#t. tatar
extraliga-related · 4 months
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USA vs SVK @ WC24 | -> Tomáš Tatar post-game
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thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n136_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Darstellung vorzüglicher ausländischer Baeume und Gestraeuche welche in Deutschland im Freien ausdaufern / Tübingen :In der J. G. Cottaischen Buchhandlung,1796. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/13491793
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goldtracing · 4 months
APH Russia – Headcanons I
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I would like to point out that I originally wrote this before 24.02.2022 and didn’t publish this until now due to current event. Now I have decided just to go ahead these are low-budget anime characters that I’m talking about and f anybody who links this to ongoing geopolitical events
Is surprisingly proficient in German and French. Both were court languages of his at the one or the other point in history, his German also being spread amongst the wider populace and influencing Russian. Speaks both languages with a bit of an accent, yet if he puts enough effort in it, his accent can be nearly untraceable.
As for other languages – he is also fluent in Tatar and Mongolian, although in the later he is far better with speaking and listening than writing. This is also the case with all the other languages spoken in his territory. This is due to his past under the khans. As for English and Chinese – with both he tends to be on the very formal side, with his speech precise and usually devoid of slang and abbreviations. It is because he learned much of those two languages from literature or also scientific reports.
When it comes to Russian he can be very eloquent, having a preference for puns and other plays of words. Can and will criticise others for their grammar, although if he is public and in a formal setting, he would be more tactful and quiet about remarking it.
Has a penchant for literature and opera and plays. Visits the theatre regularly and knows all the ballets by heart. Personally keeps a small notebook where he critiques and rates books and performances. Sometimes he sends them in to a newspaper or an online site.
Writes poety in his free time and sends some of them to his sisters or humans that are close to him at the time. Can also recite all of Pushkin’s poems in his sleep.
Aside from that, he has a love for fairy tales. Not the sanitised, censored versions that Disney and the Grimm brother’s have made so popular, rather the cautionary tales as they were actually intended, The brutal versions where people suffer and suffer and suffer.
Else has written multiple essays and the human condition, often taking characters for classics to elaborate on his points. These are texts that near nobody has seen. Ivan has split them up and hidden them on his various properties.  
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Has taken formal dance lessons in ballet and the classics. Loves to dance at balls and is surprisingly elegant while doing so for somebody his size. However, he really shies away from dancing tango, salsa and other dances where both partners get really close and even handsy with each other. If at all, he would have to be really close to his dance partner to even contemplate to doing the Latin American dances.
Other than that, he is also good when it comes to folk dances and possess enough stamina to dance dances such as the Barynya for hours. Has the appropriate leg muscles and flexibility.
Surprisingly, (or not) his dancing skills translate into his fighting style. Can go on for hours without taking any enhancements or sleeping, all while remaining smooth and precise in his movements, like they been choreographed and practised time and time again. He can make difficult movement seem easy.
For centuries he favoured combat with a sword. One of his favourite ones was a curved sabre – a kilij – that he stole as a war trophy from Turkey when the latter was the Ottoman empire. Later, he evolved to be a crack shot with the pistole – he got caught up in a lot of duels when they came into fashion. During the WWII, he was part of a tank crew. Due to the tight space of the T-34, he often suffered sore joints and cramps in his muscles. Also developed an especially thick skull during this time, both literally and metaphorically.
Ivan has participated in the making of multiple movies as an advisor. He makes sure that historical films are historically accurate. Seeing that Russia is big on war movies, Ivan has a lot to do.
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Additionally, he is quite a patron for the arts. He has multiple oil paintings in his old mansion. Personally, he paints either an impressionist art style or in the vividly coloured art styles that are native to Russia, such as Gzhel, Khokhloma and Zhostovo.
Adding on to that – there is nothing in his homes that is really plain. He has a sense for the aesthetically pleasing and even opulence. The woodwork is carved and whittled, the ceramic adorn with paintings and the metal work ornate. His living surroundings might have been a bit plainer during Soviet times, however I think he would have pulled a few strings that would have allowed him to keep his old possessions.
