. Her head lulled back again, a mewl of delight leaving her mouth as she abided by his touch. Her rhythm increased, his head and shaft rubbing her g-spot continuously that almost made her come undone much too soon.
Fangs could tell she was losing control. Her dominance tended to wane when she started to feel really good. He then moved his own hips to match her, the added friction earning him yet another gorgeous moan.
Sweet Pea got up and grabbed his phone long enough to take a short video of the two of them, his own penis starting to get hard again at the sight of them. He grabbed lube out of the dresser drawer before tossing it onto the bed. Abi and Fangs looked at it before looking at him, both curious.
“I’m taking your ass while he handles your pussy. Any objections?” He asked, preferring to get her consent on this matter as it was not something they had done before. If she said no then he’d wait his turn again patiently. If she said yes, then he’d only need a minute or two more before he’d be ready.
It was hard for her to concentrate as she bounced on top of Fangs, her breast moving in small circles. Abi considered it and wondered deep down how it would feel to have two at once. She looked down at Fangs, his face full of hope. “No objections.” She added finally and the eyes of the man beneath her lit up.
He instantly slowed his pace, not wanting to hit his peak before Sweet Pea could join them. Abi took the hint and did the same, though she could easily orgasm again and again with little cool off, she knew Fangs was not nearly as lucky.
Not long after Sweet Pea placed a hand between her shoulder blades and forced her down so that her body was parallel to Fangs’. She smiled at her boyfriend and kissed him briefly as she felt him spread lube down her ass, slipping in a finger to prep her. It wasn’t her first time doing anal as many times Sweet Pea favored it to regular sex. Not that sex between the three of them was ever quite regular.
Pea spread lube along his penis before pressing his tip against her asshole. Fangs and Abi laid still, ripe with anticipation. He slowly entered her, unable to stop the groan from coming out at how tight the hole was.
Oddly enough he could feel that Fangs was inside of her too. The only thing separating their cocks was a small wall of tissue. He moved first as he was the most dominant. Abi was biting her lip again, her eyes closed as a whimper managed to come out. ‘
Fangs began to move his hips again, matching Sweet Pea’s rhythm. “You okay?” he whispered to her, seeing a strange look on her face.
Abi laughed lightly, “Yea, it just feels weird.” She murmured in a voice that made it obvious she was trying not to moan. Both men increased their pace, feeling the other as they moved. Abi had to rest her head on Fangs’ shoulder, unable to hold her body up.
Sweet Pea’s hands planted themselves on her hips while Fangs wrapped his arms around her waist. She was helpless as they began to pound into her. Soon loud moans of pleasure filled the modest sized apartment.
She could feel herself getting closer to release as Sweet Pea whispered to her, “You’re doing great baby girl, taking both our cocks at once. What a good girl getting her ass and pussy fucked at the same time. I knew you could do it.”
Abi reveled in his praise as she whimpered out a nonverbal response. Sweet Pea smirked, increasing his pace yet again. Fangs increased his pace as well, now holding back his orgasm just so he could keep going. He wanted to be polite and let his girl come first, as always.
And soon enough Abi was coming. She didn’t have a name to scream out so she settled with fuck, her eyes squeezed shut as lights danced across the blackness of her vision.
Fangs was next, not bothering to hold back anymore. A few thrusts later was Sweet Pea’s turn. Once his orgasm ended he pulled out of her and laid down next to Fangs, breathing heavily.
Abi collapsed on top of Fangs, also trying to catch her breath as he held her close. He pulled out as well and she could feel both of their loads seeping out of her. “That was…”
“Intense.” Fangs finished for her before kissing her forehead gently. “Happy Valentine’s day, Abigail.” He said softly, brushing his fingers through her hair.
She forced herself to set up, grinning her wide Cheshire grin at them, “did you two enjoy your present?”
Sweet Pea chuckled as Fangs just smiled, “oh most definitely, and if you think you can get away with not having both of us again then you’re wrong.”
She laughed and shook her head, forcing Sweet Pea to move over so she could lounge between them, even though he said she couldn’t be in the middle thanks to her small bladder. None of them seemed to remember that now.
They wrapped their arms around her, faces nuzzled into her neck affectionately as the three drifted off into a blissful sleep in their new bed.
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Summary: Choni; Cheryl gets hurt during cheer practice and Toni gets overprotective 
Cheryl’s been drilling them for hours; Toni had been tired from the Serpent’s meeting. The sky was partially cloudy. Everything had come together in a perfect storm. It’s what Veronica and Betty would repeat to FP; to the doctors and to Curdle.
“She wasn’t watching her footing.”
“The sun was in Cheryl’s eyes.”
“The footballers were taunting us.”
The volley of excuses are endless and the principal sighs nodding to the coach.
“It’s not that serious.” He manages to get out before Cheryl turns sharply.
“Are you telling me that the injury of a student; an honor roll student at that; isn’t serious? Here at Riverdale high-” She starts but Toni nudges her.
“Babe; It’s fine it’s just-”
“No Toni; it’s serious and I can’t believe the coaches and principal would let me remain injured without looking into what caused it!” Cheryl huffs and turns from where she’d been glaring at the figures across the desk.
“It happened because you fell; because the sun got in our eyes and we were both tired. It’s okay Cheryl.”
“No it’s not!” She shoves herself back and storms out; Toni follows just as fast.
“Cheryl; what’s this about?”
“I can’t cheer.” She pouts and Toni’s hand wraps around her shoulders.
“Come on Cher; what’s going on?”
“You’ll have to do everything for me.” Toni raises an eyebrow.
“You’re telling me a twisted ankle is going to stop you?” Cheryl shrugs looking away and Toni grins.
“Well as if I needed an excuse to treat you like a princess.” Cheryl side eyes her and grins.
“I mean if you’re going to actually listen to me; I can run cheer practice through you.” Toni sighs and shakes her head; helping Cheryl into the passenger side of her car.
”Cheryl; get back in bed.”
“I have to pee; and get ready for school.”
“Let me at least bring your make-up to the bed?” Toni offers and Cheryl sighs unable to resist her puppy dog eyes.
“No Toni it’s fine; I can go pick up the Pop’s you ordered.” Cheryl almost shoves herself out of the car; limping only slightly.
