#tbh I like the anime version better??? Mostly because I like to think that he really doesn't change that much after becoming Kira
depthlesscanyon · 2 years
The brief appearance of Light's friends in the Death Note manga is such an interesting difference from the anime,,
Something that I found very striking about the high school scenes in the anime is that Light is almost always by himself. He doesn't walk to or from school with anyone and he eats lunch alone.
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We know that making friends isn't something that is difficult for him, ( for example, he writes down his plan for the busjacking in the Death Note BEFORE asking a girl out, having no doubt that someone will go with him ) meaning that all this time alone is what he prefers and chooses.
This is significant because it is reflective of how he acts for the rest of the series, only getting to know people or surrounding himself with people when it is directly beneficial to him, rather than for any actual enjoyment.
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( We never see any of these people before or after this episode lmao)
In the manga, however, even though they only appear in the first two chapters, Light has friends that he walks home with, an interaction that is lacking any visible ulterior motive.
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Even if it is a pretty small difference, I think it arguably creates two alternate perspectives on Light's character.
Anime Light's pattern of interacting with people only when necessary is present from the beginning and seems to just be a part of his personality. Although having this ability is useful to him when acting as Kira, it wasn't created due to necessity.
However, you could argue that this isn't true for Manga Light, as this pattern begins after he starts using the Death Note. These friend characters do not reappear in Light's life after he takes on the role of Kira. Meaning you could say that he possibly loses a previous interest in connecting with people without anything significant to gain, a clear line separating his behavior from before and after finding the Death Note.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 months
Various Perrine Headcanons
because i love that silly little moose
NOT a mother figure
In fact, due to the way she grew up, she’s extremely uncomfortable with being treated like one
She does take care of the others, but it’s not in a motherly way
She’s a big sibling to them, and that’s it
Anything more than that makes her very uncomfortable and uneasy
(Personally, I think of Clémmie as the Mom Friend of the group)
To bounce off of that, Kingsley once called her “mom” as a joke, and she got legitimately mad at him
He was like “🧍🏻what”
Does most of the cooking in the group
Doesn’t know how to ask for help, and she mostly shoves away concern
Tries to be the voice of reason, but she’s a total hot-head and gets upset/mad easily
Kingsley loves to poke that bear (moose)
Scared of storms but would rather die than tell anyone that
Likes collecting animal skulls (she names all of them)
The other kids will sleep in her room sometimes, but every time she goes to their room for the same comfort, she stops short and returns to her room, unable to actually ask
She takes being the oldest way too seriously
By that I mean she uses it as an excuse to never let anyone help her or take care of her
She’s trying to get better about that, but it’s hard
Soooooo emotionally constipated oh my god
Sometimes hears humming out in the woods, but she never heeds its call
Also sometimes thinks she sees a looming figure of something tall in the trees surrounding the cottage, but she does the smart thing and closes the curtains
WOULD survive a horror movie tbh
Will fight for the other kids
Cold hands
Very tender-headed
Covers her mouth when she laughs
Really fast and quick on her feet (she’s terrifying at Tag. it’s like being chased by an actual moose) (similarly, she never gets caught at Tag)
Also really good at climbing trees
Now getting down is a different story
Once fell out of a tree, breaking at least three branches underneath her on the way down, and the others actually thought she fucking died
She had this GIANT bruise striped across her stomach for WEEKS, as well as MANY broken ribs, and Cole was so worried because they thought she might have some internal bleeding, too
But she was FINE!
Doesn’t trust doctors (or whatever the whimsy forest version of a doctor is) (physician?)
Not above biting
Doesn’t like when things get too close to her face
Loves when people play with her hair, but she’d rather die than tell anyone that
Will remind Cole to drink water when they’re hyperfocused on writing, then not drink water herself all day
Bites her nails down to the quicks
Gets mad when people mistake her mask for a deer
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la-hannya · 1 year
Been keeping away from the drama cause I'm mostly tired, want to mostly focus on the original series, and I can't wait for this fanfic to completely die truly from the death drag is doing since it's long overdue; but after reading this— it needed to be addressed. Saw some copium going on about it already.
You can say stuff like "he is a yōkai", "he was always like that", "he is too good to lower himself to the standards and morals of humans", "retcons can happen" "you see? Rumiko is supervising now", "You weren't paying attention to the story" "the translation should say this instead of this" etc etc. Sure. of course, Jan. All that shit is bs as shown in the source material a thousand times already. Ok, moving on.
but AGAIN this Sesshomaru is just not the same one. Not the same to the original anime and not the same og manga either. This is like a completely different character than what we've been shown before. Nope. Ken Narita said it best and knew it.
This one is a completely regressed version and you can die on the hill after punching me in the face "that it's the same one, it's canon" but the original one wouldn't let crap like this slide. Oh yes, I know he's not a fucking prince charming; for sure! WE ALL KNOW. But Sesshomaru had already grown enough that he gave a fuk at least about those around him. Even if he's a person who barely expresses himself. So, much so, that no matter how you view the relationship of him and Rin— you know he was still coming to see and make sure he was okay even when she was in a village that might as well be safe 💯% thanks to his brother along his wife + inugang and others. He took care of Kohaku after Kikyo died! He regretted not leaving Rin in a village earlier when she lost her life again. Here, he's whole family are accessories. You got even Shippo weirdly being his servant all of a sudden. You can measure the regression with a ruler 📐
The vibes Rumiko Takahashi is giving me at this point are: A) she doesn't give a fuk because the og story is FINISHED as she has talked before (tbh this woman didn't give a fuck starting the last half of the series cause you can look up her interviews on Rumic World/Furinkan, and she was half ass winging it by the end cause that's how much she stopped vibin with her "Magnum Opus". Thanks Sunrise) and since she doesn't give a fuk, she doesn't want to even bother looking at her own source material. This is why I've gone mostly "Death of the author" with her at this point.
B) The other thing could be as well that she's fuking this thing on purpose. "But, Gene she's supervi—" no shut up. And stop snorting the copium. You'd think if this was canon she'd be truly wanting to sell the story and this ship, but it's like she wants to make sure he along everything else is the worst possible every chapter. If she truly is supervising, cause honestly she still feels like she quickly looks over sht, goes "whatever, I'm done with this" and goes back to doing Inuyasha revamp *cough* I mean MAO. Though, it's quite understandable why she was so reluctant to allow this in the first place.
And let me tell you, the "Character becomes terrible parental unit when the next generation is born, so their past growth is thrown out the window" trope. It's OVERUSED GARBAGE that fuks up good stories 🗑️🚮 You got characters that are really similar to Sessh that are doing better in other animes for Pete's sake. LIKE "THE VILLAIN" OF YASHAHIME: KIRINMARU 🦄🤡
It's pitiful really. I dunno how anyone can still enjoy this because "uWu it gives me crumbs". Nah, have some standards. Other people can do better stories. Other people can write this better while still respecting the original story. And I'm not saying you can't enjoy some things from it, because you can (like Moroha, Kirin, the Mirsan kids, whatever). But this could've been better done. Peace.
