#t’s different when his best boy friend is involved
gaypeople · 1 month
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jacob is so funny for this. “his focus was on work” until sam got on set and they had routine dinner dates where they ate the same thing every single time.….much to think about
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paper-mario-wiki · 5 months
what's ur favorite erb?
i dont have "favorite" as much as i have "the ones i watch every now and again".
"Blackbeard vs Al Capone" i might just like the way EpicLloyd speaks as Capone, but i also cant help but be utterly entranced by a shouting match between to middle aged men who want the other one to be scared. Favorite verse: Capone 1 (of 2)
"Wonder Woman vs Stevie Wonder" although this one still has the signature simple and cheesy bar structure that ERB is known for, this is PEAK in terms of performers. nicepeter and epiclloyd (the main guys) are great, but after the first 30 videos it became very easy to detect their individual deliveries and cadences. t-pain is pretty iconic in his performance of stevie wonder. Favorite verse: Stevie 2 (of 3)
"Stephen King vs Edgar Allan Poe" watzky was unfortunately cursed by god to forever look like a little twerp, but he works with it really well and it fits very well for the real-life twerp that was Edgar Allan Poe. and zach sherwin is always a charismatic force to be reckoned with, his uniquely clever writing style and flow shining. Favorite verse: Stephen King 2 (of 2)
"Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock" this one's just good fun. its a little battle royale among a bunch of really famous pop directors. i know that the character-appropriate cgi background is a staple of post-season-one ERB, but i really appreciate these ones specifically for some reason. Favorite verse: Alfred Hitchcock
"Kryptonite" this isnt an ERB and is in fact a completely unrelated normal rap song but i was listening to this one today. my oldest brother listened to a lot of rap when i was young and this one was one of his favorites. i remember listening to it all the time when he would drive me to blockbuster to rent gamecube games. i didnt listen to it for a few decades, but i looked it up on youtube a few weeks ago on a whim and i really liked it a lot. it's all about smoking weed which i love doing, and the chorus is really catchy, plus the instrumental is one of my favorites. Favorite verse: Big Boi 1 (verse 3)
"The Joker vs Pennwise" both rappers somehow look like different versions of matpat in heavy makeup, and joker works in a natural "we live in a society" which i like. i think that's all i got for this one. Favorite verse: Joker 3 (of 3, because this is the one with the we live in a society bar, but all of his bars were actually really solid)
"Tony Hawk vs Wayne Gretzky" another one for the "zach sherwin is one of the best thing ERB has" pile. he delivers in a quaint (if a bit cartoonish) canadian accent a scathing comparison between the actual real-life achievements and significance and skill between the two actual athletes. which i think is very spiritually fulfilling considering the name of the series. Favorite verse: Wayne Gretzky 2 (of 2)
"James Bond vs Austin Powers" might unfortunate austin only gets 1 verse because it's far and away the best part of this one. aside from a clever pussy eating joke near the end between the two feuding bonds. Favorite verse: Austin Powers
"Nice Peter vs EpicLLOYD 2" this is an actual real-life catharsis event between the main two artists behind ERB who seemingly put very real and deep-seated creative and personal frustrations they have with each other into their verses, plus a very real burnout over this series that they put all their money on being The Big One, creating a legitimately tense feeling in watching their performances. for reference, Peter rips on how Lloyd is an alcoholic and is unwilling to let the channel grow or change, and Lloyd talks about how Peter is obsessive and manipulative, referencing a real life issue involving a friend they fucked over in the separate video he appeared in. Favorite verse: Lloyd 1 (of ??? this one is almost a duet at times really)
"Babe Ruth vs Lance Armstrong" this one is specifically here because babe's second verse goes extremely hard in an almost uncharacteristic way for a series with very middling raps in general. Favorite verse: Babe Ruth 2 (of 2)
i could keep going i think but i just scrolled to the top of the list and my face flushed with embarrassment at how long its getting so im gonna end it there. you get the idea.
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blank468 · 3 months
One of things that fans bring up when talking about Bakugo’s development is that Bakugo knows Deku well than anyone else far beyond his bullying. He’s supposedly feels sorry/guilty for Deku for not only bullying him but for the fact that he’s going through a downward spiral since the minute he was given OFA. While at the same time he hates himself for his behavior and realizes how he acts is not the traits of a hero and is probably why All Might didn’t choose him as his successor.
Let’s say Bakugo has always felt this way post Kamino, specifically after his rematch with Deku, what does he do to fix this issue, while knowing the problems Deku is facing ?
Jack s**t.
Bakugo’s actions and behavior barely differ than before. Most of his presence after Kamino is honestly pointless and shallow because he has no real contribution to the story. Him being shoved along with Deku and Shoto to do the internship with Endeavor doesn’t do any thing but give us more annoying moments with him. He acts incredibly aggressive and inappropriate when he’s with the Todoroki family. He’s only in that arc so he can have power progression. His involvement with OFA doesn’t amount to anything other than mindless yelling, guilt tripping and him being incredibly obnoxious. While at the same time he insults the deaths of the previous users and All Might doesn’t see this as an issue. Bakugo and Deku don’t even have any interactions that’s not about heroism, OFA or about them trying to surpass each other. Having these two interact about some general stuff would give them a chance to improve their relationship. I honestly wished there was a conversation between these two after Deku returns to UA where Deku talks about their relationship and how he truly felt.
But of course this doesn’t happen and we get the exact same slop as before and Bakugo continues to projects his anger towards Deku thinking that’s it’s his victims fault for him bullying him.
Granted he has been shown to have some regret for how he treated Deku but he barely does anything to fix behavior towards him and only waited at the last minute to give his half assed apology.
You can say that him training with Deku when he unlocked Blackwhip is proof that he is helping, but this doesn’t mean anything because Bakugo instantly gives up all because him constantly trying to injure Deku isn’t working. It’s only later in chapter 336 we see these two training together along with Class 1A, but it’s late in the story and what was given was too little too late. We’re just supposed to believe that they have been training and understanding each other together on a positive level off screen.
This series can go on all it wants about how their favorite wonder boy has changed as a character and how he now has the traits of a true hero. But nothing about what he does and how he interacts with others ever conveys that claim in a way that looks believable. The story has shown us that Bakugo’s villainous behavior makes things worse for himself and around other like Class 1A, and he never once felt guilt
Bakugo has never had a real reason and any saying for his actions towards his so called best friend and towards everyone in general. His reasonings for being an asshole and to why he hates Deku either doesn’t do anything or just make him look even more petty and also come across as if he is emotionally manipulating everyone around him.(EX. The moment when Deku tells Bakugo that he got his quirk from someone happened because Bakugo made him feel guilty about hiding his quirk to him during the Ground Battle Trial.)
I seen people say that Bakugo’s line “I’m sorry Izuku for everything” means that he’s always felt haunted by his constant guilt for what he did and the long term affects of it, but he’s also sorry that things ended up the way they did.
The thing is; Bakugo I would think would have the curtsy to put some effort into how he treats Deku before and after his apology.
I think it’s fair to say that Deku’s self destructive behavior is because of Bakugo’s bullying and him treating Deku like a failure. And I know this is also because of All Might’s heroism and how Deku viewed him, but if you remember in his rematch with Bakugo, he made it clear that while he was inspired by All Might it was Bakugo that he looked up to the most.
Instead of having it where he realizes that action are petty and taking accountability during Villain Hunt, he’s chooses to not only puts the blame his victim but also puts all the blame on Deku’s destructive behavior and his issues of self worth on All Might. Meanwhile he has the nerve to say he’s the only one that knows Deku more than everyone else and people like All Might, Endeavor, Aizawa, Uraraka, Iida and even Shoto can just piss off.
Bakugo is supposed to have changed as a better person; he supposedly now has a better understanding of Deku is now caring to him and yet he’s still acts the same as he did before and continues to antagonize others to satisfy his ego. Meanwhile fans continue to excuse this as a subversion of our expectations. Granted the way he treats everyone is not as awful as he was Pre- Kamino, but that still doesn’t excuse his behavior and how lazy his development is. And no, him telling a child not to look down on others otherwise you won’t recognize your own weakness doesn’t work because he himself can’t even take his own words to heart.
This is just the creator’s attempt at trying to paint his favorite character in a good light without doing anything with him to have him earn it. I can care very little about him feeling guilty about All Might’s retirement. I personally don’t think it’s Bakugo’s fault for his retirement; I blame him for starting the rescue mission and making things worse during the Forset Camp Training Arc. I probably would have cared about Bakugo’s dynamic with All Might if most of their interactions weren’t him being incredibly selfish and down right being a prick to his idol for no reason.
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obsolescent · 10 months
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Leon S. Kennedy Headcanons
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Author’s Note: As you know, I write Leon in a certain way. Here’s headcanons that I have for him...I think about him a bit too much, I fear. My desire for Leon to be a country boy is the product of living in the south and also some projecting, lol. Some of these delve pretty deep and some of these are niche. If you want to share any headcanons that you have, please do. I love creating lore for characters that we know little about! Thank you to @roseglazedlens for reading over most of these for me! I’ll also be doing a NSFW version as well, the alphabet prompt.
Content warnings: Mature rating, no gendered language used for reader, nothing sexual but general discussion of Leon and his life so that involves alcohol, depression, suicidal thoughts, trauma.
NSFW Alphabet
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Leon is more or less introverted from how he behaves in the games and movies, I was thinking probably INFJ-T for his personality type.
He’s bisexual. He likes whoever he can be comfortable and feel safe around, though with his hinted attractions, he prefers dark haired people.
There’s been speculation that Raccoon City is based around Springfield, Missouri, based on a few factors, so I tried to think of where he could be from. I was choosing based on my desire to have him connected to the south in some way while also not being too far from Springfield. We don’t know how far he traveled or how long it took him to get there during the events of RE2, unfortunately.
I thought of specifically around where Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Tennessee meet. It would also be a convenient area for his family’s mentioned crime involvement.
Also why he doesn’t have much of an accent due to being near four different states. He is of Italian descent which is one of the canon things we know. KY, MO, and TN have a higher percentage of Italian Americans in the south from what I’ve researched. 
If I had to choose a specific city, it would be Paducah, Kentucky. Definitely more of a small town kind of guy. It’s also around 5 hours from Springfield.
I don’t believe he went into the foster care system, though it’s not stated. But I like to think the police officer who saved him adopted him.
Also I feel like he’s autistic in some way, generally based on how he acts and carries himself in the games. (He’s just like me fr)
His favorite brand of cars is Jeep.
He’s definitely the type of Jeep owner to wave at every Jeep he passes by while driving.
We know he likes Ducati too, he drives a XDiavel in Vendetta and DI.
He can do minor repairs, on both cars and motorcycles. A bit of a mechanic in his spare time when he’s home from missions, helping some of the others when they have car troubles.
His love language is definitely acts of service.
Even platonically, if he overhears a friend having a bad day, he’ll stop and ask if they need help with their work, or get them their favorite snack.
Romantically, he’ll bring you flowers, drive by your pharmacy to check if you have anything that needs to be picked up, tidies up the house, cooks for you, prepares you lunch for work, gives you massages if you’ve had a tough day.
He’s not the best at cooking, but learns quickly, so if you give him tips on how to improve, he’ll apply them to the next time he makes something.
Pretty sure blue is his favorite color, we see him wearing it a lot.
There’s speculation on what he smells like, I think even some perfumes made for him? But personally, I don’t think he would wear typical masculine scents, something more alone the lines of citrus/clean/fresh. One I think he would wear is Nautica Blue by Nautica. It smells so good.
He has some religious background. With how Leon behaves/carries himself, it leads me to believe his family were a part of the Church of Christ, which would correlate with the location I chose.
Leon, to this day, follows the church’s principles: “In essentials, unity; in opinions, liberty; in all things, love.” It’s something he repeats often in his head.
He sings, having taken it up at church. After the incident with his family, he continued, as it reminded him of attending, and of his mother, how she would sing him to sleep. He likes to pop into random churches during times of service.
Not straying too far in, just near the exit to join in with singing and reminisce on his own memories.
With singing, he's a baritone.
His favorite song is We Shall Be Free by Garth Brooks.
He’s all over with his music taste, from alternative to country, divorced dad rock, pop, to gospel hymns. If it has a catchy tune, he’ll like it, not too picky with music.
To get into the sad bits, we know he liked to drink to cope, a functional alcoholic.
He would have trouble sleeping through the night, drinking helped.
Sees a therapist and isn’t the most truthful during meetings. Afraid to open up about everything that’s happened to him.
In RE6, you can see a document where Leon confesses he’s thought about suicide, as far back as RE2, so he’s struggled with depression.
Doesn’t do well with large crowds or gatherings. Stays on the outskirts of any event unless he has to go deeper into the throng for the sake of a mission.
Firm believer of his corny one liners:
*Gets bill* “What’s the damage?”
“You’re barking up the wrong tree.”
*Starts raining* “We needed this.”
Also looks out the window/stands on the porch when there’s a storm coming.
He keeps a memory box. It holds items he’s kept from each of his missions. It’s small things, like a key, a piece of paper, photos, a keychain. He looks in it every once in a while, so he doesn’t forget about what he’s done, who he’s helped, and those who didn’t make it.
Not the best with technology, basic knowledge of what he needs to do and how to get to things, but doesn’t use it much outside of work.
He has to ask you for help sometimes, thankful you’re more knowledgeable on the topic.
Will always tell you goodbye when he leaves for missions, no matter what method he has to use.
Face-to-face, video chat, or even going to your work. He just wants to see you one more time before departing, in case it could be the last time. Though it’s unsaid between you two, it’s in the air, tinging it with sadness and trepidation.
When he comes back, though, he immediately notifies you and wants to see you as soon as possible. He holds you a little tighter than he usually does for the first few days after returning from a mission.
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spidrstar · 11 months
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★ pairing: aged up!miles1610 x latina!reader
★ warnings: all characters in this story are 18!!! suggestive i think?
★ summary: Miles has been your math tutor for the past few months and you can’t lie, he’s been sort of your lil bestfriend too because you tell him all about your boy problems and everything. It got to a certain point where you were about to let something personal slip.. specifically how you didn’t know how to kiss. Miles may be a lil nerd n a tutor n all but he still gets play, so you asked him to show you how to kiss and it slowly turned into more than that.. a make out session.
★ w/c: 2k
★ a/n: ok so ik i put up a poll for y’all to choose but.. i rly wanted to write abt 1610 miles esp for this one shot 😣 sry yall i got yall w the next one shot tho trust🙏
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“Miles, please don’t make me do this problem on my own.. you know how I am with fractions.”
You groaned at just the sight of the problem and leaned back on your arms.
For context, you were currently in Miles’ room with three different text books sprawled out open on the floor. He’s been your math tutor for the past four months because you failed your last two math classes and couldn’t afford to fail one more because that would cause you to fail the grade. Today, you were both going over things that were going to be in your test at the end of the marking period.
You’ve been studying non-stop all week and grew tired of it (even though all you mostly did was get off topic and have endless conversations with Miles.)
“Y/n, c‘mon you can’t do this every time i’m tutoring you. Just try.” Miles smiled at your reaction to the math problems in the book.
“Can we please just take a small break?”
“..Y/n our last break was 5 minutes ago.”
“Exactly my point!! It’s been too long.”
He chuckled at you and had no choice but to give in. It’s not like he didn’t enjoy the silly conversations you both had. You both saw each other as.. you wouldn’t say therapists but more of a.. comfort friend? Just someone you could talk to freely basically. At this point you were practically each others best friend, you just hadn’t noticed it yet.
Miles always enjoyed your company, no matter what you both were doing as long as it was together. You rarely ever hung out together if it wasn’t involved with tutoring, but that wasn’t a bad thing. You would almost get tutored everyday because math just really wasn’t something you were good at..
“Soo.. what’s with you and that guy what was his name.. Ethan?”
“It’s Evan, and we fell out. I found him talking to two of my friends at the same time and I wasn't gonna stay around to see that unfold. I told them of course, just didn’t wanna be there to witness the outcome.”
He raised his eyebrows in surprise, Miles knew your situation with guys very very well. He knew almost all of the guys you messed around with, well.. weren’t the best. If he was honest, they sucked ass. They all seemed to go after you for one thing, your body. Miles always hated the idea of you talking to another guy, not in a weird or possessive way of course, he was just over protective of you. He always remembers the nights you would text him asking him if he was free just to cry in his arms.
Sometimes you would come in all moody to your study sessions too and for you that was off, because when you opened your mouth it never seemed to shut.
He palmed his face and sighed in disappointment of yet another shitty guy you messed with.
“I told you he seemed off. He was wayy too friendly for a guy that ‘only wanted to be with you’ I never trusted him and i’m proud to say i didn’t.” Miles quoted with his fingers.
You smiled and looked down at the floor deep in thought, “Yeah well, he was ugly anyways. Personality wise too, he never really made me laugh. When I did laugh around him I would laugh at him, not with him. Y’know?”
“Yeah, I would notice. Your laughs never seemed genuine around him.” He shrugged.
You smirked and cocked an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? And what’s ‘genuine’ to you?”
Miles leaned in and placed his palms on his knees looking up at the ceiling thinking of what to say.
“Like.. it’s hard to explain. Around me, your laughs just have a higher pitch and you lose your breath much quicker and you make random sounds while laughing which is what gets me to laugh. Then, around him your laughs were like so motone and you didn’t really hold onto your stomach as if it hurt from laughing so much, you get me?”
You stared at him in disbelief from how much he went into detail, you never thought of how much he really paid attention to you. Your face was a little bright red, you were flustered because you just felt so.. special? The feeling was unknown.
“Wow.. that’s—that’s a lot. I get what you mean though, his jokes were never as funny as yours were. You don’t even have to try to make me laugh.” You smiled.
He smiled back and made a proud expression, you knew what was coming next. Miles always made this face when he was about to brag about something.
“Thank you, I get that a lot from girls. I always make sure to keep them entertained and never treat them like shit. I don’t understand how you manage to find guys like that, I would never do what they do. Pretty sure my ma would kill me.” He chuckled at the last sentence.
You rolled your eyes at the bragging, you knew Miles had game and had many many girls falling for him. I mean, who wouldn't fall for him? Look at him, he has a great personality, he's caring, a momma's boy which, by the way, is totally adorable and he’s just so sweet and genuine. His smile was contagious and he was attractive too of course..
You snapped back to reality, your mind wandering off somewhere else.
“Bet you got lots of bitches huh.” You choke out a laugh trying to ignore the thoughts lingering at the back of your head.
“Nah, it may seem that way but I honestly got my eye set on one girl. I’m not bout that ‘playa’ shit y’know? Gotta keep it real and let ‘em know that cause leading people on ain’t what i’m about.”
You looked at him intensely, really wondering who this girl was. Although you felt the urge to beg him to tell you because you knew how stubborn he was, you didn’t. You were scared you weren’t gonna like his answer so you brushed the feeling aside.
You wouldn’t admit it to anyone but yourself (barely) you had feelings for Miles, you weren’t aware of it until about a month ago when you went on countless dates. On every single one, Miles was in your head and you couldn’t seem to focus on the person in front of you.
“That’s surprising, if you’re not a player like you say you aren’t how do you treat your girls?” You quickly switched the topic and switched the rolls.
“Well, ion be messin’ around with other girls or on that friendly shit y’know? Every chance I get ima flaunt my girl like she’s the lottery.” He smiled proudly.
You scoffed in jealousy. “Wow, I wish there were more guys like you shit ONE like you at least.”
Miles blushed a bit at the way you said you wanted someone like him. He quickly recovered and perked a brow, scoffing with a proud expression.
“Yeah well, I'm one of one. Can’t find anyone like me.”
“I just can’t believe it, I haven’t even been with one guy who’s good enough to show me how to-“
You quickly saved yourself from the embarrassment and threw your hands over your mouth. Miles took notice of this and he raised a brow at you and moved slightly closer.
“Show you how to what?” He asked, smirking only slightly.
Heat rose to your cheeks, you covered your face and grumbled from already feeling embarrassed even though you hadn’t even told him yet. You hid yourself in your knees not wanting to face him.
“C’mon I promise I won't laugh!” He begged.
“Yes you will! I know you!”
“I swear on my pet hamster's life I won't.” He spoke seriously.
You looked up a bit, sighing and agreeing to say what was on your mind, you had always been ashamed of it because you never really kissed just anyone. You wanted it to be special, of course you’ve kissed a few but your old self thought they were special when they weren’t.
“F-Fine. I—I..don’t know how to kiss.” You whispered the last part lowly, too embarrassed to say it outloud.
“A lil louder than that Y/n, it’s just you and me here c’mon.” He sweetly smiled at you placing a hand on your back.
“I don’t know how to kiss.” You said bluntly, looking straight to avoid his striking gaze.
All that could be heard were stifled chuckles and you turned to stare at the culprit, Miles was cupping his mouth with both hands trying not to burst out laughing straight in your face. You smacked the back of his head and scolded him for swearing.
“Miles! You swore on your hamster's life!”
Laughter erupted from him and could be heard loudly throughout the room. Soon he calmed down and collected enough breath to speak.
“He died like a week ago, it's fine.”
“What?! And you didn’t tell me?? Tu si eres malo.”
“Whatever, back on topic. You don’t know how to kiss? How? You’re like, genuinely one of the prettiest girls I know.”
You blushed at both the comment and from embarrassment. You were 18 almost 19 and didn’t even know how to properly have a make out session, not that it was your fault. All the guys you messed with genuinely sucked, and your lips were far too precious for you to just place them on anyone.
“Hey! No es culpa mía, i bet you’re not even good at kissing either.” I huffed angrily.
“Actually, I'm quite known for being a great kisser para tu información.” He admitted proudly.
Then, an idea spiked up in your head. He was your best friend.. you think? Might as well take this perfect opportunity to ask him for a favor, a huge one. This had you nervous though, because it could go two ways. He would say yes and show you and you both would continue to live your lives as if nothing happened, as normal friends right? Or.. you would be embarrassed for the rest of it if he said no. How would you recover from that? Whatever.. might as well do it now and pray nothing bad happened.
“Miles?” You finally spoke, with a serious tone hiding behind your words.
“Could you.. um—do me a favor?” You spoke shyly, a wave of nervousness was coming at you and strong.
“Depends. What is it?” He spoke more lowly now with curiosity, he subconsciously moved closer to you to hear you clearly. In case you’d decided to whisper again since that was a habit.
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for what was to become. This determined whether or not you would ever talk to him or see him the same, you seriously thought you wouldn’t be able to recover from this.
“Could you..maybe.. teach me?” You looked down at the floor again, biting the inner corner of the inside of your cheek. You were slightly sweating from how nervous you were.
A few seconds of silence passed before you looked up nervously. Many thoughts racing in your mind right now;
‘What if he was making fun of me in his head right now?’
‘What if he didn’t want to be friends with me anymore?’
‘What if he thought I was weird?’
‘What if he hates me now?’
Your thoughts were quickly put to a pause when he spoke up, you thought you were dreaming when you heard the words escape his mouth.
“Sure, I’ll teach you. But are you sure like, completely sure you wanna do this? I’m kinda rough with it, and i don’t know if you’d like it.” He spoke softly when looking at you.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, shutting your eyes and nodding. You smiled sweetly at him, your heart speeding up with a hint of excitement. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about kissing Miles at least once.
“Yes, I'm sure.” You stared at his eyes then his lips wide eyed, your eyes glistening with anticipation. Your lips were slightly parted as you oh so wanted to lean in and just kiss his pretty lips already, but you waited for him to instruct you on what to do.
He moved closer to you and sat in front of you staring at you with slightly hooded eyes. He smirked as he spoke and that’s all you seemed to notice.
“Alright, first you needa part your lips slightly which i see you’re already doing. Then, you just tilt your head to whichever side you prefer and lean in. Close your eyes obviously, then just follow my lead. Simple, you got it?”
You nodded once again, and blushed lightly as he leaned in closer. His hand made his way up and he gently placed it on the side of your neck and tilted his own head shutting his eyes to kiss you.
“Alright, here we go..” He whispered.
With that, he kissed you gently. His soft lips locked with yours, surprisingly you seemed to follow along quickly and placed one of your hands on his toned chest. Your breaths seemed to quicken with every second that passed and he started to lean in more, this time you were slightly pushed back. You held onto the front of his shirt pulling him down with you. Your forearms supporting your upper weight as you laid back on the floor.
