#takashi Morinozuka x reader
airbendertendou · 4 months
trailing off bc you think no one is listening to you only for the quiet one of the group to nudge your foot w theirs ): so you continue talking — quieter this time — and they’re not looking at you but you see a lil quirk of their lips and the occasional head nods when you pause ):
chifuyu, hakkai, kakucho, saiki, aren, asahi, yamaguchi, fukunaga, kenma, semi semi, mori, barbatos, belphie, satan, your fave <3
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athenasilver7 · 1 year
Could I request ohshc x reader headcannons (separately) where reader is being bullied and goes to them?
OHSHC (separately) x GN Reader
💙 Hikaru 💙
When you come to him crying about being bullied, he just about snaps.
When you tell him it’s been happening for months? He almost loses his damn mind.
“What do you mean ‘months’?! Why didn’t you come to me sooner?!?” He grips at your shoulders a little to hard.
Yeah, he flips out. Not his best moment, nor is it the best reaction to be having right now.
He feels so fucking bad when your crying increases, no thanks to him, obviously.
Hikaru takes a deep breath and calms down. He starts soothing you, holding you in his arm and rubbing your back, mutter a few apologies to you.
When you finally relax and are able to tell him all the details, well… let’s just say he makes a few calls.
Unfortunately, your bully stays at Ouran. So naturally Hikaru takes things into his own hands.
He starts pulling restless pranks on your bully until they get fed up and transfer.
🤍 Tamaki 🤍
Tamaki eventually catches you crying to yourself one day in the gardens. He’s obviously worried and rushes over to you and asked what’s wrong.
All you can manage to sob out is, “I-I’m getting b-bullied…”
He holds you tightly in a protective embrace, stroking your hair to soothe you as you cry against his chest.
He’s… quiet. Very quiet.
Tamaki waits patiently until you’re able to collect yourself. He caresses you cheek with a frown.
“My dear… Who is it? Who’s doing this to you?” His tone is low and his voice wavers as he talks.
You tell him who’s been bullying you.
He spends a few days conversing with your bully, trying to talk them in to changing their habits.
If you bully changes their ways, good. Tamaki won’t care for them, obviously, but he’s at least glad they’ve become a better person. And Tamaki will be practically glued to your side so this doesn’t happen again.
If your bully doesn’t change their ways, Tamaki will jump though hoops of several shenanigans to get them to stop and keep them away from you. If all that fails, he’ll reluctantly get his father to kick them out of the school. Ouran is no place for bullying, after all.
❤️ Haruhi ❤️
Well… that’s just not acceptable.
Haruhi, calmly, goes up to your bully and confronts them on their behaviour.
She’s unaware, but as she’s confronting them she’s roasting the hell out of them.
“I don’t know, bullying just seems like your lacking a hobby or something.” Her deadpan voice just makes the whole thing that much better.
Your bully scoffs and doesn’t let up as they continue to bully you the upcoming days.
Haruhi eventually snaps when she witnesses your bully trying to shove you into the fountain.
“Hey! Knock it off! Seriously, how childish do you have to be? Listen, clearly you have something going on in your personal life, and I’m sorry, but that’s no excuse to be taking it out on someone else. And if there isn’t anything personal going on in you life, then just screw off or else I’m telling the chairman!”
Your bully is baffled at Fujioka’s anger and backs off pretty quickly after that. Your bully even starts avoiding you in the hallways, keeping their distance. Haruhi just glares aggressively at them every time she sees them.
💗 Honey 💗
Tired from the constant bullying, you eventually spill your guts to him, bawling as you do so.
Honey is taken aback, but still obviously very concerned. And mad. Not mad at you, heavens no. Mad at your bully.
Granted, he maintains a calm composure on the outside to calm you.
He calms you by patting your head and whispering compliments to you, assuring you that the insults your bully throws at you aren’t true at all.
He offers you desserts and milk. You don’t want deserts? That’s fine, what do you want? You’re nuts if you think he won’t get you a crate of your comfort food.
The next day at school, all Honey has to do is walk up your bully, and your bully is immediately shaking.
Dude… Honey is practically a human weapon. Who wouldn’t be shitting bricks?
The glare on Honey’s face is not helping in the slightest.
Your bully is quick to run away, and transfers out of Ouran immediately.
🧡 Kaoru 🧡
Oh, sweetness… come here.
Lanky arms and legs wrap around you sloth-style.
He doesn’t know why you’re crying. He doesn’t need to know. He just knows that right now you need comfort, and he’s more than willing to give it to you.
I presses gentle kisses to your forehead and cheeks. “Shh, shh, shh… You’re okay. You can tell me anything.” He whispers.
And tell him you do.
He’s frozen for a moment.
He collects himself and goes back to comforting you, telling you how brave and strong you are, and that you should come to him sooner when you’re in trouble.
The next day, much like what Hikaru would do, Kaoru restlessly pranks your bully until they transfer out of Ouran.
Kaoru may be sweet and nice, but he’ll be damned if someone he loves is hurt and he doesn’t do anything about it.
🖤 Mori 🖤
You’re reluctant to tell him for a very long time. Mori is just so calm and tough, a-and… and you’re not. You don’t want to feel like you’re burdening him or relying on him, so… you bite your tongue and deal with it.
Mori, ever the observant one, is quick to notice your change in behaviour the past few weeks.
You startle as Mori’s deep voice breaks through the silence.
“…Yeah?” You slowly turn to face him, acting casual.
“What’s wrong.”
You don’t know how, but he managed to phrase that like it wasn’t even a question, he’s telling you to tell him what’s wrong.
You avert your gaze awkwardly and eventually spill the beans.
Mori listens intently, and when you’re done he hums and nods. He gestures you over to him and wraps a protective arm around you, rubbing your back and pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
The next day at school Mori, calmly, punches the wall next your bully and glares down at them. “…Y/N.” He says.
Your bully looks up at Mori with wide eyes, visibly shaking. “Y-Y/N?” Your bully asks, confused.
Mori nods, leaning down face to face with your bully. “Leave them alone.” He demands lowly.
Your bully scrambles a nod and hastily dashes down the hall. Your bully sure as hell never bothers you again after that.
💜 Kyoya 💜
Now, he’s quick to notice.
Although, he feels like an idiot for not noticing the first few days it started happening. But as the days went on, your facade slowly fell, and he quickly pieced everything together from there.
“…Y/N, is there anything you would like to tell me?” He asks casually, scribbling something down in his notebook, his tone implying that you will tell him something.
“…No.” You mutter.
Kyoya sigh and pushes up his glasses. “Are you certain?” He asks again, a twinge annoyed.
You fidget with your sleeves for a bit before telling him everything about the bullying.
That’s all he needed to hear. He wanted to know just how bad the bullying is from your end.
At that, your bully just ‘mysteriously’ disappears after that day.
You squint at Kyoya suspiciously after a month of your bully not being at school.
“…Did you kill them?” I ask Kyoya with wide, accusing eyes.
He huffs in frustration and places down his pen. “No. They just decided to transfer.”
“…Because you threatened them.” You accuse.
Kyoya merely sighs.
OHSHC Masterlist
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marwhoa · 2 months
request: omgggg <33 did not know u did ohshe!!! i love the way u did mori u did him justice!!! is it possible to for you to write mori x tiny reader please? i just find the height difference very cute and comical. thank u! 💕
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🝮 mori-senpai headcanons
morinozuka takashi x short!reader
author’s note: I like Mori :)) my favorite is Hikaru, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t write for anyone else uwu 💕
word count: 1.2k
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ఌ As he does with Honey, Mori can’t help but hold you. For one, he doesn’t want to accidentally knock into you, since you’re a bit out of his peripheral vision, and he has a habit of zoning out if there’s no sense of danger! If you hate being picked up, he’ll respect that, but do note that he is crying a river mentally.
ఌ secretly finds it irresistibly adorable when you’re too short to reach things and need his help. One of his fondest memories is when he just happened to be in the right place at the right time in the library!
During study time, Mori wandered off to the library to search for books on the women’s court in the Heian Period. While he was searching, he turned down one of the aisles to catch you grumbling under your breath about how “ all the books I need just had to be placed right out of my reach, what a joke! “
He didn’t intervene! Just watched fondly as you pulled a step stool over to solve the problem yourself (you’re independent! surely you have a few tricks up your sleeve to navigate a taller world?).
Thing is, the step stool wasn’t tall enough, so you resorted to standing on your tippy toes and trying to nudge the book into a free-fall. That is when Mori intervenes, as he watched the book shelf teeter under your inadvertently-tugging hand.
“ Y/N! “
It all happened so quick. You swore the world seemed to slow as the stool beneath you flipped and the books began cascading down the shelves towards you. With your hands crossed over your head, you squeezed your eyes shut and braced for the impact. While your butt hit the floor hard, you were surprised to find your back never met the same fate.
