#tag (engl.)
lorenzlund · 5 months
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tabooiart · 2 years
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day in the life of a true brexit geeza. wake up and meet the wife rocky. my little princess isnt he bootiful. time to go to race 2. revvv up the engine wheyyyy
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konohamaru-sensei · 2 months
forgot I was tagged by @akamikazae until I saw @lemony-snickers's post about it. so the top 5 songs for me lately.
Tatsuya Kitani - プラネテス / Two drifters (if I don't scream sing the bridge I am probably dead)
AJR - Yes I'm a mess (i started listening to this because of sousei akabane and havent stopped in the last 3 months LOL I COULD HATE MY GUTS WHEN THE SUN COMES UP BUT I LIKE MYSELF LIKE THISS)
Tatsuya Kitani - 私か明日死ぬなら/ Promise me (i want to cry each time i listen to it, seriously he has the english translation on his youtube channel please watch it. the title in japanese is "if i died tomorrow")
Hozier - Talk (I'm in a mood)
Tatsuya Kitani - ずうっといっしょ!/ Always together XD (oh i have many feelings so many feelings. so many feelings. especially about the line 共に過ごした日々が (the days we spent together), ささやかな幸せが (the small happiness we shared), かけがえのないトラウマになってたらいいな (I hope they are becoming a precious trauma for you). UGH.)
also special mention of プランA of Dish because its so fun and I enjoy the elusive samurai this anime season.
tagging uh.. who hasnt been tagged? @moonamayillu @howdoesoneadult and @foolishk if she wants
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whimhaven · 2 years
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several weeks after meredith proposed to sable the couple threw a engagement party! the wedding planning had been going great and what better way to celebrate than with their family & friends of finchwick at the village pub.
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Something I saw today reminded me of a great interview Beth did
"We are Black Targaryens, which is huge, and is just so exciting. Just from a responsibility point of view, more than anything, it's so nice to have that, so that other people can watch the show and see themselves on screen."
House of the Dragon star Bethany Antonia teases season two (digitalspy.com)
So I am confused to see them called Baela and Rhaena Velaryon I saw today there is a tag for that name that doesn't exist. For fans to rename them and don't consider them included in their house to me is sad and I hope Beth doesn't see those comments though. They are Targaryens with a Velaryon mother not Velaryons they take their father's name like everyone else
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poetryphase · 1 year
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Part of the preview of Loki #2: The Liar
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theymadecatsgreen · 1 year
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i do <3
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Me every time Porter Engle does something badass:
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weepingfireflies · 2 years
Me, bleeding out and barely conscious: Fuck, I didn't proofread my essay
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Yellowknife residents have been ordered to begin evacuating the city immediately as wildfires approach, N.W.T. officials announced Wednesday evening. While the city is not in immediate danger, Environment Minister Shane Thompson said a "phased approach" to evacuating will allow citizens to get out safely by car or by plane. The evacuation order says residents should leave "according to risk." People living along Ingraham Trail, in Dettah, and the Kam Lake, Grace Lake and the Engle business district in Yellowknife are considered at highest risk and are urged to leave as soon as possible.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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german-enthusiast · 4 months
Auch ich bin
✨nicht ganz gesund im Kopf ✨
und heute wurde das mal wieder sehr deutlich...
Also in diesem Zusammenhang mal ein paar Vokabeln + Ausdrücke über mental health (accordingly: TW!)
Busfahren hat bei mir heute eine Panikattacke ausgelöst (caused) . Zwei Stunden lang ging es mir sehr schlecht, der restliche Tag war auch nicht leicht. Ich weiß ziemlich gut, was die Panikattacke getriggert hat: im Bus saßen zwei (sich fremde) Männer, die sehr laut und einschüchternd miteinander gestritten haben.
Ich habe eine Zwangsstörung (engl. OCD, obsessive-compulsive-disorder). Wegen dieser Zwangsstörung habe ich oft Zwangsgedanken (intrusive/obsessive thoughts), allerdings habe ich nicht wirklich Zwangshandlungen (engl. compulsions), die ich ausführe. Im Englischen heißt diese Art von OCD oft "pure-O" oder "purely obsessive".
Probleme mit meiner mentalen Gesundheit habe ich eigentlich schon immer, besonders aber seit 2015. Damals bin ich (mit 12 Jahren) in die Psychiatrie gekommen und mir wurde die Zwangsstörung diagnostiziert. Ich kam in die Psychiatrie, weil ich mehrere Wochen lang Suizidgedanken hatte, obwohl ich eigentlich nicht sterben wollte...
Für mich war die Psychiatrie aber nicht hilfreich. Ich habe mich nicht ernstgenommen gefühlt, weil ich auf der "Kinderstation" war (≤14 year olds) und mich auch sehr wie ein kleines Kind behandelt gefühlt habe. Meine Zwangsstörung haben sie wie einen kleinen Gnom/Gremlin/whatever beschrieben und so...
4 Wochen lang habe ich auf der Station gewohnt, war nur an Wochenenden zuhause. In der Klinik waren viele depressive Teenager und auch viele mit einer Essstörung (Anorexie, Bulimie,...)