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vacantgodling · 16 hours
hewwo thank you for asking <3 i'm gonna randomize some wips and give u a nice lil ramble lol
(1) train master chidori
in terms of me redesigning folami, i think i'm also gonna tweak her personality a bit too. i want to give her braids and slicked down baby hairs instead of the initial poofs that i had her with previously--and i think that may change which association creature/thing that i want her to be associated with bc i mostly just associated her with poodles because of her hair LOL. in terms of her personality, i originally made her a bit airheaded but i think i may kinda wanna give her more mature vibes since she's technically gonna be the oldest and most experienced of chidorky's crew. more... zakuro from tmm energy tbh. i think that may be the vibe i wanna go for for her lol.
(2) celestial weddings
beloved extremely wholesome polycule shenanigans lol. i think the one character that i know much less about their romance arc with dag is muu? muu is from denjai, which is the fourth sphere and its a swampland and marshy type of place. muu themself is the youngest of all of dag's lovers and it definitely shows in how upbeat they are and how they very much look up to dag in an almost hero worship kind of way. tbh they probably have the senpai/kouhai romantic relationship arc and ngl its very cute. muu also flaps their hands whenever they get excited about something and they tend to stumble over their words when they get excited, which is a lot lol.
(3) nondisclosure
i used to be sooo back and forth about nyseah and 17's relationship when i made the characters many many moons before; (and actually now that i think about it, most of the characters from that wip, except everything relating to owen and helios's storyline still exists in this version of the story lol. idk if i'll ever go back to those two characters but they did have a sweet relationship, it was just SO thematically different than everything else that was going on, which is how it developed into what i call now nondisclosure LOL) i actually kind of wanted them to get together only because i built up 17 to be a sort of "he's justified for his actions and he actually does care about nyssie.... somehow" back then. but i think i was also biased because he was one of the first "morally grey characters" i really ever made and i suppose back then i was much simpler in what i wanted from those kinds of characters.
when i think about nondisclosure now, 17 barely plays a role in it from what i think. tbh i think 12 plays more of a role than he does and that's because i'm obsessed with 12 and i think everyone should be obsessed with 12 but this isn't about him this is about 17 and nyssie. i think it works better for nyssie to not get with him in the end because like he seriously violated her in a way that younger me didn't really see an issue with (thanks ya and anime for not thinking this kind of relationship was bad or that it could be fixed LMAOOO... not to say that i don't enjoy making those kinds of relationships now, its just the fact that now i'm more likely to lean into the relationship being fucked up LMAO). anyway tho, mama nyssie and her brood of kiddos is the best ending for her because its the one where she's the happiest :D
(4) sixteen candles
ranger being aromantic makes so much of how he acted in all of the old chapters that i wrote many moons ago make so much fucking sense. like seriously, he was soooo noncommittal to the point of it being basically a meme, and even tho the friend i would talk with about these characters at the time helped me make a character for him to be with and i 'enjoyed' it to a certain extent, it always felt kind of off? and i think its because the person ranger will always be the closest with is always gonna be nanette, like they are inseperable and i think them defining a qpr is actually So Fucking Good for them. i'm kinda obsessed with their dynamic ngl, adn i also like the idea that ranger is just like down to fuck all of his besties and at the same time they all have a relationship with each other where that's just a thing that they do.
i really need to work on roger tho because he is so conflicted about a lot of things. not just to get him open to the fucking really, but mostly just because he has the roughest go of it relating to family and it kinda hits home for me personally a bit, so in some ways i feel like idk how i should handle it. but overall, love they. i should think about them more tbh LOL
(5) the liminal space series (overall)
chloe being involved in jenna's story is honest to god still so funny to me. like here's this "average" small town popular girl, who's popular by virtue of being normal enough and outgoing enough that everyone likes her, but having a bit of an alt style so people think she's edgy and unique and then all of a sudden she's hanging out with the town weirdos trying to hunt down a what? what did you say it was jenna? a chupa--WhAT?
and the fact that she's so taken aback with how casually jenna says that she likes her that it just takes her and her sexuality for a wild ride and at the end of it all she has to go to college and pretend that she didn't just have the craziest senior year/summer of her fucking life LMAOOO its just so funny to me.
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aldi-spice · 1 month
Retirement home anon again: I’d like to get your opinion on this (if you have one), it’s gonna be long sorry 💀
I bought Story of Seasons: A wonderful Life for the Nintendo switch which is a remake of the 2003 harvest moon a wonderful life.
I’ve bought other harvest moon/story of seasons games for the switch as well and honestly… I’m disappointed.
The character design lacks, they all look so dead and emotionless I don’t know how to explain it. The whole world looks like it’s straight out of Cocomelon. You also start with a gifted Cow and other things, that you’d normally not get in the originals and tbh it feels like they stripped all life away in all the newer versions, made it way easier in the beginning and tried to up the cuteness to a maximum which resulted in it looking like a kids show. The dialogs also turned so soft imo.
In harvest moon ds you straight up start with the mayor of mineral town insulting you and then the character (you) proceeding to try to kill him/punch him with an axe, a hammer, a scythe, even a watering can and in the end your dog bites him in the ass in a blackout screen.
It’s like how they took the sass out of the animal crossing characters with time and it just makes me sad. The new versions of the characters feel like lifeless copies :/
I‘m still hoping for more remakes and I’m still a big fan of the harvest moon/story of seasons franchise. But fields of Mistria honestly gave me the exact feeling I had when I got harvest moon ds on Christmas as a kid and started it up for the first time. I literally had a bit of a teary eye playing the demo and then the EA version of FoM 🥺
That’s also why I like FoM so much - it’s funny, it has innuendos, it’s made for adults/older teens despite it being cutely designed, the characters look and feel like they’re adults as well.
I‘m not trying to be mean to the newer games and I understand people enjoy playing them, hell I still buy them because I love the series, but they leave me hanging. ://
YESSSS I get it OMG it's so boring I have about 100 hours in PoOT (pioneers of olive town) and although I controversially found Harvest Moon One World better than Olive Town (I loved the open world concept and Jamil in particular), it was still kinda boring compared Stardew Valley which I bought as my first game for my switch back in 2019.
That day, I played SDV until 4 am, it was summer break and I just graduated highschool and it was magical playing SDV for the first time, I could barely put the game down for long enough to take care of myself lol.
And I get that exact same feeling again playing FoM, that kind of magical feeling where you're completly transported into a new world. I don't think ConcernedApe made SDV with children as a primary audience in mind, if he did he probably wouldn't have added depressed alocholic in there and I love it, I love a good story and good characters, inperfect characters with flaws, they feel way more real and more likable than the boring nice, polite ones we were getting in newer HM/SoS games. All I remember from PoOT is how claustrophobic the town feels, and how hard it was to decide who to marry because none of them was interesting enough, even Damon, the edgy biker boy, felt like he was taken straight from the Disney Channel. I want characters that I can call bastards, I want mean characters, they're the funniest to learn to love.