Instead, there was a light pressure and warmth radiating from the small of your back.
Opening your eyes hesitantly, you tuned in to the pained grunt and watched as Mori was hovering over you. The weight of the bookshelf was heavy on his back, but nothing could convince him to step aside and let you take the brunt of this instead.
“ Oh god, Mori?! You—“
You were at a complete loss of words. Thankfully others in the library quickly noticed and came to help lift the bookshelf. Before you were both free, you didn’t miss the out-of-breath whisper by your ear.
“ At least you’re safe.. ”
ఌ Stays close to you in crowded situations. He will use his height and strength to his advantage to ensure you have a comfortable amount of wiggle room regardless of where you’re at—the cafeteria during high traction times, the commoners’ train while it’s rush hour, malls experiencing season-high discounts, etc. Regardless of the setting, you can count on him.
ఌ Mori can tend to have cuteness aggression, and having a partner shorter than he is definitely contributes to that. He refuses to acknowledge he ever did this, but you can remember plain as day a particular study session in the third years’ science class after school.
As you sat across the table from Mori, yammering on and on about the current problem stumping you both, there was an odd creeping feeling that he wasn’t paying attention. Lo, and behold, as you rose your head to fact-check, you found Mori’s eyes just staring at you, clear as day that not a thought was processing behind those eyes.
Just before you could reprimand him, Mori shot up in his seat and rounded the table to stop at your side.
“ Whuh—“
Dumbly, you mumbled out a noise of confusion as his hands planted firmly on your cheeks and kneaded the flesh before then pushing until your face was scrunched up and making duck lips. You tried to swat him away but found your hand freezing in midair as an unfamiliar expression washed across his features.
Laughter. Mori had actually burst into laughter, a pure and genuine laugh that echoed in the room like the sun’s rays radiating in summer. You decided to let it slide for now.
ఌ Unlike the sweeter Honey, you tended to be more of a spitfire. A feisty fire that definitely fought back, and sometimes that worried Mori. While you could hold your own verbally with a silver tongue, some people can be a bit more… physically combative, as seen in the case with a particular vacation that landed Haruhi in danger with some particularly confrontative boys. While Mori wasn’t too much a fan of how frequently you could end up in danger, he was amused by how easily most of your enemies would tuck tail and run if he so much as glared them down from behind you.
And it was quite rewarding whenever you’d turn to look at him with a big triumphant grin, shamelessly declaring “ see ? you have nothing to worry about—they’re intimidated by me! “
ఌ Even though Mori yearns to dance with you whenever the host club holds parties, because of the size difference, he usually chickens out of even offering to dance with you. He’d hate to ruin an experience like that with you just because the difference in height is so comically large.
What he didn’t account for is your free spirited personality not caring one wink of how others would perceive you two dancing—you also know that he may be tall, but it’s not like your 3 feet tall compared to his 6’4 ass. At one of the most recent soirées, you almost-quite-literally swept him off his feet when you asked for a dance.
As you both took to the floor and swayed in each other’s arms, slowly the other partygoers began enraptured by the sight. Fortunately for you two, you had both melted so far into each other’s gaze and warmth that the others watching you had completely gone unnoticed.
Mori cursed himself for being so dumb and taking so long to ask a dance with you.
He also ended up purchasing his first set of photos from Kyoya’s personal collection. They had captured you both in such a perfect light and detail that he considered opening a museum in your honor. All just to show the world what a masterpiece you both made together.
He decided against it.
The photos instead sit upon the walls of his room, congregated on the exact spot he faces every night before bed.
ఌ Once y’all are together, you tend to rely on Mori a lot more, as per the rules of “ Girlfriend Incompetence ” or otherwise known as princess brain. Things you could very well do on your own are instead passed to him as something “ only he can do ! you couldn’t possibly do it yourself ?? “
A book on the higher shelf? Well, you could easily get a step stool, but why do that when you could bat your pretty li’l eyes at Mori-senpai and he would bring down the moon at your request?
A puddle obstructs your path? D’aw, well, just go around it! Or, you could turn to Mori with a pouty lip and a sweet little “ please? “ He’d sweep you up in an instant—an easy task with how much smaller you are—and easily traverse over the puddle. You would find yourself mentally lamenting just how much longer his legs are, but you’ll get over it since it grants you the privilege of being in his embrace.
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in-loving-memory-of · 6 months
Takashi Morinozuka x fem reader -> crush/early dating stage head-canons (sfw)
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honestly, i fuckn hate hcs, but i’m gonna put them out there anyway, since mine are simply better cuz i said so
- Takashi isn’t the type of guy to just go up to a girl and ask her out because he thinks she’s cute or anything, so you would 100% have to start off as friends before he made a move (and even then, you’d probably be waiting a while)
- Probably would not initiate a conversation with you on his own (shocking)
- I could see Honey noticing Takashi’s special interest in a girl and deciding to talk to her, and maybe even invite her to the club
- If he did this with Takashi present, he’d be super nervous but secretly grateful that his cousin set him up, cuz lord knows it wouldn’t have happened otherwise
- Once Honey had Takashi’s crush engaged in a conversation, he’d start trying to, not so subtly, gauge whether or not she’s a good fit for Takashi
- If Honey doesn’t like you, then you don’t get to be with Takashi, period.
- If anyone asks at any point during your friendship if Takashi has feelings for you, he’ll either outright deny it or just stay silent, even though it’d be super obvious to anyone who knows him to any capacity
- He would be more engaged in conversations with you than anyone else, MAYBE aside from Honey
- He’d help with anything he thought you may be struggling with (you don’t even have to ask)
- Need help finding something? He’s got you. Pickle jar too hard to open? No problem. Can’t reach something on a high shelf? Well, thank god a certain giant has nothing better to do (he was just admiring you anyway)
- Once the club catches on, any possible privacy the two of you had is gone. Especially if they can tell the feelings are reciprocated
- Tamaki, the twins, and Honey would all try to get the both of you into situations where you’d be alone together, or they’d talk about how cute you would be together, or how cute your kids would be, etc.
- Even before a relationship begins, Takashi will think it’s disloyal or unfaithful to interact flirt with any other girls, so he would be extra quiet during club hours (unless you’re there 🥰)
- Speaking of relationships, when Takashi does finally ask you out, expect it to be a simple question, such as: “Would you like to get coffee with me tomorrow?” or something similar. He’d probably do so when you two are completely alone (mostly so the other club members don’t try to trail you on your date)
- If the date went well, and he felt like you were interested afterwards, that’s when he’d ask you to be his girlfriend.
- The poor guy’s heart would be pounding out of his chest and he’d be blushing like crazy, which would only get worse when if you said yes
- Once you’re official, any reservations he previously had regarding closeness are gone. He wants to hold your hand and just be near you all the time
- He’s not into the PDA shit, though. It’s not like he’d pull you into a make out sesh in public, but he does like to be near you at all times
- Honey absolutely loves that Takashi found someone he truly cares for, especially since he thinks you’re fun to be around, so he and Takashi can still be close as ever
- The other members (mainly Tamaki) are ecstatic about the relationship as well
- Seeing their normally stoic friend all head over heals for you is just too sweet
- Once you start dating, it isn’t long before he wants you over to meet his parents and vice versa
- He doesn’t even see it as a huge step or anything. I mean, of course he wants his family to meet his darling partner
Alright, I’m gonna call this a part one, and basically just write others to be more tailored to a reader with specific personality traits, cuz writing so vaguely is driving me insane.
(I have no writing experience, but I promise I’ll try harder next time, so hopefully they’ll get better after this 😭)
If there’s anything specific you want to see, feel free to request headcanons or fics for Takashi (or any of the other characters for that matter), as that’ll make it way easier to write something worthwhile lmao
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rubbish-taste1234 · 4 months
Maid to the Shadow King
The marble floors of Ouran High School glistened under the morning sun, casting a polished reflection of the opulent chandeliers above. The grand hallways echoed with the rhythmic tapping of designer shoes and the melodious hum of idle conversation. Amidst this sea of calm, a sudden burst of frenetic energy broke the tranquility.
A girl, her cheeks flushed with urgency and her breath coming in desperate gasps, sprinted down the hallway. Her maid uniform was slightly askew, the ribbon at her collar barely hanging on. She dodged past students with an agility born of pure panic, her eyes scanning every corner, every nook, searching frantically.
"Where is he? Oh no, oh no, oh no!" she muttered under her breath, her mind racing even faster than her legs. She had one job, one simple task: look after the boy. But in the labyrinthine corridors of the elite academy, he had vanished as if into thin air.
Her thoughts spiraled into worst-case scenarios. What if he got lost? What if he was in trouble? The boy was the familys next patriarch after all. And she, entrusted with his care, had let him slip away.
