#t3 writing
tierthree · 2 years
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got smacked w writer's block and also a fat workload (fucked up that i started this blog when i was in uni and now i'm an office worker jfbdhsksh) but hey here's a snippet of that clown rq i'm working on
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harbingersglory · 2 months
miko is SO REAL for that, two switches fighting over who gets to dom is the best dynamic. if you have time/want to i'd be curious to hear any sub headcanons you have for lisa, ei, ningguang and/or kafka!
this is so incredibly self indulgent because i see ningguang, ei and kafka in the same sentence and explode. everyone pretend i didnt accidentally pick a fav here um
ningguang i already see as a pillow princess more than anything she fits this so well. absolutely adores going slow + worship. treat this woman like royalty and lord you will not regret it. she goes all out to make the night as perfect as possible. will not let you have a hand in any of it sorry!! this is her turf. perfect atmosphere suited to your tastes (tons of candles, if you like that, or just going by moonlight is also her style). incense, taking a few minutes beforehand just to really get settled in the mood (usually by cuddling, but shes not against just taking a moment for some tea or even a game of chess).
you'll also probably need all that extra time to sort through whatever shes bought this time. when i said she goes the whole nine yards i mean it. she has money and she will use it. very expensive lingerie for herself (and you, if thats your thing.) and literally anything you could ever want. it heavily depends on what you both want out of the night but she spares no mora making it the best she can.
the non-sexual intimacy before hand (and especially after) is important to her she takes it very seriously (for the both of you). you'll probably get dragged into taking a long bath afterwards before actually going to bed. hope you arent too tired! because its gonna be a while before you actually sleep.
because this woman has stamina. technically. she's just really pent up and theres no better way to get that stress out then soft sex with her partner. shes not picky about positions really but she has a soft spot for laying on her stomach with a pillow to prop up her hips (really accentuates the pillow princess part, huh /j). if you start massaging her she's gonna wake up the entirety of liyue. she's normally quiet but lord knows she needs it and she cant keep quiet for the life of her.
genuinely just very soft and gentle. she just needs some good pampering after a long day to unwind (preferably with a glass of wine, but thats for later).
ei..is very awkward about it. she probably gets embarrassed if you bring it up but shes not. opposed per se. she's just used to domming that she has no idea what to do. genuinely a mess the first time around but she gets the hang of it quick (shes a quick learner :])
also you just really get to see a side of her you usually never do! she's usually big on topping and shes pretty calm and composed about it (usually). not cold, just..she doesn't outwardly express things often. except when shes subbing. its like a switch flipped
just dont tease her about how visibly flustered and awkward she is about it. because she is. horribly so. shes still pretty quiet but thats just ei, to be fair. its like a cute, nervous puppy. call her a good girl though and she might short circuit so badly the shogun comes out
though i also see ei as someone who prefers giving even when subbing. a dangerous combo considering her body is a puppet and, yknow, cant get tired. you will have to pry this woman off you shes lowkey insatiable when it comes to pleasing you. 100% less of a brat, though. you give her an order shes following through with it before you can blink. efficient!
kafka is similar to miko, imo. maybe yelan too?? she gives off big brat vibes when she subs. she wont use suggestion in bed unless your 100% cool with it and even then its usually when she doms but when she subs? shes a menace. bit of a masochist, to be honest. she'll push your buttons until you crack and decide to punish her but woops, thats just what she wants so she wins anyway!
she cant feel fear but she certainly enjoys a good thrill. specifically sensory deprivation. cover her eyes with a blindfold and keep her guessing. its probably her favorite part, the closest she can get to fear. especially if you add a bit of pain into it.
choking, spanking, bit of blood..this woman is smiling through it all like she's the happiest woman in the world. especially if it makes you frustrated. shes like it desperate and rough.
if thats not your speed, though, she can get that thrill in other ways. semi public sex is her jam so sandwich her against a wall in some random supply closet and make her scream. shes not quiet even in the comfort of whatever room shes booked this time and you'll have to physically shut her up if you dont want to get caught. shes still a brat at heart, though. put your fingers in her mouth and she'll bite. your gonna need the patience of a saint to dom kafka.
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iris-drawing-stuff · 9 months
Sometimes I just get the most nonsensical crossover ideas.
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Doki Doki Literature Club! Milgram Edition
Does this make sense? No.
Was it fun to draw? Yes!
And that's what's important!
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
🎬: About Es being a past prisoner and the secret 11th prisoner in your AU. But advance apologies if I'm overstepping into your AU!
I had this idea from a story that pretty much did the same thing. Going off there are novels/manga on Milgram and there being another Es and their own prisoners running another Milgram (but differently) I imagine this Milgram projects has been going on for a while, and our Es was from a previous project who might have gotten the worst verdict (or the most spared out of everyone), and was given this final task as a warden for the next group of prisoners. This is why they so readily agreed and had their memories wiped for this Milgram project instead of being weary on a shady project on judging an almost crime, they've already been through this.
(BTW is it bad and worrying for one of our ten fav prisoners to be the next Es if this is legit...)
Anyway, that's why Es is in Milgram in your AU, I guess? And the lore drop that Kotoko picks up on them being the 11th prisoner, I can imagine her also talking to Kazui since he's a policeman to see if she could cross out any theories on who Es is (Did they look familiar. Possible missing child. Any cases to do with an almost crime by a child other than the 10 of them here). Kazui knows Kotoko wants to investigate, but reminds her that, like in their prison while the trial is on, the facilities they're in have high security too. They do have the freedom to move about, but still limited.
