zmijowka · 8 months
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The ninth episode of my radio show Szumy Szepty Szelesty (Whispiers, Hums & Rustles) is now available on Mixcloud! Listen to it here (x) for some ambient folk, drone, lo-fi, field recordings, super ethereal music.
White Cicada - Hikikimori
yarrow - Rhododendron
Lyndsie Alguire - Your Fall Will Be Broken by the Roof of Heaven
Sister Grotto - Witness
Lyndsie Alguire - rolling hills
Swimmer, Bressler & Waldo - nocturne
Spiracle - Soma
Katya Yonder - Landscape 1
Foie Gras - Wants You In That Way
Freya Juliane - in between
Paulina Fae - Fawn Moon
Lyndise Alguire - Poor Laura
White Cicada - Low Frequency Love
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kaltsektion · 1 year
Ayami Suzuki Live at Asagaya Ten
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yizaicons · 6 months
OMG YIZITA SUAS ASK ABERTA 😭😭😭 yizinha vc faria icons do meu pãozinho de mel vulgo kang haerin? 🥺 pfvr yizinha tem criança chorando 😭 (euuu
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EU FARIA SINHE, eu faria tudinho pra você rinrin <33 tão aqui meu amor, seje felisse szszsz
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gotthangell · 2 years
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HIM!!! him:))) h-him….himXD him szszsz H I M <3
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sosoawayrpg · 9 months
Não tô entendendo nada do que tá acontecendo, mas sei de uma coisa bem simples: a falta de diálogo e compreensão dos players com a moderação causa termino de RPG. Eu entendo que as vezes a gente como player fica meio perdido e quer ter mais informações sobre as coisas, pq, querendo ou não, estamos construindo a história tbm. Contudo, eu acho que a gente tem que dar o voto de consideração pras mods, pq, pelo que eu sei de muitas que tão ali, a dedicação é quase integral pro RPG, se elas tão lançando um plot é pra melhor ainda mais o jogo. Obviamente, as mods estão sujeitas ao erro, mas isso se resolve com diálogo e muito respeito. Vamos tentar resolver as coisas como adultos que somos e fazer isso aqui continuar sendo essa coisa linda. Abraços e beijos!
obrigado pelas palavras szszsz
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elvensorceress · 1 year
Eddie's heart is on life support JEN!! JESUS WARN A GIRL FIRST!! "your line is my line" LIKE???? I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS
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IT IS TRUE AND 😭😭😭😭😭 Also that needs to be a line on the show. Just saying. They can have it. I won't even charge. 🤣
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sailorresources · 3 months
Oi mo, vc pode fazer avas do Andrew Garfield? tamanho 250x400 szszsz
Oi mô, fiz seus avatares, espero que você goste sz eles estão postados.
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nocylipcowa · 7 months
Hiya! Just wanted to say that "zefcia" is an absolutely beautiful nickname. Rozumiem od Józefiny/Józefy? Miłego poniedziałku i smacznej kawusi życzę!
Tak, tak (co prawda nie jest to mój birthname, ale szszsz, nikt nie musi wiedzieć) 🍀 Bardzo dziękuję i wzajemnie, też życzę miłego poniedziałku i smacznej kawusi do tego <3
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ultima-noite · 8 months
Video novo no canal<3
Não se esqueçam de curtir, compartilhar com os amigos e se inscrever no canal szszsz
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cl4rke · 1 year
If you receive this you make someone happy. Go send this to ten of people who make you happy or someone you think need cheering up. If you get some back,even better! and have a lovely day :) 💕💜💕💜💕💜💕
RYAN! asdfasfasfd can I bang my head on my desk for a second? brb...
I left so many people unanswered and I didnt even know (TT) IM SO SORRY!
thank you!!!! you do make me very happy, just so you know :) - many lovely hugs to you!! SZSZSZ
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zmijowka · 9 months
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Yesternight's, eight episode of my radio show Szumy Szepty Szelesty (Whispiers, Hums & Rustles) is now available on Mixcloud! Listen to it here (x) for some good ambient folk, drone, lo-fi, field recordings, super ethereal music.
