#swiss x gnreader
x-reader-theater · 1 year
Unexpected Kindness
summary: While rushing through the Ministry to complete a task for Sister Imperator, Swiss scares you, and is unexpectedly kind to you.
pairing: Swiss Ghoul x Gender Neutral!Reader
category: Gen
word count: 1,413
warnings: There’s some suggestiveness in the story but nothing described. I’m thinking of making this a series that will be explicit, but there’s nothing like that yet.
Disclaimer: This story is using the fan interpretations of these characters ONLY. No real people are being used in this. I have no problem with real person fic, but I know some people do, and so I wanted to make a disclaimer for those people. 
a/n: i just really like Swiss, okay?
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You were walking through the halls of the ministry, a stack of books in your hands as your footsteps echo down the empty halls. There isn’t another member of the clergy that’s out at this hour, with how early it is in the morning.
That is, except Swiss.
You feel something long and leathery dip into the back of your pants and untuck your shirt. You feel the flat spade-head of a tail press into your bare lower back, and you jump, the books you’re holding dropping from your hands as they land on the ground with a loud THUMP that echos.
“Mother fucking Satan!” you exclaim with a hand over your heart. The tail that is around your waist tightens and you’re pulled into strong arms.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, little one,” he says into your ear. His mask, which he and all other ghouls are required to wear by Sister Imperetor, knocks against the side of your head, one of the tubes off the side squishing.
You scoff and push Swiss away. He doesn’t fight to keep you next to him, but his tail continues to stroke up and down your back. “What do you want, Swiss? I’m busy.”
You look over your shoulder and see him grin, his white teeth blinding against his dark grey skin. “I was lonely,” he says, grin becoming roguish and flirty. “You were just the first I saw…”
You roll your eyes and bend down to pick up the books that were dropped, but you just drop them again when you feel that tail slink out from underneath your shirt and swat at your backside. You yelp and turn around, glaring at him as your books drop again. “I have a hard time believing that you just happened to be awake at 6am,” you say, vitriol in your voice. You pick up the books once more and stand again, this time out of reach of Swiss’ wandering tail. “Besides,” you say, hugging the books tighter to your chest, “I don’t sleep with Ghouls. We’re not allowed.”
Swiss starts walking towards you, slinking forward, and you step back, matching him step for step, until you back hits the wall. Swiss keeps walking forward and when you shrink down, trying to get away, he places an arm above your head. You swallow as he leans in, and you can see his red eyes behind the tinted lenses of the mask.
“Just not allowed? Do you want to?” he asks quietly.
You swallow again, frozen in place, eyes boring into Swiss’ lenses, his strong arms bracketing your head, and you grip the old leather books tighter in your hands. You eyes dart down to Swiss’ exposed lips, and Swiss’ smile widens. He begins leaning in, slowly, like he’s giving you a chance to escape. But, like a deer in headlights, you’re frozen. Even your breath is frozen in your lungs. You can feel Swiss breathe against your lips, his breath smelling faintly of sulfur, but that you’ve heard tastes like the most addicting drug one could get their hands on.
A door slams down the hall and both your heads swivel towards the noise. You take the opportunity to slip out from underneath Swiss’ arms and hurry down the hall away from him and towardsyour goal. Your actual goal, not a fantasy goal.
But you running away from Swiss doesn’t actual deter him at all, and he jogs to catch up to you. He swivels himself so he’s walking backwards in front of you, a grin peaking out from underneath his full lips.
“Where are you going?” he asks slyly, hands clasped behind his back.
“To Sister Imperetor’s office,” you say, tilting your chin up slightly as you try and walk faster to get past Swiss. He doesn’t take the bait however and just moves beside you, keeping pace, his steps in perfect sync with yours.
He lets out a low whistle, “Figures she would have you working all night,” he says. “Mind if I join you? Just to walk you there, nothing else, I promise.”
You slow down, thinking on it for a moment. You haven’t been very close to any of the Ghouls, but Papa Emeritus always seems so close and they all seem to like each other more than anyone else. They seem like they have fun, which is something you’re sorely lacking right now.
“Okay,” you say slowly, suspicious of Swiss’ intentions but willing to be open.
The ghoul grins widely and his steps become less in sync with yours, a bounce added to them.