If they're trying to investigate Es, maybe Fuuta, Kotoko and Mikoto can try to do the hacking on the comp Mikoto's allowed to use to Photoshop some shots for the MVs and photos (Fuuta and Kotoko seem to be able to search up info they need I think...). Yuno, Mahiru and Muu can work on charming the staff to see if they can spill more deets on Milgram. Not sure how much the group can gather, but oh boy fun times in Milgram can turn into another sort of stress in this AU...
No worries!! Like I said before, this whole au has been a fun collaborative project, so there's no overstepping :) I am sorry I won't be writing a lot on the ending until we get more info, but that's just the perfectionist in me who doesn't want to be proven wrong 😅 Still, I love tossing around and digging into ending scenarios, I really love this!
Because that would make a lot of sense why they're so willing to subject themself to the whole experiment! They remember how tough their experience was, and are confident they can care for the new set of prisoners while doing their job. I'm imagining they get the opportunity to return as guard, and get to have a nice talk with their own guard first. Once they fully understand what it's like, they're know they can handle it and sign up. It adds a bit of drama, too, since they must have been really young committing their crime in order to complete a years-long experiment prior to this one. They would have been like 10? Oof. (Now I wanna see their three trial songs 👀)
And like you said, that also brings up the question of the new warden. Though I think it's based on verdict results, I can just picture Jackalope keeping an eye on everyone during filming. He studyies their interactions and personalities, keeping his own set of notes on who would make a good successor. (I'm not going to go through every character but there are pros to any choice, it's very fun picturing them all taking the job.) Haha, on the other hand, maybe the reason Kotoko keeps bringing up her role as Es' partner/bringer of justice is because she did discover the truth. She drops as many hints as possible so she can be chosen next 😅
Ooh, I love her working with Kazui on an investigation! The fact that eh may know details on recent crimes (and almost-crimes) is super fun to work with. He's the last person who's going to spill a secret, so the group could go several trials without realizing Kazui had actually heard all about their situation this whole time.
(Getting sidetrack for a sec, I'm suddenly realizing that he and Kotoko may have heard things about the crimes in canon, too. They're a bit unclear about how much time passed between the murders and arriving to Milgram, so maybe he heard some things. I don't know how well-connected Tokyo police departments are, but Yuno, Fuuta, Muu, and Shidou are all nearby. There's definitely a chance he caught word of the vigilante nearby, and she heard about the odd policeman's suicide. Both of them could have heard about the tragic housefire, the disgraced doctor, or horrible schoolgirl murder nearby.)
Anyway, I like that idea of Kazui wracking his brain for any similar cases. Though, if he had, Milgram may have had the foresight to wipe parts of his memory, too. Maybe he does end up using his call to reach out to Hinako and have her look into it from the outside. Sadly, Kotoko seems the type to sacrifice her personal call to reach out to a connection who can help as well. I'll have to think about how closely Jackalope monitors those calls, hm.
I'm going crazy over prisoner investigation team !! Kotoko and Fuuta had the online knowledge to find some good info, and Mikoto and Kazui seem like they'd have a huge network of people they can ask for info and favors from. Haha, I'm torn whether Mahiru would have flirting down to a science or if she'd refuse to do it since it wasn't real love 😂 Still, she's very good at reading people and could definitely help the others charm and bribe their way into some restricted areas. Amane and Haruka can also charm with their innocence/cuteness (though I'm not sure Amane would). Shidou seems very organized, he'd have a plan and backup plan and backup-backup plan ready, no matter what happens. I think it's even funnier, then if Milgram had run several experiments prior. Jackalope would think this was just another runthrough, and for the first time the ten subjects decided to organize together and Cause Problems.
I think there's a beautiful irony in a story featuring ten prisoners planning a jailbreak to save the prison guard...
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linagram · 5 months
deleted MV scenes!
anyway, this is just a collection of scenes and concepts and themes that were originally supposed to appear in some prisoners' t2 mvs, but for one reason or another i've ended up not going with them. perhaps i will add one or two of these into their future mvs, who knows!
- One of the first ideas I had about Akio's MV was adding some chess motifs and there was supposed to be a scene with Akio and Arata playing chess together, Akio losing to him and Arata opening his mouth and revealing that one of the pieces was on his tongue. Yes, it was basically a "smart kid not understanding how he's losing to me and me who's been eating his pieces when he wasn't looking". And now it's possible that Deep Cover will have a chess theme. Canongram stop stealing my ideas!! /j
- Fun fact: that scene was deleted not only because I don't know anything about chess, but also because Arata was supposed to be shown in a very sympathetic way, explaining Akio's obsession with him. His true colors will be shown in Akio's T3 MV though.
- I also had a thought about adding a scene where when Akio's getting hanged, MV focuses on Akio's neck and then the video suddenly cuts to Chise's neck and shows that even though both of them died the same way, Chise has noticeable red marks on his neck, implying that the murder methods were actually a bit different.
- Shun's MV had a huge number of different concepts, for example, I was thinking of his MV having a royal theme, but that concept was abandoned after I finished writing Akio's MV and also I thought of his MV having a casino theme? I will not elaborate. I also really wanted his MV to have a wedding theme, but then Mahiru's album cover was revealed and I got scared that his MV will be too similar to hers, so I changed it. But Mahiru's MV theme turned out to be different, so I can already say that another prisoner will most likely get a MV with a wedding scene in season 3.
- Some examples of deleted scenes from the wedding MV: There were several wedding cakes, but all of them looked different and had different decorations (I forgot what they're called..) and if you looked closer, you could notice that next to the small figure of Shun, the small figures of brides were all different. Shun was also supposed to propose to his "ex" and it looked all cute and romantic in his head, but in reality Hina looked at him with disgust and fear and rejected him.
- In the end, Shun was supposed to be shown sitting and watching TV with Kei, who looked like he was about to cry while Shun held his hand and smiled.