Miles now completely on top of you deepened the kiss, his tongue softly grazed against your bottom lip asking for permission to enter which you complied to. He placed his hand back on your neck, his fingers resting on the bottom part of your lower head pushing you against him more. You let a low moan slip past you and you opened your eyes wide, with shock but quickly closed them back up once you heard the sounds he made.
The ‘agressiveness’ he mentioned now showing as low growls escaped his lips when getting a few seconds to breathe between kisses. His tongue fighting with yours for dominance which he quickly claimed.
He broke the kiss, a string of saliva showcasing how intense the kiss was. He smirked against your lips and you both breathed heavily against each other, chests heaving up and down rapidly. He caressed the sides of your waist slipping one hand under the hem of your shirt and leaned in to seductively whisper in your ear.
“I think I'm gonna have to teach you a little bit more than just kissing, ma.” He smirked.
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★ translations: tu si eres malo - you’re so mean || no es culpa mía - it’s not my fault || para tu información - for your information ||
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oh my sweet Gale
I will admit, the very first run through of this game i found Gale annoying, pushy, dumped trauma everywhere, narcissistic in his knowledge of magic, and the need to prove how right his in in the subject. I often found myself thinking and saying out loud "omg shut up"..... buuuuut... having romanced him...... i found that his personality traits are the exact same as someone born as a child prodigy, had his ego inflated, alienated by everyone around him, and made to think he was superior by someone higher up just to then land on his ass.
I wont go through what i think of his character development because each play through is different, and for each player its different... but this is what i think of him over all.
Gale doesn't know how to talk to people. He doesn't have social queues that almost everyone else picks up on. Gale has spent, up till the tadpole, the exception in a lot of the situations he was put into and thus it became his default personality. Yes, for those of us who have romanced him (keeps romancing him) we see someone haunted by their past choices and watch him grow. We see the nerd that he is, but this is more about the potential Gale before we meet him. So bare with me.
He was a child prodigy and put into a prestigious school where he flourished. I can only image how his professors loved him and his fellow students less than enthusiastic response. You know what happens when you become the teachers pet? You become ostracized by your fellow peers. You know what happens when you are really good at something that usually takes A LOT of practice for others? You either get used or don't make friends. Gale has had ONE story that involved other people and it didn't involve friends, he was at a bar and defused a brawl with ale. He has openly admitted to Tara being his only real friend.
Now this isn't to say Gale never had to work at his magic or arcane knowledge to get him to where he is in the game when he first meet him. He was an archmage and the chosen of Mystera, but his innate ability to wield it as a young boy is what got Mystera's attention. Gale has stated that she was his teacher first, then his muse and finally his lover. You can only imagine how special he felt when Mystera chose him to be his guiding hand..... and then to be a lover? I don't care who you are..... That shit would have to inflate your ego. That shit would make you feel like you were SOOO much better than your fellow peers. You would have those toxic thoughts and comments of "yeah, well Mystera chose me! So who needs friends/criticism/physical lovers/ect". What do you typically do when you catch the attention of someone you highly regard? You try to impress them and do what you can to be even more impressive! So Gale's ambition grew to newer heights. I cant imagine what Mystera poisoned his mind with while they were together. Like, i get she told him to just be content with the things were.... but come on Mystera... you couldn't have expected him to stop striving to be better with a simple "nah, you're cool how you are. you don't need to be my equal". Not when the poor man has spent the last 2 decades of his life striving to be the best. His most important years for growth and development have been spent on trying to impress others.
Gale learns of a way to possibly convince Mystera to allow him into her domain and it gets a carnivorous orb shoved into his chest, dumped, stripped of his titles and holed up in his tower without nary a reason why. That had to be the biggest blow he has ever received in his entire life. His act of what he believed to be a sure fire way into getting what he wanted ended up taking almost everything away from him. If it wasn't for Tara, i'm sure Waterdeep would have succumbed his to orbs blight. The man locked himself in his tower and turned away all his colleagues and family.
So imagine, you are this lonely person... squirreled away from others and any social interaction. No one to talk to except your pet *sorry Tara* and all of a sudden you find yourself on a ship.... with a parasite in your brain and then your thrust into an adventure with a bunch of strangers. You have this orb in your chest that could blow at any time and you cant really explain WHY you need magical items.... but that if you don't get them.... everyone is in trouble.... you find your group facing monsters and doing weird ass side quests.... and at any given opportunity, you like to drop a knowledge bomb on the group.... just to find that some of the group members don't like your input... or don't listen at all.. which doesn't sit well with you. You've been told how right you are for like... 20 years... You haven't been given many acts of kindness since becoming an adult, what with your abrasive "im more knowledgeable in everything and i've slept with a goddess" personality, so when you see your fearless leader doing something nice, you approve. You grown to trust this leader enough to tell them the truth.... knowing full well they may turn on you, but they don't! You continue to watch them, and share moments of magic with them, you fight along side them, and what is this? Are you starting to develop feelings for them? Are they reciprocating these feelings?
He gets a death sentence slapped on his back and these new budding feelings he has for you need to be made known. What better way than to show you how much you mean to him than to literally paint the sky in the weave for you. To take away the Shadow-lands curse and SHOW you something better. He thinks 'the most perfect night would have to be some place im comfortable and vulnerable.... so that i can SHOW them. This is me, Gale. This is my whole world and at the center of it, my very heart'. he is literally showing you who he is. he is this studious... lonely man.. who sits in front of his fire place reading and researching... or out on his terrace watching the sunset with a book. Like, do you accept this version of me that you have not seen yet? *Not to mention the weave/ astral projected 3 gale gang bang you get while spinning through the cosmos. He is such a show off... or he just isnt confident in his own physical/ mortal ability to woo and wow*
To watch Gale throughout my few play throughs grow as a person and learn that having to much ambition can oft lead to ruin... and watch him change to just be content with himself as he is... i get a lot of comfort from it. I haven't gone down the God route yet, nor have i tried to make him more villainous, but who knows lol.
I have a lot thoughts on pre-tadpoled Gale and how his life up to that point made him who he is when we are first introduced to him. Gale is definitely my comfort character.
Sorry for the rant... or maybe im not. Once again... these are my thoughts from my multiple play throughs.
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
Why BakuDeku will be canon and not IzuOcha? Connection between TogaChako and the entire Love Square...
So this is pure hypothesis and I should clarify that I'm not a shipper when it comes to MHA. I just love the story, its premise and the various themes that it involves and I love to see what happens next. I don't particularly support any ships and so with all that being said, let's jump into it!
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So, Ochako said that "You should never hide your true feelings or that face of yours".
Horikoshi is very very clever with the panelling.
While most people were debating on whether or not it was an IzuOcha ship bait, I think it signifies something completely different.
Notice how Ochako was thinking about Deku as she said those lines but even in Ochako's imagination, Deku wasn't looking at her.
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I mean, look at it.
He was a bit embarrassed and looking at someone else. It is most probably a memory from when they were training before the second war (when Bakugo was showing his new move Cluster to Deku)
But why would Ochako think about Deku looking at someone else during such an important time?
It parallels how Toga thinks about Twice in a completely platonic sense. He was more of a brother to her (Toga and Twice->brother sister bond)
Plus it also signifies Ochako's journey of self acceptance. Think about it!
When we met Ochako in the beginning, she had an inferiority complex about her hero motivation and background.
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She met Deku, who played her knight in shining armor, who had this cool quirk and everybody loved him.
He was a Hero, and always in the spotlight. Even All Might was interested in him (according to Ochako because she never knew about OFA)
So she admired him and wanted to be like him as in wanted to be a great hero like him but it backfired because Ochako is Ochako and Deku is Deku.
Throughout the series, we see these feelings grow.
But with admiration, what Ochako always felt was jealousy....envy.
The theme of envy has been very prominent in the series. Bakugo is the biggest example of it.
I admit that Ochako might have had a tiny bit of crush on Deku because who wouldn't?
He is a cute, clumsy boy, well natured, a crybaby at times but a real hero at heart. Who wouldn't fall for that?
Plus it's not wrong to have feelings.
But in Ochako's case, she always felt that Deku is so far away.
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It is such a literal representation!
Deku was moving forward while Ochako felt like she was lacking, like she is behind him, literally and figuratively.
We saw how she was struggling to deal with whatever she was feeling.
At first it looks like she is struggling to deal with her feelings for him, but at this particular moment her feeling could only be described as envy.
Admiration could easily be confused for love but!
You're never jealous of the person you love!!
Because till season 3 Ochako was feeling both admiration for his best friend (which everyone else confused for love) and jealousy.
It was especially awkward because they were friends and their other friends kept on pointing in that direction.
But the real change came in the war arc when Ochako got Deku's letter and realised that maybe Deku is not that special after all.
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They are good friends, and she was worried about him because she realised that behind the Hero persona that Deku has, he is also human.
Being a fellow hero, it was more relatable to her.
"Special powers are one thing but there is no such thing as a special person" she said in her speech.
Humanizing all heroes and villains.
I also wanna talk about this specific panel after Bakugo's apology.
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Something about Ochako's expression here really struck a crod.
As Deku falls in Bakugo's arms, the camera pans on Ochako who just stands there observing, what true love is.
She didn't feel anything, because she realised the bond between BakuDeku is a bond of love.
Which is why she never made an effort to follow Deku's footsteps again.
The famous cliff scene: the day before the second war! Both of them knew they could die the very next day and yet they chose to say nothing... Nothing as in love confession, because there was nothing to confess.
Ochako realised that Deku loves and admires Bakugo and she's ok with that, so she'll focus on more important matters, like the Toga situation.
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Because she realised, she can be her own Hero.
And now she wanted to help Toga. A girl like her, that was crying.
Because she has seen so many happy faces, she cannot help but wonder what made Toga cry.
Plus Toga said that only heroes and the people they protect are counted as people and the rest don't even matter.
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As a person, Toga should be free to love whoever she wants but because of her quirk she is constantly judged by people except LoV.
Toga was mad because nobody accepted her throughout her entire life, her parents, her friends, Heroes and the one place where she found home was also snatched away from her.
Everyone is free to love and admire heroes then why not Toga. Everywhere she went, she was rejected.
Even Deku's quirk pointed out that there was no real malice behind TOGA's actions. Her love is so strong that it puts people in danger.
Heck, Danger sense didn't activate in the beginning because Toga didn't wanna hurt Deku.
But it was after she was rejected so badly, that she turned against them.
It was not about a girl asking a boy out but a villain asking a hero out.
And Deku not only rejected her completely but also judged her.
So if the world rejects her, she is bound to do the same!
Which made Ochako the perfect person to face Toga. Both are girls full of love but hide deep inferiority complexes.
Ochako understood this and told Toga her smile is beautiful.
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Why? Because Ochako realised it the hard way, what happens when you suppress your feelings which is why she admired Toga and told her that Toga is right and she should never hide her feelings or her face because she is beautiful.
She admired Toga for her genuine honesty and told her that it is nothing to be ashamed of.
Toga went on a rampage because Deku hurt her (he was the final nail in the coffin) but just because Deku rejected her doesn't mean the end of the world.
Toga is free to live her own life, just because Deku rejected her doesn't mean her life is finished and if she really wants to have a girl chat, Ochako will always be there!
She'll give her blood to Toga for the rest of her life..!!
It's just Ochako's way of telling Toga that just because a boy rejected her doesn't mean her life has ended. That Toga is beautiful and has a lovely smile. And if toga wants to talk about it, Ochako will be more than willing to listen and support her for the rest of her life.
And such is the beautiful dynamic of TogaChako.
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Cheers! Sunshine!
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beatrixstonehill2 · 5 months
Ashley and Jacklyn were two trans men who met online, in an Instagram group about fantasies involving detransition. Both were on T for a few years and strongly considered top surgery, but deep down they both had a different idea of what their futures looked like.... They met and chatted for a couple weeks, eventually moving in together, throwing out all of their boy clothes in favor of lingerie and other very girly clothes, embracing their bodies and becoming a couple of bimbos, doing porn for fun. They knew they just had to both get knocked up and sport the perfect bimbo body, with a belly carrying at least triplets for the summer. They didn't want any old porn actor to knock them up, so Ashley had an idea.....
Without telling her friend, Melody, that she detransitioned, she called and asked her to come by and visit her new boyfriend..... When Melody visited, she was shocked to see that Ashley completely detransed, and her 'boyfriend' was a buxom bimbo with a voice deepened by testosterone. Ashley told Jacklyn that Melody was her trans girl bff, and they've known each other since forever. Ashley walked up to Melody, giggling, telling her, "Mel, I know you had a crush on me. Before you went and transitioned into this fake girl, you were just another horny boy that stared at my chest, now look at you."
"I, um...... I don't know. We were young!" Melody said.
"God, look at his boy-tits. Jesus Christ they're fucking huge," Jacklyn said, groping Melody's breasts.
"I know.... almost makes him look like a girl." Ashley joined in, grabbing and kneading Melody's other breast.
"But just look at him, walking around in clothes like this, flaunting his cock." Jacklyn massaged Melody's noticeable bulge. "Fuck, it'd get so big if he stopped taking estrogen."
"I-I'd never do that...." Melody said, nervously letting Ashley and Jacklyn fondle her.
"Awww, come on, Mel," Ashley encouraged. "You're really telling me you don't want a massive cock to play with?"
"No! I could never detrans! I love being a girl...."
Jacklyn bit her her, stroking Melody's already sizeable cock. "You'd make such a pretty boy. Well, you already do, since you are a boy..... Girls don't have big hard cocks, dummy....."
Ashley started fondling Melody's cock, too. "Man, these boy-tits and this cock. You have everything.... But I still say you ought to lose the boobs. Go on testosterone. Get this cock as big as possible."
"Guys, stop. I'm gonna cum...."
"Poor thing." Jacklyn pouted, massaging Melody's breast and cock harder. "So pathetic. It should be illegal for pervy boys like you to pretend to be girls..... I bet you jerk off in the girls' bathroom for fun, don't you?"
"N-No...." Melody looked away. "Well, sometimes....."
"Good little pervert!" Ashley said, slipping her hand into Melody's panties. "Go on, I know you have a crush on me. Doesn't matter that we both played dress up. I lived as a boy for years, yet I'm only a dumb breeder, and you? All the estrogen and makeup in the world can't stop you from being a perverted boy who's addicted to jerking off. It's your nature, darling...."
Melody came in her lingerie onesie, rolling back her eyes, shooting about three ropes of clear cum. "Fuck....."
"Awww, is that it? Hold on," Jacklyn said, returning a few second later. "Don't squirm, this won't hurt." She had grabbed one of her old syringes and filled it with some of her remaining testosterone.
Ashley giggled. "I thought we got rid of all that?"
"When you mentioned having a fake girl as a best friend, I figured we might need it....." Jacklyn injected Melody's hip full of T.
"No.....! Please!" Melody cooed, drooling lightly.
"Yes, my dear," Ashley said, turning Melody's head her way. "How's this? We're going to pump you full of T, get that cock over fifteen inches so you're hung like a horse, and you'll become our girly little boy-bitch? You'll get us pregnant, but only be allowed to cum when it's time to knock us up. We'll dress you like a perverted sissy still, but those big fat boy-tits have got to go. OK? You'll live with us, and answer to us. Are there any questions?"
Melody shook her head 'no'. "I'll..... be your perverted stud sissy...... you can use me however you please...... ❤️"
"I knew you had a crush on me after all these years. Now then, you need to practice on Jacklyn and I all day, learning to fuck like a boy, so you can get us nice and pregnant when that T kicks in, all right, slave?"
"Whatever you desire....."
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bunnies-and-blues · 28 days
Hello gorgeous, I hope life has been treating you well! Can I request mitsui, miyagi, sendo, and maki with a reader who likes to draw and often goes to their practice to draw them? If not or it’s too many that ok! Thank you for your consideration!🫶
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─꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱─ slam dunk : my muse ! ☆
⸝⸝ tl;dr : sd boys with their artist partner ! involves hisashi mitsui + ryota miyagi !
⸝⸝ note : i took a bit of liberty and made the reader their partner, i hope that's okay ! idm making a seperate post wherein reader is their friend / admirer if ever :DD
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hisashi mitsui + ryota miyagi . . . seperately !
the moment you and mitsui/miyagi became a thing he just became the cockiest person in the world . like, genuinely . it was really cute and endearing at first but eventually everyone's just pissed at him t-t
even more so when he's at practice ... all of a sudden he's extra energetic and his form is beyond perfect (not that akagi's complaining; if you get them to play well then that's all for the better)
he knows that you like to draw —its even one of the reason why he likes you so much ! — and the moment he found out that you drew him during his practices ... oh my god, ego to the roof !! /pos
mitsui flashes you a devilish grin, his eyes gazing upon the quick sketches you've made of his form. "i look great," he states. he winks as he walks back towards the ring, aiming for a three-pointer. "make sure to get my good side, yeah?"
look, mitsui's all cocky and arrogant when he's in front of the others (much to their chagrin), but in private — that's a whole different story . he's consistently sending kogure and akagi photos of your art, pretty much showing them off !!
and he makes sure to thank you for all of your efforts ; he'll buy you all the art supplies you want ! (and he'll try to draw you as well, but he's not the best at it ... )
miyagi is speechless when you show him your sketchbook. across the pages are drawings of him, each pose dynamic and vivacious. he could practically feel the energy radiating from your sketches. "this is amazing," he murmurs, heart-eyed. he looks up at you. "you're amazing."
much like mitsui, he'll show your art off — but he'll show it off to everyone. the basketball team, ayako, his classmates, his family- you name it !
what can i say ? he loves you !
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akira sendoh . . .
"woahh!" sendoh exclaims, his eyes alight with glee when you show him your sketchbook. he takes it in his hands, holding it as if it was the most precious thing to exist. he traces the outline of his sketched-out form with a delicate finger, his grin spreading ear-to-ear. he looks at you with crinkled eyes, his smile as bright and warm as summer sun. "these are really good ! maybe you should teach me how to draw !"
sendoh is all smiles when he saw your drawings of him . he can't help it ! believe it or not, he's seen fanart of himself alongside the countless fanmail he's received, but never before has he had someone draw him so ..
he can't describe it, really . but all he knows is that it's the best art he's ever seen ! your art was warm, each pencil stroke filled with love and care, your affection for him reflected tenderly in the careful way you drew his features.
like with mitsui and miyagi, he'll gladly show off your art to the basketball team ! and before you know it, you'll have a line of the team members asking for you to draw them as well .
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shinichi maki . . .
maki stares at the compilation of sketches in his hand. admittedly, he had felt a bit downhearted when he saw that you've been drawing during their practices, feeling as if you haven't been paying him attention, but he couldn't have been more wrong. he caresses the paper with a gentle hand, then pulls you in for an embrace. "thank you, my darling," he murmurs, his breath warm against your ear. "these are wonderful."
a gentleman through and through, maki makes sure to show his affections after receiving such a gift (even if you didn't mean it to be a gift in the first place) .
he starts giving back, taking you out on art dates and offering to buy you any art supply you want . even if you ask for just a simple pencil, he'll ensure that you get only the best quality !
unlike the other three, he'd want to keep your art of him for his eyes only . not that he's not proud of it or anything, but he just prefers for your art of him to be seen by only him ... not that it works (kiyota would find a way to snatch them from him when he's not working lmao)
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chelseachilly · 11 months
THIS LOVE - chapter one | i can make the bad guys good for a weekend
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pairing: ben chilwell x reader
rating: T
word count: 2.5k
summary: you and ben attend your first event as a “couple” - chelsea’s annual charity gala
A/N: thanks for all your messages about the little prologue i posted last week! i’m so excited for this story and i’m glad you guys are too :) this chapter title is from blank space by taylor swift, each chapter will correspond with a 1989 lyric
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You don’t know what you anticipated your life to look like after you agreed to be Ben’s fake girlfriend, but it proves very quickly to be more of a commitment than you imagined.
In the first week alone, you have to go two meetings with him and his team to discuss what your “relationship” is going to look like, what your story is, and how you’re going to sell it to the public.
His publicist also tries to get you to sign a contract and an NDA, both of which Ben insists are unnecessary.
It feels weird for you to be involved in such an elaborate lie, and Ben obviously senses your discomfort as he tells you a few times that you can back out if you want. You know that he needs this, though, or he wouldn’t have asked you in the first place, so you wouldn’t dream of it.
You end up going with a simple story that doesn’t deviate too much from the truth - you two are childhood best friends who recently realized there’s more than friendship there and decided to explore a romantic relationship. The only change you have to make to your lifestyle, according to Shreya, is attending some high-profile events as Ben’s date and behaving like a couple whenever you’re in public.
It doesn’t sound too difficult, at least apart from having to pretend you’re in love with your best friend, but it’s definitely not a small lifestyle change.
Your first appearance as a “couple” is Chelsea’s annual charity gala, which most of the boys bring their wives or girlfriends to, at which you’ll be expected to wear a fancy dress and pose for photos with him and generally behave like Ben’s girlfriend.
You’ve gone on some nice holidays and been to some fancy restaurants with Ben over the years, but this is different. That much is clear when you get to Ben’s after work on Friday to get ready for the gala he’s taking you to and find racks and racks of designer gowns in his living room.
“What’s all this?” you ask as your eyes scan the dozens of shimmering dresses.
“Oh, my stylist sent them over for you,” Ben shrugs. “I know you said you had a dress, but feel free to pick one of these if you want. It’s on me, obviously.”
The dress you were going to wear is nothing compared to any of these, but you figure if you’re going to be a believable football WAG you need to dress the part.
“You know, I really don’t like you spending money on me,” you sigh.
“I know,” Ben chuckles - you’ve made that quite clear over the years. “But you’re giving up your Friday night to go to a stupid posh gala with me that I know you’ll hate, so let me buy you a stupid posh dress.”
“Fine,” you smile, standing on your tiptoes to quickly peck his cheek before going to browse your options.
After selecting a dress, you head upstairs to get ready in the guest bedroom that’s yours whenever you crash here.
You take your time doing your hair and makeup before slipping into the shiny silver gown you picked out. It’s made out of a silky material and there’s a slit up the leg, but it’s still modest enough for the gala. You trust that Ben’s stylist would’ve picked clothing suitable for the event, even though it’s fancier than anything you would typically wear.
Just as you’re struggling with the zipper at the back, there’s a knock on the door accompanied by Ben’s voice asking if you’re ready.
“Yeah, can you zip me up?” you shout back, giving him permission to enter.
As Ben walks in, you turn to face him, taking in the rare sight of him in a suit. The traditional black suit he has on is perfectly tailored and, you have to admit, he cleans up nice.
He blinks a couple times at the sight of you, his eyes scanning the gown you picked out.
“What is it?” you ask, suddenly feeling a bit insecure. “Is the dress alright?”
“What?” Ben asks, seeming a bit dazed for a moment. “Oh, um, yeah! No, it’s great. You look great. I’m just so used to seeing you in scrubs or joggers.”
You smirk, crossing your arms. “That’s a nice way to call me a slob.”
“I’m trying to compliment you, dummy,” Ben replies, rolling his eyes as he walks over to you.
You turn around so he finish doing up the dress, which he does quickly and easily. You try not to think about how many girls’ dresses he’s helped zip up, and how many more he’s taken off.
“Alright,” Ben says, gently patting your arm as he finishes. “Good to go? The car’s waiting out front.”
“Yep, ready.”
You slip on the shoes that accompany the dress, a similar shade of silver, and grip onto the railing as you descend Ben’s spiral staircase in the slightly precarious heels.
You both climb into the back of the sleek SUV waiting out front to take you to the hotel in Chelsea where the gala is being held. Your nerves begin to settle in on the drive as you realize that this is actually happening, and you’re going to have to put on a show in front of hundreds of people and cameras in just a few minutes.
“Hey, you okay?” Ben asks, looking up from his phone with a concerned gaze in your direction.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” you say with a forced smile. He obviously doesn’t believe you - he knows you too well for that - and continues to glare at you, waiting for the truth. “I just…do you really think this is believable?”
Ben frowns. “What do you mean?”
“Like, us as a couple,” you sigh. “I mean, how many footballers do you know that are dating a nurse? Or anyone that isn’t a size zero model for that matter?”
