#tbobf cad bane
itsagrimm · 2 years
The Confusion
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Cad Bane X she/her able-bodied reader
Beta read by the amazing @queenquazar
CN street clothes on bed, blood, fantasies of violence against a loved one, painfully bad communication skills a la toxic masculinity Bane, food, mentions of not eating enough, mentions of food insecurity and poverty trauma, fear of getting murdered and attacked, firmely saying no to the sexual assault tropes but characters vaguely think about this as something happening and existing in the galaxy, guns and gunfight, mentions of sex, fighting, more blood, injury, the bounty hunters know how to tussle, homicidal droid, general note about trandoshans and hutts being antisemitic stereotypes
8k words
You woke up, once again, to the humming sounds of a spaceship. Surprised, you looked around, checked yourself and tried to recollect how you got here.
You were in a bunk - Bane’s bunk?!
Kriff. Okay.
You were still in your clothes, yet barefoot with a huge bacta patch on your neck.
The bite! The memory of Bane rushing at you with gleamy, hungry, predatory eyes and then him with blood - your blood - running down his chin from his barred fangs flashed before your eyes.
That ass of a bantha.
If you could get your hands on him you would - you stopped, remembering how he always towered above you with red eyes, sharp teeth and terrifying strength in his lanky body.
You grimaced.
Your options about what you could do with your hands alone were rather limited in regards to Cad.
 You meant Bane. Not sure you two were still on a first name basis after everything.
You rolled over and screamed your frustrations into the pillow before turning again and taking a few calming deep breaths.
What a mess.
When you were younger you remembered dreaming about someone stepping into your world and changing your life. Now, as it happened, you felt nothing but anger and annoyance for being taken away from your everyday comforts and safety, your home, your income - your life. Yes, anger was good. It was better than the disturbing feeling of powerlessness creeping up in your belly. Rage felt better than resignation.
You got up.
Time to deal with this. Time to tackle the zillo beast. Grab the Zabrack by the horns. Stare the Duro in the Eyes.
What was it now? Another kidnapping? Another mildly veiled threat? Another day without caf and the morning news holos..
Remember - anger, missing caf with a passion.
The outside of the bunkroom was calm. Quickly, you moved around the ship into the cockpit. You needed to know where you are and how you got here. The cockpit was a great place to start with the first.
The dim little area was illuminated with its usual lights from the buttons and screens. You halted in your steps. Through the viewport in front of you, Nar Shaddaa, the smuggler's moon, could be seen. The sight of a fully urbanized celestial body still seemed implausible, a view you struggled with after seeing it before.
Someone knocked.
You turned around, anticipating Bane or another attacker, kidnapper or other bane on your existence but instead it was TODO 360, the droid. A different kind of bane.
“Master Bane instructed me to let you rest and ensure your well-being.” He squeaked, “I had objected about taking up the tasks of a nanny droid. But master Bane insisted on you being more comfortable with a droid than him due to your incapacitated state. I’m glad this is over, for now I can return to my more important duties.”
You raised an eyebrow. 
“I am sure I was not much of a hassle while I was out,” you deadpanned.
“You don't sleepwalk. I heard some of your species do that,” TODO continued. “I would have used a stun shot on you if you’d done that.”
Your mouth went dry. A thinly veiled threat kind of day it was then.
“Well, I feel so cared for by you. Thanks. Where is Bane?”
“Master Bane is doing some maintenance on the hyperengine generator.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I am sure Master Bane will be most pleased with you being helpful while keeping me safe.”
The droid stared at you before turning around leaving you alone without any more words. Maybe his memory storages were overflowing with his artificial adoration for Bane and he had no capacity for being nice to you.
You took one last look at the magnificent sight of Nar Shaddaa. It was breathtaking, helping you to calm your confused thoughts and ground yourself in the here and now. You were one little human in this inconceivably big galaxy full of wonders and horrors like the populated moon before your eyes. You would deal with whatever awaited you however you could, taking it in stride instead of panic. It was all you had left now, anyways as you headed down deeper into the ship.
The engine room was a space you had never visited before during your previous  encounters with Bane. It simply wasn’t where one naturally gravitated to when looking for a space to fuck. So it took you a few moments to find it, wandering around the ship and past places where Bane had bent you over, or against, or pushed you down before.
You shook your head. This wasn’t the moment to think about what you had done to each other. How he tasted. That gruff sound he made when he came. Or, how it had felt when-
“You’re awake.”
Banes' curt greeting snapped you back into reality and you turned around. He was shirtless, marked in grime from working on the engine, a handful of tools in his hands with his discarded shirt lying on the floor. Stars, he looked good as he stared down on you, the hat making him appear even taller.
“I ‘ad started to worry about ya’ dying on me due to blood loss. Took you a long time to get up.”
Still as caring as always then.
“Well, I’m alive.” You managed to reply. The machine oil on his dark blue skin glinted distractingly.
He nodded.
You shifted awkwardly, suddenly not feeling angry or annoyed, but hyper aware of how out of your element you were.
Bane cleared his throat.
“There is some caf powder upstairs,” Bane said,his raspy voice felt liberating from the oppressive silence. “Take a sonic and some of ma’ clothes. I’ll just finish up here.”
