#tackling eachother and rolling down the hill
1980ssunflower · 2 years
kissing eddie on the cheek and along his jawline aouaghhh awooga awooga
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
I Saw You Asked For Padawan Anakin Prompt Sooo
Padawan Anakin x Male Reader Where Reader And Anakin Are Obviously Pining In Love But Haven't Said It Yet.
Reader Is Super Touchy When He's In A Good Mood And His Go To Hello And Goodbye For Anakin Is A Lil Boop On The Nose (To The Point Reader's Tackled Him When He Almost Walked Out Without His Boop) And It's A Major Reassurance And Comfort For Anakin But Reader's Been Havin Issues With A Persistent Suitor Lately So He Kinda Scatterbrained When They Run Into Eachother In Passing And Just Shoots Him A "Hey." And Keeps Walking.
Padawan Anakin Skywalker x male reader
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My inbox is always open when it comes to star wars requests btw 👀
-          You had been in the group that had to transfer Padme to Coruscant, so you ended up on Tatooine with the rest of the group. You went with Qui-gon and Jar Jar, replacing Padme. Here it follows canon except for you are in Padmes place so you leave a deep impression in Anakin.
-          After winning the podrace you ruffle his hair and kiss him on the forehead, making the kid beet red as he’s never gotten affection from anyone but his mom.
-          Things go like in canon, with you all reaching Coruscant, the attack on Naboo, Anakin meeting Palpatine, etc etc.
-          The difference Is the fact that you don’t hide getting along with Anakin and liking him. You are force sensitive but are of royal descent meaning you can’t join the jedi, but you are at the temple a lot for training and whatnot.
-          This leads to you and Anakin meeting up a lot and spending a lot of time together. During all your meetings, even as you grow older, you are very openly affectionate. Your openness helps Anakin be more open with his feelings aswell, and his relationship with Obi wan isn’t as tense as in Canon, because he can express himself to you.
-          He tries to deny, until Padme points out how he blushes every time you boop his nose to say goodbye, or when you hug him. He gets embarrassed but is sure you would never like someone like him, so he tries to hide it since he doesn’t want to lose you.
-          Anakin doesn’t even realize he has a crush on you in the beginning, until Padme, who’s a good friend in this universe, teases him about it.
-          You yourself have gained a crush on the handsome Padawan, though you like to joke about his hairstyle and pulling on his braid to get his attention. It always makes Anakin pout in a way that makes you want to kiss him.
-          You shove down your crush, because Jedi can’t be in relationships and Anakin would definingly not choose you as he was way out of your league.
-          You didn’t notice him going as red as a tomato when you leave, or how he wrings his hands in his robes.
-          You continue to circle each other for years, you only growing more affectionate, going from boops and small hugs to almost tackling Anakin in the training hall, or giving him a big over the top kiss on the cheek when you had to leave early.
-          This all comes to a grinding halt when your parents decide you need to marry, for the better of the family. They don’t really care that you don’t want to marry, so they send out an envoy to nearby planets that you are open to marriage.
-          This leads to multiple suitors attempting to sweep you off your feet, but you and Anakin come up with a plan. You become the brattiest most annoying being in the galaxy when the suitors try and romance you. You’ve even gone to the point where you roll on the floor throwing a tantrum because the shade of the napkins was the wrong grey.
-          The suitor is always there, always talking to you and trying to touch you which you sneer and duck under. You try to up your behavior, but they just chuckle and say they’ll set you straight when you marry.
-          To say the plan was effective was an understatement, as all but one suitor ran for the hills at your display, much to your parents’ annoyance.
-          It reaches a point where the only place you have privacy is your quarters or the jedi temple.
-          Anakin is quite worried next time you come to the temple, and even more so when you rush right past him with nothing but a small greeting. He tries to follow you, worry coming off him in waves in the force, but Obi Wan makes him stay back as they had been training.
-          Anakin sits beside you in silence, letting you decide when to talk. You finally give up trying to meditate and just stare into the water. That’s when you tear up and start crying tears full of frustration.
-          He finds you later at one of the ponds in the room of a thousand fountains. You are sitting and trying in vain to meditate. He can feel the annoyance and hopelessness pouring off you. This a feeling jedi aren’t allowed to feel, but seeing as you aren’t a jedi you can.
-          Anakin panics slightly, but wraps you in his arms, cuddling you close to his chest as you sob. He rocks the both of you from side to side, letting you release all your feelings in the way you feel is best at the moment.
-          When you’re crying finally comes to a stop, the two of you keep cuddling. You both feel butterflies in your stomachs, and in Anakin’s case have a blush covering his entire face.
-          Anakin will never admit to jealousy bubbling inside of him along with anger. He tries to release the emotions into the force, but some linger. If he tightens his arms around you, so be it.
-          “So, what happened?” the Padawan softly asks, which makes you grow misty eyed. You force down the tears and just ramble about what’s happening and the suitor.
-          When you finish talking, you rest your head on his shoulder. “I don’t want to get married” you mutter, which makes Anakin nod. He doesn’t want you to get married either.
-          That’s when you tear up again, knowing the reason you don’t want to marry is because you love Anakin. You whimper that you don’t want to marry because then you can never return to the temple or to Anakin and you don’t want to lose him.
-          He stares at you, face growing hotter as you tell him how much you care. Hope blooms in his chest. When you turn your head to look up at him, he leans down and presses his lips clumsily against yours. His braid brushes against your face as he leans down, his lips soft and oh so kissable.
-          You lay on top of him as you pull him in for a kiss again, pouring all your feelings for him through it to the best of your ability. Anakin is the one to freeze this time, but quickly responds, placing a hand on the back of your neck and the other on your hip to draw you in closer.
-          You freeze, eyes wide as you stare at the closed eyes of Anakin. He must feel your apprehension as he tries to pull back, but you move quick, throwing your arms around his neck and bowling him over.
-          The two of you keep kissing for what feels like an hour, when you finally pull back. You stare at each other, faces both completely flushes and lips colored from the attention.
-          You both end up sitting again, turned towards each other. You’re both quiet, neither of you seeming to know how to break the silence after what just happened.
-          In the end its you who confesses first, telling Anakin how you’ve felt about him for years. At your confession Anakin seems to burst open like a dam, the words pouring out of him how he’s loved you since you met.
-          You both end up laying in the grass, both happy you had chosen a pond hidden away from everything as you cuddle. Kisses passing between you and holding each other’s hands with your fingers interlocked.
-          You would deal with the suitor later you decided, even if it meant running away from your family. Little did you know Anakin was thinking the same. If loving you meant leaving the Jedi, he would leave right now. You both thought of what your life might be together, away from all of this.
-          With a last soft kiss, you rested your head on Anakin’s chest, who ran his hand through your hair, whispering compliments in huttesse.
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gaybananabread · 1 year
Hi! Do you think you could write a fic where Aang is annoying Toph and Katara, so they give him raspberries?
SOMETHING NOT OWL HOUSE MAH GAHDS! Thank you for the ask! I'm still cool with writing toh, but MAN there's so much!
Lee: Aang
Lers: Toph, Katara
Summary: Aang is bored and is making it everyone's problem. Toph and Katara fix said problem.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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It was a quiet day at camp. They'd been there for a few days now, taking some time to wind down. Aang was trying to relax, attempting meditation, games, even practicing his awesome marble trick! Nothing worked, and he was BORED!
Nearby, Toph and Katara were relaxing in their own ways. Toph was busting up huge boulders, while Katara bended large bursts of water from the ocean, slowly getting larger and larger. Basically, they relax by training.
Aang saw them, and an idea clicked. Some nice, friendly jokes wouldn't do them any harm, and it would cure his boredom! He grabbed some pebbles and sticks. Hiding in a bush, he formulated his plan.
He bended a small amount of fire onto each of the sticks, shooting them into Katara's bubble. She dropped the bubble into the sand, splashing water all over herself. He then shot the pebbles at Toph, who stopped them mid-air and crushed them. So, she lost concentration on the boulder, dropping it off the hill she was on, sending it rolling into the water, splashing them both.
Forgetting his stealth, Aang burst out laughing, tumbling out from the bush. His two annoyed friends glared at him, creeping over to his bush. They whispered something to eachother, grinning. When he was done laughing, they were towering over him, evil smirks on their faces.
"Uuuuuuh, hi?" Katara tackled him, pinning him on the ground. He would of bent his way out, but he didn't want to hurt her. Toph then made him some lovely stone cuffs. Again, he would've busted out, but they were too close to try it safely. He was stuck, and the girls were devious.
Katara spoke first. "Well, someone's bored today." She poked his side, earning a squeak. Toph huffed, a smile on her face. "You could've just asked us to do something, dummy."
Distant memories of a week ago flooded back, a small blush dusting his face. He had been annoying them, similar to now, and they tickled him. Honestly he should have seen this coming.
Toph cracked her knuckles. "Let's make this quick." She dug into his stomach, one of his worst spots. Aang laughed, twisting around in the stone prison. He was having fun, but it still tickled!
Katara shook her head. "The best way to get him is his favorite fruit." Toph gave her a look. "You mean that weird berry with the seeds and colors?"
The water bender went closer to Aang, sitting on the ground beside him. "No, raspberries. He loves those, don't you Aang?"
Said Avatar shook his head, managing a somewhat coherent response. "NAHAHAHO I DAHAHON'T!"
So, like the good friend she was, she completely ignored him. Toph stopped, giving Katara her turn. She pulled his red shoulder-draped robe aside, blowing a raspberry in the center of his belly.
Aang shrieked.
"GYAHAHAHAHA! KAHATARAHA!" Man, he picked a bad day to wear this! The girl stood back up, gesturing at her work. Toph's smirk somehow widened. "My turn!"
Toph did the same, and Aang gave banshees a run for their money. "NYAHAHAHA! QUIHIHIT IT!" They took turns, wrecking the boy. After a few minutes, they could tell he was at his limit. Toph broke the cuffs, letting Aang curl up and giggle like a mad man.
Katara rubbed circles into his back. "I wanna say sorry, but we both know you deserved that." Aang groaned, gaining laughter from both his friends. Toph poked him, earning a few giggles.
"At least you aren't bored anymore"
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the-pinstriped-hood · 2 years
A Bubble of Peace
Part 3
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The vehicles had finally come to stop in a small forest, with a trail leading to the lake.
