#talk to me when u actually were isolated cuz everyone thought you were too weird / poor / unkempt / dangerous to be around
videoviolence · 7 months
i know its not like the disability olympics or whatever but as someone who was unable to function unless I was homeschooled my entire life because one attempted semester of highschool made me genuinely psychotic & unable to function in a group, its interesting how autism as a disorder has just been watered down to this commodified "consumerist" identity where people have deluded themselves into thinking theres something Wrong with them if literally all they do is have passionate interests but oh make sure you dont do anything Actually weird cuz thats "jobless / loser / etc" behavior . that + th whole sweep of th word "neurodivergent" which is a catch-all that means nothing in th grand scheme of things .
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letmesleepy · 1 year
Hey Sleepy I know about Otto but what about Caroline? I've seen u tag oc tag stuff as Caroline. Who are they?
Thats Carolina ^_^ let me talk about her miserable life under the cut. Its under a cut cuz uhhhhh sensitive topics below. Also long as hell
Carolina is my fallout oc/sona/its complicated. We'll say shes an oc cuz shes only really a sona when im playin the games and when thats happening the pronouns are they/them but since its just me playing the they/themming is only in the head.
Shes in 3/nv/4 and dear god she goes through so much trauma. Shes a mute chick w huge anger issues who tries not to show it by constantly being @_@ about life. She had a tumor in her throat when she was 1 yr old, which if it wasnt removed would have traveled to her brain, if it didnt close off her ability to breathe first. She had to have surgery to have it removed, taking her vocal cords in the process.
She has a huge love for repairing tech such as computers and bots, and when she was in the vault she dreamed of being the person to maintain the water chip. But as you know f3 story she never got the chance, only ever being a pipboy repairmen (which she did enjoy but due to how isolated she was she wanted water chip job more so she could be more important and liked). She has an incredible memory too ✌.
Cuz of her mutism she had like almost no friends aside from amata + a few adults, only furthering her @_@ ing and not showing her emotions. This leads to FURTHER isolating cuz everyone just thinks shes weird. She struggles a lot w her self image due to this isolation and kids pickin on her for being mute + tall, leading to struggles w anorexia. Throughout the 10 yrs old f3 to f4 she tries to recover from this, but cuz the apocalyptic world is harsh she doesnt get well off at first, becoming an alcoholic alongside it, due to in f4 shes brainwashed/reprogrammed (cyborg from nv dlc) into believing shes a 200 yr old mom searching for her son. Not only brainwashed but had surgery to look like the original nora. This only worsens her self image problems when she realizes the truth. The reason shes brainwashed is cuz Father believes shes incredible, and due to her work in washington/vegas, believing she should take his place. Originally he thought she was a true vault dweller, having no radiation. By the time he found out she wasnt, it was too late. But he persisted anyway, still considering her determination and the charisma she would gain from nora to make her an excellent leader.
When she realizes shes actually NOT nora, and that they gave her a dead womans voice, thoughts, face, this leads to her almost going over the deep end, for a moment considering horrible things from making her anorexia worse for a sense of control to simply finding a hole to die in. But in the end she decides instead to combine her personality w noras, since nora is now stuck inside her. Nora is a "program" of sorts, existing in the cybernetic part of carolinas brain. She was scanned from the original noras head, who died during the capturing of shawn. Due to her being a corpse there were a lot of memories gone, so a lot was filled in or simply left blank. Shes a ghost of herself but she doesnt wanna die again, so she stays alive through carolina, the two becoming a new one. Carolina is now more vulnerable, with new thoughts, but in a way she finds a peace in it, feeling less lonely even if the company isnt entirely true. They ofc arent totally harmonious, at times being completely separate mentally, but they over time find this to be a good thing, always seeing things in a new way, coming up with better ways to solve things. Her only other constant company is f3 dogmeat, who stays by her side ever since they met. But that changes when she has to take care of shawn, who believes shes his bio mother. Now she has more company with him involved.
Originally carolina doesnt wanna take care of him, being very traumatized by what happened w Father, but in the end he wins her over, so they travel together. Ofc carolina tells shawn the truth, that shes not his mom. But he in the end decides it doesnt matter, that shes really cool and he wants her to be his mom. With this relief, she changes her face back as much as she can, and removes noras voice from her. Because of their new relationship, carolina opens up more, having a healthier lifestyle to set a good example, and making promises to not be as reckless in battle, cuz he worries about her :(. Over time she starts expressing herself more, still ofc sometimes @_@ but thats cuz she has apocalyptic autism and Is Just Like That. But overall she learns to laugh and actually be happy cuz she has someone to love again, and this time she doesnt let ppl step over her. As she recovers and loves, she gains more weight and becomes fat and strong ^-^ leading to her passion of engineering being more easy due to having more energy.... Not to mention the flustering attention she gets cuz shes a beefy woman in the apocalypse.