You grimaced.
“Do I look that shitty?”
“No. That’s not-” Bane stopped.
Both of you stared at each other.
His red eyes burned into your skin and you felt yourself getting hot under his heavy gaze.
“Sonic sounds good,” you huffed, stepping away.
He hummed and your eyes fell onto his chest again, drawn in by the deep vibrating timbre.
You remembered being pressed against a wall by that chest, scratching over it in excitement, tracing the ink and scars on it before falling asleep.
Firmly, you turned around and marched to the refresher while collecting a few pieces of clothing on the way.
The door of the refresher unit slammed behind you, as if you did not put thin plastisteel between you and the rest of the world, but solid granite scratching over the floor.
Alone, you closed your eyes and leaned against the door.
Everything on this ship reminded you of him and of the lovely little trysts you had. Bane pushed you away, though, then caused you to get kidnapped.
You wanted to forget those delicious memories, wanted to be angry for what his presence had brought to your life.
And you were.
Void, you would hammer against his pretty blue grime covered chest first chance you got with your little fists if that would help. But it didn’t.
You stripped out of your clothes and turned on the sonic, washing yourself mechanically. What you needed was regaining control over your life. Not some fantasies about a man you once thought of saving you. And you would start conquering back control now.
Bane bared his teeth at the engine. He heard her steps,the movement of clothes around her body, as he continued his work. He had kriffed up again. He wanted to be considerate, show her he wanted her to be fine and well after everything he’d caused her. But instead, he made her even more uncomfortable than she was. Her lost gaze roaming over his body as in wonder if he would expect some kind of payback for his service. He shook his head in disgust. Bane remembered being powerless and lost, at the mercy of others. He had been kicked down most of his life. Which is exactly why he became who he was now. He would be damned to do that to her.
But his rough attitude helped little when he tried -and failed at- comforting her. Maybe at least keeping her safe and well, would make up for everything. Maybe the hot sonic would alleviate some of her stress, run down her body, her back, her ass, the back of her legs as she closed her eyes and-
He hissed as he accidentally cut himself on the sharp fan blades of the cooling system.
He needed to avoid thinking about her that way.
The droid trotted around the corner. “Yes, master Bane?”
“Finish up here. It needs to be patched up again.”
The droid nearly pranced at the outlook of doing the work of a techno service droid for once.
“I will not let you down, master Bane! It will be done in no time. I will-”
“Yes.” The Duros hissed and patted the little droid absentmindly on the head. Maybe he should return to the Twi’lek technician and tweak TODO’s personality as she recommended. Maybe seeing her friend again could cheer up the lil’ lady.
“Oh,” Todo sighed. Bane looked down, noticing his head on the droid's head. If TODO could blush, Bane was sure the droid would.
Bane lifted his hand.
For once in his silicone based life, the droid stayed silent without being told to - just staring up  with his big, loyal, visual sensors.
“Gotta go,” the bounty hunter growled.
Upstairs in the little kitchen area, he disinfected the cut on his hand. It was minor but in his line of work, he needed his hands to be in healthy condition. A wound infection, even a small one, could get dangerous when on the hunt.
While waiting for her to finish in the refresher unit he cleaned himself up at the kitchen sink and got a fresh shirt before making caf. She had looked tired. And, if he remembered correctly, she enjoyed a good cup of the warm liquid before work. Not that something like “morning” existed up in orbit where time became an abstract.
The door to the refresher unit hissed open. Bane closed his eyes with her smell, now faint, covered by the scent of the soap, allured him as always. He opened his eyes again as he heard the fabric around her ruffle and rustle around her hips as she stepped into the kitchen.
“Sorry, I didn’t want you to keep you waiting,” she muttered.
He was willing to wait for her years if needed be. But he could hardly say that.
Instead, he just nodded.
“I made caf,” he grumbled, passing her a cup.
She leaned against the kitchen counter in front of him and pursed her cute little lips to blow over the hot caf to cool it.
Bane wanted to kiss those lips and feel her breath on him again.
Instead he took a sip from his cup and nearly burned himself.
“How are you feeling?” Cad grit out, ignoring the pain of the burn.
She halted her movements.
They both sipped from their cups, only the clanking sounds of TODO working down in the ship breaking the awkward silence. In all his years as a bounty hunter Bane never felt so tense about saying something wrong. Why was this so hard?
She took another sip from her cup, him mirroring her action.
Shit, speak!
He opened his mouth and closed it. What was he supposed to say? He’d rather walk through the tatooine sea of dunes instead of feeling this clueless.
She stared at him expectantly, looking so good in his shirt.
Looking so angry at him. He closed his mouth.
“Do I get anything after getting abducted, insulted, and attacked due to you?” she asked. “Do I get anything after being attacked by you?”
His mind went blank with her eyes gleaming at him, the rage simmering below her irises. How was he supposed to fix this?
Frustrated, she slammed down her cup and turned around to leave.
“Good talk,” she hissed.
You marched into Cad’s little bunk room to calm down.
Bane, not Cad.
Getting rescued like a stray tooka was a surprisingly positive turn. But he was aloof, laconic and confusing. It drove you mad.
Quackling of a man.