"See! I told you, Vin! No people!" Lester grinned. "Ya'll oughta trust me more..."
"Yeah yeah so you were right, so what?" Bo asked.
"So cry about it, honeysuckle..." Lester snarked.
There was barking in the distance as Jonesy tackled Lester. "There's my baby girl!!"
The girls finally joined them. "Long truck ride?" Ava asked as she sat in the bed of Bo's truck with Lester.
"Time flew by actually..." Bo smiled, grabbing his towel and Percy's hand. "This trip was a good idea." Vincent smiled, taking off his mask and setting it in his things.
"Well then what are we waiting for?!" Ellie piped up, "let's get going this lake is gorgeous!!"
All three couples made their way, the scenery was beautiful, the sun shone on the lake without a cloud in the sky. A perfect day for an outing like this.
Ellie was putting plenty of sunscreen on Vincent so he didn't burn and an umbrella to put up to shield him.
Bo and Percy laid their towels down as Percy removed her top and made sure her black cover up was on tight. She looked around nervously before Bo tapped her and motioned for her to turn around. "Don't want you to burn neither, Darlin'." He smiled, rubbing sun screen on her back. "S'pretty bathing suit you got on~ wonder if it looks better on the ground than it does on you?" He purred quietly in her ear. "You shush..." Percy giggled.
Ava was busy getting her face and arms. "Les? Can you come get my back for me hon?" Easy to say after all the times Lester's slept with Ava, he was still nervous about touching her this intimately. He still managed to get all the space on her back though. "Thanks Baby." She kissed him. He blushed and gave her a hug as Jonesy interrupted them giving them a flurry of kisses.
After a while the gang was enjoying themselves, reading in Bo and Percy's case, sketching or playing fetch with Jonesy and a stick. Ava was standing near the start to the lake as Percy handed her glass of wine to Bo.
She silently gestured to Ellie and made a swinging motion. Ellie grinned and gave eachother a wicked look. The girls grabbed Ava by her arms and leg steady to throw Ava into the lake. Ava screamed as the girls counted.
"Three!!!" Both girls yelled as Ava made a splash into the lake. Ellie and Percy were on the ground laughing their asses off as Ava came up for air. "The fuck?!"
"We couldn't resist!!" Percy cried.
"We came up with it as we were planning the trip, it had to happen Ava, I'm sorry..." Ellie cackled.
Bo and Vincent stared, surprised and both cracked up laughing. Ava and Lester rolled their eyes. "We'll get'chu back for that!"
"Yeah, sure!"
Time went by and they stopped for lunch, Ellie having packed an entire picnic.
The girls were on a sloped hill side just hanging out in the grass as Ellie made flower crowns from dandelions. "Ava you make a pretty damn good scout, this place is gorgeous..." Percy smiled.
"this place is practically magical...." Ellie smiled, looking over the edge and watching the boys skip rocks on the edge of the water and keeping tally. "It's so nice to see them, acting like brothers again..." Ava smiled.
The girls all gave eachother a hug. "You know what this needs? A picture..." Ava smiled. They agreed and with the lake in the backround they took a nice photo. And then Ava pushed Ellie and Percy over the cliff into the deep lake. Both came up for air, treading water. "Hey!!" Percy yelled up to Ava, Getting the boys attention. "The fuck?!"
"Cry about it, honeysuckle! I told you I'd get you two back!" Ava grinned, walking away.
The girls got out as Lester was laughing his head off. "That's my girl, Ava!"
Bo and Vincent were not having it, deciding to wrestle with their kid brother. "Yeah but our girls got yours first!!" Bo proclaimed.
After all of that died down the group was all pretty exhausted from playing a few brackets of chicken. The driver's switched as Bo Vincent were asleep and so was Jonesy, Ava and Percy.
It had been a very, very good day. And the sunset was even more beautiful. The end to a perfect day.
The End.
Tag: @rottent33th @cries-in-latino @slaasherslut @allthingsblood
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reinerispretty · 4 years
I love your writing 🥺 Can you do a Sokka imagine where the reader is a firebender so Sokka doesnt take well to her joining the gaang at first, and they always bicker/ throw sarcastic comments at each other and the gaang is so sick of it! But one day they are forced to be alone together (they go on a mission?) and sparks fly n they kiss or something 😳 they return to camp and the gaang is like... ok why r u guys tolerating eachother and u guys r inseparable and super couply from then on!
hi!! sorry i’m just now getting to this!! i like to put lots of effort into my requests so i wanted it to be the best it could be :D hope you enjoy!!
(Y/N) had always been very proud of her firebending. Not everyone in the town she had grown up in were benders, so being able to bend one of the elements was a great honor. Because of her powers, she was on track to join the Fire Nation military. These plans changed of course, as soon as she met the Avatar and his friends. She had helped them escape capture and joined them on their adventures. They were all pretty hesitant about her joining, but eventually Toph vouched for her by saying that she wasn’t lying when she told them all she had ever wanted was to help people. 
(Y/N) had been traveling with their group for a few weeks and was slowly starting to build friendships with the other members of her group. Aang absolutely refused to learn firebending from her, but watched and laughed as she made little dragon puppets out of fire after dinner. She and Toph became fast friends, as they both had a similar wit and nonchalance about life. Katara took a bit to fully warm up to her, but (Y/N) was relentless and eventually they could exchange pleasant conversation as they cooked dinner. Even Appa licked her when she brought him hay, and Momo had started sharing his berries with her. The only person who didn’t like her at all was Sokka. 
“I don’t want a firebender joining us,” He had said pointedly when she first joined the group. He had been outvoted, of course, and now whenever (Y/N) did anything, he had something to say in return. If she arranged the sleeping bags, he complained about their positioning. If she made dinner that night, he complained about the taste. It seemed like he went out of his way to make her feel bad. 
Initially (Y/N) had tried to understand. The Fire Nation had hurt his people, so it was only natural that he was apprehensive toward her. But then his words started to hurt. One day, he had mentioned that she had betrayed her own people, so it would only be a matter of time until she betrayed them, too, and (Y/N) had had enough. She threw her bowl of soup to the ground and stood up. “What’s your problem?” She demanded. 
“My problem is with you,” He spat. “You’re Fire Nation, you can’t be trusted.” 
“Don’t you think that if I had even thought about turning you all in to the Fire Lord, I would have done it already?” 
“I don’t know what goes on in your little spy brain!” 
“I know what goes on in your brain: absolutely nothing!” She let out a frustrated scream and turned on her heel, marching into her tent. The rest of the group stared at Sokka awkwardly. 
“She’s such a piece of work,” He grumbled, sipping on his soup. “Can you believe her?” 
Over the next few weeks, whenever Sokka said an insult toward (Y/N) she’d shoot one right back. If he wanted to be a pain in her side, fine. She’d be one in his, too. 
“You sure your twig arms can handle that firewood?” She asked him as he brought wood for their campfire. 
“Hey, at least I’m doing something. What, are you too busy plotting how to take over the world to help?” 
Their conversations were just insults and sarcastic quips, and eventually the rest of the group started to get sick of it. One night, as they sat at dinner, (Y/N) and Sokka were bickering because they had been forced to sit beside each other. Toph drove a piece of earth between them and flung them in opposite directions. “Would you guys quit it!” The girl shouted. “I only have four out of the five senses and you guys are driving them all crazy!” 
“Sorry, Toph,” (Y/N) apologized, brushing herself off. “You know how he is.” 
“Me?” Sokka exclaimed. “Toph, you know how she is!” 
“You arrogant, good for nothing--” 
“Ow!” Aang shouted, clutching his foot. The group stopped to look at him. “Ow, ow, ow, I think I stepped on something. My foot really hurts!” Katara rushed over to take a look and furrowed her brows. 
“I don’t--” 
“Oh, Sokka,” Aang sighed. “I don’t think I can go on that mission with you tomorrow, my foot just hurts too bad!” He gave Katara a big wink. 
“Oh, of course!” She said, finally getting what Aang was trying to do. “I have to stay here and help Aang heal. I’ll need Toph’s help, too, so (Y/N) is the only one who can go on the mission with you.” 
“I’d rather go alone,” Sokka said, crossing his arms. 
“Please, how are you going to defend yourself if you don’t have a bender with you?” (Y/N) asked with a roll of her eyes. Sokka balled his fists and stormed off to his tent, mumbling angry, incoherent sentences. (Y/N) yawned and retreated back to her tent for the night. 
“I’m not really injured,” Aang said. 
“Really?” Toph deadpanned. “Couldn’t tell.” 
“I just wanted a break from the two of them. They’re always fighting!” 
“Who knows,” Katara said with a smile. “Maybe the trip will bring them closer together.” 
The next morning, (Y/N) and Sokka begrudgingly walked side-by-side to their mission. They were doing a stake out of some Fire Navy ships to see what kind of weapons they were storing on them. They climbed up to a tall hillside, where they could comfortably watch the ships. As long as they were quiet, they wouldn’t bring any attention to themselves. 
Sokka’s plan was to stay there for a full twenty-four hours. Every time (Y/N) thought about being around him that long, she nearly gagged, but she had to swallow it down because she knew this mission would be for the greater good. Hopefully, there would be more watching than talking.
They set up their tents behind some rocks so they would not look suspicious. And then, they sat. And they sat for a long time. (Y/N) was growing increasingly bored, just watching soldiers go in and out of the ships. She sighed, laying back down on the grass. 
“What exactly are we looking for?” 
“Nothing.” She propped herself up on her elbows. 
“Excuse me?” 
“We aren’t looking for anything. Well, not anything specific. I just want to know what kind of weapons they’re using so I can write to the Mechanist to create better ones for us.” 
“So...we’re just going to watch?” 
“Do you not know what a stake out is?” 
“I do! I just didn’t know it was going to be a full day of doing absolutely nothing.” 
“Look, if you don’t want to be here, fine. You can go back to the camp. I can handle myself.” (Y/N) scoffed. 
“I’m not leaving you here alone, Sokka.” 
“Then I suggest you stop complaining.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes and reached into her bag. She pulled out two sandwiches and laid them beside her. “What are those?” 
“Food,” She said, sliding a sandwich over to him. He took it suspiciously. “It’s not poisoned, you dummy. I got up early this morning and went to the market so I could make stake out snacks.” 
