andean-deer · 2 years
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Feline Bowl from the 14th - early 16th century made during the time of the Inka Empire (Tawantinsuyu).
[image description: a square-ish bowl with a carved cat head sticking out of one end and a tail sticking out of the other. On the bottom of the bowl are stubby paws. End ID]
@citruscity added your ID to the original, thank you!
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arthurdrakoni · 10 months
Flag of the Inca Empire
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This is the flag of the Inca Empire. It comes from a world where the Inca were able to defeat Pizarro and his troops, and resisted Spanish conquest. The naturally mountainous terrain of the Andes helped give the Inca a considerable boost in self-defense against other European powers. The Inca played the various European powers off of each other to preserve their independence. The Inca initially considered a policy of isolationism, but this would prove untenable. Though, initially, the Inca limited their interactions with the Europeans as much as possible. 
As time went on, the Inca began to study and replicate European technology and ideas. The first major change being the introduction of gunpowder weaponry, and the establishment of permeant standing army. The Inca also established a formal written language; with its alphabet largely based on the Latin Alphabet, but with some unique flourishes. The Inca had been ravaged by smallpox, and other Europeans diseases, though not quite to the extent they were in our world. Naturally, the Inca sought out the vaccine for smallpox as soon as it became available in the 18th Century.  The 19th Century saw the next major wave of reforms. The Incan government reformed into a parliamentary democracy, with limits set on the Sapa Inca’s powers. The first stages of industrialization also began at this time. The Inca adopted Western styles of clothing, but mixed in their own designs and color choices. Indeed, to this day, the Incan clothing is known for its unique mix of Western and Indigenous designs. However, more traditional style clothing can be found at important events, such as major religious festivals, or the crowning of a new Sapa Inca.   Today, the Inca Empire is a prosperous modern nation. Cusco, the nation capital, is a true global city. It is home to several universities, museums and art galleries, restaurants, and temples that are the envy of the world. The Quechua people are the largest ethnic group within the empire. However, the empire is home to many other ethnic groups including, among others, Aymara, Mapuche, Wayuu, Het, Polynesians, and even Amazonian tribes. The Inca Empire also receives many immigrants from around the world.   Incan citizens enjoy a very generous social safety net. Government-funded healthcare is provided to all citizens, though private insurance also exists. The Department of Employment provides jobs to all citizens who find themselves unemployed. In the event that a citizen cannot fulfill any available jobs, they are instead given a welfare payment until new jobs become available. The Department of Culture helps provide funding for the arts. Some citizens, of course, cannot attend performances of the arts due to their financial circumstances. In this case, they can apply for free vouchers from the Department of Culture. This all means that most Inca citizens have fairly high taxes, but most consider the trade-off worth it.   The flag includes a stylized depiction of the sun god Inti. The Inca still largely follow their traditional religion; though secularism is on the rise. The blue symbolizes how the same blue sky stretches over all parts of the empire. In the corners of the flag are four chakana; a common geometric shape found in art across various Andes Civilizations. They are in the four corners of the flag in reference to the Inca Empire’s official name, Tawantinsuyu, which means Land of the Four Corners.
Link to the original flag on my blog: https://drakoniandgriffalco.blogspot.com/2022/04/flag-of-inca-empire.html?m=0
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andeanbeauties · 1 year
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Magaly Solier behind the scenes of the short film, “Ñusta Huillac: La Tirana”
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hymnoftheinca · 2 years
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I’ve been spending most of this last week adding little details for the demo. Above are some examples of the Research entries for the main trio and Tawantinsuyu. These aren’t final, of course, as you can see there are many inconsistencies. These will be fixed later on.
I’m also adding in the tutorials (in the Research tab; they aren’t forced on the player), double checking items and enemy drops, balancing the first and second bosses.
I appreciate the new followers! Thank you so much for joining the journey!
