townofadaliah · 2 months
I think getting fanart is absolutely the coolest thing ever, I never thought I’d be involved in something that actually got fanart!!!!
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onvermel · 4 months
T.O.A Podcast #95 Bionicle had many missed opportunities throughout the ...
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babyitsmagic · 8 months
a quick note! ha.des on this blog is single ship with @amongstmortals's perse.phone and is tragically not compatible w/p.j.o. muses bc. my ha.des just wouldn't cheat on his wife and they're not polyamorous. and not compatible w/hades.town bc. they just haven't had that falling out.
but! my other greek muses are more than happy to interact w/any and all portrayals of perse.phone (apoIIo loves annoying her <3) and are all compatible w/p.j.o. and hades.town muses. (altho apoIIo is not t.o.a. compatible bc... i still... haven't read it so whoops to that.)
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Hi! Happy holidays! I love this blog so much it’s my go to for anytime I want to read! For the Christmas requests could I please have Wizard group x reader Christmas/Holiday party head-cannons? If you could also add the Arcane order with it like them experiencing human traditions? If not it’s totally fine! If you answer this thank you so much! Love your work!
I don't know if everyone knows this but Douxie is Santa Clause in the T.O.A world. Aaron confirmed it so if I have to live with that knowledge so do you
The Arcane Order were more or less redeamed as Chisrtmas was getting closer. You a young wizard somehow with Nari's help convinced the Arcane Order to give the Earth another century or so to let Earth work out its problems. With every bad thing happening there were small things helping fight the bad things. Resetting the world wouldn't help it, it'd just get rid of humans and humans held magic within them so it would cause an inblanace in the magical world. Your not actually sure if any of that is true but hey! It worked! :)
Nari was excited for Chirstmas. The idea of having her family there with her and giving gifts and celebrating life in the colder more hostile months was something she deeply enjoyed. The food and festivities made it even better! She'd wrapped lights around her horns to be more merry and bright and she'd traded her beanie for an elf hat.
Nari missed a lot of her plant friends as the cold months went on but they grew other things. Poinsettias, perwinkles, snowdrops! The house was always decorated with flowers winter or not. Often they handed out these winter bouquets on the streets to cheer people up as they subg Chisrtmas carols.
Planning the party was choatic but fun! Archie and Nari had their ideas while you and Doxuie had yours. Eventually you did a mash up of Yule, Chisrtmas, the old traditions, and something about Dragon sleep with Archie.
Preparing took all month but with some magic here and hard work there it all turned out amazing. The apartment had been warped to become bigger for everyone and there was decorations new and old everywhere. The house was very cheery and Nari was happy.
The day finally came and although you were nervous you were excited too.
You could tell they'd arrived when the fire roared in the fireplace and ice covered the windows. Holding Douxies hand and Naris they squeeze back as the door opens.
Bellroc brought wood to burn for a classic pig roast (an old Yuletide tradition) while Skrael brought warm furr blankets and coats. You lead them inside showing them the food you'd prepared and all the decorations Archie and Nari helped make. As music played in the background Bellroc seemed please and took a seat as Skrael followed.
The siblings quickly caught up chatting amongst themselves and you hummed watching them. Douxie helped you in the kitchen while Nari excitedly told her siblings what she found out about human Chisrtmas.
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aevyk-ing · 2 years
Are there any episodes of Tales of Arcadia: Trollhunters you needed, asides from the one where Claire meets NotEnrique, to the one where everybody gets therapy? Like the comedy ones that revolved around Toby and Claire? The whole season 1A parallels that revolved around Claire(just like Lion King 1 1/2 where Timon and Pumbaa as main protagonists)? A whole Christmas arc revolved around Jim, Toby, and Claire for example? Tales of the rest of the T.o.A. protagonists(asides Jim for example)??
A whole season 1 retelling from Claire's POV would have been too much, but a throwback episode of how her life was before compared to season 3, for example, sounds interesting. Dedicating an arc to Christmas sounds like a lot as well, I'd have liked to know more about Trollish celebrations. And I would have loved a full season of Wizards centered on Douxie.
Thanks for asking!
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
Where Do You Get Your Persistance From?
By Mr. PoetAll
Like pain and ounishment
Comes from pushing judgement
Past the barriers of judging.
Pleading ridicule
When ridicule is the root word
Isn't that ridiculous?
So you ask,
Where do I get my oersistance from?
There is nice under belly, behind the button feeling
That holds the energy
Intestine extremity
Close enough to the Muse of mind
And hearing.
Which strikes the heart
Like an art canvas of fire
From the start the soul
Has to be in it.
If it isn't then
What's the point of saying your passionate? Isn't it
Redundant to say I breathe air
And yet I inhale the wind?
Or may be
The two are different?
As if the air
Is the calming stillness that we breathe
But the wind
Is the very substance that brings us chills
Calms our bodies when in heat
Not like a dog
But in that it is still in repeat.
So I say,
My persistance comes from
This confidence with in.
This know how
Of knowing some way some how
I will touch the world.
So the persistance comes frok
Many mooning months of motivation.
Persistance comes from
The Definition of Love.
Persistance comes from
The One Above
Because even in the T.O.A.
Trials of Apollo
The sun surely has to follow.
So I follow The Son.
And I may be public enemy number one
But if I don't persist then the one whose life I'm called to touch or dare I say...save
Will resist.
And ain't no need to resist
When The Freedom is to Speak Your Shit!
So I shift in gears
Too quick for your ears
To hear. I need
A beer. A bud
Light. Striking matches
Like a motivational 420 night.
But I'm a-mused
That how you who are a naysayer
Can choose to degrade me?
As if I don't go through my own agony.
They say to make it
You have to know the struggle.
I say to be a poet
You have to know how to hustle.
Not in a schiesty type of way
But in a monumentous type of change.
Like a Hard Rock Café.
And that's Mount Rushmore.
So when I'm dead
Remember one thing
I persisted through every hellacious flame.
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sparklywizardpizza · 2 years
Okay, a few things. I love genshin, Beyblade, and T.O.A and hate ROTT. I ship mostly any gay ships for the fandom.
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dawna-the-daring · 4 years
My R.Ping Rules
1. I can R.P in threads on Tumblr or through Tumblrs messenger. Longer rp's should be done over messanger so we don't clog each other's blogs but whatever you want to do is fine!
2. I would like you to be 15+ to interact. I'm 18 and no longer a minor so anyone who's younger than 15 may be awkward to talk too and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable as my themes may be more mature.
3. I do not do sex NSFW R.P's but I will rp emotional trauma, manipulation, blood, gore, bloody battles, death, or violence. Please ask me over messanger/the ask box if you have any questions on my limit of what I'll r.p.
4. O.C's and cannon characters are welcome! As an o.c owner I love meeting other peoples o.c's and if you perfer cannon charcters I love interacting with them too!