You both know it’s unlike you to talk yourself down, as you’re generally fairly confident, but you can’t help but feel insecure about walking into a room filled with beautiful women who are a lot more comfortable in this world than you are.
Ben, to his credit, looks genuinely appalled.
“Hey, don’t talk about my best friend like that,” he jests, poking you in the ribs. “You look amazing. They’ll all be wondering how I landed you, not the other way around.”
You can’t help but blush a bit, shoving Ben’s chest lightly.
“Save it for the cameras, Benji,” you say with a slight eye roll, though your smile betrays you.
He grimaces slightly at the nickname that he hates but begrudgingly allows you and only you to call him.
“Also, let’s be honest, you save lives for a living and I kick a ball around,” he points out. “The whole point of this is that you’re helping my image, remember?”
“That’s true, I guess I am out of your league,” you tease, making Ben stick his tongue out at you like he would when you were kids.
You pull up to the hotel soon after, and you brace yourself as the driver opens the door for you. The flashing lights of the cameras are blinding the moment you’re exposed to them, making you squint slightly.
Ben steps out first before offering you a hand to help you out of the car, waiting until your feet are securely on the ground before letting go.
“You ready?” he asks, gesturing with his head to the red carpet that awaits you.
You glance over at the carpet, which is lined with more paparazzi. Thankfully, you recognize some of Ben’s teammates immediately, which makes you feel a bit more at ease.
“Yeah,” you nod, taking Ben’s outstretched arm.
As you make your way into the carpet, you can feel your heart racing. The paps are calling out Ben’s name, wanting him to look in their direction, and it’s all a bit overwhelming.
Your train of thought is immediately paused as Ben slides his arm around your waist, settling it low on your hip. It’s much more intimate than any way he’s touched you before, but Shreya’s words from your meeting a few days prior echo in your mind.
You need to act like a couple. It needs to seem natural.
It definitely feels a bit strange having your friend touch you like this, but once you’re over the initial surprise, you actually find Ben’s arm around you to be incredibly grounding. You lean into his touch as you smile for the cameras, trying to look the part of the supportive girlfriend.
“You’re doing great,” Ben murmurs softly in your ear. “Almost done.”
You pose for a few more photos before he leads you toward the entrance. You know you’ll have to keep up appearances for the rest of the evening, but you’re glad the most public part of it is over.
As you enter the stunning ballroom, filled with many familiar faces of Chelsea’s players and staff, Ben’s arm remains around your waist.
“So, who here actually knows about our…arrangement?” you ask quietly as you move through the room.
You had both already informed your close friends and family about the situation to avoid any confused texts when the photos of you and Ben acting as a couple made their way online.
You know Ben told his best mates, like Tom, Harvey, Anish, Madders, and obviously Mason, who had come to be a close friend of yours over the years he and Ben were together at Chelsea too. You just aren’t sure if he told anyone at the club.
“Just Reece,” Ben says. “He asked if I was bringing a date and I figured since he knows you, it would make sense to tell him the truth.”
While you’re friendly with a lot of Ben’s teammates, you haven’t spent much time with most of them and they likely don’t know the extent of your friendship with Ben and wouldn’t bat an eye at the two of you now “dating.” You’ve known Reece for years, though, and he would definitely be confused by this sudden change.
“Okay,” you murmur, “so we have to act like a couple all night, basically?”
“Basically,” Ben says with a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry, I know it’s weird. But we don’t really have to do anything special, I’ll just tell people you’re my girlfriend if anyone asks.”
“Oh, so we don’t have to go up on the stage and make out?” you mutter sarcastically. “What a relief.”
Ben chuckles and nudges you in the arm.
“I think no kissing is probably a good ground rule,” Ben suggests. “Sorry if the touching and stuff out there was too much.”
“No, it’s fine, if we’re gonna do this we have to sell it,” you shrug. “But I agree, there’s no amount of money you could possibly earn from improving your brand that would be worth kissing you. It’s too gross.”
Ben rolls his eyes. “Could you at least lower your voice? Don’t really need people hearing my girlfriend say kissing me is gross.“
You laugh as Ben grabs two champagne flutes from a server and passes you one, which you clink against his before taking a sip. You definitely need some alcohol to get through this whole evening of pretending to be Ben’s girlfriend.
As you find your seats, you’re relieved to see that you’re sitting with Reece and his girlfriend Mia, meaning you won’t have to talk about your fake relationship all through dinner.
“Hey, it’s the happy couple,” Reece jokes as Ben pulls out a chair for you to sit next to Mia. “You look nice, Y/N.“
“Thanks, Reece,” you say as you hug Mia. “It’s nice to see you guys. This event is way too posh for me.”
“I know how you feel,” Mia smiles. “It felt weird the first time I came to one of these. And obviously it’s even weirder for you, with this whole…situation.”
“Yeah,” Reece says, lowering his voice a bit to ensure only the three of you can hear. “How the hell did Chilly get you to agree to this? Does he have blackmail on you or something?”
“Well, I do have some pretty embarrassing drunken Snapchat videos-“ Ben begins to say, but your glare cuts him off and he shakes his head and laughs. “Nah, mate. She’s just the fucking best.”
Your heart skips a beat at that, but you don’t have too much time to think about why before Ben and Reece have changed the subject to football.
A photographer comes around to take photos of each table, and Ben rests his arm on the back of your chair and leaves it there afterward as the four of you continue to chat.
Ben and Reece eventually go to get you guys another round of drinks before the entertainment begins - though the boys will have to stick to water for the rest of the night unless they want to hear about it from Poch at training on Monday.
“You know, you two actually make a convincing couple,” Mia says with a wink when you two are alone at the table.
“Yeah, right,” you chuckle, fiddling with a cocktail napkin. “I’m glad you think it’s believable, though. The sooner we improve Ben’s image, the sooner we can stop doing this.”
Mia nods, though she still looks a bit uncertain. “Right, well, he owes you big time. There’s a lot of scrutiny that comes with being in the public eye. You’ll be taking on all the risk of dating a footballer without any of the reward. That’s really generous of you.”
Honestly, you hadn’t thought too much about how all of this might impact you. You just knew that Ben needed your help.
Although you’re a bit tempted to check Twitter and see if people have already begun to talk about you, you decide you’ll deal with that later and just try to enjoy your evening for now.
Your anxieties do ease significantly when Ben returns to the table with your favourite drink in hand and a smile on his face.
“You good?” he asks softly, leaning in close so only you can hear.
You nod, returning his smile. “Just a bit nervous still.”
“You’re doing amazing,” Ben says sincerely. “But I know this isn’t how you would want to spend your Friday night, so thank you.”
“For the millionth time, it’s no big deal,” you insist. “This isn’t so bad, anyways. I’m just overthinking everything like always.”
“Well, I want you to tell me if any of this gets to be too much, at any point, and that’ll be the end of it,” he says firmly. “Okay?“
You nod, meeting his soft gaze and feeling your worries melt away even more.
As the lights dim and the musical entertainment for the evening begins, Ben’s arm once again finds its way to the back of your chair and his hand loosely plays with a strand of your hair.
It’s too dark for anyone but you to notice, but for some reason, you don’t bother pointing that out to him.
A/N: let me know what you think so far! hoping to have the next chap out soon :)
tag list: @lunamelona @kathb59 @captainwans​ @amandaaa1025 @bbygrlllllll (let me know if you would like to be added!)
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Panther’s Yandere prompts for Yandere Deku for 5.) "Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!" maybe Deku got the reader corned and wont let her leave till she accepts his confession (maybe he also guilt trips her but she still refuses ?)💗(also no worries , and remember to take your time and drink plenty of water )
Alright! Sorry the plot wasn't exactly what you wanted but I wanted to do a pro hero AU. Aged up as usual.
Yandere! Izuku Midoriya Prompt 5
"Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Delusional behavior, Manipulation, Forceful behavior, Deku not handling rejection.
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Izuku is a determined man. Even when you two were in high school, he was convinced you two would be dating someday in the future. So convinced that he kept going out of his way to charm you into loving him. He just couldn’t understand such thoughts were not meant to be.
When you two were in U.A. together, you were used to the nervous boy who followed you around like a puppy. Many of your friends joked that he had a crush on you… although it soon came to light that Izuku was being truthful. He truly did have a massive crush on you.
He hid it from you for the most part. He loaded notebooks all about you, remembered your class schedule, and sent you secret admirer letters all the time, however. No wonder he got caught so easily because he was so eager to share his feelings with you.
You didn’t mind Izuku. He was a soon-to-be hero with ambition and you respected him. You just felt life was too chaotic to get so involved with him. Even when he asked you out before graduation….
“Do you plan on going pro too, (Y/N)?”
“Well, I think I’ll stick to civilian life. I’ll be there when others need me… but going pro feels a bit too stressful to me.”
“I see… that’s fine! That just means we… won’t see each other as often-”
“It’ll be okay, Izuku. I trust you, as All Might’s successor, to protect everyone even if I can’t be there to help. Just don’t forget to visit.”
“Actually, (Y/N)-”
“I was wondering… if you’d go out with me. N-Nothing too big! I just… I just feel I should try to express my feelings for you before we part our ways.”
“Oh, Deku….”
It was a pain for both of you to turn him down. Part of you thought it would be a wonderful chance but hero life would be stressful for the both of you. You turned him down not because you didn’t like him, but because you wanted the best for both of you.
Deku on the other hand, was crushed. You tried to explain your reasoning and he acted like he understood. Although… The hero could not let go of his feelings so easily. You thought when you graduated, you’d never see each other again. 
It turns out you were wrong. 
You saw Izuku everywhere on TV once he went pro. Everyone praised him for being All Might’s successor, and for being himself. They praised his smile and how he went out of his way to help people. It was nice to see he was doing well in your mind. Meanwhile you were relaxing at home, having grabbed a small job to make ends meet. It was less dangerous than hero work.
Since Izuku went pro, you expected he would have no time to see you. Probably a good thing you never accepted the relationship. Plus, who went to visit all of their high school friends after school ended anyways? You didn't think you were that high on the priority list. 
Imagine your surprise when Deku himself knocks on your door, smiling brightly when he sees you.
“You said to visit you, right?”
You’re both now adults, you nearly forgot that he had the hugest crush on you in school. You both had gone to different paths in life but from what you knew, were happy.
You decided to not go pro and instead live a quiet little life, getting by enough to stay happy. Izuku went pro and achieved his dream, giving bright smiles on TV and saving people’s lives. You’d think he’d be happy too.
Not as happy as he would’ve liked, it seems.
You two caught up, talking about how life went. Although you noticed how Izuku’s tone shifted as he looked at you. Was he upset about something?
“Are you doing okay, Deku?”
His face heats up at the affectionate nickname you give him, looking away from you. Even as an adult and a star he still manages to get bashful and shy. You still had an effect on him to this day. 
“...Remember when I asked you out?”
You smile and laugh softly, embarrassment flooding through you at the memory.
“Yeah… I still think it’s for the best that we decided against it. You’re so busy now.”
“But I’m not happy….”
“I’ve always thought of that day since I became a pro. I think I would’ve been happier as a hero… if you were there to support me.”
“Deku… I didn’t know I made you feel that way.”
“(Y/N)... I want to try again.”
Izuku smiles at you, cheeks tinted a light pink while he looks at you hopefully.
“I’m not busy, and I can tell you aren’t either! We… We can try it now, right?”
“Izuku… no, I can’t-”
“Why not!?” The pro hero panics, scared to have his heart broken again.
“I can’t bring myself to feel the same, Deku-”
“But think about it! I can provide for you, I’ll promise to visit you often, are you scared of all the cameras? I can ask them to tone it down around you-”
You snap him out of his rambling and sigh.
“I just don’t feel the same.”
He looks to be on the verge of tears at this. He’s been waiting to ask you again for years…. You have to feel the same! He loves you too much to just… let you go.
“Just one date…” He sniffles. “I promise I’ll be good for you! I’ve been studying the things you like and asking around to try and visit you and-”
“Izuku… What the hell are you talking about?” You narrow your eyes. “Don’t manipulate me into this, this should’ve ended years ago.”
"Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!" Izuku cries, standing up from his spot. You watch him, glaring at him before gesturing to the door.
“Can it, Izuku. I don't want to talk about this. Everyone confesses, many get rejected, end of story. No need to be so obsessive-”
Izuku grabs your hand, looking at you longingly. You’re now the one panicking now. You've seen what his power does, both in high school and on TV.
“N-No… please. I can't sleep when I think of you. I only ask for you to accept me once… t-then I’ll leave you alone, okay?”
“You’re manipulative and forceful…”
“I don’t mean to be!”
“Let me go.” 
“(Y/N), please!”
“I mean it…!”
Izuku reluctantly lets you go. You pull away and take a deep breath. Never meet your heroes, right?
“Leave my home, I gave you my decision.”
Izuku frowns but nods softly.
“I’m sorry….”
“I don’t care.”
Izuku looks at you one last time before leaving your home dejectedly. He was too caught up in his delusions to consider how you felt. Even now, however, he can't shake the thought of you from his mind.
While you calm down and continue with your normal life, Izuku watches you from a window. Perhaps he rushed things… he needed to be more careful next time.
Izuku was determined to have you fall for him someday. Every time he smiles on TV, everytime he gets interviewed and asked questions, every time he saves people… he does it while thinking of you. You are so very special to him… even if he’s forceful about it.
He’ll have you give him a chance someday…
He just needs to be patient and not ruin it like he did this time.
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bethelighthalazia · 3 months
9 makes 1 team!
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Bandmates (Relationships with the members)
Summary:  What if ATEEZ had debuted with one more member? What if they had debuted with a young woman? Her name is Choi Hwa Young, younger sister of Choi Jongho.
Genre: n/a
Pairing: ot8 & fem!OC Choi Hwa Young
Word Count:  n/a
Warnings: n/a
networks: @newworldnet
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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Group Info
They´re best friends, almost like found family for her, but Hwa has a huge crush on Mingi, Mingi has a big crush on Hwa, Yunho knows about it without Mingi even telling him, but he doesn't tell anyone
The boys are very protective of Hwa, often a bit too overprotective
The boys know about Hwa´s insecurities, fears and especially about her allergies and always make sure to keep her safe
It's often Wooyoung and Hwa who cook for the group
since Hwa always loses her lip balm and the others find these, they have a big collection of Hwa´s lip balms in almost every room
when she's upset or mad, the boys actually get scared of her sometimes
The boys take turns looking for Hwa when she gets lost, often even playing rock, paper, scissors to determine who has “Hwa duty”
there were many arguments about Hwa´s stage outfits being too revealing in the beginning, which none of the boys let happen; after kingdom though, they still tried, but Hwa now has a word in her outfit choice as well
When Hwa is out with friends, the boys tend to be in contact with said friends, or send some texts to check up on the girl
Most of the times, it's Seonghwa or Hongjoong who try to make her behave and stay calm, but soon give up (especially when Woo or San are involved as well)
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Seonghwa (Park Seong Hwa (박성화)) (Oppa)
Tends to mother her quite often, which Hwa never complains about. She loves to ask her oppa for advice, since he usually is the most mature and calm one. He and Hwa are sometimes called by the same nickname, which confuses her quite often. When she needs comfort, Seonghwa is usually the first one she goes to. He’s like her big brother and is rather protective, especially when other male idols or fans are around her. Seonghwa often calls her ‘little one’, unless he's mad at her, then he uses her full name.
Hongjoong (Kim Hong Joong (김홍중)) (Oppa)
Hwa loves to annoy him, he's the main target of her teasing and pranks, but she also trusts him and, if Seonghwa is not nearby, she asks him for advice and help. Cuddles and hugs are exchanged, but more often when no cameras are around since Hongjoong doesn't want to potentially give material for scandals that could be harmful for her, plus he's quite shy of affectionate skinship in public. Hongjoong is the one who has to find her everytime they attend an event, because she tends to wander off and get lost. His nickname for her is shorty, since she's the only member who's shorter than him.
Yunho (Jeong Yun Ho ((정윤호)) (Oppa)
Yunho is her big teddy bear. She loves to hug and cuddle him, holding hands when she walks besides him is almost mandatory. He's like a big brother to her, and he takes this trust and responsibility very seriously. His nickname for her is tiny, mainly because of their height difference. Hwa often likes to tease him with pranks, but more than that, she loves to team up with him to prank the others. Piggyback rides are also often a given, especially when they're in a crowd and they don´t want to lose her in it (again…). Her nickname for him is YuYu.
Yeosang (Kang Yeo Sang (강여상)) (Oppa)
Yeosang´s favorite activity is to brush and style Hwa´s hair. He's the only one who can make her sit still for hours. When they sit next to each other, he usually either draws patterns on her palms or caresses her arm to keep her calm. Hwa likes to join him when he watches tv or reads, often she can be caught styling or just brushing his hair in such moments. Yeosang and Hwa are both very different personalities, but still quite similar. His nickname for her is Bun (since she was called Bun Bun once in a show, he calls her that ever since because it causes her to get all shy and blushy). 
San (Choi San (최산)) (Oppa)
In the beginning, San wasn't too fond of the idea of having a female member in the group, but they quickly became best friends. If she's scared, he is at her side to protect her without even needing to be asked to. He likes to carry her around piggyback style, if he's not around Wooyoung, he can be found hugging and cuddling Hwa. San usually matches her energy, especially when she´s not holding back her naturally chaotic and often child-like energy. Hwa usually calls him San oppa or Sannie, when she calls him San, she's usually mad at him. San tends to call her gwiyomi (cutie).
Mingi (Song Min Gi (송민기)) (Oppa)
Mingi is the first to notice when Hwa feels anxious or sad and he can always tell if she's honest or if she's lying to them. Ever since the group formed, Mingi has liked her and has had a crush on her. Hwa trusts Mingi blindly, she knows he always will keep her safe and never will do anything to hurt her purposefully. She´s always had/has a crush on him. His nickname for her is princess/pretty, which causes her to get heavily flustered. Mingi also often just holds her hand or can be found hugging or cuddling her, often giving her piggyback rides as well. Hwa likes to call him Min-Min, but only when she knows that no cameras are around.
Wooyoung (Jung Woo Young (정우영)) (Oppa)
Wooyoung and Hwa are a bundle of pure chaos. If one doesn't see them, one certainly can hear them. These two absolutely match each other´s energy and it´s happened more than once, that Seonghwa or Hongjoong had to separate them to calm down. They both can often be found dancing (or causing trouble for the older members). Wooyoung and Hwa became best friends after she beat him in a dance off that he had proposed to prove that a girl shouldn't be in the group (he only lost because Yunho had distracted Wooyoung during that dance off). Hwa mispronounced his name in the beginning quite often, which is why she resorted to calling him Woo everytime (yes, also in interviews and such). His nickname for her is jagi.
Jongho (Choi Jong Ho (최종호)) (big brother, blood related)
Much to his annoyance, Hwa loves to call him little bear, even though she's younger and shorter than him. Jongho however usually calls her Hwa-yah or, much to her annoyance, moonpie. He started calling her this when he walked in on her binge-watching Sailor moon (while she was dressed in a sailor moon costume). Jongho doesn´t often show affection on camera, yet he does allow Hwa to cuddle or hug him any time she likes. They are quite close and he loves to join her vocal practices every time, mainly to give her advice and sometimes even get advice from her.
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taglist: @mingis-mizu,@tinyelfperson
(if you want to be added to a taglist, follow the taglist-link in my pinned post)
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temmtamm · 2 years
(Requests open and welcomed)
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Definitely the most affectionate
Loves involving his S/O into his daily life in any way possible
Like, if the boys are playing video games or going somewhere he's quick to invite you
Can get suffocating at times but if you remind him that you need space, he'll give it to you- albeit for a short period of time
He loves spontaneous acts of affection such as sudden showing up to your home or the reverse as well as surprises, gifts, and even just surprise cuddles.
His favorite thing to do with you is sleepovers where you two can watch can stacking videos together and eat snacks.
I like to think he'd try and recreate some of chef "Meat Sweats" meals for you as gifts.
He also might like to draw for you since he is a bit of an artist.
He really loves you with his whole heart and tries his best to show it with his actions.
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The least likely to show his love through affection.
Not that he hates it, he just sometimes forgets it or isn't in the mood.
Has a bit of an ego and tries to make over the top inventions to have you feed into it and praise him.
Speaking of praise, He absolutely goes crazy when you give him some.
He thinks he's the smartest alive so to have someone agree with him on that makes him feel on top of the world.
He can also be a bit selfish and can often forget to treat you like a lover instead of a friend so he might need a bit of talking to.
He is extremely jealous though, so when you start hanging out with his brothers or someone else while he's busy, He'll most likely put his work on pause to finally give you attention.
When you two actually do romantic stuff together such as dates he likes to go all out for it. Hes a bit of a perfectionist so he likes it when his plans go amazingly. This usually means he'll take you to a fancy restaurant or for a stroll to the finest parts of town.
He can freak out at the slightest thing going wrong though so sometimes it's better if you end up being the one to plan the dates.
Will make tiny little bots like S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. for you and your everyday life to make it just a bit easier on you.
Even though you have to take the initiative a lot, he loves you dearly and is trying to be better about showing it.
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PDA all the way, baby!!
Loves to spar with you if/when you are willing too, though he tends to go a bit softer on you than he does with his brothers
If you have stuffed animals they have to be turned away from you two before you guys cuddle.
He thinks that you are the coolest person alive and are practically invincible.
Very protective over you if you join him when they battle mutants.
Can be a bit clingy, but for the most part he is very chill.
Yknow that golden retriever boyfriend meme? He's pretty much that to a T.
The kindest person you will ever meet, even if he can be a bit of an airhead
he's very lively and can't stay in one spot for long so he absolutely loves to take you on dates 24-7
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Loves bragging about you to the others
He throws "I love you" out constantly, not because it lacks meaning to him but because he likes to remind you in case you forgot
Like Donnie, He likes to show off his portals or tricks in exchange for your praise and support.
Will always try and teleport you to your guys's dates which mostly ends up in y'all ending up in the middle of nowhere or stuck in a different city.
Very flirty and loves to use his words to express his feelings.
Whenever he sees you out in public he likes to act like he's never seen you before and that this is his first time flirting with you.
Stuff like, "Hey, beautiful! You got a boyfriend?" Is often his go to but he sometimes likes to get creative with it.
Loves to be covered in kisses and held when y'all cuddle. He is the small spoon and I will stand by this.
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Thanks for reading~
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elvisabutler · 1 year
summary: he was a frat boy. you were not a sorority girl. could i make it any more obvious. or how you fall for a frat boy and are willing to defend him and his boys to your friends who have- the same opinion you still hold for every frat but austin's. fandom: austin butler rating: t pairing: austin butler x female reader word count: 1387 warnings: talking shit on fraternities and sororities. reference to a fraternity doing something serious enough to warrant defending someone. friends being mildly shitty when it comes to significant others. mild classism? i never know what to warn for with my fluffier pieces y'all. author’s note: so this- well i got a request from @c-rosenn involving the pic in the corner of this mood board and apparently my mind now associates that look with frat austin more than it already did. then at one point i showed @prompted-wordsmith the pic and basically got a comment of "but i want to see the reader defend the frat because they might be assholes but they're her assholes." and thus the idea of this was born. i did not plan on writing it in about two hours today but here we are with me completing this. once again not guaranteeing more frat austin stuff but as this piece proves apparently send me pics like that and maybe that's the key to getting it from me. beyond that, if you want to be on my taglist fill out the form here.
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If someone were to have told you once upon a time that you would be hanging out willingly let alone dating a frat boy, you'd- well you'd have thought they were having some form of auditory and visual hallucination. After all there was no way that you'd willingly be doing that, there was no way you'd find yourself with a collection of boys who arguably are some of the most loyal people you've ever met to go along with your always loyal best friend. It's funny how Austin changed all that. How Austin wormed his way into your heart- and perhaps your bed soon enough, but you figure it's a testament to him as a person. A silly guy who charmed you once you actually let him talk and got to know him. It was slow going to get you to enjoy everyone else but somewhere in between visits to the house, mutual tutoring and- one incident involving a drink, a different frat house and Austin and the entire upperclassmen roster of the house almost getting themselves kicked out over their reaction to said incident- well, you decided they were your people. They were your boys to protect as much as they protected their own.
It's funny though, how despite how your best friend- your closest friend, was always a fan of fraternities and sororities- the vast majority of everyone else you know were just like you. They found them to be a nuisance and generally speaking hated the people who were in them. You'd like to pretend- and truthfully everyone would like to pretend- that name calling and being ostracized for your friendship or relationship choices was a thing that was only done when you're in high school. You've come to realize that's certainly not the truth. You've come to realize that despite the fact that you're sitting right there and are at least on the edges of the conversation your friends feel the need to comment on Austin and his frat house.

