#tdi tyler x reader
tdinyomomma · 1 year
Total Drama Island! x Reader
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This is total drama island with you in it! You didn't know that this was a reality tv show when you signed up for it, Your sister had you make an audition tape but thought it was for a movie. Not a lead roll or anything but it was something that sounded fun. Now that you're stuck in this you decide to win it. Will someone ruin that chance? Will that someone be a love interest? Find out on... Total Drama Island!!
[Name] [Last Name]
Age: 16 Pronouns: She/her Clothes: black crop top, midi Jean shorts, black sneakers, and a light pink belt. Body type: yours Hair type: yours Height: (only one that might not be yours) 5'5
This will be off of the Total Drama series I don't not own anything except for the differences I make and even then I don't really own it!
Later down the road I'll decide who you end up with this is kind of looking like a Gwen x reader. But if that gets over ridden I might change it.
I don't really want to do a Duncan x reader though. I love him but eh. I was thinking maybe Courtney, Cody Or Heather.
If you want to request an imagined comment or privately dm!
1. The Not So Great Outdoors pt. 1
2. The Not So Great Outdoors pt. 2
3. The Big Sleep
4. Dodge Brawl
5. Not Quite Famous
6. The Sucky Outdoors
7. Phobia Factor
8. Up The Creek
9. Paintball Deer Hunter
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
Pls i NEED more Chris McLean x reader. I NEED😭🙏 ive read everything of him on here😓
So pretty please something like chris mclean x wife reader and like, the whole tdi cast gets to meet her bc they didnt believe that Chris had a wife at first?😇
TRUST ME WHEN I SAY I feel the exact same way😫 I love Chris so much and it’s such a huge pleasure that I can write for him while having other people who love him enjoy it as welllll. I will be writing him for a very long time so you can always expect something new evolved around him to come up ;)<3
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Having your daily hug with Chris, the tender moment reminds you of what he told you earlier.
“Were you being serious when you told me the kids laughed at you when you told them you were married?"
“Mhmm.” he responds from underneath you,“They called it a sick joke and told me that stand up comedy was way out my league.”
“Aw darling.” you kiss his forehead,“I’m guessing you’re gonna ask a favour for me to stop by to prove them wrong?”
He raises an eyebrow,“What do you mean? Stand up comedy is in my league. I just don’t prefer it, doesn’t mean I’m not good at it.”
He can be so silly sometimes,“I meant your marital status, baby.”
“Oh, yeah...” he holds onto your wrists,“Please?”
You let your body relax completely on top of his, still smiling,“Your wish is my command.”
“Aw what’s the matter, McLean? Couldn’t your wife make it?” Duncan was the first to pick up on ridiculing Chris, eyes still puffy from his chronic cries of laughter from last night. On another circumstance, Chris would’ve been fuming, had he not have reason to smirk.
“How sweet of you to worry, Duncan!” the host begins off, clasping his hands,“But she’s made it in one piece!”
On cue, you walk into the mess hall, linking your arm with Chris’,“Hii everyone! So happy to finally see you all in person!”
All conversation died.
Everyone turns to you.
This woman they’ve never seen before... 
His... His wife?
Were they hearing that right?
No way... He was being serious?
Chris was rolling on the inside at the shared alike look of being slapped spread across the contestants, especially of the mocking kind.
“I...didn’t know you had enough space in your heart to love someone else!” Beth’s the first to break out of her ice of shock to chirp.
“Surprised?” Chris chuckled, allowing you to introduce yourself, which was not what you guys decided.
“Yeah, I’m (Y/N)! This hot mess’ wife...” turns out improvising in front of teenagers wasn’t as fun as it sounded,“Sorry, I’m...not too good with words, so...help yourself to these cupcakes I made for you guys. I made them as a way to say how huge of a pleasure it is to meet you all!”
As you turn around to unwrap the trays, Leshawna clears her throat to privately address the cohort,"One of two things are gonna happen. One, those cupcakes are filled with maggots and hair. Or two, it's the first actual food we're gettin’ on this set."
Everybody nods in agreement.
They were right to inspect the wrapping and texture with their noses and eyes.
Yet didn’t expect to have the flavour of delicate buttermilk crumble on their tongues.
Oh my God...
Maybe they were deprived from having treats so long on the show, but it was unanimously categorised as a whole new delicious nonetheless.
The punk delinquent scoffs over,“Yeah... I’m not buying that’s his wife.”
“That evil maniac with a permanent smile is probably holding her hostage!” The ginger geek dramatically pinpoints.
“I can see why, these are too die for!” Owen squeaks, scoffing down an entire cupcake, wrapping included, not comprehending what situation it would mean for you if you really were abducted.
“Hm... Maybe he’s paying her.” Gwen suggests alternatively after taking another glance at you: it was your arm around him. Too touchy to be forced...
“I’d understand if he was hot like me, but he’s not even halfway there! Where would he find someone willing to do all that for him? No amount of money should convince anyone to ever lose their dignity for the likes of him." Justin criticises out of his internal debate of skipping the cupcakes or not.
“You’d be shocked if you’ve seen the fansite.” Noah opposes like it was the most known thing.
Speaking of which,"Sierra.” Heather directs, taking sudden control of the situation and everyone’s eyes to peel towards the superfan whose mouth was staining in the same dye as her magenta hair, perking up from her snacking at the mention of her name,“You know everything about everybody. Say, is Chris paying that woman to pretend to be married to him for laughs?"
The girl whose lifeline was Total Drama quickly swallows the last portion of her cupcake to appease her idols with a packed answer,“Oh, no! It’s all true! Unfortunately. Those two got married way before Total Drama was aired. A lot's happened... My mom waited years for Chris to propose to her and there he goes, chasing after that nobody! Do you have any idea how painful it is to see my mom’s husband having an affair? (Y/N) is nothing but a block of concrete, blinding Chris from seeing his true soulmate! A.k.a my mom!” The last few sentences gradually grazed with personal prejudice, but not enough to throw the next cupcake away.
“Wait, but if Chris did get married to your mother... Wouldn’t that make you his stepdaughter-?“ Alejandro posited, already having a hard time imagining Chris take that role biologically.
"So Chris,” Cody interrupts the impending awkward ambient Alejandro’s phrasing would bring, steering the conversation back, still bewildered,“...really does have a wife."
Bridgette takes her slo mo time in grabbing another frosted vanilla good, rethinking, the same man that laughed at their pain,"I...honestly don't know how to feel about that."
"Huuu... I feel like I went overboard with cupcakes, Chris!” you freak out to your husband, fidgeting with the sleeves of your turtleneck,“Why did I pick to make something so childish? I should've picked something more formal... Like a dish from my home country..."
"Relaaaaax, no one else is thinking about that." Chris assured, biting into one of your delicacies.
You continued to murmur on,“I wanted to make something universal, a collection of sweets so in case one likes a certain flavour more than others... I thought teenagers around here liked cupcakes... I feel like such a fool... I hope they don’t think I see them as childish...”
He grabs one and holds it horizontally to your lips, painting them yellow,“It’s not just teenagers that like them, (Y/N). Besides, they are children. Children like things that are childish.”
That’s true... Your paranoia’s sunk,“Well... They seem to be enjoying themselves. I’ve been worrying for nothing.” you smile, drawing your finger on his stubble to take for licking,“You had some icing there.”
Turns out, you were really nice.
The angel to Chris’ devil.
The sun to Chris' moon.
The calm to Chris’ energetic.
“So (Y/N)... I just...have a quick question on behalf of everyone else.” The CIT girl shields her mouth with her hand, like she didn’t want anyone else to hear.
“Of course, Courtney. Whatever would you like to know?” you welcome her, all kinds of possible questions cloud your mind.
She tightens your shoulders in her palms,“What the hell do you see in Chris?”
...You expected that one,“Why, I see a strong, handsome, hilarious man. A goal-driven, deep down caring, loving, in need of love man.”
Now the only true thing she heard was “goal-driven”- to kill them as spiritually as possible. Maybe even physically.
"You're not brainwashed, are you?" Her eyes widened like your answer had tossed her deeper in her horror.
"Get her to blink two times in a row if she needs help!" Tyler shouts, unintentionally defeating the purpose of being discreet from his clean intention.
"Hm?” Teenagers are so funny!,“It's not brainwash when it's love! After all, wouldn't you say you've found yourself in love with someone you never thought you'd be with?" You smile warmly at the type A when the butterflies fluttered an external reaction across her freckled face.
"Th-That's different!” she impulsively shrieked before closing her mouth in embarrassment. She looks around, and after making sure no one was judging her, she continues speaking, back to her whispering voice,“That’s Duncan. This is Chris.”
“Well, we both seem to have a type for the ones that went to jail, don’t we?” you wittily mention, giving her a wink to the similar parallel.
Leaving Courtney to her common dynamics contemplation, there was no better timing for Owen to ask if you had any more cupcakes to give.
“I’m so happy you liked them! I’ll tell you what, I can make more and send them to you."
“Don’t get too flattered. Bed crusher there would eat anything, even things you can’t call food.” The overruling antagonist scornfully gestures, her hair as black as her heart.
“...Ah, right.” you shouldn't have thought so highly of yourself over baking. To Owen, they probably weren’t good, just something to give his appetite.
“Well... That's not entirely true...” The foodie looks to the side uncomfortably for a moment from Heather’s harsh perspective,“Having eaten a lot of things gives me a solid judgement on a variety of tastes. With that said, I’d specifically be really happy to eat (Y/N)’s baked cupcakes again. You can't buy that kind of quality!"
Aw! “Thanks, Owen!” it’s no mystery why everyone was in his support back first season!
“You didn’t use any store bought cake mix, did you?” DJ asks, his naturally kind pitch of voice crunching up an otherwise accusing delivery his words may have played.
“Nope! If I was gonna have half of the ingredients already done for me, I may as well have just ordered the finish product.” the truth radiates through your magnetism, not as magnetizing as your husband, smothering you away in his arms.
