#sweet voice magic go brrr
ickysmelly · 8 months
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hlvrai but make it mlp 2/5
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
I LOVE YOUR WORK SO MUCH ITS SO GREAT OMGGGGG. You're like my favorite blogger on Tumblr 😭✋✋.
I have a headcanon request for the M3 in last legacy 😳
This has been stuck in my head for WEEKSSSSSS.
And yk I'm kinda obsessed with Frozen.. it's been my favorite movie ever since it came out
How would they react with an MC who has ice powers like Elsa? And MC is just all uptight about their gloves and they never want to take them off.
I can imagine MC just wearing their gloves all the time, and they'd only take them off to sleep. But then they go missing and MC has a panic attack and snow & ice goes CABOOM from their hands.
I'm excited to see what you come up with omg! Have a great day and TYSM❤️
sObS,, thank you for the compliments that's so sweet ahfufodofoa 🥺🥺🥺 hopefully you like this!
Also, fun fact no one asked for! One of my MCs actually has ice powers, but instead of shooting outwards like Elsa's it's more like ice covers her body like armor so when she's really stressed it'll start growing in patches on her arms and face and stuff. Not relevant, just felt like sharing
GN!reader, little bit of hurt and lotta comfort, some cussing
You're late for your magic lesson. At first Felix thinks you just overslept a bit - with his horrible sleep schedule he's both understanding and sympathetic - but then you're a half hour late. Then 45 minutes. Then an hour. So he finally goes over to your room and knocks sharply on the door. The sound of movement, rushed and stumbling. Then silence.
He calls your name a few times but there's no answer. He's starting to get worried. There are wards on your room so it's not like something could have broken in, but this is,, odd. I don't wanna say that his first thought is 'oh gods they're dead' but he still has some trauma from Rime's death so He's Spooked For You. He has to suck in a breath and count to ten to ground himself.
He makes it to seven before knocking again.
'Darling? It's... It's fine if you don't want to open the door, but can you let me know you're alright?'
He thinks he hears you speak, but the door is too thick, your voice is too quiet, his heart is pounding too hard in his ears. He takes a step back from the door, trying to figure out what to do, when something crunches softly underfoot.
... ice?
Instead of being afraid you're dead like Rime, Felix is suddenly afraid that (evil) Rime has somehow managed to sneak in and kill you. Talk about emotional whiplash.
He tries to open the door but finds that he can't. Not because it's locked but because it's,, stuck? The knob won't budge and it's so cold that he snatches his hand off immediately.
It's in something very generously labelled 'blind panic' that he opens a portal, a spell already stinging his fingertips as he prepares to fight Whoever Dares Hurt You
,,, he immediately slips on a patch of ice and face plants
Give him a sec
Okay. He scrambles back to his feet and immediately nearly trips again. Luckily he manages to catch himself on your bedpost. Snow and ice cover the ground in patches. And at the farthest part of the room, tucked into the corner, is a trembling and crying MC, air curling from your lips like smoke with every shallow breath you manage.
Once Felix is sure the wards are still in place - and boy does that calm him down a lot - he makes his way over to your side. He's sensed magic from you before but,, nothing like this. By the same token he's never seen you this worked up. He's also never seen your hands, and with the way you're fidgeting them around he notices that you're missing your gloves.
His academic brain goes brrr as he tries to figure it out. Is this magic what the Astrolabe sensed in you? Is this why you've been taking to his lessons so well? Because you have your own potentially massive well of mana?
It's funny, isn't it? The Astrolabes picked both you and Rime. You both have healing magic. You both have ice magic.
'....Shove the thought away, Felix. What happened to Rime won't happen to MC. You won't let it.'
He slowly nudges your shoulder. You jump in surprise, hands curled into tight fists. An icicle stops two or three inches short of his nose. You try to apologize but your voice cracks and squeaks and all you can do is shake your head and press the heels of your hands against your temples and pull your knees to your chest so hard it feels like you can't breathe.
Felix is obviously startled - and who could blame him - but he's not frightened. He asks, in the most genuine and sincere voice you've ever heard, if you were trying to do your studies alone and messed up. And it's okay if that happened!! He's done a lot worse. One time he was trying to raise a skeleton from a graveyard and instead managed to release a blast of energy that shattered almost all the nearby tombstones.
... he's being serious.
God you love him.
When he sees that you're listening he lights up and keeps going, waving his hands around and even putting on voices when it'll make you laugh.
He recounts tales about various spells he's managed to massively screw up in hilarious ways. Each tale makes you relax a little bit more, tearfully snickering and making a few jokes here and there. He pouts plenty but he's relieved to see you smile.
The calmer you get, the more the ice starts to melt around you both. It's still there but it's,, less now. Manageable.
It takes a while. But you can finally talk without your voice wavering too much. Felix gives you a handkerchief.
You explain to him who - what - you are. Your powers. How they work, how hard it's been to conceal them, the fear and anxiety you have at being found out. At being seen as evil.
Felix carefully, carefully brushes his lips along the back of your hand in that delicate way he's so fond of. He's a necromancer. You really think a little ice magic is gonna scare him? If anything he's even more impressed with you than before. Not just because of your magical strength but also the fact you've been hiding it so well for so long. That's hard to do with magic that strong.
Is he,, a little flustered with how strong you are? Yeah. He is. He won't admit it but he totally is.
He coaxes you back into bed and you're so worn out that you agree, snuggling into your pillow while you watch him search your room for your gloves.
Stella waddles in a few minutes later, your gloves between her little fangs. She hops on your bed and drops them on your face, then curls up against your chest and gives a self-satisfied purr.
Felix immediately starts apologizing for his little beast of a cat causing you such trouble but at this point you're laughing too much to even care.
From then on, Felix helps you control your magic as much as he can, even going so far as to finding suppression spells if you want them. Whatever he can do to help, he does.
Anisa has to get up early the next morning. Like, before dawn early. Meaning she'll be back by mid-morning, around the time you'll be up.
When you wake up you're obviously groggy. You hear Anisa's amused little 'Good morning, sleeping beauty' and grunt meaninglessly back. Before your eyes are even open your hand drifts over to the nightstand, groping blindly for your gloves.
Wood, empty water cup,,, metal?
You blearily open your eyes. The water cup is yours. The metal would be Anisa's Sunstone breast plate. Tch. You lift it up-
Your gloves aren't there.
You scowl and peer between the bed and the nightstand. Nothing there. You grip the edge of the mattress and lean upside down to peek at the floor. Nothing there so you go ahead and kick off the blankets but they're getting tangled around your feet and your heart is starting to race but you bite back the panic and why won't this blanket come off where the hell are your gloves they aren't here but they have to be around somewhere but you can't find them oh no no no you have to find them-
'MC?? Are you feeling okay? You look pale...'
You shake your head, hands twitching, trying to keep your nerves as frozen as your rapidly-cooling fingertips. Your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth as you ask Anisa if she's seen your gloves anywhere.