She turned another corner, almost colliding with a group of giggling girls, and skidded to a halt. Ahead of her was the music room. Desperation guiding her actions, she decided to check inside. If there was one place in this grandiose school where she might find him, it was here.
With a quick prayer, she pushed open the ornate double doors and was immediately greeted by a flurry of rose petals. They fluttered around her like a dream, the sweet fragrance momentarily distracting her from her mission. As the petals settled, she blinked, taking in the scene before her.
Standing in a dramatic triangle formation were seven boys, each dressed in elaborate knight costumes, complete with capes and faux armor that glinted in the light.To the right of this formation, adjusting his glasses, stood the raven-haired boy she had been desperately searching for.
"Welcome to the Ouran Host Club," they chorused in unison, their voices harmonizing perfectly.
She stared, wide-eyed and breathless, at the theatrical spectacle before her. 
Her heart was still racing, but now it was from a mix of relief and something else entirely. She took a deep breath, gathering her composure. "Master Kyoya," she began, her tone respectful yet firm, "you can't just disappear like that. You know I have my duties to attend to."
Kyoya adjusted his glasses, his expression remaining steady. "My apologies. I didn't mean to cause you any distress."
She straightened her maid uniform, trying to maintain her professionalism despite the surreal setting. "Please, inform me next time you decide to... participate in such activities. It's my responsibility to ensure your well-being."
The other hosts watched the exchange with amused interest, their expressions ranging from curiosity to admiration for her steadfast demeanour. Kyoya nodded, his expression calm and respectful. "I'll keep you informed."
With a final nod, she allowed herself a small sigh of relief. "Thank you, Master Kyoya."
As she turned to leave, she gently pulled the ornate double doors closed behind her. The soft click of the latch echoed through the room, marking her exit.
The moment the doors were shut, the remaining hosts turned their heads in unison, their expressions a comical mix of curiosity and mischief. All eyes were now on Kyoya, waiting for an explanation.
Tamaki, with his pale-blond hair shimmering in the light, was the first to speak, his violet eyes wide with excitement. "Kyoya, who was that girl? She seemed so serious!"
Honey, the smallest and most cheerful of the group, perched on Mori's shoulders, clasped his hands together, flowers practically blooming around his head. "Yeah, Kyoya! She was cute! Does she like cake?"
Mori, stoic as ever, simply nodded in agreement, his dark eyes observing Kyoya with a hint of curiosity.
The Hitachiin twins, Hikaru and Kaoru, shared a conspiratorial grin. Hikaru leaned forward, his amber eyes glinting with mischief. "Is she a new club member?"
Kaoru, standing next to his twin with his hair parted to the left, added with a smirk, "Or maybe she's your secret girlfriend, Kyoya-senpai?"
Haruhi, ever practical and straightforward, crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Who is she, really? She seemed very concerned about you."
Kyoya adjusted his glasses, his expression calm and collected as always. "She's simply someone who takes her responsibilities seriously. There's no need for unnecessary speculation."
Tamaki, never one to be easily dissuaded, leaned in closer, his enthusiasm undiminished. "But Kyoya, she called you 'Master.' There's got to be more to this story!"
Kyoya sighed softly, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "As I said, she is someone responsible for my well-being. Nothing more, nothing less."
The hosts exchanged glances, clearly unconvinced but willing to let the matter rest, for now. The room fell silent for a moment, each of them pondering the unexpected encounter.
Finally, Kyoya spoke again, his tone signaling the end of the discussion. "Now, if we're done with this interrogation, we have guests to attend to."
With that, the hosts resumed their preparations, the curiosity lingering in the air but the immediate focus shifting back to their duties. SHOULD I CONTINUE THIS?? this is a reader x ohshc with the reader being a maid I just wanted to do something while I had free time and I kind of remembered fanfics exist 🤗
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effloradox · 1 month
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Honey's toothache incident has been a rough week for you all. He might be your senior but it's hard not to baby him especially with how depressed he's been since the sugar ban came into effect at the club. The problem is that as much as it's outwardly effecting Honey, you know it's affecting Mori more. He might not talk much but it's easy to read how guilty he's felt for the past week in the way he’s held himself.
You wouldn't normally seek him out individually but a part of you aches watching him beat himself up everytime he so much as looks in Honey's direction. You spot your chance when he's leaving the club to go to a kendo practice and you're quick to run after him. Without really thinking about your actions, you're quick to grab his hand and pull him through the closest door, only letting go when you're sure you're alone.
It’s only then that you realise you grabbed his hand and you’re still holding it. You drop it like his touch suddenly started to burn you and you’re painfully aware of the embarrassment rushing through you.
"I-uh, sorry! I just-I wanted to speak to you. About Honey-Senpai. And everything that’s happened this week." Mori’s expression softens for just a moment but he remains silent. You expected nothing less, and take his silence as permission to speak your piece.
"It isn't your fault you know. Everything that’s happened with Honey-Senpai. Just in case no one has told you yet." He seems surprised by your words, or maybe you’re just projecting that emotion onto him. Mori’s a man of few words so you do your best to express yourself as succinctly as possible.
"You always look like you've got something to say." Mori remains silent, simply letting his gaze rest on you. "I'll be here if you ever want to say it. I'm happy to wait."
As he walks past you, he slows for just a second to gently pat you twice on the head. You can't help but smile fondly as you watch him leave the room. You might not have helped much, but you hope Mori has at least realised he has a confident in you.
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therand0mwriter · 9 months
FRIENDS-Twin Fight
OHSHC x Female!reader
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"You're what?"
"We're pretending to fight in order to get Haruhi to let us go to her house." Hikaru and Kaoru said simultaneously, mischievous grins adorning their faces. (Y/N) and the twins were in her clubs kitchen after the host club ended and they were updating her on their current scheme. "Two questions," (Y/N) started, holding up two fingers. "Firstly: why? Secondly: 'her'?" The twins opened their mouths to respond but quickly shut them, a panicked look growing on their faces, "U-Uh..."
That told her everything she needed to know. (Y/N) chuckled and sent them a comforting smile, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. About Haruhi or your little escapade." Hikaru and Kaoru sighed in relief, but that breath was quickly sucked back in at her next words. "I have to say though, I am a little hurt that you two kept that from me... you usually share everything with me." She pouted. 
The twins immediately shot up to their feet, "I-It wasn't like that! If it was revealed that Haruhi was a girl-!" (Y/N)'s joyous laughing made them halt in their explanation. "You guys! I'm just teasing!" It was Hikaru's and Kaoru's turn to pout. The twins looked to each other out of the corner of their eyes and knew what the other was thinking. They approached the girl, their trademark devilish grins on their faces. Hikaru and Kaoru each placed a hand under (Y/N)'s chin, lifting her head to make eye contact. "Now that's not very nice of you, doll. We're the ones who are supposed to be teasing you. You deserve a punishment."  The twins said in an alluring tone, their grins never leaving. 
(Y/N) blushed at their advance and enticing words at first. Key words: at first. Her eyes quickly narrowed, "Do that, and I'll never cook or bake for you two again." She said with a tone of finality. "Ack!" Hikaru and Kaoru instantly backed off, causing the girl to giggle. "That's what I thought!" It was (Y/N)'s turn to smirk, making the boys blush. She then turned to the counter next to her. "I believe the macaron shells are all cooled off by now..." She had mumbled to herself, starting to assemble the sandwich cookies. 
Hikaru and Kaoru watched (Y/N), thinking. 'I can't believe she has such a hold on us...' "Here, my kohai." (Y/N) said, handing the twins a plate of pink and blue macarons. Hikaru and Kaoru smiled largely, taking the plate, "Thanks, doll!" The twins each took one and were about to take a bite but suddenly paused, "Hey," They started. "These are like the macarons you made us when we first met." (Y/N) smiled, "Yeah! They are!" Hikaru and Kaoru smiled in turn at the fond memory. "Wait a minute," The twins started once again. "This gives us an idea." They mischievously grinned at each other before turning to their senpai. (Y/N) gave them a confused look, "Huh?"
*Time Skip, Next Day*
"Wow." Was all (Y/N) could say as she took in the sight in front of her. "You guys really went for it, huh?" She questioned Hikaru and Kaoru with wide (e/c) eyes that never left their hair. "We sure did!" The twins said together with proud grins. Hikaru and Kaoru had found (Y/N) before classes started to show her their new look for their scheme. Hikaru had dyed his hair a bright pink while Kaoru dyed his hair a bright blue. 
"You know," Hikaru started. "We really have to thank you," Kaoru continued. "Thanks to you, you gave us the idea for our new hair. It'll really help us sell our 'fight'." They ended together, their trademark grins adorning their face. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow in question, "What? How did I give you two the idea for pink and blue hair?" Before the twins could answer, the chime of the bell rang out, signaling the start of class soon. 