“Oh, thanks. I guess.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
They sat in silence for what felt like a lifetime. (Y/N) watched the soldiers intently and had even made up backstories for some of them. The smaller soldier was named Lee, and he was a fiesty little fellow, but he was a new recruit. He had good ideas, but no one really wanted to listen to him because he lacked authority. (Y/N) sighed as she watched him talk to his commanders. Poor Lee. 
“I recognize that one,” she said suddenly, pointing at one of the soldiers. “He and I went to training camp together one summer.” 
“Oh, so that’s your friend. Great.” (Y/N) furrowed her brows. 
“I never said he was my friend.” 
“I just assumed, since you were both all ‘Go Fire Nation!’“ He sarcastically pumped a fist into his air. 
“You make a lot of assumptions about me for someone who doesn’t know me.” 
“I know exactly who you are. You’re a spoiled girl from the Fire Nation who wasn’t satisfied with her life and only wanted to join us to run away from your probably mean family. You don’t want to make change, you just wanted an out.” 
“That’s not true at all, Sokka. I grew up poor. Dirt poor. And when I say that I mean it, because the floors of my house were literally dirt. No one asked me if I wanted to join the Fire Nation military, they told me I was going to. I was brought up my whole life surrounded by people who told me how great my nation was. If everyone’s telling you something and you have no reason to believe otherwise, you start to believe it. I know I’m not perfect, but I’m really tired of you thinking that you know who I am.” She pulled her knees into her chest and tucked her chin on top of them. 
Sokka sighed. The sun was setting behind them. “It’s obvious I don’t like the Fire Nation. They’ve caused a lot of pain to me and Katara and to thousands of other people. So when you joined, I guess I just projected that anger onto you.” 
“I understand. But I’m not the entire Fire Nation.” 
“I know, it’s just hard to separate the two sometimes. I can literally see the Fire Nation inside of you. You’re decisive and strong and stubborn--” 
“I’m just going to focus on the first two. You really think those things about me?” 
“I mean, yeah. I’ve seen you talk your way out of fights but also kick some major butt. As much as I hate to say it, you’re pretty cool.” (Y/N) smiled and opened her mouth to respond, but her eyes widened as a giant fireball plummeted toward them. 
“Look out!” She shouted, tackling Sokka out of the way. They both grunted in pain as they hit the ground. 
“How did they even see us?” Sokka asked. He grabbed (Y/N) by the hand and led her up the hill. They abandoned all of their camping stuff (as it was currently on fire) and ran down the backside of the hill, away from the Fire Navy ships. (Y/N) spotted a cave and pulled Sokka inside. They both leaned against the cool rock, breathing heavily. 
“Well, so much for the stake out,” (Y/N) said. Sokka laughed. 
“We’ll have to wait here for the night. The ships are supposed to leave at dawn tomorrow, so we can travel back to camp then.” (Y/N) nodded. The sun had fully set behind them and the cool chill of night was setting in. She shivered. “I can get a fire going,” Sokka said, and began to collect the debris that was scattered around the cave. (Y/N) giggled. 
“Sokka, I got it.” She kicked some leaves and sticks into a pile and kicked a flame on top of them. They sat across from each other with their backs against the cave walls. 
“So, how’d you know you were a firebender?” He asked. (Y/N) shrugged. 
“I think I started coughing fire one day. My family expected it though. My father had been a firebender.” She pursed her lips and stared at the ground. “He was sent to fight in the war. He didn’t end up coming home.” 
“I’m so sorry,” Sokka said quietly. She shrugged. 
“I feel torn about it, you know? Because he fought for hatred and injustice, but I also never got to find out if he supported the war or not. The Fire Nation doesn’t really care if you want to fight. They make you do it anyway.” 
“I always wanted to fight, ever since I was little.” Sokka said. “But now while I’m living my dream, I see how nasty it actually is and understand why my dad didn’t want me to.” 
“Well, you’re a pretty good fighter, so I’m sure he’s proud of you.” Sokka smiled. 
“I’m sure your dad is proud of you, too.” (Y/N) grinned. “Listen, I’m sorry for being so mean to you. I guess I was projecting feelings on to you that I had towards the Fire Nation, and it wasn’t fair. But in my defense, everything you did just made me mad. Like the way you cooked soup, or how pretty your eyes were, or how nice your laugh sounded...” Sokka trailed off, a blush appearing on his cheeks. “I said that all out loud, didn’t I?” 
(Y/N) nodded, trying her best to contain her smile. “Alright,” Sokka said. “You can just kill me now, I guess.” (Y/N) burst into laughter. 
“It’s really okay, Sokka. I’m sorry for being mean to you as well. Everything you did made me mad, like how you constantly teased me, or how cute your ponytail looks, or how funny your jokes were...” 
“You...you really think my jokes are funny?” (Y/N) nodded before sliding to sit at his side. “Can I try something?” (Y/N) nodded again. Their faces were just inches apart and she could tell the fire was dying by the dim glow it left on Sokka’s cheeks. He touched her own cheek with his hand, before pulling her close and slowly connecting their lips. (Y/N) felt her face grow hot, but she still let her eyes close and reveled in the feeling of his kiss. They stayed like that for a while, long after the fire went out. 
When they returned to their friends the next morning, they walked hand in hand. Aang and Katara’s mouths dropped open and Toph stamped her feet on the ground. “There must be something wrong,” She said. “Are they...touching each other?” 
“Hey, guys!” Sokka said, a bright smile on his face. “Aang, how’s the foot doing?” 
“Uh, pretty good,” Aang said, pretending to lift his foot as if it were injured. 
“What’s um...going on here?” Katara asked. 
“Sokka and I had a pretty good stake out,” (Y/N) said. She let her hand slip from his. “I’m gonna get started on lunch.” 
“Alrighty,” Sokka said before planting a kiss on her cheek. He sighed happily as he watched her walk away. “Aang, I really have to thank you for pretending to hurt your foot.” 
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@musicalkeys , @aroyaldarknessblr
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brelione · 4 years
Neon (Sarah Cameron x Reader)
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This Is That Good Gay Shit Right Here
It had been study period.You sat across the table from Sarah at the library in the large kook school.You werent really a kook,you just had the money of one.You acted and dressed like a pogue and your friends were pogues as well.You didnt wear your school uniform.Instead you wore JJ Maybanks shirt and a bracelet that Pope had made you.You hung out around the boys a lot,every single day.You’d go surfing with them and drink cheap beer.You wore John B’s socks and the boys would often tease you about the school you went to full of rich princesses.Sarah watched everything you did.You did the same thing every single study period.You’d take out the same notebook every time and sketch lines out with a pencil.When there was two minutes left of the period she watched as you’d grab a neon marker and swipe strokes across the paper precisely.The things she’d do to know what you spent so much time drawing.She never got any studying done during study period,she was too busy watching you.She watched as your nose would scrunch up when you messed up a line or how you would throw your hair back aggressively when it got in your way.She was just so fascinated by you.
It had been a bad morning for Sarah.She hadnt been able to get a good breakfast or do her hair properly or even have a nice cup of coffee.She was at her locker,chatting with Kiara when she saw you.You were wearing some rather short shorts and a neon blue striped shirt.She couldnt help but stare at you.You looked amazing,hair up in a messy bun,a generous amount of bracelets on your wrist that you had collected over the years and that neon shirt.You were so effortlessly gorgeous she just couldnt wrap her head around it. “What are you looking at?”Kiara asked.Sarah laughed it off,saying she zoned out but couldnt help but stare at you out of the corner of her eye.She knew you and Kiara were close friends in the eighth grade but had drifted a bit.She looked you up and down multiple times,eyes falling to a mark on your jaw.She couldnt quite tell what it was but she knew it wasnt a birth mark.She had looked over your face so many times she could probably draw it from memory.
Neon streaks covered your hair.Pink,green and blue.The morning had been a rather chilly one.You wore a thin brown leather jacket over a white crop top,not that the crop top could be seen due to your arms and jacket covering your torso.Sarah knew it was fake leather.She had heard you talking about your love and appreciation for cows so she knew that you’d never wear something made out of their skin.She stared at the neon streaks in your hair,the way the light reflected off of the colorful streaks and how two neon yellow pieces of hair framed your face.Only you could pull off that look,she thought.She had never actually spoken to you but she felt that she knew you so well.Noone hated you,no one even disliked you.You didnt fit in in any way shape or form but there was something about you that just dragged everyone in.Every night before she went to bed Sarah would scroll through your instragram.It was a public account because clearly you didnt really care about who followed you and who saw you.Her thumb would hover over the follow button but she never pressed it.
Neon pink was the color of the bikini you were wearing when she saw you on the beach.The bottoms were high waisted,your hair up in a bun and she couldnt help but think about how brilliant your boobs looked in that top.You were sitting next to JJ Maybank,giggling about something as you talked to him.She wanted to be the one to make you giggle like that.JJ said something to you and you nodded before he ran off.You rolled your eyes,continuing to walk by the water.Sarah watched as you bent over to pick something up.She watched as your face of happiness became one of worry.She watched as you ran to find a stick and a leaf.She watched as you got a small creature onto the leaf and ran down to the water,placing the leaf down.She grinned as you were smiling again,scooting the creature along.She took a deep breath,walking down the sandy hills towards you. “Hi, (Y/N),right?”She asked.She didnt have to ask.She knew your first,middle and last name.She knew your siblings names,your pets names,your parents names,your cousins names.She knew your favorite foods,your zodiac sign and your favorite animal.She had spent hours stalking your instagram and going through the people you followed to find your mother.Once she found your moms instagram she found her facebook and that lead to Sarah learning many details about your life.You nodded,turning to see the blonde. “Sarah Cameron.”You nodded.She blushed.She never knew her name would sound so good coming from you. “So,what brings you to the beach on this lovely morning?”You asked.SHe shrugged. “Just...hanging out.”She replied.You nodded. “You want me to hang out with you?”You smirked.She blushed. “Sure,umm do you maybe wanna come to my house?”
