koujaaku · 2 years
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Codextober Day 23: Genetic
“My child. I should have known. You have your father's eyes.”
Altaïr meeting Malik’s son, as mentioned in the novel The Secret Crusade.
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ilmiyyat1453 · 9 months
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Bir kişinin tekfir edilmesi başka, günahkâr olması başkadır. Kavramlara dikkat etmek elzemdir.
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mocosa-media · 2 years
Altair and Tazim like to take walks after they have dinner together. It becomes a thing.
For Tazim, it’s tradition. Even before Altair joined on these after dinner walks, Tazim still had them. He had them before officially meeting Altair and he continues to have them after. It’s something Tazim did with a friend, long before any adult or assassin responsibilities settled. A walk after dinner is tradition.
When Altair joins him, Tazim is softly welcomed into stories of Altair’s youth as an assassin. Recalling the good as well as the bad, and stories of Tazim’s father. 
The first time this happens, Tazim nearly comes to tears. Especially when Altair grabs his shoulder in a very fatherly way. Tazim totally sheds tears when he’s alone. But after that, he waits patiently for Altair to finish his dinner so they can have their afternoon walks. On days he’s specially tired, Altair is always offered an arm to hold and together he and Tazim recall similarities and differences of their lives as assassins. They even compare their friends and the shenanigans they got into. 
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derdiderun · 2 years
"Kendi mukaddesatımıza hürmeti yitirdik. Kendi mukaddesatına hürmet etmeyen bir topluluk, kendi değerlerine sahip çıkmayan, bunları önemsemeyen bir topluluğun inancına bir başkası saygı gösterir mi!?"
Mahmud Eren Hocaefendi
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gramnel · 6 months
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
Assassin's reactions to you trying to learn their native language?
Sure thing!
He’s standing in the doorway when he hears you practicing some words in Arabic. He does commend your efforts for learning but let the master show you how. He is a patient tutor, and he thinks it’s cute when you learn ‘habibi’
I know he speaks English but he is from Wales
If you speak Welsh, it feels like “coming home” for him. A familiar feeling that he feels comfortable with, you two carrying on full conversations in Welsh sometimes.
Kinda same thing for Shay
Speaking Irish Gaeilge/Gaelic is a “safe, familiar” feeling for him, and he’s more than eager to help teach you if you’re curious.
Learning Turkish in your spare time is an endeavor but he’s so sweet about it, commending you for learning a new language and eagerly sets aside time for study lessons
He’s so flattered you’re learning Italian and he’s more into it than you are in trying to learn. But he’s also the super flirty one trying to teach you all the affectionate terms
You’ve always been curious about him and figured a good way to know about him is to study his language. He heard you practicing one day when he comes to the Homestead, and swears his heart started to flutter. Sure he says he’s just trying to help, as if he’s not looking for a way to be closer to you.
aya and bayek
You a new recruit from a different region, and you knew said Founders were adamant about having skills. That being said, Aya commends you for learning the Egyptian dialect and Bayek is such a patient teacher.
He’s going all in when you’re starting to learn French, thinking it sounds so cute when you’re trying to pronounce words and yes, teaches you the flirty ones first
It’s nice to have such an accomplished tutor with Kassandra, and learning Greek just seems more fun when she teaches you. That and the other hundreds of dialects shes picked up over the centuries
Learning Nordic is not easy but whenever Eivor teaches you, it just sounds more melodic with how smooth their voice is you get lost in it
I’d like to think he’d take a more direct approach in teaching you Arabic, dropping a few dialects he’s picked up in Baghdad or in the House of Knowledge.
If you speak a different language around Jacob and Evie, I’d imagine they would be curious about learning a new dialect and would even drop a few new learned words around you
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@ibnnlahad mentioned looking for this so this is for you. Not my art but this is still funny as hell.