'Hm? O-oh, yes... I needed to set my armor down so I moved them for a moment. Um, I think I had them right over... *Shuffle, ruffle noises* Or maybe...'
You bite your lower lip, trying not to let out a frightened whimper. God, how long have you had those gloves for? They're the only thing stopping you from losing control. You have to find them. But you can't move. You're frozen in place.
Thunk! Rustle. Thunk! Anisa is moving around you, buzzing from spot to spot like a hummingbird trying to find your lost gloves.
You have to move. Now.
With no warning you spring out of bed and sprint for the bathroom, slamming it shut behind you. Anisa jumps a few inches in the air in shock, her hair poofed out. A trail of frost and ice, a whisper of freezing cold wind is left in your wake.
... by Talos. What in the seven hells was that about?
Anisa isn't entirely sure what the hell just happened, but she knows it was her fault. And that kills her. She's your Knight In Shining Armor. She's supposed to protect you.
And she'll do that no matter what, damnit.
Lucky for you, she wears gloves all the time! She grabs a spare pair that are roughly your size and knocks on the bathroom door.
'MC? I... I'm sorry. I promise I'll find your gloves. But until then, perhaps these would work?'
There's silence for nearly a minute. Then shuffling. Then the door creaks open. Anisa flinches at the blast of cold air. You grab the gloves and slam the door again, accidentally nearly bonking Anisa in the nose.
Anisa hesitates for a long moment before going to clean her room to try and find your gloves.
Meanwhile you sit in the bathtub, knees drawn to your chest. Ice clings to the walls and the tiles and the mirror. But the cold doesn't bother you, anyways, so you ignore it.
You're shaking badly but you fumble with the gloves. They're warm and soft like Anisa. When you slip them on, it feels like you're holding her hands.
... deep breath. You've dealt with this for years. You can deal with it now. Sure, you never wanted Anisa to find out, but now you don't have any other choice. So you might as well try to minimize the damage.
It takes you nearly an hour and several times washing your face to calm down enough to leave the bathroom. You're anxious - maybe even feeling a little ill - but you want to just get this over with.
The room is,, a landfill. That's not new. But it's a different landfill than usual. At first you don't see Anisa. Your heart scratches at your throat. Did she leave you here alone? Is she giving up on you? Afraid of- oh wait no she's just buried under a pile of mugs, old clothes, blankets, and questionable socks.
Her hand shoots out from the pile and you dart over to help, pulling her to safety. Her cheeks are flushed from sprinting around the room. Sweat beads her brow. She clasps your hands in hers, she's so sorry her messiness has caused this, she's a Knight Lieutenant and she Knows She Should Be Better Than This, She Should Be More Put Together, gods you probably hate her right now-
You squeeze her hands. Look down as you try to find the right words.
'Anisa? Did you get dressed in the dark this morning?'
'? Y-yes, I suppose I did. I didn't want to wake you.'
You bite your lower lip to hide a snort, gently grabbing her wrist and holding her hand up so she can see it. Your gloves. She took your gloves.
'... Huh. I was wondering why they felt like the wrong size.'
You're both completely drained. Instead of trying to clean up, you both just crash into bed.
If you're comfortable with it she cuddles you close, playing with your fingers while you try to explain your magic.
If you'd rather not cuddle, you guys sit/lay side by side. She just wants you to feel safe and secure, so whatever you need she's more than happy to accommodate.
She's very curious. Do one (or both) of your parents have powers? This isn't common on Earth? You've been afraid of letting anyone find out? Her heart hurts a little for you.
She's,, she's the daughter of the Lord of Shadows. Leaving in fear of people finding out her secret, the terror of an unknown and potentially malicious magic predetermining you for evil? She Can Relate. But you didn't give up on her when you found out who she was, and she sure as hell won't give up on you.
She teaches you breathing techniques and calming thoughts. Starts carrying around an extra set of gloves for you. Dedicates a drawer to a bunch of gloves in case you have an emergency and need a pair.
It's a warm summer night. You and Sage are wandering through Porrima, talking and looking at wares from the market and making up constellations in the sky.
It's going great! Until you guys run into one of Sage's old,,, 'friends'. Who is Not Happy to see either one of you.
Sage isn't happy about it. You two have been working on de-escalation strategies for him, and he's actually been trying real hard for you!
He tries to be curt and polite but it isn't working.
He tries to keep his voice level and neutral but it isn't working.
He tries to set boundaries but that isn't working.
He finally decides to just remove himself and you from the situation. He's getting heated, ears pinned flat against his head and tail lashing around as he snaps that He's Not Dealing With This, Fuck Off, Leave Him Alone.
So his 'friend' starts shit with you; offensive, threatening, maybe even lewd. I'll leave that detail for you to decide
Sage Is Fucking Pissed™
When his eyes start glowing like stoked coals, you finally step in, ignoring the 'friend' entirely and telling Sage to stop.
He growls, less at you and moreso at the situation. But you've never been scared of him before and you aren't now. You reach out, either to set your hands on his shoulders or scratch behind his ears or do whatever you can to calm him down.
He nips at you. It's far from the first time that's happened, he's a Very Bitey Boi. He chomps on the wrist of your glove and tugs. He's trying to pull your hand away so he can keep yelling.
Your glove tears and falls off your hand, totally shredded.
You're frozen. He's still on autopilot. Without thinking he nips at your other hand and does the same thing. It isn't until the second glove drops to the floor that his eyes change back to their usual amber, stormy with regret.
A shiver runs down your spine. Nonono, not here, not now! Not in public of all places!
'MC? Fuck, I'm so sorry, I d-didn't mean too-'
Ice burns your fingertips. A flurry of shards and snow burst free from you, hitting Sage right in the face, not enough to hurt but certainly enough to startle him.
You try to run but you're shaking so bad you can hardly manage to stay on your feet. Luckily Sage has taught you the layout of Porrima pretty well, and it doesn't take you long at all to find a quiet little alleyway to break down in.
Once Sage recovers from his shock, he darts after you. You've never done anything like that before. Were you always able to just blast him like that? Is that why you always get so touchy about your gloves? Gods he fucked up bad. He has no idea how he can even begin to make it up to you - that look of terror on your face before you ran off wrenches at his heart so bad he really does think getting stabbed would be less painful - but he'll work it out after he makes sure you're safe.
You've always had an icy tint to your scent, but it's a lot stronger now. At least it makes it easier to track you.
He skids to a stop at the maw of the alley. Pointed icicles sprout like twisted sentries, threatening to rip and tear anything that tries to push through the monster's throat.
... alrighty. He pulls out Zenith. With a focused thought it flames up. It takes some hacking - man Tulsi is gonna be pissed that he's mistreating his blade like this - but he charges forward anyways. He's not gonna let some stupid popsicles scare him off.
You're curled into a ball at the end of the alley. Ice crunches under foot. If you can hear him you don't respond. Just,, staring at a spot on the ground about a foot in front of you. Ice is growing along the walls. He's got superhuman heat. Steam curls off his body.