Why did he bother to save you if he was going to turn around and ignore you? What was the point? You stalked around the little space, massaging your temples while hating the confusion raging in yourself. Since you came aboard his ship, he had kept his distance, always making sure to leave an arms length between you and him, even tasking TODO to care for you instead of doing it himself. If it was out of consideration, you very much appreciated it as a polite and charming gesture. But knowing Bane and how he had broken off, it was because he wanted that distance. You were nothing but an ex-lover to him. Most likely he saved you out of convenience, hurt ego or maybe a smidge of guilt. The Duros was a loner - prideful and uncommunicative, not even bothering to tell you why you were here.
Maybe he just saved you to use you for information. What else could he gain from you now?
You choked on your next breath.
What if he throws you out of the air lock as soon as you lose whatever value you held for him?
As sob escaped your mouth. Your hands catching any other sound of weakness you couldn’t afford right now. Apparently you survived the sarlacc pit only to die in the dune sea. 
You looked around for an escape.
On the crate with Banes stuff was a holopad. Maybe he had forgotten it there. You had to find something about Duro’s anatomy or this ship or TODO or anything that could help you escape.
You turned on the holopad and established a holonet connection.
Nervously you drummed on the frame with your fingers before typing in Cad Bane’s name.
Back at home on Trask you had avoided doing this. Who could blame you? Now, you stared at countless entries. A barrage of red flags you were not sure what to do with.
Dank Ferrik.
Fascinated and scared, you scrolled through a few articles.
“Bane, the Bane of the Underworld.”
“Infamous Bounty Hunter Cad Bane Terrorizes Galactic Senate!”
“Some have a bone to pick with him, others want to bone him - Cad Bane and 8 things we know about the mysterious dashing gunslinger”
“Jedi Killer on the Loose”
For a split second you considered reading the article about the mysterious dashing gunslinger, your mind trying to find comfort in the absurd before turning serious again. Luna had been adamant about Cad Bane being dangerous and a Jedi Killer. And back then, in the safety of your house, you had pushed her concerns aside. Now, heavily reliant on ‘the Bane of the Underworld’ and hoping he wouldn’t kill you at his first convenience, you had to reconsider. You turned off the holopad and leaned back to fight back the rising panic.
Those articles made it very clear that Bane was not just any bounty hunter. He was a dangerous individual to be around. Memories of him on Nar Shaddaa and other bounty hunters like him flashed before your eyes. Instinctually you reached for the bacta patch on your neck with your hands.
Those hands - you had fought too. And you had set fire to the cantina, possibly hurting and killing everyone inside. Nausea threatened to rise up in your throat. You took a deep calming breath. It was self-defense! And Cad, probably had reasons too-
Kraytspit. Bane! His name was Bane.
You froze, feeling the cold wetness of your tears only after they had trailed down your face. No pushing aside all the pain and fears, no rational, no thoughts, no words.
What was even left to say.
TODO had finished the repairs about an hour ago and was running tests to ensure the ship's safe operation. Soon, Bane would be forced to make a decision. Where would he go from here?
No, they.
It was two of them now, only the lady had appeared to be less delighted to share air with him.
He bared his teeth.
Damn woman.
What was he supposed to say? That he was sorry for everything that happened to her? That he did not want her to be harmed and that he would make sure she would be safe? And that he really had missed her, so much so that he honestly considered how he felt about somebody else except himself for once? He growled in frustration.
He should have said all that.
He re-adjusted his hat and leaned back into the pilot seat. Maybe he would tell her that - later. It wasn’t his fault she had marched out of the kitchen like a furious tooka. When she wasn’t sulking and angry and - Bane cocked his head, his sharp Duros hearing picked her up, silently sobbing, trying to muffle the sound.
The corners of his mouth twisted downwards.
Damn woman.
Damn smart, witty and oh so kriffing beautiful woman.
He really could not stand her being in pain. With a sigh, he got up and followed the sound.
He found her sitting on his bunk with her knees pressed to her body and her arms hugging around her legs. She stared at the wall with fearful, teary eyes.
He knocked at the door frame.
Startled, she jumped up, quickly recovering and putting up a neutral face.
“Can I come in?” He rasped.
“It’s your ship.”, she managed with a nearly steady voice.
“That’s not an answer.”
They stared at each other, Cad unsure of what to say. His eyes wandered down to the holopad, a photo of him below a headline he couldn’t read.
“You looked me up.”
“It scared you.”
She nodded weakly.
Wordless he slowly moved in and settled next to her, close enough to talk but far enough to give her space and leave at any moment if she wanted.
He leaned forward onto his knees, the silence thickening the recycled air. He summoned all his courage.
“I cannot remember having a’ honest conversation with anyone since I was a hatchling,” he offered quietly.
She turned her head and looked at him as he continued.
“At this point, I don’t really know how to have one.” He practiced those words to himself moments ago, yet each syllable had to be forced out just to be whispered. “I am sorry for everything that happened to ya’. It wasn’t my intention to cause you harm.”
She hummed and looked up in the air as if thinking.
“This shit is kriffed up,” she finally said. “I can’t believe that a semi-regular cantina hook-up got me into this.”
She looked at him with the same look bounties had given him before.
