#taking care of the sick smol
rillils · 5 months
how do explain stucky from the moment they met to where they are now (together in each others arms) to my friend who knows nothing about marvel
ohh this is a tough one, honey! i think i've got two options for you:
the short answer:
stucky is a compendium of all the best tropes out there, and i'm sure i'm gonna miss a few:
soulmates? check! star-crossed lovers? check! battle husbands? super check! mutual pining? check! 'and they were roommates'? check! best friends to lovers? check check check! long-lost lover comes back from the dead? fuck yeah, check! temporary amnesia? check! dude in distress trope? check! 'they will always find each other and choose each other in every lifetime'? also check! identity porn? extra check! saved by the power of love? you guessed it: check! slow burn or childhood sweethearts? you decide!!! did they share their first kiss when steve was 16, as per a popular fanon theory? did they only confess their feelings during the war? did they only get together much later, when bucky was healing in wakanda? you can pick literally ANY point in their timeline, and it will still make sense! they're all equally valid! you can even have multiple different headcanons at once, i mean who's gonna stop you??? all you have to do is join in the fun! 💕
the long AF answer, aka:
all right, let's set the scene:
imagine two young kids, let's call them steve and bucky. they meet, they immediately take to each other, they become instant besties! and as they grow up together, facing many hardships, their bond deepens. not only are they best friends; they are also each other's family. they take care of each other, and they both know they can always rely on one another in times of need.
when steve's mom (and only remaining relative) passes away, bucky reminds him that he's not as alone in this world as he thinks he is: bucky will always be by his side. bucky will always love him unconditionally, will always be there for him, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, and he wants steve to know that.
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in fact, he asks steve to move in with him, thus offering steve both a literal and a metaphorical home.
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and steve says yes!
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SO. they are each other's home, they're living together, they're getting by all right. but then war breaks out, and eventually it reaches their little home as well: bucky is drafted, and steve, due to his many health issues, and despite his best intentions, can't follow the boy he loves onto the battlefield.
it's a very difficult time for them both - so much so that they can't even bring themselves to talk about it.
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they have no choice but to say goodbye for now, knowing that they might never see each other again. but here's something you might not know yet about steve: he's the most reckless, most stubborn fucker america's ever seen. he's not gonna let this stop him!!! instead, he goes and gets a very sweet, kindly scientist to fucking experiment on him, because screw it, he's going to fight in this war if it's the last thing he does. and that's how he goes from Smol Steeb to Lorge Premium Steeb.
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of course, things don't go exactly as he predicted, and steve is made to be the star of a war propaganda-fuelled musical kinda thingie, which he resents (but he looks fucking precious in his costume)
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BUT! he does get closer to the actual battlefield. which is where he discovers that bucky has been captured by the enemy (!!!!!!!) and is most likely dead by now. but steve isn't willing to give up so easily! he'll believe bucky's dead when he sees it with his own eyes. so, he embarks on this suicide solo mission in the attempt to get bucky back, even if it means wandering on his own. into enemy territory. where he would be shot. on. sight. with no protection for his dumb ass except for a bunch of theater props!!! but such is the power of love, y'all.
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against all odds, steve finds bucky very much still alive! and as soon as bucky recognizes him, even as confused as he is, he pulls out this beautiful, ecstatic, angelic-ass smile, like he's just seen god or he got high on some real good edibles or maybe both idk, like my man here was having a serious Religious Experience™ you guys
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and i just wanna say, they could have totally kissed here and it would have made plenty of sense. but that's true of like 90% of their scenes in this franchise, so *shrugs*
ANYWAY steve takes bucky in his arms (well technically yes he does) and brings him to safety, and on their way there, bucky proves once more just how hard he meant that "with you til the end of the line" from before
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afterwards, steve is finally given the chance to fight, just like he wanted.
bucky, on the other hand, could very well leave the war behind and go home; but when he learns that steve is staying, he chooses to stay too, and fight by his side. and he tells steve so in this very intimate, softspoken, delightfully suggestive conversation, which can be summed up like this:
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and so they walk right back into the heart of the fight, only this time together, as they were always meant to be!
but. during an especially tricky mission, they're surprised by the enemy, and as a result, bucky falls to his death into a deep ravine.
steve is devastated. overwhelmed with guilt, grief and rage, he vows to bring down the people responsible for his loss, even if it costs him his own life.
and um, it kind of does? cost him his own life?
victorious after his last vis-a-vis with The Antagonist™, steve still chooses to sacrifice himself to prevent the catastrophe set into motion by the aforementioned Antagonist™. he's flying a jet over the frosty expanse of the atlantic, and you know, from the outside, you could easily argue that he could try to save himself. if he really wanted to. but with bucky dead, and the people responsible for all this pain, either dead or captured, it seems like all the will to fight is gone from steve; and so he plunges the jet straight into the ocean, and himself with it.
is this the end of their story?, you might ask.
the answer is: of course not!!!! the best is yet to come, babes!!!
EDIT: here is part 2
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jazeswhbhaven · 15 days
We outside with a Bad Boy~ (Satan Attacker Prologue React Part I)
I would say *spoilers* but this card has been out for a minute now so lol FINALLY, A BIH POSTED THIS
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So let me first say, thank you all for sticking around and waiting patiently for my reacts to start up again. Now that I've been getting my sources from the lovely mooties and oomfs with the addition that there's some down time lately for content with PB so now I can hurry up and post some shit before they start hitting us with Belphegor and the next chapter which I assume will be all at once. A simple two-parter! Grab yourself a smol snackie snack and let's gooo~
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Belial bae <3 So today is a rare day for Gehenna where the devils don't need to fight any angels and instead, everyone's doing their part and cleaning up and little and the nobles are doing their part as well! As you see Belial/Jjyu here telling everyone to take it easy because it's pretty much a "day off".
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So Paimon is strong asf because he picked up a pile of rocks which turned out to be a damn wall lmao Thank you Zagan my babes, <3 that is a wall and he shouldn't pick it up
But nah Paimon can pick my fat ass up with one hand and just hold me up if he can pick up a damn wall.
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Lol look at Leraye....being cute as per usual and then we get Astaroth warning everyone to be careful what they wish for when it comes to chaos returning quickly to Gehenna. Like I'm with Ro here...because enjoy your day where you don't have to fight through flying debris, rubble, and having those nice ass homes destroyed in a blink of an eye because Gehenna is literally a fucking war zone 90% of the time. But where there's down time...there's chaos somewhere....
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AND that's when we pan over to MC in Satan's palace....btw his conference room looks so official like I love it for Satan.
But we've got our three kings here and they've showed up for some reason. It's funny that we get to see why...
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First...MC was asking a question about what's going on in each country as to why they're there at the same time. Levi hit 'em with the "stay out of grown folks business" and I wanted to swing on him immediately because no one asked you to get snarky.
he tests my patience every day i swear
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Beel is just speaking plainly but MC brought up a good point where he's never away for a moment his ass is ALWAYS gone lmao
Bael is throwing punches in the air rn if he could hear Beel say this, I know he is sick of him
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Yes. That is mine. All of it. Bring it to me.
*Ahem* wait what were we doing? Oh right ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
So Mammon is just confident that his nobles are handling it well while he's gone. I mean in the first couple of chapters we see that it's clearly Eligos and Valefor holding down the fort since Bimet goes everywhere with him.
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I love how Sitri is just always annoyed as hell when it comes to people gathering around MC like this. But I mean I don't blame him because why are all of them there?
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So Beel just straight up says he came there to go on a date with MC (he's so cute I love him, where we going bae?) and then he proceeds to grab them by their waist (gawdddddd) and then he does his thing where he's sniffin' up on their clothes.
we know damn well he has money he just spends it too much lmao so the buying clothes thing would definitely happen
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so he whisks MC over to Levi, and he apologizes for grabbing them so suddenly. like i feel we don't deserve Foras because he's so nice and soft and I just want to squish him.
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So Levi wants MC to come to Hades for a serious test reason (as if Levi we're on to you) and Beel is like ah so you wanna go on a date too. (clocked him that's most likely why lmao) and Levi gets irriated but he doesn't hang him.
I have my own theory on why he makes empty threats with the kings, and it's mostly because he likes interacting with them and doesn't really want to hang them unless they really piss him off. So empty threats are his communication with them and that's why they all keep calling him "Levi" for short lmao
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So Mammon comes up with his reasons for having MC, and he says he's happy to see everyone get along and wishes the other three were there (so yeah I would assume he gets along with all the kings since he wants to be around them) and he calls Bimet forward. So my boujie noble is here saying that since Mammon is a pacifist he just wants to pay everyone for allowing MC to come to Tartaros since the country is swimming in money and they can afford any price tag. Proceeds to then say low key everybody broke asf so don't even try.
Levi and Foras take that personally as you can see them being irritated. LMAO Bimet is always gonna call someone a broke bitch it's a given.
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Beel is so cute I swear because he literally does not care about what's going on with what the other kings said. As far as he's concerned MC is going on a date with him and everyone else has to wait their turn.
"That's fixed"
Damn right it is, like, you tell 'em Beel <3
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Okay so Levi got some hands with this clapback because he said that with no remorse and with the quickness.
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So imagine how tall Mammon is right, imagine that the room shook when he stood up like that and looked down at Levi.
He's smiling so he's not even being threatening he's just like :D hey Levi real quick...
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So Mammon is basically telling him, that he needs to act correctly because MC belongs to Tartaros and therefore he needs to respect their wishes to come with him to spend the day together. Levi of course is irritated again because everyone keeps cockblocking him.
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Look at this sneaky little devil, being all like "there's gonna be a war in this room so let's go" as if he didn't cause any of that by agitating Levi in the first place lmao (granted Mammon also has been blocking Levi too)
What's weird is that Mammon and Beel have been blocking Levi but Mammon hasn't really directed any of that energy toward Beel at all so it feels like a strange dogpile on Levi. But honestly it's tension all around this room to where MC is feeling a certain way about it and feels bad that they can't be in multiple places.
I love this banter so far between them because this is truly how they interact when it comes to claiming MC and it's going to be a real treat when the other kings start getting involved.
