apothecaryassistant · 6 months
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hillarydiangelo · 2 years
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Nay - Hektor - you who to me are father, mother, brother, and dear husband - have mercy upon me; stay here upon this wall; make not your child fatherless, and your wife a widow (Il. 6.429-32)
I couldn't stop thinking about this post by @intermundia, so I did something. I'm sorry [not really sorry].
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serfuzzypushover · 5 months
just asking, Whats the thing Cronus is holding on your profile banner?
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the banners' a redraww of this lol
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ask-the-raichu · 1 month
Nadire, Do you have a favorite food? What's your favorite breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert? Bonus question, what's your favourite food to make?
for breakfast i like eggs and meat lunch is usually a sandwwich or leftovvers or some sort a quick pasta i dont really havve a favvorite for dinner i lovve deepfish marinated in lemon ovver long grains dessert is definitely cherry cheesecake
i enjoy makin sushi or sashimi i havve a sushi knife that looks like a miniature swword its fun to cut wwith it
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candacehughes · 10 months
doubleswords tatts - double swwords tattoos - both thru shins, both thru thighs, both thru shoulders, thru - neck, thru forehead fairy and pixie dust must return as candace marie hughes. on. paid. card. on. paid. must mail card, key, device to candace marie hughes. on. paid. must remove cover, covers, covering, coverings, covered. on. paid.
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tsengplay · 1 year
#SRWTshort Black Mightgaine - Black Drive Wheel Swword [SCENE VIDEO] Su...
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friend-fiend · 2 years
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vekinhive-moved · 2 years
I’d like to request a ‘You/Heart/Home’ reading for my ‘i knew rose’ timeline- i don’t remember who i was, which i understand will make the reading more vague, but i know I had strong feelings for rose. I believe I was human, and that it was a timeline where either the game was played or some sort of offshoot, where there were still aspects of the game even if we didn’t play it.
So, for this request i dreww Eight of swwords (revverse), Strength and Ten of pentacles (revverse); here's wwhat they mean and a couple of my personal interpretations of them in this context;
You - Eight of Swords (reverse) - eight of swords is usually a card representin an interference in lifestyle or routine, howwevver revversed it mainly means being able to see a wway forwward, as wwell as hard but rewwarding wwork. as a You card, this one could represent your ideals or personality in that life as a person wwho can see straight in chaotic situations and do somethin about it.
Heart - Strength - strength represents mastering your owwn emotions or suppresing them to bring calm to yourself and the situation you are in. it also represents ovvercoming personal challenges. as a Heart card, strength could mean that you were a very closed person and prioritized havving control over yourself, or that you struggled wwith these things in that life and evventually ovvercame them.
Home - Ten of Pentacles (reverse) - the up-right card for ten of pentacles represents an abundance of wwealth and material goods, often associated wwith family or status. the revverse of this often means rejecting or fighting wwith family, feeling like an outsider or losin wwealth. as a Home card, this could suggest comin from an unstable or poor household wwith a lack of resources, as wwell as feeling disconnected or distancin yourself from family, or nevver havvin one to begin wwith.
i hope these help a bit wwith figurin out your timeline anon
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thefunniestguy · 2 years
Oh men and their swords ,, , ,,, /qu
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donitkitt · 5 years
I do always wonder if Leo will get his double swords back at some point in the rise series
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wwickedspirits · 6 years
wwell noww cause im so wweak and squishy id be easily hurt by anything like that 
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hillarydiangelo · 2 years
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And in a few days I would be there, love
Whatever here that's left of me is yours just as it was
As it was, Hozier
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serfuzzypushover · 6 months
do u think dirk tried to cut his owwn chest off wwith his swword? top surgery at home wwith 2 easy steps
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 years
Eridan: wwell wwell, vvriska serket isn't it
Vriska: Marquise Vriska Serket
Eridan: wwell, i don't see your ship...
Eridan: ...marquise
Vriska: I'm in the market, as it were
Nepeta: :33< she said she'd clawmmand33r one
Equius: D-> I told you she was telling the tr00th
Equius: D-> Oh, by the way, these are hers sir
Eridan: let's see wwhat wwe havve here...
Eridan: a gun wwith no additional shots, or powwder...
Eridan: a compass that doesn't point north...
