#swiss x gender neutral!reader
x-reader-theater · 1 year
Unexpected Kindness
summary: While rushing through the Ministry to complete a task for Sister Imperator, Swiss scares you, and is unexpectedly kind to you.
pairing: Swiss Ghoul x Gender Neutral!Reader
category: Gen
word count: 1,413
warnings: There’s some suggestiveness in the story but nothing described. I’m thinking of making this a series that will be explicit, but there’s nothing like that yet.
Disclaimer: This story is using the fan interpretations of these characters ONLY. No real people are being used in this. I have no problem with real person fic, but I know some people do, and so I wanted to make a disclaimer for those people. 
a/n: i just really like Swiss, okay?
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You were walking through the halls of the ministry, a stack of books in your hands as your footsteps echo down the empty halls. There isn’t another member of the clergy that’s out at this hour, with how early it is in the morning.
That is, except Swiss.
You feel something long and leathery dip into the back of your pants and untuck your shirt. You feel the flat spade-head of a tail press into your bare lower back, and you jump, the books you’re holding dropping from your hands as they land on the ground with a loud THUMP that echos.
“Mother fucking Satan!” you exclaim with a hand over your heart. The tail that is around your waist tightens and you’re pulled into strong arms.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, little one,” he says into your ear. His mask, which he and all other ghouls are required to wear by Sister Imperetor, knocks against the side of your head, one of the tubes off the side squishing.
You scoff and push Swiss away. He doesn’t fight to keep you next to him, but his tail continues to stroke up and down your back. “What do you want, Swiss? I’m busy.”
You look over your shoulder and see him grin, his white teeth blinding against his dark grey skin. “I was lonely,” he says, grin becoming roguish and flirty. “You were just the first I saw…”
You roll your eyes and bend down to pick up the books that were dropped, but you just drop them again when you feel that tail slink out from underneath your shirt and swat at your backside. You yelp and turn around, glaring at him as your books drop again. “I have a hard time believing that you just happened to be awake at 6am,” you say, vitriol in your voice. You pick up the books once more and stand again, this time out of reach of Swiss’ wandering tail. “Besides,” you say, hugging the books tighter to your chest, “I don’t sleep with Ghouls. We’re not allowed.”
Swiss starts walking towards you, slinking forward, and you step back, matching him step for step, until you back hits the wall. Swiss keeps walking forward and when you shrink down, trying to get away, he places an arm above your head. You swallow as he leans in, and you can see his red eyes behind the tinted lenses of the mask.
“Just not allowed? Do you want to?” he asks quietly.
You swallow again, frozen in place, eyes boring into Swiss’ lenses, his strong arms bracketing your head, and you grip the old leather books tighter in your hands. You eyes dart down to Swiss’ exposed lips, and Swiss’ smile widens. He begins leaning in, slowly, like he’s giving you a chance to escape. But, like a deer in headlights, you’re frozen. Even your breath is frozen in your lungs. You can feel Swiss breathe against your lips, his breath smelling faintly of sulfur, but that you’ve heard tastes like the most addicting drug one could get their hands on.
A door slams down the hall and both your heads swivel towards the noise. You take the opportunity to slip out from underneath Swiss’ arms and hurry down the hall away from him and towardsyour goal. Your actual goal, not a fantasy goal.
But you running away from Swiss doesn’t actual deter him at all, and he jogs to catch up to you. He swivels himself so he’s walking backwards in front of you, a grin peaking out from underneath his full lips.
“Where are you going?” he asks slyly, hands clasped behind his back.
“To Sister Imperetor’s office,” you say, tilting your chin up slightly as you try and walk faster to get past Swiss. He doesn’t take the bait however and just moves beside you, keeping pace, his steps in perfect sync with yours.
He lets out a low whistle, “Figures she would have you working all night,” he says. “Mind if I join you? Just to walk you there, nothing else, I promise.”
You slow down, thinking on it for a moment. You haven’t been very close to any of the Ghouls, but Papa Emeritus always seems so close and they all seem to like each other more than anyone else. They seem like they have fun, which is something you’re sorely lacking right now.
“Okay,” you say slowly, suspicious of Swiss’ intentions but willing to be open.
The ghoul grins widely and his steps become less in sync with yours, a bounce added to them.
The two of you walk together through the Ministry in silence, just enjoying each other’s company as your footsteps echo off the stone of the hallway. You feel Swiss’ arm brush against yours every once in a while as you walk, but he doesn’t go further. In fact, it almost seems like every time he brushes your arm he takes a few small steps to the side, but always ends up right next to you anyways, like magnets, always drawn to each other.
Eventually, you come to the door to Sister Imperator’s office, and you both slow to a stop. Swiss stops in front of you, and you smile at him, going to reach for the handle, but Swiss’ hand on your elbow stops you. The grip isn’t hard or strong, but gentle, something you haven’t seen from Swiss before now.
“[Y/N]… after you drop these books off, you should tell Sister that you need sleep,” he says, voice soft and gentle. “You know how she pushes the other siblings of sin.”
You stare at him with wide eyes, before nodding slowly. He smiles, a closed mouth smile so different from his typical cocky grin. He squeezes your elbow and begins walking off further down the hall. You smile as you watch him go down the hall and disappear around the corner. You open the door and walk into Sister Imperator’s office with a small smile on your face.
She’s sitting at her desk, her severe face and tight bun helping her look as strict as she is.
“Was that Swiss?” she asks, still looking down at the work she’s doing on her desk.
You nod. “Yeah. He walked me over here,” you explain, your smile getting dreamier.
She doesn’t stop working as she cuts through your words. “Stay away from him. The ghouls are not meant for you.”
Your smile drops, your body tensing. “Yes, Sister,” you say, even tho your body fights against it. You clear your throat. “I have the books you requested.”
“Good, yes,” she says, waving a hand in the air. “Put them over there on that table.”
You do as she asks and set the books down on the table she gestured to with a loud slam. She doesn’t seem to notice however, still working on whatever the hell has her so busy all day.
“Sibling, I need you to go to the-”
“Actually, Sister,” you interrupt, biting your lip as you wait for her to say something. She doesn’t. “Uh, I’ve been awake for over 36 hours and haven’t had time to rest. I am asking for some time off, just enough to sleep, and then I’ll be able to help you once again,” you say, succinctly and professionally.
Sister Imperator finally stops working and looks up at you. “What a disappointment,” she says, making eye contact with you. “I gave you this position so you could show me that you were ready to move up in the Ministry, but I can see that my faith was misplaced.” She leans back in her chair and steeples her fingers in front of her thin lips. “Since you seem so attached to the Ghoul's, I’ll make you their newest handler.” Your eyes go wide but you're unable to say something as she continues forwards. “They have no sense of time and are always late to services and rituals. Maybe I'll give you a second chance if you do a good enough job.” She leans forward in her chair once more and goes back to working on whatever is on her desk as she dismissively says, “Go fetch Sister Reinhardt. Maybe she won't disappoint me.”
You nod and turn to leave the room, giving one last look back at Sister Imperator before finally leaving her office. You sigh at what happened but you can't help but be a little excited for what’s coming next.
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inkpot909 · 4 months
First Love Headcanons: Bruno Bucciarati x Reader
↳ Gender neutral Reader with they/them pronouns. Implied the reader is shorter than Bucciarati? Canon-divergent. The reader is not made out to be very morally upright and is hinted at having a rough past.
A/n: Doing another one of these has been on my mind for a while now. Thank you to the lovely person below for the request! I hope y’all enjoy. <3
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Warning(s): None.
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There’s no time in Bruno Bucciarati’s schedule for a relationship.
Growing up in the mob kept him focused on the ‘family’ that took him in. It was his purpose, and the only reason he was able to support his father as well as himself. Before he learned the truth of the organization’s operations, he felt a pride in even the… messier aspects of his work.
Eventually finding a disconnect between it and his own morals leaves an empty spot in his heart. A shame so deeply buried within him that even the members slowly joining his team know little of it how deeply it affects him.
He now goes on with his work as normal, all while feeling like a bit of a hypocrite. His heart feeling so betrayed it needs little to push him towards full betrayal on his part.
Surely, a relationship would only muddy the waters.
All the cute girls that wave to him as he passes by on the street… who of them would be able to take such baggage? How could he expect anyone to? He wouldn’t have it in him to willingly bring anyone into this lifestyle, if his reluctance to let Narancia join is anything to go by.
Barely an adult and already he’s responsible for a small handful of people. Though, that thought never crosses his mind, as he’s unfortunately felt like an adult for an unfair amount of time.
And despite his own inner turmoil over his position in Passione, he’s formed meaningful relationships through the members of his team.
He’s the connection that binds them together, the head of their group, and by proxy the head of their little family. The purpose that the organization originally gave him now lands on the shoulders of his motley crew.
It’s them that keeps him going in spite of it all.
He finds his heart still beating, still moved each time he brings someone underneath his wing. That alone is good enough for a man like him.
No… there’s no time in Bruno Bucciarati’s schedule for a relationship.
And so, with that thought constantly repeated in his mind, he didn’t at all bat an eye when your own need eventually brought you to Passione’s metaphorical doorstep.
In your mind, it must’ve felt like fate.
Reaching for assistance at lowest point, you were subtly pointed toward one Bruno Bucciarati.
You don’t know what you expecting from the mafioso. A degree of harshness or coldness, perhaps. Only to be greeted with a hearty meal and an understanding personality so moving you fell into the trap of the mob right then and there.
How could you hope not to? When all you saw in that moment was a pair of gentle blue eyes looking at you with unspoken empathy, allowing you to speak freely despite his status as a gang leader.
So when he gave you an offer, you could only accept with newfound vigor.
The next couple of days felt like a blur, a change to your very view of your own psyche is made when it is suddenly able to manifest something you soon knew to call a stand. It is life altering to you, yet mundane to Bucciarati.
That kept you grounded.
Exiting a prison, golden broach in your hand, there’s no pit in your stomach that usually occurs when you lie straight to someone’s face. You had looked up at Polpo- an impossibly intimidating capo -and told him a lie. Said you’d kept the lighter on for 24 hours, and he… took your word for it, creepily enough.
You’re observant, able to discern that you were never meant to actually keep the lighter on the whole time, that the goal all along was to acquire a stand.
Distantly, you remember telling yourself as you left the prison that you ought to grow accustomed to lying anyways.
You didn't chose the mafia to be a player in your future, but life hardly goes the way people want.
And lying to a man like Polpo really didn’t feel like it counted anyways.
Still, Bruno’s reaction to your own twisted priorities was a darkly comforting one. It made you feel better about the coming days ahead:
Bruno Bucciarati finds himself checking his watch a third time, standing just a few yards away from a prison’s main entrance. Not many people like to pass by the looming building, leaving him alone and not likely to be recognized by anyone- Passione member or not.
He sighs, This should not be taking this long.
There’s only so much he can check the area around him before he starts looking suspect. Not that there’s much hustle and bustle in the surrounding area to distract himself with. A familiar impatience bubbles within his stomach, one that only occurs when he’s about to introduce his team to a new member.
Well… hopefully.
Before he starts growing gray hairs, he hears the prison gate creak open. Turning his head, he finally notices your figure exiting the large entrance with prison guards escorting you.
A smile finds its way onto his face, a gesture you return as you approach him. Once the gate is closed, and the two of you are left without any watchful eyes, you subtly gesture with your arm. The action causes his attention to move towards your hand that shows off a little golden broach in your hand.
He gives a nod, and you don’t waste time before shoving the little piece of gold into your pocket. Just as you do, you halt your footsteps- now standing close enough to hold a casually quiet conversation.
Every one of your movements are noticed and dissected within his mind, something you clearly understand just by looking at your poised body language. That, or you’re still on alert from talking to Polpo.
“I was beginning to think I’d have to go in there myself,” he jests lightly, though there’s not much actual humor in his voice. “Afraid I’d find you there attempting to choke the capo out.”
“The thought didn’t cross my mind,” you reply, a trying smile playing on your lips. You appear much more collected than the day you first met him, a detail he’s glad to see. “That would be an awful first impression of my own loyalty, wouldn’t it?”
Ah, so either Y/n is simply that nervous, or Polpo’s words actually got to them. Bruno shakes the thought off, as the distinction is not worth dwelling over right at this moment.
“One of your new teammates was damn near close to trying to pull a stunt like that in the past-“ he doesn’t miss how your eyes brighten up at his roundabout way of welcoming you to his team. You joining it went without saying, but the subtle omission being enough to make you look so inspired is something he can already tell he’ll find endearing about your personality. “-But no matter… walk with me, please.”
You do as you’re asked, something Bruno does not care take note of.
