#sweet potatoes and microwaved carrots and such
I'm almost looking forward to my gum graft later this week, just to have it over with
it's not the only one I'll need, but the others will be over the course of years. and I'll know what to expect after this
and in the shorter-term future...the dreading will be over, that's been in the back of my mind for months
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youarealwaysenough · 2 months
Sometimes to get myself to actually prepare a meal I pretend I'm making a cooking tiktok - which I would never actually do bc they're all annoying af
In my head I'm just like "Today we're making a lazy girl salad. Frozen chicken straight into the microwave. You can air fry if you want but peak lazy girl is paper plate in microwave so that's what we're doing."
Obviously it's very stupid but it does work
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plastic-rainbows · 4 months
AgeRe/Agedre Food Ideas!
Main courses:
- Grilled cheese
- Wildberry muffins
- Chicken nuggets
- Toaster waffles
- Macaroni & cheese
- Breaded Tofu
- Flavored oatmeal
- Veggie burger
- Hot dogs
- Microwave pancakes
- Pizza bagels
- Fish sticks
- PB&J sandwich
- Noodle cup
- Mini tacos
Sides, snacks, and sweets:
- Apple slices
- Pretzel twists
- Cheddar crackers
- Yogurt cups
- Carrot sticks
- French fries
- Scrambled eggs
- Dry cereal
- Granola bars
- Baby corn
- Mashed potatoes
- Gummy bears
- Pudding cups
- Tater tots
- String cheese
- Green beans
- Frosted cookies
- Mixed berries
- Graham crackers
- Raw broccoli
- Cheese puffs
- Fruit pouches
- Chocolate milk
- Orange juice
- Flavored water
- Homemade lemonade
- Kool aid
- Veggie smoothie
- Apple juice
- Sports drink
- Fruit punch
- Strawberry milk
- Protein shake
- Grape juice
Feel free to customize anything due to allergies, dietary restrictions, or preference. Bonus points if you cut your food up into cute shapes and use little dish sets for toddlers/kids!
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nevermorgue · 26 days
Okay but what about modern Amnabel's group food preferences?
cracks knuckles. Alright, let’s get into it.
Annabel Lee - complicated. Annabel likes to have the upper hand in every situation, even in casual afternoon lunch outings. She will adapt to almost anything put in front of her. For example, if she goes to someone’s house and they serve tea and scones, she will claim that they are her favorite. Are they? Who knows. She will play it as if whatever is given is something she enjoys immensely, creating the illusion that the world seems to cater to her- that she got lucky that it was her favorite meal. She does this ALL. THE. TIME. “Oh, they are serving pie. That is one of my favorites.” No it is not. She is just making it seem like it is to create the look that “Wow, how lucky for her. The world seems to love her- they’re serving her favorite food!” You get it? She says it’s her favorite for convenience sake. This is why Prospero brings her so many varied pastries when he can. He’s trying to figure out what she actually likes.
As for what she actually likes: She has a pretty varied palette. She does prefer food that is considered more “common” as it tends to have more flavor, and she absolutely loves American food far more than what she had at home. Is the type of person to eat popcorn one piece at a time, but then resorts to shoving 4-5 pieces in her mouth when she’s invested in whatever she’s doing.
Keeps up appearances by ordering what is expected of her. Teas, light foods with small portions.
- packs snacks throughout her school day like grapes or small cheese cubes. Dainty, barely filling little things.
- She loves spicy foods. Hot curries, salsas, she loooves the burn.
Ada - Also keeps up appearances, but obviously not the same way Annabel does. She will pretend to only like more expensive things, but she honestly thinks such things are too bland. She’s a southern girl used to flavor and savory dishes.
- LOVES cheap frozen dinners. She would rather die than admit this of course. Like think those frozen mac and cheeses you put in the microwave.
- She can and will force herself to eat something she doesn’t like, especially if Annabel/Prospero is eating it.
- Hates squid. Calamari? Yuck.
- She likes to comment on things she eats like she’s doing a shitty food review on Youtube. The only person that listens is Will, but you can’t really tell that he’s even paying attention.
