#tara shenanigans
yourluciela · 8 months
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Tara Villain Arc
Inspired by this clip (couldn't find the original owner)
Edit: Forgot to draw the ring :'(
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coffeeebomb · 10 months
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Dealing with your cat (and cat-adjacent).
A continuation of this, set somewhere a couple hours after Tara's 4am "serenade" and Astarion's threats to eat her if she wasn't stopped.
Yes, it's that cat with the wine glass meme, and it took far too much time to figure out how to do that.
EDIT: added part 1 and part 2
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piratekane · 6 months
(post-3x05 kacy scene)
Warm fingertips press down against the thin skin on the inside of her wrist, a melody she knows that she knows but can’t quite place in the early grey of the morning, the sun rising, muted, through the low clouds outside the window. She was asleep a minute ago and there’s a dream quickly fading away as her eyes open slowly and the room shifts into focus.
“Morning,” Kate whispers, still sunken in her pillow.
“G’morning.” Lucy pulls the words from the back of her throat like she’s pulling cotton from a cattail. “Time s’it?”
Kate doesn’t roll over to check her phone. “Early,” she guesses. “Too early for our day off.”
A day off. A present for her jungle excursion, courtesy of Tennant. A whole day to let her body come down from the high of being chased through thick vegetation with a life hanging delicately in her hands. Lucy lets her eyes close again and sinks back into her pillow. She goes back to focusing on Kate’s fingers looped carefully around the wrist between them. Tap, tap, taptap. Tap, tap. A song, then. One that she knows but can’t quite place.
“Is that Boot Scootin Boogie?”
Kate exhales a short laugh. “Taylor Swift.”
“Who else would it be?” Lucy feels the bed shift as Kate slides a little closer. She can feel the soft heat coming off Kate’s bare arms and wants to reach for it, pull it back over her, close her eyes and slip back into sleep for just a little bit longer.
It was a long day yesterday, her nerves pulled to their breaking point. When she stepped over the threshold to their apartment, the weight she had been working so hard to push off came crashing down on her. She doesn’t remember tasting the pizza Kate ordered, doesn’t remember picking Love is Blind on the TV or queuing up where they left off. She doesn’t remember brushing her teeth or turning out the light.
She does remember Kate’s body warm behind her on the couch, her own body pressed to Kate’s front as they sat wrapped up in each other. She remembers Kate’s arms and how they wrapped low around her waist in bed and held her tightly. She remembers soft lips to her bare shoulder and I love you against her skin as she let the exhaustion take over.
She remembers the Kate of it all, the steady and warm and loving presence she’s come to need like oxygen in her lungs. She remembers the overwhelming feeling of love—one she thought she’d never find in a million years.
“I could sleep another hundred hours,” she admits, eyes still closed.
She feels Kate’s smile against the back of her hand. “You can. We have nothing planned today.”
The thought is so tempting. She could pull Kate’s arms around her, drape them over her like the light comforter they’re sharing, and let herself sink back into sleep. It’s not too far off; she could reach for it and be asleep in moments.
But Kate is awake and tapping out a Taylor Swift song against her pulse point and that usually means banana pancakes and a Golden Girls marathon and pressing Kate against the counter edge and kissing her until either their lungs start to burn or the pancakes start to smoke. Lucy loves those mornings and the way Kate tastes like the bites of bananas she snuck before mixing them into the batter.
“Did I dream yesterday?”
“Only if we were having the same nightmare.” Kate’s free hand pushes back some of Lucy’s hair. “Otherwise, it was real.”
Lucy slides her foot forward, curling her ankle around Kate’s calf. “I thought so.” She opens one eye, studying Kate’s profile. She’s committed it to memory by now. “I feel like a truck ran me over.”
“It did,” Kate murmurs. “That very much happened.”
Lucy sighs. Yesterday wasn’t a dream. She can see it vividly in her mind and she closes her eyes against it again, trying to fill it with Kate—Kate so close and so warm.
“I’m not ready to talk yet,” she admits. She isn’t. She can’t. She’s still working through her family in her own mind; she can’t possibly put into words what they’re like and what they’ve done to her and to each other.
“We don’t have to talk.” Kate’s voice is soft and genuine and Lucy thinks again—again and again—how lucky she is. “We can just lay here. We don’t have to do anything at all.”
Lucy knows Kate isn’t lying. She knows Kate won’t push and she won’t prod and she’ll let Lucy set the pace for when and where and how. And it sounds perfect—a whole day in bed with Kate and their bodies pressed close together, hidden away from the world.