5. I can switch between characters to make the interaction more lively! Through out the R.P/thread I'm not just my o.c. I can also be any of the cannon characters in Trollhunters, 3below, or Wizards. However I want one of my o.c's in each rp we do. No o.c exclusion please.
6. I've been rping for five years! Very literate but you can do long thought out repsonses or short silly ones. I'm not picky! However, I write with " " and I never do actions in * * Please don't try and r.p if your going to do either of those things.
7. If your confused stop the r.p any time so we can talk and work it out or use (()) to ask a question. Sometimes I get excited and write too fast which can lead to confusion. I don't mind clarifying if something just doesn't make sense.
8. A.U's are welcome and fun! I'm not fond of crossovers though. Please discuss in ask box/messanger before initiating a cross over.
9. Lets just have fun! Rping is all about taking a charcter you've made or love and giving them new life!
Please message me or send me asks! I'm excited to R.P!!! :D
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cat-turtle-art · 4 years
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townofadaliah · 2 months
Emergency casting call!!!! In order to get episode 6 out in time we need to recast a recurring character! The actor couldn’t participate in the project! It’s a male character however a masculine voice is not required! Please message me with your audition on discord my account is TheOfficialMoriarty we need 2 minutes of lines within the next 4 days after you are cast!!!!! Please have a relatively ok mic it doesn’t have to be amazing
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onvermel · 2 months
T.O.A Podcast #100!!!!!!!! BIONICLE Mask of Light the review...talk...th...
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what was your first muse?
Hm........ Donatello from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. i wasn’t online back then, me and my friends passed notes in the hall between classes.
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women do this thing
where if I explain it to you it sounds right mad. like a proper mad, put me i a jacket MAD. but they do this thing when you’re laying down. and they stroke your forehead in a way that- I’m a bit drunk so maybe this goes beyond my ability to explicate. be it skin-ship or some sort Pavlovian conditioning. but this motion is more than comfort expressed trough touch. it’s more than a act of caring that heals the soul. it’s a pure metaphysical expression of love that goes beyond what can be retained by the borders of reality.
it touches your soul. and it’s rude to force the expectations, good or bad. of past lovers onto new ones. but it’s been so long since someone’s really touched my soul. I’m agnostic and I’ve always seen the soul as something that goes beyond religion. and life is a state of being. and should be enjoyed wile it last. life is full of compromises but for me love won’t be one of them. not all love hits the same. but will that stop me when aiming for a higher love? not until they put this husk of a man in the ground.
so excuse me, as I try to be touched in the way tat I want to be touched. I said what I said!
0 notes
Dawna's Journey
A/N: Guys this took so long XD. Please give me feedback/comments/reblogs if not on the post than anon. Look I proof read it so much now I'm sick of it lmao. I know theres grammer mistakes but If I didn't post it tonight it was never getting posted. Anyways please enjoy this!!! :D
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Dawn stood at the edge of the kingdom. The night was still as the guards had retired for the evening and she was left alone with her thoughts. Standing at the gate she stared beyond the iron bars into the foggy night where the woods were.
 She was steps away from what could be the biggest mistake of her life. By doing this, by going out into the woods to find the cure for one of the dying trolls in the dungeon, she was betraying her families name and their status along with the throne. Her uncle, her mother, her sister, Merlin, Lancelot. All of them would tell her this is wrong. That trolls were the enemy.
 Swallowing thickly, hands glowing to illuminate the night she touched the cold stone of the castle's defense wall before brushing her fingers against the iron bars that kept the trolls and fae at bay. Hissing she pulls her hand away, shaking it to make the sting disappear. Frowning as she stares out at the woods they seem to beckon her. Walking away from the gate and along the wall she goes towards a thick patch of ivy. There hidden behind the plants was a small crack. One she found as a child and still used for situations like this. 
  Slipping into the greenery rough material scrapes against her catching on her clothes but she stays determined scooting through the stone. As Ivy brushes past her face, her boots sink into the soft grass and she edges herself away from the protection of Camelot. Looking back at the castle her hands shook as she stared at her room that overlooked the very land she stood on. She'd wandered the woods many times and explored their wonders but this time was different. This time she wasn't visiting peaceful territory or exploring her magical studies in secret, this time she was going straight to the Gum Gums. She was risking everything and what made her the most nervous about it, was she didn't care. It was the right thing to do. No matter how many people said it was wrong she felt in her heart it wasn't.
 Backing away from the wall, away from her home, she realizes this could be the last time she sees Camelot if she fails. Taking it in, etching every small detail into her mind she sighs. Things used to be different. When Arthur had Gwenivere she breathed life into him and the castle. She made people hope and kept the kingdom together as the war against the Gum Gums raged on. But now the kind queen was gone and Dawn felt keeping the peace fell on her. However, as much influence as she had in the kingdom and over her uncle, Arthur never really listened after he lost his wife. He was too lost in his grief to hear reason. He banished most magic and as Dawn felt the cool air ruffle her hair she knew soon she'd be next. She couldn't fix Camelot. Not by herself but she could try and make her uncles wrongs right. Starting with the trolls he'd locked away.
 Taking one last look, the moon shines silver light over her kingdom protecting her people inside the wall. Clutching her cloak tightly Dawn closes her eyes and runs into the woods, leaving no trace that she'd ever left. She feels the grass squish beneath her feet and the whistling wind almost knocks off her hood as she runs. 
 Magically summoning her silver and gold armor the chainmail echoes in the quiet woods. Her uncle had banned magic but that never stopped Dawn. Her sister did parlor tricks for fun but Dawn craved more. It was in these woods she learned the meaning of magic and through Merlin's notes she taught herself the way of the fae world. The elements were her teachers and she hoped they'd give her mercy tonight. 
  Running faster each step she takes makes a resounding clank that bounces through the trees. Pushing past snagging branches, brambles, and thick underbrush she keeps going only one thing on her mind, getting that troll cure so her friend would survive. What an absurd notion, that she princess of Camelot was friends with a common troll. Smiling as she thought of him she kept pushing on, chest heaving as she thundered through the woods. Stepping over small streams and avoiding roots. 
  White puffs left her mouth as she pushed on. The cold kept her awake and alert even as her legs burned from running so long. Dawn stops, armor now silent as the night returns to its previous stillness.
The girl swallows nervously and takes a cautious step forward. The bridge was old and full of divine energy, she could feel its power radiating from where she stood. It acted as a divide between the world of trolls and Gum Gums. Gunmar said he owned the whole woods but that was a lie. However, past the bridge there was no doubt that was his land. As she took in deep breaths chest burning she studied Killahead. Cracked stone, worn carvings from centuries ago, and overgrown moss greeted her. A bridge that once ran over a flowing river had been dry longer than Dawn had been alive. She knew this place had power. It held generations of knowledge and stories. It could be the rise or down fall of civilizations.