For some reason, no one said anything right away. Like taking an exam, silence had scattered among these group of teenagers.
"I'm convinced she has Stockholm syndrome."
Up till Harold breaks it.
"Stockholm syndrome?! Come onn, you know that’s not a real thing!” Lindsay asserted, turning to Beth,“Is it a real thing?"
The nice-hearted nerd smacks a hand to her forehead. Rather than finding humor in uninformed Lindsay, Trent finds his eyes trapped on the sight of Chris’ hand holding onto yours, fingers locked, palms resting. Above all his faults, Chris...still had you.
That kind of love...hard to find, lucky to have.
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scatterdroses · 2 years
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Matching Tyler Icons!
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ava-imagines · 2 years
I will get on my hands and knees for some chris mclean (tdi) headcanons with a sickly sugary sweet s/o who goes against how much of a sadist the man is (he is one) and is always sneaking in gifts for the competitors I BEG
Chris McLean x Sugary Sweet!Reader: Sweetheart 💙🏝
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Honestly people don't understand how you can fall for Chris considering how he is
Like you actually DEFEND the guy if anyone calls him out
"But he's stood on someone before and they got eaten by some bugs in Egypt?!" "Oh don't be so silly! Chris would never!!"
He's kinda touched that you jump into defend him for everything but he won't admit it because he's scared it'll ruin his image (Chef knows though)
He absolutely loves you aswell and likes to spoil you sometimes, not to mention you spoil him aswell
Now, on to the contestants, you absolutely adore them too!
They love you aswell!! (Well, some of them kinda hate you because you're dating Chris, but still they'll come to love you eventually)
Sometimes when they're not doing a challenge and they're just having some free time, sometimes you'll sneak them in some gifts for them, plus you made sure the person will like them!!
For example: Some lipstick for Lindsay, a book about animals for DJ, a football for Tyler and so on..
Chris doesn't even KNOW about this, btw.
Chef actually knows about it though because he saw you get the lipstick for Lindsay but he doesn't say anything about it because you're just too nice <3
There was this one time Chris let you come up with a challenge idea and on the day of that challenge you told the contestants to say one thing you like about Chris.
Contestants weren't too happy, let me tell you that. (But they did it anyways because they like you)
Chris was quite flattered by that but he refuses to admit that he blushed a bit when he heard you give the challenge out to the contestants
"I saw you blushin' when Y/N said the challenge."
"S-Shut up Chef..! You saw nothing..!"
Done and done! Sorry if it's kinda rusty as I forgot about this blog a bit, I'll try make more fics though!!
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Five: Hug me (Or kiss me)
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You and Duncan stared as most of the 'Screaming Gopher's' team jumped down. Then it got to Owen. Geoff, Gwen, and You go to the outhouses all stationed around various areas on the island. When it's your turn to go in, you start to laugh. "He's going to drown us all if he jumps. I for one, am to young to die."
Then you go back to the moutain and see he still hasn't jumped.
"We're all doomed aren't we?" Duncan whispered in your ear. "Oh most certainly." You laugh under your breath.
Then you watch as your end falls from the sky, and hits the water like a bomb making water splash all around you dispersing the campers in every which way. Duncan and you landed right by each other, his legs tangled with yours.
"Have I ever told you how much I hate water?" Duncan groaned his body shivering from excess fear he was shoving down. "Actually yes, countless of times." You laughed ruffling his hair as he pinned you to the grown smiling. "Don't touch the hair, princess."
"Yes, yeah! Who's the man?" Owen yelled from the safe zone in the water. The Screaming Gophers had won, the team cheered and you groaned. "Coward fucking Courtney." Duncan hit his head against the sand in contempt. "Be nice." You lightly punched his shoulder.
"What's wrong?" You heard Trent ask. "I think I lost my bathing suit." Owen muttered. "Ew." All the campers voiced their varying opinions of grossness.
As their prize the Screaming Gophers got wagons to wheel their boxes, but that didn't really bother you. The rest of your team? Yeah, it bothered them. Duncan kicked his, you just carried yours on your shoulders. "Lift with your back wasn't meant to be taking literally." Duncan teased you smiling as Eva and Courtney argued.
Tyler finally voiced his need to take a piss (for some reason) and suddenly Sadie and Katie had to go as well much to Eva's dismay. Luckily, it didn't take them very long but you noticed when Satie and Katie returned their thighs were a redish tint, but you stayed silent.
"Poison Ivy?" Duncan asked from next to you. "Oh for sure." You smiled as Chris asked you guys what was taking so long, lightly screaming when he saw Courtney's eye which was now pulsating.
Duncan rememebered when you both were around nine and were sent to 'Wilderness Survival School for troubled kids' and one of your teachers left you all in the middle of nowhere in a forest for three weeks without any supplies.
Bridgette began asking them what kinda plants had been around them when they had left, and she very quickly realized their mistake. "You guys squatted on poison ivy." She laughed behind her palm. "Oh no way, that's awesome." Chris laughed at the now freaking out girls.
Finally they ran into the water and you guys left them behind.
Geoff tried to give you all a 'inspiring speech' but in reality it made you realize how close you were to tackling someone. Courtney decided she was going to be the 'project' manager and yelled at Duncan almost immediately.
She put you in charge of building the motor which you did with ease. They had you build small engines at juvie a LOT and she had Duncan use his switchblade to cut the boxes open. But everyone else failed their jobs... spectactuarly.
The other team's hottub looked terrific.
Yours look like it did drugs.
So obviously, they won.
Yours had exploded the second Chris had touched it. "Well, I think we have a winner here." the host yelled. "The Screaming Gophers!" He announced their prize. "I'll see your sorry butts at the campfire tonight." He yelled at you guys.
Once it was time for dinner, Katie (or was it Sadie?) finally asked the question everyone was dying to know. "So- uh- what do we do now?" she muttered. "We have to figure out who we're going to vote off." Courtney explained her eye still swelling. "Well, I think it should be you sweetheart." You smiled pointing at her. "Or maybe the brick house here." Duncan pointed at DJ. "What! Why?" Courtney whined.
"Because, unless I'm mistaken, you two are the only ones here with the chicken hats, and if we ever have to lift a truck I like our chances better with the big guy." Duncan bumped shoulders with DJ causing the man to smile.
"You guys need me. I'm the only one-" Courtney began to whine. "We know, who used to be a real C.I.T." Bridgette groaned rolling her eyes. "I hate to break it to you hun, no one gives a shit." You laughed at Courtney's expression. "So who would you pick?" Bridgette asked finally letting the girl speak.
"What about him?" Courtney pointed at Tyler causing Lindsay to scream at the other table. "At least he jumped off the cliff." Duncan pointed out. "Chicken wing." You chimed in causing Courtney to yell "Shut it!" At you. "Okay, let's just chill out, this is getting way too heavy." Geoff got between you both causing you to growl.
"I've had enough prison food for one day. I'm gonna take a nap, you coming Y/N?" You both stood up to go walk off but Courtney stopped you. "You can't do that, we haven't decided who's going yet." She complained causing you to groan. "I just told get why we lost, eh. They're the ones that have six girls." That made you stop dead in your tracks because there ain't no way Ezekiel just said that.
Before Duncan could stop you, you had shoved Ezekiel's face against the table slamming it hard. "What's that supposed to mean?" Bridgette growled. "Yeah home school, enlighten us." Eva hissed. "Well guys are much stronger and better at sports then girls are." Ezekiel said his voice muffled against the table. "Dumbass." Duncan groaned from behind you.
Geoff saw this look in your eyes and took a step back. "Oh snap, he did not just say that." Geoff laughed putting a hand to his face. "My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh, and to help them in case they can't keep up." Eva grabbed Ezekiel by the throat pulling him up. "Still think we need your help keeping up?" She growled. "Not really." Ezekiel shrugged. "Okay guys let's give him a break." Geoff had Eva drop him. "At least he doesn't think guys are smarter then girls." Geoff explained and suddenly Ezekiel decided to say..
"Well they are!"
Duncan had to pull you off of him.
That night at the campfire Duncan sat on the bench and you sat at his feet . "Dude, you've got a lot to learn about the real world." He advised the homeschooled boy. "Killer bass, at camp marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp marshmallows represent life. You've all cast your votes and made your decision. Thee are only eleven marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper that does not recieve a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back... ever. The first marshmallow goes to... Geoff." Chris explained the 'game.'
You weren't worried.
He went down the list of names rather quickly.
"Duncan. Y/N." Chris called out and Duncan threw a marshmallow into your mouth. You hated toasted marshmallows. Finally Chris made his last annoucement. "Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening." It was between Courtney and Ezekiel. You stared at your bloodied knuckles.
"Courtney. Can't say I'm surprised, I saw you picking your nose, not cool bro. Dock of shame is that way." Chris pointed and for some damn reason Ezekiel looked surprised.
After the rest of them ate their marshmallows you walked back to the cabins going past the dancing gophers. You stepped up onto your cabin's steps and everyone quickly went inside leaving Duncan and you alone. He kissed your knuckles. "Your anger is a beaut everytime." He quietly teased grabbing your waist to bring you closer.
"Mhm." You laughed.
"Well, goodnight scorpion." He kissed your cheek and you fucking blushed to your dismay. "Screw you, tiger." You kissed his cheek right back and dissapeared before he could say anything. You left the 'green-haired dickhead' standing there holding his cheek in surprise.
