#tati milky way
we-are-so-close · 1 year
Another Appetizer
Kageyama x reader --crack, fluff wc: 1.2k author's note: this is for @milky-fixx . Tati, you deserve to have pro-athlete Kageyama Tobio buy you your own appetizer every time you go on a date.
The sun hung directly overhead, the sky a pale blue with no sight of a cloud anywhere. The day was warm, but felt much hotter on the rooftop patio with no refreshing breeze to cut back on the heat. The umbrella that jutted up from the middle of the table provided shade, but rays of sunlight were still able to pierce through. While you were happy to finally be trying this new restaurant that had been on your radar for months, you were more ecstatic to be there with your friend and longtime crush, Kageyama Tobio. If he wasn’t away for volleyball, you certainly had some school duty you needed to fulfill. Regardless, you were glad that the two of you were finally able to hang out. 
The more you stared at him, the more in thought he seemed to be. It was funny; you weren’t sure how someone could look like they were thinking about everything and nothing all at once. But sure enough, Kageyama never failed to surprise you. Trying to figure out what was going on up there was a mystery you weren’t sure you’d ever be able to solve fully. 
“Kags. Kags…Tobio. Tobio. To-bi-ooOO. TOBI!” you stated with some force in your voice. The change in volume and pitch effectively pulled him back to the moment with you. He stared at you, a little lost. 
“They brought the appetizer out.”
“Oh. Thanks,” he said as he took the whole pastry and popped it into his mouth. 
“Tobio!” you whined. 
“Whaght,” he mumbled, his face comparable to a chipmunk storing goodies in their cheeks. 
“I really wanted to try that, too!”
“Oh,” he swallowed hard, every bit of food slowly making its way down his throat. 
Quickly, he got up from his chair and towered over you. His eyes scanned your face and you stared right back at him. Without any warning, Kageyama’s lips pushed his way onto yours. You could feel yourself getting hot in the face. This was not how you imagined your first kiss with Kageyama going. For the first time today, you were grateful for being the only ones out on the patio. He slipped his tongue in rather forcefully, and it made you wonder if he’d done this before. 
A brief moment later, he pulled away and sat back down in his seat. 
“Did you get it?” he asked in a most serious tone. 
“The taste of the pastry.”
“Is that why you kissed me?!” A new heat rose within you. 
“You said you wanted to taste it. So I thought since I just ate it, you might still be able to.”
“Kageyama, ew! I could just order another one!”
“Oh yeah, I guess you could have done that.”
A few moments of silence pass, the two of you staring off into different directions. The waiter finally came back out to check on the two of you. 
“Can we get another order of this?” Kageyama pointed to the empty plate before the waiter had finished his formalities. The waiter simply smiled and said, “of course, sir,” before clearing the plate and leaving once again. 
A few more minutes passed by and the silence was so awkward, even Kageyama took notice. 
“How has work been, ____?”
“Same old, same old.”
“Any funny stories?”
“That’s too bad. Your stories are always really good.”
A few more minutes go by before the waiter comes back out with the second round of the appetizer. Kageyama’s gaze was boring directly into your soul. He was going to make sure you ate it and enjoyed it. What he doesn’t realize is just how uncomfortable it’s actually making you. 
“Is there something wrong with it? Why aren’t you eating it?” He asked with concern. 
“I can’t eat it with you staring at me like that.” 
He scrunched his face and tried to make himself smile a reassuring smile. You knew the smile. The smile that was more of a grimace or it looked like he was constipated. It was funny when he did it to other people. But now that he was doing it to you, it somehow wasn’t as funny. 
“Is this better?”
“Um, could you just close your eyes for a minute, maybe?
He gave a little pout, but obliged. You stared at the food on the plate. You wanted to know what it tasted like, but you needed to know something more. 
“Was that the only reason why you kissed me?”
“What?” His eyes flew open and immediately went back to analyzing your face. Tobio had never been the best at reading people, but he’d always been pretty good at understanding you. As best of a face you tried to put on, he could tell that something was up. 
“I guess I just ate it without thinking, and then acted without thinking,” he shrugged sheepishly.
A sinking feeling sat in the pit of your stomach, but you let out a soft chuckle regardless. “Is your brain even in there today?”
He squeezed his eyes shut again, seemingly trying to stop himself from saying anything else. You took the time to finally savor a bite of this pastry you’d been eagerly wanting to try. As soon as you took a bite though, Kageyama scooched his chair out from the table and, once again, startled you with a kiss. He pulled away with a look of disgust. 
“Uck, you have food in your mouth!” 
After you were able to stop your coughing fit and prevent yourself from choking, you looked at that man as if he had three heads. 
“Yeah, I had food in my mouth! Did you not see me take a bite?!”
“You told me to close my eyes!”
“Kageyama Tobio, you are going to be the death of me!”
He sat with his arms folded across his chest and pouted. A tinge of pink lingered across his cheeks. 
The waiter awkwardly cleared his throat as he was standing there with both of your meals in his hands. How long he was standing there, you couldn’t be too sure. He quietly set the plates down and turned on his heel as fast as he could. 
“This date is not going well,” Tobio finally spoke out.
“Yeah. I think it’s obvious I like you, dummy. You must like me, too, if you would wait months just to come try this place for the first time with me.” 
This was the most sensible thing you think he’s ever said. You were in awe. 