Davor hatte ich nicht wirklich mit diesen Themen zu tun, aber plötzlich wurde nur noch über Depression und Essen gesprochen (wir waren halt alle kranke Teenager/Kinder, die den ganzen Tag nichts zu tun hatten). Ich hab viel von Selbstverletzung und gestörtem Essverhalten gehört, und überall waren Leute, die sich selbst hassten.
Als ich entlassen wurde, ging es mir viel schlechter und ich war ca. ein Jahr lang sehr depressiv und habe mich auch selbst verletzt (was ich vorher gar nicht als "Option" kannte ...). Ich war zwar weiterhin in Therapie, aber die hat überhaupt nicht geholfen (aber ich hatte auch keine guten Therapeut:innen...
Erst 2017 mit meinem Outing (#queer) fing ich an, mich besser zu fühlen. Die Zwangsstörung war in Phasen — mal da und mal weg. Letztes Jahr im Sommer wurde es wieder schlimmer und meine Therapeutin und ich haben beschlossen, nach 8(?) Jahren Zwangsstörung mal Medikamente auszuprobieren.
Seit Juli 2023 nehme ich Antidepressiva (plural). Im November musste ich mein Antidepressivum (sg.) absetzen (stop taking it), weil es nicht mehr lieferbar war. Im Januar 2024 habe ich ein anderes Antidepressivum angefangen, was sehr gut und ohne Nebenwirkungen geholfen hat!! Leider wirkt es in letzter Zeit nicht mehr so gut. Nächste Woche spreche ich bei meinem Therapietermin darüber, wie wir mir helfen können...
🌲End of personal info dumping🌲
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moyokeansimblr · 10 months
Get to know you: Sims Style
Well I was patiently waiting to be tagged but it's not happened yet and @isimchi "tagged" anyone who hasn't so that means me 😁
What’s your favorite Sims death?
I mean, I have to say drowning. I have many a memory of my childhood best friend and I batch creating like 100 sims with the sole purpose to drown and make haunted lots... Surely we all did that though, right?
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
These days I'm maxis match, and in particular my cc is 90-95% 4t2 stuff. Sometimes I miss non-clay hairs but not enough that I'd wanna switch back. I'm actually extremely happy with my game aesthetic at the moment. I see the appeal of alpha and I am alpha in sims 3 but I don't think I could go back to it in sims 2 anymore.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Not directly... occasionally I've dragged needs up so a sim will exercise longer when they want/need a body skill because when it's not fall the body skill takes FOREVER to gain. So then they'll end up exercising so long that they get fit where they might not otherwise have. That's as close as I'd get to cheating their weight though.
Do you move objects?
I mean, yes. I both move objects and moveobjects. 😉 (although I've had the cheat alias "mon/mof" (yes, one f) for ages I don't even remember the proper way to type the cheat.
Favorite Mod?
Hmm that's tough. Some staples I couldn't live without are sim blender, ACR, monique's hacked computers, all the no regen mods, the auto saver, gussy up, and for some reason smonaff's period mod is the mod I've had in my game longer than anything else I have now. Been using that since the 2000s. Is it necessary? Probably not. Is it annoying? Yes but periods are annoying irl too. Would I miss it if I didn't have it in my game? Greatly.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
My parents bought the sims 1 on release when I was 3, and then at some point shortly thereafter I ended up entirely hijacking my mom's computer. But while they did buy every pack on release as well, the earliest pack that I still have solid memories of playing is Vacation. Is that all it was called? I think non-US versions had a cooler name like On Holiday or something.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Ya know... I've never really thought about it until now but both. Sometimes I say LIVE and sometimes LIV. I don't know what goes on in my brain to decide which one I'm gonna say at any given point but I know for fact I say both.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I've had many favorite sims over the years, most long lost into the void. But one sim I think about a lot is one of my old ts3 sims Levi Engle. He was one of my first truly evil sims and really one of my last proper edgy sims as well and I've not had anyone quite like him since. This was like 2016 I think? I'm still waiting to have a sim like him again, in either 3 or 2. "Made" is not quite accurate, he was born. But he's one of my own, not a premade.
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Have you made a simself?
Oh have I.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Red. Specifically since I prefer 4t2 clay hairs in EA's colors these days the red that's swatch 9. This one.
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Favorite EA hair?
Hmmm... In ts2
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And in ts3
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Favorite life stage?
Young Adult, in all versions of the game. University is my favorite EP across the board.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Gameplay. Every so often I feel build-y, and I have made entire custom worlds in ts3 and hoods in ts2 where I've build everything myself but mostly I prefer to just use other people's or the game's builds and just enjoy playing.
Are you a CC creator?
I sometimes feel kind of weird using the word "creator" since all I do is convert stuff but yes. I share cc.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I don't know? I have some mutuals that I go like 😁 whenever I see in my notifs or messages from. But I don't really exactly talk to anybody.
Do you have any sims merch?
I've got a blanket with plumbbobs on it and my brother's girlfriend got me a sheet of ts4 stickers I've not used yet. Otherwise, do all the old discs and prima guides count? My discs are the most important things I own.
