#tbb oc kima
fritoley · 4 months
@klaotaku and I had some bad batch signature headcanons and I’m lowkey jealous cuz hers are so canon 😭😭😭
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My Crosshair one looks like the Cinderella signature at Disneyland I’m crying—
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klaotaku · 7 months
TBB S3 cross x oc idea
I don't care when but I need Kima to notice crosshair's shaking hands and holds it until it stops T-T
The fact she's been on mantis's longer and knows the torturous things that go down will just give them that chemistry
lmk if y'all want to know more about my oc with my ask me anything box
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fritoley · 6 months
Febuwhump 2024 - Day 20: Truth Serum
Fandom: The Bad Batch (Star Wars) Characters: Kima, Royce Hemlock, Emerie Karr Word Count: 665 Content Warning: Drug Use, S3 Spoilers Previous // Next Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist
Summary: Hemlock tries to unlock the secrets of his forgotten experiment.
Collaboration with @klaotaku
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“CT-9904 has been sedated, sir,” Emerie said, tapping the keys on her datapad. “Vitals are normal, but he is still resisting reeducation.”
Hemlock nodded. He glanced down at his gloved hand, stretching his fingers. “Not to worry, Emerie,” he said. “It’s only a matter of time before we break him, but until then…”
Hemlock glanced over his shoulder at Emerie. “How is Experiment Kappa?”
Emerie stopped, staring at Hemlock over the top of her datapad. “Doctor?”
“You heard me. Experiment Kappa.”
Emerie was taken aback. Hemlock hadn’t talked about Experiment Kappa since Setron, when his old lab was still in operation. After packing up and moving to Mount Tantiss, Emerie thought he had forgotten about it.
“Well,” Emerie sputtered, adjusting her glasses. “The specimen has been heavily drugged to subdue her… episodes. Studies continue to confirm a high M-count in her blood.”
Hemlock nodded. “Have you tested her samples against the other clones?”
“Not yet.”
Hemlock and Emerie stopped in front of the paristeel door as it whisked open. Inside lay a female prisoner with long raven hair flowing off the table and heavy bindings constricting her movement. Hemlock entered the cell, waving in the interrogation droid hovering behind the pair. As the droid began its prep work, Hemlock moved to the console and keyed a code, gaining access to the system. “There are still so many questions this woman’s species has raised,” he said. “And she doesn’t seem to want to tell us anything. So instead of haggling with her, let us sit back while she does all the talking.” 
Hemlock raised his hand, signaling to the interrogation droid. The droid floated toward the female, injecting a deep blue substance into her body. The female convulsed, her hands clenching into fists as her breathing quickened.
“Doctor?” Emerie started. “What are you—”
“It’s a formula I have been working on for quite some time,” Hemlock cut in. “Its main function is to slow the specimen’s prefrontal cortex, making it harder to perform complex tasks. One such example, Emerie, is lying.”
Emerie watched as the female writhed on the table. Hemlock crossed the area and leaned over her, whispering, “Who are you? What is your name?”
The interrogation droid chirped as it backed away, giving the specimen a moment to breathe. She screwed her eyes shut, grinding her teeth, a soft gasp escaping her lips. “Kim… Kima…”
“Very good, Kima,” Hemlock answered as a smile crept onto his face. “Now for the million credit question. You have quite the M-count, which leads me to believe that you — and your people — have a connection to, say, a certain Order?”
Kima’s chest heaved as she gasped for air. Her eyes opened, revealing pupils so dilated Hemlock couldn’t see her irises. Her mouth opened and closed, so dry she could barely speak. “I… I don’t—”
“Your answer will determine whether you live or die, Kima,” Hemlock said, his voice dripping with venom. He grabbed her face and forced her to look at him. “Answer the question. Are you a Jedi?!”
Kima immediately began sobbing. She tried pulling away, but the drug was already flowing through her veins, rendering her too weak to resist. Hemlock sighed, pulling away and saying, “Administer another two doses.”
The interrogation droid whistled in response, injecting the needle into Kima once more. She screamed this time, her cries of pain and despair sending chills up Emerie’s spine. She stepped toward Hemlock and said, “Doctor, it’s too much. You’ll kill her!”
“Don’t tell me you’ve gone soft, Dr. Karr,” Hemlock answered. “Perhaps all that time you spend with Omega is affecting you.”