“Tobio, I-”
“I was hoping you’d want to be my girlfriend, but I have ruined that!” He threw his hands up, defeated. 
“Tobio, I-”
“I think about you all of the time; I can’t get you out of my head. I want to know what it feels like to experience new things with you. I-”
Now you cut him off with a kiss. No food this time, only the lips of two goofballs who like each other. 
“Tobio, I want that, too,” you said gently. 
“Really?” The tinge of pink across his cheeks turned darker and covered most of his face. 
“Really,” you paused. “But only if I can call you baby bird.”
“Baby bird?” He furrowed his brow. 
“Think about it,” you said as you sat back down and began eating your meal, a smirk plastered on your face. 
A second or two passed before your words finally clicked. 
“____, gross!”
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getthrawnin · 4 years
A fanfic
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lunare-sims · 4 years
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backtothe80scolors · 6 years
Guys, I dont draw rape. I draw almost every mode of sex, but nothing that hurts the integrity of a human, okay? The rest I do. =]
Milky Way, Tati
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Milky way sleeve in progress.. Thank you B! #jointhecircus🎪🎪🎪 🌌 #engraved #circus #circustattoo #engravedcircus #engravedcircustattoo #athens #athenstattoo #zografou #zografoutattoo #vrilissia #vrilissiatattoo #taty #tattooed #inked #milkyway #galaxytattoo #startattoos #milkywaytattoo #metatron #metatroncube #metatroncubetattoo #sacredgeometry #photooftheday #picoftheday #tattoooftheday (στην τοποθεσία Engraved Circus Tattoo Parlour) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWAmGXqs_1q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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moodaye · 6 years
20 Q’s with 20 A’s
I was tagged by @uglyvillagersims to give you all my life story. J.K. But here it goes more about me than is in my about me... because I don’t really have one?!?!
I tag @moonbobs , @epicvictoria , @ladyanyarose , @playfulmoodlet-2 , and anyone else on my list who wants to do this or hasn’t done it. 
Name: Tati {Tatiana}
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Height: 5′5″
Language spoken: Spanish and English.
Nationality: Puerto Rican
Favorite fruit: Banana
Favorite scent: This candle based on a book character called Rhysand.
Favorite color: Blurple? Cool Purple? somewhere between blue and purple.
Favorite animal: Zebra.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Coffee.
Favorite fictional character:  How long can this answer be? I have too many. Top of the list is probably the 10th Doctor.
Dream trip: Italy or Ireland
When was your blog created: April 2018
Last movie you’ve seen: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Song you’ve had on repeat: Chun-li - Nicki Minaj, I like it - Cardi B and Girls like you - Maroon 5 and like a million others because I listen to so much music of all sorts of different genres.
Favorite candy: Milky Way Midnight or Peppermint Pattie
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite Starburst: Strawberry
Flip Flops or Slides: Flip Flops
What do you say too much: Every variation of “Fuck”
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Courtney’s Infinite Search for Love Ch. 13 (Witney) - Grinder
AN: Apologies it took so long to update. I’ve been trying to get my life together by getting a job which I’m still in the process of but very hopeful. Anyway, enjoy the update.
~ Grinder
It hasn’t even been a week since I started my shifts at The Tap, the bar in which Adore performed, the place we held most of our staff do’s. Although the memories made here were not necesserily the best due to recent events, it was somewhat comforting working in a familiar environment. The sound of the drunks singing along to the mellow sounds of Adore’s voice makes me smirk with amusement.
“Kiss me…beneath the milky twilight…” a man serenades me as I pour him his fifth drink for the night.
“You having a good time, mate?” I ask beaming a smile at him.
“Ohhh, the lady…” he pauses to point a finger to Adore twirling on the stage, “…brilliant singer…brilliant singer…”
“I know, right? That’s Adore. She’s my friend.” I stated handing him the pint of beer.
“Beautiful - beautiful…” he slurs, “You know?”
“Yeah…” I look to Adore as she gently sways to the rhythm of her song, fairy lights reflecting their glow off her hair. “…she really is…”
My eyes turn to the drunken man as he hands me his money and stumbles away with his drink. He trips on the way causing everyone to look in his direction. His friends help him up as he begins laughing and cheering at his foolishness.
Adore has even stopped singing for a moment, she’s distracted by the scene.
“Be careful, man. Glad you’re having fun though. Damn.” She giggles before continuing on with the song.
I watch her as she sings so smoothly, the audience sway from side to side captivated by her performance. She has such an amazing presence.
I’m so glad she got me into this job. Not only is it extra money but I still get to spend time with her. Ever since I told her about the Willam situation she’s been nothing but helpful. She’s visited everyday, even Bailey is convinced she has a second mom. Her company has helped a lot.
I suppose I feel better that I patched things up with Alyssa but there was still Willam. I know in my heart I should just forgive her. But there is still some level of hurt there. Not as much as it was before. I’ve learned to kind of forget about it and get on with life.
But when I’m in Adore’s company I just seem to forget about everything. All the bad feelings leave my mind. No Willam. No worries.
Snap. Snap.
I’m pulled from my thoughts as I look to the source of the snapping.
“Anyone home?”
It’s a man clicking his fingers in my direction, his other hand holding a few coins. “I’m sorry. What can I get you?”
“Just a strawberry and lime cider. You distracted?” He teases as I get to work on his order.
“No…well, yeah actually. She’s my friend. She’s a great singer.” I speak trying to focus on finding the right bottle from the coolers. Once I find it, I bend down to grab the bottle.