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aauditoree · 8 months
This is just Yusuf and Ezio in a modern AU
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febwarry24 · 2 months
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howtotrainabraincell · 2 months
Head cannons bc I can - What kinds affectionate the different assassins would be - Part 2
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Evie Frye - The Enduring Lover. Personal head cannon that she gives hand kisses whether it be the back of your hand or the palm, and she loves to hold hands while reading books. I see footsies being a thing too, like if you can't hold hands but you're sitting down to work with her you two are wrapped together at the legs under the table. She would be more serious about teaching self-defense genuinely wanting you to learn from it and be able to protect yourself, but there would be sweet smiles of encouragement and pride here and there, soft touches to correct your posture and stance, and a surprise kiss here and there. Speaking of surprise kisses... she will totally pin you down and smooch you. 100%. Brushing her hair will be routine because who can look at the gorgeous hair she has and not want to run their fingers through it, brush it, braid it, and style it? Her love will definitely be playing with her hair and doing her braids for her, and she loves it (especially if you give her head a little massage during lol). I see her adopting a cat specifically a wispy blue-eyed baby maine coon! Somewhere along the line maybe a dog - a small one for lap cuddles alongside a big intimidating one to protect you (she seems like the kind of woman to be into dogs that look like children of satan himself but are actual babies) such as a Belgian Malinois or a Doberman. Feel like she would feel a little better leaving you with a dog that is dedicated to protecting you (and do those dogs LOOOOVVEEE her bc she's Evie and all of the interesting smells she brings home). Flowers are a definite way in which Ms. Frye would woo her love. She brings many of them to you whether they have meaning or they're just beautiful. She carries pressed flowers from you inside a handkerchief (one that you made her as a token of your favor) hidden in her coat, resting just above her heart. The first thing she wants to do after kicking bahookie in Fight Club is find you and hug you tightly. It's for both of you really - her to let you know that she's safe and to receive comfort from your embrace, and you to check her over any injuries she has and fuss over her and how great she did in the ring (which she LOVES might I add). After a long day she'll want nothing more than to just plop right into your arms - and if she doesn't conk out first (poor thing) - she'' wrap her arms around your waist and rest her head against your stomach. I see her having a girlfriend that does her nails via filing them in a way so that they're sharp AF this helps her out (not that she needs it lol woman's a menace) against Templars, Blighters, and goons in Fight Club bc everything's allowed - she legit breaks bones for crying out loud so ofc she claws people's faces off too. Have a feeling that she has a secret sweet tooth so if you baked for her, you're going to get a kiss on the cheek as she munches away with a major blush coating her freckle speckled cheeks. She will box Jacob's ears if he tries to sneak off with some of the snacks you made her and tell me why I'm at.least 93% certain that she keeps some of the things you bake for her in a handkerchief in her coat. Would totally recommend books to you, share them and bring them to you so you two could have your own little book club together haha. She is a devoted lover and although shy when it comes to showing and verbally expressing her love, have no doubt that it's there. She loves you very much and hopes that despite the kind of life you two lead, you have many years together. Or if you choose not to be an assassin, she still hopes for the same just accompanied with a deep unspoken fear of her getting killed and leaving you alone. You two have the kind of bond where others are totally convinced that you'll both die on the same day. Rest assured that your love will be one that lasts throughout the ages.
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Malik Al-Sayf - The Restrained Lover. Will drape his robe over you to keep you warm, he hates to see you uncomfortable (and this ties into why he doesn't show you public affection). I have a feeling that he's only affectionate in private due to societal norms at the time throughout the late 12th and early 13th century. Will escort you through the market and help you choose things (idk why but I have a feeling that Malik is the stand there behind you in the candle aisle and sniff candles with you boyfriend lol). He'll keep you close on his arm and help you with your basket (one of the first clues that you had about him liking you back was that his fingers would reach up and brush yours, lingering when he holds it in the crook of his arm). He would teach you how to draw maps efficiently and also how to work out the geography that revolves around creating one. He would stand behind you real close hovering over you as he holds your hand and helps you make your first map...and every map there after lol. A certain Novice he knows is only a little taller than him so he's up there in height, with this being known he will stand in front of you with your head tilted back and his forehead pressed against yours as he looks into your eyes muttering sweet things in Arabic. You should SEE HIS FACE when you get him gifts! If you bring him a loaf of fresh baked bread, some