#synapse ep
fighting-naturalist · 3 months
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-"It is my right to decide, is it not?" -"I don't know. It should be."
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eyrieofsynapses · 2 years
oh BOY did I come home to a lot of asks. y'all had fun with that! right, well, head empty etc. etc., let me a) shower and then b) go dig through my saved-up book quotes n such, because I have some delightful treasures lying around. stay tuned folks
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hisui555 · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel thoughts : Foils 2
(Foils 1 here)
(Foils 3 here)
(Foils 4 here)
Masterpost here.
Crawling back out of my cave because my stupid brain won't let me rest. Synapses fired all night yesterday, I'm sure there's some structural damage in the front lobe from all the fireworks going off and bouncing around the walls of my skull, but mostly color me impressed that my asocial side actually got cowed into submission, by PRODUCTIVITY of all things, holy shit, why can't it happen for job interviews ?
Aaaand without transition I would like to talk about Rosie VS Carmilla (I'm putting a "VS" so that it's clearer from a couple/team, see Foils 1), especially around Ep 7, which has just this magnificent parallel between them, respectively coaching Charlie and Vaggie (yes, TV Tropes already covered that one, shhhh, don't tell my spark of productivity, it might disappear and play dead for months again). For the A plot, we have Charlie, led by Alastor, who's going to Cannibal Town to meet Rosie and ask for reinforcements - basically getting an army of cannibals to lend a hand, even if it's not theirs and has some bite marks on it. For the B plot, on the other side, Vaggie goes to Carmilla to learn how angels can be killed, and from that on asking her for the appropriate weapons. On both sides, the two girls learn about confidence and fighting for the right thing - Charlie grows into the leader she's capable of being, Vaggie steels her resolve and grows her wings back.
What's interesting about those parallel scenes is how much Rosie and Carmilla contrast each other, and are similar to Charlie and Vaggie respectively yet have differences : again, a square of foils. But let's talk about the (seemingly) older women first.
When we stumble upon Cannibal Town, it has a very gentlemanly aesthetic, streets are clean, people are well-dressed and polite, and if you forget the minor detail of cough eating people cough, they are quite the amicable bunch - something Charlie herself comments on, how "surprisingly nice" it is. The second we meet Rosie, we understand why : she's a councelor, the unofficial mayor and of course the Overlord representing them all. She's a faultless host (again, if you don't care much about her specific ingredients), very accomodating, and doesn't rebut Charlie right away despite her enormous demand. In fact, once Alastor chimes in that her citizens would be not only well-armed but also well-fed, she's happy to give it a go and coach Charlie on how to convince them (well, for the most part. Susan.), showing she knows her community very well. Rosie is shown as more of a knowledge broker : she trades information to Alastor in exchange of favors, seems to know things about him that even our deer friend doesn't ("A what now ?" *Pats your shoulder in ace, buddy. You'll get the hang of it.*), and overall comes off as very well-informed.
In the meantime, we follow Vaggie to the industrial side of the Pentagram, where it seems to be more smoke, steel and craft than rural, pictoresque town. Carmilla doesn't let Vaggie enter until she threatens to spill the beans out in plain view of the street, and once she's inside, Carmilla is immediately verbally hostile and commandeering the whole speech ("Ninety seconds."), rebutting each of Vaggie's claims with clinical precision - rightfully countering that she doesn't want to bring the trouble to her doorstep, and put her loved ones (+ workers) in danger, to which Vaggie counters (also rightfully) that if the Hotel fails to defend itself, Carmilla might still kiss her pointy shoes goodbye. Once the time is up, Carmilla attacks, but it's quickly blatant that she's actually stealthily coaching Vaggie into fighting better, both physically and mentally. She's ruthless, brutal, and elegant, but not with the same elegance as Rosie : Rosie's charm and mannierisms are day-to-day, yet she's a proud cannibal, so her elegance hides a very carnal nature by the way of eating human flesh (even if she wraps it in pretty ribbons in a candy box), while Carmilla's cold and sharp demeanor hides her graceful but efficient fighting style - I mean, have you seen those twirls and acrobatics ? Hot dang, she's cool. Rosie is a knowledge broker that knows damn well how to use her information, Carmilla is a weapons dealer that knows damn well how to use her weapons : no wonder she arms herself (and her daughters) first. Carmilla, on the surface, rejects Vaggie's deal, but after a few moments, we see that she's turning it into her own way of helping.
