#tarot troop
bossmodeplus · 7 months
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Tfw you realize Marceline being dubbed The Star in the vampire universe calls back to the VK's Court being named after Tarot. Upside down Star tarot indicates that strategies need to be rethought. A loss of hope in the universe. Marceline casually trounces PB's strats. PB's troops are felled one by one. Fionna and Cake leave this universe with the creatures of night triumphing.
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skull001 · 4 months
Amy hot takes.
Amy's Sonic Advance gameplay is still THE superior 2-D gameplay for Amy, and the only reason it hasn't been revisited in newer games is because Sega are cowards still stuck with the "one-button" approach that only works for Sonic and Tails.
Even when games like Origins Plus and Sonic Superstars nerfed down Amy to just two moves, she is still more fun to play as than Sonic.
Amy's gameplay in Sonic Advance >> E-122 Psi Amy hacks >> Amy Mania by Troop Sushi/Codename Gamma >> Sonic Supertars >> Origins Plus.
Sonic X's Amy is the full package of how Amy should be like. Even with her flaws, she was one of the most fun characters to watch, and surprisingly got plenty of moments that humanized her and even explore a bit of how she saw her relation with Sonic, proving she isn't deluded about it like her detractors claim.
Giving Amy a toy hammer is one of the best things Sega did, and wish the full potential of what she can do with it was more explored in gameplay terms.
The tarot cards should be only a back-up weapon, never the main one. Story-wise, the can guide her in her quests, providing the player with hints that they have to interpretate.
IDW's characterization of Amy is alright. The issue if anything, is that she, like the game characters, are hardly the focus of the stories, nor are they allowed to be shown in a more personal manner. Don't care if it's because Sega is too strict, or if the writers only use them to get to the characters that THEY really want to write for. Either way, the situation sucks for the game cast.
I think Amy is better suited to be the franchise's co-protagonist alongside Sonic. She is very versatile as she isn't restricted to be by his side 24/7, and as long as she sees Sonic as her prince in shining armor, there really isn't any reason to keep her from growing into a stronger and more beautiful heroine.
I'd like to see a story where Amy tries to help a character find redemption, but is ultimately unable to, betrayed by them even. I think this would be an interesting change of pace because, even if let down by those Amy tries to help, that she still remain kind of heart would be proof of just how strong her heart is.
Superform. Of all characters not named Sonic, Amy's noble and compassionate heart should be more than worthy of awakening that miracle.
Morio Kishimoto really should go all out with exploring more of Sonic and Amy's relation. I think he is one of the few people capable of doing so and pushing the status quo to ot' limit whole keeping things fresh. After the let down of that last Tailstube where Amy's feelings were again the object of mockery from american writers ( especially HIM), I'd more than welcome the more respectful approach from Japanese writers towards the dynamic of these two characters.
Amy IS part of the main cast, and should be treated accordingly to her status as lead female character. That means, not giving away Amy's roles to less important ones. Wether it's things like her compassion (which Tyson Hesse mentions to be unique) or being the most adventure loving of the girls.
Don't make Amy be "mature" by becoming a party pooper who dislikes fun. This is a very outdated stereotype of women that honestly, doesn't apply to the real Amy. She would join the boys in doing dumb things, while still doing girly things with other girls too.
Enough of sad face Amy. Why the hell is Sega afraid to show an Amy that, no matter what, can be a beacon of hope for those who have lost their faith. Further more, why is she not expressing faith anymore on Sonic? I swear ever since Sonic Boom, only Tails is allowed to do this as an artificial means to push the bff thing, in contrast to previous games and even shows, where Amy did this. It saddens me how in Prime, she complains about Sonic not sticking to the plan, while Tails is the one who reminds that he has never let them down. Like, helloooooo? Amy also knows this, so why treat her like she doesn't?
Sonic, Tails, Amy & Knuckles >> Sonic, Tails and Amy >>>>>> Sonic, Tails & Knuckles.
Writers shouldn't be afraid to show/play out Amy's flaws. I like seeing characters make fools of themselves once in a while, as long as they are also allowed to get out of their mess by also playing out their strengths and positive traits.
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iridescent-witch-life · 8 months
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Tarot colouring in pages available here
Two of Swords Tarot card Meaning
Key meanings (Upright): Reconciliation, straddling the line, fork in the road, resistance, facing your concerns, being pulled between two relationships, divided allegiance, difficult decisions, unpleasant decisions, stressful decisions.
Key meanings (Reversed): Disruptions, cancellations, realising the truth, debunking lies, intense worries, anxiety, or tension, excessive workload, being too cautious, emotional or mental upheaval, anger.
Two of Swords Tarot Card Description
The Two of Swords represents the uncertainty we experience when faced with challenging decisions. The woman who is sitting in the Two of Swords card is blindfolded and has a sword in each of her hands. There is a sea in the distance, surrounded by crags and rocks that act as barriers for ships and vessels, slowing movement and motion. A scenario that hinders the woman from clearly seeing both the problem and the solution is represented by the fact that she is wearing a blindfold in the card.
The swords she is carrying in each hand indicate that there are two options that are mutually incompatible and lead in opposite directions. It could also represent a stalemate, in which case the issue needs to be solved using logic and reason. The Moon's position on the right side of the card may represent the function that deception and illusions play in the woman's struggle to make a decision.
When the Two of Swords appears in a reading, a stalemate is present. There appears to be no end in sight as two equal and opposing troops engage in combat. You weren't intending to end up here by chance, and now you find yourself in the thick of a conflict. This might go on forever if something or someone doesn't step in.
Meaning/description source
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fahye · 1 year
just wanted to say you truly have such a gift for writing character dynamics. love love love maud with her troops searching for the cup as her holy grail. loved maud and violet ofc i feel like they got to be a relationship so rarely shown in media for wlw. ross and hawthorn’s interactions were sparked with this potential if that’s the right word? honestly made me sort of giddy. but i also loved maud and violet’s relationship with hawthorn, and ross and maud’s friendship. all in all just cannot wait to see how the characters interact in the third book. the drama of hawthorn robin and edwin all coming face to face again? robin and edwin meeting violet? how ross and the kaur sisters will fit into all this? it’s just super exciting, which i think is down to your superb writing of character dynamics!
yessss well DONE for spotting that the cup, of all the objects, is the one most attached to an outright quest.