But someone told her to live her life yesterday. Someone who had the courage to throw theirs to the wind and start over from scratch. Someone who proved that there are still good people in the world who want to do what’s right for the sake of doing the right thing. And even if she can’t talk about it yet, even if she’s not ready to unlock the ugly parts of her past and lay them out on the table, she’s not going to lay in bed all day and let the world just pass her by.
“No.” She opens both eyes, staring deeply into Kate’s brown ones. “Let’s get up. We can make pancakes.”
“Banana or blueberry?”
“Both,” she says, feeling greedy and not caring. “And bacon. And toast. And—“
Kate laughs. “Okay. Remember we can only eat so much.”
“I can eat so much. I’m from—“
“Texas, yes.” Kate laughs again and leans in, kissing Lucy softly and pulling away too soon.
Lucy thinks about chasing her, pressing her deep into the mattress and not stopping until she has to come up for air. But she settles on letting Kate pull away and slide out of bed, pulling her hair up into a ponytail that exposes the long line of her neck. In her thin tank top and her soft shorts, no one has ever looked more beautiful than Kate does right now.
Lucy may be holding some things back, may be keeping some things close to the vest, but this? This she wants to scream from the rooftops. This she wants everyone to know. This she wants to tell Kate.
“I love you.”
Kate looks back over her shoulder, a smile on her face that threatens to break through the grey clouds outside their window. “I love you too.”
Live your life, Lucy Tara.
Lucy smiles as she gets up and stretches her arms above her head, feeling the tension break in her shoulders. She is going to live her life. She’s going to take every moment and hold it tightly in her hands. She’s going to love Kate with every part of her that’s capable of it and when she’s ready she’ll tell Kate everything she wants to know.
Lucy looks up. “Hmm?”
“I said, we can make toast too. If you want.”
She thinks about it for a moment before she smiles. “Life is too short to skip the toast.”
Kate rolls her eyes, pulling the sheet back up on the bed. “Where did you read that?”
“That’s a Lucy Tara quote, free of charge.” She winks when Kate laughs and scrubs her hair back off her neck into a bun. “There’s more where those came from, by the way.”
“Lucky me,” Kate grumbles, still smiling.
“Yeah,” Lucy says softly. “Lucky you.” She holds Kate’s eyes for a moment. “Lucky us.”
Kate’s smile slips into shy before she clears her throat and gives the neatly-made bed one last pat. “Lucky us,” she echoes. She slips out of the bedroom and heads towards the kitchen, humming something under her breath.
Lucy watches her walk away and thinks: this is a good life. This is a life worth living.
She follows Kate.
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arcaneoddity · 1 year
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Think I found my new fave little fucked up BG3 creature...
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rajamitsu · 10 months
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The sound I made when I saw Astarion’s disapproval notice at this bit…
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slusheeduck · 1 year
Casual Banter Masterpost
aka my Fictober 2023 drabbles! I figure I might as well get them all in one place on Tumblr, since I have them in one AO3 fic. Using the titles and descriptions from AO3.
Featuring my named Tav (Falerin), Tav/Astarion, a lot of Gale, and most importantly INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THE COMPANIONS.
Day 1: Smart - Astarion asks for a magic lesson. Day 2: Prize - Karlach wins a prize at the circus. Day 3: Fireside - One last campfire chat before the Shadowlands. Day 4: Cooking Lesson - Lae'zel learns to cook. Day 5: Mask - Astarion tries on a mask for funsies. It goes badly. Day 6: Sick - Gale and Falerin chat about friendship and illnesses Day 7: Anchor - Astarion regrettably holds Halsin's hand. Day 8: Good Taste - Gale shares a treat, and a good time is had by all. Day 9: A Talk - Just a little chat, in regards to some campsite romance. Day 10: Drizzt Do'Urden - Wyll, Karlach, and Astarion find some common ground. Day 11: Temporary - The campsite romance hits a snag. Day 12: Mirror - Gale makes good on teaching Astarion magic. Day 13: Lost Wizard: If Found, Contact Tara - Tara despairs over the state of her runaway pet wizard. Day 14: Clowning Around - Falerin uses a disguise kit. Astarion wants a divorce. Day 15: Proper Horn Care - There's no possible way to write this summary without it looking horny. Day 16: A Token - Halsin carves a little gift for Astarion. Day 17: One Nice Thing - Karlach shows Shadowheart something nice, when she really needs it. Day 18: 90% Evil - Why WOULDN'T the rogue be the one to talk to the death cultist? Day 19: Seamstress - No one in camp but Astarion would have survived Home Ec. Day 20: The Selfless Choice - Or, How To Be A Confidant To Both Halves Of A Couple In The Face Of World-Ending Catastrophe, By Gale Dekarios Day 21: Taste Test - Falerin is...kind of a fucking weirdo. This is Gale's burden to bear. Day 22: Curl-based Despair - Astarion experiences #curlygirlproblems. Falerin helps. Day 23: Hunger - Someone gets a little hangry. Day 24: Pact, Pt. 1 - Astarion finds out about Fal's illness. Day 25: Pact, Pt. 2 - Astarion finds out about Fal's illness. Day 26: The Cuddliest Foe - Lae'zel does some research. Clive assists. Day 27: Homecoming - Two resident Baldurians discuss coming home. Day 28: Date - Astarion gets some new clothes. Day 29: A Healthy Dose of Theatrics - Are you really best friends if you've never been tempted to throttle each other? Day 30: Starfall -The newly formed party takes a moment to enjoy a magical sight. Day 31: Epilogue - A quiet moment after saving the world. Post-Fictober Drabbles:
Stars in His Eyes - Fal learns about naming ceremonies--and why Astarion has the name he does.