Tldr: i take yer gruff depressed middle aged man w daughter and raise you: gruff depressed middle aged woman w son. + cute doggy :)
#theres a lot more like her losing a foot to a bear trap and being cut open so many times without her permission#this girl is covered in scars. both surgical and battle wise#and the first time she cried being in lonesome road cuz she sees so much of herself in ulysses she knew she would die#and how she used to bury everyone she killed in f3 cuz she was raised Old Fashioned on how to treat the dead#but she stopped when her dad died cuz she started killing so many enclave she couldnt bury em all. and kinda didnt wanna.#and dont get me started on dr li and her being in both f3 and f4#and how her meeting 'nora' parallels her meeting carolina and how she Senses who she is but doesnt have proof#and thus sends nora to search for carolina‚ believing carolina to be dead but is so scared she might be alive#and how dr li didnt have a great opinion of carolina but knows if what her gut is telling her is true. is something no one deserves.#and how shes the cause for nora realizing shes carolina and how this further complicates their relationship#amd how she tries to ease this fuckin Mess by giving her resources to learn sign language so she can talk to her w/o pen and paper#and how it leads to them finally being somewhat friends and dr li being the only person carolina trusts in the institute#and how that leads to her making dr li the director so carolina can leave cuz she now fucking hates boston#and also her taking care of dogmeat when he was caged in the institute to hide him from nora. he was so so scared and she was like#holy fuck dogmeats here. that could mean shes alive. guess i gotta make sure you dont die buddy or else thatll ruin her.#and her using him to be sure that nora is carolina. and when hes so so happy to see nora when he was so shy w dr li. thats how she knew.#but she needed proof. so off nora goes#*froths a bit at the mouth thinking about dr li and nora and carolina*#the reason i chose otto instead of her for the oc poll was cuz uh. dear god theres too much to tell for her.#also dont get me started on her relationship w ulysses. the parallels... and Opposites....#ulysses being a man who always speaks. always has words. carolina being a woman who has so lil words. who refuses to speak.#the two being so full of burning rage only the other can understand. being so strong and not knowing how to be strong.#isolating themselves and committing themselves to the service of their own personal duties until they just fall over and die#both dreaming of a home that had died long ago#*pounds fists on floor*#ive been considering making a comic about her but i have Not had the time or skill yet to do it. maybe one day 💭#anyway ive been writing this answer for hours. if theres something else to be said ill just hashtag reblog and say more#also i think shes technically my oldest oc. at least the oldest thats still around. shes def older than otto thats for sure#been working on her for.... jeez. 10 yrs.
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kettterdams · 4 years
would u be willing to share some of ur opinion on pjo? i understand completely if not bc of cancel culture but im curious? i love u
honestly fuck it, yeah sure. here’s a little list, and if you wanna know more about any of them don’t hesitate to ask cuz i will write paragraph upon paragraph about most of these lmao
luke castellan is an interesting character with a completely understandable motive, and although he was not a good person, he was deserving of the redemption he got but i can ABSOLUTELY see why people would say otherwise
rick riordan has written some questionable stuff about relationships with age gaps. frank & hazel, leo & calypso, and of course that totally unnecessary and weird thing with luke asking annabeth if she loved him. i don’t fault any of the characters themselves for this, because i honestly think rick riordan has a complete disregard for age (which is a whole other egg to crack.) to me it’s clear that he wrote that line in the last olympian as a bit to make you sympathize with luke, but it just came across as predatory. if this was an isolated incident, i would view it as a purposeful character choice to make luke seem more questionable, but given the other two relationsips i listed, i think it was just a mistake to write that on rick riordan’s part and i choose to ignore it.
also i saw something today about how luke “groomed” annabeth and thalia when they were kids, but i would like to remind you fucking weirdos that thalia was only two years younger than him at the time and luke genuinely cared about her and annabeth as friends. when thalia died it only pushed him farther down the path of anger towards the gods. he was definitely questioning his father and olympus at that point, but thalia and even percy do the exact same thing (NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE TALK ABOUT HOW LUKE IS A MIRROR TO PERCY?? LIKE IF PERCY HAD GOTTEN TOO ANGRY AT HIS DAD HE WOULD HAVE GONE DOWN LUKE’s PATH?? WHAT IS GOING ON!!) i feel like people forget that when luke got back from his quest and was starting to doubt the gods even more, he became more susceptible to dark thoughts and started having the dreams about kronos and was essentially brainwashed by him, and that’s what drove him to do what he did.