(there's some other symbolism wrapped up the objects of the last contract and which one is most prominent in the book with which protagonists, but I don't feel like over-explaining that; like any good tarot symbolism, it's best if everyone digs into it for themselves.)
& thank you so much! LET THE WOMEN BE MESSY was my mantra when writing maud and violet, both their romance and their wider relationships. let them be loud, let them make mistakes, let them snap and spark and rub each other the wrong way, let them have sex while in the middle of a fight. why not. life is a glorious mess.
final note of promise: yes, adelaide and kitty show up again in book 3.
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Charlotte's Art History Tarot - Card 4 - The Emperor
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Art: The White Devil – John Collier
pull this card
the emperor is a card about authority and power. it is a card that indicates some form of leadership, and often one that suggests that you have risen to this elevated position as a result of your own hard work and determination. the emperor is also all about rules, regulations, and control. control over the people you lead, over your own power, over your own life. as soon as I saw this painting of Elizabeth I, I simply knew it just had to be the emperor card. Elizabeth occupied such a strange place in terms of control, since she spent the majority of her life fighting not only for literal power and control, but also for the image of power and control - to present herself as unshakable, and her monarchical power unassailable. perhaps unsurprisingly given the distinct feminine cast of the empress in traditional understanding of tarot (you can find my more detailed explanation of that here), the emperor is often associated with masculinity and/or male figures. again, I just don't love the binary gendering that's happening here, which is another reason why I picked Elizabeth for this card. she has such an interesting and complicated relationship with gender throughout her own self-presentation, especially after she becomes queen. she is the first "legitimate," recognized female monarch of England in an incredibly unstable political climate. there were concerns about what to do with a woman on the throne, including the fact that, as a woman, she could rule as queen, but technically couldn't hold the title of the leader of the Church of England, which her father - Henry VIII - established as a title that would be held by the ruling monarch. on one hand, she wanted to present herself in a way that was more aligned with the expectations of a king, saying this to her troops during a speech: "I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king." however, she also styled herself as "the virgin queen," which was an attribute that was very tied to femininity at this time. basically what I'm trying to say here is that I chose Elizabeth I for the emperor card because I like the way she muddies the gendered associations of it and breaks us out of the traditional gender binary. sorry for the whole history lesson lmao 😅. on a visual level, this particular image (made hundred of years after she lived) has these sharp, straight lines - a kind of rigidity that really speaks to the "rules and control" message of the emperor. she also has this very calm, collected kind of confidence that suggests that she is aware of her own power and isn't afraid to wield it.
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che-bur-ashka · 1 year
hey its my birthday why dont you go buy my games theyre all really cheap right now
you can get literally my entire itch catalogue for $24 or you can get any individual item for 24% off. itch says it would all cost a little over 80 bucks normally so this is a good deal but that's not the real thing and you know it isn't. the real thing is that its my birthday and you should get me a present.
some highlights in the 30-item bundle include:
THREE DUDES GO BOWLING my three player game about dudes going bowling
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QUEEN OF THE MOON my pedagogical manifesto / hack of jay dragons sleepaway about meaning belonging and escape for queer children
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ZEALOTS OF A LOVING GOD my hexcrawly ttrpg about surviving the downfall of your cult and wandering the earth as your body is slowly transmuted by the love of your god
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MARCH OF THE HOLLY KING my solo journaling tarot game about the king of winter travelling around the world at the solstice, waiting for his rival to be born
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and, and i cannot stress this enough, 26 other bits and bobs that range from complete games (RITUAL & EXPERIENCE, BENEATH OUR OWN FLAG, HERE SITS THE WOUNDED KING IN THOUGHT) to supplements for other ppls stuff (I REGRET TO INFORM YOU A KITH HAS BEEN SLAIN, THE TROOP) to scrimshaw and fragments of ideas written for weekly jams (THE DWARFS, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN ALL AMERICAN FULL MOON WEREWOLF BRAWL).
go buy me a birthday present.
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comparativetarot · 2 years
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The Chariot. Art by Joseph Buckley, from The Mushroom Hunter's Tarot.
The Chariot is represented by Coprinus comatus, aka the shaggy mane, shaggy ink cap, or lawyer’s wig. They’re also often referred to as “soldiers among mushrooms” due to their tendency to grow in long, straight rows along country roads… giving them the appearance of little marching troops.
Despite their soft and fragile build, shaggy manes are capable of pushing up and breaking through the strongest of surfaces, including concrete.
Keywords: Willpower, determination, travel, conquest through adversity
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plavi · 9 months
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The mangaka of Gangsta. once made tarot cards based on her characters, and I wondered: what card would would our Bernardo be? Now, while all Major Arcana have been assigned by the important characters, there are still others that act as supporting character to the protagonist(s), and this is where the Minor Arcana comes in! With that in mind:
I would assign Bernardo with the Page of Swords.
He would be a Page because he is only starting out in the latest chapters of the manga (starting from ch49), a fresh face. As well, he seems to be the youngest member of the Corsica family so far as indicated by the ring he wears (this was pointed out by my dear friend in this post). He has more of an assisting role unlike the others (Uranus is the head of the family, Georgiana leads the "Pussy" brothel; others like Svetlana in charge of weapons/combat training). He is carefree and spontaneous, and can be seen as "less serious" because of this although he tries to give a good impression. He appears to have his job roles changes regularly by the family as "this time" his job is to assist the core troops. So, he is tackling with something new again.
Swords relate to communication and intelligence. He is shown to be quite talkative, knows about rumors & information on people (about "Storage" and that he was part of the Monroe family), and if not, he'll go out of his way to gather the information or keep it from you (even when he was unable to attain any new info about Worick, he doesn't give up. This is why he's a Page bc he is still learning). His role, as mentioned, is to plan and assist the core troops of Destroyers in their diversionary operation. Meaning, they have to find clever ways to distract their enemies and reach their goal efficiently. He also has a way with words, he seems to be a good communicator and can encourage you for a job well done (as he did to Emilio) or to wittily insult you (re: the "foreplay" comment with Worick). This fits with Swords again as they can also cause conflicts and tensions, which Bernardo is trying to balance out (in his favor).
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aether-wasteland-s · 10 months
Happy STS Nova! If you had to choose one tarot card to represent the primary characters of Brass & Barricades, which would they be? OR, if you don't wanna do tarot stuff, How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you��?