SO this ends part 1. See you all in part twooooooo <3
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Overwatch Masterlist
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Jesse Mccree
Naga Jesse
Scary Movies + Male S/o
Werewolf Jesse
S/o always making him Food for when he returns 
Soft life HC
“Miss Honeys Escape Attempt” BEFORE
Male Dinner worker Teasing Mccree
Curvy S/o trying to lose weigh
“Miss Honey Escape Attempt” AFTER
S/o avoiding Jesse cause he shares the same name as their brother
Stalking a ex-MMA fighter
Animal Tamer S/o threatening Mccree with a Tiger
Attempting to poison Mccree
Stripper S/o
Harpy S/o broke her wing
Cuddly S/o
Tsundere Smol Chubby S/o
S/os got a fat ass
S/o with separation anxiety
Flustered Touch starved S/o
Gender neutral S/o not feeling good about their appearance  
S/o refusing to wear glasses cause they dont want to look at their captor
Sensitive s/o who crys alot
Dealing with S/os stalker
S/o trying to kill themselves with jesses gun when he threatens them
S/o whos good at the Knife game
Happy drunk S/o
Soft headcannons
Threatening jesse with his own gun
Cheering jesse up after a stressful day
Painting his weapon
S/o whos prone to accidents 
S/o screams “dad dont hurt me” when jesse attempts to kidnap them
Overwatch S/o who works with seduction and espionage 
claustrophobic s/o
Asking Jesse out on a date
Mermaid S/o
Confident s/o who gets flustered when they compliment them
Autistic S/o who stimms alot
Genji flirting with Mccrees S/o
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Hanzo Shimada
Finding out S/os Pregnant
Witnessing Genjis Murder
Healer S/o
Punk/Goth S/o
S/o getting a nosebleed from watching Hanzo workout
Too Pure for this world S/o
S/o who can Heal with a kiss
Naga Hanzo
S/o whos Protective of Naga Hanzo
Naga S/o
Someone else taking advantage and leaving S/o to die
Creep trying to look underneath S/os Skirt
‘Stupid’ S/p
Vampire Hanzo with a S/o who faints when bloods taken
S/o with Chaotic Energy
Vampire Hanzo w/ Vampire Hunter S/o
People pleaser S/o ends up hurting themselves
Expressing affection in other ways besides cuddling
Dragon S/o
Finding Drunk S/o in a casino
S/o wearing a Choker with his name on it
Yandere S/o coming up to his door covered in blood
S/o whos fine with Yandere Tendencies 
S/o uncomfortable around her family
S/o begging for Mcdonalds
Dragons HC
Attractive yet Oblivious S/o
Sneaky S/o Surprise hugging him
Comforting S/o after failing a test
S/o terrified from something theyve seen
Sneaky S/o Surprising him, ends up moaning
Stopping from S/os rival sabatoging their Ice Skating Preformance
S/os scared of bugs
S/o caring everyone but themselves 
Expert insulting s/o
S/o threatening to kill the man who stole their dog
Poly Han/Jess with a S/o who threatens those who try to court them 
touch starved hesitant S/o
Naga S/o saying “snakes dont have a gag reflex”
Captive S/o refusing to take medicine for their migraine 
Insomniac S/o having to cuddle hanzo to fall alseep
Goblin S/o
Comforting Hanzo after a bad day
S/o dressing as the opposite gender to trick people
Smol S/o who wants to be crushed by hanzo
S/o getting ready to fight cause they heard genji on the roof
Dragons biting hanzo when he tries to touch S/o
S/o whos pregnant with triplets 
Bodybuilder s/o
After sex cuddles 
S/o who already has a kid
S/o whos hazy with little to no sleep
Homeless S/o who making their living off of street performances 
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Genji Shimada
Scared S/o will get hurt during a mission
Pissed off S/o
Gore + Torture TW
Vampire Genji
Silly S/o who could Surprise gengi
S/o making a book all about their love for him
Crush falling asleep on his lap
Comforting S/o out of their previous relationship
S/os whos dramatic for attention
Sticking a dozen valentines stickers on his metal body
Blind S/o
Yokai S/o
Washed up Mermaid S/o
Curvy Confident S/o 
Getting a weapon maker S/o attention
Cute S/o who attracts bugs and scary animals
Sharpshooter s/o joining overwatch just to spend more time with genji
Unpredictable angry s/o
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Petite S/o
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Clingy S/o
Sick S/o
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Werewolf Reaper
Werewolf + Vampire Hybrid Reaper
House wife S/o
Waitress Crush
Scary movies
Halloween Date
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‘Big Dumbass Energy’ S/o
Werewolf S/o who turns out to transform into a puppy
Medic s/o
Overwatch receptionist S/o
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Advancing towards a Enemy S/o
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Spoiling S/o
Poly mercy/sombra w/ defiant s/o
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S/o that works with Moria
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Poly mercy/sombra w/ defiant s/o 
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Pro gamer crush taking her #1 spot
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Headcannons (female reader)
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Soldier 76
S/o wearing a lolita dress (male reader)
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Ana Amari
“Isn’t this better―you not fighting me for once?”
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Poly Mchanzo
Poly Han/Jess with a S/o who threatens those who try to court them 
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Jesse Mccree
Spanking S/o and having them wear lingerie 
S/o whos embarrassed cause theyre quick to cum 
Orgasm control & Mirror Kink w/ Male S/o 
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Getting handsy in a store out of jealousy NS FW-ish
Getting hanzo to wear lingerie 
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Loving her muscles NS FW
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chaoticevilorange · 2 years
Haikyuu x reader
Taking care of his sick s/o
Local malewife takes care of you like a pro, it's almost like having a nurse around actually, will give you your medicine, make you drink water, cooks for you, has you stashed with a ton of tissues boxes, will get you on shape on a blink. Gives you forehead kisses because doesn't want to get sick, will wait patiently until you recover
Iwaizumi, Daichi, Sugawara, Ennoshita, Semi, Kuroo, Yaku, Akaashi, Kita
He knows the basics, does the same thing when he is sick, so he pretty much wrapped you like a burrito and feeds you, also gives you your medicine and gives you water, but most importantly he gives you quick pecks and cuddles, because he a strong boy, he won't get sick until he does you can relax, you're in good hands
Kyotani, Asahi, Yamaguchi, Goshiki, Yamamoto, Suna, Aran, Futakuchi
Knows what is going on, but is not very good at taking care of his or someone else health, will forget your medicine unless you ask if he can hand it for you, smol bean will feed you but with normal food, you had to tell him you have a hard time swallowing :( he's trying his best, will do some research to take care of you, just be patient
Tanaka, Nishinoya, Kageyama, Satori, Lev, Atsumu, Koganegawa
It's the kind of boy who gives you the weirdest home made foods for sick people, you know, this granny secrets™ with garlic and honey and what else kind of shit, beware of the soup, has an insane amount of ginger, garlic and pepper 'to sweat the sickness' but no worries, he won't leave you alone, he'll eat or drink whatever he made with you :)
Oikawa, Hinata, Ushijima, Kenma, Bokuto, Osamu, Aone
Okay... You're not his girlfriend anymore, you're a walking biohazard and you'll be treated like one, he would put those weird white suits with a face mask if he could, anything you touch becomes instantly sprayed with sanitizer, yes, he will feed you, give you tea, and medicine, but forget about cuddles, kisses and whatever your heart desires for like a week or so
Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Tsukishima, Sakusa
HEY HEY HEEEEEY! I'm alive 😎👍 as always thanks for reading 🐨✨💖
Similar work here(how he acts when he's sick)
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skyward-floored · 6 months
Warriors gets his nickname
Hi I’m not updating long fics even though I want to, I’m instead writing more short Incredibles au stuff *collapses*. I’ll update other things eventually I promise ;-;
This is the furthest back fic I’ve written I think— Time is only a teenager, and Warriors is very smol. Time goes by Time because he got sick of them both being Link, but Warriors doesn’t have a nickname yet. I think that’s all the background you really need though, so I’ll stop and just let you read already.
Link held tight to Time’s hand as they walked down the sidewalk, headed towards the corner stand where Time knew they could get lunch for cheap. He usually skipped lunch himself, or just nibbled something small, but since it was the weekend, Link wasn’t in school and he had to get him something.
Time looked down at his little brother, Link trotting along beside him. He was nearly drowning in his too-big scarf, and Time flipped it around his neck one more time so he wouldn’t trip on it, Link giving him a little smile.
Time sighed to himself.
He was still figuring out how to deal with having a kid as his responsibility, but... he was making it work. He’d managed to get Link in a preschool on weekdays, and was working on a more permanent place for them to stay besides “in this nice tree” or “in the backseat of the car”. Nobody believed him when he said he was old enough to rent an apartment when he tried though, so it was usually still the backseat of the car for them.
But in general, Time didn’t usually feel like screaming, and was able to keep Link happy, so he was counting the whole thing as at least a partial success.
He seriously needed to find a nickname for the kid though— two Links was two too many.
Why did you name him after me, Mom? he thought as he watched Link jump over a slushy puddle. Why did you leave him with me? Surely you knew someone who who would do a better job? Someone who’s an adult? I’m his brother, but that doesn’t mean I know how to raise him.
A crashing sound made Time’s ears prick, and the thoughts he’d been repeatedly having ever since he’d met Link fled as he turned towards a tiny side street, one that ran behind several shops.
He tugged Link over towards the alley, suspicion in every step. That hadn’t just sounded like a normal dropping-something crash to him. And sure enough, he found a newly shattered window that led into a pawn shop, a shadow disappearing into the shelves inside.
“...bad guy?” Link asked, and Time nodded, already looking for a spot to switch into his super suit.
“Bad guy. A crazy one too, breaking and entering in broad daylight. Looks like somebody doesn’t know that stealing is wrong,” he said with a tsk, and Link let out a small giggle.
Time quickly ducked behind a dumpster to change, and emerged moments later, flexing his hands in his gloves. Link gave him an interested look, and Time suddenly remembered that he couldn’t very well bring his four-year-old brother inside with him.
“...Right,” Time sighed, then scooped Link up and quickly deposited him behind the same dumpster he’d changed behind. “Stay here, don’t let him or anyone see you. I’ll take care of him but don’t come out until I come get you.”
Link frowned, worry pinching at his eyebrows, and Time tucked his scarf a little more tightly around him.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry,” Time assured, but Link kept frowning.
“I won’t get hurt. And even if I do I can handle it, but I need to not worry about you while I fight. Stay here,” Time said firmly, then turned and jumped into the shattered window before his brother could argue.
He spotted the robber within seconds, the man breaking open a glass case with all sorts of valuables stored inside. Time put his little brother out of his mind for now, and crept closer, then abruptly cleared his throat. The man jumped at the noise and whipped around, brandishing a crowbar and staring at him.
“I don’t think those belong to you,” Time said with a smirk, and the man swung, Time nimbly jumping out of the way.
“Fierce Deity,” the man spat, and Time gave him a mocking bow.
“At your service. Put the fancy gold watches back.”
The man laughed, then his eyes narrowed behind the reptilian mask he wore. “Dinolfos of the Lizal gang doesn’t take orders from you.”
“Fine,” Time sighed, rolling his eyes. “I guess we’re doing this the hard way.”
He threw a punch towards Dinolfos, which the robber neatly avoided, and the two began to fight, weaving around each other and dodging attacks.
Dinolfos was surprisingly skilled at avoiding Time’s punches, and Time had barely landed any hits after several minutes. Dinolfos on the other hand, had grazed him at least twice now, and annoyance began to swell in Time’s chest. He wasn’t incapacitated from the hits, but he didn’t like where this was going.
He fought faster, managing to knock the crowbar from Dinolfos’s hand, and the battle sped up without the weapon in the mix, kicks and punches just barely grazing both of them.
This guy is fast, Time thought, lunging out of the way of a punch that likely would have given him a bloody nose. How is he so fast?! Argh.
Time managed a swing that connected with Dinalfos’s shoulder, and he reeled back, shouting in anger as he lunged for Time. Time once again dodged out of the way, and noticed with a smirk that his opponent’s swings were getting more wild.
He backed up to give himself some space, easily dodging the angry punches thrown at him. Time stuck his tongue out as Dinolfos missed again, and his opponent let out a roar of frustration as Time continued to easily avoid his angered strikes.
Until Time stumbled on the dropped crowbar.
His foot slipped and Dinolfos lunged, kicking Time right in the chest and knocking the breath out of him as he was thrown straight through the broken window. He went flying into some trash cans at the end of the alley, and heard Link gasp from his hiding spot, but his chest was tight, too tight for him to sit up or even move, just lie there and gasp for breath.
Dinolfos’s foot had caught him at exactly the wrong angle, and knocked every bit of air from his lungs.
Footsteps ran over, and Time opened his eyes with a cough, expecting to see Dinolfos with his weapon raised above his head, ready to strike.
Instead he saw Link standing protectively in front of him, arms held out as if to shield Time despite his tiny size.
Dinolfos laughed.
“Is this your sidekick, Deity?” he guffawed, looking down at Link as he stalked forward. “He is tiny! Were you so desperate for help that you thought even a baby would be better than nothing?”