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shamanflavio · 29 days
Another way to Create Your Reality
One of the definitions for the word: “Realization” is, “the fulfillment or achievement of something desired or anticipated”. This was a word that took a little time for me to reclassify within my vocabulary while I was pursuing my degree in mysticism. It makes so much sense though, to realize is to literally make something “real”, at least in the sense of the word as we understand it. It’s to…
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forzov3rwatch · 9 months
afuck it i’m subjecting everyone on tungle dot net to my fucking simmering rage I went to an exhibition at a local museum about the Maya, featuring a fuck ton of artifacts, replicas of some artifacts so people could touch and feel, and a few interactive displays about the Mayan calendar, language, and a display showing currently-spoken Mayan languages. I can’t explain how fucking upset it made me on the inside. I am gonna clarify now, I am not any flavor of indigenous to the Americas- Dad was Central Asian, Mom was Latin American with the family likely by way of Spain. But, oh my gods, fuck the Spaniards and every single one of the motherfuckers who came afterwards. I always quietly detested the shit Europeans and their nation-offspring pulled on the indigenous Americans from Spanish contact to present day but fucking hell. Seeing the shit that was preserved made me wonder how much shit was picked clean between the Valle de Mexico and Chile from the big 3 pre-Columbian societies (Aztec/Aztecah, Maya/Winik, Inca/Tawantinsuyu) and just... the shit that was fucking taken, burned, completely destroyed. It’s a fucking miracle Mayan languages and Quechua are spoken widely, hell I don’t think Nahuatl was as lucky but at least there are ~2 million speakers left. Which is, comparably to say, Spanish, a drop in the fucking bucket. The shit we lost, man. Fuck. 500 years ago someone said “Fuck it, ours now” and torched a continent for all the shit they could carry back home and unknowingly brought along a chemical weapon to speed it up. I dare you to honestly fucking look at where we are and tell me we got a damn thing out of this. Fucking hell. Thank the gods we can scratch at the goddamn surface of any of the fucking cultures the Europeans trampled on first, and the post-colonial states carried on. I’m fucking pissed now. If anyone’s going down to hell any time soon tell Cortes, Pizarro, and Columbus I’m gonna beat them with a spiked bat. Fuck it, throw Verazzano in there too. And Hudson. Fuck it, Cartier too. Fuck ‘em all. Vespucci too. I’m fuckin mad as shit now. Fuck, man. One fucking day I hope every fucking country in America (fuck you I’m counting it as one continent) wakes up and realizes that we fucked up so fucking irreparably there ain’t a damn thing we can fucking do. Fuckin’, land back isn’t even enough anymore. We stole so fucking much that we can never give back.
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jimenaasblog · 2 years
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Unforgettable ☀️
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manessha545 · 6 days
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Statue of Pachacutec, Aguas Calientes, Peru: Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui, also called Pachacútec (Quechua: Pachakutiy Inka Yupanki), was the ninth Sapa Inca (before 1438 – 1471) of the Kingdom of Cusco which he transformed into the Inca Empire (Quechua: Tawantinsuyu). Most archaeologists now believe that the famous Inca site of Machu Picchu was built as an estate for Pachacuti. Wikipedia
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elbiotipo · 5 months
Viajaste de 2023 al Buenos Aires Biopunk de 2143? Uy, que garrón. Dejá que yo te guío, no te preocupes.
Esa cosa que ves en todos los souvenirs? Es la Torre del Tricentenario. Es como una torre de biocristal en forma de hebra de ADN montada en el Río de La Plata, un kilómetro de alto tiene. La más alta de Sudamérica. Bueno, aparte del ascensor espacial de los brasileros.
Toda esa gente rara? No seas malo. Ah, vos decís las escamas, las plumas, las colas? Sí, ponele que es medio como los tatuajes en tu época. Es la moda. Bueno, vas a ver más que nada a la gente vieja que quedó del biopunk original, y algunos pibes de ahora con eso, a mucha gente no le gusta joder con esas cosas ahora. Que es biopunk? A ver, como te explico...
Sí, casi todo el centro es peatonal. No hay tantos autos. Ah, esos coatíes? Las cotorras y los carayá? Son personas, moreaus, animales con inteligencia por modificación genética. No les vayas a decir animales. Son ciudadanos de la Confederación, chamigo. Sí, el delfín también.