Eridan: oh, a real swword, i half expected it to be made of wwood
Eridan: you are, wwithout a doubt, the wworst pirate i'vve evver heard of
Vriska: 8ut you have heard of me ;;;;)
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myonepiece · 4 years
KYAAAAHHHH ANOTHER KYOSHIRO FAN :DDDDD , can u write kyoshiro and bartolomeo with a short fem s/o whos super clingy and is kind of a scardey cat , example:when someone flirts with her she kinda just clings behind his back if that makes sense? and when the guy who’s flirting with her is gone she’s just like:”i love you forever baby babe honey my love my beloved my dear my king my knight in shining armor” on a nother note u are the best writer ever oml 💖
Kyoshiro, Bartolomeo with a clingy short fem!S/O who’s a scaredy cat
Kyoshiro x Reader, Bartolomeo x Reader
Description: Kyoshiro & Bartolomeo (seperate) with a short fem!S/O who is clingy and gets scared easily + short oneshot with her getting scared and hiding behind character
Warnings: none
A/N: yes more Kyoshiro!! 💕
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he loves how small you are, he loves feeling like he’s protecting you from the world and he wouldn’t trade you for anything
he’s not the clingiest person, but he has no problem with your constant affection and neediness for affection- he adores this trait
in fact he feels simultaneously serene and alert when you’re touching him in some way, knowing that you’re there right next to him let’s him know that you’re safe and he’s suddenly very alert of the surroundings because it’s like you’re trusting him and relying on him to protect you
you’re cowardliness just makes him fall in love with you even more, he loves teasing you about it (one of his favorite pastimes) and despite his strong feeling of protection towards you and the need to make you feel safe, he finds it hilarious to scare you (jumping out from behind corners is one of his favorite ways)
but the way you hide behind him, tighten your grip on his arm, or take hold of his robes in your hand(s) when you’re scared makes his heart flutter and his eyes fill with adoration while a light blush fists his cheeks (while he unsheathes his swords to take care of whoever dared to scare his sweetheart)
+ oneshot
you weaved your way through the bustling crowd, balancing two bowls of ice cream as you hurried back to Kyoshiro. you were looking ahead of you when a large man abruptly came out of nowhere and you crashed into him, the ice cream dropping and smearing across his kimono before the bowls hit the ground.
you started trembling as you stuttered out apologies, bending down to fetch the bowls when he placed his foot upon them and crushed them easily, causing you to gasp slightly and straighten back up slowly while keeping your head down and eyes trained on the ground.
the man grabbed the collar of your robes and yanked you forward, bring his face down and snarling.
“Oi, you watch where you’re going, how you gonna repay me for ruining my clothes huh?”
you opened your mouth to say something but quickly shut it deciding you couldn’t form a sentence, instead you peered around the man’s large build and spotted the familiar striking blue of your boyfriend’s robes. using all of your strength, you pushed away from the man and stumbled your way through the crowd towards the samurai.
Kyohsiro felt a tug at his sleeve as you clasped the silky material in your hands, but his smile and adoration filled eyes quickly darkened when he looked down and comprehended the fear seizing your expression
he turned quickly and unsheathed in sword in a single nimble motion just as the stranger you had run into barrled into the clearing that had formed when Kyoshiro’s sword was revealed, the swword which was now pointed directly at the man’s throat- the blade gleaming in the late afternoon light, matching the user’s glint of anger present in his eyes
“I wouldn’t take a another step”
the blue-haired samurai’s voice was tense and dripping with venom, he didn’t wnat to ruin your day with blood shed, but this man had most likely already done that so he was not exactly against slitting his throat then and there
the man seemed to understand the threat and danger he was in, but ufortunetly for him Kyoshiro was not about to let the bastard who had unsettled his beloved so leave uninjured, so lifting his free arm so that the cloth of his kimono covered your eyes, he made one quick motion with his sword and a large gash appeared on the man’s torso, erupting blood as he was dragged away by his (assumed) friends
Kyoshiro promptly turned you away from the scene, not allowing you to see the red stained dirt. he placed his hand on you lower back as he led you through the crowd, looking down when you wrapped your arms around his torso and turned your head upward to say
“I love you baby, thank you for protecting me again~” 
your light blush and eyes brimming with love accompanied by your drunkenly sweet smile made Kyoshiro’s heart soar and he laughed, seemingly unaffected by your confession. but if anyone looked close enough they would see the blush appearing on his cheek and the way his toothy grin morphed into a more sincere and lovesick expression, and the way he wrapped his arm around your shoulders to pull you closer against him before asking where the ice cream was