new incense, or pick up some extra papyrus for him to make maps he will get redder than a chili pepper. He kisses your forehead quite often caressing your hair which is something he often does as well. You two can sit there in complete silence before you feel his fingers taking up a lock of your hair and twirling it around his finger, without even looking up from what he's doing. When he leaves for missions and you two are in front of people, he doesn't touch you, but he stands before you and bids you farewell in Arabic wishing "Safety and Peace" upon you. However, if you two are alone he'll kiss your cheeks - as is common among assassins - lingering with his lips against your skin (which makes you blush, and he does it on purpose). Once he sees the blush he'll chuckle and look around quickly before taking your waist in his hands and kissing you properly. You made it a habit of being alone when he has to go off on missions so you two can have a proper goodbye. Altair immediately knows lol and teases him to the ninth realm and back, which make Malik try (and fail) to shove him off his horse lol. He does have issues reminding himself not to touch you in public and you two have almost been caught embracing, standing too close or with his arms around your waist, but assassin reflexes come in handy. Malik remains restrained for the majority of your relationship (save for in private ofc) but he kind of has to while Al Mualim is alive, as love is thought to make assassins weak. When Altair takes over and changes a lot of things it takes him a while to get used to it, but he's happy that he can finally show his love for you in public. When this is the case, he'll take to hugging you and kissing your hands and head and speaking lovingly to you in the open. I think this man would have a garden. I really do. I think he would grow flowers in that garden that reminds him of you and when they're ready he would bring them to you. When you two have to hide your relationship, he'll press the flowers in books he gives you to read. But after he'll stand there and decorate your hair with them. He would definitely teach you Arabic and you'll get a kick out of the cute little blush he has when you call him Habibi for the first time. More of a serious lover but he does make sure to show you the affection you deserve (which is a lot bc this man is quite handsy in private lol). I think he would bring you tea and dates or oranges depending on what was available and you two just sit there and talk or hold hands in silence enjoying each other's company.
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Henry Green - The Selfless Lover. I think that this man drinks chai, tis a staple drink to this gorgeous man and once he introduces you to it and you like it? Consider drinking Chai together one of the many things you two share together. He loves it when you call him his real name Jayadeep and the grin on his face every time you do it is a mile wide. He always kisses the back of your hand when you two meet bowing slightly (which once you two become friends you wonder why he keeps that formal gesture, but he continues to bow out of respect for you). Has a little habit of pulling at his collar when you're near and when he looks at you while you're speaking it takes him a moment to respond. If you're looking at a book about botany and want to show him something he'll place one arm behind your back his hand resting on the surface next to you, while the other supports the book as you show him. You have noticed how his chest gently presses against your back and how his fingers brush yours when he holds the book, how close he stands and the way he leans down over your shoulder close to your face. He never tries anything ever the gentleman and you would never expect him to...he totally just gets closer to see the book properly! Will bring so many flowers you'll have your own literal garden, and every single flower will mean something. A thornless red rose after the medieval tradition to symbolize his pure and eternal love that will never wane. Forget me nots for his affection and loyalty to you. Daisies for the ability to keep a secret a little joke between you two about how you must keep the true nature of what you do - aka being assassin's - secret. He takes very good care of you, always asking how you are and if there's something you need. Imagine the blush on his face when you tell him that the only thing you need is his company, this poor man will look like a tomato lol. He's always there when you want to talk offering you something to drink beforehand and then he sits there, holding your hand and listening to you talk. Will call you endearing nicknames in Punjabi and say things that you don't understand. Though when you ask him what he's saying, he just smiles with a slight blush on his face and kisses your cheek sweetly. Always offers his arm when you two are walking together, him being closer to the street of course as he wouldn't want you in/near the road. In the end if you want to stay in England or go somewhere else, he'll follow you wherever you go (personally believe that he would love to travel with you, learning about new lands and cultures, exploring with you and making memories). The first thing he does at the end of the day is search for you and he invites you to read together or have tea/whatever your pleasure drink is, so you two can just relax together (and be alone but he won't admit that lol). This man will pretend to read his book, but he'll actually be peeking at you over the top to catch glimpses of your face. Will gush about you to his parents and his mother already loves you because you make her darling son happy, but