“Oh, she’s yours then?” He smirks.
“My friend, yes.” I reply before grabbing a glass and filling it with ice. I turn back to him and place the glass down.
He’s silent for a while but still smiling. He breaks the pause, responding with, “nice.”
Feeling awkward in the strange moment, I take his money, grab the change from the till and return to the man.
“Keep the change.” He smirks, walking away.
“Thanks.” I reply.
Well that was weird.
The music, stops making me turn to look to the stage.
“Thank you all for having me. My name is Adore Delano and you can’t buy any singles yet ‘cause I’m such a busy bitch but come see me more. You’ve been a great audience!” Adore kisses her fingers and gives the audience a sign of peace before leaving the stage. She practically skips up to the bar, squealing with excitement. “Oh my gosh, that was the best gig I’ve had so far. I’m so glad I wasn’t roped into that Friday gig. That shit’s messy.”
“I know, girl. Well congratulations! You did great. Trust me; watch this place start to fill up with crowds over the next week.” I beam a smile as I work on pouring her a drink.
“Holy shit, you’re like my number one fan girl, I love it.” Adore laughs. “So how was your first night working as a bar tender?”
I pass Adore the bottle of beer and she takes a sip.
“Not my first night. I did some at college. Remember? But I suppose this place is nicer compared the last place I worked. Better atmosphere. Nice lighting. Friendly customers -even though some are kinda weird-” I mutter the last part. “And I get to watch you perform as well so that’s a big plus.”
“Yeah, ‘cause why wouldn’t you wanna watch this bitch sing other peoples music for a couple of hours.” Adore’s smirks, taking another drink. “I swear, man, one day I’m gonna write my own stuff. And I’m gonna be sooo…fucking…cool.”
“Well I’m gonna hold you to that.” I say leaning my elbows on the counter.
“You better.” Adore replies.
“So what are your plans now?”
“Well I was just gonna hang out here until you finished your shift. Maybe I’ll get drunk. I dunno. I just wanna hang out.”
“Well I’m very glad you find me entertaining enough despite all the whining and crying I’ve been doing.” I stifle a laugh.
“Girl, shut up. You’re so fucking awesome. I love you and don’t you forget that.” Adore points a finger in my face and uses her other hand to grab mine.
“I love me too.” I say with a cheeky smile.
It’s been over 3 weeks since I started the temporary bar tending shifts at The Tap and let’s just say it’s no longer temporary. Dick offered me a full time position due the lack of workers he had as well as my “charismatic personality”. So here I am making more money than I had when working for Tune 105. I took night shifts as I didn’t want to give up working for the radio station that I loved so much. I still worked on writing the news scripts so I had the opportunity to meet our two new presenters. They were nice. Very smart and approachable. I helped them prepare for live news readings along with Dela even though the only experience I have with it is from watching Adore and Alyssa.
Speaking of Adore and Alyssa, they were promoted as reporters of the morning and news programmes. They work with Katya and Trixie now, the clowns of the station. It’s fun to watch Alyssa get frustrated with them as they goof around when their supposed to be out finding stories. Adore just encourages them which makes it even funnier. But the final product of the programmes always turn out perfect. If only our station had a wider audience. I feel Adore, Alyssa, Katya and Trixie deserve more recognition.
And more news on Alyssa, she talked more with Tatianna after she received the promotion. It was to be expected after all what with Alyssa being a reporter for the noon news show which Tati presented. At first they seemed really professional around each other, working together on how a story should go and what should be said. Alyssa wasn’t so nervous around her anymore.
And one day I just so happened to walk in on Alyssa having a mini break down over how her story was failing to go anywhere. Tatianna gave her tips and ideas of how they could make it all work. Alyssa would brush them off but Tati pushed her to do it. What a professional.
I know it seems like I was eavesdropping. I tried so hard to focus on my news script. But I couldn’t help but glance over from time to time to make sure Alyssa was OK. And about the third time I looked around, Tati had just kissed her, pulling away and squeezing her shoulders. I kept in an excited squeal as I felt a rush of happiness for Alyssa. She finally got the one she really wanted. It turned out that they had been seeing each other now that they were working so closely. It just felt right seeing them so happy.
And my happiness? Let’s just say I’m 100% content with life right now. I haven’t properly spoken to Willam yet. We’ve said a few things at the station like when we’re in meetings we share comments on ideas. And sometimes she’ll ask if I want tea to which I don’t turn my nose up at her but gratefully accept. I don’t know where we stand right now. But I’m happy with the way things are.
Adore comes around my place religiously. She says it’s because she likes hanging out with me, but I know the other reason is because of Bailey. Most of our days consist of sitting on the living room floor, talking about random things while playing with my puppy. I love Adore’s company. She’s so quick and witty which never fails to make me laugh. I’m glad she exists. Everyone thank the lord for Adore.
“Sorry. What?” I snap out of my train of thought looking to Adore who’s being attacked with kisses from Bailey.
“I said let’s go to the mall and play hide and seek.” She proposes.
Am I a child or a 30 year old woman?
“Sounds great.”
Adore and I giggle like two idiots as we walk around the large shopping mall. Alaska is looking after Bailey just so we can play hide and seek in such a large space. What dorks. But honestly, it sounds fun right? Again. Thank the lord for Adore.
