rattyjol · 2 months
For the fanfic question post - inner guard + 11: What do you like best about this fic?
ooh, good question. I still really like the opening paragraph, and I like the carving metaphor as the throughline of the fic, I think it works really well.
there's also this very slight disconnect between HOTE and ATFOTS, where Ludvic knew the secret name the whole time but he was as surprised as anyone by the idea that HR might want something different. he stopped seeing past the outer layer because he thought he knew what was underneath. but once he got it, he got it. Kip gets all the credit for inviting HR on vacation, but Ludvic is the one who suggested retirement!
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lavendead · 1 year
It’s been a while *cough* years *cough* since I’ve posted a rec list and since I’ve recently broken 50 Osaaka recs on my running haikyuu list I decided it’s about time for an update. So without further ado here’s my 50 Osaaka recs:
1. a stuttering of the heart by hoesome - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30441270
2. Akaashi Keiji’s Hands are Always Cold by Taryo88 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/28316406
3. and i never saw you coming by tearsricochett - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40600674
4. and i would walk 500 miles by goldplate (ramshackleheads) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/29082276/chapters/71388618
5. are you free on thursday night? by floatyourself - https://archiveofourown.org/works/27368869/chapters/66879562
6. at a (un)reasonable distance by vroomvroommic - https://archiveofourown.org/works/28475100
7. Better This Time by vroomvroommic - https://archiveofourown.org/works/33153472
8. books and books of poetry by mintycarrots - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31629356/chapters/78272594
9. from your lips (words are so much sweeter) by risquetendencies - https://archiveofourown.org/works/29626461
10. Getting baited into reading a trash novel and regretting it (for a bit) by impasta -https://archiveofourown.org/works/40830114/chapters/102309999
11. Growth Mindset by mintycarrots - https://archiveofourown.org/works/27552136/chapters/67388383
12. here, there, everywhere by onceandforall - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31237592
13. if music be the food of love by OverTheMoonShine - https://archiveofourown.org/works/32781904
14. i’m so lost in you (and all that you do) by courtshipofwords - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31754950/chapters/78601978
15. karikari by fromthemist - https://archiveofourown.org/works/29470536
16. keep time on me by yamabato - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31745842
17. kiss me like you cook your karaage - slowly, then all at once by floatyourself - https://archiveofourown.org/works/27164209
18. LANTERNS by combustible - https://archiveofourown.org/series/2104776
19. Let’s Call it Culture Shock by Taryo88 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30615773
20. like the dawn by eggsan - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30484143/chapters/75173244
21. love in the time of office hours by lunarwaves - https://archiveofourown.org/works/33099049
22. love, the universe, and other unknown variables by venusintwelfth - https://archiveofourown.org/works/28176888 (this is my fav fic btw)
23. make me thaw by honeyedrop - https://archiveofourown.org/series/1903228
24. miya osamu’s guide to bad neighbors, serial breakups, and domesticity by rosegoldwriting - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24768052
25. never the same love twice by lettersinpetals - https://archiveofourown.org/works/28770075/chapters/70548549
26. new love in old places by stormhund - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24838069/chapters/60082078
27. Of Crumbs and Eyelash Wishes by veriwyn - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30532185
28. Of Onigiri and Owls by thepeskyunicorn - https://archiveofourown.org/works/41112162/chapters/103051197
29. One More Weekend by Primaveril - https://archiveofourown.org/works/42857955/chapters/107668482
30. Onigiri for Two by Un1stellar - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31415531
31. Reality or Royalty? by twindualities - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26477743
32. Seeing You by prosesareread - https://archiveofourown.org/works/29190336/chapters/71668746
33. Sibling Antics by aris_imperfect_mind - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31227473
34. sleeping with the enemy by billionairevolleyboysclub - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30134715
35. slow magic by redberrysoda, yamabato - https://archiveofourown.org/works/35689273
36. Slowly, and then all at once by SundaeMunt - https://archiveofourown.org/works/32182780/chapters/79744435
37. so I keep feeling close (to what’s beyond compare) by vonroozh - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30637109
38. stay with me, go places by sparksandsalt - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24961099/chapters/60422311
39. strangers by redberrysoda - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31504481
40. take what we love inside by yamabato - https://archiveofourown.org/works/28329681
41. the dog days are over by grandecoffee - https://archiveofourown.org/works/33633148
42. The laundry by XunYioo2 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/43674576
43. The Spiderman Meme by Pixelated_Wing - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30435960
44. the sun rises like this heart up my throat by redberrysoda - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30063543
45. The taste of home by hobisleaves - https://archiveofourown.org/works/43145172
46. thursdays full of maybes and warm smiles by goldenkiwis - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40972737
47. wait by sanguinedawns - https://archiveofourown.org/works/29421981
48. warm refuge by isntitluvly - https://archiveofourown.org/works/33408157
49. warmth within winter by duskyhaze - https://archiveofourown.org/works/33507595
50. welcome in by risquetendencies - https://archiveofourown.org/works/28623666
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fiendishpal · 3 years
Ahhh, I love your royalty osaaka au so much!! Plz plz plz tell us more!! You mentioned they married because of akaashi’s magic - what kind of magic can he do?