Once there's no more ice teeth biting at him, he sheathes his sword and carefully approaches. Your breathing is so shallow that he's surprised you haven't passed out yet.
'MC? Can you hear me?'
You don't respond.
His tail swishes uneasily. He sits down in front of you. The ice starts to melt under him, turning to water and soaking his pants and boots, but he doesn't seem to notice (aside from the fact he's lifting his tail to keep it dry)
He doesn't do well in silence. He does even worse when he feels guilty. So he starts talking - stumbling over apologies that are earnest and heartfelt but a little awkward because he's really bad at this. You still don't respond. He can't tell if you're ignoring him or disassociating.
He very gently takes your hands, his touch burning hot against your frozen hands. He pulls his gloves off and pulls them down your stiff fingers, fitting them snuggly around your palm and snapping the button at your wrist.
You give a slow blink. Curl your hands. Looks down at the gloves.
'Sage...' 'Y-yeah?' '...these are fingerless......' '................ Uuuuuuuh wait I can fix this hold on-'
He holds your hands in his.
'There! Now you won't be cold.'
He's so..... Gods he's trying so hard but he is just Such A Fool........ He genuinely thinks this is gonna work.
You close your eyes. Stress and ice cling to your senses, but with his heat enveloping you it's a little easier to let it go.
He starts chattering. Asking questions. You have ice powers? Can you like, make instant snowballs? Can you give him snowballs? He wants to pelt Elowen with snowballs. And Felix. And Anisa. And Tulsi. How cool would it be to have snowballs in summer?
He's so lighthearted about it. Part of it is because making jokes is How He Copes With Things. Part of it is because,, I mean, when he loses control of his emotions, he turns into a violent growling wolf. When you lose control of your emotions (or your gloves) you make a little pocket of winter.
MC!! Can you freeze a lake!! Do you wanna go ice skating!!!
He sure as hell knows how to keep it casual. Before long you're laughing too.
Once you're calmed down, he apologizes again for losing control. He wanted to protect you and all he did was end up hurting you. That bothers him a lot.
You use your fingerless-gloved hand to pat the top of his head. Sometimes people get overwhelmed. Hell, you smacked him in the face with a bunch of ice shards. Emotions can be unpredictable and magic can make it even harder to control.
He vows to do better. And you smooch his forehead.
He gets you new gloves (although he does think you look hot in his). He also Refuses To Let You Be Ashamed Of Your Ice Powers. He's not very good at controlling his corruption but he tries really hard to help with your snow. Even if he acts casual all the time, he's pretty attuned to your emotions, so if there's a situation where someone is upsetting you he's quick to intervene and help you keep your calm.
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mcsmmafia · 4 years
MC:SM Mafia – Round VII 🎁
What could be better than a nice, fun christmas party with your friends? Obviously, a nice, fun christmas party in a big, christmas-themed cottage of a mansion’s size! So you couldn’t believe your eyes when your mailbox presented you with the greatest early christmas present ever: An invitation from an old friend whom you can’t remember ever having written to! My, your memory must really be weakening. But who cares, christmas party, CHRISTMAS PARTY!!!
So you did what any normal human being would do, and went immediately without even packing your stuff. No worries, your old friend said they’ve prepared everything for your stay, so what could you possibly need on your way?
…Well, maybe you should have packed. At least the most basic stuff, like weapons. For A ZOMBIE HORDE CIRCUMVENTED YOU SHORTLY BEFORE YOUR ARRIVAL AT THE MANSION! AHHHH!
Through pure willpower, you managed to run through them, only face-planting a few times here and there because wet, cold ground turns out to be really slippery. You made it to the front door, and you knocked crazy like there was no tomorrow, because there may be just none for you if you had to stay out here any second longer. Not only because of the zombies, but it was also really getting cold. Brrr…
To your delight, the door soon opened as if by magic. It was pitch-back inside, but you entered anyway… and, again as if by magic, an outstanding white pumpkin fell down and right onto your head! Was it a house rule to wear those indoors???
You slowly felt your way in the dark, found another door and opened it – and there was light. It was so bright, it blinded you for a moment, but then you saw – there were the other party guests! They also all had white pumpkins on their heads. Maybe you skipped in the letter that it was a special costume party?
Before you could ask any questions, however, a female sounding voice with long, red hair surfacing under her pumpkin began to speak. Your old friend?
"I’ve gathered you all here for a special event", she said. "We’re gonna play a party game… have you ever heard of werewolf? One of us is gonna be the traitor, the others are gonna be the innocent citizens, and you have to find out who is who. Now, let the game begin!"
With that, for a second, it was pitch black again – and when the light came back, your host has disappeared.
Ooh, a party game, that sounds really fun! What could possibly go wrong?
Dear guests, it is time.
To play.
And don’t forget to thank your old friend for hosting the party… while you still can. 😉
☀ Results of Day 1:
After that friendly announcation from your old friend, you greeted the other party guests, acting like you actually could recognize them, before scattering in the search for vacant mattresses and pillows. Maybe we could have a little slumber party to start things out!
🌑 Results of Night 1:
Ready for a slumber party, Magnus grabbed some pillows and blankets from the bed chamber and climbed up to the attic. He was shook when he saw his old friend Lluna the llama there, and accused Stella of stealing her from him! However, Lluna had already moved on, knowing that Magnus would be okay on his own. They had a short but sweet moment, before Magnus told Lluna that she cannot have their TNT, to which she walked away snobbishly. Magnus then went on to sleep, since nobody seemed to be in the mood for a party…
Note: The person playing Magnus this round played as Stella in the previous round.
Jesse was not up for the idea of a slumber party, and snuck away to the most unlikely place for a gathering: The attic! To their surprise, however, the attic soon turned out to be a hotspot! But at least they found Stella, so they could follow their plan to guard her for the night.
Stella climbed up the attic and was glad to have found JxJessica. Now she could sleep silently knowing they’re protected.
Dan was not up for the idea of a slumber party – he’s gonna stay right here and solve this mystery TONIGHT! So he spent the whole night thinking about who seemed sus.
While the others were busy thinking about party stuff, CASSIE snuck away to the library. Time to bring some real fun into this party… She entered the secret hallway and set off a trap in the bed chamber, gallery and the living room, to hopefully cause maximum damage!
Stampy was compelled by this cute adorable calico-cat OMG!!, so he did the only logic conclusion and followed the kitty to the living room, seperating himself from the boring others who wanted to throw a slumber party. Time for a CAT PARTY! Although he wanted the kitty to stay safe, so he made sure to disharmed all the traps in the room.
☀ Results of Day 2:
Dan started the conversation by stating where they were last night, and Stampy did the same. It quickly ended there, though. 🤷
Magnus then pointed his stone sword against CASSIE and warned her that he knew who she was. CASSIE said that that was an accomplishment, as she barely knows who she is herself. Magnus was so stunned by this answer, he couldn’t even speak. 😮
🌒 Results of Night 2:
Magnus had a super hard time trying to digest that information… how could anyone know anything about CASSIE, if she didn’t even know it herself? How would the universe still work?? HOW DOES HER HEAD NOT EXPLODE??? Deeply in thought, he was surprised by nightfall, and quickly ran back to the good trusted attic to try and clear his mind. There he found Winslow, and after a short moment of shock, he decided to try and befriend him. However, Winslow demanded fish for a bribe, so Magnus decided to get him fish tomorrow and sleep for the night.