- Loves celery
Prospero - This man has a sweet tooth, but he knows how to keep it tamed. He has a very balanced diet and makes sure to make every lunch or breakfast filling enough to last him through morning classes.
- Salad man. He will put so much shit into a salad. He’ll make days worth of salad and sometimes he and Annabel will just eat the whole thing in between classes.
- His favorite dressing is balsamic vinaigrette.
- Very rarely eats fried foods. Corn dogs are cool and he’s more likely to eat one of those rather than something else fried
- For snacking he always gets the things that are called “thins” or “light”, and he is very strict when it comes to the “no eating three hours before sleeping” rule.
- This man hates cashews
- I HC prospero as a mama’s boy idk i get the vibe. He grew up having homemade pasta and refuses to eat it if the restaurant isn’t like locally Italian.
Montresor - Big on steak. Big on potatoes. Big on veggies when they’re roasted or oven baked or anything where they’re mixed up and peppered and cooked. Dude will eat a raw carrot for fun though
- crunches loudly on chips. he does it on purpose.
- has a surprisingly shitty spice tolerance. It’s not BAD, but his face will get red and he tries to play it off.
- Likes messy finger foods like ribs
- Licorice kind of guy. specifically red.
- Prefers green apples over red ones
- really likes blue cheese, especially for his wings
- cannot STAND marzipan anything
Will - Peaches peaches peaches peaches pea-
- Prefers simpler foods. Basic ham and cheese sandwiches, a bag of chips…normal and boring.
- gets overwhelmed when served anything more complicated than what you’d get at an Applebees. He doesn’t really think he nor his body are suited to eat such things. They’re TOO delicious and he isn’t worth it.
- He loves cheesecake brownies. He’s literally only had them twice in his life but he would go insane if he ever saw any for sale anywhere
- The drinks he gets at coffee shops are considered “girly” to Montresor, so he only buys them when he’s alone. Like fruity refreshers and stuff.
- He would like a lot more food if he actively attempted to try new things, he just has no desire to treat himself.
- eats wheat thins for fun
- Only eats 1 singular fruit for breakfast or just skips it all together.
- would probably start crying if he ate a soup. it’s warm and filling and it makes him feel like a waste of space. the warmth settling in his stomach reminds him that he’s real and he hates it.
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exitwound · 11 months
My enormous bowl of carrot sweet potato ginger soup in an even more voluminous green ceramic mug warmed in the microwave and it is the vermillion of Caesar’s glossier cloud blush when he begs to forget he is never going to die ❤️
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female-malice · 3 months
Hi! What food products do you recommend to eat in order to help reduce refined sugar craving? Thanks if you have any tips!
tea, fruit, bread, toast, crackers, potato chips, whipped cream, butter, sweet potatoes, squash, cooked carrots
rice pudding or rice porridge made with cinnamon and raisins. you can also just add cinnamon and raisins to the water you're cooking your rice in. i call this dessert rice
you can make fruit pies without sugar. pie crust is easy to make. if you don't want to make a real pie, just cook your fruit on the stove or microwave.
biscuits and pancakes can be made without sugar and you can top them with fruit
you can make cocoa with just 1 tsp cocoa powder in a cup of hot milk. it's actually pretty good
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plaguedoctormemes · 3 months
drop the chicken paprikash resippy 👀
caveat: I don’t use a lot a measurements and just use my eye/intuition/taste buds a lot, so if you need specific measurements you’ll probably be better off following a dedicated recipe online or comparing them to mine. Also, my recipe is by no means traditional as I am just a latino dude living in the southwest and i’m Not Hungarian in any way, and this is a riff off of my mom’s dish rather than the traditional dish itself. I also like to be really descriptive so there’s a lot of steps but this recipe is, in reality, mega easy lol. Okay-
This dish contains dairy. You can try dairy-free sour cream but I’ve never tried it. Lactose-free sour cream is a perfectly fine substitute though!
(Serves 4)
- a large pot big enough to line thighs on the bottom
- A wooden spoon or spatula to stir with, and tongs or something to take out the chicken with.