It's the one part of your behavior he doesn't quietly run through his brain. It’s your first day after all, he’ll see in a weak how well you actually listen to him. His experience with the others has taught him as much.
“I do have to admit…” you speak up when he doesn’t, “Lying to him didn’t make me feel bad at all.”
He turns to you, something flickering in his gaze before he lets out a soft chuckle. His smile now seems a little less formal, and the amusement on his face looks more natural. “If that’s an omission of guilt, then you’ll be an interesting change of pace.”
“It is,” you admit, figuring there’s no need to put up a front for a man this observant, “Lying to someone is almost worse than killing them.”
“How do you figure?” Bruno raises an eyebrow, not batting an eyelid at your statement. Honestly, the first time the two of you met, your words were much more morbid.
“Well… lying leaves room for feelings to stir within me or the person of interest. It lets emotions fester inside of people. Killing stops all regrets or feelings of betrayal- stopping everything, you understand? That, I can live with. A bad mark on my heart I find more difficult to walk away from."
It’s no surprise he’s silent after that, but his hesitation does take you off guard.
Oh, god, was that too loose-lipped? It’s easy to feel comfortable around Bucciarati. Far too easy. He’s the type of man that makes people inclined to open up. You always talked casually before about macabre things. Isn’t that normal for a mafioso? What if-
“No need to be nervous, L/n; I’m already impressed by you. You’ll do well with us.”
Something about his words, spoken so calmly without even looking over at you, have a calming effect to them. Just a week into knowing him, and already you’re slowly growing accustomed to his genuine yet subdued warmth.
As Bruno drones on about Passione and its systems- more specifically his duties that directly trickle down into being your duties -you can’t help but let your mind wander a little to a distinction you made when you first met him.
Bruno Bucciarati’s fundamentally different.
There’s a kindness to him you never would’ve expected from someone in a gang. It kept you nodding along as you spoke, and distantly you felt as though your entire future is in the palm of his hand.
And scarily enough, you were fine with that.
Him being a sort of exception was a thought you assumed yourself to be mad for making, at least, until you found out the others on the team noticed the exact same thing.
All while Bruno himself only looks at you and sees your potential to grow.
A place in his team… something that he’s always well-spotted. An intuition he’s not once been wrong with before, so there’s a degree of confidence there as well that rubs off on you.
You got his attention in a familiar way, and after you join the team, you’re his responsibility and his purpose- just as the others are.
He’s just your leader. Nothing more, nothing less.
That said, he grows to appreciate the genuine gratefulness you offer him in a… special way.
The others are thankful for him too, and he knows that fact, but it’s nice to here the sentiment so openly and often in nature. And in the tones of your voice, it’s especially calming.
He’s really just making excuses for himself, but it was early on enough where it was okay.
That’s what’ll first make Bruno truly see you as not only a member of his team, but a member of his little found-family. The not-so-subtle ways you show that you want to be with them and a part of what they do… how could he hope to not find that charming?
Your softer side, however you chose to express it, is never missed by a man like Bruno. He easily recognizes it, and almost immediately respects you for it.
Hell, after a while, he relies on you for it.
There’s little in his life that’s more grounding than a gentle expression, thick with anticipation, displayed on your face after each mission you’re not a part of.
You always check up on the returning members as soon as possible, making sure everyone is up and moving. “I won’t be able to relax unless I see for myself that you’re all okay,” he recalls you saying on the matter. The fact that it’s how you treat everyone on the team only makes the relaxing feeling sink in deeper.
It’s not long before he sees you as a genuine soul, and he’d consider himself to be a fool if he didn’t recognize that.
Since the very beginning, Bruno’s personality has touched you emotionally. And although he always saw a sort of spark in you, getting to really know you- becoming your friend in tantum with acting as your superior -allows him to see that little spark for what it actually is.
Genuine care for the people you’re close to. An eye for good natured people, and a responding gentleness. Couple that with a darker, more proactive role during missions or anything work-related, and Bruno finds himself falling back on you more than he’d care to admit.
The others, though? They have no hang-ups over mentioning it. It gets to a point where- specifically Fugo, Mista, and Narancia -start to complain about Bruno showing you a degree of ‘special treatment.’
Mista and Narancia’s complaining jabs are easily shot down with only a look, but Fugo proved to be a lot more serious about it.
To the extent to where an argument or two emerges between them. Fugo insistant in his observations, trying to get Bruno to at least admit he treats you differently than the rest. But Bruno remained headstrong, stubborn in his belief that he would always treat his subordinates equally.
He’s just your boss. Nothing more, nothing less.
In the months that pass, when you’ve since naturally found your place on the team, at what point did that start to be the common refrain playing in his mind?
At what point does he go from insisting he has no time for a relationship at all, to continuously having to remind himself he’s your boss?
And that question alone tugs at his heartstrings in a manner he’s not quite used to. It’s a delightful feeling, but it is foreign.
For a man like Bruno Bucciarati, it’s not so much a refusal to believe he could be developing feelings, but a worry if he should even do anything about the attraction.
That said, it does take him some time to realize his own feelings due to his position as a boss to you and out of sheer unfamiliarity with the subject.
He’s not too obvious as to receive knowing looks from the others whenever he’s around you (Which is often). Hell, Mista even admitted to him much later that Narancia didn’t even notice until Fugo told him to start paying attention.
And after a certain point, Bruno has to admit it to himself and does so with surprising ease. It may have taken some time, he may have been stubborn speaking with Fugo, but he won’t continue to lie to himself. He’s old enough to know when he needs to swallow his pride and admit Fugo was onto something, if only a little.
And after that point of realization, his own love language starts to naturally shine through a bit more.
Bruno generally prefers acts of service and quality time when showing his affection. Cheeky and openly flirtatious, you may have assumed he’s been in relationships before given his confidence.
He’s always had a special care for you when it comes to missions... but now he finds himself offering to help you with grocery shopping. Or paying for a maid to clean up your home when you’ve had a particularly busy week, and offhandedly mentioned needing to clean once.
What? You thought he would forget? That only makes him chuckle smugly, prompting him to lean to eye-level and ask you, “What kind of man do you think I am?”
It seems like he remembers everything that pours from your lips. Always listening to you intently, and never brushing you off.
And during down time, Bruno naturally finds himself preferring to spending it in your company. A lot. Preferably alone, thank you very much.
The two of you even began to start watching TV shows with one another. And neither of you would dare to watch ahead without the other. It’s usually true crime shows, comedies, or shitty soap operas.
All this time with you after realizing his feelings... and they only grow- to his personal panic. The more he stays at your side the more he would hate to ever leave it.
So this is what it's like... he remembers thinking while lounging around, and watching a movie with you one evening. This is.... what I’ve been missing my whole life.
As beautiful as the feeling you bring him is, should he... really do anything about it?
He can see that look in your eyes when it’s just the two of you, a gleam that speaks of an internal joy you’re not sharing with him just as he refuses to share with you.
He gets a sneaking suspicion that you like him the exact same way he’s grown to adore you. And Christ almighty- what’s he supposed to do with that?
Yet, even though you’re a part of Passione, meaning he needs not to stress over bringing you into something so dangerous unwillingly... he is still hesitant.
His care for you so often is expressed through worry, something he usually handles with authority and maybe even harsh words if he deems it necessary.
But this is far more personal, and he can only mull it over by himself. He’s not the type to bring it up to others, not even Abbacchio.
If he reached for you... and the two of you began something real; something official... it would be a no-brainer for enemies to target either of you in order to send some sort of message.
He can’t stand the thought of your broken heart, and absolutely refuses to think of something like that happening to you.
Then again, if a bit morbid, he eventually realizes the result would still be the same with the way things are now. Only, it’d be coupled with Bruno's deep regret over not having said anything to you.
He can only wonder if you’d feel the same, and at the end of the day, he really does think that would be the case.
And it’s around the time he’s fully digesting this, that you end up genuinely taking him aback. Acting before he can begin convincing himself to make the first move:
Giorno, Fugo, and Mista walk behind Bucciarati, looking up at him in silent awe.
If you were to look into each of their eyes, you could likely peace together what they’re thinking while looking upon the freshly appointed capo. Opportunity twinkles within their gazes, all coming from a sincere place of respect for their leader.
You, however, are not looking at them.
As Bruno approaches the rest of his team, anticipation turns into cheers and hollers of excitement from the others standing next to you. Abbacchio has the widest smile on his face you’ve seen since Giorno entered the picture, yet your gaze stays glued onto Bruno throughout the nearly youthful display of glee.
He’s noticeably silent and calm. It’s like there’s no off switch to him- likely already going through the duties now landing on his lap due to his promotion within his mind. He’s not going to want to take the night off, no doubt wanting to get down to business.
Your heart swells despite the slight strain on it. It’s so like him to be that way in a time like this, but… I can’t help but wish he’d celebrate… if only a little, you find yourself thinking.
“Mista… guys, please,” Bruno tries to calm the two (In all honesty, Giorno’s ‘celebrating’ amounted to simply smiling) excited boys walking beside him, waving his hand.
Mista goes on about how everyone must celebrate somehow, still lecturing as they finally approach and reunite with the rest of the group. His words go over Bruno’s head, however, a fond smile making its way onto his face when he turns to meet your gaze.
Maybe it’s the adrenaline from him finally achieving the well-deserved position. Feeling so proud of him that your body jerks forward without thinking. Maybe it’s the excitement of everyone else rubbing off on you, and simply causes you to act without thinking.
All you do care to think as your feet move you right up to Bruno is, To hell with it. If he won’t start celebrating on his own; I’m making him celebrate.
Bruno opens his mouth to speak as you move well within his personal space, but is cut off by the swift movement of your hand tightly grabbing the collar of his jacket. One good tug of your arm and your pulling him toward you, lips meeting with his eyes widely open in surprise.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!”
Fugo’s exclamation, along with startled gasps from everyone else melt away the moment you feel Bruno melt into the kiss and reciprocate.
He follows your lead, gently sighing against your lips when you neglect to take your hand off his collar. His arms, which you’ve always found to be so comforting, snake around your waist. He keeps you securely in his hold, and your other hand flies to cup his jaw.
After a moment or two, the kiss breaks. Bruno looks at you as you pull away, eyes still wide and mouth gently agape. It’s enough to make you chuckle, seeing him so cutely taken aback by both your and his own spontaneous actions.
“Congratulations, capo,” you smoothly whisper, finally removing yourself from his hold. “You earned it.”
“I-… thank you, Y/n,” he responds softly, a smile growing on his face.
As much as you’d like to hold onto the gentle intimacy of the moment you just shared with him, movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention. Shifting your gaze, you catch a glimpse of Fugo silently sliding some cash over to a smug-looking Abbacchio.
No… they didn’t…
“Did you-“ you breath, embarrassment beginning to boil inside your stomach and fuel the rising volume of your voice, “-Did you assholes bet on us!?”
“It’s Fugo’s fault for assuming Bucciarati would make the first move,” Abbacchio replies dryly, scoffing as if it’s beneath him.
“Excuse me!?” you and Fugo shout in tandem.
The team erupts in accusations and yelling, the celebration over nearly three minutes after it began. Bruno can only smile at his team, not expecting anything less.
And just like you moments ago, he cannot take his eyes off you.
It’s moments like those that serve as a reminder as to why it’s Bucciarati that leads the team.
Still… the smile playing on his lips that day did not falter once after your sudden display of affection. It was a beautiful, unexpected thing… much akin to how you entered his life.
The two of you were much closer after that event. Other members of Passione outside the team noticing another that’s always at the young capo’s side. Whispers and rumors flood Naples of your relationship… but he never pays them any attention.
He knows what the two of have, and he’s confident in saying that it’s love.
After all, all that matters to him is you staying at his side… even behind closed doors. He’s never experienced something like this before in his life, but now that he has you held in his arms, he never wishes to let you go.
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stay with me - swiss ghoul x reader
Author’s note: Hey ghesties I was in the mood to write some heart-wrenching angst because I love it sm, also this is my first ghost fic I’ve ever written so yeah hope you like it and requests are always open :) also any ghouls I write for are to be read as the characters, not the people behind the masks. Enjoy!! 
Other things to note: reader’s gender is not mentioned, reader and swiss are in an established relationship, reader’s mental health is not the greatest, reader has a black cat named Jiji, reader is in the 3rd year of college.
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST, slightly suggestive towards the end, hurt/comfort, no pronouns used for reader (swiss calls reader 'baby')
Word count: 1569 words
You had secluded yourself in your room, fuming. You and Swiss had just had a massive argument, the whole time you just felt arguing with him was pointless; but he wouldn’t give up. This time he had really hurt you, saying that if you weren’t going to support him, maybe you two should break up. Jiji, your teeny ball of adorable darkness, trotted over to you and rubbed its head on your leg. You sighed and picked him up, holding him close to your chest. You gave him a few kisses and he mewed as you sat down on your bed. 