He continued to laugh, and Link glared up at him, his hands clenching into fists. Time tried his best to catch his breath and get to his feet, but his lungs refused to work, no matter how he gasped. Stupid lungs, come on!
The very air temperature seemed to drop all of a sudden, and a flare of panic hit Time as the robber stepped towards Link. No no no no no—
Dinolfos lunged for him, but Link blasted a spurt of ice from his hands, hitting Dinolfos in the legs. He yelped in surprise, and before he could recover, Link sprayed more ice at him, trailing up his legs and hitting his arms as well.
The shots were clumsy, and it was obvious Link didn’t have much practice, but Dinolfos was completely stuck by the time he finished, and unable to grab his weapon.
Or move, for that matter.
“You brat!” Dinolfos hissed, glaring at where Link stood. “How dare you? I am of the Lizalfos pack, son of Dinal, leader of the Lower Lizards, Master of—!”
Link shot a bit of ice over his mouth, making his face flush with anger.
Time finally managed to get some air into his lungs, and he rolled over, looking up at Dinolfos and Link with an impressed expression.
“Huh,” Time wheezed, still trying to fully catch his breath. Partially from the kick, but mostly from the remaining panic of seeing his little brother nearly be attacked while he just gasped for breath on the pavement.
Sloppy, too sloppy, you should have put him further away, he barely knows how to use his powers he could’ve been hurt he could have been ki—
Time sighed, and winced as he put a hand to his chest and lightly rubbed. He was definitely going to have a bruise tomorrow. “We’ll have to talk about your listening skills kiddo, but... nice work. You’re quite the little warrior, huh?”
His brother’s face positively lit up at his words, and he pointed to himself, some snowflakes settling in his hair.
“Warriors,” he said proudly, and Time snorted, slowly getting to his knees.
“Warrior, kid. No S.”
“There’s only one of you, there’s no S,” Time argued back as he stood, but the kid just kept chattering ‘Warriors’ to himself, over and over. A vein bulged in Dinalfos’ forehead, and Time snorted, shaking his head.
He had been thinking about finding a nickname earlier... I suppose there are worse ones out there.
“Well come on, ‘Warriors’, let’s go get lunch. Frosty here can just hang around until the police show up,” he said, ruffling Link’s hair.
Link beamed, and took the hand Time offered him as they stepped out of the alleyway and walked down the street, leaving Dinolfos behind in the alley.
Dinolfos yelled a curse behind them that was entirely unintelligible.
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twigg96 · 1 year
Works Master list 💕
Hello my sweet lovelies. It has come to my attention by some very lovely mutuals that I should make a master list of all of the works I have posted here on Tumblr. First and foremost I would like to say I do try to reblog most of my original posts and fics over on my second page @bionicpancake00. However none of that is in order nor is that sorted. So I am making this list, categorizing the works, and will be posting this and will be updating it each month with each new entry. (Hopefully lol) so let’s get started. Shall we 💕😊
First and foremost I am going to post my AO3 HERE. Most of my long form content that is not X reader ends up there. If anyone has any request for HCs, x reader fics, longform fics, or simple suggestions I am always accepting them either in my asks or my DMs. Linked HERE is what I do ask my requester's include, just simple things that I believe most writers ask for.
Metalocalypse Dethklok HCs Relationship HCs
Dethklok with a neurodivergent S/O
Dethklok with an Autistic S/O
Dethklok with a Bipolar S/O
Sharing a bed with Dethklok
Dethklok with a smol tactile S/O
Breaking up with Dethklok part 1
Breaking up with Deathklok part 2
Dethklok with a really shy S/O
Dating Pickles
Dethklok dating a belly dancer
Dethklok helping their partner through a monthly cycle
Foot rubs and massages
The boys caring for a sick/injured S/O
Dethklok caring for a sick partner
Dethklok with a disabled S/O
The boys caring for an S/O with chronic migraines
Wearing their shirts
Fear of public relationship in fame
Wedding reaction and Song HC
Dethklok caring for crying S/O
Dethklok dealing with an S/O's annoying coworker
Dethklok & Mags with a Goth S/O
The Boys receiving head scritches from S/O
S/O is Charles' Daughter
Dethklok with a crush on a shy S/O
Dethklok with a British crush
Pickles & Magnus with S/Os who likes cute things
Dethklok helping an S/O who's mensurating
The boys with a nerdy S/O who infodumps
Dethklok with a happy/cheerful S/O
The boys realizing their partner has a angel wing tattoo
Their first "I love you"
Trying to impress their crush
Sharing a pink bedroom with Dethklok
Pickles with a S/O w/ scars on their thighs (TW: Scars)
Pregnancy/Parent HCs
Dick Knubbler, Dr. Rockzo, and Magnus as the father
Dethklok Pregnant (MPREG)
The boys as a dad to a teenage girl
Papa Murderface HC (Lullabies)
Papa Murderface HCs (Being a dad)
Dethklok Daddies
Random HCs
William Murderface cooking HC (Based off of @polyklok's post)
A Potato Flew around my Room Vine
Dr. Rockzo HCs
Dr. Rockzo Relationship HC
Yandere Magnus ( CW: Touches upon abusive relationships)
What the boys smell like
Dickface HC
Pickles' Rats
Dick Knubbler HCs
The boys as yanderes
Helping Toki when he's having a flashback
DRAMA The boys trying to steal each other's partners
Sleep HCs with Murderface
When their partner has a lot of stuffies on the bed
How old are these dudes
Skwisgaar HCs
Nathan HCs
Murderace HCs
Toki HCs
Pickles HCs
Magnus & Nathan HC (Based off @folkdevilism's post)
Continuation of ^ This
Toki's Christmas HC
Dethklok's favorite football team
Witchsona HC
Dethklok's Zodiac
Just some art I made
Just a little tag game about ships I did once
Toki name HC
Does Dethklok Tip?
Nsfw HCs
Birthday gifts
Dethklok with a Bratty S/O
Murderface's first time with his S/O
Favorite Sex Positions
The boys reacting to a loud S/O
The boys finding out they're their partner's first... everything
Dethklok Fics
Eyes like Diamonds (Dickface)
Until Next Time (Charles X Reader)
By the Light of the Library (Dethklok & Reader PLATONIC)
You're all I need Babe (Dickface)
Take Me To Church (Skwistok)
Just Us (Tickles)
The Walking Dead Daryl Daryl Dixon X Reader
You're kind of a MILF Huh? (Parents! Daryl X Reader FLUFF)
I Should Have Been There (Daryl X Reader ANGST)
Can I Trust You Dad? (Daryl being a dad)
Spring Chicken (Parents! Daryl X Reader)
Thank you for the Music (Daryl X Reader FLUFF)
In the Nick of Time (Daryl X Pregnant Reader ANGST)
Princess (Daddy! Daryl X Reader/ Daryl being a dad)
Beau as a middle child HC
Strangers like me (Daryl X Reader from Merle’s POV)
Midnight Moonshine (Pissed off! Drunken! Daryl X Reader)
Into the Darkness, I become Stronger (Daddy Daryl X Injured! Reader HURT/COMFORT with the tiniest SMUT)
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington HCs
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octopotto · 1 year
Yandere! Azul Ashengrotto General Headcanons
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OCTO NOTE: Okay I know I said that I would work on the Cloud Strife hcs but then I got sad and thought about Azul lmaooo
Think of this as a celebration post for the live action The Little Mermaid release!! Has anyone seen it yet?? 
Warnings: NOT PROOF-READ, Yandere behaviour, manipulation, obsession, OOC madness, blackmail, insecurities, Jade and Floyd, this is a mess lmao I’m sorry.
REMINDER: Yandere behaviour of any kind is unhealthy behaviour. It should not be something to seek out in real life. If you are experiencing any sort of inappropriate behaviour, please contact help/seek out help.
**The reader will ALWAYS be Gender-Neutral! 
- Azul can be described as a greedy, manipulative, and intelligent individual who uses logical reasoning and sometimes solid ‘evidence’ to succeed, whether it be his business or his education. 
- At least on the outside.
- On the inside is an insecure, isolated, and paranoid little octopus that when cornered, just can’t help but slowly become unable to contain the facade he worked on for years.
- Now imagine this sad lil’ octopus as a yandere
- Not good lol
- I mean yes, the manipulative and intelligent nature of Azul are probably the main reasons as to why he’s one of the more terrifying yanderes in the TWST cast.
- But it’s because of him being very self-conscious of everything, as well as years of being isolated from his peers at a young age, Azul can be very much a clingy type as well. Especially to ones he cherishes the most. 
- Which is unfortunately you! :D
- At first, Azul thought nothing of you
- Only seeing you as a pawn for his own selfish gain.
- But as Book 3 progressed and the on-going reports from the Leech twins, Azul can’t help but become curious of your character, dear prefect.
- Why do you care so much about those 3 fools? You haven’t even known them for a year and yet here you are! Sacrificing your well-being to save them.
- It sickens him.
- The thought of your selflessness makes him sick to his stomach.
- But despite that, he starts to think about you more.
- And begins to imagines
- What if he was the one you were going all out for?
- The one you were taking care of?
- The thought of that shell-shocked him for a bit.
- He shook it off and proceeded to his planning once more.
- Once everything ended with Azul’s overblot, you decided to personally talk to him.
- Telling him that you also went through some of the same issues that he had as well.
- Pointing out your flaws, outwards and inwards.
- It’s just you trying to show Azul that he wasn’t alone when it came to these problems. That’s he’s not the only one who’s worked so hard to cover up their past in order to move on.
- To say that Azul was shocked was an understatement.
- In fact he didn’t really say anything while you were talking to him.
- All he did was listen to you.
- And for the first time
- He felt that he wasn’t being made fun of or mocked.
- It was…comforting.
- Azul is clingy.
- Be it in his human form or his octopus form.
- During the museum scene in Book 3 (when the gang looked at the field trip photo), you couldn’t help but hug him after seeing lil’ smol and chubby Azul.
- He looked soo cute and cuddly!! 
- Bby Azul!!
- He was in shocked
- He couldn’t move
- But didn’t try to leave your embrace.
- He just stood still.
- He didn’t understand 
- For the first time in a while, he felt at peace.
- But at the same time, his heart was starting to beat uncontrollably and his breathing was becoming heavy.
- Ace was weirded out.
- Deuce had no idea what was going on .
- Grim was hungry.
- Jack wanted to leave.
- Floyd and Jade were snickering in the background while this unfolded 
- Azul was fuming out of embarrassment when he heard them snicker.
- It was at this point where Azul fell in love with you.
- So ever since then, he secretly longs for your company.
- Walking beside you
- Asking if you’re in needs of favours that only he can fix for you
- If you give him a hug, that man will hold onto you for a while.
- He doesn't even realize it until you mention it to him.
- Even if you’re in the Monstro Lounge, as long as he knows you’re somewhere in the same vicinity as him, he’s at peace for a bit.
“Ah! D-dear Prefect! I didn’t even notice you’ve arrived at the lounge. W-well I know! I know that I wasn’t in the lounge when you came in, I was in my office working on our marriage contract— I mean—! Contacts for fellow peers who need some assistance. And— Floyd! Jade! I can hear your mocking from here! Stop it!”
- Speaking of Floyd and Jade,
- They very much enjoy having you around the lounge.
- Or just when you’re around in general.
- You provide so much entertainment for them, it’s amusing to watch.
- Especially if Azul is around.
- They haven’t seen Azul like that since he was a lil octopus.
- But, like Azul, they also grown fond of you.
- Not like that tho
- Like a sibling
- A lil Shrimpy for them to protect and play with!
- As they grow more fond of you, they start to see you as a pitiful and defenceless Shrimpy.