- Chicken thighs with skins on (i really do not recommend skinless or substituting for breasts at all) enough for 1 or 2 per person
- 1 white or sweet yellow onion
- 3-4 cloves of garlic
- 5 large carrots, or two handfuls of baby carrots.
- 3 Russet Potatoes
- Sour cream (you can use 8 oz, i like to use 16oz because i always use a little more than half)
- Chicken broth (at least 4 cups, I used almost a whole 32 oz carton.)
- Any neutral oil (for frying), olive oil is ok though
- Salt and pepper
- Paprika (If you can get hungarian paprika that’s preferred, but otherwise dont sweat it. The dish is called Paprikash so make sure you have plenty)
- Cayenne pepper
- Dried red pepper strips (I happened to have a bag of them from Trader Joes. This is kinda optional but i liked it so much that i recommend it.)
Optional Ingredients:
- Any other vegetable you want (corn, peas, green beans or diced fresh bell pepper would be good!)
- Tony Chachere’s cajun seasoning (for seasoning the chicken, i put this shit in everything tbh)
- Parsley (for color)
1. Season thighs liberally with salt, pepper (and tony chachere’s seasoning if available), allow to sit for 30 minutes or while you chop veggies.
2. Pre-cook the potatoes partway by using a microwave, oven, or cubing and boiling in water until almost done. I used a microwave since it’s much faster.
3. While potatoes are cooking, slice onion horizontally (into rings) or vertically (into strips), whichever you’d prefer. Slice large carrots into 1/2 cm coins or baby carrots in half. Smash and mince your garlic.
5. Blend entire bag of dried red pepper. It seems like a lot, but it’s not since peppers are mostly air now. If you don’t have a blender, use a mortar and pestle or put into a bag and smash the fuck out of those guys until theyre a powder. It’s okay if it’s not super duper fine. If you dont have dried red pepper, skip this step.
6. Whenever your potatoes are half done, take them out of whatever vessel you chose and carefully cut into large cubes (theyre probably really hot!)
7. At med-high heat, add a couple tablespoons of oil to your pot, enough to coat the bottom. Add your thighs skin side DOWN so that theyre in direct contact with the bottom. Allow the thighs’ fat to render out and the skin to brown a bit. It should take about 6 minutes. If the skin hasnt taken on a lot of color yet, that’s ok- allow a few more minutes and then flip the thighs. Allow the bottoms to cook for another 5 minutes in the rendered fat then remove.
8. Now put in your carrots, garlic, and onion in the pan to cook in the rendered chicken fat. Scrape whatever yummy brown fond has built on the bottom. Don’t sweat about scraping it all up, as youll get most of it later. Cook until carrots are softened but still a little firm and onions are starting to turn translucent.
9. Add your cubed potatoes in with the other vegetables, give them a toss, and take off of the heat so you can add the seasonings- papricka scorches easily. Most recipes use ~3tbs, I swear I always use more like 4. Also add in your powdered red pepper here, as well as 1 tbs of cayenne some more salt and pepper. Mix everything and bring back to the heat, which you will reduce to Medium.
10. Pour in your chicken broth, enough to submerge all of the vegetables. Add about 3 generous spoonfuls of sour cream, mixing it in so that the soup is now a creamy, luscious gravy. It’s important to not have the pot much hotter than Medium so that the sour cream doesnt curdle. This is a good time to do some extra fond-scraping if you couldnt get a lot earlier! The potatoes may soften and deteriorate, and that’s fine.
11. Re-place the thighs back into the pot as well, making sure theyre covered in the gravy. If the liquid doesnt cover the thighs, add some more chicken broth and sour cream until it does.
12. Chop up or tear up a handful of parsley and add.
13. Cover pot with a lid and allow everything to come back to a boil. Let everything mingle together for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. This will re-heat the thighs and finish cooking them. You can also taste the gravy for salt and adjust accordingly. This is also a good time to add some frozen corn, peas and stuff if desired.
And that’s it! You can serve this on top of egg noodles as well since thats pretty traditional, but the thighs and veggies alone with the gravy makes for a very savory and hearty dinner. Make sure you add another ladle-full of gravy on top.
