babysizedfics · 3 years
@switchyticklebug requested tickly teasy concept!!
ro teaching michael how much vee loves tickles and teases
side note: another concept i builded on in messages with someone else - @a-little-bit-flustered this time - so pls excuse any weird formatting r grammar hasdhshd and  any indednted text  is bea typing not me
i imagine during the time that michael stays over at the family’s house a lot in his top surgery recovery, he gets to see a lot of the family dynamics that he just hasn’t been close enough to witness before - including roman and vee’s teasy tickly dynamic
AHH makes my heart go whooosh to think of vee and michael hanging out with roman in the living room and vee has been giggly all day and rlly sweet but also is  gettin kinda of fidgety but neither or nor michael realise why
but occasionally mimmy will say smth sweet that embarrasses vee and she goes (⌯≧ ﹏ ≦⌯)  "nooooo" and wiggles and hides her blushy cheeks (and smile) on michaels shoulder
and michael is a sweetie and is like oh okay i wont say that again sorry kitty! because he just wants to respect it if she tells him not to do smth
but then roman sees vee pout a little but shyly go quiet and fidgety again and hes like OHHHH i seee what kinda mood she’s in....
and hes like "hey Michael wanna learn smth about vee vee?" 😏😈 hsjsjsj
and he scooches over and pulls vee into his lap and michales like aww :3 but vee is rlly blushy like HHHH ros gonna do it he’s gonna tease me in front of mimmy ! and tbh this is rlly what shewanted all along
and roman explains teasy "when she whines 'noooooo' , unless she says cotton candy then it ACTUALLY means 'pleeaaase make me blush and stutter more' " and vee squeaks and buries her face and michael is just like :0 ?really??
and ro whispers "and sometimesss..." and wiggles his finger rlly RLLY lightly under vees ear and vee squeaks and whines "it means 'pleeeasee tickle tickle tickle me'" and starts tickling vee in front of micahel hhhhss >///<
and michael just thinks its rlly funny and cute and laughs when roman 'teaches' him all the tickles vee likes
AHHH and imagine roman gets michael to hold vee in his lap while roman goes for her tickly thighs and vee is SO PINK and whiny and squeaky and giggly and wriggly
and michael is laughing like “ahh oh my gosh kitty youre so ticklish this is so funny!! awww youre so cute look at you!!" and he pinches her cheek while ro tickles her
and logan walks in on them tickling her so much and her rlly blushing and hes like “okay boys i know youre having fun but lets be gentle with vee okay? “
and michael instantly straightens his back and is like 'uh yes logan, sorry sir'
and romans like "yeah hang on right after this" and wiggles ALL his fingers right on the insides of vees thighs and she SCREAMS and accidentslly kicks romans shoukder rlly hard and roman falls back winded and michaels like OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY and vees still gasping for breath and logans just so apathetic like "you brought this upon yourself" and walks out
omg this is like during the day before a michael stays the night tho so like michael is gonan be there for HOURS and vee is gonna be so flustered jsjsjdjdj
@a-little-bit-flustered : AHHHHHHHH they’ll literally be chilling together later in the afternoon and vee will just be sat there STILL blushing and full of butterflies because she can’t stop thinking about how flustered all of the teasing made her and the little tiny smile/sparkle in her eyes never quite disappears until they go to sleep later ashdhfjfhh 🥺💗🥺
YESSS and when theyre laying in bed in vees room that night  then michael just has a rlly cheeky smile and vees cheeks burn again but faer lips pull up and fae hides it behind minty and whines "whaaaaat"
and michael teases "you like being tiiickleeed~" in a singy song hsjjsjd and vee just squeaks and buries faer head under the blankies
and michale asks a lot like "so why do u like it ? where are u most ticklish?? does only roman tickle you? how often does he do it ? why are u blushing? does me saying the word tickle make u squirm??? omg it does!!! tickli tickle tickle tickle" and hes just rambling constantly and vee is DYING
NOOOOO THE SINGY SONG VOICE omg poor vee just wouldn’t be able to handle it, she’d bury her face into minty and stay under the blankie to hide her blushing and the big big smile on her face and michael is just like “kittyyyy, come out of theeeere~” and very gently pokes her side like how roman showed him before and all of the teasing has made vee so sensitive that she *squeals* bc the build up and anticipation is just way way too flustering and she’s just a little puddle of giggles ahshdjfgh 😭😭💗💗
AAA omg the poke and squeal shsjjs ohh and imagien then patton ducks his head in a couple minutes later and they both clam up and blush rlly bright and micahel is like "we were just playing - um! n-not like—not like that kind of playing but like--"
and patton chuckles like yes honey i know vee likes to play the special tickly game (vee whimpers) , but i think you both need to get your rest - we have a hospital patient AND a baby in here, you both need an early night!
and michael feels a lil guilty and says sorry and good night and patton gives vee another bedtime kiss (and minty of course) and then hes like "anyway, the more sleep you get tonight the more energy youll have to play tomorrow!!"