“..Jiji.. what am I gonna do.. he won’t listen to me..” You whispered softly as you pet him. He mewed again in response, softly purring on your arms. You chuckled lightly, then felt a few tears welling in your eyes. 
“This whole thing just feels like…” you trailed off, mostly talking to yourself. You sniffed as tears started to fall. “..Maybe he’s right.. y’know?.. Maybe I am destined to be alone forever…” You held Jiji a bit tighter, trying not to cry.
Suddenly, as if he had a sixth sense, Swiss barged into your room. “Baby.. baby, I’m so sorry.. please don’t cry.. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it..” He said quickly, rushing over to hug you. Jiji leapt from your arms and laid on the bed, right on your pillow. 
You stood up as he wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly. You sobbed into his chest, your hands holding onto his shirt tightly. 
“Shh.. I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry.. I didn’t mean to say what I said, I’m so sorry..” Swiss whispered, rubbing your back soothingly as you continued to cry. After a few minutes of crying, you had calmed down a bit and started to speak. “..S-Swiss, I-“ 
He cut you off by placing a soft kiss to your lips. You stood in shock for a few seconds, another tear falling down your cheek. You kissed him back gently. “Shh.. ‘m so sorry, baby.. I never meant to make you feel alone..” He apologized over and over as he pulled away briefly to look into your eyes. 
“…if I’m being honest.. maybe you’re right..” You started, looking down. “..you know I don’t have enough money to follow you everywhere for your tours.. and then there’s my schooling..” Your voice catches in your throat as it hurt to say those words aloud. 
“…Wait.. What? What- what are you saying, love?” Swiss stared at you in shock and confusion. He had never thought that you would’ve actually thought of ending your relationship with him. 
“…y’know.. maybe we should take a break.. you’re always gone and.. and I need someone to be here for me, physically, for when I need hugs.. you know what I mean..?” You whispered, still looking down. It broke your heart to say those words, but maybe it really was for the best. 
He froze, his heart shattering inside his chest. His eyes got wide as he just looked at you.
“A.. A break…?” He stuttered, as if not believing what you said. “What do you mean? You want to... You want to... Be... Be away from me.. When I’m here..?” He asked, his voice sounding scared and he felt his eyes welling up. 
It broke your heart to see how badly your words had hurt him. 
“Take a break…” he repeated to himself, as if the words had just registered into his brain.
“But that means... That means... No more... No more... Kisses? No more... hugs... No more... Cuddling...? No more Jiji..?” His voice cracks towards the end of the sentence, now starting to cry. “Why…?” He asked, trying to stop you.
“Please... Please don’t do this..“He looked at you as if he was begging and his eyes were filled with desperate tears... He didn't want to do this, he didn't want to let you go. 
You looked back up at him as you heard him start to cry. 
“..I- I’m sorry, Swiss… b-but if you think that might be best-“
“No! No, I don’t think that’s the best!” Swiss exclaimed immediately. “Look, I- I let my temper get to the best of me, okay? I’m sorry I said that.. I didn’t mean it. Please, baby, don’t go.. I need you..“  He pleaded desperately, now starting to sob as well. 
You just stared at him longingly, feeling very guilty as you watched him cry. You started to cry as well, bringing a hand to your moth to try and stifle your sobs. “Please... I'm sorry... I'll do... I'll do anything... Please…” He begged again, holding you tighter. You sniffed. “..’m sorry, Swiss.. I’m so sorry..” You pulled away, wiping your tears. He stared at you in shock, deeply hurt. “..W-What do you mean..? You’re not… you’re not breaking up with me.. are you..?” He whispered. 
“I…” You were at a loss for words. You couldn’t bring yourself to actually break up with him. He was too perfect. You felt so terrible for doing this. “..Please.. don’t look at me like that..” You silently begged. He smiled sadly, caressing your cheeks with both his hands. He looked at you for a moment, then he leaned closer and he started kissing you tenderly, his lips meeting yours passionately and softly. He wasn't trying to be too quick, he just wanted to feel your body against him. He wanted to feel safe and loved by you again. 
You let out a soft whimper as you felt him kiss you. You stepped back a bit, but kissed him back softly. You pulled away briefly. “…Swiss.. I…” 
He stayed quiet for a few moments, but he kept kissing you. He was slowly picking up the pace, feeling you against him as his lips went down to your neck. “You're so beautiful... I missed your skin... I missed everything about you…” He whispered. He put his arm around your waist and he smiled, his eyes closed. For a few moments he felt safe and he felt free, he felt like nothing bad could happen now that he was with you again.
“Mm… S-Swiss.. please..” You put your hand on top of one of his to pull his arm off your waist, but instead it lingers. He looked at you, not believing you were still trying to end it. He was hurt so much that he didn't know how to answer you for a moment, he stayed silent. He started to open his mouth to say something, but then he closed it. He couldn't say anything... He felt like his words were trapped inside his throat. 
“Why…?” He asked softly. “Why do you want to... Break... U-us…?” He paused and his voice started to break now. He was about to cry again.
“Please, baby... Please... I love... I love you, I…”
He choked on his words and he covered his face to muffle his cry. “I can't... I can't do this... I can’t… I need you, baby..”
In that moment you regretted everything. You hated hurting him, and it just broke your heart to pieces to see him like this. 
“I’m so sorry, Swiss.. I’m so sorry.. I didn’t mean to hurt you..” You said in a quiet voice, hugging him tightly as you sobbed. He was held you as tight as he could without hurting you, his voice sounding broken and almost whispering.
“I love you…”
He kept looking at your face as he kissed you and he tried to make you happy, to make you stay.
“I.. I need you... Please, don't... Don't leave me...
He was caressed your face, and he kissed you again, a little more passionately than before.
“Please... Please... Baby…” He mumbled between kisses, and you felt his tears fall as well as yours. He was desperate and he didn't want you to go. 
You kissed him back with the same passion, feeling terrible. Your arms wrapped themselves around his neck, pulling him in closer as you two continued to kiss each other, both still crying. “I love you.. I’m so sorry, Swiss.. I’m so sorry..” You repeated every time in between kisses. 
“I love you... I love you…” He repeated his words, his voice breaking again as he continued to kiss you.
Eventually he backed you up to the bed and you both sat down, still giving each other short but passionate kisses. You pulled away, sobbing. “..I’m sorry.. I didn’t mean to hurt you… I feel terrible..” Your voice cracks, and he wipes your tears, disregarding his own. He smiled sadly. 
“..No, no… Don’t be sorry.. I’m the one that should be sorry.. I made you feel like I didn’t want you anymore.. I should’ve controlled my temper.. I’m so sorry.. Will you ever forgive me..?” He pulled you into his arms again, having you sit on his lap. You buried your face into his neck, holding onto his shirt tightly, letting a few last quiet sobs out. He rubbed your back soothingly, not caring that you got his shirt wet. “Shh… it’ll be okay..” He whispered. “..Will you ever forgive me…?” 
You nodded. “Yes.. yes, of course.. of course I forgive you. I love you.” You whispered with a smile. 
He smiled contently, resting his head on yours gently. “Thank you…” he whispered, continuing to rub your back and humming softly soon after, lulling you to sleep. 
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succulent-ghoul · 1 year
Mountain ghoul X swiss ghoul X nerd ghoul reader
Hehehe ghoul reader content has become my fav and when I say nerd I mean videogames nerd. From the perspective of a earth ghoul but it's ambiguous.
Your lounging in the den playing videogames it's been absurdly quiet. So far it seems everyone's at practice and you being you decided to skip for a few more hours in your newest online obsession. You've only been topside for a few months and yet you've become enamored with video games. The other ghouls were casual with their entertainment via video games but you were infatuated.
Your so entrenched in your game you didn't notice that two ghouls entered the main den until they were sitting next to you and cuddling. Quickly you finish up your game and turn off your switch to see who's there, revealing Swiss and Mountain. Swiss is laying on top of mountain while they cuddle, swiss flirting up a storm and mountain laughing and pressing kisses onto swiss's lips.
It's not like you don't want them to be happy or anything, but it's awfully awkward listening to them be all lovey-dovey while sitting not even a foot away. Swiss suddenly sits up combing his fingers through his hair and laughs, god his laugh was hot. Quickly you shake your head and turn your switch back on to distract yourself. But before you can go back to your game Swiss snatches your switch away.
"what are you doing?" You almost demand trying to get your switch back swiss laughs again "I'm keeping you from rotting your brain, you've spent all day playing games on this thing. You need to disconnect." Swiss smirks down at you while you jump up and try to get your switch that is just out of reach.
Mountain speaks up "Swiss is right y'know. I haven't seen you separated from that switch in weeks." You look back at mountain with a sense of betrayal. Swiss continues to hold the switch out of reach, and resigning yourself to boredom. You flop on the couch next to mountain, to which he drags you into a hug. You groan and complain but don't actually fight the warm grip mountain has on you.
Not to be outdone swiss falls ontop of the two of you quickly crushing you between him and mount. You groan and push at swiss so you can get comfortable, to which swiss presses kisses to your neck. You giggle and mountain starts pressing kisses to your face, before long your laughing as they press kisses to whichever piece of uncovered skin they can find.
Softly swiss squeezes you as you cuddle, and you can't help but laugh some more as mountain gives you another quick kiss on the cheek.
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bupia · 1 year
What if I said 20 (nighttime) with Swiss ghoul…
Going to bed at night: Swiss, Ghoul
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“Good night, my love.”
It was the first time you two were going to spend the night together. After a long tour schedule, your Ghoul, Swiss, was finally free to meet you. You had been eagerly anticipating his arrival, and all you needed was his comforting presence beside you tonight.
Hours passed, and there was no sign of him. Doubts began to creep into your mind. Had you gotten the date wrong? Was he not coming back today? Feeling disappointed, you decided to blow out the candle on your bedside table, preparing to settle in for the night.
Just as you closed your eyes and started to drift off to sleep, you felt the bed move, causing you to snap awake. Turning your head, you saw Swiss, standing there. He was unmasked, and unclothed.
"Swiss? What..." you started to say, confused by his sudden appearance.
"Oh, my! I didn't mean to wake you up," he apologized, looking sheepish.
You sat up. "It's okay, Swiss. I'm just glad you're here. I thought you weren't coming."
He gave you a warm smile, coming closer to the bed. "I'm sorry it took me so long. The tour was more exhausting than I anticipated, but I couldn't wait to be with you."
You reached out to take his hand. "I'm glad you're here now. I missed you."
He climbed into bed beside you, wrapping his arms around you. "I missed you too, little one. I couldn't wait to hold you in my arms."
You snuggled into his embrace, feeling a sense of comfort. This was the best sensation in the world, having him close to you like this, it was magical.
"Let's just sleep now, I'm very tired." He yawned.
You nodded, closing your eyes, feeling the comfort of his presence. "Good night, Swiss," you whispered, feeling grateful for his presence.
"Good night, my love," he murmured, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "Sleep well."
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bloodonherknees · 1 year
Nameless Ghouls pt.1
So this is part one of a series I’m thinking? Polyghouls vibe, gender neutral reader?
No warnings for this part
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You couldn’t decide wether being the ghouls handler was the best, or the worst job in the world.
On the one hand they may have looked scary but they were the most adorably kind creatures, deep down. They had accepted you into their pack almost immediately. On the other hand though they made the absolute WORST messes you had ever seen.
Walking down the the ministry corridors, you were almost complete knocked off your feet by Dewdrop bowling past you, followed by Rain, then Swiss. They were coming in from outside and left a trail of mud, leaves and twigs along the corridor.
“What the fuck guys?? I just swept up!” You yelled after them, only Swiss seemed to hear you, turning back and blowing you a kiss, without stopping. He shouted “We’ll make it up to you!”
“Ugh.” You’d clean it up in a minute, you were still stiff from kneeling on the floor of Aethers room brushing fur out of the carpet.
To be honest you didn’t know why they each had their own room, especially the band ghouls as they tended to sleep in puppy piles. The boys in one bed and the girls in another, sometimes all in one huge pile in their common room. It did look awfully comfortable though.
Walking into the kitchen you saw Cumulus peering into an open oven with a confused look on her face, after a few seconds she closed it and huffed. “My cookies are burnt.”
“I’m sorry honey, do you want me to make you some more?” You asked, using nicknames was reserved for the Ghoulettes.
“Please.” She nodded.
“No worries” you said getting to work “Hey do you know why the boys were outside? They left a huge mess for me clean in the corridor.”
“Nope, sorry.” She had sat up on the counter and was swinging her legs.