This dish will result in something that sort of resembles a stew with a bright vibrant reddish zesty and creamy gravy, tender vegetables and juicy, tender chicken. The gravy should be chickeny, savory, and delightfully creamy. Paprika is already powdered red pepper, but I feel like adding just normal powdered paprika and then the freshly blended dried red pepper adds an additional fresh, sweet richness to the sauce. Thighs still have the bone in it, so i usually eat this dish with a fork and use my fingers to carefully tear the meat off the bone, and then just pick up the bone once it’s cooled off a little and gnaw on the rest of the meat and the softened cartilage.
My partner and friends really liked it. Next time we’re going to add some chipotle or southwestern red chile to it for some more spice and smokiness to try out.
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morethansalad · 7 months
hi hi, i'm currently homeless and trying to eat more vegan food (or rather, less non-vegan food)-- do you know of anything warm that could conceivably be made in a microwave that isn't largely expensive frozen foods or those red bean and rice packets? my go-to lately has been microwaved scrambled eggs, but i really don't want to rely on animal products. thank you either way 💛
helloo. first of all, if the ethics of veganism are on your mind, honestly, just do your best. veganism is about doing as much as you're practically able to do in your situation. my family and I were homeless for a stretch of time when I was growing up, and it wasn't until that situation was over that I had the liberty (i.e. mental bandwidth) to be so choosy about what I ate (granted, this was before veganism became popular at all. we were "crazy" for being vegetarian already).
but secondly, I would suggest mostly going for canned food, cup noodles & sandwich items. also, oatmeal/porridge if you're into hot cereal. those usually make the most sense to rely on. a canned soup + microwavable rice + your favorite spice blend could, I hope, be a fairly easy go-to in your situation. (rely on complex carbs: rice, bread, beans, oats, pasta, tortillas, and potatoes/sweet potatoes/cassava/etc). and tea is nice for keeping warm and your tummy full when your meals are a little scanty. hydration, in general, is good if you're able to keep on top of.
last thing, if you're able, try to keep incorporating some fresh or dried fruit, veggies, and herbs from time to time. I remember super craving fresh food. your health can really take an impact without it. you could even stop by farmer's markets towards closing hours to get a good deal or shop the produce in stores that are marked down for "imperfections." bananas, leafy greens, tomatoes, raisins, baby carrots, celery, kiwis, parsley, sweet potatoes, frozen berries...get something. ethnic markets tend to have better prices on produce than supermarkets, for the record. foraging is also a way to acquire free food (even if you can't find that much). enough pine needles to make a tea, enough mulberries to make a snack of, or enough dandelion blossoms & leaves to garnish a meal is better than nothing when it comes to getting more nourishment into your body.
best of luck, anon. I hope lots of unexpected sweet times are in store for you💚☺️
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taylortruther · 10 months
Rae what do you normally buy in a grocery run? I am single for the first time in my adulthood and I cook but my ex would decide the groceries.I know if I want to make lasagna I need to buy sauce and whatnot all that but what do you buy to have on hand for times you don’t want to plan?
so first of all, i was in your shoes a year ago and it took me a LONG time to start cooking again. take it slow! buy prepackaged when you can, if that makes it likelier for you to eat healthy. i used to cook pretty much all my meals and... then i broke up with my ex and got sick and fell into a depression and just recently clawed out of it. so now i supplement a lot with bagged salad because otherwise i won't eat vegetables fjadskl.
here is my guide! i copy/pasted this from my last couple of grocery runs. this is what i do to get me through like 2-3 weeks and it includes staples:
ingredients you need for whatever you plan to cook that week
1 type of vegetable you like (i always go for broccoli because it's nutritious and easy to cook in lots of dishes like pasta, or a side, etc.)