“OK, bitch!” Adore practically shouts feeling very obnoxious (but in a good way.) “I’m gonna go hide now. Gimme a minute before you come looking for me.”
“A minute??” I exclaim.
“Yeah. Maybe 2. Have you seen the size of this place?” Adore’s eyes widen as she looks around.
“OK. I’ll be in that store over there. I’m giving you 2 minutes. Better make it count.” I smile mischievously.
“Oh, I will! I already know where I’m hiding.” She laughs taking a few steps away.
“1..2…” I begin.
And she’s off. Literally running and trying to dodge the people. I shake my head and laugh quietly at the immaturity we possess.
I wander around the clothes shop about 2 minutes, admiring the items on display. After the 2 minutes is up, I’m on the hunt.
Now, if I was Adore…where would I hide? Maybe her favourite clothes shop? Nah, too easy. Well she could be hiding behind the clothes. No, too obvious. Maybe somewhere big. Some difficult to find anyone.
I make my way to the store, determined she will be there. Why wouldn’t you hide in IKEA? Yes, it’s predictable but difficult to find anyone. I mean, how many times have you seen a parent looking for their lost kid in IKEA.
I search around the display rooms, looking in every shower and cupboard. So far no where to be seen. Yep, this was definitely hard. There are so many display rooms. Would she choose one that she likes? Or would that be too obvious. What about one absolutely terrible looking? Or is that also too obvious.
I continue looking around the store, getting strange looks from shoppers as I inspect the display rooms carefully. After a few minutes, I’ve found her. There’s a bed covered in a red satin sheets and clearly there is a person underneath. I cautiously approach the bed making sure there’s no peek holes she could be spying from in order to plan an escape. Oh my gosh, it sounds like I’m a kidnapper or something.
I grab the top of the covers and pull back hard to reveal that it indeed was Adore. She yelped out in surprise and covered her form with her arms.
“Get out of my room, you heathen! I am without clothing!” She practically shouts.
I laugh and shush her looking around to see a few people shaking their heads. “People are going to approach us.”
“Well who wouldn’t wanna approach us, man.” Adore giggles pulling me down on the bed beside her. “Two very good looking women in a red satin bed is a fucking magical attraction in my opinion.”
I laugh and playfully slap her hands off of me. “Come on, let’s get out of here fast!”
My ears prick up as we both turn our heads to the abrupt voice. Oh shit. A member of staff.
“What do you think you two are doing?? Get out of that bed and get the hell outta here before I call mall security.” He threatens with a pointed tone.
I hastily get off the bed with a face red with embarrassment. But honestly I’m also dying laughing.
“Fine.” Adore sulks standing up. I try to make the bed again as Adore continues to talk to the man. “Me and my newly wed wifey will just go else where to find our new bed. Come on, Courtney.”
She extends her hand to me which I take and walk away as people just shake their heads.
“Oh my God. We just got kicked out of IKEA.” I speak in a quiet voice as exit the store.
“I know. How punk rock.” Adore laughs aloud. She let’s go of my hand and turns to me. “OK, you’re turn to hide now.”
“You really wanna keep playing after what just happened?”
“Yeah, duh! I’m giving you 2 minutes.”
“Are you sure we should?”
“1…2…3…” Adore smiles as she begins to count.
All I can do is smirk as I run from her. I try to think of a place to hide. But I can’t stop thinking about the fact we just got kicked out of IKEA for testing a bed. I swear being with Adore, you just forget about what everyone else thinks. It’s good to let yourself go sometimes.
The smell of coffee hits my nostrils and it smells so good. I look around and find a Starbucks. How long has it been since Adore started counting? Better hide now than worry about being caught too early. I make my way inside, sitting at a two person table that just so happens to have a newspaper laying there. I hold the paper up pretending to read. While I wait, I feel nervous about being caught at any moment. Ever get that feeling while playing hide and seek when your stomach is in a knot and you don’t want to breathe. That’s me right now.
I hear the seat in front of me pull out. A bag is placed on the table. How could she possibly have found me already??
“What’s with the paper cover up? You got a zit or herpes, girl?”
My newspaper flies down at the sound of the familiar voice. It’s not Adore. It’s Willam.
“Oh, no.” I reply nervously tucking my hair behind my ear. “I’m just…hiding.”
Willam looks around cautiously. “From who?”
“Oh, just Adore.” I stifle a laugh. “We’re playing hide and seek.”
“Really? Sounds great. So she’s looking for you right now?”
“Well, maybe I should go sit somewhere else before I make it obvious where you are.” Willam says as she begins to stand up.
I don’t let her get too far though. My hand shoots out and grabs hers. “Wait a second.”
Willam looks puzzled for a few seconds before sitting down again.
I just look at her for a while, thinking of something to say. I open my mouth but close it again. And repeat the action again. I guess it’s best to come right out with it. “I just want to let you know that I forgive you, Willam.”
“Really?” Her eyes widen as she looks bewildered.
“Yeah, the past few weeks I’ve felt happier in just living my life as it happens. I needed to stop feeling so sorry for myself and get on with things. And when we started talking again at the station, maybe not a lot but…it just felt things were back to normal. And it makes me happy. But I just want you to know up front that I accept your apology and can move on from what happened.”
Willam sighs out relief. “Well thank God. I kinda still thought you were mad at me and didn’t really know what to do. I thought we were doing that 'lets-be-civil’ bullshit. But I’m glad.”