Now we arrive to the two main songs, Out For Love and Ready For This, who are almost back-to-back. Charlie has had her moment with Rosie, who genuinely helped her through her personal problems and her moment of uncertainty concerning Vaggie's secret, and it's time for the big rallying song. And, Charlie, you're cute and all, but sightseeing and camaraderie aren't the things cannibals are interested in - they might have a child's heart (somewhere in a jar behind a desk), but EATING is where it's at ! Good thing Alastor chimed in, hm ? Which kinda rebounds on his private part of the song with Rosie ("Stick with her, you'll be on the winning side !") : their motivations are more selfish than we think. Rosie is genuinely kind and empathetic, but not altruist : doing the Princess of Hell a solid might be a real advantage in the long run, especially for someone like her who trades in favors. On the other side, Carmilla has it out for her own reasons right away, but does a selfless move by teaching Vaggie and lending the weapons : while she doesn't directly stick her neck out, she still helps from the shadows. Her main motive is to protect her loved ones and avoid bloodshed, while Rosie's and the cannibals are to get their belly full and gain political advantage.
It's really like an hourglass between the two : Rosie hears Charlie (and Alastor) out and accepts to help but actually for selfish reason, actively and directly helping Charlie to assert herself, talking her through therapy and words - a language Charlie is very receptive to - teaching her confidence and leadership (something Vaggie already has). Carmilla on her side rebukes Vaggie but actually for more selfless (even if personal) reasons, indirectly (but still actively) helps her to rekindle with her own emotions and be honest with herself (something Charlie already is), all that through physical training and fighting - a language Vaggie knows quite well. You'd think they have the names of the songs crossed and mixed up, yet they fit perfectly : Charlie needs to be Ready For This and finally face physical confrontation, while Vaggie needs to be Out For Love and honest with her feelings and past. They both complement each other.
The smiles Carmilla and Rosie also give at the news are contrasting : Carmilla hears the news and smiles a little smile, to herself, looking proud that it worked, and proud of her 'student'. Rosie on her side has a charming, calculated, wide smile that seems to spell out 'now there we go' and 'ooh, this was nothing, darling' more than 'good job', complete with a cup of tea. It's like she smiles more at the camera than out of genuine pride, unlike Carmilla who just smiles to herself. You'd think tough-as-nails Carmilla would be the last person to teach people to fight for love, yet here we are, while ladylike elegant Rosie, who does show genuine understanding and kindness, is also planning to use Charlie for her own gain.
Wrapping this up, Charlie & Vaggie VS Carmilla & Rosie : Carmilla is kind of a more experienced version of Vaggie (a figther, determined, devoted to her loved ones), with Charlie's core ideas (love, compassion, avoiding fights) while Rosie is a more experienced version of Charlie (connections, empathy, people person) with Vaggie's way of thinking (strategic, knowledgeable, prepared).
Like Vaggie, Carmilla is a fierce fighter that you don't want to piss off, with people to protect, an expert in dealing with weapons (cherry on top : both about angelic steel), even physically they're quite alike : long white hair (especially when Carmilla lets hers go in response to Vaggie's grumbling), similar tone of skin, palette in dark grays and white mostly (Vaggie has more pink where Carmilla has black), both are also Hispanic. They already (unknowingly) share a duet in Whatever It Takes, with personal reasons very close to one another. Carmilla is the perfect combination of Charlie's ideals and Vaggie's realism, leaning more towards Vaggie's side as a fighter. They also look the less relatively demonic, past some features (like Carmilla's oversized arms).
Rosie on her side looks like an upper-class lady who is the leader of her town and an Overlord (mirroring Charlie being a princess and the founder of the Hotel), sharing some reds in their respective palettes (even if Charlie's is more solid red and Rosie's burgundy), pale hair and a very affable, accomodating demeanor. Rosie is the perfect mix of Vaggie's pragmatism and Charlie's kindness, leaning towards Charlie's side as an informator and councelor. They naturally stand in the spotlight, one way or another, and guide people through their problems. They're also both more "demonic" : Charlie is the literal Princess of Hell and hellborn demon, while Rosie has notable very sharp teeth, pitch black eyes (like the town citizens) and... what was it again...? oh right ! Eats people.