“I’m going to murder her.” Betty laughs when Cheryl slumps over the table.
“Really? I thought you liked everyone paying attention to you….”
“I do; I just; i feel like I’m making Toni do all of this; she’s been walking me to all of my classes; and-”
“So she’s being a decent girlfriend?” Veronica chimes in and Cheryl nods.
“Well yeah but..”
“Hey Cheryl; Toni uhh reminded me; as one of the footballers I should help you get to class.” Reggie sulks in front of them and Veronica can’t hold back her laughter.
“Did she really get Reggie in on helping you to class?”
“Yeah; she said if she’s late to another class she’ll get detention.”
Cheryl looks up from her notebook once the bell rings to see Toni  leaning against the doorway grinning.
“What?” She sighs and Toni offers her a hand.
“I was thinking we could got to Pop’s.” she offers and Cheryl nods.
“Are you still mad at me?”
“I’m not mad at you; I’m mad at this stupid ankle.” She nudges the boot she’s wearing and Toni smirks.
“Aww it’s just a few more days babe.”
“I know; although I have to admit I don’t mind the fact you’re being so overprotective.”
“I’m not..” Toni frowns and Cheryl grins.
“You got Sweet Pea and Fangs to mow the lawn because you were worried I might trip and hurt myself.”
“Well it’s important besides it needed to be mowed anyways.”
“You drove me to school and nudged rocks out of the way when we were walking. And during lunch-” Cheryl starts and Toni interrupts her by nudging the food they’ve ordered forward.
“Dinner first.” She grins and Cheryl smirks.
“You know I don’t mind you showing you care about me. Even if it is flexing your gang cred and threatening the coach.”
“You saw that?” Toni ducks her head slightly and Cheryl’s smirk grows.
“Of course my darling sweet TT; who on earth do you think threatened Cooper when she wanted to take it to the paper that a student was threatening a teacher.”
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stattic-writes · 4 years
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by xalikattx
What is your favorite salad dressing? I’m not really familiar with most of them as I only consume one type of salad and the recipe for that usually calls for mayo and some kind of spicy sauce. I guess that’s my favorite dressing by default.
Favorite sit-down restaurant? Yabu for days. I personally don’t think that will change for me. Mama Lou’s is also nice but its crowd can be so boujee it kills the dine-in experience for me.
Favorite pizza topping? I’m easy to please; I just like my pizzas cheesy.
What food could you eat for two weeks straight and not get sick of it? Fried chicken sandwiches.
What do you put on your toast? Butter is fine with me. I don’t really eat toast.
What food do you eat the most? I have rice in every meal.
Do you like food? Yes.
Do you LOVE food? Yesssssssssir. I have my preferences and things that I don’t like but I’m not picky for the most part, and I love being adventurous with the foods I try.
Do you even eat at all? ...What kind of question is this
What do you put on your ice cream? I never customize my ice cream. I usually consume ice cream however way it’s already served. 
Do you like steak? For sure.
Or are you a vegetarian? No.
How about a vegan? No.
What food do you hate the most? I’ve never learned how to appreciate kakanin, which is a group of a variety of sweet rice cakes that we have in Philippine cuisine. This has definitely caused my Filipino card to be revoked in the past lol, but ugh the texture is just so slimy and I hate how, even though we have so many types of kakanin, they all just taste and feel like sticky, chewed-up rice doused in sugar and coconut flakes. Korean rice cakes taste so much better.
How many TVs are in your house? We have four. Two downstairs, two upstairs.
Do they all work? I think the one in my brother’s room has stopped working but we just never get around to throwing it out because of the possibility of it getting fixed someday.
Do you have Comcast digital cable? I don’t know what that is. Probably a US thing? In that case we don’t. We used to have cable TV but my dad ceased our subscription a few months ago because no one in the family has been watching the TV for cable anymore and he got sick of paying for something that we don’t even avail of; we all stream our shows and movies on Netflix now.
AT&T Uverse? Definitely no AT&T on this side of the world, so no.
Dish Network? No.
Something else? Obviously.
Nothing? Again, it was a local cable provider but we’ve since cut off our subscription.
What's your favorite show? Of all time, Breaking Bad. Currently, it’s The Crown but I’ve been such a bad viewer at the moment; I stopped watching at some point a few months ago and haven’t gone back to Netflix since, welp.
What's the worst show? I don’t objectively know what’s the worst one out there but when it comes to my personal preferences, I’ve just never seen the appeal of shows targeted to teenagers or a younger demographic in general, like Teen Wolf, 13 Reasons Why, Riverdale, the TV adaptation of Scream, etc. Of course, this is just my own taste and I certainly don’t judge people who enjoy these shows. 
What color cell phone do you have? The official name is Space Gray but that’s too fancy so let’s just call it black.
What kind? iPhone 8.
What does the first text message in your inbox say and who sent it? So I scrolled all the way down to the bottom of my text threads and the last person on the list is Ate Frances, and she was just telling me to check my Messenger because she had sent me a question regarding an event our org was holding at the time.
What was the last text you sent and who did you send it to? Gabie. I simply said “hi.”
Who was the last person to call you? My mom.
Who was the last person you called? Gab.
Are you missing someone? Yeah but let’s not get into it.
What are you listening to? I can hear rain pouring from outside my window.
Watching? It’s mostly background noise because I’m focusing on this survey, but I have on a YouTube video playing.
Worrying about? Work. I was tasked to think of PR executions for a client over the weekend and I just really really dislike it when I’m assigned to something that forces me to brainstorm, so ugh. Wish me luck because my brain juices have been feeling weak all weekend.
Where are you? I’m in my bedroom, my favorite place to be these days.
What's it like there? Lonely, but it’s quiet and comfortable. I used to avoid my bedroom all the time everyday because it makes me depressed, but now I am depressed and prefer to stay here all the time too.
How are you feeling? A little sad but I think tonight’s one of the nights I can fake it a little more easily, which is decent enough for me.
Is anyone with you? Who? Just Kimi.
Are you hungry? I haven’t had an appetite in a while. No.
What do you want to eat? I’m not craving anything.
Thirsty? I’m good, thank you.
What do you want to drink? I might end up drinking some of the plum soju that’s been in the fridge for months tonight, even though I told myself I wasn’t interested in touching it lol.
What time is it? 6:58 PM.
