#tagging both games cause uhh idk i wanted to lol
shooks-stupid-stuff · 9 months
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ciel is so cool, i wish christianity was real
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mc-tummy-blur · 1 year
Ask Game to Get to Know You
I was tagged by @deathishauntedbyhumans a fat bit ago, so imma do it now, lol
What book are you currently reading?
I guess technically I'm reading The Qur'an for an English class that looks at Biblical texts as literature. Pretty interesting so far.
What's your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
Uhh, gotta be Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, but I feel like once I see John Wick Chapter 4, it could replace that. I've been dying to see it.
What do you usually wear?
Uh, idk I gues like comfortable clothes that I can lounge around in??? Clothes that maybe say Gender tm idk
How tall are you?
5'4. 5'4 and a half of a good day.
What's your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Aquarius. I mean, it's on Valentine's Day, so.
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
In public, I go by my birth name, and in private, I go by my chosen name. Honestly, I guess either one isn't so bad to be called, but I think one day I would like to be called by my chosen name in public.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Nope, and I'm very thankful I never did. I don't care what benefits the military or being a cop has. I'm not doing either, lmao
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
I'm not, and I dont think I have one? It's more like it would be nice to be in a relationship in general, but I'm also not thinking too hard about it rn.
What's something you're good at vs. something you are bad at?
Good at drawing, bad at math.
Dogs or cats?
Both cause I got both.
What's something you would like to create stuff for?
I'd really like to do my own video essays one day on things that I like/things that are important to me. And, also I would like to film a project one day. Also, highkey, my brother, sister, and I joke that we should be writers in like any company we grew up with (Lucasfilms, TellTale Games). Hire us, you cowards, lmao. If not, we'd just start a podcast talking about how something should be written, lmao
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
Haven't written much this year, but I think my favorite art piece that I haven't shared on here was a drawing I did last night of Ruby Rose from RWBY, then seeing an old pic I did of her in 2017. Maybe I'll post the two at some point cause I like to show the growth I had.
What's something you're currently obsessed with?
The Persona games. Currently playing three and four. I'll find out a way to check out the first two games.
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Can't think of anything at the moment
What's a hidden talent of yours?
The talent is so hidden that I haven't even figured it out yet lmao. Though maybe it's writing angst, I found out that I'm pretty good at that.
Are you religious?
I think at the end of the day, yeah, I am. But it's not extreme.
What's something you wish to have at this moment?
Not sure how I should answer this question since I'm interpreting it in multiple ways. Uh, I guess maybe like a chest binder? Or some like hot wings idk
I'll tag @sampoststuff @sharkmobster @indigomuunz @youraveragedeltafan, but honestly, anyone can do this
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alelelesimz · 3 years
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izzy's dag-dag the artist... tag
Show us a rendition of yourself in your own art! Can be anything! Sims render? Random stick figure? Picrew? Go nuts! (Just be sure to tag the artist if you use someone else's picrew!!!!) Tag the blogs you want to know, and don't be a dick that's it! Also, feel free to answer as vague or in-depth as you want. And if you don't want to answer a question for any reason just don't vibe with it! Skip it if you wanna! Also make sure you tag me and use #dagdagtheartisttag so I can see it!!!!!!!!
thanks for tagging me @almost-spring!!!
1.) Do you prefer to be referred to by your name or blog name?
they’re the same lmao
2.) Where are you from?
venezuela!! i live in spain tho
3.) Do you have pets? 👀
no i WISH but i don’t have the time to properly take care of a pet
4.) Tell us about your "dream".
i just wanna have a job that doesn’t completely feel like a drag and enough money to not worry too much honestly lol
5.) Aside from art, what are your hobbies?
videogames, sleep.. that’s it i don’t have much more time 
6. )Does anyone irl know about your blog?
nah. however almost everyone in my life knows i play the sims for some reason
7.)Do you know anyone from your blog irl?
no but that’d be nice!
8.) What are some fun facts about you?
 I DONT KNOW ive been thinking about this and jesus christ
9.) What's your day job?
waitress 🙃
10.) Do you have a celebrity look alike?
no one that i’m aware
11.) What's your aesthetic?
grown up emo with oversized clothes only. i’ve been told i dress like a video game character or “kinda punk” which are both correct
12.) What kind of artist are you?
the one that doesn’t do as much art as they should
13.) How did you get into your form of art?
if we’re talking editing in general i started messing around with photoshop when i was 13 i think, but just sims edits idk i just stumbled upon simblr while looking for cc and realized people were doing cool stuff on here so i started doing the same
14.) What do you watch/listen/read/anything else while you create?
sometimes music, but most of the time either podcasts or whatever is on my watch later playlist on youtube
15.) What is your favorite of your own creations so far? 
i think this one and this one turned out really nice
16.) How would you describe your art style?
eclectic?? i just do whatever haha
17.) What is more satisfying to you coloring or outlining? 
18.) What meme would you use to describe yourself?
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everyone i know irl has send me every miyazaki meme cause they know how much i relate
19.) What character from any media form do you most identify with?
every time i see a question like this i can only think of bojack horseman which is a TERRIBLE thing but it is what it is!!
20.) If you were on the run, what would you change your name to?
uhh just anything that is not in spanish i guess
21.) Have you ever or do you want to change blog names?
yea my blog name sucks lmao
22.) God forbid Tumblr decides to pull a MySpace and lets us have page songs, what song would you choose? 
none ugh
23.) Oh yeah, I'm still on the MySpace train and I'm starting discourse! Who's your top 8?
idk? the mutuals i actually interact with 
24.) Did you understand those references or did you have to look them up? (I'm fully away I'm ancient, but are you?)
25.) One last question; why are you like that?
good fucking question!!
Dag dag?
Now tag tag!!!
i’ll tag @aniraklova @ladykendalsims @void-imp @madeofcc @hufflepuff-sim​ and uhh whoever wants to do it :p (also feel free to ignore it!)
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lilypixels · 3 years
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Izzy’s Dag-Dag The Artist… Tag
By @morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy
~ Rules ~
Show us a rendition of yourself in your own art! Can be anything! Sims render? Random stick figure? Picrew? Go nuts! (Just be sure to tag the artist if you use someone else’s picrew!!!!) Tag the blogs you want to know, and don’t be a dick that’s it! Also, feel free to answer as vague or in-depth as you want. And if you don’t want to answer a question for any reason just don’t vibe with it! Skip it if you wanna! Also make sure you tag me and use #dagdagtheartisttag so I can see it!!!!!!!!
This is a bit long so i’m just gonna...
1.) Do you prefer to be referred to by your name or blog name? Both are fine! I don’t care much about what people refer to me as in general and have had someone on here call me lily once
2.) Where are you from? I won’t say exact, but I live in the middle of USA (I can’t wait to move-)
3.) Do you have pets? 👀 Yes! 3 dogs and 2 cats, tho only one cat is truly “mine”
4.) Tell us about your “dream”. uhh like where I want to be in life? what I want to do? um I’m still working on the exact job title, but I wish to do research at a natural history/science museum (sorta like archives or collections manager, but neither of those are quite right i think). Otherwise, I just hope to adopt and even foster kids cause my life would not be complete without little ones :3 (spouse/partner optional lol) 
5.) Aside from art, what are your hobbies? Randomly researching things that grasp my attention, games...lots of games, reading, watching tv, coloring (wait does that count as art-), uhhh spacing out
6. )Does anyone irl know about your blog? yeah, but mostly just know about, not like see my posts i guess
7.)Do you know anyone from your blog irl? not outside of just chatting on discord
8.) What are some fun facts about you? I’ve had some poems published before (it was with entering a poetry contest), I have surprisingly good balance, my brain is not properly awake/functioning until 10am which has led to me almost using soap as toothpaste a few times too many, I have a birthmark on my finger (bonus: it sorta changes color/how noticeable it is depending on how hot or cold I am lol, i call it a mini thermometer cause of this), apparently Lion King was my Disney movie obsession as a kid...oh and I have a certificate in cryptozoology lolz
9.) What’s your day job? i work as a private nanny/glorified babysitter (i don’t live with them or drive but work regular hours through week and as needed; even join the occasional vacation with them)
10.) Do you have a celebrity look alike? i don’t think so; a girl in high school once said I look like Cameron Diaz tho-
11.) What’s your aesthetic? for my blog I think it’s becoming like dark academia meets cottage core?? idk for myself...who knows
12.) What kind of artist are you? the tired kind lol
13.) How did you get into your form of art? if we’re looking at sims, uhhh well I just happened to learn about cc one day, then happened upon simblr, saw edits, and thought I’d give a try cause I can’t draw but I need a creative outlet so this worked for me
14.) What do you watch/listen/read/anything else while you create? if I do anything, its listen to music; music is generally random based on what I feel like but more recently its been 2d anime groups (idolish7, hypnosis mic, etc)
15.) What is your favorite of your own creations so far?  lets see...this, this, and this edit wise I think
16.) How would you describe your art style? idk chaos
17.) What is more satisfying to you coloring or outlining? coloring, I like coloring 
18.) What meme would you use to describe yourself?