1 type of frozen protein (i usually go for pre-marinated salmon and edamame)
some canned beans
some canned tuna
canned tomatoes
pasta sauce or tomato paste
some fruit you like/can eat raw (apples, melons, berries)
1 produce that will keep for a while (potatoes, apples, carrots, squash, etc.)
some bagged, prewashed salad (good as a meal with some protein or a side)
if you don't like bagged salad: some greens + yummy salad toppings + yummy salad dressing (splurge on the good stuff here if that makes you likelier to eat it)... spinach and kale are good options because you can eat them raw or easily add the to almost any recipe
pasta, rice, or quinoa
greek yogurt or cottage cheese
for snacks:
cheese sticks
pepperonis or prosciutto or beef jerky
fun chip (like potato chips, doritos, whatever)
whatever individual-portioned dessert you want: pudding cups, a little ice cream sandwich, w/e!
and for some meal ideas:
bagged salad + package of tuna (i like caesar salad or dill salad)
spaghetti with ground turkey
microwaved sweet potato topped with cottage cheese or greek yogurt, butter, lots of seasonings
picadillo (ground meat + diced potato w/ canned tomatoes and spanish rice)
mac n cheese from a box + broccoli florets mixed in while the pasta boils
snack plate! cheese, pepperoni, crackers, cottage cheese, berries, and carrots with hummus
cottage cheese on toast topped with evoo and seasonings
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dwtdog · 6 months
ok shit in a bowl does require rice. if you have ramen that works too. great thing abt this is that its Very versatile it just requires a carb of some sorts. and it can be however long or quick as you like!! typically i make mine with hot dogs cut into eighths, a boiled egg (or two, sometjmes even fried!!), a veggie of some sorts (typically green onion), and some sort of sauce (terriyaki + soy is gooood just make sure to put a lil bit of terriyaki tho)
for a fancier version, you can use fish!! like wood plank salmon or bits of shrimp (DO NOT USE PACKAGED OR CANNED TUNA.) cook down the veggies (lettuce, spinich (please check the leaves before cooking them.), broccoli, carrots, anything. just soften/blanch them First before adding/cooking further. please.) but dont use frozen they always suck... add some sauce, green onion, and sesame seeds and viola!! dinner. add an egg too :)
dont have time? microwave everything itll take like 5 minutes max DONT MICROWAVE THE EGG, COOK IT IF YOU CAN
dont wanna call it shit in a bowl? fried rice
want it for breakfast? sure!! egg, breakfast sausage (or bacon or spam or hell even ham works great!!) uh. uhh POTATOES put hashbrowns in there. cheese and ketchup (or if ur a physco use maple syrup) put maybe a lil bit of soy sauce for color and pepper and green onions) dont do this if ur trying to keep it sweet n salty... the soy can stay)
its legit egg + meat + rice + whatever the fuck you want!!!! its great. i used to put cheese in there but stopped (if ur trying to make a burrito bowl or have chili on the side or breakfast or a deconstructed sandwich or-) bc it just sidnt work out with the egg
but yeah!! easy meal idea. very basic and Very prone to change -709
i feel like my grandma just handed me a book full of the family secret recipes tysm i will try :DD
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whiskeysmulti · 6 months
🐸 Something that makes you smile for fandom reasons?
🪓 Worst Chore you have? Or, the best chore!
🍼Do you have a comfort food?
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In Depth and Personal Munday meme- no longer accepting!
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🐸 Something that makes you smile for fandom reasons? something that makes me smile for fandom reasons is seeing random love being spread to others, there's too much drama anymore so it's always refreshing to see others spreading good about people.
🪓 Worst Chore you have? Or, the best chore! I wouldn't really say any of them are worst or best, I have your typical chores like laundry, dishes, taking out trash and so on.
🍼Do you have a comfort food? Oatmeal with peanut butter and milk is a treat sometimes. Or if I want something savory I usually go with ramen with cheese. Kind of odd for comfort foods but my typical diet is relatively simple, black coffee, toast with jelly for breakfast, cup ramen for lunch, and something quick for dinner like another cup ramen or a microwaved chicken patty and a single serve cup of mashed sweet potatoes or single serve cup of instant rice. And it's rare for me to turn to junk food so if I snack it's usually veggies like cut up peppers, cucumber slices, baby carrots or raw cauliflower with some ranch. The most "junk food" thing I snack on really is microwaved popcorn, so I guess you could count that as a comfort food because even when we order out, I try to stick with something relatively healthy like a salad or some rice and chicken. Veggies, rice and chicken make up a major part of my diet.