"I heard there's another party going on this weekend. Can they go a weekend without one? Don't they have tests to study for?" One of them rolls her eyes while checking something over in her textbook.

"Please, you know all of them got in through mommy and daddy's money. Why do they need to study? C's get degrees and they get the jobs after. Maybe get a little sorority girl to marry and make little trust fund babies." Another says absentmindedly while typing something out on her laptop.

There is one friend who has the foresight to not say anything and just looks at you instead. You know perfectly well she isn't a fan of them and that she has her own entirely valid reasons that you wouldn't argue with for anything. After the Incident, you get understand her reluctance better than most. You meet her eyes and let out what is honestly the most put upon sigh you can manage, trying to control your aggravation and keep your anger in check. These are your friends, your friends who make poor life choices and you stick by them. Your friends who probably think you dating Austin is a poor life choice but are sticking by you. Your friends who-

"And did you see what Butler was wearing? We get it, you gotta go to the gym, bro. Try and keep up those gains or whatever, but come on wearing a shirt like that? It's like 60 degrees. Put on real clothes and act like the big boy you are."

who say things like that.

"You know he doesn't come from money, right?" You spit out the words like the very notion that anyone thinks your boyfriend is a spoiled kid is disgusting. "Most of them don't. It's one of the few chapters where if you can't make the dues- or whatever it is- they pool together money so everyone can."

The one who's nose was in her textbook snorts, "that's what he told you? Y/N, be smart, you know he's lying it's what they do to get in your pants-"

You cut her off, "we haven't actually slept together yet. Fooled around but he hasn't-"

One of the guys in your group shakes his head as he talks over you. "He's got a girl on the side, guarantee you one of the sorority girls is messing around with him. He doesn't-"

"Do you think I'm that stupid? That I'd let myself get taken advantage of like that? What- Are you serious?" Your emotions are torn between anger and disgust and hurt. Is this what your friends honestly thought of your judgment?

"No!" Is the chorus of an answer you get back from everyone but the one girl who hasn't said a single word for or against Austin and his frat.

"We just think- you've been together for almost a year no guy our age waits that long unless he's-" The girl who was on her laptop finally shuts it to look at you as she speaks before you shake your head.