Neon green was the color you painted you painted your nails while the two of you were hanging out at her house a week later. “Hey (Y/N)?”Sarah asked as she held a pillow to her chest,wresting her chin on it. “Yeah?”You asked.Sarah blushed,squealing into her pillow.That caused you to look at her with furrowed eyebrows.The boys never acted like this.Sarah was really quite different from the guys.She was stunning and giggled a lot and made your heart thump. “So like-do you like anyone right now?”She asked.You sighed.Why?Why that question?What the hell were you supposed to say?You just shrugged. “Oh my god!You’re blushing!Who is it?”Sarah faked enthusiasm.She wanted to frown and roll her eyes but that would definitely give it away. “God,Sarah.You ask so many questions.Why dont you just guess?”You asked.She bit her lip,staring at your bright finger nails. “Well...where do those little marks on your jaw come from?”She asked.You laughed. “You can say the word hickey,Sarah.”You grinned.You and JJ had a sort of friends with benefits thing going on.It wasnt exclusive or anything,just something to do when you were bored or horny or whenever you were mad.
He had always had the biggest smirk on his face afterwards.He’d ask you who you had thought about during it.You never told him. “Just because I have hickeys doesnt mean I like someone.”You replied.She frowned. “How can you do that?Like do someone and then not have any thoughts or feelings afterwards?”She asked.You smiled,blowing on your fingernails. “I just think of someone else.”You shrugged.She gasped. “So you do like someone!”She exclaimed. “Whats the first letter of his name?”She asked.You rolled your eyes,butterflies building in your stomach. “S.”You repled.She bit her cheek. “Seth?”She asked.You shook your head. “Whats the next letter?”She asked.You bit the inside of your cheek. “A.”You told her.She’d have to catch up eventually.Her eyebrows furrowed. “Uh...Sam?”She asked.You shook your head with a big grin. “The next letter is R.”You told her.She’d have to get it eventually.Her heart thumped a bit and she tried not to blush.
She was getting really excited at the possibility that it could be her.No boys name had those three letters in a row. “Next letter please.”She pouted.You blushed,looking away from her. “A.”You told her.She raised her eyebrows,eyes darting around the room. “Is it a girl?”She asked.You nodded,nervous for her reaction.She could have squealed in that moment. “Im Bi,Sarah.”You told her.She held her head in her hands. “Same.”She replied.You gasped quietly. “Shut up!”You exclaimed.She giggled. “Wait-is it Sarah Carpenter?Shes kind of a bitch,dont you think?”She asked.You bit on your lip. “Sarah,its you.”You avoided her gaze.You didnt even notice her lunging forward and wrapping her arms around you tightly and kissing your forehead. “This is really embarrassing-but ive liked you since the beginning of ninth grade.”She grinned.You giggled,kissing her nose. “Are you serious right now?”You asked.She nodded. “Dead serious.”She replied.
 “Why didnt you talk to me or something?”You asked.She bit her lip. “I didnt know that you were into girls!”She exclaimed.You rolled your eyes,sure that your face couldnt be any more red. “Sarah,I have dyed hair,short nails and I cuff my jeans.It couldnt be any more obvious.”You kissed her cheek.She looked down at her lips,pecking them gently.There was a knock at the door.You pulled away from eachother. “So yeah,grilled cheese sandwiches are so much better than tuna and if-Oh,hey rafe.”You greeted the tall boy standing at the door. “dinner.”He said quietly,winking at you before leaving.You and Sarah laughed,going downstairs.
Neon pink was the color of the beaded bracelet Sarah had made for you.That bracelet was tied to your wrist as you stared at Sarah.Her white dress,the diamond crown on her head as she held your hands. “You may kiss your bride.”Pope read off.You kissed Sarah gently,holding onto her waist.You rested your head on her shoulder as you hugged,JJ and Kiara screaming from the crowd and clapping loudly.Dear god youd think they would be the ones getting married with how excited they were.Sarah sung the words to We Fell In Love In October into your ear as you danced together.She kissed your cheek,your temple and your collarbone as she giggled.You had never loved anyone more,nor had you ever been happier.JJ had literally tackled you after the ceremony,spinning you around. “YOU GOT THE GIRL,BITCH!”He shouted.You laughed,punching him lightly on the shoulder.Kiara hugged you as well. “I’ve gotta get married next now,dont I?”She asked,glancing over at Pope.You nodded. “Hell yeah.”You replied,slapping her arm in excitement. “This is some great ass cake.Why the neon frosting though?”Rafe asked,poking at the frosting with his fork.He had somehow gotten off the drugs and stopped being such an asshole...most of the time.Sarah laughed,shrugging. “My baby loves neon.”She replied,watching in awe as you danced around with your cousin,dress twirling at your feet.
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Title: Girlfriend
Pairing: Stuart Pot x Fem! Reader
Fandom: Gorillaz
Genre: Fluff, Comedy
Series: None
Part 1 ONLY
Notes: Wrote this with 2 Braincells after reminiscing my awkward years. Which I love despite feeling scrappy.
Also Gorillaz was called Gorilla before Gorillaz I believe.
Summary: pre-Gorillaz is out at a new Minigolf course. Y/n third wheels the alone time with Stuart and Paula. What could go wrong?
Bursting through the doors of Kong Studios. After all of the running past tombstones and lightning I wheezed.
The loud slam of the double doors gained attention from the four band members or Gorilla. Their heads turned towards the direction of the doors.
"GUYS!!! GUYS!! GUYS!! and Paula.. I HAVE AMAZING NEWS!!!" I hollered.
Hearing many groans.
Mainly from Murdoc and Paula, A hum from Stuart, and loud footsteps from Russel.
As I finished my wheezefest I smiled at them all and held up a poster for a mini-golf course.
Everyone groaned.
Minus Stuart and Russel.
"What? I thought you all liked mini-golf? What's wrong?" I pouted.
"Don't you remember the last time we were at one y/n?" Paula sighed.
I tilted my head in confusion. Murdoc groaned out loud.
"For your sake did you not drive into a golf cart into the water course?!" He exclaimed.
"Nope I'm pretty sure that never happened" I smiled and Staurt and Russel snickered.
"And what about the time you hit my head with a golfball?!" Paula screeched.
"I couldn't see I thought I saw Flamingos everywhere" I replied coolly.
This time Murdoc chuckled but had abruptly stopped and cleared his throat.
"And what about the time that you had me crash in a bumper kart course!" She huffed. Her face now a Ladybug red.
"Well it is called bumper karts for a reason no?" I giggled.
This comment only caused her to sigh. I smiled in victory.
"So no one really wants to go with me?" I sighed. My shoulders slumped and a sad frown forming on my face.
"Yay! Thanks 'D for coming with me!" I smiled at the lanky purpleette. He only gave me a sweet smile with the front teeth missing.
"Its really no problem y/n" he chuckled giving a sheepish smile.
I smiled at him a small blush forming on my face as well as his as we stared at eachother for a few minutes.
Suddenly we heard someone clear their throats which snapped us out of our hazy trance.
"I'm definitely not leaving you alone with my boyfriend that's for sure so I'm going to watch you" Paula hissed as she stepped out of the vehicle.
I blinked and shrugged.
"The more the merrier!" I chirped slapping on my happiness back on.
Hearing a sigh and a large shadow looming over the three of us. There was russel.
"I'm gonna come with just incase you all dont get injured " He mumbled.
Soon the four of us wandered the mini-golf park.
Murdoc left the four of us, as he had to attend to "important issues" like usual.
"All this wandering around has me hungry.. HOLY CRAP THEY SELL CHURROS!!" I shouted out of hunger and ran towards the food stand plaza.
I had bought two churros. One for Russel, and One for me.
Smiling as I finished mine. I watched the purple headed man and his girlfriend share theirs. I tapped Russell on the shoulder.
He turned to look at me and I pointed to the two lovebirds as I gagged.
This caused him to laugh. I smiled and a sudden thought came to my mind.
I got up and slipped towards their table and snatched the churro out of their hands.
"Aww saved a piece for me! Sweet! Thanks Stu!" I chirped and pecked his cheek before skipping off.
I ripped the piece that Paula ate from throwing it in the trash and eating the rest.
After playing golf for awhile. I had needed a break from the small clubs and courses.
I had spotted a photobooth!
"Hey look a photobooth! Let's go take a picture stu!~" Paula sweetly called out to the purple haired man.
To which he only nodded and followed his lady towards the booth.
I scrunched up my nose and gave a wicked grin. I looked at Russel to which he only sighed.
"Please.. Please Please Please?" I begged with puppy eyes.
He looked at me then the two and nodded.
Operation: Split the Cheater and My Crush bestfriend up so I can save him is a go!
Or for short!
Operation: Grape is a Go!
I pressed a finger to my lips and counted down to three.
My hands reached for the curtains
My hands gripped them
I opened the curtains and pulled Paula out only to sit in her place while Russel blocked the curtain.
"Hey 'D let's take some good pictures Yeah?" I blushed.
His face seemed to get over the slight shock and nodded.
We made silly faces at the camera
I hung my arm loosely around his neck while making a rock-and-roll sign with my hand .
We sat facing eachother with a blush
After the bright light I took the pictures and stuffed them into my pocket.
"I'm keeping these! For safe keeping! See ya soon Stu!" I chirped before getting out and running off to find Russell.
"Russel! I'm teeling you it was great! Besides I kinda wish I could tell him how I really feel.." I blushed playing with my fingers.
I looked up at the large male for advice.
He gave me a small smile and patted my head. "Why dont you go tell him now he's all alone right now" he motioned to Stuart.
He was standing alone and playing on his mobile device.
I smiled and nodded.
"Thanks Russ!" I smiled at him and ran towards the tall male who was occupied on his phone.
Finally an opportunity to tell him without Paula around! Besides she doesn't deserve him..
I stopped running only to tackle him into a hug. To which he had jumped in suprise and dropped his phone.
"Hey 'D !" I chirped looking in his eyes.
"Oh hey Y/n.. you scared me a bit there!" He laughed and reached for his phone.
Instinctively we both thanked our heads together from trying to grab his phone.
I rubbed my head and giggled only to hand him his phone.
"Sorry 'bout that! Anyways why are you here all alone? Well not really.. I know you came with Paula, but why isn't she here?" I questioned the purple haired man.
To which he only shrugged.
"She said she'd go to the bathroom so I'm waiting for her" He replied quickly.
"Well Stuart Can I tell you a secret?" I blushed fiddling with my fingers.