Yes, I actually put research into the major arcana for this, just to be able to answer your question properly. No, I do not regret this. I've been meaning to find out what they mean... All you've done is give me an excuse!
To kick this off, Copper would be the fool. I've read that the fool represents free-spiritness and new beginnings, which is precisely his journey right at the start of Barricades. But, the card also represents being taken advantage of, and I think that also plays into the story a little too, especially since he seems quick to give trust at first and his age is taken advantage of a bit.
Scout would be the hierophant. The idea of ethics and morality is important to him, as is upholding tradition. the reverse side of this card represents new approaches, and that is exactly what goes on when he decides to take on the Skion mission and blend in with the Skians on their own territory.
Mulder would be the emperor. Not so much the reverse, though. He isn't represented so much by the idea of coldness or rigidity, but he is authorative, and does achieve a level of structure and control.
McAllister's was surprisingly easy. He would be the chariot. Again, he maintans a certain level of control and willpower, as well as a strong sense of direction that comes in handy when directing the troops toward the Skian advance. He could also be said to have a certain lack of control, and there is certainly some aggression there too
Klaus would be justice. While his story isn't exactly centered around clarity and truth, he seeks to make things right between him and Scout by admitting to anything he could when Scout figured him out. The reverse side shows dishonesty (his lying to Scout about who he is), unaccountability (leaving Scout unclear on who to trust), and unfairness (not giving Scout the chance to process exactly what he was going to do before he left), and I think he represents all of those, to be fair to you.
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lavandar-castle · 2 years
Tiktok I have that reminds me of Toughen Anki characters
୨⎯ crack, some may be slight suggestive⎯୧
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Nekosaki stealing someone pizza as a Seagull (most likely a students pizza)
Student filming nekosaki in a cat transformation as a joke before getting their knee caps stolen for the 3rd time
Mudano measuring Shiki, Jin and ikari fist to see who punch the wall (it was ikari)
Kunia having this stand for all her photos she took after stalking Rokuro
Shiki or Ousuke attempting this
Homare in her happy thoughts
Nekosaki turn into a kitty to steal someone food
Shiki with a sleepover with the boys and Juji talking about how he gets no bitches
Nekosaki being put in a cage most likely bc of mausmi or Mudano
How argument sounds like Shiki vs Jin
Masumi when he was younger being a menace to other students
Ousuke, nekosaki, mausmi
Shiki and Jin is the right side
Juji and Shiki text messages
Kunia aggressively being a simp
Kumo advice
Jin texting Mudano that there’s a spider and Shiki in the video fighting the spider
Simp Kunia part 2
…this feels like Shiki Jin and homare
Nekosaki turning into a Turkey to ruin another troop’s relationship after they piss him off
Shiki vs Mudano when it comes to him sneaking out
Nekosaki, Masumi, Tsukuyomi
Masumi and nekosaki
Shiki or todoroki
Nekosaki haunting students as a duck
Kusabi toys
Masumi going up to god
What Jin walks in bc he’s roomate with Shiki
Tsukuyomi with his cards be like and if Masumi was ever into tarot cards
Todoroki, Shiki and Ikari
If Shiki and todoroki ever argue
Masumi and Ousuke
Nekosaki talking to Shiki, Jin, and ikari be like
Rokuro the punching bag for his homies
The boys intrusive thoughts
Masumi again
Jin, Mudano, Karou, Torikai, Kumo
Shiki and ikari cleaning
What Masumi tiktok look like bc he shares an acc with me
Ousuke and Tsukuyomi being fruity for Mudano
Kumo talking about his job as deputy
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upstartcrow1564 · 2 years
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So, here’s a question that might seem strange: how do you fight? Are you straight up bullish, taking all comers head-on, or are you sneaky and quiet, fighting dirty or unfair to gain advantage? Despite how it sounds, there’s no judgment here. We all struggle in our own battles every day, and some days we’re the four-star general marshaling troops and leading them into battle. Other days we need to fight differently, quietly, with subtlety to gain the advantage. No matter how we’re called to fight our battles today, stay mindful of what’s fueling you. Is it rage? Or fear? Maybe a sense of overturning an injustice? Or are you just sick to death of being pushed around all the time? Give yourself the gift of space and time. Breathe and slow down before engaging. Make sure your response is appropriate (e.g., don’t sand-blast a soup cracker). Be in flow with what’s actually happening, not what’s imagined. [Image is The Hector: Five of Swords card from the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot deck, Revelation Edition - a bill-headed warrior kneels on the battleground with the swords of his enemies all around him; the battle between Achilles and Hector during the Trojan War plays out overhead - the Norse rune Nauthiz, the Sorcerer’s Apprentice coin, the Small Leaf charm, the Elephant charm, and the 12-Sided Die rolled to 6.] #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #volva #disir #ancestress #seer #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcards #dailytarot #tarotadvice #divination #divinersofinstagram #charmcasting #SpiritKeepersTarot #TheMusesDarling #witchesofinstagram #PutDownYourBurdensForABit https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQt7gGrpQE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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badnikbreaker · 1 year
amy rose grew up in an orphanage — she never met her parents, nor does she remember them, and isn’t sure if they abandoned her, were killed, etc.  she doesn’t feel any particular angst about it, and is happy with how they grew up.
she left the orphanage fairly young to chase after sonic at the behest of her tarot cards, though they were penpals for a few years prior to that.  it’s important to note that amy’s infatuation with sonic wasn’t built just due to him being a sort of celebrity, nor did they leave the orphanage just for a crush — most of the reason amy developed a crush on the hedgehog, especially early on, was because they wanted adventure and excitement and the chance to protect people!  it was a real example of “do i want to date him or do i want to BE him” and amy simply decided to do both.  they left the orphanage to seek out sonic, yes, but also because they wanted to go on adventures and save people!  it’s important to me that we highlight amy’s desire for freedom, her desire to explore the world, as much as we highlight her romance.
anyway — they keep up with several members of the orphanage, and have relationships with others through those folks.  so, have a list of some of amy’s NPCs, mostly from the orphanage.
highwind — a bird amy grew up with, as well as amy’s first crush.  highwind was in the orphanage because her mother had been deemed unfit due to emotional abuse; highwind came away from the relationship convinced that she was bad and stupid.  amy’s patience and good nature were really important for highwind’s recovery and ability to conceive of herself as good and strong.  highwind was adopted before amy left the orphanage, but they kept up.
