#so i will not
thetacoshellturtle · 2 years
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Leon, sweetie- Please- q q btw that's supposed to be the weird food It looks gross That's the point The message I got was that it looked gross, so I'm sharing that same message
Warning- the next picture is extremely angsty Leon is not dead, he's just really sick
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Well, Leon, that's what happens when you don't take care of yourself smh (I say, as I forget to eat and drink constantly)
@leglessstreetlights I drew your boys and I want to cry now(apparently my lack of control over my emotions just gets worse when I'm empathizing with a smol child) It's gonna be okay, little Leo \(q q\)
Fanart for Three-Sided Coin on ao3 Because this fic lives in my head rent free And will not leave me alone
I am definitely going to make more fanart of this fic But like- Whatever wholesome stuff I can find probably
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thefrogdalorian · 7 months
I'm not emotionally ready to process that The Mandalorian Season 3 officially turns one year old tomorrow...
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orionadventure · 1 year
top ten list of people you want to genetically modify
OOOOHHHH now this is a toughy. Now, I am a good friend, and so I am not ALLOWED to modify at least one of these people. However, she is also aware of this so I won't get yelled at for it (maybe) Also this is NOT in order of any kind so.
And you, dear reader, are lucky number TEN!
Get over here.
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ratguy-nico · 8 months
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by the way the choosen ones
Some may or may not be cut but for now CHOOSEN ONES
any ship you like? any ship you don't recognize? any ship you hate? I also take hate Love hate
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sleepyblr-heart · 11 months
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A wonder to this universe YOU and I!
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sleeplesslark · 7 months
Hey! Kabuto, 7, 9, 15 and 24 for the character ask game!
Eyyyyy my boy <3
Under the cut cuz I'm a rambly bitch
7. What is something the fandom does with the character that you like?
I love all the jokes, drawings, and metas about the times skip, what he, Orochimaru, and Sasukes life might have been like. What we see is already pretty funny. "It must be Sasuke. He's always grumpy when he first wakes up" (chapter 306).
I also really love what I've seen from the fanfic side. Rabbitprint on ao3 especially has some wonderful character study type fics involving him. The beautiful, poetic fics that focus on the tragedy of his arc contrast with the more upbeat stuff that pokes fun at him.
The metas as well. I have to give a special shout out to all the people on tumblr who do character analysis of him. There's a lot to read into, especially since he rarely says what he's thinking exactly. Smarter minds than mine have done long pieces analyzing him, and it's always a treat to see.
All in all, Kabuto fans are passionate, and I love seeing people passionate about their characters!
9. Could I be roommates with him
Yeah, I can't picture us interacting a whole lot, though. Very, he stays where he is I stay where I am. Idk that we'd give each other reason to dislike each other, but I can't see us being friends either. Just, not a lot of shared connection personality or interests wise.
15. Favorite ship
I view him as aroace. None of his ships really appeal to me either.
I think I once threw out Haku when someone asked, like, both survive, post-war au. Idk I still feel like I'd prefer it to be platonic, though. Idk, I prefer platonic all of his ships.
Out of the relationships he has, I personally find his weird psudo-friendship thing with Naruto the most interesting. I wish we got more of it, but that's a fun space for fan exploration so I'm not too bummed out about it.
24. What character from another media does he remind me of?
Unsurprisingly, Chishiya.
Some spoilers for late Alice in Borderlands and Chishiya's arc.
There's bare bones similarities, like both being intelligent medics who are self-centered and betray the main character while the main character trusted them and even viewed them as a bit of an authority. Both survive their stories, not exactly befriending or ever being the main antagonist to the main boy but serving as a dark reflection of him in some ways.
Late in the series, the line that got me to write Chishiya was "it was like I existed to show just how empty a human can be," (chapter 56) which just emotionally wrecked me. The line also feels very Kabuto.
