la-waifu-loli · 4 months
Actualización y Ahorro
aquí va una lista de cosas, pero no se de que pero antes va un texto lago.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Reprehenderit culpa, a amet ex id eos aut impedit quo provident recusandae voluptatem, cum modi qui beatae distinctio rerum sequi hic vero porro inventore reiciendis officia eaque aspernatur perspiciatis? Natus nihil ad deserunt dolore accusamus dolores accusantium, quas, voluptatum debitis veritatis velit.
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ofdusk · 2 years
shadows cast by the mighty  ─ team 3 gold round
The spider is gone and the arena with it, erasing the horrific world around them in one brilliant flash of light. Crimson eyes reopen, blinking slowly as that harsh white fades, taking in the dream’s final form.
They stand upon a platform of stone surrounded by fluffy white masses of what are unmistakably clouds. It’s beautiful, the sky around them -- painted shades of flaming orange and glittering pink like a sunrise.
And at the center of it all hovers their foe -- the same golden bird that they had faced so many battles ago. Only this time it shines even brighter, feathers impossibly more vibrant than they had been before. It beats two mighty wings and darts across the arena’s sky, far faster than she could ever dream of chasing.
[ ROLLS: 27, 10, 7, 21, 33 = 98. ] Twin Soul’s Divine Speed activates! Gains +8AVO and +6SPD for one round, and battle starts in Enemy Phase. Twin Soul misses Corrin with Sharp Beak [Roll: 6-14 = -8, 10-14 = -4]. 0 DMG; Corrin 8.5/10
It dives for her in a flash of brilliant colors, but she moves out of the way in a flourish of skirts, feet lighter than she had ever known them to be herself. A cry from the bird as it resumes its position in the clouds, preparing to dive for her a second time.
Only as she ducks away from the second attack does Corrin recognize the blue ribbons that adorn her new dress. They are a pale blue that flow with her movements like water, held to the white of her skirts with the same Vallite flowers that Azura had always worn.
Her mother’s, she realizes, eyes following the fabric of her sleeve to rest finally on the blade in her hand. 
Corrin counters with Sword of Zoltan. It misses really bad I just forgot the numbers.
It arcs through the air, not even scraping the feathers of the creature as it dives right past her and pushes back into the air with another cry. Corrin lets her sword hand come to rest at her side as she falls back to center.
@unsungblade @aegisshieded @princepsumbra @cursedbluebird
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customurlforsnke · 2 years
you want me for the memories i want you for the future
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kittlesandbugs · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @sidestepping & @askweisswolf, ty for thinking of me!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 62, but if you unstack the one shot compilations... 138ish? if I can math right.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 119,010, and the bulk is FHR lol
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently Baldur's Gate 3 and Fallen Hero, previously TWC, Dragon Age, Mass Effect/Andromeda, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Gonna cheat a little and do one per fandom because this is heavily slated towards Mass Effect Andromeda just from age lol
Sleep it off - Mass Effect, Shepard/Aria T'Loak, Shep gets drunk at Purgatory and Aria babysits her
Little steps to the side - FHR, Chargestep/Argentstep/Chargentstep, currently 55? little one-shot fics, usually prompts, sometimes tiny ideas I get in my own head
Space snippets - Mass Effect Andromeda, Jaal/Ryder, a few prompt one-shots that picked up big steam when it finally went Explicit lol.
Bottles of Thedas - Dragon Age Inquisition, Solavellan, 20 short one-shots inspired by the collection of booze you can pick up off the ground throughout the game (minus the Warden mixes)
Business and Pleasure - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2, Exile/Luxa, a re-write/better ending for Luxa gift fic for an exchange
5. Do you respond to comments? I am absolutely terrible at responding to comments because I see them in my inbox and I'm like oh yeah I'll reply to that later when I have time and then.... six months go by... the shame happens... I love every comment I get and I am so sorry alkdsfjoajsdfl
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ehhhhhhhhhh most of my fics are in-between things, not really stand-alones on their own. Probably the one I milked the hardest for the ending of it specifically is Words not spoken (FHR, Chargestep, Ortega visits Riley's apartment post-Heartbreak)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again.... in-between things... the Mass Effect Andromeda and TWC fics are largely feel good fluff, so most of them?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not that I'm aware of, lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Typically fluffy and/or hurt/comfort character exploration, although sometimes I feel a need to go for a whump
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I haven't written a crossover since I was 13. I'm 37 now. I don't remember. It was pre-AO3 time for sure. XD
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I've written fanfics to fanfics by @ellstersmash and @sidestepping because they're both so talented and I Felt The Compulsion
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Whatever I'm currently writing for, in this case... any combo of Chargentstep aaaaaaaaaaand Durgetash lol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Me, staring at my endless folder of WIPs, some of which having not been touched in five years
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16. What are your writing strengths? Character explorations, snappy dialogue, short and sweet and punchy
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Writing long-haul, we're here for a good time, not a long time
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Love it when other people do it! Very rarely do it myself!
