#taekook as best friends
goldenalbum · 10 months
i hope every shipper and solo stan who hates any member(s) of bts knows their faves would fucking despise them 💗 i wish yall bitches a very terrible night
69 notes · View notes
kookntae4ever · 8 months
「 Can't Pretend 」
• explicit 🔞
• 100k words
• fake dating
• best friends to lovers
• family issues
• fluff, angst, and smut
• pining
• slow burn
• idiots in love
• top kth
• bottom jjk
Taehyung is fed up with his parents, who constantly set him up on dates with their business partners' daughters.
To prove he is capable of choosing his own partner, he agrees to fake date his best friend.
Surely, nothing will go wrong, nothing will change between Jungkook and him... right?
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10 notes · View notes
thebtstaekooker · 1 year
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Say That You Love Me - a Taekook fanfic
Jungkook x Taehyung
one shot
6k words
Best friends, secret pining, accidental love confessions, and steamy makeout sessions ;)
AO3 story link with notes
Summary: “Taehyung, I-“ Jeongguk began, wanting to explain and save himself from rejection, from the tension that was already thick in the air. “Is it true?” Taehyung interrupted, voice low and so sharp that it made Jeongguk flinch because, as hot as it sounded, it was also scary having never heard such a tone coming from Taehyung in his life “I-is what true?” He asked, feigning ignorance. “That you love me?”
Jeongguk was destined for a rough life from the moment he was born. His chaotic family background made him believe he'd be a loner forever until Kim Taehyung made his appearance in the third grade. Now they're best friends. Life is better with Taehyung around if you ignore the fact that Jeongguk has fallen hopelessly in love with him and his puppy dog eyes.
Jeongguk was only seven when he began to realize just how unfair life was. Growing up in a family of just two for most of his life, even his existence had been questioned by the small town villagers. 
“Isn’t that little Jeon Jeongguk? The one who has a cheating mother?” Someone would say as Jeongguk walked home from school.
“I heard her most recent husband was rich,” another voice would chime in.
“Poor child. I wonder who his father is,” someone else would sigh, pitifully.
It was no surprise that, at such a young age, Jeongguk grew to hate being pitied and given sympathy just for his family background which absolutely was not his fault. But it wasn’t only the townspeople. His school life was trashy as well. All the children in his third grade class either shunned him or mocked him for wearing hand-me-downs that were simply too small for him and the fact that he brought his own lunch instead of buying from the school. He was the outcast, the loner, the one everyone chose to leave out at recess and frankly, Jeongguk preferred it that way up until he met his future best friend.
Jeongguk could tell the new boy was nervous, hands gripping his lunchbox tightly, head ducked and curly brown hair falling over his eyes as he stood at the front of the class beside the third grade teacher.
“Introduce yourself to everyone, dearie,” Miss Su prompted, gently nudging the boy.
He bit his lip and shuffled forward, finally lifting his head to face the groups of children that waited expectantly for him to speak.
“I...I’m Taehyung,” he murmured, stuttering a bit as he spoke.
As he looked over the class, his eyes suddenly met Jeongguk’s and they widened, inquisitively. Jeongguk frowned, mistaking the warmth in Taehyung’s eyes as some sort of pity or sympathy. Perhaps Taehyung had already heard about Jeongguk and felt sorry for him. Jeongguk hated that thought and he abruptly and deliberately broke eye contact with the other boy.
“Well, Taehyung. We’re all very happy to have you here. You can take a seat now. There’s an empty one next to...Jeongguk,” Miss Su pointed at Jeongguk and he could feel Taehyung’s gaze land on him again.
Jeongguk refused to look up, intent on finishing his math worksheet. He was happy Miss Su at least acknowledged his presence for once but he didn’t want a seat-mate who acted just like everyone else in the classroom. A shadow passed over him just then and he was forced to look up at Taehyung who was smiling shyly down at him.
“Can I sit here?” He asked, motioning towards the chair next to Jeongguk.
Jeongguk simply shrugged and returned to scribbling in his notebook. Later on, Jeongguk found himself out on the playground for lunch, sitting down in his favorite spot under one of the oak trees and reluctantly pulling out the hastily made soggy jelly sandwich his mother had slapped together that morning as she rushed around to get ready for work. Once again a shadow blocked the sunlight and Jeongguk looked up to see Taehyung standing in front of him, lunchbox in hand.
“Hey! Can I eat with you?”
Jeongguk didn’t want to seem rude so he nodded and watched as the other boy happily plopped down next to him and pulled out his own lunch. Looking away, Jeongguk, having lost his appetite the minute he pulled out that jelly sandwich, closed his lunchbox and simply sat, knees pulled up to his chest as he stared off into the distance, wistfully.
“Aren’t you eating?” A familiar voice beside him asked.
“Not hungry,” Jeongguk replied without turning to look at Taehyung.
The other boy fell silent and Jeongguk could hear him rummaging around in his bag. After a few moments, Jeongguk felt a tap on his shoulder. He sighed, glancing over at Taehyung and was met with half an egg sandwich shoved in his face.
“Share?” Came the innocent plea from Taehyung.
That was the first time Jeongguk found that, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t resist Taehyung’s puppy dog eyes. So he took the sandwich. It was the turning point in his dud of a life. Slowly but surely, Taehyung became his best friend as they grew up together through elementary and junior high. He was the only kind person Jeongguk had around, the only one who saw him, not for his family background or anything but simply for him. Once, Jeongguk had even dared ask Taehyung what he thought of him as they sat together in the middle school cafeteria, knees pressed together and shoulders touching every now and then. Jeongguk had strangely liked the feeling of his skin against Taehyung’s but the thought had scared him so he had pushed it away. 
“Hyung, do you think I’m normal,” he asked, biting into his sandwich.
He’d started making his own lunches once he’d turned twelve and, not to be rude or ungrateful, but he did like them a lot better than what his mom always made. Taehyung turned to look at him, curiously, a piece of seaweed clinging to his cheek. The cute sight made Jeongguk laugh and before he knew it, his hand had come up and swiped at Taehyung’s face, making the older boy’s eyes widen in surprise. Hoseok, a ninth grader friend of theirs who spent lunch with them most days, grinned from across the table, eyes darting between the two younger boys, knowingly.
“You…there was…you had seaweed…there,” Jeongguk stammered, flustered as he pointed to the spot in his defense.
“Oh. Thanks. And no. I don’t think you’re normal, Guk. I think everyone is their own unique person. You’re one of a kind, Jeonggukie,” Taehyung grinned cheekily at the younger boy.
Taehyung cut him off, holding a hand up to Jeongguk’s face and looking away. 
“Ah, ah, ah. No buts.” 
“No. Shush. Quiet. Zip it,” Taehyung ordered, turning to face Jeongguk and cupping his cheeks, startling the younger boy. “You are unique and special and so, so talented, and…and beautiful and special…oh…I already said that. But yeah. All of those and more.”
“Beautiful? You think I’m beautiful, hyung. That’s just cheesy,” Jeongguk laughed, despite how good the compliment made him feel, especially coming from Taehyung.
“What? You are!” Taehyung exclaimed then turned to Hoseok who’d stayed quiet for the whole interaction. “Isn’t he, hyung?” 
“You’re so whipped, Taehyung,” Hoseok just remarked, still smirking.
Taehyung turned back to Jeongguk and squished his cheeks, surprising the younger boy.
“That’s right. My Jeonggukie is so beautiful,” the elder cooed and Jeongguk’s heart leapt at that, his own sudden feelings startling him so bad that he almost choked on his food. 
Taehyung was instantly worried, patting his back and asking what was wrong while Hoseok started dying of laughter in the background, obviously understanding what was going through Jeongguk’s head. Jeongguk shot his oldest hyung a glare, warning him to keep quiet and assured Taehyung he was fine even though his heart was still racing a million beats per second. He hoped Taehyung couldn’t hear it. However, there were times when Jeongguk’s heart wasn’t racing. Instead it was sinking into the pit of his stomach as he watched Taehyung talking in the corridors with a few girls who were practically all over him. Jeongguk turned away from the sight and scurried away, silently.
Now they were into their junior year of high school and Jeongguk was fully beginning to realize just what he’d gotten himself into when he accepted that sandwich from Taehyung so many years back. He would watch his best friend laugh with his jock friends in the hallways and talk to all the girls that were so obviously crushing on him and Jeongguk’s stomach would burn with jealousy. Then, in the moments where it was just the two of them, Jeongguk found himself mentally tracing the soft curves of Taehyung’s face, his button nose, those lips curled up in a soft smile. When Taehyung would look up at him, curiously, Jeongguk’s face would flush bright red as he was caught staring. Jeongguk was in love. 
“Hyung, I’m going to look ridiculous in these shorts! You know pink just isn’t my color!” Jeongguk protested as Taehyung stood back to admire the said hot pink shorts.
They were in Taehyung’s room getting ready for a summer party at Taehyung’s friend Namjoon's house that Jeongguk was not looking forward to. Jeongguk expected most of his bullies to be there and he knew there wasn’t a place for him at such an event. But Taehyung had insisted.
“Please, Jeonggukie! I told Joon-hyung you’d be there and I’d introduce you!” He’d begged in the cutest little voice and honestly, who could say no to those puppy eyes. 
It was an understatement to say Jeongguk would do anything for Taehyung and those eyes which was why he decided to go to the party. For Taehyung’s sake.
“But, Gukie, these kinds of shorts are all the rage! You’ll be turning heads!” Taehyung remarked with a pout, sitting down on the edge of his bed and swinging his legs.
Cute, Jeongguk couldn’t help but think. His best friend was so cute. He shoved his thoughts away and swiftly glanced at his reflection in the mirror, sneakily watching Taehyung from behind him. He was so perfect…
“I never even wanted to go to the party,” He admitted, shaking away his intrusive thoughts and turning back to Taehyung with a frown
“But don’t you want to meet Namjoon-hyung? He’s the best and I bet Jimin is going to be there,” The older boy added, teasingly but as he said the last bit, Jeongguk could have sworn he saw a look of bitterness cross Taehyung’s face.
But the look was gone as soon as it had appeared and Taehyung was grinning up at Jeongguk again. That grin. If only Taehyung knew how much his smile, his laugh, his whole being made Jeongguk feel like a thousand butterflies had hatched in his stomach. But when Jeongguk glanced over in Taehyung’s direction, he knew he couldn’t ever tell his best friend that. So, to hide his feelings, Jeongguk had told Taehyung he had a crush on Jimin, his lab partner when in truth, it was Taehyung that Jeongguk had a crush on. He snapped back into reality when Taehyung waved a hand in front of his face.
“Jeongguk? Don’t get too carried away in your Jimin fantasies. I’m still here.” 
“I’m right though...right?” Taehyung asked, reaching over and pinching Jeongguk’s nose, playfully.
Just that simple touch was enough to send a shiver down his spine. He wanted more. He wanted to kiss those lips that were poking fun at him just like a best friend would do. Just like a straight best friend would do. Taehyung went on, oblivious to Jeongguk’s internal war with his feelings.
“I bet you were thinking about a cute guy with black silky hair and big brown eyes?” He crooned, batting his eyelashes in a flirtatious and exaggerated way. 
No, Jeongguk wanted to say. I was thinking about you. You with your curly brown hair that’s somehow always messy and those deep hazel eyes that I could get lost in forever.
“Yeah...I guess I was.”
“I knew it!” Taehyung sang, leaping off his bed with a little too much enthusiasm, almost like the excitement had been forced. “You’re wearing those shorts. I promise you won’t regret it!”
Jeongguk did regret it. He regretted it as soon as he and Taehyung pulled up to the party. He regretted it when they walked it. And he definitely regretted even considering coming to the party when Taehyung’s disgustingly cute girlfriend appeared and practically wrapped herself around him. Jeongguk thought he was going to be sick as she started cooing and calling Taehyung all the gross baby names she had for him. It was absolutely revolting. Jeongguk had to look away. 
“Jeonggukie! I thought you wouldn’t come!”
Jeongguk turned around only to be greeted by a suffocating hug from Hoseok, who he hadn’t seen in at least a year or so. A tall boy was standing near them, smiling as Jeongguk awkwardly returned the hug.
“So? Are you and Taehyung together yet?” Hoseok asked, eagerly.
“N-no…I told you we’re just friends,” Jeongguk faltered, feeling his face heat up at the image of him and Taehyung dating.
“Awww! You’re blushing! You obviously want to be more than friends,” Hoseok cooed, ruffling Jeongguk’s hair.
“Hyung-” Jeongguk tried to protest but Hoseok wasn’t listening as he pushed the tall boy forward.
“Jeongguk, I want you to meet Namjoon. This is his house and pool,” Hoseok introduced.
“Oh! You’re Taehyung’s friend!” Jeongguk exclaimed, recognizing the name. “He said something about wanting to introduce me to you but…I guess he’s too busy.”
“Yeah. It’s nice to meet you, Jeongguk,” Namjoon smiled, following Jeongguk’s sad gaze over to where Taehyung was sitting with his girlfriend. “Hobi seems to be right though. That sigh clearly came from someone who’s wishing he was the one sitting with Taehyung instead of that girlfriend.”
“Not you too, hyung,” Jeongguk groaned in exasperation.
“Sorry but you’re too obvious,” Namjoon shrugged.
“Isn’t he? I have a really good feeling that something’s going to happen tonight,” Hoseok remarked, smiling at Jeongguk.
“Oh yeah. Call me later when you get home and give me all the details, okay, Jeonggukie?”
Jeongguk nodded in agreement as Hoseok and Namjoon waved goodbye and joined another group of teenagers lounging by the pool. As Jeongguk scanned the unfamiliar faces in the pool, he met the gaze of Jimin, who was already in the water. His lab partner met Jeongguk’s gaze and shot him a warm smile. Sure, he was cute and all, Jeongguk thought. But he wasn’t Taehyung.
Speaking of his best friend, Jeongguk turned to look for him and spotted Taehyung talking to some of the jocks who were in the pool as he pulled off his shirt and prepared to join them. Jeongguk felt like he was going to pass out seeing Taehyung’s flawless tanned skin on show for the whole party to see. And Jeongguk knew his best friend worked out often but he swore Taehyung had the body of a Greek god. He had to force his eyes away before he really did pass out. But before he could turn in the other direction, Taehyung suddenly glanced his way and their eyes met. Jeongguk didn’t know what was in that look that passed between them but he did know that it made his cheeks flame when he realized he’d been caught staring. Again.
“Jeongguk?” came a voice from behind him.
He jumped and spun around to see Jimin practically right beside him in the water below. He gave Jeongguk a suspicious look at his reaction but didn’t say anything more and just smiled, sweetly. He and Jeongguk weren’t exactly friends but Jeongguk had enjoyed their lab sessions together. Jimin was a nice guy and Jeongguk wouldn’t mind having him as a closer friend someday.
“Oh. Jimin. Hey,” Jeongguk managed to get out, waving awkwardly. 
“Hey. Why aren’t you in the pool yet? It’s so nice in the water,” Jimin sighed, happily.
Jeongguk declined the offer at first but when Jimin kept insisting, he finally relented and decided to join the older boy in the pool, despite his embarrassingly pink pants. He could see Taehyung looking his way from across the pool and suddenly, the atmosphere felt tense for some odd reason. It was almost like Taehyung was glaring at Jeongguk and not just at him, but at Jimin as well. Jeongguk just decided to ignore his best friend. As time passed, Jeongguk found himself having a good time with Jimin. Not that he was into him or anything but he really did seem like the kind of person Jeongguk would like to be better friends with. But then, in the middle of their conversation, Jimin stopped and cocked his head at Jeongguk, curiously.
“Jeongguk, do you like me?” He asked, quietly.
“W-what? What are you...what are you talking about?” Jeongguk stammered, caught off guard by the question.
And then Jimin was leaning in and Jeongguk was starting to panic, casting frantic glances in Taehyung’s direction, a silent plea for help. But his best friend wasn’t looking at him like he had been earlier and seemed to be caught up in a vibrant conversation with his jock friends. Before Jeongguk could do anything to stop it, Jimin had kissed him. He wasn’t a terrible kisser but again, he wasn’t Taehyung. It was just an awkwardly empty thing, the stoic feelings of lips against lips and Jeongguk hated it more than anything. He pulled away instantly, staring at Jimin in a mix of horror and confusion.
“Why...why would you do that?” He questioned, shocked.
“What do you mean? I thought you like…had a thing for me? Taehyung’s friend told me,” Jimin replied, looking bewildered and maybe just a little bit hurt.
Jeongguk didn’t know what he’d done to ever make Jimin think that but he felt guilty whatever it was. He hadn’t meant to do anything to lead the other boy on or make it seem like he had something for him.
“No…I…I don’t. I’m sorry but I...love someone else,” Jeongguk admitted, apologetically. 
Jimin stared at him for a second as if he was realizing his mistake before he  nodded and sighed, leaning up against the side of the pool and staring off into thin air. Jeongguk watched him skeptically.
“I’m sorry for that then. I just…I kinda wanted to see how you would react…and how Yoongi-hyung would react,” Jimin explained, giving Jeongguk an apologetic look.
“Yoongi-hyung? Isn’t he that really mysterious senior who’s glaring at you right now like you’ve just killed someone?” Jeongguk asked, curiously.
“He is?! Oh God, Jeongguk. Hide me, please!” Jimin exclaimed, ducking behind Jeongguk.
“Why? Do you like him or something?” 
“Yes! Yes, I like him!”
Jeongguk glanced up at the senior who was now setting his drink down on a table and striding around the pool towards them, eyebrows furrowed.
“He’s coming over here. He looks angry,” Jeongguk remarked.
“Oh noooo!” Jimin wailed, pitifully and Jeongguk’s face broke into an amused smile as Yoongi knelt down on the side of the pool, looking down at the two boys.
“Jimin. Are you hiding?” The senior asked in a low voice.
“N-no, hyung!” Jimin squeaked out.
“Good because I was wondering if you wanted to hang out.”
Jeongguk thought he saw the beginnings of a smirk on Yoongi’s face but it was gone in seconds.
“Of course, if you don’t want to, that's fine.”
The effect of those words was immediate, Jimin jumping out from behind Jeongguk, eyes wide and cheeks red.
“No! I…I mean…I do…want to hang out…just…give me a minute?” 
“Sure, Park. I’ll be inside.”
With that, Yoongi left the scene and Jimin turned to Jeongguk, looking shocked. 
“Did you hear that?!” He breathed, seemingly awestruck.
“Yeah. Your crush wants to hang out with you,” Jeongguk laughed.
“Speaking of crushes, you said you liked someone else,” Jimin said, abruptly changing the subject and, leaning closer, murmuring, “It’s Taehyung, isn’t it?”
Now it was Jeongguk’s turn to be surprised and he pulled away, gaping at Jimin who started laughing at his reaction.
“Y-yes but how-“
Jimin didn’t let him finish, eyes suddenly widening as he fell silent beside Jeongguk, staring at something behind him and Jeongguk spun around to see the something Jimin was looking at. Make that someone. Taehyung was standing right behind Jeongguk and the expression on his face told Jeongguk that he’d heard everything. 
“I’m…I’m going to go find Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin remarked, quietly before splashing away.
In a heartbeat, Taehyung was also climbing out of the pool and throwing his jacket on, walking away from Jeongguk, who found himself following the older boy into the house and up the stairs, calling his name in a panic. Taehyung, who seemed to know Jeongguk was following him, led him into a small bedroom upstairs and Jeongguk shut the door once they were both in the room. Only then did he dare talk.
“Taehyung, I-“ he began, wanting to explain and save himself from rejection, from the tension that was already thick in the air.
“Is it true?” Taehyung interrupted, voice low and so sharp that it made Jeongguk flinch because, as hot as it sounded, it was also scary having never heard such a tone coming from Taehyung in his life
“I-is what true?” He asked, feigning ignorance.
“That you love me?”
So he really had heard. In the back of Jeongguk’s mind, he’d hoped that somehow, by some chance, Taehyung hadn’t heard the conversation, had only seen the kiss, had only wanted to get all the details and squeal and congratulate Jeongguk on getting a kiss from his fake crush. But no. He’d heard everything and now Jeongguk had no choice but to tell him the truth.
“Y-yes. Yes, it’s true. I love you. What about it?” Jeongguk revealed, trying to keep his voice firm.
He fully expected Taehyung to reject him and to tell him how awkward this was going to make their friendship now. Jeongguk wished he hadn’t even talked to Jimin let alone let him get so close. But instead, Taehyung took a step closer and suddenly, his hand was on Jeongguk’s cheek, fingers sliding down and tracing his jawline. Jeongguk didn’t move. He couldn’t breathe, eyes fixed on Taehyung, their faces so close and yet so painfully distant.
“Say it again,” Taehyung murmured, breath soft on Jeongguk’s face. 
“Say what?” Jeongguk asked, knowing very well what.
Taehyung’s hand moved to Jeongguk’s chin, thumb sliding over his lower lip and tugging down gently, fingers pressing into his skin, other hand making its way onto Jeongguk’s hip, making the younger boy shiver at the action.
“Say. It. Again,” Taehyung repeated, speaking each word slowly and deliberately.
 “I love you. There. Satisfied? Are you done playing with my feelings now?” Jeongguk snapped, suddenly furious as he forcefully and very reluctantly pushed Taehyung’s hands away. “Seriously, Taehyung. When did you become such a heartless-“
Jeongguk meant well. He meant to give Taehyung the lecture of a lifetime for how he was mindlessly stringing him along. He had every intention to yell at his best friend and walk out of the room. But Taehyung kissed him. Tilted Jeongguk’s chin up and pressed their lips together gently in the lightest feather soft touch. Every well meaning intention slipped Jeongguk’s mind as he tried to understand just why this was happening. He wanted to give in. He did but what if Taehyung had too much to drink? What if this was all a mistake? He’d probably regret it in the morning, calling Jeongguk to apologize for kissing him unannounced and asking if things were still good between them. Jeongguk clenched his fists and made the reluctant decision to pull away from Taehyung. He opened his mouth to ask why that had just happened, to ask if Taehyung was drunk because if he was, Jeongguk knew he’d have to be the one to drag him home. But before he could get a word out, Taehyung interrupted.