his father is a little skeptical. The reason being that Arbaaz was angry to find out that his only son did not have the killer instinct of an assassin within him and turned out to be a peaceful intellectual instead, and he is now concerned that the love his son has for you may make him weak. The whole "love can make you weak vs love can make you strong" argument runs rampant in his mind. But when Arbaaz sees how serious his son is about you, he begins to have hope that Jayadeep's love for you will at least inspire a protective nature in his son. It does. He asks the Frye twins if they can brush him up on combat (he can fight from previous training but he's lil rusty) so he can be ready to kick the dumb out of anybody who tries to hurt you. He loves you and never wants it to come to a situation where he can't fight or kill to defend you (but then again, he doesn't really get into fights bc the majority of people like him lol he's a cinnamon roll)
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Yusuf Tazim - The Amusing Lover. This man will make.you.laugh allll the time. He has a wonderful sense of humor and considering that his favorite sound in the world is your voice and specifically your laughter? He'll do anything to bring a smile to your face and make you laugh. He is very sweet and would NEVER do anything to disrespect you but if someone else does? I have a feeling that this man goes from sweet to serial killer real quick lol. Something about him says to me that he goes feral when protecting his loved ones, so don't cross him or disrespect the one he loves. Calls you endearing names in Turkish his favorite being 'Sweetheart' because he thinks that you're very sweet both personality and otherwise... Head cannon that he got so nervous when he first met you because he thought that you were so beautiful he couldn't remember English, so he stood there introducing himself in Turkish and asking if he may have the honor of showing you around the city when you have some free time. You had no idea what he was saying but you couldn't deny that he was very cute, and it made you smile. While he is quite a good-natured comical man, he does have serious moments and is not afraid to wrap his arms around you and tell you how much he loves you. Cooking and especially baking with you is something that he loves to do because he has fond childhood memories of baking with his mother. Have a feeling that he's a family man and that he would LOVE to have big family. This man is MEANT to be a Papa (fight me I won't back off on this one lol). He cannot WAIT to have a handful of little bitties running around who call you Mama and him Baba. He would love to have daughters who he can play with (and teach about hair care bc have you seen his luxurious locks?) that look exactly like you. He loves to hold your hand and trace the lines of your palm almost as if he's trying to memorize every single detail, all while kissing the tips of your fingers. You tell him that this tickles of course but it makes you laugh so he doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon lol. He also loves to kiss you on the cheek always pulling away with a wide grin when he hears you giggle at the feeling of his beard against your skin. There are few feelings in the world that he thinks are better than holding you in his arms, waking up to see you asleep next to him, or the feeling of coming home to you and seeing you safe and happy. If.you.bake.for.him he will MARRY YOU. There is no asking (joking he 'll plan the most romantic proposal ever for sure) he'll literally just consider you his wife because he'll never want anyone else or their cooking. Playing with his hair, brushing it, braiding it and putting his head wrap(?) on for him are things that he will melt like butter over. He loves it. He loves how you kiss him all over his face and cling to him just as tightly as he does you when he hugs you. I personally think that he would looovveee it if you learned some Turkish lullabies and sang to him, whether it be while doing a minute task or just before bed. This man DEF gives the kind of hugs where he rushes to meet you and wraps his arms around you to spin you around. When you greet him at the end of the day, he jogs to you with a happy smile and kisses you sweetly. Will totally take your hands intertwining his fingers with yours as he moves your arms and hands slowly in a silly dancing motion as he asks about your day. Man gives a vibe of lowkey ADHD lol. Whenever he gets into a mischievous mood you can expect him to grab you by the hand and pull you in tow behind him, running through the markets either to cause a ruckus with the guards by trolling them from AFAR (he'd NEVER put you in intentional danger) and making them pin it on each other, or finding a secluded spot on the rooftops to watch the sunset/rise/stars in the sky. TELL ME that after all of the teasing and picking on Ezio that this man has done, that Ezio will hesitate for a SECOND to tease him right back about you and how whipped he is for you.
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thymelessink · 2 years
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Some Assassin's Creed sketches from last year.
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ilmiyyat1453 · 1 year
Abdullah bin Mübarek (radıyallâhu anh) buyuruyor ki: "Biz İmam Mâlik'in yanındaydık bize Resûlullah ﷺ'den hadisler aktarıyordu, bir akrep onu 16 kere iğneledi. Onun rengi değişti sarı oldu, hala da Hz. Peygamber ﷺ'in hadislerini bırakmadı. İnsanlar ayrıldıktan sonra ben dedim ki: "Ey İmam bugün sende acayip bir hal gördüm? dedim. "Evet" buyurdu, "Hz. Peygamber ﷺ'in hadislerine tazimen sabrettim."