"Awe, it's time to go." Hikaru and Kaoru said, disappointment in their tone. (Y/N) chuckled, "I'll check up on you guys at lunch, I want to see your little plan in action." The twins smile at this, "Alright, see you then, senpai!" Right before the three of them went their separate ways, Hikaru and Kaoru called out, "Oh! And senpai?" The girl stopped in her tracks and looked to her kohai, her head tilted in curiosity. "To answer your question, your pink and blue macarons gave us the idea. It just goes to show how much we like them, and how much we like you." Hikaru and Kaoru said, sending a wink to their favorite senpai. (Y/N) blushed at their words and their wink, speechless. The twins chuckled, pleased with the reaction they received from the girl. They turned to leave, waving behind them, "See you at lunch, doll."
After they had turned the corner, (Y/N) shook her head and thought to herself. 'I swear, ever since they realized that I'm friends with Honey, Mori, and Kyoya, they've been more flirty than usual. I wonder what's up with them?' She then shrugged, heading to her first class.
*Time Skip*
Lunch time had arrived and (Y/N) was slightly eager to see the twins in action. Unfortunately, she was 10 minutes late due to helping out a classmate with their work. When she entered the lunchroom she paused. She wasn't sure what to expect with the twins fight, but she wasn't expecting to see Hikaru and Kaoru to be throwing multiple different objects at each other without any shame. 'Huh?! Was that Honey and Mori senpai?!' 
"I see you finally learned about the current problem in the host club." A smooth voice said next to (Y/N). She turned to see Kyoya, also taking in the scene of the twins. "U-Uh, yeah. I heard about it but wasn't expecting it to be like this." (Y/N) replied. "(Y/N)-chan!" A new voice called out. Said girl turned this time to see Honey and Mori approaching her and Kyoya. (Y/N) sighed in relief, "I'm glad to see you two are okay." Honey giggled, "Yeah, that was pretty crazy, huh?" 
"So," (Y/N) started. "How long has this been going on?" She gestured to the twins who finally stopped throwing things at each other, storming off in opposite directions. "Since yesterday, Haruhi made a tactless comment about them and that seemed to be the catalyst." Kyoya answered, pushing up his glasses. (Y/N) internally giggled, finding it amusing how Kyoya indirectly blamed Haruhi for the twins tantrum.
"I'm pretty worried about them..." Honey commented, his tone sad. (Y/N) started to feel bad, her friends were worried over nothing but they didn't know that... but she did. With one sentence, she could melt her friends worries away. But she promised Hikaru and Kaoru that she wouldn't say anything. 'I need to stay away from everyone until Hikaru and Kaoru are done with their ruse...'
(Y/N) placed a comforting hand on Honeys shoulder, "I'm sure they'll make up before you know it, Honey-senpai." The older teen smiled, "Yeah, you're probably right, (Y/N)-chan!" She smiled at the blonde boy before turning to the two ravenettes, "Unfortunately, I have to get going now. I'll see you all later though!" She waved goodbye as she left the lunchroom, getting waves back from Kyoya and Honey while Mori nodded. 'Hm... somethings up with her.' Kyoya thought, finding her behavior weird. 'I'll have to text her about it later.'
*Time Skip*
What do you know?
Huh? What are you talking about?
Hikaru and Kaoru. What do you know?
They're... fighting?
I promised them I wouldn't say anything!😖
So you do know something.
Shoot. That wasn't fair!😖
Just tell me. I promise I won't say anything.
You swear?
I swear.
They're pretending to fight in order to get Haruhi to let them go to her house. Though I'm not sure how that will go haha
I'm not surprised.
I'm rereading your message. Did they tell you about Haruhi?
Don't worry, I won't say anything:)
I know you won't.
But since that's the case, I'm taking the host club to test out my family's tropical retreat this Friday after school. Would you like to join us?
Wait, really?! I can come??
Of course, I would love it if you joined.
Yes! Definitely! I would love that!😁
Great, I look forward to it. :)
Kyoya, did you just use an emoji??
Yes. I figured I would try it out for you.
You're too cute💖
I appreciate it:)
I'm glad.
Kyoya set his phone down and placed his hand over his mouth. He was thankful that he was alone in his classroom. Otherwise, people would see the raging blush dusting his cheeks.
*Time Skip*
"Guess what, senpai?" Hikaru and Kaoru grinned at said girl. "What?" She replied. "We did it! Haruhi said she'll let us come come to her house one day!" The twins said triumphantly. She chuckled, "Congratulations! I knew you two could do it!" Hikaru and Kaoru glowed at their favorite senpai's praise. 
"Wait a minute," She started, staring at the twins hair. "Did you switch hair colors?" The twins paused, but then softly smiled, "Nothing gets past you." They didn't answer her, but they did go in for a hug.  Hikaru was on her left and Kaoru was on her right, wrapping their arms around her shoulders. (Y/N) was slightly surprised at their sudden tenderness, but welcomed it. She returned the hug by placing her hands on their arms and snuggling into her favorite pair of twins.
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What’s in it for me?
Chapter 8
Chapter 1     Masterlist
Pairing: Kyouya Ootori x Reader Author: see-the-fandom-imagines   Warnings: Kyouya in a bad mood, other than that mostly cute fluff, filler Author’s Note: I hope you will like it! One tiny question: I have been thinking about uploading this same fic with a few changes that would be required, but using male pronouns. I feel like our male readers get too little attention every once in a while, so let me know in case anyone would actually be interested in reading this with male pronouns! Tag List: @radical-bunny, @redsakura101​, @ellouisa17​
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46325452/chapters/116633701
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The next morning you awoke early. You needed a moment to realise where you were, but Haruhi’s steady breathing soon reminded you of everything that happened the day before. You groaned and stretched, before carefully sitting up. Bright sun light shone through the curtains, so you decided you might as well should get up and make some breakfast. You owed everyone as much for scaring them like you did. Quietly you walked into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror you noticed that your eyes were still a little puffy from crying, but that was nothing that a little cold water couldn’t save. You brushed your teeth and quickly washed your face, before slipping into your everyday clothes and sneaking downstairs. No one was there yet, and you enjoyed the short moment of calmness, a rare occasion when being anywhere with the host club. You had to admit you probably were relaxed for the first time in weeks, although you knew you also had to thank the six boys for that who were still sleeping upstairs. Silently you checked the fridge and the pantry for food and you actually found almost all of the basics – eggs, rice, flour, sugar �� You could work with that. You had just finished heating the pan, when you heard steps coming down the stairs into the kitchen. You turned around to see who it was, after you had poured the first load of dough into the pan. “Mori-Senpai”, you greeted. “Good morning!” You smiled at him and he smiled back. “Good morning.” He stepped closer to see what you were doing. “I am making breakfast, I thought it was the least thing I could do after … after yesterday.” You carefully flipped the pancake, before turning towards him, as you noticed something. “I never really thanked you properly, but… well, thank you. Really.” You looked him in the eyes. “For saving my life. And everything in general, too.” You bowed down as deeply as you could without falling to your knees. He was quiet for a while, but then you felt the weight of his hand on your head as he ruffled your hair. Surprised you looked up into his smiling face. You knew this was his way of saying that it was alright. You smiled up at him. “If you want to you can sit down, I’ll bring the breakfast out in a bit.” “Let me help you.” “But…”, you started but he shook his head. “Please.” You chuckled and gave in. If he said he wanted to help, that’s what he wanted to do. You always enjoyed Mori’s simplicity in this regard. “Alright! You can make some pancakes if you want to? They’re mostly for Honey-senpai and the twins whenever they wake up!” Mori nodded and took the spatula from you. The rest of the morning was spend in a comfortable silence, only interrupted by you giving Mori some cooking tips and asking which vegetables and leftovers he wanted in the soup.