As for making the games way too easy, I'm not sure, I just remeber struggeling in older games but mostly because I was a child when I played them. I'm pretty sure you also could get a free cow in Animal Parade and in the tale of two towns but I could very well be wrong.
I'm not gonna lie, I never played Harvest Moon DS but that sounds hilarious, we need more of that back, and less Ned Flenders neighbors. That's another reason why I love SDV so much, Pam and Shane are so mean to the player at first (hell even Sebastian is kinda cold) but that's what makes them more compelling characters than the cast of PoOT, where frankly only the non-marriagable characters were interesting.
I think that's why I'm so obsessed with FoM right now, while yes the characters are so so nice, they're not boring and I don't even remember them by their niceness, Hayden is a super polite farmer, but I'd say his distinct traits are loud, open and so very passionate wbout farming, even his dialogue about being a good neighbor and lending you sugar is so much more memorable because he's so forward about it. I feel like most characters in this game can be described with a positive and a negative trait, which is what newer HM/SOS games lack, the balance between baby boy baby and bastard. And the dialogue in general is soooo good, I don't feel like I'm being talk down to, it feels like a normal conversation between adults, not between a child and their caretaker.
Laslty, thank god (NPC Studio) for the older characters, I feel like farming game fans are not in their teens (13-15) and more like in their twenties and up. We don't want to romace teens, we want something that doesn't feel illegal lol.
I totally agree anon, I love FoM so far and it has also made me super emotional playing this game. Ugh I can't wait for more content, I need to fall for this game harder.
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catboy-sinister · 10 months
the "you are barely a paper mask" and "it's all i have Charles" are making me fucking INSANE.
I saw your tags talking about how this guy has NPD and like. yes. before we knew but now we KNOW
and imo the paper mask thing doesn't just apply to Gillen + post Gillen Hickman - Gillen Renaissance eras. like you could argue he's always been like this, even when he was just a mysterious villain in the background (you'd see a diamond or something or someone would be watching cameras and you'd be like oh shit!!!)
tbh Charles is stronger than me cause I would've folded. I also feel kinda BAD for him* which I'd never thought I would? gonna have to tag this spoilers but
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the irony is he's kinda getting a taste of his own medicine. cause he was created and programmed for one singular purpose (to become a Dominion) just like he's done to other people (Black Womb etc). but I do still feel bad, mostly bc of that forehead cause DAMN you could run a mile on that thing and still not make it to the hairline
my man is having a CRISIS right now. I get it, I would too if my basis of reasoning was built upon the idea that I'm superior to all and then having a better version of myself laugh in my face. rebecca and faye are cackling while they have tea and talk shit. BUT ALSO "it's all I have Charles" GRAH ALL HE HAD WAS HIS SUPERIORITY AND IT'S GONE! IT'S ALL HE HAD GOING FOR HIM!!
like this man. is laying his whole soul bare for Charles because A) he's the only person he can talk to ofc but B) CHARLES MIGHT BE THE ONLY PERSON TO UNDERSTAND!!! we've known for a hot second that Sinister had an irreversible influence on Charles as a kid. he fucked that kid UP. but he was also sort of a father figure in a way. (side note - his position as a patriarch has always made me foam at the mouth and I have more to say about it but I CANNOT at the moment)
"you are full of broken glass" just. THERE'S SO MUCH WEIGHT TO THAT LINE I CANT EVEN DISSECT IT RN. GOD.
"I should have stuck to being Apocalypse's science lackey" he misses his boyfriend aw. but fr though, DAMN. because he HATED THAT! he HATED being chained by Apocalypse and being subservient (no one make a kink joke.).
He's lost everything, I can't stress that enough. He's like a rabid animal - desperately biting and clawing, lying and backstabbing and doing whatever he can to stay on top, all while putting on a MASK that he's got everything under control, that he's two steps ahead. He's not as smart or infallible as he thinks he is. He's painfully, painfully human, and he's finally realizing it, and he is NOT taking it well.
okay I have to shut up now I'm so sorry GAH I could talk about him for years. this was word vomit sorry this is not structured. MLA format Sinister essay when???
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*okay I lied I did feel kinda bad for him in Further Adventures but he deserved all of it so 🤷
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straightyuri · 4 months
Coughing I feel like rambling uhm. Thinking abt uh house of the lucky gander. The episode is fine its ok. But I like imagining what it would be like in my perfect world. MY not really dt17 but kind of gladstone episode. I would start from scratch but keep the general important wider story stuff of Louie realizing gladstone isn't the idealized version in his head cuz that's like. Important. Cuz the other kids realize that woth other characters they look up to. Yes. I think gladstone should've been meaner to Donald tbh. Niceys to the kids though. I didn't like gladstone snapping at Louie idk that's a personal thing. Belief he shouldn't be directly mean to the kids. But that's just me. Like I dunnooooo i think Louie realizing gladstone is kind of an ass to Donald would be better cuz gladstone mostly just. He used Donald slightly but for good reason n then. Tried leaving but what's he supposed to do tbh. Not horribly mean just the kind of condescending thing he does. Anyway uhhmmm.
Set up would be like the family goes on an adventure nnn gladstone is there:) yay! It's gladstone! Guh. I know I used to have an idea of what the plot would be (I've thought abt this before) but I forgot. It ws something with golf as a reference to several golf stories. Yknow. If the world is whatever I want it to be I'd just mix it with the concept of the golf episode. because ☝ I would still keep gladstone being in some sort of danger but not have him calling them or being aware of the danger until it starts happening cuz it makes him act weird if he knows. I need unrestrained gooseness. Mixing it with the golf episode also works cuz i fucking love 1 billion superstitions believer gladstone n pulling it a little further of him having some sort of interest in the supernatural. Its a pretty consistent trait he has. I will always love the start of a comic where he holds Donald down to tell him his(gladstone) horoscope. Funny animal. UHMMM Donald would save the day n Louie would have like a similar thing where he realizes his uncle is cooler than thought n gladstone is a little lame but we still love family #family.
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bad-apple-darlin · 8 months
I just finished my rewatch of s2e6… first time I’ve watched it since last summer. So here are my immediate thoughts after the final fifteen (mostly just agony tbh)
Oh boy what a ride that was. I had an intense mounting sense of dread through the whole episode, no lie, knowing exactly what pain was about to be inflicted on me and them. When the Metatron showed up in line at Nina’s I got a shiver even. Then of course Crowley opens the talk, all panicky and rushed, words spilling out of him. The dam is breaking on millennia of suppressed feeling and Aziraphale really just “hold that thought”s him and I can’t take it. Neither can Crowley. The silence of the background is deafening, I noticed that more this time than ever. It’s like time stops between them right there - tell me you said no. If I’m in charge…
The tension snaps and the heartbreak starts to unfold. Crowley makes his petition, his voice breaking in the exact right places to make my heart seize up. We’ve spent our existence - this love is ancient, this love is built into our foundations - pretending that we aren’t. Let’s stop pretending.