- I had a LOT of concepts for Kei's MV in mind, and before I started writing Naomi's MV, I was thinking of giving him a "devil form" or a scene that takes place in hell instead of Naomi. But I thought that would be too obvious or predictable for someone like him and instead gave it to Naomi.
- There was also a possibility of Kei getting a MV with an art theme, but I thought it would be too similar to Aimi's T1 MV. The MV was also supposed to show Kei painting a portrait of Ruka.
- Kei's "almost final" MV was supposed to start like this: everything is completely black and then we see a coffin the same color as Kei's image color and there's a spider web drawn on it and we see Ruka walking closer to it and opening it. Kei is asleep and then Ruka kisses him and forcefully drags him out of it. It was supposed to mean that not only Kei helps Ruka feel "more alive", it's the same for Ruka helping Kei and it also was supposed to be a reference to Snow White. Why Snow White? It's up to you to figure out :)
- Kei's almost final MV was supposed to reveal a lot about his past, but then I was like "We don't even know a lot about his crime. Why should I reveal his backstory here".
- For example, Kei's younger version was supposed to be shown and he was supposed to follow older Kei around and find his current lifestyle shocking meanwhile older Kei found his younger version embarrassing.
- There was also a scene of Kei getting cannibalized by the women he killed and the lyrics referenced his VD title and him existing only for others' entertainment.
- The first concept I had in mind for Eiko's MV was her going on a date with Takeru, but since he lied to her and pretended to be someone else and she didn't even know what he looked like, he would change his appearance every few seconds and in the end Eiko was supposed to "take off his mask" and reveal that Takeru was a corpse all this time. Shun's MV ended up having a similar scene instead, with him talking to Hina and her boyfriend even though both of them are dead.
- Asahi and Yurika's MV concepts didn't change much, but I just find it interesting how Kei saw what those women did to him as actual cannibalism meanwhile Yurika, despite her theme and her MV's aesthetic, still saw a lot of the scary things as candy, chocolate and all that stuff. Kinda reminds me that she's still very young even if she's legally an adult and how her parents forced her to live alone hoping that she would become more mature..
- There was also a scene with Asahi going full John mode and breaking everything with a bat, showing how he doesn't care about the things Satsuki buys for him.
- Riku had a completely different MV concept at first. Yes, he was still supposed to be a famous musician, but most of the MV was supposed to take place at this really cool house and Riku was supposed to be shown as someone who lives a very comfortable life, someone who's both rich and talented, but overall feels empty on the inside. There was also a scene with his friend's ghost haunting the place where he lives.
- In the end Riku and Yue were supposed to fall together from the roof of an insanely high building and Riku would be shown as the only survivor and everyone would ignore Yue's body. Riku was supposed to look at his body with disgust and turn back to his friends and fans while wearing a suit covered in Yue's blood and the last scene would reveal that Riku is missing a shoe.
- I also wanted Riku's MV to have a vampire theme, as a reference to Riku and Yue's relationship, with both of them drinking each other's blood even though it hurts them and they need human blood and not the blood of another vampire. But then I read what I wrote again and went ".. No, I won't be able to continue saying that Riku and Yue's relationship was platonic after this".
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tyrannuspitch · 5 months
just remembered that odin's alt death scene isn't canon. completely and utterly sick of it here. no dingy alleyways? no unstable wanderer odin? no parent-child reversal in old age? no forgetting loki's name? no mingled affection and violence? no visions of ragnarok passed on by force? no physically forced coronation? NO PATRICIDE???
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psychiclounge · 1 year
137 nimi pu + nimi ku suli
160 glyphs listed in a table on the thief wiki
i am unfortunately having ideas.
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Would You Believe I've Never Had a Lesson? VI. Finale - Entering the New World
Months passed. Seasons went by. Time, as it always did, marched forward from the moment Piper sent their arcane academy applications. In the midst of it, it might have seemed like forever. But now, on the day of their departure, it seemed to have come too soon.
“Ah, there you are, darling. Let me help you with those.” Mr. Duke was already waiting for Piper when they trudged out of the school’s front entrance, and began loading their bags into his car. “Do you wish to sit in the front or the back seat?”
“Um--” Piper pushed their glasses up, readjusting their thoughts. “The front. Please.”
Mr. Duke nodded, and opened the car door. After a few more minutes of packing, they were off.
“So. Magpie Academy…” Mr. Duke hummed, his eyes on the road and his ears turned toward Piper, “I’m not surprised you chose that one. Their strong academic program appealed to you, no doubt.”
“Yes, of course it did. But it wasn’t much of a choice either,” Piper squinted, not pleased by the summer sun in their eyes. They really should have sat in the back where it was shadier. “The only other school I applied to was Noble Bell, though I never heard back from them. It was admittedly disappointing. I’m already familiar with the campus, and it would have been nice to still be nearby.”
“Ah, do not fret, darling. You’re smart and sure enough to get by. I’m sure you’ll get settled in no time.” Mr. Duke’s eyes glistened with melancholy, before they darted over to Piper’s clothes. “That’s a lovely coat you’re wearing. Where did you get it?”
“From a shop in town. My parents sent me money for it as a birthday gift.” They glanced down at the coat, a bold, dark blue topcoat with piano-cuffed sleeves and spiraling green patterns. “I thought it made for a distinctive piece of performance wear.”
“You thought right,” Mr. Duke smiled, “It suits you.”  
Neither party had much more to say, so Piper let their attention wander towards the window. It had been ages since they’d last seen this road, these city streets. They’d been just a small child back then, with nothing more than a talent for piano and some bags that were far too heavy for them. It was a bus that transported them from the train station, wasn’t it? Yes, they remember how noisy all the other students were, how the little ones chatted with their parents and how the older ones chatted with their friends. They had no one to talk to but their thoughts.