But unlike the trees and forest Killahead did not talk. It just listened. Cracked stone keeping the secrets of all those that walked past it. Closing her eyes she steps away from the safety of neutral territory and towards the tarnished stone. 
 Reaching out, her hand tightly clutches the side of the bridge. As she rubs her thumb over the side the stone feels smooth from years of being worn down. Stepping onto the Killahead bridge it's uneven with patches of grass slowly taking over the stone. Dawn feels the slickness of moss and dew under her boots and tightens her grip on the side she's holding as she trudges forward. 
 The moon shone above her through the leaves and pausing she tilts her head taking it in as darkness was soon to come. Listening closely, closing her eyes to hear the forest around her it was too silent. She realized someone was following her, that the GumGums knew she was here. Refusing to give up just because she felt fear she stood tall as she crossed the bridge. The branches overhead now choked out any light and it was a miracle she could still see as she made it to the end of the bridge. Standing there taking a deep breath her hand grazed the moss that had taken over Killahead. This was her last chance. To turn back and run. To go back to the castle and ignore her uncles troll business. To allow him to continue what he was doing. But... she could not.
 Filled with determination she takes her first step off Killehad. Heading away from the bridge and into the deep woods she was officially in Gum Gum territory. Her weapon wasn't drawn and it was clear she wasn't an active threat. Though Gum Gums never were ones to pick up on hints, if she had to fight she came prepared but she'd rather leave the woods unscathed.
  Venturing deeper into Gum Gum territory her chainmail echoes through the dense foliage. Low hissing and rustling could be heard from the bushes as scouts watched her. Golden and green glowing eyes all around her as she boldly kept walking. Her hand was now on her hip weapon ready to draw but she hadn't felt the need yet. She was hoping to speak to a general or a higher-up GumGum and somehow barter for the cure but as the growls got louder Dawn knew she'd have to fight. She was waiting for someone to come and address her and the soldiers watching her seemed to understand her silent demand as they kept their distance.
 Hearing something Dawn reacts quickly. Turning boots sinking into the mud as she grouds herself her blade made a distinctive swish before it clanked loudly striking against Gunmars sword. Sparks fly and the temporary bright light causes her green eyes to shine under her cloak. The brute growled in her face and she growled back surprising the GumGum King.
 "You wonder deep in our territory Knight." He hisses. Dawn responds by pressing her sword harder against his. Remembering what the knights had done, she leans back before she puts all her effort into her sword pushing the blade against his forcing him back. Stumbling Gunmar catches himself. His blue eye stares at her cloak as he pauses surprised by the human's strength. Tightening her grip on her sword showing no hesitation that she'd strike again he chuffs unamused. 
  His dark blue eye scans her form but all he sees is a long cloak and the shine of her sword in the dim light. Sniffing the air he chuffs surprised. It was a magical blade. A mage? Hadn't Arthur murdered them all?
 "I don't want to fight. I come seeking your aid." Dawn states tilting her head to look at the GumGum king. He couldn't see her face but he could feel her stare, those green eyes haunted him. This was no normal human. No normal mage. Chuffing he sneers tilting his head.
 "Oh? And why would I help a fleshbag morsel like you?" He snarls beginning to pace around her. Dawn followed his motions watching him closely. He admitted he was curious at what this knight could want at how someone could be so stupid and bold. They were foolish to come here but from the sword skills they showed he could see why they assumed they'd be safe. 
 "Because one of your own is dying and I'm trying-" Dawn starts but Gunmar growls bearing his fangs at her. 
 "SILENCE!" He roars. Dawn closes her mouth and waits. He comes close and sniffs her before huffing hot air in her face unimpressed. She reaches up to keep her hood on not wanting him to see who she really is. If he knew she was Dawna Noble of the PenDragon line it'd be over. He'd send her corpse to Arthur and her friend's life would be lost before she had a chance to win it.
 Rolling his eye, he turns annoyed by her insistent presence. "Go home whelp." He orders. "Humans speak only lies and when it isn't lies it's stupidity. Get out and don't return and you may tell your friends at the Round Table you survived. You are no meal and you're not worth the effort." He huffs waving her off. Dawn stands shocked as he begins walking away. She just ran from the safety of her home to try and save a troll's life and Gunmar doesn't even acknowledge her? He pushes her away like she's just a confused child. Grip tightening on her sword she grits her teeth shaking. She had come too far to turn back now.
 "I'm not going anywhere!" She snaps. Running to stand in front of the Gum Gum king she spreads her arms blocking his path. She's shaking making her chainmail rattle. She'd come so far he couldn't deny her now! "I came here to Gum Gum territory at night! It's important please at least listen to what I have to say." She begs. He looked annoyed and she frowned, lowering her arms. "I need something… and I know your people are the only ones who can give it to me." Stepping closer to Gunmar unafraid and praying for the life of her friend he growls at her. She's about to respond with a growl of her own when a sharp tug from her cloak made her stumble back from the King choking. She was so distracted talking to Gunmar she forgot to watch her back. 
 Tilting her head clawing at the clasp around her neck the Gum Gum prince was behind her and his claws had snagged her cape. He ripped at the fabric chuckling as she gasped for air. Unclasping the cloak knowing it was her life or her identity Dawn turned eyes blazing. The grip on her sword tightened making it glow as her green eyes glared into his red ones. She sneered at the Prince of Darkness teeth bared. He stumbled back in surprise eyes wide as he stared at her armor before staring at her face. Dropping her cloak he stepped closer curious as he sniffed her. Her amor bore Camelots symbol and stepping closer he clearly saw the Noble clans markings in the carvings of her amor. Dawn pushes Bular's face away when he gets to close and he chuckles. 
 "... Dawna? The King's niece? A child?" He laughs but Dawn stays undeterred. Her grip remains on her sword as she points the end at him. He chuckled amused. It seemed she was braver than the rest of her family or stupider. 
 "This child." Dawn says slowly eyes narrowed into slits as she feels anger course through her veins. Her hands burn coursing with energy and suddenly the trees begin to shake as the branches above them shift. Distracted she pushes Bular over with the butt of her sword forcing him against the wet grass. The Moonlight leaked through the trees as leaves swirled around her. Had it been the day she surely would've killed him. But that wasn't her intention.
  She wanted him to see her. To fear her and as her armor shone as bright as the moon GumGums hissed backing up at the glare. "Is not one to be triffled with. I seek something and I'm not leaving till I get it." She states glaring down at Bular. He growls at her, angry she'd knocked him down but she seems unaffected by his silent threat.
 "Like we'd ever help you." Bular huffs pushing her sword away from his face. Dawn puts it back in her sheath and sighs. As she took a deep breath she could see this wasn't working. She needed to switch tactics.
