revenant-coining · 8 months
[pt: Syslet /end pt]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 6 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: black-red, dark red, darkish purple, purple, light pink, black-red. End ID]
requested by anon
Syslet: similar to plurallet (link); a singlet that is a system in some way. This may mean that they are fragmented, their system-hood fluctuates, or they feel like they are in between a system and singlet or both at once.
Etymology: sys(tem), (sing)let
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa
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[ID: a red line divider outlined in yellow. in the center is a red feather outlined in yellow. End ID]
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caeliangel · 4 months
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୨୧ • Singlet osdd 1a (syslet)
A flag for those who have osdd 1a and consider themselves to be a singlet for whatever reasons. Might be because they are a syslet or a plurallet.
PT. Singlet osdd 1a (syslet). A flag for those who have osdd 1a and consider themselves to be a singlet for whatever reasons. Might be because they are a syslet or a plurallet. END OF PT.
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weirdgirlies · 3 months
the detachment of the mind does nothing for the yearning of the heart.
hello! you can call me angel. or whatever you'd like. 22, it/she/he--take your pick, I'm (we're) fine with whatever.
as well as my experiences with my median plurality--you'll see me talk about alterhumanity & nonhuman identity, psychosis, trauma and mental health, so on and so forth.
a bit about myself + my story below.
I've been questioning plurality for a while now, after some amnesic spells and chronic dissociative issues that I am now thankfully (mostly) recovered from. I've recently come to the conclusion that the concept of a singlet is as idealized and idolized as the concept of a neurotypical is. I don't think most people exist with a coherent, singular, non contradictory sense of identity. (or identities.) I have also recently come to the conclusion that based on every definition of plural I've read, I fall under consideration.
I still consider myself a singlet, because my existence is coherent, yet it is disjointed, in parts, complicated, and messy. I consider myself plural for the reasons I just listed. I am not 100% cohesive as a singular identity. I am okay with this. my experiences align with the descriptions of median systems, facets, "syslets", osdd1(-a) and the complicated grey areas between singlet and system.
i have an extensive history of trauma although I hold nothing against endogenics or other forms of plurality. I am anti psychiatry and don't hold the dsm as my holy bible and find it cringe to so so. human experience is far too varied and complicated to comfortably stick into boxes and strict labels, and I believe plurality exists on a continuum as a spectrum of experiences.
I won't lay out all of my "parts" as I'm not sure if I have fully coherent "parts." my plurality feels more like a colormap gradient, every part of me blurring--some parts moreso than others. that being said, I will have emoji tags for organization's sake--so I can reblog things that remind me of parts of myself & the friends I have in my head.
✏️ // 👼 // 🪽 // 🐰 // 🪤 // 🐀 // ⭐️ // 🔥
friend: 🕊
empty: 🩶
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deerlingsmeadow · 3 years
I um ,,hi!!!
Okie so I've wanted to do this but I've been too shy
I want smol friends so
Reblog/like this if you wanna be friends! About me under the cut uwu
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hi,,! Im lucille but you can call me Lulu
Im a system little and I don't know why I'm here but Matylda (our internal mum) says I have a very important job so thats neat! I like feeling helpful.
I love fawns and deers, foxes and bears and honey bees and lions
My favorite season is the time between summer and fall
Im also a fawn absolutely 100%
Let's be forest friends
Some of my favorite shows and games:
carebears(especially old gen)
land before time,
MLP, (scootaloo and zecora are my favorites,!)
Winnie the pooh,
blue's clues,
animal crossing,
Harvest Moon,
harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs, gravity falls,
I love to learn and I will listen to you infodump for a MONTH Im not joking
But on that same note I'll also infodump for a month straight I'm sorry in advance
Current hyperfixation(s):/
•palentology & dinosaurs
•ecology /environmental conservation
I try not to baby talk but it's hard not to when I'm full front or not co con with a grown-up so if that's uncomfy for you thats ok I'll do my best!
Im personally not comfy using cgl related terms and am currently looking for another community/other terms to use, please don't ask me why, it's trauma related. But I won't bother you for using (especially reclaiming) them! I'm proud you've found what works for you 🍼
Im shy and kinda bad at responding especially if I'm not at front bc the others don't always remember I started talking to you so please don't get mad,, I'm trying and I promise I do care,,,
Anyway Im sorry this is a really long and aesthetically meh post, but I really hope this works! Have a fantastic day, friends!🌞🦇💐🦌🌿
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Header Banner by@ bluefinbanners
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ittybittiepretty · 6 years
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elidoeskinthings · 2 years
Hello. This is Eli. I realized that I have fused to one through weeks, each of them fusing into each other one by one. I am not a system anymore.