“I know what you’re thinking but I’m not drunk, Jeongguk,” he said, firmly. “I know what I’m doing and”-he leaned closer-”I’m not going to regret it.
It wasn’t quite a confirmation or a confession but it was enough for Jeongguk to let go of his worries at least for the moment and pull Taehyung back in, wrapping his arms around the older boy’s neck, hesitantly, and taking advantage of the position they were in.
“Did I say anything, hyung?” He breathed, eyes meeting Taehyung’s.
The room fell quiet as they simply stared at each other. Taehyung was the first to move, answering Jeongguk’s question by closing the thin space between them. This time, the force with which their lips crashed together drove Jeongguk up against the wall behind him and his mind went blank as he kissed Taehyung back with just as much fervor. Jeongguk wasn’t even thinking about what he was doing anymore. His mind was fuzzy and all he could feel was an overwhelming surge of want, drowning out everything else around them. When Taehyung lifted Jeongguk off his feet, Jeongguk broke the kiss with a gasp, legs wrapping around Taehyung’s waist and letting the wall support him as he stared down at Taehyung who looked confused by Jeongguk’s reaction.
“You want me to stop?” He asked, softly, breathlessly.
Jeongguk shook his head, hands finding their way to Taehyung’s collar and pulling the elder closer again, not even caring how desperate he seemed. He’d wanted this for so long. He’d wanted Taehyung more than he’d ever wanted anything in his life. Leaning down, his mouth met Taehyung’s for the third time, slowly and languidly, taking the time to memorize the feeling, savoring the strawberry chapstick taste of Taehyung’s lips against his. He brought one hand up to cup the elder’s face, gently while the other hand gripped the fabric of Taehyung’s jacket as he deepened the kiss. Taehyung whimpered, arms tightening around Jeongguk’s waist and keeping him from falling.
“Tae-” Jeongguk murmured but cut himself off with his own moan when Taehyung bit down on his lip to silence him, pushing him harder against the wall.
Jeongguk promptly shut up and didn’t try to speak again, allowing Taehyung to drive his lips apart with another fierce kiss, shivering with excitement when Taehyung licked into his mouth, greedily, hand sliding under Jeongguk’s shirt and moving against the small of his back. At the cold touch, Jeongguk felt like a fire had ignited his whole body, spreading a tingling warmth through his arms, legs, and other places. He pressed himself against Taehyung, trying to get as close as humanly possible but, in desperate need of oxygen, he was forced to pull away, panting for air. Like a magnet, Taehyung’s lips followed Jeongguk’s retreating ones and it took his whole self restraint to keep from diving back in.
“Tae...hyung...I can’t...I can’t breathe,” he managed to gasp out.
Taehyung just gave him an incredulous look, tipped Jeongguk’s chin up, and dipped his head to press a long kiss to Jeongguk’s neck, nipping at the now exposed skin. Jeongguk’s breath hitched in his throat at the action, fingers curling into Taehyung’s collar and letting another soft moan escape his lips.
“...Tae...you-“ he started to murmur when Taehyung moved up to kiss the corner of mouth, tongue poking out, teasingly.
Jeongguk couldn’t take it. In seconds, he’d flipped Taehyung around until their positions were reversed and kissed the elder hard, earning a little but satisfying noise of surprise from Taehyung. They’d just gotten back into another heated make-out session when a different voice came wafting up the stairs and footsteps could be heard on the landing coming straight for the very room they were in. Jeongguk shot Taehyung a panicked look, both of them recognizing Taehyung’s girlfriend. They managed to pull away and untangle themselves just as she barged in, giving them both the most suspicious glares. 
“What are you doing here, baby cakes? I’ve been looking for you for the past half hour or so!” She whined, latching onto Taehyung’s arm and still staring rather curiously at Jeongguk.
“We were just...uh...talking,” Taehyung stammered and Jeongguk nodded, quickly, hoping the girl didn’t notice how red his and Taehyung’s faces were.
“Okay. Well, smoochy face, can you come and play a card game with me and some of my friends. They’re dying to meet you,” the girl pleaded and Taehyung glanced at Jeongguk, helplessly before allowing his clingy girlfriend to drag him out of the room.
As he left, Taehyung glanced back, motioning for Jeongguk to call him later and Jeongguk nodded, mutely, listening to their retreating footsteps before sinking onto the floor in absolute disbelief at what had just happened. His mind had pretty much deserted him, letting his feelings take control but now, thinking back, Jeongguk realized with horror that if anyone found out, it could ruin everything. And it wasn’t really himself Jeongguk was worried about. It was Taehyung. The older boy had a reputation, a girlfriend, a politician father at stake and Jeongguk had mindlessly risked it all just so he could feel what it was like to kiss Taehyung. Stupid, he thought to himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He decided to leave, then and there,  somehow managing to sneak out of the house without being seen by Taehyung. The next day, he called Taehyung multiple times but nobody picked up or answered any of the texts Jeongguk sent. 
Now he was sitting alone at home, wondering if his intuition had been right and Taehyung really was regretting everything that had happened. Suddenly Jeongguk’s phone pinged.
We need to talk. Sleepover tonight?
Jeongguk had never been more nervous to meet Taehyung in his life. He knocked on the back door he had always used when he visited Taehyung and it was only a moment's wait until Taehyung was opening the door, barefooted, hair messy and damp, and with a towel swung over his shoulder. He looked beautiful. As always.
“Hey,” he said, softly.
Taehyung led Jeongguk upstairs to his room, both of them walking in silence. Upstairs in Taehyung’s room, Jeongguk sat down on the bed, gingerly, watching as Taehyung moved around the room, hanging up his towel and tidying up a bit. Finally, he turned to Jeongguk with a soft smile, looking a bit guilty and apologetic.
“I’m sorry.”
Jeongguk had been ready for an apology but it still hurt and he still flinched, clenching his fists together and trying to keep from bursting into tears.
“Yeah. I know. It was...a long night. I get it,” he replied, quietly.
“No. I should have been more responsible. It’s not your fault,” Taehyung said, moving to sit next to Jeongguk.
Jeongguk nodded in response, forcing a smile but failing to keep a few tears from sliding down his face. He mentally cursed himself for not being able to handle his emotions better, especially in front of Taehyung.
“Hey, hey. Why are you crying? Stop crying. I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have gone with Min-su and left you alone. I should have called you back too,” Taehyung apologized, reaching over and wiping Jeongguk’s tears away with the back of his hand.
Jeongguk looked up at that, eyes widening in surprise. So Taehyung was just talking about how he’d left with his girlfriend after she’d come barging in on them and how he hadn’t texted or called. He wasn’t talking about what Jeongguk thought he was talking about.
“You...you’re just apologizing for that?” Jeongguk squeaked out and Taehyung gapped at him.
“Yeah. What did you think I was apologizing for?” Taehyung asked in confusion. 
“The...uh...when we...um...kissed,” Jeongguk stammered, flustered just by mentioning it.
“No. No, no, no. Jeongguk, why would I apologize for that? I thought I made it clear,” Taehyung faltered, scooting closer to Jeongguk and taking his hand.
“You...did, yes...but you never said anything,” Jeongguk muttered, finding himself playing with Taehyung’s fingers, mindlessly.
“You want me to say something? Fine, Guk, I’ll say something. I’ll say everything I should have told you from the start,” Taehyung agreed, grabbing Jeongguk’s shoulders and spinning him around until they were sitting face to face on the bed.
“First of all,” Taehyung began, “about Min-su. I don’t love her. Never have. But my parents know her parents and are forcing us to get married someday to join our families for business. Min-su loves the idea. I don’t.”
Jeongguk just stared at him in surprise. Sure, Taehyung’s parents, the mayor and his wife, were very well off. But Jeongguk would never have expected them to trade off their own son just to keep their name. Taehyung went on.
“Second of all, I know you think I’m straight and into girls and everything but I’m not. If I didn’t love you, I’d probably plead with my parents to marry Min-su’s brother, Bogum, instead and...what?”
“What did you say?” Jeongguk asked, softly.
“That I probably plead with my parents to-“ Taehyung began but Jeongguk cut him off again.
“No. Not that. Before that.”
“Oh. That I love you?”
Jeongguk nodded and Taehyung smirked, playfully, pushing Jeongguk back onto the pillows and straddling him, hands on each side of Jeongguk’s head.
“I told you I wasn’t going to regret it,” Taehyung murmured before leaning down and locking his lips with Jeongguk’s.
Jeongguk looped his arms around Taehyung’s neck and pulled him closer, whimpering when Taehyung slipped his tongue beyond Jeongguk’s lips, exploring each other, hungrily. When Jeongguk tried to grip the fabric of Taehyung’s shirt, Taehyung took his hands and pinned them above his head, the elder’s own hands holding Jeongguk down onto the mattress as he leaned down to press chaste kisses to the side of Jeongguk’s neck, The action forced a light moan to escape Jeongguk’s lips and he had to bite his lip to keep quiet, remembering they probably weren’t alone in the house. But when Taehyung found his soft spot and bit down onto his skin, slightly, it was just too good for Jeongguk not to make a sound.
“Ah-hhh...T-Tae...stop...you’ll get us in trouble,” he whimpered, squirming a little underneath Taehyung.
“You just can’t resist, can you?” Taehyung teased, kissing the mark he’d just made on Jeongguk’s skin.
“No. I can’t,” Jeongguk pouted up at Taehyung.
Taehyung laughed, leaning back down and peppering Jeongguk’s face with kisses until he just had to giggle, accepting the shower of affection from Taehyung without any more protest. Suddenly, the door swung open and the two boys didn’t have enough time to jump apart before Taehyung’s cousin, Jin, walked in, stopping short just inside the room. Jeongguk knew him quite well as he’d often joined in for movies and game nights with Taehyung and Jeongguk and now he stood in the doorway, looking like he’d just seen a ghost.
“Tae…hyung? Jeongguk?” he faltered, eyes wide in surprise.
“Hyung, this-“ Taehyung began but Jin cut him off.
“-isn’t what it looks like? Oh, Taehyung, it’s exactly what it looks like.”
Taehyung glanced at Jeongguk, both of them expecting Jin to go off on them and scold them and tell the whole world Taehyung had cheated on his girlfriend with Jeongguk. But instead, Jin’s face broke into a delighted smile.
“I’m so happy for you!” he exclaimed, jumping up and down and completely taking Taehyung and Jeongguk by surprise.
“You...you are?” Taehyung faltered and Jin nodded.
“Sure! I always knew you’d get together someday. I was just waiting for it to happen. I really am so very happy for you and I swear I won’t tell a soul until you’re ready for people to know,” Jin explained and Taehyung’s eyes widened.
“Really. Anything to make my little cousin..well, cousins now, happy,” Jin sang before winking at them. “Now forget I was ever here.”
With that he snuck quietly out the door and left Taehyung and Jeongguk to stare at each other in surprise before collapsing in a fit of relieved giggles.  
“Now. Where were we?” Taehyung asked when they had both recovered from the minor Jin jumpscare.
“Hmmm. I couldn’t keep quiet because you were kissing me senseless. Sound about right?” Jeongguk replied, giving Taehyung an innocent smile.
That goes without saying that they spent the majority of the evening caught up in a bit more than just a heated makeout session. And that also goes without saying that the next morning, Jeongguk was on cloud nine waking up to Taehyung snuggled up in his arms. He decided that sure, life gave him a tough few years but in the end, it was all worth it for the beautiful boy with puppy dog eyes laying beside him.
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redcherrykook · 19 days
── ‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ three whores, one job- taekook threesome request
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content: taekook x reader, dom/sub dynamics, blowjob, tae eating yn out while she sits on JK's cock, fingering, breast play, voyeurism (?), praise with degrading names like bitch/slut, calling JK daddy, spit kink, est. Relationship, dirty talk, unprotected sex, creampie
note from cherry: this is so freaky omg PURE P0RN, I AM NOT A SHIPPER!! THIS HAS NO MXM !!!
"nghmm! Daddy please!" you're whining, sitting on Jungkook's lap with your back pressed to his naked chest
Your boyfriend and his best friend both pleasuring your breasts, Taehyung kneeling on the floor, his mouth wrapped around your left breast, looking up at you with his siren eyes as he sucks on your nipple
Jungkook's tatted hand is groping the right one, making sure to press your nipple while he moves, the other hand rubbing side to side at your panty covered clit,
Your pretty panties ruined from your slick, they had been going at it for a while
Jungkook licks at your neck, muttering against it
"What do you want hm? What does daddy's little bitch need, tell me baby" he says, sultry and dark, it's driving you absolutely crazy
His fingers pull your panties to the side as you keep whimpering,
One of his finger moves to collect your slick, rubbing it through your folds,
"Tell kook what our slut wants, fuck, look how wet she is, such a good girl" Taehyung's eyes drop to where Jungkook is playing with your pussy, now toying with your needy clit,
"Please d-daddy, keep touching my cunt!" you're leaning your head back to his neck, mouth hanging open in pleasure
He smiles, taking it as an invatation to engulf you in a messy, spit filled kiss while slipping two digits inside your aching pussy,
"Nghm!" You yelp inside his mouth, sucking on his tongue
Jungkook's cock has been hard the minute you undressed, pressing into your ass from the way you're sitting, the friction of his leaking tip colliding with your skin making him grow needier and needier
When you stop kissing, your head turns back to the blonde, he had been watching you two, pumping his heavy cock eagerly
"Open baby, let me fuck that nasty little mouth" he says, pushing his tip against your glazed lips
You open your mouth for him, Jungkook still pumping his fingers inside you rapidly, muttering prasies inside your ear,
"Taking it so well"
"Daddy traines his little bitch so good"
"Yeah, suck tae like that"
He's pushing his entire length in, your cheeks hallowing and throat tightening around him, the tears well up from the satisfaction this gives you
Tae's a moaning mess, holding on to your shoulders while he thrusts his hips into your face, watching down to your pussy being pleasured with
Your moans of the pleasure sending vibrations through his body
"Gonna cum, swallow it pretty, so so good" he breathes out, letting out a loud groan when his cum spills down your throat, the salty sweet taste clouding your tongue
Taehyung pulls away, patting your head and cradling your chin, a soft smile on his face while you fall apart on your boyfriends fingers, coating them with your own cum
"Good job, the best slut, daddy's little treasure" Jungkook whines, sucking on his coated fingers,
"So sweet" he says again,
"Wanna taste her too kook, let me eat your cute cunt" Taehyung says, biting his lips and already kneeling down
You moan, turning to look at Jungkook
"Daddy please, can i have your cock?"
Your big, needy eyes make him coo at you, pressing small kisses to your face. When his lips meet yours, he moans at tasting Taehyung's pleasure on your swollen lips
"Want me to fuck your pretty cunnie while tae sucks your little clit?"
Your whole body shivers with the way he says this, smiling so sweetly, you can still feel him rubbing against your ass,
You nod pathetically, it satisfies him,
Slipping his cock right into your sopping cunt, filling you to the brim
Both of you moan, tae's eyes shimmer when he first just watches, face right in front of where jungkook thrust into you from below,
He's groaning, fucking into you rapidly from below with so much strength, your body practically shakes
Tae listens to your whiny moans, watching your chest jump up and down, your face contort in pleasure
Finally, when he gets met with your hand gripping at his soft hair, his face leans in
He sticks his tongue out flat, letting it rest on your clit, you're doing all the work by moving on your boyfriends cock
Little gasps and louder cries spill from your lips, mouth hanging open and your eyes focused on Taehyung's needy, dominant placement on the floor
Jungkook feels you clench on his dick, he's ready to cum too, having been edged out by all the foreplay and fuck, the way you're so warm and sucking him in tightly is enough to make him fall apart in minutes
He grips your jaw gently, turning it to face him
He smiles satisfied, seeing how blissed out his little angel is,
"Good girl, my little bitch, so so good" he praises, brows furrowed and eyes almost shutting
He holds your mouth open with his hand, gathering his spit inside his mouth and letting it glob down into your mouth
You swallow,
"Thank you daddy! So good, wanna cum, please can i cum daddy" you cry, whining endlessly from Taehyung's soft tongue rubbing on your clit while Jungkook is still mercilessly thrusting into your cunt
"Cum with me baby, cum with daddy" he rasps, once he feels your sweetness spill on his cock, he goes undone too, spilling his seed into your cunt
His thrusts stop, panting softly and kissing you sweetly, strong and comforting arms wrapping around your aching body
Tae also stood up, cradling your face and pressing a kiss to your forhead
You're filled with your boyfriends hot cum, his dick still stiff inside up your cervix, his best friend providing you with sweet aftercare
"You okay angel?" Kook asks, combing through your hair,
You give him a lazy, content smile,
"So fucking okay" your reply makes both men giggle, telling you how cute you are
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stormblessed95 · 1 month
Watching Are You Sure?! EP 3
A reminder of how I do these reaction posts as I watch things. I just write my reactions and thoughts down literally they happen. Think more of a bullet point format. I'll include links when I can to videos, thanks to the people who twt who upload clips. And at the end, I'll do a better wrap up of all my opinions. I hope everyone enjoyed the show so far!!
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It's Chuseok right after their trip, so they went and filmed this at the end of September 2023
JK was so sassy about Tae inviting himself along for their Jeju trip! Lol
Jikook singing along to Vs Slow Dancing 🥺🥺🥺
Not my baby Jimin already having a stomach ache 5 minutes into the episode! We just got here and it's already travel sickness round 2?! 😅😂
Jimin yelling at Taekook to go inside while he is still in the car. Just to turn around and claim abandonment lmfao. He is just like me for real. I hope the fresh air helped him feel a little better. And JK immediately ordering Pork Cutlets, one of Jimins favorites, as soon as he gets inside is just 🥺🥺
Jimin finally coming in and JK pulling a whole "oh my God, my crush is here" type of routine. Lmao boy, the hair tucking, the giant smile. Boy, stand-up!Istg they are perfect!
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Caressing Jimin's thigh as soon as he sits down talking about the "view" being so beautiful 😍😏
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And Tae just fawning over Jimin being cute as soon as he enters too? Lol Jimin really has these men wrapped around his finger!
Not Tae going oh we do this stuff all the time. And JK and Jimin going "bro then leave!!" Lmfao you chose to be here Tae! Enjoy your time with your besties!
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Tae getting fish and Jimin asking if he should take the bones out for him 🥺😍 that's his baby! Lmfao and JKs immediate "no" 😂🤣 no one asked you Jungkook! I too, don't like de-boning anything, I need a friend like Jimin 😂
It was giving perilla leaf, not going to lie 😂😂 Jimin babying his best friend and Jimins boyfriend being like "that's a whole grown man, excuse me?!" Is the vibes being given here. And I love it 😂
Me being sat and riveted for Jimins de-boning lesson knowing I will never do this myself. Because I'm a #spoiledbitch
The way he just info dumps too 😂
JK just stimming and loving his food so hard! And I love how vmin just let him do his thing. Baby is so loved 🥰😍 it really makes my heart so happy
Jimin making a ssam for Tae just for him to leave and Jimin to chase him running and giggling down the street, even losing his shoes, to make him eat it 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 why are they like this? Lmao!!
JK just collecting his boyfriends shoes for him too. Lol and Tae coming back and eating as soon as Jimin tells him he doesn't have shoes. Lol he is so loved.
(x is so loved is clearly going to be the theme of my post here!)
Vmin driving in the car all leaned into each other. I love them. So freaking much. Them singing Seven and Arson too. BTS forever supporting BTS!
Jimin saying "let's take pictures together later" and Tae going "couple pictures?" Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣
Jimin having to talk Tae through how a drive through works 😂😂 my baby? How is this new to you? Lollll Jimin is suchhhh a caretaker 😍
And the way he makes sure JK stops and is hydrated too! He loves so hard!
"I'm fine!" "Im not!" That was so boyfriend, my god
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"Jhope would've loved this. Ah, I miss him." God me too!
JK always going along with whatever skit or roleplay Jimin or Vmin start doing. Lmfao Jimin being like "oh, did you see his tattoos?!" Yeah, we get you 🤣
Jimin caring in JKs bag for him into the house 🥰
The 3 of them cuddling and laying on the floor together 🤣😂 before the cut to crazy head banging and Jimin having a stomach ache again 🤣 what a tonal shift lol
I'm obsessed with the pull back from touching that keeps happening. In all 3 episodes. One person on Twitter called it "controlling your habits" and I'm just ughhhhhh just hold hands 😭😭😭
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Jimin singing 3D!
JK shooting Jimin in both the ass and the crotch with the water gun 😅🤣😂 the caption being an innocent 5 year old.... Lol not sure that was super innocent, but he was certainly giggly and having fun 😂 Tae also joining in and shooting Jimin, but only a few times in the ass, mostly on his back 😂 and the way Jimin just laid there and took it lmfao
The way JK watched over Jimin briefly while he was napping on the floor. That stare, those heart eyes 😍
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Taekook being the absolute cutest puppies in the pool 🥰😍
Taekook drop the cuddly selca!!
JK jumping up to play as soon as he heard Jimin 😂 they are so cute! Why did they cut the entirety of Jikook playing upstairs? 👀😂
Followed by the mini wrestling match of taekook vs Jimin over the water guns and being shot again 😂
"you look pretty. You really look pretty" Jungkook please! My Jikook 🥺🥺
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The distance Jungkook got with every skip in that parking lot man. Lol he is super human!