“I dread to think with them.” Cirrus chimes in making the three of you laugh.
At the end of the day, after making multiple batches of cookies, and sweeping the hall a second time, you finally retired to you room. It was at the end of the ghouls quarters, small but quaint, with a little kitchenette so you could enjoy some time away from your noisy housemates if you wanted to.
You never wanted to.
Opening the door you saw a thin black vase with a single rose standing in your counter, with a small note beside it.
“Sorry we’re a lot, we love you!
/A Nameless Ghoul”
You recognise the handwriting, Swiss. He had probably gotten the rose from mountains greenhouse. You inhaled it’s gorgeous smell and smiled. They were definitely a lot, but they were yours.
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
Mate [Swiss]
Ghouls biology is different from humans in many ways. One of those many ways is they need a mate and if they don't find one in a certain timeframe, instincts take over and they get one. It would however be nice if said mate got a little more warning.
Where the ghouls haven't gotten a mate in time so instincts take over and the first person they see becomes their mate.
[Dew] [Mountain] [Aether] [Rain] [Poly]
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            Why the clergy had decided to have a formal party you weren’t sure, all the other siblings of sin had spent the week after it was announced scrambling to find something to wear. Apparently it was Sister Imperators idea as a way to try and unite the ministry, a way to lessen the divide between the upper members and the siblings of sin.
            You felt out of place, dressed to match everyone else but not a big party person. Avoiding every possible one you could. Unfortunately attendance was required. One of the sisters had handed you a drink shortly after you entered making it so you wouldn’t have to face the crowd to get to the refreshment table for a while. You made your way to the edge of the room to one of the chairs set for those who wanted to sit out. 
            A few other sisters joined you shortly after and made small talk before the conversation switched to the siblings already wasted 20 minutes in. You were giggling after a comment about one of the sisters when you felt someone grab your hand. You looked up only to be met with one of the ghouls down on one knee gently pulling your hand to where his mouth would be under his mask.
            You could feel the eyes watching as you tried to process what the fuck was going on. After a few seconds he stood up and gently pulled you up out of your chair and to the dance floor where a slow song had just started. He kept you on the dance floor as long as he could but eventually you were done. 
            Some of the sisters you had become close with would stop and talk with you trying to ignore the ghoul next to you. As long as his arm was wrapped around your waist he didn’t seem to care where you stopped or who you talked to. The few times he seemed to get antsy, you just rested your hand on his and he calmed right down. 
            When the night was no longer young and exhaustion started to seep in, you decided to call it a night. Following the advice Copia had given you, you just stopped at your room to get what you would need for the night and the next day before letting Swiss lead you to his room. 
            You were able to go to the bathroom to change without much protest but Swiss did insist you wear one of his shirts. He made sure you were comfortable in the nest before tucking himself as close as he could. Despite feeling like you hadn’t slept in weeks, you couldn’t sleep. A new place and someone in the same bed. 
            So you laid in the dark observing as much of the room as you could. The purring coming from Swiss was relaxing and slowly took the edge off, making it easier for you to relax. Between the purring and Swiss’s deep breaths it only took two hours for sleep to welcome you into its arms. 
            You woke up warm and not at all ready to get out of bed but the longer you waited, the more you would have to rush around so you pried yourself out of  Swiss’s arms and dodged his attempts to grab you again to lock yourself in the bathroom to get ready for the day. When you came out, you were met with a grumpy Swiss. 
            “I’m leaving this room in 10 minutes so if you want to come with me you better hurry.” You had never seen someone get ready so fast. You grabbed some food from the kitchens and headed to start whatever the hell the process for this mate stuff was. 
            It was a lot. 
            Not only that but Swiss was apparently progressing through his instincts faster than normal? Copia wasn’t sure it was a good thing and told you to keep an eye on him just in case. So you tried to, but considering you had never dealt with ghouls before all you had to go off of was what you were told and Swiss seemed to know you were keeping an eye on him. 
            You were trained for editing videos the clergy decided to put out which wasn’t too bad except you were always given 10 different 20 minute videos which took more time to edit but it kept you occupied. Sometimes Swiss would come in and just chill in the room with you, those were always your favorite days. 
            Swiss was a bit dramatic to put it lightly, so you never knew what to expect on your weekly “fancy” date. Sometimes it was a dressy picnic at dusk ending with stargazing, Dressing up to watch the weirdest tv show you could find. 
            Swiss always seemed to try and avoid you despite his instincts. It worried all the other ghouls, whenever they would come to ask a few questions about something you would tell them, when they offered suggestions on what to do that might help, you took them. Nothing made a difference and the effects from ignoring his needs started showing. 
            Sister Imperator ended up telling you to start packing enough for yourself and Swiss for 2 months. You were given two days and in those 2 days she went over everything with you. A little “Vacation” just the two of you for the two months. Time that you would hopefully be able to figure out what was going on so Swiss could go back to his normal self. 
            Swiss didn’t like the idea but the other ghouls had helped plan it as a last ditch effort because he wouldn’t listen to anything else. On the day you were supposed to leave, Swiss was nowhere to be found. The other ghouls told you not to worry before heading off and leaving you to get a little bit of last minute advice from Copia and some more details from Sister Imperator as well as the address for the Gps. About the time you were ready, Aether and Mountain came into view carrying Swiss.
            “He left us no choice.” was the only information you were given while they put him in the car and strapped him in, once he was in you said goodbye to the ghouls before starting the long drive. You felt bad that Swiss was going against his will but according to everyone who regularly interacted with the ghouls, something was wrong and this was the only thing they could think of that might help.             Four hours of driving later, you were pulling up to a little cottage in the middle of nowhere. Swiss was still out cold and didn’t even twitch when you tried to wake him so you went to explore the house. It was small and stocked with the basics. Sister Imperator had given you some money for the necessities you would need. There was one room, a bathroom, living room, kitchen, and a pantry/laundry room. There was just enough room for two. 
            You started bringing in the luggage while debating on what to do with Swiss. You could leave him in the car but since he was here against his will that just felt wrong. You weren’t strong enough to carry him so you would have to drag him in which didn’t sound pleasant, Your best bet was trying to wake him up again. Once you got all the luggage in, you went to try to wake Swiss.
             He wasn’t really awake per say but he gained enough consciousness to stumble into the cottage leaning against you until you managed to get him to the bed where he passed out again. You made a mental note to talk to the other ghouls about being a little gentler.
            You spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking your things and making a light supper, saving some for Swiss when he eventually rose from his mini coma. You were eating on the back porch watching some ducks swim in the pond behind the cottage when you heard what you thought was Swiss stumbling around the house. You were proven correct when Swiss stumbled out with the plate you left for him.
            “Where are we?”
            “I’m not supposed to tell you.” Something you really didn’t like. This whole scenario felt wrong on so many levels and you understood the reason you were sent here was because everyone was worried Swiss was going to severely hurt himself and they didn’t want that to happen.
            “Do you need any pain medication?” He hesitated before nodding. Setting your plate to the side you went to the bathroom and grabbed him a Tylenol, 2 Ibuprofen, and a glass of water. He took them and finished his food in silence. Swiss started making his nest on the hideabed so you could have the actual bed but you pushed enough he made it in the room. 
            He didn’t talk to you for a week, coming to you for the bare minimum of what he needed. Mostly just a short hug from behind. You had expected him to be upset and for that anger to affect him majorly. You could see the physical effects. He wasn’t sleeping well, could barely keep anything down, and he was angry. It started small but the longer you were there the bigger it got. 
            He would yell over everything. The first time he had you had started crying, your natural response to being yelled at and you could see the war going on inside him between staying upset and comforting you. He stormed out of the room after that. After that you tried not to cry everytime he yelled at you but you were sure he could see the slight changes. 
            Everytime you tried saying anything about how he just kept getting worse, he just got more upset so eventually you just stopped. All you could do was watch as he got worse. Until one day, three weeks into your trip, you came back from a walk to see Swiss on the floor of the kitchen. He was unresponsive. You managed to get him to his nest but you had no idea what to do. 
            About 7 hours later and 7 phone calls with ghouls later, and you still didn’t know anything about why he would’ve collapsed despite the fact you could tell they knew but you did learn how to care for a sick or injured Ghoul. So you took one of the fastest trips to a nearby store to get everything they mentioned. 
            He woke up two days later, he was awake just long enough to drink some broth before passing out again. And that’s how the next few days went. He was only awake enough to drink some broth or to go to the bathroom, he however wasn’t capable of walking himself so you had to help him.
            Exactly a week after the first time he had woken up, he started staying awake longer and could eat things with a little more substance. The relief that filled you at that was immeasurable. When he was awake longer than just to eat and use the bathroom you’d have shows he had watched or mentioned liking on so he wasn’t just laying in silence all the time. 
            You practically lived next to his nest, the longest you left was to make food. When he was awake your chair was further back since he hadn’t wanted you that close to him, When he was asleep you were right next to him. Which led to you waking up leaning against the mattress with a hand running through your hair. Swiss was awake and watched as you stretched and tried to wake yourself up.
            “Why are you doing this? There’s no reason for it. You don’t have the same instincts.” From his tone and the way he looked like he was holding back tears you figured this was the reason behind most of the problem and that there was a story behind it. Something you might never learn judging from how he hadn’t given you any hints as to what it was.
            “Because you needed me. Sure it's definitely not what I would have planned for myself but it hasn’t been bad, so I’ve just had to get used to it. At the end of the day, I’m content and I don’t see that changing.” Swiss pulled you into the nest with him and you wrapped your arms around him, rubbing random shapes into his back while he sobbing into your neck.
            That seemed to be the turning point, he started getting better at unnatural speeds, he was clingier then he was the first few days you met him, he just genuinely seemed to be happier. It was mostly ok to deal with.
            “Swiss, I can’t make dinner with my arms stuck to my side. I’m hungry so I would like to eat so please for the love of everything unholy please sit at the table until I’m done.” You didn’t get a response or freedom from him, leaving only one option left. “If you sit at the table until I’m done I’ll sit in your lap while we eat.” It worked. 
            “I understand you want to be close but it's currently °32 degrees (°90 fahrenheit) so unless you can turn yourself into an AC don’t touch me until I cool down please and thank you.”
            Swiss drove on the way back holding your hand as long as you would let him, music blaring. When you arrived to the ministry, Swiss helped you carry in your things before chasing down the other ghouls for a little revenge for knocking him out.
            Yeah, it wasn’t perfect but it was good and getting better.
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Check out my Ao3
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emeritus-moon · 2 years
{ENGLISH} Swiss x Gn!Reader
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Request : None
Gender : Neutral
Who : Swiss
A/N : I saw a video on tiktok. (by cedricdiggoryhasmyheart, please go check their content) It was talking about us with our Comfort Character in bed. It was pretty sad, but beautiful too. This video gave me this idea : "What about this, but with a Ghoul?" and then I selected Swiss fort this one. It's short but, please my little bats, enjoy. <3
- - - : Timeskip
~ ~ ~ : Flashback
- - -
With Swiss, you both are comfortably lying on your bed. The Ghoul is holding you to his body. His arms around yours.
You're dozing a little while Swiss is kissing your forehead. You open slowly your eyes as they were closing and a smile appears on your face.
You turn to Swiss and whisper :
"- I love you..."
The Ghoul is smiling to you but before he can answer, your brow furrows and your gaze fills with pain as you continue :
"- But you're from a Lore, you're not-"
You don't have time to finish your sentence when your favorite Ghoul presses a finger against your lips, whispering a simple "shh...".
"- I am here, my love, it's okay... I'll hold you when you sleep. I will wait for you through the night and until the first beams of the morning sun touch your soft skin."
While talking, Swiss stroke your hair before cupping your face and kissing it everywhere.
You give him a weak smile and as you close your eyes, you feel a tear drop on your forehead. You then hug him even more, feeling the warmth and the comfort of his hug.
As you're about to fall asleep, you hear them whisper in a broken voice :
"- For eternity, my love, and everything beyond..."
With these last words, you slowly fall asleep on his chest while he is keeping you in his arms, taking care of you every second that comes.
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zyonsay · 10 months
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News & Rules
Masterlist | Requests closed
Anon Emoji List | Check out the list before claiming an emoji!
Introduction| Who's Zyon and what do his works contain?
News: Recent and Upcoming
What's new?
->Wildfire/General Update
->Begrijp je me? JOOST KLEIN
->Parisienne im Mund SKI AGGU
-> Wildfire, Chapter Eight MV1
Coming soon!