(Don't worry, I'm not always a smartass : sometimes I'm asleep.)
That went longer than expected (...as always), but, well, enjoy. Skyscrapers like those are useful when you have time to kill. I might need to consider doing a masterpost for those... might be more practical for those crazy enough to want to read all of my inane rambling (boredom is such a pain, right ?)
Hope you enjoyed.
Again, Masterpost here.
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terramythos · 4 months
god that was so funny it's my mom's birthday and she was like I really want to watch this show. It's animated scifi and really creative I watched one episode and it was so good I had to stop cause I know you would love it. And I'm sitting here synapses firing like hm sounds like the show I've seen multiple posts on here of people begging everyone to watch it and. Sure enough. So I guess i will report back on a few eps of scavengers reign
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mumpsetc · 1 year
didn't record anything at the event but in the q&a after the premieres, justin (or brian i already forgot) said, paraphrased, that one reason season two hasn't come back yet is because they're uploading/working on the series in chronological order
meaning, after watching ii2 ep 14, a hypothetical viewer would have to watch (presumably) all of invitational to get the full experience. of season two
Thank You For the Info Anon! I'm Going to Get a Hammer and Hit It Against My Head Until All the Synapses Stop Firing.
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carrionkid · 11 months
Here's my album roundup for October 2023, I challenged myself to mostly listen to ooky spooky albums for the Halloween vibe!
Stay Sick! - The Cramps
Damned Damned Damned - The Damned
All Hallows EP - AFI
Don't Go in the Bathroom - The O'Mulligans (this is a misfits cover EP from a band that's local to me! it's up on spotify if a kind of pop-punky misfits cover EP sounds appealing to you)
Effigy - Zoanoids
Mask - Bauhaus
First and Last and Always - Sisters of Mercy
Songs for Pierre Chuvin - The Mountain Goats (me doing homework for the concert lololol)
Getting Into Knives - The Mountain Goats
Dark in Here - The Mountain Goats
Bleed Out - The Mountain Goats
Collection - Misfits
Tender Prey - Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
Between the Heart and the Synapse - The Receiving End of Sirens
War All the Time - Thursday
A Foul Form - Thee Oh Sees
One Beat - Sleater-Kinney
The Argument - Fugazi
Cow Fingers and Mosquito Pie - Screamin' Jay Hawkins
Mansionz 2 - Mansionz
Did NOT end up listening to that much music this month bc of the whole surgery thing but I stayed pretty close to my Halloween theme!!
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danbisroom · 6 months
Ep. 11 - Hey You! I Long For You…
My beloved fellow souls,
welcome back to Danbi’s Room, your weekly dose of safe space. Go grab a cup of something warm and get yourself cosy.
I hope you had a nice and fulfilling week where you learnt a lot of interesting stuff, whether is was about the world outside of you or the world within you.
My intention for today’s piece is to dive deep into our souls maintaining a delicate touch. Being soft when approaching situations or feelings doesn’t equal being weak. It’s often the strongest answer. Most of the time, the best way to respond to hardness is not with other hardness, but, in fact, with softness. Softness is capable of taking the hit, of welcoming it and then to gently ponder which action should be taken next: retaining and grooming the newcomer or urge them to leave our secret garden immediately?
I believe that in the majority of cases both will happen consequentially. It is indeed challenging and burdensome to usher in “bad feelings”, but they, more than anything else, are in dire need of being loved unconditionally, until we learn to understand them so that we can finally release them. They must be given their rightfully owned dignity and regard. We must acknowledge their immense generosity: “bad feelings” teach us so much! If only we were willing to attentively listen to them with an open heart! On the contrary, we’re just so quick in shushing them off…Poor things are just looking for a warm shelter! A balmy haven to snug into while gifting us hints, on everything: what do we need to work on? Why do we fear certain things? What does actually matter to us? Do we feel listened? Do we need to move somewhere else? The list is endless. I know, you might be wondering how an enormous pile of uncanny questions could ever be seen as a stack of presents.
It’s because we really need those questions, but we would never dare to ask them without the help of those tumultuous feelings. Avoiding any pinch of discomfort is something deeply ingrained in our human nature. But we can learn how to love even that. To the point where we miss feeling those storms coming at us, as frightening as they can be. We long for that turbulence crushing our synapses.