akaashi does weather control and a bit of water magic!! his gauntlets work as his conduit of magic. meaning, he can finely control his magic with them on but without them, he’ll have a hard time controlling his magic.
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merlinhurricane · 5 years
Oo! I finally got a prompt idea! first I was thinking a basic coffee shop au for shiniida (since you made me ship them) but then I thought iida probably wouldn’t work in a coffee shop (“somethin somethin *waves hand around* coffee health somethin”) so he probably ACTUALLY works in one of those juice places that are all natural and put kale in your drinks and sleep deprived shinsou stumbled inside and asked for a black coffee and couldn’t understand why the cute barista was giving him that look
oooooh, yes!! thank you, luv. please keep em coming!!
(tags: shiniida, college au, no quirks au, swearing, iida is no mere barista—he’s a fckin Manager check yoself, multiple POVs bc i Can’t Not)
Hitoshi didn’t understand what was happening. Why was this man staring at him like he had a third head? Second head, whatever. Jesus, he was tired.
“Sir, we don’t serve coffee,” came the insistent voice behind the counter.
“Why the fuck not?” Hitoshi’s glared blearily at him, eyes burning. What kind of place didn’t serve coffee? Especially a place called “Pep Up”. What was peppier than fucking coffee?
His outrage and confusion must have shown in his eyes because the hapless employee rattled off an explanation about natural and organic juices and healthy body supplements. Hitoshi didn’t need any of that. Rubbing his temples and trying to get the world to come into better focus, he groaned. “Okay, you’re my last resort. Can you just, like, talk to your manager and see if you can rustle up some caffeine for me? I’ll pay extra. Please,” he begged. The prospect of walking further away from campus in search of actual coffee was a daunting one.
“I am the manager.” The man before him affirmed. “And I can assure you we do not have anything caffeinated. Not only does caffeine create a mild dependancy but it is also a diuretic and can have lasting consequences if imbibed on a daily basis.”
“Mm-hm, delicious consequences,” Hitoshi murmured, causing the manager to stiffen in what Hitoshi assumed was disapproval.
“Indeed.” The manager sighed. “I suspect more than caffeine or any kind of energy supplement—” Hitoshi brightened at the word “energy”—“you simply need sleep.”
Hitoshi forced out a hollow laugh and attempted once more to bring the broad shop manager into focus. The lights in here were too harsh, the colors too bright. He should have known it wasn’t a coffee shop. Just about ready to give up on this place and try elsewhere, he turned toward the door.
Somewhere between the decision to leave and the execution, however, there was a disconnect. Instead, he found himself staring at a display right next to the door. It was full of oddly shaped bottles in an eye-searing shade of orange. He suspected he would’ve stayed in that exact spot for even longer if something cold hadn’t been pressed into his hand, nearly giving him a heart attack.
“Wha?” He instinctively shoved away the cold, despite it actually being a bit of a relief to his warm, probably dehydrated skin.
