#tdi geoff x reader
planetatlas · 1 year
~ Sanctuary ~ Duncan (TDI)
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Summary: You and Duncan are childhood friends. After Duncan leaves for the show he got cast on, Total Drama Island, all the both of you do is count the days until he gets home.
Content: Fluff, you patiently waiting for Duncan to come home, Duncan using his love for you as his coping mechanism for getting through the show.
A/N: I listened to Sanctuary by Joji the entire time I was writing this. Just a bit of childhood friends to lovers fluff.
It was summertime. Five year old Duncan was currently chasing a five-year-old (Y/N) through the park. The sun was shining, Duncan could barely hear the birds whistling and cars driving by over the wind rushing through his ears as he ran as fast as he could after you. “TAG! You’re it!” He screamed as he finally got close enough to slap your back lightly. He watched you turn around before he took off sprinting the other direction. You were getting closer, and closer, until your little hand began reaching for his arm. You were so close to touching him, just a little further and- 
He felt a slight poking sensation on his butt, then fully woke up when he felt something poke him in the nose. He grabbed whatever was poking him before standing up and snapping it in half. It was a stick. The other members of his team were using a stick to wake him up. He was more than a little irritated, as not only had he warned them not to wake him, but they also used a stick and poked him instead of just shaking him or yelling or literally anything else. On top of that, they interrupted a dream of a fond memory he has of when you two were children. It was the day you two had met. As he demanded an explanation and then proceeded to teach his team how to win dodgeball, you stayed in the back of his mind. He wondered if you were watching him right now. 
You watched as Duncan led his team to victory in the dodgeball tournament, this episode’s event. You laughed quietly to yourself at the fact that he managed to turn the tournament into a game of one-sided prison dodgeball. You felt slightly bad watching the other team get demolished, but you were happy for Duncan for winning that episode. As it ended and you turned your TV off, you bid your parents goodbye as you grabbed your things and headed to your room. As happy as you were that Duncan was offered such a big opportunity like this, you also felt lonely. It felt a little selfish, but you missed Duncan a lot. He was basically the only person you talked to, but you tried to keep yourself occupied by talking to and hanging out with your other school friends. You just wished you could communicate with him and see how he was doing. The show he was on looked a little brutal, and you couldn’t help but worry about his well-being. 
This place was starting to get to Duncan. He didn’t show it outwardly, but it was starting to drain him and he felt like he was going insane. He knew the viewers of Total Drama Island probably believed it was all for show, but this show was actually physically dangerous sometimes. The only thing that kept him sane and determined was counting down the days until he got to go home, to you. He sat on the steps of his cabin and watched as everyone mingled about since this was one of the rare moments the cameras weren’t stalking them and they got to hang out together freely. That was another thing that got on his nerves, the constant invasion of privacy. It was all stacking up and causing him way too much stress to be normal. Courtney walked over to him and asked if he was okay, but he shrugged her off, giving her the excuse of being tired and not in the mood to socialize. That was partly true, he only really wanted to socialize with you at the moment. He wondered what you were up to, how you were doing, what you had been doing since he’d left. He wished you were here with him. He then thought about his “relationship” with Courtney. The producers, directors, and Chris thought it would be a great idea, as it would bring in more publicity and spice things up, but Duncan found that he just could not make it real no matter what. However, he knew exactly why he couldn’t feel for Courtney romantically.
She couldn’t compare to you in his eyes. You were the one who held his affection, no one else. 
You were sitting in bed, watching YouTube on your laptop. You were having trouble paying attention though, as your mind wandered to Duncan again. The episodes of Total Drama Island were getting more and more shocking and dangerous, and it made you wonder just how much of it was fake. Surely they wouldn’t knowingly endanger several minors to this degree, right? You were just glad that Duncan has made it this far unscathed. It reminded you of when he’d get into fights or hurt himself doing something stupid and you’d be there to patch him up, like always. The distance and inability to contact him was starting to weigh on you a little. You really missed him, but at least you got to see him and hear him talk, even if it was through a TV screen. You were grateful for this, as he wasn’t afforded the same luxury with you.