->Wildfire, Chapter Nine MV1
-> New Joost Klein Series
Rules: Read before Requesting
What your Request should contain
Name of the character/person
Gender or Pronouns of the reader
(If necessary also the assigned sex of reader)
Plot/Idea: Please try to be as elaborate as possible in this part. I am a creative person, but it helps greatly if you propose a well described idea instead of just an umbrella term.
Readers Gender
I write for Male and Genderneutral readers. If you request a female reader i will either refuse to write your request or i will just write a genderneutral reader, so you can still read it comfortably. Here's an explanation as to why.
So, now that we talked about Gender, let's talk about Sex: I write for both amab and afab readers. Just specify what you want if it has any significance in the story!
There are so little creators for Male readers on tumblr, so if you want a female reader, there are enough writers who will take your request.
Setting boundaries in the writing community is important and prevents uncomfortable situations.
Fem-aligned people may read my works but not f3tishize my works
I do not consent to anyone sharing my works anywhere else than Tumblr. I do not want my works on a platform like twitter/X that is so easily accessible by the people i write about. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and i will speak up if i think you stole my work.
I am also not comfortable with writing: Puppy play, Omega Verse stuff, DDLG/MDLG, BDSM, B3astiality, P3dophilia, R@pe/Non con and related topics.
I personally dont like to write readers with specific ethnicities, the color of the readers skin is never mentioned in any of my works too and i do not plan on doing so. Furthermore, im white and do not have the experiences and struggles of a person of a different ethnicity.
If you request any of the above, i will ignore you.
Who i dont write for: I try to keep the restrictions as minimal as possible, but theres certain people i dont like or am not interested in. You can request almost any person but please refrain from requesting any of the following people: Sergio „Checo“ Perez, George Russell, Lewis Hamilton, Nico Hulkenberg, Lance stroll, Pierre Gasly, Logan Sargeant, Carlos Sainz, Esteban Ocon, Charles Leclerc (bless his heart though)
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mochinomnoms · 11 months
Hi! I saw your hanahaki flower event and got interested by it. I was wondering if you can do prompt #18 with azul and a gender neutral reader please?
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azul ashengrotto x gn!reader [tags] – fluff, slight angst, miscommunication [wc} – 4,442 prompt 18: “Is this normal here?” “Only for the emotionally unavailable folk.” “Ah, so it is.” note - ending is a bit weak cause it got a bit long. anyways i love my octomer still firmly believe azul deserves to get bitches and eat good food a floral inconvenience
Lavender: while best known for its herbal properties, lavender can also symbolize devotion to a person. You should give lavender to a person you see as pure and virtuous. 
You stared at the array of purple colored drinks, sweets, and other treats laid out on the table in front of you. 
To your left, several plates of candied lavender, a slice of honey lavender cake, and a grape lavender sorbet begged for your attention. On your right, an iced lavender vanilla latte, lavender lemonade, and a lavender spritzer looked ideal to quench your thirst. In the middle, directly in front of you, was the latest dish you were asked to taste test. 
A beautiful Swiss chard, candied beet and goat cheese salad tossed in a honey-lavender dressing made your mouth water as the Mostro Lounge manager himself sat at his desk, watching you on the two-seater couch.  
“Well? Go on. I made them all myself.” Azul gestured to the salad with a smug smirk, clearly pleased at your excitement. “Time is of the essence, the spring menu is due to release next week.”
 “Oh! Yeah, right.” 
You picked up a fork and pierced a beet and chard, generously covered in the dressing and goat cheese. Bringing the food up to your mouth, Azul raised his brows tentatively, watching as you opened wide, and just before you took a bite—
“Are you sure Jade didn’t put anything in this—”
“I promise, I made this all myself.”
“Okay.” You opened your mouth and raised your fork again…before bringing it down again. 
“You sure—”
“Positive! Just. Eat. It.” Azul sighed exasperatedly. “I beg—and I don’t beg.”
“Okay! Okay, okay, okay.” You giggled, finally taking a bite of the salad. 
A burst of sweet, woodsy and fresh flavor covered your tongue. Pleasant, succulent, and slightly sticky, you hummed in delight at the taste of the salad and dressing. You smiled at Azul, who rested his chin on his clasped hands. You couldn’t see his mouth from behind his hands, but you think he was smiling back at you. 
“Azul! This tastes wonderful! Even better than the candies and tarts, oh my gosh!” You gushed as you took another bite of the salad, oblivious to the soft, periwinkle blush on the octomer’s cheeks. 
“Try it with the lemonade, it pairs well.”
Nodding your head, you reached over to take a sip of the drink, a sprig of lavender embellishing the top. Humming again from the pleasant tang of the lemon and sweetness of the flower, you beamed at Azul. 
“You’re so right! And with all the lavender as garnishes, it’s definitely screaming springtime!” 
Whipping out your phone, you started to text, talking as you did. “It’s definitely gonna be a hit on Magicam, I bet I can get Cater to come and—”
“No! Uh,” Azul raised his voice, startling you, before clearing his throat and continuing, “you need to try the rest first!”
“Oh, for sure, but Cater can probably give you free advertising or something—”
In a small panic, seeing the chattery ginger’s profile and your thumb hovering over the DM button, Azul quickly rushed to you. He reached over to swipe the phone out of your hands while simultaneously shoving a spoonful of the grape lavender sorbet. 
“Nonsense! I can handle my own advertising!” Azul chuckled nervously, “Now tell me, how does that one taste? Refreshing, yes?”
You choked on cold sweetness, a brief knock at the door drawing both of your attention as the door opened before you could respond. 
Jade entered the Azul’s office, pausing at the scene before him. Azul hovering, practically on top, of you with a silver spoon shoved into your mouth. Jade blinked once before giving you both a small smile, tilting his head. 
“I apologize, I didn’t mean to intrude on such a scene, I’ll come back later—”
“Don’t imply anything, Jade!” Azul briskly added some distance between you two, smoothing his ruffled suit. 
You on the other hand, spoon now hanging freely from your mouth, gave Jade a wave and gave him a muffled, “Hi Jade, the sorbets good.”
Jade chuckled, covering his mouth with his hand.
“Is it? How wonderful, Azul’s been working particularly hard to make sure everything was to your liking—”
Azul cleared his throat, giving Jade a less than amused glare.
“What is it, Jade?” He sighed, adjusting his glasses. “You know I was to not be interrupted for the next hour.”
Jade bowed his head, still smiling as he apologized. 
“Pardon my interruption, but it has actually been an hour and a half, and your next appointment is here.” 
“What?” Azul looked at the wall clock with a confused expression, groaning as he saw the minute mark was indeed showing it was half past 3. 
“Let my appointment know that I will be with them shortly, my dear?” Azul gave you an apologetic smile, bringing out a handkerchief from his vest and offering it to you. 
“Here, I’m sorry to cut our time so abruptly. You still owe me your commentary on the free dishes, so make sure to leave your Saturday afternoon open.”
Rolling your eyes, you wiped your lips as you snarkily replied, “I owe you? Didn’t you ask me for my input on the dishes?” 
“The free dishes, yes. Does 5 pm sound good?”
You hummed in affirmation, handing back the lilac fabric which Azul accepted. A sound of surprise left you as Azul dabbed the corner of your mouth, where a bit of the sorbet still remained. 
The octomer wasn’t known for casual touches, rather he seemed adverse to them. It surprised you how easily those brush of hands and bodies leaning closer to each other came despite this. You suppose it just came naturally after months of study ‘dates’, shared lounge shifts, and late night talks.  
Avoiding eye contact, Azul tenderly grabbed your hand and placed the handkerchief back in your hand. His hands clasped around your own, making your fingers grasp the fabric before pushing it to your chest. 
“Keep it for now, it’s dirty anyways.” Azul muttered, snatching his hands back as if you’d burned him. “You can return it cleaned this weekend.” 
Nodding your head, you chose to ignore the sudden shift in mood, though it hurt your chest. Instead, you gave Azul a warm smile as he turned his back to you as he cleaned.
“Mkay…I’ll see you later, Azul. Byeee~” You wagged your fingers to the still turned Azul, though you could see the tips of his ears turn light purple. Your eyes stayed on his form until Jade closed the door, in which you followed the teal-haired man out of the VIP halls to the rest of the lounge. 
Following Jade through the corridors, you mused out loud, “I wonder if he knows…”
“Knows what, Prefect?”
You jumped slightly, startled as you remembered that you weren’t alone.’
“Fuck! I forgot you were here, you’re so quiet Jade, what the hell?”
Jade chuckled, looking down at you as he slowed his pace to walk side by side. “I apologize, but I was simply asking for clarification, who knows what?”
It took you a moment to process that you’d been speaking out loud, exclaiming, “Oh! Sorry I was just wondering if Azul knew that lavender’s my favorite flower. Yaknow, cause of all the lavender flavored stuff…”
You shrugged, aware of the mischievous glimmer in the golden eye studying your form. 
“Probably not though, it’s a popular spring flavor. Not gonna complain about a coincidence though!” 
Jade hummed, “Yes, a very pleasant coincidence.”
The rest of the walk was pleasant and relatively quiet as you filled the silence by humming a tune Azul had taught you for musicology. You arrived shortly to the lounge, waving at Floyd through the kitchen door window. Floyd waved enthusiastically back, ladle in hand. 
Before you could walk off to the exit, Jade grabbed your shoulder, leaning down to ask, “Prefect, would you like to meet me in the library? My shift will end soon, and I’ll be studying for a botany exam. I’d enjoy the company.”
You shrugged and nodded. “Sure, Cater’s gonna meet me and drop off Grim there in a bit anyways.”
“Wonderful, I’ll see you shortly!” Jade waved you off, turning back to the host stand as you left the lounge to the Octavinelle entrance. 
A pass through the mirror and a short walk, you soon found yourself at the entrance to the library. There you saw the familiar head of ginger cradling a sleeping Grim in his arms!
“Cater!” you whisper shouted, grinning and waving your hand excitedly. 
“Hey babes!” Cater greeted you, giving you a soft smile and wink. “How’d the date go? Gimme all the deets!”
You scoffed, scratching between Grim’s ears as the little familiar sleepily mumbled, “Wasn’t a date, I was taste testing for Azul.”
“Uh-huh, just a private taste-testing between you and the Octavinelle housewarden?” Cater cooed, handing you Grim. “Then why’d you have me take Grimmy and get him all stuffed and tuckered out at the unbirthday party, hmm?” 
“He said he made it specifically for me to taste! Grim would’ve eaten it all otherwise…” you pouted, squinting at Cater as he shrugged and gave you a cheeky grin. 
“Whatever you say babe, but like, Azul is super infamously known to never give out gifts without expecting something in return.”
“He is getting something!” You huffed as the two of you entered into the library, following your upperclassman as he plucked books for your alchemy class and he for potion making. 
“He’s getting my valuable input before announcing his spring menu!”
Cater gave you another wink before drawling, “Sureeeee, whatevs you say babe! Just don't be surprised by the wedding bells in the near future, I better be the man of honor!”
You two bickered for a bit longer, you more so than Cater, who was content teasing you. Once you both had grabbed the materials needed for class, you searched for a table to get settled before Grim eventually woke back up and begged to get dinner. 
 A familiar shade of teal caught your eye as you remembered Jade’s invitation to study. 
“Ah! I forgot I was gonna meet Jade and study with him!” You waved at Cater, who followed suite, walking over to the eelmer. “Text me later, I’ll try and see if I can’t convince Azul to let you get exclusive pics of the spring menu!”
“Kayyyy, I’m sure you’ll convince your little boyfriend easily enough with a few smooches.” Adding insult to injury, Cater blew you a kiss. “Just pucker them up and boys will melt like putty, trust me I know!”
Rolling your eyes, you ignored your friend’s giggles in favor of greeting Jade with a quiet hello. 
“Hey Jade, how’s the studying going?”
Yellow and olive eyes met your own as Jade smiled back, nodding his head politely. “Well. I finished my own work a while ago, so I’ve been browsing some journals on magical flora and diseases.”
Jade gestured to the array of books on the table. Sure enough, the books were labeled as magical pharmaceuticals and botany. You settled Grim on one of the spare chairs and placed your own books on a spare spot on the table. As Jade read a page on the medical benefits of a tentacle looking mushroom, you peered curiously at the other books. 
You read the page of one of the books Jade had out, labeled ‘hanahaki’. 
“What’s this?”
“Hmm? Oh.” Jade gave you a soft smile, though his eyes glimmered with mischief. 
“That. I was simply researching it as a favor for a friend.”
“A favor? From you? Riiight.”
Jade pouted, giving you a sad look. “Why do you doubt my kind-hearted nature?” He continued giving you faux sniffles and wiping the corner of his eyes. When you first started hanging around him and his brother, it took you a while to figure out that Jade liked to tease your soft-hearted nature. He said it was to toughen you up for life in the cold, merciless waters under the sea that you’d eventually call home.