Thing you ate? A tuna empanada.
Thing you drank? Pretty sure it was just water.
Thing you said? “Go, pee” It was to Kimi as I set him down on the balcony.
Movie you watched? I’m Thinking of Ending Things. Ugh, I really should watch a more light-hearted movie soon because this answer is such a depressing one and I’m tired of mentioning it.
Store you went to? What did you buy? Grocery store; dog food.
Person you talked to? My sister.
Person you hugged? I think it was Gabie.
Kissed? Also her.
Yelled at? I haven’t raised my voice in a while. I don’t remember anymore.
Book you read? Midnight Sun.
Thing you touched? Other than the keyboard, I pushed up my eyeglasses.
Person you became friends with on Facebook/Myspace/whatever other site? [continued the next day] A co-intern, Justine, added me on Facebook. I honestly don’t see the point of being Facebook friends because we’re bound to part ways and never encounter each other again after our internship...but I guess it’s nice to have friendly co-workers.
Are a righty or a lefty? Righty.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Just a decaying tooth, but otherwise no organs or anything larger.
What is the last heavy object you lifted? Does Cooper count? Little man has been getting so big over the last few weeks. He’s finally getting the growth spurt that we’ve been waiting for :’D But I don’t really do heavy lifting around the house, so.
Have any scars? Sure.
How did you get them? Any interesting stories? Most of them are scars from childhood falls, because I was the clumsiest kid in the neighborhood and tripped and scraped my legs at least once every time I played outside. There’s a scar on my left eyebrow from an idiot cousin who had been out to make me blind, and then there’s the self-harm scars as well.
if it were possible, would you want to know the day you're going to die? Yes. It’s one of the things I’ve always wanted to know.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I’m happy with mine. I’m not five anymore.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? If it was like sriracha then yeah. Not willing to do anything overly hot, though.
How about 10 bottles of ketchup? I’d be more enticed if you offered mayonnaise, but even then I think such a feat deserves a higher prize than $1000.
10 bottles of maple syrup? Thinking of how thick that is already hurts my throat. Pass.
A bottle of vinegar? HELL no.
10 jars of peanutbutter? HELL yes but again, I’m gonna be asking for more money lol
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? A couple. They’re not my favorite things to wear so I don’t feel the need to collect a lot of them.
Favorite month? April because birthday month; December because even though that’s when my depression strikes the hardest, everyone else is caught up in the holidays and that allows me to guiltlessly cut off contact with people for a few weeks.
Do you always answer your phone? If you mean calls, then no. I do not pick up if it’s an unknown number, but after rejecting I immediately text them asking who they are and what they’re calling for. I just feel like it’s proper etiquette to text before you call, especially if you’re reaching out to me for the first time.
It's four AM and you get a text message, who is it? Gabie for sure. She’s on the graveyard shift, so it wouldn’t be a surprise.
If you could change your eye color what would it be? I’m okay with mine, but if I got reincarnated as a foreigner I’d love to have hazel eyes. They look very pretty.
Do you own a digital camera? Not anymore. My phone camera can take good enough photos.
Do you take lots of pictures of yourself? Hell no.
Do you take them in front of the mirror in the bathroom? Nope.
Have you ever had a pet fish? I had several goldfish as a kid, yes.
Pet hamster? Nope. That’s mostly a Western thing too I think; I don’t think I know anyone who’s ever had a hamster.
Bird? We had lovebirds before; they were so low-maintenance and made for such sweet pets.
Rabbit? Yep. Tobi was a bit of a handful, but I loved him all the same.
Iguana? No.
Favorite Christmas movie? Love Actually and It’s A Wonderful Life.
Favorite Christmas song? Probably It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas. It’s so soothing and yet makes me feel festive and excited for Christmas.
Can you do push ups? I can, doesn’t mean I’m good at holding myself up ha.
Can you do a chin up? I can but I hate those.
Does the future make you nervous or excited? Both.
Ever been in a car accident? Just minor ones.
Do you have an accent? I think everyone does. I’ve honestly never understood this question lol, if I go to a different country or continent, people are always going to have an accent in my ears. Even in my own country, I can think of a number of accents I’ve heard people speak in.
What song always makes you cry? 26 by Paramore.
Have any plans for tonight? Rest my tired head.
What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Talking to Gabie.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Ugh, Monday.
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Sweet Pea//i wish it wasn't so damn hard to leave
Request: Hi! Big fan of your work! Would you be able to write a Serpent fic based off of the Senorita video? I’m obsessed with it
hey! I hope you like this!!! and i’m sorry its so late. but hey, its hopefully a nice surprise! have a great day!!
The hot summer air hits you as soon as you walk through the out the front doors of Pop’s. You sigh and rearrange the bag on your shoulder, silently dreading the long walk home. 
You moved to Riverdale three weeks ago, and they’ve been the weirdest three weeks of your life. They’ve also been the hardest three weeks of you life. Moving to a small town is like trying to infiltrate Area 51, and not in the fun way. 
Everybody knows each other, everybody talks and everybody gossips. Plus to make matters worse, you’re still not entirely sure where everything is. 
Street names change, certain houses end up being some place other than you thought they were, and old buildings make weird noises in the night...old buildings that you have to walk past after your shift. Based on the stories you’ve heard though, you wouldn’t be surprised if they did. 
A few good things have come out of moving here though. You’re finally able to live alone, the rent here is surprisingly cheap (being the murder town and all), although the more you think of it the more you think it might not be a good idea to live by yourself. You’ve made a ton of new friends, one of which gave you a job in her diner (go veronica!). And lastly and most recently, you met him. 
Sweet Pea
Even the thought of him makes you smile. 
You’d met him last night at Veronica’s club (it’s crazy how many business’ under 20 year olds can own here) last night. She had invited you to come out and celebrate making it to three weeks, and you’d very happily accepted, needing an excuse to get dressed up and get out. It felt like you’d done nothing but live in either your waitressing uniform or your pajama’s for three weeks straight and so it was nice to feel normal. 
Once you’d got there, Veronica introduced you to a few people you had yet to meet, before you all started drinking. Betty had gone to the bar to get drinks for everyone, when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You’d turned around, expecting her to be stood with a tray full of drinks balanced in her hands, but instead you were met with a chest, taking you very much by surprise. 