 Thinking back on everything she knew of Gum Gums she paused, she'd need to choose her next words wisely. "I'm not asking for help. That's weak." She hisses. "I'm asking for a fair trade." Dawn finally says. She holds out her hand for the Prince but he snarls, snapping his teeth at her fingers. She pulls her hand away to avoid the bite and rolls her eyes. Turning away from Bular she looks back to Gunmar.
 "You have nothing we want." The troll states uninterested. Dawn hums. No she didn't, did she? What was she expecting? The Gum Gums to reach into their darkened hearts and present her the cure like a gift? This was doomed to end in a fight. 
 Hand on her sword she hums as Bular shifts behind her. The brute huffs as he gets up, bumping her aside as he walks by to get to his father. Both the beasts now glared at her. Dawn wishes she could say she was without fear as they stared at her but she'd come so far she wouldn't turn back now.
   "Leave your wasting our time." Bular says uncaring of her achievements or her power. "Your so skinny we'd choke on your bones." He adds. His father laughs head bomping his son but Dawn shakes anger radiating through her. Eyes turning a dark green she feels the grip on her powers loosen. In a perfect circle around the three of them the grass dies. The two trolls watch as the plants around them begin to wither, roots twisting and cracking as wood split and leaves fluttered down. Then it all turned black rotting away. Facing them her eyes burn with a need to prove herself. The moon shines on her and Dawn's armor reflects it's light showing her power as she stood in the dead grass.
 "Then fight me. In a duel." She demands standing her tallest as she looks at them.
 She wasn't leaving without that cure. She may fall here but she falls with more grace than either of these so called warriors.
 Gunmar leans in close his horns jutting out like a crooked crown as he snarls at her. Dawn snarls back. She. Wasn't. Leaving. Without. That. Cure.
 "... Fine. You wish to die? I will not stop you." Turning Bular and him begin to stalk away. Soldiers surround her and as she draws her blade eyes wide she sees Gunmar pause. The soldiers don't advance or go for an attack. Dawn turns and Gunmar stares at her waiting. She realizes she is supposed to follow. Taking one last look back at Killahead and the safety of the forest beyond she picks her shredded cloak off the dead grass before reclasping it around her neck.
 It seems she got what she wanted.
  An hour or two must have passed making Dawn fear she wouldn't get back before Daylight. If her bed was empty when the castle awoke they'd send a search party and she'd never be aloud to leave again. Arthur would watch her every move and Merlin… she'd never be aloud to learn another spell. Trudging on through the darkness of the woods fearing that Daybreak was near she felt weak. Her legs were tired from the long trek but she knew it was worth it. She watched as they passed trees with scratch marks in them and trollish sayings and carvings she couldn't decipher. Dawn pauses touching one of the trees and tracing the carving it flashed green and the words changed allowing her to read it. Tilting her head she squints.
 "Home…?" She mumbled seeing the deep groves in the tree. Dawn felt she knew this language from a distant memory as if it had been murmered once before as if it'd been read to her. Trying to remember how she knew it, a jab to her back made her hiss.
 Poked with a guards spear she walks away and observes her surroundings closely. Seeing more trolls watching from the bushes, standing guard Dawn realized they had led her into the heart of their territory. Her eyes are wide in wonder as she looks around enamoured. She'd heard such dark stories about the GumGums home but standing here she could only feel the warmth of fellow warrior spirits.
   Tents were set up and huts made from the surrounding trees and rock. Everything was handcrafted in a way Dawn never knew trolls were capable of. Woven branches and carved rock shielded families from the cold as they laid together. Fires raged in pits and the flames made the GumGums eyes reflect as they watched her follow their king.
   Younglings ran around the camp jumping into bushes only to leap out at their friends causing squeals of joy to ring through the camp. Mothers and fathers sat and chatted as they groomed their newborn whelps, licking them clean as they made little squeaks of protest wiggling in their parents grip. Soldiers sparred and played chuffing at one other as they rolled around and smashed their helmets against each other, kits cheering them on. The more she saw the more she began to question her faith and allegiance to Arthur.
 Was this any different than home? They wove intricate baskets of grass that held food and supplies just like the weavers and potters of Camelot. There were some differences such as how and what they wove but the patterns told a story just like her people. Warriors brought back what they'd hunted putting them in piles for all to share similar to the town's trade center. Children played games with each other running around as adults took turns to watch. Was this not exactly like Camelot? Was the way the soldiers behaved any different than Camelots knight barracks or the teens copying the soldiers exactly like young squires? She could almost imagine the GumGums as humans in this light, as a thriving tribe deep in the woods who wanted nothing to do with Camelots culture.
  As she was pushed forward by GumGum spears to keep pace, she stumbled lost in her own thoughts. 
 Stumbling forward trying to wrap her head around the fact that the GumGums weren't all evil she stared up at Gunmar. From this angle walking with his son he almost seemed... human. He could've eaten her or mauled her when they first encountered each other but instead he listened to her pleas and now he was giving her a chance to fight. That was more than what Arthur ever did for her. More than Lancelot believed she could do. Who was the real monster in this war? Was there even a need for war?
 Turning Gunmar meets her gaze and she looks away. She decides to study his camp as this may be her only chance. Looking around taking in the dense foliage and how they'd made it a home she felt eyes on her. Turning whelps watched her curiously blinking owlishly at her. She wonders if they've ever seen a human. Well a live human. Bending down and pausing to wave they ran off squeaking to their mothers. Staring at the troll families who held their children close and their harsh gazes as they glared at the princess, Dawn realized she was the only monster here.
 Bular chuffed amused, making Dawn blush. Of course they'd be scared of her. After all she was the enemy. Getting up and pulling her cloak closer plants nervously bloomed around her and nearby crystals glowed reacting to her emotions. She flushed embarrassed at her lack of control and quickly followed the King of Darkness, curious eyes watching as they left. 
Lead to an arena Dawn pauses in awe. She was standing in the fabled GumGums battle room, she'd only ever heard stories. She never thought she'd see this place. Looking out at the various weapons placed around their training space. There were axes, swords, spears, javelins, maces, and other weapons she didn't recognize. Her green eyes widened in amazement studying the colosseum from the balcony they stood on. It overlooked everything and she was determined to write this down and document it later. The arena was large and wide carved out from the center of the mountain, hidden deep in the core. She could see statues of fallen warriors decorating the rims of the arena. Stone steps carved from years of work circled the colosseum allowing trolls to watch as others spared. She also noticed dents in the walls and wondered about the battles that caused such scars. 
 Running forward Glowing Green crystals jutted from the ground and tapping one, it glowed brightly reacting to her touch. Her heart swelled at the magic in this room, the history. She felt an ancient power in this place and could feel the souls of thousands of trolls who had fallen here. It was exhilarating unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Unlike anything in Camelot.