How many Jimin-ssi's did we hear in like 30 seconds when Jikook were climbing that wall together? Lmfaooo in that tone too? They like each other's muscles when watching each other climb. I get it 😂
"Jiminah, I'll show you I'm not the kid I used to be" "yeah, you are an adult now" 😂😂 Vmin lol I love Jimins dry sense of Humor too 😂😂
This whole climbing/go cart section felt very Run BTS esque lol bringing back those vibes for a moment here. Including JKs giant ass smile whenever Jimin starts messing with him or fake boxing him. That happened so often in Run
The way JK and Tae's faces immediately dropped as soon as they noticed Jimin was bleeding. There really is so much care there even when they are silly. JK saying that Jimin always gets hurt when they travel and breaks his heart 🥺🥺
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"Going in order" with Jimin, Tae then JK on the go carts. I appreciate the editors acknowledging and feeding my Jimin is the hyung enjoyment 🥰
JK saying "how immature, all hung up on competing" boy you just feel left out! Lmfao because competition is at your core 😂
The way Jungkookie was looking at Jimin when Vmin were praising him 🥺🥰
Tae recording himself instead of Jimin being silly 🤣
I don't think anyone understands how much I love them and adore them.
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Wrap up thoughts:
Hyung Jimin moments give me life and this episode had me well fed. He takes SUCH good care of the people he loves, and taekook in particular. He really has those men wrapped around his finger too. The love shared there is so so special and I'm so tickled anytime I get to witness it.
I also just wish for more peaceful episodes for Jimin! I'm curious how the next Jeju episode will go because after Connecticut, where they didn't have a choice but to talk about his stomach bug, they clearly were going to try and cut those moments out at first but it was so bad they couldn't. But it seemed like they are now low-key leaning into Jimins struggles as a bit with the cuts and edits now. Like it's part of the silliness of the show. Regardless, I do hope he feels better faster and doesn't get sick in Sapporo too! My poor baby 🥺😭🥰
Even with Jimin feeling sick, he still appeared to be at the center of that trio. Even when taekook were playing, they were doing so in a way that revolved around Jimin, constantly getting out to go annoy him. JK shooting him with the water gun to soak his pants in the dick and ass area was a special kind of stupid horny boy humor 😂 the way the editors covered it up (even sometimes with just camera angles) after his pants were soaked too, I know that outlines had to be on DISPLAY. Which I wouldn't be surprised if that was either one of the goals or just a nice reward for JK 😂 Poor Jimin. At least they let him nap in peace eventually!
We know Jimin did get in the pool with them at some point since they have promo shots in the water together. I'm looking forward to seeing that next episode! Or I'm going to be salty with Hybe for not giving us any of that footage! Lol
Jikook also had much larger suitcases than Tae did, who was also already there on vacation with his other friends. Did Jikook stay longer than Tae did or was it because we know they went to Busan shortly after to visit family too? It's really nice knowing that Jikook spent an extended trip together to their hometown also even if we didn't really get to know about it or see anything from it
The more hyungs that are around, the more maknae-esque our Jungkookie gets. Lol it was so cute. It IS an interesting aspect of Jikooks dynamic though, the inclusion of others and how that changes how they behave. It absolutely gives them an air of "us" at times. I know y'all know what I mean. It also highlights how much more they behave as equals, chingus, "them," when they are alone too. Because that is such an unusual dynamic and they've normalized it so much we barely blink at it anymore and some people don't even notice. He was very baby with his hyungs this episode whereas in USA, he took the lead with Jimin alot, which I did mention in my posts over those episodes.
He also was incredibly bratty and sassy in many moments of these episodes. Jimin even called him on it once 😂 this would've been the time that they had just applied for the buddy system together. And I think as much as they miss their members when they aren't there, JK also was looking forward to spending alone time with Jimin and the quick plan changes right before the trip happened put him in extra brat mode 😂😂 you could tell he was excited and happy to have Tae there though to play with. Those two had so much fun together and it was nice JK had a goof off buddy while Jimin wasn't feeling good. It also gave Jimin a much needed break I think from feeling pressure to entertain even when he wasn't feeling his best.
There were some soft and really cute moments in the first two episodes, but while there was so much chaotic energy in this episode, between Jikook, there was almost more softness. Like they save the bickering for home when they are out with others 😂 all the little touches and fondness killed me.
The cuts were horrendous this episode. Lol this was one example and there are a million more.
The episode timeline was cut all over the place. Lol so many conversations had music cut over them so we couldn't hear, so many continuity errors due to cuts. Like part of me gets it, but why was it so bad?!
Plus I'm sad we missed out on most of what was shaping us to be a Jikook wrestling match over the water guns. Oh the fanfic that'll inspire 😂 if they don't give it to us in the behinds, it's going to look incredibly suspicious 😂😂
It's also crazy to think about how this was Jikooks second trip to Jeju together. Think they went together before to scout out things they wanted to do together and enjoy the minor smaller vacation together sans cameras? Just like how they went back to the restaurant in NY alone before going back home. I really love that for them.
Sorry for only getting this post out like a week late! At least it's done before episode 4! Lol hope you all are loving AYS and having fun with it!
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jeonscatalyst · 1 month
I’m Just going to say this. I’m not the one who will always tell you exactly what you want to hear. I’m not the one who will come on here to call Jimin and Jungkook liars just because i want people or myself to keep believing that Jikook never have bad days or go through ups and downs in whatever relationship they are in. I don’t look at things through rose colored lenses, I look at things from realistic and objective point of view as much as I can so if all you want to hear is how perfect Jikook are or how they never fight, never hurt each other or never have bad days, then maybe my blog is not the right place for you.
I am still firm in my belief in Jikook despite what they have said because I never looked at them and thought I was watching fantasy in the first place. I always viewed them as two human beings who were learning how to navigate this this thing called life while being under the most complicated circumstances ever and when you look at things from that angle, it doesn’t surprise you that two people possibly in a romantic relationship have off moments. Stop for a second and try to look at your own romantic relationship or that of any of your siblings or best friends. What does it look like? Is it all roses and honey? It is all smiles from morning to night? Is it all smooth sailing? If it isn’t then why on god’s green earth would you expect Jimin and Jungkook’s to be when those two are probably dealing with alot more than you or anyone else you know is dealing with?
I have always tried to give my honest opinions on things regardless of whether I think people will like to hear it or not and honestly it they are just my opinions and not the LAW so it shouldn’t be a big deal anyways. Also, it is ok for you to think differently from me or have different opinions and we can discuss them and then agree to disagree and keep it moving. I understand people wanting to only hear good things or things that only affirm jikook being real and I know that it feels good but you and I know that reality isn’t always pretty or pleasant so before you come to send me an ask coming at me for NOT calling Jimin and Jungkook liars, please just unfollow or block me because while I understand that Jimin and Jungkook probably do lie and have probably lied before and will probably continue keeping somethings to themselves as far as the true nature of their relationship is concerned, I will not be the one to only believe them when it suits me and call them liars when it doesn’t. Taekookers are already busy in that department.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk😊
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taekooktimeline · 1 month
Hello 👋🏽
I’ve completed uploading episodes 1-4 of “are you sure” 🥳It goes without saying, but this is a Taekook focused blog so all of these posts, just like all my other posts, highlight Taekook and their bond (or in some instances, my posts archive important pieces of information so others can’t distort facts).
I wanted to upload episode 3 as one post, and episode 4 as one post, but Tumblr wouldn’t let that happen due to their sizes. When I shrank photos to make each episode one post, text and images became blurred and my OCD couldn’t stand it. I hate that they each have 2 posts, but I preferred it to the alternative of unreadable pieces.
I’m not sure if I’ve ever gone in depth about the uploading process? It’s quite an undertaking for long pieces. I first draft the posts in Google docs. This can take days as I rewatch things, chat with friends and gather what people have noticed from my timeline. One episode can take 3-4 hours to watch, as I draft as I go and then go back through and fill in further, then tighten it all up.
After this, I upload the draft into Word Press. It’s not straightforward anymore. When I copy and paste the draft into WP, only the text follows. I have to then go back to Google docs and copy / paste the pictures one by one, and then add the timestamps and hyperlinks under these pictures.
Once that’s done, I convert the post into HTML code. I can’t simply hit “select all.” I have to drag my finger down the entire post and carefully hit copy, or else I erase the whole post (which has happened). I then copy / paste the HTML code into my email and email it to myself.
From there, I copy / paste the code and upload it into Tumblr. Tumblr won’t let me post more than 30 photos a post now, sadly, which means splitting posts up. I have to read the HTML code and decide where to break things up.
I upload the post, then reblog it to its respective year, so you can read the post in the “main” timeline, but also in chronological order in the year it happened. When it’s reblogged to its year of occurrence, I have to scroll to events that happened around that date to determine what backdate to make that piece, so it lands in the correct spot of the timeline.
Uploading these posts took me all morning. Factoring in drafting, I spent at least 2-2.5 days on these episodes.
I’m not sure why I felt like sharing that today, except that I wanted to really take a moment and sincerely thank anyone who stops by to read my blog and let you know it’s so appreciated. Even if no one read this blog, I archive Taekook’s moments as one way of supporting them. I really enjoy preserving their moments - we have so many! - and looking back fondly.
So I’d do it no matter if no one read this, but knowing people do read this blog and treasure it as much as I do means so much to me. I’m thankful for the friendships formed, the people I’ve been able to talk to and some I’ve been fortunate to meet in real life, and it’s all thanks to this blog.
Not only that, my anxiety gets the best of me. I greatly admire those who tweet on Twitter, or post on Instagram, without giving much thought. I can’t do it. I wish I could. I will sit on posts, get anxious, bail out of posting, or post then mute because I’m so tense. I’m not sure why that is. Sometimes I wish my accounts were smaller so I could maybe feel more comfortable freely speaking my mind. But I also think I’d be anxious no matter what because social media is so toxic and dark and my energy can’t stand it. It doesn’t help I’m still trying to figure out my medical mysteries, and that’s been such a drain on my energy. I can’t find it in me to do much more than lurk on Twitter and IG right now.
Here on tumblr, I feel like I’m in my little safe space. It’s quiet here, I post my pieces and show my support, and my support is measured in a more meaningful way for who I am as a person (in addition to streaming, buying their merch etc). I really am so grateful for this space. We all support in our ways and though I wish I was bolder on TW and IG, I appreciate those who are and I also appreciate that we are all here to equally love and support Tae and Jk. That’s what matters.
So if you’re reading this, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here and reading this blog💜💚
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
real magic (explicit)
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genre: smut, fluff, bangin’ your boss, m attempts kidfic - part of a hyung holiday collab !
pairing: namjoon x reader
summary: the holiday season has never meant anything to you beyond suffering long hours for minimum wage and awaiting the collapse of capitalism— but this year, you’d be willing to add making out with your dilf coffee shop boss to the list.
word count: 16.7k 😩
contains: ~*~explicit sexual content (after kind of a slow burn sorry lol)~*~ the "moving back to your hometown" hallmark trope, a nick jonas poster (yes that's a warning), some taekook slander in the beginning because i thought it was funny, namjoon is so buff and so dumb but so wise and so hot, moni is a little shit, namjoon is a dad!, namjoon's kid uses they/them pronouns but it's not like A Focus of the story it's just flavor, reader thinks joon has a dead wife for like one second 💀 mentions of teenage pregnancy and co-parenting, one incredibly stupid asshole customer lmao, mint choco slander (it's what namjoon would want 😌), obviously there is an employee/boss power dynamic but they talk about it and figure it out because this is namjoon and he overthinks everything, namjoon driving (he's a dad i have to assume he would get his license if he had a literal child!!!!!!!!) and a lotta sentimental holiday and life talk. here are ur sex specific warnings: making out/going to second base in a car in a parking lot (what is it with my namjoons and cars in parking lots yo), fingering, semi-drunk sex, and fuckin' rawwwww with a smidge of size and breeding kink lmao (but she's on the pill!!! no more kids!!!!!!)
A/N: hello hello hi merry crisis this damn fic is finally here lmao~ as i have been babbling on about for days i really really (REALLY) love how this namjoon turned out he's just hesjkrgdhtgk such a fucking himbo but a good dad and wise and did i mention hot aaaaaa 🫠 all the love in my gay little heart to @goodsoop for their barista wisdom and real life experiences that went into this one (the cookie story will never not make me laugh) ! and to @sailoryooons for beta reading this 50 million times and encouraging me when i was convinced it sucked ass, and also for making all the gorgeous banners for this collab 😭
which btw - be sure to go check out @gimmethatagustd & @sailoryooons & @nabiolive 's fics tooooo !!! i've loved collabing with them so very much even when we were all hashtag Going Through It, we got the whole damn hyung line you hear meeeeee 🎁🎁🎁🎁
read on AO3!
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Rudely awoken by the incessant beep of your alarm, you open your eyes to find Nick Jonas staring back at you, and you sit up with a scream.
Realization washes over your sleep-addled brain in waves: first, that you aren’t actually staring at a real person. He’s just smizing on a hot pink poster, held up by some remarkably durable masking tape you stuck to the wall fifteen years ago. Second, it comes back to you that you are staring at said poster because you’ve woken up in your childhood bedroom. It’s been left untouched since you were a teenager, like a weird time capsule of all your high school obsessions.
After reaching for your phone to silence the alarm, you kick your way out from under the blankets, trying not to make eye contact with Nick, or Justin, or Zayn as you stumble to the bathroom. The circumstances of your grand return to living in your goddamn parents’ house linger like a bad taste in your mouth, one that all the tongue brushing in the world can’t remove.
It still doesn’t feel real. Taehyung, your best friend in the world since freshman year of college, kicked you out. Sure, it may have been phrased more like a gentle request, but as far as your ego is concerned, it still feels like exile. Banishment, even. The person you thought you could never be parted from made his choice, and he chose his fucking boyfriend over you.
Jungkook. You think the name with all the venom your cold, dead heart can manage as you spit toothpaste into the sink.
Jungkook, the weird, bug-eyed kid who put his toe-socked feet on your couch, drank his banana milk out of your favorite mug, and ate up all of your Samyang ramyeon because he ‘thought it was communal’. 
Jungkook, who ruined your sleep schedule nightly, either by fucking Taehyung senseless on the other side of your paper-thin apartment wall, or by blasting the same four Ariana Grande songs over and over on his bluetooth speaker and singing along in an annoyingly good voice. Either activity would go on well into the early hours of the morning, until you had to bang on the wall so hard you nearly put your fist through it.
Jungkook, whose dog once took a shit right on the floor in the middle of the kitchen.
Bam was cute enough to forgive, of course. But you can never forgive Taehyung for his betrayal. Especially when he knew you’d just been fired from your shitty coffee shop job for the stupidest reason ever, and he didn’t let that derail or even delay him. He still went ahead and delivered the killing blow.
Et tu, Taehyung? you think angrily to yourself as you stand in front of the suitcase containing as much of your closet as you could possibly fit. You still need to go back for your bigger furniture, and little things like your plates and your mugs and your silverware, which Jungkook is probably putting his grimy little fingers all over at this very moment. But until you’ve checked out of your indefinite vacation at the Nightmare Parental Hotel, there doesn’t really seem a point.
If you were less upset, you might take consolation in the fact that your parents aren’t actually here, that they’ve jaunted off to their timeshare until the new year, but you’re busy being too swallowed whole by your misery to find an ounce of joy in any piece of your current reality.
You dig through the pile of clothes until you manage to pull out something halfway decent. The first order of business now that you’ve moved back in is simple: acquire another stupid coffee shop job. You have no plans to stick around long, you just need something seasonal that will give you some meager income while you start looking for a real gig, one that is ideally not in your hometown.
Watching yourself in the mirror as you pull on a simple black blouse and your least-stained pair of jeans, you attempt to mentally dust off your interview skills. You conjure up your best fake smile and customer service voice, both of which are second-nature at this point.
Why do you want this job? “I’m just so passionate about coming home sticky and verbally abused by caffeine-addicted assholes every night.”
What’s your biggest weakness? “Clearly it’s the fact that I’m a ray of fucking sunshine.”
Why were you terminated from your last job? “Oh, well, I attempted to get my previous employer to improve their standards of worker treatment. You see, I selfishly requested that they raise the bar a single notch above hell. Certainly won’t happen again!”
This should go well, you tell yourself, and your reflection grimaces back.
With several hours to kill before your job interview and a growing desire to avoid the weird nostalgia of your childhood that seems to lurk in every corner of your parents’ house, you decide to take a walk.
The sky is bright blue and cloudless, and though the air is brisk, it isn’t terribly windy. You tuck in your earbuds as you shut the front door behind you and pick a direction, aimless, letting your mind wander to the soundtrack of your “seasonal depression” playlist.
A whole new crop of families must have moved into your parents’ neighborhood in the years since you moved out, because the streets are more alive with kids than you can ever remember them being, even when you were a kid yourself. Bikes and scooters lay abandoned on the sidewalks between homes, and you can hear the repeated echo of a basketball dribbling on a driveway, punctuated by distant, playful screaming.
Even in the daytime, you can tell these families have spared no expense when it comes to Christmas decor: some homes have every eave outlined in string lights, some have candy cane stakes dug into the perimeter of their perfectly manicured lawns, and some have been seemingly invaded by small armies of inflatable reindeer and snowmen. You can’t help but giggle a little at the inflatable decorations that have been set to turn off during the day, the way the airless material lays limp in the grass, giving the impression of a yard strewn with dead bodies.
But you remember what it looked like when you drove in last night, everything lit up and brought to life.
Your parents definitely didn’t have inflatable lawn decorations when you were a kid, but you’d get so excited every year when your dad would drag the ladder out and spend the day stringing up the simple rainbow lights you did have. You still remember the little spark of joy you’d feel in your chest when the colors would click on after dark, the way you would run outside every night just to see them twinkle, your breath puffing steam clouds in the air, your bare feet freezing on the ice-cold driveway.
It felt like magic then. But somewhere along the way you grew up. And now that feeling’s gone. Even at night, the lights just look like… lights.
Distracted as you are by the music in your ears and thoughts of your childhood that have brought you to a standstill on the sidewalk, you don’t notice what’s happening until it’s too late. 
A blur of red and white is suddenly circling around and between your legs, and you feel something twining over your ankles, then tugging with a force that threatens to knock you off balance. As you lean forward in an attempt to right yourself, the chaos in question slows enough for you to realize it’s a fluffy white dog in a red sweater, who has excitedly tangled you up in his leash.
You manage to find the looped end of the leash and slowly get yourself unwrapped while the dog continues to pant and jump and occasionally yap at you. With your legs freed, you squat down for a proper greeting, laughing to yourself as he lifts up on his hind legs, balancing his paws on your knee to lick an enthusiastic greeting across your cheek.
“Hi, puppy,” you murmur, trying to get him to hold still long enough to read the name on his tag. A voice beats you to it.
When you glance up to find Moni’s owner jogging up the sidewalk, you have to make a conscious effort to keep your own tongue in your mouth, because good lord, he is fine.
He’s tall, towering over you even once you bring yourself back up to standing, and the black workout tank and athletic shorts he’s wearing do absolutely nothing to hide the thick, well-defined muscles of his arms, chest, and thighs.
Despite his lack of clothing in the cool winter air, you can see his face and neck are slick with sweat, his white-blonde hair damp with it too. There’s even a dark patch that’s soaked his shirt at his sternum, making the firm swell of his pecs that much more apparent. It takes you an extra second to break eye contact with them, but when you do finally manage to drag your gaze up to meet his, you realize his face is just as nice of a view: honey-tan skin, full lips, and cute dimples that pop as he gives a sheepish, appreciative laugh.
“Thank you,” he says, a little breathless; his voice is deep and slightly husky in a way that makes your face grow hot. You blink stupidly at him for a few moments, your mind reeling, and then it occurs to you that you still have his dog’s leash in your hand.
“No problem,” you manage, handing the looped end back over and double-checking to make sure your ankles are still free from their entanglement. Though now that this man is holding the leash, you kind of wish they weren’t.
“Moni’s usually good about not taking off when I stop to do a circuit,” he explains, like you’re the dog owner police. It makes you wonder what kind of Karens must have moved into this neighborhood since you left it. “I don’t know why he ran, maybe he saw a squirrel or something.”
“It’s okay,” you reassure him with a smile, admiring Moni as he stretches and settles into a polite seated pose. “I like his sweater.”
“Thanks,” he laughs again. “C’mon Mon.”
You can’t help focusing on how big this guy’s hands are as he slips his fingers through the end of Moni’s leash, tugging slightly as if to encourage the dog back in the direction he came from.
Moni blinks and stays right where he is.
“You little shit,” his owner huffs under his breath, and you have to bite down on your bottom lip to keep from laughing. You distantly realize you should probably leave them to it and continue on your walk, but this is too entertaining to turn away from now. Your hot neighbor tries one more futile attempt to get Moni to move, then seems to give up entirely.
He stoops down with a low grunt of effort that makes your core flutter as he grabs the fluffy dog and hoists him up in his arms. You try to force yourself to stop noticing the way his biceps flex, the fact that the muscles of his arms are nearly bigger than your head.
“Thanks again,” he says with a final grateful smile, and your only response is to swallow hard and stand there like an idiot as he turns and carries his spoiled dog back home.
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When you arrive for your interview, you’re delighted to discover that Indigo Coffee is nothing like your last job. It’s warm and bright, with large picture windows that flood the space in sunlight, and there’s a cozy personal touch to it, the likes of which you’d certainly never see in your former corporate shell of a workplace. The sitting area is dotted with live edge wood tables and mismatched chairs. There are an array of framed paintings on the walls that look handmade in a good way, simple yet bold brush-stroke lines in a deep blue color scheme. And, you realize as your eyes linger, the shop is absolutely overflowing with plants: in simple clay pots lined up along the windows, free-standing between tables, and tucked into bookshelves placed artfully throughout the space. 