currently, highwind is living in and overseeing the rebuilding of one of the settlements that was almost completely destroyed by the war.  most of the population of that settlement hates amy, as it was amy that made a call to pull troops out of the area — it was either letting the town fall so they could save the city, or losing both.  still, the choice resulted in a lot of deaths.  highwind defends amy when she comes up, which isn’t a popular take — but highwind does too much good work for most people to take major issue with her.
highwind is dating a townie in the settlement, a rabbit named oli.  oli lost her parents and sister during the war when amy pulled the troops, so she especially hates amy.  amy hasn’t seen highwind in a while.
bijou — a squirrel amy grew up with in the orphanage.  he was in the orphanage due to his parents having passed; he was initially put in the custody of his uncle, but his uncle would go on to abuse him.  bijou was written off by much of the orphanage staff due to being somewhat violent; amy took a lot of strikes from the kid growing up and only ever hit back once.  eventually, her patience helped, and he broke down sobbing in her arms one night while she brushed back his hair and promised it was okay now.  he’s doing much better now!
they grew apart over the years, but — bijou was a member of the resistence during the war, which amy didn’t learn until after; he knew they’d freak out and try to protect him.  amy feels a little resentment about the secret keeping, even if they understand logically why he did it.  it’s caused a little distance, though amy’s been trying to make time to visit him and catch up.
trinket — a fox that came to the orphanage a few months before amy did; amy doesn’t remember meeting her, obviously, since amy came in as a baby and trinket was already about four.  still, trinket took it upon herself to “raise” amy, since amy was the reason trinket was no longer the orphanage baby.  trinket was prone to self - protective violence; her mother visited the orphanage somewhat regularly to attempt to bring trinket home, though trinket always refused and more than once tried to attack her.  amy helped, and she remembers clearly the birthday where trinket’s mother came and brought her a present and — trinket held onto amy’s hand so hard amy bruised.  but she accepted the gift and said, “thank you,” even if she couldn’t look at her mother.
trinket never did forgive her mother — which amy’s assured her is fine, and that she doesn’t owe her that.  but her mother died in the war, and trinket has a lot of grief about the weird in - between state the bond was in when she died.  amy’s spent a lot of time with her since the war ended, whenever she could find time.  the fox is doing better now.
trinket has since started working at an orphanage much like the one she grew up in — lots of new orphans since the war — and met their new partner, dodge the chinchilla, a member of the resistence who later started volunteering once the war ended.  dodge and amy met briefly during the war, and have a lot of respect for each other.
tea — a galago and one of amy’s aqcuaintences from the orphanage, and a card game enthusiast.  like amy, they have no solid memories of their parents, who passed away when tea was still an infant.  while tea was not into tarot, their passion for card games did eventually assist amy in discovering and developing a passion for tarot readings.
nowadays, tea runs a game shop; everything from magic: the gathering to dnd to monopoly.  they’re very happy, and have been trying to get together with amy for the past few months, though obviously things go very frantic during the zombot invasion.  tea’s game shop was actually a sort of safehouse during said crisis, and they saved a lot of folks from turning or being injured.
tea’s got a regular at the shop who thinks amy is the coolest person ever, a mink named chem, and tea keeps trying to arrange a meeting.  
chester — one of the workers at the orphanage.  he died of natural causes shortly before the war.  he had several kids of his own and frequently pretended to be amy’s father to get her into waterparks / botanic gardens / other places he had a membership at for free.  amy loved him dearly, and while she didn’t consider him a father, she did very much see him as a part of her family.
his widowed husband, rome, still writes amy occasionally, and amy writes back when she can.
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Console Strategy Tactics Games of 1993 - Ogre Battle
Ogre Battle also known as Ogre Battle The March of the Black Queen is the first entry in the Ogre Battle series of strategy tactical RPGs, which includes 1995's Tactics Ogre. 
Ogre Battle was released in 1993 for the SNES and remained exclusive to that console for three years until being ported to the PlayStation and Sega Saturn in 1996. 
Ogre Battle combines elements of both real-time strategy and tactical RPGs. Players control large armies that are moved around a world map; this constitutes the tactical side of the game. Each army can be composed of a variety of classes, including mythological creatures such as dragons, vampires, and other fantasy beings. 
Battles are fought out like a turn-based RPG, with commands being given to army units. The game features a tarot system that can be used to unleash special abilities and powerful attacks. The player moves troops in real-time on the tactical map. 
When combat is initiated either by an army attacking a town or two armies get too close to each other on the tactical map the game switches to a turn-based RPG style battle system. The player does not have direct control in these battles; instead, they can select general commands for the battle and use powerful tarot cards for special techniques. 
1. Intro 00:00 
2. Gameplay 00:15 
3. Outro 11:27 
YouTube (Gaming & AI Art)
Twitter (Gaming & AI Art) 
Instagram (AI Art) 
For more strategy tactics game videos check out the playlists below 
Console Strategy Tactics Games of 1993 
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solardick · 2 months
Theres snow outside! What?! No way?!
Yes way.
Uh, not the best. Starts good with fear. But overall message works. It moves on to Dax
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And the news about ukraine and the pope. Mr. francis. Asking ukraine, to put up a white flag. At roughly the same time my preliminary attention began focusing on Russia. Ukraine themselves said “no.” No peace talks with russia. While asking every other nation they can to aid them. It seems on surface level. That they are unwilling to sacrifice what little land they have already lost.
This all seems very familiar to the last few years. Save knowing it started long before the war. It serves as a supportive influence of the fortification of the will.
Thinknim dying. Lung hurts. Still. Its been months. Sorry i didn’t listen god but they wouldnt leave me alone always sabotaging me. Im not going theought hat treatment. For a slim chance at survival. Why? Ehats tje point of oiving ajyway. Ti be fucked with some more? Except for that weeks vacation time i took. My lung didn’t feel a thing. Until i went back to work. I gotta quit. Go back to being jobless again. Whochbis syicide anyway. I miss women. The only guidance ove wver got was from you. People suck. No one has ever told me anything upfront. 40 years of nothing. And the very few times they have. It’s been indirecr as of speaking of another person. I hate been alive.
Make ne guess at these stupid cards when there’s already a complete set out there. Holding the answer being language. And too bar the Devs of tblr are lgtbqueer mental disorder enthuthiasts. Ruinign abgreat platform.