“Will you kill me?”
He couldn’t help but stare at her in surprise. He was Cad Bane. Infamous bounty hunter and best one in the galaxy. A murderer for hire. He had done heinous things, spilled so much blood he would have been able to drown in it.
But harming her? 
Not considering his every move just not to spook her? Hearing her sob?
“Never,” he admitted.
She lowered her legs from the bunk and turned her full body towards him, “It's a bit hard to believe. Is it a trick?”
“If it would be a trick, I’d hardly tell ya’,” he argued with a low rumble in his voice.
She smiled, a sad smile on those pretty lips.
He wanted to reach over to her to hold her, keep her safe from all that scared her and show her how little she had to fear from him.
He did nothing.
“I am sorry for losing my patience in the kitchen,” she said, breaking the silence. “It's all a bit much.”
“Ya’ did surprisingly well for a beginner. Saw the arson,”He nodded approvingly, happy to move into more familiar waters.
Her nervous smile turned genuine. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Her voice was steady, not angry or teary anymore.
He nodded.
“What’s with the bite?”
He regretted agreeing to the question. 
“Lil’ lady, you really cut right down to it.” He considered his next words carefully, grimacing. “Crossed ya’ path by accident on Nar Shaddaa and it struck me as odd to see ya there. So, I followed a bit. Ya’ seemed to be doing just fine and I was about to leave as I heard Bossk, Aurra and Boba talk about ya. I figured it would be in both our interests if they didn’t catch you; so, I got to you first. I had to rely on my duro’s hunting instincts for that. They got the better of me for a moment.”
“Wait. You stalked me? Like prey?”
His mouth went dry and he tilted his head, the brim of his hat exaggerating the movement.
“Another question,” She declared, “What now? Unless you change your mind about throwing me out of the airlock, I imagine you don’t want your one night stand to stick around forever.”
Yes, I would very much like that.
“We need to figure out why they were searching for me,” He replied instead. “Same thing could happen to ya’ again, otherwise. After that, I can get you to any place in the galaxy. Whatever ya’ want, lil lady.”
“Really. If I wanted to force you to stay here on this ship, I would lock you up in the holding cell. But ya’ run around as you please, right?”
She considered his words.
“Right,” she finally admitted, dragging the word unwillingly along.
Relief washed over him as if he had managed another senate hostage situation or broke into the Jedi temple a second time. She hadn’t cried again because of him. And she had stopped staring at him like a tooka seeing a massif for the first time.
Maybe he was a doomed man for caring about that.
They settled on Tatooine as their next destination. If one could talk about a “they”. It would be a few days until they arrived on the desert planet where Cad Bane planned on fixing this mess with Jabba the Hutt. Apparently, Cad had worked for Jabba a few times, counting on his former employer to have enough patience to explain why the Hutt Clan collectively placed a bounty on him. You shrugged off what sounded like a suggestion. Intergalactic criminal politics weren't your cup of tihaar and you knew too little to object, nor did you feel you had any actual say in the matter.
Traveling with Cad was uneventful.
Bane - traveling with Bane was uneventful. 
Bane kept to the cockpit, even sleeping there while you mostly stayed in the bunkroom he had retreated from. You avoided meeting the Duros, still unsure of what to make of this situation and if you had any chance to survive it.
At least he fed you. 
You hadn’t quite figured out why, but the value you had was enough for him to spare some rations, keep you free to roam the ship, and not object as you borrowed his clothes or used his holopad.
“You need to finish the ration pack,” he growled from across you during meal time, one of the few situations you did see each other. “You did not finish the last one, either.”
Without any joy you poked around the rehydrated nuna and beans meal, searching for your will to finish it.
“If ya’ keep eating morsels, ya will lose strength,'' he added.Bane had finished his portion, always eating with a gusto and speed as if starved and someone could steal his plate at any second.
“I’m not particularly hungry, maybe I can finish it later,” you explained, puttingt down the cutlery.
Bane hissed in disapproval. “Later, there will be more for ya’ to eat.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Will I need my strength for anything in particular? Are you preparing me for something? ”
He crossed his lanky arms in front of his body.
“I did not save ya’ only to watch ya’ waste yourself away. We are traveling to Tatooine and not back to Trask. Y’a need every bit of energy ya’ can get. Planet ‘s harsh.”
You grimaced, looking at the unappetizing meal in front of you.
“Listen,” he continued, “I’m not traveling with a woman for a few days only to have her collapse first thing after gettin’ off ma’ ship.”
“Yeah, what would the people think?” She questioned sarcastically. “Someone harmed on Cad Bane’s ship? The scandal!”
“Funny,” he hissed, ”It’s as if you know what I do for a living.”
“I have my moments. Life’s too short to waste them.” You crossed your arms, mirroring his pose.
“If you won’t finish the food, I will,”he hissed, already reaching over the table as he returned to his original point.
“How nice of you to ask and wait for my answer,” you hit back, annoyed about being lectured by what felt like your second kidnapper.
“Better than wait and waste food like you do.” Bane glared back at you, while finishing your meal in record speed.
“There wasn't even that much left. Why do you care?”
“Hate throwing away food.”