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mariacallous · 4 months
Eighty years ago, the Soviet authorities began the deportation of the indigenous population of Crimea. Within just a few days, hundreds of thousands of Crimean Tatars were expelled from their homes and sent thousands of kilometers away. Many did not survive the journey, and countless others grew old and died far from their native Crimea. Today, those who managed to return from exile are once again facing repression from the occupying authorities in Moscow.
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hischierdevils · 2 years
Forget Him | N.H.
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note: this is part of the forget series. y/n’s point of view of the breakup
summary: after ending your toxic relationship with mat barzal, nico is there to help you pick up the pieces
warnings: mentions of toxic relationship
wc: 2.1K
“Happy birthday!” Nico smiles widely as you open your hotel door to find him with a small birthday cake in his hands. One candle is lit on top of it. A few of the other players are standing behind him and echo the sentiment. 
“Thank you guys.” You force yourself to smile at them, thankful that they even remembered even though you’re sure the other admins informed them. 
“Blow out your candle.” Dawson tells you. You lean forward and pucker your lips but Nico quickly moves the cake away from you. 
“She has to make a wish first.” He scolds Dawson, making the boys laugh as Dawson gives you a sheepish grin. 
The only thing you wanted was a simple text from your boyfriend. Something to show you that he actually cared. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d actually spoken to him. He texted you the day before, telling you he was getting on the plane to Ottawa. He hadn’t even told you that he landed. 
You close your eyes and think of your truest desire. I hope I experience true love one day. You blow out the candle and the group around you cheers. When you open your eyes, Nico is smiling at you. 
The two of you have gotten pretty close over the two years you’ve been working for the Devils. He can tell something is wrong but he waits until the two of you are alone to ask. “Do you not like cake?” 
“What? Of course I do.” You sigh as you carry the cake inside your hotel room, allowing Nico to follow you. 
“Then why do you look so sad?” He can’t help but look around your room that’s so much smaller than the one he’s sharing with Tatar on this road trip. It barely looks like you spent the night here. All of your belongings are packed up neatly by the door, ready to head to the Honda Center.
Nico’s concern for you touches your heart and you find yourself sniffling. “It’s my birthday and I can cry if I want to.” 
“Don’t cry.” The reference is lost on Nico as he steps forward to wipe a tear from your cheek with his thumb. “You can talk to me, you know.” 
You give him a watery smile as you struggle to keep your emotions in check. “I know, it’s just embarrassing.”
Nico allows you to step out of his grasp and patiently waits for you to stop fidgeting with your fingers. “Is it your boyfriend?” 
You look at him in surprise. “How do- who told you?” You had only told your closest friends and swore them to secrecy. They weren’t happy with the way Mat was treating you but they respected your wishes. 
“You’ve been withdrawn lately and you don’t go out with us anymore so I just kind of assumed…” He trails off as your words settle in his brain. “Is it supposed to be a secret?” 
“I don’t want it to be.” Tears begin falling from your eyes again and Nico pulls you into his chest, holding you as you break down. He lets you cry it out, rubbing soothing circles on your back as you fist his t-shirt in your hand. 
Once you’ve gotten it out, he leads you over to the bed where you both sit down. He listens intently as you tell him everything. Without ever saying his name or giving a clue about who he is, you tell Nico all about Mat and your relationship. 
When you’re finished, Nico takes your hand in his. “He’s an idiot. You deserve someone that’s proud to be with you. You’re an amazing person, y/n. If he doesn’t realize what he has then it’s his loss.” 
“He hasn’t even wished me a happy birthday.” You whisper. Saying everything out loud to Nico helped you realize just how toxic your relationship was. It was hurting you more than anything.”I should just forget him, huh?” 
“I can’t tell you what to do.” Nico lets go of your hand and stands up. “But I hope whatever you decide brings you happiness.” 