Your eyes travelled upwards, fighting against the darkness of the club until you met his gaze. He was already look at you, his lips parted and eyes hooded and a small gasp left your lips. 
All night, the two of you had been stealing small glances at each other. He was sat with who you assumed were his friends, a couple of them playing guitar despite the loud music playing through the speakers while the rest talked. 
As soon as you saw him you felt your pulse quicken and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. 
And so when he was stood in front of you, you felt all of those things and more. A small shiver ran up your spine as he held his hand out towards you. No words were exchanged, he just stood and waited. You quickly glanced at your friends, all of which were smiling knowingly at you, before you carefully placed your hand in his. 
He pulled you into him, your back against his chest and the motion made you breathless. Your faces inches apart, the faintest hint of alcohol on his breath that made you feel dizzy. You swayed together, completely caught up in the moment before he twirled you back out. The bass from the song playing and the heavy beating of your heart swirled together until you could feel both of them pounding in your chest. 
Pulling you back towards him, your hands lay flat against his chest while he held you close, the two of you getting lost in your own world. The rest of the club fell away behind you, it was just you and him and the slow beat of the music. 
But then you started to panic.
Not because of who he was. 
You knew he was a serpent, heard the stories from your friends about the war between the Northside and Southside. But maybe it should have been. The leather jacket with the gang sign proudly stitched onto the back, the fading bruise framing his eye and the spilt lip should have all been warning signs. 
But the thing that made you panic was yourself. You don’t even know why you felt it.
You’d been waiting all night for him to talk to you, but now that it what happening you felt the anxiety rise in your chest, and before you knew it you were running out of the front doors of Pop’s and into the warm summer night. 
You’d been quietly hating yourself ever since that night. 
You didn’t even know his name until Veronica had teased you about the interaction the next day at work. However when she saw how upset you were about it, she’d told you not to worry and that she was sure he’d come back and you’d get another chance. 
You didn’t believe her, not at all. Nobody in their right mind would come back for a girl who ran away from them. 
But the universe is full of surprises. 
And so is he apparently. 
“Are you stalking me?” You stop in the middle of the parking lot, your eyebrows raised as you wait for a response. 
Your question hangs in the air for a few seconds, and you worry that you were just seeing things. That the person you thought you saw stood outside was just in your imagination, that you were just seeing what you wanted to. 
But then you hear the crunch of gravel followed by quick footsteps and you thank the universe for the second chance. 
“Wha-no. Why would you think that?” He stutters, shoving his hands in his pockets. You turn around to face him and a shy smile takes over your features as you make eye contact with him.  
“Because you’re loitering outside the place I work.” You shrug. “And Veronica told me that she say you hanging around inside for a few hours.” 
“Okay, that I am doing. But I’m not stalking you.” He says, a bashful smile twitching at the corners of his lips. 
“So what are you doing then?” 
“I just wanted to know why you ran away yesterday.” He replies and your face falls. You gaze drops to the dusty ground beneath you and you kick a few stones around to try and distract yourself. “Sorry.” He mumbles. “I was just worried if it was something I did.” 
“What, no.” You reply and look at him quickly. 
He looks sad and a frown takes over your face at the sight. 
“Are you sure. Because I’m sorry if I did do something. The last thing I wanted you to do was run away.” 
“I didn’t run.” You mumble and he raises an eyebrow at you. “It was more of a quick walk.” 
“Okay.” He chuckles. “Why did you quickly walk away from me then?” 
“I needed to pee.” You shrug, not even trying to make your lie believable.
“You pee outside?” 
“...yes.” You say, deciding to stick by what you said. 
“Okayyy.” He replies, not really sure of what to say and you mentally curse yourself. “You’re cute you know, even if you do go to the bathroom in weird places.” 
“Thanks.” You giggle, and brush a piece of hair out of your face. 
“Would you like to go for a ride?” 
“Excuse me?” You blink and his eyes widen. 
“Not like that, I meant, I-er. I have a bike.” He says, pointing to the black bike parked right in the corner of the parking lot. “Would you like to go for a ride.” 
“Should I really be going off with a stranger thats been stalking me?” You ask. 
“I wasn’t stalking you.” He rolls his eyes. “Plus, everybody knows it’s almost impossible to kidnap someone with a motorbike. There’s no boot and it’s very easy to jump off a moving bike. I wouldn’t recommend it though.” He rambles making you laugh. 
He looks away embarrassed once he’s finished talking, but it makes your chest feel fuzzy and warm and you desperately want him to continue talking, even if it is about kidnapping. 
“Okay.” You agree and he looks at you surprised. “Where are we going?”
“I dunno.” He shrugs, the two of you falling into step with each other as you make the short walk to his bike. “Where do you want to do?” 
“I honestly don’t know. Where are the best places in Riverdale?” 
“Greendale.” He replies making you snort. 
The sound makes your cheeks heat up and you quickly look away, but you feel him smiling at you making you relax a little. 
“You’re new here right?” He asks and you nod. “Why don’t I give you a tour of the town. Hopefully I can make it seem exciting.”
“I’m sure you will.” You reply and put the helmet he’s given you on. He reaches over and helps you fasten it, tapping your head a few times once he’s finished and the two of you look away awkwardly. 
“...sorry.” He mumbles. “Can we forget I did that?” 
“Of course.” 
“Can we forget that I ran away?” 
“I thought you quickly walked.” He replies making you huff. 
“Shut up.” You mumble. “Can we?” 
“Yeah.” He nods. “Now get on. The sun’s gonna come up soon if you keep standing there.” 
What started as bike ride around the town, ended in the two of you getting a hotel room together and not leaving until early afternoon. 
You lean against the wardrobe doors, memories of the previous nights and the moments leading up to it flicker in your mind. 
The wind in your hair as you drove around the sleepy streets, the feeling of your arms around his chest when he sped up. Dancing in small bit of sand by Sweetwater River and promising yourself never to run away from him ever again. To be honest, you don’t even think you could. 
He’s staring at you through hooded eyes, his lips swollen and red and you feel your knees buckle. Slowly you make your towards him and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you tight to him. He flips you around as you fall, your back landing on the soft bedding and you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him towards you and kissing him deeply. 