19. First fandom you wrote for? Megaman X back in.................. 2000-ish? Very bad self-insert script fic lol
20. Favorite fic you've written? I think Time doesn't heal (FHR, Chargestep, all the Rangers and Riley experiencing the 3rd Heartbreak anniversary) is one of my biggest brain moments for writing fic, but Bottles of Thedas (mentioned above) has a special place in my heart for being the first and perhaps only large project I've finished.
Gonna taaaaaaaaaaaag... @astarien, @the-rebel-archivist, @gingerbreton, @rab-bitly, @catastrofriend
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kittenofdoom · 1 year
YAY! A music tag game!!! I was tagged by @mitebitmurderous to post 5 songs I currently listen to or whatever the exact wording was lol

Almost Human by Aurelio Voltaire
Step On Me by The Cardigans
Toy Boy by Stuck in the Sound
In Love or Whatever by Future Teens
Superstar (cover) by Sonic Youth

I taaaaaaaaaaaag..... @israbelle @general-zaroff @frowningfox and anyone else who wants to
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ermakeys · 2 years
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
How to play: name 10 of your favorite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tags 10 people to do the same.
I was tagged by @zipquips thank you for the taaaaaaaaaaaag!!! 🥰
(not sorted by how much I like them, but how easy it is for me to name someone from a fandom)
1. Glorfindel from Lord of the Rings
2. Alistair from Dragon Age
3. Jaal Ama Darav from Mass Effect
4. Halsin Baldur’s Gate 3
5. Cal Kestis from Jedi Fallen Order
6. Boba Fett from Star Wars
7. Sabine Wren from Star Wars: Rebels
8. Captain Rex from The Clone Wars
9. Mace Windu from Star Wars
10. Barriss Offee from Star Wars
Look I’m not in many fandoms. I obsess about a handful of things. 🥲😂
No pressure tags for the wonderful...
@certified-anakinfucker @mwolf0epsilon @milf-maul @jadowdra @pobblebonks aaaaand I don’t want to tag anyone multiple times, but I think that’s it. 😅
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ohtobetseng · 2 years
im an ask
im another answer
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transannabeth · 2 years
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whoa bundles!!
deltarune and bug bundles are now available on my store to help you save some money! these bundles are extremely limited, so if you want one, buy it now before it’s too late!
the bug bundle includes 2 prints (one 8x10 and one 5.5x8.5) and 1 acrylic charm (2.5x2)! the deltarune bundle includes 2 wooden charms (2in), 1 shaker charm (3.5x7.5), 1 sticker sheet (5x7), and 1 die cut sticker (2in)! 
🛒 https://teablooming.bigcartel.com/category/bundles
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executiveibex · 2 years
me a week ago: huh, i thought for sure es’ episode would be the season finale... must be something big going on in pickman’s episode...
me this evening: oh wow, this episode is two and a half hours long... something big is going on in pickman’s episode...
me now: .......... well! Something Big sure did Go On in pickman’s episode!
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fatherlyfrog · 3 years
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sppeedd run test tiuebe
FAST TUBE <33333333 WE LOE U
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crybabycounselor · 5 years
👄 Amanda
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I guess seeing as Charlie’s 14 again, then she was serious about me being a baby for a while. I honestly don’t remember anything from when… that happened… But she played dress up with me, so I guess we had that going on?
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I guess we should hang out sometime so that she doesn’t just associate our relationship with me being a baby, huh?
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gbza-blog1 · 5 years
How many guzmas does it take to change a lightbulb
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“ Joke’s on you ‘cuz there ain’t no lightbulbs in Po Town. We get creative over ‘ere. ” 
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aracdo · 6 years
Chapter 25
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Master Yi/Yasuo
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic depiction of violence
Summary: His own blood, his own brother, lying lifeless, bathed by moon light.
Blood Moon AU, angst, fluff, slow burn and sexual content.  