You leave with the team for the game and on your way to the arena, you block Mat on all socials. If he can’t be bothered to text a simple happy birthday message to his girlfriend on her birthday, you can’t be bothered to say goodbye. 
A month passes and you struggle daily to not unblock Mat. Every day it gets a little easier for you but you often find yourself missing him even though you know you shouldn’t. Your friends keep you occupied and you begin going out with the Devil’s players again. 
As time passes you find yourself leaning on Nico for comfort more and more. He’s always making sure you get home after nights out, texting you all the time just to tell you about his day, and you’ve even started a routine of getting breakfast together every sunday when you’re in jersey. 
“There’s my favorite couple.” Your usual waitress greets the two of you after you return from a long roadie. 
You blush. “Oh we’re not…” 
“Hello, Angie.” Nico ignores the comment and smiles politely. “Can we have our usual spot?” 
“Of course!” She leads you over to the corner booth and rattles off the daily specials that Nico knows by heart.  You both order your drinks and Angie walks away to get them as Nico looks over the menu. 
“What are you getting?” He asks you after a moment even though you get the same thing every time you come. You were anticipating him to be angry or at least a little upset with you but he doesn’t give you any indication that he is. 
“You’re not mad?” 
He scrunches his eyebrows together in confusion. “Mad? Mad about what?” 
Was he not listening? “She assumed we were a couple.” You explain. 
“Well you’re the only woman I come here with and you’re beautiful.” Nico says, causing your cheeks to heat from the compliment. “Why wouldn’t she?” 
“I-I just…” You struggle to get your thoughts in order. Mat would’ve freaked out. But Mat also wouldn’t be seen with you in public anyway. The two of you always ordered in when you spent time together. “I’m sorry.” 
Nico sets his menu down and frowns at you. “Y/n, you’re my friend. I’m not ashamed of that. There’s nothing to be sorry for.” 
“Okay.” You bite back another apology and pick up the menu so you don’t say something stupid. 
Nico can see how bad your ex hurt your self esteem so he does everything he can to remind you how amazing you are. He used to love listening to you talk about your passions, you’d get so animated and he’d listen to you talk for hours. After the breakup, he noticed you biting your tongue a lot and trying not to take up a lot of space in a room. 
He got you out of the house as much as he could. He took you dancing, you went to museums, he even sat through the Broadway musical SIX because you kept singing the songs over and over again. Everyone around him could see that he was falling in love with you but he was trying his best to let you heal without pressuring you into a new relationship. 
When Jack tells him that he saw you out at the bar kissing another man, Nico almost loses it. He immediately assumes it’s your ex and he’s pissed all day as the Devils get ready for the last game of the season. All the progress he’s watched you make over the last few months is going to disappear and he’s not sure if he can watch you become a shell of a human again. 
“Hey, good luck, Ni.” You smile at him as he passes you in the hallway on the way to play sewer ball with the boys. 
Nico grumbles a response and doesn’t even look your way as he keeps walking. 
You furrow your brows as you chase after him. “Nico!” Not once in your friendship has he been that dismissive of you. Even when he was busy, he made time for you. He never made you feel like a burden. 
“What?” The word comes out harsher than he intended as he turns to face you. You flinch away from him and he reaches out to you, feeling guilty for the way he spoke to you. 
You take a step back. “Have a good game.” He watches as you close yourself off to him, his worst fear coming true. 
“Y/n, wait.” He calls as you start to walk away. You don’t respond to him so he catches up to you quickly, turning you around to face him again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to speak to you like that. I just…everything you’ve been through and you’re going to go right back to him?” 
Your expression changes from hurt to confusion as you cross your arms over your chest as if to protect yourself from him. “Go back to who? What are you talking about?” 
“Your ex.” Nico sighs, trying not to let it show that his heart is breaking. Your mind reels. Your ex? You hadn’t seen him in months unless you counted the NHL highlight reels. You couldn’t even remember the last time Mat crossed your mind. “Jack saw you at the bar last night.” Nico continues when you don’t say anything.