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Not really. I have a youtube channel that's a hodgepodge for both my eurovision ranking videos and the occasional sims thing. But I'm not a sims youtuber at all.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Oh boy, it has a lot. When I was a kid I destroyed pleasantview with fairy and mermaid cc from "UserDeb" on the Exchange and SapphireSims2 I think it was called? Mad emo cc and like households where it'd be two families living together so the teen girl and teen boy could secretly meet together in the dead of night in the bathroom. Back then lots of one-off totally unrelated families in an otherwise empty custom hood that I'd play for the duration of a random idea I had then drop. Then in the 2010s I had a long stint of this like making 8 YA girls and 8 YA boys and pairing them up and then graduate and marry and kid and then create 8 more YAs in CAS and repeat and that got like 15 generations once. I did that kind of not really playing but more just like breeding for years. Whereas whenever I'd stop playing 2 and play 3 instead I would "properly play" and have long ass legacies. I never touched the premade sims until I tried to play Pleasantview in 2020. I did have a few failed megahoods then. Now I am wants-based and I prefer to have as little control as possible over my sims. I could say a lot more here but I'm tired.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Talk about a hard question! For times sake I'm going to say @deedee-sims because when I deleted my 48+ GB folder of alpha CC to start anew maxis match-y the first new CC I had was everything of DeeDee's.
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite?
ts2 University. I just love it.
I don't know who has and hasn't done this since I feel like I'm late as I never got the tag. But since I really wanted to do it, I'm sure someone else who hasn't been tagged wants to too. So if you've not done it, go for it!!
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rhythmloid · 7 months
Top 5 shows of all time
(Tagged by @ultravioletrayz tysmmmmmm I’m not a show girlie so it was a little tough)
1. Over the Garden Wall
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2. Moonknight
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3. Space Dandy
(watch engl dub plsss)
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4. Lucky Star
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5. Madoka Magica
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Tagging: @isometricmoss @pinkdemidevil @cyanosauce @miguelbaby @blightedhamster @plasticsweets (and any other mutuals I forgot to tag 🩷)
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knightofhylia · 10 months
This month's spread is...
Shadow Self Message - 3 Cards
Something you have been ignoring
How this impacts your life
How to acknowledge it
This month's deck is...
Mausolea Oracle of Souls
The famous illustrator Jason Engle opens the door to a dark and fantastic world: Mausolea, the land of the dead, buried in the eternal ancientness of a supernatural world. 
Through the profound and ominous images of this oracle we can tap into the wisdom of those who have crossed the threshold of the darkness that separates life and death.
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This deck is my main spirit guide Lamiya :) She was previously in the Legend of Tarot for a few years, then she was in the St. Petersburg Tarot deck, and is now in this deck! She chose this beacuse of her close relationship with death, angels, and deities. There are a few different pantheons represented here (Don't Worry there's still Abraham Lincoln). I'm going to double check what the book claims about these deities before the interpretation lol. She doesn't play around so be ready for the harsh but loving truth <3
Unsure about getting a reading from me? Check out my reviews! Past readings tag
Send a goat emoji to my ask box 🐐! If on anon I would appreciate any info you provide ( something like initials/zodiac sign/etc etc) will help me discern the asks from each other <]:^)! Feel free to request a reading every slot opening!
I will reply with your reading. If you want it private, add an * somewhere in the ask! I cannot do anon messages private, sorry you put on blast for the whole blogs to see.
I WILL CLOSE THE ASK BOX AFTER 3+ READINGS. It will reopen after I catch up. Turn around will be delayed due to the holidays :/
Can't wait? Check out my partners free reading slots! He is using Buffy the Vampire slayer tarot!
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m-twst-ocs · 11 months
Calling all NRC Freshmen! Come learn Etiquette and brush arms at a fancy party in the Briar Valley
See Ezekiel von Engles in Savannaclaw for details
Ezekiel, much to his... severe dismay has received a letter from his father. Even worse, it has to do with duke-related things. He is to be expected to attend a soiree in the Briar Valley, or else he will be passed up in favor for his sister as the duke.
Normally, Ezekiel wouldn't give too shits about what his father says and going to a social event with other stuck up royals sounds like hell to him, however, at the prospect of being passed up be begrudgingly agrees. What's more, he's allowed to take classmates along with him! How fun!
Now he can show his father that when you get into a pissing contest with Ezekiel von Engels, it will most certainly be a losing battle.
Formal attire will be provided.
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 (possibly more to be added)
If you wish to join with your student of choice, then you can do the following
Draw your character in formal attire
Draw a card with your character (I'll make a card bg soon)
Write your character as they go through a bit of etiquette training!
The canon characters that are joinging along are Vil, Mal, Sebek, Lilia, Jack, and Deuce
And as for ny characters, there's Malika, Pamela, Timothy, and Araiguma
Abd the tag to see your creation is #the devil wears the girl's uniform
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Tagged by @all-seeing-ifer to do this poll of my 10 favorite fictional women! Trying to think of which ones are my favorite at the moment...
And tagging @suffocating-sound @the-genderfluid-antichrist @aubster249 @my-ancient-marss @bobigleux and anyone else who wants to partake!
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