- Despite you saving them from Azul’s blot form but oh well—
- They have to protect you!!
- So don’t try to run away from them
- It’s pretty much useless at this point.
“Hey hey, Shirmpy~ Let’s play together!! You know it’s useless struggling! Especially since you’re soo puny~ *Giggles* C’mon! I promise that if you stay good, I’ll squeeze you less tight than usual~”
“Fu fu fu~ Floyd please be gentle. You don’t want to scare them more than they already are. Dear prefect, don't be alarmed. We simply want to spend a little quality time with you before Azul orders us to bring you to the lounge.”
- Despite Azul being a very cunning and manipulative individual, he’s also very self-conscious. 
- Azul puts these precautions and restrictions on you because he’s scared that you’ll leave. 
- He’s paranoid that you’ll just run off and find another person that’s better than him.
- He’s always been casted aside for almost all his life.
- That’s why he made sure to cover up all of his past self.
- He doesn’t want to be that ‘octo-twerp’ anymore.
- He doesn’t want you to think of him as that twerp he was years ago.
- He doesn’t want you, the person he loves so much, to see him like that.
- Even with all the reassurance from you.
- Believe it or not, Azul takes your opinions of him in high regards
- Meaning if he finds out about something you don’t like about him (beside the obvious problematic traits he has), he would make sure to change, if not conceal them, in order  for you to stay happy with him.
- As long as you’re happy, he’s happy.
- He just doesn’t want you to leave him, is that so hard to ask for?
- So please just stay
- For the sake of his own being entirely.
- And if you don’t?
- Hoo boy—
- You thought Azul was bad during the 3rd book with his contracts? 
- It’s gets worst 
- Especially since it’s business mixed with love. 
- Let’s get this outta the way, this man will search high and low for any flaw or problem you have. 
- He’ll find anything and I mean anything.
- Whether it be you’re struggling with (school, education, etc) or something you did. 
- If he can’t find worthy material, he’ll just make up something believable. Then will exaggerate that shit till you can't even defend yourself.
- He will find a way, he'll find something to use against you.
- And once he has all of the information he needs to trap help you, all he has to do is call in one (or both if you’re slippery lmao) of the tweel twins to ‘kindly escort’ you to his office!
- This is Azul we’re talking about. He’s always ready to lend a hand to a fellow peer in need.
- And it’s totally out of the kindness of his 3 pure and selfless hearts.
- What a saint.
- 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
- Whatever problem Azul decides to blackmail you with, the only way for him to solve it is for you is to give your unconditional love and devotion to him.
- He will also give you his love and devotion as well. But he didn’t say that out loud.
- At this point, you just have to give in.
- I mean, look at what could happen if Azul leaks out the blackmail material he’s using against you.
- You could possibly get kicked out of Night Raven.
- Where would you and Grim go? You’re not even from here! You don’t even have enough money saved up.
- Even if you could threaten Azul with fraudulence (if the accusations he presented were false), there’s nothing that Floyd and Jade can’t do when needing to silence someone.
- And both are glad to do so if you’re planning to leave them. 
“My dear Prefect! Why are you looking so downcast? Is it because of what I said? Oh, don’t worry! If anything happens to you, it will be alright as long as you sign this contract I have provided before you. You don’t want to? Then hopefully you don’t mind Floyd and Jade kindly convincing you to do so? I promise you, prefect, you’ll be fine with me as long as you do what I say. My generosity and unconditional love holds no bounds when it comes to you.”
OCTO NOTE: OKAY! This is probably the most out of character fic I’ve written so far. So please forgive me!! 😭😭😭
But I hope you enjoy this lil fic! I will be working on Cloud’s Headcanons now! <33
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fatuismooches · 1 year
So we all know that fragile!reader is always taking care of the other clones and trying their best to help despite their frail condition. And we all know that the clones are all different ages from Dottore’s life right? Well, what if there was a clone that looked like Dottore but when he was like 8-10?
Dottore most likely had made this clone to look like him as a child so it could easily deceive people. Despite this clone looking fairly young, his mind says otherwise…
And you, being the ever so caring individual and always trying your best to not be looked down upon or make the clones worry more over you, always bake them treats. (Of course with the help of at least a clone or two since a few years ago, you had tried to make your signature chocolate chip cookies alone as a treat for the clones, but you had ended up dropping and spilling a lot things that day. Leaving the clones to pick up your mess, which you profusely apologized for that day.)
However, whenever you bake treats, Dottore’s youngest clone, (Segment #78) which you nicknamed “Zandy” since he was so adorable! And well, calling him something like the others seemed wrong. So you have him a special name!
“Zandy” was usually always the one helping you bake these treats since he had such a sweet tooth. You didn’t mind him helping you out since while you both worked, he would tell you about some new concoction or experiment he’s done. And you can’t help but feel bittersweet as you’re reminded of back when it was just you and Zandik doing experiments. Well, mainly Zandik since he didn’t really let you touch his things before you got sick, and much less after you did get inflicted with your illness.
And the clones are all like a family despite threatening each other and biting at each others necks. But when you’re in the room all the clones focus their attention on you.
But…all the clones collectively dislike little “Zandy”. Since in your eyes, he could do no harm. But, whenever you’re not looking, he always gives them the most evilest grin ever. Especially since he’s the one who always gets cuddles from you and comfort since he’s “just a kid”. It makes them mad, of course. You even read him bed time stories whenever you aren’t too ill. Which in turn always makes the clones jealous since they too wish to be read a bed time story. To be able to hear your oh so sweet voice.
They too wish to be pampered. After all, if it means being able to get out of work and being able to stay glued to your side and help you with whatever tasks, then by all means they’re in for it. Especially since they all care deeply for little ol you. You’re just a sweet little thing that even if you got a paper cut they would literally tear down the world. (Literally)
So although you may be dependent on the clones and they all may be jealous of each other (and especially Zandy), they would still kill for you and try their best to make your life one worth living. Since after all, they don’t want to see the one person who has always cherished and cared for them be gone too soon…
Waaa I think this Drabble was messy n all over the place so I don’t think it turned all that great (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) I hope you and everyone else enjoy it though! Zandy would definitely be one of those kids who could have blood tainted on his clothes and you would worry thinking he got hurt instead. (Which he would definitely act as if he did, but do clones even have blood???) ( ´・ω・)…。oо○
But I hope you have a lovely day and wonderful night! May you have sweet dreams for the rest of the year n get lots of chu chus and huggies!! Please take care of yourself I luv u sm I always get so giddy n excited whnever you respond to my little stories because seeing your amazing writing skills being added on to my stories make me roll all over on my bed hehe! making me blush !! ´・ᴗ・`
-from your dear littl boo boo🎐 anon
ଘ(✿˵•́ ᴗ •̀˵)
You loved all of Dottore’s clones. Though some in different ways than others. When you found out he had a clone of himself as a child, you were shocked! Despite being with him for so long, you have never even seen a picture of Zandik as a kid!
Zandy, as you’ve come to call him, was adorable. It was so funny to have to bend down to reach his height for once and be able to give him head pats. If you weren’t so weak, you could give him piggyback rides!  And he was so talkative and helpful. Showing off new recipes and even teaching you simpler ways to bake and use the equipment! It reminded you of how your own Zandik would show you life hacks back when you were students. Always telling you about the latest stuff, and also complaining to you how the older clones are “bullying” him (he wants you to yell at them.) Are the clones grown men? Yes. Are they jealous of a kid for stealing your attention. Also yes. Multiple times Zandy has tugged on your sleeve and pulled you away from them with the babiest eyes and then given the clones the wickedest grin. The clones have no way to fight back because of how much you dote on the bb.
Whenever you come into the room all movement and work stops and the clones just kinda, look at you and appreciate your existence. The regular Fatui workers are confused at first but they quickly connect the dots and realize you are the second Harbinger’s favored one. They are also at a loss because the clones give them a death glare if they don’t greet and treat you with respect but also get mad if they talk to you.
No because really, if you got hurt they’d be fighting over which clone has the chance to exact revenge, especially if another person hurt you. (Many clones have gotten in trouble for leaving their station to assist you with something. Even if your task takes one minute to complete, they will find a way to stretch it out in order to spend max time possible with you.) But they can’t be too mad at each other. The idea of you having to struggle with no help from them leaves an irritating sensation within them. They want your life to be as easy as possible, smooth and happy, at least until you get better and can stand on your own too feet. They love you very much <33
🎐 ANON THIS DRABBLE WAS LITERALLY AMAZING SHUSH 😭 I want to give Babyttore all the headpats. Reader would be the kind of person to think he can do no wrong. And maybe the clones don’t have like, actual red blood, but like… purple liquid lol. It really makes me think of how much clones Dottore has, it would be nice if we got a number one day lol. Anyway… *holds all the clones dearly* I love the idea of fragile! reader never being lonely because the lab is just so full of excitement when you’re around <3 They always have so much ideas to keep you occupied and they get so smug when you choose them <3 Also, the clones don't even need sleep but they are diving under the covers if it means you can read them a story !! 😭
*hugs you and cries* THANK YOU 🎐 ANON ILY… <33 Please take care of yourself too I love seeing your brain rots in my inbox!! You’re making me blush 🥺
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thetacoshellturtle · 1 year
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Leon, sweetie- Please- q q btw that's supposed to be the weird food It looks gross That's the point The message I got was that it looked gross, so I'm sharing that same message
Warning- the next picture is extremely angsty Leon is not dead, he's just really sick
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Well, Leon, that's what happens when you don't take care of yourself smh (I say, as I forget to eat and drink constantly)
@leglessstreetlights I drew your boys and I want to cry now(apparently my lack of control over my emotions just gets worse when I'm empathizing with a smol child) It's gonna be okay, little Leo \(q q\)
Fanart for Three-Sided Coin on ao3 Because this fic lives in my head rent free And will not leave me alone
I am definitely going to make more fanart of this fic But like- Whatever wholesome stuff I can find probably
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natsglorifiedsimp · 2 years
Ok just read it and loved it(first ask was just for saying it had been written.) I want more of smol r being confused by nat and wands (also my fav ship so yay u included it) she should be jealous of them being coupeley
Alrightyyyy here you go anon :> Idk if this is how you wanted it. If it's not I'm sorry
Salty baby
A/n: This timeline is connected to Mama up, Who's gonna tell her? and Sick & Nightmares If you wanna read it there it is :>
Taglist: @diaryoflife @xxromanoffxx @lissaaaa145 @fxckmiup @simp-erformarvelwomen @mmmmokdok @sayah13
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You thought that little interaction when you were asleep was true. It was just a sleepover. So you didn't mind that Aunty Wanda was there. But who knew one sleepover could turn into many sleepovers?
Mostly you didn't care that the sleepover was a frequent occasion but when they were outside the bedroom they were rather more clingy with each other.
You would scrunch up your face seeing them so close to each other. Finding it so hard to understand relationships because you didn't know they were a thing. You always know they were friends.
Nonetheless, you paid no mind and carried on with your play times and eating snacks with everyone in the compound.
After you got over your sick situations you came more aware of the lack of presence of your mama when its time for playtime with you.
Her excuse would always be "Aunty Wanda and I are going out. Why don't you go with Peter?" Those were simple words but deep inside when every time she declined your playtime you felt a sinking feeling in your chest.
Mama declining plans with you made you not want to play and be giddy anymore. You were jealous that Wanda could always hang out with her and not you. Jealous she could always sleep over but you couldn't.
As a kid, jealousy is not something you should feel at a very young age, and the fact you rarely felt jealous of your friends that are the same age as you. You always share your things with them and make sure everything was fair and square.
But to you, Wanda wasn't being fair. You rarely ask for playtime with Nat and she always took that 1 hour off you.