Whatever that means.  
“Am I not allowed to simply do something out of the kindness of my heart?”
You stuck your tongue out before replying, “Are you doing this out of the ‘kindness’ of your heart, or cause you want something out of it?”
“Hmm, both?”
Jade winked as you stifled a giggle. 
“Sure, both are good…who’s it for anyways?”
Jade held a finger up to his mouth. A secret that he was not privy to share. Despite you leaning in with an expectant look, Jade remained silent, giving you a closed eye smile. Shrugging you looked at the page the book was open to. 
“Flower sickness?”
“Yes, a gift from the Flower Bride, it causes the afflicted’s romantic feelings to physically manifest into their beloved’s favorite flora. Typically through flu-like symptoms.”
You winced as you reached up to rub your throat. “Like, coughing up roses? Sounds like a pain.”
“It can be, most find it inconvenient, as it tends to trouble those that repress their feelings. Especially those that would rather deny or remain oblivious to them.”
“Is it normal here?” 
Jade pursed his lips, looking as if he was in deep thought before responding, “Only for the emotionally unavailable sort.”
Snapping a finger at him you cheekily replied, “So it is then?”
The two of you shared a laugh before resuming your browsing, Jade now leaning over to read the article with you, thumbing the pages as you read out loud.
“Most recognized symptoms include coughing petals, flowers, and even bouquets in the occurrence of strong feelings. However, sneezing the previously mentioned symptoms is also common.”
“Ah, here.” Jade slid his finger along the paragraph below. “More severe cases can include the patient sprouting flora from their pores, ears, and hair follicles. How interesting.”
You clicked your tongue. “Sounds annoying, ooh wait! ‘Common Flora’!”
Listing off the flowers from the second page, you were blissfully unaware of the entertained expression on the twin’s face. 
“Let’s see, roses, makes sense. Orchids, gardenias, oh! Even lavenderrrrrrr…“
 I was just wondering if Azul knew that lavender’s my favorite flower.
Azul is super infamously known to never give out gifts without expecting something in return.
I made them all myself.
You drew out the last syllable, eyes hyper focused on the word printed before you as you processed your thoughts like a factory conveyor belt. Slowly turning your head to stare at the teal-haired man next to you, Jade simply kept his small, polite smile as he stared right back. 
“...Jade?” You tilted your head. 
“Prefect?” Jade did the same. 
“Where’s Azul been getting all the lavender?”
“Oh, well,” Jade paused, sifting through the book in favor of letting you stew in suspense. “A few weeks ago he started keeping large bouquets of them all over his room and office, though the latter were used for the dishes he made you.”
“You mean the ones for the new menu?” Maybe you were misinterpreting the whole thing. Yeah, no Azul wouldn’t waste a bunch of lounge supplies on you. Lavender is a popular spring flavor, and your a good friend that’s willing to give him the time of day to test his dishes out. Of course, you’re just being silly—
“New menu? You must be mistaken, we aren’t releasing a new menu anytime soon.” Jade rested his head on his palm, now giving you a rare grin. 
“He was quite stressed making the dishes to your liking, seeing as it’s quite a common octomer courting tact—oh!”
Jade covered his mouth in shock, feigning embarrassment as he continued, “I’m afraid I’ve said too much, you’ll keep that last bit between us, won’t you?” 
“…You’re an ass, you know that?”
“I’m aware, what are you going to do about it? I just ask that you’re gentle with me.”
Everyone within a 1-mile radius could hear your exhausted sigh of annoyance.
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The soft glow of the aquarium walls under the bookshelves brought about an ethereal glow to the VIP Room. A soft, soothing blue glow that did very little to actually sooth your nerves. It paired well with the lavender colored walls. 
Speaking of lavender, a warm teapot of lavender Earl Grey was settled on the coffee table, along with containers of sugar and milk. To the right was a plate of iced lavender cookies, small purple buds garnishing the tops of the cookies. 
“Cookies, huh? I thought you were more of a cooker than baker, Azul?” 
Azul, who was writing down your feedback from the baked brie with lavender honey that you’d just had, hummed in response. 
“Yes my dear, I had Trey working for me after the last Camp Vargas, though he was kind enough to leave me a few handwritten recipes in exchange for ending his week-long employment with me early.” Azul explained, looking rather satisfied with himself. 
“I experimented with one of the recipes and was able to come up with the cookies before you.” His eyes met yours as he smirked and smugly asked, “They’re to your liking, yes? I made them with your sweet tooth in mind.”
There it was, Azul made these for you. Azul Ashengrotto, who didn’t give so easily without a cost, made them specifically for you in mind, though it seemed that that same train of thought didn’t process in his head. Based on his self-satisfied smirk, and the notes he was taking, Azul was happy that the apparent courting ritual was going well. 
“Yeah! I like them a lot, they go well with the tea. Um—” You paused, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves before continuing with the plan you and Cater came up. 
“Did you make the tea blend for me too? It tastes wonderful, I’d expect nothing less!”
Azul brightened, delighted at your attention and praise, and began to “subtly” brag, “Yes! Normally Jade makes the tea blends for the Lounge, but I personally selected this specific variety to pair well with the lavender.”
A fondness grew in your heart as you listened, not really processing though, to Azul describe the subtle differences between his tea blend and traditional ones.
“This specific blend would be most reminiscent of Early Grey Crème, which isn’t as widely known, but I thought would be better for you as it’s smoother.”
“Really?” You gasped, feigning innocence as you asked, “And you made it all yourself? You’re amazing, Azul!”
With a closed-eye smirk, Azul adjusted his glasses and nodded. “Yes, well with all my family’s experience in the food industry, it’s to be expected. But do continue to sing praises my dear, it’s much appreciated.”
You giggled, tilting your head as Azul resumed his note taking, it was no doubt he was recording your reactions and storing them for future use. The real question was whether to figure out the best way to bribe you with the promise of your favorite foods, or to ensure that his future beloved would have their own beloved treats when with him.
“It’s appreciate that you made this all for me in mind…which makes me think…Azul?”
Azul was now focused on writing rather than on you. Taking another deep breath, you continued. 
“Your cooking for me reminds me of a common saying back home…that a way to one’s heart is through their stomach.”
Azul froze, the soft scratching of his fishbone pen suddenly silenced, from the corner of your eye, you could see Azul’s eyes widen and face go blank. 
“Is that something said here too?”
“It’s not a completely foreign phrase to me, so I’d say so.”
You hummed, plucking one of the iced cookies from the tray, sauntering over to the silver-haired man. Azul looked up at you, leaned back into his plush chair, lacing his fingers together as he waited for you to continue. 
“I bet, with your mother owning a restaurant and everything…though it has me thinking…”
Azul raised a brow as you nibbled on the cookie, while you allowed him to stew in suspense for a few seconds.
“You’ve never actually cooked at the lounge, have you? Sure you’ve tested out some recipes, making sure they come out to your satisfaction…but it’s always someone else doing the cooking for the customers.”
Taking a seat on the edge of the desk, glowing baby blue eyes met your own, making you wonder if his name was a deliberate choice or a coincidence.
“Yes…” Azul answered slowly, hesitantly really, as he tried to figure out your angle. “I’m a very busy person, and I haven’t got all day-”
“And yet, you cooked for me.”
Azul shut his mouth at that, normally plush lips thinning as his fair cheeks softly turned periwinkle. 
“Not only that, but you cooked for me using my favorite flower…tell me, my dear,” He audibly choked at the nickname, clenching and unclenching his hands into fists. “Just how did you know I love lavender?”
You leaned down, Azul’s eyes widening as the distance between you two becoming smaller. Sudden close contact grew a burning embarrassment in Azul, who leaned further into his chair until he no longer could. There was a visible panic in his eyes, which made you feel a bit bad for putting him in such a situation. 
Azul cleared his throat, composing himself and saving face as he looked at you with a stony expression. “I…have my sources.”
That wasn’t good, you didn’t need the octomer shutting you out to avoid even the slightest humiliation at the hands of a crush. 
“Sources? Like what? Sam? The botanical gardens?” You looked off to the side, noticing a vase with a few stems of lavender. “Like hanahaki?”
A screech accompanied Azul as he abruptly stood, pushing back the chair and stared at you with a frigid glare, lips thin and soft eyes now hardened. 
“I don’t appreciate this joke of yours. If you want to our time together making fun of me, I suggest we end it here.” 
Panic turned your blood ice cold as you tripped over your feet, now chasing Azul as he went for the door. 
“W-what? No, that’s not what—”
“I think it’s best you leave now,” Azul dodged your attempts to grab him, refusing to make eye contact. “I’ll show you out.”
“Please, Azul, I wasn’t making fun!” A ball was forming in your throat, making your voice tremble and breath stutter. 
As he turned the doorknob, door just cracking open, Azul turned to look at you only to falter as his face fell at the sight of the tears falling from your face. 
“A-are you crying?!” He shut the door close as he rushed over, hovering his hands over your frame. “Why are you crying—”
“Cause I thought you liked me! Jade said—well he didn’t actually say, he heavily implied—that you had hanahakiiii…” You drawled out the last bit of your sentence as Azul’s face turned purple, looking horrified as you finished your sentence. 
Azul stuttered out, “H-he implied w-what!? Damn that eel—ACK!” before heaving and gasping for breath. As he suddenly collapsed on his knees, you following suit in worry, Azul began making a choking sound. 
Though you couldn’t see his face, you could see the clumps of wet buds fall out of his mouth, covered in inky spit, eventually an entire bunch of lavender heaving out of him as well. 
“Auughhh…that—” Azul coughed again, looking up at you with a combination of ink and spit dripping from his mouth. “—was unbecoming of me, I’m sorry…wasn’t supposed to go like this.”
Reaching for your pocket, you took Azul’s handkerchief and gently grabbed his chin to look at you. Azul visibly relaxed as your wiped the mess from his lips, fingers moving to comb through his hair. Sighing as he slowly looped an arm around your waist, Azul ,.....
“I should’ve made Jade sign another NDA when I saw him snooping through my bedroom, should’ve known.” 
You let out a breathless chuckle, leaning into his grasp. “Yeah, probably. If it helps I shouldn’t have listened to Cater’s dating advice.”
“You what?!” Azul exclaimed, looking at you dubiously, “You asked Cater for advice?”
“He seemed like he knew what he was talking about!” You defended yourself, pouting. “He noticed that you were cooking for me, when you never do for anyone else.”
He sighed, rolling his head back to look up at the ceiling instead of your face. 
“As you said—which I’m assuming was one of the things Jade told you—preparing and providing food to our mates is a courting ritual for Cecaelians. I follow the same routine as my mother: create and test recipes, then pass along the instructions to my subordinates and ensure it’s top quality.” 
Azul continued, holding your hand as he stood, guiding you up with him. “We octofolk were shunned out of merfolk society for a longtime, even with the legends of the Sea Witch’s benevolence.”
Reaching for one of the cookies still on the table, Azul brought it up to your mouth, tapping it to your lips. 
“It shows that no matter our status, we can provide for the one we’ve devoted ourselves to.”
Bringing a thumb to your mouth, Azul softly pulled your lips apart to feed you. A fond, but embarrassed warmth flushed over you, a matching red blush on your cheeks to Azul’s periwinkle one. 
“That’s…sweet.” You smiled, taking the cookie from Azul’s hand, much to his surprise. “And really corny, especially for you.”
Azul clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes as you took a bite of the cookie. 
“I’m attempting to be genuine, and you’re calling me corny? How insulting!” Azul huffed, though he gave you a faint smile. “I hope you’re going to apologize.”
“Aww, poor Azul. Of course I can give you an apology, if you’ll accept it.”
He gave you a raised brow, confused but still smiling. “Of course, why wouldn’t I—”
A yelp escaped Azul’s lips as you pressed your own lips against his, smiling as you did. Azul sighed into your mouth, tasting the lavender and vanilla on your tongue while you smiled against his lips. His hands cradled your own, keeping you in place as Azul returned the affection with chaste kisses pressed all over your face, neck, and hands
“Wait—ah! Hehe~” You laughed as Azul’s kisses tickled you, weakly pushing him away as he moved to kiss the tops of your hands. “That tickles, stop!”
“Heh, come on now my dear.” Azul cooed, pulling you back in to wrap an arm around your waist, grabbing the cookie from your hands to feed it to you, which you accepted. 
“Let me keep all your affection to me, and mine to you. I am quite a greedy lover, you know?” 
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strawbeerossi · 1 year
Smarty Pants
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Pairing: Gender Neutral!Reader x Spencer Reid
Description: After you and your boyfriend get into an argument over some trivia questions at work and he acts high and mighty when proven right, you have just the way to set him straight.