"Well yea except if Murdoc wants to know then it might come out" he laughed nervously.
I nodded and smiled.
"Okay so what is it?"
"I like you no like you is an understatement I really really REALLY Love you.. even if your with Paula.. and even if she makes you happy yours comes first! Just know that I dont love your girlfriend Paula becauseshemightbecheatingonyouwiththatdamnedgreenpicklemurdoc! Even if you dont feel the same keys just make sure nothing stays weird between us yeah?" I breathed out.
I closed my eyes expecting being rejected.
Instead I had found myself experiencing those same butterflies, I had gotten in the last photo of the Photobooth.
He pulled away for just a second only to be pulled back into another kiss.
"STUART?! Y/N!? I KNEW IT I KNEW IT IM GONNA AHHH!!" We jumped away hearing Paula's shouting and stepped aside.
Only for her to roll onto the fake grassy hill towards a port-a-potty that Russell had just used.
She was flung into the small space and swmd it forward with the door closing.
"I guess that solves it! You Stuart Pot otherwise known as 2-D Are now my boyfriend!" I grinned.
To which he hummed.
"Your boyfriend? I like the sound of that" he hummed happily and pressed a soft kiss on the top of my head.
I smiled at the feeling.
Finally he wont get heartbroken over That cheater..
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fsketchart · 4 years
Daminette December - Soulmate AU
ALLLLLRIGHT let's go!  @noirdots ur fabu
Also Lila and Alya never met, and neither of them ever met Marinette.
Marinette sighed as she finished up paperwork.  She sat back in her chair and glanced outside. Her friends were already outside fluttering around getting ready for the holiday season.  Christmas and Valentine's day were always the busiest times of the year.
Marinette stood up, and grabbed her uniform.  She wore a red dress with white details, along with a gorgeous bun with a few strands loose.  Her dress had a white bow in the back. She walked in matching red heels, and she grabbed her bow & arrows, and headed outside.  She spread her wings and took flight. She headed towards HQ to receive her assignment.
"NEXT!" an old woman called.  She glanced at Marinette. "Cupid 1890?"
"Affirmative." The old woman passed a few papers.
"Just the regular," the woman said.  Marinette sighed. The woman snapped at her.  "It's Christmas soon, what can you expect? Our mistletoe kiss requests are through the roof, and do you know how many New year's 'true love' wishes we get each year?  They've skyrocketed through the roof!"
Marinette awkwardly chuckled and grabbed the papers.  Just as she turned to leave the lady snapped.
"Hey where do you think you're going?"
"To...work?" The woman shook her head.
"We gave you an extra long list.  You'll be having a partner."
"What?  Why not just split the assignment?"
"Because this guy is a rookey.  We need a supervisor."
"Don't I get a say?" Marinette asked, rolling her eyes.
"No," the woman said, with a harsh glare that made Marinette feel guilty.  The woman turned around and yelled. "OI! ROOKIE! OVER HERE!"
A boy, taller than Marinette walked forwards.  He had dark spikey hair like a porcupine and green eyes.  Marinette sighed. She held out her hand to introduce herself, but he just knocked it away.  He snatched the papers away and Marinette glared. The woman was now focusing on other cupids.
"Hey give them back!"
"No," Damian said with a tired voice.
Damian held up the papers beyond her reach and when she tried to fly over, he simply flew backwards.  That's when Marinette had a clever idea.
"Uh, your name is?"
"Right, Damian.  Yeah you're shoes are untied."
"Wait what-"
Marinette snatched the papers from his hand. "HAH SUCK IT NERD."
Damian snarled as he tried to grab the paper but Marinette already took off.  He chased her all the way to the cloud transports area, as Marinette dove on through.  She glided through all of the machinery getting ready to package the clouds down to earth gracefully as Damian just plowed on through.  There were yells of the machinery workers but Damian ignored them. He chased her until they reached the teleportation mist as Marinette chose the coordinates in a hurry.  She quickly got ready for the teleport, and turned her back last second to see an angry Damian aiming straight for her. Damian reached out for the paper and snatched it but was quickly teleported.
Damian woke up dazed and confused.  His vision was dizzy as he stumbled.  Marinette took her chance to grab back the papers, and started to Sprint.  Damian tackled her on the ground still trying to grab the papers back. They stumbled and fought until they rolled down a hill.  Marinette lost her grip on the paper last second. They screamed as they landed in a lake, soaking their wings.
Marinette just shivered in the cold as Damian let out a curse.  They slowly walked back to where they once were, unable to fly with their now soaked wings.
Marinette and Damian glared at each other and occasionally stepped on each other's shoes on purpose, but otherwise remained quiet.  They tried to dry off their hair and looked at eachother.
"Truce?" Marinette asked.
"Truce," Damian answered.
Marinette sighed as she checked the papers.
"Okay, we have a strict schedule.  We have about 5 to get done today."
"That should be easy."
Marinette just laughed and shook her head.  "No way, that's a ton for one day. You'll find out soon enough."
They followed around a girl named Alya and a boy named Nino all day.  They could only shoot their arrows in a case of emergency or if they seemed it necessary.  Damian was running out of patience. They had been waiting at the park with them for an hour and they still hadn't gotten up from the bench, for they were too busy chatting.
Marinette shushed him.  "No! This is a mistletoe wish, not a true love wish.  There's a difference." Damian just groaned. Marinette shushed him again.
She looked around.
"Okay, I think I have a plan." She pointed towards the park entrance, with a mistletoe dangling.  Damian just sighed.
"I still don't see why we can't just use an arrow."
"Because these guys are soulmates," Marinette said pointing to the list.  "We can't rush it or risk messing it up."
Damian just scoped out the place.
"We need a distraction, Damian."
"Okay, so what do you propose?"
"Hide your wings for a second." Damian just narrowed his eyes.  She gave him a stern look. Damian agreed.
"Okay now what-"
"DISTRACT!" Marinette shoved him forwards right in front of the pair as she ran behind the bench.
Damian froze.  As did Nino and Alya.
Nino just awkwardly raised his eyebrow.  "Do...do you need something dude?"
Damian panicked.  "Um...yes?"
"So what do you need?" Alya asked.
"Um.  Money."
Alya and Nino looked confused.  Damian continued.
"I'm...here to... rob you."
Alya and Nino just exchanged glances.  "You...you're not doing a very good job…"
Damian just stepped forwards doing an overly dramatic walk.  "Hand over your lunch money, nerd."
"We're both in college-"
Nino just looked annoyed as Alya stood up and rolled up her sleeves.  "What did you say to me?" Marinette noticed it was about to get messy and reached towards Nino's shoelaces, from under the bench.
"I...um I said HAND IT OVER!  I'm not afraid of uh prison! Yeah I've been there before.  Because I'm manly." Damian flexed his muscles.
Alya grabbed his wrist and flung him over her shoulder in one fell swoop.  She sighed as she picked up her purse and grabbed Nino's hand. Damian was groaning in pain.
"Wait...get back here…" Damian called back as he tried to crawl on the floor while holding his knee.  They both stood and watched as Damian made his very slow way over to them. He reached for them but Nino just stomped on his hand and walked away with Alya.  However, they didn't get too far, only making it to the entrance of the park. Nino tripped over his shoelaces and fell over, bringing Alya down with him. Marinette was smirking from a distance.  Damian was not.
Alya and Nino giggled, as they noticed the mistletoe.  They kissed under the mistletoe, as Marinette silently cheered.  Damian loudly groaned in pain.
Marinette dragged Damian away while the couple was distracted.
"⅕ was a success!  Good job, Damian!" Damian just cursed as she bandaged his bruised and cut knee.  She held up his chin gently to face her.
"Hey, I'm sorry I threw you into that situation without giving you a heads-up, really." Damian looked away.
"It's fine…" he mumbled.  Marinette glowed with happiness.
"I was serious when I said you did good, especially considering it's your first time."
"As to be expected, I'm the best of the best,"  Damian snarked back, but with a slight smile.
She roughed up his hair and giggled.  "We'll see."
@caffeinetheory @noirdots
Bonus : Damian flexing.
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inopinion · 7 years
Thanksgiving, part 3
Part 1
Part 2
@anyone-anything-canbetrayanyone @lilyharvord @spookysamos @mareshmallow @chelsthebookworm @chaoslaborantin @runexandra @mom2reesie @delilahronnelle @red-queen-united
"This is not soccer," Cal groans from his back in the mud puddle that marks the goal he just failed to protect. Tramy uses his stomach to push himself up. Cal gasps and flips onto hands and knees.
"Get up and start playing. You're getting us killed. I thought you said you were good at soccer." Mare yanks his arm and moves to the center where Farley faces off against Bree.
"There's no tackling in soccer."He slips, adding, “Or mud.”
"Adapt, You’re embarrassing yourself," Mare snaps.
Everyone is loving this game mostly because Cal, or Calvin (as he's been dubbed by my brothers), does not. I line up on the line ready to get in the way, which is about my limits when it comes to sports. But in the mud, it’s not ineffective to force others to go around me.
I'm supposed to stay on Cameron, Kilorn on Mare and Tramy on Cal. Bree lines up against Farley, but there’s an odd fear in his eyes. She’s been more than a handful for him. Cameron has never played soccer before so there no rules for her to forget, which means she’s doing really, really well. But Cal keeps calling fouls, as if we care anything about fouls. The only one not getting blasted to the ground is Farley. It might be because Bree is big enough to loop an arm around her waist to stop her. But also, I think everyone knows there could be repercussions if some decorum wasn't being upheld with the General.
Cameron jolts to the right and past me. I get an arm around her center, but slip to my knees. I drag down her body. Every inch of her is a new feel that I can’t quite memorize, but I want to.Her frame is slender but her thighs are solid. I don’t dig my hands in, but instead try to hold her with my muddy hands flat against her. I lose my grip, and drop face first into the mud. I scramble up and after her. She has the ball. Mare drops Kilorn but maintains her footing. He's shouting about sparks. Cameron faces Bree who has Farley tugging at his shoulder. Cal is... Well... He's pulling his punches with Tramy who's getting to our goal to block Cameron’s advances. Cal stands off to the side, he looks like an idiot. Tramy blocks, the ball ricochets towards Cal and no one is there to stop him.