Aziraphale wants it; you can see it in the way he leaps forward at Crowley there. He’d take his hands if he could. Come with me - his vision for this version of them in heaven only-even-nicer is only possible if they go together. It means they can be together, openly, honestly, freely - well, free to do Heaven’s bidding. For one heartbeat of a moment, I think Aziraphale sees them wanting the same thing, and thinks he has found a way.
Oh, Crowley. Nothing last forever. And that’s it, I’m in tears, the miscommunication reaches its height and Crowley is shuttering himself to the world and Aziraphale watches his retreat with such open confusion and longing that it makes my stomach turn. They pick at each other, never content to let a scab form, always scratching at it. I don’t think you understand - oh I think I understand better than you do. They tense up again, the anger grows, and as Aziraphale turns away you can see the breath escape Crowley. His shoulders drop, he does this heavy-heart gasp for air before he storms across the shop to Aziraphale and the pure want of it drives me mad. Look at me. Don’t turn away from this. This is important, the most important thing. Don’t leave me alone with this.
And Aziraphale takes it in, pushes into Crowley, meets him for that sublime moment. It almost works. You can see the anguish build on Aziraphale’s face as he tries to process through it - I love - I want - I can’t - I forgive you.
Will any series of facial expressions devastate me more than the moment after Crowley leaves the bookshop? When Aziraphale’s face crumbles as the realization that his life long love is leaving him, the fear and sadness and longing, confusion and hurt. Aziraphale’s hands are trembling and mine are too and I cannot imagine the devastation of losing the one creature in all of creation that you have loved since before the beginning of time itself. The scale and depth of their relationship gives me whiplash to think about. And here, in fifteen minutes, it all starts unraveling at once, the subtleties, the coded language, the unspoken desire, the deep, passionate love. All of it laid bare and then ripped apart, their whole world crushed, and the promise of more destruction to come.
So Aziraphale is on his own, like he hasn’t been for time immemorial. And Crowley is on his own too, but without the anchor points of the precious, peaceful existence he was so attached to. Crowley looks exhausted. Aziraphale looks like an animal realizing that the cage he’s in isn’t meant to protect him, but to keep him trapped. He looks like a madman planning a heist - a magician envisioning his next illusion.
And me, I’m just rolling around wailing because I cannot believe I have to wait so very long to find out how they resolve this. How do they come back from it?? Because they do, no separation lasts long for them, not in proportion to their impossibly long lives. The Metatron walked in not a moment later and Aziraphale thought it was Crowley again, he was ready to hash it out and mend it that fast. Every potential is there. So how?? And when?? How long will it take for Aziraphale to own his feelings for the only being in all of history that he has ever loved? How will Crowley cope with the only loss he has ever really feared? How will I ever go another day without thinking about them and their loss??
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
Hi!! I just reread starman waiting in the sky last night and I forgot how good it was, honestly the way you write crimeboys is fucking epic, I admire a lot of your writing lol, it actually inspired me to write as a hobbie :D thanks for that :))
Anyway I saw you've watched at least a couple animes and I was wondering if you have any suggestions? Trying to get into it but so far I've only really watched a couple studio Ghibli movies, some of bleach and weathering with you +your name
-🐦‍⬛ anon if that isn't already taken :D
aww thank you so much!! man it always means so much to hear that I inspire people to write. seriously that's wild to me, writing is something I've loved ever since I was a little kid so giving someone else the drive to try it out is just aaaaa ty <3
oooo okay I definitely haven't watched a ton of anime or anything but I definitely have a solid amount of shows ticked off my list
(this got long surprise surprise so I'm putting it under a read more)
so based on what you said you've watched so far, you mostly seem to be into anime that's more of a mix of slice of life with vague fantastical elements. the only thing off the top of my head I can think of that fits that vibe is fruits basket, which I'll be honest I only got a couple episodes into but didn't end up completing. that's not because it was bad or anything, I actually really liked the characters, it just didn't grab me. but I've heard amazing things about it! also, when I'm talking about it I'm referring to the more recent remake from 2019 as I've heard that's the better one (?) but also I've never watched the og version (which is like from 2001) so I can't say that for sure that's just what I've heard people say
now onto recommendations of things I've actually watched
I haven't seen bleach but from what I know it's a shōnen manga, so if you like action/adventure kind of stuff the best anime I have ever watched (and tbh one of the best pieces of media I've ever seen hands down) is the anime Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. like, it's widely considered one of the greatest of all time and for good reason. the series is so well-written. all of the characters are so interesting and well-formed, their relationships are nuanced, the story itself deals with a lot of very heavy topics very skillfully while still keeping a lot of moments for humor. and also if you like my crimeboys fics, the center point relationship in fullmetal alchemist is between two brothers who love each other so fucking much just aaaaaa Ed and Al my BOYS. seriously I would not have the crimeboys brothers brainrot today if I hadn't been obsessed with fmab as a teenager. now fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood is on the longer side (like 5 seasons I think) but it's so so worth it I promise. also, if you do watch it make sure you're watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. like with the aforementioned fruits basket, there's an older version of the series that was made in 2003 (just called Fullmetal Alchemist) and the plot of it deviated from the manga, and from what I've heard it isn't considered to be as good as FMA: Brotherhood. Brotherhood was made in 2009 and follows the manga completely, and while I haven't watched the 2003 version and can't say for sure if it's worse, the general consensus is Brotherhood is the far superior version.
okay that's my one long ramble the rest of the recs I'll give quicker blurbs for
Death Note (yes I know I'm basic but I love it ok): great if you like watching two guys play mental 4D chess. one guy basically has the power of a god to kill people with so he decides to execute criminals with it, the other is the investigator trying to find out who the dude with magic powers killing people is. very fun on the mind games front
Ouran High School Host Club: COMPLETELY different tone to the rec above. Ouran is very goofy and silly with a surprisingly nuanced take on gender for being made in 2006. it's genuinely such a funny show but the characters also have real heart and you really do love watching the relationships that form. it's such a classic I'm pretty sure most people who like anime have watched it. just trust me on this.
Madoka Magica: magical girl anime except, uh, it's not all fun and sparkles. saying anything more will ruin the twist so I won't tell you too much, but I will say this show has very fascinating relationships and GORGEOUS animation like holy shit. if you like my fic starman I feel like you'll enjoy this. if you do decide to watch it try to finish at least up to ep 3 before deciding if you'll continue with it or not, bc that's when the show 'properly' starts imo
okay that's all I'll say for now! hope you find something you like out of these!
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Dad!! Before going to bed, I thought very hard about how much Ace had changed.
Before Marinford arc, he was ratty handsome!! He had a cocky look, a very beautiful nose! But after this arc, he lost it all and became very ordinary...?
I think alot of chars post skip lost alot of their charm. Robin and Nami just look like generic anime girls now.
Luffy, Usopp and Brook came out timeskip fine.
Ace in marineford did also change alot but wano Ace annoys me the most I think. They kinda sanded all his edges off and made him very 'pretty boy' and his personailty is still the same but they defo bimbo-d him.
Its how I feel about Marco too tbh. He's never been drawn consistently and has had so many versions but he was very -him- I love them all and Wano Marco is still very Marco but like a.. marketable Marco?