Emerie hesitated. She glanced back at Kima, who was crying out in pain. Emerie sighed. “No, Doctor.”
“Very well. See to your tasks for the day.”
Emerie nodded, glancing down at her datapad before leaving the room. As she turned the corner, all she could hear was the cheerful tones of the interrogation droid and the clattering of Kima’s restraints as she begged for mercy.
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fritoley · 7 months
Febuwhump 2024 - Day 15: "Who Did This to You?"
Fandom: The Bad Batch (Star Wars) Characters: Kima, Omega, Emerie Word Count: 750 Content Warning: Bondage, S3 Spoilers Previous // Next Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist
Summary: Omega finds a curious specimen during her explorations.
Collaboration with @klaotaku
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Omega crept through the halls of the detainment floor, ducking out of sight of incoming patrols. She had just left Crosshair’s cell and was hoping to get back to her room before Emerie went to check on her. She brushed her lengthening hair out of her eyes and peered around the corner, catching sight of the lift that was to get her out. There was no one in sight. 
Now’s my chance, Omega thought, hurrying down the hall toward the lift. Just then, she heard a soft whimpering coming from an adjacent hall. She froze, looking around to make sure no one had seen her. Straining her ears, she turned toward the sound, looking down the hall to see a steel door sealing it shut. Curiosity got the better of the child, for she crept towards the door and, glancing over her shoulder, peered through the small transparisteel window embedded in the door. 
Inside, she found a figure bound to a table. The figure seemed to have a female silhouette, her long, black hair cascading down the edge and brushing the floor. Bindings dug into her wrists and ankles, as well as one holding her by the throat and creating red welts in her skin. The woman shuffled slightly, letting out a soft cry of pain at the slightest movement.
“Who did this to you?” Omega breathed. She gently rapped on the glass, trying to get the woman’s attention and earning a twitch as she tilted her head an inch to the side. “Hello?” Omega called, hoping her voice could be heard through the glass. The woman’s eyes bore into Omega’s soul, giving off an almost unnerving aura. Her hair partially covered her face, but Omega noticed that her eyes were different colors, her left being hazel and the other being blue. The woman opened her mouth to speak.
“...Good morning,” the woman answered, her voice light and soft. Omega’s brows furrowed; it was well past noon.
“What’s your name?”
“Kima… you?”
“Omega.” The child smiled. It was nice to talk to someone other than Emerie. “Are you okay? Why do you have so many bindings?”
The last word seemed to snap Kima to attention. Her hands clenched into fists as her body tensed, the bindings ripping another cry of pain from her. Omega cringed. Perhaps it was a bad idea to pry.
Kima gritted her teeth, fighting the burning sensation before saying, “Doctor...”
Omega watched as her chest began to rise and fall at a rapid pace, and she knew she had triggered something. “Hey, it’s okay,” Omega rushed on, ignoring the growing fatigue from standing on her toes for so long. “I didn’t mean to make you sad, I was just wondering. I figured it was Hemlock, anyways.”
Kima began struggling against the bindings, her hair falling over her face so Omega couldn’t see her eyes anymore. She began whimpering, crying out as the welts worsened to the point where Omega could see blood seeping into the bindings.
“Wait, don’t do that,” Omega hissed, starting to panic as Kima’s cries grew louder. “You’re hurt, you have to stop—”
Omega sprung away from the door to see Emerie standing in the hall, a mortified look written on her face. She hurried toward the younger clone and said, “What are you doing down here?! You know this is a restricted area!”
“I’m sorry, Emerie, but Kima’s hurt!” Omega answered, pointing to the door. Emerie glanced through the window at Kima, taking note of her bloody bindings, and let out a tired sigh. Kima caught a glimpse of Emerie in the window and screamed, making both of them jump. Omega rushed to the window, watching as Kima writhed, her body lifting off the table, spasming, causing more blood to pour from her welts. Emerie took Omega by the arm and pulled her away from the door, guiding her out of the detention block.
“Emerie—” Omega started, but her sister cut her off.
“You are not to be in this area anymore,” Emerie hissed, gritting her teeth at the sound of Kima’s screaming. “I won’t report this to the doctor, but if it happens again, there will be consequences. Do you understand?”