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Bartolomeo is quite clingy himself, he likes to have you on his back or shoulders a lot, but one of his favorite positions is supporting you with his hands uder your butt while your legs are wrapped around his waist, he likes the closeness of it and he’ll hug/carry you like that anytime
he has no problem with your easily-scared personailty, he’s always ready to embrace you when you run. away from something, he likes that you trust him to protect him and that he’s always the one you run to for safety
and he couldn’t be more fond of your height, more cuddling positions and ways to carry you! he likes tucking you into his side and holding his coat around you, this is something he tends to do when you’re scared
whenever you do run to him and either hide behind him and/or grab into his coat, his eyes morph into hearts and he practically squeals before picking you up and peppering your face with kisses
after his outburst of affection and praises of your cuteness, his exterior changes to one of determination and it’s rather intimidating, he take shis role as your “protector” very seriously 
+ oneshot
you wandered along the streets of the town, Bartolomeo had told you to explore while he took care of some business. you turned a corner and stopped to look at the little stand full of plushies
you picked up a small turtle plushie up, admiring it and imagining the smile Bartolomeo would have when you gave it to him. you purchased the cute item and turned on your heel ready to head back to your boyfriend- but a hand suddenly placed itself upon your shoulder and you looked up to find a man in a familiar uniform, though you couldn’t name it. you followed his gaze which led you to a man, almost Noble looking, maybe a rank or two below one, but he was heading right towards you, a disturbing smile playing on his lips
the smile sent chills down your spine and you noticed the quivering of your body, you looked back and forth between the man gripping your shoulder and the disconcerting man approaching followed by a large group of uniformed men- your instincts took over and you bolted, running back through the crowd ignoring the shouts from the guards trailing you
your eyes searched the people frantically, searching for the familiar bright green hair or maroon coat, you called Bartolomeo’s name
you hoped he would be nearby and hear you- luckily he was, you had managed to run to a little ways away from the ship where Bartolomeo and the crew were finishing up their supply restocking. Bartolomeo heard your voice calling his name and he held his had up shushing the crew, his head turned and examined the people’s faces, his sights descending on the familiar (h/c) hurrying through the crowd
he called his crew to attention and moved to the railing and jumped onto the ground below, you burst through a group of people, still shouting your boyfriend’s name. he moved forward quickly and opened his arms which you jumped into, your hands digging into the material of his coat while he wrapped his arms tightly around you, suddenly yelling about how cute you are and how much he loves you 
“my baby you’re so cute! I missed you!”
he twirls you around, but when he faces front again and see the dressed men appear from the crowd, his smile falls and turns to one of seriousness- his embrace tightens and he sends a warning glare to the men
however, the men don’t seem to get the unspoken message and the man not in uniform stepped approached. Bartolomeo set you down, shedding his coat and placing it around you before pushing you behind him
the “Noble” man reached Bartolomeo and stared slightly up at him with a condescending expression
“give her to me”
Bartolomeo looked down at the pudgy man with an angry and disgusted look, his firgure looming over the ignorant man- in the blink of an eye Bartolomeo’s fist was drawn back and hurled forward, hitting the man square in the face and sending him flying backwards, into the crowd and crashing through the building in his path- his followers turned and chased after him
Bartolomeo turned and his smile instantly returned upon seeing you draped in his oversized coat, his hands clenched into fists and he held them to his mouth, screaming into them as tears gushed from his eyes and he fell forward wrapping his arms around your waist. he picked you up and pivoted once again before lowering you only to pick you up supporting you with his hands under your butt while he skipped back up boarding plank and onto the ship
once onboard the small turtle plush fell from your pocket and once you wedged yourself out of Bartolomeo’s hold, you picked it up and held it out to him
“I thought you would like it, the color reminds me of your hair.”
you’re angelic smile and affectionate gaze, as well as your gift and innocent lovefilled meaning behind it, was just too much for Bartolomeo to handle and he dropped to the deck crying and wailing while clutching his heart like had been impaled, and by his own words he had been.
“I’ve been impaled by a spear of love! you’re too cute my angel!”
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fishypun · 4 years
Fun fact ivve actually put a swword to someone’s chin seductivvely before.
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