Eh! It’ll be fine, as long as Jesse and Stella are working together. That’s the power of friendship! Insert Trademark So they followed her into the living room and started thinking about their next move. Not for too long though, as their tiredness quickly caught up with them, carrying them to the land of dreams.
Not saying a word, ’cause a llama says it all, Stella decided to go to the living room. There, she and Jesse reassured each other that they didn’t have any suspects yet, before Stella decided to brag about her strategy to Stampy. Afterwards, she stayed awake the whole night.
Well, that didn’t really go anywhere, Dan thought to himself… but maybe there’s just no mystery to solve yet. So, how to kill time until the first murder happens…? – Let’s look at some pictures in the gallery, maybe. Maybe they could be hiding some clues! After carefully inspecting each painting, he concluded that there were no secrets to be found, so he went to sleep. It was then that CASSIE striked and gagged and fettered them, carelessly (seriously, ow!) dragging them all the way down to their basement, where feline eyes continually stared into Dan’s very soul… He soon began to see cat faces everywhere, in every detail of the wall, even in the wrinkles of his hands- THEY’RE EVERYWHERE, DAN MUST OBEY OR HE’LL SUFFER IN CAT-HELL FOR ETERNITY!!!
That was close! Magnus sure seemed very hostile towards CASSIE, out of nowhere really. She hasn’t even killed anyone yet! But anyway, since the traps didn’t do anything last time, she decided to change up her strategy and start acting like that really shady neighbor from her early childhood and followed Dan to the gallery. There, she waited until Dan was sleeping soundly, and then she striked and gagged and fettered him and dragged him down to her basement. There, she whistled for their cats, and let the magic happen. Yes, stare into Dan’s very soul, good kitty!
That was a nice little exchange of information – until CASSIE dropped those words. Oh my – Stampy didn’t even know what to answer to that! He definitely needed to clear his head after that to prevent himself from starting to ask existential questions he didn’t (wanna) know the answer to, so he went back to the living room and looked at those amazingly constructed traps again (seriously, a genius made these!). Seems like they have reset… dang it. After successfully clearing his mind and having a nice talk with Jesse and Stella, he took the risk and went to bed.
Dan was kidnapped.
☀ Results of Day 3:
Magnus immediately broke the ice by telling everyone that he NEEDED FISH. DESPERATELY!
Stampy professionally ignored him and questioned his and Dan’s whereabouts. They both answered, but Magnus then rambled about being SNOW WHITE and raided the kitchen, only granting Dan one cooked salmon. 🐟
Dan, on the other hand, stated that he was kidnapped, and Stampy suggested that it was CASSIE due to her being in the gallery with Dan.
Magnus believed Dan, and threatened to throw CASSIE out. Stella confirmed that Stampy didn’t have a metallic weapon. Stampy admitted that he followed Winslow for the first night because kitty. Winslow sure seemed to have enchanted a lot of guests this time around! 😼
Medi confessed that he was Dan. CASSIE tried to save herself by saying that Dan must be lying and that she was an adventurer. Magnus then threatened to nuke the room, because why not. 🧨
Magnus suggested to keep CASSIE locked up in the closet, and CASSIE agreed with a warning that she’d be making gay jokes all night.
After a little more discussion, Magnus went on to demand Dan to go with him. Then he suddenly changed his mind and suggested Dan to get into the closet and CASSIE staying with him to have a gay mini party and vibe with her.
Stampy brought up the idea to have everyone go together into one room, since he can deactivate traps and Magnus would win any fight with more than three people.
So, which plan to follow now? Magnus said that CASSIE would go with him and Dan into the closet. Then he changed his mind and said the opposite. Dan was the only one who actually voted, together with Jesse volunteering to be the guard.
Oh boy, what a discussion we’ve had today!
🌓 Results of Night 3:
Magnus sure had a plan going into this. Making sure to take a little detour to the kitchen first and get all that yummy and very smelly fish, he headed straight up to the attic and held his TNT ready. This is going to be a very interesting night! …Well, he hoped so anyway, but since he couldn’t watch Dan – it was way too dark without any windows up here –, he couldn’t do anything but go to sleep.
The others had a long and honestly a bit tiring conversation about who is the liar – Dan or CASSIE –, and Jesse were glad when it finally ended with them telling Jesse to volunteer as a guard for the closet. At least their Flint & Steel is gonna be safe in there, too… They didn’t trust CASSIE one bit, so they poked her throughout the whole night.
>> Alrighty! Magnus wasn’t the only one with a plan tonight! Now, let’s see if Lluna is sniffing something diamond at Dan… No? Really nothing? Now that’s super SUS! Stella stayed awake the whole night, just in case she is going to be attacked – even though she was really tired…
What an audacity of CASSIE to straight up tell everyone that Dan was the liar and she’s innocent! Dan wasn’t sure what Magnus had in mind, but he definitely hope his plan will work. He really didn’t want to kill anyone tonight… maybe he won’t though, as that would make CASSIE a top suspect… Welp, he was wrong. He suddenly heard a calico cat’s threatening meow behind him – oh god, they’re here! What did they want from Dan!? What – kill Stampy?! No way he would do that – No, he didn’t want to – but the cats approached closer – circumventing him – hissing – staring – aaaaAAAAAHH! Dan couldn’t endure it any longer! Sorry, Stampy, he HAD to do this!!!
Welp, that could’ve gone better… Pity that Dan isn’t the one being locked up first. But Magnus was not the only person with a plan, for sure. CASSIE whispered Winslow her stratetgy via cat language, and kept eye contact with him as she entered the closet. It’s all or nothing! She couldn’t do much but endure the constant poking of her guard Jesse. Yes, she wouldn’t get any shut eye, that’s fair.
Magnus sure seemed to have some kind of plan, even if a little questionable. After a long and good discussion, he decided to drag them all up to the attic. Stampy really couldn’t help but wonder what he was up to… Stampy didn’t have any weapon, after all. Hopefully this isn’t a terrible idea… And what a terrible idea it was! He honestly couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated by Dan’s pure presence. Yet, he closed his eyes and went into the realms of dreams… but not for long, as he suddenly woke up to Dan’s hands strangling his throat. He couldn’t scream for help… or even whisper… all he could do was die, in silence, with no one even noticing.
Stampy has died!
The Last Day ☀
"Let’s keep CASSIE alive. CASSIE isn’t Cassie.", Magnus said sarcastically, mocking the dead. This ol’ "party game" had nothing on him. He went on to take the lead on CASSIE’s final demise. WE’RE GONNA THROW HER OUT, TODAY! And everyone (but CASSIE) agreed.