  "Our rules are simple fleshbag." Gunmar states demanding her attention. Turning away from the balconies edge and focusing on him he snarls from his place on his throne beginning. Skulls decorated his seat and Dawn swallows before meeting his gaze listening closely. "Rule One. Always finish the fight and never hesitate." He states slamming his hand onto an old skull crushing it. Dawn nods aware of this troll custom despite how much she despised it. "Rule Two it must be your blade that ends the fight it can not be your enemies." Holding her sword tightly Dawn understands this. If she lost her weapon she could not use her opponent's to end them.
   Gunmar smirked, leaning forward on his throne of bones as he chuffed in her face. Hot air sent her hood back and made her long hair shift as he leered down at her. "And Rule Three young mage. No magic." He instructs.
 Dawna chokes hearing the last demand. No magic? Since when was that a Gum Gum rule? She was never informed that would be part of the deal. Looking over at Gunmars son she brings her sword close. 
 Bular was at least twelve feet tall and Gunmar fifteen. She was a third their size, maybe half at best.
 Without her magic it would be impossible to defeat either of them. She could fight but she didn't have proper training in dueling only practice from when she copied Lancelot. Not to mention the split swords she'd brought were magic. She'd only have the weak weapon she swiped from the knight hall which to a troll was barely a dagger. She wasn't even sure it could go through a trolls skin. As they watched waiting for an answer, Dawn's hands clenched beginning to glow. She supposed magic would be an unfair advantage but wasn't it unfair to make her fight without it? Magic was apart of her, apart of this place. To deny her such a large part of herself… Trembling she felt sick. Perhaps Gunmar and Arthur shared more than she assumed.
 "Well princess?" Gunmar sneers the title like an insult before smirking, licking his fangs. "What is your decision? Do not waste our time." Dawn shakes. He thinks her a coward, a cheat but she would always keep true to her word. She came here. She had to finish this. Looking at her hands before closing her eyes she takes a deep breath. The glow dies and their left in the dull light of the green crystals. 
  Looking up and nodding Gunmar chuffed staring at her. Sighing, she looked down at herself allowing her armor to fade away. She felt naked without her protection but If they considered magic cheating then she would respect their rules as she was on their land.
  "I do not cheat. I do not need magic to win. And if I fall there's no one to go back to anyways..." Closing her eyes thinking of home she knows either way she wins. She either dies and meets Gwenivere in Avalon or she returns to the castle and saves her friend's life.
  Whispering a prayer to her family and hoping this was not her last night alive Dawn nods. She stands before the King and Prince unarmored and defenceless cept a small blade she held. Gunmar turns and not a moment later an attendant walks in carrying what Dawn feared most. Ravenstone.
 Rare and made from the dust of fallen magic users ravenstone blocked any magic from being used, containing the energy and even stealing it if a mage was around it too long. She holds the stone in her hands when the attendant passes it to her and pauses seeing they were cuffs.
  She swallows as they watch her and closing her eyes she slips them on wearing them as bracelets. Shivering Dawn could feel them working, they would not only block her magic but drain her energy as well. She'd have to be smart in this battle or she'd surely fall. 
  Rubbing the cuffs nervously she feels the intricate runes carved into the stone. They told the story of her kind, the origin of magic. A  zap of electricity goes up her arms making her feel more powerful despite the impediment. "I do not intend to lose." She states boldly. Bular chuffs sword dragging against the ground. Neither did he. Turning towards the arena she begins walking down the stairs, the brute following her.
  It seemed Bular had decided he would be her fighting partner and Gunmar their witness. 
 Waiting at the bottom she paused. Spinning the sword in her hand she stared into the steel looking at her reflection. If she died today she died a hero. If she won it wouldn't be long lived. Dictatuous was running out of time. He needed the cure. Now. 
  Attacking her while she's distracted, Dawn quickly focuses back on Bular, on the battle. Their swords clash against each other creating sparks as they glare at one other. She was tired, had less fighting experience, and was weaker. Smirking Dawn pushed Bular back, she guessed that made this a fair match. 
  Clawing at the ground gaining his footing he snarls and charges at her. Dawn thinking quickly jumps up and flips over him as he swings his sword where she had just stood. Landing she turns holding up her blade as his crashed against hers. He sneered pushing down and she cries out feeling the increasing pressure as he pushes down. Huffing she kicks him back making both of them skid.
 She breathes deeply grip tightening. The battle had just begun and she knew she was outmatched. Shifting her position she glances up at Gunmar. He sat on his throne overlooking their battle, watching amused. His eye met hers and she stares wondering what he must think of her, of his son before Bular crashes back into her, sending her backwards. Hitting the ground she rolls rocks digging into her skin. Her shirt catches and she hisses as the cloth rips open and slashes her flesh making blood spill. The first blood drawn from battle.
  Getting up she stares at Bular. She couldn't get distracted. This wasn't like home, if she lost here she wouldn't get back up again.
  Bular stalks towards her grinning as he dragged his two swords. Taunting her as they scratched deep groves into the floor. In the green light of the jagged crystals his eyes glowed and Dawn saw a blood lust she'd never seen before. Ducking behind a rock as he slashed his swords at her she inches around it before she rolls forward going under his legs aiming at his ankles. Making contact she quickly scrambles up also hitting him in the back right above his kilt. Holding her sword waiting for a counter attack the Prince roars. Snarling he turns, swords hitting her with so much force she's slammed into a wall. Making contact she drops her sword, gasping as she grabs her side. He'd gotten her. Twice now. But so had she. They were even. Grimacing in pain eyes wide in fear she stares up at the warlords son.
 "Look at you. Tiny and weak human. You thought you could best me? I am the son of Gunmar! I am a conquer! And now for your ignorance you shall fall." He states raising his swords above her head. Eyes darting around Dawn smirks. Kicking him in the grocknuts as hard as she can he roars, dropping his swords and whimpering. She grabs her own weapon before charging. Kicking him backwards again she slashes at his chest causing black blood to spill.
 "Miserable human your death will be painful for that!" He threatens as he smacks her away with his arm. Falling back sword clattering as it slips out of her hand once more Dawn groans.
Her breathing is rough as she shakes. Bular picks up his blades and as she kicks back trying to reach her sword his claws dig into her ankle pulling her towards him. He huffs hot air into her face keeping her pinned and she stares at him. He raises a sword but moving her head the blade simply sinks into the ground next to her. He snarls and she snarls back, body burning with pain but brimming with determination. She could not fall.
 Smashing her head against his he hisses in pain, stumbling back as she stands. Blood drips into her eye and her ankle burns from the deep cuts but she still stands tall. "I don't intend to lose." She sneers and he growls at her. Tackling her to the ground Dawn grunts but smirks. He'd pushed her closer to her blade.