Duncan laid curled on his bunk, one of your hoodies tucked into his chest. He’d made sure everyone else was asleep before bringing it out, he didn’t want anyone else to get a hold of it, much less know about it. They had done the “Phobia Factor” episode today and it took a lot out of him mentally. Initially, he was scared stiff at the mere idea of hugging a Celine Dion standee, but when he got up to it, memories of you and your comfort gave him the courage to go through with it. Before he hugged it, he just remembered the times when he’d freak out if you two passed one when you were out together, and you would tease him for it. However, when the nightmares would come the night after you always comforted him through them, not a hint of teasing or judgment to be found. He breathed in the smell of your hoodie, which was lavender laundry detergent. The moonlight was shining through the window, hitting the object in his hand perfectly and giving him full visibility to it. It was a locket, to which you had a matching one, with a photo of you in it. As time went on, he felt as though this show was as bad as juvie, with no contact with you. He was grateful he was able to bring your hoodie and the locket this time, since he couldn’t have them in juvie. As he considered it, he’d probably want the items here instead as sometimes this place felt more traumatizing than juvie. The lavender scent from your hoodie lulled him to sleep that night, unaware of someone who happened to catch a glimpse of what he had been holding. 
You were struggling to sleep that night. You kept reminiscing on memories of you and Duncan. They were brought up when you watched the most recent episode of TDI. The fact that Duncan actually admitted to his fear of Celine Dion music store standees and had to hug one was hilarious to you. You remembered all the times he would jump when you would pass them, and then you would remember the many nights you had comforted him after a nightmare about the stupid things. It may be a silly fear, but you never looked down on him for it. It was just a part of who he was, and you took it in stride along with everything else. It didn’t change your perception of him, he was still the same guy you loved with all your heart. You then began to wonder about the romance he seemed to have with Courtney. You wondered if it was just some random romance for publicity or if it was real. It looked real enough, but something felt off. Maybe you just knew Duncan too well and could tell when he was acting or wasn’t being sincere about something. You hugged your plushie to your chest, trying to ground yourself and distract your mind from the topic. As you hugged it, you thought about how you got it. It was a plushie Duncan had won you at a carnival a couple of years ago. It was cheesy, just a stuffed rabbit, but it was special. It was the first thing he’d ever gotten you. Whenever you had to be separated from him for a while, or even if the smell would just start to fade, he’d spray his cologne onto it. It was subtle, but it smelt like him. Everything about him smelt like it; his room, his clothes, even his shampoo and conditioner came in the same scent, but it was his and it comforted you. You reached over and opened your matching locket to see the photo you had taken of him one day when he wasn’t paying attention. You fell asleep with the locket still clutched in your hand, which your parent took and put back on your nightstand before turning the lights off when they came to check on you after seeing your light still on. 
Harold, DJ, Geoff, and Owen snuck into the Killer Bass cabin after seeing Duncan walk into the cafeteria hall. They dug around Duncan’s bunk for a moment before DJ pulled out a plain black hoodie. “It smells like lavender,” he informed the others as they gathered around to look at it. Harold then brought up the point, “I mean it’s just a plain black hoodie but I don’t think he’s the kind of guy to use lavender laundry detergent, and it’s weird that we’ve never seen him wear it,” the other boys murmuring in agreement and confusion, wondering why Duncan would have such an item and not wear it. “Look guys! Check this out,” Geoff alerted before pulling a locket out of Duncan’s pillowcase. Owen opened the locket before gasping in surprise. The other boys gathered around and saw a photo of a person in it. They began to question who it was and if they were the reason Duncan wouldn’t pursue Courtney romantically outside of camera view. Then they heard the door slam open. Everyone screamed when they saw Duncan, who looked like he was about to explode. Needless to say, they didn’t attempt to pry into Duncan’s life and warned everyone else not to either, but they didn’t tell anyone what they saw. They felt it was personal and believed it should be Duncan's choice whether or not to talk about it.