Proudly, Mori showed you the big stack of pancakes he had just made, and you gave him a thumbs up. “Amazing! Now we just have to wait for …” “I smell pancakes!” You almost flinched as you heard the older hosts voice behind you. When did he get up? Had he been awake this whole time? Slowly you turned around, looking into his happy face. “We made some for breakfast, I had a feeling you’d like them”, you said, trying not to be freaked out by his weird sense of smell for sweets. “Yay!”, he proclaimed, “Let’s set the table, so we can eat!” You nodded and handed Honey a stack of plates, when suddenly Mori stepped in front of you, grabbing your chin with one hand and lifting your head to look at him. You felt the heat creep onto your cheeks at his touch. “M-Mori-senpai”, you stammered, but then he lifted his other hand and gently wiped something of your face with his thumb. His fingers felt warm on your face and his touch was soft. A lot softer than how Kyouya had touched you yesterday. With wide eyes you stared up at him. “Flour”, he explained and immediately you understood and relaxed your shoulders again. “Oh”, you said, but before you could react any further, two very well-known voices appeared next to you. “Hey hey, are we interrupting something?” Immediately, Mori let go of your face as if he had been burnt by it. Hikaru appeared next to his brother. “Is there a secret kitchen party and we haven’t been invited?” You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, huge kitchen party, too bad, you’re late.” “Hey”, Kaoru started poking your cheek. “That’s mean”, Hikaru said, poking the other one. “You know me”, you shrugged, “mean to the core.” “Have you made breakfast?”, they realized at the same time. “Yes.” “But why? “Yeah, there’s maids for that.” “Well, there are no maids here as you can see.” “Well, then there’s delivery”, Hikaru shrugged, and you waited for Kaoru’s response but instead he smiled down at you. “Thanks.” Hikaru sent him an irritated gaze, but you beamed up at him. “You’re welcome, now go, go, set the table if you want to eat!” “Do we have to?”, they groaned in unison, but a raised eyebrow from you was enough to get them to move. You shook your head, watching your friends set the table and a weird sense of security and happiness washed over you. It weirdly felt like home. Just… safe. Although a few people were still missing. Smiling at the view, you saw Tamaki and Haruhi walk down the stairs, bickering again, but stopping as they saw the almost fully set breakfast table. “(Y/n) have you done all this?”, Tamaki asked, but you shook your head. “I had some help." You smiled at Mori. “You could have woken me up, I would have helped”, Haruhi protested, but you shushed her quickly. “That’s exactly, why I didn’t wake you! You deserved some rest.” You looked around. “Well, Kyouya-senpai is still missing.” You checked your watch. “I better go wake him up.” Suddenly you felt the gaze of all the hosts on you. “Better don’t do that”, Hikaru said. “Not if you want to live”, Kaoru finished. “What do you mean?” “Kyouya has the blood type AB”, Tamaki explained, but you still were a little confused. “So?” “Kyouya really doesn’t like to be woken up”, Honey said, while already stuffing his face with his first pancake. “You are not the one to talk”, Mori solely commented on his cousin’s utterance, but since you also could not really place this, you just sighed. “Ah, come on, guys, it can’t be that bad … right?” “Try it at your own risk”, the twins said, shrugging, while already sitting down at the breakfast table and you gulped. “Well, I think he is going to be angrier, if we let him sleep and we miss our car back, so I guess I’ll… try my best.” But you had barely finished the sentence, when you were already beginning to doubt your idea.
Carefully, you made your way up the stairs and turned to the left where you knew Kyouya's room was located. You knocked carefully, but didn’t get a reply. You knocked again. Still nothing. You gulped heavily and decided to go in. Once you had stepped inside your eyes needed a moment to adjust to the darkness and suddenly you weren’t so sure anymore of what you were doing here. You had entered Kyouya’s room without his permission, to wake him up, also without his permission. Even morning people would have every right to be pissed at you and he apparently was the complete opposite of a morning person. Biting your lip you questioned why you were here again and thought about simply turning around, it was not too late to just leave again, but then you remembered the feeling of seeing everybody help out in the kitchen. And how happy that had made you. And how much you had noticed Kyouya’s absence in this moment. A part of you really wanted him to be part of this memory. Maybe it was foolish, but now that you were already inside his room you decided there was no going back. You took a deep breath, and carefully stepped closer to his bed. You looked at his sleeping face and couldn’t help but notice how relaxed he looked. You smiled a little to yourself. His hair was messy from sleep and he seemed unusually relaxed. He was always so composed, seeing him in this state was highly unusual, but you had to admit that you liked it. The messy hair was weirdly attractive. You swalled down the lump in your throat and knelt down beside him. “Kyouya-senpai”, you whispered, but he still didn’t move. “Kyouya-senpai”, you tried again, this time a bit louder. You sighed. This was not working. You stood back up again, and carefully moved his shoulder. “Kyouya-sen…” But this was as far as you got, for in the next second you felt Kyouya’s grip on your wrist that had just tried to shake him awake. The sudden pull of his touch made you fall over. Your upper body collided with his and your faces were just inches apart from each other as you now stared into his eyes. The usual brown-greyish colour had turned black and you felt a shiver run down your spine as he looked at you. “First you won’t let me sleep and now you wake me early in the morning?” His voice was ice cold. Wait, not let him sleep, what have you …Oh no, you must have woken him up last night with your crying. Immediately your face went bright red, thinking that he had heard your absolute breakdown. Your mouth went dry and your thoughts went blank. How much had he heard? Had he heard you cry? Had he heard anything at all? You felt your cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. You felt his chest moving with his chest against yours, his fingers burning into your wrist and you were way too aware of the warmth radiating from him. You tried to think of something to say, anything. You wanted to apologize for waking him both yesterday and today, but you realized you were close enough to smell the faint scent of cedar and lavender that always seemed to surround him and it clouded your thoughts. All you could perceive was the warmth of his skin against yours and how close his face was. This was getting really weird, you had to say something, anything to make this better. Just apologise, (y/n), apolo … “I made breakfast.” You slapped yourself internally, but nothing else would come over your lips. You swallowed hard and looked down at him. His eyes seemed to regain a bit of colour, although, he had still gripped your wrist tightly and seemed slightly murderous. “You… made breakfast?”, he asked back. “Yeah.” “…” “…” “You wake me up ... to tell me you made breakfast.” “Yeah.” He seemed to think for a second, before you could feel his chest begin to vibrate with a low chuckle. “You made breakfast”, he repeated again and finally let go of your wrist. Right away you scrambled back up to your feet, although you were immediately missing the warmth. Kyouya sat up and looked at you. It was impossible for you to guess what he was thinking. He still radiated a slight murderous spirit, but at least he didn’t seem like he wanted to decapitate you on the spot anymore. “I’ll be right down.”
Trying to steady your breath you made your way back down the stairs, your legs a little wobbly from the second close call with death in the last two days and only now noticed that all the other hosts, including Haruhi had gathered at the foot of the staircase, looking up at you expectantly. Before you could react, you found yourself in Tamaki’s embrace. “Oh, (y/n), you can’t imagine how glad we are that you are alive and well!” You blinked a few times. It had been scary, but now he was overdoing it. “I am fine”, you tried to get out between him squeezing you, and it took the help of both twins to peel him away from you. “You don’t look fine”, they observed and you realized, that you probably still were blushing quite heavily. They seemed to mistake it for fear. “No worries, (y/n)-chan! You’re safe now!”, Honey assured you with a serious gaze. “And now sit down and have breakfast with us! A few pancakes will help you get better!”
It didn’t take long for Kyouya to come downstairs, neatly dressed and styled as always. It was as if he was a completely different person. “Good morning”, he wished everyone at the table and they responded. “Good morning, (y/n)”, he said to you in particular, his voice cold, and you knew he was still mad at you for waking him up. “Good morning”, you mumbled back. You had just gotten up to get Honey a few more pancakes, and immediately made your way back into the kitchen to grab another bowl of rice, a miso soup and some of the fish from yesterday you had been frying up again. You placed them one by one in front of Kyouya who looked at you with an unreadable gaze. “I said I made breakfast”, you mumbled, and shrugged, avoiding eye contact. “And I remember you once said you don’t really like sweet stuff, so I made something savory, too.” Kyouya didn’t reply and you didn’t dare to look into his face so you made your way back to your seat to finish your own breakfast. You tried to ignore him, but somehow you caught your gaze wandering back towards him, eyeing the food in front of him suspiciously. You knew it tasted fine, you had had some yourself and Mori had also told you it’s delicious, so you weren’t sure why you were so worried about what Kyouya might think about it. You chewed on a bite of rice, and acted as if you were listening to something Haruhi was telling you, but actually you were watching the dark-haired host from the corner of your eyes, curious about how he'd react. You watched him separate a piece of fish and put it in his mouth. He halted for a second and looked at you, almost surprised. Your gaze met his for a second, but he immediately averted his gaze and focused it on the food again. You had to turn back to Haruhi, so that she wouldn’t realize that you hadn’t been listening to a word she said, but you could have sworn that you had seen a small smirk on Kyouya’s face, as he took a second bite and somehow this made you irrationally happy.
Kyouya for his share did not remember when he had last eaten a homecooked meal like that. Trying to show as little emotion as possible, he nonetheless gladly realized that she seemed to be feeling better. A small smile played on her lips now and he watched her talk and laugh with the other hosts. That sight might have even been worth getting woken up for. Might.
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Hi! I was hoping to request some headcanons or something short for Ouran highschool host club if I can. Could you do Kyoya and Mori where their s/o is from America and has tattoos that they don't ever see bc of the school uniform? How would they or the whole club react to seeing them for the first time?