 Smiling Bular stared down at her ready to smash her head in right as her sword pierced his side and went straight through his ribcage. She missed his heart intentionally though she wonders how his face would've looked if he had been beaten by such a "weakling" as herself. Smiling as warm blood dripped onto her hands from the wound she'd inflicted she forced him back before climbing on top of him straddling him. Grabbing his horns and pushing his head down she glares down at him huffing.
 "You you you!!!" He roars thrashing but Dawn keeps one hand on the sword threatening to push it all the way through if he didn't listen. The other rested on his horn keeping his head down.
 "Yield Bular. You've lost." Dawn snarls. Their battle was intense and she almost fell but Bulars cockiness had been his downfall. Her hair falls onto his face as she breathes deeply staring into his eyes. Bular chuffs growling at her but her hand remained on the hilt of the sword reminding him she could end him if she chose. She'd done it. Bloody but not broken she'd beaten Bular the Butcher.
 "MY SON!" Gunmar screeches from his throne ready to charge. Dawn turns holding out her hand that'd been on Bulars horn. The GumGum king paused snorting at her boldness. 
"I'll make a deal." Dawn states. "Declare I've won and I'll take off the raven cuffs, I'll heal him, and we never speak of this. And..." She takes a deep breath in blood still dripping from her wounds. "You give me what I desire." Dawn offers. Gunmar chuffs staring at her then Bular. Bular who was covered in blood and beaten by a mere mortal. His son. His legacy. Who was this girl? 
There's a long pause where the only sound is Bular and Dawns wheezing breaths. Dawn and Gunmar stare at each other and finally Gunmar chuffs looking away. 
"You have won." He growls lowly.
"Father!" Bular snaps before roaring at the movement. The pain from the inflicted wound was unlike anything he'd ever felt. Dawn turns eyes wide as she holds the sword still to keep it from hurting him further.
"Silence! You have lost Bular let the witch work!" Dawn nods and ripping off the cuffs she takes out the sword before placing her hands against the wound. His stone was warm despite being rock something she wasn't expecting. The texture was rough and marred threatening to slit her hands open if she didn't work carefully. Black and red stained her hands their blood mixing together and as her eyesight blurred she prayed that after the battle her magic was strong enough to heal him. 
Closing her eyes focusing Bulars breathing and chuffing gets louder as electricity courses through his veins. Dawn feels the wound close under her fingertips slowly and putting more energy into it, more thought the GumGum Prince stares amazed as the rock melts and melds before becoming a small scar against his chest. Almost as if she'd never struck him in the first place. 
Dawn pulls back still straddling him and he stares at her. This small human who just put him on the brink of death only to save him. Who was this human? This Dawna Nobel? 
"... Can I please get the troll cure and go home now?" She begs falling off the dark prince to lay on the ground besides him. They both lay still after their battle, taking deep breaths in.  
 Gunmar held the potion as Dawn smiled. She had a small cut above her eye from headbutting Bular and a gash on her arm and leg from rolling on the ground but she'd done it. She got the cure to save Dictatious. Taking the bottle into her hands Gunmar leaned close.
"Do not let me see you here again." He chuffs. "And do not take this potion lightly. It could destroy my people but I put my trust in you as you've been the only honorable human I have met in some time. You bested my son and for that you will not be underestimated again." Holding the bottle close, feeling the warmth of it's magic through the glass Dawn looks at Gunmar and nods. That was the closet to a compliment she'd ever get from the GumGum King. 
"You have my word Gunmar." Smiling she turns facing Killahead before she fades into the shadows disappearing. 
Sputtering as she falls into one of the many castle halls, Dawn can't breathe as she lays flat on the carpet. Breathing deeply her hands dig into the lush fabric as her eyes go blurry. Groaning light leaks from a nearby window onto her face and she sees it's sunup, sometime in the early morning. Grunting body burning in pain as she slowly gets up she begins to limp down the hall sweat and blood dripping down her face. But holding the potion close she can't bring herself to care about her pain. Heaving in air, she could feel the night and the toll of magic finally catch up to her. However she couldn't quit rest yet. Clawing at the wall as she continues walking she pulls herself forward cradling her prize close. 
Dawn paused looking around the corner. The guards that were usually stationed for prison duty were gone on shift leave, giving her a window of opportunity. Opening the door that led to the dungeons quietly she sneaks inside to the staircase before closing the door. Staying in the shadows and avoiding the torches she creeps down the stairs careful not to make a sound. Peaking, her head out she sees most of the trolls were resting or trying too. Hacking could be heard and she winces, listening to Dictatious as he continued to cough.
 Walking quietly across the stone floor, trolls don't pay her cloaked form any mind. Standing near his cell she holds the mug of tea and potion close. She'd changed her clothes to look more presentable. She'd also slipped into the kitchens when no one was looking to grab a few things. Holding the potion and tea in her hand she pauses outside his cell. She could study the potion Gunmar gifted her, reverse it. Make a weapon and wipe out the GumGums once and for all. Magic would finally be respected. Arthur would respect her. But...
 Hearing his loud pained coughs Dawn closes her eyes as she pours the potion into the tea. She sticks the cup through the cell bars allowing Dictatious to take it. The hacking stops and Dawn slowly opens her eyes. Dictatious looks at her untrusting and she frowns her hand with the tea shaking.
  "Please it'll help I promise..." She begs him. He blinks before looking at Dawn through the bars that seperated them, all six eyes peering into her soul through the darkness of the dungeon. 
 "... why?" He asks voice barely above a whisper as he forces it out of his raspy throat. He had gotten worse while she was gone but she believed Gunmar had fulfilled his deal as she had hers. That his sickness would be cured once he drank what she'd fought for and that he'd live just as she had.
 "Because this is wrong and I'm sorry. Please..." Dawn continues to offer the cure, cloak hiding her face but Dictatious knew her. She was the King's niece. She was Camelots jewel. She was that girl who would sneak into the woods to learn magic and come down into these dark dungeons to hear the stories he told other trolls to keep their hopes up.
  He sniffed the tea, it was a spicy moss blend that Dawn found many trolls enjoyed. The ingredients in the kitchen were slightly different from what trolls used but she hoped it'd appease him. Dictatious and her were by no means close but she wanted to amend that. They'd met in the woods when she was small, he'd helped her home. And once more he'd seen her practicing magic and had gifted her a troll book about ancient spells. She'd hated trolls for months after Gweniveres passing. She'd hated her magic but then she remembered. She remembered her aunts love and kindness. Her passion for the arts and her interest in magic. She would not let Arthur get away with this if she was still alive. But she was dead so it was Dawn's responsibility now. 
  It helped that Dictatious told stories whenever she came down to explore the dungeons. Although they never directly interacted he showed her not all trolls were evil. Before he got sick he spun tales of his world explaining magic in a way Dawn had never heard before. He was not a beast like Arthur described and she couldn't bear for him to die when he became sick and could no longer tell his stories. She couldn't stand that these trolls were trapped, that so many had died here. But for now all she had to beg for forgiveness was the potion. 