To his surprise the cold lingered, along with an amused huff of air against his cheek. Hitoshi looked up to see Mr. Manager. Dear god, he was pretty. Shoulders for miles, square jaw, baby blues, an undercut—he would have been too overtly gorgeous for Hitoshi to even consider if it weren’t for the glasses (he had a weakness for them) softening his look and the fact that the guy was literally holding Hitoshi’s hand wrapped around a plastic cup of smoothie to keep him from dropping it. “Uhh.”
The smoothie was bright green. Why did everything have to be so bright?
“Kale-kiwi mix.” The manager explained, dropping his hand once he was sure Hitoshi had a good grasp of the thing. “With some other stuff. It’ll help you sleep.”
Hitoshi snorted. Sure, this guy was hot, but Ryan friggin Gosling could’ve handed him this smoothie, and he still would’ve been skeptical about the results. Still... “How much do I owe you?”
The man smiled, a sharp, bright slice of white in his ridiculously handsome face. Oh no. “Free of charge. That’s not even on the menu, so it doesn’t have a price. Just, do me a favor and recycle the cup, okay?” He paused for a moment, mouth curling into an enchanting moue of consideration. Oh no. “Maybe after you get some sleep.”
Dazed, exhausted, and utterly smitten, Hitoshi nodded and wobbled out the door into the night, sipping on his definitely-not-coffee.
Hitoshi made it home...somehow. He remembered the streetlights stringing long squiggling tails of illumination across his vision, and that was his Stage 3 sleep deprivation indicator. He was sincerely lucky he hadn’t passed out on the walk back to his place.
On the counter sat his nearly finished smoothie. It had been surprisingly tasty, though the thickness made it feel necessary to drink water before he brushed his teeth and collapsed into bed. He was feeling surprisingly well-rested. At least, he assumed this is what “well-rested” felt like, since he couldn’t recall ever experiencing it before.
Snorting at his sardonic thoughts, he moved to throw away the cup before remembering what the hot manager had said. Technically, he didn’t have to acquiesce to his request—Hitoshi didn’t even have a recycling bin in his apartment. Still, the guy had put up with Hitoshi at Stage 3 and hadn’t even charged him for the damn drink. The least he could do was not fuck up the earth with one damn plastic cup.
Campus probably had some recycling bins, and he had to hit the library to finish his project anyway. Tucking the near-empty cup into the elastic cupholder on his bag, he began the trek to campus.
About halfway there, he realized he’d forgotten to make cis morning coffee. Him. Forgetting coffee. What was the world coming to?
Already mourning the lack of caffeine buzz he’d have later, he stopped in front of the library bins. A list of accepted recyclables and their corresponding numbers wwas posted above the special recycling receptacle. Sighing, Hitoshi pulled out the smoothie cup and checked the bottom for a number, then immediately got distracted.
On the bottom of the cup, written in fine black sharpie was a phone number along with “Pep Up and call me. :)”
Tenya had evening shift again, and as he walked in that afternoon, he couldn’t help but be apprehensive. It had been a long time since he’d given out his number, and the few times he had done it this way in the past year, none had used it. Whether that was because they were heathens who didn’t recycle or check the recycling number before they did or if they simply weren’t interested, he didn—couldn’t know. And that was the way he liked it.
The stunned and exhausted man from yesterday had caught his eye first because he was acting...odd. Tenya had watched him standing outside the glass double doors, staring up at the shop’s sign as if it was the best thing he’d ever seen. As if it were a candle and he were the moth. When he’d finally gotten inside, he’d continued to watch as the man’s eyes flitted around the room, intelligence and exhaustion shining there in roughly equal measure. He was built like a rock-climber—slim, tall, long arms and legs, and a bit hungry-looking. Tenya had a history with that look. Tenya would be willing to rewrite history for that look.
Going by the bulging bag and air of stress coming off him in waves, he was likely a student at the local university. When he finally approached the counter, Tenya met a set of pale, violet eyes and lost his train of thought entirely. Thankfully, the man was definitely too out-of-it to notice. He smelled like a combination of moss and coffee, so it was no surprise that he was looking to obtain some of the latter.