You bite your lip as you think back to last night. Your friends had begged you to meet up for a drink and while dancing a man had come up and kissed you. “That was nothing. A random guy kissed me but I pushed him away. He wasn’t…” You. 
Your eyes widen as you realize the only man you want kissing you is Nico. The man who stood beside you and patiently helped you heal your heart. Even as your friend, Nico had been more caring and loving to you than Mat had ever been. 
“It’s not really any of my business.” Nico says, unaware of the revelation you’re having. “I just don’t want to watch the light leave your eyes again.” 
You open your mouth to respond just as someone yells to Nico. “Go. Have a good game.” You smile at him as he gives you a nod before walking away. 
Your mind is at war with your heart the entire game. No one has ever treated you as well as Nico does but will that change if you admit your feelings for him? You didn’t want to think he was capable of hurting you like that but your past made you wary. Your friendship with him was so good you weren’t sure if it was worth trying to be more. What if you broke up? Then what?
You don’t see Nico until the after-party. He had a lot of media to do and the other admin you were riding with wanted to get there early. You were already a drink in when he walked in flanked by a few teammates. 
You watched as his eyes roamed over the crowd searching for you. When he noticed you on the edge of the dance floor his lips turned into a warm smile before walking toward you. When he reached you he put an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him so you could hear him over the music. “What are you doing this summer?”
“I don’t know yet.” You admitted. You weren’t sure if you wanted to stay in the area or head to your home town for a month or two. Neither option really seemed appealing. “Why?”
“Come to Switzerland with me.” His lips brush your ear as he talks and then he pulls away to look into your eyes as you consider his invitation. 
“Okay.” You breathe.
“Okay?” He grins as a slow smile spreads across your face. 
You nod to reaffirm your decision. “I’d love to.” 
He’s kissing you before either one of you has time to think about it and all of your fears and insecurities melt away as he holds you in his arms. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back eagerly letting him erase every thought in your head except for him.
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farasen · 4 months
I've been putting it off for too long, hoping that I'd finish at least one thing with dwk AUs, but I've lost interest and didn't come up with design for those who are left, so I'll just spill out what I have
So it's a Russian reality AU. The events are happening in the mid 2000s (like 2005-2007), and I haven't decided on the rest, but I thought they could like fight with people (aka The Ubeatables, Cool Kickers and 1FC) from other neighbourhoods, gang on gang kind of shit. Normal activities of 2000s kids. But they're pretty harmless, just being noisy teens.
Now design concepts (names are based off English dub, since this version is more common to Russians)
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Peretc Rinat Sabirovich 
That's Deniz. He's tatar in this reality. Same old rich boy, who has a good computer at home and buys original clothes and not on the market square. Wears an earring in his left ear, which some people call him gay for, but it's actually for the sake of the music. Also people joke about his surname, because it literally means "pepper" and he tells them "Kit mannan Na kutak".
Butkova Vasilisa Lavrentievna
Vanessa, as you can see. Half-Ukrainian, her parents moved to Russia after USSR collapse. Unlike her original version, doesn't like to be called by full name and preferes Asya or Vasya. The meme is that Vasya is a male name.
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Khazanovsky Dima Fedorovich
Jojo. Don't have much to say about him. His Би-2 (Bi-2) t-shirt is the only thing left by his father. He also wears rubber bracelets from a local shop. Likes ''classical rock'' like said Bi-2 and Kino.
Belyaev Roma Valentinovich
Raban, can't say much about him either. He's like a nerd goodie-goodie, even his clothes are more 80-90s.
From now on I don't have any reference sheets, so it's just information about the characters.
Veresov Kolyan Mikhailovich
That's Leon. Even though his name is Kolya, Vanessa calls him Nikita (an asshole name in Russia). Jokes on nefors (subcultures like punk or emo), but actually doesn't mind them.
Veresov Tolik Mikhailovich
Marlon. He and his brother are also known as Tolyan and Kolyan duo. Mostly listens to hip-hop like Detsl, but also listens to Korol i Shut, Kino and some other foreign artists. His style of clothes is more hip-hop-like so some people call him ''not true rock fan'', even though he never stated he was lol.