Feeling everything so very deeply might be a curse, but it’s the breath of life. Sometimes we lose it and we become indescribably numb, almost non-exhistant, dry, like a faded photo. Our soul doesn’t even have seasons anymore. Everything has withered away, even silence. Now, that, I believe, is the most terrifying circumstance a human being can ever find themselves into. Wistfully, this condition is much more widespread than you would think. In my opinion numbness is the most pervasive pandemic of our time. It has various faces: at times we are so overwhelmed we turn blind to our surroundings, or maybe robotically complicit, or we just shut down any type of sensitivity hoping it will be enough for it to stop. But it doesn’t stop. We just become number and number, resorting to meaningless noise.
Is it possible to come out of it?
Is it possible to light up again?
Is it possible to ignite our little flame again?
Is it possible to slowly turn it into a bigger fire that it had previously been?
Yes, it is. It’s possible. As always, my precious fireflies, there is the community, there is the pack, where we can share our lives and talk and walk together and know love. We can share the same breath and love unconditionally, without a reason, swimming in a happy, tepid pond. We can share love and pain.
You never walk alone, yes, we can love.
Today we have two song recommendations since a certain prince worked so much lately: Long For You and Hey You by Hyunjin. Let’s show him a lot of support for these endearing artworks.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and that you have a beautiful week ahead of you!
I’ll see you in the next one, big hug!
With love, yours,
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hospitalterrorizer · 1 year
9/30/2023 - 10/01/2023
went to a drag show tonight and worked on music a little.
the music stuff is pretty light, i started a new song and wrote some lyrics, there's still a riff i need to put into midi and that might be a whole other song, and there's another song / riff i need to fill out. but i think working these 3 new things out, there might be one more short song left to do for the project, and then i think that'd be it for songwriting, or who knows, i should just keep making short songs if/when i feel like it, and finding new ways to do it.
maybe if i write any new long songs, long meaning over 1 minute, i'll just have some stuff for a new ep, or something. i shouldn't get too hasty, album art isn't done even, and all the lyrics aren't fully written either. i should just focus on the songs i have hear and start editing through them, i guess, if i feel like the thing is too long, to get to a better length.
i think i like all the songs though, so i could, at worst, split it into 2 albums or something, if that has to be done. but i've conceived of this as one thing so far.
anyways, the drag show was fine. i saw manila luzon, i'm not super into drag race or anything really, but my gf is so she was really excited/ happy about this. on the way to the bar, there were all these weird business people out wandering around, basically, like bugs, it was really funny, i kept saying loudly how they look like they're ready to make a deal "like that tv show". they seem annoying so annoying them is justified, to me.
i think maybe this monday i will really resume doing vocals again, super excited for that actually, if i can get a couple short songs done then i can work on them through the week alongside some of the older stuff that's pretty written out. there's one song that does need a lot of work still, so that should be done, i guess.
but now i'm so sleepy and spent still from yesterday, i was falling asleep in the middle of the day today.
right now i'm listening to the cobra kai discography comp, really good hardcore / pv / emoviolence stuff, a good break from the way disso stuff usurp synapse do but not really less crazy, it's got a lot of really imaginative bits. i guess it skews a little more emo sometimes in the writing but it's got synths and stuff, i should really pull out a cheap synth for one of these new songs i'm working on, it'd be pretty easy i think cuz basically the one i've got lyrics down for only has 2 guitars, and drums so far, it's also not fully written but now that i have lyrics down i can figure out what will go where and how well that could go. i should also do something where i'm more comfortable with guitar just handling fucked up chord stuff and not really trying to write a riff really, just finding interesting movements and charting them, letting a cheap sounding squarewave synth handle other stuff, and maybe another guitar for squeal sounds. but i can just make the regular one do that.
also today i found out the tuning one of the guitarists in arab on radar used, which was aaddaa, and the high e string used a 13 gauge string and had it pretty low, so it was loose and rumbly. really crazy tuning, i'm interested in trying it (as best i can at least) and seeing what comes out of that. it's hard to do droney stuff w/ midi though. or the guitars i've made at least don't deal with it well.
anyways i really am fucking sleepy, so this entry will be short i guess.
one last funny thing i guess, my gf woke up and told me she had a nightmare where i got ffs (i don't think i'd ever do this) and said i looked like a literally different person and she didn't like me anymore.