Despite his clearly tired state and the shortness of the conversation, he’d managed to make Tenya laugh more than once. What would he be like when he was firing on all cylinders? Tenya wanted to find out.
“You’re a cheeky bastard, aren’t you?” A voice shook him from his reverie, drawing his gaze to the front doors, propped open at the moment to let in both the afternoon breeze and the very man who had been occupying Tenya’s thoughts. A pity his words weren’t more...encouraging, though. He sighed.
The man was shaking a grimy plastic cup in his fist even as he walked up to the counter to confront Tenya. He was amused to see that the guy’s hair stood on end just as much now as it had when he’d first appeared in the shop—which was mostly empty right now, thankfully. He was manning the counter while the current barista was on break. He met those lovely, startling eyes head-on. Time to get this over with then. “I apologize for having offended you.” Why couldn’t he have just ignored his advance and moved on like everyone else? Tenya thought sourly.
“The only thing I’m offended by is your lack of faith in me.” The man’s face was still adorned with dark smears beneath his eyes that nearly matched the irises in color, but his face was more mobile, his voice and gestures more lively. “Telling me to sleep before attempting to throw something away doesn’t show a lot of confidence in my cognitive abilities. Kind of a slap in the face.”
Tenya knew the feeling. “And yet here you are, presumably having slept and still holding a dirty cup,” he commented, voice dry and throat drier. Had he not seen the number then? “You do know you’re supposed to wash them before recycling, right?”
“Who has time for that?” He complained.
“Who carries an empty cup around with them all day just for the sake of argument?” Tenya countered.
The man was just as quick to respond. “Who writes their number on the bottom of the cup? How’s that strategy been working out for you?”
Tenya remained silent for a moment. So he’d definitely seen the number. “...what is this about?”
“Mostly wanted to apologize for probably acting crazy last night. And to thank you. For this.” He held up the cup. It was still frustratingly unclear whether he meant the drink or the number.
Tenya took a chance. “You could’ve just called me.”
He was rewarded with a crooked smile. “Truth be told, I also wanted to make sure I hadn’t hallucinated you.” He leaned against the counter. “You seem like the kind of guy that only exists in my imagination.”
Tenya flushed and looked away to hide how pleased he was. “You’re ridiculous.”
The man just grinned wider and bent over the counter to read his name tag. “Tenya, huh? I’m Hitoshi. Can I buy you a drink?”
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flintyart · 3 years
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A commission for @taryo88 of her characters Cyron and Vin!!
Thank you for letting me draw them!
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Definitely a Smoothie
Definitely A Smoothie by thefrailtyofgenius
Shinsou would like to speak with the manager.
an answer to a tumblr prompt from Taryo88: Oo! I finally got a prompt idea! first I was thinking a basic coffee shop au for shiniida (since you made me ship them) but then I thought iida probably wouldn't work in a coffee shop (“somethin somethin *waves hand around* coffee health somethin”) so he probably ACTUALLY works in one of those juice places that are all natural and put kale in your drinks and sleep deprived shinsou stumbled inside and asked for a black coffee and couldn't understand why the cute barista was giving him that look
Words: 1706, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shinsou Hitoshi, Iida Tenya
Relationships: Iida Tenya/Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, but actually it's a smoothie place, Swearing, First Meetings, Shinsou Is A Smooth Operator, Shinsou Hasn't Sleep Since Before Quirks Were A Thing, Iida Tenya Needs a Hug, One Shot
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/20714924
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Definitely a Smoothie
Definitely A Smoothie by thefrailtyofgenius
Shinsou would like to speak with the manager.
