#tabi hands
epicdogymoment · 3 months
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h0neyrabbit · 6 months
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i'm new to knitting (started late september/early october) and i wanted to share these because im very proud of them! seen them referred to online as "tabi mittens". a slightly cursed, but very cool, warm mitten/glove fusion that gives more flexibility than mittens would. super happy with how these turned out! ended up freestyling the pattern based on mitten and glove patterns, and the thumb ended up starting a bit too high up, but thats ok.
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moonchild-in-blue · 2 months
Thinking about Vessel's ridiculous (affectionate) shoes and ridiculous (derogatory) leg wraps.
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k1rameki · 5 months
have smth stupid and self indulgent i did a little bit ago
also ik a lot of yous on this side of fnf tumblr love the whibby and ive had a human whitty design in the works for a hot minute now so eat up yall
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logicalloony · 7 days
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I love polyamorous ships!!! I love polycules!!!
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takeshitakyuuto · 1 year
Life is so cruel because Kino no Tabi is so good but I can’t even recommend the books to anyone because only the first volume was ever translated and it’s been out of print for presumably over a decade. Plus part of what makes it so good are untranslatable (into English) qualities of the Japanese language such as the general avoidance of gendering Kino. What other book has a motorcycle get into an argument with a dog
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taterswithranch · 4 months
Referencing that last reblog, I’ve actually been thinking about a little headcanon with Tabi right after his curse is broken.
He takes one look in the mirror and goes “oh I look like garbage.” He sees eye bags. Sunken cheeks. Thin frame. Disheveled hair and untreated facial hair. He looks like a hot mess. He might have noticed some weight loss (that’s only if he’s really been paying any attention), but now that he can actually see the consequences of his lack of self-care, it just hits him like a truck.
Bonus if friends/family notice it too (goshdarnit they HAVE noticed but he refused to listen hfhdjsk) and they support him on his journey to heal and offer whatever help they can ; ;
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alex-dontknow · 8 months
A Blur of Colour
Characters: Tabi, Agoti, Aldryx, Solazar
Story type: Hurt No Comfort
Necessary warnings: injury detail, near-death experience, hospitalisation
this was me experimenting, enjoy :]
Orange. Orange and yellow. Two sickeningly-bright colours surrounded him as he coughed and wheezed, clutching a poorly-covered ooze of dark red from his stomach. Every inch of his body screamed for mercy, leg twisted and broken and horn snapped clean off. He saw a dark, angry red barely moments ago, warped into lenses of hatred, though it now faded into the vital red of his life seeping from his body.
His vision was blurry and his ears were ringing, drowning out the incessant creaking and cracking of the restaurant he'd carelessly destroyed. A swirl of white and yellow and orange and red obscured all he could see as he collapsed with a pained sob onto the tiles. This was where he would die, wretched and cursed—
But then he saw red again. Not unbridled rage and fury, but soft thick fabric that wrapped around his aching bones and lifted him to undeserved safety. Black striped sleeves held him close and he could hear frantic, determined breaths and a pounding heartbeat pressed against him. A black appendage had coiled around his waist as the sickening smoke that threatened to choke him faded away.
Empty black and deep blue dotted with stars of white, grey tarmac and brown brick buildings, a breath of fresh air from the fiery inferno before. He was laid down again on black pants, a hand holding his wounded head up as voices he couldn't quite make out screamed his name in unison. He hacked and sputtered again, copper permeating his mouth. The voices were clearer now, and his stuttering heart erupted at the word "ambulance." He began to cry and plead, for he knew the fate that awaited.
"No– n-no ambulance— no-!"
"He's bleeding out, his leg's broken-!"
"Pl‐ease—" visions of red and blue worsened his terror.
"Fucking CALL it, Dad, HE'S GOING TO DIE!"
To his poor dismay, the world faded to black.
When he managed to crack his eyes open a sliver, white blinded him instantly and he flinched. His senses blurred together, a hand on his forehead setting off bells of danger in his mind that drowned out the beeping of monitors. He didn't want to open his eyes again, to face the people who put him here.
Everything hurt. His chest shuddered with burnt charcoal smoke and his body pulsated with the crimson ache of wound and break. How could he face the people that wrongfully saved him?
More tears forced their way between his eyelids, hot and stinging. He didn't have to open them again to know it were those same red and black sleeves wrapping around his feeble, dirtied body. He weakly nuzzled his face against the same soft fabric and wept sorely.
He didn't deserve the kind white of forgiveness.
"Shh, shh, I've got you, Tabs, I'm here..."
He wished he wasn't.
However, wishing would only get him so far, so he could only sob harder. Too frail to push away the person who should've just left him in the inferno of orange. He wanted to immolate right then and there.
At last he opened his eyes, watching helplessly as blue—the wrong colour for fire—joined the red that hugged him close. Charcoal grey sleeves—too close to the smoke that should've engulfed him— also joined in together with the red and blue, if only they were tight enough to suffocate him as he should've so long ago. He shut them again to stifle his tears.
"Oh, Tabi..."
"We thought you were dead!"
"What happened in there?"
Shut up. Please. Go away...
"Excuse me, the Andromedas?"
His eyes shot open.
"Step away from the suspect."
The sleeves of many colours dropped after a slow five seconds.
His glazed-over eyes wandered between the worrisome faces he knew and pined for too much, finally settling on the figures of blue and black. His shattered heart splintered even more when he realized those visions of red and blue had arrived.
Tabi would be seeing the colour orange again very soon.
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elevenonehandmade · 4 months
Toestep Tabis: Another Pair
As some of you know, I’m an aspiring pattern designer. My tabi socks pattern, the Toestep Tabis, is my most recently published design. And even though it was published back in 2022, I still continue to knit it! Doing so keeps me in touch with the pattern and allows me to tech edit if needed. I’ve updated it once since publishing; I do my best to fix errors quickly.  This time, I knit a pair for…
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flurriethefox · 3 months
Okay I know it’s super cliche and shit but I love the “this guy bullies this person cuz they love them” trope. Just like, “oh shit this guy is a bitch I don’t wanna fuck with them” while the other is like “did they find that cool? Intimidating? Am I doing this right why am I panicking what do I do” It’s delicious.
Now shove my blorbo in there somewhere and whatever comes out I shall put on my gravestone.
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runawaycarouselhorse · 11 months
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afuntimepartyy · 1 year
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ive been struggling with how to design her for MONTHS but im finally glad to say i think ive nailed it down!  also if her hair was down it would totally look more like a mane than anything else, lol 
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mushitology · 2 years
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preparing to die next year (i say that every year but it's different this time. "in ever wood in every spring. there is a different green" etc. etc.)
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k1rameki · 6 months
bombard this man w kisses aplenty
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jestersarts · 1 year
Old ass flipnote of my baby-est of girls, crim, that I still really like
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((Time to throw Tabi’s bullshit down-))
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