Tv commercials are judge beauty, played by judge judy. Justice. Wc donalds. Get it? The wheel and the moon. The horrible tarot version of bs and death and then it goes to a cancer charity. Hahahah. Oh god. Blow up the world pls. Pardon me while i get assinated. Slow and painfully by my own government.
And i was having the first dream in… i cant remember when. I was living with my only x. And one day. She was gone and while i was in my appartment. I found she “moved” in. As she had put her stuff in my place. But, it was out of a horror flick. And i had a spychotic break from reality because of all the unexpected foreign horror crap. Like a dolls head as a ceiling light. That was talking to me. And furniture out of place. Hard to describe. But then she comes back. And theres still this distance. And i told her what haopened. She didnt really care. So i startted brushed my own cheek with my thumb. An dit felt really good cause she wouldn’t comfort me. And i felt at peace for a minute and then my alarm goes off and i wake.
And then i receive a message from tmblr. It was another lgtbfuck solidarity message. Ugh. While my lung hurts. And having proctisis like symptoms. Only severe on the weekends. Apparently. Except the lung. Only at work. So. Da fuck. Still being raped. Nearly 40 straight years. So when my lung isnt hurting i have a constant desire to take a shit. To the point its almost painful. While the news about the war is full of bs. Russia saying we cant rule out world war. If foreign bodies cant mind their own bussiness by helping ukraine. And allied forces saying we cant rule out sending troops to help ukraine. I hate life. Whole ukraine says. We aint listening to the pope. We ain’t having peace talks with russia. While a large oercentage of americans, canadians specificaaly. With the whole gay movement is agaisnt the church. Because they are the source of all wars. And they fondle little boys and dont supprt people sucking each other off for satisfaction of desires. No shit.
But now im working with a moroccan. Who practice yabadon or whatever. Where they practice resistance agaisnt bodily desires by starving themselves periodically through out the year. This kid knows atleast three languages.and so optimistic. So thats an upside i guess. Doesnt help mych if im already dying. And get bombarded with this other bs. Consistently. At every step and turn of my life. But ehy they decide to move to the americas when they arew the anti-thesis to all their beleifs. Starves yourselves what?! Fuck their dumb. Why do they do that to themselves. Man, every fucken american says the same exact thing about them. Go suck yourswlf offf eoth. Banana flavours condoms. And your extra large mc donalds servings. But atleast i have something positive to absorb to counter the consistioning of free peace and butt love and succubing to desires over the rational. Unlike what is olagues this fucken country. I camt believe they have the wntire land brainwashed into believing this shit is true. So while he’s doing that. Im going to fallow suit. Absorb his motovation. And quit smoking. Not starve myself. Because. That would be senseless and none required at this point in time. Though they arent as productive as the americans are. Because they are starving themselves. But its all in good conscience. Something. That isnt very well supporting here. And we’ll see if my ling problem goes away. And if it doesnt. It does t really matter. I’ll die. Not going through that without any love. Suicide it is. Ive been beaten enough by my own family and the last several years of this fake reality and this community of assholes.
Wow, that was much. Im afraid to read it.
Anyway. I think i need to go to the hospital. My lung is fucked. Theres something wrong with it. Its dying. Im so stupid. Its unbelievable. Can’t help it. I have a death wish. And now i think. That maybe…. Maybe my life instinct reaction. Whatever. Comes in. At the end. When its too late.
Life accomplishments….. i invented a couple tarot cards. Not much to look back on. Tried my best to avoid it all. But people wouldn’t let me. What it is, is a question to ask. The existential question of life. Knowing i was murdered. Slowly. But its ok. Cause theres is no point whne one looks back to the beginning. Not one point. Nothing good. I never stood a chance. From the get go. There’s no longevity that isnt negative. The positives are fleeting. They killed me. My family and then all them else. Needed some peace. Never got it. Hit after hit. Year after year.
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tehuti88-art · 1 year
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11/11/22: r/SketchDaily theme, "Tarot Card/Free Draw Friday." I did Free Draw Friday.
This week's character from my anthro WWII storyline is Oberschütze (PFC) Konrad Helmstadt, sans cap (top drawing) and with cap (bottom drawing). He's...kind of a jerk. There'll be more about him later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.
Regarding his design, he's a red German pinscher. I'm not entirely satisfied with him but I guess he'll do for now.
I drew a tarot card back in August, actually.
TUMBLR EDIT: You're going to get a rare, awful treat in this entry. 😃 But first things first.
Private (or more accurately PFC) Konrad Helmstadt is more of a tertiary character throughout most of the series--you really AREN'T supposed to know him well--so I don't actually know much about him. Most details are newer developments since he's changed VERY greatly from his original, circa-2000 incarnation. Let me see if a description of him from the old character list still exists...
Haha, yes, it does! Here it is:
KONRAD HELMSTADT: Pvt.; another soldier, newly recruited, serving Dobermann along with Gerhardt. Naive and wide eyed but eager to please. Very loyal and dependable, yet not certain where his loyalty should lie; tries to serve Dobermann and protects his daughter by default, yet finds himself swayed by her argument that their part in the war is wrong. Still, isn't quite willing to give up his position.
Oh my God wow. Okay, now COMPLETELY wipe that from your mind. Similar to Hesse, Helmstadt underwent an extreme personality change for the reboot, though just HOW extreme isn't revealed until the "epilogue" of the series, Ultima Thule. In his current incarnation, he's a young Junker from a rather disgraced family which is deep in debt; I don't know all the details, but Helmstadt joins the Wehrmacht as part of some sort of arrangement to help pay off this debt somehow. He never sees combat; rather, he proves to be skilled at clerical and organizational things, so he's posted at the Dobermann estate, when Inspector Louis Dobermann requests Wehrmacht troops who are not members of the Nazi Party to help guard his property. Dobermann is a Junker himself and so knows Helmstadt's family in passing even though they don't live in the same area; he's not fond of them, to put it simply--he views their problems as being self-inflicted, which they basically are. Helmstadt's parents are rather profligate and don't always make good choices. Helmstadt, however, is the apple that did fall far from the tree: He's much more like Dobermann in values and personality, believing in extreme self-discipline and self-reliance. Result, he and Dobermann get along quite well, and although neither one of them is the emotional sort, he comes across as almost like the son Dobermann never had. There are even some short-lived rumors that he might forge a relationship with Dobermann's daughter, Adelina, though neither one of them ever expresses the slightest romantic interest in the other. Rather, he occasionally ends up playing the role of protective brother when he's assigned to keep watch over her on her rare social outings (such as when she and the others visit the Heidenreich estate). Most of the time, though, he remains at the Dobermann estate, where he basically plays the role of majordomo, overseeing everyone else and making sure everything runs smoothly. He's known for his bossy, short-tempered, haughty attitude; the lower-class staff ridicule him behind his back, though he finds himself above being upset about such things. As irritating as he can be, he really is good at what he does, especially at keeping pushy Nazis from pestering Dobermann too much for the usage of his estate. His attitude makes it clear he doesn't think too highly of them; he criticizes the SS especially, and he and Lt. Hesse get into verbal sparring matches more than once.