Temirov Kirill Timofeevich
That's Markus and I don't have any headcanons on him. Like zero. But he might be an emo.
That's all for now, maybe I'll come back to it at some point and at least finish the concepts :p
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kutyozh · 4 months
I have to ask you, as the certified language playlist expert of tumblr if you have any musical recommendations for me. I am slightly in love (huge understatement) with the sound of the Russian band Shortparis but nothing else I know hits the same. Is there anything out there that will heal my art punk soul?
--- all the best, Sasha
muuum i'm the certified language playlist expert of tumblr nowww
hhasjkdfdj hi Sasha!! first of all, I just listened to their top songs and they slap?? I can totally feel why nothing else would hit the same 😭 their music has a very specific vibe to it, but I've tried to find similar-ish sounds anyway:
in russian:
Петля Пристрастия, I don't know their discography very well but you might want to check it out; esp. their album Фобос
По пятам by Лиса
3x3 by Gruppa Skryptonite, 104, T-Fest
Yamakasi by Miyagi & Andy Panda
in other languages:
Ул by AIGEL (tatar)
Ophelia by George Taylor (english)
Neturėjom Dainos by Solo Ansamblis (lithuanian)
Everything In Its Right Place by Radiohead (english)
Ah, Anne by Augusta (chuvash)
BIBA by Farasat Anees, Slick Trick, Toshi (urdu)
Qustai by Qudyr (qazaq)
Süpürgesi Yoncadan by Altin Gül (turkish)
Rat In The Trap by GIRIBOY (korean, english)
Alala by CSS (portuguese)
Oh My God by Sevdaliza (english)
Усе песні спетыя by AKUTE (belarusian)
Cradles by Sub Urban (english)
Gender Eraser by Mad Foxes (english)
Truly hope this helps 🙏
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goalhofer · 4 months
Every goal of the 2024 IIHF Worlds day 12
U.S.A. vs. Latvia
#7 Braeden Tkachuk (7) Caufield (3) 1:23 1st (U.S.A. 1-0 Latvia)
#8 Zach Werenski (2) Caufield (4), Pinto (6) 13:20 1st (U.S.A. 2-0 Latvia)
#3 Cole Caufield (3)(PP) Boldy (8), Tkachuk (6) 2:34 2nd (U.S.A. 3-0 Latvia)
#9 Renārs Krastenbergs (1) Tralmaks (1), Gudļevskis (1) 3:35 2nd (U.S.A. 3-1 Latvia)
#12 Matt Boldy (6) Werenski (5), Jones (5) 0:15 3rd (U.S.A. 4-1 Latvia)
#34 Eduards Tralmaks (1) Zīle (2), Laviņš (1) 4:44 3rd (U.S.A. 4-2 Latvia)
#55 Roberts Mamčics (3) Daugaviņš (3) 5:00 3rd (U.S.A. 4-3 Latvia)
#22 Cole Caufield (4) Pinto (7) 8:46 3rd (U.S.A. 5-3 Latvia)
#86 Joel Farabee (1)(SH)(EN) unassisted 19:15 3rd (U.S.A. 6-3 Latvia)
Austria vs. Great Britain
#92 Clemens Unterweger (2)(PP) Zwerger (5), Haudum (3) 2:40 2nd (Austria 1-0 Great Britain)
#28 Ben O'Connor (2)(PP) Lake (4) 7:44 2nd (Austria 1-1 Great Britain)
#9 Brett Perlini (2)(PP) Dowd (2), O'Connor (3) 1:59 3rd (Austria 1-2 Great Britain)
#26 Evan Mosey (2) Duggan (1), Tetlow (1) 10:25 3rd (Austria 1-3 Great Britain)
#75 Robert Dowd (1)(EN) Perlini (2) 15:31 3rd (Austria 1-4 Great Britain)
#96 Mario Huber (3)(PP) Haudum (4), Zwerger (6) 19:15 3rd (Austria 2-4 Great Britain)
Canada vs. Czech Republic