You step closer to inspect one as you wait on your interviewer and are pleased to see that it’s real, that they all are— no waxy fake leaves jammed into a thick block of cement, but real greenery sprouted in real dirt, deep brown soil gone soft from what must have been a recent watering. These are plants someone cares for, coaxed and kept alive by someone’s time and patience and love. The thought makes you smile a little despite yourself.
There’s still fucking Christmas music playing, but you figure that’s inescapable this time of year.
“Are you here for the interview?” someone asks over your shoulder. As you turn away from the plant, you wonder if you’re imagining that the voice in question sounds slightly familiar, and then you find yourself once again staring up at a fine-ass man with white-blonde hair and a sweet pair of dimples.
He’s clearly showered since your last encounter, and is now slightly more covered up in a pair of faded jeans and a gray-green flannel thrown over a black shirt emblazoned with bold white lettering: Protect Trans Kids.
“Oh.” Moni’s owner blinks back at you, and the shock on his face is so apparent that a giggle escapes your lips before you can stop it. “Uh, hi again.”
“Hi,” you echo, equally flustered, before realizing you failed to answer his initial question. “Oh, yeah. Yes. I am. The interview. I’m— that’s me.” So well-spoken, you mentally kick yourself.
One dimple deepens slightly as he extends a hand. “Kim Namjoon. Owner of Indigo Coffee. And the world’s least obedient dog, as you saw earlier.”
You offer your best handshake in return and a smile that you surprisingly don’t have to force as you give Namjoon your name. He gestures to a table in the corner, and you each pull back a chair to have a seat. You try to banish any potential horny thoughts from your brain, but shifting into interview mode proves difficult as he rests his large hands on the table in front of him, drumming idly along to the horribly cheery music.
You manage to tear your gaze away from Namjoon’s fingers when he speaks again. “If it’s cool with you, we can just chat a little? I’m not so good at conducting formal interviews. Too inauthentic.”
It’s like you can feel some of the tension release from your shoulders. “I— yeah. That sounds great.”
“Cool,” he nods, and you try to ignore the rush of heat up your neck at the intensity of his stare. Professional, be professional. “So I saw on your resume that it looks like your last few jobs were out of town. Did you just move here?”
“Moved back,” you say quickly. “Yeah. I grew up here, actually.”
Namjoon’s eyes widen a little in clear interest. “Really? What brings you back?”
You purse your lips as you consider how to phrase it. “My life… kind of fell apart. So. I moved in with my parents for a bit. Like a winner.” His dimples pop when he smiles at your joke, and you drop your gaze to the table. “Just trying to figure out what’s next, and find something seasonal in the meantime.”
“Well, we could certainly use the help,” Namjoon admits. When you chance a glance up, there’s a look on his face like he’s choosing his next words carefully. “I saw in your application that you were terminated from your last position.” He leans in, lowering his voice slightly as he continues. “I’m gonna be honest, I hate that we even ask that question. But can you tell me a bit about what happened?”
You keep your stare fixed on the wood grain in front of you as you try to stay calm. “Well, if I can be honest too...” Squeezing your eyes shut, you tell yourself to just say it. “I was fired for trying to unionize.”
“Oh.” Namjoon sounds surprised, but you can’t manage to look at him. “Really?” You nod slowly, biting down on your bottom lip. “That’s— fucking illegal.”
That makes your gaze snap back up to meet his. His brow is furrowed slightly, a muscle in his jaw pulled tight.
“Yeah,” you say belatedly. “Yeah, I know. They made up a bunch of fake excuses as to why I was fired, but I knew what it really was. It was because I wanted them to actually pay us what we were worth, and hire more workers so we weren’t being scheduled to death. And I was getting everyone else riled up too, and I guess it scared them.”
Namjoon sits back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest. “Huh. Man. Well, I’m sorry that happened to you.”
It takes you a second to process what you’re hearing. Union has always been a scary word for any person in upper management you’ve previously encountered. You hadn’t expected this to be so… easy. For him to understand, or sympathize. “I— yeah. I am too.”
“If it makes you feel any better,” Namjoon continues quickly, “I think it’s great, what you tried to do. I’m very pro-union.” He pauses for a moment, his face twisting slightly in thought. “I mean, admittedly, we don’t have one here. Granted, there are only five of us. I should probably ask, though, if they want one.”
You can’t quite hide your smile. “I’m gonna take a guess that you probably treat your employees pretty well as-is.”
“I try,” he says with a shake of his head. His eyes meet yours again. “So, here’s the deal. You have a ton of experience, and with holiday time off and a few people out sick, I’m super understaffed right now. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders, and hopefully you feel like you can come to me if you have any issues, without fearing retaliation.”
You blink slowly, and he must be able to read the disbelief on your face. “What I’m saying is I’m offering you the seasonal position,” he clarifies. “Is that— do you, uh, accept?”
“Yes.” The word is chased by a dazed laugh, and Namjoon’s dimples resurface around a small smile.
“Cool. I told you I’m bad at interviews,” he huffs, rubbing a hand at the back of his neck. You try to ignore the swell of his bicep, clearly visible even beneath his bulky flannel. “I know this is a lot to ask, but. Is there any chance you can start, like, right now? Because Jimin’s shift ends in…” He tilts a little, fishing his phone from the front pocket of his jeans, and his mouth drops open in surprise when he gets a glimpse at the time.
“Oh, shit,” Namjoon murmurs, and then he raises his voice to call across the mostly empty store. “Jimin-ah! I’m so sorry!”
You turn around, your gaze landing on the barista leaned up against the counter next to the register. His dyed-gray hair dusts over his eyes, which pull into crescent moons as he laughs. “It’s cool. I knew you were almost done. But I’m gonna clock out now, if she’s good?”
“Yeah,” you answer, turning back to Namjoon. “Yeah, I can start now.”
The two of you move behind the counter, and you sweep your hair up out of your face while Namjoon starts to go through a basic run-down of where everything is located. The overhead bell tinkles as Jimin shoulders the front door open, and he lifts a hand over his head in parting.
“See you after the holidays!”
“Alright,” Namjoon says as he waves to Jimin, a little breathless from having rambled on for the better part of several minutes. “That was a lot. Do you want to just start on register? I feel like that should be easy enough, and I can train you on everything as people come in, since it’s pretty dead right now.”
You shrug. “Works for me.”
Within half an hour, there’s a line out the door, and Namjoon has managed to spill espresso grounds all over his shoes for a second time.
“Ah, shit,” he groans, taking a step back. “Sorry. Been a minute since I’ve had to be back here.”
“It’s okay,” you try to reassure him, but you can see from the faces of the customers who have been waiting on their drinks for several minutes— including one who’s had hers remade three times, all of them incorrect— that it is very much not okay. You certainly lack the people skills to smooth over any of Namjoon’s mistakes, and you can feel a stress-induced eye twitch starting to flare up, brought on by Kelly Clarkson’s incessant yuletide belting.
You give your boss five more minutes, wherein he scalds his hand on the milk steamer, forgets about a cookie in the warmer until it’s burnt entirely black, and nearly turns the blender on with the lid off, before you finally intervene.
“Hey, Namjoon?” You do your best to keep your expression pleasant when he glances over at you, wiping at his brow with the back of his hand. “Maybe we should switch?”
“A-are you sure?” he stammers, apparently torn between wanting to be a good boss and a clear desire to just take the L. “I feel bad, this is literally your first shift.”
“I think I can handle it,” you reassure him, lowering your voice a little. “Let me take care of the drinks, and you can do your… endearing golden retriever thing. Keep the people entertained.”
Color blooms in the apples of his cheeks as his dimples make a brief appearance. “Oh, okay. Can do. Just let me know if you need help.”
You can’t imagine a universe where his clumsiness could in any way be considered helpful, but you keep that thought to yourself as you smile at him. At least he’s cute.
Things improve dramatically once your roles are reversed: as you expected, Namjoon is far more charismatic than he is coordinated, and he chats endlessly with the people waiting on their drinks, hardly pausing long enough to take a breath, while you scramble around trying to get your bearings in a new environment. The steady stream of customers doesn’t let up for the rest of the evening, until the last few finally trickle out of the store a few minutes after close, and you waste no time locking the door behind them with a sigh of relief.
You spin around, letting your back thud against the door for a moment as you watch Namjoon fight with a broom and dustpan in a futile attempt to get espresso dust out of the grout between the tiles. There’s a dull ache starting to thud in your skull, and it’s only deepened by the shrill opening notes of another fucking a cappella song.
“Namjoon?” you ask as you cross toward the counter, and his head instantly snaps up. “Do you think we could maybe turn off the Christmas music?”
“Oh, sure.” He’s already fumbling to grab his phone, and he taps a few buttons until the music suddenly switches, a soft voice starting to croon over an old school beat.
“Thanks,” you say, and you can’t help the pity smile that pulls up your mouth when he returns to his useless task. “I think the grout might be a lost cause, but I can go ahead and mop whenever you’re ready.”
He rights himself with a defeated sigh, nodding his head to the storage closet in the back. You follow his lead to retrieve the mop, then set about filling up the bucket with water and cleaning solution. Namjoon’s voice floats in from the front of the shop as he busies himself with his own closing tasks.
“Imagine smokin’ weed in the street without cops harassin’ / Imagine goin’ to court with no trial / Lifestyle cruisin’ blue Bahama waters / No welfare supporters, more conscious of the way we raise our daughters...”
You’re laughing a little as you roll the bucket out, starting at the door to work your way back. “Is this… Nas?”
He glances up, like he’s just remembered other people exist in the world. “Yeah, sorry. I can turn it off.”
“No, no,” you say quickly when he starts to reach for his phone again. “This is good. Much better than Pentatonix. I’m just… you really know every word.”
Namjoon shrugs, clearly embarrassed. “He’s my favorite.”
The revelation surprises you, and you pause to think as you pull the mop back and forth over the tile floor. It didn’t even occur to you that Namjoon would have a favorite kind of music, apart from the soft elevator muzak you imagine must play on a steady loop in his brain, given the way he fumbles through life.
“I actually wanted to be a rapper,” his voice comes back, and you look up again, your interest piqued. “When I was younger. But you know. Life had other plans.”
“Ah yes, the rapper to coffee shop owner pipeline,” you muse, and he barks a laugh that you wish you didn’t find so hot. Shaking your head, you force yourself to look back down at the espresso-studded tile, doing your best to shove your attraction aside and not think about it. He’s your boss, dumbass.
Still, it’s hard to ignore, particularly as he continues to rap along to each song that comes on, his voice deeper and huskier than you’ve heard it thus far in casual conversation. He doesn’t miss a word, and you can’t deny that it’s impressive. And sexy. Fuck.
Once the floor has been successfully mopped and everything else is put back together, you hop up onto the counter to wait for the tile to dry, and your gaze lingers over Namjoon’s large hands as he cashes out the register. He flips through the bills in time to the music, still humming under his breath as he goes, and you do your best to hold in your laugh when he inevitably loses count and has to start over from the beginning. Thankfully the second attempt sticks, and he smiles proudly to himself as he zips everything up into the deposit bag.
“First shift down,” he announces, as if you might have forgotten, and then his eyes find yours and you swear your breath gets stuck in your throat. “How do you feel?”
It only occurs to you now how close he’s standing to you, and with the way your legs are casually dangling over the edge of the counter, it wouldn’t take much for him to step between them. And god, he’s so damn tall, you’re practically eye-to-eye.
“Uh,” you manage, your mouth suddenly gone dry. “Good. I feel good.”
“That’s good,” he answers, his voice dipping into that throaty tone again. You find yourself wondering absentmindedly if maybe Namjoon has a customer service voice, too, and then for the briefest flash of a moment, his gaze flits from your eyes to your lips and back again. It’s so quick, you can’t be sure it even really happened.
You tell yourself it’s just your exhausted post-shift brain seeing things that aren’t there, wanting this fine-ass man to be into you, too.
A sudden bang on the front door makes you flinch so hard, you come dangerously close to kneeing Namjoon in the crotch. He takes a large step back as you whip around to look over your shoulder, only to see a kid’s face pressed to the glass, framed by two small hands. You’ve never been great at telling the age of children on sight, but this one looks like… maybe a middle schooler?
“Whose fucking kid is that?” you say automatically, blinking, dumbfounded. Namjoon’s laugh is a low rumble behind you.
“That would be mine.”
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It takes several days for the shock to wear off. Your boss has a kid. Kim “could’ve burnt the building down with a single cookie” Namjoon is at least partially responsible for keeping another human being alive. Which means you have a crush… on a father.
A father who also happens to be your boss.
You try not to think about any of it.
There’d been brief introductions when you left the shop that first night, but all you’d really managed to glean was the kid’s name, Sol, and their pronouns. As someone who is historically terrible with children, you’d excused yourself the minute Namjoon locked the front door, after what felt like an eternity spent watching him pat each of his pockets twice before he finally managed to find his keys.
“I hope it wasn’t weird,” your boss says out of nowhere in the middle of your next shift, during a much-needed moment of peace after the morning rush. “For you to meet Sol like that. It’s just been hard, since their mom, uh…”
Namjoon trails off, leaving the sentence unfinished. You glance up, eyes widening as you put the pieces together.
“Oh my god,” you breathe. “I’m so sorry.”
His gaze meets yours, and it’s like you can see the wheels in his head turning before he catches up. “No, no,” he says quickly, and then he starts to laugh. “Wow, I really did not start that sentence well. She’s not dead. She just got married, and she’s on her honeymoon for most of December. The logistics have been hard, is what I meant.”
An embarrassed heat creeps up your neck, and your elbows thud against the countertop as you press your face into your hands, attempting to muffle your own laughter. “In my defense,” you groan, “you really made it sound like you had a dead wife.”
“Not dead! She’s fine!” Namjoon’s dimples are as prominent as you’ve ever seen them when you peek up at him from your full-body cringe. “Very much alive, very much not my wife.” The muscles in his arms flex as he crosses them over his chest, leaning up against the counter next to the register. “Never was, actually.”
“Really?” you answer automatically, your damned curiosity getting the better of you.
He nods, his voice a little more serious when he continues, rambling on in the way that you’ve already started to suspect is his default setting, talking as if to fill empty space. “We were seventeen when we got pregnant. I knew we were young then, but I don’t think I really realized. Now that I’m almost thirty, I know: seventeen is fucking young.”
The line of his jaw tightens, thoughtful, as his gaze sweeps over the floor. “I thought I wanted to marry her, or at least felt obligated to. Like it was the right thing to do, but. We didn’t have any money, and then it all got so hectic after Sol was born. Didn’t even take a year for us to realize it wasn’t gonna work, not for us.”
You blink, trying to take in all the new information. “That sounds really hard.”
“It was,” Namjoon admits. “But we were both on the same page about it. That no matter what, Sol had to come first.” He glances up with a shrug. “It’s all good now. She’s a great co-parent, and her new husband is really good for her. And… well, I have Indigo.”
The tinkling of the bell at the front door snaps you out of a daze, makes you realize you’ve been staring at him, dumbfounded. You do your best to shoot Namjoon a soft smile, and to ignore the pang in your chest as he turns to greet the customer that’s just wandered in, already starting to babble on about the weather.
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You find yourself more grateful for Namjoon’s presence with each passing shift, in a way that you try to convince yourself is thoroughly platonic. Between fairly steady work and his very steady chatter, your time spent in the warm, sunny space of Indigo turns out to be a good distraction from your own miserable excuse for a life. The repetitive motions of making drink after drink are oddly comforting, and you have to admit, Namjoon really is good with the customers.
“Peppermint mocha to go.”
You do your best to follow up the sentence with a polite smile as you set a drink down for the customer who has done nothing but scowl at you the whole time you were making it. The silent prayer you’ve sent out to the universe that he’ll take whatever personal problem he has elsewhere and leave you alone has clearly gone unanswered.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” he snaps, and you can feel your shoulders creep up towards your ears in anticipation of nothing good. Here we fucking go.
You blink twice, trying to keep your service persona engaged. “I’m sorry, is that not what you ordered?” It is, you know it is, you heard him say it.
“No, that’s mine,” the man quickly responds, reaching out to snatch the cup in a motion that makes you flinch. “But do you hear this fucking song?”
The honest answer is no: at this point the ever-present Christmas music might as well be white noise, so you have to make a conscious effort to tune back in and listen. It’s a few seconds, and then you pick up on the melody. “…Last Christmas?”
“Uh, yeah,” he continues, explaining like you’re stupid. “The original. Last Christmas by Wham!” When it’s clear you still aren’t putting the pieces together, he scoffs in pure frustration. “You just made me lose Whamageddon! I’ve won every year for the last five years, I can’t believe you would even put this on your fucking playlist!”
Your face pulls into an incredulous grimace before you can think to control it. “Uh, I’m sorry, but I didn’t make the—”
He cuts you off. “First off, I don’t need the fucking attitude. And surely you’re at least capable of checking what songs are on there, right? That’s not too advanced for you to handle?”
You didn’t even hear Namjoon walk up from the back office, but he’s suddenly stepping in front of you, and you’re more than glad to move back and let him handle this dude before you end up in jail. “Woah, woah, alright,” Namjoon interjects, his voice loud enough to carry. “What’s going on?”
The man beats you to it. “I’m trying to file a legitimate complaint and she’s rolling her fucking eyes and getting an attitude with me!”
“It’s the song,” you explain briefly, trying to keep everything about your expression neutral. “He’s mad that we’re… playing Wham.”
Namjoon’s face twists in an expression that you would find funny if you weren’t so fucking livid, one that you’re pretty sure is the mirror image of your own reaction minutes earlier. “The song? Seriously?”
You can see the guy scrambling, clearly starting to get embarrassed at his own dramatics. “Alright, I don’t have time for this. I guess I just need to take my business elsewhere, because this is ridiculous. What ever happened to the customer is always right?”
Namjoon goes silent for a minute, and you try to ignore the way the look on his face makes your pulse quicken, thudding brightly in the hollow of your neck. His voice is deadly serious when he speaks again. “I appreciate that you’re upset, but if you’re going to look my employee in the face, after she just performed a service for you, and disrespect her like that? Over a fucking song? Nah, I’m not gonna tolerate it. Maybe the next time you want someone to make you a toothpaste drink, you should take your ass to Starbucks.”
It takes every ounce of strength you have to keep the reaction off your face until the asshole has stormed out the front door, nasty drink in hand. As the bell finally tinkles to signal his departure, you collapse forward, just barely catching yourself on the counter so you don’t crumple straight down to the floor.
“Oh my god.” Your laugh of disbelief comes out more like a groan, at the ridiculous complaint and your boss’ insanely attractive comeback alike. “I fucking hate this time of year.”
“Hey.” The word is punctuated by Namjoon’s shoulder bumping into yours, and you look back up at him, still laughing a little at your own misery. His eyes search yours, sincere. “Assholes are assholes no matter what season it is. I’m sure that guy finds plenty of things to complain about the other eleven months of the year, too. Don’t let him ruin it for you.”
You can’t help rolling your eyes, if only because you can do it freely now, without a man standing over you and yelling about your ‘bad attitude’. “I guess,” you huff. “And thank you.”
Namjoon shakes his head, like it’s nothing. “Chin up, okay?”
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The two of you breeze through closing that night, familiar enough to fall into a steady routine now. You’re wiping everything down behind the counter and humming along to Tupac when Namjoon’s voice drags you back out of your thoughts in a way you’ve already grown accustomed to.
“You know…”
You glance up, only to realize that he’s started to flip chairs on top of tables to clear the floor, and is grabbing them two at a time, one in each hand. The image makes you a little dizzy, and you tell yourself to focus on his words, not his biceps.
“I think we make a pretty good team,” he concludes.
“Yeah,” you breathe, trying to keep your composure at the unexpected compliment. “I was thinking the same thing. And thanks again for, you know. Handling that guy.”
Namjoon shrugs, like it’s nothing. “Hey, you’re doing me a favor, taking this seasonal job. I’m not about to let anyone fuck with you.”
You bite down on a smile as you head towards the back to grab the mop, and then you hear a loud bang on the front door— it’s another sound you’ve gotten used to in your brief time at Indigo. There’s the click of the deadbolt, chased by the tinkling overhead bell and Namjoon’s chiding voice. “Homie, if you break my door I’m gonna make you get a job to pay me back for it.”
“You think I don’t know about child labor laws?” you hear Sol retort, clearly not intimidated, and the attitude in their voice has you biting back a laugh.
Wheeling the mop bucket out of the storage closet, you glance up to see Namjoon jut his chin toward the large front window, indicating Sol to take a seat on the ledge. “Feet off the floor, she’s tryna clean.”
Sol complies, plopping down in the window with their eyes glued to their phone as Namjoon disappears back toward the office to grab his things. You watch as Sol pulls their knees into their chest so their chunky black boots clear the tile, and you can’t help noticing that said boots are adorned with oversized silver bat-shaped buckles, reflecting the amber streetlight gleam that leaks through the window.
“I like your boots,” you say, more to yourself than Sol, half expecting them to be so engrossed in TikTok that they don’t even hear you.
But to your surprise, Sol looks up.
“Thanks,” they say, glancing at their feet. “I just got them. I’m in my post-hardcore era right now.”
The statement is delivered without a trace of irony, and you do your best to hold in another amused giggle as you respond. “Wow, you are… so much cooler than I was when I was your age.”
Sol seems to consider this for a moment, then shrugs. “I mean, you didn’t have the internet back then, right?”
The question hits you like a train, and you have to pause and press a hand over your heart at the impact. “Okay, ouch, I’m not that old.” They grimace apologetically, and you lean up against the mop handle in thought. “But the internet definitely wasn’t like it is now. The only social media that really existed was Myspace, and my parents wouldn’t let me make one. I mostly just used the internet to, like, play RuneScape.”