“Maybe we can just see what happened as a learning experience from now on.”
“Yeah, sounds good.” Willam smiles to which I smile back. “Thanks, Court’.”
“No problem.” I reply. “So- -”
“There you are!”
Adore is now standing beside us at the table. “I looked forever man. I thought you’d be in the pet store or Victoria’s Secret.” She then looks to Willam. “Oh hey, girl.”
“Evening.” Willam replies. “To be honest I’d probably see Courtney hiding somewhere difficult like a parking lot.”
I curse as the idea didn’t even cross my mind.
“Oh me too. But you’d find me either smoking weed or offering services.” Adore laughed.
“Count me in then.” I say rolling my eyes at the thought of it.
“And me too.” Willam agrees.
“How about you join us, man.” Adore offers Willam. “When was the last time you played extreme hide and seek?”
“I don’t know. I’m kind of hungover and need a coffee.” Willam replies.
“Oh come on it’ll be fun!” I whine giving Willam puppy dog eyes.
“Guys, I know I live my life on the edge but I’m not 10.” Willam retorts.
Adore and I look to each other, smirking. And then back to Willam.
“1…2…3…” We chant in unison.
A smirk creeps onto Willam’s face as she shakes her head. “Goddammit.”
And with that she gets up and quickly leaves the cafe out of our sight.
“I feel like she’s gonna be really good at hiding. Let’s give her one minute to hide.” I suggest.
“OK, I won’t tell her if you wont.” Adore says sitting down.
Adore and I discuss the possibilities of where Willam would choose as her hiding space and I smile all the while. Not just because of the current situation but also because of the overwhelming sense of relief. That remaining sense of sadness can finally leave my body as I breathe out. And it’s so uplifting. And now is the time for a new chapter in my life to begin. No more searching for someone who I believe is the only one when there are so many more opportunities out there waiting. No more being fooled by an emotion that tricks me into behaving like someone who I am not. No more thoughts of life being over in moments of heartbreak. No more negativity.
I guess this is the end to my infinite search for love and the beginning to living life as it happens. Who knows what will happen? I could find my true love tomorrow – next week – next year. I’ll never know. But I just got to wait. And while I wait, I’ll make sure to live life to the fullest.
AN: The end…?
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dazombi3fari3 · 4 years
Hey doll hey!!!! Hope you are having a great day. I woke up early but had a world of trouble with my makeup today…. I had to redo my eyes 2 times and I still didn’t get them the way I wanted but it’s getting later and I decided to just keep the look rather then redo my eyes for a 3rd time. It wasn’t until I had already done my whole face did I realize I didn’t have a pink lipstick so I chose a deep red which I think throws the look off but what can I do??? Then I remembered I had a lip pencil that was pink … so I used that to fill in my lips and topped it with a gloss… I still don’t really like this makeup look, but it looks much better paired with a pink lip. The lip combo I am wearing in the pictures above is MAC Lip Pencil in Burgundy paired with MAC Matte Lipstick in Studded Kiss. Also as a side note… I tried out the new Tati Beauty Blendiful ($18 on her website) today. There was a small learning curve but it applied my foundation well. I still prefer my Beauty Blender because I’m a creature of habit but the Blendiful did apply foundation beautifully, I wasn’t a fan of it for my concealer… I felt that my concealer was a bit patchy so I went in with the Beauty Blender to perfect the under eyes…. I’ll continue to try it out and see if I will love it as much as all the YouTubers that have given it a rave review.  Well …. lets get to the Face of the Day ……
Base: I primed the face using Makeup Forever Step 1 Smoothing Primer ($37 at Sephora). Since I was testing out the Blendiful I decided to go for a foundation that I know always looks beautiful … I chose Loreal Infallible 24-HR Fresh Wear ($14.99 at Ulta) in the color 420 True Beige. What I noticed right off the bat was that I did not need to go back in with a 2nd coat of foundation…. Just the 1 coat was enough with the Blendiful. I concealed my eyes using Pixi by Petra Pat Away Concealing Base ($16 on their website) in the color Nude. I set my face using the J Cat Beauty Aquasurance Compact Foundation ($13.99 at Ulta and their website) in the color Natural. I warmed up my face using the J Cat Beauty Golden Soleil Baked Bronzer ($7.99 at Ulta and on their website) in the color Cancun Golden Tan. I then set my under eyes and baked my jaw line, center of my forehead, and bridge of the nose using RCMA No Color Powder ($15 on the Beautylish website).
Eyes: I used the Tati Beauty Textured Neutrals Palette ($48 on her website) for today’s eye look. I primed my lids using Tarte Shape Tape ($27 at Ulta) in the color Light-Medium Honey and then I set the Shape Tape using the color Aura-Matte (from the cream row). I then took the color Poet-Matte (a deep berry pink from the pink row) on a fluffy crease brush and used it on the outter 1/3 of my mobile lid and into the crease, I then switched to a clean blending brush and buffed that color out all the way up to my brow bone. I then went back into Poet-Matte and used a smaller crease brush to deepen the outer 1/3 of the mobile lid and the crease. For my inner 2/3 of my mobile lid I took the color Poet-Metallic and then I took Poet-Glitter on the middle and outer 1/3 of the mobile lid. I then went back into Poet-Matte and deepened the outer 1/3 of the mobile lid. I took more of Poet-Matte for my lower lash line and then highlighted my inner corners using Hikari Cream Pigment ($15 on their website) in the color Fairy Tale. I then did my brows using Benefit Precisely My Brow Pencil ($24 at Ulta) in the color 4.5 and Gimme Brow ($24 at Ulta) in the color 6 and then I carved out my brow line using BH Studio Pro Brow Highlighter ($5 on their website) on the shimmer side and set the brow line using more of Aura-Matte. I started to use the ColourPop BFF Gel Liner ($6 on their website) in the color Joy Ride (a deepened Burgundy) on my lined my waterlines but it wouldn’t stick to the waterlines and kept bleeding all over the place so I switched to the Revolution Pro Supreme Pigment Gel Eye Liner ($5 on their website) in the color Nude. Today I used a new mascara to me …. Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes ($23 at Ulta and Sephora).