Back then, everything about Madame Bonfamille’s had been strange and new to them. The hallways hadn’t etched themselves into their memory, all the faces hadn’t been set in stone. They had yet to become acclimated to the schedule, the people, the way everyone viewed them. Even their organ was a mysterious and beautiful stranger, one their younger self had been drawn to like a light in the dark, slipping out of their dormitory to visit and play her in the dead of night. Of every person and thing from their old school, she was the only one Piper had bothered to say goodbye to. She’d been theirs for nearly a decade, after all. They hoped someone else would come to cherish her as much as they did. 
“Well. We’re here.” The car came to a stop along the curb, not far from the train station. “I’ll help you with your bags again. Would you like for me to walk with you?”
“That’s quite alright, Mr. Duke,” Piper sighed, already getting out of the car, “I know you have other business to attend to. And besides, I can manage by myself.” 
Mr. Duke nodded, removing Piper’s few bags from the car.
“Well. I guess this is au revoir, then.” Their former teacher held out his hand, and Piper shook it. “Best of luck to you, darling. Take care.”
“You as well, Mr. Duke. Adieu.”
Their teacher’s smile became bittersweet, giving his former student one last look, before returning to his car and driving away. Piper watched him leave, first staring at the car, and then, once it had disappeared around a corner, at the point in the skyline they knew was Madame Bonfamille’s roof. 
It was hard not to feel melancholic about leaving such a place behind. Even if it was never fully home, its familiar comforts still called to them-- their old dorm room, Mr. Duke’s attentive-ear smiles, their first and most beloved organ. They hadn’t even left the city yet, and they were already mourning those small joys. 
But, they knew they couldn’t stare forever. Madame Bonfamille’s had been a new world once, and through time, they’d turned it into a familiar one. They simply needed to do it again. 
Piper fixed their eyes on the station, gathered their bags, and began to walk forward.
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hakaieve · 1 year
i have so much wxs brainrot but absolutely no fic or art ideas so instead i am continuing to start new wips for the funney murderer failbrothers who have interacted a total of twice in canon
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doctorbunny · 2 months
More serious summary of the livestream
Unfortunately I can't provide a full translation because the entire time I was watching in autistic excitement like 😊🥰🤩 whilst my brain melted out my ears and didn't pick up on a lot
Luckily, I have a feeling someone will get around to translating this stream eventually since they finally had the BGM on a lower volume so everyone was audible the whole time Without further ado:
We started with introductions seating order is Yamanaka, Yurina (Es' VA), Minami (Amane's VA), Ryouta (Kazui's VA) and DECO (who dyed his hair blonde) They each have one of the 4th anniversary acrylic stands in front of them The actors have their characters but Yamanaka has Haruka and DECO has Muu
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Yamanaka admitted to being a Haruka oshi/fan
Then Minami talks about being a Fuuta fan (she calls him cool) and she's handed the Fuuta stand and she pushes the Fuuta and Amane stand next to each other (and jokes about their height difference then imitates Fuuta going zenbu zenbu zenbu!)
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But then Yurina sticks her Es stand in between them to separate them
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And then they move the Amane stand next to the Kazui one and everyone coos
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Before moving Amane and Fuuta back together in front of Minami Then they basically just lift all of the stands up on to the table and continue on
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They discuss their thoughts on the trial
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Looking at who got voted inno and guilty Minami is happy Amane got inno but has no idea how Mikoto wasn't guilty They note that the audience wasn't very happy with Kotoko for beating up the other prisoners Then they give some thoughts on the MVs from Daisuki to Deep cover They get most excited talking about Cat and Purge March Kazui says that he was able to put the right emotions into Cat because he recorded the voice drama first Yurina and Minami actually caused the microphone to peak with their excited shrieks at one point (ow)
They answer some audience submitted questions One question was answered along the lines of "Be prepared" One was submitted in English and they tried to but couldn't read it Then they got a question (in Japanese) from someone from 韓国/South Korea [side note: I feel like the south korean milgram fandom has gotten more prominent recently, its always been there but it feels bigger than ever and that's pretty cool]
After audience questions they made a few announcements Some things we already knew, the gratte cafe crossover, the Kotoko line stickers, Earbuds are still on sale (and they're making badges and stuff based on the earbud promo art) the 4th anniversary art/acrylici stands literally in front of them Then some new things: Minigram LINE stamps (everyone was especially pleased for the Kazui XP stamp) There's going to be a part 2 to the Karaoke collab (no details yet other than its coming)
They also announce this year's perk for annual members [the pain of being an annual member but living outside of Japan so you can't get these 😭] Blank lamenated cards of the prisoner's interrogations and a whiteboard pen so you can write your own interro questions and answers They bring out the cards for Kazui and Amane and do some examples
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"Do you like cake?" "I don't eat it."