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mocosa-media · 2 years
my AC1 rant
Okay but Malik had a son duh, Tazim. Yes, but imagine Tazim going to Masyaf as a mid-teen (like 16 or 17 whatever) right? Right, so he’s recruited easily because he’s a scrappy kid who knows how to fight dirty (note: dirty, not as an assassin yet) and the order’s standards have fallen since Altair left. Not much is done. I personally think of a frat house, lot’s of pretty buff looking dudes but only a small handful actually have brains while the rest just want to party. 
Anyway, Tazim who gains friendships and finds out about his father’s death the hard way. Through this all, Tazim keeps his background a secret. No one knows he is Malik’s son. He first came to Masyaf to find answers. He found them. Dead dad. Possibly revenge? No, he has lost any energy to do that because Abbas’ power seems ridiculously big. Tazim mourns for his father alone while still training in secret with his new friends.
Tazim gets cocky years later because he’s a pretty darn good fighter now. He still trains in secret but it’s sorta like an afterschool club. After his job at the stables, he goes to hangout at their hidden training grounds, etc. etc. He betrays his friends, but when he gains them back they give him a major ass kicking he absolutely deserved. 
They get their hidden blades. 
The gang have their own “bureau” which is just an abandoned home on the edged of the city where they hangout; It’s their clubhouse where they plan and drink and gossip. They are like 17-20 year olds come on. 
Abbas searches for another piece of Eden. Tazim and his gang join in on this race. Bad stuff happens. Death. Depression. Reminiscent to AC1 opening scene/mission. In turn, Tazim is sad (maybe hurt in a similar fashion as his father; history repeats itself) and it seems that the only reason he was staying in the brotherhood has died.
Tazim says, “Fuck the loyalists. Fuck Altair and fuck Abbas.” He hates everything and everyone so his ‘traitor’ begins to show. So much so that he’s sent to Abbas and when Abbas is like “Are you a traitor as so and so claims?” Tazim is like, “Fuck you, maybe. I miss my home.” (Home as in the OG old Masyaf of when Altair was there. 
Tazim is stripped of his title and sent back home. No- like he’s sent back to Jerusalem where he grew up. Inspiring things happen and he hears the rumors of Altair returning. He’s like “Not these bullshit rumors again.” 
But guess what? Not a rumor. 
He goes back! 
He is like “Yeah I gotta finish the shit I started and help an old man out.” so he does! When he goes back, his old crew is extremely happy and they give him all updated info. He’s like omg me too I have updated info, my dad is badass Malik and I have Altair behind me now too.
Yes, they all freak (in a good way)
They take over Masyaf again. All is well. Sorta. Okay thanks.
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marianaillust · 1 year
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Y is for Yusuf
From Assassin s Creed Revelations
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gramnel · 9 months
Can I request a lil sketch of your fave asscreed characters hanging out and drinking tea or something? 😀
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
more fluff 💞
a fluff headcanon companion piece to this Haytham request
Oh he’s pulling all the stops to impress you, night life in Florence and all over, the most romantic dates, and though he’s flirtatious, there’s a genuine feeling to it
Lets you take the helm of the Jackdaw sometimes, brings you along to his missions, tells you of life back home, long talks under the stars that light up the sea
Likes spending time with you by sneaking away to any of the pubs or rooftops
Watching the Northern Lights with you whenever they pass over because of how your face lights up in joy
You’ve taken riding trips with him sometimes and also found an oasis refuge
A bit of a shopping trip, canon or au, can turn your frown upside down
Very fond of taking nature walks with you, hunting trips, or tasting whatever delicious dishes you’ve concocted
He’ll want to take you all over Istanbul, admiring her night life and numerous shops to offer
Likes talking philosophy with you, training or admiring the views from the rooftops of Masyaf
She likes a good book/library date with you
There was a grotto spot you two stumbled across to get away from the more city life
A tragic romanticist that takes you along to see the Paris skyline, dates at the Cafe Theater or dancing under the chandeliers
He likes making you tea or recommending a book for you, maybe even cuddling you with a good book
She likes practicing archery with you, or just using it as an excuse to hold onto you 😉
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