I always get a stick up my ass when people prefer post skip Nami, Robin, Ace, Marco etc designs because it's gunna be mostly based on 'better looking'
Which is objective, I know. But.
Like pre skip Law my beloved. I lived for thst ratty bastard.
I dunno if anyone remembered when I started this blog but I did used to selfship with Law so(I still like him alot but not into him)
I still love everyone's char even now but yeah Oda defo sanded off edges and I will always prefer 99% of all preskip/pre wano designs.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Do you think toh needs a reboot? There's lots of things that I don't like how were handled in the show but it's also painful to give up on them when you think of the better ways they could've worked out, characters, backstory, plot, everything in general.
I wouldn't mind a reboot tbh, but then again you mentioned that the show isn't quite concious of it's own identity. So I guess unless they work with better writers, it won't make a big difference even with the time needed.
The short version of this is that TOH's inherent flaws mean that… No. A reboot won't help it, it'd be a nightmare to try and adapt or reboot in general and it's never going to see one in animation that could improve much on the version we got except for cleaning up mistakes made because the writers weren't thinking about the consequences of their character's actions.
And this mostly has to do with its crises of identity being a very core part of its image at this point. If you try to refine it into an adventure series, into a school drama, into a more traditional fantasy story or one of the half dozen identities you could place on TOH, it becomes effectively a different show. It's going to feel different, it's going to be different, etc. like that.
So the first problem with even conceptualizing a reboot is you have all these disparate, clashing elements that barely interact and never were enabled to properly interact in the show so… What do you emphasize, what do you de-emphasize? Because no matter what, you're pissing SOMEONE off. If you lean into the childish nature of S1 then you annoy people who prefer the darker, more serious tone to S2. If you lean into the school stuff, Eda's plotline with her sister becomes more neglected and S1 doesn't feel as coherent while Belos feels like even less of a figure than he already does. If you lean more into the Owl Family, you lose as much time with Amity so her character arc is going to suffer, Lumity takes longer to happen naturally and you probably get called racist because people already call the show racist for how little it cares about Gus and Willow.
Quick note for another blog: I don't think race had literally anything to do with Gus and Willow's treatment. They simply stop having a place in the narrative post S1, even arguably after Luz becomes friends with Amity. They look the way they do for design variance and demographic numbers and that's probably it.
Anyways: No matter what, you cannot fix the conceptual problem of TOH being everything that Dana wanted to say and do alongside throwing in the kitchen sink. The only way to smooth out The Owl House is to literally smooth it out. Just flatten it into five or more seasons so it has the time to breathe and actually explore EVERY concept and even then… Yeah, that definitely gets into needing better writers than TOH has who can follow through on the ideas they have. After all, just because they would have more time doesn't mean they have the skill.
And you would need that promise from go so the writers could plan that out properly and… That's never going to happen. Especially not for serialized content like The Owl House, not in the current media landscape that we have. This isn't even because the show is bad. Quality has VERY little to do with whether something gets renewed nowadays. And if you want to get renewed consistently beyond three seasons (and iffy on even that) you need to hit one of two different options.
The first is for broadcast television where ease of programming, cheapness, and advertising is king. This is where you get why Teen Titans Go has two movies and a billions episodes. That show is entirely episodic and thus very easy to break up, throw into a hole in your broadcast schedule, easy to make marathons because you can just slap a bunch together without care, etc. like that. The animation is also incredibly simply and the show in general is probably very cheap to produce. Its writing style of literally anything goes adds to this fact. Cartoon Network can probably make five episodes of Teen Titans Go with the budget Disney gives for ONE Owl House episode and it works better for the company's goals monetarily.
And yes, Teen Titans Go is bad. It's WAY worse than The Owl House. But quality doesn't matter here. What matters is that it's easy, it's cheap, it has brand identity and is easy to merchandise. It is profitable, safe and people see it as easy to sit their child in front of for when they need the television to babysit.
The other option is streaming services and you're not going to get a 100 episode contract for a streaming service. Yes, they want cliffhangers and serialization to make sure you binge and continue subscribing even between seasons but that's also why streaming services are all or nothing. You either are so big that you will continue to pull people for months after your release or they don't care about your small squad of dedicated fans.
And TOH… Didn't become a cultural phenomenon. It was genuinely nothing special to most people, if they'd even heard of it, until Grom. Outside of that, it was just known that it had above average animation when it launched and… That's literally all I ever heard about TOH until I joined the fandom inbetween S1 and 2. And by then Netflix would have cancelled the show most likely.
Because TOH didn't break any records. It didn't light the world on fire. It didn't even cause some giant discourse that rattled through the internet on all fronts. And that means streaming services would probably rather invest in another attempt at a new Walking Dead or Game of Throne rather than continue the show. It's those record breaking numbers that got Velma and Wednesday renewed after all, not their quality or anything like that. (This isn't me condoning these practices btw. I think it's a real problem like everyone else and that it has to do with a lot of focus on short term gain rather than long term retention but I'm rambling enough as is)
And The Owl House never had that clout. Ever. I mean, how many people always had to add caveats to what made The Owl House special like "On Disney" or "in a prime time kid's show" rather than the show actually being special on its own merits? Especially now? There is one last option and that's of course a reboot that doesn't happen in the next five years but instead is closer to 20 when enough time has passed that radical changes might be allowed. That's the Voltron and She-Ra method effectively. Except... That's where we get the fact that Voltron and She-Ra were big properties at their time, never truly forgotten and have strong nostalgia attached to them. They pushed toys, they pushed consumers and those IPs had a real value to them, even to the current day but to revive them took a delicate touch because cartoons are different now. And TOH just doesn't have that power. That impact and care. And there is a LOT to be said about how it's much harder for shows to have that sort of impact nowadays but that's beyond the scope of this blog. The main point is that in 20 years, why would a studio choose to give TOH that much love and attention versus any of the other cancelled animation projects around this time? Especially something that did get to do its full run like Amphibia?
So… Is there a way The Owl House could get the time it needs to explore its whole identity and possibly become better? Yes? In a webcomic, manga or book. Animation is simply too expensive a medium and not regarded well enough that it's going to get the time but things like webcomics, manga and books are known for being more drawn out, able to do more with that space and more independent because the overheads are a LOT less than other mediums. After all, you only have to pay one writer and maybe a couple editors for a book.
But… I don't think Dana has the skill or attention span for any of those mediums. Not if she's working solo. If you look at her solo episodes in TOH, they have some really powerful moments and statements in them… And also some of the most meh B plots, some of the larger narrative cheats, show blatant disregard for her own world building and even at times had to have major plot points in them retconned by future writers because Dana wrote the show into a corner while trying to be clever. It shows someone who would be much better on an anthology series or an episodic series than ANYTHING serialized.
Remember, Dana wrote Reaching Out, where everyone just forgets that being a Wild Witch is met with the death penalty and is not just equivalent to college, which is how Amity and Alador treat it, let alone the twins celebrating becoming outlaws like they just joined a special club.