Confederación? La Confederación Argentina, obvio? Ah, a ver, como te explico. Bueno, por allá por los 80, cuando reprimieron la comuna porteña, el Buenos Aires carmesí, la gobernadora Alegre... che, estás escuchando?
Obvio que se vende Guaraná Antártica por todos lados. La Coca Cola? No la hacen más desde el Ecocidio. Creo que hay una fábrica que quedó en Córdoba, pero no sé si es el mismo gusto...
No, no es gendarme, es GENEdarme, porque están con todo el tema de la genética viste. No les digas Robocop. Son los del SENA. Servicio Ecológico Nacional Argentino. No, a los perros no les gusta que les acaricien, te lo van a decir. Sí, también son ciudadanos. Sí, son bien yuta.
Esas lianas y los árboles están para decoración y para las cotorras, sí, pero también limpian el aire de patógenos. Tranqui, vos estás en área segura. Buenos Aires es una de las ciudades más seguras del planeta.
Igual, por las dudas, comprate un barbijo. Tomá, 20 australes te deben alcanzar, no?
La UBA? Que, un vino? Ah, la UNBA. Sí, mirá, en los 80,
Esos bichos son las langostas del SENA. Y son como mitad helicóptero, mitad bicho. Claro, claro, algo así como los del Half Life! Juegazo. Salió la parte 5 hace poco, sabías?
Era todo avenida esto, podés creer? Mirá lo que es el Parque 9 de Julio ahora. Acá están todos los biopunks, bueno, para los turistas. Uy, mirá, mirá, los coatíes están haciendo una coreo! Dejales un par de australes.
Había un McDonalds en el Obelisco? Ah, como en las pelis viejas? No, no existe más eso.
El grafiti? Sí, son Evita y CFK. Las otras dos? La Dra. Alegre, obvio, y la del casco es Valeria Martínez, primer argentina en el espacio. El Dibu? Ah, me parece que es la nieta che.
La bandera esa es del Tawantinsuyu. Unión Andina, si no te sale el nombre. No, no son los incas, bueno, tienen esa onda... a ver, antes eran Perú y Bolivia. Son de izquierda, me parece. Sí, los equipos de fútbol siguen existiendo.
Independiente no gana nada desde el siglo pasado, pero creen que esta vez sí. Cuantas copas tenemos? A ver, si contamos el mundial de Cataluña, s-MIRÁ EL YACARÉ, siempre quise tener uno de mascota!
No, no podemos ir a Boulogne. No existe más.
No me importa si tu casa estaba ahí. Mirá, ya sé que lo de las "áreas restrictas" parece de película, pero en serio, no vayas.
Ah, no, está bien si le decís Capital, muchos se confunden. La nueva está en el sur. Sí, antes era Viedma, como sabías? Manejas toda la data vos, eh?
De que laburo? Ah, yo hago hormonas para mantener el sistema de lianas municipal. Sí, está bueno. Mi novia estudia astrobiología. A ver, si te digo que encontramos aliens te vas a desmayar también? Jajaja. No, es joda, joda. Pero sí. Los encontramos. No, están, como a 1000 años luz, no te preocupes. Bueno, dicen que en Titán...
Bueno che, te dejo que descanses acá. Este es uno de los mejores árboles de la ciudad, ombú bien pampeano y seguro, vos tranquilo. Lo atiende un par de cotorras super buena onda. Deciles que te canten algo de tu época, tipo los Wachiturros, por ahí te agarra la nostalgia.
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turbofanatic · 1 year
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Bunch of concepts for one of the TankEater characters. HER NAME IS NYF AND SHE’S COOL.
She was a Tawantinsuyu (AKA, the Inca empire) soldier who was captured in one of the permanent scuffles in the amazon basin involving both Tawantinsuyu, the North Emericans, and other groups. As is common, the North Emerican empire converted her with the sleepwalker cyborg system as an elite soldier, because she already had plenty of training and knew her former comrades well.
This is why the soldiers tend to shoot themselves in the head before being captured, but she was knocked unconscious soooo... yeah.