Today it was time for your playtime with Mama and you knew she was going to cancel so you organized a plan.
You overheard them talking about going out and using Natasha's car for the ride. You that was smart as Tony took the opportunity to steal her keys.
"Dada, which one is Mama's keys?" you asked innocently.
"You mean Natasha's?" your dad questioned.
You hummed in response. Tony finally looked at you and examined which could be the assassin's keys.
"That one"
"Okay, tenkyuuuuu" you ran off and head to your play area and fiddled with the keys. You decided to reshape the keys to a much better shape.
You put it back where you took it and casually made your way back to your play area. Happy with the results of your work.
"WHO SHAPED MY CAR KEYS INTO A CAR!?" Natasha boomed through the hallway.
"Nat it's okay we could take my car" you heard Wanda calming Natasha down.
"No, I wanna know who messed up with my keys" Natasha insisted.
The voice of the fiery redhead rang all around the compound. They knew what the tone meant. It meant gather up.
So here the team was lining up with worried faces trying to see who played a prank on Natasha.
"Who. messed. with. my. keys." she questioned, each word more stern than the other.
All of them shook their heads muttering a mumbled no and whimpering at the mad Widow.
"Y/n asked for your keys earlier." Tony bluntly let out, causing all their heads to turn to him.
"You should ask her"
"Y/N!!!!" Natasha called out. You whimpered at the mad tone of the assassin. You were scared but you needed to act tough.
Natasha finally made it to your play area. You fakingly beamed seeing the redhead.
"Are you gonna play with me, mama?" you questioned.
Natasha's hard glare turned soft with your oh-so-cute face. "No, I'm here to ask if you did this?" she showed you the keys that were shaped into a car. How you manage to do that? You didn't know.
"No..." you trailed off, looking at your feet instead.
Natasha knew you were lying but she wants you to tell the truth. "Y/n?"
"No, I didn't do that," you said. Your face went red and you nervously fiddled with your fingers.
"You know when you lie there's a star that would appear on your forehead that only grown-ups can see" Natasha stated. You looked at her so guiltily and looked up to see if they were stars on your forehead. "So I'm gonna ask you again. Did you do this?"
"No" you lied once more but this time you covered your forehead with the palm of your hand.
"Why did you ruin my keys?" Natasha questioned already knowing you would tell the truth.
You exhaled a defeated sigh and looked at the redhead with unshed tears, feeling guilty for ruining her keys and being caught at it. "Becauseee"
"Because?" she trailed off.
"Because you never hang out with me anymore" you half-shouted tears finally letting out your eyes. "It always 'no, I'm gonna go with Wanda"
"I want playtime and you always say you're gonna have playtime with Wanda" you plopped down on your play area and were almost on the verge of a tantrum.
You sobbed uncontrollably on the floor. Natasha and Wanda looked at each other having conversation in their minds.
Natasha picked you up and you wailed, kicking your feet in the air trying to get you off of her. You shouted a profanities of "no's" to the redhead.
"Y/n calm down and look at me," Natasha said sternly causing you to halt your movements and looked at her.
"Sometimes you have to share" Natasha stated. Those words caused you to frown and tears were again flowing off your cheeks about to throw another tantrum about sharing.
"I always share Aunty Wanda doesn't" you cried out, failing to maneuver your way out of the redhead cause she was clutching you tight.
Natasha finally understanding where you're coming from rocked you side to side trying to ease your cries and whimpers.
"I always share" you whimpered.
"I know, y/n. I'm sorry it was Mama's fault but that doesn't give you the right to ruin someone's belongings" she said.
"I'm sorry mama. I only did that so you can hang out with me" you said. "Cause you always hang out with your new friend"
"Baby, Aunty Wanda is not my friend" she sighed finally realizing she had to explain this to you. "Aunty Wanda is my girlfriend"
You propped up into Natashas hold and looked at her directly in the eyes. "Like mommy Pepper and Dada?" you questioned.
"So you understand? That's why we always playtime" she said.
"Because you're her girlfriend?" you questioned head tilting to the side. "But that doesn't mean I don't get playtime right?"
"Yes, I'm sorry that was Mama's fault" she kissed you on your cheeks as an apology.
"How about you come with us then" Wanda questioned, feelinb a little outsider in this mother-like interaction and feels guilty for the sadness of the 3-year-old.
"Can I?" you hiccuped, questioning Nat.
"Of course"
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existingforonlyyou · 7 months
Justin Law Headcanons (Part I)
Justin doesn’t own any outfits other than his priestly garbs and pajamas. His complete lack of civilian clothing showcases how he doesn’t take time off from being an emissary of god; it is literally the only thing he does with his life. All the other SE teenagers are rocking some sick streetwear and this boy will fling open his closet to reveal a straight row of *~*CASSOCKS*~*. He’ll wear his Jesuit robes to the beach, lounge on a beach chair, and read a book while other folks play volleyball in season-appropriate swimsuits.
Justin was an excellent student at DWMA in terms of both academia and missions. After all, the academy was his Lord’s domain and Justin Law would do anything in service or in honor of his Lord.
DWMA’s torture chamber existed more to instill fear than actual usage. Just like in real life, the fear of the torture room weighed heavier than the actual torture itself. Guillotines themselves were designed for painless, humane deaths—it’s the psychology of watching a guillotine that is gruesome.
Justin was infrequently asked to torture (too busy taking care of a continent all by his lonesome, you see) but was highly effective the handful of times he undertook the task. It's one of the rare times Justin will reveal his full weapon transformation to an opponent.
Justin doesn’t like being touched affectionately. People liked to foist themselves upon him especially when he was a smol, cute, and huggable 12-13-year-old, and everyone wanted to bring him out of his shell. At 17, he’s gotten to the point where other Death Scythes respect him enough to leave him alone except for the masochistic Tezca. Justin has no qualms about touching others…but like reciprocity and mutual connection confuses him. Hugs are obligations and must I hug you?
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Black Butler Masterlist
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Sebastian Michaelis 
Ciel vs Sebastian over you
Reaction to your Pregnancy
Domestic HC with your child
Father and Husband
Clingy sebastian
Relationship w/o sex
Not believing his confession
Distancing yourself
Missing and returning with a present 
Throwing yourself into a river
Pagan, Pansexual, Crossdresser
Framed to Death sentence 
Married to Ciel
Sebastian HC
His need for Validation
Sick s/o
“Cheating” on him
Haunted House + Hunted Down
Unwillingly hurting his S/o
Angel trying to seduce S/o out of their Contract
Angel stealing his S/o & Child
S/os child being their “one and only love”
Ciel having a soft spot for his S/o
Demon trying to replace sebastian for his S/o
Independent S/o
Crush trying to hook him up with someone else
Fluff HC
Nature loving S/o
Gold digger S/o
Stubborn S/o refusing to take medicine
S/o on her period
Physically disabled s/o
S/o with cutting scars TW
Kissing Seb as he pretends to sleep
Easily flustered s/o
Punishments HC
Witch s/o who attracts cats
After sex cuddling
Capturing his darling
S/o being the favorite parent
Sebs children trying to take his S/o away from him
Someone attempting to ‘save’ Sebs S/o
Neko S/o
Emotion HC
Arguing wih S/o
Demon S/o rejecting him
Trying to distract him with cats to escape
The difference between Normal and Yandere demons HC
Introducing your baby to the Phantomhives
Grell trying to harm S/o
S/o turning into a cat
Darlings already mated to a powerful demon
Empathetic and sweet S/o
Marrying Sebastian
Finding a way to make human s/o immortal
Smol and delicate s/o
Giddy/Energetic S/o 
Ciel and the servants figuring out Sebastians dating
Darling that cant cook but makes him something anyways
Ciel and the servants figuring out Sebastians dating
High class noble darling that doesnt pay attention to him
Celebrating Halloween with his kids
S/o invested in a book
Noble S/o whose parents doesnt want them talking to seb
Bringing home a stray puppy
Smart yet weak Neko S/o
S/o who has a tendency to climb and get stuck ontop of things
Touch Starved Sebastian
Stupid S/o
Taking Seb to a cat cafe
Nephilim S/o
S/o has a kid from a previous relationship
More Fluff
Taking care of a overworked S/o
Domestic Seb w/ darling
Fighting w/ his kids trying to take S/o away from him
Romantic Darling
S/o’s afraid of cats
Darling being ridiculed for coming out of the closet
Meeting S/o’s overprotective family
Sexuality and Gender Idenity HC
Spoiling his S/o
Darling w/ small Titties
Goth S/o
What music Sebastian listens to
Making a contract with S/o
Yandere Alphabet: D,F,H,R,T
S/o who loves loud aggressive music
Darling has an Eating Disorder TW
Yandere Alphabet: A,J,K,W,Z,I,Q
S/o is afraid of ghosts
Comforting Depressed Darling TW
Comforting S/o w/ the stomach flu
Darling that curses a lot
Loving a small, cubby and cute reader
Darling who always makes degrading comments and jokes about suicide TW
S/o who fears and avoids Sebastian 
Bathing darling
S/o who smokes TW
Dominant S/o
Taking care of a greedy food aggressive cat
Getting matching piercings 
Demon S/o
Finding out Darling has a crush on their best friend
S/o whos nervous at any sensual touch
Modern day Satanist Darling
S/o getting upset when finding out about his past affairs 
Reaction to his darling dying
S/o admits to loving his true form
Celebrating darlings birthday
S/o shutting down when kidnaped 
Fluffy Morning and Night Routine HC
Darling with Major Trust Issues
S/o who doesnt want kids
Darling who can turn into a chibi neko
Being reunited with S/o after being separated for a few years
Demon S/o having a family together
Schizophrenic Reader
40 year old male reader thinking your too old for him
Worker S/os employer abusing them
S/o who constantly has mini break downs
Autistic S/o
Short Tempered Darling
Platonic relationship w/ a  young neko
Disabled S/o who used forearm crutches 
Helping S/o through a Asthma Attack
S/o that loves playing with his hair
Avoiding him due to think demons are only manipulative 
Even More Fluff HC
S/o whos happy to be kidnapped 
Darling saying “I Love You” for the first time
Comforting S/o w/ daddy issues
S/o being sadistic in a strict way
Doing his makeup
Ciel Platonically being Yandere over Sebastian's darling
Placing cats ontop of you to wake you up
S/o wanting to do his skin care
S/o w/ a bad immune system
Play fights w/ sebastian
S/o who likes teasing him
S/o who cant speak english
Another demon wants to steal sebastian's S/o
Would sebastian understand memes?
S/os tics/adhd sounds are like cat sounds 
Spending a day at the beach
Would Sebastian use S/os mental disability against them?
His daughter bringing a dog into the house
Mermaid S/o
Phantomhive servants are platonically Yandere for Sebastians S/o
How Mayrin treats Sebastians S/o
Ciel accidentally calling sebastian's S/o “mom”
Collector s/o
Kittens love language is touch
S/os already married to a human
Writer S/o using sebastian as a reference for the villain
Meeting his wealthy yet not noble S/o
Being romantic w/ his kitten
How he goes about confessing and courting S/o
How he interacts with his new born child
S/os whose personality is bitchy/mean
S/o w/ ADD and MDD
Gifting him cat themed items
Romancing his kitten
S/o that blushes easily
Using his tailcoat as a blanket
Where he likes kissing his kitten & why HC
Loving care HC
Leaving gifts around the manor for his kitten
Building you a home HC
S/o thats bad at cooking trying to join him in the kitchen
Kitten who writes poems for him
Asking him to teach you how to fight
S/o giving him all sorts of affection
Giving back love to his affectionate kitten
S/o willing to give up their soul to save ciels 
What a average day with your new child looks like
“You look so beautiful like this…covered in all of my marks.”