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oliviaischillin1204 · 3 years
Wkwjjejejejeje for some reason I thought you were around my age then I checked your blog and I was like "qué??? 🤨🤨"
SJHDFGDHS yeah, i’m very suddenly reached an age where if i see someone i follow say “i’m 16 😇” and i’m like HUH??? 
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If you want more information go to @itsyaboi-ler 's page, he has a post explaining what it is :•)
Okay! Thank you! I probably wouldn’t be able to sleep if I didn’t receive an explanation-
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veryblushyswitch · 3 years
Thanks for the tag!! 💖
I was tagged by @duckymcdoorknob and I think maybe two other people??? Thank you to whoever tagged me!
Relationship Status:
Currently dating someone. We’ve been friends for a while but we’re trying out being together. We’re not labeling anything until we hang out one on one a few more times. It’s taking its time but we’re going at our own pace and it’s going very well. 💖
Favorite Color:
Red, Blue, and Black. Don’t think I have a definite favorite. Maybe a pretty shade of blue? I don’t know.
Three Favorite Foods:
PASTA!! Then popcorn and fillets. My dad makes the best fillets!!!
Song Stuck In My Head:
Jesus Of Suburbia - Green Day
Last Song I Listened To:
It’s Time - Imagine Dragons
Last Things I Googled:
Lady Casandra Resident Evil (for reference for @squeaky-n-blushy’s amazing fic)
Around Noon.
Dream Trip:
To go see the Northern Lights in Antarctica.
Anything I Really Want:
Literally just the ability to go into fictional worlds or have fictional characters come to me and go as they and I please so my favorite fictional character(s) and I can have tickle fights. Also just some great tickle scenes in all my favorite shows and movies. Which is a lot but the question was anything so. 🙃
@squeaky-n-blushy @intheticklecloset @switchyglitch @switchyticklebug @trrickytickle @sleepdeprivedsloth @volleeball-bo @made-by-jade-222 @wertzunge @tickly-trashcan @anzynai @tickly-killer @heyoitsgenderconfusion @makingleecrazy @onehellofaler @ticklishfanart @ticklishscumbag
If I didn’t tag you feel free to do it anyway! I tried to tag a lot of people but again I feel very lazy so if I didn’t tag you again I’m sorry!!! Love you all tho 💖
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flustered2easilee · 4 years
I am very cute and even more so ticklish
.... @switchyticklebug @twordish-ler
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trulee-peachy · 3 years
Hey just letting you know that switchyticklebug is a minor!
Deleted! Thank you💞
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ticklemet1mbers · 4 years
11: Tickly foot massage or belly massage?
Ack. Probably belly. Not really ticklish on either spot, that I know of, but I think a massage would do the trick there.
18: T-shirt that says I’m ticklish, or arrows drawn to your tickle spots?
Arrows!! That way I can cover it up. And drawing the arrows would be fun, too.
Thanks for asking!!
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veryblushyswitch · 3 years
Catching Up Game 💖
Thanks for the tag @skribblz, @duckymcdoorknob, and @squeaky-n-blushy!!! Love you guys! 💖
Last Song:
The King - Sarah Kingsley
Currently Reading:
The Promised Neverland manga series as well as the Demon Slayer manga series. I’m also reading a book called Tomboy that’s about gender roles and other stuff throughout history.
Currently Watching:
Ooh boy here we go…
Ouran High School Host Club, Attack On Titan, Given, Hunter x Hunter, and Schitts Creek.
Currently Craving:
Soft pretzels, popcorn, chocolate, strawberries, chocolate covered strawberries, and more popcorn.
Tagging: @ohitsophia @switchyticklebug @intheticklecloset @happyandticklish @vqler @trrickytickle @mighty-ticklish
And whoever else wants to do it! Didn’t tag as many people as I wanted to but I’m really lazy right now 🙃
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veryblushyswitch · 4 years
Top Ten Favorite Movies
1. Stand By Me
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2. The Sandlot
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3. Pretty in Pink
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4. The Breakfast Club
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5. A League of Their Own
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6. Remember The Titans
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7. Back To The Future
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8. IT Chapter One
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9. Dirty Dancing
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10. Weird Science
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This was so hard because I love so many movies and just choosing ten was so difficult! Thank you @jeezsophia for the tag!
I’m tagging @tickle-fic-chick, @giggly-boi, @moose-muffin, and @switchyticklebug!
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flustered2easilee · 4 years
all 31 because fuk you, you made me do all of them so u are doing it too now-
Do you identify as lee, ler, or switch and what makes you feel that way?
I am a lee-leaning switch because I love being on both the giving and receiving end of tickles, but I like receiving them juuust a but more.
Have you ever been tickled irl? If so, on accident or on purpose?
Yes I have, but more often than not its on accident 😅
Punishment or reward tickles?
What kind of teasing gets to you/do you like to dish out?
Teases don't get to me at allreadmyusername!!!
I don't really know if I have a "style" of teasing, its more of just what the lee wants and how I can "help" their mood 😅😂
What does it take to make you flustered about tickling?
Are you easily able to admit you like it?
ahh I wish haha 😅
Have you ever told someone outside of the community you like tickling?
nope, but hopefully one day tho!
What's your favorite thing about being tickled/tickling someone?