"He almost got himself kicked out because of something involving me and one of the other frats. Him and almost all the senior members. They almost threw away all the opportunities that house has given them for me. I'd tell you all about his life but I don't think you want to listen. That's- Those boys have been nothing but nice and sweet. They are so endearing if you just get to know them and would fight a million people for the ones they care about." After a second you take a look at the silent girl and mouth a sorry before looking back at everyone else as you start to grab your stuff to leave. "I know we all hate the frats and I still hate the rest of them, but could we maybe trust my judgment? Figure I'm not a complete idiot who's being played? Because I am dating the one good guy from the one good frat even if they can be dicks still?"

Your friends start to open up their mouths to say something, anything in their defense when you hear the door open to the library and see Austin dressed in his stupid white tank top and his cap with his laptop over his shoulder. He's sweaty, you can tell so he had to have come back from the gym, but he's here to come pick you up for the tutoring you planned on helping him and the other guys with in exchange for some help with a paper or several you can't edit to save your life. He walks up to the table and raises an eyebrow at everyone's faces as well as your position- chest heaving and eyes looking fiery as ever.

"Everything okay?" He murmurs against your ear, keeping his eyes on everyone else.

A sigh leaves your lips before you purse them and shrug, "yeah, I was just leaving. We- We were having a passionate debate." You pause and shake your head. "I think we should go. Get a head start."

After a moment you grab your bag and the coffee you had on the table with a flourish, ignoring how Austin still is eyeing everyone up in confusion. There's a small whisper of your name from everyone before you shake your head.

"I have to go, guys. I have a tutoring session and editing bros calling my name. Apologize and remember they're not all assholes and we'll talk, okay?"

With that, you grab Austin's arm and walk out the library in silence until Austin finally speaks up. "Did I walk in on you defending me and the guys?"

A hum is the only answer you give until you reach the frat house where you stop him at the door and give him a kiss. "I don't mind them shittalking everyone else. But you're kind of off-limits to everyone but me now. They needed to know that."

The look Austin gives you is so warm that you swear it's like staring into the sun or like being wrapped in its warm embrace. He bends down to give you another kiss as he presses you against the front door. "I love you."