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"What did you have for lunch today?" "Gyudon." [a beef and rice dish]
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Then Minami just writes "Toilet paper" in katakana and everyone laughs (Then she writes Toilet paper rap/lap/wrap and I'm not sure what she means)
Most exciting is script books for the Hallucenation liveshow (scripts of the voice dramas and songs) The live show uses condensed versions of the voice dramas but this is the first time we'll have official transcripts of key moments to help check translations with
Then they start saying that T2 was hellish, but T3 is going to go beyond hell: They're going to send everyone to Super Hell And at this point my brain fries and overloads on eeby deeby memes as they all go back and forth talking about Super Hell
They all start doing their outros/saying goodbye
Yurina talks about upcoming challenges we have as guards meanwhile Yamanaka ominously holds the Haruka stand up in frame
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Then that's basically it, not much going on because a lot of stuff (like Hallucenation, the plushes, earbuds) came out right before the 4th anniversary
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cameronspecial · 29 days
Whenever you have the chance can you write a little story or small blurb with either Rafe, Drew, or Zach. About the reader just getting her wisdom teeth removed and they are comforting her. (Got my wisdom teeth removed and it’s been being a terrible pain). Also I know you are packed with requests but you don’t have to rush or anything. Please take your time :)
Wisdom Teeth Worries
Pairing: Zach MacLaren x Reader
Warnings: Worries About Becoming An Addict and Pain Medicine
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.4K
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Y/N was terrified of getting her wisdom teeth removed. She hates the thought of being cut open and being unable to control her actions while on drugs. Zach is there to reassure her the whole time. He went to the store countless times to get her pineapple juice. After the surgery, he continues to stay by her side. She wakes up on the third morning with the most unbelievable pain in her jaw, just below the ear. “Ughh,” she groans, feeling tears brimming her. Zach is returning to the room with her breakfast in tow and he rushes to her side. He rests the tray on his bedside table, jumping into bed beside her. His hand gently rests against her cheeks to massage the area. “It hurts a lot? Do you want me to get you your Tylenol?” he offers with concern in his eyes. She slowly shakes her head, “No, this is so much worse than before. I don’t think it will help.” “Then I’ll get you the T3,” he says, rising from the bed to go to the bathroom. Her hand drops on his wrist, “No, I can’t take them.” 
“Because what if I get addicted to them?”
“Baby, I know that you have a history of addiction in your family and that you want to take preventative measures to make sure you don’t become an addict too. But if you are in unlivable pain, then you should take it to manage the pain.”
“I don’t know…” She winces as she says the final word, curling into a ball and bringing her hand up to her jaw. He kisses her forehead, “How about this? I’ll give you one and hide them. I’ll monitor how many you take and if I recognize any signs of addiction, then we will go to the doctor to ask for an alternative method for pain management.” She considers his proposal and another shot of pain goes through her lower mouth. She finally gives a small nod. He heads to the bathroom and returns with her prescription medicine. She takes them, hoping it will kick in soon. He sits back down on the bed and hands her the tray of food he prepaid for her. Water, scrambled eggs and a banana rest on the flat surface. All her favourites on her new wisdom teeth diet. “Can you feed it to me? I can only focus on my pain,” she asks. He nods and takes the spoon into his hand. 
He takes his time feeding her. Once they are done, he puts the tray away and cuddles next to her. The couple spends the morning in bed, watching TV and hoping that the pain will go away. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
And the final chapter is up :D I wanted a more peaceful ending given the angst of this trial, haha.
I hope you enjoy!
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linagram · 9 months
[ 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚋𝚊 𝚗𝚊𝚘𝚖𝚒'𝚜 𝚝𝟸 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ] 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎-𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚎
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naomi's vd is here!! i can't wait to see what her verdict is gonna be this time. i've recently finished working on her t3 mv concept and it's actually my favorite one rn, so.. hehe >:3
Warnings for Naomi's VD: None
Warnings for Naomi's MV: None, except a child dies, but the description isn't that detailed.
(sounds of footsteps)
Miki: .. Eiji-san?
Eiji: What?
Miki: U-uh..
Miki: I just thought you wanted to talk about..
Miki: Well, what happened earlier.
Eiji: W-what do you want me to say?? 
Eiji: Yes, I know how weird it is. Yes, I know that Shun wasn't supposed to be able to touch me. 
Eiji: I.. I don't understand how this happened either.
Eiji: We're literally the guards of this prison. Aren't we supposed to always be protected? Aren't we supposed to be safe?
Eiji: W-what did go wrong?.. 
Eiji: Does this mean that the prisoners can easily hurt us anytime they want?..
Miki: If Ishizu-san was able to touch you..
Miki: Does that mean that I'm also-
Eiji: NO!
Eiji: Uh.. I mean..
Eiji: I-I will protect you if anything goes wrong. Trust me.
Miki: ...
Miki: T-thank you, Eiji-san..
Miki: A-and I will protect you too, of course!
Eiji: You already did, actually.
Miki: And I'll do it again if I have to!
Eiji: .. Heh, fine.
Eiji: But still..
Eiji: "Just why was Shun able to touch me? I swear there's always been something protecting us."
Eiji: "I don't remember Akio and Aimi being able to touch us either.. though I don't think they had even tried to do that."
Eiji: "And if it turns out that the other prisoners are also capable of that-"
Eiji: !
Miki: Eiji-san, are you okay??
Eiji: Y-yeah, sorry. 
Eiji: We have to focus on interrogating the fourth prisoner. I doubt that she will try to hurt us. 
Eiji: ".. But Kei will."
Eiji: "I-it's okay, I don't think he's strong enough to do that right now."
(the door opens)
Naomi: Ah, hello, Eiji-san and Miki-san.
Miki: H-hello..
Eiji: Let's just get started already.
Naomi: Is everything okay, Eiji-san? You seem kind of.. nervous.
Eiji: I'm fine. 
Miki: Ah, Chiba-san..
Miki: Can you help me with something, please?
Naomi: Huh? Sure.. But what do I have to do exactly?
Miki: C-can you hold my hand?..
Miki: I know this sounds weird, but I just.. have to see something.
Naomi: But aren't the prisoners-
Naomi: .. Okay then.
Naomi: ...
Naomi: You remember that it's impossible for us to touch you, right?
Eiji: ".. So Naomi still can't touch us."
Eiji: "Then why-"
Eiji: ".. Wait a minute. What if it's not about who can touch us, but which one of us is more vulnerable?"
Eiji: "And if Naomi still can't touch Miki-"
Naomi: Y-you see, I actually have a question for you two.
Naomi: Sorry, I know you're supposed to interrogate me and I will answer all of your questions, but also..
Naomi: Can you tell me what this is?
Eiji and Miki: !