"Get Calvin!" I yell, pointing as the ball reaches him. It feels good to yell. And better to get a glare from him for using that name. He finally makes a move. Kilorn charges into him, shoulder low and to his center. Cal's legs fly up and he lands hard on his back in the mid, again.
Mare ushers her team together, but she doesn't bother to be quiet.
"Goddammit Calvin," Cameron swears.
"Layoff, Cole," he snarls. I don't like that tone. I hope Kilorn drops him again.
"Stop it, Cal. At least Cameron got to the goal. You're just lining yourself up to get plowed," Mare barks.
"That's what she said," Bree shouts. We snicker. They glare.
"Okay, obviously, you can't handle Tramy. How about you take Kilorn? And Cameron you stay on Gisa. That seems okay. I'll deal with Tramy. Got it?" Cal looks affronted. I definitely don’t mind chasing Cameron.
"We gonna set up for a good plowing or you guys forfeiting?" Bree teases.
"Just wrap yourself around his legs and bring him down," Mare snaps her fingers, sending Cal away.
I’m not sure he��s ever been talked to like that, and least of all by Mare. But between him and I, I’m trying and he’s whining. There’s no whining in the Barrow house.
We split apart and I line up to face Cameron, but I can barely look up. I turn to check my team and Kilorn smirks, eyebrows raising suggestively. I go cold. He knows. How does he know? The ball goes past me and Cameron comes straight for me, jumping right. I jump with her, only there's two other bodies wrestling in the space. Kilorn has Cal. Their feet slip on the mud as they push eachother’s shoulders. Cameron darts to my left and when I spin I'm under two sets of arms and a heavy mass of bodies: Cal and Kilorn.
"Let go, flame-head," Kilorn calls.
Cameron is already way past me. My legs are stuck under Cal's back. He wriggles to hold Kilorn and somehow he's even more on top of me. I can be patient until he releases or... I throw an elbow, hard. It lands exactly where I wanted it to, on a royal nose square in a royal face. Kilorn is up in a second, stepping on him as he flies past. I scramble after, a hasty retreat towards deniability. But I’m exhilarated. That must be what my brothers feel every time they slam into each other: power. For that moment, I beat a silver prince, literally. I revel, running as fast as I can on the mud.
Kilorn is coming back, trailing Mare who's always been fast. Farley slams her hands into his back and he's barrelling head first into my knees. It's instant karma. My knee bends the wrong way and I reel under his scramble. Farley jumps over us and uses Kilorn’s back like a spring board. She rolls in the mud and moans. No one leaps up this time.
"Uh, guys? I think we're done," Tramy surveys the bodies resting in heaps.
Mare looks me over before she starts to help me up. I didn't expect her to come to me first. She's silently concerned when I grab my knee. It hurts. I keep from crying until she looks at me, "Bree! Tramy! Gisa's hurt, like hurt-hurt."
My big Brothers swarm me with comforting words and sturdy hands. They try to let me walk, but it’s too much to bear weight. Bree scoops me up. Tramy holds his arm, steadying him on the mud. Farley must have just been winded because she's up on her feet, crumbling dried mud off her skin. Kilorn trots to catch up and Cameron's with him. Mare and Cal are missing.
"Gis, ya alright?" Kilorn asks.
"My knee..." I moan. Cameron puts a hand on my ankle and instantly my heart soars, lessening the pain.
"What happened to fire-hands?" Tramy asks.
"Nose looks broke. An improvement if you ask me," Cameron smiles.
"Yeah, nice shot, Gisa," Kilorn chimes. If I were a burner, this whole place would be up in smoke.
"And he was just getting the hang of Barrow style soccer," Bree's laugh against my ear is the cherry on top of my sundae.
Tramy circles back and Kilorn takes the role of ensuring Bree doesn’t tumble with me down the hill.
Behind me, Tramy is conciliatory, smoothing things over with complements Cal only partially deserves. “Man, Calvin, you really seemed to be getting the hang of it by the end. I know it gets a little rough out here, but you hung in there.”
“I’ve had worse, I’ve also done better,” Cal comments, stuffy sounding and muffled.
“I’m sure you’re in for some sympathy sex,” Tramy takes it one joke too far. The arch of sparks is audible, but no where near as loud as Tramy’s yelp.
"How did this happen?" Mom has twenty four years of experience tending wounds obtained on muddy fields. She's unshakeable, until she's watching silver blood dry with a slight purple hue. You'd think Cal was a national treasure the way she's lined us up for interrogation.
Cal isn't about to rat out his assailants, he only just earned a touch of respect. She hands Cal a rag to catch the blood streaming down his nose And turns her full attention to Bree, Tramy, Kilorn, and me. She looks at me first, but she knows the weak link.
He turns his head and looks anywhere but her face.
"Bree Luther, look at me when I'm talking to you."
"It's no—" Cal starts but withers. Mare hushes him sharply. She's greedy for someone to be punished.
"Bree Luther Barrow, I cannot believe... at your age—"
"Gisa did it!" Bree couldn't ever take the pressure. Tramy and Kilorn groan with me.
"What?" Mom whirls on me. Kilorn steps to the side and both he and Tramy move out of the way. Cowards. I stand alone and I also have the least practice when it comes to trouble. I’m never in trouble.
"It was an accident," I lie.
"Really, these things happen," Cal tries again.
"Don't make it worse," Mare whispers
Mom won't stop looking at me. I feel my face twitch in the middle of my cheek and I'm a goner. It's all she needs to suss the truth.
"Gisa Verla Barrow, you should be ashamed of your self. He is a guest! And he's very important to... To... Your sister." No one wants to name the royal elephant.
I should be ashamed, but I'm not. I glare at Bree. He's an adult there's only so much she can do, but me? I have to sleep here. Bree grimaces his apology.
"To your room, now."
Cal gets a rag and probably an ice pack. I get to hobble to my room on a swelling knee. And worse, Cameron saw me get in trouble. I am humiliated beyond tears and yet they’re coming. Shedding them before closing my door would only make it worse. So I run. For good measure, I slam the door shut.
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #223
“Splender Recovering, Lightfoot book Delivery, Checking On Mix”
-A few days later-
[Slender] Is sitting outside a distance away from the village but still within sight of it while Splender wanders the village-
[Doc] Came down with Yaunfen and is chatting with some of the elders.
[Splender] Is smiling and handing out some balloons-
[Doc] Finishes hir bit of trading and comes over- Hello Splender. Feeling a bit better today?
[Splender] - Yes, brother told me to go and feed, since I was starting to feel better
[Doc] All this adoration reminded me of something that will likely annoy your brother, but make you very happy....
[Splender] - What is it?
[Doc] When you're feeling 100% again we should go visit TLOT's seed togeather. The people there added you to their pantheon for your part in killing their NOTCH.
[Splender] - Really?
[Doc] Really really! They didn't get a super good look at you, but TLOT corrected the worst errors. The Testificate artists have been having a ball carving your gnarly tentacles all over walls behind your image.
[Splender] - That sounds cool!
[Doc] It is cool. Wait until you see the ones of the rest of us too. They seem to like incorporating my dragon shape into fountains.
[Splender] - I look forwards to it- His tendril snaps out to stop a kid that was falling
[Doc] Nice catch. Your periheral vision must be superb.
[Splender] - More like my senses, we slender beings can feel where humans are
[Doc] Ah, I get it. I can find players with the server itself, but Testificates are a bit harder.
[Yaunfen] Goes to sniff some of the buldings-
[Splender] - Brother's even better at it than I am
[Doc] I can imagine... he's had the most practice probably...
[Drillby] Notices Yaunfen and goes to pet hir.
[Yaunfen] Sniffs at Drillby-
[Splender] - Your child is attracting attention
[Doc] I know. That's the blacksmith's husband, Drillby. - waves
[Drillby] Hi Doc. Anything to fix today?
[Doc] Nah. It's been pretty quiet.
[Splender] - Didn't your husband just recently fix a piece for CP?
[Drillby] Oh yes! That was a masterpiece. I mean, the technique to work on it is grueling, but it was an honor all the same. He's been doing smaller things lately in the same way. - Holds out his arm to show an obsidian bangle around one wrist with a lot of little swirly carvings.
[Doc] Nice work!
[Splender] - Oooh!  Pretty!  I know CP has more obsidian pieces which need to be repaired
[Doc] He does?
[Splender] - Yes, he didn't tell you?  The person who made the armor also made a full set of weapons to go with it
[Drillby] It would be a treat just to view such things.
[Doc] I presume they're hidden somewhere though.
[Splender] - Weeeeell...  I may have peeked into his mind a few times...
[Doc] Haha, Just out of curiousity... I presume?
[Splender] - Yes, but I do know where the weapons are
[Drillby] Goes for the chin scratches on Yaunfen
[Doc] Where are they?
[Splender] - In his bedroom, just like the armor, just a different part of the room, well, his bedroom in the Nether
[Doc] Oh... he must have a hidden trunk or something.
[Splender] - No?  I think the walls open?
[Yaunfen] Presses into the chin scratches-
[Drillby] Awww, who's a good little dragon?
[Doc] Figures. He's so paranoid.
[Splender] - But for good reason
[Yaunfen] - Mada!
[Drillby] Huh? Who's Mada?
[Doc] Me. - Proudly- It's nice to know Yaunfen has a decently high opinion of me.
[Splender] Giggles a little-
[Yaunfen] Sniffs in the direction Slender is in-
[Doc] Sniffs as well - I know little one... he's still here.
[Splender] - And probably getting hungry, but he won't eat
[Doc] Shivers - he needs human flesh doesn't he?
[Splender] - Not at the moment, but most certainly fear
[Doc] I saw one of his nightmares secondhand.. that was bad enough.
[Splender] - But brother won't feed from anyone here
[Doc] Why can't he just step out for a few minutes and come back?
[Splender] - Because he can't make portals?  Plus he wants to make sure I'm alright
[Doc] Oh... he won't ask you because you're unwell I guess? But he could easily ask Cp or BEN, even Silver.
[Splender] -Brother's rather protective of me, probably because it was our own father who wanted me dead
[Doc] He told me... I hate discrimination. Especially when it's directed at things people can't change.
[Drillby] Your father was a bigot? You have my condolences.
[Godot] Overhears and comes over- What happened? Who would be mean to Splender? What an ass!