Another, more recent development is Helmstadt's ongoing relationship with fellow Wehrmacht guard 2nd Lt. Senta Werner. Senta's story has been given already; a bit similar to Helmstadt, she's been posted at the Dobermann estate as she's not suited for combat, since she's female. (Back when she was created, I did not know female Wehrmacht members weren't really a thing, so I had to retcon the explanation that it's an honorary rank paid for by her father and she's not allowed to actually DO anything with it.) Unlike Helmstadt, she's good at fighting, and she could probably kick his a**. Instead, she drags him into an empty room one day and ahm, well, he's startled and protests at first, but not very much. The two of them make a semi-regular habit of sneaking off together to go at it. It's not tender, it's not romantic, it's not loving. It's always just quick and aggressive and then they part ways; they never even spend a night together. Helmstadt, being prudish despite this, does lay a few ground rules, though they're broken on occasion, for example after Senta pulls him into a storage closet, he goes along, but afterward rebukes her, insisting they use a bed next time since it's "proper" and he's not "uncivilized." For obvious reasons, this arrangement doesn't continue past the climax of Reunion.
As I mentioned, throughout the series Helmstadt pretty much just does his job and minds his business and keeps things running safely. He defers to Dobermann on everything (he doesn't even protest the presence of Tobias Schäfer, a deaf Jewish doctor, on the property), though Dobermann doesn't tend to give orders. It's obvious he highly respects Dobermann, and can barely stand Hesse or the other Nazis who visit the estate, which is why his actions at the story's height, when Dobermann's supposedly dead wife Inga returns, are so startling. Sgt. Gerhardt, a Jewish American spy also stationed on the property to suss out Dobermann's exact allegiances, comes into frequent contact with Helmstadt as he's new to the place and needs to answer to him directly (Helmstadt is short and rather pissy with him, as he hates new and unexpected developments); so he learns a lot about what's going on from him. The explanations sometimes lack a little, though. For example, after Gerhardt suffers a minor injury, the help staff call Schäfer to come check on him, and the entire time Schäfer's checking Gerhardt out, Gerhardt stares at the yellow Star of David badge on his jacket. After Schäfer leaves, Gerhardt follows Helmstadt, trying to figure out WTF just happened.
Gerhardt: "Ahm..."
Helmstadt: "He says you're good to go, you're good to go. You wanted a post here, no waffling about now."
Gerhardt: "Nein, I'm just...ah...(long pause)...that...doctor..."
Helmstadt: "Doctor Schäfer."
Gerhardt: "Schäfer. He...he was wearing a Judenstern."
Helmstadt: "That's because he's a Jew."
Gerhardt (flustered): "Perhaps I've been gone longer than I thought, but I was under the impression Jews aren't allowed to practice medicine--?"
Helmstadt: "An exception was made."
And that's pretty much all the explanation Gerhardt gets, at that point. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Helmstadt, like Dobermann, tends to use as few words as necessary to make his point, though he's somewhat more blunt and speaks his mind rather than biting his tongue. When the topic of Inga Dobermann's death comes up--she was shot, after which she shot and killed a Nazi trespassing on the property late one night--Helmstadt as usual doesn't mince words: "Stupid f**k had it coming." He never expresses as much loyalty to Inga as he does to Dobermann (likely because she's not a Junker, at least not by birth), though her connection to her husband seems enough to ensure Helmstadt respects her and her authority in the household; he never has a harsh word for any of the Dobermanns, while being highly critical of the Nazi officials who are always pestering them--not even the loyal Hesse is exempt. (Hesse could easily get Helmstadt in trouble by reporting him to the SS, but he's just too much in disbelief over Helmstadt's nerve in freely speaking against him to ever do anything about it. More often than not, Helmstadt's rebukes leave him speechless. Also he's smart enough to realize Helmstadt is necessary to keep things running smoothly.)
Anyway, Inga suddenly reappears at the Dobermann estate in the company of Josef Diamant, the Jewish leader of the resistance Diamond Network (where she was taken into hiding during her absence), and Dobermann himself welcomes her back by embracing her--making it clear he was in on the plot to fake her death. This, and his previous association with Diamant, proves to Gerhardt where his allegiances lie. Everyone who wasn't in on the plot to fake Inga's death is of course caught offguard--this includes Hesse and Helmstadt. Hesse, being both a Nazi and a member of the SS (belonging to the division in charge of enforcing the race laws, no less), is considered the biggest threat to deal with in the Dobermann household--but he's a longtime friend of the family, secretly in love with Inga, and he practically raised daughter Adelina from birth. He's more bewildered than angry about anything, and even though he manages to muster enough sense to hold the Dobermanns at gunpoint and tell them he has to arrest them, and will shoot if he has to, he falters when Adelina jumps into his line of fire--it's almost certain he could never shoot "his little Lina." This is a surprising enough development in itself, that Adelina could so easily nullify the Allies' biggest threat within the household.