You studied Bane as he finished your portion. Despite finally knowing what he did for work and spending quite some time together now, you hardly knew anything about him. It was one thing to know what face they made when cuming, but another thing to know what they liked and where they came from. And one of those things was significantly overestimated as ‘personal’.
You figured you’d dare to ask.
“Why do you hate throwing away food?”
Bane put down the bowl, meticulously empty from scratching out even the tiniest amount of food, and looked at you.
“I know what it's like to be hungry, so I hate throwing away food. It’s a luxury to be fed regularly, to have a choice, what and when ya’ eat, lady.” Hee paused, his eyes strangely unfocused for a moment, as if in thought before continuing softly, “Next time, finish ya’ meal. Yes?”
You nodded as he got up to clear the table to retreat back to the cockpit. Bane shared something with you he clearly valued a lot.
“Yes,” you rasped before he left.
You started to tiptoe more around the ship, venturing from the security of the bunkroom. There was little to do except for lounging around, reading or watching holos. So, you started pitching in with chores. It wasn’t that different from running a cantina and better than being bored.
There were food and drinks to worry about - meals for Cad and you, energy recharges for TODO, the occasional sip of water for the hydroculture plants in the ship's air filtering system.
Things to repair or keep clean - at one point when looking for a clean shirt you found a stash of old clothes and started tailoring them to your own needs while waiting for the sonic cleaner to finish.
Unpleasant beings to be around yet had to be endured - TODO, mostly TODO. The little droid managed to give you the dirtiest looks despite relying solely on a pair of sensory units for it.
“Is that master Bane’s jacket?” TODO enquired with an oddly sour tone for a droid.
“I found it broken, I repaired it,” you answered while going through the collection of meal kits.
“I see.”
You looked up.
The droid was still standing in front of you, silently staring at you.
“Anything I can help with, TODO?”
The droid blinked.
“I was ordered by Master Bane to inform you that we will reach Tatooine soon. You are hereby informed.”
You waited for the droid to say something more or leave.
“Thank you, TODO. You can leave now.” you replied as nothing came of the droid.
“I’m glad you will leave soon too.” The droid declared and waddled away.
You grimaced.
The menacing little companion stoked your fears you had managed to keep down by occupying yourself. Yet, he was right. You would leave soon, still not entirely sure if you’d make it out unharmed.
Swallowing down that possibility, you picked the most delicious sounding meal kit.
Yes, raid your possible attackers fridge. Make it count.
You fished out an interesting sounding soup as Cad strode in.
BANE! By the glaciers of Hoth, Bane.
He nodded as a greeting, his hat as always accentuating the movement before grabbing his own meal and starting to rehydrate it.
“Ya’ ever been to Tatooine before?” He asked in his usual growling low voice.
“No. I haven’t traveled much. Not everyone has a ship or can pilot.” You got out the cutlery, set the table and sat down to wait for Bane to finish with his food.
He growled, “Should have told me before. Could have shown ya’ how to fly The Justifier past rotations.”
Puzzled, you reached for the bowl he handed you. Why teach a hostage how to get away?
They started eating. Despite your best efforts, you didn’t manage.
Banehissed in disapproval, finished with eating in the blink of an eye, as always.
“These are Duros portions. Not human portions.” You felt defended yourself from his hot red glare as he reached over the table in familiar fashion for your bowl, “Also, how do you eat so fast?“
“That is the most not-informing-answer. Obviously it’s a habit.”
He put down the bowl, slowly blinking through his glare
“Yeah? Want me to tell ya’ a story about ma’ harsh childhood with lots of siblings on a poor Durese satellite city where food was scarce and ya’ hadda’ eat quickly before someone stronger could snatch it away?”
“Yes, tell me about that.”
“I just did.”
You swallowed your remark, exhaling a soft.
“Oh,” your voice flat and deflated. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. Better than coming from Trask.”
“Hey! I’m not from there. I’m from Naboo. I kind of accidentally ended up on Trask- and it’s not that bad!”
“Yeah,” the Duros snorted. “If ya’ like fish, sailors, and sailors who smell like fish.”
“Don’t be mean. It’s a job. I’m sure bounty hunting is not that appetizing at times either.”
He paused.
“Gotta point there, lady.” He reached behind his back and drew a blaster, laying it flat on the table.
You froze, your breath catching in your throat. This was it. This was the end. You had outlived your usefulness for Bane and now you would die.
“I know ya’ can use that ol’ blaster ya’ had back on Trask, but can ya’ use these?”
You blinked.
“Loth cat got ya’ tongue?”
“Uhm,” you swallowed. “Not sure. They look fancy. Never had one like these in my hands.”
“Of course ya’ haven’t. They’re custom. I got nothing else lying around that would fit ya’ otherwise. I can’t have ya’ run around with a heavy rifle ya’ can hardly carry, but also can’t have ya’ unarmed on Tatooine.”
Your head spun around to pull out at least one useful thought as you reached for the pistol. It was heavy and violent, yet scary and beautiful.
“Don’t lose it. The LL-30 is part of a pair.”
“I-, I am not planning to,” you managed to speak.
“Good. Or I’m having ya’ neck otherwise.”
You gulped as he rose from the chair.