So in general, I don't think The Owl House is going to see a revival or the like. I think the best thing that could happen to The Owl House's legacy is that people figure out which parts they like the best and go on to make media inspired by those parts of TOH. Because I feel bad for anyone who tries to adopt TOH as a whole.
Because I just don't think it's possible to capture TOH's essence without also bringing along its crises of identity. The two are too intertwined and that was always going to hold the show back.
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7, 12, 21 for whatever fandoms pop into ur head :3!
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Thiiiis one is kind of tricky because I don't really have that many characters I hate and usually not for this kind of reason. I've sometimes gotten annoyed when fandoms focus more on certain characters than the ones I specifically like, but it's never been enough to make me actually hate a character. I'm genuinely trying to wrack my brains here but I'm getting nothing. I guess the most specific I can get is having been exasperated in the past over general decepticon fans way back in the day? But I still wound up liking several individual characters, so.
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Rezo is the first one to pop into my mind (hi, hyperfixation...) although tbh I'd probably describe him as underrated over unpopular per se- a few people seem to seriously dislike him or seriously did dislike him back in the day, but for the most part I get the impression that people just care way more about other characters.
Which is a shame because I think he's genuinely pretty interesting, he's got a bunch of internal conflict going on that we only get tantalizing glimpses of, and he has this silly, quirky side to him that is a lot of fun. I feel like fandom mostly just glosses over him as a footnote to Zelgadis's angst, although I admit it's tricky to do much else with him while still being relatively canon compliant because he goes and dies in the first arc. RIP to a real one.
part of canon you think is overhyped
Undertale: The No Mercy Run is very well done and I can see why people went bananas over it, I went bananas over it sometimes, but digging through 5000 layers of No Mercy Run Angst in Undertale fanstuff got pretty tedious.
Slayers: The original novels probably are good, but I saw a few people talking them up as the True Best Most Objective Canon Version of the story while simultaneously talking down the later seasons of the anime for not sticking closer to the novels and that kind of reverse psychology'd me into being :\ about the novels, especially when several of the differences(1) I heard about just sounded like "edgier/more adult content." I'm afraid to read them now because I don't feel like I can properly be objective about them.
(1) Okay, I will admit it does sound like Lina and Gourry have more nuanced characterization in the novels, which does sound better.
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
hello merms! i've recently been on an animal crossing binge, just for some relaxing and time away from everything else, because its just a very fun and easy game <3 (also combatting the cold and dark days by playing a game where i can see the sun) i am currently designing my island (trying to get to 5*'s!! i just unlocked terraforming and such) and went to yours because i wanted some ideas (i've been to your island once, in 2021 for your birthday! it's changed so much — everything changes when things go on for long enough) but i am here to say that i loved your island tremendously !!! your house is so cute and its full of personality, and tbh exactly what i imagined your house (irl or otherwise) would look like!! i loved all the music you had playing and ur lil bkg poster <3 i saw you in the dream and all you said to me was 'don't talk about it' LMAO kinda creepy, kinda on brand? i'm also very jealous that you have shino!! she's next on my list for villagers (i am lucky enough to have sasha [my favorite], and raymond, along with a few others i enjoy)
but thank you for opening your island and sharing it! i had a blast exploring and looking at everything and it was very beautiful <3
Scout! Hello!! Happy Gaming! 🌷🌿
The animal crossing party in 2021! That was held on Cat’s island—Gratitude. 🌻 Fun fact, I drew Gratitude’s flag. 😌✨ But i’m so excited you came to Hettisland!!! 🥺 Good luck on the five stars!!! I believe in you!!! I hit three stars and then just accepted I’d never hit five, LOL (i have too many trees! Isabelle tells you the islanders are complaining about getting lost among them, if you over do it!). Cat gave me some of the Lily-of-the-Valley that grows on Gratitude, so I use them to dot around Hettisland instead of worrying about growing my own. 🥺🌷
But lmaooo, I’m glad you liked my resident home. 🥹 The current version has taken a lot of fussing and random midnight trades through AC groups—dream home woes. 😩 And of course, on top of that, we had to represent our boy. 😌💥✨ His code actually replaced a space filler i had before, so for ages after downloading it, i was finding random Bakugous dotted all around my island lmaooo.
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when you mentioned Henrietta (my island rep) was saying creepy shit i was like, ????? but then i remembered i’d entered it as my passport comment. 😭 humiliating, LOL. i got on and changed it today, though, so it’s less… ominous (“I’m gonna catch bugs!” which might be still ominous but is hopefully better suited to the vibes of Hettisland lmaooo). 🥹 speaking of horror islands though, have you ever visited Purgatory? Evil Imp makes like, little movies with New Horizons and their island is like a haunted film set, LOL, it’s so intricate! Creepy too, although sometimes that’s dispelled when you’re walking past some whistling islander, LOL. But apparently Evil had poured like, 1600+ hours into the island by the time the dream address was available to people. 🥺 It’s really fun to explore!! Every house tells a story!!!
Shino!!! Yeah, she’s a cutie—she was a camper, and at the time I had a rooster I really hated (he was a snobby, and I already had one—plus he was lowkey kinda mean LMAO i couldn’t tolerate it), so I asked her to stay. Mostly though I just take what I’m given, in terms of who shows up on the island—i think the variety is fun (unless it’s that hateful rooster!!!)
But anyways—thank-you for visiting!!! 🥺 I hope it gave you some fun ideas, for your island!
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snailsrneat · 2 years
Hii your twisted wonderland matchup event seemed really interesting so i decided to sent in a request.
I'm female, she/her pronouns. I'm bisexual. My zodiac sign in leo and my MBTI is istp.
I’m ambivert, I’m self-confident, and honest but can also be ego-centric and domineering. I have to admit I’m a lazy person who prefers having a leisure more than anything else. I mostly spends my time as a stoic and a calm person and i might even come off as apathetic towards the world around me [even tho I’m not]. usually feel like i must control my environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating [according to my friend] I’m usually perceived as being insensitive because i generally prefer to deal with emotions in my own head rather than openly. I’m very laid back and usually moody but I also have a short temper and get annoyed pretty easily. I love attention but i also love being on my own. tbh I often think I’m above others, yet I am always willing to acknowledge that I’m a total piece of shit [sometimes] Sometimes i have fantasies and ideals that I want to start creating or becoming but i myself a reality check and let the dream fade away. I’m very innovative but still choose the practical route a lot. It’s easy for me to create goals and envision the end results but it’s ridiculously hard for me to remain committed to the process.I don't get jealous easily I'm pretty chill and laid back most of the time but if i do get jealous I'm very good at hiding it. Rather than being frustrated or trying to control the other person’s choices, I would put effort in bettering myself, to become the best version of me. I value everyone’s autonomy, so I reject the notion of owning another person and refuse to be possessive. What other person does is ultimately out of my control and i expect other not to be possessive towards me. [I really hope this is not too long i really tried to keep it short 😭].