Content/Warnings: Mentions of an argument, not too explicit smut, dumbification, sub!spencer, dom!reader.
Word Count: 0.6K
Kinktober Day Seven: Dumbification
Navigation || Kinktober Masterlist || AO3
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You were in the middle of neglecting your work while doing trivia with the others who were crowded around your desk. “Which country consumes the chocolate per capita?” Emily asked, looking over the index card in her hand. You didn’t even know what prompted this little game but you and Derek were going up against one another and so far, you were killing it. That’s made you so confident about your answer.
“Easy. Germany.” You responded while leaning back against your chair, only rolling your eyes as you heard a soft scoff from the desk across from yours. “It’s right!” You huffed while causing Spencer to look up. “Actually Switzerland is the country that consumes the most chocolate. How did you not know that? Chocolate is literally something they are known for.” The male asked, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Switzerland is actually  renowned for its milk chocolate, the most consumed type of chocolate. Did you know that in 1875, a Swiss confectioner, Daniel Peter, developed the first solid milk chocolate using condensed milk, which had been invented by Henri Nestlé, who was Peter's neighbour in Vevey?” 
Like most info dumps Spencer had been known to give, this just made everyone stare at him with blank stares, besides you.. You were fucking livid. There was no way he was right. Just this once, he was wrong. There was no way.
“If you don’t believe me then you can look it up online.” He stated in a simple tone. He more than likely wasn’t meaning to but he agitated the hell out of you. So bad that you decided to quickly type up the trivia question in the search bar. Sure enough, he was fucking right. The look on your face made him smirk from being triumphant, turning back to the stack of files on his desk. “I told you so.” He stated, proud of himself.
The rest of the day, you were annoyed. You wanted to break his glasses, make hi blind until he could get his hands on contacts. You kept your composure through the work day.
Until you got home.
That’s why you were here now, perched on his cock while he was a blubbering mess on your living room couch. “You really felt so smart earlier but now you can't even form a coherent sentence. What happened to Dr. Spencer Reid, the genius who knows everything?” You’d taunted, hand having his hair tugged back to make him face you. His eyes were glossed over, the amount of edging you’d been doing for the past hour making him desperate. 
He’d been reduced to whines and begs of more, unable to even process the words that were being spoken by you. “Look at you, smart little Spencer Reid being fucked dumb. You don't have another statistic?” You taunted, now it being your turn to be satisfied as he was unable to respond. That IQ 187 had dropped to a staggering two as he had his glasses fogged up, sweat dripping from his forehead from all the stimulation.
“My beautiful, dumb baby boy.” You cooed, moving to cup his cheek with one hand. “Can’t even form the words to speak because I’ve turned that pretty brain to mush.” It was like the words went in one of his ears and out the other. “If only the office could see you now. Fucked to the point you can’t even process what I’m saying. Then again, they don’t deserve to see you like this..” You let your hand slide to his neck now, wrapping it so gently around his throat before giving it a squeeze.
“I like when my big and cocky smart boy is nothing but a little dumb fuck toy.”
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1K notes · View notes
molly-ghuleh · 1 year
Honeysuckle - Mountain x gn!reader
Mountain's rut is coming up soon, and the only thing he can think about is you.
Contains: smut, MDNI!! ghoul heat cycles, masturbation, breeding, oral (both receiving), penetration, knotting, soft Mountain uwu, pining
Notes: Reader is intended to be gender neutral, so I tried to use non-specific anatomy as best I could. Enjoy!~ AO3 link
It’s hot. Too hot, and Mountain can’t sleep. He always gets like this just before his rut–as if his body is saying, in case you didn’t have the whole week blocked off on the calendar already, it’s happening soon–and more often than not, he ends up jerking himself off anyway.
Dew and Swiss call it his ‘pre-rut nut’. 
He feels all the aspects of a rut. His body burns, his dick is sore, and his tail whips around faster than usual, but he doesn’t have that animalistic urge to breed anything that walks yet. 
Hence, pre-rut nut. 
Mountain sighs and throws the thin blanket off his body. The cool air from the window flows over his bare chest, raising goosebumps in its wake. His nipples pebble slightly at the sensation and he shudders. He can live with hard nipples. 
His aching cock, though, is a different story. 
When he’s this close to his rut, he has to jerk off every night. During the day he can assuage his urges, distracted by his duties. But at night when he has nothing else to do, the full force of his unholy urges hit him like a tidal wave, a near-orgasm in and of itself. In the days before his rut he edges himself all day without even realizing it. Usually it’s his pants constricting around his crotch just right, or he sees a perfect ass filling out a pair of pants that makes his dick twitch, but lately… Lately, the only thoughts making his dick twitch have been of you.
Oh, Lucifer, he’d made his way down to the gardens this morning and had been greeted with an eyeful of your ass as you bent down. The sight nearly made him trip over his own tail. He just wanted to grab your hips and– 
His cock jumps in his boxers and he groans. He slips his legs out of the material but keeps them close, so he can clean himself up after he blows his load to the thought of you. 
Mountain knows it’s wrong of him to think of you this way, but sweet Satan, he can’t help it. Not when your scent is the most tantalizing thing he’s ever smelled. Whenever he’s around you, your essence wraps around him and inside him, tugging at his heart as if you know it beats only for you. Just the smell of you, so strong and enticing beneath your perfume, is enough to bring him to his knees, and it has. The first time he’d smelled your scent after a day working in the gardens together, he’d pinned one of his pillows between his knees and rutted down into it like a rabid dog. 
He briefly considers doing that now, but he decides against it. He’d ruined his pillow so thoroughly that he had to throw it out. 
Mountain wants to ruin you instead. 
He brushes his hand down his neck, over his collarbone, and down to circle one of his sensitive nipples. Oh, he just knows you’d treat him so well. Your hands, so small and soft compared to his, would explore every inch of his skin as you exposed it. Your hands would accidentally brush his nipples as you unbuttoned his shirt, but when you heard how his breath hitches at the touch, you’d do it on purpose. Maybe you’d even tilt your head down to take one of them into your pink lips and pull just to see how he’d react. Ah, the sweet little sound you’d make when Mountain’s hips grind up into yours…
Mountain palms his length, only applying a light pressure. No fingers yet, no–in his mind you’re still wearing clothes. He can’t slide himself inside you before he’s made you cum at least once. He knows his size is daunting. He’s been humbled in the past by potential partners who’d gotten one look at his hard cock and fled for the hills. But you would see it as a challenge. He can practically hear you purring into his ear, Come on Mounty, how many inches do you think I can take before I beg you to stop?
Mounty, Mounty, Mounty…
You’re the only one who calls him Mounty. Satan, it makes his knees weak. He wants to know how it sounds in his ear, against his neck, in his mouth. He wants to know how it sounds muffled around his cock. He wants to know how it sounds when he drags it out of you, the last syllable spilling from your lips in a pathetic little whine. He just knows you’d take him so well, all the way to the hilt, and past it when he’d knot you– That thought makes a low growl erupt from his chest. He finally, finally takes himself into his hand, giving himself a few slow, firm strokes. He can’t decide if he wants to imagine it’s your own hand, your lips, or your dripping hole wrapped around him, but his mind lands on your mouth. You’d insist on trying to take him as far as you can down your throat. That’s another challenge you’d pose–how long you can keep him in your mouth until your jaw starts to ache. If you can even fit him. 
But Mountain would only let you touch him after he gives you pleasure first. He wonders how you would taste at the first lick. A little salty, maybe? After your first orgasm, you’d be sweeter, slicker, and because he knows you would be so good for him he’d give you another one. He’d make you scream for him, beg him with incoherent little pleas of your nickname for him. Oh, he can almost hear you in his mind. Oh sweet Satan, Mounty, please… 
Only then would he let you test your little theory. Such a sweet thing for him, crying and drooling around his thick cock and telling him you can take more. 
Mountain grips at the sheets underneath his naked body as his hand slides languidly up and down. He knows he needs sleep, but the visions of you are too delicious to rush. No, you deserve to be revered. Worshiped like the unholy being you are. He prays to you, kneels at your altar, communes with your divinity through his lascivious fantasies of your body under his. He wants to make love to you. He wants to take you so, so slowly at first, stretching your muscles around his dick when he enters you for the first time. He wants you to feel every thick, prodding inch of him inside you. He wants to watch your body arch under him when his tip drags against the spot on your inner walls that will, eventually, make you scream his name. He wants to swallow your moans and whines of discomfort with his lips and shush you and tell you that it’s alright, the stinging stretch will go away in a few seconds. He wants to lean down to your ear and whisper that he loves you, and he wants you to say it back. 
Lucifer, he hasn’t even kissed you yet. 
Mountain would wait until you say you’re ready for him to move, and then he’d pull out nearly all the way just to angle his hips upward and push back in. He imagines the way you’d gasp in surprise that the uncomfortable stretch has turned into pleasure. You’d wrap your arms around him, tugging at the hair on the base of his skull the way you know he likes. Your fingers would brush against the base of his horns by accident. He’d shudder at the contact, rutting his hips into you harder than he meant to, and then you’d do it again on purpose. 
His free hand absently raises to his head to touch his horns the way he imagines you would. The hand wrapped around his leaking cock begins to stroke faster, harder. “Oh f-fuck, petal, that’s so good…” 
His own words echoing in his room make him blush. Mountain knows you like it when he calls you petal. You haven’t explicitly told him so, but he notices the way your eyelids flutter and your mouth quirks up whenever he says it. Once, he’d groaned with soreness from kneeling in the gardens all day and said, you’re killing me, petal. It had sounded more lewd than he’d meant. He had to pretend that he couldn’t smell your arousal suddenly flaring up in you after he’d said it, but oh, you smelled delicious then. He’d had to excuse himself for a few minutes just to rub one out to your lingering scent before he came in his pants. 
Mountain knows you like him, too. Your scent has started to change over the last few months, after you’d started working in the garden with him. You smell sweeter now. Sweeter means your heart pounds a little faster, a little harder whenever you see him. 
The endorphins your body releases at the sight of him make you smell like honeysuckle. 
He grips the base of his horn tighter and pulls. He can picture you riding him like your life depends on it, holding onto his horns for stability and because you’d know he likes that. Your lovely hips would feel so plush and warm in hands when he digs his fingers in to drag you up and down his length. You wouldn’t have to do the work, no... Mountain would take care of you. He’s the biggest, strongest ghoul, but also the most gentle. He’d lift you like you weighed nothing and guide you back down onto his cock without you having to put an ounce of effort in. He’d treat you so well, petal. So well. 
He fists his cock faster now. He can tell he’s going to cum soon, but fuck, he doesn’t want it to be over so soon. Not when his mind is conjuring such sweet pictures of you. 
The ghoul wonders how you’d sound when you get close. Are you loud? Would you get louder? Would you start to beg him to make you cum, or would you go silent? Would you whine out his name for him? His full name or the nickname you gave him? Could you cum from just his cock, or do you need him to help you? Do you need his hands? Oh, sweet thing, you can have his hands. 
He meant to tell you. He wanted to tell you how he feels about you, and then show you, and show you again. But he wants your first time together to be slow, passionate. He wants the only thing on his mind to be you. When he’s in his rut, he can only focus on his primal need to breed, and he doesn’t want that for you. Not yet. Would you like it, though? Mountain imagines what you would sound like begging him to breed you and his knot begins to swell at the base of his dick. He wants to explode inside of you, over and over, until your belly is swollen with his seed. One of his loads will take, right? It must, after he’s fucked his cum into you more times than you can count. His thick knot will keep it inside you until it takes. 
Pre-rut nut, his ass. 
Mountain moans your name like a prayer. He’s sure the other ghouls can hear him call out for you, but he doesn’t care. “Yes, petal, take my knot. I—fuck—I know you can take it all, sweet thing. You’re so good for me, taking my knot so well—”
He imagines you crying out for him, cumming on his cock so hard like he knows you can. He’s not finished yet. Not yet. Just a little longer, please—
You would bring his head down to yours and kiss him so tenderly while he thrusts into you like a man dying. You’d whisper in his ear that he feels so good, fucks you so well, and that you want him to cum inside you. Inside, Mounty, you’d plead, gasping and moaning from his cock still dragging over your walls. He obliges. 
Mountain cums with a loud groan. His hips buck up into his hand and spurts of his viable seed—wasted when it’s not buried deep inside you—land on his stomach and chest. The shocks of pleasure roll through his limbs, making his toes curl and his back arch off the mattress. He wishes he had your body to hold onto when he cums. You would anchor him to the world, even though you were the one to send him to space with pleasure in the first place. Briefly, Mountain squeezes his knot with his hand to imagine what it would feel like stuck inside you, but it’s bittersweet. The rest of his dick is exposed to the cool air of his room. No, it wouldn’t feel like this. You’d hold him inside like a warm, soft cocoon. 