[Splender] - Our father, faces like my own are...  Not exactly welcomed in our realm
[Yaunfen] Scratches at one of the buildings-
[Escar] Comes over with a stack of books- What's wrong with your face?
[Doc] His kind isn't supposed to have one.
[Drillby] at Yaunfen- do your claws need trimming?
[Yaunfen] Keep scratching-
[Splender] - According to Offender brother woke us in the middle of the night and rushed for the portal between the two dimensions, bringing all of us here...  He also destroyed the portal for our protection
[Escar] We understand running from persecution very well.
[Godot] Yes. We're glad you've found a home amongst us.
[Doc] I feel the same.
[Drillby] Offers Yaunfen a wood block instead.
[Yaunfen] Prefers the stone-
[Drillby] Just watches curiously-
[Doc] Yaunfen?
[Yaunfen] - Mada!
[Doc] Are you trying to sharpen your claws?
[Splender] Smiles, soaking up the happiness around him-
[Yaunfen] - Mada!- Keeps scratching
[Squrl] Hey Doc!
[Doc] Hmm?
[Squrl] Do you mind if we borrow some of the skeleton horses at the spawn?
[Doc] No, go ahead. It's not like we don't have plenty.
[Escar] Going somewhere?
[Squrl] Helping out with Hg's Touchie hives while he's gone, his house is pretty far away-
[Doc] Yaunfen? Do you want me to remove the stone for you?
[Yaunfen] Stops scratching and pees on the wall-
[Doc] Oh for.... Sorry guys.
[Splender] - I should be getting back to brother...
[Drillby] It's okay. Little ones just gotta go sometimes.
[Doc] Shall I come with you?
[Splender] - No no, that's okay, I know how brother makes you uncomfortable
[Doc] Yes.... but if he needs out to feed, I can make a decent portal.
[Splender] - He won't accept, he'll stay until he's sure I'm 100%
[Doc] But won't he go crazy from hunger... like you did?
[Splender] - Oh no, that's only if we don't eat flesh often enough, and he has that far more often than me
[Doc] I'd say he could scare me... but... I already have trouble sleeping at night... -looks down- Even I'm not that brave.
[Splender] - He's won't eat while he's here, he considers this my hunting ground
[Doc] I see...
[Splender] - Well, I'll see you around Doc
[Doc] Same. Be well.
[Assorted Testificates] -Also wave.
[Splender] Teleports off-
-The next morning-
[Stevie] Sleepily stumbles past Slender who is out for a morning stroll-
[Slender] - Hello CP
[Stevie] Turns and blinks a couple of times before jerking more awake- Ah!
[Slender] Eye area narrows- You...  Are not CP...
[Stevie] - N...  Nope, that would be my brother...
[Slender] - Brother you say?
[Doc] Was coming down the hill and bites hir lip at the awkward sight.
[Stevie] - Errr...- See's Doc- Doc!
[Doc] Trots quickly up. - Stevie.
[Slender] - Good morning Doctor
[Liz] *comes tearing past at full speed, screeching at a Lightfoot who is BARELY managing to keep ahead
[Lightfoot] *Waving book around above head and screeching back about how its theirs
[Doc] Good morning; Huh?!
[Doc] Takes off runnning - Stevie help me cut them off!
[Stevie] - What the Nether!? Uh, okay?
[Liz] *Increased screeching as the Lightfoot calls hir a stinking reptile. Even though, they, themselves, are,,, technically, a reptile,,,
[Doc] Is not as fast in human form but doesn't want to trample Liz. Xe's snatching at the lightfoot's tail.
[Stevie] Pulls a lead from his inventory and throws it at the lightfoot, hoping to trip it up-
[Lightfoot] -Manages to duck from Doc, but not Stevie's lead, ending up with one arm caught- No! Let go! Mine! -Trying to cut or remove lead and keep moving-
[Liz] -Leaps at Lightfoot, still screeching loudly-
[Doc] Joins the leap, trying to tackle the lightfoot-
[Stevie] Yanks on the lead-
[Lightfoot] -Thwaks Doc with tail, but goes down under Liz due to Stevie yanking the lead-
-Theres a lot of incoherent yelling from both as Liz and the Lightfoot scratch at eachother-
[Liz] Ha! My book! Plllbbheeee *Blows tongue at Lightfoot and hops off, proudly holding book to hir chest-
[Lightfoot] Stinking thief!
[Liz] Thief?? It was mine!
[Slender] Watches, slightly amused-
[Doc] Reels sideways and transforms as xe rolls, throwing the fluff of hir tail in a sharp swat at the lightfoot-
[Lightfoot] -Tries to chomp down on Doc's tail-
[Stevie] - You okay there Doc?
[Lightfoot] -Chomp chomp motherfucker-
[Doc] Is gritting hir teeth and growls at the lightfoot- get lost or I'll stomp you!
[Stevie] Drops the lead-
[Lightfoot] Will not forget this! *Hops to feet and bolts
[Liz] Don't like Moms home mobs, nope! Do not at all. *sneers at retreating lightfoot and starts looking hir book over carefully.
[Doc] Inspects hir tail and is missing some hair - I hope you get a furball!
[Liz] Thief tore a page! -angry huff-
[Stevie] Steps closer to Liz- Hey, do you mind if I take a look?  Maybe we can fix it...
[Doc] Notes the familiar cover - Oh dear....
[Liz] -suspicious squint at Stevie- Are YOU going to take book and run, too? -warning hiss-
[Stevie] - No!  Not at all!
[Liz] Alright! -Immediately friendly, holding book out-
[Stevie] Takes it and turns the book over- Isn't this...
[Doc] Quietly- Yes... you should know that one quite well.
[Stevie] - Brother read these to me...  So Doc?  Think you can fix it?
[Doc] Oh yes. Easily. Let me see it. - Holds out a paw-
[Slender] - I'm assuming this is in reference to when you were a child, Stevie?  Was it?
[Stevie] Gulps- Yeah, after I got mixed up with a bad potion...- Hands Doc the book
[Liz] -squints a bit at Slender suspiciously- No face Norman
[Doc] Gently uses hir statick to fix the rips and makes a copy before holding it back out to Liz - Good as new.
[Slender] Ignores Liz's comment- A bad potion?
[Stevie] - Long story?
[Liz] Book! *takes book back and tucks it to chest
[Doc] Pages through the copy of the book gently, feeling nostalgic. - I'm glad you like it Liz...
[Stevie] - Does it still drive brother nuts?
[Liz] Is nice, kind of like the shinies. Only, not edible. *nod nod
[Doc] Anything where he's a cat makes him nuts. It made him mad enough to write some very unflattering stuff about me in retaliation. But I'm still happy with how it turned out. My drawing skills are decent.
[Stevie] - You did the drawings?
[Slender] - Doctor, would you mind if I took a look?
[Doc] At Stevie- Oh, yes! Deerheart did the story. - at Slender- Sure... -Holds up the copy of 'Little Floof and Angry Floof.'
[Liz] Speaking of shiny... *lowers head and shakes it a bit, a few shards fall out of hir head fins, don't think about it too hard guys, really.
[Liz] *scoops one up and crunches it in hir mouth while watching them before opening hir book and flipping through it to find where shi'd been.
[Doc] At Liz- What on earth are you eating?
[Slender] Thumbs through the pages- Sally may actually enjoy this...
[Liz] -Looks up, ever so slowly crunching a lightning shard, ignoring the spark- ... Shinies? -Lowers head a bit-
[Doc] Really? It was just something we made for Endrea when she was small. - At Liz- You're eating diamonds?
[Liz] Blue bland shiny? -Tilt head and sift through hir shards before shaking head.- Don't have.
[Slender] - It has been awhile since I've gotten her any new books...
[Doc] I wasn't asking you for one. I mean, are those meant to be eaten? They look like glass. - At Slender- I recall Cp saying you read a lot.
[Slender] - Yes, I tend to keep my library locked though so things do not get ruined, I have many books from all time periods
[Liz] ... -Shrugs a bit and scoops another lightning shard into hir mouth- -cronch-
[Doc] Well I guess if your teeth can handle it.... wow... - At Slender- I bet I have a book you've never seen...
[Slender] - And what might that be?
[Liz] Mom says my jaw's strong. *pleased nod
[Liz] That and if I start breathing fire or lightning, Skee owes her a haircut. -shrugs and crunches shards while reading book-
[Doc] This. - Xe holds up a rather thick yellow book from hir inventory  the letters are embosses in gold 'F.O.A.H.'- I was going to go put a copy in the librairy, but it might be of interest to you. Or at least Offender. - At Liz- They make you breathe elemental blasts? That sounds useful actually.
[Liz] No clue, Mom says is possible, they do cool stuff with her and Skee's fancy gloves! And I eat them so.... -Cronch- Who knows!
[Slender] - And what is it?
[Doc] It's TLOT's life story, how him and Steve met and all the things that happened right up until they met me and came here. - Xe makes a copy and puts the other away before holding it out. - I just finished transcribing it this morning. I basically let him show me everything mentally and I typed it out.
[Slender] - I see, and you believe my brother will enjoy this?
[Doc] Well him and Steve do have sex rather often... - at Liz- I'll probably be sorry, but... can I have one?
[Liz] Nooooo...
[Doc] Not even a copy?
[Liz] Nooooooo... *rolls a storm one at Doc as shi says it.. nice
[Doc] Here, we'll make it a trade. - Xe pulls out some of the sugar gems Yaunfen usually eats and gives Liz two of them.
[Slender] - I see, then thank you.  If you do not mind, I think I will return to my brother now
[Liz] -Examines them carefully before nodding approvingly and trying to eat one- !! Sweet!! ewwww
[Doc] Okay! enjoy! - Xe takes the shard and puts it in hir mouth. But instead of crunching it, xe makes it melt on hir tongue-
[Slender] Walks off-
[Stevie] Let's out a breath- Holy Nether he's scary
[Liz] -Watches Doc with curious eyes to see what happens-
[Doc] Around hir mouthful - I feel the same- Xe freezes for a sec and does an all over shiver before opening hir jaws fully and letting out a huge burp that's half electrical interference noise.
[Liz] Niceeee!
[Liz] Watch me!
[Doc] Coughing up smoke- Spicy.