Celebrity crush: oh boy there are so many but if i had to pick out few that i especially love then they'd be: Johnny depp, angelina jolie, Elizabeth Olsen, Marina & the diamonds, alex turner and Jensen Ackles;
Favourite food: i love pizaa [without pineapple] i also really love spicy and sour food. I'm not a picky eater I'm willing to eat anything you give me unless it's sweet or has a smell of egg.
I don't really have a favourite drink
Favourite song: teddy picker and 505 by Arctic monkeys and alleyways by neighborhood.
Favourite movies: i don't have a favourite movie but i really love horror genre.
Interest: currently I'm really interested in human psychology, typology, how to hex my math and physics teachers, anime, junji ito [especially tomie]
I really love watching movies and reading books especially horror and psychological genre [i also love fantasy genre]. I listen to music a lot and i can talk about hours about my favourite music genres and Artists without getting bored. Lately i started gaining interest in human anatomy even tho i have no interest in becoming a doctor. I also love studing about different mythological or fantastic creatures.
I'm very interested in greek and Egypt mythology.
I love studing and analysis different characters especially villains and anti-heros.
Appearance wise I'm tall 5'9, i have medium sized brown hair in layered haircut. I have brown almond shaped ayes with straight nose and heavy lower lip. I have beauty mark on both of my cheeks, on tip of my nose, corner on my cheen and one on left side of my hand corner of my palm near my thumb. I have warm Ivory skin tone. I usually dress in grunge, sporty or dark academia outfits.
You have been matched up with...
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Trey Clover
Y'all are the mom and dad couple for sure.
Like you are the goth mom and he's the sweet cottagecore dad.
Trey knows how to deal with moodswings, and is super gentle with you when your in a bad mood.
Plus he'll happily give you all the attention you want with out you even asking.
You got Trey into all the music you like and now he listens to all the time.
Trey loves listening to the music you like whilst he bakes, it's very soothing for him.
He'll happily watch all three horror movies you want, though at some he does get a little spooked seeing how excited you are to see it.
I feel like the you guys met was through Cater.
Cater and you are besties and he introduced you guys to each other.
When he saw how well you guys went together he began his mission on making you two a couple.
Cater is one of the sole reasons you and Trey are together, and he'll never let either of you forget.
Dates with Trey include picnics together, feeding each other mouth to hand.
He loves listening to talk about everything, from your music to your innovative thinking, to the reason why you never get jealous.
He loves everything that is you and hopefully, you feel the same.
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takato1993 · 2 years
Whoops almost forgot after October I decided to post short movie review on here for each months movies I watch
Novembers list will be much shorter and much worse than Octobers i don't know if it is bad luck or it is just that i lost just wasn't feeling it most of November.
I will format it so that it is readable this time i promise. expect some small spoilers
Class of Nuke em High 3/10
I watched a couple of Troma movies and enjoyed them during October this is where that luck ended.
It had some fun 80s punk aesthetics and the monster design was not bad in the end
but I don't recommend this one
Book Of Monsters 6/10
Book of Monsters is about a girl whos mother was killed by monsters when she was younger and it turns out she was a monster hunter with a whole book about those monsters and their weaknesses
and then they never utilize this plot device to it's potential if they did some fairy tale like passages or rhymes out of the book describing the lore of each monster this movie it would have taken this movie to the next level.
the monster designs are hit and miss but mostly hits and good ones at that.
Jabberwocky 6/10
I went into this one pretty blind I must admit I was not expecting it to be an early Monty Python movie.
It is not as comical or well put together as Holy Grail but it is honestly a legitimately decent fantasy movie and it should be on more fantasy movie lists people are missing out on this one.
there is someone shitting or pissing in almost every scene.
Beyond Re-Animator 7/10
i finished the trilogy and I enjoyed it. once again this series provides very good practical effects
I won't spoil much but some rat dna gets into the mix with the formula to revive the dead and while no one physically turns into a big rat monster but I think it still adds a lot of fun to this movie
Herbert West gets a new sidekick that should know better than to work with this man.
apparently there are more movies in the series but eh...
SPOILERS- I watched the mid/after credits scene with the rat fighting the animated severed penis and it is less gross than you imagine and so fun it honestly makes the whole movie on it's own.
Digging Up The Marrow 6/10
a documentary style Horror movie where they interview a suspicious elderly man about an underground city of monsters he believes exists
this movie makes some fun stylistic choices and is surprisingly compelling.
Phantasm III and V 6/10
I watched more of the Phantasm series that was available at the time it seems Tubi has uploaded more since but I already watched it way out of order
anyway tho the budget gets lower and the acting worse this series still offers good practical effects and an intimidating villain
Possum 4/10
Chillerama N/A
I could not finish this one and I will not recommend this Horror/comedy compilation
It is designed to be edgy and offensive
on the plus side most of what i saw was well made and had good designs.
this is the movie with the sexy dancing statue of liberty theres a gif of it here on tumblr
has a literal sperm whale
Slumber 4/10
a movie about a doctor helping a family deal with a parasitic nightmare demon
tbh that description seems inaccurate and she seems like a bad doctor.
i could not finish this one and here is my warning on that
CONTAINS- a person sticking there hand in a blender ( no injury) and one brutal animal death scene all for shock value.
Wicked City 6/10
I went into this one expecting a bloody 80s horror anime with a bunch of nudity
but I think It is more like a heavily christian themed hentai but if Christianity was about psychic powers and creating peace through monster fucking
most of the sex scenes are meant to horrify not titillate and not because of the monster fucking that is unrelated.
contains a very annoying version of master Roshi from Dragonball
I know this all sounds bad and like i hate the movie but it does have very good art
The Bone Snatcher 5/10
Hawk The Slayer 5/10
this was a passable fantasy movie and it is likely the last major sword and sorcery movie from the 80s that i will see I might track a few more down but thats is mostly extra now.
the story, the acting, the costuming and the practical effects budget are all just for the most part not very good
This is a typical fantasy where warriors from the various fantasy races come together to defend against evil we have two humans, an elf, a dwarf, and a giant but the budget is low so they mostly just look like normal humans with normal height differences
But I do enjoy the witch character and this movie features one of my low key favorite actors Peter O'Farrel who other notable fantasy roles include one of the goblins in Legend and motherfucking ODO from the Darkest Knight
I recommend watching those movies if you haven't seen them and probably watching the Darkest Knight series which i have not done yet
Hellarious 7/10
I recommend seeing this horror comedy compilation instead of chillerama.
there are 7 stories they are all very simple and lower budget but I guarantee at least one of them will suit every horror taste
I like the first couple stories best anyway go in blind don't spoil this one.
Class of 1999 7/10
Return to Horror High 5/10
gonna be honest I couldn't follow the plot of this one.
Aenigma 4/10
it was bold of this movie to start with the protagonist being bullied by like 15 people at once until they accidentally put her in a coma and then expect us to not side with her supernatural revenge
tho here methods for taking that revenge were very strange.