Yes yes and yes
He would be interested after meeting you and finding out that you were from America
He will ask you anything he can about your life being there from the culture, what people do normally that is different than in Japan, everything he wants to know you tell him
He had heard about tattoos, known some people who had them, and seen pictures of people you knew who had them but he didn't think you had any but he was surprised
He looked at the three tattoos you had on your body the first one on your collarbone of angel wings, the second one on your forearm of a poem, and the third one on your calf of a daisy with a bee in the middle
He listened to you tell him of each tattoo staring in awe and surprise tracing the lines and smiling before asking how they were done
He soon started learning more about tattoos even thinking about getting one himself but he was still deciding on it
He knew quite a bit about American culture but was happy learning more of it after meeting you and becoming best friends
He always had a special interest in art being especially in awe when he first saw pictures of tattoos back in the day and how they have changed over the years
He had seen people on the street with some and a few people from school but he never knew anyone who had any at all oh boy was he surprised about you
He stood and stared at the tattoos on your body making him slowly smile while gently tracing the outlines and the feeling of the art imbedded in your skin
Taking time to admire each one starting with the dove on your shoulder, going to the cherry blossom branch on your collarbones that went across your chest, followed by the music notes on your left forearm, then going to the beach and ocean piece you have on your thigh, and finally the self love and acceptance to yourself on your right rib
Later on on your three year anniversary together the two of you got matching tattoos of a heart and key with the other's name on the lock his being on his left forearm while yours is on your right forearm always holding hands to have the tattoos beside each other
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blues824 · 2 years
Can you do ohshc host club with a s/o who is like Diluc from genshin impact
I most certainly can! Gender-neutral Reader. Anyone can read this, you are just a member of the Host Club (remember that Benibara charmed the girls in Lobelia). 
Does not include Haruhi. Feel free to request her, though.
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Tamaki Suoh
Before he truly got to know you, he was aware that you were of noble descent (probably because of Kyoya). Your family owned a winery, and a lot of rich families loved to import the wine from your specific winery. Hence why you got all that dough.
However, he also knew of your father’s passing. Since you were the oldest out of you and your younger brother, you inherited the business as well as the money. It also left you with habits of isolation that he tries repeatedly to break through. Eventually, you accept his invitation to the Host Club. After all, ladies like people with tragic backstories.
Eventually, he cracks through your cold exterior and gets to the gentle person that lies underneath. He charmed his way into your heart, so to speak. All the visitors notice the chemistry between the two of you and absolutely eat it up. One of the girls even pushed Tamaki to confess, which he did.
He confessed to you underneath one of the cherry blossom trees. His palms were sweaty and his knees were heavy (there’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti). A huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders when you accepted the rose and placed a kiss on his cheek. He was frozen in shock as blush erupted on his face.
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Kyoya Ootori
He was also aware of the family you came from. In fact, he was the one who suggested getting you recruited into the Host Club. You were from a very rich family, and you just became heir to the winery that his parents often order wine from.
Kyoya also knew of your father’s passing, and that’s how you became the heir of your family’s assets. Also, your younger brother was said to be a flirt. Even if that was the case, the Vice President saw more value in you than him. People love to romanticize a single, saddened person who is surrounded by alcohol.
You do eventually join the Host Club, and you both work side-by-side together in running the financial aspect of it all. That’s how you grew closer together, and now we can see Tamaki pushing Kyoya to confess his undying love for you.
He actually takes his advice, and tells you in passing. You weren’t the type to make a big deal out of things, so he figured this wouldn’t be an exception. You nearly dropped the folder you held, had you not been keeping a vice-like grip after he let it slip. You told him that you felt the same way, and he gently pressed a kiss to your temple before getting back to work.
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Mitsukuni “Honey” Haninozuka
Let’s be honest, you were probably shocked to see a child-like person running around Ouran Academy looking for sweets. It wasn’t a usual occurrence for you, especially since you had just recently transferred here with your younger brother.
Honey knew about you, but he didn’t know you. When Tamaki gave orders to get you recruited, he tried to use his child-like charm to try and get you to accept. Who can refuse him? Obviously not you, because you agreed.
He has to admit that your routine also worked on him for whatever reason. You would pour the visitors some drinks as you talked about taking care of them, if only they would accept your alcohol-earned money. To set aside all they ever knew and allow you to protect them. He kept getting distracted from work, and Kyoya encouraged him to confess so that he could get back on track.
One day, he hands you a box. When you opened it, you found that it was a cake he made for you. The frosting on top read as follows: “Will You Go Out With Me?” You let a small smile grace your face for a moment before accepting. After all, who can refuse him?
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Takashi “Mori” Morinozuka
It was an unusual sight for you, seeing a tall (fine-looking) gentleman escorting a child-looking student around Ouran Academy. You both officially met when you stopped him to ask him for directions to a certain class. Turns out, you both were heading in the same direction.
Tamaki had told the whole Host Club about your known history when he simultaneously ordered them to ask you to join the club. Instead of pulling off any sort of stunt, he just asked you like a freaking normal person. He felt glad that you accepted, but he didn’t show it.
He was secretly happy that you took to being a host so quickly. The host life wasn’t for everyone, after all. In fact, you got the most requests. He grew slightly envious of all your visitors, since you had them hooked onto your sad, ‘lonely’ charm. He didn’t get distracted, but Honey noticed and told him that he should tell you.
He eventually did, with a note. He wasn’t great with words, so a note would be the next best thing for him. It was surprisingly very sweet and romantic. As Eliza from Hamilton said, “He made palaces out of paragraphs”. He let a smile out when you accepted his confession.
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Hikaru Hitachiin 
Like with Haruhi, he was in a few of your classes. When you were introduced to everyone (as you were a late transfer), you both met each other’s gaze. He quickly looked away, but he knew karma had to get back at him because you were sat right next to him.
When the President of the Host Club voiced his desire to have you join them, he was exasperated. No one would allow him to get you out of his mind, would they? After class, he decided to ask if you would be interested in being a host, and he was surprised when you accepted.
He honestly thought you made a great host. You even charmed a lot of the other hosts, and the visitors… don’t even get me started. Your promises of taking them away and taking care of them really felt like a personal attack for him because it secretly made him swoon. However, he constantly got distracted because of you. Kaoru eventually made him go confess to you.
When he did, he decided to do it in a very unorthodox fashion. He requested you to be his host, and in your private session he told you about his feelings for you. He let out a breath of relief when you accepted his love.
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Kaoru Hitachiin
He was also in a few of your classes. He was appointed to show you around Ouran Academy. It was then that he got a text from Tamaki. He explained that he had to go because there was an emergency Host Club meeting. 
The next time you both met up with each other, you asked about the Host Club. He gave you the basic introduction, and he remembered that Tamaki had asked him to recruit you. He was absolutely ecstatic when you agreed to become a host.
He also thought you were a great host. Not only did you bring in mountains of revenue, but you also got into his head. You were like a siren, talking to others about your sad story and how you would never leave him them. He started getting distracted, and Hikaru got angry and made him confess to you.
He did it by handing you a rose everyday for a week. When he gave you the 7th rose, you knew what he was up to and accepted his feelings. He wrapped his arms around you in a hug, just happy as happy can be.
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gelus-ugs · 2 years
Mori x Black, Fem! Reader
Established relationship, the host club meeting Mori’s s/o they had no idea about 👀
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“Takashi~ Please!”
The short blonde whined as he clung onto the taller male’s leg. He responded with a mere grunt as his eyebrows were furrowed in frustration.
“Why not?! Takashi!”
Mori did his best to ignore his cousin as he trudged into the music room with the wailing male glued to his leg.
Mori was thankful that today wasn’t a hosting day, or else he would’ve been dreading the concerned looks from the guests as he had to come up with a lie to explain why Honey was throwing a tantrum.
“What’s up with him?”
Haruhi asked as she questioningly eyed the blonde. Mori let out a frustrated sigh as his expression was less than pleased - something that was way out of character for the black haired male.
“T-Takashi has a girlfriend, but he won’t let me meet her!”
Honey continued to cry as he stuck to the leg of his poor cousin in hopes to get him to change his mind. The rest of the hosts overheard the male - seeing as he wasn’t necessarily being quiet - and began to gather around Mori.
“You have a girlfriend?!”
“Since when were you seeing someone?”
“I wanna meet her too!”
“You never told us you had a girlfriend!”
Mori felt himself being overwhelmed as he was bombed with sudden questions left and right. Haruhi decided to step in and push the rests of the hosts - including Honey - away from Mori and gave the male a chance to breathe.