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twiixr4kidz · 2 years
Helloo!! I was wondering if you could do TDI or Sally Face head cannons of before/while dating?
i'd love too!! this one will be TDI, but feel free to ask for SF ones so i can write those too >:)) here r some dating hcs for some of the characters i didn't do the last time!!
she may be a total bitch most of the time, but you're an exception
there's a soft side to heather that nobody but you gets to see
she's a whole different person around you
soft, gentle, and quiet heather?? WHAT??
sure, she still orders you around because that's who she is
you'd be pulling my leg if you said you didn't expect her to tell you to go get her something to drink or something to snack on, to do a particular favor for her that she doesn't want to do herself, and so on
but she's also a lot more understanding
steals your clothes but refuses to be caught dead in them because your "styles are too different" or something
she'll do what it takes to win, but she will NEVER throw you under the bus.
she loves modeling outfits for you, and insists you rate them on a scale of 1 to 10
1 means "incredible" and 10 means "spectacular" because her fashion is, to her, on point every time
insists on styling you, and painting your nails and messing around with makeup if you let her
insists you take her shopping and then carry bags full of clothes and shoes she spent thousands on, and you'll be damned if you didn't say yes
bro's love language is music
he writes songs for you, songs about you, songs about things that remind him of you
you become this core part of his music writing process, like you're his whole MUSE
he's also hella charming
the "shows up at your house and throws rocks at your window before serenading you with the most beautiful melody you've ever heard" type
he's also the "writes the most intimate, beautifully worded love letters to you whenever you cross his mind" type
he's sickeningly sweet and you're going to get used to it
he has such a way with words it's hard NOT to love
he also LOVES grand gestures and displays of love
if it's not your thing, he can respect that. but if you're cool with it? he goes ALL OUT.
paths with rose petals, renting whole movie theaters for date nights, FREE FOOD AT RESTAURANTS??
you aren't sure how he does it, but he does it all for you
and that alone is enough to make the butterflies in your tummy go haywire
she's independent
she's a strong, powerful woman who loves to do things for herself, and she NEEDS you to respect that about her
because even though at the end of the day, she'll curl up next to you and sleep like a baby, she's kicking hella butt all day long
and you think she's a total badass for it
whether she's yelling at chris for being a jerk, or someone else for doing something they absolutely shouldn't have, you're cheering her on from the sidelines
and she does the same for you
your relationship is built on a strong mutual respect for each other
she's a sucker for calling you weird names to confuse everyone
the words "pookie wookie bear" sometimes leave her lips, and everyone is in pure shock because of how unexpected it was
PLEASE watch the sunrise with her
she wakes up early every morning just to watch the colors of the night melt into those of the day, and if you pose the idea of joining her, she will FREAK. OUT.
she'll never directly say it, but she is so touch starved please hug her
bro's a party animal, a cowboy, AND a gentleman
he's both the "let's get drunk as fuck and do stupid shit" kinda guy, AND the "opening car doors and letting you walk across his jacket so your shoes don't get wet" kinda guy
you have worn his hat on NUMEROUS occasions
he loves taking you with him EVERYWHERE
to parties, to fancy restaurants, to rodeos?? literally wherever he wants to go, he's gonna let you come
he'll also proudly become your personal uber
if there's anywhere you wanna go, you can bet he'll drive you
he ALWAYS keeps an extra pair of pjs set aside for when you come over
it's a t-shirt of his and a pair of old pajama pants that don't fit him anymore
and for as much as he loves going out, he also loves staying in
he makes really good wings and even better nachos, and he always has a bunch of really yummy snacks and drinks so the two of you can chill on his couch with a bunch of blankets and binge-watch tv shows
he'll do this thing called a "tv show roulette" where he picks a show neither of you have seen and you pick a random episode (or vice versa) and try to guess what's happening
he's shown up at your house with a bouquet of roses almost every week since you got together tbh
leshawna absolutely does not mess around when it comes to love
she's doting but not in an overwhelming way
she's an absolute sweetheart and a total badass
she'll defend you when you need it, but also lets you fight your own battles
she LOVES taking you to her favorite spots so she can share her love for them with you
she knows the coolest facts about everything
like if she sees something that makes her remember a fact, she proudly blurts it out
she also tells you whenever she sees something that makes her think of you
she absolutely loves cuddles
PLEASE take her on late night drives
music blaring, windows down, nothing but the cool night air in your hair and the sweet smell of that night life
bro fell HARD
he tripped over his own two feet and fell down the stairs onto his head for you
that being said, he can and will do whatever you want him to
even if you don't explicitly ask him to
if you mention you're craving a specific food or drink, he'll get it for you within an hour
he'll splurge his entire wallet on you
as long as you watch his favorite sports teams with him, ofc
he's hella sensitive and cries A LOT, but he doesn't want you to think of him as any less than a man for it
please please PLEASE reassure him because it gives him a lot of anxiety
he likes getting outside and playing games with you, even though he's super uncoordinated and gets hurt a lot
you're going to have to start carrying a first aid kit with you EVERYWHERE because this boy has fallen up escalators before
when you're out and you mention that you feel chilly, his jacket is on your shoulders faster than you can say "FUCK"
he may be a little dumb, but he tries his best and always makes sure you know how much he loves you
there is not a day that goes by where she doesn't remind you that you're the hottest person she's ever seen
if you mention being insecure, she won't really get it, but she will say something along the lines of "you don't have to worry about that, i only date hot people :)"
she's a total dumbass and you're going to have to pull her out of sticky situations
super clingy and she sticks to you like GLUE
she smells really good too
absolutely INSISTS you go shopping with her so she can show you all of these cute outfits, and maybe even pick something out for yourself
she doesn't care what kind of shopping it is, even if it's grocery shopping, SHE LOVES IT
sometimes jokes fly right over her head and you're going to have to explain to her what they mean and why they were funny, but it's honestly kind of cute how dense she can be
sure she's a dummy, but she's your dummy
and what she lacks in brains, she makes up for in everything else
she's gorgeous, sweet, caring, and a total dork
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dozing-marshmallow · 10 months
Hi I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind writing high school au Lindsay x masc!reader x Tyler. Where reader writes like notes and reminders of who people are and where things are. And carries a first aid kit for Tyler and is always redirecting him from getting hurt. Reader and Lindsay sit and cheering with Lindsay at Tyler’s hockey games.
Helloo! Thank you so much for the request, this was a lot of fun to write for! 😊 regarding your other ask, I’ll get that done too! Thank you, and enjoy! 💜
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Every morning, you wake up and go to school with Lindsay and Tyler.
In your packed lunch, you always made sure to spare a small fruit salad for Lindsay and Tyler, a protein bar.
You weren’t the third wheel. You were the dad.
“Mind your step, Tyler.” you pull said sportsman from slipping on a spill on the stairs that could have earned him an injury so early in the day.
“Oh! Thanks!” Tyler smiled in gratitude,“Man, sports first thing is the best breakfast to have to start the day!”
You nod,“I’ll be getting my psychology test results back, so I’m hyped for that.” you turn to Lindsay whose naive eyes weren’t present,“Do you know what lesson you’ll be having first?”
“Huh?” Lindsay blinks and pointed a finger to her chin,“Something about reading...” so, no.
“Ohh! I have Art and design! That tech thing with horses!” Strange how reading was the first thing that came to mind then,“Which way do I go for it again?”
“That way, Lindsay,” you point to the left.
“That’s why so many people are going there!” the gorgeous girl stares at the large chunks of students she’s probably never spoken to before walking in unison as though it was new, before her bottom lip quivers,“I don’t wanna go by myself, could one of you maybe come with me?”
“Course, Linds!” Tyler volunteers happily, putting his arm around Lindsay,“We’ll see you at the cafeteria, (Y/N)!”
“Have a good lesson, you guys!” you wave at the couple,“Wrong way!”
There were some classes you shared with Lindsay and Tyler, sometimes with just one of the other(mainly the subjects that didn’t have sets).
Lindsay always loves sitting next to you in the middle of the classroom. You played frequent drawing games with her between writing down the lesson’s content and she asked you a lot of relationship advice.
With the classes you had with Tyler, you wouldn’t be just sitting as a pair, but nearby other male acquaintances and have yourselves deep conversations with them.
You, Lindsay and Tyler had your presumed “closer” friends from different cliques, yet you three preferred spending lunch with each other on the same table, by the window.
You’re normally the first one there.
With the other two, it was hard to know, but easy to calculate- if Lindsay arrived second, that means Tyler got hurt somewhere. But if Tyler arrived second, that meant Lindsay got distracted and completely forgot she was meant to be having lunch.
As available, it was the first fate.
“Tyler... What happened to you?” you asked your friend who was setting his tray down, face messed up.
“Oh Theodore, what did they do to you!” Lindsay squeaked similarly, more as fright than as question.
“Tyler, Lindsay...” he mumbles Lindsay’s mistake, dropping his heavy bag under the table and taking his seat next to you,“Do you have a plaster I could use?”
“I got you.” you zip open your bag for your first aid kit.
“Tyler, don’t schools have a nurse?” Lindsay asked, tilting her head,“I thought every school had a nurse...”
“Those old ladies don’t do anything...” her boyfriend groans at the pressure of your finger applying the plaster,“Thanks, dude. I would be dead if it wasn’t for you.”
“Oh my gosh, me too!“ Lindsay gasps, dropping her fork,“(Y/N) has been the best smoothies I’ve ever gotten! My skin has been softer than a bunny rabbit since I drank it!”
A valid confusion spreads across Tyler’s bandaged face, trying not to move as you went on to clean his cheek,“Linds... What are you talking about?”
“That smoothie you bought for me last Saturday! Or was it Monday?” she suddenly turns to you,“(Y/N)! I didn’t see you there! You have this amazing smoothie named after you, I’m jealous! I wish I was named after something so phenomenal! So um, the (Y/N) that can blink, could you help me with this math homework I got?” she picks up her large pink handbag and begins searching through it,“I know we’re at school, but I don’t wanna do this at home when I have fashion to attend to!”
“I always knew you would rock the runaway!” Tyler grinned a toothy grin, digging into his school tray of pasta after you finished.
“Thanks, Tyler!” she blows him a kiss, with a hand gripping on a booklet,“But I gotta use some of my mascara ink to write as well. Could you help me, (Y/N)?”
You nod,“I’ll talk you through it.” she pushes her chair closer to your side.
She was in the lower class, so her homework should be more easy- to you, anyway.