jason grace and piper mclean are respectively the most boring and most horrible charcters. jason is usueless and piper just straight up sucks
i despise bianca di angelo. i’m sorry. but you DON’T leave your brother like that. you absolutely do not.
but i'm also not nico's biggest fan either lmao
also i wish someone would tell rick that characters are allowed to be single. u really do not gotta pair everyone off.
okay that’s all for now folks, thanks for reading lol. please do not come at me for any of this, but if you wanna have an actual discussion about any of this, i'd love to talk!!
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johndykeon · 5 years
(Re: this) HIIIII ANDIE!!! I come bearing ideas. ;)))) Feel free to use them how you seem fit, or not! It’s all good (you can keep this in your inbox if you decide to write any of them, no need to reply me :P), BUT I didn’t really base them off of the prompts from Maylor Week though and I wasn’t kidding when I said I’m craving for Dom!Roger so XDDD You already know what you’re getting here lol A WHOLE LOT OF DOM!ROGER AND HIS SUB!BRIAN but you’re also free to put your spin on them, write them however you feel inspired! (& dear lord this turns out SO MUCH LONGER than I expected, they got way out of hand! I’M TERRIBLY SORRY ANDIE ABOUT THE LONG MESSY POST BELOW)
1. It’s obvious that Roger’s a good Dom and a great lay, and Brian’s pining. Kinda hard not to notice the satisfied dreamy looks on Roger’s bed partners after their nights together and nope Brian is definitely not sulking(?) or being jealous(?). He does however fantasize about what’s it gonna be like being taken care of by Roger, and once he starts thinking about it he can’t seem to stop. He knows he’s acting weird blushing randomly throughout the day and avoid looking at Roger in the face and oh boy he can practically feel Roger gearing up for an opportunity to confront him about everything but how can he tell him? Roger’s way out of his league. He’s spared from the confession part though when the day he forgot to lock his bedroom door is the day he woke up from his sex dream (featuring Dom!Roger ofc) and almost had a heart attack seeing Roger by his bedside smirking at him with heavy amusement and arousal in his eyes. (Roger was trying to corner Brian so they could talk at once when he wakes up; When he heard Brian moaning his name he immediately let himself in thinking he’s unwell and needs help. This turns out to be so much more enjoyable than he expected; He loves Brian and since the feeling’s mutual now he doesn’t have to hold back anymore) (spoilers alert haha Roger ends up making passionate love to Brian for their first time with a hint of dominance on his part, not all out D/s cuz Brian’s new to this, they’ll have to have a long talk about rules and boundaries before doing anything)
2. Established relationship, Roger’s been away on a business trip (or something like that) and Brian is missing him terribly. He knows when Roger’s been away far too long for his liking when the god damn tabloid’s blurry photos of Roger smiling and being surrounded by beautiful women and men are getting to him and his insecurity’s now acting up. Brian feels lonely, insecure and on top of that guilty for letting the tabloid affecting him like this because it totally shouldn’t, it’s just a fucking tabloid that always says untrue things. Eventually he decides to try something new to distract himself by buying a whole full set of sexy lingerie to wear in bed when Roger comes home; They’ve not done this before, the part in him that eagerly wants to be a good boy for Roger shyly hopes that he will like it. Upon returning Roger is indeed very excited to see Brian in those, he looks absolutely ravishing and wastes no time taking him to bed. But Roger being very in tune with Brian’s needs senses something’s off not long after and gently but firmly asks Brian to tell him what’s wrong. He’s gotten very good at using his Dom voice on Brian and soon Brian’s having a mini breakdown in his arms. Of course Roger comforts and reassures him and explained what was really going on in those photos, definitely not like what the tabloid’s being saying. Roger ends up making long drawn out gentle love to Brian while showering him with praises about how beautiful he looks in the lingerie and how much he loves him (basically fucking those negative thoughts and emotions out of Brian lol). The next morning when Brian wakes up all sated and basking in afterglow Roger brings him breakfast in bed and insist on feeding him, not allowing Brian to raise even one finger haha and after that they cuddle in bed for the rest of the morning.