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labyrinthgardenkids · 2 years
My winnie the pooh stimboard ~meghan
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i got this plushie!!! hes called darla and he looks sad sometimes but he just thinks a lot :3 i love dragonssssss @safe-syskids
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systemchild · 4 years
A question we often receive:
What does “syskids” mean? Who came up with it?
Syskids is short for system kids! It describes child parts in DID/OSDD. This term was made by the wonderful blog @syskids. We came together with this amazing person and came up with more terms, such as: syslets (system kidlets), sysbabs (system babies), systweens (system tweens), and systeens (system teens)! 
If you like these terms and you are diagnosed with (or questioning) DID/OSDD, feel free to use them!
All of these words were created for people with DID and OSDD, exclusively! If you see someone without DID or OSDD using these terms, please kindly remind them that these words were not intended for them. There are lots of different terms that they can use, instead! ❤️
From @syskids​ themselves: 
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  ❔ You can find more terms that we helped come up with, here!
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forest-wan-wan · 5 years
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Dis wht we see on our trip wif frens!! :3
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syscare · 7 years
safe shops?
I know I made a post about safe age regression shops a long time ago, but now the number of safe shops has really decreased! :(
When I'm able to buy something age regression related i really wouldn't want to buy from an icky shop.
The only safe shops I know of are Riley's shop @hislittlespace (he is cglre in case anyone minds, he's nonk!nk though),
@sunnysidepupshop at Etsy/Storenvy (they are on shop vacay, hope you're alright!),
adding jaykaybaby even though they're abdl because sometimes that can be nonk!nk and plus she's a mom with kids, I really like her stuff also haha
and I just found @cutesylittleshop (storenvy) who seems to be accepting towards all age regressors.
apparently @powerpuffpup has a new shop up too, they are liltot.
that's all I got! we would appreciate some other suggestions though. :)
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syskids · 7 years
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Visited some stores yesterday! Found some coloring stuff and snacks! (and some MLP things!)
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star-school · 7 years
show and tell Friday!
Share anything interesting you've learned/done! This goes for @syskids , this blog, and @syscare ! You can submit something, send an ask, or tag us, and anything can be taken down if you ask!
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smolforestfriends · 7 years
Okie so i was gonna wait for ppl to message our system blog but I wanna chat! If you’re a syskid or you have a kid in your system, pleaseplease please message us on tumblr and I’ll add you!
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ittybittiepretty · 6 years
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sophusstensland · 5 years
Faglig presentasjon av meg selv.
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Jeg ble født en fredag formiddag, 22 desember, år 2000. Fødselen gikk greit, og det samme kan vel sies om oppveksten.
Nå over til det faglige.
Min videregående utdanning fant sted på Tangen videregående skole, her i Kristiansand. Linja var media og kommunikasjon, men det er overraskende hvor lite man kan lære på tre år – så regn ikke med noe annet enn rent overfladiske ferdigheter innen film. Etter mitt videregående eventyr, dro jeg strake veien til Universitetet i Agder, uten å hvile på laurbærene. Ellers har jeg syslet med teater som hobby i flere år, men til tross for erfaring innen utøvelse har jeg ikke videre store teoretiske kunnskaper.
Med denne hobbyen i mente, kan vi nok trygt si at det er innen teater at interessen er størst, men jeg finner også litteratur og film svært fascinerende. Hva mine preferanser innen disse uttrykksformene angår, kan vi starte med teater. Kan ikke si at jeg har en favoritt-dramatiker, men det ypperste jeg har sett innen teater er produksjonen av Brødrene Løvehjerte på byens gamle teater. En kan selvfølgelig heller ikke skrive om teater uten å nevne Sørlandets store sønn, selveste kongen på de syv hav – Kaptein Sabeltann, som, til tross for noe svak kamp-koreografi imponerer hvert bidige år.
I litteraturens verden kan jeg definitivt anbefale Susanna Clarkes ypperlige roman innen sjangeren historisk fantasy, Jonathan Strange & Herr Norrell. Bruken av fotnoter i en fiksjonsroman er i sannhet et inspirert valg, som gir verdenen en følelse av å være forankret i virkeligheten.
Nå over til film, muligens det mest elskede av disse mediene. Jeg har to drastisk forskjellige favorittfilmer: Goodfellas og School of rock. Den førstnevnte er et sant mesterverk om gangsterlivets harde realiteter, mens den andrenevnte er lett tilgjengelig, men uten tvil velskrevet underholdning med sublime skuespillerprestasjoner av Jack Black og samtlige av elevene.
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