Lynhood - The pretty giant mouth says Hi
Marina Herlop - Bus II
marine eyes - raindrop roof
Andrij Orel - Побратався сокіл
Adela Mede - Gyöngyvirág
redwood monastic - salome
Lynhood - Tree
Jolie Bo - Idéen
Likvaka - The Dome
Lifeless - Frozen Buildings
Freya Julianne - worms and wood
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yizaicons · 2 years
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jaeh1 · 5 years
title for a fic: flipped!
flipped! - lty
pairing: taeyong + reader ft. jisung, mark
genre: roommate, hacker!au, fluff, reader is pretty shook and jisung is just too young to be involved in illegal computer usage.
summary: paying all the bills for your nice flat in seoul wasn’t easy, so when you asked your best friend mark if he knew someone that needed a place to live, he dragged taeyong for you and the boy moved in the end of the week. he was handsome, a little shy, but his cooking skills were awesome that you both agreed on him cooking and you doing the dishes, you would always look foward to the end of the day, just to get home, take a relaxing shower, and eat dinner with taeyong and hear his silly jokes. still something was off, he never told you what he did for living, and would leave late at night, out of the blue, coming back only when you already letf for work. so when one day while he were on the shower, you get the door, a blond boy, 17 you would guess, looked at you with scared eyes, pushing you so he could enter, screaming for taeyong that he had been caught. well, turned out your roomate was the most famous hacker of South Korea and you had no idea of what to do with this information.
send me a title for a fic and I will tell you what kind of fic it would be: summary, genre and with who (from nct) | answered | m.list | wips
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kikiminimilk · 6 years
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. . . OK
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kodalindissima · 3 years
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23.05.21 • waves
Yep, eu fiz mais uma capa pelo cell! Serase um vicio está sendo criado? Serase estamos tendo mais uma pequenina (minúscula, quase inexistente) vitória nessa batalha que é a vida sem pc? MAS É CRAru, e eu nem vou mentir e dizer que não to gostando :U. Sinceramente, pra capas texturizadas, dá pra fazer milagres com o photopea e agora eu sinto que posso vencer na vida pq tava mesmo fora de cogitação e eu tinha um total de 0 fé no meu potencial e na minha paciência aushshshd
Ainda não tá exatamente como eu queria, but sinto que posso fazer drabbles sem precisar pedir capas ou deixar elas sem :v
No mais, continuem acompanhando a saga sushsus bjão familia ❤
Insp. @hyeincovers amor da minha vida szszsz
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anystalker707 · 3 years
Pairing: Pastel! Frank x Punk! Reader Word count: ~ 3 000 Genre: Fluff / Smut Summary: It's been a time since (y/n) spent some time with Frank and they'll make sure to make it up for him. Kind of content: Teasing / Fingering
a/n: Old thing that was requested on Wattpad! The writing style may be a bit off compared to my recent works, but I decided to publish this here too!
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It has been some time since I last saw Frank, but work really made things difficult – there were more bikes to fix and less time to return them due to an oncoming race, apparently. Well, I’m not saying we spent all this time apart and without seeing each other. There were at least three or four times in which we saw each other during the past two weeks, the two of us limited to quick greetings and kisses without much more. The most significant time was probably when Frank brought me lunch and it was just the sweetest thing ever.
Work doesn’t matter anymore, not for now – the race is going to be during this weekend, according to what I heard, which gives me the two days free before drowning in work again with fixing the bikes that’ll probably arrive with scratches, worn out tires or brakes, among other things. That means the weekend is completely Frank’s.
A smile tugs on my lips as I pull my phone in hand, texting Frank about being free tomorrow.
Sleep hits me the moment my head hits the pillow after I take a shower and ear. It’s almost instantaneous, the tiredness taking over before I can notice. First thing in the morning I’m aware of is my phone repeatedly buzzing.
I take my phone in hand with a sigh, yawning and rubbing my eyes lightly to finally take a look at the screen. Well, what a new thing.
Frank: Morningmorningmorning Lov of my lief szszsz Camt wait to see you Youre obligated to watch my fave movie w me And cuddle me Amd hold me Giev me lov
I can’t help but to chuckle lightly, his cute messages making my heart melt inside my chest.
Me: Good moooorning, bubblegum Don’t worry, I’m doing all of these Yesterday I bought you a lot of things you like Now pls get off the phone and get your ass over to my place
Frank: As you wish 🙏
Putting my phone down, I yawn again as I stretch myself so I can finally get up.