Needless to say, this was not going to plan for CASSIE.
But then, from somewhere, the guests could hear a distant meow… is that… is that from the ocean??
Dan, thinking that the ghost of Stampy was still among them, apologized for killing him. Another gentle "meow" revealed that this was the only way Stampy would’ve accepted to die. How heart-warming and heart-breaking at the same time…
Anyway, let’s get back to ELIMINATING CASSIE!
But suddenly, CASSIE whistled, and in the next second, countless calico cats started to appear out of everywhere. Dan screamed in fear, but Magnus already had a plan-
"Here, kitty kitty!", he yelled, gaining the cats’ attention with the ungodly amount of fish he robbed from the kitchen. The tons and tons of copies of Winslow were almost going to crush him, but he managed to throw the fish out of a window just in time, and the cats instantly followed. There they all went, not a single one left to be pet… or to defend Cassie.
"Time for plan B", CASSIE said to herself, yieled her diamond axe, then threw it on the ground and yeeted outta there. EVERYONE, AFTER HER!!!
She ran and ran and ran, but eventually, the guests were able to corner her. They grabbed all of CASSIE’s arms and legs, and dragged her back to the entrance hall.
"Any final words?", Magnus asked.
And with that, they threw Cassie out to the… wait. There were no zombies.    Riiiiight.
"Time for plan B indeed", Magnus agreed and went to get the diamond axe CASSIE had left behind. Oh, no… no, no, no no no no NO-
And with that, he cut down a nearby tree and used the wood to build a giant cage around Cassie. What were you thinking, that he would decapitate CASSIE? Oh, of course we’re gonna do that too! 🪓
Yeah, what a lame party this was.
The guests have won the game! 🎁
~ Note: The person playing Stampy has a username referring to the Sea.
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ladypyb · 5 years
Snowballing Into The Heart
Rating: T (for a little bit of cursing)
Relationship/s: USUK, Brotherly AmeCan
Tags: hetaliaxmasevent, Cardverse, Meet-Cute (First Meetings), and a lot of snow XDD
Day 4 of HetaliaXmasEvent: Snowball fight | Skiing | Christmas without snow
(Ooohh man, it’s past midnight in my place. XDD I hope you enjoy it!!!)
In hindsight, Matthew shouldn't have gone to fetch a towel and leave him, the Prince of Spades, bored and alone near the Mages' Tower. He should have just called a servant.
Time passed onwards, as usual, its pace made Alfred wonder if they have the capability to change it. How curious it made him. And how desperate he was to hurry for the warmer days.
The prince liked winter. He didn't hate it. He didn't like like it, either. This was when the power of their kingdom had significant growth, after all. But Alfred didn't love the long cold nights in the season. He didn't outright adore the fact that he had to wear multiple, thick woolen jackets and heat-producing amulets that hinder his movement and stealth. Not to mention the tales about the cold season his mother told him in his childhood. Bad things happen to everyone in winter. Terribly bad things. Brrr!
He liked the powdery snow, though. Its color and often ethereal shine made the scenery look so pure. The dusting they made on the landscapes made him grin and jump into the freezing powder.
It itched him to jump in right now. Anything to go distract himself while Matthew began narrating to him the activities he had for the day. Often, he found his brother's tone monotonous when in duty. No, definitely not 'often' but 'always'. Yes, that's the right word.
"Remember not to touch anything, you might get a curse for even holding a pen that isn't yours. Don't stray away from the floating white lamps and proceed to the violets, the Head Mage told me the young fae tend to use play-magic there. Mother would kill both of us if you tried to pick a fight with one of the mages-"
Bla Bla Bla. The prince slumped against the cold brick of the wall, crossing his arms. What was the point of visiting the Magicians' Wing if they weren't even allowed to enter their laboratories? What was the goal of even doing biannual safety procedures with Alfred, the future King of Spades, if he wasn't the one doing the procedures?
In his head, his mother would definitely reply to him in her babytalk: "Aw, sugarplum, you are only needed to show your face and let the mages do the rest of the checking. It's theirs, after all. You wouldn't want to ruin their threshold and be painted as the villain, would you?"
... Yeah... Listening to Matthew's nagging would be better than their mother's overly-sweet babytalk. Both were sadistic in their own way but his brother's words were blunt, unlike the queen's underlying threats.
"-To stop... Are you listening to me, Al?"
He groaned in his head. "Yeah, I was." No, he definitely wasn't. "How about this tower?" Alfred gestured to the one behind him but kept his eyes on the soft, beckoning snow at their feet. Hmm... He looked up to his brother so quickly he felt his neck crack a bit. "Can we at least have permission to rest in somewhere warm rather than in their freezing gardens?"  The garden wasn't biting in the least. He wore a heating amulet and multiple coats, Alfred was warm to the core and sweating inside his personal sauna.
Distract him, distract him, distract him. Alfred recited like a mantra in his head as he slowly crouched down to the soft ground, his eyes on his brother. As Matthew blinked at the tower's structure, the prince started to fist a ball of snow in his leather gloves.
Matthew studied the tower, contemplating. It was smaller than the other buildings on the property. The tower must be a storage room. The lights shining behind the elaborately framed windows stated otherwise, though.
"I don't know, Al. There might be someone important residing in the- Oomph!"
Something wooshed in the air! A cold and soft object hit the side of his jaw. Matthew paused and stared at the sitting and grinning person in front that was his brother. A snowball. Alfred hit him with a snowball. The prince guffawed heartily at his brother's expression of Thou-hast-betrayed-me-brother. Matthew's wide eyes turned into slits. This unbelievably childish tool-
Matthew bent low, scooped a handful of snow and-
"Hahahaha- Fwah!"
Bullseye into Alfred's mouth. Matthew smirked when the other began 'blech!'-ing and 'pswooh!'-ing out the melting snow out of his mouth. Heh, you aren't the only one who can throw snowballs, Alfred!
The blue-eyed prince stared at the violet-eyed ace with a sly look in his face. "You're on!"
Alfred scrambled onto the ground, embracing and creating a mound out of snow. He cupped a fistful and rotated it in his hands. He glanced back at his brother, crap, he's on his third ball! The prince started to quickly fist and cup the snow. The mound in front of him waned to his fear of losing.
No time! Alfred sprang to his feet and threw a snowball at his brother. On the face! Grunting, Matthew frowned and fired back at him. The prince dodged to the side as it almost hit his prized family jewels down below. Matthew cackled. Oh, man, this was war. A man doesn't aim for another guy's most sensitive area!
Then came the onslaught of the balls of snow. Missed and badly-aimed snowballs hit the walls, the hall near the entrance, and the plants carefully maintained in the garden. Bushes cracked and broke to the strength of their blows.
Passing servants and apprentices of mages paid them no mind as they passed by. It was no secret that both men in the royal family often behaved like children when they thought no one was looking. A few frowned at their display when they hit a third party, these occurrences were followed by a distracted 'Sorry!'.