You can feel yourself falling for him with each kiss. The feeling of his hands running through your hair, how his fingers graze your skin lightly and the softness of his kisses. 
You’re hooked and there’s no turning back. 
You didn’t even know Riverdale had motels. But they do, and they’re the definition of Riverdale. They look inviting from the outside but once you step through the doors, they’re dim and dingy. The only plus point are the people inside, and you’re very happy to be locked in with Sweet Pea. 
You spend practically the whole day tangled up in bed sheets, and before you know it, it’s time for your late shift at Pop’s. 
So with a heavy heart and a promise of spending another night together, you part ways.  
“Thanks for dropping me off.” You smile and smooth your hair down. 
You didn’t have time to go back home to change, and so suddenly you feel self conscious, your uniform has the same grease stain on it from your last shift and you know for a fact Veronica is going to notice and not let it go. 
“No worries.” He laughs. “You look great.” He catches your hands, stopping you from messing with your hair again and presses light kisses to them. 
“You’re a terrible liar.” You roll your eyes, letting him tug you forward. “Will you be stalking me again?” You wonder, a soft smile tugging at your lips and he rolls his eyes at you playfully. 
“Maybe.” He shrugs and leans down, capturing your lips in a kiss that makes your heart race. 
“I’ll hold you to that.” 
“I really hope you do.” He whispers, his lips grazing your ear and a shiver travels down your spine. 
“Maybe, my ass!” You huff, throwing your hands up in frustration. 
It’s been a week since you saw him, and he’s definitely been avoiding you. 
“It’s only been a week.” Veronica asks. 
The two of you are on the late shift tonight, along with a few other servers and Veronica made sure your break was together so you could hang out, although now, you’re pretty sure she’s regretting that because it’s been ten minutes and the only thing you’ve talked about is him. 
“But nobodies seen him. Not you, not his friends, not anybody. And the other day I heard Toni and Fangs talking about his skipping town. They were trying to figure out why he’d done it.” 
“You know, there’s a reason we didn’t go back to his place. It’s so I didn’t find out his address so I couldn’t hunt him down. That bastard.” You curse, and flop back in the seat. 
“You never know.” She says, placing a comforting hand on your leg. “He might surprise you.” 
“I very much doubt it.” You sigh. “Why are all men the same. They get they want and then as soon as they do they go.” 
“I dunno.” 
“Or maybe he isn’t avoiding me.” 
“Maybe he’s hurt somewhere. He does go really fast on that bike. Oh, god. I’ve called a dead man a bastard. I’m the worst. Why did you let me do that?” 
“Wha- You know what, never mind.” She shakes her head. “He’s not dead Y/n. And I’m sure he’s got a good reason for doing whatever he’s doing.” 
“Like?” You sigh and look at her. 
“I dunno.” She shrugs. “Why don’t you ask him yourself.” She says and nods behind you. 
You frown and follow her gaze, before your eyes meet his. 
“I’ll leave you guys to it.” She says and stands up, quickly making her way back into the diner. 
“Hi.” He’s the first to talk as he cautiously sits beside you.  
“Hey.” You reply, not bothering to look at him. 
It’s silent for a while. 
There’s quiet chatter from the diner that travels through the air, but apart from that its just an awkward silence. 
“Sorry I ran away.” He breaks it, daring a glance at you. “I guess it’s something we’re both quite good at.” He adds, and you send him a look.
“I don’t run. I quickly walk.” You remind him and he lets out a shaky laugh. “I am glad you’re back though.” You add. 
“Do you wanna go for a ride? And I’ll explain everything at the hotel.” 
“I’m at work.” You laugh and he frowns. “And I’m definitely not that easy.” 
“You were the other night.” He mumbles and you let out an offended gasp, slapping his arm lightly. 
“Ass.” You huff and cross your arms over your chest. 
“Y/n? I hate to be this person, but I kinda need you in here.” Veronica interrupts, sending you an apologetic smile. 
“Sorry.” You shrug, smiling sadly at Sweet Pea. 
“Don’t worry.” He smiles, shifting against on the wooden seat. “I’ll wait for you.” 
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thewackywriter · 6 years
Not So Sweet Surprise - Part 1
Sweet Pea x Y/N
Summary: How does Sweet Pea react when he finds positive pregnancy tests in Y/N’s bathroom?
A/N: Here’s the regular Tuesday one shot!! This is dedicated to @redholland1 for being my 300th follower!! The whole plot was their idea!! Check out my masterpost below, I have more writings for Riverdale as well as other fandoms!! Requests are open and will be fulfilled tomorrow!! Feedback is appreciated!! Thanks for reading!!
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She knew that putting them in her bathroom trash can wouldn’t exactly be hiding them, but maybe she subconsciously wanted him to find them.
She had taken three just to be completely sure, but she felt it even before the tests were complete. She knew as soon as she saw them that they weren’t mistaken.
She was pregnant.
At first, panic was the only emotion she could feel. Her and her boyfriend had only been together for about six months, although they had been friends for years before that. She was sure they had been careful, but obviously something happened. Her parents would probably kick her out for being so irresponsible, but her supportive boyfriend would surely take her in.
At least, she thought he would be supportive. Now, she could see that she had been wrong.
“Babe, what the hell are these? Is this some sort of joke?” Sweet Pea yelled as he walked out of her bathroom and into the kitchen where she had been cooking while he watched before he needed to pee. While she did feel a little nervous, she managed to conjure up a small smile as she shook her head.
“It’s not a joke, Sweet Pea. I’m pregnant. Surprise!” She didn’t exactly expect him to start jumping with joy, but anything would have been better than his actual reaction. He quickly threw the tests in the trash can and marched around the room, gathering anything that might have belonged to him. “Woah, what are you doing?”
“Well obviously, it’s not mine. We used protection every time. I’m not stupid, you’re clearly cheating on me.” His harsh words caused Y/N to immediately jump to her feet defensively.
“I was not cheating on you! The condom must have broken! We must have forgotten one time! Things happen, Sweet Pea! I love you, I would never cheat on you!” He scoffed in response to her words.
“I didn’t ask for this, Y/N! Even if you didn’t cheat, I’m not raising it! I’ve got my whole life ahead of me, I don’t need some kid holding me back!” Y/N physically flinched at his words as if he had slapped her.