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97-liners · 2 years
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sweet potato cookies: steamed sweet potato (i leave the skins on), flour, an egg. mix until it makes a dough, shape into cookies, and then bake until it’s solid. sometimes if i’m lazy i just add more water and pan fry like pancakes.
dried sweet potatoes: steam them until soft, and then cut into pieces and put in oven on lowest temperature for like, an entire day. then once they’re tough and hard, steam them again, then dry them again. this makes rlly chewy sweet potato chunks (rather than crunchy bits that leaves crumbs)
pumpkin egg custard: in a microwave safe bowl, add water, egg, mix in pumpkin until it’s all smooth, cover w heat safe plastic wrap and pop in the microwave until set. this is also how you make human steamed egg custard the chinese way lmao
yogurt parfait: plain greek yogurt, and then i dump in carrots and sliced strawberries. my dog used to like blueberries but not anymore lmao…. sometimes i put in some dog treats too. and also roasted asparagus, my dog LOVES roasted asparagus (but not boiled or raw). and then i freeze it and when it’s frozen, i upend it in her bowl and watch as she stands there and licks it, head empty no thoughts just yogurt
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motherhenna · 1 year
Some recipe suggestions/tips from someone who hates cooking, doing dishes, and dealing with produce:
Ingredients I get in bulk/always have on hand:
corn tortillas (get the giant bag of them and stick it in the freezer, they make great snacks on their own, and you can put mish mash in there and call it a taco!)
Tomato sauce and paste
Canned/frozen veggies (I like beans, corn, potatos, and peas especially but to each their own. Chickpeas are usually pretty good too.)
canned refried beans
Ground meat (I buy in 1lb increments and stick in freezer for easy protein)
frozen chopped onions
diced garlic in water
spices (Garlic and onion powder, cumin, curry powder, paprika, cayenne, oregano, basil, rosemary, bouillon, etc)
condiments (soy sauce, sweet n sour sauce, mustard/ketchup, honey, peanut butter, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, etc)
Samosa filling
Boil potatos or heat up canned ones until hot and soft. Microwave frozen peas, corn, carrots (or whatever veggies u like) until not frozen, or used canned. Put some fennel seeds into a pan for a little while until toasty, then add some oil/ghee and dump in your veggies/taters, plus some onions and garlic. Mush with a spatula and add curry powder/cumin/paprika or other savory spice mix to taste and cook until it smells/tastes good. Put in a tortilla/pita with some sweet n sour sauce if u want.
Lentil/Chickpea mishmash
Boil lentils until soft and the skins are kinda peeling, drain. Add to pan w canned chickpeas. Add some broth or water, just enough not to burn. Add savory spices, stir until chickpeas are softened. Optional: Cook garlic/diced onions in pan before adding lentils and chickpeas.
In a pot, cook some ground meat until browned, add some italian/savory spices. Dump in canned veggies, if using frozen then microwave first so it doesnt mess w cooking time too much. Season to taste. Add broth or water and buillon until desired soup consistency. Bring to a boil, then add short pasta noodles (like bowtie or fusili). Cook until pasta is almost done, then turn heat down and simmer and add spices until it tastes/smells good. You can freeze portions for later too.
Homemade pasta sauce
Storebought is expensive so: diced onions in a pan until soft. Add garlic, then tomato sauce (enough to coat amount of pasta u want). Add some tomato paste and italian seasonings (oregano, basil), then cook until it doesn't taste like raw tomato. Salt to taste. (Optional: cook ground meat until browned with the onions. if cooking from frozen wait to add the onions until meat is halfway cooked.) Boil ur pasta, then drain mostly (leave a little water) and pour pasta into the pan ur cooking the sauce in. stir to coat pasta.
Smashed cucumber salad
look up a recipe, there's a thousand out there, but usually i just cut up persian cucumbers, pour some vinegar/soy sauce/sesame seeds/chili flakes on there and boom
Peanut cucumber salad
Peel and slice american cucumbers, put in bowl with a lid. Add halved cherry tomatoes and peanuts. Add balsamic vinegar, olive oil, peanut butter/peanut sauce. put lid on, shake vigorously. If u dont have lid, then combine sauce ingredients separately and whisk to emulsify before adding to salad.