#22 Dylan Cozens (7)(PP) Power (4), Paul (2) 1:01 3rd (Canada 1-0 Czech Republic)
#81 Dominik Kubalík (3)(PP) Nečas (1), Sedlák (4) 9:11 3rd (Canada 1-1 Czech Republic)
#18 Dawson Mercer (3) Severson (1) 11:01 3rd (Canada 2-1 Czech Republic)
#38 Brandon Hagel (3) Tavares (7), Dubois (4) 15:42 3rd (Canada 3-1 Czech Republic)
#18 Ondřej Palát (3)(PP) Špaček (3), Červenka (7) 16:56 3rd (Canada 3-2 Czech Republic)
#10 Roman Červenka (3) Nečas (2), Špaček (4) 18:11 3rd (Canada 3-3 Czech Republic)
#22 Dylan Cozens (8)(SH) unassisted 3:13 OT (Canada 4-3 Czech Republic)
Finland vs. Switzerland
#21 Kevin Fiala (5) Loeffel (4) 5:14 2nd (Finland 0-1 Switzerland)
#43 Andrea Glauser (1) Niederreiter (3), Fiala (4) 7:26 2nd (Finland 0-2 Switzerland)
#12 Jere Innala (2) Granlund (5), Lehtonen (1) 17:51 2nd (Finland 1-2 Switzerland)
#21 Kevin Fiala (6) Niederreiter (4) 16:33 3rd (Finland 1-3 Switzerland)
France vs. Germany
#12 Valentin Claireaux (1) Addamo (1), Perret (1) 16:49 1st (France 1-0 Germany)
#65 Marc Michaelis (3) Kahún (1), Ehliz (7) 19:04 1st (France 1-1 Germany)
#81 Anthony Rech (1) Boudon (3), Chakiachvili (2) 1:09 2nd (France 2-1 Germany)
#49 Lukas Kälble (3) Stachowiak (6), Peterka (4) 5:56 2nd (France 2-2 Germany)
#77 Alexandre Treille (2) T. Bozon (2), Guebey (1) 6:18 2nd (France 3-2 Germany)
#19 Wojciech Stachowiak (1) Reichel (4) 11:01 2nd (France 3-3 Germany)
#7 Maximilian Kastner (2) Michaelis (5), Szuber (1) 11:23 2nd (France 3-4 Germany)
#19 Wojciech Stachowiak (2) unassisted 1:19 3rd (France 3-5 Germany)
#73 Lukas Reichel (3)(PP) Sturm (2), Pföderl (6) 4:50 3rd (France 3-6 Germany)
Sweden vs. Slovakia
#23 Lucas Raymond (4)(PP) Hedman (5), Kempe (5) 2:20 1st (Sweden 1-0 Slovakia)
#65 Erik Karlsson (5) Holmberg (6), Raymond (2) 7:31 2nd (Sweden 2-0 Slovakia)
#95 André Burakovsky (4)(PP) Karlsson (4), Raymond (3) 12:38 2nd (Sweden 3-0 Slovakia)
#37 Isac Lundeström (2) Olofsson (3) 13:15 2nd (Sweden 4-0 Slovakia)
#14 Joel Eriksson-Ek (4) Brodin (2) 9:15 3rd (Sweden 5-0 Slovakia)
#29 Michal Ivan (1) Tatar (5), Slafkovský (7) 10:49 3rd (Sweden 5-1 Slovakia)
#14 Joel Eriksson-Ek (5) Karlsson (5), Dahlin (4) 17:35 3rd (Sweden 6-1 Slovakia)
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transhawks · 2 years
yall i just argued with a n*z* t*rf and had to resort to accusing her of a vaginophillic piss k||k so she could stop telling me the Crusades were a noble effort to stop the islamic hordes and that as usual us Jews are here instigating globalist wars just because I said that Pope Francis blaming Buryats and Chechens for Russian War Crimes was just Western Europeans screaming about the barbaric eastern hordes again and that soon enough they'll just go on to argue that actually if Russian slavs do commit war crimes its because its clearly the mongol-tatar ancestry showing itself. oh and this all started because I said that saying trans people are perverts for wanting to use bathrooms is homophobia redux. Anyway, how are y'all? send eye bleach.