 “This is what would happen if I didn’t take care of you.”
What life is like for the kidnapped S/o
“You’re weak. You need me.”
 “I love you, and I know you love me too. Even if you refuse to admit it.”
S/o who wants to travel the world with him
Demon S/o wants to spar with him
S/o whos a major sweettooth
S/o responding to his flirts with "Good joke, but you're a demon right? You're not supposed to feel. " 
The purge
Watching horror movies with Sebastian
Kidnapped S/o who refuses to look at him and makes rude comments 
Denying him by saying stuff like "you're like a father to me"\
S/o is a stoner
S/o has nipple piercings 
General HC
How Sebastian expresses himself to his Kitten
Playing GTA/RDR with sebastian
S/os basically nocturnal 
Styling sebs hair
Stalking HC
Asking him to dance
S/o gets extremely fatigued at the end of the day
S/o trying to tickle him
Caring for S/o after top surgery
S/o loves dancing to Kpop songs
Platonic S/o caffeine addict
S/o has 5 dogs
S/o imitates him constantly
Platonic seb adopting a young demon
Servant S/o works for a family that regularly abuses them
Sebastian vs Agni
Grell making Seb jealous via flirting at his s/o
Playing human games w/ his child
Running into poor S/o adoring cats
Kidnapping HC
S/o bothered by how much time he spends on contracts
S/o is feisty constantly fights against Seb
Seb baby fever HC
S/o having baby fever
Comforting S/o after their father suddenly passed
Matching tattoos
S/o using him as drawing inspiration
Yandere Alphabet M,K,A,L,U,Y 
Hunted down
Nuclear Apocalypse 
Platonic Babygirl is half demon half human
Life Threatening and Supernatural situation
Life threatening situation
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Claude Faustus
Stalker prompt
Kidnapping HC
Affection HC
Pregnant S/o
Demoness S/o who wont give up without a fight
Innocent S/o
Hunted down
S/o uses ariel silks
Famous Violinist S/o
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Ciel Phantomhive
Ciel vs Sebastian over you
Haunted House + Demon
Becoming your Suitor
Rejecting his advances 
Recognizing Crossdressed Ciel
Fluff HC
Independent S/o
Matching your outfit with his
Comforting S/o on their period
Ciel Platonically being Yandere over Sebastian's darling
Childhood friend S/o
Ciel accidentally calling sebastian's S/o “mom”
Platonic HC
Shy s/o
Falling for a Maid S/o
Servant S/o works for a family that regularly abuses them
Platonic Seemingly absent minded S/o is actually v smart 
Yandere Alphabet I,K,Y
Trick or treat
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Clingy S/o
S/o trying to escape
Kidnapping S/o
Cheering him up
Aggressive S/o 
Killing his rival
How he shows love
Rival threatening S/o
Loving s/o being treated unfairly
Fluff HC
S/o who “wears the pants” in the relationship
S/o can see/talk to ghosts
Darling that defies gender norms
Celebrating Halloween with his kids
Scary Movies
Ticklish S/o
Capturing S/o during a escape attempt
S/o wants a cat
Darlings into steampunk
Naga Undertaker soft affections hc
Half reaper S/o
Yandere Alphabet T,V,X,Y 
Hunted down by vampire undertaker
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Alois Trancy
“youre mine do you understand? you belong to me”
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Tough and Blunt S/o
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Relationship HC 
S/o scared to accept Grells proposal
Figuring out what Grell is
FtM S/o
Not fearing what grell is
Grell raising their kid
Dealing with a man that persistently bothers you
Reacting to S/o singing the 5th verse of WAP
Celebrating Halloween with her kids
Childs now an adult
S/o doesnt want their child to be around the Phantomhives
Family w/ grell HC
Grells child angry theyre hidden 
Married life HC
Loving her S/o whos self conscious about their body
S/o who curses a lot
Platonic relationship with Kid Witch 
S/o who has MILF energy 
Kid Witch gets hurt by an angel 
Pregnant S/o
Loving a chubby S/o
Jealous HC
Kid Witch whos traumatized from getting attacked by an angel
Cuddling after a long days work
Comforting S/o during a Anxiety attack
Soft S/o
Affectionate S/o
Attempting to escape
S/o who walked around the house naked
Humanitarian/empathetic S/o 
Spoiling Grell with affection
s/o saw her kill Madam Red
S/o not believing grell has genuine feelings towards them cause she simps for so many others
S/o who trusts people to easily
Taking advantage of her S/os mental disability making them rely on her
Being with grell in her butler form
S/o absolutely fawns over grell
Platonic young reaper darling
Yandere Alphabet A,B,E,L,V
Vampire grell
Witch S/o
Life Threatening situation
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S/o trying to escape
Spoiled, aggressive S/o
S/o breaking down for the first time
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Elf s/o whos anxious about their ears
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Ronald Knox
Yandere Alphabet L,M,U,Y
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Edward Midford 
Tailor Apprentince S/o who shows skin
Cold and distant S/o
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William T spears
Platonic timid sibling reader just became a reaper
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Sebastian Michaelis
NS FW Headcannons
Period kink
S/o giving a bj 
Heat HC
Bedding his S/o at a high class ball, bondage
Claiming S/o infront of her fiance
Punishment HC 
Sebastian murdering the competition and taking his S/o
Darling going through their first Heat 
S/o losing their virginity 
Bratty S/o 
AFAB darling calling him Daddy 
Face sitting HC 
Making darling squirt for the first time 
AFAB dry humping
Noncon & Breeding TW
Breeding Kink
Favorite Position & Orgasm control
Dubcon & Body Worship TW
How Vocal he is
Male Incubus S/o 
S/o likes pain during sex
Vampire Sebastian Breeding
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Claude Faustus
Darlings first heat 
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Naga NS FW
Foreplay HC
Body paint NS FW
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Sex addicted AFAB S/o 
S/o has trouble orgasming 
Body Praise 
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sds-mod · 4 months
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Lavender as a child...smol
(Backstory infos under the cut)
Lavender was born the daughter of a victorian noble, Victor Clematis (belongs to idolkilling on twitter), who started his life as a poor and unattractive void of charisma. Sick of his life, he allowed himself to be tempted by dark magic, forming a contract with shady creatures, and came to wealth, beauty and charm - which he used instantly to live his dream life of power.
After a while, he met Lavender's future mother Elisa, who disapproved of his hedonistic lifestyle. He fell for her and so for her sake he promised to stop his ways. They married, they had a child, and life was good thanks to Victor's previously gained wealth and connections. However, Lavender ended up quite a sickly child who required a lot of care. Victor, who loved her dearly, did not take that well and the temptation to go back to his dark ways in an attempt to keep her safe and healthy got too strong. Yet upon finding out, Elisa took Lavender and left. They lived apart the following years. Lavender did not handle it well, since her bond to her father was strong, but Elisa told her that it was better this way.
Unfortunately, tragedy eventually struck and they both got sick, leaving Lavender's mother to pass away and Lavender herself at death's door. Upon hearing the news, Victor rushed to their aid, trying his best to save them, and used his dark magic to revive both - but it didn't go well. Elisa came back wrong, a monsterous shape, and Lavender was even more fragile than before, in a now-permanent state of half-dead and half-alive. Victor still attempted to keep their family together, his wife hidden and explaining every odd occurrence of his daughter's life away whenever she asked questions, and Lavender, who was still scarred from the separation of her parents, was all too happy to accept her mother's state (who still vaguely remembered her).
Yet after a particularly traumatic event for Lavender where her own other ended up attacking her, Victor decided that this plan wasn't working and he took it upon himself to raise Lavender by himself, altering her memory of past events.
After handling things this way for a while, Lavender's mental state grew very fragile, easily triggered to remember everything that happened and everything Victor did, which made her overwhelmed, hysterial and at risk of practically disintegrating and dying after all - so once again Victor had to accept his loss, realizing that his presence in itself was a gigantic trigger for Lavender, and sent her to live alone (under his ever watchful magical eye) in an attempt to have her lead a peaceful and happy life (though it's always only temporary. She inevitably glitches out after a while - given that her mind is fragile and, at this point, filled to the brim with real and fake memories - and needs to be taken in by him and maintained.)
She's currently living in a cycle of waking up in a place with a fresh memory of a life implanted in her (usually some variation on the same story, updated for time) and going on about her day that has been magically pre-set for her, until she inevitably glitches out and breaks, getting taken in by her father again, reset and relocated. She's not aware of this cycle and just thinks that she has hypothyroidism (explaining her exhaustion and several other health problems) and poliosis (half of her hair grew white since she's half-dead. She dyes the white part a lavender colour to match her name.)
She's trying to lead a normal life but since she happens to be a magnet for the weirdest people on earth she's struggling a lot.
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smolwritingchick · 1 month
Smol Brainstorm: So Many Factors
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Summary: Jungkook asks for insight on marriage
Author's Note: This idea randomly popped into my head after seeing a Tik Tok. I always thought about Jungkook talking with Jennie's manager, Diana, first regarding wanting to pop the question before asking Jennie's parents for their blessing. Just a random brainstorm. I feel like this would happen around early 2021.
"Your phone call sounded urgent. Everything okay?" Diana asked with a smile as she sat across from Jungkook for lunch.
"Yes. I felt like you are the best person to discuss this with before going to Jennie's parents," he replied with a nervous smile.
"Oh? What do you want to discuss?"
"I've been thinking of the future of my relationship with Jennie and I wanted your advice about it,"
"Ah...thinking of popping the question?" her smile widened while he felt a bit shy and nodded.
"Yes. I've been thinking about it for so long now...I really want to ask her to marry me,"
"Aww...they grow up so fast. It was like just yesterday she was telling me that you confessed in her hotel room. Okay, let's talk about it,"
Jungkook smiled as he thought of Jennie. "Having conversations with her was always easy. She always knew the right things to say to get me to open up when we first met. And I could always confide in her for anything. I met my best friend. And we fell in love together. And it's been the best years of our lives. I want her as my wife. I want to grow a family with her. I want to be with her forever,"
Diana smiled at his words and nodded. "I see it. Jungkook, marriage is no joke. There are so many factors that go into making a successful relationship and marriage. Some advice my mom told me was that you shouldn't get married until your relationship gets tested. When you go through struggles together and see how you two can handle and overcome them. It's easier said than done,"
Jungkook nodded at her words as she continued, "Jungkook, I have had a lot of boyfriends before I met my husband. And I will say with my past boyfriends, we were all like, 'Oh we can get through anything together, I love you,' but again it was easier said than done. Because, when a roadblock happened, all my boyfriends were quick to give up and didn't want to do the work to overcome it. Some ended up breaking up with me while others I broke up with them. That was until I met my husband. I had to take care of my sick dad who was dealing with cancer at the time. So, I was helping with the medical bills and constantly making sure he was alright with the rest of my family. And he understood that and stood by me. Even aided me with that. He never complained about me spending more time with my family instead of him during that time. It was that moment of many when I told myself, I could marry this man,"
Diana let out a sigh as the memories came back. "I was always so scared to think that he would just want to leave like the others but he didn't. He stayed and he has been there for me, emotionally. And I wanted that the most. I didn't want to be in a relationship that was going to focus on physicality. That was the issue in my past relationships. The sex may be good but take away the sex, what do you have? Do you still have a connection with that person? What about emotion? Does your significant other make you feel loved? Safe? So many factors. And I saw that in my husband. And I see that in both you and Jennie. You don't know if you can overcome any obstacle until you officially go through it. You and Jennie have been through a lot and are still going strong. Your unique relationship announcement, avoiding the media trying to twist things to cause conflict between you two, covid, the protests and you being there emotionally for Jennie. The times you both were injured or sick, the tattoo shop situation, you both dealing with busy schedules and understanding the distance is temporary, the list goes on and you both have stood by each other. Everything you both have gone through you came out stronger and more in love,"
Jungkook smiled at that as he thought about the memories over the years. It had been a wild ride.