I’m in the kitchen, just finishing preparing breakfast when I can hear the front door opening and smile at the sound of the rushed steps coming closer until I’m tackled into a hug. The tight arms wrapped around my torso barely let me breathe, but I don’t stop Frank, chuckling softly and hugging him back.
“Hello, lover boy, good morning!” I press a kiss to his shoulder, nuzzling him softly as he’s got his face buried in my neck.
“I missed you so much,” Frank groans softly, adjusting his arms around me, but continuing with a tight grip. I can’t help but to smile, sighing softly as allowing myself to simply enjoy the closeness and how adorable he gets when clingy. “Can we go cuddle now?”
“I prepared you some breakfast,” I tell Frank, patting his back lightly in a motion for him to pull away. He usually doesn’t eat when he’s anxious for something and, considering he couldn’t wait to come here certainly means he’s still got his stomach empty. “C’mon, let’s eat first, how about that? I’ve prepared you strawberry pancakes.” He whines. “They’re heart shaped.”
“Can’t we save them for later?” Frank sighs sulkily, his grip loosening a bit.
“They won’t be warm later and we can still cuddle later, Frankie.” I pull away from him at once and peck his cheek before I’m moving to get the plates to the table along with our mugs, serving it in Frank’s favorite mug.
Despite looking at me as if I had just stabbed him behind his back, Frank does take a seat, quickly taking the pastel purple mug in hands, narrowed eyes still glaring at me from above it.
“’Love you too,” I tease, pressing a kiss to his temple before taking a seat next to him.
While we have breakfast, I take a better look at Frank and see he’s wearing the oversized soft purple sweater I gave him for his birthday last year along with pastel green shorts, high white socks and his also purple Chuck Taylors. Honestly adorable. I can’t help but to smile a bit as I watch him eagerly bring a piece of the pancake to his mouth, observing it with wide and excited eyes as he just loves it.
Frank must sense my gaze because he’s suddenly looking at me and blushing, shifting a bit on the chair as he drops the over excited posture for a shy one.
“You’re adorable, y’know that?” I tease a bit by pressing a kiss to his cheek, cleaning the corner of his lips with my thumb after pulling away.
He pouts a bit, pressing a kiss to my cheek in return. “Of course I am,” he hums in his classic smugness, making me roll my eyes before going back to eating, setting a comfortable silence that lasts until we’re done eating. Arms are wrapped around my waist the moment I stand up to put the dishes away. “Now we gonna cuddle?” he asks in a hopeful groan, nuzzling my neck softly and burying his face in my shoulder.
“Sure,” I answer, pressing a kiss to his shoulder, wrapping an arm around him as starting to walk to the living room. “What do you want to watch?” I watch him pulling away to go put a DVD in the player after a few minutes of searching and his choice doesn’t matter much because, knowing Frank, he will probably spend most of the time telling me about his week, even more if it’s a movie he’s already watched.
A wide grin decorates Frank’s face when he’s coming back to the couch, sitting down beside me with his legs thrown over my lap after getting rid of his shoes, leaning against me with his head on my shoulder and my arms around him. “’Missed this so much,” he mumbles as pressing closer and giving my shoulder a kiss.
“Me too.” I nuzzle him with a hum, sighing as I relax against Frank, enjoying his presence.
We’re in silence at least for the first twenty minutes of the movie, which are followed by Frank rambling about what he did for the past days and mentioning he missed me every two seconds, what has my heart fluttering.
“…I also wanted to go to that place by the drugstore, but I thought it’d feel odd to go without you,” he pauses, furrowing his eyebrows as looking down for a moment. “So, I was thinking we could go there, someday. It’s a shame it doesn’t work during weekends, but you mentioned you’ll have the week after the next one free, right?” He looks at me with hopeful eyes.
“You’re right!” I smile and peck his lips, my heart fluttering – yet again – at his words. “I was already thinking about taking you out to a few places, what do you think? I also had in mind that candy store you like, that flower field…” My smile widens at how Frank’s excitement only grows. “Also—” I pause as I feel my phone buzzing and I know it’s from work because all the other notifications have been turned off since I didn’t want anything unimportant bothering me while I worked and still didn’t have the opportunity to change the notifications. “Hold on, bubblegum, let me check this…” I take my phone in hand.