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19.) What character from any media form do you most identify with? oh gosh uhhhh there’s a few but I’ll say Iori and Sogo from Idolish7 since they come to mind first lol. Iori is a fellow aquarius who hides his interests and agonizes over past slipups even a year later, others have legit moved on but he’s still stuck on it (that was true moment I was like “omg you are aquarius” lol cause yeah meee). Sogo i heavily relate to as well cause he’s,,,very nice and hides his own feelings, putting others before himself (but when right buttons get pushed, he can be scary lol) so yeah, those two
20.) If you were on the run, what would you change your name to? I’ve never thought of this...no clue
21.) Have you ever or do you want to change blog names? I have changed names, yes; I used to be silverine-sims but after a time i didn’t ~vibe~ with it
22.) God forbid Tumblr decides to pull a MySpace and lets us have page songs, what song would you choose?  page songs like adding playlist to blog? i mean its possible already with bit of coding and I used to have one set up but uh one song huh? gosh um I guess Twisted Hearts by tasuku hatanaka; it was op for Moriarty the Patriot s2 and I’m pretty obsessed with it rn 
23.) Oh yeah, I’m still on the MySpace train and I’m starting discourse! Who’s your top 8? my brain refuses to think and rank; i have trouble with choices and that extends to favorites,,
24.) Did you understand those references or did you have to look them up? (I’m fully aware I’m ancient, but are you?) i know of myspace but otherwise i have no clue what all it entailed
25.) One last question; why are you like that? I grew up watching Secret Saturdays, He-Man, Teen Titans, Danny Phantom, and Spongebob idk what to tell ya ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dag dag?
Now tag tag!!!
I know not all of you will do this or was tagged by izzy already but I’m tagging everyone I can think of anyway-
@cyansimblr @neriney @lunchsims @waysims @klayde @sinfulwunders @void-imp @ladykendalsims @lazysunjade @almost-spring @smolteabirb @lunaziie @clumsyghostie​ and uh uh anyone else cause its too early and my brain just quit
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carpisuns · 4 years
30 questions about me
thx for the tag @anna-scribbles 💜
name: maryssa (u can call me that or mar, either is fine)
gender: cis female
star sign: capricorn
height: 5′8
time: 1 PMish
birthday: Jan 6 (i just turned 26...rip lol)
fav band/group: hmm uhh the beatles and maybe sylvan esso 
fav solo artists: sleeping at last, banners, yoke lore, borns, taylor swift (this is recent...i really vibe w her two newest albums lol. shoutout to @sha-nwa​ and @anna-scribbles​ for getting me back on the taylor train after like a decade wow lol)
last movie: the duff
last show: the mindy project
when i created this blog: i think it was september 2019?
what do i post: uhhh a bunch of clownery i guess lol. i do art and fic and meta sometimes but mostly i just have a very strong reblog game
last thing i googled: me want bite. to get the link haha
other blogs: @carpisuns is my art blog, @drinkcactusjuice is my atla blog, and technically @totographszine is another one of my blogs bc i’m a mod of the zine
do i get asks: sometimes but i am not always the best about answering,,,sorry 😅 if you have ever sent an art request i probably intended to try it out and then forgot lol
why this url: it’s just an uglier clunkier version of marichat alsdkjf
following: 806
followers: 4040
average amount of sleep: ha. idk maybe 5 hours. i’m a huge night owl and i’m also filled with Regret 😭
lucky number: dont have one but i like numbers that end in 5 or 0
instruments: i used to play be decent-ish at piano in high school but then my teacher moved away and i havent had access to a piano in like 8 years BUT i got a keyboard recently and i just bought some music books online 😤
what im wearing: tshirt and leggings. chill vibes only
dream job: im the copyeditor of a kids’ magazine for my church and that’s pretty much my dream job!
dream trip: sry im such a basic binch i just rly like walt disney world and i want to ride the haunted mansion 1000 times :/ but also europe sounds cool maybe like the UK and italy and spain
fav food: caprisun
nationality: american
fav songs: this changes a lot lol but currently electric love by borns, no one knows us by banners, and like most of the songs from tswift’s newest albums lol. happiness and gold rush are probably my top two.
last book: does fanfic count LKDJFSJKLDFD
top 3 fictional universes i’d love to live in: 1. star trek cause it’s the same except money doesn’t exist and everyone has a replicator u can make whatever you want with and also holodecks exist 2. harry potter i guess? cause magic is dope but also i’d probably just be a muggle so it would be the same lol or if i were a witch i’d be mad that ppl were still using quills for no reason 3. i cant think of anything else cause either there are no toilets or there is a fascist dictator in charge or both
tagging: @botherkupo, @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights​, @bugaboo-n-bananoir, @emsylcatac​, @landturtlealyce, @jarl-deathwolf​, @leviaana​ (if u want) and anyone else who feels like it :)
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rawrroarart · 4 years
Diakko!Odyssey AU
Most recent update: 8/28/2020 I added the comic of them meeting and also wrote a little snippet under the Diakko section
Welcome all. This post will officially be my master post of the Odyssey AU which will be updated as time moves forward so that I can link all of my related art to it. Yes I will not be posting multiple separate Updates in text posts how it’s traditionally done, but instead there will be information with each art and then a link back to this post. This is to avoid clutter since I hardly post on this blog anyway so it wouldn’t be fun having to scroll through all of my “OH ALSO THIS HAPPENS!” to get to art. Also I keep changing my mind on a lot of things in the AU so disregard information under the arts anyway as I will be posting here what is actually relevant.
Another key thing: I will be avoiding spoilers as much as possible until they are either shown in art or stated explicitly like I do in posts because I am the absolute worst at surprises. But anyway fear not for spoilers. Things said here are things that should be hinted at/known already. (and also I hardly know anything but maybe I will in due time)
Without further ado..
What is the Odyssey AU?
The odyssey au is an alternative universe combining both Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey and Little Witch Academia into this (very random) adventuring story that takes place in ancient Greece. I guess I can’t say that it’s random since one of my favorite things about both ACO and LWA is the ties/references to mythology with the former obviously more rooted in the mythology and the latter just fun easter egg references. 
The general premise is that Diana is a misthios(mercenary) who travels with Akko, a shapeshifter, across Greece to find the answers pertaining to her origin.
The first art post: Diana and Akkoros
While living her life as a misthios, Diana searches for the answers pertaining to her origin and superhuman (described as “magical”) abilities along with Shapeshifter Atsuko, who commonly uses her powers for flight, but is not shy to switch to animals more suited for combat.
But I don’t know what Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey is?
That’s fair and understandable. Honestly my AU diverges a lot from the game so I don’t think knowledge of ACO is exactly necessary it’s just fun to understand the connections if you know them. Basically the key things you need to know from ACO as of now is: 
Kassandra (the protag) is known as the Eagle Bearer because she has an eagle that is known as the “eagle of Zeus” throughout the game. And they adventure together and Ikaros (the eagle) can hunt n kill things and See things and tbh he’s rly just a cool eagle but not a shapeshifter or anything lol
Kassandra is a Mercenary (misthios) which is basically a for Hire fighter/person who will p much do anything for money (if they want to do it) 
Kassandra is usually referred to a demi-god because of her powerful fighting abilities in which I mean yea she literally has powers and can blast people like a billion miles away (im jk but-)
Kassandra can tame animals (which ones depending on your skill level). You can tame uhh wolves, lynx, leopards, lions, bears. This is where my ‘shapeshifter’ idea began and it pretty much fit perfectly since Akko’s favorite spell is the shapeshifting one. 
Other than this, the most important things to know for this AU is just,, general mythology,, I guess? Or history? General history of mythology and how people worshipped/acted in accordance to the gods. And I’m not saying im going to be historically accurate obviously, nor even mythologically accurate (if that’s even a thing lol), I’m just here to have a good time and enjoy my gay mercenaries while talking about gods/goddesses as if I even know (thankfully I have my gf who is way more interested in mythology than me to help me)
I’ve only played like half of the Atlantis DLC after beating the game so whoopsie. I honestly really wanna replay everything now that I have this AU just so I can focus more on details and what I can yoink.
Diana’s sketch-dump though she really needs a new one.