Well, Lindsay must really have no idea how maths functioned because you were now on the eighth question, skipping the other seven, this one about simultaneous equations,“Which value do you want to make the same?”
“Uhhh...” she taps her temple,“All of them!”
“It doesn’t work like that, Lindsay.”
“Why not?”
“Because you need to have either x or y be the same so you can cancel them out to find the value to substitute in to find the other.” you explained, circling the two different xs,“So if you decide to make x the same, you will need to multiply both the x, the y and the outputs by the the lowest common multiple of the xs which is-“ 
“Ahhh, I give up!” she whines, using her multicolour pen to scribble over the question,“I can’t do this, I’m not made for this! First they make me wear a cardigan, now they make me do maths? Why couldn’t I do makeup instead...? All this is just living proof that school is founded on tearing down teen spirit!”
“Bang on, Lindsay.” you flick through the booklet to see how many pages she had left. Three, which was a quarter of what you’d usually get,“But it’s just a few more years and you won’t have to ever worry about it again.”
“Who says I’m worrying now!” she giggles, taking the homework back,“Thanks, (Y/N)!”
A part of you wanted to do the entire thing for her, but you knew that wouldn’t be ethical for her record,“Let me know if you need help finishing it.” pointless since Lindsay never remembers to finish her homework.
“Ohh, that reminds me!” she declares, shoving the work back into her bag,“Someone called uh, Summers wanted to see me at lunch, but uh... I’m sorta having a rusty time knowing who she is and what she wanted to talk to me about.”
“Mrs Summers. Your biology teacher?” you frown,“Did you lose that profile sheet I made for you?”
“Ohhh right! And I didn’t lose it! I just can’t find it.” the blonde claims, standing up from her seat and replacing the space with her handbag,“Don’t let the food bugs bite! I’ll be back!”
So, it was just you and Tyler.
“You’re a genius, (Y/N)!” was the first thing he said in the one on one interaction.
“I really am not.” you laugh lightly, taking a first bite of your sandwich after tending to Lindsay.
“You sure are! Linds and I dread this kind of stuff, and here you are, looking like you do it for fun!” the jock exalts, sipping on the straw of his juice box,“About that smoothie thing, Lindsay forgot her name when ordering so she decided to name it after you, thinking your name as something she could always rely on.” he chuckles,“Know anything about that from psychology?”
Oh, loveable Lindsay,“There’s probably a link!”
“While we’re on the topic... We were thinking of going there after school today. Wanna come with?”
You beam,“Count me in.”
Lunchtime was over and in every four weeks, the hockey jocks got to showcase how they’ve been working against other schools- they’d make their way early to the changing rooms, while everyone else had to make their way into the school ice rink for the bleachers.
Lindsay grabbed onto your arm to not get lost in the crowd. While you weren’t a sports fan, you did enjoy cheering your friends on.
“Go Tyler!” Lindsay proudly takes first place in shouting out the name of her boyfriend.
“Looks like he forgot to wear his helmet again...” your gut was right to bring out your first aid kit again. You’ll take care of the injuries later. For now, you hold your hand next to your mouth as the whistle blew,“Go Tyler!”
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Seven: Dodgeball to the death
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You all had been sleeping absolutely terribly the past couple days because Harold fucking snores. So at breakfast, Duncan was trying to eat but could barely move, and you had passed out in your porridge. "Duncan, you look like death dude." Chris's overly cheerful voice rang out.
"Sick it." Ducan hissed before putting his head down on the table. Courtney explained their predicament.
"Wow, four nights without sleep. How much is she hurting dude, how much are you hurting dude? I kinda want to test how far it takes to break, you both." Chris smiled like a maniac. "Want to find out?" Duncan hissed.
Instinctively your whole group hid under the table, getting used to Duncan's anger. But one small snore coming out of your mouth quieted him.
Then Harold walked in with a drawn on mustache on his face causing the place to erupt with quiet giggles.
"That was me!" You raise your hand lazily. Heather began to taunt your team, causing you to throw a knife at her pinning her hair to the wall. "Get your attack dog under control." Heather yelled terrifed trying to get her hair unstuck.
"She don't bite." Duncan waved her off. You smiled weakly flipping her off. "Yes she do!" Heather screamed.
Chris walked in then. "Listen up campers, your next challenge starts in ten minutes, and be prepared to bring it." He announced as you tipped over onto Duncan passing out.
You were playing dodgeball. Everyone had already gotten to the little ring, but Duncan was trudging behind. Once he walked inside he pointed at you looking mildly pissed off. "If you wake me up, it'll be the last thing you do, L/N." You rolled your eyes. Whenever Duncan was tired he got angry.
"This is all your fault, you know?" Courtney hissed at Harold.
Chris explained the rules making it seem harder then it needed to be. You were okay at dodgeball, it was basically like a prison riot. Chris gave you one minute to discuss strategies. Apparently Courtney could read your mind because she said-
"There is no way we are having Little Miss Crazy play. She'll kill them and get us disqualified." The girl whined and you growled. "Don't call me crazy." You hissed dangerously pissed as you stalked over and sat down by Duncan.
The games went on and your team got decimated by the Screaming Gophers. You weren't surprised. Yet, Courtney persisted with her idea of not having you play. So you watched.
You watched as Harold got his ass beat by LeShawna, Heather beat Tyler's ass, Courtney beg for a disqualification, DJ hit poor Gwen, it was a very interesting expierence.
Cody pulled a wild ass move out of his fucking ass. It looked impossible but he used the ball as a boomerang. Everyone was getting pissed on your team, yet Courtney persisted.
You played with Duncan's hair as he slept, and he subconsiously leaned into your hand, mumbling in his sleep. Whenever the other was close, the nightmares seemed to stop. It was... helpful. So when everyone was out on your team... again. Courtney gave this speech. "We need someone, tough, someone who wants to beat the other team to death." Everyone looked at Duncan and you.
"He'll kill us if we wake him up." DJ whispered his fears. "He won't kill us... I hope. He wants to win just as much as us." Courtney sighed not looking so sure. "Now wake him up, Y/N." She ordered. "Why me?" You laughed. "Your the only one who'd stand a chance against him in a fight." She explained and you shrugged. Made sense.
You pushed Duncan off the bench and he stood up growling. "You better have a good reason for pushing me off the bench, pincess." He nearly yelled in your face making you take a step back. "We're down two to zero. If we lose I'm going to make sure it's your ass that gets voted off, sunshine." You yelled back, making him retreat now. He may be your bestfriend, but your fucking Y/N L/N, you don't back down for shit.
He finally realized what was happening around you. "This is dodgeball, why don't you just play, you destroyed the boys last year at the anual game?" He sounded more confused then mad now. "That what's I'm saying, but miss goody two shoes thinks I'll lose my shit." You pointed at Courtney. "That's what I'm here for?" He pointed at himself.
"That's what I said!" You laughed.
"My only condition is that Y/N's co-captain. We both play, or no one plays." He explained to Courtney who nodded. "Here's a stratagey I picked up on our first visit to juvie."
You laughed remembering the event.
"It's called: rush the new guy." Also known as the first time Duncan got his ass beat in juvie rendering him with a broken collarbone and a double concussion. In shorts terms, you all converge on one person while playing dodgeball.
Soon enough you were dominating the game.
It had gotten to the point where it was 2 wins to 2 wins. This was the final game, to decide who won. It went from five players on both sides, to four, three, then two. It was a neck and neck game.
Then it was Harold vs Owen. "Well I can't say it was nice knowing him." You muttered. "Good night, Harold." Duncan sighed squeezing your hand.
But somehow the ginger dodged every ball thrown at him. "Where'd you learn to do that?" Geoff asked the boy. "Figure skating." He replied proudly. "Figures." Duncan shaked his head. Courtney told Harold he was going to have to catch the next ball thrown at him.
Which miraculously, he did.
Your team erupted into cheers. People hugged, but Duncan twirled you before bringing you back into his arms. "Wake me up again and I'll fight you, L/N." He whispered smiled kissing the top of your head. "I'd like to see you try, tiger." You smiled kissing his cheek causing the boy to blush.
You guys were getting closer by the second.
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"Nice dodge skater nerd." Duncan 'complimented' Harold as you and DJ carried him on your shoulders cheering his name.
If you had asked Courtney, or the twin bestfriends, or Bridgette where you had fallen asleep they would've lied straight to your face and said in a bathoom.
If you had asked Geoff, Harold, or DJ where Duncan had fallen asleep they would've lied and said by the lake. In reality there was two people fast asleep their bodies entangled on Duncan's bed.
Duncan layed flat on his back with an arm as an extra pillow, and your head layed out on his chest, your hair falling down your back. You both were fast asleep, he had his hand sleepily playing with your hair twirling it around in his fingers and you had your hands attached to his shirt twisting it in your sleep.
Duncan wouldn't mind.
He never minded when it came to you.
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
TDI X Reader- Phobia Factor (Chapter Seven)
If you haven’t read: six
After the Killer Bass’s elimination we decided to go to the campfire and join them. Well there’s more to it but whatever. “What do you guys want? Come by to rub it in?” Courtney questions us with her hands on her hips. “We got some extra dessert after our tuck-shop party, thought you might want some.” Trent speaks for us as Beth jiggles the green jello in her hands. 
“So, what? You’re just being nice?” Courtney rebuttals.
“Okay, Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air it out.” Gwen rolls her eyes and Owen farts. “Ew, dude.” Trent gives the big guy a look.
Beth then brings over the green jello to the Miss C.I.T. who ends up squealing, stepping back. “No!” She then collects herself. “I mean, no thanks. I’m good.” She politely declines the offer. 
“What? Are you on a diet or something?” Duncan quizzes her. 
“No, I just don’t like green jelly, okay?” She defends herself, Beth  then goes past her and over to DJ, he gasps. “Snake!” Flipping the tray over. Cody bends over, grabbing the worm. “Chill, dude, it’s just a gummy worm.” He shows it off to the poor guy. 