Naomi: We all got these papers yesterday and..
Naomi: I'm sorry, but what's the meaning of being interrogated again if we have already answered your questions?
Miki: W-what does it say?
Eiji:"Prisoner 004, Chiba Naomi, please answer the questions below. You can write as much or as little as you wish."
Eiji: "Question 01: Do you know why you're here?"
Eiji: "Question 02: Have you committed any other crimes except murder?"
Eiji: And there's just more questions.
Naomi: .. So you two also don't know what all of this means.
Naomi: Well that's weird.
Eiji: You got these yesterday, right? Why do you still have them? Akio, Aimi and Shun haven't mentioned anything like that.
Naomi: I got confused and decided to keep them until I get all the answers. If I'm not wrong, when everyone woke up, they couldn't find their papers anywhere, but I still had mine for some reason. 
Naomi: I find it surprising myself. I haven't even tried to hide them..
Naomi: I also haven't answered any of the questions as you can see.
Miki: But who would try and-
Eiji: .. Who else would need to interrogate the prisoners except the prison guards?
Eiji: "Me and Miki didn't do it, so that means.."
Eiji: ".. Another guard did it."
Eiji: ".. Of course. If they're hiding somewhere, but still have to do their job, it means that they have to interrogate everyone in some other way."
Eiji: "But seriously, making the prisoners fill out this questionnaire sounds kind of naive.."
Eiji: "Like, did that guard really expect everyone to tell them about their crimes like that?"
Eiji: "Hold on, it has something on the back-"
Eiji: "If you don't answer all of the questions, you will be punished."
Eiji: ".. Never mind, maybe that guard is smart."
Eiji: Wait, Naomi. 
Eiji: You haven't answered the questions, right? Do you know what that means-
Naomi: Yes, I know, Eiji-san. I've seen it.
Naomi: Well, if it really was done by a different guard.. I'll just let them do what they want.
Naomi: Just like I had let you vote me innocent even though I wanted you to vote me guilty.
Eiji: ...
Naomi: So if that was a different guard interrogating us.. 
Naomi: I guess it's time for me to be interrogated by you two, right?
Naomi: I promise I will cooperate.
Eiji: .. R-right.
Miki: So, Chiba-san, how are you feeling? Is everything okay?
Naomi: I feel.. weird.
Naomi: I mean, I was forgiven even though I had asked you to vote me guilty..
Naomi: I honestly didn't know how to feel after you had told me about my verdict.
Naomi: But in the end, I've simply decided to agree with you. 
Eiji: .. Why?
Eiji: I expected more resistance.
Naomi: *laughs* "Resistance"? What did you expect from me?
Naomi: Did you expect me to argue with you? Did you expect me to say there must be something wrong with your judgement and morals?
Naomi: I'm not like that at all.
Naomi: .. It's easier for me to just nod and agree with everything.
Naomi: It's always been like that, haha..
Miki: I-I can relate-
Eiji: Even though you're the oldest prisoner, it's easier for you to just follow orders, huh?
Eiji: Well that's lame.
Naomi: ...
Naomi: Hey, Eiji-san.
Naomi: Aren't you doing the exact same thing?
Eiji: W-what do you mean by that?..
Naomi: I don't think you're doing all of this out of your own free will.
Naomi: You're just following someone's orders, aren't you?
Naomi: But I can tell that you like to think that you're the one who has all the power here, haha.
Naomi: So, Eiji-san..
Naomi: Maybe stop acting just like he did, okay?
Miki: "He"..
Miki: Y-you mean your victim, right?..
Naomi: ...
Naomi: Oh well, looks like it's time to talk about that.
Naomi: Yes, I was talking about my victim.
Eiji: If I'm acting just like he did..
Eiji: .. Did he also call you out for being so weak-willed?
Naomi: This is not me being weak-willed.
Naomi: I'm just trying to survive, just like everybody else here.
Naomi: If you think me agreeing with your decision is a bad sign..
Naomi: Maybe you simply shouldn't have voted me innocent then.
Naomi: Actually, why did you even agree to vote me innocent? Didn't you promise that you will vote me guilty?
Naomi: .. Were you following someone's orders?
Eiji: Y-you!..
Naomi: What's wrong? Are you regretting your decision?
Miki: Chiba-san! Please stop provoking him!
Naomi: I'm not. I'm afraid Eiji-san simply gets angry a bit too easily.
Naomi: But anyway..
Naomi: What questions do you have for me?
Miki: .. S-so, y-your victim was a child, right?
Naomi:*nods* Exactly. He was 10 years old.
Naomi: And he was one of my students.
Eiji: Your victim was your own student..
Naomi: Before you say anything else, Eiji-san, I want to remind you that me being voted innocent was your doing too.
Naomi: And I'm sure you already knew that my victim was my own student. 
Naomi: I mean, I'm an elementary school teacher and I keep saying things like "Oh, kids can be so cruel".. 
Naomi: I don't have any kids and my younger sister is 27, so..
Naomi: It's obvious that if my victim was a child, it means they were one of my students.
Miki: .. But why? 
Miki: Why did you kill your own student? 
Miki: I thought you're good with kids and-
Naomi: Everyone thought so, Miki-san. 
Naomi: I thought so too. 
Naomi: But that kid.. 
Naomi: He was too much for me to handle.
Naomi: I can't blame him though, considering what his family was like. 
Eiji: But did you seriously kill him just because he thought you saying yes to everyone was pathetic? 
Naomi: I knew that if I won't shut him up, I will have to continue saying yes to everyone until the end of my life. 
Eiji: Oh, so killing a child sounded like a fun way to rebel? 
Naomi: Just so you know, Eiji-san, when I heard him say those words, I felt exactly like you did after I said that you're just following someone's orders. 