“Guys, let’s not overwhelm him. I’m sure he’ll be willing to answer questions one at a time”
“Is it true, Mori-Senpai? Do you really have a girlfriend?”
Tamaki eagerly asked. All eyes were on Mori as he felt himself become uneasy. His cheeks tinted a light shade of pink as his gaze drifted to the side, slowly nodding in the process. Gasps could be heard from the other hosts as Honey was quick to ask the next question.
“Does she go here, Taka-Chan? Could we all meet her?!”
Mori shook his head no, disappointment radiating from the hosts. Haruhi tilted her head in confusion,
“How do you know her then, Mori-Senpai?”
“Middle school”
“Do I know her, do I know her?!”
Honey eagerly asked, which caused Mori to think before shaking his head no.
“Could we meet her, Senpai?”
Mori hesitated as everyone eagerly awaited his answer.
It was a normal hosting day for the club, guests coming and going as the hosts entertained whoever they were assigned to. The day eventually came to an end as the last few guests took their leave.
“Taka-Chan! Aren’t you coming home?”
Honey looked up at his taller cousin, who shook his head in response. The rest of the hosts looked at the male in confusion, finding it odd that he wasn’t leaving - especially with Honey.
“What’s the matter, Senpai? Are you waiting for someone?”
Haruhi asked, to which Mori nodded. Before anyone else could ask questions, one of the doors to the music room suddenly opened. Everyone turned to see the most unique girl they had ever seen.
Her hair was an unusual texture, and in a unique style they had never seen. Glasses framed her face perfectly as her eyes peeked from behind. She wasn’t wearing Ouran’s uniform. In fact, she was wearing [outfit of your choice], which seemed to match her perfectly.
Although, what stood out the most was her skin. It was darker than any of them had ever seen. It was a beautiful shade of brown that lightened at the palm of her hands. Her skin was smooth and beautiful, it was almost like they were staring at a goddess from a fairytale.
The female questioningly scanned the room before locking eyes with a certain black haired male. Her expression immediately lightened as a smile made its was to her lips.
The female casually strode up to the tall male, wasting no time embracing him with a hug as he returned the gesture.
“Sorry I’m a bit late, I got lost. Your instructions were thorough, but I got a bit confused”
The female apologized as she removed herself from the hug, sheepishly looking up at her lover. Mori smiled, placing his hand on the top of her head to let her know that it was okay.
“Are you Taka-Chan’s girlfriend!?”
The female’s arm was suddenly yanked as she came face-to-face with a short blonde. The female hesitated, turning around to face Mori. The male gave her a reassuring nod, the girl smiling before turning to face the short boy.
“I am. I’m [Y/n] [L/n]”
“Woah! You’re so pretty!”
Honey enthusiastically complimented, which earned a light chuckle from [Y/n].
“Thank you!”
“So, how exactly did you and Mori-Senpai meet?”
The twins simultaneously asked, raising their eyebrows as their gaze shifted between [Y/n] and Mori. The male had a faint blush on his cheeks as he looked away, [Y/n] - on the other hand - grabbed ahold of Mori’s hand and smiled.
“It’s a funny story, actually. I had to bring some papers to the school’s nurse, but the nurse wasn’t there and instead I saw Takashi attempting to wrap a bruise on his arm with one hand. He was obviously struggling, so I helped him out. He’s been stuck with me ever since”
[Y/n] joked, playfully nudging Mori with the side of her hip.
“I can’t believe you’ve never introduced me to [Y/n]-Chan, Takashi! She’s so cool!”
The short blonde whined to his cousin, who let out a grunt.
“Agreed! Although, you and your accent are very unique. Where are you from - if I may ask?”
Tamaki genuinely questioned with a tilt of his head. [Y/n] smiled,
“I’m from [country of origin], but moved to Japan five years ago when I was thirteen. My dad’s Japanese and my mom’s black!”
[Y/n] explained. As she talked more about her origin and past to the club, Mori smiled at his significant other.
Maybe I should’ve introduced her sooner.
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athenasilver7 · 2 years
OHSHC (separately) x GN Reader
Scenario: When you cry.
There you are! He’s been looking everywhere for you! You really worried him, you know!
H-hey…are you okay?
What the..!
….Come here.
Stay still, just let him hold you.
Geez..he was all worried about you. Turns out you just wanted to cry in secret?
Tell him next time! He wants to be there for you!
Come on now. Let him wipe those tears away.
Shh, shh, shh.
You’ll be fine, this feeling won’t last forever.
He hugs you and pats you head.
….You got his shirt wet with his tears.
You owe him a new one.
Gentle hugs all around.
She’ll make some tea for you. She tells you tea always work for her.
She explains that she’s always going to be there for you.
She never wants you to go through something alone, especially if she’s around to help.
It’s okay, take your time.
Oh…oh no no no no..
Get over here.
That’s right, just settle yourself in his arms. It’s okay.
He can’t stand seeing you so vulnerable and hurt.
Please, tell him what you need. He’ll do his best to help you.
Here, let him cover you in blankets and pillows.
You need maximum comfort!
Here! There’s some cake and tea on the table if you want any.
Forehead and cheek kisses.
He invites you to lay down with him and rest on his chest.
He even tears up while holding you. It’s almost torturous to hear your sobs.
When you’ve calmed down enough, he reaches over for the remote and turns on your comfort show.
He cradles your face and wipes away any remaining tears.
Nose kiss.
He’s here for you, dear.
…Don’t do that. Don’t. You’re causing him physically pain with that expression.
He feels his heart shatter.
He immediately picks you up.
He knows you like being in his arms. He knows it makes you feel safe and secure.
You can stay in his arms forever if you want.
It’s hard for him to offer any words, so he settles for small gestures and gentle touches.
OHSHC masterlist
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marwhoa · 2 years
request: can i get some Mori dating headcanons? it's okay if not, have a good day :]
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🝮 mori-senpai dating headcanons !!
morinozuka takashi & reader
author’s note: so exciting! I did this impromptu without consulting my fic schedule at all, I was just so excited. It’s my second ohshc ask !! and my first headcanon write !! I have a few headcanon requests that i may be tots cool with knocking out shortly.. or maybe i’ll watch Wednesday.. ooh! Fun fact, i actually have Honey’s Usa-chan. I bought it with money I was given after donating plasma 😎 watch this be the post that gets me flooded with ohshc requests lmao
word count: 1.0k
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When you guys first got together, little paper-craft animals would appear in places he knew you would see. You only discovered it was his work when one day, he said a little, “ oh! “ and then held out an adorable paper-tanuki. You keep them all, don’t you?
That isn’t to say he doesn’t still do it. No, no, you will occasionally find a little cat or so still! Once there was even a little chick.
Before dating him, you may have encountered a rude person, bully, or unwanted flirts. Once y’all were together, magically that slate was wiped clean… Did you gain a boyfriend or a guardian angel? (Trick question, answer is both!)
Now, we all know how quiet he can be—speaking only when necessary or so. As such, you have occasionally been referred to as the “ Mori Whisperer “ due to your accidental talent at being able to read this man like a book. Like, the easiest book. One time, you glanced at him from across the room, sprung right up, and left. Everyone was confused, and then even more so when you came back with … poetry book? God, they were even more confused.
When you turned and saw them looking at you, missing Mori’s second-long starstruck expression, you simply went, “ What? He had his ‘poetry book’ look in his eyes. “ No one knew which to question more, how you knew that or how you saw that look FROM ACROSS THE ROOM.
Alright, home boy surprised the death out of you once though. You’re great at reading him, but you had never met an exhausted Mori, so imagine the shock on your face as you were leaving with him from the club room after a late night, and right before leaving out, his hands slipped into yours and pinned you to the wall. His head hung low, resting against your shoulder. Silence. A little squeak of awkwardness slipped your lips and he smirked against your skin, mumbling something about how cute you were and how hard it was to focus on anything else if you were in the room. Even when you were gone he couldn’t focus! He rose up, gave you a smooch on the forehead, and then carried on with a yawn.
You wondered if he could hear how loud your heart was thundering in your chest on the way to your rides home.
If you’re shorter than him—let’s be real, he’s 6’4. I dare you to be taller—he will wordlessly hoist you up in some way, shape, or form. Prove me wrong? Within reason, of course (like ceiling height limits), he is either going to encourage caring you on his back, shoulders, or in his arms (won’t confess to it, but he may, just a teensie tad bit, prefer this method)
If you ARE taller than him, don’t think you’re safe from being picked up. He will just tug you into a hug, contemplate silently for a second, and then WHOOSH, hoist you on up!
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You see this? This right here? Yeah, he’s picking you up like this and looking into your eyes. If you’re lucky, you will catch his lips curl up into a fond smile.