“Sorry for tripping. Snakes just freak me out.” He apologizes. “I feel you, chickens give me the creeps, dude.” Tyler comforts his teammate. 
“You’re afraid of chickens?” Gwen asks in disbelief, Duncan chuckles. “Wow, that’s-that’s really lame man.” 
“So suddenly, everyone’s having this big share fest by the fire. Like Beth went on and on about her mortal fear being covered by bugs. Harold’s afraid of Ninjas. Even Heather admitted she’s afraid of sumo wrestlers.” Gwen tells the camera, growing interested in each one she tells. 
“What’s my worst fear? I guess being buried alive.” Gwen answers. 
“Walking through a minefield… in heels.” Lindsay distresses.
“Flying man. That’s some crazy stuff.” Owen speaks up, shivering.
“I would never go up in a plane. Never.” Izzy holds her hands at her chest. 
“I’m scared of hail. It’s small but deadly, dude.” Geoff expresses. 
“Being left alone in the woods.” Bridgette says and Sadie sniffs, holding a wooden plank from the dock. “Bad haircuts.” Sadie cries out. “Oh, okay, I change mine. That’s so much scarier than a minefield.” Lindsay shutters at the thought. 
“Having to diffuse a time bomb under pressure.” Cody scratches his cheek, then we all turn to Courtney. 
“I’m not really afraid of anything.” She holds her knees to her chest. “Baloney.” Duncan coughs. “Oh, really? Well, what exactly is your phobia, Mr. Know-it-all?” She questions him, his face drops instantly and he glances around. 
“Uh, Ce-Celine Dion music store-standees.” He slumps, holding his face. “Exsqueeze me? I didn’t quite get that.” Cody snickers, cupping his hand to his ear, I agree, covering my mouth as I laugh. “Dude, did you say Celine Dion music store-standees?” Trent chimes in. “Ooh, I love Celine Dion!” Lindsay excitedly admits. 
“What’s a standee?” 
“You know, that cardboard cutout thing that stands in the music store?” Trent clarifies. “Don’t say it dude.” Duncan whines, pointing to the other guy speaking, but gets ignored. “Kind of like a life-size but flat Celine.” I sit up straighter, holding onto Cody’s knee to stop myself from laughing. 
“Shut up!” He covers his ears. “What about you guys?” He directs between Trent and I. 
“Okay, well, I hate mimes. Like a lot.” Trent says, “Similar to Trent, clowns.” I boredly tell them, Courtney rolls her eyes at us. “All right Courtney. You’re afraid of something. Spit it out.” Trent orders and I nod but she sits taller. “Nope, nothing.” 
“If that’s true you would’ve jumped during our first challenge. But you didn’t.” I then bend my arms, pretending to flap my wings.” “Shut up!” She shouts at me and I laugh.
Chris whistlers as we all give him our attention. I sit between Heather and Cody. “Campers, your next challenge is a little game I like to call. “Phobia Factor.” Prepare to face your worst fears.” He announces. 
“Worse than this?” Leshawna lifts her food in disgust. “We’re in trouble.” Gwen mutters. “Now for our first victims… Heather!” A card flies into his hand and he reads off of it. “Meet us all in the theater. It’s sumo time!” She spits out her drink in shock. “Gwen you, me, the beach. A few tons of sand.” Her eyes go wide. “Wait how did they know those were your worst fears?” Lindsay asks, Gwen slaps her own forehead. “Because we told them.”
“At the campfire last night.” Trent reminds her, Beth and the blonde look at each other. He then comforts Gwen, rubbing her back as her head lays down on the table. I stare at them without realizing, my mind going blank as I go off into space. 
Immediately getting out of it once Lindsay speaks again. “Wait, they were listening to us?” 
“It’s a reality show, Einstein. They’re always listening to us.” Gwen sarcastically says.
I know I don’t like Gwen how she likes me but still being avoided and her bringing in the comfort of Trent as if I did something wrong hurts. I truly thought we were close friends…
“That’s like eavesdropping!” Lindsay pouts.
“Chef Hatchet, didn’t you have a special order for Tyler here today?” The muscular cook smirks, showing Tyler a fried chicken, the teen picks it up, he stares at it for a moment. Then he bites off the head and then an actual live chicken head pops up and Tyler screams in fear.
We go to the first thing which is for Beth, it’s a blow up pool filled with bugs DJ vomits just by looking at it. I cross my arms glancing over to Cody who was a worryful expression. For it being Beth’s worst fear she jumps right in. Coming out with worms all over her. “And Beth sets the bar way up there!” We cheer for our girl; she has a big smile planted on her face.
Lindsay and Sadie get wigs on their heads. Owen and Izzy have to go on a roughed up looking plane. Leshawna runs, screaming away from Hatchet who’s in a spider costume. 
Next is Heather standing across from a sumo wrestler. “Heather, stepped up to the plate, scoring the Gophers their second point on the board.” 
The wrestler comes running and the girl crouches down, the wrestler trips, falling off the stage. 
Next was Gwen being buried alive, Trent comforts her, giving her a walkie so they could talk. I want to jump in and also comfort the girl but again… Not my place anymore I guess. She wants something I don’t.
As we’re moving onto the next thing, Trent runs past us. “Just talk to him bro and ask him to go away!” Chris yells after him. I tense up realizing I don’t know when a clown is going to come for me. I unconsciously grip onto Cody’s arm. 
“Okay, then, we have 2 minutes before Gwen’s done. Cody, you’re up.” His eyes go up to the host after looking down to see my hands wrapped around his arm. He then looks back up to my face. “You got this.” I give him a thumbs up after letting him go. 
We follow Chris to this trash bomb. I decided to stay with the boy, maybe helping him disconnect it. “All right, Cody This garbage bomb’s going off in exactly 10 minutes. Everything you need to know to defuse it is on these schematic blueprints.” Chris lifts up a blue paper he rolled out. 
“What? No way! I can’t do this!” He exclaims, holding his head, clearly stressed out. “Then I suggest you find a safe place to hide, bro.” The host then throws the paper and I catch it before it hits the ground. “Later, dudes! Also, [Name]! Be careful.” He winks, walking away and my body freezes. 
“Wait, you’re not gonna watch?” Cody questions. “No way, that’s a live bomb, dude!” He then runs away. 
He turns to the trash bomb sighing. “You don’t have to stay, you know?” He takes the paper from my hands and I shrug. “I know but I don’t mind helping.” I smile motioning for him to pull the paper out so we can both read it. 
As we’re reading the paper he speaks up. “What makes you so scared of-” I cover his mouth quickly. “Don’t even, it’s going to manifest it.” I whisper aggressively. “They could be a killer under that mask. Or- or, a kidnapper. And for some reason people just let them go to parties and carnivals.” I rant, not realizing one was right behind me. “[Name], you might want to start running then…” 
Then that stupid clown horn squeaks in my ear and I scream, running away from Cody and the trash bomb. The thing laughs at me and I cry out in fear. “Stay away!” I take off my shoe mid run and throw it back at the clown. It stays hot on my trail and I run past the dock where Trent was soaking wet and Chris was sitting down controlling a cloud of hail following Geoff. 
I notice Heather on the porch and wave more arms around. “Heather! Please!” I wail, going up the porch and throwing her in front of me, shielding myself from the clown that giggles, squeaking the horn again. “What- Let go-” 
It stands on the bottom of the stairs. “Heather, please! Please, don’t make me let go.” I plead with her and she looks back at me, noticing the tears in my eyes. She rolls her eyes and places her hands on her hips. “What do you even want me to do?” She questions and I squeeze my eyes shut, gently holding onto her arms. “Tell it to go away.” I mumble, she then walks down the steps, taking off her sandal. “All right, go away you stupid clown. Shoo! Get away!” She slaps it with her shoe repeatedly and it sadly puts its head down, walking away. 
“Yeah! Go away!” I cheer, and then run up to Heather after I know it’s gone, embracing her tightly. “Thank you! I owe you big time!” I grin, before running off, not letting her respond to me.
An explosion occurs and I gasp. “Shit, Cody!” I run to the area where the explosion happened and he’s sitting on the ground covered in trash. “[Name]? Is that you?” He groans, his arms out since he can’t see and even though I’m disgusted I help him up off the ground. 
“I’m so sorry, the clown was just following me and flight or fight, response you know? Heather luckily helped me but I’m still so sorry, I should’ve done something to help.” I ramble on and he tiredly laughs. “It’s okay, I really need a show though.” He sighs, taking the banana peel off his head. We make it through the forest and as we’re walking through he goes in front of me, still groaning from the pain of the explosion.
Bridgette then hits him, screaming before running off. He grunts, falling to the floor once again. “Oh my god, are you okay?” I ask him and he just lays there for a moment. “I’m fine, just- just give me a minute.” He gives up and I laugh.
After Cody takes a shower and I wash my hands we make our way to a pen where Chris and Tyler are standing. The Gophers all made it through their challenges. 
“All right gang, we’re ninth inning. Tyler, for your challenge you need to get in this pen for three minutes with these chickens.” Chris unboxes a momma chicken with two baby chickies. “You can do it Tyler!” Bridgette shouts. “Yeah, unless you’re chicken.” Duncan taunts. Tyler ends up sitting down, cradling himself back and forth. 
“I’m not sure we’re getting anywhere on this one.” Chris says boredly.
“Tyler, this is the last challenge. Quit being such a girl!” Courtney yells at the boy. “You have to do this or we’re going to lose!” Courtney rolls her eyes. 
“Actually if you do the math you can’t possibly win.” Cody calculates then shows the calculator. “The score’s 8-3.”
“Not necessarily. We’ve got one more challenge set up.” Chris says. 
“Who? It can’t be me. But I didn’t-” Courtney goes on confused. “You didn’t have to. We’re always watching you and your reactions.” Chris reminds her. 
“I knew it. Didn’t I tell you guys, they were eavesdropping?” Lindsay angrily asks. “Oh, who cares? It’s not going to make a difference.” Courtney frowns. 