Naomi: ... 
Eiji: .. If you want to fight for your independence, then you should just keep fighting no matter what. 
Eiji: You can't just do one thing and say that it's enough. You will never become truly free if you do that. 
(the bell rings, machinery sounds)
Naomi: But Eiji-san.. 
Naomi: Does this mean that being a prison guard is your own way of fighting for your independence? 
Eiji: ... 
Eiji: We're the ones who are supposed to be asking you questions, not the other way around. 
Miki: Um, Chiba-san.. 
Miki: .. Do you think you will be okay with your verdict this time too? 
Naomi: I will accept your judgement no matter what. 
Naomi: You two are the guards, after all.
Eiji: .. Even if that kid was an annoying brat, he didn't deserve to be killed just so that you could feel a bit stronger than usual and then let us do whatever we want with you. 
Eiji: Is it really you just being weak-willed or is it you being so happy that you got voted innocent that you don't want to change our mind? 
Naomi: I'm-
Eiji: Well, whatever it is.. 
Eiji: Prisoner 004, Naomi, sing your sins! 
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[ MV Description ]
Her MV would have mostly black, white, gray and darker shades of teal in the beginning, but it would have more red closer to the end. 
Naomi is sitting in what appears to be a living room. There are two dark figures sitting on the couch in front of her and it looks like they're talking to her about something. Naomi is listening and nodding, but she also looks kind of anxious and she refuses to look them in the eyes.
"Here you are, telling me that old story again
The story that I already know
Or at least I think that I know"
Suddenly one of the figures stands up and tells Naomi to follow them somewhere. Naomi does exactly that and it looks like that figure wants to show her someone's room. Naomi realizes that it's actually a child's room and looks terrified. 
"No, no, I don't need to see it
I already know that I'm "Guilty"
So why are you still trying to make me feel sorry?"
The figure gives her that child's diary and lets her read it before leaving the room. Naomi continues reading the diary and she starts crying.
"I can't believe I found out about this only now
Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't anyone else tell me about this?
You've experienced so much pain, even though your life was so short
Does this mean that I've saved you from all that suffering?"
The setting changes and now Naomi is walking along some kind of dark hallway full of doors with dates written on them. She sees a certain date, gets nervous, but still opens that door. 
It looks like she's inside of one of that child's memories now. She sees herself sitting and drinking tea with her students, meanwhile one of the kids, a little boy with orange hair and red eyes, sits alone and nobody wants to talk to him. The "Present!Naomi" puts her hand on his shoulder, but the kid doesn't react. 
"I tried to help you, I really did
I saw myself in you, I knew you were struggling
But you still pushed me away
So don't blame me for being a little bit angry"
The setting changes again and now it looks like Naomi is at someone's funeral. She's crying and the two figures from one of the past scenes try to comfort her. Some time passes and now Naomi is visiting that person's grave and even though she looks genuinely sad at first, everything around her starts becoming more red. 
"I know I'm "Guilty", I know I am
But everyone around me keeps saying I'm "Innocent"
Who should I believe? Hey, if you still can hear me
Tell me, would you still laugh at me for being so foolish?"
The grave gets replaced by a door with a different date being written on it and Naomi opens it. It's a different memory now and it scares her even more. Naomi sees herself crying and it looks like someone has slapped her. She also sees her students watching her while hiding and they all look like they feel sorry for her, except the orange-haired boy from before. 
"Come on, at least pretend that you feel bad for me
Or actually, maybe I don't deserve your pity
Is this your revenge? Or are you just that cruel?
Aren't you too small to have so much evil in your body?"
She takes a step back and suddenly falls back into the memory from before, but now Past!Naomi is drinking tea with everyone and the orange-haired boy stands up, points at her and starts laughing at her. Other students ignore him and some of them hug Naomi and try to cheer her up. When the boy realizes that no one is agreeing with him, he walks away and tries not to look defeated. Naomi asks the children to leave her alone for a second and she walks up to him and puts her hand on his shoulder again. The boy looks surprised and his eyes light up for a moment, but Naomi's eyes become red. She keeps smiling and she even hugs him, but it's obvious that the boy is already in her trap. 
"I know I was your favorite, don't try to hide it anymore
"I just wanted more attention"? Well, here it is, try not to drown in it"
Suddenly, the setting changes again and everything starts becoming more and more red. The world around them looks like it's on fire. When the boy opens his eyes and looks around, he sees that Naomi has changed as well. She doesn't look like herself anymore. It looks like she has just turned into a devil. Naomi's hug becomes even more tight and she keeps holding the boy in her arms as he slowly turns into ashes. 
"Let's admit it, both of us deserve to rot in Hell
And I refuse to be punished without you next to me"
When he's finally gone, Naomi's eye color turns back to normal and she's back to her human form. She sees that the boy is no longer with her and just keeps staring at what is left from him with an emotionless expression. She stands up and turns away from it. The video ends. 
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So, I just read your Chizome fic, and I was wondering. . .
Could you Maybe do a Yautja x Chiropractor reader? I'm talking like, big, strong, beefy Y/N, and their Yaitja complains of some joint hurting, or Y/N hears one of their joints pop, and just whips around, and preceeds to crack every joint in their body.
Yautja X ChiropractorS/O
Yautja x GN! Chiropractor reader
Word count: 796
Warnings: Back cracking, descriptions of anatomy, medical terminology
Summary: Your lover refuses to encourage your bone cracking until one night they can no longer put up with their stiff back
A/N: Thanks for the request! I really enjoyed writing this, and it was fun to speculate on yautja anatomy. I did however end up wandering onto parts of the internet that I may not have supposed to have been on… oh well!