Diana in wheat field
Diana is the main protagonist of the story, but they pretty much both share the spotlight anyway. Her goal is to find out why she has certain powers (which I have officially decided, finally...) that aren’t exactly human. Since being a misthios was an easy way for her to travel and make drachmae, she chooses to do it while on their journey. Dammit I came up with her lore but as per the rules of this masterpost I can’t write about it until it’s out smh.. Ah I forgot that I already spilled that she is a goddess/demi-goddess (haven’t decided which yet) so yea that’s the Tea.
Described as very beautiful, there are rumors of her that state she is a pathway to Elysium (despite many people not deserving to go to Elysium). She is also known for her stoic face and a red bird that follows her around.
Diana is only found smiling with Akko and keeps buying Akko clothes despite her outer grievances each time Akko destroys something.
Diana was there with her mother at Chariot’s speech/performance.
Diana is skilled with any weapon.
Akko sketch-dump
Akko is a shapeshifter who travels with Diana across Greece in search for her idolized Chariot. Trusting both Diana’s skills and powers, Akko decides that Diana is the best choice to help achieve her goal as they adventure together.
Orphaned at a young age, Akko is, at first, very unfamiliar with how exactly to use her powers because there was no one around to teach her. She uses a bird most often because it is her first and most skilled transformation, but eventually learns to use stronger animals over time. Also eagle-vision is much more useful to Diana when they’re scoping the grounds anyway.
Like all shapeshifters, Akko has a symbol on her neck that signifies what she is. Due to the high prejudice against shapeshifters, Akko stays an animal to avoid being known, and also does not transform in front of others unless to kill them. If she has to be a human, Akko commonly wears a hood to hide her neck. 
Akko is one of the last shapeshifters to exist, and, despite Chariot being rumored to have finally been murdered, she still believes Chariot is alive. 
Akko was with her parents when they all attended Chariot’s final speech/show and here began her dream.
Akko can use a dagger if she needs to.
Akko’s Parents: Shapeshifters who were murdered when Akko was a young age.
Chariot: A shapeshifter who somehow had a voice and power that even normal people listened to. Akko idolizes Chariot because, despite the hate against shapeshifters, Chariot was well known and was an activist for shapeshifters despite the danger upon her head. Chariot mysteriously disappears one day for reasons unknown, and everyone but Akko assumes she was finally murdered.
Shapeshifters are defined as humans who possess the ability to transform to any animal at will. Unfortunately, because animals were seen as less than human, shapeshifters were defined as “punished by the gods” and so many decided shapeshifters needed to be removed from the world for sin. This causes a massacre of shapeshifters to the point that they are instead a rarity.
Shapeshifters do not transform with their clothes, and so either destroy them or lose them depending on their transformation.
All shapeshifters have a symbol on their neck which is what is used to find them. They can also be found by their human personalities/characteristics when they are an animal. 
If weakened, shapeshifters return to their human form and cannot transform until they are stronger.
Meeting (Comes with a 500 word story!)
Misthios!Diana and Shapeshifter!Akko Sketch-dump
Diana and Bear!Akko
Fancy Diakko (the first continuity error lol)
Diana and Akko adventure together and do all of their quests together as a rag-tag chaotic duo. God I’m so excited for this section I wish I could make art FASTER but anyway:
They meet at about 17 years old but the main story takes place when they are 18+
The two get off to a wrong start when Diana saves Akko’s life. Because Akko is a shapeshifter, she’s high in value to kill probably by some cult idk but there is always a bounty on her head. When Diana saves her, Akko assumes Diana only did so to steal the drachmae from the original perpetrators, but Diana really just leaves her alone afterwards. Confused, Akko legit just starts tagging along LMAO she finds Diana interesting and so follows her and Diana’s just like what the fuck but eventually she gets over it. They become powerful assets to each other as Diana can now scope the skies with Akko and Akko is pretty much protected under Diana. Then when Akko gets much stronger Diana gets extra manpower and protection too. 
Akko enjoys staying in her human form to spend time with Diana.
Diana keeps buying Akko clothes just because it makes Akko happy (and also, despite Akko uncaring because her transformations are so frequent anyway, Diana doesn’t want her to be naked??)
Diana is easily persuaded by Akko and puts Akko’s interests first (feeds her first, considers what Akko would want, etc.)
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dezmondmyles · 4 years
haha ok i got tagged by @taruyison ilu <3
alright cool lets do this
Would You Rather - Fanfic Version
Do you prefer friends to lovers or enemies to lovers? Aw man, do I gotta choose? I really love both, but there’s something a little more mmm, intimate, about enemies to lovers.
Would you rather be forced to watch a terrible movie adaptation of your favorite fanfic or an amazing adaptation of your least favorite fanfic? "terrible” and “amazing” are very subjective, and I love trashy movies/games that are fun to watch/play so that’s kinda my attitude with fanfics haha.
Would you rather read fanfic chapters backwards or read them as parsed from google translate? Backwards? I guess? If I have to translates a fic, uhh, I just Don’t lmao.
Would you rather consume every fanfic as an audiobook read by a monotone narrator or have to read on a tiny printed piece of papers written in yellow highlighter? If I had to choose, probably the audiobook. My eyes have trouble reading black text on white background sometimes as it is.
Would you rather get a tattoo on your body of every fanfic title you read or never read fanfic again? Never read fanfic again ahahaha. I’ve read some trashy fanfic just based on the equally dubious title before.
Do you prefer vampire au or werewolf au? If you know anything about me as a person.... Well you know that answer. And if you don’t, it’s uh, werewolf.  
Would you rather get sold to a boy band or be stuck in a time loop with your love interest? Time loop I guess? I never listened to 1D.
Would you rather kill your favorite character or marry your least favorite character? What if my favorite character is already dead?? Also what’s stopping me from marrying my least, killing them, and cashing out on the life insurance??
Would you rather meet your love interest in a coffee shop au or college au? My big brain take is to combine both- The local coffee shop near campus. Boom.
Would you rather have your fic history leaked or never read another fanfic again? Again, I’ll just never read again lmaaaao.
Would you rather be able to read amazing fanfiction but it always has an mpreg plot twist or only read bad fanfiction for the rest of your life? I uh, wrote?? Some of the mpreg in a reasonable semi-thought out fashion?? Also I’ve already spent most of my reading subjectively bad fanfic so like, idk.
Would you rather gay ships or straight ships? I can do both?? Also are we talking gay-gay ships or “these two are in a samesies relationship but theyre bi” ship? cause i can do that too.
Would you rather ship a rarepair with almost no content or a pair with lots of content but almost all of it is cracky nightmare smut? Honey I’m already in rarepair hell don’t even talk to me lmfao.
Would you rather see your otp shatter years after their happily ever after or never have the happily ever after happen in the first place? I mean, both is already like, the Thing with them anyway lmfao. I fuck hard with bittersweet endings all the same.
Would you rather read a poorly written but complete fanfic or a literary masterpiece last updated june 2013? I mean I do both. The former esp if the content is compelling enough for me to continue reading just to see how much more terrible it can get.
Would you rather read SSSS++++ tier smut with almost 11k words or 70k words worth of fluff? I can do both, the fluff will probably make me cry though in the end lmao you don’t get that many words of fluff without something sad in there
Would you rather read only alternate universe fanfics or only canon fanfics? My bread and butter is AU by virtue of being a crossover shipper. No matter how close to canon I get with either, it’s still ultimately AU. Plus, canon is dumb af anyway for both so i’m doing everyone a favor lmao.
Would you rather introduce fanfics to your normie friend with an ongoing smut fic with great writing or a complete fluff fic with terrible writing? Depends on the normie. I have non-fandom friends who enjoy writing and reading as much as I do, and I feel like that a well written smut and fluff fic would be more compelling to them, if not just to analyze the characters.
Would you rather read your notp with all your favorite tropes and perfect characterization or your otp with tropes you despise and inconsistent characterization? I think I’d pick the notp honestly. Listen, anything can become an otp with the right convincing in my book. Though, for most of my notps, they employ a lot of similar annoying tropes I hate seeing in most of my otps so like, can’t win them all.
Would you rather have a major character death or have a bed sharing scene but it’s a ship you hate? Major Character Death in the bed they were sharing.
Would you rather every fanfic includes Jackson Wang or every fanfic includes at least one nsfw moment? dunno who that is so I guess one nsfw moment it is.
Would you rather read a fanfic that has constant grammar and spelling mistakes or one that the characters are wildly different than canon? Have you read any of my fics I’m the worst speller/grammarererrr ever. However, I can take “wildly different” to a certain point in the case of many AUs where you kinda have to fudge things a little for the sake of your setting.