“I didn’t realise that our unborn child was such a burden to you. And that what they are, not an it, not just some kid, our child. And I’m keeping them no matter what you say. I just need to know if you’re going to be involved.” The silence that followed spoke volumes. Y/N could only sigh before turning her back on Sweet Pea. “I think you should go.”
He couldn’t even fight her it, just grabbing his things and leaving. He felt numb. They were both so young, the last thing either of them needed right now was a child. Then, he thought about how determined and strong she seemed in there, completely ready to take on parenthood. If she could do that, why couldn’t he? With that thought in mind, he turned around and started towards the door.
When he silently opened the door and started towards the kitchen, he paused at the sound of his girlfriend crying. He peeked in to her her sitting in the corner of the room sobbing into one of her hands while the other rubbed her stomach. He turned back around and headed towards the door, already plotting ways to make this up to her.
Part 2
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styomi · 6 years
Request: Fever all through the night | Sweet Pea/OC
AN: This… this… I have no defense. Enjoy. My thanks goes out to salty-serpent for the amazing request, though I did take it a bit too literally xD
If you’d like to read more about Ruby and Sweet Pea, check out my Masterlist :)
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Fandom: Riverdale Pairing: Sweet Pea/OC Rating: T Word count: 3147 (I… overdid it… again…) Request: #19 - Kisses in the Dark - While watching a movie - At his place - Sweet Pea initiates it
Continues from the last request: Love me tender, love me sweet, true, long, love me dear
Fever all through the night (this is the song for this damn request!! Urgh epic fit)
“What about you, Ruby?” Toni’s voice pulled Ruby back into reality. Her head shot up from the phone screen, where she’d been eagerly awaiting Mattie’s next message.
“Huh?” Was really the only reply Ruby could give to the question. The purple haired Serpent rolled her eyes, but repeated.
“Fangs and I are going out, Sweet Pea is watching GoT, finally, and Gorgon is bartending,” Toni listed. “What are your plans for the weekend?” Ruby’s eyes weren’t on her friend’s anymore, though. Instead, she was typing away on her phone quickly.
“Sure, GoT sounds good.” The petite girl replied in an absent-minded, airy tone. Toni looked over to Sweet Pea, who seemed to be doing everything but whistling to the side as if he wasn’t the topic of the conversation. Fangs and Gorgon, on the other hand, were anything but subtle, laughing so loudly that a couple of people in the school cafeteria turned and stared.
“So, your plans are going on a date with Sweet Pea?” Toni pushed with a smug smile, getting a wild reaction from almost all the occupants of the table. Sweet Pea spit out his water and then tried to save his dignity with a cough. Though, his cheeks were too red for that. Gorgonhead and Fangs, on the other hand, had no qualms about laughing it up. They looked like they were ready to fall off the bench and roll around the floor, by the way they were holding onto one another. Ruby, apparently, was too focused on texting.
“Uh-huh.” She replied absent-mindedly, making Sweet Pea’s expression take on quite an interesting form. Toni, on the other hand, looked more than pleased with herself. Since Ruby and Sweet Pea had gone on their first ‘semi-date’, which had just been the tall biker filling in for FP’s kid, Toni hadn’t gotten any insider info. They’d told her that the movie was fine, that they got wet from the rain and that they both had fun. For anything else, she was very much in the dark. And, Toni hated being in the dark. To top it all off, their stories were a little too perfectly matched. They quoted each other word for word, even when she’d spoken to them separately. Not even Fangs had gotten anything more out of Sweet Pea. So, Toni knew that she needed to get those two on another date. This time, a real one. Not just him filling in or her not knowing that it was a date. And, Game of Thrones sounded like the perfect binge watch for their little rendezvous.
Things between her and Sweet Pea had been odd since their impromptu semi-date which had ended in a kiss. It wasn’t that Ruby was uncomfortable. She had never been uncomfortable around Sweet Pea. They had their own dynamic, a magnetic push and pull, which she very much enjoyed. However, ever since she twisted her fingers in the lapels of his flannel and pulled him down for a kiss, she had been feeling a bit odd. Weird. Like she was outside of their usual push and pull element. Because, it wasn’t just offhanded flirting anymore. At that point, it was definitely something more. Because, he was definitely into her as much as she was into him.
So, learning that she’d agreed to go on a proper date with him, all the while thinking that it would be a group hangout, got Ruby to panic more than a bit. She spent over half an hour with Mattie on the line, picking her outfit. She wanted to be both pretty and casual. Even if it was a date, she didn’t want to look over the top for an evening of binge-watching Game of Thrones at his trailer.
Luckily, Sweet Pea was quite the talker over IM. They’d exchanged over a dozen messages, debating on snacks, drinks and who should bring what. In the end, Ruby was in charge of snacks, which were her specialty. She managed to bake some easy chocolate chip cookies, and bought the rest on her way to Sweet Pea’s trailer. She found the place easily enough, as it was close to Toni’s home. Sweet Pea opened the door before she was done knocking, looking surprised at himself for doing it.
“Hi,” Ruby awkwardly greeted and watched the way he had to gather himself before replying. Good, he was just as nervous as she was.
“Hey,” Sweet Pea’s voice was a bit higher than usual as he welcomed her inside. The trailer was pretty much what Ruby expected. A perfect man cave. There were minimal clothes around, luckily, which didn’t trigger her cleaning impulses. She had a pet peeve about wearing shoes inside or throwing clothes all around that drove her father insane. But, Sweet Pea seemed like he was tidier than Jo. Or, he had at least made an effort for her. “We’re in here. Netflix’s all set up,” then, he smirked at her mischievously and she felt her knees buckle. “I logged into Fangs’ account.”
“Naughty boy,” Ruby teased right back and placed the bags with snacks and the box of cookies on the table in the living area. She saw that Sweet Pea’s laptop was there, as beat up and taped up as she remembered it. Sure enough, there was the Netflix logo on the open browser, Game of Thrones seasons listed. “Where are we starting?” Ruby asked.
“From the beginning, if you don’t mind?” Sweet Pea tossed a few extra pillows onto the couch and brought glasses, along with a few different bottles. He had cola, juice and club soda, as far as she could see. “Fangs and Toni have been raving about me not watching the show, so I finally decided to give in to their nagging.”