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waddingham · 2 years
i was so scared there would be more than one ep and im so fucking glad there's not my brain is FULL my synapses are FIRING i am having THOUGHT
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The Clockwork King's Downfall: City ofHeroes Synapse Task Force Ep 2
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badarchitectrecords · 11 months
Listen to this new album by band Esprit d'Escalier! From the artist: Progressive Rock/Metal band Esprit d'Escalier (France) returns with Thresholds, a captivating 25-minute prequel EP that lays the foundations for a forthcoming album due in 2025. With much more assertive and poignant vocals, but also more coherent writing and composition than on the band's previous releases, this can clearly be called an EP of maturity for the French quartet! Already well established on their local underground scene, the band is looking forward to exporting to Europe and defending this EP on stage throughout the 2024 season, thanks in particular to the Hyper Tension Prod collective recently founded with other emerging bands from the French Prog scene (Synapse, Altesia, Hemeroplan).
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norteenlinea · 1 year
French progressive-rock quartet Synapse released new EP ‘Alter Echoes’
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OK MY BAD ON THAT ONE I did know you were a fan of Superman but the synapses didn't fire because I'd just watched a video on how they should keep the underwear as part of his design in the new show so I just thought of that instead 😭😭😭I also still feel bad running my mouth on every piece of Tsutsumi Media that comes to mind (even though I shouldn't but what can we do…) But! Now You Know and I hope you enjoy :)
Speaking of, I May Be Stupid but I actually never noticed that about when Saigyouji spoke English at all... will have to revisit the ep...
ALSO PLEAAAAASE... I am SUCH a sucker for characters winning giant stuffies for people 😭😭😭😭😭big ol Badtz-Maru...
NO ITS COOL i only JUST mentioned it recently amongst the sea of my ninety thousand tags its totally understandable to miss it or forget it ☠️☠️☠️
it might just be a me thing (more so that i just noticed he tends to speak in a higher tone at times intermingled with his usual tone), BUT if youre goin back to watch it's episode 5: the one where they're dealing with the kidnapping case with hakamada :)
YEAH NO I THOUGHT ITD BE CUTE (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) i just lost steam once i started to line everything..... oopsie........
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https://www.andisexgang.com/ Written by Andi Sex Gang (Andi McElligott) and Simon Boswell. This track appears in Dario Argento's 1985 horror film 'Phenomena.' (Titled 'Creepers' in the USA). Dario Argento's 'Phenomena' Gets 4K Ultra HD Release From Synapse Films (article on Collider) https://collider.com/phenomena-4k-uhd-release-date/#:~:text=The%20Italian%20master%20of%20the,set%20filled%20with%20special%20features.
Taken from the album 'The Naked and the Dead'. Download from the official website: https://www.andisexgang.com/store/p94/ASG_TheNakedAndTheDead_EP_plus_bonus_track.html or download the single track https://liberationlondon.bandcamp.com/ This damn fool is serious, Ha! Freto Lay! Freto Lay! Freto Lay! Kiss me now and live long life, kiss me now! Freto Lay! Freto Lay! Freto Lay! And when it turned cold the shutters would close And the Mad Mothers all the rage. Freto Lay! Freto Lay! Freto Lay! So you heard I'm on the brink of extinction looking forward to another lovers' friction. With his court mask posture of some authority it's G2 Gino playing Al Pacino. I dreamt I was dead, my body in the casket, I’m dying inside All naked and red. I came to a town with roses on the ground, I knelt and I smelt, then realised they were dead. Freto Lay! Freto Lay! Freto Lay! Kiss me now and live long life, kiss me now! Freto Lay! Freto Lay! Freto Lay! And when it turned cold the shutters would close. . . Jesus Christ! Freto Lay! Freto Lay! Freto Lay! So you believe I’m on the brink of extinction, looking forward to another lover's friction. I came to town with roses on the ground, I knelt and I smelt. Then realised they were dead to the world, To the world all naked and red to the world, But not the Naked and the Dead. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-naked-and-the-dead-ep/1367712404 https://www.amazon.com/The-Naked-and-the-Dead/dp/B072369B7B https://www.amazon.co.uk/Naked-Dead-Andi-Sex-Gang/dp/B072LPKJ6F/ref=pd_ecc_rvi_1 https://www.facebook.com/SexGangChildrenOfficial/ https://www.facebook.com/andisexgangofficial http://www.andisexgang.com/ ASG on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/andisexgang Andi on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dada_Degas https://www.instagram.com/andi_sex_gang_official/ https://twitter.com/Dada_Degas https://www.instagram.com/andi_sex_gang_official/ #darioargento #Phenomena #Creepers #gothic #horror
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kotayamauchi · 2 years
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Happy Axe Japan Tour 2023 オーストラリア、メルボルンを拠点に活動するバイオリニスト、エマ・ジャスミンによるソロプロジェクト、Happy Axeの来日公演!