The two of you walk together through the Ministry in silence, just enjoying each other’s company as your footsteps echo off the stone of the hallway. You feel Swiss’ arm brush against yours every once in a while as you walk, but he doesn’t go further. In fact, it almost seems like every time he brushes your arm he takes a few small steps to the side, but always ends up right next to you anyways, like magnets, always drawn to each other.
Eventually, you come to the door to Sister Imperator’s office, and you both slow to a stop. Swiss stops in front of you, and you smile at him, going to reach for the handle, but Swiss’ hand on your elbow stops you. The grip isn’t hard or strong, but gentle, something you haven’t seen from Swiss before now.
“[Y/N]… after you drop these books off, you should tell Sister that you need sleep,” he says, voice soft and gentle. “You know how she pushes the other siblings of sin.”
You stare at him with wide eyes, before nodding slowly. He smiles, a closed mouth smile so different from his typical cocky grin. He squeezes your elbow and begins walking off further down the hall. You smile as you watch him go down the hall and disappear around the corner. You open the door and walk into Sister Imperator’s office with a small smile on your face.
She’s sitting at her desk, her severe face and tight bun helping her look as strict as she is.
“Was that Swiss?” she asks, still looking down at the work she’s doing on her desk.
You nod. “Yeah. He walked me over here,” you explain, your smile getting dreamier.
She doesn’t stop working as she cuts through your words. “Stay away from him. The ghouls are not meant for you.”
Your smile drops, your body tensing. “Yes, Sister,” you say, even tho your body fights against it. You clear your throat. “I have the books you requested.”
“Good, yes,” she says, waving a hand in the air. “Put them over there on that table.”
You do as she asks and set the books down on the table she gestured to with a loud slam. She doesn’t seem to notice however, still working on whatever the hell has her so busy all day.
“Sibling, I need you to go to the-”
“Actually, Sister,” you interrupt, biting your lip as you wait for her to say something. She doesn’t. “Uh, I’ve been awake for over 36 hours and haven’t had time to rest. I am asking for some time off, just enough to sleep, and then I’ll be able to help you once again,” you say, succinctly and professionally.
Sister Imperator finally stops working and looks up at you. “What a disappointment,” she says, making eye contact with you. “I gave you this position so you could show me that you were ready to move up in the Ministry, but I can see that my faith was misplaced.” She leans back in her chair and steeples her fingers in front of her thin lips. “Since you seem so attached to the Ghoul's, I’ll make you their newest handler.” Your eyes go wide but you're unable to say something as she continues forwards. “They have no sense of time and are always late to services and rituals. Maybe I'll give you a second chance if you do a good enough job.” She leans forward in her chair once more and goes back to working on whatever is on her desk as she dismissively says, “Go fetch Sister Reinhardt. Maybe she won't disappoint me.”
You nod and turn to leave the room, giving one last look back at Sister Imperator before finally leaving her office. You sigh at what happened but you can't help but be a little excited for what’s coming next.
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xxcallmemaryxx · 2 years
The Chase.
Ghouls x GNReader
After being in a relationship with the ghouls for a while, they tap into a fantasy of yours.
All characters are consenting adults. the ghouls hunt you down in the woods. no smut but a little suggestive in some parts. possessive ghouls. reader receives proper aftercare.
Under the cut because shes real looooong!!!
After being in a relationship with the ghouls for a while, they learned that you really like a chase.
You love the feeling of being hunted down and wanted. So for a bit of fun one night, they drag you out deep into the church's woods.
“You got 15 minutes to run as far as those little legs of yours can get you, after the 15 minutes is up, we start running… after you.”
You eye Swiss as he explains how the rest of your night is going to go.
“There are rules obviously..” Aether chimes in,
“You are not allowed to leave the church grounds, under any circumstances. If at any time you want to stop just call out our safe word. We will hear you no matter how far away we are and we will stop the hunt, but of course we will continue to come and find you safely.”
“What's our safeword sweetness?” You look over at a smirking Dewdrop,
“Muffins.” you reply.
His smirk softens slightly, but he gazes at you lovingly.