3. Mafia!AU, when Brian was a kid in an orphanage he and Roger were best friends, they look out for each other and swear to stay together but ofc real life doesn’t work like that, Roger was adopted first while his own adoption followed not long after. Brian ends up growing up in a Mafia family; Luckily his adoptive father, the current leader of the Family was actually quite kind to him, Brian is very good at math and is extremely bright so he’s spared from all the ugly part of things and was tasked with doing all the finance stuffs for his Mafia Family. Brian doesn’t like violence even though he’s sheltered away from those and more often than not thought about leaving, but it’s not easy especially when certain members in the family always have their eyes on him and love to remind him about how he owes them for adopting him. He also tries looking for Roger discreetly whenever he can but so far all leads came up empty. Days go by while he doesn’t have a perfect life at least he’s not mistreated other than sometimes being ignored or isolated (exactly what he wants tbh); He knows some of the family members especially the actual sons of his adoptive father are quite wary of him, afraid that he’s gonna want power as well (he absolutely doesn’t thank you very much) but all this is interrupted when 1) his adoptive father suddenly has a heart attack and passed away, tension in the family rises immediately, seems like everyone’s scheming for that leader role but before any of them can come out on top, 2) they’re under attack from another Mafia that’s quickly rising to the top, and Brian’s family lost miserably; They took quite a heavy hit and now the ranks are shifting rapidly AND that’s not the end of their continuous bad luck. 4) The rival Mafia what won against them is demanding compensation, weirdly usually this is the time when the winner demands a hell lot but this time the demands seems to be more symbolic than the usual route of ripping the losing side off, which is good for them because now they really don’t have much to offer, BUT the strangest thing is, the one demand that the Mafia’s not budging on, is BRIAN. They are demanding Brian to leave and stay with them instead and they’re not accepting any rejection on this one, also are ridiculously tight lipped on why. Brian himself was not present at (or invited to) any of these “negotiations”, he’s being relayed to the news by one of his family members and dread and terror immediately filled his lungs. His future looks so bleak now he knows that he’s gonna be the chew toy, as the show of power demonstrating Brian’s family’s defeat and showing off the victory of the other Mafia. He can’t say no or run away unless he wants to be hunted for the rest of his life, and that’s assuming he’s able to escape before his own family decide to “escort” him over. He wants to at least do so with some dignity so he quietly packed up his belongings (not that there’s much he wants to keep anyway) and got in the car they sent. Upon arrival he’s shaking all over almost swallowed whole by dread and nervousness, immediately he’s escorted to what he’s being told that’s his room by someone. For a moment he’s completely distracted by how luxurious and huge it is, and the view from his window is breathtaking; He took a few minutes to explore everything when suddenly the door opens and ROGER (even though they’ve not seen each other for so many years he instinctively knows that it’s him) walks in with a relieved smile on his face and immediately pulls him into a tight hug. (Fun story so back then Roger was adopted by a Mafia family as well. With some luck and a lot of hard work and brawn he steadily rises to power and is now the leader; He knows that Brian has been looking for him all these years but didn’t want to jeopardize him by putting him in danger before his position of power is secured; He never forgot about Brian too and when he started battling for dominance within his family, he found where Brian is and thus is even more determined to fix their separation, starting by acquiring enough power to protect both of them) (spoilers alert their already simmering feelings for one another totally developed and they most definitely fell in love very soon. Roger shelters and protects Brian and never coerce or force him and is very supportive of him, Brian’s future definitely isn’t bleak anymore)
Oh my god this got so fucking long I’M SO SORRY!!!!!!
ok so i wasn’t actually gonna publish this bc i did decide to use one of these prompts for maylor week (unfortunately not the mob!au but hopefully that’ll be coming eventually 🤪) so i’ve just been working from this!!!! but i keep worrying that i’m gonna accidentally delete it or something lmao so i’m publishing it to make sure i can keep track of it!!!!
also can i just say,,,, BRUH these are literally all so good????? i adore them all thank you so so much for sending them in!!!! tbh it made me rlly happy and rlly soft that u cared enough to think this stuff up and send it in skdjdkd and it also gave me TONS of inspo so really, thank you!!!!!!!