You were watching the newest episode of TDI with your friends, just talking amongst yourselves when you weren’t glued to what was happening on screen. One of your friends asked you how you were doing with Duncan being gone for the show for so long, and you admitted that it had been a little difficult but you were grateful to them for helping you and keeping you busy. They began teasing you for having a crush on Duncan, saying you were “so in love”. You just rolled your eyes but you kept watching the TV as your eyes would stay glued to Duncan. One of your other friends then asked how you felt about his romance with Courtney, to which you responded saying it didn’t bother you that much seeing as how you weren’t dating and he could make his own choices. You didn’t admit that it did make you quite jealous, as you didn’t feel like it was your place to be.
It had been months since he started TDI. So many people had gotten sent home, and finally, it was his turn. He made it to fourth place, he wished he could’ve won but it’s better than nothing. He was more than a little annoyed when he was brought to Playa Des Losers after being eliminated and seeing how much better it was than Camp Wawanakwa. Despite that, he was trying to enjoy what little time he had there. Since he was fourth, only three more people needed to be eliminated before they all went home which wouldn’t be long. Courtney did approach him at one point, talking to him normally before asking if he wanted to make their romance on the show real. He turned her down politely, stating that he already had feelings for someone else back at home. She inquired if they were dating and if the kiss they shared on the show counted as cheating, but he told her you weren’t dating but he still did it just for the show. She understood, turning to walk over to Bridgette and Geoff sitting by the pool. His mind then swarmed with thoughts of you. He was still counting down the days until he could see you again. The thought of seeing you made his entire body buzz and fill with warmth. 
Seeing Duncan get voted off did sadden you a little, but you were also growing more excited by the day. Duncan came in fourth, which meant the show would end soon. Soon, he’d be back home, back in your arms. You could hardly contain yourself as the days passed by and the show finally ended with Owen being the winner. 
The day of his arrival was finally here and you couldn’t stop bouncing with excitement. You’d been anticipating this for so long. You watched as the plane landed, he’d texted you when the boat brought them back to the mainland telling you he got soaked and had to change before the flight. You laughed at that, and continued to wait patiently. Finally, the plane landed and the contestants began filing out. You stood there anxiously, searching for the green mohawk you’d missed. You noticed a few of the guys from the show do a double take when they saw you, but you figured they just had you confused with someone else. Finally, he came out of the loading dock and when he saw you both of you froze. You didn’t know what to do, you were so overwhelmed with excitement and shock and happiness that your brain stopped functioning for a minute. It seems like his did as well. 
When Duncan exited the loading dock and caught sight of you, it felt like time froze. To him, no one else existed at the moment, and how could they when you were finally in front of him? After a minute he shook his head to clear his thoughts, vaguely taking notice of the other former contestants staring at the both of you, but he didn’t have time to process it as he lunged at you, engulfing you in a hug. You hugged him back just as tightly, jumping up as he reached you and wrapping your legs around his waist. His arms flew behind your back and pinned you to him, squeezing so tightly you would think he was trying to suffocate you but you didn’t mind. You two stayed like that for a while before releasing your hold on him and dropping back to the ground. You grabbed him by the hand and said, “Let’s go get your luggage and go home.” All he could do was nod dumbly like a lovesick puppy as he followed you to baggage claim. 
You and Duncan were in your room, laying on your bed with you slightly leaning against stacked pillows and Duncan laying on your front with his head on your chest and your arms around his back. Duncan had music playing softly on your TV, and you were just basking in each other’s presence until Duncan let out a quiet hum. You nudged him to question what he was saying, and he brought his head up to rest his chin on your chest, looking you in the eyes. 