Also quick and great: Bean and cheese burritos, peanut butter sandwiches, eggs, caprese salad.
Thanks so much! There's definitely a couple in here I could fuck with, and yeah having more canned stuff sounds like a good idea. Not as good as fresh obviously but better than fast food right? Also, truly wish I could eat refried beans without shitting myself to death afterwards lmao that and chalula or tapatillo is why almost every mexican dish makes my intestines radioactive
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Dad's Thai Yellow Curry
A few magic ingredients make my yellow curry better than almost any you find anywhere. I've had thai curry on 3 different continents, including Bangkok thailand, and I've picked up some tricks. This curry recipes and techniques will create a yellow curry that will be as good or better than most restaurants.
Lime leaf. This south asian spice is very hard to find and often only found in good asian markets in port cities
Coconut CREAM. Cream. Cream. Cream. NOT COCNUT MILK. the coconut cream should be thick, almost the consistency of bree.
Fresh bamboo tips (often sold as parboiled) Bamboo shoots are juicy, and sweet, and do not have the fibers that most canned bamboo has. 
_FRESH_ Thai basil. Thai basil is sweet, has a _hint_ lif annus. The combo of the lime leaf and thai basil are what give thai curry that distinctive taste and seporates Thai curry from indian or other curries. 
Not so much an ingredient but brown peanuts in your oil. In a separate small pan toss a handful of peanuts and enough oil to cover them. adds a wonderful toasted nutty flavor.
Same with chili peppers, those red pinky finger length dried bright red chilis. Toss those into a small pan with a bit of oil and heat them until they start to turn dark. Don’t worry if a couple turn black. 
8oz coconut _cream_ (best I’ve found was at QFC. Do not get coconut cream intended for a bar… it is mostly sugar. Or, bigger boxed coconut cream from Hung Phat(your local well stocked asian market), OR coconut cream in a can from your local asian market) Coconut cream should be almost solid. (yeah this is such a big deal I can not tell you)
8oz lime water (slice a half a lime, put it in the water Microwave for 30 seconds)
Optional 8oz coconut milk
1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons garlic (FRESH)
1 “thumb” fresh ginger pealed chopped (best technique is to use a potato peeler to make very thin slices) (yes this seems like a lot of giger)
Heaping teaspoon Mae Ploy brand curry paste
2 tablespoons sesame oil
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
1 tablespoons chili oil or roasted chilis (pref roasted chilis)
½ cup roasted peanuts
2 tablespoons peanut oil (brown some peanuts and add canola oil)
2 Kaffir lime leaf (each "leaf" it's actually 2 leaves)(note: don't call it Kaffir anymore.. google it)
Star Annus (3 cloves) (keep whole!)
