#tbd im just. screaming and crying
yansurnummu · 2 years
roommates gave me covid and now I'm gonna miss pride and I'm not ok :')
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needylittlegirl · 17 days
crying is so stupid sometimes like pull yourself together whore
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bittwitchy · 2 months
see the reality is i post on my rps usually when nobodys been there a bit and nobody is probably online, but the mental illness in me keeps saying its bc everyone secretly hates me and i dont deserve love, and when i tell a gov doctor that, they basically just say ‘take your antidepressant’s and shut up’ which is also funny when said gov doctor wont refill my fucking antidepressants in the first place
#what i need is smthn for my anxiety and PROBABLY the obviously worsening ocd#but anxiety meds and antidepressants dont mix well#just like adhd meds and anything else dont mix well#which is why i just have a redbull if i need to focus bx it works for a few hours and then i pass out#which isnt healthy but its better than going through the diagnosis process AGAIN bc they dont have my info anymore#its early sad times rn w brina who hasnt gotten an ounce of treatment at all hi#see the other thing is#if i talk about my mental health at all#people will either hate me for being annoying which is what my brain will pinpoint#or feel sorry for me which i also dont want#all i rly wanna do is vent but thats never really an option at all#like yes i know its not normal to want to have a breakdown and cry bc your fucking pillow isnt the correct fluff and wont dluff#i know its not normal to feel like you should die because something wasnt in fhe spot you put it in and was moved slightly#im aware. and the reality is nobody who can do anything about it cares#i have to get an authorization to see a therapist or get meds at all even tho the card claims i dont have to#and the doc tbey gave me wont give me one#they dont allow email so i cant leave a paper trail when bitching at them and my calls go ignored#im losing my mind steadily#and thats not even onto the physical problems#but also the sheer fucking audacity of the website being all ‘oh just go to ERs and UC snd we’ll cover it’ vs hospitals specifically saying#‘we will refuse you if you have Gov Ins unless you have the money to pay out of pocket#if youre on gov insurance you dont have fucking money thats the entire fucking point. you creedy fucknuts go shove tour nepotism in your#fucking eyes and die if anyone doesnt deserve to fuck its you fuckfaces#sometimes i just want to scream esp when this doesnt seem to be most other ppls issues#but then i talk to other women and it is#it just doesnt make sense and i hate it#but i never rly got help on private insurance either so#tbd#depression cw
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xbadnews · 4 months
gonna listen to the thordak fight again tonight at work i am thrilled
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zevrans · 6 months
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
just work venting under the cut
i am so stressed out mgkdkdkdf my co-coordinator who is living in another country (sister campus) called me in tears today telling me she's so stressed out and i am just like 🙃 i have spent the past NINE MONTHS stopping the guy in charge of this unit from fucking over the entire unit at EVERY AVENUE POSSIBLE and also developing my parts of the content and also doing all of the coding-related work and also preparing the rubrics and also micromanaging this bastard's content creation and also managing what she's got going on on top of ALL MY OTHER WORK, all in between like 4 diff events and 8 other research projects, THREE OF WHICH ARE ACTIVE GRANTS. send help.
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tenebriism · 1 year
// Nintendo. Nintendo. We need to have words about your live stream schedule. AM has a sister time, it's called 'PM.' Let's give her some love, eh ( for people like me with a horrible sleep schedule who ain't stayin' up until 10 to watch the last Zelda trailer ).
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katwritesshit · 3 months
oh. my. god.
tw for absolutely atrocious writing and 9 almost 10 year old me thinking shes the shit
The Black             Dragon   1 
By (redacted)
Once upon a time there was a magical land.This land went by the name of Erada. In Erada there were races, magic and things we haven't even dreamed about. In it, there were four kingdoms, but now three. One was destroyed in a battle with the other continents. The others were terrorised by The Black Dragon. And this is where our story begins... 
In the third kingdom,Princess Nicky decided to slay The Black Dragon.It was rumored to be impossible. Nobody ever came back alive .But when Nicky decided to do something,she did it.She packed her bags,and quietly left the Castle.She wrote a note to her brother,Jay.She walked through the halls of the castle.She left no trace except for that note.She brought only a pack of food along with her. 
Jay woke up searching for Nicky .After about 5 minutes of searching he found a handwritten note. Jay, gone to slay the dragon:love Nicky. ”Oh Nicky,”sighed Jay.”When will you ever learn.” So he set out to assist her.Through the castle, down these stairs,past the river.He walked tentatively through the woods.Then he realised he had forgotten food.He stabbed a nearby rabbit and roasted it on a spit.Poor rabbit.He continued on to pursue his sister. 
 After many sleepless nights, Nicky arrived at Owls reach,or at least what was left of it. ”Nicky! Are you crazy!” Nicky turned around. ”Hello Jay!” she replied in an innocent voice,like she hadn't done anything. ”You're lucky I don't strangle you!” They continued down the road, kicking stones into the grass.When they reached the lair Nicky suggested Jay go first.He climbs up the mound of rocks in front of the cave. The biggest boulder on top slips and hits him square in the chest. He falls back to the ground.His breathing becomes hollow. 