“Sure,” Ruby nodded. She shrugged off her jacket and tossed it on the sofa chair in the corner before getting comfortable on the couch. “I’ve seen the show once, fair warning. So, I’ll try not to spoil anything.” Sweet Pea shook his head with a laugh, also plopping down.
“Feel free to squeal or look away. You can’t be worse than Toni.” After a bit more easygoing conversation, mostly concerning who was eating what and who wanted to drink what, Sweet Pea started the first season from episode one. Ruby found herself comfortably pressed against his side, not minding the way his arm casually draped around her shoulders not even halfway through the first episode. Sweet Pea complained about the low volume of the laptop jokingly, telling her to stop chewing the chips so loudly when there was important dialogue. Ruby, on the other hand, enjoyed how expressive he was as he watched the show, sometimes even yelling at the screen for a few chosen stupid decisions. Altogether, it was turning out to be an easy, comfortable date.
Halfway through season one, the two teens started singing along to the theme song in the beginning. It began with Sweet Pea humming it under his breath, and Ruby picking it up. Over the next three episodes, though, they settled into quite a duet while the theme played, laughing at the end. Sweet Pea proclaimed that Khal Drogo was his absolute favorite character, and Ruby didn’t have the heart to deliver the bad news which he would have to face sooner or later. She, on the other hand, admitted that she liked Arya Stark the best, to which she received a biting comment about height. All in all, their night progressed with easy conversation and plenty of hours of straining to hear the show’s dialogue.
“Oh, Gosh!” Ruby pulled away from Sweet Pea’s embrace, hitting the spacebar and stopping the episode in the middle of Littlefinger’s monologue.
“Urgh,” Sweet Pea groaned, turning away from her in order to grab another bag of chips. “If you’re going to pee again, please make it quick. I’m actually curious if they’re gonna kill him.” Ruby’s hand slapped his biceps at the crude comment softly.
“I’m not hitting the bathroom again,” she made a face at him. “It’s just, I remembered that I have earphones in my jacket pocket!” At that, Sweet Pea pushed her towards the other end of the couch, so that she could reach the jacket without getting up.
“C’mon, get them. Seriously, why didn’t you say so earlier? I’ve been straining my ears for the last five hours!” Ruby managed to lean over the arm of the couch, digging out her earphones, and then slither back to the tall biker as she untangled them.
“I forgot, okay?” The girl defended, offering him one earphone and plugging the cord into the laptop. Then, she pressed the spacebar again and actually had to lower the volume a bit so that they wouldn’t go deaf. But, when Ruby settled back into Sweet Pea’s side, with the earphones stretched in between them, she felt a comfortable warmth. Even pulling away in order to get the earphones had been too long without his body heat. With a small smile, Ruby remembered their kiss at the Drive-In and smiled to herself. Just as Sweet Pea offered her the chips bag and she raised her head to ask him about their relationship and what it meant at that point, everything went dark.
“W-what happened?” Ruby whispered, a little shocked. It was pitch black everywhere around her. All that she could feel was Sweet Pea’s body pressed against hers and couch underneath her. The earphone fell out as Sweet Pea moved a bit, hands tapping around in the dark.
“Just a power outage,” the tall biker told her. “We get our fair share of them. Nothing to worry about,” then, his phone screen lit up and Ruby saw the outline of his features in the dark. “Sorry, but my laptop battery sucks.”
“Noticed,” Ruby laughed. The machine had crashed as soon as the power had gone out. “Anything I can do?” Just as Sweet Pea was about to answer they heard giggling and cackling under the window. Familiar giggling and cackling.
“I’m going to murder them.” Sweet Pea spoke in a low, icy tone that promised bodily harm. Ruby’s hands were on his forearms before he could get up and find Fangs and Toni with murderous intentions.
“It’s okay,” she shrugged with a small smile. “They’re just trying to prank us, right?” When Sweet Pea still looked ready to bolt and perhaps grab an ax on the way, she continued. “If we don’t react, they’ll turn it back on, no?”
“Hopefully.” The tall biker finally grumbled and slouched in his seat. Ruby shook her head with a laugh as she took her earphones and rolled them up. Toni and Fangs really could be beyond childish sometimes, she decided. The girl made herself busy by tidying up the little bits of the snacks on the table which she could see under the light coming from Sweet Pea’s phone. When the table was surface was clean, she realized that there was nothing else to do and leaned back into the couch. There was giggling and cackling from under the window again. Ruby smirked, moving closer to Sweet Pea and grabbing his shoulder for purchase in order to reach his ear. He flinched, head whipping around to face her in the dim light of his phone, eyes wide.
“Say,” Ruby whispered, noting how his shoulder muscles instantly relaxed under her hand. “Let’s give them something to talk about?” Sweet Pea stared at her for a few moments, like a deer in headlights, before asking in a low, uncertain tone.
“Give them something to talk about or give them something to talk about?” Ruby shrugged, her hair cascading to the front with the motion. Sweet Pea’s eyes followed the long chocolate waves on their path.
“Former, if you’re uncomfortable with the latter.” The girl told him. Sweet Pea grinned at her.
“Former, because I sure as hell am not doing the later for Fangs’ and Toni’s amusement.” He shot back. Ruby giggled, pushing away from him and grabbing one of the pillows on the couch.
“Fair enough,” she smirked devilishly at him, before the light completely went out, his phone screen going dark. Then, there was a thump, which sounded like a body falling over. But, Sweet Pea felt the pillow hit the back of the couch and quickly caught onto the game. He grabbed his own pillow as Ruby moaned. “Oh, Sweet Pea!” He could barely reign in his laughter as he smacked his own pillow into the back of the couch. “Right there! Oh!” She was loud, unlike the tender quiet Ruby during their kiss and the little bit of snuggling they’d done at the Drive-In. It made Sweet Pea wonder if she was usually vocal during intimate moments. “Oh, God!” Snickering could be heard from underneath the window.
“You like that?” Sweet Pea growled out in a husky tone, having to catch Ruby as she fell over onto him, soundlessly laughing. He could see the outline of her face and those pale eyes in the dark, having a ton of fun. Then again, he was no better. He was doing everything he could to stop himself from laughing. “What else do you want me to do?” There was a gasp from under the window, followed by a thump. Ruby managed to gather herself enough in order to reply.