Would you rather read the most absolutely messed up dead dove with your most wholesome ship or subject yourself to 100,000 words of your notp all written in a solid block with no punctuation and horrible grammar? Dead Dove, no contest.
Would you rather have the power to read every fanfic in existence or have the power to make any ship canon? Any ship canon. I literally have no interest in read every single fanfic ever.
Would you rather read a cringy 70 chapter harry styles mafia au or a high school kpop au y/n fic with horrible grammar? At least I know who Harry Styles is lmfao.
Would you rather have your otp get together in canon but one of them dies in a tragic way or all members of your otp survive but get together with other people? They’re already dead in their respective canons so it can’t get worse from here right?
Would you rather accidentally send your boss a super detailed smut fic or read a super detailed smut fic about your boss? I think the latter because I would rather I lose respect for my boss than the other way around lol.
Would you rather read smut fanfic aloud to your parents or submit smut fanfic to the employer of your dream job? Like taru asked, what is the context. I think the latter though if it was allowed and it’s explicitly what they wanted.
Would you rather pine after an oblivious love interest or be the oblivious love interest pined after? I’m both irl (probably lmao)
Would you rather hanahaki disease or your soulmate’s first words to you tattooed on your body (and they’re really stupid)? I had to look up what hanahaki was lol, so I guess soulmate’s first words. And I mean, how much more stupid would mine be anyway?
Would you rather be an alpha, beta, or omega in omegaverse? None, I hate omegaverse with a passion. You can’t dress it up in any form possible to make me enjoy it. Idc what character(s) is/are in it, it bugs the fuck out of me.
Would you rather read a fanfic where the characters turn into furries or a fanfic where the characters all get pregnant? I mean, out of morbid curiosity, I’d wanna read both?? I’d hate it but I’d attempt to read it at least once?
Would you rather be able to resurrect dead fics or have the power to create a plethora of new fics effortlessly? New fics, so long as they’re getting completed on top of that ahaha.
whoo, that was fun! it’s been a while since i’ve done one of these memes. thanks for the tag, taru!
ok so i guess i’ll tag in return: @cooldadmondmiles @theladyisapirate and @seventhstrife
have fun friendos!
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logangarfield · 4 years
i was tagged by @mollyweasly (thank you!! 💗💗 ) to answer the following 73 questions!
answers are under the cut x
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? like a 5, nothing’s really going on and I still can’t leave my house so lol and it keeps snowing, please make it stop
describe yourself in a hashtag? #shithappens
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? Tom Holland obviously lol
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? What’s a marquee?
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? My growth was stunted when I was 9 due to an ovarian cyst I ended up having surgery to remove
what’s your wake up ritual? Immediately take my birth control (I wake up at 11 and that’s the time I stupidly picked to take it), text my boyfriend back, get up for some food and a pop, go back to my room and turn on something (usually a show that recorded the night before)
what’s your go to bed ritual? Turn on F Is For Family or The Simpsons and watch a few episodes of that. If it’s F Is For Family, we normally switch to the Simpsons to fall asleep to. If we already have The Simpsons on, we just watch until we fall asleep or until my boyfriend falls asleep and I turn on a Disney movie to sleep to lol
what’s your favorite time of day? Night
your go to for having a good laugh? New Girl probably
dream country to visit? England
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? My mom bought me House Party Tour (2013) floor tickets and then let ditch school to drive to Bloomington for the concert and I got to take a friend because she was also a good student so her mom let her ditch, too lol
heels or flats/sneakers? Sneakers, I am always wearing either my black and white Nikes, black and white Vans, Spider-Man vans, or pink Vans
vintage or new? Both
who do you want to write your obituary? Idk
style icon? Dove Cameron??
what are three things you cannot live without? Internet, food, loved ones
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? I mean, it depends on the dish but I season things so herbs?? I do make a lot of things that have garlic or cream cheese though and I will dip almost anything in ketchup
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? Tom Holland, Gordan Ramsey (I want him to tell me how to be better, y’all), Brie Larson
what’s your biggest fear in life? Spiders but also like looking out the window at night and seeing a face (y’all remember when I had someone creeping around my house at night? Yeah, still happening)
window or aisle seat? Aisle
what’s your current tv obsession? Teen Wolf?? Again lol
favorite app? Instagram or duolingo
secret talent? I mean, I’m really good at beer pong for someone who doesn’t even drink or participate in party games
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? Probably walked around the caves in not great conditions and then into woods while a murderer escaped prison and was on the loose (we didn’t KNOW there was a murderer on the loose cause the cops that stopped us............................didn’t tell us????? but ya know)
how would you define yourself in three words? sarcastic, nice, introvert
favorite piece of clothing you own? Either my blue Midtown hoodie, black Nike joggers my boyfriend bought me, or my Fabletics leggings those things are comfy af
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? Leather jacket
a superpower you would want? ability to manipulate matter as long there’s no limitations if there are limitations then control of the elements
what’s inspiring you in life right now? uhh nothing really lol
best piece of advice you’ve received? idk
best advice you’d give your teenage self? Boys ain’t shit, you’re bi, please stop giving people 20 chances and the drama is not worth it. Just have fun and not be so anxious about everything
a book everyone should read? The Maze Runner series (at least the original trilogy)
what would you like to be remembered for? being a nice, good person
how do you define beauty? Beauty is physical and everyone sees it differently but there’s also internal beauty which imo tops physical beauty. If you’re a bad person, it doesn’t how you look physically because your physical beauty drops. inner beauty is the beauty that matters 
what do you love most about your body? My eyes
best way to take a rest/decompress? self-care! do whatever makes you happy!!
favorite place to view art? The internet I guess I wanna go to an art museum though??
if your life was a song, what would the title be? Untitled
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? Saxophone or the drums, I played clarinet growing up and ah, I should have picked sax or percussion lol
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? I mean, I have 2 already (one across my chest and the other on my shoulder blade) but I think the next one will either be above the crease of my elbow or across my inner bicep
dolphins or koalas? Dolphins
what’s your spirit animal? The last time I took a quiz, it told me a fox lol
best gift you’ve ever received? Either my sapphire necklace my grandpa got me for my sweet sixteen or the necklace my boyfriend got me for Christmas 
best gift you’ve given? I got my mom this brownie pan that makes them all edge pieces and she was shook because she told me almost a year prior that she wanted it and I remembered since Feb. that she wanted it and she got it for Christmas. She was very excited. Also, I got to get her a reusable pastry bag and tips for her birthday this year and she was very very excited
what’s your favorite board game? game of life or cards against humanity
what’s your favorite color? Sapphire blue
least favorite color? brown
diamond or pearls? diamonds
drugstore makeup or designer? bit of both
blow-dry or air-dry? both, weather depending and laziness depending
pilates or yoga? yoga
coffee or tea? coffee I hate tea
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? onomatopoeia
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? milk chocolate
stairs or elevators? stairs
summer or winter? summer
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? probably popcorn, I worked at a movie theater and still ate popcorn every day
a dessert you don’t like? Apple pie, I can’t do the mushy apples
a skill you’re working on mastering? Giffing?? Writing?? Learning Swedish??
best thing to happen to you today? Nothing, I’m hone alone with my dog doing nothing and no one’s gonna be home till like 6 and it’s 2:30pm
worst thing to happen to you today? Not being able to sleep until noon
best compliment you’ve ever received? I don’t exactly but it was something about my writing and how they pictured it as a movie like they didn’t feel like they were reading but instead like they were actively watching a movie
favorite smell? rain, or the smell just before it rains. or vanilla or rose jam from Lush
hugs or kisses? both
if you made a documentary, would it be about? animals (specifically probably wolves or lemurs)
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? I think it was Perks Of Being A Wallflower????????????????
lipstick or lipgloss? both
sweet or savory? both
girl crush? Brie Larson
how do you know your in love? I think you just know. Like yeah there are like little things that kind of happen and signs but I think it’s more of you just know that person is someone special and different than the rest. It just feels right
a song you can listen to on repeat? Clean by Taylor Swift and Feel Something by Landon Austin
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? Brie Larson, I wanna know what it’s like to be her
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? figuring out where I’m supposed to go next in life and what to do with my life cause I’m 23 and have no idea
tagging: @mvrvell @stark-tony @dylans-obrien @miss-marvells @starllords @spdys @peppperpotts @gwen-stacy @quantumarvel @screamholland 
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forehead-enthusiast · 4 years
A Buncha Tag Games (and yet not all of them)
tagged by: @eggyukhei mwah
tagging: this is a LOT of games so i’ll only tag @atinyphobe @nsheetee and @veonjun for the SECOND (2nd) game. if they or anybody wants to do any of the other games, absolutely go for it and say i tagged you <3 i’d love to see what you guys say!! (also, tk if you felt like you wanted to answer my questions from the second game i’d be interested to see!)