You laugh softly into the kiss. "The feeling is surprisingly mutual."
taglist: @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @lookingforrainbows, @araxw, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7, @chasingwildflowers, @slowsweetlove, @kxnnxy, @meetmeatyourworst, @purejasmine once again if you don’t want to be on a tag list for a series or something, tell me. that was partially what the kink question was for. if your name isn’t underlined like everyone else’s here, it’s because tumblr is that asshole so apologies. also i think i abided by everyone’s tag request in this case? also sorry about the tags if you didn't want to be tagged.
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strangerstilinski · 1 year
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Stiles Stilinksi/Original Female Character
chapter eight
fic summary; after an already traumatic evening involving the unfortunate discovery of a gruesome scene, amber is convinced to hike through the woods with her two best friends in search of the other half of a dead body. but it's not as if she could ever say no.. not when stiles looked at her like that.
chapter word count; 12,376
chapter notes; when their admittedly underdeveloped plan to lure the alpha goes awry, amber is forced to spend a terrifying night trapped in the high school with her friends.
c h a p t e r e i g h t
night school
It started out a generally uneventful evening. Amber ate dinner with her brother before he patted her lovingly on the head and left for the fire station for the night. After he'd gone into work, the sudden solitude of the quiet house eventually lulled her to sleep, her head tipped over against the back of the couch.
The alert tone of an incoming call roused her a little while later and she sleepily looked around the dark room in nap-induced confusion before remembering her cell phone in her pocket and pulling it out while it continued to ring loudly.
"Hello?" She answered, blinking her eyes in an attempt to clear the sleep from them.
"Amber, hey! Were you asleep already?" Scott's voice asked her in confusion.
"Scott, who's phone are you calling me from?" She asked, looking at the unfamiliar number on the screen.
"I'm calling from work. Just- Just meet me in the parking lot at school, okay?"
"Uh, okay-" She said slowly, "Is Stiles picking me up?"
"He's already on his way to get me from the clinic," Scott told her, "I debated calling you because I don't think he wants you there, what with.. You getting hurt and everything. But I think you should meet us there."
"I'll be there." She promised, already rising from the couch and heading toward the front door.
Scott ended the call quickly and she grabbed the large flannel that had been hanging untouched on a hook at the front door for the last couple weeks — one that she'd borrowed the night they'd snuck out to the Hale house to dig up Laura's body. She threw it over her tank top, grabbed the small set of keys her brother had given her only the night before, and drove to the school.
She succeeded in getting there with the car only jerking a couple of times when she let off the clutch too quickly or fumbled between gears. She parked in the side lot where the brawl with the Senior boys had taken place only a few hours before and exited the car.
Looking around the dark lot in confusion, she dropped her keys into the pocket of her over shirt. Her house was significantly farther from the school than Stiles' or even the clinic, but the blue Jeep was nowhere to be found. With a sigh, she set off to figure out which lot Stiles and Scott had parked in.
As she approached the rear parking lot, where the mountain lion chaos had taken place the night before, she spotted the Jeep as well as the dark sports car sitting directly behind it, both parked along the curb.
Stiles was holding a large pair of bolt cutters in his hands and Amber's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she wondered what exactly the plan was for the night.
"Guys!" She called out, jogging up to the group and coming to stand beside Scott and Stiles, looking over the hood of the other parked car at Derek.
"What is she doing here?" Both Derek and Stiles asked in sync, voices taking on very different emotions.
"I called her." Scott told them.
"Yeah, he called me," She repeated, "-Some people don't think I should be left out of important things. Things like werewolf business, or breaking and entering, for example. Which, I assume.. At least one of those things is about to happen?"
Stiles nodded reluctantly and readjusted the bolt cutters in his hands, the movement drawing her attention to the open window of the Camaro behind him.
"I'm sorry, wh-" She started, leaning closer to peer at the beaten unconscious man who was tied up in the backseat of the car, "Is that Dr. Deaton?"
"Derek thinks he's the Alpha." Scott told her, directing a small glare toward Derek.
"Oh." She said, taking a large step back from the vehicle to put distance between herself and Scott's boss. She wasn't taking any risks if Derek suspected him.
"Anyway-" Stiles said, turning to head toward the school, bolt cutters ready. Amber and Scott both turned to follow behind him immediately.
"W- Hey-" Derek called out to them, "What're you doing?"
"You said I was linked with the Alpha," Scott told him before turning back to the school and placing a hand on Amber's shoulder to guide her away with him, "I'm gonna see if you're right."
Stiles easily snapped the chains that locked the large metal doors to the school and he abandoned the heavy bolt cutters on the stairs outside. The three made their way inside and the flashlight in Stiles' hands lit up a path through the dark hallways as they walked to the other side of the building and made their way into the front office.
"Okay, one question," Stiles said to Scott as he rounded the secretary's desk, "What are you gonna do if the Alpha doesn't show up?"
"I don't know." Scott told them.
"And if he does show up?" Stiles questioned.
"I don't know." Scott said again.
"Good plan." Stiles told him sarcastically with a shake of his head.
Amber leaned to sit on the side of the desk against her unbruised hip and turned to Scott with a question of her own, "Okay, and if your boss is the Alpha like Derek thinks he is, how long exactly do you think it'll take him to rip through the rope and tape that are currently keeping him all tied up? Because I don't know if you recall, but you tore through like seven layers of duct tape this afternoon in about two seconds."
Neither boy responded to her question. Scott just looked nervous and Stiles was busy fiddling with the PA system, flicking knobs and pressing buttons in a methodical way that made Amber wonder how he even knew how to turn the ancient thing on.
"All right. You guys said that a wolf howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack, right?" Scott asked nervously as he watched Stiles work.
"Yeah, I- Essentially, yeah." Amber told him with a shrug.
"Right, but if you bring him here, does that make you a part of his pack?" Stiles questioned as he seemed to finally get the system set up correctly, lifting the large microphone and placing it on the counter in front of Scott.
"I hope not." Scott told them with a gulp, leaning in toward the microphone to simply stare at it nervously for a moment.
Stiles flicked the button to turn on the mic and nodded toward Scott encouragingly, "All you." Stiles said quietly.
Scott looked between his friends and Amber gave him a reassuring nod, waving in gesture for him to get on with it. Scott took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and opened his mouth before letting out a high-pitched screech that in no way resembled an animal's howl. He drew it out and the sound whined loudly over the speakers throughout the school. Amber and Stiles both winced.
When he finished, Scott opened his eyes slowly and looked at his friends again, "Was that okay?" He asked them, "I mean, that was a howl right?"
"No." Amber told him quickly.
"I-Yeah, technically." Stiles grimaced.
"No." Amber repeated seriously with a shake of her head.
"Well, what did it sound like to you guys?" Scott asked them frantically.
"Like.. A cat being choked to death, Scott." Stiles admitted loudly in frustration.
"Scott, I don't know what that was but I promise you, it wasn't a howl." Amber told him.
"What do I do? How am I supposed to do this?" Scott shouted anxiously, looking between his friends.
Amber watched as Stiles moved around the desk and came to stand behind their friend, he rubbed at Scott's neck as if he were imitating a boxing coach while he began to give him a pep talk, "Hey, listen to me. You're calling the Alpha, right?" Stiles asked as he massaged at Scott's shoulders deeply, "Be a man."
"Be a werewolf." Amber supplied helpfully, trying to match Stiles' inspiring speech. He nodded at her and continued to work at Scott.
"Don't be a teen wolf. Be a werewolf." Stiles told him slowly. He smacked Scott on the arm and took a step back, "Do it."
Scott took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself, closing his eyes in careful concentration for a moment. When he opened his eyes again, Amber gasped in a quiet breath at the sight of his golden wolfy eyes glowing bright in the dark room. When he opened his mouth this time, the noise that came out was loud and rumbling. It also didn't necessarily resemble a howl, but was instead a deep full-bodied growl. The amplified sound over the PA system shook the building with the reverberation of it.
Amber was wide-eyed when Scott finished, "Oh my god." She whispered.
"That was better?" Scott asked with a grin.
"That was freaking insane!" Stiles yelled from behind him.
The three bounded back outside of the school with new-found enthusiasm and headed back in the direction of the two parked cars where they'd left Derek and Deaton.
"I'm gonna kill all three of you." Derek told them loudly once they were in sight, "What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?"
They came to stand beside the older wolf and Amber frowned at the worry laced in Derek's voice.
Scott shrugged beside her, "Sorry, I didn't know it would be that loud." He said with a pleased smile still on his face.
"It was loud," Stiles agreed with a wide grin, "And it was awesome!"
"Shut up." Derek said coldly.
"Oh, don't be such a sourwolf." Stiles told him, leaning to press his shoulder into Amber's happily.
There was a brief moment of silence before Scott peeked into the backseat of the Camaro, "What did you do with him?" He asked Derek worriedly.
Amber stepped forward to peek into the empty backseat herself with a cold feeling of dread in her stomach. She looked up at Derek with wide eyes.
"What?" Derek asked quickly in confusion, turning around to look into the car behind him before turning to face them again, "I didn't do anything-"
Amber watched in horror as a large, familiar figure appeared out from the darkness behind Derek. The Alpha thrust its clawed hand out toward Derek's back and the sharp points pierced all the way through to the front of his chest, blood instantly pooling and dripping from Derek's mouth as he sagged, knees weak.
"Derek!" Amber screamed, reaching out for him and just managing to brush her fingers over the soft fabric of his shirt before the Alpha began to lift him from the ground as she was pulled in the other direction by two sets of hands on her arms and shoulders. "No!" She screamed again, her voice cracking as Scott and Stiles both tugged her backwards, running in the direction of the school.
The Alpha tossed Derek through the air and his body hit the brick wall of the school building with a loud thump before he landed limply on the ground. Amber made a high, keening noise of protest as she was dragged away and spun around to rush up the stairs to the building.
Scott wrenched open the doors and Stiles shoved her inside the school before the boys pulled the doors closed again and peered out of the tiny windows.
"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott shouted, holding the handlebar on the door tightly in his grip.
"Do I look like I have a key!" Stiles yelled back frantically.
"Grab something!" Scott told him in a rush.
"Anything!" Scott shouted. Amber was frozen behind them. She looked at the way Stiles was staring out the window and her stomach dropped when Scott spoke again, "No." He told Stiles firmly.
"No, Stiles. Don't-" Scott started, but Stiles had wrenched the heavy doors open again.
Amber choked on a gasp as she watched Stiles disappear outside. She felt her airways closing off in panic, attempting to pull in choppy breaths. It was a long ten seconds before Scott yelled again and her heart clenched nervously as she listened to him frantically pounding on the metal doors, screaming for Stiles to hurry up.
"Run!" Scott yelled, "Stiles, run!"
After a few more seconds, the doors were pulled open once again and Stiles dashed through with the bolt cutters in his hands. Amber's chest sagged in relief at the sight of him and she watched him wrap the handles of the tool over the door handles to lock it into place.
The boys both peered out of the small windows again and looked out into the dark, Stiles shining the flashlight outside and pointing it out over the lot. The boys both backed away from the doors slowly and they nearly tripped over Amber when they reached the place where she was still standing, frozen in shock.
"Is that gonna hold it?" She asked quietly.
Stiles turned to look at her terrified face, "Probably not." He told her honestly.
"Derek's dead." She whispered suddenly, eyes dropping to the floor, "Derek's dead. It-It killed Derek." She repeated the words frantically. She took a shaky breath when she spotted a smudge of dark blood coating the fingertips of her right hand, where she'd reached out for him. "It killed Derek." She repeated hoarsely.
Scott dropped a hand onto her shoulder as Stiles stepped in front of her, taking her blood coated fingers into his grip. He quickly wiped away the warm dark liquid with the inside of his shirt before cupping her face between his hands.
"Amber, listen to me. I need you to redirect that adrenaline into something useful, okay? Like staying alive." Stiles told her urgently.
She nodded weakly as she looked at him with wide eyes, "Okay." She said, gaze flicking over toward Scott's frightened face, "Okay."
"Alright, then, we need to go-" Stiles started, words cutting off when a loud howl pierced through the night.
The three of them took off in a sprint, running down the hallway and ducking into an empty classroom. Stiles slammed the door closed behind them and Scott and Amber ran to the large teacher's desk at the front of the room to begin dragging it over to barricade the door.
"Stop, stop-" Stiles said after they'd moved it only a few inches, coming up to stand behind Amber, "The door's not gonna keep it out."
Scott sighed, "We know." He shook his head and leaned onto his hands over the desk.
"It's your boss." Amber said in realization, eyes rising to look at Scott in alarm.
"What?" Scott questioned her.
"Your boss." Stiles cut in, "Deaton? The Alpha. Your boss."
"Yes," Stiles told him sharply before speaking quietly, "Murdering psycho werewolf-"
"That can't be-" Scott insisted weakly, looking between Stiles and Amber.
"Then where did he go, Scott?" She snapped.
"I mean, come on! He disappears and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air?" Stiles recounted. Amber whimpered quietly at the reminder and Stiles patted her shoulder in apology without taking his eyes off of Scott, "That's not convenient timing, to you?"
"It's not him." Scott insisted.
"He killed Derek." Amber said venomously.
"No, Derek's not dead." Scott protested, looking to her for backup, "You know he can't be dead-"
"He is. He's dead." She choked out weakly.
"Don't do that to her, Scott." Stiles snapped, "Don't try and give her hope, alright? Blood spurted out of his mouth. That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury." He ranted, his hands gesturing around them wildly, "He's dead, and we're next."
"Okay-" Scott finally acquiesced, "Just- What do we do?"
"We have to get out of here." Amber said quietly, looking at her best friends, "Right?"
"Yes," Stiles agreed firmly, listing off the steps to his plan, "We get to my Jeep. We get out of here." He turned to Scott, "And you- You seriously consider quitting your job. Good?"
As the argument came to an end, Amber and Scott rushed over to the large wall of windows at the far side of the classroom. The two teens both went to the edges of the window frames to feel around for a lock, running their hands along the metal in search.
"No," Stiles said from behind them as he pulled Amber's hands away from the window, "They don't open. The school's climate-controlled."
She sighed heavily at the reminder, looking around them frantically to try and come up with a plan.
"Then we break them." Scott announced, looking back out the windows.
"Which will make a lot of noise." Stiles said nervously.
"Way too much noise." Amber agreed quickly.
"Then we run." Scott defended.
Amber peered out the window to determine the distance between them and the place where the Jeep was parked. Her eyes trailed along the path they would need to take before she squinted in confusion at the dark smudge on the hood of the vehicle.
"Stiles? What's wrong with your Jeep?" She questioned.
"What?" He asked in confusion, "What do you mean? Nothings wrong."
"I-I think it's... Bent." She said quietly, trying to focus her eyes in the dark.
"What, like dented?" He asked frantically, coming up behind her to look out over her shoulder.
As her eyes adjusted slowly, she realized the dark smudge was the place where the hood had been ripped upwards, the metal torn violently. "No.. I mean bent." She clarified.
Stiles looked out at his car in confusion, "What the hell happen-"
The glass of the window to their left suddenly shattered as an object was thrown through it. Amber turned away from the flying glass and grabbed onto Stiles as she ducked down to the ground, pulling him down roughly by his shoulder.
The three of them all crouched underneath the windows and Stiles squinted across the room before fumbling to shine his flashlight over the object that had broken through. A car battery was laying in the pile of glass ten feet away with  a large, three pronged, claw-like scratch down its side, the wires torn and frayed.
"That's my battery." Stiles announced, beginning to rise to his feet until Amber forcefully pulled him back down onto the floor.
"Don't." Scott told him in warning.
"We have to move." Stiles told them in a panic.
Amber shook her head in fear, "No."
"He could be right outside." Scott pointed out.
"He is right outside." Stiles said obviously.
"Just let me take a look." Scott pleaded, waiting for both of them to nod in agreement before he slowly began to rise up to peek out the windows, whipping his head back and forth as he scanned the parking lot slowly.
"Anything?" Amber asked impatiently.
He shook his head, looking at his friends, "No."
"Leave now?" Stiles asked them quietly.
Amber nodded and Scott pulled her up by her sleeve, "Leave now," He agreed, tugging them both out the door. They separated as they came to a stop in the dark hallway, looking around themselves desperately for a heading, "This way-" Scott said, moving toward the north end of the school.
Amber went to follow him but Stiles pulled her back roughly, "No, no, no, no," He told them frantically, "Somewhere without windows."
"Every room in this building has windows, Stiles." Amber said quickly.
"Or somewhere with less windows." He simplified, looking between them with wide eyes as they all tried to come up with something.
"What, like a closet-?" Scott started, eyes drifting to the tiny janitor's closet a few feet away.
"Or the locker room." Amber said suddenly, picturing the tiny six inch tall windows that lined the ceiling inside the locker rooms.
"Yeah." Stiles agreed quickly.
They sprinted down the hallways to the locker room, skidding around corners and bumping into one another as they ran. When they reached the locker room, Scott pulled the door open and the three filed in, letting the door latch softly behind them.
"Call your dad." Scott told Stiles as they made it to the back end of the room outside of Coach Finstock's office.
"And tell him what?" Stiles questioned.
"I don't know! Anything!" Scott said, "Gas leak, a fire, whatever! If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off."
"Why would it take off at the sight of a bunch of very human police officers?" Amber asked.
"Yeah." Stiles agreed, "Yeah and what if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and just kills every cop in sight, including my dad?"
"They have guns!" Scott defended.
"And guns won't hurt it!" Amber frantically whispered.
"Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane laced bullet to even slow him down. You remember that, Scott?" Stiles questioned in frustration.
Scott seemed to deflate, looking away and raking his eyes over the room around them, "Then we- We have to.. We have to find a way out and just run for it."
"Run where?" Stiles asked incredulously, shaking his head.
"There's nothing near the school for at least a mile," Amber reminded Scott, but soon as the words were out of her mouth, she suddenly remembered the keys in the pocket of her borrowed shirt. Her eyes widened as she brought a hand up to feel them through the fabric, "We can take my car."
"Your car?" Scott and Stiles both asked in confusion.
"Since when do you have a car?" Stiles questioned.
"Last night." She told them. They both continued to look at her incredulously and she continued, "Things have been just a little bit crazy. So, I'm sorry if it slipped my mind." She hissed, shaking her head at them.
"Okay! Okay. We get outside. We get to Amber's car. We get the hell out of here." Stiles said slowly, nodding at his own forming plan.
"And Derek," She added, "We get Derek."
Stiles sighed and shook his hands out in frustration, "Fine. Whatever."
Without another word, they turned to weave back toward the front of the room. When they reached the exit, Stiles brought his hand to open the door but Scott snatched his hand away, grabbing onto the back of Amber's shirt collar and pulling both her and Stiles back a few steps.
"What?" They both whispered in question.
Scott squinted his eyes for a moment as he remained focused on the door, "I thought I heard something.." He told them. There was a small scuffling noise from the other side of the door and they all took another several steps back into the room with wide eyes. "Hide." Scott ordered quietly, watching as Stiles began to look around frantically before the boy seemed to pause with an idea, "No, no-"
Stiles didn't listen, immediately turning to the padlock-free locker beside him and throwing it open before closing himself inside.
"Stiles!" Amber hissed quietly.
Scott winced and grabbed the handle to the locker beside him that was also unused and without a lock, pulling it open and following suit by climbing inside.
"Scott!" Amber called in quiet panic, looking around at the rest of the lockers.
They all had locks.
Every other locker had a padlock and she rushed forward to pull hopelessly at a couple, praying for one of them to magically come undone. Her heart rate was picking up again in fear and she could feel the heavy thumping beneath her ribs as she tugged uselessly at another lock, "Guys, I don't-"
There was a quiet noise from the door to the locker room and she silenced, turning to the door with wide eyes. Just as the door handle began to move, Stiles threw open the door to his own locker behind her and pulled her inside with him with an arm curled around her stomach. He swung the metal door to the locker shut quietly just as the door to the room creaked open.
The space in the locker was incredibly tight. Though the lockers were tall enough that they were able to stand up inside, their bodies were forced snugly together. Amber was standing on top of one of Stiles' sneakers, her back pressed firmly against the warmth of his front, and there wasn't enough room to readjust. His arms were still wrapped around her, one at the front of her waist and the other over her chest where he had pulled the door shut.
Stiles huffed a nervous breath over the back of her neck as footsteps crept further into the room and she released a quiet whine in nervousness. The hand he had across her sternum rose to cover her mouth firmly and the breath that followed came out quietly through her nose as it puffed out over his fingers. She felt him muffle his own next breath into the back of her hair as he attempted to slow his breathing.
She peeked out of the tiny slats in the metal door and Stiles tilted his head to look too, his front still glued tightly against her backside and his breath puffing out into the hair at the top of her head.
They watched a dark shadow cross in front of the light streaming through the slats in the locker door and Amber breathed out another harsh breath through her nose in fear, grateful for the way Stiles' palm was pressed over her mouth.
The shadow stopped in front of Scott's locker across from them and the door was pulled open roughly, a loud scream following shortly after, but the scream hadn't come from Scott.
Amber flinched at the sound, her hand on the locker door knocking against the latch and causing her and Stiles to both tumble out in a tangled heap.
"Quiet!" Stiles quickly hushed the janitor standing at the center of the group.
He pulled Amber upright with the arm he still had wrapped around the front of her waist. She got her feet back underneath herself again with a hand on Scott's arm and the help of Stiles behind her, worriedly glancing at the locker room door and watching for any movement to indicate whether the Alpha had been drawn to all of the screaming.
The janitor looked back and forth between the three of them, his fear melting away into anger, "Quiet my ass!" He yelled at them, "What the hell are you all doing in here! No, you know what? I don't want to know, okay- Get out!"
"Just listen for half a second, okay?" Stiles said urgently.
"Not okay!" The janitor told them, "Take this perverted little threesome out of here right now!"
He circled around to the other side of them and gave the group a steady push as he led them toward the locker room door, shoving the three of them stumbling out into the hallway as soon as they were at the front of the room.
Amber looked around the dark hall worriedly, "No, we were-" She started as Stiles' voice yelled over hers.
"God, just one second to explain-!" He pleaded with the man.
"Just shut up and go-" The janitor began before he was pulled roughly back into the locker room by something behind him.
The door slammed shut as soon as the man was yanked across the threshold and they all watched in horror as he was thrown aggressively against the frosted glass window. The janitor screamed and clawed at the glass, smearing dark streaks of blood with his fingers. He dropped to the ground and out of view for only a moment before he was scraping his hands desperately at the glass again as he screamed in a mix of agony and fear.
Scott pushed Amber to the side as he took a step back toward the door with the intention of doing something to help but the man's screams were piercing. Amber and Stiles reached forward to pry Scott away from the door and down the hallway again.
They ran through the dark school once more, weaving through the halls stumbling in a tight cluster in an effort to stick together. Amber pushed her legs as they sprinted the final stretch toward the back doors of the school. When they approached the exit, the three of them reached to push down on the bar to open the door without slowing and they all rammed into the metal doors painfully and with a loud bang.
"Ow." Amber complained as they all pushed at the doors desperately again.
"What the hell?" Stiles asked when the doors still refused to open more than a couple of inches.
Scott peered through the tiny crack that they had been able to open the door, "It's a dumpster." He told them.
"He pushed it in front of the doors to block us in." Stiles realized suddenly, beginning to desperately slam himself against the door in an effort to push it open, "Come on, help me-" He told them.