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oh, continuing on from too-long, incoherent post made hours ago when nobody was online, obvs, No-Friends Club members put ur hands in—
one weird thing i remembered is the Experience of like, time to put interpersonal boundaries in place by setting boundaries on My Own Emotions, you know what i’m saying! like for example the Cold Math issue of having no friends, where like, you have a few ppl who talk with you, and just like, thanks to proportions and statistics alone, on your end its like thank god for these noble few who are each like, 490% of the good interactions you get in life, the beautiful line of defense between you and utter isolation, and on their end its gonna be like, you’re a person they talk to sometimes. and that’s too easy to forget sometimes so i just commit to remembering it, and like, deliberately Not getting overenthused/overinvested about it, cuz it’s just not fun to sorta put the cart before the horse and then have the repeated realization that you’re really not going to be an official friend or whatever or that significant a figure in other ppl’s lives. rough!! you know what i’m talking about re: this experience?
it’s just tricky and i don’t even entirely have a handle on it to this day (tho a way better handle on it than when i had to figure out how this situation worked years ago) in part cuz like, actually, despite having been isolated in varying degrees for like, basically my whole life except less during college tho i often had Big Lonely problems then too, despite that and also despite anxiety ishes (issues) and discomfort with social situations sometimes for other reasons, i’m like, actually a real social person when its the kind of social setup i Can be comfortable with, which is a decent variety imo. and i really like people actually, if they arent terrible, and i really like interacting with them If They Arent Terrible, and in theory i would Love to have friends and that’s always been true. and im an enthusiastic and passionate person, what can i say, so it’s a funky time having to reign that in when yknow, generally, like “oh im excited to have a friend” should be a wholly positive sentiment that’s not gonna burn you as long as the other person isn’t evil. but! i do gotta rein in that sentiment. like settle down. like i was saying before about not “hoping” to have friends technically even tho of course i’d always like to and like, if anything erring on the side of caution and not being like, oh yeah these ppl who interact on occasion / amicably with me are my friends. undersell myself eh. if i have friends i’ll try to figure it out after the fact rather than overestimate connections and be disappointed ad infinitum or what have u
also! bring it tf in for ppl with “weird” social skills! losers since preschool or whenever you started being around groups of your age peers! having the intangible Vibe that ppl pick up on and you get sort of socially written off or the Sort-Of-Contempt which is loads of fun. and kind of operating on slightly different frequencies communication wise, or having your social / behavioral cues be misread b/c its not the “normal” meaning, all that kinda thing, so that your Trying To Be Friendly might be Weird In A Bad Way to other ppl, or your social discomfort getting read as “they don’t like us” instead of “they aren’t comfortable with some aspects of this situation”, etc etc etc.....it’s a bummer cuz like, thank god for online socialization b/c in a lot of ways for a lot of reasons its so much more doable for me, but there’s still ways it has downsides, like, i don’t like groupchats which is like, synonymous with We’re Actual Friends Now, so, tough break for me there, and i don’t often start talking to ppl b/c i don’t assume any particular individual would be interested in that and it takes ages for it to occur to me that anyone might, and i don’t think i always am that good at writing my thoughts and also just like In Person i often don’t know what/how to say things even with zero pressure and also just like in person i can be sort of cagey and Underwhelming......whereas IN person i can actually be chatty as fuck and often overtalkative and i like to Get Silly and all that shit. not to say im not underwhelming in person, too! cuz yeah most of the time im overly quiet and people are surprised when i talk or when i make reference to the fact i have Big Opinions and big emotions b/c they thought i just had an equally quiet inner world i guess lol.......like yeah!! on one hand i’m like woops im fucking this up cuz im holding back and on the other hand its like uh oh now im making a mess cuz when i dont hold back im generally not In Accordance With Ppls Tastes And Preferences cuz im being too much. sort of lose-lose-lose. me and cats are the same. also i ought to be better at initiating conversation but i’m crap at it cuz im like, lowkey constant assumption that if ppl arent talking to me they don’t want to and it’d be annoying to say something, which is not Correct. but also i’m always nervous and nervous about ppl. oh well, we’ll get there maybe