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
ok SO the song that probably got me into rv 100% (also yes ik this blog is 99% nct but rv is my forever fave no question) was probably ice cream cake!! i had been a casual listener of many groups up until that point and had never really stanned anyone, but icc was so infectious i found myself watching it over and over. i had heard happiness and be natural before but hadn’t really listened too closely, so icc was the song that captured me. after that, dumb dumb only cemented my love for them more, and the red is still one of my favorite kpop albums to date. rv attracted me primarily because of their incredible vocals and their versatility in genres and concepts. i still get so excited wondering what they’ll tackle next!! they’re just soooo unique and have one of, if not the best discographies of any group. i cannot stress enough, I. Love. RV!! also they’re funny and gay so. anyway stream monster once it drops uwu
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
1. what is your favorite song that’s been released during quarantine? ooooo honestly??? probably something off of Sawayama. literally every song bangs so hard i highly recommend that album to anyone!! i can’t pick a favorite off it but who’s gonna save you now is awesome and xs is just,,, chef’s kiss
2. what is your greatest mishap when you tried cooking? (or something you’ve witnessed) one time, while making soup at my late grandmother’s house on her like gas stove, i put a lid on a pot and somehow that led the pot to be engulfed in flames. IN MY DEFENSE i was like 7, and i’m great at cooking/baking now
3. what’s your go-to outfit or article of clothing? oh i love a nice dress. they can be casual or formal, and you look like you put effort into your outfit except i didn’t because i didn’t have to match anything yo!!!! also shorts have trouble fitting me cause i’m a weird body type so dresses tend to be very comfy for me
4. what is your comfort food? am i allowed to say like all food??? eating in itself is comforting,,, that sounds depressing but also i just like eating yummy food. i guess i’d say like my dad’s fried rice?? its my fave and no one makes it like him soooo
5. what singular moment in your life would you like to relive? i couldn’t tell if this meant like, a good moment you want to re-experience or go back in time and redo a moment and fix it. it’s kind of a hard question so i might cop out and go with a bit of a silly answer: i want to relive the hi touch with astro...... i wanna look at rocky’s beautiful eyes and touch moonbin’s hand ok,,,,
6. what is your favorite line and/or character from a movie, show, or book? i got a bunch but a few off the top of my head are genie lo (the epic crush of genie lo), ty lee, suki (atla), klaus, and ben (umbrella academy) 
7. if you could only choose one ice cream flavor and pizza topping/style for the rest of your life, what would it be? ice cream flavor: this very specific one from a local store that is banana ice cream with strawberries and oreo mixed in. it is heaaaavenly. as for pizza topping, i love a breakfast type pizza with an egg on top and like sausage and stuff!!!
8. what is the worst injury you’ve ever had or witnessed? funny enough, i’ve actually gotten badly injured quite a few times, and always on the face!! god hates me. the worst was probably when i hit a metal bench with my face and it took a chunk out of my cheek. i still have the scar! as for “witnessed” i accidentally broke a grown man’s rib once as a child, so i guess that would count.
9. would you rather explore the unknown of space or the bottom of the ocean? oceaaaan!! i answered this in some other game, but i like how mysterious and yet close the ocean is. like proximity wise it’s so near, yet there’s an insane amount we know nothing about. that’s so frightening but so intriguing
10. if you could be any cartoon character, who would you be? my first thought was literally “kirby. eat fast” GOD my followers are gonna think i’m just a glutton and they’re not even gonna be wrong im dying. but uhh idk mulan or smth?
my questions:
what is your go-to feel good movie?
are you the type of person who’s indecisive about buying, or the type to impulse buy once you see something you like?
do you prefer chocolate-y or fruity candy?
what idol do you think is most similar to you? (not your bias necessarily)
do you have any silly dealbreakers? if so, what are they?
what do you do to unwind?
what is a small thing you like to do for people you love? (be it sending memes, remembering their favorite shows, etc)
what’s/who’s your favorite myth/mythological being?
what is a non-typical pet you would want to have?
do you say pronounce data as day-ta or dah-ta?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people. 
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot and then tag a few blogs you’d like to get to know better! 
name: sarah
nickname: bells
birthday: april 17th
zodiac: aries
nationality: chinese american
languages: english, some spanish, some korean
gender: female
sexuality: baby bi bi bi~
height: 5′10
inspiration for muse: i suppose nct since i write for them the most?? but i feel like sometimes i come up with the idea before i think of a member so sometimes the muse is just my own fantasies oops
meaning behind my url: i made it at a time where loads of idols were getting bangs and honestly i believe most of them look infinitely better without them, thus i was and still am enthusiastic about foreheads.
blog established: like winter of 2018...?? i think
followers: over 2.5k but most deactivated/left during my hiatus lol
favourite animals: sharks, chickens, snakes, cats, penguins
favourite books: the epic crush of genie lo and then iron will of genie lo, PERIOD
favourite colour: pink and purple!!
favourite fictional characters: lol, again, genie lo, ty lee, suki, klaus, ben, and just a few more: richard and evelyn o’connell (the mummy), dave (dave), michael (the good place)
favourite flower: sunflower
favourite scent: baking chocolate, heating butter, blackberry, wisteria
favourite season: probably spring! i like warmth but not HEAT
average hours of sleep: ugh idek i sleep horribly
cats or dogs: both, but unfortunately i’ve never had either
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea but then hot chocolate
current time: 5:29pm
dream trip: go to paris and eat loads of pastries and enjoy the fashions and beauty of the city, and also learn to bake better maybe?
dream job: actress
hobbies: making jewelry, drawing, singing, reading comics
hogwarts house: according to the quizzes, all of them. people who have just met me think slytherin or gryffindor, people who i’m friends with think ravenclaw or hufflepuff, people who know me really well know you can’t box a person into oversimplified archetypes :’) in my assessment of myself, it varies by the day, but i think perhaps gryffindor today?
last movie watched: hot fuzz (a classic)
last song listened to: summer breeze by sf9
no. of blankets you sleep with: like 2
random fact(s): i won lego building competitions as a child, one of my dream roles is anastasia from the musical named after her, i played violin for a very short time, i bake the cakes for all my family and friends’ birthdays, i have strangely strong grip strength
10 songs i can’t stop listening to:
love me 4 me- rina sawayama
cherry- rina sawayama
in & out- red velvet
crush culture- conan gray
manic- conan gray
the king- conan gray
summer- pentagon
told you now- jeremy jordan (originally sung by sam smith)
fuck this world (interlude)- rina sawayama
someone who loves me- sara bareilles
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13deadendlane · 5 years
☆get to know me!!☆
i was tagged by @hystericallytragicsimmer​! thank you omg i haven’t done one of these in ages
your name: char is a nickname which is miles better than my old one that made me sound like i was five (3 guesses on what my full name is lmao)
languages you speak: english and german sort of (i did it for going on seven years in school and it’s always been one i found easy to understand)
are you a mermaid: remember when you were like 6 and you pretended you were a mermaid cause you watched h2o just add water once? yeah
your play style: i try to do wants based gameplay like letting the sims lead what happens cause it’s more interesting and working out their aspirations and stuff like that by using their personality and ting. i have a spreadsheet and everything
your selfsim picture: when i was 11 i made me and my friends in the sims and put in on msn for everyone to see...tempted to log back in to find it tbh
stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: honestly gameplay is my main thing but i retexture hairs now and then?? i wanna do stories but idk the first thing about doing it lol also lookbooks sound cool
your favourite age state: adults lets be real
your favourite season: aesthetically it has to be summer but autumn is always the best for the boost in skilling
your favourite holiday: christmas both irl and in sims 
how is your day: i’ve woken up late so i’m eating brekkie wrapped in a blanket feeling tired....the ideal state
your favourite career: slacker lmao but i love doing the active careers in ts3
your favourite aspiration: romance/pleasure/family
your favourite ep, sp, or gp: nightlife and seasons for ts2, seasons and island living for ts3 (the monte vista store content is also 👌👌)
how old is your simblr: a year old in june!