Omega stared up at Emerie, then glanced over her shoulder at Kima’s door. Omega could hear Kima’s voice breaking mid-scream, her voice dying out with a sense of despair that sent shivers down her spine. She looked down at her feet and followed Emerie into the lift.
“Yes, ma’am.”
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fritoley · 8 months
Febuwhump 2024 - Day 5: Rope Burns
Fandom: The Bad Batch (Star Wars) Characters: Kima, Emerie Karr Word Count: 709 Content Warning: Slight Bondage Previous // Next Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist
Summary: Emerie struggles to keep a patient under control.
Collaboration with @klaotaku! (Thx for letting me use your oc!)
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Emerie’s grip tightened around her clipboard as she stopped in front of the cell. This cell wasn’t like the others, sporting a paristeel door rather than the standard ray shield. She was deep within Mt. Tantiss, where only a few authorized personnel were allowed. Flanked by two TK Troopers, she took a deep breath before opening the door.
Inside the cell sat an adult female huddled in the opposite corner, her knees to her chest. Jet black hair covered her face and arms, the ends brushing the floor. Her peach skin had turned sickly pale, her heterochromatic eyes dull and lifeless as they stared up at her. Emerie stepped into the cell and kneeled before the prisoner, gently lifting her chin. She felt for a pulse, felt her heart pounding, her breathing heavy. She continued to stare at Emerie with that wild look, not moving an inch.
She’s like an animal, Emerie thought. She stood, took a few steps back, and allowed the TK Troopers to pick the female up and carry her out of the cell.
“Be gentle with her,” Emerie reminded them. The TK Troopers followed Emerie to Hemlock’s personal testing facility, placing the prisoner on the table before standing guard at the door. Emerie tapped a few keys on her datapad before glancing at the woman.
“Kima, right?” Emerie started. The woman’s eyes closed. “We’re going to run a few tests on you, then the doctor will be with you shortly.”
Emerie approached Kima and tied the restraints, her fingers stiff with anticipation. Just as Emerie clicked the buckle into place, Kima’s eyes shot open. She jumped up from the table faster than Emerie could react, pulling against the binding on her wrist, shouting foreign words Emerie couldn’t understand. She seemed to be repeating something, the desperation in her voice becoming increasingly evident.
“Please,” Emerie started, letting out an exasperated sigh as she tried to pull Kima back onto the table. The woman was much taller than her, her arms and legs thin but strong. It was hard for Emerie to get a good grip on Kima, she was moving so erratically. “The more you struggle, the harder this is going to be. Do you want Dr. Hemlock to hurt you?”
Kima only started screaming louder. The mention of the doctor’s name seemed to send her into overdrive. She had somehow managed to manipulate herself into a crouch, glaring at Emerie and shouting alien curses at her. The strap binding her wrist to the table was digging into her skin, creating deep welts. Emerie stepped forward, calling the TK Troopers into the room in hopes to get Kima under control, but not before the prisoner thrust her free hand out and sent Emerie flying into the opposite wall, medical equipment flying. The troopers rushed in and forced Kima into the table, binding her arms, legs, and neck before one of them hurried to Emerie.
“Are you okay?” he asked, reaching out to help the scientist.
“Yes, I’m alright,” Emerie answered, glancing at Kima. The prisoner was still struggling, her bindings creating deep indents in her skin. Emerie sighed, grabbed her datapad and keyed a code in before approaching Kima and looking down at her. It was a pitiful sight, to see such a beautiful woman reduced to struggling like a wild animal, teeth bared and hair wild. Emerie placed a gentle hand on Kima’s shoulder, making her freeze for a moment. Emerie leaned down and whispered in Kima’s ear, “The doctor will be with you shortly. I would suggest you stop struggling, or else you will pay for the trouble I will be in for damaging his experiment.”
Kima’s eyes contracted as Emerie pulled away. It seemed that even though she couldn’t understand Basic, she seemed to sense Emerie’s frustrations, which was a rarity for the scientist. Emerie glared at Kima, who held her gaze, then slowly closed her eyes, weakly pulling at the restraints as though in defeat. Emerie released Kima’s shoulder, grabbed her datapad, and stepped out of the room, TK Troopers in tow.
“Give the prisoner a sedation mask so I can administer the doctor’s custom toxin,” Emerie ordered. “I will not allow her to destroy herself before she serves her full potential.”
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