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russianreader · 2 years
"Our People Are Not Terrorists"
“Our People Are Not Terrorists”
Defense attorney Edem Semedlyaev and Crimean Tatar political prisoner Raif Fevziev, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 12 January 2023. Imam Fevziev’s t-shirt reads, “Our people are not terrorists.” Photo courtesy of Imam Fevziev and Crimean Solidarity via Mumine Saliyeva In one of his interviews from the dungeons of the Rostov pretrial detention center, Dagestani journalist Abdulmumin Hajiyev commented on…
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extraliga-related · 5 months
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diastudieseast · 2 years
feb 2, 2023
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I love answering questions and reading other people`s answers heh soo i would like to participate in lunlun 20 days language learning challenge c: also, i want to motivate myself to study regularly during my winter break.
I started few days ago but didn`t post, so i will summarise it in this post.
Day 1: Which languages can you speak besides your native language?
I speak English as my first foreign language (B1-B2), Arabic (MSA) as my second foreing language (A2) and a little bit Persian and Tatar (both A1). My native language is Russian.
Day 2: Which language/s do you want to learn while doing this challenge?
I want to improve Arabic and Persian. We`ve been learning a lot of difficult vocabulary in Arabic during this semester and i hope to revise it all before the next semester begins. Also, I`ve been learning Persian by myself and my official Persian classes in university will start only after this winter break. I want to feel confident in this subject, so i will learn more basic words and revise some grammar.
Day 3: Are there any apps you use to learn languages?
I use Quizlet for memorizing words and Reverso Context to find usage examples of these words (it helps me to memorize words and phrases in a more effective way). Also, Reverso shows verb conjugation, which is extremely helpful for Arabic and other languages with complex conjugation system. And one of the best sources for language learning for me is forvo.com. There i find the pronunciation of words in any language i learn. Amazing discovery of this year and it hepls a lot with Arabic and Persian.
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alain-keler · 2 years
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Journal du vendredi 13 janvier 2023.
Vents d’Est : avril 1993-Avril 1999.
Les minorités dans l’ex-monde communiste d’Europe de l’Est  après la chute de l’empire soviétique. Je vais dans ce journal vous présenter dans le désordre des photos de ce travail initié en 1993 et terminé en 1999.
  Le livre Vents d’Est, publié en 2000 avait été conçu en quatre parties, les quatre saisons, métaphores de la vie qui passe. L’hiver regroupait les minorités en lutte ou en proies à des discriminations, le printemps accompagnait les minorités qui commençaient à s’en sortir avec une démocratie encore balbutiante et des portes qui s’ouvraient vers un futur, l’été et le bonheur retrouvé, ou tout simplement trouvé, et l’automne encore incertain avec des gouvernants qui se servaient des minorités comme d’une monnaie  d’échange, donnant donnant, politique oblige.
Les Tatars de Crimée étaient dans le printemps, espoir de jours meilleurs qui semblaient se profiler dans un ciel rempli des lumière de la liberté.
Avec la  prise de contrôle de la Russie sur la Crimé  en 2014, et en 2022 la guerre en Ukraine, c’est l’hiver qui revient en force avec son lot d’incertitudes.
Le gouvernement russe recherche avant tout de la chair à canon en faisant appel à des peuples minoritaires.
 Alors que Vladimir Poutine a annoncé une mobilisation partielle des forces de réserve russes pour aller combattre sur le front ukrainien, des ONG alertent sur une surmobilisation de certaines minorités.