Shares his food with you. Whether you have a habit of not eating or not, he will know. Mori is shockingly in tune with knowing whether you’ve had enough to eat or not—and if you’ve had the proper food groups. He grew up with the words most mischievous, sweets-loving little martial artist! Best believe he is either gently nudging a plate of yumminess to you OR holding it out for you to eat (cue the swooning in the background at such an adorable display of love!)
Mori will hold a bit of food for you to take, leaning into his propped-up hand with a smile in his eyes. When you take it, he can’t help but imagine you looking like an adorable little puppy or something and is quick to quietly take his gaze elsewhere, lest he wants his pale complexion to bloom with the ripest of rosy hues!
Rarely seen without Honey, but when you came into the picture? That because a, “ rarely seen without one of them, pretty much never alone ”. At first it was because Honey didn’t trust you being good enough for Mori and had to make sure you were good enough (what? you think someone’s following you? Oh, no, no, no, you’re um, seeing things. Yeah.) Now it’s just because it happens organically… or does it?
After the initiation period, you and Honey actually get along well. If Mori isn’t there when you come into the club room, Honey will beckon you over to hang out with him! Some of the girls love to visit him especially if you’re there because of the adorable older sibling caring for younger sibling dynamic you inadvertently fall into place of.
Mori may or may not have came in to see this once. Swore his heart nearly popped like a ballon as he saw your face contort into a playfully scolding expression saying, “ Honey-senpai, watch out! You’re spreading strawberry cream all over your face. “ He totally wasn’t imagining you taking care of children or anything, not at all. Not with those kind, gentle hands.
You’re, you’re sorely mistaken!
On particularly slow or boring days, he just might (with permission, of course, he is no heathen!) run his fingers through your hair absentmindedly. If you rest against him or lay your head in his lap, he will pray that you cannot hear how loud HIS heart is.
Also, his love language is acts of service. You don’t even have to ask him for help, he just magically appears (which has startled you a few times! you’ve joked a few times about getting him a little bell to hear him coming. he may have snorted at that, but when you turned back to look at him, he had a neutral expression…). Like, literally magically appears. One time you were having trouble on homework, and guess who sprung up a surprise visit? That’s right.
Morinozuka Takeshi, in the flesh. Cue a comedy scene worthy montage of you getting nice and presentable before letting him into your study room. He said he was also having trouble, but once the impromptu study sesh began, you discovered it was a lie! He was too good at this to be having trouble!
Who told him you needed help?!?
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Takashi x short! reader (sfw and nsfw)
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Just another set of headcanons for Takashi. Since I did a tall reader one, I wanna do a short reader as well (even though everybody and their mama has already done it). If/when I do anymore, I have some ideas for a shy reader and some more general stuff.
gender neutral reader. no mentions of “she”, just “you” and “they”
Since this contains nsfw stuff, I’d really appreciate if minors didn’t interact. I know I can’t really stop you, but the idea of a child reading this makes me uncomfortable, so please don’t. I have a couple other sfw posts if you’re interested, or hell, you could even read until it gets to the nsfw part (it’ll say nsfw, trust, you won’t have to search for it), but anyway, everyone else, enjoy.
- Takashi doesn’t care much about his partner’s appearance or anything, so will he truly care how tall or short his partner is? Nah, but he can still enjoy different aspects of their stature.
- He loves his short s/o, and would no matter their size, but he likes how, for lack of a better word, fragile they seem.
- Your stature makes him a little overprotective. It may even feel a little smothering/suffocating at times, but he’s trying his best to curb it enough for your taste.
- He’ll help you whenever your height gets in the way of something that needs to be done, i.e. reaching a high shelf. You don’t even have to ask most of the time, but he’d never feel put out by it, so you would never have to be afraid to ask if needed.
- It actually fuels that desire of his to feel helpful and needed, so definitely let him help you with whatever you need or want.
- If, for whatever reason, someone was to dog on you for your height, specifically if it upset you or you didn’t find it humorous, he would definitely be a little upset with them, but he wouldn’t attack them or even threaten them (and oml whenever i see someone hc that he would do some shit like that, I know automatically they can’t be older than twelve, cuz that is some CHILDISH shit), but if it was a recurring problem, he’d probably talk to them to let them know it bothered you. If they were intending to upset you, he would think less of them, but again, wouldn’t resort to violence or anything. He’d focus more attention on reassuring you that your height is not at all a problem and you have no reason to be upset over what some troglodyte thinks of you.
- He’s not big on PDA, but he is pretty physically affectionate, especially in private. He loves to spoon you, and it feels like his body just engulfs your own every time.
- He also loves the feeling of your small hands in his, and he likes to have an arm around you/a hand on you as often as possible when you’re together.
- He thinks it’s adorable how small you feel in his arms, and not that he’d be very obvious about it, but he gets flustered just by hugging/holding you. Contact like that is just very intimate, and he reserves it for those closest to him.
—— NSFW below ——
(minors, this is where i ask again for you to stop reading)
- Takashi loves any position that emphasizes the contrast in your heights.
- He is a naturally dominant guy, and that carries over into the bedroom, so no real surprise that he likes to be on top most of the time.
- Not to say that’s all he enjoys, since he actually really likes when you ride him, especially when he can hold your hips/guide you. He likes the power dynamic, and he’s very focused on your feelings above his own, so he wants to do whatever he can to make you feel good. Whatever you like, he loves.
- Bringing this back around to more of his favorite positions, though, he loves to have you on your hands and knees and drape himself over you, since that closeness really gets him going, plus, to reiterate, he loves how he just dwarfs your frame.
- He’s a strong guy, so he likes to hold you against a wall, since that shit’s a cakewalk for him, and you seem to enjoy it (go with it, cuz i said so)
- The only problem with his strength is the fact that he worries about hurting you a lot, even, or especially, in the bedroom. The fact that you’re so much smaller than him adds to this fear, so you may have to remind him sometimes that you don’t have paper skin and glass bones.
- If you do want him to be rougher with you during sex, he can, but it’s not his default, so you’d probably have to voice that desire to him.
- He’s naturally caring and considerate, even nurturing, so he is normally very sweet in the bedroom. He would be all praise, no degradation (again, unless you want him to), and he’ll make you feel like the most important thing in the world.
Alright, well, any other head canons I have are more vague, so I don’t feel they fit in the “short reader” category. I’ll probably be doing some more of these, since I would rather do this than anything important (like homework, which is exactly what I was avoiding by writing this for thirty minutes instead of responding to some fuck ass discussion posts. college is an endless cycle of torture, please, i can’t do two more years of this, someone put me out of my misery)
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cherrydriver · 2 years
Warnings: just fluff <3
This is so random and I greatly apologize. They just randomly came to my head and I decided to write them down lmao.
Takashi Morinozuka (Ouran High School Host Club), and Ushijima Wakatoshi (Haikyuu) are the kind of guys who would always have a hand on your lower back if you guys were dating.
They would just want to make sure that you were always okay and they never want to leave your side.
Also they would also be finding the most random things for little gifts. Like imagine them just coming up to you and handing you a rock that they thought looked cool.
If you’re sad? They are right there beside you, but if you needed to be alone they would give you that space.
Would always send you the cutest little messages throughout the day.
- “I love you.”
- “You look pretty.”
- “miss you.”
That kind of thing!
That was so random and I apologize again. I just love these two so much and I think they would be fairly similar in a relationship.
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sorenflyinn · 4 months
So what fandoms are you gonna write for? And what are your boundaries when it comes to requests (stuff you won't write (yandere, smut, ect.))?
Just wanted to know before I go ahead and request something
I meant to post my list of characters yesterday but my wifi was shitty (I forgot to turn off my vpn and my phone didn’t like that) but here’s the list! (characters might be added later on)
Mezo Shoji
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Tamaki Amajiki
Shoto Todoroki
Levi Ackermann
Kento Nanami
Megumi Fushiguro
Toge Inumaki
Suguru Geto
Satoru Gojo
Toji Fushiguro
Kamo Choso
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Kusuo Saiki
Buddy Daddies
Rei Suwa
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Challe Fen Challe
Kaguya-sama: Love is war
Yu Ishigami
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Ryūjiro Tsuchigomori
Ouran High School Host Club
Takashi Morinozuka
Sk8 the Infinity
Kaoru Sakurayashiki/Cherry Blossom
Hazbin Hotel
Genshin Impact
I ALSO write
Kaveh x Alhaitham
Ningguang x Beidou
literallt any other genshin ship that isnt illegal or just 😦
I have a pretty specific list when it comes to characters (I’m picky).
I’m ok with writing smut, just inexperienced so it might take me a while to write.
Things I won’t write are:
-underage smut
-minor x adult
-student x teacher (college is fine though)
-yandere themes
-Valentino smut 😟
-piss/shit kink
Anything not on that list is fine (might be edited later if I realize something that needs to be added)
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