Being tickled- ahh just like kind of giving into the feelings and laughing your heart out and its literally such an affectionate gesture too and hhhhh-
Giving tickles- just seeing them slowly lose control while they look so happy and try to push you away isjustttsomfcute-
What's your laugh like?
A fork scraping against a plate and nails on a chalkboard hybrid, its fokin gross 😂
Favorite spot to tickle/be tickled?
Would you prefer for you/your lee to be tied down during sessions?
Of course whatever the lee is comfortable with. For me, only light bonds if any.
If you could be tickle/be tickled by anyone who would it be?
*cough cough* @giggly-boi @twordish-ler @switchyticklebug @boltztheclown23 @j-is-still-yellow and I'm probably missing quite a few 😅
Wake up or before bed tickles?
Honestly both! Wake up ones just slowly get more intense and then all day youre left worrying about when they'll strike next and lemme introduce you to somethin:
✨soft and cuddly tikies while you both drift off into dreamland✨
Do you like being teased/dishing out teasing?
yes to bothhhhh
Who is someone in this community you would like to know better?
@/thepersonreadingthis!!!! Im very socially awkward and kinda bad at holding conversations but if you'd like to please come talk to me!
Do you have any uncommon spots or any unusual spots?
hhh yes and depending on who you are you can skip to the next question please and thank you calves,ears,topsoffeet,collarbones,back,shoulders,fukinaRMSHOLYSHET,palms,andimprollymissingsome
How old were you when you discovered you liked tickling?
I was maybe around 9 or so.
How comfortable are you with talking about tickling?
Depends on the person for me 😅
Personal death spot/one you'd like to wreck others with?
uhm aNYWAYSSSS i would love to just wreck someone with upper body tikies I guess 😅
Underrated spots?
Any spot that literally isn't "mainstream"
Favorite tword scenario?
I've said it once and I'll say it again:
✨soft and cuddly tikies while you both drift off into dreamland✨
Soft and cuddly tickles or rough tickles?
Depends on the mood however more often than not soft tikies
Upper or lowerbody tickles?
Upperbody all the wayy for me 😅
Any tickle scenes that have stuck with you?
no, I have terrible memory 😂
Any positions you'd like to try?
Of course whatever the lee is comfy with, but something I've always wanted to try is a Lee sitting in front of me with their arms behind my back because the access to so many spots and they don't know what's coming and ndnjdjfbfjkfnfsls
Any unpopular tword opinions?
None come to mind at the moment 😅
Do you like being tickled on your death spot and how would you go about tickling a lees death spot?
and for tickling a lees death spot, I either go right for it or anticipation. Like just slowly building up to that spot, and then when you get there just hovering your wiggling fingers over shitshitflusteredmyself-
Is it difficult to put me into a lee/ler mood?
Lee- ehhh id say kinda because most times I'm already in a mood so the most you'd do is intensify it 😂
Ler- also pretty easy but I can't say that it'll stay for long 😅
Any tickle dreams?
Nope, but a girl can dream wait shit that defeats the whole purpose of the question-
Are you up for tools? If so, what kinds?
I guess you could say I am, but mainly things like brushes, feathers, and that kinda stuff 😅
Do you believe in the tickle monster?
Nope, the tickle monster is just a hoax, there's no way its real!
Thank you so much for the asks!
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veryblushyswitch · 4 years
So 👏🏻
I have an idea.
You know how a bunch of us make tickle headcanons for characters and other people?
Well I had a thought-
What if we tired to do some for ourselves?
Like for the lee and ler, we expose ourselves or be creative.
Only if you want to of course, no pressure whatsoever.
I’m gonna start working on mine,
And I’m going to tag,
@moose-muffin @tickle-fic-chick @jeezsophia @reader9235 and @switchyticklebug.
If I didn’t tag you, it’s either because you don’t write headcanons or I wrote some about you on my blog
*cough* @giggly-boi *cough*
(Go check them out)
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flustered2easilee · 4 years
FIVE MUTUALS?!? bold of you to assume I have that many friends 😂
Ok first off @giggly-boi because oh how the turn tables
Second @twordish-ler because bottom left and middle right 😏
Third @switchyticklebug im not fond of her ler abilities but I'm confident in my own 😅
Fourth would be @absolutlee-ticklish251 because ya can't really protect the back of your ribs~
And lastly @sadsappylee because you get flustered almost as quickly as I do 😂
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flustered2easilee · 4 years
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Now this my frens is why I don't make memes 😅😂
leave that to some totally amazing people with an even better sense of humor that you should totally check out *cough cough* @mynachopaper, @switchyticklebug , and im probably missing out on some more but kzbdbdj *cough cough*
annnnyways enjoy this shitpost 😂 new scenario coming hopefully tomorrow!
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veryblushyswitch · 4 years
When you have amazing people like @switchyticklebug @giggly-boi and @moose-muffin who were your first friends on tumblr and made it easier to accept yourself for who you are. Another appreciation post just because. Love you guys so much! 💖
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veryblushyswitch · 4 years
Reblog this (only if you want to) and tag someone who you want to hug or who needs a hug 💖🤗
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