Their roughhousing with the snow ended with a grand snowball from the prince to his brother on the stomach, sending poor Matthew falling on his back. Alfred fell to his knees, a goofy smile on his face in his triumph. He fell forward in exhaustion. Afterward, he moved to his side, panting.
Matthew managed to only hit him on his jaw and legs. Alfred hit him everywhere on his body with the help of his overzealous need to win every challenge and interest that crosses his path.
Matthew shuffled to stand, the other raised a brow at him, disbelieving. Alfred gave it all he had, ended up on the ground last and Matthew still stood up? What gives? He whined.
"Oh, don't be a baby. Stand up, you'll catch a cold." Matthew held his hand out to his brother which Alfred accepted. "Ugh," Matthew brushed off his clothes with his free hand, "I'm dripping. I'll never doubt these amulets, again."
Alfred flailed his arms like a dog, droplets flung everywhere. "Looks like it. Let's go ask for towels."
The older and logical of the two watched the other suspiciously. "No. You'll most likely slip away somewhere and get lost- "
"Impossible! I don't get lost."
"-Or cause some mischief on the way." Matthew crossed his arms, firm.
Alfred wiped his brow. "So are both just going to stand here? Baiting the cold and die of pneumonia?"
The ace pursed his lips. He clicked his tongue. "Fine," Alfred cheers at this, " But I'll fetch the towels. You," he gestured at Alfred, "Stay here."
The other pouted and kicked the accumulating snow below. Matthew enters into the open doors of the hallway. "Aww c'mon, Matt!"
"Don't. Go. Anywhere." The ace commanded as he eyed Alfred and continued down the hall.
Alfred clicked his tongue childishly. So what if he'd stray away from the directions sometimes, it wasn't like he'd easily die! The blessings from their clocks prevented that.
... He did oftentimes find himself suffering from a curse or two, managed to almost get assassinated, have been on the verge of death more than five times, and have been poisoned while eating street food. But Alfred survived!
He could almost hear Yao, the Jack, mumble beside his mother while tending his wounds or whatever harm he was inflicted, "With the amount of curiosity, and stubbornness you are born with, I could only pray to the Maker your rule would be as peaceful as it can be."
Alfred sighed, looking up he traced the flying bird overhead. The feathered animal circled the garden and perched atop a small roof of a window sill of the tower. He wished he was as free as the bird, free to go anywhere and able to do what he pleased.
He observed the little bird, bright orange stomach- A robin! How strange, robin birds weren't native to Spades, especially in one of Spades' northern areas. Alfred moved to spy under the windowsill, it was a few feet above his head but nothing could stop him.
When he craned his neck to observe the bird, he noticed a messy mop of golden hair near the windowpane. Someone was there- Oh Blessed Time!
Alfred ducked and made himself be one with the wall behind him. The windows opened with a clank! and the snow sprinkled on the prince's nose. His nostrils tickled. Ah- He wants to sneeze! Alfred pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth.
"-Damned pests. No wonder the potion did nothing! I should have known they'd place it in the wrong flask."
An accented voice of a man. It was so light and deep at the same time, it made Alfred wonder if the man swallowed a piccolo and a bass at the same time.
Light thumps and a resonating clink. "... What in the name of Time happened here?" The mystery man groaned. "Those freshmen! I can't believe- My roses!" The man stomped away from the window. The sound of heavy steps receded with a bang from a door.
The prince released a breath he was holding. That was so close. If the guy looked down, he'd see Alfred's nose and furred boots. He moved away from the wall. Finally able to ogle freely, he found two open flasks filled with mysterious liquids. One was changing colors rapidly while the other alternated between gold and silver.
The robin from before chirped and fluttered its wings. Oh no. Don't tell him the bird wants to- It glided down unto the windowsill with the two very open and unmistakably dangerous flasks.
"Oh, damn it!"
Alfred scrambled and raised his foot on the side of the brick wall. His gloved hands gripped the windowsill noisily, the robin squawked at him. The prince grunted as he set his elbows down near the flasks, he faced the bird's screeching. He shooed the orange robin with a dismissive hand.
It flapped its wings and nearly bit off his ears as it flew away from him and the flasks. He liked birds but he didn't like them mutated or dead.
Alfred banged his head and resisted to groan at the ridiculousness of his situation. His top half was rested atop a mage's windowsill in an effort to avoid an unwanted experiment. He didn't even know exactly why he ducked to be seen by one mage when didn't even bother to care for his image while playing in the snow with his brother.
He shifted an annoyed glance to the strange fluids. With their swirling and changing of colors, he thinks of them to be potions. They certainly resembled like potions. He sniffed at both of their opening; butter, lilies, and peach. Yep, definitely potions. There was no way liquids could change colors with just these ingredients.
"Hey! You there!" The same accented voice shouted below him. "What are you doing?"
There was disapproval in the voice. Alfred seemed reluctant to look at the man scolding him. He has had enough of it today! Alfred prevented a bird from destroying your potions. The prince turned his head to glare at the man, a scowl on his face.
Eh? His scorned expression dissipated into a daze.
Bright green eyes that were the shade of grass in summer framed by spun gold locks stood out from the man's white robe and soft snowy landscape. The guy had half of his face overrun with caterpillars- Wait, no. He just had large eyebrows. Surprisingly, it made the other look distinguished.
This guy must be the mage! The mage furrowed his brows and growled something Alfred couldn't hear. He raised his brow in confusion and held unto the sill with only an arm as the handsome man gestured his arm aimlessly... at Alfred?
What was he- Whack! Alfred's hold on the windowsill slipped.
"Aaaaaa- oof!" He crashed down on his back. Groaning, he placed his hand on his chest. Fragments of a snowball began melting to the power of the amulet under his coat. The dull pain that throbbed in his chest was nothing to the sharpness of blow to the side of his head. Did he hit his head when he fell...?
The mage's face swam into his blurry view. The expression of the mage full of concern was badly hidden through the annoyed curve of his lips. Alfred decided the guy was adorably handsome.
"... Are... kay... ?"
The green-eyed beauty touched his cheek. The prince moved into the chilled fingers. Aaah. He felt hot and cold at the same time.
"Hold... I... get...  elp."
The angel's face blurred. Huh, did... Did Alfred lose his glasses when he fell?
He tried to focus on the other's fretting on him. Alfred's eyes closed, losing its strength to even move an eyelid. Darkness swallowed him and his consciousness.
Hm. It seems the Cupid from Hearts shot him in the chest with a snowball, instead of an arrow.
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badwasabi · 8 years
Writing Advice: Shut out shout-outs
Due to the subject matter, I included a larger-than-usual number of references in this one, just for fun. You probably won't find all eight, unless you happen to watch a certain podcast about a certain red-masked superhero and his nubile ginger sidekick partner.
Okay, so you're watching the latest Game of Thrones episode. There's tension, there's shouting, it's very dramatic, you're on the edge of your seat. What next? you think, shoveling popcorn into your mouth.
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And suddenly the characters start acting out the "What?" scene from Pulp Fiction.
Your hand stops. Your brow furrows. You mouth hangs open.