“Oh shit,” Sol remarks, sounding remarkably like Namjoon in the process. “You played old school?!”
It’s like you can feel your bones crumbling to dust inside your body, and you wince as you resume dragging the mop over the tile. “Hey, back then it was the only kind of RuneScape we had. But yes, you can consider me a… founding father of that game.”
“That’s cool!” they exclaim, sounding so genuine it makes your head spin. When did RuneScape become cool again? “My friends and I play old school all the time. It’s the best, for real.”
You shake your head in disbelief as you continue to mop, and a long pause settles between you, with Sol’s interest clearly returning to their phone.
Fuck, you think to yourself, what else do kids even talk about? Marvel movies? It’s like your mind has gone totally blank, unable to conjure up a single topic of conversation, and you practically huff out an audible sigh of relief when their voice breaks the silence again.
“I think my dad has been happier since you started working here.”
The mop nearly slips out of your hands entirely, and you glance up, eyes wide. “I— really?”
Sol nods, playing absentmindedly with the strings of their black hoodie, then bringing the end of one up to their mouth to gently chew on. “It’s a theory I have. A game theory. I plan to ask additional follow-up questions tonight.”
At this, you can’t help but laugh. “Well, I’m sure your investigation will be very thorough.”
There’s a flash of a dimple in Sol’s cheek, like the mirror image of their dad. “I can tell you what he says, if you want.”
You wonder how telling your own smile is. “I mean… I can’t say I’m not curious.” You’re distantly aware of the sound of the office door closing, chased by Joon whistling to himself, and you lower your voice conspiratorially as you drop the mop back into the bucket. “I look forward to hearing what you find out.”
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Monday morning, when you wake up to the omnipresent smize of Nick Jonas, you can’t help smiling back. 
You made it through your first week of work, and it wasn’t even that torturous. And best of all, Namjoon reminded you the night before that Indigo is closed on Mondays, which gives you an entire day to spend as you please. A real day off, which was truly unheard of at your last job, where you’d spend your non-scheduled days still anticipating an incoming emergency text asking you to cover a shift last-minute. More often than not, you’d end up working after all.
“But not today,” you announce to Nick.
A grand plan has already started to form in your head, one that involves a party size bag of Hot Cheetos and all eight episodes of The Fabulous, and yet. There’s a lingering urge at the back of your brain that you can’t quite ignore. With all the day-off energy you can muster, you drag yourself out of bed and tug on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt, then shuffle into the bathroom to at least make yourself halfway decent.
You’re just going for a quick walk around the block to get some fresh air, you tell yourself. That’s all. Certainly no other reason.
It’s only a few minutes after you step out your front door that a fluffy white blur nearly collides with your shins, and when you stoop down to lift Moni into your arms, you once again can’t keep the smile off your face. Huh, who could’ve seen this coming?
But when you glance up, there’s no hot buff man jogging up the sidewalk after his dog. In fact, you realize as you look back at the ball of fluff in your arms, he isn’t wearing a leash or harness at all, just another cute sweater.
“Are you even supposed to be out here?” you ask Moni. His only answer is to drag his tongue up the side of your face.
You shift him a little in your arms so you can fumble for the tag attached to his collar, and thankfully, there’s an address listed. It takes you a second to get your bearings in the neighborhood, having not lived here for close to a decade, but it eventually comes back to you where the listed street is, and you start to walk. Moni is already blinking sleepily in your arms, clearly enjoying his preferred mode of transportation.
A laugh bubbles up in your chest as you approach the house in question— even if you hadn’t had Moni’s tag to guide you, finding his home would’ve been easy enough as soon as you passed this street, because you can hear old school hip-hop bumping through a speaker despite still being several houses down the block. You suppose Namjoon can get away with it during the day, when all the neighborhood kids are still in school.
As you make your way up the driveway, you realize the music is actually coming from behind the house, and when you follow the path that leads around back, you spot the culprit: a simple wooden-slat fence surrounds the yard, and the gate has been left wide open.
Before you can even make it over the threshold, a familiar voice reaches your ears, sounding much closer than the music. “Ah, shit.”
Namjoon comes barreling through the open gate so fast he practically runs you over, and Moni yaps, like he’s annoyed at being jostled as you quickly try to stumble out of his owner’s path.
“Oh. Uh, hi.”
You wonder if you’ll ever be able to take in how shock looks on Namjoon’s features without giggling a little. Today is certainly not that day. It’s just so endearing, the way his eyes widen and his mouth pulls into a perfect o-shape.
“Hi,” you breathe out around your laughter, trying to ignore the heat that flushes into your face when his dimples appear in return. “I think I found something that belongs to you.”
With a wave of his hand and several profuse thank yous, you follow Namjoon back through the gate, and wait until he firmly shuts it behind you before letting Moni down to trot off across the yard. It’s only now that you take Namjoon in properly: he’s in a gray hoodie under a pair of denim overalls, both of which are splattered artfully with paint in a variety of colors.
“I was just in my studio,” he explains, tipping his head toward the small shed in the yard, which you quickly realize is also the source of the music that led you here. “Doin’ some art. Do you, uh… wanna see?”
“Yeah, okay,” you answer with a nod.
“Fair warning, I’m really bad at it,” he calls over his shoulder as he leads you in the open studio door, raising his voice to be heard over the music. He reaches for his phone, propped up in the windowsill, to turn the volume down a few notches.
There’s an easel up against the far wall holding what must be his current project, a half-finished scene that you realize upon closer inspection is thousands of tiny dots of color, painstakingly blotted onto the canvas to form a mountain landscape at a distance. A few more pieces that he’s already completed have been leaned up against another wall to dry, one featuring an abstract array of featherlight brushstrokes, and another where the paint’s been globbed on in thick layers.
Namjoon is talking a mile a minute as you inspect the canvases. “I thought maybe I’d do cyanotypes today, but it’s not sunny enough, and I’ve made that mistake before. I’m really into texture right now, so I’m trying out some different techniques with paint. I want to get better at pointillism, but it’s a lot harder than you’d think it would be. ‘Cause it’s just dots, right? But you have to be able to see the forest for the trees, too.”
“These are amazing,” you finally manage to murmur, and to your surprise, the compliment actually renders him silent. When you turn back over your shoulder to look at him, he’s glancing down, almost like he’s embarrassed.
“Thanks. But I just do it for fun. ‘Cause I love art.”
“I can tell,” you say, and when he looks up, you offer him a smile you hope reads as encouraging. “Did you make the art at work, too?”
He nods, still sheepish, and that answer also surprises you. You recall thinking on your first day that the paintings hung on the walls looked handmade, but it never crossed your mind that they might have been made by Namjoon’s hands. Maybe because you’ve grown so accustomed to seeing him drop and break things, you haven’t ever considered him as also capable of… creation.
And yet, here he is. Proving you wrong.
“Sorry,” Namjoon’s voice makes you refocus on him, and your brow furrows in confusion at the unexpected apology. “This is literally your one day away from me and here I am, taking up your time. Thanks again for bringing Moni back.”
“It’s okay.” You shrug. “Don’t have much going on today, honestly. I never really know what to do with myself when I’m not working. Which I’m aware is very sad.”
“Well, uh,” Namjoon starts, and when he takes a single step closer, you swear you feel something flutter in your stomach— or maybe lower. “Sol’s got a half-day today, since it’s the last day before break, so I’m picking them up in a bit. And we were gonna go on a hike, probably take Moni too. You’re welcome to join us, if you’d like?”
Your eyes widen at the invitation. “Oh. That sounds great. I mean, if you’re sure I wouldn’t be intruding?”
He shakes his head, the corner of his mouth pulling up just so. “Nah. I actually think Sol really likes you. At least, they wouldn’t stop asking questions about you at dinner last night.”
“Is that right?” You do your best to keep your expression neutral.
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Namjoon drives far enough north that there’s actually snow on the ground when you climb out of his front seat. You shove your hands into the pockets of your jacket as you follow him across the gravel parking lot towards the trailhead, a few paces behind Sol and Moni.
Sol shoots an expression of pure mischief at you over their shoulder, and then immediately starts to sprint up the marked path through the woods, Moni easily keeping up.
“Bye, nerds!” you hear them call before they disappear between the trees.
“Stay on the trail!” Namjoon shouts back, sounding as dad-like as you’ve ever heard him, and you can’t help but laugh. The two of you quicken your steps slightly to not fall too far behind, tracking the set of boot and paw-prints they’ve left to mark their trail.
For a moment, it’s silent between you, save the crunching of snow underfoot. It’s nice, being out in nature like this, time spent with Namjoon where you aren’t suffering through Christmas music and ungrateful customers. Where you can just… breathe. It makes you feel a little less sorry for yourself, a little less fixated on your own miserable life.
You glance over at him as that strange seasonal melancholy starts to settle into your bones again. “Are the holidays… better? With a kid?”
Namjoon makes a face, like he’s surprised by the question. “I mean, they’re definitely different. Then again, it’s been a long time since I did the holidays without a kid— not since I was a kid myself. What do you mean by better?”
Self-consciousness washes over you, your gaze drifting down to the path beneath your feet. “I don’t know, there’s just… I can’t shake this weird feeling now that I’m back home. This time of year used to be so exciting for me when I was Sol’s age. Everything felt special. Magical. But now I’m back here, and nothing’s really changed, except me. But I just keep feeling like the magic is gone. It’s… sad.”
He nods, taking a moment before he responds, and he’s chuckling softly to himself when he finally does. “You know, it’s kinda funny. When Sol was younger I actually felt a lot of stress this time of year. I couldn’t really enjoy it, because I was too busy trying to make sure that they had the best holiday I could possibly give them. That they didn’t feel like they were getting any less, since, you know. Their mom and I aren’t together. It’s funny that you bring up the magic, because I put a lot of pressure on myself to make that magic happen. But now that they’re a little older, I don’t know, it’s different.”
“Different how?” you prompt.
A dimple deepens as he hesitates. “It’s gonna sound corny. But really, I realized that the holidays aren’t about the gifts, or the decorations, or every little thing going perfect. You can make yourself sick over that shit, and I did, but kids don’t really care about it.” He pauses, and for a second you think that might be it, but then he keeps going, eyes fixed on the towering pine trees ahead of you.
“The year I opened Indigo, I had sank so much fucking money into it that I was broke. Broke broke. I couldn’t afford a single gift, a tree, not even a turkey. Sol and I sat on the floor of my shitty apartment and ate Chapagetti and watched Friends. And I felt like the biggest fucking failure imaginable. And then you know what happened?”
“Sol turned to me, and they said, ‘This is the best Christmas ever, because we get to hang out, just the two of us.’” He blinks a few times, like he’s trying to ward off tears, and his voice comes back slightly less steady than before. “I still don’t know if they said that because they really meant it, or if they could just tell that I needed to hear it. But either way, I thought to myself: how fucking lucky am I, to have such a great kid? Like what did I ever do to deserve them? I still feel that way.”
Namjoon shrugs, as if to shake off the emotion. “I don’t know. Maybe that’s not helpful to you, but. I just see it differently now. It’s not about the what, or the how. It’s about the who. Spending this time of year with the people you care about, and making sure they know you do. That’s the real magic.”
You realize the trail has carried you up the sloping hillside, and is now flattening out at the edge of a clearing, where you can see Moni chasing Sol through the snow, can hear their high-pitched laughter ringing out in the wide-open air.
When you turn back to Namjoon, he’s already looking at you.
“I’m sorry you don’t feel the magic right now. I didn’t either, for a long time. But it does come back, I believe that. It’ll come back for you, too.”
You blink up at him, overwhelmed by his willingness to be so honest, and by the wisdom of his words. “I— thank you,” you finally manage to say.
Namjoon doesn’t answer, just glances up to where Sol and Moni are still playing, and your gaze follows his out over the snow-covered field. Sol is dusting off a sizable stick, and they call out for Moni to fetch before launching it into a dramatic arc, high up in the air.
Moni watches it go, entirely disinterested, then settles onto his haunches in the snow with a yawn.
“You’re so bad at being a dog!” Sol shouts, and that’s enough to make you and Namjoon both dissolve into laughter. They look up at the sound, hands-on-hips, before yelling again, this time in your direction. “My dad said he has a crush on you!”
Your jaw drops open, and Namjoon’s eyes are wide as you’ve ever seen them when you look up at him.
“Damn, dude, you said you were gonna be chill about it!” he exclaims, and you press a hand to your mouth as a fresh wave of giggles overtakes you. Given how long Namjoon’s legs are, it only takes him a few strides to catch up to Sol. You stay a tentative distance behind him, but still close enough to be able to make out their conversation.
“Uncle Hobi says you need to be bolder with women,” Sol chides, matter-of-fact.
“Uncle Hobi says a lot of shit,” Namjoon mutters under his breath.
“He painted my nails,” Sol raises their voice, clearly talking more to you than to their dad, and holds up a hand for you to see, waggling their fingers proudly.
“They look great,” you call out in response.
Namjoon turns back to you as you step in closer, then juts his chin to a bench at the other side of the clearing. “Sit with me for a sec?”
With a nod, you follow him over, and he wipes the metal surface free of snow with his sleeve before gesturing for you to have a seat. For a moment, the two of you sit silently and watch Sol, who is already busying themself with building a snowperson while Moni slow-blinks encouragingly from a distance.
Namjoon’s words chase a heavy sigh. “I’m gonna be real with you, despite the fact that my child just stole my thunder. I like you a lot.”
Your heart swells in your chest, threatening to burst. “I-I like you too,” you stammer back immediately. “Have definitely been harboring my own crush… basically since I started working at Indigo.”
When you turn to look at him, it surprises you a little that he isn’t smiling. You can see a muscle working in his jaw, like he’s nervous.
“That’s the thing,” he finally relents. “Work. I don’t— I hadn’t really planned to tell you how I was feeling, or act on it. Because I’m your boss, and that means, you know. There’s a power dynamic there. And it would be… unethical of me to blur the lines like that, by getting involved with my employee. I wanted you to come out with us today because it was a chance for you and I to be equals, outside of work, but it’s not like that dynamic just goes away, you know? And I feel a little guilty about it now. Because I really like being around you so much, but I just. We can’t. It wouldn’t be right. Not while you’re working for me.”
You stare down at the snow under your boots as you take in his words, and you can’t help it. Try as you might to sit there and take his worries seriously, laughter flutters out of you before you can hold it in.
“What?” Namjoon asks, and you shake your head, trying to compose yourself.
“I really, really appreciate that you gave it so much thought,” you say, willing your voice to stay even. “I mean it.”
“It’s weighed really heavy on me, if I’m honest,” he says solemnly, and you glance over to see him staring into the middle distance, like he’s deep in contemplation.
Before you can stop yourself, you’re reaching out to where his hand rests on the bench between you and covering it with your own.
“Namjoon?” you ask softly, and it seems to snap him out of his trance enough to look back at you.
“Please don’t take this the wrong way,” you preface. “But if I have to choose between you and my stupid seasonal coffee shop job?” The smile starts to flicker over your face again. “Then I quit. I quit right now.”
“Oh thank god,” Namjoon breathes, and you can only make a soft noise of surprise when all at once, he takes your face in his hands and kisses you. You need a split second for the shock to wear off, and then you’re moving your mouth against his, one hand fisting tight in the fabric of his jacket. His lips are full and warm, and it feels like far too soon that he’s pulling back again, his cheeks flushed with color.
“Will you, uh—” he pauses, like he’s remembering how to form a sentence. “Will you still work tomorrow though? Jimin’s back after Christmas, but I really don’t think I can survive a shift on my own.”
“Yeah,” you murmur, still a little breathless from his kiss. “Yeah, I think you’d burn the place down.”
Unable to deny the claim, he laughs brightly as you untangle from each other, then gets to his feet before offering a hand to help you up. “We should head out, it’s gonna get dark soon.”
It’s true: across the wide clearing you can already see the sun threatening to sink back down between the trees, casting a golden-pink light that gleams off the snow and paints the world in warmth.
Sol leads the way back through the woods to the car, tugging Moni along by their leash, while you and Namjoon bring up the rear. You glance over at him a few times to catch him staring, and you scrape your teeth across your bottom lip, unable to keep the smile off your face, unable to stop yourself from mentally replaying the moment when he kissed you, over and over.
Just as you step under the shadow of a large tree, snow-covered branches stretching up toward the clear sky above you, Namjoon stops in the path. It’s so abrupt that you continue a few more paces before you even realize, and then you stop, too, glancing back towards him.
“Hey Sol,” Namjoon calls. “Think you and Moni can make it all the way back to the car in ten seconds?”
“I know what you’re doing,” comes Sol’s cheeky reply, but when Namjoon starts counting backwards from ten, you can hear the crunch of their boots taking off down the path.
“Eight, seven, six…” You watch as Namjoon cranes his neck until he deems Sol far enough out of sight, taking a step toward you as his counting trails off, and you find yourself pulled into him like a magnet. “Come here,” he murmurs, and then his hands are slipping up your waist and guiding you backwards until your back hits the trunk of the tree.
In true Namjoon fashion, he uses way more strength than is necessary for the task, and though your winter jacket cushions you from the impact, you’re smacked against the bark so hard that it knocks a dusting of snow off the branches above you, covering you both in flakes that stick to your hair and eyelashes. The sudden rush of cold makes you gasp into Namjoon’s mouth, but then he’s rolling his tongue over yours and you can’t think about anything else. A heavy pulse has started to thud between your legs at the heat of his breath in your mouth, the way his hips have you pinned to the tree, his body big enough to cover yours entirely.
“Joon,” you find the air to breathe as his lips trail hungrily down the slope of your neck. You rake a hand through his hair, white-blonde strands studded with snow, to try and pull his attention back, despite very much not wanting him to stop. “Joon, we should go. Before someone steals your kid.”
“Yeah,” he murmurs against your skin, and then his mouth is on yours again for one more kiss, like he can’t get enough. “Okay,” he finally grunts as he pulls away, sounding as begrudgingly responsible as you feel. Your head is still spinning; you want nothing more than to stay here and let him kiss you dizzy.
“Let’s go.”
He takes a step back so you can right yourself, reaching out to dust some snow off your jacket, and then the two of you resume walking up the path, sharing a breathless laugh like confidantes. You assume it’s just his standard clumsiness when Namjoon’s hand knocks into yours, but then his fingers are twining through yours purposefully, until you’re pressed palm to palm.
The rush of heat that blooms in your chest at his touch keeps you warm the rest of the way to the car.
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Your last shift at Indigo somehow manages to feel exactly like every shift that’s come before it and completely new at the same time.
The work is the same, the steady stream of customers unchanged, the Christmas music still an aggravating soundtrack. But you no longer feel like you have to ignore the butterflies that flutter in your stomach when Namjoon asks you a question, or meets your gaze across the shop.
The only urges you have to suppress are indecent ones, made worse by Namjoon seemingly taking advantage of every opportunity to touch you: hip-checking you when you’re both standing at the front counter, pressing a hand to the small of your back whenever he has to squeeze behind you, leaning in a little closer than necessary to be heard over the noise of the milk steamer. It’s enough to make your breath hitch each time, and you can’t help but wonder if he feels the same relief at not having to hold back anymore.
Towards the end of the night, it surprises you when the typically consistent flow of customers starts to slow down, until it seems to have ceased entirely. You still have two hours to go, but you find yourself staring at the walls, every table empty, having done all the side work you can think of to distract yourself from boredom.
The sound of the front door’s lock clicking shut makes you glance up, only to see Namjoon flipping the open sign over.
“What are you doing?” you ask, blinking dumbfounded, and he looks over his shoulder at you with a shrug.
“It’s Christmas Eve Eve, and I’m the owner, so. We’re closing early. Effective immediately.” The decree makes you laugh a little, and his dimples wink back. “Let’s finish cleaning, I wanna show you something.”
In record time, you find yourself standing outside the front door of Indigo as Namjoon locks up, only tonight your hands are kept warm by the hot chocolates he’d made for the two of you as you closed. He takes his cup back once his hands are free, and you try a tentative sip from yours, now cool enough to drink without burning your mouth. Given what you witnessed of his barista abilities on your first day, you brace yourself for the worst, but your eyes widen in pleasant surprise when the liquid hits your tongue.
“Being a dad means getting really good at a few specific things,” he says by way of explanation as he unlocks his car doors, and you smile as you slip into the passenger seat.
It occurs to you as Namjoon starts to drive that you don’t actually know where he’s taking you, but when you open your mouth to ask at the next red light, he leans over you to fumble open the glovebox and you lose your train of thought. He fishes inside for a few seconds before retrieving a CD case, then makes quick work of prying it open and sliding the disc into the slot on the dash. You attempt to hide your giggle behind the rim of your cup.
“No wonder you like ‘90s music so much. You’re still living there,” you say, nodding to his antiquated stereo, and he smirks as he turns up the volume. 
“This is A Tribe Called Quest,” he remarks, quirking an eyebrow when he looks back at you. “You better show some respect.”
“Yes, sir,” you tease in response, and you don’t miss the color that flushes his cheeks.
The light turns green and he accelerates through the intersection, one hand on the steering wheel, the other reaching across the center console to grip playfully at your leg, a few inches above your knee. You can see his tongue pressed to the inside of his cheek, like he’s considering saying something, but when he finally opens his mouth, it’s just to rap along to the music.
It’s only a few songs later that he’s turning off the main road and following a barely-lit gravel path up to a large grassy parking lot, where he pulls into a space and kills the engine. You squint through the windshield, tucking your now-empty drink into the cupholder, but you can’t make out much except dusk and some vague lights over a hill in the distance.
“Was this crush thing just a ploy to murder me?” you quip, and Namjoon looks a little nervous when you glance over, like he took the question to heart. “I’m kidding,” you clarify quickly.