“Let’s make this interesting then. I’ll give you triple points if you can complete it.” He tells her.
We now stand in front of a huge wooden pool of green jello. “You’re afraid of jelly?” Duncan laughs. “Shut up! Only the green kind. It’s like sugary, jiggly snot!” She cries out in disgust. 
“You can face your fear and dive straight into this pool of jelly or let your team lose yet another challenge!” Courtney slumps, making her way to the ladder. “This is insane! I could seriously die doing this.” She climbs up.
“Oh this is just cruel.” Gwen says, “It’s probably warm by now! Warm green jelly. Snotty, bouncy, ugh!” She stifles. 
“You’re not going to make me quit!” Courtney yells down. “That’s it, keep climbing!” Duncan smiles.
“She’s just trying to psych you out!” Bridgette chimes in. “Like you said, Courtney! It’s okay if you can’t do it!” Duncan shouts, I yell up a chicken clucking sound just like I did in our first challenge earning a scowl in response. Once she stands up on the board she thinks about it then covers her face. “I can’t do it! I’m coming down!” She yells, her team all lower their head in disappointment as the Gophers cheer once again. 
“And there you have it! The Gophers won invincibility this week… Again!”
After everything calms down we all chill in our cabin, mostly everyone was on the boys side except me, Gwen, Heather and Lindsay. 
“I gotta go to the bathroom.” Gwen huffs, standing up, stretching out her body. “Ooh! Me too, I’ll come with!” Lindsay grins, following after the goth girl. Gwen scoffs but opens the door for the blonde and they walk out. Heather then stands up and I raise a brow at her. “Dang you have to go too?’ 
“No, I wanted to talk to you about something.” She tells me and I put my book down, giving her my attention. “What’s up, Heather?” I smile softly. “You said you owe me earlier right?” She asks and I slowly nod. 
“Well, before that, I want to apologize for my actions with the whole diary thing. And then by owing me a favor I’d like you to pretend to be my friend for a little bit.” She crosses her arms and I’m taken aback for a moment. 
“Seriously?” I lean closer to her as if I didn’t hear her correctly the first time. “Yes, just don’t expect me to be all nice with Gwen.” She says and I glance around. “What’s the point of this?” 
“Just- please?” She huffs. 
“I-I guess? Just pretending to be friends?” I furrow my brows, her face turns a light shade of pink. “Nevermind-” 
“No, no, I’m down, we can be friends.” I wink, then go back to my book.
Links to other writings
Also if you’d like to request an imagine that is separate from the story let me know!!!
taglist: if you want to be added lmk
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
Dodge Brawl- TDI x Reader (Chapter four)
If you haven’t read: Three
I groan in pain as I wake up after hearing all the girls leave the cabin. I look around trying to remember where I am. Then of course my mind reminds me from the past three days of not being able to sleep. I lifted myself up from the ground, and someone had placed a blanket over me so I tugged it off. 
Since everyone left that must mean they’re heading to eat so I stretch my sore limbs from laying on the ground. “Gwen, we should get going to the main lodge.” I gently shake her, she turns away from me mumbling something, swatting my hands away. “Gwen, we might get in trouble.” I shake her again and this time she faces me, eyes still closed. “Do I have to?” She whines and I snicker.
“Unfortunately we do.” I frown, standing up straight to crack my back once again. She hums, sitting up to yawn, rubbing her eyes. “How did I get here?” She queries tiredly, as I throw on a new, clean shirt. “I carried you.” I nonchalantly say. Not noticing her eyes widened. “Did you sleep at all?” She stammers after clearing her throat and I wince at the thought of the sleep I just had. 
“Yup, right here on this very floor.” I kick at the ground, exhausted. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” She expresses guilt but I shake my head. “Don’t worry about it, let’s just go eat.” I yawn, helping her up from the bed then throwing the blanket from the ground onto my top bunk for now. 
As we make it out of the door I see Harold walking out of his cabin, seeing something black above his top lip. I blink a few times, maybe I was imagining it. As we get off the porch we make our way to the main lodge and Gwen keeps accidentally bumping into me so I link our arms so she can remain steady. 
“Hey everyone it’s Gwen and [Name]!” Chris sets forth to the two teams, Gwen keeps her head down and I practically lead us the whole way to our seats. Our team cheers and claps for us and I overheard Lindsay ask why they’re clapping for us. I roll my eyes, sitting the tired girl down. Cracking my back just like before sitting down myself. 
“I’m so tired.” Gwen complains. “I can’t feel my face.” She face plants onto the table, I flinch to the noise. “My back is killing me, why did no one wake me up from the floor?” I irritatedly questioned my team, “We tried, you wouldn’t budge, hun.” Leshawna says, I sigh, “Oh.” 
“Hey, fish heads. Way to kick off your strongest player!” Heather stands up and Courtney throws her oatmeal, hitting Gwen in the face since Heather dodged it. I huff, taking out a napkin and grab Gwens face, roughly cleaning it while glaring over at Courtney who actually looked a little afraid of me. 
“Okay, campers, listen up! Your next challenge begins in 10 minutes and be ready to bring it!” He notifies us, I finish cleaning Gwen’s face and we start eating. 
Now standing in a glass closed in court, I feel more tired than when I was eating breakfast. I still hold onto Gwen, we’re now both holding each other up at this point. Duncan walks into the court and falls down on the bleachers pointing to his team warningly. “Wake me up and it’s the last thing you do.” He points at Tyler who gulps, scared of the pierced boy.
Chef whistles earning all of our attention, walking by slowly and attempting to be intimidating, which works very well. “Today’s challenge is the classic game of dodgeball. The first rule of dodgeball is-” 
“Don't talk about dodgeball?” Noah sarcastically questions him, Owen giggles at the stupid joke. 
“As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball-” Chris carries on, throwing a ball roughly at Courtney who catches it. “Ooh- Ow!” She groans. “You’re out.” He finishes.
 “You can’t just do that!” She throws the ball back at the host who ignores her. “If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court.” He explains,
 “Throwing balls. Gee, another mentally challenging test.” Noah rolls his eyes, bored and obviously being sarcastic once again. “I know right?” Lindsay inquires, his face drops and Courtney judges the ditzy girl. 
“Okay, now, Geoff, try to hit me.” Chris throws the ball to the party animal. “If you’re holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball. But if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you’re out.” He tells everyone and I impatiently sigh.
 I think most of us know how to play Dodgeball but I know him being a host he has to explain every single thing. I feel like I’m back in second grade nonetheless though. 
“So, what do I do again when the ball comes at me?” Lindsay asks innocently just as Geoff throws the ball at Chris who blocks it with another ball, it bounces off over to Lindsay’s way. “You dodge!” He shouts, it hits her right in the face causing everyone to gasp and her to fall backwards. 
“Ooh! You were supposed to dodge!” He exclaims. “Ow…” She stands up, holding her forehead in pain. “Right.” Uncovering the injury to see a large bump. 
“You have one minute until game time. Gophers, you’ll have to sit two people out each game time.” Chris turns to us and then we all crowd one another around Heather. 
“Okay, we can’t get lazy.” Heather says, hands on her hips. Izzy, Leshawna, and Beth raise a brow as Gwen and I slouch tiredly. “The Killer Bass are gonna be trying extra hard to catch up.” Gwen yawns as the mean girl speaks, a glare hits her way. “Who wants to sit the first one out with the two sleeping beauties here.” Heather buzzes.
“All right, I’ll volunteer.” Noah acts as if it was a tough decision to make for everyone. “Now, let’s see all you keeners get on out there and dodge.” He enthusiastically points to our team, confusing Chef. 
The first game I sat beside Gwen and Noah.
Heather, Lindsay, Owen, Leshawna, and Cody are in the game. “Bring it on fishes, otherwise winning three times in a row just won’t be as satisfying.” Heather trash talks and I gotta admit it was kind of attractive to watch, but I have a feeling speaking into the universe with so much confidence we’re going to lose. “Oh, you’re going down!” Tyler yells. “We’re gonna bring dinner to the table and then we’re gonna eat it!” He slyly says and I chuckle at his teammates reactions to the bad comeback. 
“Both teams ready? Best of five games wins. Now let’s dodge some ball!” Chris declares, Chef whistling starting the first game. The sound from the whistle makes my ears vibrate then start to ring and I hold my head in pain. 
Owen makes the first point, Leshawna making the next one. But Katie hits Lindsay and the blonde gets another bump on her face. Owen catches Courtney’s next throw and Chef has Gwen go on the court. I frown. I don’t understand why they don’t exclude her from today but seeing how Chris is this show is not going to be so nice and caring to us so. 
Not even seconds after the girl entered that rectangle she gets hit in the face with a rubber ball. It was meant for Owen but he dodged, DJ winces, apologizes to the girl who tiredly smiles, perfectly okay with being out of the game. 
After the first game I end up closing my eyes, resting backwards on the bleachers. I accidentally fall asleep, missing the whole second game. 
“Wake up!” Somebody slaps my arm multiple times, I push the person away. “Come on, you can’t not play. Don’t be like Noah.” The voice snaps, I hear Noah say something in defense but it all sounds muffled. I open my eyes, annoyed to see Heather standing above me. “I won the last challenge, can’t I be left alone?” I ask in a raspy tone, rubbing my eyes to see more clearly.
I watch the girl actually pause to think about it and I look around. I guess I can play one game. 
“Okay, I’m not a monster, she really does look horrible and I guess I would feel bad seeing someone look like that on a court.” Heather doesn’t look at the camera, embarrassed from what she admitted to. 
I sigh, “It’s fine, I’ll play.” I stretch out my body, getting off of the bleachers and I went to walk to the court but Heather grabs the back of my shirt to pull me back. “Not yet, we’re making a game plan.” She tells me then I look at who I’m playing with. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Heather.” I cross my arms, I then glance over to the opposite team to see Duncan awake and getting ready to play. I take a deep breath in. I’m playing with Beth, Justin, Izzy and Owen. I guess it isn’t horrible but I don’t know now that we’re being lined up in front of the K.B.’s 
“Good luck, mouse!” Duncan winks and I roll my eyes. 