This doesn't make sense. The writers just...gave up. They made no real effort to integrate the reference into Westeros. Where'd that paper bag come from? Why is the Mother of Dragons is pulling a Big Belly Burger out of it? What is this? 
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I'll tell you what this is. Your hypothetical self has just encountered a bad Shout Out. 
Fanfics, especially by newbie writers, often have this classic blunder. You like Thing, you like Other Thing, you want to put them together like it's peanut butter/jelly time. Let me ask you a question; you might like a nice warm fire. You might like libraries. Would you start a nice, warm fire in the middle of a library? If I needed the insurance money. A public library. Oh. Then no. So you've added the gratuitous reference, you post the chapter, and go on your merry way. Some time later, your reader encounters the reference, and it stops them cold, completely breaking immersion. You were so worried about whether you could that you didn't ask yourself whether you should. One Mass Effect fanfic I read had the bad guys capture Garrus, hang him from a hook, and torture him. Normal enough, right? Well, it was a direct ripoff of the torture scenes from Firefly. Y'know, that "War Stories" episode. Was someone wearing Jayne's hat? Someone was, in fact, wearing Jayne's hat. In a certain Halo fanfic, one of the characters make a crack about how they hadn't seen incompetence like that since the Bush Administration of 21st century Earth. For those of you not familar with the setting, that's be like a  2016 character making a joke about some politican from 1466. Seriously, name someone from the 15th century. Christopher Columbus? Anyone else? Besides Queen Isabella? ...No. You see my point. I bought a cheap watch a year ago. Before the ants ate it*, it looked like a G-Shock. Except that it didn't have the logo, the backlight was more of a frontlight - a bad one - and none of the buttons did what the labels said they were supposed to. Shoehorning in a reference can be like that. It looks good, but the charade falls apart the second you take a closer look. A lot of shoehorned references come without the context that would make them "work" properly. It's not a big problem with individual lines, but when you have to bend the story's universe into a pretzel just to make the reference "fit", you should probably reconsider. And even individual lines can get tiresome if they're intrusive enough. Remember that ME fic I mentioned? The characters often reference popular Firefly lines. It wasn't just the one scene. Which brings me to my next point. References are a crutch, if you rely on them. And in case you're wondering, there's a difference between a pastiche or parody or satire...and an outright ripoff. Also, some works are light-hearted enough to have shedloads of references. Take Deadpool (any medium), Friendship is Magic, or Discworld. And they usually cut back on it when things get heavy, doc. Except Discord, of course, by definition. 
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So how do I know when to use shout outs? The same way you get to Carnegie Hall; practice. Get constructive criticism from somewhere. Let readers tell you what works and what doesn't. Read it out loud. Ask yourself if the scene works for readers who don't get the reference. How would you fix the torture scene? Oh, that's easy. Dolores Umbridge. From Harry Potter? Yep. Wouldn't that just make the problem worse? Allow me to explain. Torture scenes are a dime a dozen. Torture scenes where the torturer has some sort of crazy philosophy are a dime a dozen. Religious conviction, punishment, intelligence gathering, Mengele knockoff, dime a dozen. You know what we don't see very often? What? Passive-aggressiveness. Think about it. Umbridge's core personality traits are cloying, syrupy sweetness over an absolute conviction that she's doing The Right Thing. This is a woman who created a brand-new way to torture people - her special quill - and used it on a child. The book said she looked like a toad, but in the films, Imelda Staunton's completely normal appearance is arguably worse. She looks like someone's mum or grandmum. And she's evil. Remember in the forest? The part where she may have been trying to kill Harry and Hermione, and she's still rationalizing? Imagine that with a torturer. She's levering your fingernails off with a scalpel, and still saying that it would really be so much easier if you would just cooperate. Do you think she enjoys hurting you? Why don't you just tell her what she needs to know? Brrr. But enough about my mother. So, in this case, remixing two references is better than using either of them alone. This has to be done well; if you had a generic torturer, but he's actually a woman wearing pink, that's not going to make much of a difference. In fact, it would be jarring for your readers, unless you're in a light-hearted work, or pink is an important color in your story. Maybe it's about "The Flamingo Killer", who always leaves their victims with a pink rose, or pink fibers have been found on the bodies, or something. Which brings me to the last piece of advice; good artists copy, great artists steal. Pretty sure I've heard that before. But what it doesn't say is that mediocre and bad artists also copy. So what's the difference between copying and stealing? Glad you asked, Timmy! Copying is imitating. Stealing is understanding, making it your own. It's the difference between tracing a piece of art and drawing it freehand. Wait. Isn't tracing really useful for learning how to draw? Yes, it is. To a certain point. Then it's better to strike out on your own. If you don't understand why something works, you can't really integrate it into your work. You won't be able to take the parts of it that work and leave the rest, you'll probably just keep ripping it off wholesale. If I may humblebrag; in my fic Ferris, the XCOM team decides that they're going to have to do something really dark. There's a regular soldier nearby, and he's horrified. He says he could never do that type of stuff. The XCOM trooper he's responding to says "That's the idea. We do it, so you don't have to." ...Is that...? Yep. The Nostalgia Critic's catchphrase. Altered and integrated. Now, if I had written "I fight aliens, so you don't have to," that would've been a lot more blatant. Did anyone notice? No one said anything, so...not as far as I know. Then what's the point? To increase the emotional impact of the scene. Instead of forcing a reference to a popular review show that would ruin the emotional impact of the scene. Executive summary: References and shout-outs can be fine, if used sparingly, or in a work where they fit the tone. If not, they'll cut the legs out from any drama you're trying to build. Try and understand why something you're trying to reference works, so you can alter it to fit the new context, instead of plopping it in your story like a scoop of chocolate ice cream on a cheesecake. What type of cheesecake? Boysenberry. Oooh! I love boysenberry pie! Good hunting, Jon PS: Let's talk about obtrusive fandom jokes. For example, take all the RWBY fics that substitute "Monty" for "God". If you don't know who Monty Oum was (creator of the series), it's just a weird joke or some kind of reference you don't get. If you do, then it's a fandom joke with worrying theological implications, since Ren was voiced by Monty. Does that make him Remnant's Jesus, or some kind of avatar of their Creator? Either road, it completely destroys the seriousness of a scene. Imagine if Frodo and Sam swore "by Tolkien", or Captain Picard by "Roddenberry", or Marvel characters by "Stan".
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Actually, let's dig deep. You know all those Stan Lee cameos in the MCU? They all fit in even if you don't know who Lee is. You could replace Lee with a bunch of random actors, and with maybe one exception (Avengers), they all make sense. They're funny by necessity, because you can't do something like that without tongue in cheek. I can only remember one dramatic cameo, and that was in Incredible Hulk. The "Monty" joke doesn't have any of that. It can't be justified in the context of the series, unlike a bunch of random old guys throughout the universe who happen to look like Stan Lee. TL DR: If your fandom references don't fit unless your reader knows the context, change them or get rid of them. If you're trying to use an injoke in a serious scene, change it or get rid of it. * More precisely, the watchband. They'll eat anything rubber. 