Helmstadt's reaction, however, is completely off the rails. He pulls his pistol and starts SCREAMING--at Inspector Dobermann himself. The gist of it is that he's served Dobermann and his family with blind loyalty all these years (well, several years, to be honest), when all that Dobermann is is a "dirty race traitor." Yep--Helmstadt may not be a member of the Nazi Party itself, he might even think the Nazis are idiots who deserve what they get--but he's still a plain old bigot and antisemite. The thing is that there are worse things, in his opinion, than the Jews. He despises Inga for being Jewish--he despises Addy for being half Jewish. But he despises Dobermann most of all, for betraying the Aryan race. Jews at least didn't choose to be who they are, but Dobermann definitely chose to break the race laws and take a non-Aryan woman as his wife. That, to Helmstadt, is the worse of the two offenses, and one of the most reprehensible things anyone can do. So yes, he feels personally betrayed and deceived by Dobermann, and so targets him to unload all his rage on. The look on Hesse's face makes it clear that even he had no idea about the depths of Helmstadt's hatred, but nobody gets to ponder it long. The confrontation leaves Sgt. Volker (another Nazi, though he's sided with the Dobermanns) wounded, and both Hesse and Helmstadt dead, so Gerhardt, Diamant, and the Dobermanns (and Schäfer, whom they quickly fetch) have to flee, leaving behind Volker, Sgt. Holt, and Senta to guard the household. They go to the mountains to wait out the end of the war as the Allies take over the city and crush the Nazi forces.
The Nazis aren't completely done for, however, and a year or so later Diamant, Gerhardt, and the Dobermanns head deeper into the mountains to the Alpine Fortress to investigate what they're up to; it turns out to be the continuation of a medical project previously focused on creating a "super soldier" with increased strength and intelligence, and now focused on creating immortality itself. Hesse and Helmstadt turn out to be two unwitting subjects of this experiment, having been resurrected and brainwashed to defend the Fortress and kill the intruders; the Allies discover an "anti-serum" that counters the brainwashing to bring the two back to their senses, and use it on them. Hesse regains his memories and is devastated to learn of the collapse of the Third Reich and the death of everyone close to him; his reaction is to give up, as he has no more interest in living. Helmstadt regains his memories; his reaction is to continue attacking, utterly fixated on the Nazis' new goal of creating a Fourth Reich. He never displays any reluctance or remorse whatsoever--if anything, he's gotten even MORE fanatical. While the Allies are eventually able to convince Hesse to help them terminate the experiment, they never get through to Helmstadt in the least, and Hesse ends up fighting against him directly. When Hesse refuses to join forces with him when Helmstadt attempts persuasion--Hesse even insisting that they (Hesse and Helmstadt) are the "Untermenschen" now--Helmstadt is infuriated, and just redoubles his efforts; Hesse manages to fend him off long enough to let the others set explosives and escape, though he and Helmstadt are both killed in the process, crushed to death by tons of ice and rock. (Dobermann was killed previously in a fall.) Hesse, the ACTUAL Nazi, tries to redeem himself at least a little bit; but Helmstadt is completely unrepentant up to the end.
...And now, here I present a horrible treat: The entirety of Chapter 12 of The Trench Rats (technically, Reborn), the attempted reboot from the early 2000s, where Helmstadt makes what is, I believe, his first ever appearance. I haven't gone over the existing chapters to make sure, but I think this is also Dobermann's initial appearance in this particular version of the story (his character's been around a lot longer than Helmstadt), so there's a bonus treat--when this version was written, I was still under the impression that Dobermann was some kind of bad guy, or at least an antihero. This was intended as a key scene to illustrate how capricious and murderous he could be. NEEDLESS TO SAY, this ENTIRE chapter is now obsolete. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN. It's also likely to be even more inaccurate than the current story in regards to period-specific things; I mean wow, I was SUPER ignorant. Not that I'm much better now, but I was REALLY awful back then. (There's lots of incorrect terminology too, I won't bother pointing it all out.) I haven't read this in years, so I shall be experiencing the cringe right along with you. ;_;
And here we go...enjoy! *grimaces*
The Trench Rats, Part 12: Helmstadt
RAIN BEGAN PELTING the windshield as the car turned and pulled up to the gate. The soldier standing there pulled the gate open and waved the vehicle through. It made its way up the driveway, picking up speed until one of the tires slipped and splashed down into a pothole, bringing the car to an immediate halt. It backed up and out of the hole while the soldier from the front gate came jogging forward, then made its way toward the house and turned to park near the side. The soldier caught up, stopping momentarily to catch his breath before opening the car door.
An officer immediately brushed out, pushing the saluting soldier aside and glancing around him disdainfully. He stepped to the ground and walked to the front of the vehicle, bending down to look at the tire.
"Good morning, Sir," the soldier called.
"Hardly," the officer snapped. He stood and sniffed, nodding at the tire. "Take a look, one jolt and the thing is ruined. Have you any idea how much this type of car costs? Now ruined. Of all things, a pothole. This is beyond ridiculous."
"I apologize, Sir--but I'm not in command of who fixes the driveways--"
"Don't get snippy with me, Private. I have enough on my plate to deal with without the attitude." He took his case and slipped it under his arm.
"No attitude intended, Sir...but I thought you should know--"
"I came here on another matter," the officer said. He glanced around him again, then made his way for the entrance to the giant house, which more closely resembled a manor. "But I think I'll take this up with him as well. With as much money as he has, you'd think he could get someone to fill in a damned pothole."
The private jogged to catch up with him again. "Sir, I--"
"Truly, how much is he worth now? Of course, the place does seem to be falling into disrepair--and he hardly keeps any servants around--"
"I don't think you'll be able to--"
"--though why they would want to stay around is beyond me."
"He's still--"
"I'll see to it he doesn't have the money left to keep even them around," the officer groused, knocking on the huge front doors until they were opened, then pushing his way inside, the private following. "Ruining my car like that because he's too cheap to fix his drive properly."
They made their way into the parlor, the officer looking around. "Parlor," however, implied a small size...whereas the room that greeted them was practically cavernous.
"Good God!" the officer exclaimed. "You could outfit a fleet of ships with the drapes in here!"
"Sir, please keep your voice--"
"What is this, a footstool or a table?" He kicked at the leg of a long winding table in the middle of the room. The floor was carpeted in a luscious wine color, and the drapes reflected that same hue. Everything seemed to be in shades of wine and red and cream. A fireplace loomed off to the side, a large painting above it; the officer gravitated toward this, then walked along beside the walls, scanning the rest of the artwork hanging around them.
"He collects these? Or does he steal them? Are these even originals? Probably not, knowing him..."
"If you'd come back ano--"
"Good GOD!" The private cringed as the officer's voice echoed through the room. He'd just discovered the stairway, off to the right on entering the parlor.
"How many steps are ON that thing?" he yelled, walking to the bottom and peering up. The marble steps ascended in a graceful curve to reach a landing overlooking the parlor far below.