The first two throws at the other team were dodged by Courtney and Duncan and I watched as they all at once throw four balls at each teammate one by one and once it gets to me I put my finger up. “Don’t even think about it.” I tiredly glare at them.
 “Mouse, we gotta get you out somehow.” He slyly tells me and I pick up a dodgeball. 
“I’m going out with my dignity, pincushion.” I throw the ball up in my hand then look at Courtney. “Here, catch, pumpkin.” I toss it to her but something catches her off guard and it falls from her hand. She scoffs, leaving the court. My team cheers but I back up. “I didn't mean to do that, I was trying to get her to catch it!” I try to shout, picking up another ball, not wanting to get hit. Especially by Duncan. 
“Sure.” He laughs, I look over to Katie with a pleading expression, her eyes widened with an empathetic look.  “You believe me, right?” I ask her and she nods. “Of course, [Name]!” She smiles, I go over to the line. “Good, catch this!” I then smirk and throw the ball roughly, hitting her right in the thighs. She gasps and my team cheers once again. 
“That was on purpose that time!” Duncan lifts his arm and I laugh. “Of course it was!” I smile, DJ throws the next ball at me and I catch it without a second thought. He puts his head down and walks from the court too. “Sorry, DJ!” I wave at him. “It’s cool, [Name]!” He grins. “No it’s not.” Courtney shames him. 
Next was Geoff, when he wasn’t expecting it I threw another ball, hitting him. “Aw, man!” 
Now it was me and Duncan. “Mouse, you did good, but you’re not getting me out.” He proudly states and I shrug. “Maybe but we can have a little fun.” 
“Sure we can.” He huffs, he throws a ball and I dodge it, throwing one myself and he moves out of the way before it hits him. Our teams cheer for both of us and I go to throw another ball but trip forward and Duncan takes it as an opportunity to throw one at me and it hits me right in the chest. But it wasn’t a hard throw, definitely one of his gentle ones. 
The whistle goes off and The Killer Bass gets the win for that round. Duncan comes over to me, “good round, mouse.” He compliments and I purse out my lips. “Could’ve been better.” I mess with him, walking away. My team high fives me even though I lost and Heather speaks up. 
“Okay, not that Noah here cares but we are not losing another game to these guys, got it? And where is Lindsay? Ugh!” She angrily storms off the court and I jog after her, opening the door for her. “Where are you going?” I question her. 
“To find Lindsay, what does it matter?” She folds her arms. “I’ll join, maybe it will wake me up for the last game if there is one.” She walks through the door and I follow after. “Who said I wanted you to join?” She scoffs, “I don’t really care if you want me to. I’m helping you whether you like it or not.” I say, she doesn’t respond this time so we end up walking together in silence looking for the bleached blonde. 
But the quiet starts to bother me so I speak up, “You’re very bossy.” Maybe not the best thing to start off with but hear me out people. She ignores me. “It’s not a bad thing but you should loosen up. Have fun while you’re here.” I nudge her but that irritates her and she comes to a stop. “I’m not here for friends, I’m here to win. Go back to the court already. Can you not tell, I do not like you?” She snaps but I just smile at her, beginning to laugh.
“If that’s what you wish but just know I can always be a friend even if you say you don’t like me and want to put on some mean persona. But when you are looking for that friend, remind yourself, not a minion. A friend. A real one.” I tell her and her arms were crossed and tensed up the entire time, wearing the same scowl on her face until I left.
A camera catches Heather starting to etch a smile upon her face, watching the girl walk away then she shakes her head going back to an angry expression to find Lindsay.
I entered back into the court to see the two teams already playing again. I sit next to Gwen. We sit quietly watching the play. 
Heather walks Lindsay into the courthouse and shoves the blonde forward. “You sit down and stay here.” Heather demands. “Okay.” Lindsay sadly listens. “How are we doing?” Heather asks Noah who wasn’t even paying attention. Beth gets knocked out. “Sports are not my forte, remember?” He reminds her. “You know you could actually give it a shot and pretend to care.” She says to him just as Leshawna gets knocked out. The whistle blows and the k.b.’s win another round. 
“This is so unacceptable.” Heather shakes with rage, I stand up. “Hey, it's not the end of the world, darling.” Placing a hand on her shoulder but she pulls away. “Don’t touch me, we’re going to lose!” She expresses and I frown, looking at the other team 
“Yeah but 1 out of 3, we’ll be okay.” I try to reassure her but it’s no use. “Okay this is it, the final tie breaking game.” Chris announces. “Go team, go!” Noah cheers in a monotone voice. 
“Gophers, Bass, let’s send the sample to the lab and see what you're made of.” That was corny but kind of good you have to admit it. Chef whistles.
Cody, Gwen, Heather, Leshawna, and Owen are on the court and we’re actually doing good again. This game is the longest and this time Heather keeps me benched for some reason. I could’ve helped us score a bunch of points but for some reason everytime I went to join my team she’d stop it with some sort of excuse. 
Gwen throws a ball and it hits Courtney in the face, “That’s for the oatmeal!” Leshawna bursts into laughter. “You messed with the wrong white girl!”
Owen is the last one in the game, Harold on the opposite side and every ball that Owen throws the auburn hair boy somehow dodges every single one.
Courtney calls for a time out and I cross my legs. Everyone cheers as they go back in. Heather then grips onto my arm and I carefully glance over at her as she is anxiously watching everyone happening before her very eyes. Not paying attention to my stares. I smirk joining her in looking at the court. 
Owen winds up his throw, “Cowabunga!” He shouts, throwing the ball, hitting Harold in the stomach and he flies back with the ball into the glass behind him. But Harold caught it meaning we lost. Heather weakly lets me go and I feel a small breeze from the loss of her holding my arm.
The final whistle blows declaring Killer Bass as the winner. 
“It’s impossible! Why!?” Owen falls to his knees, Chris walks up to us as the Killer Bass carries their winner in the air, cheering happily for not losing a third time. “Gophers, what happened?” Chris frowns, disappointed.
“What can I say? Weak effort.” Noah says and we all glare at him. “Oh, shut it, Noah.” Gwen walks away. “You know for once I agree with her.” Heather exclaims and we all leave.
“I guess I’m kind of a role model now that I’ve won the dodgeball competition.” Harold throws a chip into his mouth. “People will probably all want my autograph when the show is over and stuff.”
We all sit at the campfire and I sigh. “Campers, you’ve already placed your votes and made your decision. One of you will be going home and you can’t come back… Ever.” Everyone seems nervous except for Noah, who’s definitely going home but has the confidence of the opposite. 
“When you hear me call your name, come pick a marshmallow. Owen, Gwen, Cody, Trent, Heather, Beth, Justin, [Name], Leshawna, Izzy.” He pauses at the last two. Lindsay and Noah. I squish my marshmallow between two fingers and boredly watch what happens next, knowing who I voted for. 
“The final marshmallow goes to… Lindsay.” The blonde cheers, grabbing her marshmallow as Noah’s in disbelief. “What!? Are you kidding me?”
“All right see if I care. Good luck because you just voted out the only one with any brains on this team.” He rants and we all throw our marshmallows at him. “Ow!”
“You need to learn a little thing called respect, turkey.” Leshawna wipes her hands and we all laugh, cheering. 
“Whatever, I’m out of here.” He sasses.
Gwen hugs me and we cheer together, after a few moments I let go and go to walk over to Heather who makes eye contact with me, smiling at first but seeing Gwen next to me she scoffs and walks away.
Link to all chapters
Chapter: Five
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapters Eight: Talent? Where? Certainly not here.
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Chris had gathered you all in a amphitheatre. You and Duncan sat by Tyler. "Welcome to our brand-new-deluxe state of the art amphitheatre." Chris announced on the stage.
It very clearly was not any of that.
"Okay this weeks challenge is a sumer camp favorite... a talent contest!" Chris pointed out into the audience, and Courtney almost immeadiately looked at Duncan and you. You both clearly had some acrobatic talent, and definetely were the fittest people in the Killer Bass cabin.
"Each cabin has eight hours to choose their three most talented campers. These three will represent them in the show tonight. You can sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes as long as it's legal." He gave you and Duncan an extra hard glare and you groaned.
"Darn." Duncan laughed.
"You will be judged by our resident talent scout. Former D.J, V.J, and rap legend Grand Master Chef who will show his aprovall via the Chef-O-Meter." Chris explained.
Chris then began his whole speech about whoever lost would have to send a camper home, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Your team left the pavilion to go back to the cabins. Duncan and you flipped onto your hands walking as you talked about some type of gun absent-mindly to each other. Your cabin mates watched you with amazement.
Courtney had Chef Hatchet set up some trapeze equipment for you and Duncan to showcase your skills much to Duncan's dismay. They started off with Sadie and Katie showcasing their 'skills'.
Then Tyler and his 'yo-yo' magic. Then it was D.J and Geoff, also known as the ballerina and skater-boy. Then Courtney made you and Duncan try out. "Just do something acrobatic." She ordered pointing at the trapeze set above you.
"Let's shower her 'acrobatic'." Duncan smirked and suddenly you were running at him causing your cabin to gasp. You jumped into the air, jumping onto his shoulders, before jumping again grabbing the trapeze bar and as you jumped Duncan grab your ankle propelling himself upwards as well.
You flipped Duncan onto the opposing bar and you both began letting go of your bars swinging onto the opposing one causing your team to gasp in fear.
"They're in." Geoff said for Courtney who nodded weakly. Luckily for you Chris counted you both as one person since it was a two man act.
You all were practicing on stage, actually doing quite well.
Bridgette was giving Duncan tips on how to launch you, Katie was helping make sure the bars were dry, Sadie was helping wash Geoff's skateboard but Geoff kept making her laugh so the water was going everywhere.