A sigh escapes my lips as I read the message and would really put my phone away to give Frank attention if I didn’t need to do this, if I didn’t need the money.
“(Y/n),” Frank says in a quiet whine, pulling his legs away from my lap and scooting away a bit.
“This is gonna be quick, I promise,” I mutter, saying nothing but the truth. All I need to do is ask the purveyor for this and… my phone is suddenly snatched from my hand and I look up from my hands to see Frank holding it to his chest while looking at me revolted, bottom lip sticking out in a pout. “Frank,” I breathe, trying to keep calm because this is so unnecessary, after all.
“No! You’re supposed to be spending time with me!”
“And I would’ve already put my phone away if you hadn’t snatched it from my hand!” I glare, understanding his frustration, but the stress accumulated due to work hopelessly catches up on me.
“Eh, whatever,” Frank groans, clicking his tongue as shoving the phone back to my hand. He rolls his eyes, starting to turn away when I take a hold of his jaw to have him looking at me, my grip strong yet gentle.
“Now...” I look at him. “Don’t pull that attitude on me. I know why you’re like this, but I’ve really been wanting to spend time with you, I missed you a lot, too. Don’t think I would be doing this if it wasn’t important.” Despite the tension, I make sure of not sounding too harsh and, judging by the sulk decreasing whilst a light pink tone takes over his cheeks, I do create the effect I wanted.
Hesitantly, Frank nods as looking down; I peck his lips before I pull away. The notifications are turned off when I put my phone aside so we won’t be interrupted again, and pull Frank for a hug, pressing kisses all over his face. He scrunches his nose lightly, pressing his eyes shut and unable to fight back a smile.
“Stop,” Frank giggles softly when I hug him a bit too tightly, so I loosen my grip a bit, pressing a last kiss to his lips. He wriggles out of my grip hence I look at him confused until he moves to straddle my lap and it’d be something that’d be completely normal if he didn’t have that smugness under his exaggerated casualty. “So… I’ve really missed you…” he says softly, demonstrating a special interest in playing with my collar.
“Oh, you did?” I can’t help but to tease, play along, and smile in amusement, hands on Frank’s thighs. “What did you miss about me?”
His cheeks turn bright red and he spends a moment just playing with his lip ring, eyes never meeting mine. “Um, your kisses, of course. And your hugs, cuddling, your, um, touches…” He trails off with a shrug, now absentmindedly drawing patterns on my chest.
“Really?” I internally melt at how adorable Frank is being. He nods shyly and I take a hold of his jaw again, gently pulling him for a kiss; he leans in, hands now flat against my chest. We end up breaking the kiss, so I brush my nose against his affectionately, which makes his lips curl up into a cute smile. “Wanna go upstairs?” I offer quietly, giving his thigh a light squeeze.
The red tone continues on Frank’s cheeks as he nods, biting down on his lip, and gives me a last kiss before standing up. I give him a kiss once getting up to my feet, almost unable to keep my lips off his on the way up to my bedroom and, as soon as we walk into my bedroom, I tug on his wrist to pull him against me – he gasps softly, but is soon pressing his lips to mine again, freeing his wrist to wrap his arms around my neck, my hands resting on his hips.
“It was hell spending all this time away from my boy!” I kiss my way down to his jaw and he hums softly in response, like if in a quiet plea whilst pressing himself closer to me.
A squeeze on his hip is enough of a sign to have Frank reluctantly pulling away to get on the bed and I follow him, spreading his legs apart to kneel down between them. Wide and expectant eyes watch me, following every moment, but no word ever comes from Frank as I bend down, holding onto his hips and starting to nibble lightly onto his neck among light kisses.
Frank gasps softly when I reach a spot by the side of his neck, hands clutching tightly onto my shirt in a weak attempt of pulling me closer. Whines and quiet moans come from Frank, mostly muffled due to clear attempts of holding them back, though it’s not something I’m bothering about. Not now. A proud smile tugs on my lips as I pull away, appreciating the red spot on his neck, pecking it before I bring myself up once again.
The sound of Frank’s heavy breathing cuts through the silence of the room, sometimes hitching in his throat due to his struggles to hold it back. His eyes meet mine, part of the irises hidden under his thick eyelids and clouded with a silent need.