He opens his eyes and the illusion fades. He’s alone in the ghoul dens without you, with drying jizz on his stomach and a rut that came two days early. 
He wants to hold you. 
He wants you close to him, to soothe his aching muscles in between the long periods of fucking you. He wants to massage you too, because he knows he’s big and you’ll be sore for days after his rut ends. Next year, he thinks ruefully. Next cycle, after he properly confesses to you, and then properly makes love to you, many times. He wants to make sure you know he adores you before fucking you like some feral beast. 
Mountain sighs and cleans himself up with his discarded boxers. He doesn’t bother putting another pair on.
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The Sweetest Thing
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Jake Lockley x GN!Reader • Rating: T •Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | requestinfo• MK Bingo 2024 Masterlist• ko-fi •
Summary: A heatwave hits London
🌛For @moonknight-events MK Bingo Spring 2024 Event🌜
A/N: Set in London.
Warnings: Just some fluffy fluff, swearing, reader isn't american so there's a little playful celsius vs fahrenheit moment, jokey mention of foot stuff (which I am blaming @romanarose for, for no other reason that they are the Foot Stuff gender neutral King.), over use of italics, typos, not beta read, railroad sentences, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 669
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You sigh heavily, shoulders slumped as you just stand in the chilled food section of sainsbury's. 
Despite it being a little after 8am London was so hot  it was like it was trying to rival the surface of the sun. 
And the humidity… disgusting. 
Why did you have to live in one of the seemingly dampest countries that still expected people to work and use public transport and just live without most buildings and businesses not having air conditioning. It was inhumane. 
Jake appeared at your side, grinning. Despite the oppressive heat (given that it was quite cool in the supermarket) he somehow managed to not melt into a puddle on the floor. 
“How are you not sweating?” You grumble and he laughs. 
“I sweat.” 
“You’re a fucking liar, you know that?” The smile in your voice made him laugh louder. 
“Sure, sure. Hmm, maybe it's secret moon god perks?” 
“Tell Khonshu I will be his foot of the night or whatever if it means I don’t feel sticky and gross.” 
“Foot?” He wheezes.
“Yeah, you’re his fisting of the night and-”
Jake spluttered as you both walked to the self service machines. 
“I’ll be the one that does the kicking.”
“So,” he scanned the tub of ice cream, glancing at you. Thankfully there were practically no queues at this time on a Tuesday morning. “I’m doing fisting? But you’re just doing kicking? Shouldn’t you be doing foot stuff at the very least.” 
You tried to give him a look and not laugh. You did not succeed. “Can’t he at least make a breeze or something?” 
Jake smiled and shook his head. 
“What kind of god can’t even do that?” You grumble.
Jake pays and takes his receipt, holding your hand as you walk towards the sliding doors. 
“What if we don’t go, what if we stay and live in here? It’s cool?” 
“Can’t do that baby.”
“Why?” You grumble, pouting a little. You know what you’re saying makes no sense but the heat has made you grumpy. 
Jake snorts. “You’re looking forward to it. You’ve been talking about it all week.” 
“Yeah, that was before London decided that 38c was a good temperature.”
Jake opens his mouth, a shit eating grin on his face. 
“I do not want to hear about fahrenheit. Or  how it was hotter in America when you were there.” 
He blows a kiss to you. “You know me too well.” 
“Hmm. You’re predictable more like.” 
He mock gasps. “I’m insulted.” 
“You love it.” 
He smiles again, squeezing your hand in his. He does love it. Loves that he’s put down roots. That you can guess what silly comment he’s going to make and tease him for it. 
The air outside of the nice cool supermarket hits you like the air of a just opened oven. Two steps out and you’re already sweating. 
Jake leads you to the brick wall slightly down the road, the one that is bathed in shade by an old magnolia tree and sits, encouraging you to do the same. 
He takes the lid of the ice cream carefully. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Eating ice cream.” He says matter of factly, “you want some?” 
“How you gonna eat that?” 
“Ahh,” he grins again and pulls out something from his pocket with a flourish. It takes you a moment to recognise it as a swiss army knife. “Glad I can still surprise you.” He flicks it open and shows you a small metal spoon. 
You laugh. “Very impressive.”
“As long as you don’t mind sharing my salvia.” 
You pull a pretend thinking face for a moment that amuses Jake no end. “Hmm, well considering some of the things we’ve done… I think I’m okay with it.” 
“Good.” He digs the spoon in and then holds it out to you, letting you have the first bite. 
You lean forward, but dart to the side at the last second and steal a soft kiss from his lips. He was the sweetest thing around anyway.                                            
Thank you for reading!
@pleasurebuttonwrite @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @whatthefishh @romanarose @saturn-rings-writes @lonelyisamyw-0love @queerponcho @steven-grants-world  @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moons @minigirl87 @lunar-ghoulie @silvernight-m@autismsupermusicalassassin @apesarecuul @reallyrallyauthor @basicalyrandom @alwaysmicado @mangoslushcrush @marc-spectorr @soft-girl-musings @spxctorsslxt
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ghulehthezombiequeen · 10 months
ghulehthezombiequeen's masterlist
requests are open! sfw only blog.
⛧☾༺♰ ghost (band) ♰༻☽⛧
✮⋆˙ series
little sunshine. - cardinal copia x sister of sin! reader
little sunshine masterlist. (6 chapters)
✮⋆˙ oneshots
here kitty kitty - sodo x gn reader (fluff)
back to december - ex!terzo x transmasc reader with a kid (angst/fluff)
stay with me - swiss x gn reader (angst)
motion picture soundtrack - ghouls & ghoulettes go ice skating headcanon (fluff)
stargirl interlude - sodo x afab reader (sfw)
dracopia hunting mice - requested ! (fluff)
secondo's anniversary - requested ! (fluff)
✮⋆˙ oc lore
meliora - papa iii's assistant
✮⋆˙ artwork
terzo getting carried by meliora
baby cardi + baby cardi getting picked up
⛧☾༺♰ star wars ♰༻☽⛧
✮⋆˙ series
lost in yesterday - kylo ren x male reader (part 1) / call out my name (part 2)
✮⋆˙ oneshots
let you break my heart again - anakin x jedi!reader (angst)
⛧☾༺♰ genshin impact ♰༻☽⛧
✮⋆˙ series
✮⋆˙ oneshots/headcanons
diluc headcanons: christmas edition (fluff)
ayato takes care of you (comfort, tw knife and blood mentions)
scaramouche headcanon (fluff)
xiao headcanon (fluff/slightly suggestive}
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succulent-ghoul · 1 year
Yeah I just wanna be held
The ghouls are like cats they can choose people and then they are stuck with the ghouls until they die. So when you a lowly sibling of sin was some how bestowed the ability to hang with the ghouls, you were surprised. Maybe it was self doubt or overthinking but early in you thought you were being bullied, like how people will pretend to like you and then shatter your soul.
And yet that never happened, the rug was never pulled out from under you. They just liked having you around. And even on your bad days whatever ghoul that was free would be with you. And even on the worst days, they'd just hold your hand listen maybe even make jokes. But never leaving you to suffer alone.
It's been a bad day it's been the worst. So when you find a ghoul in your bed waiting for you to get back the relief itself is healing. Swiss the ghoul in question immediately pulls you into bed and holds you tight. And you hold him back. Both tired and worn from the day, and craving respite after all the stress.
Swiss's hands comb through your hair, slowly scratching your scalp as you melt into the security of it all. The comfort and safety of having him hold you and maybe even love you. Quietly pressing a kiss to his chest you mumble soft goodnights before drifting off.
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ghuleh-witch · 3 months
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Fandom: Ghost Rating: Teen Warnings: GHOVIE SPOILERS, references to death and grief Relationships: Copia x GN Reader Characters: Copia, GN Reader, unnamed Sister of Sin Additional Tags: gender neutral reader, comfort fic, slight dirty talk, no beta Chapter Word Count: 970 Summary: Copia is getting fitted for his new uniform and is having doubts about his promotion. Author’s Note: Ignore that the cover image is the cardinal uniform, I'm trying to make this part as spoiler-free as possible. Also, apologies for any spelling or grammar errors. I won't be posting this to Ao3 until after the ghovie is done airing in theaters.
He was being fitted for his new uniform when you walked into your shared chambers.
In the middle of the living room, he stood on a step stool in front of a mirror while a Sister of Sin knelt on the ground behind him pinning the hem of his trousers legs. You’d seen the woman before. She always did Copia’s tailoring, and it seemed now was no different. From your angle, the uniform looked similar to the black suits he wore as a cardinal—sleek, soft, and formfitting. You took the time to run your eyes over his backside, admiring the dips and curves that the fabric seemed to cling to before realizing that Copia’s eyes were on you in the mirror.
“Do you like what you see, il mio tesoro?” He asked, turning his head slightly to look at you.
You walked forward and around the stepstool to his front and gasped audibly. His uniform was tailored to perfection. The black, sparkling clerical collar sat at the base of his throat. On the sharply pointed lapels of his jacket were large rubies surrounded by small, gleaming onyx gems. The chains that hung from them led to an onyx-encrusted grucifix with a small ruby pendant hanging from the bottom. It was different from anything he wore before, but you could see the subtle nods to his prior outfits.
“Oh my god,” you said. You looked him up and down and marveled over the magnificent man in front of you. “You look amazing!”
A slight blush crossed his cheeks as he looked down at you. “Thank you, amore,” he said looking back at himself in the mirror. “It’s quite different from what I wore as Papa. But also not…” He was silent for a moment—lost deep in his own thoughts. You knew he replayed the events that led him here. You were at the hotel waiting for him to finish the show the night Sister Imperator passed. Swiss called you to tell you what happened and how you needed to get down to the venue right away. You knew you’d never forget how he looked when you found him sitting on a bench behind the Forum. He was still in shock; his paints streaked and smeared from crying and his red sparkling jacket was discarded on the seat next to him. Your heart broke for him. What should have been the best night of his life had become the worst. 
He told you about the letter Sister left him that named him head of the clergy. It wasn’t what he wanted though. You knew if he could continue on as Papa he would, but Copia had come to terms that his time on stage was over and that his purpose was now to help bring the dawn of the new era for the Ministry. You watched as he shifted his weight nervously on the stool and you felt your heartbreak for him all over again. 
“Sorella, can you give us a minute?” Copia asked as the sister returned her pins to the pin cushion on her wrist.
“No problem Pa—I mean Frater,” she said. Her face flushed slightly from the accidental slip-up. She bowed her head and walked out the front door of the apartment. 
Once the door had closed with a soft click, Copia carefully stepped off the stool and sighed. “I can’t do this,” he confessed.
“What are you talking about?” You asked brow furrowed with concern. 
“This,” he said, gesturing to his outfit and sighing. “I can’t lead the clergy. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m an entertainer. I’m a singer. I can’t do what she did.” 
“Baby,” you said gently as you stepped closer and cupped his face between your hands. His painted eyes were downcast and there was a slight tremble to his lip. “You can do this. I know change is scary. All this is scary for me too, but change is inevitable. We all must go through it. You, me, the whole ministry, and all the Ghost fans—We are all experiencing this change together. You are not alone in this, I promise. I will be at your side through it all.  If Sister…If your mother didn’t believe you could do this she wouldn’t have named you Frater Imperator.”
“Sì, I know,” he sighed. “Can’t blame a guy for being nervous though.”
“I know, I know,” you replied. Your hands left his cheeks and smoothed the lapels of his jacket. “If it helps, you look hot as fuck in the new uniform though.”
Copia chuckled as his arms encircled you and pulled you closer. “Thank you, amore. It does help.” He pressed a kiss to your lips, the paint of his upper lip now smeared slightly. His hands ran down your sides before they came to rest on your hips. “Wanna show me how hot this getup makes me?” He smirked.
You couldn’t help but smile as every filthy thought crossed your mind. You looked him up and down, noticing the growing bulge in his already tight pants. “I would, but we probably shouldn’t ruin these clothes just yet. They’re not even officially done,” you said as you glanced down at the colorful pins lining the fabric around his ankles. “I don’t want to mess up all that poor sister’s hard work.”
He let out an exergated groan. “Fine,” he said before he smiled at you. “But you owe me. I need to celebrate becoming Frater somehow.” 
“Oh once this is finished and you have a spare set, I fully plan on letting you bend me over the closest service and ravish me while wearing this.” You smiled and leaned up to kiss him. “Come on, let’s get this fitting finished up. I have a couple ideas of how we can celebrate once you’re done.”
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