"I take marriage very seriously, Jungkook. It's not just a piece of paper. It's the real deal. You're certain you love this person and want to spend the rest of your life with them. There is so much into making a marriage work. You gotta have lots of conversations, like if you two want kids, when you want kids, where you want to continue to live. What do you want out of marriage? You've had those conversations in the past right?"
"Yes, we did,"
"And you've agreed to what you both discussed?"
"Yeah, we have,"
"That's a great start. And above all, you both are in an interracial relationship and have gone through a lot because of that. That right there is another huge deal. Family members can be so closed-minded and not accepting when it comes to that but you both remained strong and made it work. You two have had your ups and downs. But that's all love. Another thing that makes me believe you both are ready is that you two have set boundaries with everyone, including your families regarding your relationship. I always liked how firm you both are regarding your relationship. No one knows every single detail about you two. You share what you want to share and keep it lowkey but people still know you both are together. You two don't let the media or anyone control a narrative of what you both have. Continue that. You two have such a beautiful relationship and I am pleased to see you both remain so connected. You have my blessing for sure. I believe you two are ready for the next step. And I hope when you ask Jennie's parents for their blessing, they'll say yes too. I'll even help you with the ring shopping,"
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
AU Masterlist
The AUs will be sorted by what part they primarily take place in. AUs that have large impacts on many parts will have their own category. Some AUs may be subject to being moved around
Phantom Blood
Doctor Jonathan
Jonathan pursues a career as a doctor instead of an archaeologist, and this ends up influencing his descendants into all becoming doctors of varying kinds as a result
Vampiric Speedwagon
Speedwagon ends up being turned into a vampire by the stone mask and with his new powers swears to protect the Joestars to the best of his ability
Unlikely Acquaintance
Wammu and Santana wake up several years earlier and witness Jonathan’s fight with Dio at the mansion. They’re interested by this strange warrior who managed to fight a vampire with nothing but his own strength and intuition and rescue him from the flames. Everyone things Jonathan’s dead, and Jonathan in turn thinks everyone died in the fire
Bloody Memories
Upon his death, Jonathan wakes up a few weeks after Dio first moved in and is dead set on changing things
The Dog Doesn’t Die
Danny is a Stand User and no matter how hard he tries, Dio can’t manage to kill him and it’s slowly driving him insane
Mother’s Love
Dio’s mother cashes in George’s favour to escape Dario before her death and lives in the mansion. Dio and Jonathan end up becoming genuine friends
Battle Tendency
Honor Bound
Kars and Esidisi end up deciding to go back on the promise to fight Joseph before the poison rings kill him. Wammu disagrees with this and defects, opting to help Joseph and Co defeat them
Pillarmen Caesar
Instead of dying, Caesar gets turned into a Pillarmen
Instead of being the Pillarmen equivalent of Joseph’s age, Santana is “10″ years old
In Your Blood
George II was trained in Hamon and doesn’t die, however he gets convicted of murder so he, Lisa Lisa and Joseph all hide in Italy together. Joseph ends up being trained in Hamon since birth
Stardust Crusaders
Early Bird
Dio is freed years earlier and ends up kidnapping Jotaro, who is 6, to train him as his successor/weapon against the Joestars, as well as Kakyoin (also 6) and Polnareff (11) to be Jotaro’s “underlings.” Joseph and Holly do not agree with this and Avdol gets roped into the rescue
Hamon Crusader
Lisa Lisa taught Jotaro how to use Hamon, which ends up coming in very handy during the trip to Egypt
Caesar Lives
What it says on the tin. Caesar survives Battle Tendency and joins in on the Stardust Crusader Chaos. He gets a gun.
When Jotaro locks himself in jail, Pucci catches wind of it and “exorcises” his evil spirit. He then convinces Jotaro to come with him and meet Dio
Josuke Kujo
Josuke’s existence is discovered a few months before Stardust Crusaders because Tomoko was hospitalised. He ends up living with Holly and Jotaro for a while and gets sick alongside Holly
Smol Platinum
Star Platinum is now 6 inches tall, but is actually faster and stronger than canon
Shrimp Platinum
Star Platinum is a more aquatic based Stand with the ability to mimic the abilities and traits of any sea creature
During the final fight in Egypt, everyone except Jotaro survives
Forget Me Not
Kakyoin and Jotaro are childhood friends, but Jotaro ended up getting in an accident causing him to lose all his memories. Years later when they reunite, Kakyoin thinks Jotaro just didn’t care and Jotaro doesn't understand why Kakyoin’s acting like this
Beauty and the Beast
Technically(?) a Stardust AU? But yeah, it’s Jotakak with Jotaro as the Belle and Kakyoin as the Beast
Diamond is Unbreakable
Hidden In Plain Sight
Koichi obtains Echoes without anyone realizing, leading to him figuring out Stands by himself. Koichi doesn’t know Josuke and Okuyasu have Stands either, which leads to both sides trying to keep the other out of the Stand Bullshit™
Army of Echoes
Koichi is able to summon each of the Echoes Acts as separate beings and simultaneously
Half the Power
Because the arrow wasn’t supposed to work, after Crazy Diamond heals him Koichi doesn’t get Echoes and can now only see and interact with Stands. On the plus side, he can use physical weapons against Stands to defend himself
Echoes Act 4
Koichi dies in the first encounter with Kira and ends up becoming an Echoes Act and an Independent Stand
Gamer Echoes
Echoes is a gamer. That’s it, that’s the AU
Hirose Twins
Echoes is a copy of Koichi’s consciousness and thinks Koichi is an impostor who stole his body. With the help of Rohan they’re finally able to communicate and share the body
Cult of the Diamond
Josuke accidentally starts a cult as a kid when he just wanted to use Crazy Diamond to fix people. Things rapidly get out a hand and the next thing they know, multiple Stands Users are getting involved to keep things going
Vanilla Nijimura
Vanilla Ice is the Nijimura’s father
Childhood Friends
A mashing of several AUs with their own spin. In which Dio kidnaps a Joestar to raise as a successor, however this time it’s a young Josuke, who is given the companion ship of the Nijimura Brothers (Vanilla Nijimura AU) and Koichi (Koichi Horse AU). There are two branches: Escape where during the final fight Hol Horse grabs the kids and books it to Morioh and Raised where the four children are raised in that environment until they’re their canon ages
The Cannibal and the Killer
Tonio does in fact cook people and he and Kira are salty exes
Morioh’s City of Night
A good chunk of Morioh’s population are actually vampires or half vampires and the town has subtle differences because of it
Koichi’s Law
Because Koichi is supposed to be Very Very Dead, the universe attempts to rectify that error by turning him into a living Murphy’s Law, aka anything that can result in his life being threatened will result in his life being threatened
Independent Echoes
Koichi dies during the Centipede Shoes fight and Echoes becomes an Independent Stand wracked with guilt over it’s Users death, which is only slightly mitigated when they find Koichi haunting the Bad Alley a few weeks later
Cat Koichi
AU where’s everything’s the same except Koichi’s a munchkin cat
Killed Queen
Killer Queen has the memories of the Killer Queen in Jojolion and is trying to get Kira to “remember” who he used to be
Delayed Inevitable
Kakyoin survives Stardust only to die in Diamond when tracking down Kira. Jotaro looses his shit
Cinderella Rewrite
My fix-it for the Cinderella Episodes and how I would’ve gone about changing it 
Golden Wind
Vampiric Giorno
Giorno has inherited a couple vampiric traits from Dio and the Bucci Gang deal with the chaos from it
Danger Noodle Giorno
Giorno was turned into a snake and goes through the entirety of Golden Wind stuck that way
Golden Speedrun
The Bucci Gang are trapped in a time loop and in order to wind down on occasion they impose fun challenges on certain loops and treat it like a speed run
Una Siblings
Giorno and Trish are adopted siblings and role swap in Golden Wind, with Giorno being the presumed son of the Boss and Trish being the newbie
Golden Guardian
Giorno and Trish are adopted siblings and Giorno serves as a very protective guardian when Diavolo eventually sends people their way
Sightseeing With More Steps
In his attempts to sight see around Italy, Koichi keeps accidentally running into and helping members of the Bucci Gang as they do Golden Wind Things
Giorno and Pet Shop
Pet Shop isn’t killed by Iggy and through some means ends up in Italy where he befriends Giorno
Jotaro in Italy
Jotaro goes to Italy instead of Koichi to find Polnareff, and because this man is Legally Not Allowed To Have A Break, he gets roped into the plot
Neutral Ground
Tonio opens a restaurant in Italy, and through Stand Attraction ends up getting the attention of Passione. Tonio, who just wants to heal people and make good food, does not appreciate this, and along the way obtains two sons and a Cat Plant
Son of Dio
Diavolo knows Giorno is the son of Dio and attempts to kill him alongside Trish
Poison of the Past
About a year after the events of Golden Wind, Fugo ends up being sent back in time with the opportunity to fix things
The Magician and The Chariot
My Avpol marriage AU where Avdol doesn’t die and he and Polnareff get married. Come Golden Wind, Avdol is prepared to burn down Italy if need be to find his husband, with backup in the form of Iggy
Honor Among Assassins
Similar to Jotaro in Italy, only Jotaro goes to Italy a few days earlier and ends up working with La Squadra instead of the Bucci Gang
Corpse of Gold
Giorno is a partially revived dead kid who had overdosed and his new goal is now to prevent the drug trade to stop anyone else from dying like he had
Vento Innocente
Leaky-Eye Luca ends up nailing Giorno in the head with his shovel and bonks him with amnesia with Koichi desperately trying to keep them both safe as the mafia hunts them down
Night Learns the Sun
Giorno is adopted by Lisa Lisa and learns how to use Hamon. Years later Lisa Lisa gets hurt by Passione so Giorno decides to burn the whole organization to the ground
Zippers and Gold
A Giorno-Bucciarati role swap of Golden Wind. Giorno is the leader of the Bucci Gang trying to overthrow the Boss from the inside while Bucciarati is the son of fisherman desperately seeking the funds to pay for the hospital bills and protect his father. There are two branches, one where Trish gets killed by the Boss and one where it’s Giorno instead
Gold Soul
Jonathan gets reincarnated as Gold Experience and does his best to support and take care of Giorno
Golden Child
Years after the events of Golden Wind, Giorno gets sent back in time to when he first moved to Italy with all his knowledge intact. He tries preventing everything he can while keeping his friends uninvolved. This fails horribly
Echoes Requiem
Giorno wasn’t fast enough saving Koichi from Black Sabbath, leading to Echoes getting stabbed with the arrow and accidentally evolving into a Requiem Stand 
Accidental Assassin
After Giorno steals his stuff, Koichi accidentally gets a job with La Squadra and is actually pretty good at it
Anti Power Couple
A crack ship AU I got WAY too attached to. Hol Horse and Polnareff ends up meeting Post Stardust and fall in love, eventually getting married. When Pol doesn’t return home from Italy, he decides to do something about it and adopts Trish along the way
Boss Una
Trish is raised by Diavolo in Passione since she was young and plans to overthrow him before he decides to kill her. Giorno ends up getting picked up along the way
Skipping Some Steps
when Gold Experience gets stabbed by Black Sabbath, GER gets triggered early and Is Still Terrifying