“Happy Axe Japan Tour 2023″
open  19:00 / start  19:30
adv 2500yen  /  door 3000yen 
+ 1drink
Happy Axe (from Melbourne) Sawa Angstrom イガキアキコ+山内弘太
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Happy Axe
Happy Axe は、メルボルンを拠点とするバイオリニスト、ボーカリスト、作曲家です。彼女のヒプノティックなアンビエント ポップは、大地に根ざし、自然環境への深い愛と共感に基づいているように感じます。故郷のキャンベラでアウトドア コンサート シリーズを企画している Happy Axe は、メルボルンのリサイタル センターでドリーム ポップ セットを演奏したり、マウント エインズリーの頂上でアンビエント サウンドスケープを即興演奏したりしています。 Happy Axe の曲は、気絶するようなハーモニー、みずみずしいストリングス、珍しいリズムの層から繊細に構成されており、自然の魔法の力を物語っていることがよくあります。Happy Axe is a violinist, vocalist and composer based in Melbourne. Her hypnotic ambient pop feels rooted in the earth, grounded in a deep love and empathy for natural environments. Curating outdoor concert series’ in her hometown of Canberra, Happy Axe can be found anywhere from the Melbourne Recital Centre performing her Dream Pop set, or improvising an ambient soundscape on the summit of Mt Ainslie. Happy Axe songs are delicately constructed from layers of swooning harmonies, lush strings and unusual rhythms, often telling stories of nature's magical power.
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Sawa Angstrom
Sawa Angstrom(サワ・オングストローム)
浜田淳、吉岡哲志、児玉真吏奈の三人によるエレクトロニック・ミュージック・ユニット。 2018年冬に1stCD-EP「DdTPt」を携えてEU4ヶ国6ヶ所と台湾2ヶ所のワールドツアーを突如決行。 2019年に入り、CD付きのZINE「SYNAPSE VISUAL NOTE」のリリース、「DdTPt」のデジタルリリース、テキサス・オースティンのエレクトロニックレーベル「SVNSET WAVES」のコンピレーションアルバムに参加。5月には二度目の海外ツアーであるメルボルンツアーを決行し、帰国後に2nd EP「OF FOOD」、3rd EP「LEVEL」、年末に4th EP「ICE」をリリース。 2020年には4ヶ月連続のシングルリリースで幅広いリスナーを獲得。また、ドスパラのハイスペックゲーミングPC「GALLERIA」や富士フィルムのチェキカメラ「instax SQUARE SQ1」のCMに楽曲が起用されるなど、今後はさらなる飛躍が期待される。
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 音楽家・作曲家・ヴァイオリニスト。 CMや映像・舞台作品への楽曲提供や即興演奏も行う。 自身のバンド"たゆたう""Colloid"のほか、"UA"バンドなどで活動中。 http://igakiakiko.net
山内弘太 | Kota Yamauchi
ソロ活動をベースに折坂悠太(重奏)、quaeru、LUCA + There is a fox、川本真琴、 若松ヨウジン、YeYe、 Sy lokkなどのバンドに参加。咖喱山水とのプロジェクト "Sound Meals" や、堀川会議室での音楽イベント主催など活動は多岐に渡る。
Kota Yamauchi is an experimental guitarist based in Kyoto, Japan.  
His improvised performances use guitar as the sound source, incorporating pedal effects and found objects. These elements are used to build intricate multi-layered soundscapes which evolve, taking the listener on a journey.
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surajmukhis · 2 years
kinn apologists we are starting to sound like the bad buddy fans who were dying on the ep 11 fake breakup hill. and i love that for us keep going <3
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