Aether looks up at the sky, your eyes following his. It's a full moon tonight. They've chosen this night on purpose. The moon at its fullest can have interesting effects on ghouls, all of their senses are heightened and their primal urges are amplified. The latter obviously being the reasoning behind why they picked this night to have their fun with you. 
Your eyes meet Mountains,
“It's almost time to start, the second the clock hits 12… you run. You've got 15 full minutes before we hunt you down. You know we would never hurt you too much but this time.. We can't promise we won't rough you up a little.” 
He smiles at you cheekily from behind his mask. 
They had not admitted it to you yet, because technically they are doing this to feed into your fantasy, but they were all very very excited. 
You could kind of tell though, the excited flicking of their tails, the fidgeting, the fact that they hadn't stood still since you got out here. They were itching to start and you knew it.
Right before it was time to go, you gave each of them a quick kiss, partly to say your goodbyes… but also partly to set them off a little bit. They grin at you as you look at them, their teeth are bared and their eyes are glowing a bright yellow. 
You all hear the bells from the church ring out in the distance, marking 12AM. 
It's now your que to leave.
You give them all one last look and as you turn around to part ways you hear Swiss,
“We will see you shortly baby.”
With a roll of your eyes you take off down the path that leads deeper into the woods.
You run everywhere. All over the place. Spreading your scent as far as you can to (hopefully) slow them down a little. You're brushing up against trees and bushes every chance you get while also trying to run as fast as you can.
You're not sure how long you've been going, you're starting to sweat and your body begs you to stop. You consider it, for a moment. But that moment is cut short when you hear distant growls echoing through the woods. 
All thoughts of stopping fly out of your head as you now have the motivation to push even harder.
You can't run forever though, and your ghouls know that. You all know damn well that they could catch you within a few minutes, but you know them well enough to know that they will stretch this out for as long as they can bear it. Just to mess with you.
Because of the full moon, their want for you is very strong. A lot stronger than it normally is and your scent alone is enough to put them in a frenzy. Obviously making the events of tonight way more interesting.
The path you have found yourself on has come to a deadend and you can definitely hear them getting closer. 
For a moment you swear you can hear them calling for you… begging you to come back to them… daring you to give up.
You almost do, your body is sore and cold. You want them.
But the second you see yellow eyes staring at you from afar you take off blindly through the thick trees. There's no path now, so you're significantly slower than you were before much to your disadvantage but as you're going you think you see one of them in front of you. 
You're not that easy though, you know it's just one of Aethers ghoulish powers, a mind trick, to trick you into running straight back into them. So you keep pushing forward.
You begin to see a clearing ahead of you, as you get closer to it you can hear your ghouls getting very close behind you. The sound of their feet hitting the ground is getting closer and closer from all around you. The threat of their proximity makes you smile.
But right as you step foot into the clearing all the sounds stop.
No more growling.
No more running.
No more ghouls.
As you stumble into the center of the clearing, you frantically look around, trying to see if you just imagined getting chased just seconds ago. You use this opportunity to catch your breath and give your poor legs a moment to rest.
As you come to your senses though, you notice 5 sets of glowing yellow eyes peering out from the darkness of the woods.
They've surrounded you.
For a moment you think they've trapped you and it's game over, but, there's a gap between two ghouls that seems… if you play this right… you could escape through it and get away.
So as an attempt to distract them, you fall to your knees and throw your hands up as a sign of surrender.
One by one they slowly pour out of the darkness, and just as you had hoped they all start to group up in front of you. Giving you plenty of room to take off in the opposite direction.
You make it about 5 steps before one of them tackles you down, pinning you to the ground.
You realise it's Dewdrop and he has his face buried in your neck. Already covering it in love bites and his claws are digging into your sides.
Part of you really wants to stay and admit defeat. The feeling of Dew on top of you and his scent flooding your nose is enough to make you tremble.
But you love the chase.
So with all of your strength you kick him off you and into the rest of the crowding ghouls.
They clearly were not expecting that, so you use their slight distraction to your advantage and take off again.
This time you get a lot further away but you are becoming very exhausted from running this long. Also, because of Dews' claws, you're also slightly bleeding which means that if you get caught again it's game over for real. 
The scent of your blood is bound to make them 10 times more stronger and hellbent on catching you.