You had a talent at work. No matter who you worked on, or what the case may be, you were always able to provide just the right amount of pressure to get the adjustment. From the smallest of grannies, to the buffest of body builders; you could do it all. You tried to demonstrate this to your lover, you wanted the challenge, but they did not. Vehemently refusing when you demonstrated yourself. 
You tried to persuade them by showing them what it was like to have their back adjusted by getting on the floor and cracking your own. You crossed one leg over your body, grabbed your thigh and gently twisted. A few soft, yet sharp cracks emanated from your spine. Your lover shrieked and picked you up, holding you gently as they rushed to find their helmet. On the way you tried to explain that that was what was supposed to happen. But they did not calm down until they had used their helmet to scan you for injuries. Of which, obviously, there were none. 
One night they returned from a hunt, having suffered a blow to their back. Thanks to the advanced medicine on their clan ship, their skin was healed, but their back was still stiff. Once again you offered to help, and once again they continued to refuse. That was until they couldn't get to sleep. They usually slept so easily with you but tonight, because of their back, they just couldn’t. Offering one more time, and promising that an adjustment would make them feel better, they finally relented. 
You instructed them to lay on their stomach with their arms at their sides. Pushing their dreads out of the way you gazed at the vast expanse of their back. They were by far the buffest you had ever had the pleasure to work on. As you ran your hands up and down their spine you felt out their anatomy. Yautja were surprisingly similar to humans, but also strikingly different. You could have easily spent all night studying their body, but you had a job to do. 
You started at the top of their pelvis, close to where their injury was. You gently rocked their thick spine back and forth, pushing down on the muscles on either side. Adding more and more pressure until it was just right. A dull thud came out of your lover's spine, as they let out a loud yelp only to settle back down very quickly. 
“Feels good, doesn't it?” you said, failing to stop the cocky smile from spreading across your face. All you got was a curt chuffle in response. Continuing you felt up their back adjusting as you went, L1 and 2, T7 and 8, T5 and 6, T3 and 4. Their transverse processes were larger than humans, and their spinous processes were larger and more pronounced. Almost giving them a ridge up their back. The sound of their back cracking was dull, but loud almost like a punch. Making it to their cervical spine you had them flip over. They laid their head in your lap, the elongated shape of their skull making the position a little awkward. Still you continued, reaching over their face and placing your hands on either side of their jaw bone. You supported the sides of their head with your thighs. Now you instructed their breathing. In and out. As they exhaled you twisted your whole body just to do the same to their head and neck. A series of cracks came in a slow succession as you adjusted their entire neck in one direction. 
Your lover's eyes bulged out of their skull at the sinsation, but once again settled quickly. Once more you instructed their breathing and moved their head and neck in the other direction. At last you laid them straight and released their head. For a moment they just breathed. In that silence you wondered if you had even managed to do anything. Slowly they sat back up, and turned toward you. Once their face came back into view you could see it. Their eyebrow ridge was relaxed, their mandibles were loose, and their shoulders were down. They pulled you into their arms and squeezed you with renewed strength. 
From then on they would frequently ask for adjustments, and in exchange they allowed you to study their anatomy. They also brought you medical texts from yautja physicians to study. You were even able to speak to a yautja physician and teach her some of the techniques you had used on your lover. 
You try not to tell your lover I told you so too often, but they do have to admit that allowing you to work on them was one of the better decisions they’ve made. 
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
do you ever remember how they destroyed asgard and dismantled its empire but they kept the monarchy. and they didn't make thor take the throne but they still framed him as odin's successor. and they made odin the villain, kind of, but in the end they didn't let thor fight back or realise how badly he'd been abused. and they got rid of mjolnir to try and show thor moving past odin's control but it was still odin who told him to move on from it. and they gave him a second chance with his brother then killed him. and they gave him a second chance with jane then killed her. and he's lived through the deaths of every single person he's ever loved but he seems entirely unable to die himself. and then they gave him a child, but they'd never let him learn what was wrong with his upbringing, with how his parents treated him and how he had learnt to treat others, because as good-hearted as he is he has never ceased to be unhealthily controlling. and they opened then closed every kind of way out and then set him back to the beginning of the cycle. like do you ever think about that
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moibakadesu · 2 months
Cw/ suicide
I've seen people say that Fuuta is acting like it would be "a minor inconvenience" that Haruka is planning to end his life.
I think these people are interpreting this TL convo wrong.
I highly doubt Haruka has outright told Fuuta that he wants to commit. Maybe his plan even entails something else.
Because this is FUUTA we are talking about. If anything, this convo makes it clear again that he cares so much for Haruka, he never stopped being kind to him, even though we always see just very limited fractions of interactions between prisoners.
So do you really think Fuuta Kajiyama who's very own personal sin is that someone committed suicide BECAUSE of him would just stand by or give up if someone he deeply cares about has the same plan? No, no he absolutely wouldn't. If they would write him like that they would have fucked up a core principle of Fuuta's character, and I have trust in Ymnk that he is NOT doing that.
I see this as Fuuta not fully grasping yet or is being misdirected in what Haruka revealed to him (remember, Haruka even talked to Kotoko to make sure nobody gets between his plan, he wouldn't just go and spill it to someone else). But I am almost certain that as soon as Haruka takes action in doing anything to himself it will be Fuuta to stop him. This is setting up so much to it.
You know, at the start of April I was delulu enough to predict this convo, predicting further that Haruka's bday convo will be these two again, this time Fuuta comforting him after the failed attempt. Mark my words, I was right once, I can will it into existence twice.
Anyway, I am still feeling insane about this convo. These two are my everything. I am not a fan of the cult arc happening, but if Fuuta drags Haruka with him an keeps him safe I can at least accept it. And putting that earbud voiceline with the tearful apology to Amane in that context ... yeah, 010308 t3 cult seems to be a very viable thing.
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