 “We should see the wizard.” said Nicky hurriedly. ”Nicky.” Said Jay softly.”I can���t”. Nicky immediately knew something was wrong.”Jay,”She whispered. She pressed her head against his chest. Nothing.”HELP”She cried.Suddenly The Wizard came carrying a scroll and a gleaming green potion.The Wizard forced the potion down his throat.Jay gasped for air.”Jay I hate you sooooo much.”Said Nicky. ”Wow.Nicky, I JUST CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!!”His voice rose.”Oh, Nicky did I mention you alone can slay the dragon.”Said the Wizard. ”What!” Screamed Jay.Nicky’́s face went pale. CHAPTER 5 
Nicky got on her brother’s armour,helmet,and sword.She could almost make out her life flashing before her eyes.She progressed through the smoke generated by the dragon.The dragon arose. ”It’s now or never.” Sighed Nicky. She charged toward the dragon.She flung her sword;the dragon spewed magma.At one point Nicky blinded the dragon with her sword .The dragon roared in agony.Magma wore down her boots.Just when it looked like Nicky was going to get covered in magma , a force pushed her out of the way.It was her brother,determined to save his sister;heir to the throne.He stabbed the monster right in the heart with a silver dagger.Although it meant perishing in the process. Where he found it was a mystery.
When Nicky arrived home a humongous party awaited her.The kingdom held a traditional funeral cerimonies.One for Jay ,who died during the battle. 5 years later Nicky had won a fiery debate between her sister. When Nicky arrived at the castle, she had been showered by thank you ́s and gifts.Her brother would have wanted her to move on her quest to unite the solitare kingdoms.So she did.But still, by age 21 she hadn't  forgotten that long ago day.Neither had her kingdom.But she was older now, married,2 children to care for.She couldn't leave again. Not now. Not today.”Thank you”She whispered into the sky,where surely,her brother was watching her.”, for everything.”
End Notes ::
1. i forgot Erida was originally spelt Erada what the fuckkk....
3. badass fmc settles down even though she clearly doesnt want to trope... eugh
5. onky 2 kids????? damn
6. grammar? i didnt know her
8. love the deus ex machina w the knife (sarcasm. i wanna kms.)
9. wizard?????? why???????????
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jumpinginmuddypuddles · 8 months
heyyy whats up sunnyyyy
this is a pretty neat concept, maybe there’s one for artists too!
no idea if any of these have been asked before, but could i get 4, 25 and 35?
hi hobs im doin alright on this chilly october morning
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
is it possible for me to say every single one to ever exist? in terms of fandom, there are definitely writers that are absolute weapons when it comes to gut-wrenching beautifully-made stuff that i worship (maybe i need to make a fic rec list or a collection or something idk) but in terms of actual published authors, i adore madelline miller's prose, it's just so beautifully written and makes me sob and scream and cry every time. i also love donna tartt's prose and also her characters and how deep and subtle some of the nuances in her novels are. i also love love love kazuo ishuguro and philip k dick for both their science-fiction works that manage to be so funny and so heartbreaking all at once, as well as their masterful dialogue. so yeah, i've got quite a few inspirations, but whether i actually manage to emmulate any of the gorgeous stuff they have written is TBD.
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Literally ALL THE TIME. As its you hobs, my lovely mutual, I'll tell you about that hermitcraft fic and it's worldbuilding that i had planned. Before my muse was ripped from me and I fell out of touch with hermitcraft, I had visions of creating loads of off-shooting oneshots and works that explore all the different members and their backstories, and how they managed to end up in the main timeline in that au. it included a prequel of how mumbo and grian met and slowly gained each other's trust - it was agonisingly sad I will let you know now. I still have that stuff half-written because I am too attached to it but I am unlikely to ever go back to it and expand on that beautiful, tragic little world
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
It's a topic that's been spoken about so so much in recent years, but I just love how fanfiction, especially sites like ao3, are perfect symbols of how communism could and would work in our modern society. because authors do not get paid for their troubles, for their back ache and eye strain and hours hunched over a screen trying to figure out just the right words. we receive little-to-no praise most of the time, especially in smaller fandoms. so in theory, it shouldn't work. writers shouldn't post things onto platforms like ao3 and ff.net if, by capitalist standards, our labour is not being paid for. surely if it was simply a hobby, we could just write and keep it to ourselves? but because of the little communities people have built online, and the fandoms that have grown tight and strong, there is a really amazing band of people that group together to write fanfiction just because they love to do it, regardless of the time and effort taken, and want to show their creations to the world. this is especially true on ao3, which is non-proft, and is run by the people for the people. maybe that's why it receives so much goddamn funding every single time it needs it. (what a beautiful thought) sorry that last bit got super sappy, i just think it's super neat! Equally, I do think some people on ao3 need to relearn politeness and ettiquette. so many times i've had people either trauma-dumping without warrant in my comments or just rudely demanding the next chapter?? like? i am a person with work and school and a life, i cannot sit by a computer and pump out chapter after chapter for the rest of my life. it's insane and I think more people need to talk about it. I've been thinking about putting a blanket disclaimer in my notes about doing stuff like that because it sometimes has gotten so bad.
thanks so much for the questions! this turned into an entire essay lmao
check out the 36 questions for writers here
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thanatos-nightshade · 2 years
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I posted 14,052 times in 2022
That's 5,524 more posts than 2021!