"Stiles, stop." Amber said gently, pulling him back before he could hurt himself and tugging him along with her so they could find somewhere else to hide.
"I'm not dying here. I am not dying at school." Stiles told them frantically as they moved down the hallway and into the stairwell to go up. Amber reached out to grip his arm as she pulled him to move his feet quicker.
"We're not going to die." Scott promised them.
"What is it even doing? Why is it herding us?" Amber asked fearfully, looking between them as they continued to look for somewhere to take cover.
"What does it want?" Stiles asked in a high voice.
"Me." Scott told them, "It wants me. Derek said it's stronger with a pack."
"Well it can't have you!" Amber told him hurriedly.
"Great. It's great. A psychotic werewolf who's into teamwork." Stiles said sarcastically, "That- That's beautiful."
Scott suddenly reached out to stop them as he looked out the wall of second story windows beside them. Amber and Stiles both turned to see what had caught his attention and they spotted the Alpha perched on the roof at the other side of the courtyard. It crouched where it was looking at the group through the windows, red eyes glowing against the black sky. The Alpha suddenly bounded forward and took off in a sprint, racing across the roof to get to the side of the building they were on.
Amber yelped and three of them rushed back in the direction they'd come, running away as the Alpha crashed through the windows, glass flying as it landed with a thump in the hallway behind them. They didn't slow, cutting into a stairwell and gripping onto one another's arms as they all tumbled back down the steps. Scott continued on past the door that led to the first floor and went down to the basement, Amber and Stiles following close behind him.
They turned a corner toward the boiler room and Scott came to a stop at a set of old rusted lockers, leaning back against it as he took in labored breaths. Amber watched him, waiting for him to tell them what the plan was, but he just closed his eyes and continued to lean against the wall and rest.
"What?" Stiles asked him urgently after a moment.
Scott didn't respond, simply cracked open his eyes to look between his friends in fear.
"I- We have to do something." Amber told them, feeling reassured when Stiles nodded in agreement.
"Do what?" Scott asked anxiously.
Stiles waved his arms around frantically, "I don't know. Kill it. Hurt it. Inflict mental anguish on it. Something."
Ominous noises sounded from the end of the dark basement hallway and Amber gulped and took a step back into Stiles' space as they peered around the doorway that led to the boiler room. Stiles reached up a hand to pull her back into his chest, his arm curling around her sternum once again, and his hand brushed against the keys in her breast pocket with a quiet tinkling sound. He reached into the pocket and pulled the keys out, quieting them in his fist.
"Wait. Stiles, what are you-" She started in a whisper before being hushed violently by him.
She looked up at him in the dark and watched him peer down the hallway as a growl sounded out from the darkness. Before she could tell him not to, Stiles lifted the keys and tossed them away into a dark storage space with a loud clatter. The Alpha immediately ran toward the noise, sprinting past them and into the small room and the three of them rushed forward to slam the door shut behind it.
"The desk! Come on, the desk-" Stiles yelled at Scott, pointing to a large metal desk sitting a few feet away.
Amber took one step toward it but Scott grabbed at it without a word and pushed it over toward them to barricade the door. The moment it was blocked off, there was a loud growl of rage from the other side of the door and Amber flinched at the sound, talking a step back toward the wall behind her and Scott while the three of them kept their eyes glued on the makeshift cage.
The Alpha thumped against the backside of the door in outrage and caused the desk to jolt a few inches away, but Stiles was quick to push it back into position.
"Come on," Stiles told them urgently, gesturing for Scott and Amber to climb over to his side of the large desk that now separated them in the small space, "Get across, come on."
Scott hopped over first and slid over to the other side. Amber followed, climbing up after him and both boys reached out to pull her away from the windowed door faster. She slid down the surface and landed on her feet, stumbling into her friends before she managed to regain her footing.
They all leaned against the stone wall to the side of the door for a moment and took heavy panting breaths. Amber turned her head to the side when she saw Stiles creeping back toward the door with slow steps and her heart lurched in panic.
"What are you doing?" She asked quickly, reaching out to grab his jacket to pull him back from the caged beast.
"I just wanna get a look at it." He told her, moving to step toward the door again.
"Are you crazy?" Scott asked him in a rush.
"It's trapped, okay? It's not gonna get out." Stiles assured them, stepping up to the door again and tugging his jacket out of Amber's fist before climbing up on the desk to peek through the tiny chain-link window.
Amber watched him amble up fearfully, "Stiles, don't-"
"Yeah, that's right. We got you." Stiles taunted at the door.
"Will you shut up?" Scott hissed.
"I'm not scared of this thing alright?" Stiles told them, turning his head back to the window just as a loud growl sounded at the door, causing him to flinch back and roll off of the desk.
"Well, I am so can you please-" Amber pleaded, reaching out to grab his wrist and give it a useless tug.
"I'm not scared of you!" Stiles taunted louder, yelling at the door and remaining in place beside the desk despite the way Amber was pulling at his arm, "Right. 'Cause you're in there, and we're out here. You're not going anywh-"
There was a sudden crash as the Alpha broke through something to escape its cage and Amber took a step away and bumped into Scott, tripping over his feet as she pulled Stiles back with her. The crashing and thumping continued and moved until it sounded out directly above them. They all turned their heads to the ceiling in fear, watching as the metal over their heads bent and warped under the Alpha's weight.
There was only a moment of hesitation before they all took off again, turning and running before the Alpha could break through. Amber kept a tight grip on the sleeves of her best friend's jackets as they moved through the basement, all of them breathing heavily.
"Wait," Scott suddenly paused, "Do you hear that?"
"Oh god, is it coming for us again?" Amber asked quietly.
"What? Hear what?" Stiles questioned nervously.
"It sounds like a phone ringing." Scott said, looking between them.
"Well it's not mine," Amber told him as she pressed her fingers against the phone in her back pocket. She leaned over to reach around Stiles and pat her hand over his pocket as well and he swatted her hand away with an aborted noise but she'd felt his the rectangle of his phone beneath the fabric, "And it's not Stiles' either-"
"No. I know that ring," Scott interrupted with wide eyes, "It's Allison's phone."
"Allison?" Stiles asked incredulously.
"I- Why would Allison be here?" Amber asked Scott.
"I don't know!" Scott said worriedly, "Just- One of you just give me your phone!"
She and Stiles both fumbled for a moment but Amber managed to get her cell phone into Scott's outstretched hand without dropping it. They watched as Scott clicked Allison's contact at the top of the list and waited for her to pick up.
"Amber?" Allison's distant voice asked through the tiny speaker pressed against Scott's ear.
"No, it's me. Where are you?" Scott asked frantically.
"I'm at the school looking for you." Allison told him, "Why weren't you at my place?"
"You didn't think to cancel plans with your girlfriend before you decided to call the Alpha?" Amber hissed at Scott, only to be hushed by him and pulled back half a step by Stiles' hand on her arm.
"Where are you right now?" Scott asked Allison.
"On the first floor." Her tiny voice came through.
"Where?" Scott questioned her quickly, "Where are you exactly?"
"The swimming pools.." Allison clarified with confusion in her voice.
"Get to the lobby," Scott told her, "Go now."
Before he'd even hung up the phone, Scott was rushing off toward the stairwell. Amber and Stiles chased after him as the three ran to meet Allison, and they found her waiting in front of the trophy case in the front hall, phone in hand.
"Why did you come? Wh-What are you doing here?" Scott asked frantically as they approached.
"Because you asked me to-?" Allison told him slowly, eyes flicking between the three of them. Amber's eyes narrowed in confusion and she found the same look on Stiles and Scott's faces in response to the information.
"I asked you to?" Scott repeated, looking at his friends with wide eyes before returning his attention to Allison. The girl in question flicked through her phone for a few seconds before displaying an incoming text message from an unknown number.
Meet me at the school. URGENT -Scott
Amber read the message over Scott's shoulder with a sick feeling in her stomach, eyes meeting Allison's for a moment and causing the girl's face to fall further.
"Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?" Allison asked quietly, looking between them again.
"Because I didn't." Scott confirmed quickly.
Amber took a shaky breath, "Did you drive here?" She asked Allison suddenly.
"I thought we were taking your car?" Scott interrupted.
"We were," Amber told him, "Until Stiles threw my keys."
"Those were your keys?!" Scott asked in distress, shifting his focus to the other boy, "Stiles, what the hell, man-"
"It doesn't matter!" Amber interrupted, eyeing Allison intently, "Did you drive here?" She repeated.
Allison looked between them somewhat suspiciously, "Jackson did."
"Jackson's here too?" Scott asked, voice gaining in volume.
"And Lydia," Allison told them, eyes narrowing when Amber gasped quietly, "What's going on? Who sent this text?"
Amber stumbled a small step to the side and leaned her weight against Stiles when his arm came up to support her. Lydia was here. All of her friends were here. And so was the Alpha. She felt sick as her mind replayed the words Derek had told her the day before.
"Just because it left you and your friends alive last night, doesn't mean you'll be so lucky next time."
Allison's phone rang out loudly in the quiet and she answered it quickly, "Where are you?" She asked the person on the other line.
Just as quickly as she had asked the question, the metal doors that led to the next hallway over slammed open and Lydia and Jackson strolled through. Lydia's eyes caught on Amber and she sighed at her presence with a small eye roll, as if thinking that she should've figured she'd find Amber there, before turning toward Allison.
"Finally. Can we go now?" Lydia asked Allison.
Before anyone could answer her question, there was an all too familiar sound of metal creaking as it bent and stretched in the ceiling above them. Their heads all snapped up to the ceiling tiles as they moved beneath the weight of the Alpha.
Amber shook her head in denial before whispering, "No, no! We were in the basement! How did-"
"Run!" Scott told the group, interlocking his fingers with Allison's and pushing Amber and Stiles forward with his free hand.
They took off just as the Alpha broke through and dropped down from the ceiling behind them. Amber gripped Stiles' hand tightly in hers and peeked over her shoulder as they ran to find the Alpha trailing close behind the group. Lydia was running half a step behind Jackson in her high-heels and Amber reached her free hand back to grab her by the wrist, pulling the redhead forward to fall into step beside Stiles and herself.
There was a quiet growl from behind them as the Alpha gave chase, and they all seemed to push that much harder at the sound.
Stiles released Amber's hand so he could push open the double doors to the Cafeteria and the group burst through the doors and into the lunchroom. Amber watched Scott immediately reach to the top of the doors as he frantically began to latch and lock them into place.
Lydia pulled her arm from Amber's grip to huddle beside Jackson in the sudden silence and Amber was left breathing heavily in the center of the room, heart pounding with adrenaline and fear. Scott looked toward the tables and chairs stacked up against the wall and began to grab them and barricade the door shut.
"Help me get this in front of the door." Scott told the others loudly as he worked.
"Scott, wait. Not here." Stiles cut in.
Scott continued to block the door and Amber turned to Stiles with the intention of asking what was wrong. She found him looking up at the large wall of windows with worried eyes and she immediately moved forward to pull him away from the vulnerable spot, her hand wrapping firmly around his bicep.
"What was that?" Allison asked in a shaky voice, "Scott! What was that?"
"What came out of the ceiling?" Lydia questioned hysterically.
Amber was at a loss for what to tell them and Scott turned to the group in frustration, "Will you just help me? The chairs! Stack the chairs." He directed.
"Guys, wait-" Amber pleaded as they all began to work together to barricade the doors.
"Can we just wait a second-" Stiles started, stepping forward and pulling Amber along with him, "You guys, listen to me. We- Can we wait a second?"
Every chair and table in the room was being moved to block the doorway and Amber squeezed her fingers that much tighter around Stiles' arm as her eyes flicked worriedly between the doorway and the large windows behind them.
"Guys-?" She tried again, but no one was listening.
"Hello? Stiles talking." Stiles continued, "Can we hang on one second, please? Hello!" He finished in a shout.
Everyone's attention finally ripped away from their task and they turned to look back at Stiles and Amber.
"Okay, nice work," Stiles told them sarcastically, pointing to the thoroughly barricaded doors, "Really. Beautiful job, everyone. Now, what should we do about the twenty foot wall of windows?" He asked, turning to grandly gesture behind Amber and himself.
There was a moment of silence and Amber could feel her heart continuing to pound against her ribcage violently with adrenaline. All of her friend's faces wore frightened looks to match her own and her mind raced to find an escape, her eyes flicking around the lunchroom.
"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on?" Allison interrupted frantically, looking between Amber and Stiles before eventually settling on Scott, "Because I am really freaking out here and I would like to know why. Scott?"
Scott pulled away from Allison's grip and moved to the other side of the room, settling his hands on one of the remaining tables to take a few deep breaths. He looked up at his best friends, silently pleading for help.
"Somebody killed the janitor." Amber explained in a shaky murmur, pulling some of the focus away from Scott.
"What?" Lydia asked with tears in her voice.
"Yeah. It's true." Stiles said quietly, settling a hand over Amber's on his arm and taking a few steps toward the group of newcomers, "The janitor's dead."
"What are they talking about?" Allison asked Scott with a hysterical laugh, "Is this a joke?"
"What-? Who killed him?" Jackson cut in after a moment of silence.
"I don't know." Amber told him with a shake of her head.
"No, no, no, no, no-" Lydia pleaded, "This was supposed to be over. The mountain lion killed-"
"No," Jackson interrupted her harshly, "Don't you get it? There was never a mountain lion."
"W- Who was it?" Allison cried to Scott, "What does he want? What's happening?" When she got no response she clenched her jaw and shouted across the room, "Scott!"
"I-I don't know." Scott told them, "I just- I-If we go out there he's gonna kill us."
"Us?" Lydia repeated frantically, "He's gonna kill us?"
"Who? Who is it?" Allison questioned, turning her attention between the three of them again.
Amber squeezed Stiles' arm as they struggled to come up with an answer, gnawing on her lower lip painfully as she fought to think of something, anything.
Scott shook his head anxiously before seemingly coming up with an answer, "It's Derek. Derek Hale."
Amber's head snapped to Scott with a deadly glare, and she released Stiles to step toward Scott with venom in her voice, "Scott, what the hell are you-"
"Derek killed the janitor?" Jackson interrupted for clarification.
"Are you sure?" Allison asked Scott, her eyes flicking between her boyfriend and the clear rage that Amber was having trouble disguising.
"I saw him!" Scott told them, still refusing to look anywhere but at the table in front of him.
Lydia swallowed, "The mountain lio-"
"No!" Scott interrupted, "Derek killed them."
"All of them?" Allison questioned.
"Yeah," Scott told them, "Starting with his own sister."
A low growl-like noise crept up from Amber's throat but she was pulled back when she made a move to continue toward Scott. She spun around sharply with angry tears in her eyes to see Stiles pulling her toward him gently, shaking his head at her. He rubbed her arms in sympathy while Scott continued to list off the recent murders, explaining them all away as Derek's doing. She tried to focus on the feeling of Stiles' hands dragging back and forth over her biceps as she looked around at her friends and took a couple of shaky breaths.
"-If we don't get out now, he's going to kill us too." Scott finished.
"Call the cops." Jackson loudly reasoned.
Stiles' attention was torn from the girl in front of him at the suggestion, his head whipping back around sharply, "No." He told the other boy immediately.
"Wh- What do you mean, 'no'?" Jackson asked in disbelief.
"I mean no," Stiles repeated, "You want to hear it in Spanish? 'No.'"
"Look," Amber started, fighting to keep her voice steady, "Three people are dead already, okay? We shouldn't call anybody yet because.. Whoever it is, we don't know what they're armed with, right?"
"His dad is armed with the entire Sheriff's station." Jackson told her incredulously, "Call him."
"I'm calling." Lydia announced, pulling her phone out of her pocket.
"Wh- No, Lydia-" Amber stepped forward to stop her.
"Lydia, would you hold on a sec-" Stiles tried, also moving toward after the girl.
Jackson stepped into their path and shoved Amber and Stiles toward the windows and away from Lydia. Scott stepped toward his friends defensively and placed himself protectively between Jackson and Amber's bodies.
"Yes, we're at Beacon Hills High School." Lydia was saying frantically into her cellphone, "We're trapped and we need you to- But-" She listened to the person on the other line for a moment before looking down at her phone, with wide eyes, "She hung up on me."
"The police hung up on you?" Allison repeated in confusion.
Lydia nodded slowly, "She said they got a tip warning them that there are gonna be prank calls about a break-in at the high school. She-She said if I call back again they're gonna trace it and have me arrested."
"Holy shit." Amber whispered in a fearful realization. They had thought they'd been calling the Alpha here, but it seemed as if it were actually the other way around, between the text to Allison and the tip to the police station, the Alpha was somehow five steps ahead of them.
"Okay, then call them again and let them trace it." Allison reasoned.
"No, they won't trace a cell. They'll send a car to your home address before they send anyone here." Stiles explained disparagingly.
Amber watched Jackson's jaw clench in annoyance and Lydia and Allison both just looked terrified.
"Wh-what the.. What is this?" Allison asked, hands running agitatedly through her hair, "Why does Derek want to kill us? Why is he killing anyone?"
Everyone's gaze drifted over to Scott for an answer and he startled when he noticed their attention after a few seconds, "Why is everyone looking at me?" He squeaked.
"Well, you're the one who says you saw Derek." Amber told her friend coldly.
"Is he the one who sent Allison the text?" Lydia asked him worriedly.
"No!" Scott denied immediately before backtracking, "I mean.. I don't know."
"Is he the one that called the police?" Allison asked quickly.
"I don't know!" Scott shouted the words at her and Allison's face tightened in response before she turned away from him.
"Alright, let's ease back on the throttle a little here, yeah?" Stiles insisted, placing one hand on Scott's arm and the other at the center of Amber's back to lead them both a few steps away, moving to the other side of the lunchroom for privacy.
Amber took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself and focussed on the two boys in front of her.
Stiles turned to Scott in a whisper, "Okay. First off, throwing Derek under the bus? Nicely done."
Scott looked at Amber with regret in his eyes, "I didn't know what to say. I-I had to say something. And if he's dead then it doesn't matter, right?" At the glare he received from Amber he carried on, "Except if he's not.. And, oh god, I totally just bit her head off." Scott looked over Amber's shoulder worriedly at Allison.
"And she'll totally get over it." Stiles assured him, trying to refocus the conversation.
"There are bigger issues, right now." Amber whispered in frustration.
"-Like, how do we get out alive?" Stiles continued.
Scott looked at them with wide eyes, "But we are alive. It could've killed us already.. It's like it's cornering us or something."
"So, what? It wants to eat us all at the same time?" Stiles questioned.
"Great!" Amber whispered sarcastically, "So it-it's just playing with-"
"No!" Scott interrupted quietly, "Derek said it wants revenge."
"Revenge?" Stiles repeated, "Revenge for what?"
"And against who?" Amber questioned.
"Allison's family?" Scott wondered aloud, looking between the two of them.
"Maybe that's what the text was about," Stiles pondered aloud, "I mean, someone had to send it."
"God. What else have the Argents done?" Amber bemoaned.
"Hey, assheads one, two, and three." Jackson's voice interrupted loudly, "New plan. Stiles calls his useless dad and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?"
"God. Do you have to be such an unbelievably insufferable asshole every second of every day?" Amber snapped at him, rage burning in her chest.
"He's right." Scott announced. His best friends both snapped their heads around to look at him in disbelief and he continued, "Tell him the truth if you have to, just.. Just call him."
At Scott's sudden shift in opinion, Amber attempted to sneak Stiles' phone from his pocket to hide it away from the rest of their friends. She gripped it protectively and let the long sleeve of the flannel she was wearing drop down to cover the device in her hand.
"I am not watching my dad get eaten alive." Stiles whispered, his eyes dropping to where Amber was holding his phone and nudging her a step further away from the group without another word.
"Alright. Give me the phone-" Jackson demanded angrily, grabbing onto Amber's shoulder roughly and jerking her back in an attempt to get the cellphone.
"Ah, Ow-" She yelped in response to his grip on her shoulder as she stumbled back a few steps, continuing to hold the phone away from Jackson.
Before she could even regain her footing, Stiles had stepped into the space between her and Jackson, his hand tightened into a fist and immediately made contact with Jackson's nose, the punch emitting a loud crunch.
"Jackson!" Allison rushed to check if he was okay while he clutched at his nose.
Amber's eyes widened and she grabbed Stiles by his shoulders to spin him around to face her. She watched him take a deep breath and unclench his fingers from their tight fist as he continued to glare at the boy behind her. Stiles' eyes were dark with anger and she reached up to cup his cheek softly in an attempt to pull his focus away from Jackson.
She continued to look at him worriedly, hazel eyes flicking over his face, "Sti, what-"
He clenched his jaw and pulled his phone from Amber's grip, stepping back out of her reach and thumbing at his phone screen as he scrolled down to his dad's contact. He brought the phone up to his ear and his stiff shoulders relaxed a fraction when it rang through to his dad's voicemail.
"Dad. Hey, it's me. And it's your voicemail.." Stiles sighed, "Look I need you to call me back, now. Like, right now." There was a sudden crash at the barricaded doors and everyone turned toward the sound in fear, collectively moving a step further back into the Cafeteria, "We're at the school. Dad. We're at the school." He finished quickly and ended the call.
As soon as Stiles slid his cell phone back into his pocket, his clammy hand grabbed Amber's and he held onto it tightly. They all watched the doors wide-eyed as they shook from the impact of the Alpha ramming into them, Amber and Lydia both letting out a small scream at a particularly loud bang against the doors.
"The kitchen," Stiles said suddenly, tightening his grip on Amber's hand, "The door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell."
"Those stairs only go up." Amber told him as the doors shook violently again.
"Up is better than here." Stiles reasoned, pulling her back a step toward the kitchens.
Screws began popping loose from the door hinges due to the creature violently bashing against them from the other side and the group of teens all took a few steps away in response.
"Okay, yeah. Kitchens." Amber told everyone quickly.
They raced back into the kitchen and through the stairwell, stumbling up the steps as they ran to the second floor. When they spilled out into the hallway, the group split off in opposite directions as they searched for an unlocked door. They tried three before Lydia got the door to the Chemistry classroom open and they all piled in after her.
Once the door slammed shut, Scott quickly propped a chair up underneath the door handle in a weak attempt to keep them safe and the sound of their heavily breathing was loud in the sudden silence. Amber watched Scott pinch his eyes shut as he tried to focus on the location of the Alpha and she stepped in front of him, creating a wall and blocking him off from the rest of the group.
Only a few seconds later, even their human ears could pick up on the Alpha stomping loudly down the hallway. As it approached the classroom, it growled lowly as its shadow fell over the frosted glass of the small window on the door, stopping in front of the room for only a moment before it continued on down the hall with heavy footsteps.
Amber looked up at Stiles and Scott in confusion as the sound of the Alpha faded away and they both looked as relieved and surprised about the surprising turn of events as she did.
"Jackson, how many people can fit in your car?" Scott whispered quickly.
"We could fit all six if someone squeezes on someone's lap." Jackson told them.
"Six?" Allison whispered incredulously, "I barely fit in the back."
"I will go in the trunk if it means getting out of here." Amber said quickly.
"It doesn't matter," Stiles cut in, "There's no getting out without drawing attention."
"What about this?" Scott asked, rushing over to a door at the other side of the room, "This leads to the roof. We can go down the fire escape to the parking lot in like, seconds."
Amber pulled at the handle and it turned, but the door remained locked firmly in place. Her eyes went up to the keyhole higher up on the door and she sighed, "There's a deadbolt." She told him, releasing the handle.
Scott furrowed his brows in thought for a moment before his head snapped up to look between her and Stiles, "The janitor has a key."
"You mean his body has it." Stiles corrected with a frown.
"I can get it," Scott whispered to the two of them, "I can find him by scent. By blood."
"Well, gee. That sounds like an incredibly terrible idea." Stiles told him, "What else you got?"
"Scott, you can't be serious." Amber whispered.
"I'm serious." Scott whispered determinedly. He walked back toward the door to the classroom and spoke more loudly to the entire group, "I'm getting the key."
"Are you serious?" Allison repeated Amber's previous question.