For a second you stop paying attention to where you are going and you trip on a tree root. But before you can fall you're scooped up by Mountain.
Almost instantly he presses his whole body against yours and starts sucking harshly on your neck.
Before you're even able to process what Mountain is doing, Swiss appears out of nowhere and yanks you right out of Mountain's arms. You collide with Swiss’ chest and then he sinks his teeth into the soft part of your upper arm. As Swiss has you in his grasp, you can feel Rain press himself against your back and sink his teeth into your shoulder.
You can't even control your body at this point and you relax into the warm bodies on either side of you. Even though they are marking you like crazed animals right now, you all know how safe you are with them and because of this you can't help but let your mind slip a little. You're passing your control over to them and they can feel it.
Unfortunately this doesn't last long, you hear two very dangerous growls sound from beside you, ripping you out of your headspace.
You're forcefully pulled from Swiss and Rain and slammed right into Dewdrop and Aether, who proceed to take turns leaving their marks all over your skin. It's frantic and crazed and they're trying to cover as much skin as they can.
But of course it doesn't last long. 
Mountain decides to claim you as his again and yanks you up into a tree. High enough above the ground so the other ghouls can't take you from him again. 
This causes the other ghouls to become extremely possessive over you. Dangerously growling at each other, fangs bared and ready to pounce. 
By this point you're absolutely covered in bruises, bitemarks and scratches. You need to go home.
So in an attempt to calm down the out of control ghouls you face Mountain and lightly kiss him on the cheek and whisper 
“You caught me, I admit defeat.”
Mountain slowly climbs out on the tree and before you can even set foot on the ground you're scooped back up again and bombarded by possessive and messy kisses and licks from all the ghouls.
By now you can't even hold yourself up and Aether notices it, so he takes you into his arms and you all start the walk back home.
Because of the ghouls running and… marking of your skin… they have calmed down significantly and the crazed need to hunt you has slipped away.
They continuously ask you if you're okay, if they went too far or if they hurt you.
“Are you okay sweetness?”
“Yes Aether”
“Are you sure? We didn't hurt you too much?”
“Im sure Rain, Im okay”
“We didn't take it too far?”
“No Mountain, It was perfect. I promised I loved every single second”
They seem to settle a little at that,
“I especially loved how possessive you all got, I wasn't expecting it but I am not complaining”
They all smile at this,
“Yeah heh.. Uhhh.. turns out you ran a lot further away then what we were expecting and although it was really impressive.. We wanted you back asap.”
Aether explains.
“When we were catching up to you… we could hear how fast your heart was beating and we got kind of worried we had actually scared you. But the second we saw you smile as we were gaining on you we realised how much you were loving it.” Swiss says with a grin.
“OH also, you are in sooooo much trouble for kicking me off you like that” Dew threatens with a sly smirk, 
The others laugh at this and you send him a wink.
For the rest of the way back to the church you all talk about your favourite parts from that experience.
Once you were all back home they took you to get you cleaned up immediately. All the bite marks and scratches were cleaned and patched up and not long after that you were all cuddled up together in bed.
“You know…. We weren't actually planning on biting you like that” mumbles Mountain with sleep already pulling at his mind.
“Really?” you ask,
“Yeah, but because we got a whiff of your blood under the full moon we got a very very strong primal urge to mark you as ours… it was in no way to harm you, but uhh… the overwhelming scent of your arousal on top of everything just set us off I guess…” he continues.
“We never would have hurt you though. If we knew you didn't want it or if we could smell real fear coming from you we would have stopped immediately. I know it sounds like we didn't have control over ourselves but we absolutely did and we will always put you first” you stare at Rain with such love in your eyes as he speaks,
“I know you guys, I know I wasn't in any real danger. I don't know if you noticed but I almost gave up all my power to you completely once Swiss and Rain got me. I knew how safe I was with you all and your scents were so intoxicating I would have let you take me right then and there…” You say as you shy away towards the end of your sentence.
This earns you a few winks and smirks.
“Oh we know baby, we felt it” Swiss smiles.
The trust the lot of you share with each other is unmatched, and the love that flows between you all is so strong you've never felt anything like it before. 
You end the night snuggled together still talking about the parts you each loved the most and promises to do it again soon.
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