His voice comes out surprisingly soft. “This is one of my favorite things to do during the holidays. Thought it might help with, you know. The magic.”
Something cracks open inside you as you look back at him. “That’s… really sweet.”
“Ah,” he says, as if to dismiss the compliment. “You haven’t seen it yet. Maybe you’ll hate it. Come on.”
The two of you climb out of his car to start your trek to whatever he has in store, heading in the direction of the lights, and Namjoon’s hand slips into yours, like it’s already second nature. Easy and sweet. You grip tight to him, the night air colder now than it was when you left work, but then you finally crest over the hill, and the temperature is suddenly the furthest thing from your mind.
It takes you a moment to even understand what you’re looking at. The place is clearly some kind of arboretum, as the path ahead of you snakes through a perfectly manicured garden of various plants, but the only thing you can focus on are the lights. Every tree, bush, shrub, and other kind of greenery that lines the walkway has been intricately strung up with lights, each one boasting a different hue. The end result is nothing short of dazzling— a veritable rainbow of light and life and color, glittering diamond-bright against the deep-set night around you.
“Namjoon,” you breathe. “This is beautiful.”
There’s a dimple flickering at the corner of his mouth when you look up at him. “Thought you might like it.”
“I can’t believe I never knew this was here,” you remark, your eyes wide and blinking as you try to take it all in.
“Hey,” he answers with a shrug. “Maybe your hometown still has a few good surprises left in it.” You exhale a laugh as you lean into his side and he squeezes your joined hands; you can’t help feeling like you’ve already found the greatest surprise of them all.
After an hour spent wandering through the displays, each one more breathtaking than the last, Namjoon diverts you toward a small food stand. He comes away from the counter with a paper carton filled to the brim with long ropes of twisted, fried dough, warm enough to release steam into the air when you tear one apart to share, and dusted with cinnamon sugar that sticks to your fingertips.
The two of you take a few steps back down the path until you’re under an archway of glowing golden lights, then eventually come to a standstill, too hungry to do anything except devour your food.
Namjoon speaks first, mid-chew. “Can I ask you a question?”
“What’s up?” you answer as you reach for another piece.
He swallows, swiping the back of his hand over his mouth before he continues. “At your interview, you said your life fell apart. What happened?”
“Oh.” You smirk as you rip the braided dough in two, then in two again, before popping it into your mouth. “It seems a little silly now, but. I got fired from that last job, like I told you. And the same day, my roommate pretty much kicked me out of the apartment, because he wanted his boyfriend to move in. He was also my best friend, so. It stung a little. A lot. Moving back in with your parents at this age is humbling, to say the least. Feels a lot like starting over.”
Namjoon hums, like he understands. “I’m sorry about your friend.”
“Eh,” you respond noncommittally. “I should probably be happy for him. The timing just… wasn’t amazing.”
“You know,” he murmurs, thoughtful. “I thought my life was over when my ex and I got pregnant. Not even eighteen and about to be a dad. I really felt like… I don’t know, like that was it for me.” You nod slowly, unable to even fathom what that must’ve been like.
“But, here I am. Still alive.” Namjoon flashes you a grin, and you find yourself smiling back. “Still figuring it out. I actually feel like I’ve learned a lot from watching Sol grow up. They’re like—” He shakes his head, as if at a momentary loss for words. “They’re like a different person every month, I swear. What they’re into, how they dress. Who they wanna be. It makes me feel, I don’t know. Like it’s okay. Like I can change too.” He shrugs. “That’s the thing about life. It’s long. And even when you feel like it’s ended… it keeps going anyway.”
His words wash over you, and you’re so in awe that you can’t help but laugh.
“Ah, sorry.” He grimaces, suddenly self-conscious. “I know that was corny.”
“No, no,” you interject, trying to keep your composure. “I just think you are like, literally the wisest person I’ve ever met.”
The lights glimmering overhead aren’t enough to hide the way Namjoon blushes at the compliment, and then he pauses, as if recalling something. “Didn’t I nearly run the blender with the lid off on your first day?”
You double-over at the memory, and he’s laughing now, too. “Okay, okay. Fair point.” 
The thought keeps circling around in your brain as you dust cinnamon sugar from each other’s jackets and continue your way around the rest of the gardens, occasionally pausing to trade sticky-sweet kisses in the twinkling glow: you don’t want the night to end. You keep glancing over at Namjoon, wondering if he’s feeling the same way as he drives you back into town, the heat in his car on full blast, the CD player still underscoring your conversation.
“So, what do your Christmas plans look like?” he asks, eyes flitting briefly from the road to meet your gaze.
You fiddle with a button on your coat, wishing you had a less depressing answer. “I was just gonna spend it by myself. My parents already had a vacation in Hawaii planned, so I’m gonna do what I always do: hole up with booze and snacks and wait for it all to be over.”
He chuckles, tapping his fingertips absentmindedly against the steering wheel. “Well, I have about a hundred presents to wrap tomorrow night while Sol’s at their mom’s. Why don’t you come over and help? I can even provide the booze.” There’s a pause, and his voice comes back softer before you can respond. “You shouldn’t be alone.”
The corner of your mouth tugs up at his sincerity, the way he gently cares for you, has since day one. “Yeah, okay. I mean, you had me at free alcohol.”
Just like that, Namjoon is already turning back into the Indigo parking lot, where your car sits waiting for you. The two of you shrug off your seatbelts once he’s pulled into a space and parked, and he reaches to turn down the music before shifting in his seat to get a better look at you.
“So,” he starts, clearing his throat a little. “You are officially no longer my employee.”
“And you are no longer my boss,” you answer back, and a thrill buzzes in your chest at the statement.
“Which means,” he continues, doing his best to lean over the center console, “I can do this.” He barely finishes getting the words out before his mouth is on yours, your eyes fluttering closed, his kisses far less chaste than the ones you shared earlier. They’re open-mouthed and urgent this time, with Namjoon slipping his tongue into the heat of your mouth like he’s been waiting all night for it.
“Uh-huh,” you murmur between kisses, and then he dips his head lower, until his lips find the join of your neck and shoulder.
“And this,” he purrs before kissing you just as hungrily there, tongue-first. You can’t hold back the soft noise his mouth pulls out of you.
“Fuck,” you breathe as he sucks gently over the same spot, with just enough pressure to make you writhe in your seat. A shiver rolls up your spine when he hums against your skin, clearly pleased at your reaction.
“And, uh…” You slowly blink your eyes open when you feel the warmth of his breath dissipate, and he’s looking at you with his brow furrowed, as if attempting some difficult mental math. “Actually—” He reaches down for the lever to adjust his seat, and it drops all the way back with a graceless thud that makes a laugh flutter out of you. “Maybe you could take your jacket off and come over here?”
You don’t need him to ask you twice, and you’re moving quickly as you peel out of the thick material and scramble across the console to straddle him. You both groan a little when you duck down to press your mouth to his again, all of this suddenly feeling much more real now that you’re basically horizontal. His hands alight on your hips, tentative, like he isn’t quite sure what to do with them, and you smile against his lips.
“Touch me, Joon,” you instruct, and he does as he’s told.
His hands are warm as he slips them beneath the hem of your shirt, trailing over your skin until he reaches the band of your bra. When you hum encouragingly into his mouth, he keeps going, pushing the fabric up your chest so your tits spill free from their confinement. He cups one in each hand, and though you might’ve expected him to be clumsy or rough, given everything you’ve seen of him thus far, you’re surprised to instead find that he’s gentle, thumbs circling your nipples with just the right amount of pressure to tighten them into stiff peaks.
Unable to bite back your whimper at the heat that blossoms through you at his touch, at how much more of him you need, you pull away just enough to break your kiss, glancing up through the back window of his car to confirm the parking lot is still empty.
Namjoon groans low in his throat when you reach down to tug up the hem of your shirt, shifting a little on top of him to give him better access. He doesn’t hesitate, thumb still working at one nipple while he takes the other into his mouth, and your sigh of relief comes edged with a soft moan when he swirls his tongue over the bud of your breast.
“Shit,” you gasp. “Feels so fucking good.”
He pulls off with a wet pop to switch sides, and the slick heat of his mouth sends bolt after bolt of arousal through you until there’s a dull ache of need thudding between your legs. As you roll your hips in desperate search of friction, you can feel him beneath you, straining hard against the fabric of his jeans.
Namjoon pulls his mouth off your breast, letting out a hoarse laugh when you shift to drop your forehead against his collarbone with a groan, horny enough to practically be delirious. “I hate that I’m even saying this,” he rasps, “but I really can’t have sex in a car. I’m too—”
“Big?” you offer, and there’s a smile on his lips as he presses a kiss to your temple.
“I was going to say old.”
You can’t help giggling as you lean up to find his mouth with yours again. Namjoon kisses you a little while longer, lazily, his hands still kneading gently at your tits, until he finally tips his head back, heaving a sigh up to the roof of his car. “Okay, okay. You should go.” His tone is reluctant, like it’s the last thing he wants. “It’s late. And my jeans fucking hurt.”
There’s a self-satisfied smirk toying at your mouth as you sit up, tugging your bra and shirt back into place and not missing the bulge in Namjoon’s pants where your hips meet his. “I will take the blame for that one.”
He folds his hands behind his head, biceps and dimples on full display. “Damn straight.”
You lean down for one more kiss, letting it linger before you make your way back over the center console to retrieve your jacket. “Have a good night, Joon,” you murmur as you reach for the door handle, and when you glance back, his eyes are fixed on you, still heavy-lidded with lust.
“Get home safe. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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“I have booze, as promised.” Namjoon’s voice echoes in from the kitchen as you kick off your boots and hang your coat up at his front door come Christmas Eve. The aroma hits your nose as your socked feet pad down the hall to follow him: the spice of cinnamon and clove, paired with a hint of citrus. It smells like the holidays, like home.
“Mulled wine?” you wager a guess, and he nods, turning away from the stove to retrieve two mugs from a cabinet.
“I halved the recipe, since it’s just us,” he explains, mouth pulling down at the corners as he starts to ladle out servings from the pot full of deep red liquid. “Still made a lot, though.”
Your eyes drift across the kitchen until they land on the two empty bottles of red sitting next to the sink, and that makes you pause for a moment to consider. “So the original recipe called for four bottles?”
Namjoon’s brow is furrowed when he glances up, and then he follows your gaze, and a look of delayed understanding washes over him. “Oh, fuck.”
Your elbows dig into the kitchen island as you press your hands to your mouth, as if to physically hold in your laughter. “Did you… halve everything in the recipe except the wine?”
His eyes drop closed as he nods, his answer a resigned sigh. “Yeah. Yes, I did.”
You can’t help yourself: all at once, you’re circling around to join Namjoon behind the stove, so you can take his face in your hands and pull his mouth down to yours. He makes a soft noise of surprise, but then his lips fall into rhythm, kissing you hard enough to knock the air out of your lungs. Even through the fabric of your shirt, his large hands are warm when they slide over the small of your back, and then they keep going, until you finally break the kiss with another laugh when he reaches his final target and outright grabs your ass.
“Not the reaction I anticipated,” Namjoon admits, paired with a teasing squeeze. “But I’ll take it.”
You look up at him through your lashes, pressing your palms flat to the firm plane of his chest. “A very wise friend of mine once told me that the holidays aren’t about every little thing going perfect. I thought maybe you needed a reminder.”
His dimples deepen as his eyes search yours, and his voice is lower in his throat when he responds. “I think that fool was just sayin’ words because a pretty girl asked him a question.”
Heat flushes your face as you smile back. “Well, they were very good words.” You drop your gaze to the pot on the stove. “Come on, I bet we can salvage this.”
Determined to save Christmas, you throw in another handful of spices, chased with a few glugs from a bottle of orange juice Namjoon heroically digs out of the back of the fridge. After a few more minutes of simmering, you take a tentative sip of the mixture to find it perfectly adequate.
“I guess we just have to drink twice as much now,” Namjoon quips, filling up two fresh mugs with the remedied wine. You raise an eyebrow back at him, as if to accept the challenge, while you tap your drinks together in a cheers.
By the time you realize that a double-batch of mulled wine and gift-wrapping don’t exactly go together, it’s already too late. The booze makes Namjoon’s big hands go even clumsier, the few presents he attempts an absolute disaster, and you can’t stop laughing long enough to be of any help. At one point he reaches up to cup your jaw for a kiss, but completely misjudges the distance, deftly knocking into his half-drunk mug and spilling the contents all over a tube of wrapping paper and the crotch of your jeans.
You dissolve into giggles until you can scarcely breathe, scooting your chair a few inches back from the table as he jumps up to grab something to soak up the mess. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” you manage to gasp when he returns, immediately focused on cleaning you up first. You wave him away as you get to your feet. “Seriously, it’s not that bad, it’s mostly the table.”
“Jesus,” Namjoon groans as he drops the kitchen towels in his hands onto the wooden surface, doing his best to soak up the puddle, though there’s no saving the ruined gift-wrap.
“It’s not a big deal,” you murmur as he turns back, once again examining the extent of the damage done to your clothes. A shiver rolls through you as his thumb brushes over the waistband of your jeans, and he grimaces a little.
“This is probably gonna stain.”
“I mean…” Your pulse starts to quicken as his fingertips linger where they are, and Namjoon’s gaze flits up to meet yours when you speak, clearly hearing a shift in your tone of voice. “I could just… take them off.”
A smile teases at the corner of your mouth when his eyes widen. “Yeah,” he breathes, then seems to self-correct. “I mean, uh. If-if that’s something you would feel comfortable doing.”
You’re already reaching to undo the button, and then Namjoon takes over to tug open the zipper and push the fabric down your legs, and your nipples tighten beneath your bra at the reminder of how gentle his large hands can be. His lips find yours again and you don’t hesitate to lick into his mouth, jostling slightly as you try to make out with him and kick your pants the rest of the way off at the same time. It’s graceless, but you manage to make it work, and then he pulls away from you to glance back down.
“It looks like a little got on your shirt, too.”
He’s right, you realize: there are faint purple marks splattered just above the hem of your long-sleeve, and you smirk as you look up at him.
“If I didn’t know you better, I’d think you did this on purpose,” you tease, and then in one swift move you pull your shirt over your head, letting it drop to the kitchen floor next to your discarded jeans.
Namjoon’s hands are instantly on your bare skin, trailing heat as they trace the curve from your hip to your waist, and your breath hitches as he ducks down to brush his lips over your collarbone. The low tone of his voice reverberates through you when he speaks against your skin. “I like to think I could’ve gotten you naked tonight even without being an accident-prone idiot.”
You run a hand along the line of his jaw, tipping his head up to seek a kiss, before leaning back to murmur, “I guess we’ll never know.”
He kisses you again, and the two of you stumble across the threshold into the living room, pausing along the way to peel off his sweater and then his jeans, laughing into each other’s mouths, just drunk enough to lack any semblance of coordination you might have otherwise had.
When you drop down to lay back on his sofa, you’re both stripped to your underwear, and you can feel the thick bulge of him, pressing firm-heavy heat into your thigh as he settles his hips between your spread legs.
Namjoon’s eyes roam over your body beneath him, and then he’s tugging the lace of your panties to the side to slip a finger into your drenched center, beckoning it up to rub you just right. Your mouth drops open as he traces slow circles against your front wall, and when he adds a second digit, you can’t help but whimper softly at the stretch. It thrums through you like your lingering red wine buzz, hot and thick and good enough to get lost in, your head dropping back on the couch cushions as your hips rock up into his touch.
“Goddamn,” Namjoon groans, and your eyes flutter open again to take him in, his gaze heavy-lidded as he watches his fingers disappear up into you, coaxing slick sounds out with each pump of his hand. “I had a whole plan,” he rasps. “To take my time. But, fuck, I really want to fuck you.”
“It’s okay, Joon,” you breathe, not sure how much longer you could stand the torturous feeling of his clothed cock grinding into your thigh, so close to where you want him. An ache throbs in your cunt, needy, plugged up with two fingers but still begging for more. “Just fuck me.”
Realization flashes over his face, and then he suddenly heaves a sigh, looking defeated. You have to bite back a noise at the loss as he withdraws his fingers. “I— there’s an obvious joke here, but. I don’t have any condoms. Or if I do, they’re definitely expired.”
It takes you a second to process the revelation, and then you reach up to pull him down to you, smiling when he hums surprise into your mouth at the unexpected response. Your lips linger on his, and then you tip your head to press a kiss to the slope of his neck, not quite able to maintain eye contact as you murmur, “I mean. I’m on the pill, and I’m clean. So.”
“Yeah?” he replies, and your nose bumps against his shoulder as you nod. “Me too. Well, I-I’m clean, I mean. I’m not on the pill.”
You can’t help the giggle that slips out as you look up at him. “Right, no, I get it.”
“Sorry,” Namjoon huffs a laugh in return, his face flushing a little. “I talk a lot, when I’m nervous.”
“I just thought it was an all-the-time thing,” you admit, and the color in his cheeks deepens.
“I’m just always nervous around you.”
Your mouth seeks his out for a kiss sweeter than the last, slower for his shy honesty and the hummingbird thrum of your heartbeat behind your ribs. The heat of his breath ghosts over your lips when you tip back to answer, “You don’t have to be.”
“So, you’re okay?” he asks, almost reverent with his question. “If we—if I don’t—”
“Please,” you insist, and it’s all the encouragement he needs.
With remarkably little fumbling, he drags the lace of your panties down your legs, letting you kick them the rest of the way off while he moves up to unclasp your bra. You slip the straps off your shoulders and drop it over the edge of the couch, then watch as he shifts to strip out of his boxers, freeing his cock with enough force that it smacks against his abdomen with a hefty thud.
You swallow hard as you take him in: long and thick, flushed dark. Big, and fuck, you want all of him; you can feel how drenched you already are between your legs at the thought of all that cock filling you up.
When you tear your gaze away to meet his, Namjoon is staring at you just as hungrily, and he brings a hand to pump himself a few times, to coat his shaft in the wetness that’s started to drool from the head of his dick.
“Come here,” he grunts, his voice rough-edged, and you waste no time straddling yourself over his hips.
Given his considerable size, you figured it might take you a second to adjust, but you want him so bad, the feeling of his cock stretching you open is all white-hot pleasure. Your fingertips dig into his shoulders as you slowly lower yourself down on him, inch by overwhelming inch, until your ass is flush with thighs.
Namjoon’s head drops back against the couch as you slowly grind your hips into him, his hands gripping at your waist to guide the movement. You can’t help the soft sound that flutters out of you: he just looks so good like this, white-blonde hair swept off his forehead, beads of sweat trailing down his temples and glistening at his collarbones, his parted lips full and kiss-bitten.
“Baby,” he groans as you start to move a little more intentionally. “Fuck, I’m not gonna last long. Tell me what to do.”
“Touch me,” you breathe, and you close a hand over one of his, guiding him down to your clit. 
Just like the night before in his car, his touch is so gentle when he begins to trace circles into the sensitive nub with his thumb. You can feel the slow-hum build of an orgasm in your core, drawn up by the steady rub of his hand, and you lean back to allow him better access, bracing yourself on his thighs as you rock along his length.
A moan rips through you as the new angle drags the head of his dick just right against your front wall, and it’s good enough to make your eyes roll back. Chasing the feeling, you shove your hips down harder, driving his cock into that spot over and over until your thighs have started to tremble.
“That’s it,” Namjoon grunts encouragingly, his voice husky. “Use me, baby. Look so good when you bounce on my cock like that.”
The words set every last one of your nerve endings alight, and you dig your nails into his skin as your spine arches from the pleasure. His thumb is still working steadily at your clit, and the heavy stretch of his cock has you so wet, you can feel arousal starting to leak down your thighs. Your pussy clings to him like a vice, a throbbing-tight heat, taking him to the hilt every time.
“Oh my god, Joon,” you groan, “I’m gonna come.”
His touch doesn’t let up, and you can feel yourself teetering right on the precipice of it, only able to manage little gasps as you drop yourself down onto his cock again and again and again, with enough force that there’s an audible sound of your skin slapping against his.
Your legs are outright shaking from the effort now, from how close you are, and then Namjoon ducks his head, using his free hand to guide your tit into his mouth. The swirl of his tongue laved across the tight bud of your nipple is just what you need to push you over the edge.
With a moan that’s more like a sob, you drop forward against Namjoon’s chest, sinking all the way down to bury him in your pulsing cunt as you come. He continues to rub you through the waves of your orgasm, breathing ragged in your ear while your pussy gushes around him, until you grab his wrist with a soft whimper of overstimulation, and he relents.
Too gone to get any words out, all you can do is take his face in your hands and kiss him. He rolls his tongue over yours, decadent, as his palms slip down to cup your ass. You groan a little into his mouth when he begins to shift you, your cunt still fluttering-sensitive at every little motion, but he manages to maneuver you onto your back while still keeping himself sheathed in you.
His hands move to your thighs, encouraging your legs to hook over his hips, and his mouth trails kisses down the valley between your breasts before he breathes against your skin, “Can I keep going?”
“Please,” you murmur, and it’s chased with a moan when he starts to rock his hips into you. You feel so full, so swollen from your climax that it’s like your walls were molded to take him, the crown of his cock stroking deep-deep over the place that lights you up inside, shooting sparks of pleasure all the way down to your toes.
Namjoon’s breath stutters on a laugh. “Shit, I’m already close.”
You tilt up to brush your lips against his, humming encouragingly into his mouth, and then he pulls back again, one dimple teasing at the corner of his smile. “God, I— wanna hear you say it.”
Somehow, you know exactly what he means. “Come in me, Joon,” you beg, fucked so good that you’re shameless for it, and you gasp when he bottoms out in you with his next thrust. “Fill me up. Fuck me full of your cum, baby, please.”