[Liz] -Scoops a storm shard into mouth and cronches-
[Liz] Mmm... -Opens mouth and rolls tongue a bit, sparks dancing on it-
[Doc] Niiiice. I put the one Mix gave me in an item frame in the shrine. I guess I'll have to go make copies now.
[Stevie] Is giving both of them a weird look-
[Liz] Seen mom use them to train, scary, but cool! *nod nod
[Doc] At Stevie- I'd ask if you wanted to try, but I suspect you'd break your teeth. - At liz- Train how?
[Stevie] - Yeeeeeeeah...  I think I'm just gonna head home now...
[Liz] Mom and Skee go reeeeal far away! They don't wanna break anything! And then they put shinies in their gloves! *Gives vague paw gestures
[Liz] Then they fight! They're all!! Zappy zappy!! And Fwoooosh, fire! And Watery watery! *nod nod
[Liz] Mom can do it better, but Skee can use certain ones better than she can!
[Doc] Interesting. It sounds like Mix and I will have a few things to discuss when she gets back.
[Stevie] Is walking off-
[Liz] You can ask Skee! He's still here!
[Doc] Where at?
[Liz] I left him at home! But he usually looms all over! Hehe, Looms. That's a cool word... *nods a  bit
[Doc] Want me to give you a ride home? That would serve both our purposes.
[Liz] Sure! *Scoops remaining uncrunched shard up into hir headfin and closes book
[Liz] -Hops to hir feet-
[Doc] Hunkers down- Just hop on
[Liz] -climbs onto Doc- Onward!
[Doc] Makes an artful leap and starts running along a bit over the ground, xe's weaving in hir usual crazy way.
[Liz] -Excited squealing-
[Doc] Does lots of jinks to make it fun- I'll do some loops if you can hang on!
[Liz] No loops! -shiver a bit-
[Doc] Okay- Xe still goes quickly but keeps on a steady level to not dislodge Liz
-The desert shoots by underneath them and the big tree is in sight now-
[Liz] Leaf home! -Points at Big Tree. then points at the collection of skeleton horses on the shore- Clinky horses! -Points vaguely at the water- Home!
[Doc] Clinky horses? That's so cute. How do we get down? I don't want to get you wet and hurt.
[Liz] -points a bit more insistently at the water-
[Liz] Down is how!
[Liz] -Plunks book into inventory-
[Doc] Can you get wet? Is that okay?
[Liz] I gotta get up, I can go down, If you don't go I will! -Wiggle wiggle on Doc, eyeing the water, searching for the best spot to dive into-
[Doc] Just hold on then- Xe plunges down into the water and phases through most of the entryway to get Liz in before scruching up in the room and hallway and shapeshifting back to hir smaller form-
[Liz] -Hops off Doc and bounds down stairs, crunching a shard resting on the stairs as shi goes. Nice warm crunchy shards are best, especially when wet!- Skeeee!!!
[Doc] Follows curiously-
[Liz] -Bonks through door into livingroom area and looks around carefully- Skeeeeeeeeeee!
[Liz] -Darts down stairs into library and pokes around a bit before popping hir way into the nature zone with all the shards and plants. Sky's dozing shirtless in the grass, although he pops an eye open at Liz screaming his name as shi dashes at him.-
[Sky] ..? -To be fair, he takes being sat on like a champ, just adjusting a bit to handle Liz's weight- ... What?
[Doc] Follows with a chuckle -Hello Sky. Liz was chasing a lightfoot and I decided to walk them home. You look comfy.
[Sky] Oh, alright. Hello Doc. -Adjusts Liz a bit more, grumbling when shi tries to nibble on his ear and hair- This isn't even that odd. Liz does this all the time.
[Doc] Eh, dragons. They're so full of energy. Plus shi's been snacking on your shards.
[Sky] Liz will eat anything, but shi loves those the most. Says they taste good.
[Doc] I had one myself, the taste is... unique. Kind of like a creeper explosion without the death part. Haha
[Sky] Mix and I've never had em, but She's said she's seen her brother just, bite off bits when he's building stuff from them. *shrug a bit
[Sky] We usually just use them with our gauntlets.
[Doc] Liz told me you were training?
[Sky] ... Hmmm.....? *sheepish tone
[Liz] Fwooosh.
[Doc] It's okay, I don't mind if people spar. I'm just curious.
[Sky] ... We just train. I mean, the terrains fucked to hell from it all but that's nothing a few plant shards can't handle. -slight shrug-
[Doc] So what can you do? And are the gauntlets from a mod?
[Sky] Ain't a clue if it's from a mod, it's from her home, is all I know. Goes hand in hand with her shards. *shrug
[Sky] Depends on the shard. Of course, I taught her how to actually fight with them, she didn't have a lick of fighting experience before then.
[Doc] Until she laid the smackdown on Mb, I didn't know she could fight. She's always so.. peaceful.
[Sky] She's more a uh... Support character, I guess you could say. I watched her beat the fuck out of Flowey, the first time they met. He nearly killed her and she.. I guess returned the favor?  *Shiver
[Sky] She doesn't like fighting. Says it.. Reminds her of home. Whatever that means.
[Doc] I don't know all that much about her home.
[Sky] Neither do I. I pick up bits and pieces here, but nothing to make a really big picture...
[Doc] Anything I should know?
[Sky] Mix would probably whip someones ass if they tried to start a war and she was nearby? She really loves beaches?
[Sky] I mean, the most I can get is.., Her home was fuckass, Doc. It was the tail end of a war when she came to be. -runs fingers through his hair slowly- She doesn't remember a lot of it. She remembers learning about the war from both of her brothers, neither side add up, by the way. Talk about bias.
[Sky] -pets Liz slowly- There was.. a lot of fighting. She was still young, so her ability was pretty on off about working, which did not help. She liked blowing things up a lot, much to her brothers disdain. -snort-
[Sky] -thoughtful silence-
[Doc] I guess that explains what happened to her non-Firebird NOTCH. And likely how the crystal shards got lodged in her chest. Poor thing, no wonder she doesn't want to talk about it. Actually, she's been gone for a few days now, do you know where she went? I mean, I gave her a way to contact me if she needed help, but, I still worry when someone heads out there alone.
[Sky] Probably to check on a batch of shards. She wanted to see the extent of what she could plant one in. Even tried bedrock. That was sprouting when we left it... *thoughtful look
[Sky] She has been gone a bit...
[Doc] Do you think we should... go after her?
[Sky] It might be good to check on her. Liz, up. -Liz hops off and trudges away to crunch some shards-
[Sky] I'll have to put a shirt on though.
[Doc] Yeah, it's cold in the void. - looks around while waiting-
[Sky] -gets up and goes to put a shirt on-
[Benny] -strutting around pecking at the ground here and there, only to pause and look up at Doc the instant Sky leaves the room-
[Benny] -Intense stare-
[Doc] Hey Benny... You hungry or something?
[Benny] ... No. -Drops head back down to peck and waddle as Sky returns, sliding gauntlet on.-
[Doc] Small eye twitch- ooookay.
[Benny] -Sound suspiciously familiar to laughter-
[Sky] Hm? You alright?
[Doc] Yeah. I-I'm good. Ready when you are-  Xe types out a quick note to Deerheart and opens a way out of the server.
-It's cold outside and xe gets a terrible feeling they're being watched-
[Doc] Come on, let's go.
[Sky] -walks out, completely ignoring Benny shooting out too, bounding ahead and glancing back at him and Doc.- Lets see... -Turns head a bit, brushing hair away from his ear tufts. looks back and forth before setting off, ironically, the way Benny had gone.-
[Doc] Closes the hole and hurries after them- I hate it out here....
[Sky] I hate being in here too. *unconsciously rubs at one eye as they go.-
[Doc] Is looking around suspiciously- I really really feel like we're being followed...
[Sky] We could be. Try not to think about it.
[Benny] -takes a sharp right, and Sky pauses before following-
[Sky] Stars know we're not the only ones out here.
[Doc] Stays close- Are you following her trail or just know where she was most likely to go?
[Sky] Yes, and yes.
[Doc] Good enough for me...
[Benny] -comes to a halt and pecks at the nonexistent ground. this is where they go in.-
[Sky] I'm ahh.. Not good at making ways in. If you'd help...?
[Doc] Sure- xe cuts a hole and holds it for them-
[Sky]- picks Benny up and enters, squinting around carefully.- This looks like the place. -That inference is probably drawn by the clusterfuck of shard plants. Just saying.-
[Doc] Shuts the hole and looks around. - This place is really.... pointy.
[Doc] Calls out- Mix? Are you here?
[Sky] Here, I'll get us around them and see if she's still here. -easily walks among plants until he's out- She's  usually pretty into her stuff..
[Doc] Good thing my boots are shod with horse shoes....- Picks gingerly around the spiky plants
[Sky] they're not Sharp... I don't think... - shrugs a bit and gestures at a hunched figure in front of a line of blocks with pants growing from them- looks like her
[Doc] Approaches her tentatively- Mix? Are you okay?
[Mix] -pops head up, a skeleton in the near distance doing the same- hmm? Oh, doc! Have I been gone long enough for worry?
[Doc] A little... I know how time can fly when you're working on something- Looks at the skeleton curiously- Making some new friends?
[Mix] a bit, like to practice. *gives a small hand gesture and a few mobs peak out of odd places to look at doc and sky. Sky seems unphazed by this, like it's normal. Probably will
[Doc] Can you understand them normally Mix? It's a rare talent.
[Mix] bits and pieces, usually. *plucks shard from plant  and puts it in her bag wigth a shrug
[Doc] It's good to know. So... what's going on? Just doing some gardening?
[Mix] yeah, mainly. I said hi  to the villagers
[Doc] Well.... if you're okay then i guess I'll leave you too it. Sorry to be a nervous hen. You know how it is.
[Mix] I understand. Sorry to worry you, been so busy.
[Doc] I've got a bad feeling... don't linger out there Mix.
[Doc] Takes a few steps back and unrolls into hir dragon shape. - Come on Sky. Grab Benny, I'll carry you. I can't stand the thought of walking out there any farther then I have too.
[Doc] Scoops up Sky and Benny and says goodbye to Mix before shooting out of the server and making a beeline for home. As xe makes the hole there's the distinct feeling of something else trying to follow hir in and xe slams it shut. Nearly clipping hir own tail before hitting the sand rather hard-
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