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
50 Cute Good Morning Texts For Him To Brighten His Day
New Post has been published on https://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/50-cute-good-morning-texts-for-him-to-brighten-his-day/
50 Cute Good Morning Texts For Him To Brighten His Day
Harini Natarajan May 21, 2019
Did Cupid get you fair and square? Now, you stay up all night long, dreaming about him with a silly grin on your face? Congratulations, you have a bad case of the love bug! This is probably one of the best phases of your life – the promise of young love in the air, the nervous handholding – and some stolen kisses, maybe? Show your lover what a cute girlfriend you are by sending him flirty good morning messages. You can WhatsApp him, text him, or even DM him on Insta! So, without further ado, let’s take a look at these good morning messages for him.
Sweet Good Morning Texts For Him
#1 Good morning, my love. I hope your day is as wonderful as my life has been after meeting you! #2 This message is meant for the sweetest person in the world, and whoaaa… now you are reading it! Good morning. #3 I need you more than I need my coffee this morning! And you know, I AM a coffee addict! #4 The dream of my life is to wake up next to you, and yes, it will come true soon. Good morning, my bae. #5 Hey baby! I can’t let you start your day without telling you how much I love you! Have a great morning! #6 Good morning to the love of my life. You complete me <3. #7 Good morning! The best part of my morning routine is sipping coffee and thinking of you – I love you, sweetheart. #8 I hated mornings until I found a man worth waking up next to. Good morning! #9 Just wanted to tell you that I think of you the first thing in the morning and the last thing before going to sleep. Good morning! #10 My heart skipped a beat the moment I felt you wake up. Good morning, sweetheart.
Flirty Good Morning Texts For Him
#11 Just checking in – is the most handsome guy in the universe awake yet? #12 Hey, you sexy thing! Hope you have a great morning and a super chill day at work! #13 Want to come over for some breakfast and…? Trust me, there isn’t a better way to start your day! You are welcome 😉 #14 Brrr… it’s so cold and rainy today! I wish you were here to warm me up with your hugs and caresses. #15 I dreamt that I kissed you and woke up missing you. Please come hug me, and I won’t ever let you go. #16 I am counting down the nanoseconds until I get to see you again! I love you, hottie! Good morning. #17 Good morning, sunshine! My day starts and ends with you. #18 Arrghhh… I hate waking up! Because then, I can’t dream of you anymore  Good morning. #19 I went to bed smiling last night – because of you. I woke up smiling – because of you. Good morning, my happiness. #20 I don’t want my pillow anymore! I would rather be sleeping in your arms. Buenos Dias, mi amour!
Funny Good Morning Texts For Him
#21 You are being placed under arrest for being too handsome. Your punishment is to be silenced with kisses. Good morning! #22 I do hope you know CPR dude, because you just take my breath away! Good morning! #23 Listen, you have to stop making me think about you, ok? I’m busy. Just kidding, love me! #24 Hey sleepyhead! I looked online at the restaurant’s menu for our date tonight. Want to know what is on the menu? Me-n-u 😉 #25 Do me a favor – stand in front of the mirror and say good morning to the sexiest man alive!
Long Good Morning Texts For Him
#26 My love, mornings without you here by my side are what I hate the most. I can’t wait for you to be with me, so I can melt in your arms again. You are, and always will be, my reason to live. Good morning! #27 Hey tiger (roarrrrr)! As a morning present, I am sending over some virtual kisses to tell you how much I miss you. Muaah muaah muaahh. You will get the real ones only when you come over in person. And maybe more *wink*wink*!! #28 You are the cheese to my sandwich, the peanut butter to my jelly, and the Oreo to my milk. Just wanted to wish you a good morning, and – oh no, I’m hungry now. Om nom nom. #29 Every morning, I thank the universe for gifting you to me. You are my addiction, my faith, my nirvana. I can’t get enough of you. I wish you could take a peek into my soul and discover how much I love you. #30 Good morning, babe. I wish I could explain to you how it feels to wake up every morning to realize you are mine, and I’m yours. Forever. It is truly a magical feeling – it’s like there are a hundred butterflies in my tummy! I love you so much.
Cute Good Morning Texts For Him
#31 Let’s switch off our phones, call in sick at work, and spend all our time cuddling in bed. Good morning, my love! #32 If I could, I would relive every moment of my life I have spent with you. I love you, my heartbeat. Good Morning! #33 Good Morning. You are the sky, I am the horizon. You are the ocean, I am the beach. You are the heart, I am the beat. We belong together. Forever <3 #34 Good morning, babe. Every day, you spoil me with your love and little acts of kindness. I just cannot start my day without first thinking of you. #35 Wanna know how long our love will last? Multiply all the stars in the universe by a million. I love you, good morning! #36 Mornings are my favorite part of the day! Know why? Because every time I open my eyes, I get to see your kind, loving face. I adore you <3 Good morning handsome! #37 My world was black and white, you are the one who added color to it! Without you, my life is empty. Have a great day, my love. #38 Mi amour, let’s not do anything today! Happiness is in little things, and there is nothing that can make me happier than spending time with you. Good Morning! #39 I am blinded by your love – you mean the world to me! Have a great morning my love. #40 Look at you sleeping so peacefully! I wish I could be that strand of hair that has fallen on your face! I want to wake up with you holding me in your arms – forever. I love you.
Romantic Good Morning Text Messages For Him
#41 I wish I was in your arms right now. Being away from you is torture! Good morning baby. #42 I woke up today and realized that nothing could replace the empty space you leave on my bed! You are supposed to be here, smothering me with your kisses. I miss you, bae. Good morning. #43 I was thinking, I love the way you take care of everyone around you – your parents, your siblings, your pets. Let’s grow old together! Good morning  #44 If only I could have woken up next to you this morning! You are the sunshine in my life, and I can’t imagine a second without you! #45 I just can’t have a good day unless I wish you a good morning first – because you come before everyone else. I love you baby, have a great day! #46 The only thing I like better than dreaming of you is waking up and finding you snoring on my bed! I am so lucky! #47 Is it weird that I woke up just now and I already miss you so much? I am obsessed with you, my love. Good morning. #48 I love waking up to the fact that out of the 7.7 billion people on Earth, I get to be your girl. I am so lucky! #49 I miss you, sleepy head. Wake up, grab your coffee, and call me! I can’t start my day without listening to your voice #50 You are the only prayer that came true. And the only one I needed to. Have a great day.
Every single day, send him a little reminder that he has set your heart on fire. With these super sweet and flirty good morning texts for him, you will make his day and keep him yearning for more! Of course, it’s best if it is penned by you, but we all need a little inspiration sometimes to get started. The point is, these messages will show your man how much you value him, how crazy you are about him, and that he was the first person on your mind as soon as you woke up. It will show him, in not so many words, how much you care. So, go ahead and start texting!
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Harini Natarajan
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/good-morning-texts-for-him/
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