It’s like the words send him into overdrive, and he practically growls as he starts to fuck his cock into you forcefully, hard enough to make your tits bounce. Each snap of his hips punches a heady groan from your lungs, and you reach up to drag your nails across the skin of his back as he chases his own end.
“Gonna fucking— give it to you,” he hisses, rolling his hips one, two, three more times, and then you feel his cock twitching, shoved in as deep as you can take him. He heaves a final strangled groan as he comes, rope after rope of his release pumping into you to paint your walls, until you can feel it beginning to spill back down your thighs.
You kiss through the comedown, inhaling shaky breaths into each other’s mouths, your bodies still fitted together like puzzle pieces, sweat starting to cool in the places where skin is pressed to skin. Namjoon finally moves first, giving a grunt of effort as he rolls off the couch, and you throw an arm over your face while the world slowly settles into focus around you.
When he returns, it’s with a towel in hand, and you can’t help smiling as he cleans you up, trailing soft kisses along your collarbone in tandem.
His voice is soft, too, when he finally speaks. “Will you stay here tonight?”
You prop yourself up on your forearms to look at him, and a little glimmer of something lights up in your chest that you can’t ignore. The first spark of an ember, just enough to reignite a flame you’d long since believed to be entirely extinguished. But now he’s shown you: it doesn’t have to be. You don’t have to be alone.
“Of course. We still have presents to wrap,” you say simply, and he huffs a laugh as he leans in to press a kiss to your forehead.
“Joon?” you murmur into the crook of his neck, unable to keep your voice entirely steady.
“Thank you,” you breathe. “For the magic.”
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thv-jk97 · 2 months
Let me provide you with some facts about these episodes:
Jimin went to New York to support Jungkook’s solo debut and he’s the only member that did 😋
Jimin and Jungkook decided to go on a trip together and film it for their fans
Despite being busy, Jimin and Jungkook still made each other a priority and wanted to hang out, but couldn't because they were busy with their solo schedules
Despite being sick, Jimin and Jungkook still chose to film the show together because they wanted to
Jungkook took care of Jimin the entire time he wasn’t feeling well 🤧
Jimin kept making sure that Jungkook was taking care of himself
Jungkook built a stone tower and wished for Jimin to feel better 💞
Jungkook took his microphone off when he went into Jimin’s room and there’s no camera footage of that moment 🤭🤭
Jungkook was worried about Jimin burning his legs while they were riding the motorcycle together
They didn’t have any more plans to film episodes after the US but they wanted to spend more time together and went on two more trips together
The only reason that V is included is because he insisted on going with them
These are only some of the points I have, but there are so many more! I don’t know how you taekookers have been twisting these episodes up as some proof that Jimin and Jungkook don’t love each other. The truth is that they love each other so much that they willingly chose to enlist together for the entirety of their military service and nothing you or anyone says will ever change that fact. You can keep being in denial and keep suffering because jikook will always show us the truth.
Oh, anon 😅
I actually sent a screenshot of your ask to an irl friend to make fun of how delulu you are, but they wrote an excellent response that I wanted to share:
• Jimin went to New York to support Jungkook's solo debut and he's the only member that did
False. Jimin didn't even go to see Jungkook's performance, which the show confirmed. It's pretty clear at this point that he went to New York specifically to film the travel show.
• Jimin and Jungkook decided to go on a trip together and film it for their fans.
True, but you've phrased it in a way that intentionally emphasizes that they went on a trip and downplays the fact that it was filmed for fans, as though that was an afterthought rather than the primary goal. It would fit the facts presented to us by Jimin and Jungkook better to say, "Jimin and Jungkook wanted to record a travel show for fans." The travel show, not the trip, was the point, as evidenced by the fact that the idea originated with the concept of recording content, not with the idea of taking a trip together.
• Despite being busy, Jimin and Jungkook still made each other a priority and wanted to hang out, but couldn't because they were busy with their solo schedules.
False. Both Jimin and Jungkook spent time with other members during their solo schedules, which clearly shows that they could have spent time together if they had truly prioritized it, but they didn't. They also clearly state in the show that while one of them was busy, the other of them who was free at the time still didn't make the effort to reach out, telling us in their own words that it wasn't busy schedules that kept them from prioritizing time together. 
• Despite being sick, Jimin and Jungkook still chose to film the show together because they wanted to.
Technically this is an assumption, because while we know that they were both sick and that they filmed the show regardless, we don't know why they did it or how much choice they felt they had in the matter at that point.  I don't really disagree with you but it isn't technically a fact the way you've worded it.
• Jungkook took care of Jimin the entire time he wasn't feeling well.
False -- or at best, a deep stretch.  At one point, Jungkook handed Jimin some Pepto Bismol that the staff brought for him.  Other than that, truly, what did Jungkook do to take care of him?  He cooked sometimes, but Jimin helped cook too. 
• Jimin kept making sure that Jungkook was taking care of himself.
True -- I'll give you this one even though I think this is a bit of a stretch too.  Jimin showed concern over Jungkook being able to perform well since he had a cold/sore throat, I'll agree with you there.  That was sweet of him, he cares about Jungkook a lot.
• Jungkook built a stone tower and wished for Jimin to feel better.
This is an assumption.  Jungkook did build a stone tower, but there's nothing in the show to suggest that he did it with Jimin in mind, this is an invention of fans.  He was sitting around alone and built the tower, then quietly made a wish without sharing what it was for.  He specifically told Jimin to make his own wish when he came out of the cabin later.  There's no indication in the show that he did this for Jimin or with thoughts of Jimin.
• Jungkook took his microphone off when he went into Jimin's room and there's no camera footage of that moment.
True, but as a fact this means nothing.  Your implication is bizarre because if they'd wanted any sort of real privacy, they could have gone on a private trip instead of filming a TV show.
• Jungkook was worried about Jimin burning his legs while they were riding the motorcycle together.
True -- Jungkook was considerate in letting Jimin know that it would be hot.  Seems like it isn't something Jimin was already familiar with, so they must not have done this together before.
• They didn't have any more plans to film episodes after the US but they wanted to spend more time together and went on two more trips together.
This is a fact mixed with an assumption, which is a common fallacy in Jikooker arguments.  It's true that the idea to film more episodes came from Jimin and Jungkook themselves, per the Forbes article BH shared.  However, also per that article, the motivation was to "do something more as a gift to fans," rather than specifically to spend more time together as you've stated (something that they could easily do alone together, with no staff or crew, and in their own home city, if they wanted to).
• The only reason that V is included is because he insisted on going with them.
False.  For one thing, Tae was already included in the show within the first few minutes, when Jimin mentioned him.  He was then brought up again by Jungkook, talked about by Jimin, and Jungkook offered to call him. He's literally already appeared on the show for the sole reason that Jimin and Jungkook were thinking of him.  Additionally, there have been multiple sources explaining the meaning of Jungkook's words in Korean as more accurately, "he came without hesitation/without thinking much," rather than the "he really insisted" shown in the English subtitles, and this interpretation is corroborated by the official subtitles in other languages as well.
You end your list by saying that Taekookers are trying to twist these episodes to say that Jungkook and Jimin don't love each other.  Maybe some are, but from what I've seen, most Taekookers accept that Jimin and Jungkook love each other very much -- as familial, good friends who have been very close for a very long time.  It's Jikookers who try to twist the reality of their bond into something it isn't, despite their own words and their own clear demonstrations of the love that they do feel for each other, and for the other members, including Taehyung -- even going so far as to create fantasies from no evidence and present them as facts.
Me rn:
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
Now today we got that goddam proof that jikook is fanservice when jk said suddenly they set up the shoot lol
I hope you are coping well ❤️‍🩹
Antis with all their anti-ness dont push the FS narrative as hard as the vermin do. So I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're a Taekooker.
Ladies and gentlemen this roach is talking about this
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I won't even get into the fact that you were most likely seething with jealousy when u sent this ask. You can lie to yourself all you want but you wish it was Taekook who filmed this fanservice. Alone. Together. You would give anything to switch positions with us and it shows.
I hope you're coping well
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Bitch, take a seat. Go on, have a seat. Let me tell you something you didn't know. Are you ready? Coz its a big one. For some very weird strange reason y'all still think V and JK are a couple when a whole Jennie exists. So I'm not gonna talk about that. V and Jennie being a couple is crazy but here is something crazier.
I'm sure this photo is familiar.
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And if its not, you're welcome. It's cute, isn't it?
So the reason why Taekook cannot be real is because; that's JK holding Jimin as they slow dance casually without a care in the world and with guess what? Your fav standing right there!
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Let me know if that wasn't enough arrows and I can add more. I just wanna make sure you see the picture.
But that isn't even the best part. I recently found out that this night, this night where JK has his hands on Jimin's waist all intimately while they dance like it's no big deal,
Thanks to @chicknbunny13 I recently found out that it was V's birthday!!!!
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Can you fucking believe that shit?????
Anon, imagine you and your friends go to this party and it just so happens to be your birthday. And then your boyfriend (right infront of you) goes and grabs your best friend's waist and they start slow dancing. They're not goofing around either. No. It's for real. They're just casually moving, slowly, not even looking at you or paying you any mind. How would that make you feel?
Taekook is not and cannot be real for a million reasons. And one of the most powerful one is the amount of times Jikook have done some sus shit right in front of V's salad. You can call it fanservice all you want, but it wouldn't hurt you guys sm if you didn't know deep down what that means.
Edit: @magicshop-pjm1 just reminded me of this part:
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What do u call that anon? JK being aware that Taekook together will bring in more views? 🤔 Let me guess, because its Tkk, its not FS. That only applies to Jikook?
We are getting a GCF 2.0 featuring our favs and its gonna be great. So yes anon. We are doing fucking amazing. Thanks for your concern though.
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arsonkoobi · 1 year
taekooker to jikooker: my personal experience.
this is merely how i felt and all the things i saw while being a hardcore taekooker for almost a year and a half. if you get offended, im sorry but the unfollow and block button is right there, i dont mind. i love taekook themselves, but i can no longer look at them in the way i used to. now they genuinely look like best friends to me. people change, and their perceptions and views on different aspects of life change. thats what happened to me.
I first joined this fandom 5 years ago in mid january 2018 through my friends. taehyung was my first ever bias, so most of the bts related yt recs i had were mostly of taehyung and ot7, and occasional ship videos among which taekook was the most prominent. me being a curious lil unsuspecting lamb, clicked on one, it also helped that my friends were taekookers as well so i dived pretty deep into the rabbit hole of taekook. im gonna be writing my thoughts and experiences on shipping taekook at different times of the year. i dont remember every single detail clearly (like this was 5 years ago) so forgive me if i sound vague at times plus this will only be a summary. without further ado, lets start, shall we?
february-march, 2018
by this time, i already watched quite a few taekook analysis videos, i also came across a few tkk_lives' videos(i think i came across her vids like much later but i just included it here) as well as other deluded channels. i fell even deeper into the rabbit hole. i thought taekook were the epitome of boyfriends silly in love, i felt like they had the best chemistry and that they were the ones whose ship actually made sense. i feel so embarrassed to admit this but one of my rather major reasons for shipping them was how good they looked tgthr🤦‍♀️(im a changed person now i promise). now i realise many tkk analysis channels tend to heavily edit things to make it look like theres something going on, overanalysing things to no end, it made me see them as if they were closer than they actually are, and as if theyre hiding something, but it was really just heavy and clever editing that forces your mind to get convinced. it was quite literally manipulative. plus back then, i was rather immature and hadnt even been in a rltnshp yet, so i blindly believed whatever they said. i believed every narrative and every theory they put out even if i knew lots of them didnt even make sense. they constantly also put out the jealous jungkook/taehyung whenever the other breathes next to another member..as i now realise, thats one of the biggest toxic traits a person can have. they were always pushing tkk as a toxic relationship without even knowing it(or just ignoring it). i also do not like jikook analysis vids where they are portrayed as the same territorial mfs who cant stand the other interacting with anyone else but himself. bc thats literally pushing their relationship as a toxic one and making them look toxic, and i would rather not do that.
march/april-september, 2018
i only watched taekook vids and funny bts moments for a long while as a baby army. i didnt watch official content very much, i ddint even know how to watch official content..i didnt know bangtantv existed yet💀 this tkk analysis watching continued for around 4 or so months after i became an army before i took an unintentional break from them(analysis vids) and i went on twitter. twitter, was so much worse(as i now realise). i didnt have an account at that time and learnt to browse on twt without one(it doesnt really let you do that anymore). at first, i found nothing weird or unusual and i enjoyed lurking on twitter, but slowly i started to see the ugly side of the community. i found multiple accounts directly or indirectly hating on jimin. i was weirded out. very weirded out. i was quite conflicted but..i only thought of it as jimin haters who were coincidentally tkkrs, maybe i refused to see tkk shippers in a bad light? probably, unfortunately i cant remember much and as i said, i was immature.
october-december, 2018
i stumbled across gcf in tokyo somewhere in october, i think it was in a fanwar on twitter and a jkkr said "at least we have this" or sumn along that line and put a link to gcft . idek how i didnt see it earlier. immediately after watching it, i felt..weird, conflicted, insecure. insecure about my ship. it seemed so romantic to me even then. but ofc i didnt let myself give up immediately, and i searched interviews + info about it, i found tkkrs saying vminkook were supposed to go tgthr and jikook only went bc they had a few days off and tae didnt. that gave me a lil bit of security and i held onto that thread of security and refused to believe or even hear out the actual fact(which i will come to later). as you can see, i was a stubborn mf. inside i knew that even if tae not having time off was the "only" reason behind jikook's japan trip, it was still unusual and suspicious to go on a trip with only your "bro" when said "bro" has told you and the world multiple times that they wanna go on a trip alone with you, when the hotel room you're staying at with your "bro" has a see-through glass wall for the bathroom and when you make a whole love confession in the guise of a travel log for your "bro" while your boyfie is waiting for you at home.
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in conclusion, i was very insecure.
did i give up? no, not yet. we're getting there.
so as a masochist and out of curiosity caused by insecurity, i searched up jikook videos on yt, thinking "there's no way they could ever have more chemistry than taekook 🙄" - when i tell you i was wrong as fuck, i mean it. i was HUMBLED. the chemistry and tension between jungkook and jimin was undeniable. i felt uncomfortable watching some certain moments, felt things that i didnt feel while shipping taekook, saw things i didnt see in taekook.
i was confused plus the sinking feeling you get when you've been too loud about what you think and your opinions but then it turns out you were a stupid ass bitch.
there was a plethora of jikook vids, and i think my first jikook video was from Made in Busan, ig it was the "serendipity" analysis? back then it made lots of sense to me, but now it looks slightly overanalyzed (i still believe "serendipity" is very much connected to jikook tho). i slowly got more introduced to jikook in general. this mainly occured in like the first week of october and december as i had my boards in november.
december/january-february, 2019
so its been more or less of a year since ive become a tkkr, gcft is still in the back of my head screaming at me. and then jikook drop another bomb. that is, 2018 MMA.
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this..was just, just..i cant explain it in words. jungkook had every bit of his attention directed towards jimin, they were giving each other loving glances, jimin giving jungkook a flying kiss, jungkook giving jimin a finger heart, jungkook subconsciously massaging jimins nape..it was just so domestic and coupley. i've never third wheeled so bad in my life. i felt like i was interrupting something by watching them. imagine how hyunjae next to them felt😔✊not to mention how it very much looked like jungkook was saying "남편"[ nampyeon] meaning "husband" and "형의 남친"[ hyung-ui namchin ] meaning " hyung's boyfriend" in their conversation after jimin pointed to himself and jungkook (forgive me if the spellings/romanizations are not accurate enough, im not fully fluent in korean). plus, after jungkook said it, jimin smiles and shyly looks down..LIKE??
watch from 31:00 to see for yourself. im not kidding.(p.s i love this video so much)
i was bamboozled. i was shocked. i was frustrated. i was feeling stupid. i was begging for taekook to drop something mindblowing or sumn that would regain my secuity in the ship and i found some moments during other award shows but, it didnt feel the same. to me it was really looking like taekook had boundaries and limits between each other, the limits that apply when you're good friends. but with jikook, i couldnt see how their gazes towards each other could be passed off as anything platonic, how their actions+body language could ever be seen as platonic.
so what did i do? did i give up? oh hell no im stubborn as fuck. but we're getting there.
i ignored every jikook moment and brought my focus back on taekook, i started watching analysis and moments again. in a span of a few weeks, the security around my ship had improved after pretending that i didnt feel like a stupid mf after MMA 2018. haha. it sorta worked lol. sorta.
march-may, 2019
these were my last months as a taekooker.
after all that shit, all i wanted was more taekook moments to make me feel better about myself. and i did get quite a few. however, as i said before, they looked like they had boundaries. i couldnt look at them exactly the same.
i was busy in april with my class tests, i doubt i had much time to catch up with the boys. so when the tests ended, it was most likely in the last week of april or the first few days of may.
we all know what happened in the first few days of may, don't we? in case you don't, this is what happened.
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surprisingly, i clearly remember the first time i got to know about it.
it was in class, i just arrived and then one of my friends and i start talking and she goes [this convo is all translated from bengali]
"hey did you see what jungkook did at the latest concert?"
"no, i didn’t, what did he do?"
"he went and literally sucked on jimins ear!"
i was shocked once again, my eyes went wide, my heart did a backflip..all that shit. i didnt believe it at first.
"don't joke around like that, you're being absurd" i said.
"im not kidding bro, he sucked jimins ear in the rosebowl concert last week, ill send you a link too"
when i got back home, sure enough, the link was there and i saw jungkooks ear nibbling in all its glory, albeit a bit low quality. but no doubt he took that ear into his mouth and i knew it.
surely i must've given up now? no, but im this🤏 close we're almost there i promise
i went online and found lots of tkkrs denying that jungkook ever took jimin's ear into his mouth and that jimin's ear only got caught on jk's chin. but..if it got caught on jk's chin then that means his chin was behind jimin's ear, and his lips must have been at least kissing jimin's ear, given that we couldnt see them very well. the lip we could see was the upper lip, which again lead me to be believe that jungkook did indeed, suck jimin's ear.
yeah, my faith in tkk was crumbling into millions of pieces. because i couldnt see how jungkook, being in a supposed relationship with taehyung, could do that with tae's best friend. i sure as hell wouldnt let my partner get away with that, nor would i ever do that myself with someone else other than my partner. even if its to comfort them. it just goes way over platonic boundaries.
i was seriously considering shifting over to jikook by now. but before that, i searched lots of shit up abt jikook.
there i saw an interview where jimin talked about the tokyo trip with jungkook. what i believed until now was that vminkook were supposed to go tgthr but jikook were the ones with time off, and tae didnt have time off. jimin said he told taehyung and jungkook that he wants to go on a trip to Japan. he didnt say he wanted to go on a trip WITH taehyung and jungkook. yall, ive told my wishes to go to japan and turkey multiple times to my friends, does that mean im taking their asses with me? no. mind you, jimin has said he wanted to go on a trip alone with jungkook multiple times in their rookie era. on jimin's bday of 2017, jungkook tweeted a pic of him(jimin) with the caption "Its not over yet.." and shortly after, we find out jikook went on a tokyo trip by THEMSELVES with no staff, no managers and no other members. dropped off at the airport by jungkook's dad and brother and jimin's dad. jungkook paid for everything and put a hell lot of time into making the masterpiece that is gcf in tokyo WITH a bgm of a gay fucking song by a queer fucking artist and showed the fucking rainbow colored ferris wheel at the line "love is a road that goes both ways".
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its clear who the main model of gcf is.
you can deny the trip being only for jikook, but you can not deny the symbolism and significance shown in gcf in tokyo. saying "jungkook didnt understand the song, hes not fluent in english" - is so small minded and belittling.
saying he didnt show jimin on the parts "boy, im holding onto something, wont let go of you for nothing, im running, running just to keep my hands on you" on purpose is not only straight up denial but also understimating jungkook's intelligence and artistic capabilities, saying that jungkook isnt smart enough to get the meaning behind these words. and just because hes korean. thats fucking racist if you ask me.
then i discovered the iconic osaka vlives, i was convinced. it was my last straw along with rosebowl.
alas, after around a week of denial, i gave up and became a jikooker in mid may of 2019. ive never looked back. over the years they've only given us more and more evidence and i doubt my beliefs will ever change soon.
i hope this was kinda fun to read, i had been planning to do this for a long time. im glad i finally got to say my thoughts out here. thank you for taking the time to read this<3
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dearweirdme · 2 months
“Company content” “Mediaplay” “fan service” if these words do not leave your mouth or a taekookers you’ll have a stroke. Like clockwork your cult is having a stroke after jimin and jungkook videos are being released. Jimin being caught in the fire and constant shading of jungkook. Calling him a liar, an actor and spineless al just to explain why jimin and jungkook are close. Do you never get tired? Taehyung and jungkook made sure to tell you tae-kook was never real and would never be. What more do you want.
Actually I challenge you, in simple words explain why taehyung said get out of your imagination in a hostile tone to that taekooker because not only did koreans not into kpop and army translators tell you what he meant and who it was directed to but also Korean taekookers . So please explain and don’t use the words mediaplay, fanservice and company content.
Also explain why jungkook said he only saw jimin and jhope on his break and not anyone else, ofcourse don’t use the words fan service, company content and mediaplay.
My favourite explain why the ITS conversation isn’t real, don’t say mediaplay, company content and fanservice because those words only benefit your narrative and have no semblance in real life. Taehyungs mental health was messed up & he admitted to it, jungkook pointed it out and so did 90% of the fandom. Jungkook said “speak to someone” and not himself because they couldn’t even sit down and have a heart to heart. And taehyung literally declined to have a drink with him. You’ve turned these boys lives into a lie so that you could force a reality that isn’t true onto them. For all you know jennie was probably the reason he became a little bit happier.