1 stalk of fresh thai basil (strip the leaves off the stalks should be about 8 leaves)
2 limes
Bamboo Shoots/Sprouts (Fresh from Hung Phat, canned otherwise, ideally “slivers” rather than planks or disks/medallions)
Optional: Pineapple
1/2 cup: Shredded carrot
1 sauce pot
One small pan
Optional: Roast some chilis then add some coconut oil to make chili oil and roasted chilis (for deep smoky flavor, and spice)
Optional: Roast some peanuts then add some canola oil to make roasted peanuts (for deep nutty flavor)
In small pan on high, add some chili or peanut oil warm it
Finely chop the kafire leaf and lightly saute it, this breaks the leaf down and allows the flavor to escape, 
Next add the peanuts, be careful peanuts go from uncooked to burnt in a second, 
As soon as the peanuts start to change color add the chopped ginger and garlic and
Add the star annus (yes without breaking the shells, it is easier to pick the big shells out later
NOTE: The following instructions are a little messed up and confusing, stay tuned for a rewrite, this should read something like, put the olis you just made into a big pot, put the may ploy curry paste in the oil and sautee the paste until it breaks up and starts to turn a awful looking dark brown, THEN add the coconut cream and all the other stuff, heat for a while until the cocnut cream liquifies and then add some coconut water
Turn this pan off, as it cools down the garlic and ginger and annis and oil should start to mix to make a very smoky pungent oil brew
While Star annis is very woody. and ya don't want bits of it in your curry, once you are all done making the oils put some annis and ginger in the little pan, on medium hi, after about a min add coconut cream and bring to boil, basically making Anniston and ginger tea. Turn the burner off and let that steep for a 3 to 4 min while the curry is breaking down. Then strain the Annis ginger tea into the curry
In the pot bring up to high, add the coconut oil,
When the coconut oil has melted, add the curry paste
Sautee the curry paste until it turns dark color and turns into curry oil.  The curry will go through a phase change (solid to liquid) this will be complete when the curry and oil start to bubble, and turn dark brown, almost looks burnt. It is hard to burn curry paste this way, but it is easy to under cook it. If the curry paste is under cooked the curry will have a “gritty” or “grainy” flavor and texture. The curry past has to completely break down into dark oily goo. Don’t worry if the yellow curry or red or green does not look yellow, red, or green. The color will come back when you add the coconut cream. 
When the curry paste has been broken down into oil,
Now add your sauteed lime leaf/garlic/ginger/chili, annus oil to that mix
Stir well, you should have a bit of curry oil at the bottom of your pot, and it should look like a an almost burnt, oily mess with ginger and garlic lumps. 
_now_ Add the coconut cream
Stir, and stir, you should start to see the color of the curry emerge in the coconut cream almost immediately. 
Squeeze a lime into that, 
Bring it up almost to boil, 
Add the bamboo shoots
Add the optional pineapple
Optional, add some shredded carrot
Chop the lime rind into big chunks and throw the chunks into the soup
Again: The “Tricks” to making curry takest fantastic:
Coconut CREAM, (not coconut milk or coconut water)
Sautee the curry paste in oil FIRST
Kaffir lime leaves, sauteed, separately
Pan Roasted peanuts
Pan roasted chilis
Bamboo shoots IN the curry soup
Optional, double everything, and also add some coconut milk/coconut water, lemon grass
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splungecoyote · 2 years
Making a thanksgiving casserole!
Preheated oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Seered than chopped Turkey breasts went on the bottom of a greased pan, then a can of whole berry cranberry sauce on top of that.
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I then layered sweet potatoes I cooked in the microwave, but realized the pan was going to be too small. 😭
Added on two cans of green beans in some part denial, but had to admit I couldn’t fit the other layers as is. Sprayed a new bigger pan then tried to keep the layers intact by moving slowly via spatula. I gave myself a 4/10 score. 😅
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Next, a dressing layer! It had instant stuffing mix, chopped carrots, chopped celery, spicy cooked Italian sausage mixed with a lot of beef stock (because I was an idiot that thought we had chicken stock). 🫣
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I next pour a box of gravy over the dressing, spread instant potatoes over the top, and promptly forget to take a picture in my hurry to get in the oven. ^^; Covered with tin foil and is now baking for 50 minutes. Fingered crossed it tastes good! XD
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whatthefuckiswrongwme · 3 months
Yogurt bowls
Chocolate protein muffin
Smoothie bowl
Snack box (cheese nut cracker)
Snack box (hummus pita edemame)
Factor or other microwave meal
Taco bake
Sheet pan meat and veg
Edemame with seasoning
Hummus and veg or pita
Yogurt and fruit
Peanut butter crackers
Realistic meal plan:
Breakfast: microwave protien muffin
Lunch: sugar snap peas, cheese, nuts, crackersz maybe yogurt drink and Diet Coke
Snack: hummus carrot or yogurt
Dinner: baked sweet potato, baked chicken with sugar free bbq sauce, salad with nuts, carrots, apple and vinegrate
Dessert: fruit with whipped cream or ninja creamy
Night habit: pack gym bag, do laundry, pack lunch
Morning habit: brush teeth, Brazil nuts, breakfast, grab lunch, get dressed, work
Gym otw home
Night habit
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