I wish this movie was as cool as the post/cover makes it look
Phenomena 5/10
this one is about a girl with a psychic connection with insects which she uses to solve murders and intimidate her bullies which seem to include almost everyone.
the people in this movie act very strange I think it might be an issue with script translating the scipt.
the insect power does not play as big of a role as they should and are mostly about flies and maggots which I do understand since they are all real insects which was very ambitious and must have taken a lot of time and attempts just to get those insects to do what they wanted
this movie has a chimp that did bite the leading actress and that did not need to happen this movie did not need a chimp.
Zombie Strippers 5/10
this movie is exactly what you expect with the exception that it does include a hostile conservative takeover of the government
and the military is at fault for there being zombie strippers
if the comedy and horror elements of a movie about zombie strippers sounds like something you would like then watch it if it sounds like you would hate it then do not watch it, whatever your gut feeling for yourself on this one is you are correct
Robot Carnival 8/10
this was a beautiful anime movie compilation of stories all about robots it is pure art and at time pure nightmare
anyway going down the rabbit hole of artsy mostly forgotten old anime movies after this one.
2001 Maniacs 6/10
SPOILERS- a group of young tourists take a detour on their way to spring break and end up forced to except the hospitality of the very southern town they end up in after following this detour sign
anyway the towns people are all racist cannibals planning to kill the springbreakers
MATH + DEEP SPOILERS- the evil towsnfolks plan will take hundreds of years if no more than 6 people show up per year just saying
Evolution (2015) 4/10
watch 2001's American evolution movie instead of this they are unrelated but I am giving you my honest recommendation
Two Evil Eyes 6/10
not the best Edgar Allen Poe adaptation but it is a good one
Piranha Women 3/10
basically a low budget scifi channel movie, from the title you might expect a more traditional piranha fish people transformation and a lot of underwater scenes.....
but nope it is mostly on dry land and the women have piranha mouths on their breasts
Necromancer 3/10
imagine they took Hellraiser and took out all the beautiful practical effects away and decided it needed more uncomfortable late 70s style sex scenes like the one in Hellraiser we all forget about
but then also being almost SFW
ironically contains no real necromancy just a demon that can imitate people that make a deal with her but with nasty red hands
warning contains- 3 castrations and 1 rape scene
The Unnamable 5/10
The Neon dead 5/10
Mortal Engines 4/10
The Creeping Flesh 5/10
I remembered watching the second half of this movie and being very fascinated by it. but I fell asleep 3 times trying to watch it this time.
the Mutilator 5/10
a rare slasher where most of the victims and the slasher are nearly impossible to sympathize with
in true shooting fish in a barrel fashion the bad decisions of his victims lead to the slasher barely having to move until the last 20 minutes to kill most of the characters
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41 - Otis Redding - Otis Blue
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Welp, all I know of Otis Redding is "(Sitting On) The Dock of the Bay" and that he wrote Respect before Aretha covered it and effectively made it hers.
Wikipedia says this is (paraphrased) mostly a cover album. Otherwise, I'm going in blind on this one.
•Ole Man Trouble-
It's ostensibly a blues album, and this is an amazing first track; a blues song about getting stuck in the dumps again and again and again. Fuck Ole Man Trouble.
All my homies hate Ole Man Trouble.
Those horns are hot, though! Hoping for a lot more of that coming up.
Okay, I was expecting this, but this version is just WEIRD. The pieces are there, but it's subtly wrong. Lukewarm take: Aretha did it WAY better. This song works so much better as a feminist anthem than it does like this, it's very 'better have my dinner ready when I walk in the door'.
•A Change Is Gonna Come-
Hearing this man's beaten-down and bedraggled optimism about how things have to get better for the black community despite living though a particularly dark part of America's history gave me a bit of hope that, yeah, things have got to get better.
Then, I think about my racist, fascist governor and I can't stop myself from thinking: "well, not fuckin yet, I guess."
Then, I lose myself in thinking about pushing Ronathan Desantis into the industrial crushing machine from the end of 30 Days of Night, and I get just a bit happier.
It's legitimately soul-destroying to think that it's been so long since this song was written and we've gotten to "no no, you see, slavery was good actually because it taught them valuable skills!" and that kinda makes me want to slit my fucking wrists
This country sucks shit.
•Down in the Valley-
As if he knew the last song was gonna be A Bummer, this one is basically "oh yeah, shit SUCKS, but those motherfuckers can't stop us from dancing, even if it's just to spite them."
That said, I really like it. A breath of fresh air.
•I've Been Loving You Too Long-
My man, she's gone. She's checked the fuck out.
She wants out, you said as much. Let her go.
I get that you feel like you can't let go, but you're being the Crab in the goddamn Bucket right now.
(For real, it sucks to be in a one-sided relationship but let them go if they want to leave, and you'll both be happier eventually for it.)
This song has some SERIOUS energy to it. Funky as hell, and the horns are working overtime. If this doesn't make you want to move, you're broken.
I bet this one was a killer at a live set.
•My Girl-
I was initially going to say that this sounds wrong without the Temptation's back-up singers, but the horns actually work pretty well in their place.
Also, god DAMN, the man could sing.
A beautiful cover. I almost like it more than the original, tbh.
•Wonderful World-
Was expecting trees of green and red roses, too, aaaaaaaand now all I can think about is Animal House, a now deeply problematic fave from my younger years. (But still not nearly as problematic as Revenge of the Nerds.)
(For those who aren't familiar, this was a featured song in that film, iirc the last song of the movie that plays over the epilogues.)
I definitely relate to this song though, as I also don't remember much about the French i took, either.
Possibly the most upbeat song so far.
•Rock Me Baby-
2001. Junior year history class taught by one of my all-time favorite teachers: Mr. Bradish.
This song was the given example of how creative people could get around the strict censorship laws in the mid-century like the Hayes code.
"Well, we can't say 'i want you to screw me all night long', but these dipshit honky record executives don't exactly understand what we mean by the word 'rock', they're just snapping their fingers, so we're good."
I simply cannot divorce this song from that moment in time.
That said, A SERIOUS blues guitar solo, hot damn.
•(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction-
To be totally on the level, I was always more of a Beatles fan than a Stones fan.
That said, this cover FUCKING SLAPS!
In a perfect world, this song would be known as an Otis Redding song.
•You Don't Miss Your Water-
The inverse of I've Been Loving You Too Long, and the return of: "Aww, man I've been such a gigantic cheating prick it's been so great, wait, why is my girl leaving me? [Surprised_pikachu.jpg]"
I seriously CAN'T believe how common a subject that has been during this project.
Well, that was an interesting album, all in all. Otis Redding had one hell of a voice, and it's on full display here.
Definitely worth checking out, especially since it's a quick one at like 35 minutes long.
Favorite Track: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction. It's amazing how much better this song can seem when it's not being sneered at you by a quasi-noncey British multi-millionaire. It comes off much less like the diatribe of a jaded douche when it comes from Otis.
Least Favorite Track: You Don't Miss Your Water.
Yeah, maybe I'm a dyed in the wool wife-guy, but I will never, ever be a fan of the nigh-omnipresent "I'm an asshole, I'm a cheater, wait a minute, why doesn't my partner like me anymore?" song.
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