The private approached and tugged on his sleeve, putting a finger to his mouth. "Sir, please. You must be able to think of a better time to come around."
"Better time? What for? I have some papers I need him to look at." As if just remembering his mission, he pulled the case out from under his arm and, inexplicably, shoved it under the other self-importantly. "I will hardly leave before he does so."
"Sir, the inspector's occupied right now. It's best if you--"
"Occupied? With what? Has he got a woman up there?"
"He hasn't awoken yet, Sir. If--"
"Not AWAKE yet?" His shrill voice nevertheless managed to boom off the ceiling. "It's after nine in the morning, and you tell me he's not awake yet? Does he have a woman up there? What's your name, anyway? Do you even know who you're talking to?"
"Private Konrad Helmstadt, Sir. I know who you are. Which is why I think you should--"
"What room is he in? I'll hunt him down and wake him up myself if I have to!" He put his hand on the bannister and started jogging up the steps.
Helmstadt grew alarmed. "Sir!" He hurried to catch up.
"Sir, this isn't a good idea," he continued when the officer reached the second floor and started down the long hallway, footsteps echoing too loudly off the walls. Windows lined the right wall, facing the side yard of the house, and the woods. The officer ignored the view, but once in a while glanced at yet another painting upon the wall, grimacing with disgust at each new discovery as if the sheer opulence of the place made him want to gag.
"Why not? I was promised he would look at these papers. This is important, Private Hammerstadt."
"Helmstadt, Sir."
"Whatever. We're in a war, in case you haven't noticed."
"I have noticed, Sir, but when he's busy, you shouldn't--"
"Ah, jump off the balcony, Private, or find someone who's concerned to tell. I have to speak to the inspector." And he muttered just loud enough for Helmstadt to hear, "Why I have to speak to him, I have no idea."
Helmstadt dared to speak up again. "Perhaps then if you don't know you should wait until a better--"
"Look," the officer snapped, whirling on him and practically shoving the case in his face. "I took the time to come out here. I bothered driving out to this horrid estate. I even damaged my car in the drive! I'll hardly leave now just because the inspector needs his beauty sleep!"
Helmstadt stared at him in silence, then stepped aside. The officer gave him one final glare before making his way to a door near the end of the hall. He waved at it.
"Is this the room? God knows the place is full enough of the damned things!"
Helmstadt nodded. "Yes, Sir."
"I suppose he gets lost every so often and you have to go looking for him," the officer muttered, and reached out to knock on the door. It pulled open before his knuckles had a chance to strike it. Helmstadt snapped to attention and the officer just frowned with some surprise.
The man who stared back at him wore a pristine uniform that was not of the Nazi party, but was comparable. He looked quite far from having allegedly just been asleep; rather, it looked as if he had been anything but. The look on his face was neutral; even his eyes told the officer nothing, but the way that icy blue stared at him made him want to start squirming, if only because he couldn't tell what the stare meant. He bit the inside of his mouth instead and offered a halfhearted salute, his former insistence gone.
He opened his mouth to continue but the inspector turned his head to look at Helmstadt. Helmstadt stood at attention again.
"Sir. I tried to tell him you were occupied..."
The inspector nodded once, silencing him, and turned back to the officer. The officer coughed into his hand and attempted to draw himself together.
"Inspector. I was informed that you should peruse some documents I have on hand. They need to be signed later on today, but apparently...for some reason...my superiors felt you should look at them first."
Helmstadt shot him a look from the corner of his eye, a silent warning. He ignored it.
"I thought I should also tell you," he continued, finally gathering himself, "of the horrid state of your main drive. Do you have any idea how hideous the thing is? On driving in here my automobile fell into a pothole. There is obvious damage. This car cost much money, and it would be nice to know that someone responsible will pay for it. I am hardly responsible for the deplorable state of your property."
"Sir," Helmstadt murmured between his teeth. The inspector lowered his head a little bit but appeared more aloof--or amused, even--than insulted or angry. The officer went on, his voice rising.
"For years I had hoped to obtain such a car, and now I'll be lucky if I can even replace the tire--not to mention what other damage has been done! All because you cannot simply pay someone to fix your drive. I took time out of my busy schedule to come here and see you, and you could at least acknowledge my presence aside from giving me that look." He shook the case. "The papers you need to see are in here. Though I hardly see why your approval is so very important. You're not even one of us! How do we know where you truly stand? If it were not the will of my superiors, I would not even have wasted my time bringing you this--"
A sharp cracking sound cut him off abruptly. Helmstadt jumped. The officer stared at the inspector with surprised eyes. Helmstadt turned to look at him and his own eyes widened when he saw the dark red spot flowering in the middle of his chest. The officer looked down at it and touched his hand to the blood, pulling his hand away and staring at it with some confusion. He swayed a little.
The gun in the inspector's hand was still smoking.
Helmstadt continued staring at the officer, who looked back up at the inspector for a moment before his eyes rolled back and he went limp. He collapsed to the floor, red seeping out into the wood beneath him. His fingers still clutched the handle of the small case, even as he let out one last gurgling breath and fell still.
Helmstadt swallowed convulsively.
Inspector Dobermann lowered the gun and turned back to his room. He stopped before entering and his eyes met Helmstadt's. The private drew himself up straight.
"Private," he said, voice perfectly neutral, "please make certain I'm not disturbed again."
Helmstadt clicked his heels together. "Yes Sir."
Without giving him--or the officer's body--another look, the inspector turned and went back into his room, quietly shutting the door behind him. Private Helmstadt was left trying not to stare at the body lying on the floor, and wondering which was more important--keeping on the inspector's good side, or finding someone to clean up the mess he'd left behind.
[Konrad Helmstadt 2022 [‎Friday, ‎November ‎11, ‎2022, ‏‎3:05:10 AM]]
[Konrad Helmstadt 2022 2 [‎Friday, ‎November ‎11, ‎2022, ‏‎3:05:22 AM]]
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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Page of Pentacles. Art by The Crowned Rabbit, from Loaf Tarot.
This fluffle of rabbits are gathered around a cluster of star-patterned mushrooms. These rabbits are working hard together to protect this special mushroom troop!
The Page of Pentacles represents hard work, loyalty and diligence. Wild rabbits live in colonies and are loyal to their herd.
The trees in the background signify upcoming challenges that the rabbits will have to face as they continue to protect their wealth and security.
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