Slumber Party - Astarion and Gale have a fun night of kicking their feet, giggling, and discussing the all-consuming power they both intend on taking for themselves. Kidnapped - Astarion's siblings succeed in getting him back to the manor - but he's stronger now. Plus he has a very, very pissed-off partner. Rewriting The Story - After defeating Cazador and a tryst in the graveyard, it's time for some relationship reflection. Happy - Surely being the lover of an ascended vampire is the happiest ending one could hope for. (Ascended Astarion AU)
Wild Heart - A brief moment, the morning after the almost ascension, where two early risers have a chat.
Matters of Balance - Withers performs a resurrection. Breathe Deep, and Move - You can never really go home.
Side-Tracked - As they're embroiled in a murder mystery, Fal decides to take Astarion out for some enrichment.
Late Night Thoughts - Astarion has some thoughts on Falerin's lie from earlier in the day. (Bonus chapter for Side-Tracked)
New Tricks - Astarion discovers a new trick while trying to herd a cat.
Party Favors - The ultra-self-indulgent take on the ever popular tiefling party.
Meet-Cute - Every couple starts somewhere. And sometimes that's on the ground, with a knife.
Five Good Nights - Four good nights shared before the tiefling party, and one shared after.
Rewinding the Thread - CB adjacent 3-shot
A chance conversation in Baldur's Gate leads to an unlikely visitor to Falerin and Astarion's home a year after the Netherbrain's defeat. She pleads for just one thing: that Astarion pays a visit to his family - his true family, the one that's mourned him for two centuries.
In The Weeds - Astarion decides to take in the sights of Baldur's Gate during the day, and has a nice conversation with a local.
The Invitation - A surprise visitor leads to a bit of arguing, an invitation home, and quite possibly Faerûn's most awkward tea.
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Stiles: Okay, Scott, here's the plan. Anything you find in there, name, phone number, you bring it out to me, alright?
Scott: ... you want me to break in to this house?! And you're not coming in with me????
Stiles: Hmm? Nope! But I am gonna risk... being caught out here. Yeah.
[twenty seconds later]
Scott: Okay, I got a phone number! Let's go! Drive!
Stiles: You didn't even go inside?
Scott: It was taped to the door.
Stiles: It was probably some maintenance guy! Listen, it's okay, I'm telling you, there's nothing to be scared about, I'm not getting that vibe--
[Deputy Graeme knocks on the window]
Stiles: OH JESUS! Oh! Um. Hi.
Graeme: Everything alright?
Stiles: Yes, officer. Just, um... Just waiting to see if my friend's home.
Graeme: Oh. I was making sure there wasn't another break-in. My partner is inside the house with his gun drawn.
Graeme: Everything is gonna be just fine. Take care. [leaves]
Stiles, nervously: Haha, close call there, buddy!
Scott, about to cry:
Stiles: Oh, god, I'm so sorry.