Not complete - 30k for now
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thepallas · 7 years
A .  AGE :  18 B .  BIRTHPLACE :  Lithuania C .  CURRENT  TIME :  19:46 D .  DRINK  YOU  HAD  LAST :  Tea E .  EASIEST  PERSON(S)  TO  TALK  TO :  @ask-arclight-varus .3. F .  FAVORITE  SONG(S) : Oh boi. I’m not sure but here have some Breaking Benjamin - The Diary of Jane (will never get tired of this one), City of souls - Long gone, After Midnight Project - Take Me Home H .  HORROR  YES  OR  HORROR  NO : Yes >> I .  IN  LOVE ? : Ahhahahahaaaaaaaaahhhhh..... what’s that?. I don’t think so. *Shrugs* J .  JEALOUS  OF  PEOPLE :  sometimes K .  KILLED  SOMEONE : WHat even is this question?? No. L .  LOVE  AT  FIRST  SIGHT  OR  SHOULD  I  WALK  BY  AGAIN ? :  Should walk by many many many times.. and not only walk by. M.  MIDDLE  NAME(S) : I don’t have a middle name. N .  NUMBER  OF  SIBLINGS : One lil brother O .  ONE  WISH : Health and happiness for my family members and those who we love and cherish Q .  QUESTION  YOU’RE  ALWAYS  ASKED :  “Why are always so angry/grumpy?” the funny thing is that people often ask me that when I’m not angry (just tired/thinking/neutral/bored/whatever) and the fact that I’m being asked about that again makes me angry (okay more like annoyed) xD R .  REASON(S)  TO  SMILE : Hmm.. Seeing that you made other’s happy, friends, family, other’s succeeding, succeeding yourself, my adorable doggo and of course my babies Pallas and Varus (I know it sounds silly but only thinking about them helps me when I’m feeling down). S .  SONG  YOU  SANG  LAST :  Jacob Lee - Demons T .  TOP  3  FICTIONAL  CHARACTERS :   Varus, Alec (*bleps at @ask-arclight-varus ;p*), Magnus (I won’t say Pallas since he’s not canon, but of course I’d add him into the list). U .  UNDERWEAR  &  COLOR : Uh.. >> Why tho? V .  VACATION : Hmm.. Not sure how I should answer this one. But I’d love to go somewhere abroad during the vacation *.* Or just finally do something interesting, so I could admit that I haven’t wasted it. W .  WHEN’S  YOUR  BIRTHDAY : 16th of April X .  X - RAYS : UUhh boi had waaayyy too many of them... way too many. But it was mainly done for my lungs and face. Y .  YOUR  FAVORITE  FOOD :  Hmmm don’t really have a favourite dish Z .  ZODIAC  SIGN : Aries
tagged by: @ask-arclight-varus Tagging: @forsaken-archer, @the-economics-of-death, @sxlemnity, @hook-and-chains..... I dunno anyone who wants to do this ^^
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flamingbluepanda · 3 years
Tagged by the AMAZING @regina-del-cielo to do a music shuffle challenge and oh HELL yes babes, I love these. Check out my Spotify likes:
The nights, Avicii -- Incase y'all didn't know, I like to DANCE. I'm so bad at dancing. I'm awful at it. But I LOVE to dance, and Avicii just has such good songs to dance to
Signed sealed delivered, Stevie Wonder -- how can you NOT love Stevie Wonder??? How can you not love this song????
Alone, Amythests -- gonna level with you folks, I do not remember adding this song to my likes, I do not remember this song, I'm probably gonna go remove it because I don't like it that much
Beautiful, Bazzi ft. Camilla Cabello -- sometimes you want songs to dance to, sometimes you want songs to picture your otp making out to. Also this song is just catchy as fuck
Juice, Lizzo -- no explanation needed
If it's Love, Train -- I went to see Train in concert two years ago, and I love them. The lead singer just seems like such a nice guy and their music is so catchy. I like this one in particular because seriously, Pat drinks so much respect women juice
Believer, American Authors -- I've been listening to this one a lot lately. I need to believe things get better lmao
The Rocky Road to Dublin, The Dubliners -- remember twentyshantyone??? I liked jigs before it was cool
House of Gold, Twenty One Pilots -- does this surprise anyone?? No?? Great, moving on
Miss Jackson, Panic! at the Disco -- apparently my Spotify thinks I want alternative music now, it'll probably start playing heavy metal next lmao. Anyway Brendon Urie is a god
I will taaaaaaaaaaaag @victorian-sexstache and @princess-of-the-worlds and @werebearbearbar and @raedear !!!
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shiningwonho · 4 years
Rules: list 9 of your biases and let your mutuals decide if you have a type (i mean i know i do but ajksfdas)
tagged by @jbums! thank yoooou.
GOT7 Bambam
BTS Namjoon
Blackpink Lisa
NCT Johnny
WAYV Lucas
NCT Taeyong
A.C.E Donghun
Monsta X Jooheon
i taaaaaaaaaaaag @dnceracha @defaura @notbythymoon @jjinyounf @wabisaba (sorry if you’ve already done it ajsdkfsa)
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