Cheeks and Lips: On my cheeks today I am using ColourPop Super Shock Cheek ($8 on their website) in the color Birthday Suit (a neutral pink satin). I highlighted the tops of my cheeks, bridge of my nose, center of my forehead, and Cupid’s Bow using J Cat Beauty You Glow Girl Baked Highlighter ($8.99 at Ulta and on their website) in the color Twilight. I lined my lips using NYX Lip Liner ($4 at Ulta) in the color Bloom (a mid-toned berry pink) and then filled my lips in with it. I then topped off my lips using NARS Lip Gloss ($24 on their website) in the color Chihuahua (a milky guava).
Final Thoughts:
Tati Beauty Blendiful: A-  This is a good makeup tool. It applied the foundation beautifully but I didn’t like the way it applied my concealer I felt like it left the concealer patchy, now that could be the type of concealer I used so I plan to try this item out again with a different concealer to see if it applies it smoothly. I did not use it for my powder products. I purchased this product to use specifically with liquids only., like I do with the Beauty Blender.
Tati Beauty Textured Neutrals Palette: A+++!!!                                                                      Every time I use this palette I fall deeper in love with it. I didn’t really love the look I came up with today, but that’s just a preference thing and not a shadow thing. I typically go for more neutral looks over bright and bold but I wanted to try this color out to see how well it blends and man does it blend wonderfully!!
ColourPop BFF Gel Liner in Joy Ride: F                                                                                      This is the second color I have tried on my waterline that wouldn’t stick. This one bled out of the waterline and just created a huge mess. I’ve used it on my upper lash line and it went on nicely but skip this one if you are looking for a pop of color on the waterline.
Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes Mascara: B+                                                                                 This is a nice mascara, the lashes look OK and nothing clumped together. It’s a good everyday mascara but you wont get a lot of lift or thickness with this one.
Well that’s all for now dolls. Stay tuned shortly for a quick makeup haul, I’m running to Ulta to pick up a few things and I received a few things in the mail today. Until then remember save a spoon for a bit of lipstick.
Smokey Pink Shadow Face of the Day Hey doll hey!!!! Hope you are having a great day. I woke up early but had a world of trouble with my makeup today....
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episodes-ff · 6 years
42. Girls Need Love
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Biting my lip, I stared at her cocoa enriched skin, admiring all the curves and dimples, every stretch mark and dark spot that aligned her character until I viewed her equally beautiful face. This gone be my wife one day. “Baby, why you staring at me like that?” She smiled laying on the bed with me as she used her remote to scroll through her Netflix account. “You just look beautiful is all.” Blushing, she kissed my lap and stroked my goatee as we got comfortable. Letting the opening credits of Belly consume her, I pictured a movie of my own.
Sitting up in my section with my crew, I scoped the spot out for enemies in the area when she caught my eye. Bad little dark skin with this crazy blue hair; shit was dope. Nodding my head, I watched as one of my niggas approached shawty and put in a good word for me. She looked from her drink and almost had me stuck. Almost. Watching her walk over to me, I bit my lip and acted cool.
“Aye, my mans, this is Tiara. Tiara, this is my boy, Dustin.” “Nice to meet you.” She blushed. “My pleasure, baby girl.” Chilling up in VIP with shawty, I stayed scoping out the joint when I noticed some niggas moving shifty by the bar. Watching them try and make they way to our section, I steadily moved my pistol from my pocket and waited for shit to pop off. Seeing one of them wink at me, I tackled Tiara to the ground and started blasting as a shoot out started. Once the smoke cleared and we got the two guys, I looked down at Tiara and saw her crying. “Aye, you ok, baby girl?” Nodding frantically, she pointed over at my homie Sly as he held his chest and breathed harshly from the gunshot wound he sustained throughout the battle. “Aye, man. Just breathe. We getting you some help, aight?” “Tell my mama... I love... her.”
Hopping up, Tiara looked at me strangely as I sat there sweating. “You ok, baby?” “Yea, it was just a dream. Come here.” Pulling her next to me, I kissed her deeply as smiled and tossed her popcorn, completely disregarding the movie.
Kissing on Tati’s stomach as she rubbed my scalp, I smiled as we waited for the nurse to call her back. This week has definitely been a busy and stressful one. We had Mimi and AJ’s appointments and physicals to see how they’re doing mentally and physically for the school year. Mimi’s came back perfectly fine, no signs of any disorders, and Anthony Jr. came back healthy too. Even his outbursts have been at a minimum, so his doctor has suggested that he stay on his medication because it’s working just fine for him. Now it’s time to see about this possible little one baking away. Tati is scared as hell cause she bout to start college and I won’t lie, I am too but I know she is strong and we can weather the storms together. “Mr. and Mrs. Frederick?”