an answer to a tumblr prompt from Taryo88: Oo! I finally got a prompt idea! first I was thinking a basic coffee shop au for shiniida (since you made me ship them) but then I thought iida probably wouldn't work in a coffee shop (“somethin somethin *waves hand around* coffee health somethin”) so he probably ACTUALLY works in one of those juice places that are all natural and put kale in your drinks and sleep deprived shinsou stumbled inside and asked for a black coffee and couldn't understand why the cute barista was giving him that look
Words: 1706, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shinsou Hitoshi, Iida Tenya
Relationships: Iida Tenya/Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, but actually it's a smoothie place, Swearing, First Meetings, Shinsou Is A Smooth Operator, Shinsou Hasn't Sleep Since Before Quirks Were A Thing, Iida Tenya Needs a Hug, One Shot
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/20714924
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bcdaily · 6 years
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Approximately three years ago, I drew this same scene because I was inspired after rereading Commentarius. Now, I just finished rereading it again and I figured it was time for an update. It’s incredible to me just how amazing the story you have woven is. No matter how many times I read it, every word is just as perfect as the first time. I will never not be inspired by all that you have put into the story, so this is my way of showing my appreciation for all that you do. (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ I hope you have a great day, and I look forward to the next chapter (no matter how long it takes to get it)! - @taryo88
Oh my god I’m so bad with submit posts I never understand how to post them but I CAN’T NOT POST THIS IT IS SO PRECIOUS AND PERFECT.
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captainflinty · 8 years
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I’m so excited!! I got to do an art trade with the amazing taryo88 where we drew each others characters!
This is Alexander Slamilton from her FRICKEN AMAZING superhero AU
This was so fricken fun, we gotta do it again <3
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fiendishpal · 3 years
Hi fiend! I’m super excited for your shop opening!! 🎉🎉 I was trying to use the coupon code I got from your last shop opening, but it told me that the cart subtotal is too low for the entered coupon. Was there a minimum purchase price to use that code?
the limit was supposed to be the lowest priced item i have, i forgot to change it from my local orders price tag, im so sorry!!!! D''':
but i've fixed it now!!
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merlinhurricane · 5 years
❤️ Haven’t seen you on here in a bit, how’ve you been?
aww, it’s definitely been a while! i’m perty okay, thanks for asking! since it’s “hurricane season” (hahaha, the united states is a dystopian nightmare and the weather is just the tip of the iceberg), i’m super busy doing damage survey work and first responder stuff. here’s hoping that stuff won’t be too necessary this year
outside of real life, i’m busy, too! other than l&oa and the bnha99 bang, i have a few new wips i have been feverishly adding to! writing is going well (i just don’t wanna post anything until it’s done this time).
and just to remind you and anyone else who still looks at this blog, i’m always looking for prompts! i need one-shot practice (my one-shots tend to turn into epic tales, what can i say), and my inbox is open for requests, ideas, or chatting!
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merlinhurricane · 6 years
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hi @taryo88!! i am an dumbass and somehow managed to delete your ask, and this is all the evidence i have left of it, but you said some very sweet (and not at all weird) things and were concerned that i hadn’t updated or said anything about being late for my fic, so let me just assure you:
-i am very much okay (and the fic that you looked to make sure i was posting here to check on me is such a lovely thought!!)
-i am VERY busy (i’m managing a project at work, and another pilot had an emergency landing, and I’m kinda still dealing with mine so things are stacking up)
-the fic is very much still alive and well! I’m hoping to post the next chapter tonight or tomorrow morning (and update the chapter count bc i truly am a long-winded writer, wow)
so thank you for worrying about me—i’m coming around to the comments as soon as i polish off this chapter, and I’ll be sure to explain myself more fully!!
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fiendishpal · 3 years
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black and white comms i did on twt✨
the fourth image is a scene based from taryo88′s fic, let’s call it culture shock on ao3
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flintyart · 3 years
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(thank you for showing me the layer modes @taryo88)
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bcdaily · 9 years
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/Declarations of love and something about stand-ins/ I’m not nearly delusional enough to think that this crappy picture of a scene from the next Commentarius chapter will miraculously make you finish and post 26 within the next 24 hours, but maybe it’ll motivate(?) you and at the very least I hope it makes you smile like your stories make all of your fans smile :) 
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jilysecretsanta · 10 years
Jily Secret Santa Present
Here is the link to my story
For Alexandra / miraclefred
Merry Christmas!
<3 Taryo88 / Bailey
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