  "..." Dictatious studies Dawn humming as he looks her over. He takes the cup, his hands touching hers. She smiles and he looks grateful as he takes the warm mug. Looking at the princess with glazy eyes he snorts amused. "You are not like your family. You are different..." Dawn tilts her head but he doesn't add on as he chugs the drink. Once done he hands the cup back before curling into a ball on the dungeons cold floor. Dawn stares at him panicked. Had it been poison? Was he dying? Had she killed him? Had Gunmar lied to her?
 "Dic…?" Going to open the cell bars she paused watching his chest slowly rise and fall. Sleeping. The troll was just resting. Sighing and letting out a laugh Dawn falls against the bars exhausted. Chuckling she hugs her knees close. As she looked at Dic slumbering and listened to the rumbling trolls around her, her eyes fluttered. Yes she could use some of that too...
 Dawn feels a hand on her shoulder. She startles awake looking around confused before she remembers visiting Dic in the dungeons. Groaning she isn't sure when she dozed off but apparently she had.
 "You stayed?" Turning Dawn takes off her cloaks hood and pauses seeing Dictatious look at her. Smiling she stands, excited the potion worked as he looked much healthier. 
 "You're up." She states ignoring his previous remark. Studying him he seemed to be in good health despite the terrible circumstances. Dic hums in response reaching his hand through the bars to touch Dawns face. "Are you well?" She asks ignoring as he poked her.
 "I am but what of you? What happened to you?" Dawn blushes remembering the bruises and cuts all over her face from the duel. She didn't have the energy to deal with them last night. Letting out a chuckle she shrugs it off.
 "Don't worry about it." She responds, muttering a quick spell to heal her injuries. Dictatious watches with wide eyes as the cuts slowly close and the swelling goes down. She still had some light bruising but she looked much better. He had not seen her last night in the darkness of the dungeon but he'd recognized her scent and voice. Plus she was the only human who really came down here other than the Knights. 
 "You are a very strange human." He states crossing his arms. Chuckling Dawn nods. She was indeed different than her family. 
 "Can you walk? What about run?" She questions suddenly. Dictatiouses face scrunches as he tilts his head. What was she planning now?
 "Yes I feel fine now but why?" He asks. Dawn nods at him before she summons her armor. If she'd fallen asleep against the cells in the morning than it had to be dark now.
 "You've been here long enough. All of you. It's time you go home." She states. 
 "Dawna what are you doing?" Dictatious demands grabbing at her arm but she was already walking away from his cell to the center of the room. Making the torches burn bright, light fills the room showing Dawn.   "... You don't know me!" Dawn addresses them and the sound of grating stone can be heard as they turn and shift towards her. Eyes of all shapes and sizes watching the girl speak. "But I believe Trolls aren't evil. And I promise you, neither are humans. I do this because what my uncle Arthur did to all of you was wrong. I do this to show we're not all like him." Dawn fueled by saving Dic holds up her hand and all the cadges glow. Trolls gasp backing away before the locks suddenly click and the doors swing open. They… they were free? "Follow me and I'll lead you home!" Pulling her hood up Dawn runs out of the dungeon towards the castles entrance and the trolls, goblins, stalklings, and gnomes follow. Dictatious pushes past other trolls and rushing out of his now opened cell runs to be in the front right next to her.
 "Dawna this could be your title! This could be everything. Your very life! What are you doing?" He demands pulling on her arm but she just smiles, winking at him. 
 She leads a charge, directing the various creatures through the castle. Bigger creatures pick up smaller or sicker ones to help them keep up. The freed trolls follow behind her trusting the emboldened mage who had saved them. Their thundering footsteps echoing through the castle.
Making it to the front entrance she bursts the door open with her magic, leading everyone out of the castle and through the labyrinth of Camelot cobblestone streets before finally arriving at the gate. Focusing and saying a spell she hoists the iron bars open and they nod at her in thanks before they run. 
 It was early morning and the sun slowly begins to rise but for now there was enough shade for the night creatures to travel safely. Dawna can hear commotion coming from the castle as knights scurry around trying to find the escaped trolls and missing princess. Laughing as she watches the trolls flee, seeing them return home to the woods her chest flutters in happiness. She'd done it. She'd used magic and she'd freed them. 
  Feeling a pull Dawn stumbles almost dropping the gate and pausing she turns.
  "Lets go." Dictatious states yanking at her hand. She blinks surprised before staring at the troll.
  "What?" She asks softly. He pulls again wanting to drag her into the woods with him. With all of them. Some trolls pause on the bridge looking back and waiting for her decision.
 "Come with us. Please." Dawn blinks before she stares at Dictatious. Tilting her head she gazes outward, to the woods and their lush forest. With the freshest of fruits and gorgeous flowers. With friends. With Safety. With Magic. With sparring. And Freedom. She'd have freedom. She feels another pull and hesitantly she takes a step back so she doesn't go running away with them. 
 "My family is here..." She mumbles but she longs to leave with Dictatious. To go to their troll safe haven and explore the troll world. Too read endless books and immerse herself in their culture and magic. Too see what she'd only heard stories about. To become what she could only dream. 
 "You don't belong with them." Dictatious lightly bumps her head with his before squeezing her cheeks. Dawn is confused but laughing she smiles realising he had just given her the equivalent of a platonic troll kiss. He saw her as kin and he wanted her safe. She didn't belong in Camelot anymore did she? Her home was the wild surrounded by trees and magic not cobblestone and iron. But if she stayed she could help and maybe someday she would ascend to the throne and she could fix things. She could repair the damage done by Arthurs anger and she could rule with Gweniveres love. 
  The loud clanking of armor gets closer and Dawn hugs Dictatious feeling his rough stone against her before she pushes him to flee. He runs understanding her decision but at the end of the bridge he hesitates sending her a hopeful glance. He waits but Dawn simply bows a last goodbye and he nods taking off into the safety of the woods. Looking up again about to bring the gate back down Dawn pauses. 
  Gunmar stood at the edge of the woods watching. Tilting her head he nodded slowly at her. He did not trust humans and the Royal Family was at the top of that list but Dawn hoped she had earned his respect. If she ever fell by his hand she hoped it would be a quick merciful death. Something he granted few.
 The iron bars slam down as her magic burned out, separating her from the woods and all that lied beyond. Dawn signs looking away. Once again she was trapped.