anyways i like when characters have no friends and it’s not for lack of trying/wanting them!! it’s a weird experience and ya love that Relatable Material. like its funny alana calling everyone “acquaintances” cuz im out here doing that already lol my friendly acquaintances......like ideally yeah it’d be nice to have close friends but i do appreciate Being A Casual Fixture On The Perimeters Of Someone’s Life And Maybe Sometimes I Get To Be A Small Positive Experience In Their Existence for what it is, but it Is fairly depressing being the fleeting NPC in the outer / tangential orbits of mostly everybody who knows you. c’est la vie!!!! it is both good and not good. anyway back to acquaintances. yeah like seeing that “earnest efforts to have friends but it fails for various reasons” is fun cuz like yeah!! population: Same! though i’ve never really been like that specific character. i also like the book “the murder of bindy mackenzie” and the character is kind of like alana’s too. an academically supersuccessful girl who tries to reach out to her peers but her methods don’t work and she’s misreading others and others are misreading her and she’s distressed about various aspects of her life and also, someone’s trying to kill her. though i wasn’t too much like those other characters either. i feel like luna lovegood makes the list, on account of she like, is just nice and friendly but nobody likes her because of apparently weird interests which shouldnt be considered weird but i guess that was a probably-accidental commentary on how arbitrary Social Acceptability can be, and also because she is sort of unusual in terms of her average demeanor, and that’s not really reason not to like her but not only does she have no friends but also people are just sort of mean to her. feels real man! fondly recalling the times i’ve had to realize in retrospect that people were actually making fun of me...etc etc...other depressing things......and shoutout to the black suits for having that collective representation of varying ways to be a weird dumbass with Issues who nobody likes. very meta that i’ve wished i could be in a shitty for-fun high school garage band for the Hanging Out With Friends aspect of it alone. nato is also great representation for “superlative academic performance but doesn’t actually care about school and only cares about like, a snail he saw today, and being a weird goofaround loser 24/7”
where was i going with this!! just adding on more ideas i guess. Tumblr Mobile Don’t Eat My Post. other lifelong members of the no-friends-and-it-sucks club @ me!! struggling with figuring out how to at least feel more okay with your crappy social experience because there’s no real way to feel good about it but we’re at least trying to feel less bad, @ me! we’re valid and we’re Didn’t Ask For This But Here We Are
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baeyerz · 4 years
"When was the last time, you do thing for the first time?"
End of June was a terrible moment I could still remember. I was messed up. Everything were messed up. I had a little family problem, financial crisis and of course I were also a problem to myself.
I was a young-dumb-broke-broken kid back then.(still am, but much better than before 😛) Trying to be independent so I won't be a burden to anyone. So, I decided to go out of my comfort zone. I need monehhh. But being a daddy's princess, I wasn't allowed to work. I don't even try to cuz I was afraid he would be mad at me. Every semester break, I would be staying at home, learn how to cook this and that or just sleep all day long(what kind of anak dara iz this?) . But seeing my dad growing old, and no longer working somehow make me feel like a very heavy burden.
While everyone were away, going back to their hometown for semester break, I was still at my residential college not going home, looking for a part-time job around KL. Went from one shop to another, looking for a vacancy. I also applied thru online. I went for several interviews but most of them didn't need part-time worker. I never thought it would be that hard, almost gave myself up. It was my first time anyway, everything seems hard at first.
I then went to Times Square, my second home 😛 tawafing the mall from 5th floor to the ground floor. At last, after crying a lil bit (cuz I'm baby boo) , I got my very first job at a retail store at the ground floor. And my journey as a sales associate begins...
It was awkward at first as I stepped into that shop. Everyone were minding their own business. I was very quiet for the first week. Some of them said I was very cocky and arrogant just because I don't talk to anyone when I actually just shy.
I didn't know what to do on my first day at work. But like what people said,
"malu bertanya, sesat jalan"
I asked my manager and she taught me what and what not to do. For the first few weeks, I were isolated to the back of the store, looking after the fitting room. It was a very boring job I swear. I couldn't count how many sweets I ate per day cuz I was super bored but some times I tried to communicate with the customers who were mostly foreigners from Arab, India and China to kill my boredom. It was fun to know new people, changing opinions, it helped improve my communication skills as well. I make new friends with a lot of people.
Later, I was promoted to be one of their cashiers. My co-workers were laughing at me on my first day cuz I was so so so so damn slow. They keep talking about it and it was embarrassing. My manager even called me siput babi. But that's okay. Mana ada orang lahir2 terus pandai cashiering 😛
Working as a cashier is more fun than working at the fitting room. I encounter lots of people everyday. But that was also a challenge cuz not all people in this world knows how to be kind. Some are going to look down on you, some are okay and most importantly they will mimic your attitude. If you're being nice, chances are they'll be nice to you too. I received lots of compliments from the customers especially american and those from countries around there, they said Malaysians are very polite and sweet. It was something to be proud of, u Malaysian. Keep smiling and say good things.
I also encountered some people with no manner at all. But nahh that's not gonna stop me from being nice to people.
I learn a lot and I worked really hard till I got burned out. That was the first time I see myself working so hard lmfao. I worked from 9am to 11pm, 6 days per week. And every off day, I will be sleeping like a dead man.