“Gear up and get ready for landing. Tatooine is business.”
Tatooine was in fact business. But not for you. Cad landed the ship outside of Moss Eisley, one of the bigger settlements on the planet, showed you how to use the LL-30, and tasked you to guard the ship and TODO.
As fascinating as it had been to watch the ship approach the planet, it was now inadvertently boring to stare into the dusty horizon. You wondered why you had to gear up, dressed in long sleeved and covering clothes to shield from the sun, when all you did was sit around in the ship's shadow.
“Anything on the comms?” you called into the ship.
“Master Bane has not contacted me. I am instructed to inform you and follow your commands when I receive news.”
You raised an eyebrow. You could order TODO around - no wonder the droid sounded even more pissed than usual.
Instead of getting on the droid's synthetic nerves, you opted for a little stroll around the ship. It was a short-lived pleasure. As soon as you left the shadow, you felt like every bit of strength burned out of you. Maybe you needed a hat too for a bit of shade? Or something similar to the tusken’s traditional head coverings for your head. Obviously, unlike you, the local sentient population was clever enough to dress for the doubly sunny occasion.
Bored and sweaty, you retreated back into the shadows and took a seat on the little stairs leading into the ship.
If you wanted to run away, this was your chance. But looking at the endless dunes in the oppressive heat, and having TODO behind you, right next to the controls of The Justifier’s canons, you quickly discarded the idea.
Maybe this was okay?
Maybe you could slip away in a more survivable environment later. Or maybe Cad did plan on letting you go at some point. He had been …nice. You had expected something different, like getting locked up … or other things.
You shock your head, refusing to follow that pattern.
Instead, Cad had given you a gun and every space you needed away from him.
The many memories of him back on Trask, the articles about him as a dangerous bounty hunter, the holding cell in his ship, the many weapons, the groans and hissed sounds of chasing pleasure, the little talks during meal time, him biting you and glaring down at you as your memory faded away, his smell on the clothes you wore, his gun in your hands as you waited for him to return - it all swirled into one shape.
Cad Bane.
Confused, you buried your face in your hands.
The darkness of your closed eyes and shielding hands was comforting, the stairs below you piercing into the flesh of your thighs grounding you - and moving?
You opened your eyes the second the stairs drew back, throwing you into the ship and closing the hatch. You landed on your back with a yelp. Rolling over, you struggled to press to your feet, stumbling against the  ship's inside wall.
“TODO! What’s going on?”you yelled over the noise of the starting ship.
“Oh, you are inside.”the droid sounded disappointed. “Thought you didn’t hear my call. We got a message from Master Bane. He requires back up.”
“Fucking Hoth, TODO! I swear I’ll flatten you into scrap metal myself as soon as I get my fingers on you!” You hissed while staggering into the cockpit.
“Who else would fly the ship then?” the droid replied calmly while pressing a few buttons.
You slumped next to him into the co-pilot's seat.
“You better do it well, TODO! Your homicidal tendencies might be appreciated by Bane, but they are very much not welcome by me and I’m tempted to give vengeance a try. Yes, even if that means that I'll walk.”
The droid flew a long curve, zoning in on a large bastion like building in the middle of the desert. 
“Master Bane is in there.”
“What is that? Did he say anything more?”
TODO pressed a few more buttons and readied the guns.
“That is Jabba's palace. He might need bacta.”
The walk through the desert was tedious. But it was better than landing the Justifier with her next to Jabba’s goons. So instead, Cad Bane clenched his fangs and walked. The Tatooine suns and sandy surface were harsh. Only a fool or a fierce warrior would walk the desert by foot. Bane wasn’t sure which of those he belonged to anymore.
He remembered his time with Jango. He had called Bane a fool.
Mostly for kriffing up something during hunts. But not always. Sometimes it was a different kind of foolishness Jango attested in Bane - a sweeter, more tender kind of foolishness. During down time between contracts or in the safety of hyperspace after Bane had shelled Jango out of his damn armor and after they had caught their breaths again, Jango had called Bane a fool before kissing him.
Jango had been right. Somehow, the old Mandalorian Merc had kept a distance, leaving Bane behind without any warning like the fool he was.
Back then, as Jango vanished only to get himself killed after leaving behind a horrific amount of clones with his face and voice to haunt Cad, Bane had been furious at Jango for shutting him out. Furious and hurt. Now, after figuring out how to kill the clones as quickly as possible, Bane did not think about dead Jango much anymore.
Who was the fool now, Jango?
Kriff, it’s still me. I am walking through the Dune Sea just to make sure she is safe.
He adjusted his hat for more shade and kept on walking.
Fool or no fool - he could wallow in old memories and self-pity when he got off Tatooine. The coarse sand already chafing his skin under his clothes and adding to his sullenness as he marched on, surveying the horizon for treats. 
Reaching Jabba’s palace  entrance portal and annoyed from the tedious walk, he pounded against the thick metal.
“Let me in, Jabba! Ya’ know this has been comin’ a long time!” he bellowed before Bib Fortuna or any other of Jabba’s underlings could do something so stupid as to ask what he wanted in the middle of nowhere.
“Who are you?” One of the gamorrean grunted through a little window in the portal.
“Take a guess, son.”