Getting up, we trekked to the back and Tati got situated on the examination table ready to face her fate. Waiting her OB/Gyn come into the room, we greeted her and let her do the exam. “Ok, from what I understand, you took a pregnancy test?” “Yes, and it came back positive but I’m on birth control so we’re checking to see if it was a false positive and any other possible dangers.” “Ok, I’m gonna have you take urine sample as well as a blood test and we’ll go from there. Easy?” “Yes ma’am.” Doing both her tests, her doctor tested them and had us come to her office to see the results.
“Ok. I tested your blood first to get that definitive answer out of the way and it came back negative so you are not pregnant.” “So, why did the test say otherwise?” “Well, when I looked at your urine sample, I noticed a milky consistency, so I sent it to the lab and they tested it. The results conclude that you are not pregnant but you do have two very large ovarian cysts that will need to be removed or they could turn cancerous.” Looking over at her, I wiped her tears and kissed her gently as she nodded. “When can we schedule a surgery appointment?” “Two weeks. The procedure is a bit painful but once they’re out, you’ll feel perfectly fine. As for the nausea, we also tested you and saw that you have a mild stomach virus so we will be giving you some medicine for that as well.” “Thank you.” “Anytime.”
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Walking into the cafeteria with my homies, we got in line and grabbed our plates as we goofed around and chopped it up. Grabbing my tray, I went to go sit with the boys when I noticed Sincere at a table by herself. Looking back at the guys, they nodded they approval and I made my way over to her. Sitting in front of her, I noticed her reading as she ate her food and smiled. “Hey, you.” Looking up, she almost choked on her food and sat her book down. “Oh my gosh, where are my manners? Hey.” “So what you reading?” “Milk and Honey. It’s a poetry book.” “I know what it is. I read it over the summer, really good book.” “You read?” “Yea I read. I’m not as dense as I look.” “I like that.” She smiled as I got warm all over.
Walking her to class, we laughed and joked around as she twirled her hair. “So what you got going on this weekend?” “Probably gonna cozy up to some Netflix and have a scary movie marathon at home.” “By yourself?” “Yea, why?” “Nah, I can’t let you do that.” I said earning a giggle from her. “And why not?” “You a Queen. You should be showing off, having a night out on the town.” “I don’t know about all that.” “What about this. How about you come with me to Café Dolce, I promise you’ll love it. If you don’t, you get to choose the location for our next date.” “Date? You’re asking me on a date?” “Of course. You’re beautiful, smart, kind, you’re everything a guy could ask for.” Kissing her cheek, she blushed and held my hand. “Of course I’ll go out with you.” Biting my lip, we walked into class and took our seats.
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I didn’t die in the Outback!
Lots of surviving to get to the thriving 
Hello! So the day before I left for this trip I had my third field trip and we went to the wildlife sanctuary to do our ropes course. It was really cool because we learned to clip ourselves into each part of the course so we were free to go on without guides and then we were up in the trees doing ziplines and rickety ass swing steps and stuff. The coolest part was a long zipline over the kangaroos and crocodiles in the park. 
Okay so Kelsey and I honestly had no idea what the itinerary for the Outback trip was because #fuckStudentFlights but we had the general info we needed. So Friday morning we were up at 3 am to go to the airport and take a 6 AM flight to Sydney then flew to Ayer’s Rock airport. We got off the plane in Ayer’s Rock and it was Africa hot. We found our tour group and got on the bus and everyone looked like death and I was like okay great start! (Found out later they had been driving for hours and were up at 4:30). We got to the Cultural Center and started to realize they aren’t kidding when they say the outback is the land of 10 billion flies. Back on the bus and we get to know our tour guide, Tahnee. She’s maybe 24 years old and Australian. She is so cool and fun and has been a tour guide for this company for a year and a half but wants to do something new so is just picking up and moving to Cambodia to tour guide. But we were her last tour and so she said “Guys I’m gonna change up the itinerary a little bit to make it as awesome as possible for you and me. Just trust me.” So I’m like okay Tahnee let’s go girl. We had 23 people in our bus and everyone was awesome. Two from Australia (including Tahnee’s best friend Mel who came for her last tour), some Swiss, Italian, German, Danish, British, Chinese, and Kelsey and me from the US. 
So our first hike on Friday was in the middle of the day and it was HOT. Also Kelsey and I had been up for a long time so it was rough. We hiked at Uluru, which is a sacred spot for the Aboriginal people. However, tourists always choose to climb it despite all the signs asking them not to. It is offensive to the Aboriginal people, destroys the rock, and ruins the surrounding ecosystem. It’s very steep and people were dying falling off so part of it has a chain people can hang onto even though they don’t want people climbing. But in an effort to get people to stop, the nearest help that will come get you is several hours away. But good news!! I just found out today that climbing will officially be banned at Uluru in two years! So then on our hike we saw the men’s and women’s caves and heard Aboriginal legends. Then Kelsey and I survived a sandstorm no biggie then this girl Julia just faints. And we were like ah shit here we go dehydration why you do this. She was okay but like honestly I was close to faking fainting so this hike would stop. Thanks for taking one for the team Julia! 