This might be very rambling and I haven't reread Alice in Borderland recently enough to make a real meta on this. I do see a similar sort of crisis in both characters told from very different angles. Chishiya is far more independent for one, but he also doesn't self reflect in the ways Kabuto sometimes does until the end.
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oh-yeah-ants · 5 months
in all the stuff I’m seeing about the watcher drama there’s a lot of “we CANNOT AFFORD to pay the 6$” which I’m sure is definitely true for some people, but not all. I feel like a good portion of the backlash is coming from how sick everyone is of subscription services. Sure I could pay the 6$. But i don’t want to. I literally do not care about watcher or the shows they produce enough to do that, and I don’t think I’m alone in that. Maybe if the company put out more things that appealed to their audience I could see the subscription as a worthwhile thing, but honestly there are so many other channels out there that cover spooky stuff or history stuff or conspiracies that I would rather watch ON YOUTUBE instead of giving my card info to a production crew that only makes one show I put on in the background every once and a while. They seem to have overestimated how much loyalty fans have and the mask of a renegade dorky YouTube channel slipped to reveal a now profit-focused company and it’s very obvious that fans HATE IT. As is their right.
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prettykitti · 1 year
the urge to get off next to them while they play games just to distract them is immense
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voids-call · 10 months
Soul Stars: Probably just Alex... he's stupid and silly.
Problems: Dragon. Main character. So much survivor's guilt <3
Device: Jocelyn. Tired. Willing to commit atrocities for her family.
Guardian: Hazard. There is so much fucking trauma here I love this bitch. He's so fucking dumb.
Yassification: Honestly? Moon. I will not elaborate fuck you.
Kys land but glamrock the whole damn smp: What the hell is the name of that au. Did Danger ever even name it? I dunno man. I like Alex, theee foot tall Cow with nothing but spite for everything.
Card Deck: Ace. Tragic backstory and then the actual story is also tragic. I have no words for the amount of shit I've put that man through-
Chaos With The Gays: Gabe. He has one (1) mean limb and spite. He'd gladly fistfight anyone that comes near anyone he cares about. Also he doesn't realize everyone kinda thinks he hates Bonnie... he doesn't though they're besties.
Seven Nights: How the fuck do I pick- uhhh. Jasper. This fucking kid FIST FOUGHT FOXY AND WON.
Wired Webs: Tripwire. Doomed by the narrative, need I say more?
Body Swap: Monty. He's like.. surprisingly competent. Not the guy you'd expect to do so well taking Freddy's job for a day, but he did. And then when things go horribly wrong he has to make sure Gregory doesn't get killed. And he DOES IT WELL- I think he's very fun.
Rewind: DEAR GODS HELP ME- UHHHH.... Micheal- sure. Omg I love this fucking idiot. He lost everything and then is dragged back up slowly but surely only to be crushed again. Over and over again he finally has something to lose only to find himself with everything he holds dear slipping through away from his grip. He should be angry but he's done that already. He should have learned but gods, it's just nice to smile.
Deadly Whispers: Monty. This poor bitch- he had his boyfriend taken away and he didn't get to say a proper goodbye. Nothing like a nice punch in the gut to start your day.. and then it gets worse, because it always does. Nothing ever seems to go right and he's not ok.
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So I wrote a thing for Mizuki's birthday
Also @hovkinnie Hi I know you're equally as feral about AnHaneMizuEna as me so have this thrown at you (If you want me not to do that lmk and I won't)
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debbiechanclub · 10 months
Had a thought but realized it'd be too easy to deduce who I was talking about if I shared it
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
okay im gonna try and sleep again but do u ever get too scared to have someone beta read
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randomperson1638 · 1 year
Hello everyone!!
I will not be posting today!
Because I'm going to my first CONCERT!!
it's a fall out boy concert!!
I will probably take pictures (not during the concert ofc!)
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coughloop · 2 years
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thepixelelf · 2 years
I told Daisy that I was gonna change my theme back to the watermelon dongyun one for his birthday but I am in fact. lazy
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ugartecoco · 10 months
the transition im crying
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