Because of the brain surgery that makes them sleepwalkers, dyslexia and other language difficulties are common in them, so “culturally” if they get freed they tend to take extremely simple names. Generally they still remember who they were but they’re really not the same. The new name helps some of them move on.
Top: She’s got a big plate in her head, for tuning the brain interface. Also metal teeth because they all got knocked out at one point. Plus a few hardpoints and the designation tattoos.
Bottom Left: First pass at cyborg armor. Did I mention she has a pair of parasitic arms on her back hardpoint?
Bottom Right: Early thoughts on parasite arms. Decided to just go with two arms with bone-lengthening surgery. These are too complex.
If perchance the Dissimilar Combat Training arc were to happen... perhaps she and Dex will fall in love... world’s scariest couple...
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andean-deer · 2 years
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"He who seeks to count the stars before he can count the scores and knots of the quipus deserves derision." - Garcilaso de La Vega, Royal Commentaries of the Incas
(different edition published in 1966 [originally published in 1609-1617 in Lisbon, Portugal]: quote found on page 397)
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Tupicocha by Rumbos del Peru
[image description: presidents of the ten ayllus of tupicocha, huarochirí. consisting of both men and women. they wear quipus that cascade over their chest. when they go to important meetings, the quipus are a sign of their status among the ayllus. end ID]
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historical-schemata · 3 months
The Incan Technosphere
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“In the techno-sphere of the Andes people solved basic engineering problems through the manipulation of fibers, not by creating and joining hard wooden or metal objects. To make boats, Andean Cultures wove together reeds rather than cutting trees into planks and nailing them together. Although smaller than big European ships, these vessels were not puddle-mufflers; Europeans first encountered Tawantinsuyu in the form of an Inka ship sailing near the equator… it had a crew of twenty and was easily the size of a Spanish cavaralle. Famously the Inka used foot thick cables to make suspension bridges across the mountain gorges. And although Andean troops carried bows, javelins, maces, and clubs, their most fearsome weapon, the sling, was made of cloth. A sling is a woven pouch attached to two strings. The slinger puts a stone or slug in the pouch, picks up the strings by the free ends, spins them around a few times, and releases one of the strings at the proper moment. Expert users could hurl a stone with such force that it would kill a horse.” - 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
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wymanthewalrus · 18 hours
Reading more about the Spanish arrival in the Andes and honestly? I firmly believe that if just a couple minor things had transpired differently, the Spanish never would have been able to conquer the Tawantinsuyu.
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hymnoftheinca · 1 year
I finished making the base maps for the Maras Salt Mines.
I'm still torn on the mechanics of the dungeon, heavily inspired by Lann Island in Lunar SSSC, but with the aesthetic of something ethereal, I wanted to use damage tiles. My original idea was for the pools to have different effects based on the color but they are easily avoidable if one so chooses. I think I will go with damage tiles with chests in the pools.. But I really want to think about it and make something unique.
The area is devoid of plants and such so I am also struggling to add detail outside the ethereal mood. Its 5 or 6 screens of maps with looping branches and some one offs that lead to good loot as well as an area for the Camping mechanic where you can Cook and check with your party about recent events and heal up.
What to do... Wanting to make a fun experience is difficult. I was leaning towards heavy accuracy (as much as one can) but I dont want that to hinder the experience.
Maybe keeping it simple is okay for now.
I'll update again next week! If you have any opinions or ideas feel free to send an Ask!
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ascendandt · 1 month
im pretty sure its confirmed that majoras mask took inspiration from marajoara art and culture, but the layout of termina map reminds me somewhat of the inca empires tawantinsuyu system. i wonder if thats intentional
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eileenleahy · 1 year
i hate how historical non-european figures' titles get changed to eurocentric ones. like atahualpa wasnt the "king" or "emperor" of tawantinsuyu he was the sapa inca. it may not seem like a big deal and its not so much but. its like calling olaf scholz the president of germany. functionally very similar but extraordinarily incorrect to call him that. if you're just saying the sapa inca is LIKE an emperor for clarification thats perfectly fine who cares. but applying european terminology to non-european will always be annoying and wrong
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