Instead of an answer, the portal opened for Cad Bane to step through. Bib Fortuna, the Twi’lek advisor to Jabba, greeted him before asking him to leave his weapons.
“Bib Fortuna, ya’ know as much as I do that I am no less dangerous without my weapons. I will not part with them. Skip the formalities and let me through. I am not in the mood for chit chat.”
The Twi-lek just shrugged his shoulders, “You will be escorted then.”
Fortuna turned around to walk up the palace stairs to the throne room as strangely familiar faces circled Bane.
“Bossk, Aura- good to see y’all,” Bane growled as they moved.
“Likewise,” Aurra replied with a devious smile while Bossk only grunted.
“Tell me, who is the kiddo in ya’ tow, wearing Jango’s armor?” Bane continued as they all strode up the stairs.
“Don’t think that’s any of your concern, old man,” the kid hissed with a young Jango voice. 
Must be another Clone then.
“Behave, Boba,” Bossk snarled.
Bane filed the information for later. He had to face a crime boss for now. They reached the top of the gloomy stairs and stepped into the throne room.
Many different species and people holding various professions populated the room, as always. An inattentive observer would think it a strange choice, or born out of need to socialize for Jabba to have so many guests. Bane knew better. This was politics and he better treaded lightly on the courtly floors.
Gritting his fangs he lifted his hat, and bowed deeply in front of Jabba, the lord of Tatooine and master of this palace.
“I greet you, Jabba,” Bane declared loudly for everyone to hear. Next to him, a protocol droid shuffled in place and started translating what Jabba, the huge slug-like creature from the throne, declared.
“The honorable Jabba is most pleased to finally see you, Cad Bane.” The droid’s yellow eyes flickered hazily.
“Likewise. May I ask why ya’ and ya’ fellow Hutt placed a bounty on my head to bring to ya’ alive? I’mma here now without anyone forcing me to. Could have just asked.”
Jabba laughed and the droid dutifully translated.
“The honorable Jabba was saddened by the bounty on your head after you, a close confidant, were lost for a few rotations.”
“But, he is willing to convince the council to lift the bounty from you and restore the trust between us.”
If Bane were a less controlled man, he would have cursed the Hutt right then and there. Instead he replied, “That would be very appreciated. I assume ya’ want me to do ya’ a favor as well?”
Another raucous laugh from the mighty Hutt up on the dais.
“The honorable Jabba applauds your way with words. Yes, the honorable Jabba requires a favor from you for his help.”
So like a job, but I’m not getting paid for it. 
“Go on,” Bane growled, unwilling to suppress any more of his distaste for this whole charade.
The Hutt waved him to step closer and Bane obeyed.
“Koose je myo nephews killer. Koose je sy snootles dead mo alive um u are free.” (Bring me my nephew's killer. Bring me Sy Snootles dead or alive and you are free.)
Bane bared his teeth.
“Pay me, Jabba, and I’ll do it.”
“Mee'm paying gee myo good will tah lift doe bounty of u. Um mee'm gifting u gee doe life of do cheeka.”
(I'm paying with my good will to lift the bounty on you. and I'm gifting you with the life of your woman.)
Bane bared his teeth, but Jabba already leaned back with his raunchy laughter as his court mocked Bane with an echoed laugh.
“The honorable Jabba knows you will do him the favor,” the droid continued his translations through the noise and laughter. “Until then you are dismissed.”
Bane clacked his teeth, feeling the need to bite and scratch and spill Hutt blood. This had been a trap. He had become an enforcer for an internal Hutt family matter.
And he wouldn’t even be paid for it. Jabba knew about her and there was little Bane could do about that. Her safety was Jabba's security for Bane’s loyalty.
He hissed and turned around to march off.
On the stairs he stopped.
Jabba's court was still highly amused by his misfortune. However, Bossk, Aurra and the kid called Boba, trailing after him instead of staying with the Huttese court.
“Whaddaya want?” Bane growled. He wasn’t in the mood for more games.
“Isn’t it obviousssss?” Bossk replied. “The bounty on you issssn’t lifted. Sssstep out of the palace and you are ripe for harvesssst.”
“Over ma’ dead body,” Bane bit.
Bane turned and studied his soon to be opponents.
Aurra and Bossk were capable fighters, but Bane was faster. And the new kid moved like a fighter but he likely was a beginner. It was tempting to go against them, to work off some of his frustrations.
He pressed his comm instead. He had other things to worry about. “TODO, get the ship here. Plan 7.”
Aurra chuckled, “That’s a new low for you, Bane. Are you running away from a fight?”
“Is this ya’ attempt to pressure me into a fight? I’ve seen you do better, Aurra.” Bane countered and started to slowly descend the stairs towards his soon to be arriving ship, with canons. 
And a little droid without an ethics check module behind the controls.
He just had to make it to the ship and with his blasters-
Shit, he was down a blaster.
“Go on, Bane. Leave the palaccccce. Sssstep out of the protection of Jabba’sss court.”, Bossk hissed as Bane approached the portal, the ship visible from afar yet still a few klicks away.
Bane’s fingers twitch into fists.
This was dirty play and he hated being on the receiving end of it. But, he could be patient.