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Then we drove to watch the sun set on Uluru from another spot and our tour group had bought booze before they picked us up from the airport so Tati and Flo (the most wonderful German couple ever) gave me some white wine. But since we hadn’t eaten in 7 hours and I was dehydrated I was like woah am I drunk? I kinda was.  
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Sunset at Uluru
Then we went to our campsite and everyone ate chicken stirfry like animals cause we were ravenous then we set up our swags. So turns out a swag is not what I posted earlier. It’s basically a boxy sleeping bag with a little pad mattress inside and a sleeping bag goes into it and you zip yourself into it. Your head is exposed and Kelsey and I were like so if something comes out of the grass right there and kills us, we’re already zipped into our body bags so it will be convenient to get us out of here! Also the campsite over was having a rager and as I was trying to fall asleep on the ground, under the beautiful Milky Way galaxy, in the outback, preparing to get eaten by dingos, listening to Nelly’s ‘Hot in Herre’, I was just like “What is my life right now?” 
The next morning we were up at 3:45 AM for the sunrise but it was okay because Tahnee had her speaker on to wake us up and I woke up under the stars to ‘Here comes the sun’. Much better than my iphone alarm. We went to a spot where you can see Uluru and Kata Tjata (pronounced Kat-ah Jar-a) and I got some beautiful photos
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Then we went to our hike at Kata Tjata and it was a lot better because we did it in the morning despite it being harder terrain. You had to really watch your footing and at one part it was basically an 80 degree incline wall you had to just run up and we all did it then turned around and saw a 70ish year old women take it like a champ and I was like oh cool same. But again the gain was worth the pain. 
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After our hike, we lowkey were stranded on the road for like two hours cause we were waiting on someone to meet up with us and give us more fuel. We got some oranges and I was like SWEET MANNA FROM HEAVEN. 
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Then we stopped at a pool and swam and ate lunch then were back on the road to go to our campsite cause it was about a 5 hour drive. On the way, Tahnee pulled over once for us to look at a salt lake: 
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And another time to collect firewood. So she pulls over and again we are in bumfuck middle of the desert and she goes “Okay so we’re gonna grab some firewood. Here’s what you do if you see a snake and it looks like it’s gonna attack. (tells us). Okay let’s go.”
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Kelsey and I looked at each other and just burst out laughing like okay what. But yeah we did it anyways cause ya know we needed firewood but this was my reaction to the snake warning 
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That night we learned to make damper, which is Australian bread with no set recipe, learned a fun Australian song and dance, and then Tahnee told us about the next day’s hike. So she says it’s at King’s Canyon and we’re gonna get to the top of it for sunrise so we’re getting up at 3AM again and I’m like yeah old news. Then she said she can’t let us go if we don’t have at least 3 liters of water because people straight up die of dehydration and she can lose her job if a ranger sees we aren’t drinking enough. It’s about a 3.5 hour hike and the second half has no shade. Then she says we have to stay at least 2 meters from the edge of the canyon at all times because the rock is really weak and people die all the time because they fall into the canyon and help can’t come for like 12 hours. Finally, she says to get to the top of King’s canyon, we have to climb Heart Attack hill...there’s a defibrillator at the top. Wow thanks Tahnee!! So excited for tomorrow!!! But she really has to tell everyone those things because it can be really dangerous and she would feel awful if anything happened to us. That night I fell asleep under the most beautiful sky again, saw 2 shooting stars, and listened to her friend play acoustic guitar. 
The next morning, we climbed Heart Attack hill. In the dark. The rest of the hike seemed like a breeze even though it was rough terrain. But of course Tahnee was right, the view of sunrise at the top of King’s canyon was worth it. 
Gotta risk it to get the biscuit!
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Inside the Garden of Eden (bottom of the Canyon)
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When we were finished, it was only 8:30 AM and after some more driving, we arrived at our lunch spot where we saw more warning signs about snakes. Everywhere we went were warning signs about dehydration, dingos, snakes, bees coming out of faucets?, and other scary shit. Along the drive I saw some wild horses and then we went to a camel farm!! So the government pays people to kill camels but this guy brings them to his farm and they give people a one minute ride maybe once a week so they’re in a much better space. He also rehabilitates wild kangaroos that have been hit by cars then releases them back into the wild. Weirdly, this place sells camel burgers and I was like ummmmmm...guess I’ll just ignore that?
Camels are really tall!
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With hiking and driving, we covered about 932 miles this weekend. That night we went to our hostels in Alice Springs. The tour was technically over, but Tahnee invited us out to dinner to say goodbye. I really liked everyone in my tour group and we all added each other on Facebook so I’m like haha let me stay at your houses when I visit please! Overall, the outback definitely kicked our asses but everything was so worth it. 10/10 would recommend. 
Signing off xoxo
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calumonoxide · 7 years
Do you not have any nicknames?
Taty, Thee-Thee, Bertier , Slim, tater tot, Milky Way (i dont wanna explain), My brother calls me hard spaghetti
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getthrawnin · 5 years
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Well, let’s not neglect this. Some fan art created by the artists: @pandacapuccino @zyralynn @backtothe80scolors
Manips were created by my crew. If you dislike them, do not come at me about them. I do not care.
And I don’t care about what you think about the SHIP... http://thrawnxsabine.wordpress.com exists for our fanfics: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/ThrawnXSabine
Facebook page: http://facebook.com/thrawnxsabine Fans open to this SHIP are always welcome at our sites.
Naysayers, buy something before hate posting us at http://bit.ly/BlueMando
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