Also explain why taehyung never visited jungkook on his birthday in 2022, remember don’t use those words.
I’m asking this because everyone knows that taekookers are the only ones to ever use that narrative. In the real world that’s not the case and you know it. Hence why jennie and taehyungs friends are so intertwined and why taehyung took those photos outside her house and was with her at those two concerts. because taehyung and jungkook have never been in a relationship. You’re actions are deplorable and embarrassing at best.
Hi anon!
Alright, I’ll give you one win… and it’s that of having successfully baited me with ignorance and stupidity. Here.. have a medal 🥇.
Company content, fanservice, mediaplay: Why is talking about company content, fanservice and mediaplay such a big deal to you? I mean.. I know why... you want to be able to think that whatever you have made yourself believe about Jm and Jk is their actual love story and it being part of a company content will taint that. See, the very obvious mistake you are making (maybe it’s ignorance, maybe it’s naivety.. I don’t actually care) is not understanding what we are looking at. We are looking at company content for the most part. BTS is part of a company, they make money of us, because they are part of a company. Do you really think you are watching their normal everyday lives without intervening or guidance from managers, public relations, stylists… all sorts of creative teams. Like, who do you think edits their videos? Who do you think come up with ideas for Run and BV? Have you not watched their reaction videos? It is actually insane and very uneducated to say there is no company content anon…. or, does that only apply when it comes to Jkk? The same goes for fanservice. Everyone who’s a bit invested in K-pop knows that thats a thing that is widely discussed and actually pretty common. I think it’s been used in conversation wrongly for the most part, but it’s certainly a thing. Every member does it, a lot of members engage in it together. So why can’t I mention it? Or again… is this only a problem when it comes to Jkk? Mediaplay.. again… very common! I suppose this is only an issue for you because it’s got to do with Tae and Jennie.. but mediaplay does happen anon… I think we can all say that mediaplay has been strong during the recent Hybe/Ador issues. So, why can’t I talk about those things when they are all pretty common in fandoms worldwide. Maybe, you aren’t familiar with them.. I don’t really care about that, but you are doing yourself a disservice by not looking into it more. You can’t actually understand BTS and the members if you don’t factor in company content, fanservice, and mediaplay. Also, fanservice, company content, and mediaplay aren’t Tkk or BTS specific terms.. they belong in the greater realm of music industry terminology.
Now BTS is more than the combination of those things. Their friendships are real, the reactions they have when interacting are real (though perhaps sometimes enlarged… for entertainment value yes). Their lives fall in a gray area for me, because it is mostly real, but at the same time it’s very much intended for fandom and all members will have in mind that there’s limits to what they can do and say. When I talk about company content and fanservice I don’t mean that their reactions or relationships are fake (I am actually a very strong believer in BTS being real brother-friends-bro types), what I mean is that the company is very much the one who decides what we get to see (by editing choices). You are an idiot if you do not understand that. Mediaplay is done to get across a certain narrative. Sure it’s not great, because it’s manipulation.. but it’s a thing.. deal with it.
You will not have caught me talking badly about either Jm or Jk once. I simply haven’t. I can’t help if it doesn’t fit your idea of Tkkrs. But I am a hundred percent sure that you won’t be able to find a bad word about them on my blog. I've constantly talked about how I feel Jk and Jm's friendship is real and deep. That does not exclude them from being in company content and from doing fanservice though.
"Get out of your imagination": It’s clear you are stuck in Jkk think (what else is new these days). If you had actually taken time to go to neutral spaces to understand the ‘get out of your imagination’ comment, you would know that there is actually a lot of debate on what he meant. I’m sure you will have found some k-army say he meant to debunk Tkk, but K army aren’t unbiased. There’s also been plenty of k army who said the comment was meant to say the commenter shouldn’t look at Jk’s pics before she went to sleep… very much in line with Tae kicking out someone with the handle of ‘jungkook’s wife’ (was it that?… something similar… I’m tired) during a game. Very much in line with Tae friendzoning army. Ofcourse you go along with what your side has been spreading. This suits your narrative best. People hate Tkkrs. Ofcourse a huge portion of non-tkk army will tag along and say Tae debunked Tkk. IT'S WHAT THEY WANT it to be, but it is not what it actually was. You can see the total disregard for reality even this day anon... the many MANY people who actually think there's two people on that bed in the teaser for the travel show is insane! Reality is actually right in front of us, but all of you don't care and parrot after each other without having an inch of rational thought in your minds. But you are wrong in your understanding.. not that you’re gonna believe me now.. all of us know you don’t actually want to understand.
Jk saying he only saw Jm and Hobi: Why did Jk say he only saw Jm and Hobi? Well, probably because that’s the truth? Not sure what the issue is here. Considering your side is hung up on Jm having been too busy with his album to hang out with Jk.. I doubt this is a great hill to die on.
The ITS Talk: So the whole ITS conversation can’t be talked about while leaving out company involvement.. you can’t either if you were to go indepth. The very obvious thing being that Jk was asked about this during an interview they mixed throughout their actual talk. That is the company involvement as well as the choice to make this conversation and the way it’s been edited public content. When you look at the conversation Tae and Jk actually had (without the Jk interview), they talk about having been busy, the way they were as trainees, Tae’s issues a bit.. and that’s it. At no point do they hash out the ‘awkward part of their friendship’. I have talked about this plenty… and it’s elaborate so maybe just look it up in my blog. But also.. yes, it’s orchestrated. The combination of Jk talking and Tae and Jk's moment, the decision to air this, but mostly... the way it was portrayed does not add up to what Jk and Tae's interactions were actualy like. See, you have no reason to look further than what you are seeing. In fact, Tae and Jk having been awkward better suits your thoughts than the opposite would. You haven't actually looked at the way Tae and Jk were interacting all those years.. you just hear 'awkward' from every Jkkr you see and so you believe that's wat it was.. because you want to. Taekookers however have seen that things don't add up. We are not delusional about that, you too will be able to see it if you were to look further.
Jk and birthdays: Jk doesn't care about his birthday... the man has told you so.. move on. Jm is the person to be very active when it comes to visit his members on important days. He does not actually only do this for Jk. Jk didn't celebrate his birthday, the man was in pyjamas on his live for crying out loud. If Tae had something else that day while knowing Jk doesn't care to celebrate his birthday (and maybe they did.. but just on another day... who knows) then they would have used something called "communicaton" and probably Jk had no problem with him not being there. All of you have decided what dates and holidays matter to them... it's not as if you actually know.
Taennie: Holy crap anon... you think Tae and Jennie attending the same concert but sitting way apart is them going there together? Poor you! You know who lives in the same area as Jennie and who actually left at the same time as Tae? Yoongi!
You are an uninformed idiot anon. Thanks for sharing some stupidity. Now don't all of you lurking Jkkrs go and bombard me with more idiocy.. I only give away a couple of medals a year.
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mimikoolover · 26 days
some "controversial" thoughts on are you sure:
jungkook's ideal scenario is probably that jimin sides with him in situations but especially when he's right. jimin claimed he knew it was pink sausage but he still sided with tae and I think that is is what made jungkook snap at him. we've seen numerous times that jimin tries to get the rise out of jungkook, obviously in a joking way, which he wouldn't be doing if jungkook was snapping at him like that all the time. he also said he enjoys doing this (and being scolded by jungkook) which says it all about how bs people's 'concerns' are.
as a side note I also notice that tae in his role as the hyung 'polices' jungkook's behaviour a lot more than jimin ever does.
tbh I'm not a big fan of the times when vmin would speak about jungkook in front of his face like he isn't there about how he can beat their (well tae's) ass up or how much he's eating. I know it's all jokes between friends and stuff but at the end of the day I do not think jungkook deep down enjoys that because no one would. and jimin only does this when tae is there, so I think while the entire vminkook dynamic is quite sweet, from some reactions in the past such as jungkook's initial reaction to tae coming to Jeju and his reaction during his live on his bday when vmin turned up at this house together kinda tells me he's not always a big fan of vmin ganging up on him. no one talks about it but I find it interesting how jikook's dynamic changes when tae is there because of how jimin interacts with tae.
throughout the Jeju episodes we didn't get anything sentimental or anything about vminkook (that we were shown) which is realistic but as much as people hype vminkook up, between the three of them I didn't see anything 'special'. they're just 'normal' friends who bicker and get along fine and have a massive history to share and they will probably always love each other, be there for each other and have that bond but I do wonder if they never met in bts would the 3 of them be friends in the same way. I'm not that sure tbh. especially in terms of travelling together since jikook have their things they wanted to do (and let's be real, they don't totally enjoy the same things but they enjoy making plans that they know the other will enjoy) which tae may not have chosen to do himself. tae's 'workout' was also interesting. if I'm being cynical, just watching the episodes I got the feeling tae came along to get a free holiday and spend some time with jimin and some limited time with jungkook but he increasingly let jikook be which to be fair to tae I have to wonder was because they kept calling him guest kinda making it obvious him being there wasn't their first preference. but I did really like that no one played anything up for the fans/cameras and we truly got to see them without fanservice or having tasks like writing each other letters and whatnot.
overall I liked the Jeju episodes and I know jungkook said they were better because tae was there but I have to disagree on that if I'm completely honest (and I wonder how much he really thought that vs said it because he's a nice person who always thinks about others' feelings and it was a nice thing to say). the best parts were when only vmin or only jikook were interacting (we hardly had taekook interact alone apart from the very beginning) so tbh...maybe it will change when they are back but I can lowkey see why vminkook as a trio were not hanging out together the year before Jeju. and it wasn't totally awkward but tae's position as the guest, if they weren't in bts and had the history they have with each other (aka they were just 'normal' people with 'normal' friendships) would have been a little bit painful for everyone involved imo.
namjoon kept being brought up to jungkook fascinated me because we have 1. joon saying he loves jimin the most 2. tae asking why joon didn't come to Jeju (he had joon on his mind tbf) and jungkook essentially saying no one would be invited lol 3. jimin teasing jungkook by pretending to jokingly tell on jungkook to namjoon when jungkook said he enjoyed travelling with the maknae line. I love namjoon and jungkook's friendship a fair amount but the dynamic between them both loving jimin the most and jungkook "winning" will always be fascinating to me.
I feel like throughout the entire show there is an undercurrent of us knowing jikook have a strong bond, them knowing we know, they don't explicitly say it but they act like it's a fact that's been establish that they don't have to 'prove' because everyone should and does already know it. there is literally 0 fanservice in this show in terms of them playing up their friendship for the cameras so that fans have cute moments to watch (as idols tend to do sometimes). and they do stuff like cuddle and play around but you can tell it's what they want to do and not something they do so that fans have something cute to watch. I also liked that they said they're not gonna argue in the military and I can 100% believe that seeing how much on the same page they are on everything. I honestly wasn't expecting them to be so in sync so consistently but it was so obvious that they always know what the other is thinking. if they truly didn't get to see each other a massive amount it obviously did not affect their bond or how well they know each other/how much on the same page they are. I would guess even if they have disagreements they know how to deal with it without full blown arguments because of 1. how well they know each other 2. how important they are to each other so that they make a conscious effort to get along well.
jimin keeps bringing up to people (first we saw with joon now with tae) that he and jungkook are enlisting together which tells me how it's a big deal/something important for him and I feel like he enjoys letting people know about it and establishing their (jikook's) closeness with this even more. they may never say the reason why they enlisted as companions but they certainly act like we already know the reason as if it's obvious, which tbh, it is. the reason being is that they just wanted to be there for each other. I mean they did actually say that. for the fandom to truly take it in though I think they expect jikook to literally spell it out like they are telling 3 year olds why they shouldn't eat a crayon lol
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redcherrykook · 4 months
──── 🧸ᡣ𐭩⋅˚₊˚ ౨ৎ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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── ˙✧°📷 ❝ Torn pictures and frozen lenses ❞- mini series! f,s,a
College Photography Teacher!Jungkook x Student!Reader - e2l
status: complete
--> for plot summary, check out pt. 1
one / two / three / four / five / six(end)
drabbles ( one (s) | two (s) | three (f) | ...)!
── .˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ❝ Tension degree ❞- series! s,f,a
College roomate!Jungkook x college roomate!reader- fwb 2 Lovers
status: slow updates
--> for plot summary, check out prologue
prologue / one / two / three / four & texts / five & texts / six ....
── ‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ Requests shorter oneshots (pwp)
pink and pretty ( spanking)
see, hyung? (innocence, voyeurism)
spot me instead (gym scenario, jealousy, public sex)
private show ( lap dance)
delicate seashell ( beachy vibes, hotel sex)
midnight snack (somophilia ,oral, doggy)
milk and cream (subby!Jk, noona kink)
three whores, one job (threesome with taekook)
well rounded (big tits!reader, boobie obsessed Jk)
sweetest cherries (small tits! Reader who's insecure, loving, boobie worshipper Jk)
── ‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ Requests as (smut/ fluff/ angst) + plot oneshots
JK BIRTHDAY SPECIAL! (s / f/ lingerie, birthday sex, vibrator, fluffy stuff)
brothers best friend (s/ major fluff, cutesy pining and "finally" sexual acts, aka yearning)
romance novel (s/f, biker, rich Jk, bookworm reader, recreating a smut scene)
(tent)ative enemies (s/f/ e2l vibes, camping trip, outdoor sex)
"we havin' rich sex on a boat" (s/ rich guy JK!, sugar baby reader)
bad boy, good girl (s/f/ crack, highschool sweethearts, car chase)
the best offer (s/f/crack, buisness setting, set-up, secret mutual pining)
The jeon mobile (f/ friends 2 lovers, idol AU ft BTS)
──🧸ྀི visit my kinktober masterlist
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gimmethatagustd · 9 months
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The 100 Drabble Challenge is brought to you by the exceptional mind of my bestie Hali @sailoryooons who thought this could be a fun way for us to expand our writing in 2024. I hope you all enjoy the stories we create!
Taglist: If you want to be tagged in ONLY the Drabble Challenge, you need to submit this taglist Google form. If you want to be tagged in ALL my fics (including the Challenge), you need to submit this taglist Google form. Your email will not be collected for either.
Updated July 14, 2024
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Sweet Dreams | Established Relationship | Dom/Sub | Kinks | Smut
Seokjin loves when you paint your nails pink.
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Morals On Sundays | FWB | Angst | Fluff | Smut
You’re still in love with your ex-boyfriend. Yoongi offers some help to get over him.
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Jai is currently working on these.
↳ Come back later!
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Definitely Today, Satan | Neighbors AU | Smut | Bad Humor
After having a strange dream about your hot neighbor, you realize it might be time to finally make your move. Dreams are a sign from the universe, right?
Gang Shit | Kidfic | Single Parent/DILF | Fluff | Humor
Your daughter’s classmate has a really hot dad. Apparently, you’re his arch-nemesis.
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Technicolor | Dystopian | Strangers to Lovers | Smut
Love is one hell of a drug. Bottled and sold on the black market, it isn't for the faint-hearted. You're not really interested in trying it until you meet Jimin.
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You Could Wear My Hat | Lifeguard | Crush | Fluff
It’s hard for Taehyung to ensure no one’s getting into trouble at the beach when you look so cute in his snapback.
Collard Greens | Weed Fic | Summer Camp AU | Friends to Lovers | Smut | Fluff
Working as a counselor at a summer camp for kids isn’t the most exciting job, but hanging out with Taehyung makes it worth it.
New Flame | A/B/O | Strangers to Lovers | Smut
Flame is a dating app designed for omegas and alphas to find heat and rut partners. You're skeptical of using the app, not anticipating that you might find someone who is more than just a new flame.
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Oxygen | Mafia | Established Relationship | Smut | Angst
If you get caught, you'll both die. Jungkook wants to be yours anyway.
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Best Lover | Vmin | Camboy AU | Smut | Fluff (?)
Jimin never thought posting nudes and the occasional explicit video on the internet would eventually lead to a job offer at Euphoria Studios, one of the internet's most famous pornographic companies. He also never thought he'd be paired with their best pornstar, Kim Taehyung, known for breaking in newcomers.
Call Me Baby | Taekook | Babysitter | Age Gap | Smut | Angst | Fluff
Amidst a heartless divorce, Taehyung, a renowned film director, desperately tries to hold himself together. Enter Jungkook, the Kim family’s devoted nanny, who has had his eye on Taehyung for years.
Like A River | Taegijoon | Academic (Professors) | Coworkers to Lovers | Smut
As the only omega professor in the Department of Philosophy at Seoul National University, Yoongi is accustomed to dealing with pretentious alphas who think the world revolves around knots.
Sunday Smut Book Club | Namgi | Idiots to Lovers | Library AU | Smut | Crack
The cute librarian at Yoongi's local library hosts an adult-only book club. As a fanfiction smut writer himself, Yoongi is intrigued.
Ultra Thin & Extra Sensitive | Taekook | FWBs | Grocery Store AU | Smut | Fluff
It takes an impromptu trip to buy condoms for Jungkook to finally confess his feelings to Taehyung.
Bad Boy, Good Lips | Jihope | Superheroes & Villains | College AU | Smut
Hoseok is a superhero’s sidekick. Jimin is a villain. They make it work.
Take What's Yours | Jikook | Pistilverse | Arranged Marriage | Smut | Angst
To secure his rightful place as next in line to the throne, Jimin must marry the neighboring kingdom’s youngest heir, Jungkook. Jimin is prepared for his kingdom’s invasive marriage traditions, including the need to prove that the marriage has been consummated. Unfortunately, Jungkook is not.
The Wind Speaks | Vmin | Mermaid/Siren | Yandere
Something’s living under the dock at the Kim family’s beach house.
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Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. It’s #NotThatDeepYall.
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading them and commenting on them tbh. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie). Request an AO3 account here. 
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jimpagne · 1 month
the worst thing v gets is being called a leech and attention seeker which is what tkkers had been calling jm FOR YEARS. while disliking v because of shippers is petty it’s incredibly interesting how many jikookers had been defending v in the last few weeks while it’s complete silence within tkkers, youll never catch any of them defend jm
That's because a lot of Jikookers don't need to falsify reality in order to represent a certain agenda. Jikookers can be the bigger person if they need to be.
As someone who is truthfully OT7, I don't sit here hoping that hate trains form around someone that I see to be a "threat" to my ship. If I'm being completely honest, I think trying to consume Are You Sure?! from purely a shipping point of view is entirely counterproductive and not a good way to enjoy content. I think it's fun to gush over certain moments, but if you're only parked outside Disney+ or whatever streaming you're allegedly pirating it from just to see your ship in action... you're opening yourself to form biases and bitter feelings toward things that might not be directly encompassed within your ship's boundaries.
This is why I made a call out post whenever certain jikookers resorted to bullying Taehyung whenever they saw that he was going to be a guest on the show. Though I already hear people coming, saying "Oh, but taekookers are bullying Jimin to hell and back, so why can't we?"
Well maybe you shouldn't because it shows that you have the representative IQ of a toad. So let me get this straight, people who are NOT Taehyung bully Jimin... your first course of action is to... bully Taehyung? I think reciprocal hate is incredibly stupid and unwarranted. If I'm going to shit on the behavior of taekookers, guess who I'm gonna take it out on? That's right, I'm going to take it out on taekookers -- not Kim Taehyung.
Taehyung is currently serving in the military, so I doubt he's logging onto Twitter or Tumblr or whatever to say nasty things about his BEST FRIEND. I think people tend to forget that Jimin and Taehyung are tied at the hip and have an entire song where they wax poetry about how much they care about one another...
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A lot of Taekookers live in another facet of reality, so in order to make half of their agenda true, Jungkook has to dislike Jimin, the company has to be forcing their fanservice, Jungkook's mother had to have been sent a script beforehand to ask about Jimin, Taehyung was lying about only seeing the trip details a few days before departure, Jungkook was holding Taehyung's waist in this screenshot (but don't look at the footage where it shows otherwise!), Jungkook only acts "cold" (if being humorously bratty is considered cold) toward him in certain scenes because the producers want Jikook to appear more real, HYBE has some joint contract with the South Korean military to put Jimin and Jungkook together in order to hide the real gay couple that is Taekook--
The more you dive into their rhetoric, the less it makes sense. Taekookers also argue with LITERAL KOREAN PEOPLE about translations in the show. Also it's super funny to see them shift from the narrative that she show is scripted to suddenly saying -- no, it's not scripted, to then saying this part is scripted, to then saying, no the whole thing is scripted again, to then saying, actually at this time stamp they went off the script and--
Fucking crazy.
I think what I noticed the most about a lot of taekooker's rhetoric is that in order for something to be true, they need to create a lie or insult the intelligence of both Taehyung and Jungkook.
So you're telling me that two grown men have to lie about who they're with and what they're doing in order to make your ship real? You're telling me that Jungkook and Taehyung are not intelligent enough to negotiate their contracts or what type of "fanservice" they have to engage with on the regular? You're telling me that Jungkook lied about who he saw on his birthday in order to protect Taehyung? You're telling me that after ten years of being in the same group, Jungkook is actually uncomfortable with Jimin but still decided to get a matching tattoo with him and all the other members? You're telling me that the homophobic country of South Korea is willing to hide a gay couple by endorsing a manufactured gay couple? In the military? Where gay people are famously treated well?
That's sarcasm, for anyone who might lack reading comprehension.
Taekookers are the literal embodiment of that one post where the person is like "source(s): trust me bro" because half of what they spit out makes no fucking sense and is actually insulting to Taehyung and Jungkook. Like y'all constantly insult their intelligence and their free will and make it seem like they're trapped behind bars and don't have enough money or power to negotiate what THEY want. I've even seen certain taekookers become Jungkook antis after Are You Sure?! came out because they think he's being mean to or bullying Taehyung.
God, the lights are on but nobody is home.
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