I didn't go home for 3 months. Somewhat afraid of my father hahahaa. I used all of my money I had, to survive til I get my first paycheck which I had to wait for about 2 months. That was a tough life. There were time when I had only rm5 left cukup2 untuk bayar tambang teksi. But Allah maha penyayang, a customer from Indonesia, he gave me some money enough to survive for a week. He said he's going back to Indonesia, he don't need malaysia ringgit anymore. It was weird wasn't it? But that was my rezeki for that day. I also received lots of souvenir from customers . And I believe, if we do good things, we'll get good things in return.
The saddest part was when I didn't go home for hari raya qurban. While everyone were gathering at home eating rendang and what not together, I was at my room crying, eating leftover food while listening to takbir raya. You know that feeling? - I felt sinful. Rasa macam anak perantauan sangat...
That moment when I received my first paycheck, it was like a new feeling to me. That feeling of satisfaction after working so hard. I'll definitely admit that actually having an income feels pretty fantastic.
After 3 months, I went home and luckily my father wasn't angry at all hahaha. He said that's okay to try to gain new experience.
Moral of the story, don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone. Explore the world. Gain as many experience as you can while you can.
There's so many things I want to write actually but as what Ken said to me, "Peipei is a lazy pig" yes she is. So imma stop here. Might write new one when I have idea.
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Answer all of those questions u hottie
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?-Nobody cuz im lonely2. Are you outgoing or shy?-uhhhhhh probably the first one usually3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? Literally anyone my age and gay4. Are you easy to get along with? I honestly have no idea, don’t really get feedback on that dept.5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? Probably, Id trust them, but I don’t really need to be taken care of that much when Im drunk6. What kind of people are you attracted to? I dunno, I guess anyone who shows interest I suppose, although it tends to be expressed in weird ways,7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? No clue, I’d guess no if only because not really the best with those  things.8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? An ex of mine,9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Nope10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? She’s the bitch that made me do all of these11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? ok12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? that changes so rapidly, question meme, im not even sure13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? If I know them and want them to, yes, but 90% of the time, Fuck off my hair14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Yes15. What good thing happened this summer? I got tiddies16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? never have ):17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Probably, yes.18. Do you still talk to your first crush? I literally have not seen my first crush in like, 17 years.19. Do you like bubble baths?  No idea, ever had one20. Do you like your neighbors? haven’t met officially, but they seem nice21. What are you bad habits? Forgetting, procrastination,  dismissal, hesitation, isolation, and a few other bad ones22. Where would you like to travel? uhhhhh somewhere hot, ideally.23. Do you have trust issues? nopes24. Favorite part of your daily routine? daily what? if I had one, it would be enjoying hot summer days, maybe writing something25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? irritated skin26. What do you do when you wake up? figure out what day it is/debate on what i wanna do27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? nope!28. Who are you most comfortable around?  mom i guess? a few other peeps.29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? one or two, maybe,30. Do you ever want to get married? That might be a nice thing someday,31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? Gettin there!32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? uhhhh a lot, my dear question meme.33. Spell your name with your chin.  zxshgkl;’34. Do you play sports? What sports? No35. Would you rather live without TV or music? I’m dead either way, the answer doesn’t really matter, does it?36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?  as in never told them ever, or  never told them until it was too late, because I've done both.37. What do you say during awkward silences? Nothing, although i don’t really find it awkward unless the other person is like, visibly disturbed.38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Nice personality, nicer ass.39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Good ones40. What do you want to do after high school? i am after high school41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Mhm.42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I forgot what i was doing, im angry, im happy, im sad, im bored, im interested, im sleepy, im awake, im hungry, im thirsty,  im focused, im distracted, literally anything.43. Do you smile at strangers? sometimes44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? space45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Waking up46. What are you paranoid about? being incapable of love, 47. Have you ever been high? nope!48. Have you ever been drunk? hell yeah49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? not that i can recall, no50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? i have no fucking idea i can’t remember colors for shit, my dear question meme.