 Gunmar stood at the woods edge peering into the Humans putrid village. He had come to scout and see if Dawna would keep her word. If the potion she won truly was for a troll or if she was lying and planned to use it against them and slaughter his troops. His single eye widened as the gates opened. He growled ready to tear open her throat but paused as a flood of magical creatures poured out rather than the army he was expecting. He could see trolls of all kinds, stalkings, gnomes, and goblins and amongst them stood an unafraid Dawna. They towered over her and had ten times her strength and yet she didn't fear them. They all left and Dawna was alone. Going to turn and leave he paused. Some trolls remained. A cloaked troll had stayed back and now they were clinging to her. Even from the distance he could see they were small and sickly, barley recovered despite the potion it seemed. The troll pulled at her as the others encouraged her to leave with them. Gunmar snorted enraged at the notion they'd invite her into the woods. 
  The girl simply nodded no, trying to urge them to leave. A wise decision on her part. The troll looks up and saw he was running out of time, the light was coming and with it his death if he didn't hurry. He leaves but Gunmar watches him hesitate. The trolls look back and Dawn smiles before bowing goodbye. The trolls run to the shelter of the trees and the princess watches them leave. The gate is about to drop before her green eyes lock onto him. Their gaze meets and she slowly nods to him. The gate slams down separating them before he can respond and he hums watching her run off as knights come. Perhaps if things were different. If she was born a troll or even a GumGum in another life they could've been allies. Maybe even friends. He turns feeling saddened that she chose to remain imprisoned when she clearly could be free. What an odd human.
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airmanisr · 2 years
Short Solent III ‘G-AKNP’ “City of Cardiff” by Alan Wilson Via Flickr: c/n S.1295. Built 1946 for the RAF as a Seaford MkI with the serial NJ203. Converted to a Solent III in 1947 and joined BOAC as G-AKNP with the name ‘City of Cardiff’. Later became VH-TOB and finally N9946F. Stored for the Hughes Corporation between 1959 and 1973. Sold in 1976, she was bought for preservation and a restoration to flying condition was started. Famously appeared in the movie ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’, after which she has remained on static display in the care of the Oakland Aviation Museum, Oakland, CA. 5th March 2016 The following history is from the museums website:- “Built by Short Bros at Rochester, Kent as a Seaford 1 Delivered to Royal Air Force as NJ203 - October 24, 1946 Issued to No. 201 Squadron Returned to the U.K. Ministry of Transport & Civil Aviation - 1946 Transferred to Short Bros & Harland as surplus to requirements - September 25, 1947 Converted to Solent Mk III by Short Bros & Harland, Belfast to seat 39 passengers Registration marks 'G-AKNP' reserved - December 2, 1947 Entered onto the British Aircraft Register as G-AKNP - March 19, 1949 Registered to Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation Leased to British Overseas Airways Corporation - July 31, 1949 Aircraft was named 'City of Cardiff' Operated final BOAC revenue service Augusta-Southampton - November 2, 1950 Returned to Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation Placed in open storage at Belfast, Ireland Sold to Trans Oceanic Airways Pty Ltd - 1951 Painted in full Trans Oceanic livery at Belfast prior to acceptance Accepted by Trans Oceanic Airways - March 23, 1951 Departed Belfast on delivery flight to Australia as G-AKNP - March 24, 1951 Arrived Sydney at conclusion of delivery flight - April 4, 1951 Operated promotional flight Sydney - Hobart - April 6, 1951 Operated promotional flight Sydney - Grafton - April 9, 1951 Entered onto the Australian Aircraft Register as VH-TOB (CofR 1780) - May 1, 1951 Registered to Trans Oceanic Airways Ltd Aircraft was named 'Star of Papua' Certificate of Airworthiness issued (CofA 1808) - May 22, 1951 Entered regular commercial service on Sydney - Hobart service - May 22, 1951 Operated inaugural Sydney - Brisbane - Port Moresby 'Chieftan Service' - May 26, 1951 Flight crew: Captains K. H. Goddard, P. H. Mathieson Aircraft damaged after colliding with a fruit boat on the Brisbane River (Captain P.G. Taylor) - June 19, 1951 Tempory repairs carried out at Colmslie before being ferried to Sydney for full repairs. Aircraft was out of service for four weeks Operated first non-stop Sydney - Hobart Solent service - July 25, 1951 Flight crew: Captains P. H. Mathieson, H. F. Broadbent Lost number 4 propeller and reduction gear over Bass Strait on flight Sydney - Hobart - February 11, 1952 Aircraft continued on to Hobart where a safe landing was made Repaired and returned to service - February 16, 1952 Collided with a small cargo vessel whilst taking off from Brisbane River - March 22, 1952 Aircraft was operating Brisbane-Port Moresby service Returned to service four weeks later following completion of repairs Withdrawn from service for maintenance - August 19 to October 21, 1952 Operated final revenue service - April 15/16, 1953 Trans Oceanic Airways ceased all operations due to bankruptcy - April 1953 Sold by T.O.A.'s liquidators to Dollar Associates, Inc, Reno, USA - May 1, 1953 Cancelled from the Australian Aircraft Register - February 12, 1954 Entered onto the U.S. Aircraft Register as N9946F - May 1, 1954 Departed Sydney on delivery flight to United States (Captain B. Monkton) - May 12, 1954 Delivery route: Sydney - Fiji - Canton Island - Honolulu Aircraft was to be operated by South Pacific Airlines, Inc on Honolulu - Christmas Island - Tahiti services Aircraft was named 'Isle of Tahiti' Refurbished by Transocean Air Lines at Oakland, California for FAA certification - 1955 to 1958 U.S. Certificate of Registration issued - October 29, 1958 Test flown at Oakland, California in full South Pacific Airlines livery - November 13, 1958 Flew proving flight Honolulu - Christmas Island - Papeete return - December 1958 British Government announced thereafter that Christmas Island would be used for atomic bomb testing. This resulted in permission to use Christmas Island as a transit stop being withdrawn. Aircraft did not enter service and was flown back to Oakland (Captain B. Monkton). Sold to Hughes Tool Company and placed under armed guard at San Francisco Harbour - 1959 Evicted from storage area it was towed to Richmond, California for further storage - 1967 Sold to H & M Airline Services - February 1973 Sold to R & H Gottelli - March 1973 Sold to Rick & Randy Grant who intended to restore it to flying condition - December 1976. This came about following an appeal from an aviation magazine to save the aircraft from being scrapped. Aircraft renamed 'Halcyon' in 1978 Restoration commenced with assistance from 'Friends of Halcyon' Restoration group renamed 'Seaflite' Now a resident of the Oakland Aviation Museum, Oakland International Airport Used as a prop in film 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' Plans to complete aircraft to airworthy condition to be used on flight to Honolulu did not eventuate On display outside the Oakland Aviation Museum as 'RAF NJ203' “
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katanamasako · 3 years
M.A idea: Changeling(T.O.A) Kat
... she's already very close to a changeling, nonnie, not gonna lie. ... but sure, let's go there XD
how long you want it for?
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