Soul’s Home
When SCR’s ability stops, Narancia is brought back and Giorno dies in his place
Pen Pals
Narancia was Anne (the Runaway Girl from Stardust) and he and Jotaro have been exchanging letters ever since Egypt
Reluctant Cutthroat 
Mista’s gunmanship didn’t just get Bucciarati’s notice and he gets picked up by an assassins guild of sorts before the man can collect him. Later down the line, he ends up working with La Squadra as a last ditch attempt to be able to get back to the calm life he once had
Body Double
Haruno and Giorno are actually “brothers” aka when experimenting with Gold, Haruno accidentally brought Giorno into existence and doesn’t want to turn him back
Coda Di Covallo
After DiU, Yukako ends up moving abroad to Italy and gets involved in Passione and Golden Wind
Stone Ocean
Cryptid Emporio
Emporio gains a reputation as a possible ghost who haunts the prison. Anasui and Weather decide to take advantage of this
Jotaro Needs A Break
Instead of distancing himself from his family, Jotaro decides to be closer so he can protect them better. Jolyne ends up learning how much Bullshit her dad deals with on a regular basis and decides to do something about it
Golden Ghost
During the whole of Stone Ocean, Jolyne is haunted by the ghost of Dio, who is his regular flamboyant asshole self
Florida Turtle
Jotaro brings Turtleneff to Green Dolphin as back up. Now Green Dolphin has a violent turtle roaming the halls out for blood and no one knows how to get rid of it
Echo of Another
A look at Post-Stone Ocean and how Emporio falls into it because I Want My Boi To Be Happy Dammit
Pillarmen Genes
The Pucci Family have Pillarmen genetics mixed in, and they’re rather prominent in Weather Report
Wonderful World
The Stone Ocean Gang, except for Emporio, get sent back in time after their deaths as a second chance to fix things.... however they don’t realise the others have been sent back as well
United Twins
The AU where the Pucci Siblings all got to grow up together
Heaven’s Maiden
Perla’s disc ends up merging with C Moon, but isn’t able to gain a full conscious awareness until she becomes Made In Heaven. Ends up using White Snake’s ability to disconnect herself from Pucci and instead attaches to Emporio, resetting the universe to keep him safe. White Snake’s joins the ride because he’s salty Pucci replaced him
Different Perspective
Pucci ends up taking a closer look at Jotaro’s memories and accidentally gets attached and invested. He now isn’t full sure what to do or who to side with
Averting Fate
Pucci and Weather Swap AU
Steel Ball Run
Chosen Brother
Johnny and Diego are childhood friends and are friendly rivals in the racing world
Rose Gold
Yasuho discovers Paisley when she was younger and decides to make her ghost friend a body so she can interact with the world. Ends up becoming a very skilled mechanic as a result
Multi Part
Requiem Crusader
Silver Chariot Requiem is sent back in time with the assistance of Gold Experience Requiem in order to change the events of Stardust Crusaders and later Golden Wind
Koichi Horse
Koichi is the younger brother to Hol Horse and spent the first few years of his life growing up in Dio’s mansion
Jonathan Lives
Dio turns Jonathan into a vampire out of “respect” for him and keeps his hostage. Decades later during Egypt, he is freed by the Crusaders and lives in Morioh for a bit before eventually learning about Giorno and his brothers
Joestar Legacy
Since Jonathan, all the Joestars have had their Stands since birth
Vampiric Jotaro
Dio turns Jotaro into a vampire during their final fight and Jotaro has to deal with the aftermath
Joestar Platinum
Jonathan is reincarnated as Star Platinum and has to get used to the modern world while also keeping Jotaro safe. Come Stone Ocean, and Kakyoin joins the Dead Person Now A Stand club as Stone Free
Friends On the Other Side
Ghosts have the ability to haunt those still alive, be it friend or foe. Jotaro is haunted by Kakyoin and Dio, Joseph is haunted by Caesar and Wammu, and Polnareff is haunted by Avdol and Iggy. And come Stone Ocean, Perla, Gloria and Emporio’s mom all do what they can to assist in Pucci’s defeat
Second Chance
After the events of Stone Ocean, the Stand manifestation of Fate sends Jotaro is sent back in time as an Independent Stand to when Jonathan was a kid and tells him to fix things
House of Jojo
The Jojos from parts 1-6 are brought to a single strange and quite large house and interact with each other
Giorno Higashikata
Giorno ends up being adopted by the Higashikatas
Behind Closed Doors
George is much worse than canon and it ends up getting Dio’s attention. He may be a jerk, but he’s also more than familiar with asshole fathers and wouldn’t wish this on even Jonathan, so he opts to do something about it
Bloops Behind the Scenes
The Actor AU for all your Blooper Chaos
Peanut Gallery
The Jojos all end up following around the others and witnessing their “part,” and then use that further knowledge to change things for the better
Via Morioh Stand User Chaos, Jotaro has been turned into a Stand. His “ability” is being able to be seen my regular people when he desires, and while he still looks mostly human and can pass as one, he has a bit of an Uncanny Valley affect
Dinosaur and the Ladybug
Giorno and Diego are twins and exist together in the 1-6 Timeline. In the Corpse Branch the Corpse Pieces exist as well and make everything go balls to the walls insane 
Ocean Man
For some reason or another, Jotaro becomes a merperson with a Luca-esque transformation, aka Water Makes Him Fish Person
In which almost every enemy Stand User he encounters is befriended/adopted by Jotaro
Hamon Healer
Erina learns how to use Hamon and is both the best doctor ever and an absolute badass who can and will beat you in a fight. The embodiment of “I’m a healer but-”
House of Villains
The villain house AU where all the main Jojo villains are forced to live in the same house as punishment in the after life
Black Coat Constant
Jotaro accidentally gets involved in some time travel shenanigans and keeps briefly appearing during important moments of other character’s lives without realising what’s going on
Replay In Real Time
Hermit Purple accidentally hijacks Moody Blues and now Joseph is accidentally present for the last chunk of Golden Wind. He’s still in the past, but he’s able to use Hermit’s spirit photography to see what’s going on the the future
Dual Trip
Holly doesn’t call Joseph when Jotaro locks himself in jail. Because of this, Jotaro, Kakyoin and eventually Polnareff end up traveling to Egypt by themselves, and at the same time Joseph is on a war path because he thinks Kakyoin kidnapped his grandson and is accompanied by Avdol and Iggy. The rest of the parts follow similar “protagonist groups are split up and they don’t realise it” vibes
Void Space
Joseph dies during the final fight with Kars and Caesar barely survives. As such, Caesar now has to deal with all of the absolute INSANITY that the Joestar Family deal with later down the line
Glitch Nonsense
Jojo’s has Video Game Physics when it comes to glitches in the world and everyone just treats it as normal
Star Swap
All the Joestars get mixed around and end up having to go through the other’s adventures. Jonathan swaps with Jolyne, Joseph swaps with Giorno, and Jotaro swaps with Josuke
Bloody Star
Dio doesn’t test the Stone Mask and uses it on Jonathan without knowing what it would do. Jonathan becomes a vampire and Dio starts a cult
Shattered Soul
Jolyne is killed as a young child and Jotaro snaps, leading him to have an Eyes Of Heaven type villain arc where his goal is to completely eradicate the supernatural because of all the harm its done
Shattered Glass
AU where Jonathan is evil and Dio is good and how that changes everything coming after
Freaky Friday
Star Swap only this time Jolyne and Jotaro swap places
Sixth Sense
Star Platinum, and by extension Jotaro, are now much more in tune with the Time Fuckery going on in the world, including but not limited to: The World’s time stops, Bites The Dust’s loops, King Crimson’s skipping. Jotaro is being driven up a wall
SWCP Foundation
the Speedwagon Foundation is also the SCP Foundation, and Jotaro is one such SCP whom was adopted by Holly. Unfortunately for him, the Foundation isn’t the kindest towards SCPs
Jotaro is Holly’s pet dog and is the GOODEST Boi
White Coats
Because of their Out Of The Ordinary Stand abilities, Koichi, Giorno and Emporio get kidnapped by some sketchy science people for experiments
The Joestar Family all have different werebeast transformation
Dice Logic
Everyone’s fate is bound by magic DnD dice
King’s Court
Enya ends up taking interest in the strange boy who sold her the arrow heads, so now Diavolo and Doppio end up getting
Magical Girl
What it says on the tin, I’ve made Jojo’s as a Magical Girl show
the Stardew Valley AU
Transformer’s Bizarre Adventure
Instead of Stands, Transformers take their place and through various ways they end up meeting their “users” only now they’re companions
Echoes is now a carton of mostly indestructible eggs. Koichi has a mean throwing arm. I think you can see where this is going
Vampiric Joeseph
When Jotaro gives him back his blood, Joseph gets turned into a vampire because of it
I Woke Up Reincarnated As My Descendant?!
an isekai but not really. Jonathan gets reincarnated as any one of his descendants and tries to balance his memories of his old life with his new one
Voice In The Sky
after his death, Speedwagon becomes something of an omnipotent being and narrates the rest of the Jojo parts
Siblings Across A Universe
the two Moriohs are connected via a magic hole and Koichi and Yasuho ends up befriending each other because of it
Fighting Spirit
every biological Joestar’s Stand is the ghost of a dead Joestar/someone closely related, whether they realise it or not
Broken Cycle
when Pucci resets everything, it sends him and Emporio back to the Joestar Mansion in the middle of Dio and Jonathan’s fight. Dio, who is getting some heavy flashbacks upon seeing a sobbing blonde child running away from a grown man, decides to intervene
Legally Stars
Donatello, Rikiel and Ungalo all end up meeting the Joestars when they’re kids and officially become part of the family. They’re basically Jolyne’s brothers, and they end up sneaking to Italy to meet their new fourth sibling
Mermaid AU baby <3, the Joestars are all mers
Mother Knows Best
generally just an AU to give the (good) Jojo Moms a bit more spotlight
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zyettemoon1800 · 3 months
Pillarmen x smol male reader
Sleeping with s/o
pillars have a very flirty and outgoing s/o
Pillar men x s/o with eczema
Yandere Pillar men x reader who doesn't want their baby
pillar men react to a s/o that stronger than them
pillarmen and fem s/o at her birthday
Pillar men x drag queen reader
How the pillar men react to your Graduation Day *Modern AU*
pillar men taking care of a fem! reader
someone hurts or kidnaps s/o
pillar men x chubby reader going to swim
pillar men with a s/o that is a Amazonian
Pillar men x chubby reader( 1)
Comfort pillarmen x sick reader
Pillarmen x pansexual reader
Pillarmen Zodiac signs
Pillar men Pride
Pillarmen with a S/O that likes to draw
pillarmen reacting to a s/o coming out as asexual
Pillar men x s/o with primal kink
Pillarmen Father's day
pillar men x fem reader with strong anger issues
Pillarmen x reader who got stung
Pillarmen x s/o that can control fire
Pillarmen with a s/o who has an incurable disease
Pillar men reacts to  s/o who chokes on food
Pillar men x supermodel s/o
Pillar men reacting to their fem s/o wedding dress
Jealous Pillar men x s/o
Pillarmen x s/o turned into a child
Pillarmen x s/o with acne
Pillarmen x s/o who has tattoos and piercings
Pillar Men with an s/o that can instantly regenerate any damage
Pillarmen React to depressed s/o
Pillarmen reacting to demon male demon lover
*Modern AU* Pillarmen x *little* reader
Pillar men x reader * oh brother*
pillar men with cheater s/o
S/o is pregnant...again
Pillarmen x s/o that can control lighting
Pillarmen would react / do if captive!fem-reader pretended to have an orgasm
Pillarmen x heavy sleeper s/o
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