“Tell ya’ what. Y’all need to shut up. We all know how this will go, so don’t waste ya’ breath.”
“Awwww,” Aurra teased. “Will you really just run away into the safety of your ship like a coward?”
“I’m not in da mood, Aurra. Cut it,” he deadpanned, leaning against the frame of the open portal, certain no one would attack him as long as he was in the palace. Yet, guards and servants started to back away, feeling the rise of the tension as the ship kept getting closer and closer and closer.
“Guess my father Jango was wrong about you being one of the best hunters he ever met.”
It was the young clone's voice, modulated by Jango’s helmet.
It cut through the hot air like a blade, hit right at that one spot close to Bane’s heart he had learned to carefully avoid. Checking for the approaching ship one last time, Bane turned around.
“Ya need a handful, son. And then-” he hissed with rage dripping off his fangs as he drew his pistol and fired, “-ya need to shut up about Jango!”
The kid in Jango’s armor flew back from the hit in the chest, instantly passing out from the impact on his protective beskar chest armor. Aurra raised her rifle but the huge weapon was unhandy and slow in close combat. Bane’s next hit caught her in the leg, making her pass out from shock.
Good, not out for blood among colleagues.
A furious cry erupted, drowning out even the fearful cries and grunts by the servants and guards. Bane swirled around only to be knocked over by Bossk. The trandoshan had drawn a huge knife and Bane barely avoided it by knocking it out of Bossk’s hands.
The trandoshan laughed, using his bigger body mass to his advantage as they rolled over the floor and fought for the upper hand. Bane growled with rage, clawing at Bossk’s eyes while the trandoshan aimed for Bane’s neck as a shot fired right next to them into the sand.
They stilled, looking for the origin of the shot.
The Justifier had finally made it.
“Get off me, Bossk.” Bane hissed, “This has been fun but I gotta go.”
The trandoshan loosened his grip on Bane while Bane retracted his claws from Bossk’s face. 
“Yesssss. Ssssee you around,” the trandoshan answered as they both got up and fixed their appearance, little drops of blood falling into the sand as they pretended not to be in pain.
“Tell Aurra to get well soon and that I’m mildly sorry. And that kid to shut up or I’ll shoot him dead next time.” Bane added before turning around and walking to the ship.
Bossk chuckled as he reached for his knife.
“Will do, Bane. Will do.”
would you like to be tagged in the next chapters too? send me a message.
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manofbeskar · 1 year
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verkomy · 2 years
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cobb vanth in bacta tank after his encounter with cad bane
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missmargaretcarter · 1 year
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"Mandalorian" Standoffs in Star Wars
The Bad Batch (1.08) Rebels (2.13) A New Hope (1977) The Mandalorian (2.01, 2.05) The Book of Boba Fett (1.06, 1.07)
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one of my favorite things about Cad Bane is that he does not care that he is in a kids’ show
he can, will, and has shot countless people point blank, onscreen, no coverups or cutaways
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like sir
and on top of that, he doesn’t care whether or not you’re the main character
he Will shoot you and kidnap your child (also just now realizing cad bane has kidnapped people’s children on at least three separate occasions) and his plan Will work
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he simply does not care and i love him for that
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deepbluespace4 · 1 year
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Some small sketches at work between tasks, decided to play around with coloring a bit in Fresco. I was quite happy since this was the first time I ever managed to draw live action Bane without glancing at any references. *spins in chair like a neutron star*
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Cad Bane:"Boba Fett is a cold blooded killer who worked for the Empire."
Cobb Vanth:"Didn't you once kidnap a bunch of kids for the Emperor back when in the Clone Wars?"
Cad Bane:"Hey, this ain't the Book of Cad Bane, pal."
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panthermouthh · 2 years
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Such a charming fellow
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cakbanedraws · 1 year
Cad had a lot of experience for baby sitting btw...
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theribbajack · 2 years
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It occurred to me that I never posted this one from my Cad Bane kick a while back, so here’s one more of the baddest dude in the galaxy
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kaycassians · 2 years
boba fett: hey guys i’m gonna fight cad bane one on one. we’re gonna duel real quick come and get me in 5 minutes so i can take care of my pet rancor
din: boba it’s been five minutes come get your rancor
boba: *pew**pew**pew*
din, fully about to be swallowed:
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manofbeskar · 2 years
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The Book of Boba Fett season 1 finale:
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hira492 · 1 year
Leia and Bane quick sketches
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Capturing Leia's features is kinda hard
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knightscanfeeltoo · 1 year
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I would say I like the Fight Scene between Boba Fett and Cad Bane EXCEPT they might bring back Cad Bane by having him Survive the Stab in Season 2 anyway, which makes the Showdown Completely Fricking Pointless because Everyone is Upset that he Died and wanna see more of him in Live-Action even though he already has Enough Screentime in The Clone Wars and also The Rebel Cartoon but WHATEVER...
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quem-pel · 1 year
Okay so if we can have this glorious live action adaptation:
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Then WHAT the hell happened with my boy?
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deepbluespace4 · 1 year
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Word followed word and this random drawing prompt arose on the duros hoes server, so Bane with deathstick it is today. The only man who's smokin' hot with it...
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