Then it was showtime.
Justin was up first. (Personally you didn't see the appeal, you thought the green-haired devil next to you looked a lot better, but to each his own.)
Then it was Duncan and you. Your performance went without a hitch because it was something you had done since honest to god you were five years old.
Eleven years ago
"Duncan, honey, you have to wait Y/N isn't here yet." Duncan's mom warned him from her place on the bleachers. Gymnastic's practice was about to start. He was buzzing with excitement. Suddenly he heard footsteps and he turned around just in time to launch you into the set of trapeze bars above him.
Almost as if it was on instinct he grabbed your ankle and your ability to glide through the air propelled him onto the opposing bar and you began to swing on the bars laughing and breathing hard.
There was nothing you loved more thenn being in the air, as free as a bird.
Except maybe each other.
Nothing could touch you up there, no one could hurt you up there. If you got to look at Duncan's carefree smile for the rest of your life up there, you would've stayed up there forever, and be happy.
You fell back onto the ground and bowed. The cheers were loud and you felt a heat crawl up your cheeks. It had been a long time for the both of you since you performed. He squeezed your hand.
When Duncan stared at you it felt like he was thirteen again crushing on you in middle school.
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"Hey, L/N after school you want to spray paint the library," He asked and you nodded laughing. "Hell yes, if I ever answer no to that question feel free to shoot me."
There was no way he crushing again, on his best friend, who he treated like shit a good solid 80% of the time. But it was okay because he was imagining having a crush on you again...
Chef Hatchet gave it a 9/10 much to the other team's dislike. Your team roared.
D.J sadly failed, hard, he tripped on his ribbon and Chef Hatchet gave it a 2/10. Then Trent went and he sang a song obviously for Gwen. Then Heather went reading Gwen's diary aloud which was fucking wild but you know, whatever.
Geoff got very bad stage fright and had a panic attack back stage, so Harold got up...
Then he started beatboxing...
and was good....
I know, I'm as surprised as you are.
"Holy shit am I high?" Duncan asked you quietly. "...Am I high is the better question." You whispered because seriously, what the fuck was happening right now.
Grand Master Chef declared Harold the winner... honestly you couldn't blame him. The crowd roared with applause.
The Screaming Gophers lost again tonight and that made you extraordinarily happy. Until you find out what the challenge is next week...
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Ten: How ba-a-a-ad can I be?
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Duncan held his head in his hands as he listened to Sadie scream for Katie. Those screams sounded familiar. Those screams sounded like his mom. You were staring numbly at your hands. "It was a long goodbye." Bridgette explained once she had finally came back with the girl.
Finally, the other team showed up holding green jello with a worm in it. "We got some extra dessert after our tuck-shop party." Gwen explained. "Thought you might want some." Trent continued. "So what? Your just being nice?" Courtney asked mildly confused.
"Okay. Owen stank up our cabin and we needed some time to air out." Gwen finally admitted. Owen farted again causing Trent to give him an annoyed glance.
Beth brought the green jello over to Courtney who very quickly voiced her displeasure with the substance. "No!" She yelled causing Duncan to give her a strange look. "You on a diet or something?" Duncan questioned. "I just don't like green jello." Courtney hissed crossing her arms.
Beth then brought the jello over to DJ, Duncan, and you but the man beside you yelled "Snake!" and threw the plate of jello and Cody explained. "It's just a gummy worm." The boy said confused.
DJ apologized. "Snakes just freak me out." He explained. "I feel you, chickens give me the creeps man." Tyler put a hand on the mans shoulder.
"Your afraid of chickens?" Gwen asked. "Wow- that's really lame man." Duncan laughed causing you to punch him hard.
You looked dead in the cameras eyes. "Now suddenly these idiots are sharing their fears and I just know I'll lose my shit if someone asks me."
You leave the outhouse in a hurry.
"I'm not afraid of anything." Courtney says when someone asks her. "Baloney." in unison you and Duncan cough into your fists and suddenly the whole group is looking at you. "What exactly are your phobia's Mrs. and Mr. Fearless?" Courtney replied snarkily.
Everyone was looking at you both.
"... Ce-Celion Dion music store standees." Duncan admitted and you rolled your eyes. The way he discovered that fear was SO stupid. But that's a story for another day.
"Zombies, I guess." You sighed holding yourself in your arms. Trent explained what a standee was to Lindsay and Courtney made fun of Duncan which was quickly met with a protective (girl-) friend glare.
Oh she was so sure you two were dating.
Ten years ago
Duncan and you were walking through a mall. You were seven and he was eight. You came across a music store and you told him you'd be right back. You wanted to see if you could get a record for your mom who was becoming super sick.
He waited outside the store, tying and untying his shoes to keep himself busy.
You were taking a long time so he decided to go inside the store. He couldn't find you, but he wasn't worried. When he tried to exit the large store he realized he couldn't find the exit, he kept running into standees... Celion Dion standees.
When you finally found him it was when he was cowering under a table of records nearly pulling out his hair hyperventilating.
The next day at breakfast Chris announced the days challenge. "Okay campers, your next challenge is something I like to call 'phobia factor'." You had to laugh at how quickly everyones expressions changed.
"Prepare to face your worst fears!" He yelled across the tables. "Oh we're screwed." You laughed causing Duncan to pale. "How does he know?" Duncan muttered. "The cameras. The god damn cameras." You pointed out the obvious.
"First up: Heather, it's sumo time. Meet us at the theatre. Gwen, you me, the beach... a few tons of sand." The gopher team began to pale.
He went through the entire gopher team, some freaked out, some didn't. Then it was your turn, well more specifically, Duncan's turn. The standee was staring at you team in a creepy manner.
"I don't wanna." Duncan whined to you, but you saw past the facade. You saw the seven year old kid who was terrified and couldn't find a way out and kept seeing this creepy mother fu-
"You don't have too." You whispered. "We'll be fine without it." You grabbed his hand squeezing it. "Just do it." Tyler screamed. Then Duncan gave the creepy standee a hug, after the fifteen seconds were done you ran and gave him a hug.
Now it was your turn.
Chef Hatchet had nine interns covered in makeup. Your mission was too watch them. Chris buried them and your team left to watch you through a camera.
The interns broke through the sand, covered in the zombie makeup. But there was this one intern who got REALLY into the game, she started moaning and hissing. "Y/N, my dear, come back to me." and the worst part was, this girl looked exactly like your mom. She had the curly brown hair, and had your eyes. You felt this anxiety crawl at your throat.
Your mother died when you where eight, she had this disease that ate at her brain, so this intern, who had makeup on to look like she had her brains aten came crawling at your feet?
There was no wonder you began hyperventilating.
The zombie-boy interns grabbed your shoulders and began to drag you back to the 'cementary'. If you didn't stop the challenge by the time they dragged you back, you'd win.
But then the girl began holding onto your ankles with this creepy smile. "Oh my sweet bee, how I've missed you..." that stupid nickname your mama always called you..
When you regained conciousness Duncan was pulling you off the intern. "Dollface, let's go. You got us the points." He was yelling and finally you stopped punching the unconcious girl.
You were shaking.
"Yeah. Yeah let's go." You whispered and he lead you off.
You watched as your teamates faced their fears. Duncan turned to look at you and laugh after Geoff got pelted by the hail but found that you were gone.
He found you in the outhouse smoking.
"I wonder, how I haven't died yet." You whispered. "But then I feel this wind in my hair wiping the tears off my face, and new breath in my lungs and remember that the angel who's watching over me, is my mami." Your voice was shaking.
"She just looked, so much like my mom." You explained tears streaming down your face. "My mom, my mom, who I never got to say goodbye too." Your body shook.
Duncan opened up the door to see his best friend crying and smelling like weed. The second you saw him your rubbed your eyes and gave him a lighthearted smile. "Hi, Tarun." You waved half-heartedly.
He gave you a glare
"Duncan, I miss my mama." Your words turned broken, and you choked on a cry. "I know, sweetheart. I know." Duncan sat down next to you and you put your head on his shoulder.
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The other team looked at you both wearily when you returned. Your knuckles were blood red and you had tear marks on your face. But you both were smiling which was a clear sign that you both got VERY high.
You watched everyone face their fear and you even cheered for both teams.
But when it was Tylers turn to go into the chicken coop you laughed behind your hand. "There's no hope for that one." Duncan chuckled.
Tyler had a panic attack on the floor and you bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing, so hard that blood flooded your mouth.
Courtney was scared of jelly.
Green jelly.
Duncan was already making plans to dress up in a costume for halloween. All Courtney had to do... was jump... into... the jelly.
Your eye twitched.
You weren't surprised when she couldn't do it. To quote your best friend. "Coward fucking Courtney."
So of course your team lost... again.
That night at the elimination bonfire it went as usual. Chris offered you two marshmallows because he saw how upset you were, and had apologized for the interns behavior.
You expected Courtney to go home, you knew that Duncan had voted for her, as well as yourself. But in the end Tyler went home.
And in totally unrelated news, Duncan and you had put one hundred and four chickens on a boat that totally was not the losers boat. (If you hear Tyler screaming... don't ask questions)
Your team trudged back to your cabin in a sort of a depressed funk. DJ and you stayed outside in silence for a moment. "Can I be honest?" He sighed leaning back on the porch's stairs. "You never should be honest with an ex-con, but go ahead." You gave him this crazy looking smile.
"I don't get it." He admitted. "What?" You were confused. "How did they know your mama was dead? What do they have on you?" DJ questioned. That was a fair question. The only person who knew your mom was dead was your father, you, Duncan, one private doctor, Duncan's father-
Your heart skipped a beat.
"I don't know." You lied straight through your teeth.
"Well I'm sorry, kid. You've been through a lot haven't you?" DJ put a hand on your shoulder and you smiled weakly. "Lemme tell you about it some day." You smirked. "I'd love to hear it." DJ smiled warmly.
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