“Touch me,” she spoke in a fairly loud tone, smacking the pillow against the back of the couch again. “Help me get my shirt off,” Sweet Pea would be lying if he said that the whole charade wasn’t hot. Because, as much fun as he was having giving Fangs and Toni a vocal show, he would’ve loved to experience all of those things for himself. “Pans, pants.” Ruby panted, her lips pulled in a wide smile. Sweet Pea did the only thing he could, he responded with a dirty comment and enjoyed the snickering from under the window.
Soon enough, Ruby and Sweet Pea found themselves standing on top of the couch in the dark, holding hands as she jumped up and down in a slow rhythm, obviously creating the sound of a couple getting busy on the furniture piece. They kept yelling out random dirty phrases, moaning and trying not to laugh when they heard Toni and Fangs start a commentary on their ‘technique’ from under the window. Ruby actually had to stop jumping a few times and physically hold onto Sweet Pea so that she wouldn’t burst into loud laughter. Those were undoubtedly his favorite moments.
Her small fingers would squeeze his forearms and her head would press into his torso, muffled snickering coming from her shaking form. But, Sweet Pea reveled in the way she was completely comfortable in his presence. In the way her body heat transferred to every part of him that she touched, setting his skin on fire, despite the layers of clothing between them. He simply couldn’t wait until they got to that part of their new relationship in reality, and not just in a teasing fantasy.
“Go, go, go!” Sweet Pea heard Toni whisper-yell, undoubtedly pushing Fangs away from their hiding spot. Ruby was still jumping and shaking with laughter and he was still grunting and telling her obscene things when they heard their purple-haired friend say. “Our job here is done.” Then, all the snickering and talking vanished completely. After a few more moments, Ruby stopped jumping and looked at him. Sweet Pea couldn’t help himself. He started laughing loudly and it was like a dam broke. The two dissolved into uncontrollable giggles and cackles, holding onto each other in order to stay upright. Despite all the efforts, the two teens somehow ended up sitting on the couch after a small stumble, Ruby halfway laying on Sweet Pea’s lap.
“That,” she gasped out through her laughter. “Was legen-fucking-dary!” And she was giggling again.
“Yeah,” Sweet Pea gasped out through a chuckle before he realized that he was positively on fire. Everything was so hot. He was too hot. Like he was running a fever or something. But, it wasn’t the kind of fever that hit his head. Instead, it was the kind of fire that lit up everywhere Ruby touched. He slowly stopped laughing and stayed looking at the giggling girl. And, in his moment of realization, Sweet Pea found that Ruby was positively beautiful like that, chuckling uncontrollably in his lap. “Ruby?” He called out, making the girl compose herself a bit and look up at him.
“Yeah?” She asked, mouth still in a smile from all of the giggling. Sweet Pea’s hand came up, dwarfing her face as he pushed some of the wavy hair behind her ear. The darkness suddenly seemed like it was charged with electricity. Ruby’s mouth was open, short gasps coming out from all of the jumping. But, she wasn’t laughing anymore. Instead, her eyes looked like they had laser focus kind of intensity in them. Sweet Pea left his hand on her face, his thumb caressing her cheek gently, watching the way she shuddered and leaned into his palm.
“You’re beautiful.” He wasn’t aware of the words leaving his mouth. And, he certainly wasn’t aware of how breathless he sounded. He was only aware of her, Ruby, in his lap, with those utterly inviting lips popped slightly open in shock. And then, he had his other hand on her face, as well, pulling her in. Before either of them knew it, Sweet Pea was kissing her. Unlike last time, when she’d been shivering and cold, her lips were warm and soft. And, inviting. Very inviting.
The kiss was slow, made even more intimate by the darkness around them and their position on the couch. But, neither teen seemed to be uncomfortable. In fact, Ruby took charge of her position as soon as Sweet Pea deepened the kiss, coming to straddle his lap and pull him in even more, her arms around his waist. She gripped his sides with legs and twisted her fingers into the material of his flannel shirt, holding on for dear life. Then, their kiss came to a slow end, the two separating to breathe.
“Can you do that again?” The breathless, whispered words set a kind of fire in Sweet Pea that made all of their previous teasing moaning and groaning pale in comparison. For a few seconds, he tried to gather himself. Calm down his heart. Get some air into his lungs. But, he realized that it was absolutely futile. Those wide, pale eyes staring at him, waiting, would definitely be his undoing. So, Sweet Pea gave a shaky nod and obliged soundlessly, for once in his life, surrendering to another’s wishes without a fight. His lips came up to meet Ruby’s in a gentle, exploring kiss in total darkness.
And he did the same again, again and again.
Hope that you all enjoyed :D
Here if the taglist (still open): @enticinghell@projectcampbell@sweetscamille@xoxodege@mlvgren@this-is-the-way-it-ends @yerawizardharry99  @dinglemember @pleaseminho @laylaroseeeeeeee@cassieluci @lynniev @heartbeats-wildly and a special tag for @salty-serpent
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honeykngdom · 7 years
What would a roadtrip with SP be like?
When he shows up the morning you’ve decided to leave, you’re surprised to find him in a signature red flannel and a pair of (clean) dark jeans
Hes not wearing his jacket 
He almost looks like a normal teen 
He spent a week turning the bed of the truck into a sleeping area to save money on motels 
Sweet pea being 10X more excited than you to fucking leave riverdale 
Poorly singing in the car with the music blasting on full volume 
Driving with his knee so he can air guitar when necessary 
severe headbanging
‘Open the glove compartment im hungry’ ‘what?’ 
An assortment of candy and snacks falling out when you pull it open 
Pulling over at every historic or interesting monument to make you take a picture of him making a stupid face 
Having to pull over every hour on the hour to let him pee even though you suggested he stop drinking so much water 
Hand on your thigh when you’re tired and trying to sleep 
Getting lost and refusing to ask for directions bc he’s positive he can use a map to figure it out 
Splitting burgers and fries and sandwiches in the car instead of sitting in a restaurant 
Lots of pictures
Of each other (selfies were a big hit) 
Of scenery (especially early morning fog on the water/tree tops)
Pool hopping and skinny dipping in the middle of the night because what’s life without a little risk (as SP would say) 
Making strangers take cute Polaroids of the two of you so you can add them to your mirror at home 
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