13 posts created (0%)
14,039 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 762 of my posts in 2022
#ohshc - 11 posts
#fashion - 9 posts
#come back to this - 9 posts
#listen - 7 posts
#t-n talks - 6 posts
#art ref - 5 posts
#tbd - 5 posts
#food - 5 posts
#lmao - 5 posts
#screaming - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#a nutshell sorry not sorry also im not bragging about my artistic skills because for realsies i'm just slightly above average on them so li
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I finally did some art.
1 note - Posted March 3, 2022
when you get this you have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
I'm fucking adorable. I guess like shallow/narcissistic but more along the lines of generally I like how I look. There are some things that I don't like but they don't perturb me that much. Generally I think I'm adorable/cute and I like that but have the occasional issue with grander adjectives like beautiful/sexy that we won't get into because liking myself is enough.
I like that I'm good at art?? I'm not like fantastic but aaah to make this easier on me this can lead into my next one
I like my jack-of-all-trades thinking in that I don't really try to HONE one craft and instead try to experience things generally. For example, when it comes to art, I'm not that great digitally or traditionally, or musically, theatrically, or other. HOWEVER I have experience in all these areas ranging from oil paints, watercolors, ceramics, theater workshop, drama, choir, dance, sewing, crafts etc does gymnastics count? jk whatever So I like that I have not only had all the opportunities to try these but that I have tried to work on each of them a moderate amount we're working on sewing and crafting it's my lowest art stat rn followed closely by instruments
Let's see, I like my friend choices. I feel like all the friends I've made have been pretty good. Some have stuck around more than others but any friend GROUP that I've stuck with for a period of time like months to years, I always think about fondly. I don't think I've ever had like an insanely toxic friend or like a friend that would back stab me does that make me the toxic friend? Anyways, I feel like a lot of my life is colored by the friends/people I've surrounded myself with and yeah sure not all of my life is great but I made some nice friends and had some good shenanigans wherever I went.
Last but not least, I like my absolutely self indulgent/self insert nature. Listen, there is like no fandom that I have been a part of where I have NOT self inserted myself into in some way or another and god damn it NOBODYS GONNA DO THAT SHIT FOR YOU UNLESS YOU PAY THEM. I CAN PUT MYSELF INTO MY FAVORITE FANDOMS FOR FREE AND BY GOLLY I'M GONNA DO IT CAN'T STOP ME MY BRAIN IS A SELF INDULGENT THIRST MACHINE AND IT IS GOING
Anyways thank you so much for sending me this ask. It took me two days to get to it because I needed to sit down and think through these. I can't wait to send this to some of my followers!
2 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
I'm posting this at night because I want to share this and then bury it in reblogs because this scares me
3 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
My birthday is on the 6th so i cant help but think that scara being released then is hoyos bday gift to me (i may or may not cry if i dont pull him)
6 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I need to put diluc and dainsleif on either side of leon from dislyte because i swear to god its all i see
11 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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i’ve already said this before but the beach divorce would never happen TO ME. anyways if theoretically i was thrown in that situation in charles’ or erik’s shoes i would not be as forgiving as either of them were! no matter where i end up i would be holding that grudge! charles and erik are truly in-love in-love to not spend the rest of their lives trying extremely hard to kill each other cause if i had to listen to my boyfriend say the dumb shit charles said it would be over forever and if i got shot and then abandoned it would also be over forever! 
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bowvenger · 3 years
ngl kinda getting tired of the t.ikt.oks and yt comments that are saying that now ppl can enjoy h,awkeye bc ye.lenas here pls dont do that
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Oh good. It's apparently an "I feel like crying for no apparent reason" sorta night. Love it.
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pruinesce-a · 4 years
dont rb / from the light novel: "Natsuo stares at Shoto's scar, reflecting on how he can never forget the crying and screaming from that night, how much it must have hurt Shoto. He thinks that perhaps they could have been normal siblings & Shoto wouldn't have had the scar if only he didn't have both Quirks. Natsuo thinks back to himself back then, he was still in elementary school. He feels both angry & pathetic thinking back on himself, before Shoto was born he used to want their dad's attention. He didn't get it but he at least had his mom. But once Shoto was born things changed. He knew that their mom was trying to protect Shoto, but as a kid he just kind of felt like Shoto took their mom from him because she focused so much on Shoto. But after seeing what happened that night, he just felt embarrassed of himself. Natsuo then leaves Shoto alone to sleep."
okay first of all dont touch me
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hresvlgse · 4 years
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hiatus cancelled 
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