C'est le cas de SOS Crimée (KrymSOS), qui dénonce la proportion de Tatars appelés en Crimée, ce territoire annexé par la Russie en 2014. 90% des convocations envoyées dans cette région leur auraient été adressées, selon des estimations préliminaires citées par l'organisation, alors qu'ils ne représenteraient que 13 à 15% de la population de cette région.
"Une telle ampleur de la mobilisation peut conduire à un génocide caché du peuple tatar de Crimée" dénonce Yevgeny Yaroshenko, analyste de SOS Crimée.
"Les Tatars de Crimée représentent le segment de la population le moins loyal à la Russie, et il était clair qu'ils étaient très soutenus par les récents succès militaires ukrainiens. Maintenant, ils sont punis", analyse pour le journal britannique Tamila Tasheva, cofondatrice de SOS Crimée et représentante du président ukrainien en Crimée.
"Ils ont d'abord essayé de nous acheter, puis ils ont essayé de nous réprimer et maintenant ils voient la mobilisation comme un moyen d'essayer de se débarrasser simplement de nous", a-t-elle ajouté.
Même constat en Bouriatie, où l'association Free Buryatia Foundation constate non pas "une mobilisation partielle" mais "une mobilisation à 100%". La présidente de l'organisation a en effet indiqué au Guardian avoir "reçu et identifié plus de 3000 documents livrés en Bouriatie dans les 24 heures suivant l'annonce du projet par Vladimir Poutine."
Photo du journal d’aujourd’hui : Jeunes filles s'apprêtant à danser. Fête à Bakhchysaray pour la venue du président de la Turquie, Mr Demirel, le 23 mai 1998.
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November 2022 Monthly Reading Wrap-Up
The end of November? Already? You mean there’s only two weeks left in my semester? Somehow, even without final papers to write, I still feel like I have soooo much to do. (Possibly I would have less to do if I focused a little more on my schoolwork and read a little less, but that’s just not how these things go.) This month I finished 11 books and almost 4,000 pages. They were:
Leisure Reading: 
Into the Drowning Deep (Into the Drowning Deep #1) by Mira Grant- 4.25/5 stars
Secrets Beyond the Door: The Story of Bluebeard and His Wives by Maria Tatar
Bloodmarked (Legendborn #2) by Tracy Deonn- 5/5 stars
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space by Amanda Leduc- 4.5/5 stars
Book of Night (Book of Night #1) by Holly Black- 3.25/5 stars
Forging Silver into Stars (Forging Silver into Stars #1) by Brigid Kemmerer- 4/5 stars
Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher- 4.25/5 stars
Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel- 4.5/5 stars
Academic Reading:
Homer, Poet of the Iliad by Mark Edwards
The Athenian Woman: An Iconographic Handbook by Sian Lewis
Interpreting the Images of Greek Myths: An Introduction by Klaus Junker
Lots of good reads this month--hard to pick a favorite! But I am going to go with Bloodmarked. Though its start was a little slower for me than Legendborn, it was compulsively readable, immensely thoughtful, and had a great ending.
Currently Reading: Classic Ghost Stories collection, The Arena of Satire by David Larmour, and The Book of Gothel by Mary McMyne
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pucktoxicity · 13 days
Tatar must be back in Jersey if he’s doing a signing. I’ve seen you talk about these so what are the chances of getting tickets to his because I’ve missed out on so many at this place
yes!! finally, the first signing of the season!! i’d definitely say that my best advice for sports minded’s signings is to be ready with your card when the tickets go on sale, especially if it’s one as limited as his, with only an hour and a half allotted instead of the usual two or three hours. they do sell out quick, and when i say quick, i mean QUICK, you guys. for reference, nico’s signing at sports minded last season sold out in about 90 seconds, and jack’s sold out in under 40 seconds. it’s really that type of situation where it’s best to probably have your credit/debit card numbers copied on your phone or laptop so you can just paste them and get your ticket(s) nice and easily. 😁
i hope you get tickets!! tuna is AWESOME and it’ll be so cool to see him now that he’s back. good luck!! ❤️
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taiwantalk · 1 month
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