My fingers hook around the waistband of his shorts before pulling them down along with the soft pink boxers, snatching a hiss from Frank as they slowly slide down his hips. His teeth sink into his bottom lip as he lifts his hips for a moment to help me, but I’m leaning in to kiss him again once the clothes are discarded.
Little bumps rise on his skin due to a shiver as I run a hand up his thigh, letting my thumb wander over the inside of it – he whines softly, pushing his hips up just to have me gripping onto his thigh until he relaxes against the mattress again and groans in protest.
No reaction comes from me at Frank’s attempts to rush me because, after all, he doesn’t need to.
I let my hand rest there for a moment until I’m wrapping it around Frank. The touch alone has him moaning into the kiss, which is broken as soon as I start moving my hand, impossible to continue with all the sounds slipping from him at my thumb grazing over all the right spots. I can’t help but to smirk a bit at it while watching him. “That touch deprived?”
“Fuck off,” Frank mutters with a pout, but his posture doesn’t last long with my thumb tracing his tip, pressing down then moving to rub a spot right under it, his hands clutching tightly onto the sheets.
The sight of Frank’s exposed neck is an invitation almost impossible to resist and I actually don’t, quickly putting myself into nibbling and sucking at over his throat, though softly this time. Soft vibrations echo through the skin with the sounds coming from him and, hearing a throaty and more desperate one coming from him, I decide to pull away for now, leaving him breathing heavily as relaxing against the bed.
“(Y/n),” he says quietly, pupils dilated and turning his hazel irises into thin rings around them as he observes me, weakly shifting his hips.
“In a second, bubblegum,” I tell him, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose before I’m leaning over to the nightstand and grabbing the lube, sitting back on the mattress with it in hand. Glancing at him, I see Frank rolling his bottom lip into his mouth, nibbling lightly on it as observing me slowly coating three of my fingers with the liquid. “You alright?” I ask and smile a bit at watching him nod, gripping onto the hem of his sweater to pull it up his hips.
Running a hand over the exposed skin with my free hand, I let my thumb sink down into it, tracing lightly the tattoos whilst starting to trace his entrance, making him tense up a bit, but start relaxing again when I give his hip a light squeeze.
Frank’s already letting out a low moan at the feeling of one of my fingers pushing in, slowly. A second finger soon joins it in a faster pace and makes him groan at the feeling of them moving around, scissoring a bit, until the two curling up inside him have a loud moan slipping from his lips.
“Oh, my…” Frank never allows himself to finish the sentence, breath hitching at my fingers grazing over his prostate again and I watch him as if in some kind of daze.
He tries to push his hips up, maybe move them, but his socks slip against the sheets hence frustration laces the next moan that comes from him, quickly fading away when I slip in a third finger and he’s throwing his head back as arching his back when I’m pressing against his prostate again. The sight has a shiver running down my spine and I bite down on my lip, watching him, observing every expression, loving seeing his mouth hanging open around a moan as his eyebrows furrow slightly.
As my free hand moves to Frank’s dick, I can feel his thighs starting to quiver, tensing up more as I start moving both of my hands in the same rhythm, building a steady and fast pace. It sounds like he’s barely able to contain his sound. He brings a hand up to his face, apparently an attempt of muffling the sounds against the back of his hand as his fingers poke out of the oversized sleeve, clutching onto it.
Frank looks at me through half lidded eyes, such a dark look and so hot, making the arousal pool down in my lower stomach, but it only lasts for a few seconds before he’s pressing his eyes shut, throwing his head back with a loud moan. His thighs tremble lightly as he comes, all over my hand and some of his sweater, but it’s not even a problem.
“Fuck, (y/n),” Frank says breathily as still coming down from his high, eyes crossing a bit, looking at the nothing while I still move my hands, pulling away right before the overstimulation kicks in. He whines softly at the loss, sighing pleased.
I quietly lick my hand clean then doing the same with the come over his lower stomach, pressing kisses to the skin and down to the thighs then coming up to peck his lips.
“What about you?” he asks softly, biting down on his lip and playing lightly with the collar of my shirt, making me smirk a bit.
Tagging list: @lubbockshusband
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