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
You know, we always focus on the literal of what BlackArachnia has become and never the figurative
She's a mad scientist and she's the one who made Blitzwing a triplechanger
Let our girl conduct some fucked up experiments of her own
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 3 months
Letting my little sister have free reign of c.ai on my phone was a mistake pt.2
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halforcdad · 2 years
The last time we got a shot of Lucy at Whistler's door in 1x11 vs. the scene we got at the end of 2x05
1x11: The relationship's in the early uncertain stages, the scene takes place at night time, Lucy being timid and anxious because she knows that Kate doesn't like surprises and doesn't know how she'll react to her showing up out of nowhere, but still trying to seek reassurance and support, someone else opens the door and she finds out the hard way what secrets Kate's keeping, Kate tries to clarify that it isn't what it looks like, but her explainations sound more like deflections, her actions + excuses do more to protect herself rather than protect or reassure Lucy, their conversation outside the elevator seems very hushed and illicit affairs-like, Lucy worrying that Kate betrayed her because of Cara, because she wasn't honest with her, they fight and fall apart because they aren't on the same page at all and Kate messed up big time, Kate chases after her but Lucy ends up leaving heartbroken, essentially the end of whatever relationship they had
2x05: The relationship is established, it's day time, Kate is the one opening the door, fully expecting Lucy this time and all the time because Lucy's always over, Lucy doesn't tiptoe or beat around the bush she blurts out what's on her mind, Lucy worrying that Kate doesn't want her because she's making it seem impersonal and rational rather emotional and from the heart, Lucy gets the reassurance she's looking for from Kate loud and clear, of course Kate wants Lucy in her life, wants her to be close all the time and wants to share everything with her, assuring her there are no more secrets and she has nothing to hide, wants to be with Lucy all the time because she loves her, they messed up because they were trying to be considerate and didn't want to pressure the other into something they didn't want but they've really been on the same page this whole time, Lucy clarifies that they aren't fighting! just talking things out and realizing they've both been over thinking, they finally let themselves be excited and enthusiasthic about living together, they smile and kiss sweetly before Lucy walks into the apartment that's now also hers, confident and sure about where they stand and how much they love each other, a big step in growing their trust and their relationship further
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yourluciela · 7 months
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Don't try to look and act innocent, Tara
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Feanor and Nerdanel: We're having a baby.
Y/N: Another one? Oh, cangradu-
Feanor, slamming adoption papers onto the table: It's you, sign here.
Y/N: I can't!
Feanor: WHY NOT ? !
Y/N: First of all - you're a terrible father. Second am in love with your son!
Nerdanel: Oh sweet Eru - which one?
Feanor: *hurt noises*
Y/N: The loud idiot!
Nerdanel & Feanor:
Nerdanel & Feanor: yeah. . . which one?
HEY!! there's only two........one loud idiot and that's Celegorm 😂😂😂 Maglor is loud but isn't quite the idiot Celegorm can be. I still don't want to be in a room filled with all of them talking, my eardrums are going to burst!!!!😂😂😂😂
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outlawssweetheart · 1 year
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My Pinterest feed has them looking like they're about to fight. 😭🤣🤣
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curemoonliite · 4 months
the duality of my personality is that on the one hand, i wanna hide my cringe so hard i somehow loop around to being a normal person, but on the other, i wanna let my cringe flag fly just so i can get away with saying silly shit like "the united federation of twilight sparkle kinnies does not stand with tara strong"
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we-have-waffles · 2 years
I had time on my hands and Titans on the brain. Credit to lunevani
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abyssalaerlocke · 6 months
So, Reincarnate... DnD spell that brings you back to life, reforming your body as a random race. Mainly addresses humanoids, with a table of potential races in that category.
Recently saw a forum post that gave the impression there's an official caveat to the spell, that for non-humanoid targets an appropriate list for their category should be made, but I haven't found anything to confirm that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I briefly considered it as a way to turn your character from mind flayer back to humanoid, but came to the same conclusion that it would probably just make you another aberration — which, looking at that list... 😶 I'll just stick with mind flayer, thanks.
For, say, a tressym like Tara, the monstrosity list is interesting. Lots of cool mythological creatures. There's a number neither she nor I would probably be pleased about, but Reincarnate is a fairly obtainable (druid) spell, especially considering it works up to ten days after death, as opposed to a minute. Not getting to keep the body you're emotionally attached to, being perceived as part of a different race and culture, is probably considered a con that balances it.
But in short, if you got an unacceptable outcome, from a list with acceptable outcomes, it wouldn't be that big a deal to try again... I mean, Tara could become a displacer beast, or for an even grander winged cat — a sphinx!
Anyway, I derailed. My point in making this post was because of the probably more likely situation in DnD campaigns of having a player character who's a fey. Like, it'd be so fun to reincarnate as a fey (okay, there's a bunch of weird things on the fey category page, but some of them I know aren't that category, but are in the feywild. So I don't know if they're tagging it generously as like, cultural fey, or if it's because they were fey in previous editions), especially if the DM limited the list to other playable races, that have been intentionally balanced for that.
If they are going for a wider, weirder list of fey, they're probably on board for the wild magic of the feywild, and (again, another Reincarnate is fairly obtainable) I'm sure there's lots of weird opportunities you could find in the feywild to obtain a more reasonable resolution.
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