have you ever woohooed: 🙈🙈🙈
your favourite skill: cooking i like making all the food lmao
size of your mods folder: 5.75 GB (ts2) , 10.3 GB (ts3 and that’s after it got run through cc magic lol)
your 3 favourite mods: acr 3.0 / sim blender / put away leftovers as single plates 
your interests other than sims: drawing, shopping, clothes..idk
your favourite sim(s): dina, pascal, chloe, ophelia, everyone from veronaville
which sims games have you played (including mobile games): in order of when i first played them it’s sims 2 pets on the wii / mysims / mysims kingdom / mysims agents / life stories / sims 2 / sims mobile / sims 3 / sims medieval / sims 4 ... the amount of money ea has had off me i want a fucking share in the company 
propose a crazy scheme: something like nraas dresser mod for ts2 where your sim has a random outfit out of the clothes they own when they get dressed into each category (like mixing and matching separates for everyday, pjs, athletic)
best part of simblr: everyone is so nice and friendly, and seeing everyone’s content inspires me to play my game
worst part of simblr: uhh sometimes i worry that i’m not funny and nobody likes what i’m putting out lmao
what other games do you play: animal crossing and stardew valley....sensing a theme here
other websites or accounts: not for sims! all i have on here asides from this is my main. i have a twt/insta but thats irl
are you single: does being in the talking phase count
tagging: i feel nervous tagging others but oomfs if you want to do this please feel free!! ☆☆☆
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teapical · 6 years
85 Questions ✨
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
hiii i was tagged by @loficafe to do the 85 questions tag game (thank you mac i love you! 😚💗)
umm i dont really want to tag 20 ppl so ill just tag a few lol: @jaemacchiato @kjiwife @vroomvroombaek @velvetpcy @exomutual @vitaminsoek @chan-yule
1. drink: vitamin water lol 
2. phone call: my dad
3. txt msg: my friend :3
4. song u listened to: love shot lol 
5. time you cried: um last night? lol
6. dated someone twice?: nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it: hmm 👀 i dont remember actually sakjds
8. been cheated on: nope
9: lost someone special: yes
10: been depressed: 🤪
11. gotten drunk & thrown up: noooo
fave colors
12. soft purple 
13. warm and dark colors 
14. cream and beige like colors
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes!
16. fallen out of love: um nope
17. laughed until u cried: uhh probably
18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah
19. met someone who changed you: i think so!
20. found out who your real friends are: yeah kind of 
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no
22. how many of your fb friends do u know irl: like all of them 
23. do u have any pets: yes! i have 3, 2 cats and a doggo >.<
24. do u want to change your name: nope! i love it i just wish ppl would pronounce it right lol
25. what did you do for your last birthday: umm i think i just went to school? 
26. what time did u wake up today: umm like really late sakjdhsk well late for me, i woke up at 12:15 pm 💀
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: i was at some old ppl party ajsdh
28. what is something you can’t wait for: umm idk 
29. what are u listening to right now: the sounds from the show my sister is watching 
30. when was the last time u saw ur mom: a couple minutes ago
31. have u ever talked to a person named tom: yep
32. name smth that gets on ur nerves: when ppl talk to me while i have earphones in and then complain about how im not listening to them? sajhbds
33. most visited website: probably this one 
34. hair color: dark brown!
35. long or short hair: like on me? i have short hair 
36. do u have a crush on someone: nope!
37. what do u like about urself: my eyes 😳
38. want any piercings? idk maybe
39. blood type: a postive
40. nicknames: some of my friends call me mani ashdnk
41. relationship status: single woohooo
42. zodiac: capricorn! 
43. pronouns: she/ her
44. fave tv shows: umm i dont watch tv but if i do i usually watch kids baking championship and i recently started watching the good place!
45. tattoos: nope! i dont have any and i dont want any cause i hate pain lmao
46. right or left handed: right!
47. ever had surgery: i dont think so 
48. piercings: i have 2 on each ear!
49. sport: umm i havent done sports in a long time...🚶🏿 but i used to do track and field! 
50. vacation: oooo idrk i want to go to thailand lol
51. trainers: like shoes? sajhds i wear my nike sneakers a lot and my other sneakers 
more general
52. eating: nothing rn 
53. drinking: water
54. im about to watch: the good place hehe
55. waiting for: christmas day! 🎄
56. want: dinero 
57. get married: yes! one day hopefully
58. career: umm i really dont know 
which is better
59. hugs or kisses: ooo i love both 😣
60. lips or eyes: eyes
61. shorter or taller: taller 
62. older or younger: hmm older but it doesnt really matter tht much like as long as there isnt a big age difference
63. nice arms or stomach: hmm idk i like arms
64. hookup or relationship: i mean i dont mind either one...😳
65. troublemaker or hesitant: ooo i like hesitant but...i wouldnt mind a bit of a troublemaker 🚶🏿
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: nope 
67. drank hard liquor: yeaah
68. lost glasses: i dont wear glasses 
69. turned someone down: yep
70. sex on the first date: nope
71. broken someone’s heart: i dont think so 
72. had your heart broken: yeah
73. been arrested: no sakdj
74. cried when someone died: yes
75. fallen for a friend: hmm
do u believe in
76. yourself: lmao
77. miracles: yeah sometimes
78. love at first sight: no but i believe in like infatuation at first sight?
79. santa claus: nooo
80. kiss on a first date: maybe..
81. angels: yes!
82. best friend’s name: umm i dont wanna say it and like expose them sadjk
83. eye color: dark brown!
84. fave movie: ooo i dont think i have one...but i really love shrek!
85. fave actor: hm i dont think i have a favorite actor ahksdj
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tvansillaf-blog · 6 years
i was tagged by this simblr @oaski <3
RULES: Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions!
tags: @gothoasis @centilamp  @amykii  @pirumxsim
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? dont have one tbh
3. BIRTHDAY? 12th semptember
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? girl missing by sophie mckenzie (theres 3 in the series)
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? sophie mckenzie
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? god is a woman and imagine
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? i have been watching a lot of james charles lately and i know it is bad but “sister” this answer is by @oaski but literally the same as me hh
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? i was here by beyonce (the queen)
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? only the sims
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? being murdered and terrorists
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? my everything, okay but being specific is probably my weight
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? i love cats but dogs have more personality so dogs
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? @centilamp and emily
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? dark brown
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? dark brown, the exact swatch that my himself has
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? lots of people
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? lots of people
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? i dunno if im still classed as a child
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? idk what that means and im too lazy to google it
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? i dont think so
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? playing the sims and dance
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? umm idk some christmas film haha
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? i used to play piano but i stopped ges bo cause it was sooo boring
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? oh no i dont want to be rude @pirumxsim @oaski @amykii @centilamp @gothoasis
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? lots of things (idk lol)
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? doctor pepper lol
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY?  idk the date but it was christmas cards
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? when people eat with their mouth open and when people put their phone like on the side but dont turn it off
52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? i used to want to be a dentist
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? nowhere idk what to write
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? yes, but im really bad
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? i dont think so
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? pop, mixed with anything… but always a little pop
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? people talking about me behind my back
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? idk like 150 cm
75. CAN YOU COOK? i can cook super noodles!
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? food, music and food
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? some people, sport and fortnite
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? with my parents
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? yesterday cause i was tired lol
84. DO YOU LIKE TO TAKE SELFIES? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? i like lots of accents
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT? austrlia but cba to go on a 24 hour flight
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? no i tried then i got bored and played thee sims
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? id probably ignore it or tke like £5
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? ifdk if i still am i used to be
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? yussssssssssss
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? dont want to be rude so im skipping
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? uhh is this done yet
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOUR CLOTHES? black grey and navy
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 123456789
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? gO dIe In A hOlE haha that was like the biggest insult in year 5
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fiftyscenes · 6 years
Tag game.
Tagged by @sheridans-dynamos thank you 😘💋
What name/nickname would you like people to call you here on Tumblr? No one really talks to me so it doesn’t matter.. but Liz or Lizzie is cool if anyone ever wants to talk :)
Gender: Female
Height: between 5’5”/5’6”
Are you on the older or younger end of the spectrum on Tumblr? Umm I’m 24 so idk what you’d classify that as.
Can you think in both metric and imperial? Lmao I try not to think as much as possible but yet I still end up overthinking everything!
What time is it where you are now? 12:06am
Do you use A.M./P.M. or 24 hour clock? AM/PM
Are you usually early or late? I try to be early
Favorite band? Pink Floyd, Motley Crue, and the eagles
What is your favorite unusual genre of music to listen to? I like a lot of different genres and artists so idk
Last movie I saw: the princess switch and hotel for dogs with my daughter
Last TV show I watched: Psych
Did you last read a book or fanfic? Fanfic
What sort of fanfic do you like to read? Uhh depends on the plot. I don’t care much for y/n fics cause I always read y/n as yun and it’s weird for me but sometimes (I gotta be in the mood). I like the ones with a specific couple in mind. And I like a happy ending. I know some are into the angst which I am too but I like the happy ending shit. Haha
What do you post on this blog? Lol. Marvel mainly, the pairings I’m into as well. Chris Evans and Hemsworth a lot and Venom . I do random shit as well. Some supernatural, the joker, some movies, artworks I like, (my blog has changed so much over the years and to the people who’ve been with me for so long thank you for sticking with me!!!!)