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Not really, no.52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? the amount of money in my bank account53. Favourite makeup brand? i dont know enough to know54. Favourite store? one that sells store55. Favourite blog? Mine,  im amazing.56. Favourite colour? look im colorblind stop asking these57. Favourite food?  uhhhhhhhhhh fuck i dont know shit.58. Last thing you ate? Pizza.59. First thing you ate this morning? Pizza60. Ever won a competition? For what? uhhh  a science one in 5th grade, and a concerto competition in like, senior year of HS61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? nope!62. Been arrested? For what? Nope!63. Ever been in love?  I used to answer yes but now I have no idea if i can love64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? im lonely u buttmunch65. Are you hungry right now? uhhhh now that you mention it66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? half these freaks are my real friends67. Facebook or Twitter? I hate both of them,68. Twitter or Tumblr? I hate both of them69. Are you watching tv right now? nope!70. Names of your bestfriends?  im not actually 100% sure? like  its kinda nebulous weirdish, since I have a weird concept of “friend”71. Craving something? What? i dunno, burritos probably.72. What colour are your towels? Rot in hell you slime cuck72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 0 to 473. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? not at the moment, no74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? do pokemon plush count?75. Favourite animal? Gecko76. What colour is your underwear? I will murder your ancestors and eat your descendants.77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate78. Favourite ice cream flavour? chocolate79. What colour shirt are you wearing? I will flay the skin from your face and peel your eyes. Also shirtless atm.80. What colour pants? I will plunge britain back into the boiling seas and  devour any mortal with color vision. 81. Favourite tv show? uhhhhh fuck i don’t know82. Favourite movie? i like movies, yes.83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? THERES A MEAN GIRLS 2??!?!?!??!?!?!?84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? MEAN GIRLS85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Regina is such a wonderful person, really.86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Dory87. First person you talked to today? the bich that made me write this88. Last person you talked to today? @mayxwolf​89. Name a person you hate? The bich that made me write this90. Name a person you love? The bich that made me write this91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? The bich that made me write this92. In a fight with someone?nopes93. How many sweatpants do you have? are you trying to ask how much of a slob i am? because i am absolutely a huge slob94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? See above.95. Last movie you watched? MOANA96. Favourite actress? no idea97. Favourite actor? Chris Evans.98. Do you tan a lot? Lmao99. Have any pets? I want a pet ):100. How are you feeling? Kinda hungry? a tad bit chilly, and uhhhhhhhh  i dunno101. Do you type fast? I either forget to type, or its uncontrollably fast,102. Do you regret anything from your past? until like,  the past  month or two ago, no, not really, but then shit hits the fan and you forget to duck. 103. Can you spell well? Yse and no. its a tos up really.104. Do you miss anyone from your past? two people  recently, and occasionally an old thought to  old friends and people i knew, that i dont really see or talk to anymore, 105. Ever been to a bonfire party? mhm106. Ever broken someone’s heart? I think, I have, probably, and im not sure what to make of it,107. Have you ever been on a horse? Fuck those big shit factories.108. What should you be doing?probably in grad school,109. Is something irritating you right now? not right now no110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Why yes, question meme, my first ex actually, and second, somewhat to an extent, actually that’s a somewhat recurring theme?111. Do you have trust issues? Didn’t you already ask this..... (yes you did it’s question 23)112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?  Never have, not that i could remember, except maybe as a child???113. What was your childhood nickname? Pooh bear114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yes115. Do you play the Wii? Yes116. Are you listening to music right now? Yes117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?Yes118. Do you like Chinese food?Yes119. Favourite book?Yes120. Are you afraid of the dark? No121. Are you mean? Yes122. Is cheating ever okay? Never but i seem to be chill with it if it happens to me123. Can you keep white shoes clean? yes and no124. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes because the very first time I saw Fareeha Amari I immediately realized what a humongous gay I was.125. Do you believe in true love? Yes.126. Are you currently bored? Always and forever127. What makes you happy? Things I’d rather not talk about128. Would you change your name? Already have,129. What your zodiac sign? Aries, Dog, 130. Do you like subway? Yes131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?  If you’re asking if I’d fuck him, probably.132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? you asked this one already, too, you uncreative piece of shit.133. Favourite lyrics right now? lyrics are boring and overrated, and meaningless. Also the ones from Reflections. Mulan is my shit.134. Can you count to one million? I don’t think i have the patience or  physical ability to do so without collapsing.135. Dumbest lie you ever told? None of my lies are dumb unless i make them intentionally dumb.136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed137. How tall are you? floating around 6′2″138. Curly or Straight hair? both, surprisingly, 139. Brunette or Blonde? neither140. Summer or Winter? Winter is the season of death, despair and bullshit, old man winter can suck it141. Night or Day? Day,142. Favourite month? any month thats hot as fuck, also My birthday month is good too, 143. Are you a vegetarian? nope144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk145. Tea or Coffee? both make me sleepy, both are pretty good though.146. Was today a good day? havent been awae long enough to know147. Mars or Snickers? Venus, and both.148. What’s your favourite quote? “and in all my great vast knowledge and wisdom, of all the Grand stars, of all the galaxies and nebulae and  cosmos, Of all the heavenly bodies,  to say that hers was the most heavenly would be blasphemous, for her body was beyond compare with divinity.”149. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes and No150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Splendid, Young man!”@bvcharest u bich
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