"It's the best plan," Scott reasoned, "Someone has to get the key if we wanna get out of here."
"You can't go out there unarmed." Allison told him sharply.
Scott looked around the front of the room for a moment before grabbing a thin wooden pointing stick that Mr. Harris sometimes used against the blackboard.
"No." Amber said immediately, grabbing the ridiculous excuse for a weapon from his hands and throwing it on the floor behind the teacher's desk with a quiet clatter.
"Wh- It's better than nothing." Scott defended, looking longingly at where the stick lay on the floor behind her.
"There's gotta be something else." Stiles reasoned.
"There is." Lydia said quickly, unsubtly eying the chemical cabinet against the wall beside them.
"What are we gonna do, Lyds?" Amber asked, "Throw acid on him?"
"No." Lydia said slowly, looking at her friend in disappointment before explaining, "Like a fire bomb. In there is everything you need to make a self-igniting Molotov Cocktail."
"A self-igniting.." Stiles repeated slowly.
"-Molotov Cocktail." Lydia finished and Amber nodded slowly, trusting her friend's intelligence, while the rest of the group was looking at Lydia in hesitant disbelief, "What? I read it somewhere." Lydia defended.
Stiles looked at the glass cabinet again and sighed, "We don't have a key for that either."
Amber grabbed the stapler from the desk and moved to break the glass without hesitation, but Jackson gently eased her back a step before she could follow through and thrust his leather jacket covered elbow through the window, shattering the window and prompting shards of glass to rain down onto the floor at their feet.
Lydia began directing them, listing of what chemicals and beakers she needed, and Amber and Jackson pulled them out and moved them all to a lab station where Lydia began to measure carefully and pour the ingredients into a conical flask.
"Jackson, hand me the sulphuric acid." Lydia demanded as she swirled the chemicals carefully around the wide bottom of the narrow necked glass.
His hand reached out immediately to a container before hesitating and repositioning to grab the one beside it. He handed it over to Lydia silently and she slowly poured the liquid into the beaker before closing it off with a cork and handing the weapon over to Scott.
"No," Allison's voice cracked as she turned to Scott, "No, this is insane. You can't do this. You cannot go out there."
"We can't just sit here waiting for Stiles' dad to check his messages." He told her.
"You could die." Allison cried, "Don't you get that? He's killed three people."
"And we're next." Scott tried to reason as she sighed and shook her head, "Somebody has to do something."
"Scott, just stop." Allison hissed, "Do you remember when you told me you knew whether or not I was lying? That I had a tell?" She cried quietly, "Well so do you. You're a horrible liar, and you've been lying all night. Just-Just please don't go. Please don't leave us. Please." Allison begged.
Scott looked at Allison with guilt swimming in his eyes before his gaze traveled over to where Amber was standing beside Stiles, "Lock it behind me." He told them.
Amber nodded nervously, her fear for Scott's safety causing her hands to tremble as she stepped forward to follow his order, "Let me come with you." She pleaded quietly.
Stiles made a noise of protest behind her and Scott shook his head, "You know why I can't let you do that, Amber." He said quietly.
She nodded once dejectedly as they stepped up to the door. Scott moved the chair from underneath the handle and peeked into the hallway cautiously before he stepped out of the room with the beaker clasped tightly in his right hand.
"Be safe. Please." Amber whispered.
He nodded and she closed the door behind him and flicked the lock with a lump in her throat, propping the chair back up underneath the doorknob with a shaky breath.
Stiles stepped up behind her and pulled her away from the door with a finger through the belt loop on the back of her jeans. He guided her over to where the rest of the group had congregated at a countertop along the wall between lab stations and he pulled himself up to sit on the edge of the surface, tugging her back to stand between his legs. He wrapped his arms around her and brought her back into his chest, squeezing her in a tight embrace as his chin dropped onto the top of her head.
They all waited silently, nerves and anxiety filling the room as the minutes passed slowly.
"I don't get this," Allison spoke after several long minutes of silence, "I don't get why he's out there. Why he left us. And I can't- I can't stop my hands from shaking."
They all watched as Jackson took Allison's trembling hands into his own, "It's okay," He assured her, "It's okay. It's gonna be okay."
Lydia crossed her arms silently as Jackson comforted Allison and Amber reached out a hand to pull Lydia over toward Stiles and herself. She reluctantly allowed herself to be pulled and Amber took one of her hands in her own.
Amber took slow breaths as she focussed on the warmth from Stiles' chest and arms. She intently thought about the firmness of his thighs on either side of her. Thought about Lydia's hand in hers.
Amber watched Lydia look distractedly at the messy lab station at the front of the room for a few moments before redhead's eyebrows furrowed, "Jackson, you handed me the sulfuric acid, right?" Lydia questioned, "It has to be sulfuric acid. It won't ignite if it's not."
Amber thought back to the way he had hesitated before handing the chemical over and she frowned in confusion.
"I gave you exactly what you asked for tonight." Jackson told her quickly.
"Yeah." Lydia agreed unconvincingly, "Yeah, I'm sure you did."
Amber looked over toward the lab station again and her stomach churned with fear at the thought of Scott being out there with the Alpha, completely unprotected. Stiles' grip around her shoulders tightened as if he was having the same panicked thought and she leaned back into his space more firmly as she took another trembling breath.
There was a sudden echoing roar from somewhere in the school, the walls shaking with it the same way they had when Scott had called out for the Alpha earlier in the night, and Amber's skin erupted into goosebumps at the chilling sound.
Jackson gasped suddenly and reached up to cover the scabs on the back of his neck, dropping to his knees at Amber's feet as the loud noise faded away. He screamed in pain and Amber flinched back, eyes wide.
When his hand fell away from his neck to grip at the floor, Amber looked at the wound up close for the first time since the video store. The light filtering in through the windows gave a better view and she could now see that the small scabs looked almost like puncture marks. From a set of claws.
Stiles held Amber back, arms still curled tightly around her chest as Allison and Lydia squatted down to pull Jackson up to his feet while he groaned.
"No, I'm fine." Jackson said suddenly as he pulled away, his voice clearing of the pain that had laced it before, "Seriously. I'm fine."
"No offense, but that sounded far from okay." Amber told him quietly.
Stiles reached out past Amber to extend his fingers toward Jackson, "What's on the back of your neck-"
Jackson flinched away from Stiles' outstretched hand, "I said I'm fine."
"Well, it's been there for days but he won't tell me what happened." Lydia told them with a knowing tilt of her head.
Jackson spun toward her with a glare, "As if you actually care."
"Hey! What did I say about being a dick?" Amber cut in, scowling at Jackson.
"Alright, can we not argue for half a second here?" Stiles asked, jumping down from the counter to place himself between the two.
"Where's Scott?" Allison wondered aloud, "He should be back by now."
There was a sudden sound of metal snapping at the door of the classroom, quiet but distinct, like that of a key being broken off in a lock, and they all spun toward the door.
"Scott?" Allison called out, beginning to pull the chair away from the door again, "Scott!"
"Where is he going?" Lydia asked in worried confusion.
Amber took a breath and attempted to speak over the sounds of Allison pounding on the door and shouting for Scott, "I- He-"
"Stop-" Lydia cut in, shouting over Allison, "Stop!" The girl finally quieted and Lydia spoke quietly, "Do you hear that? Listen."
Sirens were wailing quietly in the distance, gaining in volume as they got closer, and the group of teens all rushed toward the windows in time to watch a cluster of police vehicles pull up behind Stiles' Jeep in the parking lot.
Amber took Stiles' hand reassuringly and they waited at the door to the classroom until they heard someone approach. They explained through the closed door about the broken key and the lock was removed to free them just a few moments later.
The group was separated to give their statements and Amber watched over the shoulder of the deputy in front of her with wide eyes as her friends recounted the events of the night. She rushed through the questions and ran over to Scott and Stiles just as the Sheriff began to lead them out of the building.
"You're sure it was Derek Hale?" Sheriff Stilinski was asking them.
"No." Amber said at the same time Scott answered, "Yes."
"No." She repeated adamantly.
"I saw him too." Stiles verified with a wince, reaching up to pat her on the shoulder in apology.
"What about the janitor?" Scott asked the Sheriff.
"We're still looking," Sheriff Stilinski told them as they made their way down the stairs and into the parking lot.
"Did you check under the bleachers?" Scott clarified, "Under them."
The Sheriff sighed, "Yeah, Scott. We looked. We pulled 'em out just like you asked. There's nothing."
"I'm not making this up." Scott defended.
"I know. I believe you, I do." Sheriff Stilinski assured him.
"No, you don't." Scott snapped, coming to a stop just before they reached the parking lot, "You have this look like you feel bad for me. Like you wanna believe us but I know you don't."
Amber paused beside them and reached out to grip Scott's arm comfortingly.
"Listen," The Sheriff said, looking between the three of them, "We're gonna search this whole school. We're gonna find him, okay? I promise."
"Sheriff!" Someone called from the back of the parking lot in the cluster of police vehicles.
Stiles' dad nodded and gave them all a sad smile before he took off toward where he was needed, turning around at the last second to point an accusing finger at his son, "Stay." Stiles raised his arms in surrender before his father focussed on Amber and Scott, "All three of you."
Stiles watched until his father was a safe distance away before he spoke, "Well, we survived." He reached a hand up to rest on each of their shoulders, "Y'know? We outlasted the Alpha. It's good, right? Being alive?"
Scott shook his head, "When we were in the Chemistry room, he walked right past us." He told them, "You don't think he heard us? You don't think it knew exactly where we were?"
"Then why didn't it break in and kill us?" Amber asked quietly.
"Yeah, how come we're still alive?" Stiles questioned.
"It wants me in its pack." Scott told them loudly, looking around to be sure no one heard before he continued, "But, I think.. First I have to get rid of my old pack."
"What do you mean?" Stiles asked, "What old pack?"
"Is that why it killed Derek?" Amber questioned, feeling sick.
"Allison, Jackson, Lydia, both of you. You're my pack." Scott explained.
"The- The Alpha doesn't want to kill us.." Amber said slowly in realization.
Stiles sighed, "It wants you-"
"It wants me to do it." Scott confirmed. "And that's not the worst part."
"How in holy hell is that not the worst part, Scott?" Stiles bemoaned with a shake of his head.
"Because," Scott started, "When he called out and made me shift, I-I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you. Both of you.. All of you." He told them in a hushed whisper.
Amber gulped as she processed the information and looked at Scott sadly, pulling her lower lip between her teeth. Stiles stepped behind her and wrapped his forearm protectively across her collarbones, tugging her back a couple of steps until she was leaning against his chest and further away from Scott. She reached her hand up to grip his arm where it rested over her chest and the three were silent for a moment as they thought about what it all meant.
"Scott," Amber finally spoke quietly, drawing the attention of both boys, "It's gonna be okay." He looked at her with a sad pitying look, as if he didn't believe her, and she continued, "It will. We- We'll figure it out, okay?"
He shook his head but aborted the movement when something behind her and Stiles caught his eye. He immediately stepped past them and began walking away, both of his friends trailing behind him in confusion until they saw who was sitting at the back of the ambulance in the parking lot.
"There you are." Dr. Deaton greeted where he was wrapped up in a blanket with a bandage on his forehead.
Amber resolutely remained a few steps away, keeping Stiles beside her as she eyed the man distrustfully.
"How- How did you-" Scott started.
"Get out?" Dr. Deaton finished, "Not easily. And from what they tell me, I'm alive because of you." He smiled at Scott, and Amber narrowed her eyes at the man, "I think I owe you a raise."
"Guys, c'mon," Sheriff Stilinski suddenly spoke from beside them, tugging her and Stiles a few steps away, "Let's let the EMTs do their job. You can talk to him later."
"Fat chance." Amber muttered under her breath, receiving a soft elbow to the side from Stiles in response.
She suddenly caught sight of a familiar pickup truck driving through from the back of the parking lot and she sighed woefully, squeezing Stiles' shoulder before heading over. Her brother threw himself from the vehicle in a regretfully similar way to two nights before and she allowed herself to be wrapped up in a hug when he reached her.
He began to pull back and she spoke quickly, "Jason, wait. Before you say anything- Just, know that I'm so insanely sorry and I know I promised that this wouldn't happen again and I feel awful for making you worry and leave the station but-" She paused to take a shaky breath, "But please don't tell me that I have to sleep at home alone tonight, okay? Because if you do, I-I don't know if I can-"
"Hey, hey-" He pulled her back into his chest and hugged her tight, "You know I just want you to be safe, right?" He muttered into her hair, "That's all I want, bud. I- I'm so glad you're okay."
She nodded into his muscular chest and took a shaky breath, her mind flashing to all of the similarities her brother shared with Derek physically. She couldn't help but think about the long list of ways that he and Jason had been so alike. Her eyes burned with unshed tears and she tightened her arms around her brother's back, finally letting go of a breath she felt like she'd been holding in as she sobbed quietly into her brother's tshirt, mourning Derek Hale.
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Later that night, Amber laid in the center of her bed with red puffy eyes, the warmth of Scott and Stiles' arms pressed lightly against either side of her in the dark room.
"I meant what I said earlier, y'know," She told them quietly, looking up at the ceiling, "We're gonna figure this out. I-I mean, we have to. I won't lose either of you."
She reached out underneath the blankets to take one of Stiles' hands into her own and wrapped the fingers of her free hand around Scott's forearm.
Stiles automatically tightened his grip in silent reassurance, "Yeah, we've got this," He announced in a low voice, "I mean, we figured out the whole control thing in like six hours. What's stopping us from figuring out how to tell the stupid Alpha 'no means no' and all that."
"I mean we-" Amber started with a heavy heart, "We had Derek's advice last time." She said quietly, her mind flashing back to the way that the police had searched the school grounds up and down, looking for any sign of their suspect, only to come up empty-handed.
"And if Allison was the key to my control, I think it's safe to say we're pretty much screwed considering she broke up with me." Scott whispered sadly.
"Hey, no-" Stiles cut in, "None of that. From either of you. If we're gonna do this we're gonna need to do it together, alright? As a team."
"No, you're right," Amber agreed, squeezing his hand softly. She released Scott to curl her arm underneath her head, rolling onto her side to face him. The movement pulled Stiles along with her and he rolled onto his side behind her, their joined hands resting on her hip, "We'll figure it out.. As a team."
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dannystheone · 1 year
hi!! i’ve been loving all of your south park content!! i love ur writing style sm 💗 i hope it’s okay if i request a lee kenny drabble! maybe stan and kyle are trying to get him to do something for them, and have to use tickling to convince him! feel free to reject this, no worries if you do!! tysm, i hope you have a good day!! 💗💗
Oh of course! I love this idea aaaa it's been on my mind since you requested it I love lee Kenny *-*
Do Us A Solid, Kenny! (Lee Kenny/ Ler Stan and Kyle)
Stan and Kyle visit Kenny's house to try and convince him to be a part of their Science Fair project. When Kenny's price is too steep for the boys, they have to think of another way to convince Kenny.
"Kenny, your little friends are here to see you." Kenny's mom, Carol, knocked on the boy's door and allowed his friends into his bedroom. Kenny looked up from his action figures on the carpet and waved to his friends.
Stan and Kyle stepped over Kenny's toys and lewd magazines. "You boys play nice now." Carol closed Kenny's door behind her.
"Omph, hi guymphs." Kenny picked himself off the floor and went to visit Stan and Kyle.
"Hey Kenny." Kyle waved.
"Sup dude. Hey Kenny, we got a favor to ask." Stan addressed. Kenny shrugged and sat on his bed.
"Whumph umph guymphs?" Kenny asked behind his hood. Stan and Kyle exchanged a glance before they spread their hands in explanation.
"You see Kenny, me and Kyle paired up to do our science project together for Misses Garrison's class. Our project is on the study of anatomy." Stan explained. Kenny nodded along.
"...Well, Cartman was supposed to be our test dummy for the project, but he had to travel unexpectedly. So we came to you to ask!" Kyle smiled while he said this, with Stan looking a little uneasy.
"Amph me wumph?" Kenny shrugged.
"Our project is on the digestive system, so we'd need you to wear this shirt-" Stan pulled out a white T-shirt with a hand-drawn diagram of the digestive system on the front. "-while we explain the different organs that make up the system. We also have a cardboard cutout with information on it, and some other gay shit like that, whatever. Can you do it?" Stan asked.
Kenny narrowed his eyes while he thought.
"Mm, omphay. I'll do it." Kenny shrugged. Stan and Kyle shouted and high-fived each other.
"Yes! Thank you, Kenny! You're a lifesaver!" Kyle held Kenny's shoulders while he grinned wide.
"The Science Fair is this Saturday. We can pick you up if you-"
"Mm! Waimt a minumte!" Kenny's eyes furrowed. Kyle and Stan looked at each other before looking at Kenny.
"What's wrong dude?" Stan asked.
"Imph it's om Samurmay I meed momey. 300 bumcks." The boys mouths went agape at this.
"Dude- what?! 300 bucks, we don't have that kind of money!" Kyle exclaimed. Stan sat down on Kenny's bed and looked directly at Kenny.
"Dude come on Kenny there's gotta be something else we can do. It's one Saturday for like three hours, we gotta give up our Saturday too! Look, after we do the project, we can get pizza and play video games and hang out without Cartman!" Stan tried convincing Kenny.
"Yeah man, it'll be cool! And we can watch the new Terrance and Phillip! Without Cartman! That's like the best part!" Despite Kyle's words, Kenny shook his head at the offer.
"Mm-mm. 300 bumcks. I'll do the promject." Kenny crossed his arms defiantly. Kyle and Stan slumped their shoulders in dejection.
"Dude what are we gonna do? Kenny was the only kid aside from Cartman not already involved in the Science Fair!" Stan groaned. Kyle pinched the bridge of his nose to try and stave off a headache.
"Kenny come on, do the project for free. You owe us anyway." Kyle's hand splayed. Kenny's eyebrows knitted themselves in confusion.
"Owme youm form whamt?? I do everymthimg form youm guymphs! If amythimg, youm owme me! 350 bumcks!" Kenny refuted angrily.
"What?! Dude don't raise the price that's a dick move!" Stan shouted, standing up from Kenny's bed.
"Kenny don't make us convince you to do the fucking project. Just do it 'cause you're our friend." Kyle crossed his arms in frustration. That made Kenny pause.
"...Howm arm youm gonma comvime me?" Kenny asked curiously. Stan and Kyle exchanged glances once more. Stan grabbed Kyle's arm and swung him to turn their backs on Kenny to discuss amongst themselves in hushed whispers. It sounded like Stan had a good idea when Kyle excitedly agreed with him before the two turned back to Kenny, all business.
"Kenny, last chance. Do the project with us for free on Saturday and we can hang out afterward. Otherwise, we'll have to use drastic measures." Stan and Kyle's faces were blank as stone. Kenny resumed his tough guy act. He crossed his arms and turned his head away.
"Fumck no." Kenny replied. Stan and Kyle looked at each other with lidded eyes before suddenly pouncing on Kenny; tackling him on the bed. Kenny's eyes widened as he kicked his legs out wildly.
"Mmph! Whumph the fumck?!" Stan had himself wrapped around Kenny's left arm and Kyle wrapped around his right. Kenny's legs were free to kick out at random.
"Sorry Kenny, but we need you at that Science Fair! And if we can't have you do it for free, we're gonna have to force you to do it!" Kyle shouted, before sneaking his hand underneath Kenny's orange jacket and scribbling his fingers in his tummy.
"MMPH!! Sthmhmhmhmm!" Kenny giggled behind his hood, his eyes squeezed shut. Kenny pulled on his arms and bucked his hips to try and throw Kyle's hand off his belly.
"Come on Kenny! Say you'll do the Science Fair!" Stan exclaimed. He wrenched Kenny's arm away from his side to shove his hand in Kenny's side.
"Mmm-mhmhmhm! I meheheheed momey!" Kenny's eyes squinted in his giggles. Kyle's hand snuck higher to Kenny's ribs, which made him squeal.
"Aw dude, I can feel your ribs! Sick!" Kyle remarked. It was easy to ladder his fingers between every rib space and vibrate his hand in a ticklish way.
"Sounds like you need that pizza, huh Ken? You could have it for free if you say yes to the fair!" Stan tried to persuade Kenny, accenting his words with squishes to Kenny's side.
Kenny's orange jacket made shuffling sounds as he shifted all over his threadbare mattress. His lewd magazines that littered his bed fell to the floor.
"Guyms sthmhmhmp! I cahahahamn't dohohohom thahahat!" Kenny's muffled laughter huffed behind his hood. Kyle grew a bit aggravated as he moved his hand back to Kenny's tummy and delivered spastic jolts to his midsection.
"MMPH!! Kyhyhyhyhyle nohmhmhmhm!" Kenny's hands clenched in Stan and Kyle's grip. Stan was having trouble navigating Kenny's ticklish spots with his hand still above his jacket, so he started going for spots where the jacket was thinner.
"Why do you need the money so bad Kenny? If you say it's for magazines, I'm gonna get your hips." Kyle threatened. Kenny's eyes flew open as he shook his head quickly.
"Mm-mm! Mm-mm! I meed it form my simster!" He admitted. Kyle and Stan's hands stilled for a moment.
"For your sister? Dude screw her, you'll get money later. We gotta do this fair-" Stan started, but Kyle shot him a look. Kyle removed his hand from under Kenny's jacket.
"What's up with your sister, dude?" Kyle asked. Stan rolled his eyes and took his hands away as well. Kenny sat up on his bed and held his own hands.
"Welm, it's herm birthmday nemxt weemk...amnd I wamnted tom get herm a premsent. Thamt's why I meed 400 dollarms form the Sciemnce Fairm-" Kenny explained, but Kyle made a scoffing sound.
"Wait a minute?! It's 400 dollars now?!" Kenny started giggling earnestly behind his hood and hiding his face with his hands.
"You fucking!-" Stan growled and started grabbing Kenny's sides. Kenny burst out laughing from the unexpected attack; his arms clamping to his sides and his knee jerking up out of reaction.
"Nohohohom Stahahahan!" Kenny shifted to Kyle's side, but Kyle pressed his fingers in Kenny's thigh. Kyle found a shredded hole in Kenny's jeans and started squeezing the bare skin of his thigh.
"You better start lowering that price dude! The fuck kinda present takes 400 dollars to pay for?!" Kenny snickered behind his hoodie and tried to push Kyle's hands away.
"Hmhmhmhm! I dohohohomn't knohohohow!" Kenny wriggled all over the bed as both Stan and Kyle's fingers pressed and prodded his skin.
"So you don't even know why you're asking for so much money, you're just dicking with us." Stan asked in a monotone voice as his fingers tazed Kenny's ribs. Kenny started belly laughing as he couldn't properly defend himself; his head knocking back with his newfound laughter. His hood fell off his head, his blonde hair poofing out along with his unmuffled laughter.
"Guy-Guhuhuys! Seheheheriously! Gehehet off!" Kenny's hair fell over his eyes as Stan and Kyle targeted his ribs and his thighs.
"You gonna do the Science Fair, Ken? We can do this all day!" Stan reached upwards and started spidering the back of Kenny's neck. The skin was warm from all his laughing in his oversized jacket. Kenny cringed and ducked his head to the side.
"If you pahahahay mehehehe!! Ihihihihit's 450 dohohollars!" Kenny shouted, his smile wide and bright. A bandaid on the bridge of his nose crinkled with his laughter. Kyle made an offended sound.
"Alright dude, that's enough! Now you're just fucking with us!" Kyle slipped his hands underneath Kenny's jacket and took hold of his hips. He started pressing his thumbs into his hip divets. Kenny squealed and started squirming underneath him.
"KHYHYHYLE DOHOHON'T!! Stohohohop!!" Kenny begged and gripped Kyle's wrists in protest. Stan was amused, and let go of Kenny to let Kyle do his thing.
"' Don't stop?' Alright, you said it!" Kyle braced his fingers behind Kenny's back to get a better grip on Kenny's hips. Kyle's green hat tipped forward as he dug his thumbs in Kenny's divets.
"Gahahahahad! Plehehehease! Ahahahahaha!!" Kenny started going a bit berserk at this spot being targeted. Stan put a hand on Kyle's back to try and still him a little.
"Are you gonna do the fair or not Kenny?!" Kyle demanded, his thumbs tirelessly jamming into Kenny's waistline. Kenny's laughter hit a high-pitched peak.
"CHRIHIST! Okay okay okahahay! I'll dohohoho it! I'll dohohoho the fahahahair!" Kenny shouted. Stan pried Kyle's hands away from Kenny's hips as soon as he yelled out his answer. Kenny breathed in deeply from his assault.
"So, you'll do the fair, Ken? Sorry we had to do that to you." Stan scratched the back of his head while Kyle rubbed his fingers. Kenny grumbled as he forced his hood back on his head and pulled on the hoodie strings to hide his face.
"Myeah I'll do it... form 100 bumcks...Samurday is my wormking daym, so if I dom the fairm I losme momey." Stan looked at Kenny with his mouth agape.
"Dude, you could have just said that from the start! We didn't know you worked over the weekend! If we did, we would have paid you from the start!" Kenny shrugged at Stan's words. Stan looked to Kyle.
"Two fifties each?" Stan suggested. Kyle nodded wordlessly.
"Alright cool. Well, thanks Kenny. Nice seeing you dude." Stan gave Kenny a bright smile and clapped a hand on his back, as if everything that just happened didn't just happen.
In the end, Kenny made it to the Science Fair with Stan and Kyle and wore his digestive system T-shirt while Stan and Kyle performed their project. Kenny was still given pizza, and video games, and watched the new Terrance and Phillip with Stan and Kyle (without Cartman).
Kenny was also given his 100 bucks to spend on his sister's birthday present. She was incredibly grateful, but she had no idea the real price he paid for that present.
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