If you could live in another country which one would it be? Idk never been to any other country maybe England ?
Do you consider yourself adventurous? Probably not, no.
What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue? Idk I have no talent. I always wanted to try pottery though. And I want to learn to snowboard one day.
What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years ? What has changed? Since I’ve been frozen haha
What superpower would you like to have? To kill bugs with my mind. (Also some superpower to get money would be great right now ha yeah)
Tagging: @perseusandmedusa 🖤🖤🖤
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bright-hao · 6 years
soft bias tag
okay, its been ages since i did a tag on here!! but my hermanita @hocidi(or hijita now? since you call me mom?) tagged me to do this soft bias tag!
my ult is still minghao, but bc most of this is romantic stuff(and i dont really have a lot of romantic feelings for hao) i’m gonna do my other best boy, seungkwan 
Who is your bias: Boo Seungkwan of Seventeen
What made you notice them: I always loved seungkwan, its so funny cause at first i used to be like “oh i wish seungkwan was my twin” and as time went on it was like “yes, seungkwan and i would be best friends we’d be a killer duo” but like...by the time boom boom era came around and he dyed his hair blond the first time? fuck dude, i knew i was in love. very specifically there’s one photo (here) that always comes to mind when i think about first falling head first for him, and well. now he’s my guy.
what’s your favorite thing about them: boy, everything! physically, i love his cheekbones/jaw combo, people really dont pay enough attention to his bone structure. and personality wise, i love his ability to just talk and command all the attention in a room if he wants to,especially because it’s not in a scary, authoritative way, and i feel it makes people comfortable while they also respect him and hold him in high esteem bc of it. I personally have a close relationship with words, so to see the abilities he has with just his everyday speech is...spectacular
who would initiate skinship more: i think both of us, but in different ways? i feel like i would initiate a lot of smaller touches, just so we can be in constant contact, and also id probably spend a lot of time thinking about something before i do it, but i feel like seungkwan would be like hey! let’s hug, and we’d...hug. he’d probably initiate bigger things, like hugging and hand holding, and it’d be more spontaneous for him.
who would hog the blankets more:  i don’t really feel cold easily and tend to get warmer as the night goes on, so what might really happen is seungkwan will often wake up buried under all the blankets because i pushed them over to his side in the middle of the night
who would be more clingy:   earlier on, it would be him, bc i dont let myself get overly attached to people, but maybe if we spend years together and i get used to him/his constant presence in my life, things might change
who would say I love you first:  oooohhh this one’s tricky. if i feel like he’s still sorting through his feelings and commitments, i’ll wait for him to say it first, but if i feel sure about him and where his heart is at, i’ll say it as soon as possible. possibly way earlier than most people would. it’s not a big deal to me when the words drop(bc it’s really not about words anyway for me, its about proving it with your actions, and if he loves me i should know even without him saying it), but if it is for him then i guess i’d wait til he felt right about it. granted, i think the more open you are to begin with the faster seungkwan himself would open up, so maybe it’ll just be a toss up bc we’ll both already be on the same page.
who would be more easily flustered: i’m a confident gay, so like, it would definitely be me making him flustered as much as i can for fun.
What cuddling position would you two have: okay, so here’s what i’m thinking: he’s mostly on his back, however he’s comfy, and i’m curled up at his side with one leg thrown over him and he has one arm around/under me, and my head is either next to his on the pillow or on his shoulder (like this). we can reverse the positions too we’re flexible
which colors remind you of them and why:  sunset colours!! i often call him my sunset boy, so sunset colours, and very specifically all shades of orange, make me think of him. they’re just...warm and sweet but also fiesty and bold colours which is...him in print.
which season would you like to spend with them: uhhh all of them for the rest of my life? Idk, I feel stupid answering this since I live in a tropical country but...mm, maybe the time period where it's not quite spring yet but it's not really winter anymore...like, imagine going on a road trip and you get to see the landscape change from white and snowy to bare for a little while and then everything blooms. gorgeous. i wanna do that with him. or maybe the summer season in the arctic where it’s light out 24 hours a day. or just mango season here in trinidad
who would bake cookies and who would steal the batter: seungkwan would probably make the decision for us to bake cookies together bc it’ll be a fun bonding experience or whatever, but he doesnt really know what he’s doing, so i have to give him all the instructions and explain everything to him, and then i let him struggle with all the dirty work and look on and occasionally snatch bits of the dough to ‘make sure it’s coming out right’
which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react: i dont really do puns, so it’ll have to be him. he probably spends all his alone time trying to come up with them. over text, he might get a eye roll emoji or a ‘why are you like this’, in person i’d probably just ignore it completely and continue the conversation like it never happened. (which might make him pouty, but pouty seungkwan is adorable, so either way i win)
which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a poptart and who come to the rescue: i’m brown and poor poptarts have never been a thing in my house, so i suppose it’ll be me who screws up. wake up in the middle of the night hungry so i sneak into the kitchen as quiet as possible, not even turning on any lights, put the thing in the microwave for way longer than its supposed to be. when it explodes seungkwan runs outside half asleep bc he wants to know who got shot. he cleans the mess bc he loves me and tells me to leave the pop tart prep to him in the future. 
who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back: it would be me, adrenaline junkie and lover of risks and high places, leaning over the railing of a tall building like ‘omg, i could jump right now it would be like flying’ seungkwan would drag me away and probably sit me down and lecture me about it too
what would you watching a horror film with them be like: i would never watch a horror movie, lol. next question.
who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt: i think we could both be cheesy when we wanted to, but maybe more him than me since he’s the king of cheese. flirting is one of my favourite pastimes, so i’d probably be a decently smooth flirt. as earlier mentioned, my greatest joy would be seeing him flustered and at a loss for words bc of just how smooth i am 
who is more competitive: oh we are BOTH very competitive, it’s super fun when we’re playing a game or a sport and we’re on the same side and trying to crush the opponents, but i think we try to get on opposite teams bc its ten times more fun to try and beat each other. like just the thought of being better at him at something is already exhilarating to me ;;;)))))))
who would have to be given constant reminders: for tasks that are hard/uninteresting, i’ll have to have him remind me cause i’ll find 500 things that are more interesting to distract me when i just need to suck it up and get the thing done, and i’ll need the nudge. when it comes to just forgetting, i’ll probably have to remind him bc it totally slipped his mind.
who sends memes and who sends cute I miss you text at 3 am: he definitely sends the memes, im way too lazy to save them on my phone and then have to go looking for one that’s appropriate, that’s a lot of work. i’m happy to receive them though. and uhh...i wouldn’t send anyone a text like that at 3am and i wouldn’t like to receive one either, and i would tell him that. emotions get weird and warped at that hour, and i dont trust them on a regular basis, much less at 3 o’clock in the morning. i say, hold it in for now and if you still feel the same at 10am? then you go ahead and tell me you miss me. BUT if i get a message at 10am from seungkwan saying he misses me/loves me/is thinking of me? i would be on a cloud for the entire day.
this was really fun! my heart is warrrrrrrrrmmmm and ive been in soft stan mode for the past two days cause of it. so now i’m gonna tag @woozifi @minigum @mvpgyu @pabospoiler @seonyein @szrw @witchzi @yookik have fun friends!
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0zrockbitway · 6 years
Fanfic Writers’ Meme
Tagged by: @calmystorm-saltycandy thank you so much!!
What is your total word count on AO3?
It took me a good moment to figure this out because I never look at AO3 statistics but uhh-
Tumblr media
How often do you write?
My writing is sporadic lmao. Sometimes I am IN THE MOOD to write like for a whole week then I die and don’t write for almost a month. I really want to try and write something once a day but hmmmmm :’) 
Do you have a routine for writing?
Depends? For one shots I just kinda look up info if needed and then get into writing it. Then I edit it usually later in the day or the next. On the rare occasion a few days later, but this is only if I end up actually writing the full one shot and I’m satisfied with it. If its for a lengthier thing, then I end up having to research, outline, think if I really want to write it or not, write at least up to 4-5 chapters before actually posting. Then just kinda go on from there.
What are your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
Kinks: uhhhhhhhh good question! I don’t really write smut so hmm;; can I say my kink is getting reviews/comments lmao. truthfully though I know my kinks but rather not say lol I don’t even write them so no one will ever know yay
Tropes: Are AUs a trope? I like AUs. Hanahaki is something I like but I haven’t written much on it sadly;; Dragon aus to! Thats also something I need to write more on. I guess most of my tropes are just...casual relationships? Idk how to explain but like just a kiss or hand holding or stuff like that? Slice of life, oneshots.
Pairing: Hello I will forever write about afufubu & hiromido in the ina11 fandom. probably. but also I’m in love with pawnshipping from yugioh arc-v, idolshipping from yugioh gx, tendershipping and memoryshipping from the original yugioh, foilshipping and hellshark from zexal! I latch onto other ships from other series but will I ever write for them? Depends if I get inspired or something. A while back I used to do crowluke from professor layton and there were some pokemon ships to but inspiration comes and goes.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
Ribbon (Ina11 FFN || AO3): This was my first afufubu fic/oneshot and it means a lot to me! I’m pretty sure there are errors and junk there but,,,its cute and I really like it,,,I have no other reason than just that lmao
Playing the Pawn (yugioh arc-v FFN || AO3): I still think about this one shot to this day and like damn did I really write this? Like theres a whole world I could expand on here and I kinda want to but /lies down how to do so. Anyway! It was a fun exploration on pawnshipping and poking at this...world I created (I don’t even know what to call this au my dudes) but god this was so fun to write.
No one would miss me (yugioh zexal FFN || AO3): Another oneshot but I kinda like how I wrote this one? I just remember writing in like an odd way maybe because (as my author note apparently says) I wrote it in 2 hours and was just going with slightly different...wording? syntax? I dunno. It also kinda looks into Vector’s head. Apparently he’s the one I focus on for foilshipping-ish fics so thats fun.
Your fic with the most kudos?
GOD would you believe my fics with most kudos are the only ndrv3 fics I’ve written and it was while the game was out for like 2-3 days in Japan shfehwpa. ANYWAY there’s Question with 114 kudos & Be My Robot with 99 kudos. Both are kiibouma fics.
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
laughs everything
sometimes I feel like I get repetitive with...words in fics. maybe its just me but sometimes I’m like??? didn’t I already write this??? and I can’t tell if I have or haven’t and boy do I get worried and have to take a moment and think.
also I’m not like,,,descriptive enough? like I know thats my weak point and it bothers the hell out of me but,,,man I can’t go into descriptions for the life of me they always feel like shit and HMMMMM. I know I don’t have to aim for fancy prose descriptions but they never feel,,,right when I do them.
Now something you do like about your writing?
UM I’m not sure how to answer this one;; I could say characterization? At least since I’ve been told I’m pretty spot on with that more than once! 
I guess I could say...the stories themselves? I don’t really know how to say this but like...I actually forget what I write sometimes (I’ve look at my fic list and I swear there are like 3 fics I forgot I ever created okay) and on the rare occasion I decide to pick one and read it again. And like, as a reader I enjoy them? You could argue cuz ‘yeah ya big dummy you wrote them so of course you’re going to like them!’ and that does count cause hey! its a fic about a ship/something I’m interested in. But I enjoyed reading it (which is really surprising for me) and it makes me think if I could enjoy reading my own stuff maybe someone else does to. I hope that made sense ahh;;;  
Tagging: I have no idea who writes on here who hasn’t been tagged so uhhhh if you think this is interesting to answer then go ahead and do it! finger guns
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rollingpenguin · 6 years
@shadow-insomniac tagged me so here I go, thanks for the tag! °^°
The 50 Question Tag
1. What time is it for you? 7:25 pm
2. Where are you right now? At home
3. What is the last thing you ate? An ice cream
4. How long have you been on Tumblr? Actually using it since the end of 2015 or beginning of 2016 I think, I had the account earlier but I had never used it, just to look for pictures
5. What is your occupation/year in school? I'm in second year at uni, I study Natural Sciences
6. What is the last text you sent and to whom? Told about the italian Wikipedia to my uni friends
7. What’re your favorite things to do to relax/unwind? Uh, lay down in the sun and look dead. Or listen to music on the train. Also bike real fast down the road sometimes
8. Have you traveled outside your home country? Where? I've been in Greece, Croatia, Spain, Germany, England, France and Holland, I think.
9. Where would you like to visit if you could go anywhere? Literally everywhere, like an all-places-trip or something. But if I had to pick one... It's hard. I have a glacier I've always wanted to see though, in Iceland
10. What’s something you’re looking forward to in the next few days? In the next few days? Nothing. There's still exams. There's a pride but I don't know if I have the time to go so...
11. Do you have any siblings? How many? One, a brother
12. Do you prefer nighttime or daytime? Nighttime, unless I have nothing to do, then I love a good peaceful afternoon
13. Sweet or savory? Generally savory
14. Natural look or glamorous look? Natural
15. Reading or writing? Hnn both, especially if I could really write
16. Left-handed or right-handed? Right-handed
17. Dine out or dine in? Dine in, unless it's to try new food
18. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
19. Make music or listen to music? Listen, wish i could make it too though
20. Sunset or sunrise? hmm sunset
21. Listener or talker? listener, unless you get me started
22. City or countryside? hnn not sure
23. Describe the last dream you can remember? So three friends and I went to play some game on a field at night, we had to look for something, not sure what, but I was my usual lazy ass so this one guy and I stay in the car while the other two entertain themselves with some horror out in the darkness. At some point, we realize something is not right and flee to go home. Not sure what happens in between but it all ended with this friend and I confronting some evil pseudo-werewolf in my bathroom, we had three guns and one more person, but the guns weren’t loaded, to this creature amusement(literally, it laughed at my face when I tried to shoot), so in the end we defeat the thing by smashing their face against the mirror. lots of blood. but we won. nice.
24. Describe a dream or nightmare that you can never forget? Previous one was a dream so let’s go with a nightmare. I have two but the worst one is just me witnessing a woman drowning. It was creepy af because this woman was trapped with her head in some flooding pipeline and I could see both her agonizing face and her body outside trying to get free, at the same time, like I was two cameras recording. Seriously creepy.
25. Have you ever smoked? What did you smoke and what was it like? I tried one cigarette and I hated it thanks, then someday someone offered some weed and I wish it was legal here too, never been as peaceful as I was that time.
26. What is an embarrassing moment you’ve experienced? I am embarrassed every time i think of the one time 11 year old me intentionally run against a wall because I wanted to make some kids laugh
27. Do you like music? What’s your favorite genre? Yes and wish I knew
28. Ever performed in a play or a concert? What was it like? Yeah, I thought I was going to die, then my grandma literally walked in front of every sitting person saying 'that's my granddaughter' so I also wanted to die, but I didn't
29. One habit you’re trying to start? Hn exercising?
30. One habit you’re trying to quit? procrastinating? lol, like that's gonna work
31. Do you know what you want to do in 10 years? no freaking idea
32. Do you worry more often about the past or the future? the future, i have no plans, i don't know what i should be planning, i don't really want to plan something either so... huh
33. Are you in a relationship? Yeah right. No
34. Describe a date that went horribly wrong? (Or wonderfully great, you pick) I did go on a date. Like once. But it didn't go wrong. It just didn't go like a date.
35. Would you call yourself a dreamer? Yep
36. An overachiever? In my dreams, sure, in reality... meh
37. A hopeless romantic? Don't know
38. Who are your role models and why? I mean idk, Shikamaru? Cause he's a genius and he has good friends and great logician? Not sure
39. What do you tend to spend your money on the most? huh ...birthday presents? maybe? and food
40. Put your music on shuffle. What is the song? 'Irresistible' by Fall out Boys
41. Would you risk your life to save someone else? I want to say yes, but I'm not sure I will if the time comes
42. Have any scars? If you want to share, how did you get them? I have one on my hand from when I impaled it on a window and one on my leg from playing paint ball
43. Do you want to get married? ...maybe? I don't know
44. Have kids? How many? Euh, it's not really my first thought, nor my second, nor third. Definitely not in the top 50 things to do in my life. I mean maybe if I had a proper partner they could convince me but nnnha
45. What is the one thing that never fails to make you smile? GaJevy or GaLe, my Fairy Tail OTP. No doubt. They are so cute. Perfect.
46. What is one thing you learned today? Meteorites and their impacts and stuff of the sort
47. Are you happy with where you are at right now? yeah i mean, first of all, where am I?
48. List 5 things you cannot live without 1- Oxygen 2-Milk 3-Summer clothes 4-INTERNET WITH FREE FANDOMS. YOU HEAR EUROPE 5-sleep
49. What is your best quality? adaptivity
50. If you could meet anyone from history who would it be and why? I wouldn't, don't change history it makes stuff complicated, don't
Now go and tag some people
Yay. Okay, uhh well @misakizone @cry-cru @katekyo-bitch-reborn @erregiuly @nechrollomicon and that’s it don’t hate me for the tag ^^”
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