“You know the thing with Courtney wasn’t real right? None of it was.” he questioned you. 
You replied, “Of course I did. I know you well enough to know when something is off,” rolling your eyes at the end. 
Instead of a snarky reply, Duncan simply looked at you thoughtfully. He looked like he was gathering his thoughts and figuring out what to say before opening his mouth. “The fake romance with her did make me realize I need to admit something I’ve been hiding for too long.”
“Oh? And what would that be?”
“That I’m in love with you. The distance and not being able to talk to you or see you didn’t help either.”
You stared at him wide-eyed, mouth slightly open with shock. He watched your reaction for a moment, before disappointment crossed his face and he went to speak again before you stopped him. “Before you say it, don’t be sorry because you didn’t make anything uncomfortable. I’ve been waiting to hear those words for so long.”
He looked shocked for just a second before soft warmth filled his eyes. “Well if I knew you’d been waiting I would’ve told you sooner. In that case, would you go out with me? And do me the honor of going on a date this weekend?”
“Absolutely, I’m all yours,” you smiled gently as you responded to him. He gave you a content look before laying back down onto your chest, beginning to doze off as happiness and love filled his body. He felt like he’d been waiting for this forever, been waiting to be here. He’d been waiting to come home, to you. 
His sanctuary.
A/N: I loved writing this one, it's just so adorable to me. Feel free to request anything!
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zombifiedheartg · 10 months
Can you make Yandere Geoff hcs? I love him he needs more love and atention ♡
of course! he for sure is one of the more underrated boys, he deserves so much more :(
geoff algolen yandere headcanons. .
song⤹˚ ; the blonde by tv girl
cw : basic yandere behaviour. isolation, toxicity, mentions of a punishment, and overall obsession.
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geoff is soo clingy! he never wants to be detached from you. and i mean, c'mon, who can resist his sad puppy eyes? he's honestly really suffocating. he'd never hurt you, and he doesn't want you to get hurt by someone else
the only time he'd really ''punish'' you is if you've made him super mad. and your punishment would just be isolation, locking you in the house, etc. there's nothing you've ever needed more than alone time.
he doesn't really get jealous that much, only if someone is openly flirting with you. then he'll find a way to include himself in the conversation and drag you away.
he strives and craves for your affection. he does everything for you, makes you little notes describing his love for you. even though the hand-writing is pretty bad and a few words are mispelled, you get the message.
geoff always does things a boyfriend would. even when you two weren't dating yet.
he isn't the kind of person to actually want to inflict harm on to someone, he wants to, but he just can't. he just keeps tugging you away from people until they can't stand it anymore and just leave you alone.
he adores pda with you, if you aren't comfortable with it, he'll respect it. but, then he'll just come back asking for more.
he doesn't recognize that his obsession is unhealthy. he's honestly sort of delusional. if you just treat him like a normal friend he'll think that's a gate-way to a relationship.
but god, you're everything to him.
''babe, it's like, we're meant to be! you're cool, and i'm cool.''
⋆。🌊𖦹 °.🏖️⋆🏄˖°
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold Masterlist⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader Masterlist ⛓
Chapter One: Pilot
Chapter Two: Meet the Stars
Chapter Three: Under the Sea
Chapter Four: Dinner is Served (Or is it lunch?)
Chapter Five: Hug me (Or kiss me)
Chapter Six: Sleepless in Seattle (Or was it Canada?)
Chapter Seven: Dodgeball to the Death
Chapter Eight: Talent? Where? Certainly not here.
Chapter Nine: Wilderness Survival Camp (Again?)
Chapter Ten: How ba-a-a-d can I be?
Chapter Eleven: Shoot me (Do it)
Chapter Twelve: Bubbling up
Chapter Thirteen: Princess and the Frog
Chapter Fourteen: She's a maneater (But he loves it)
Chapter Fifteen: Tip me over (Pour me out)
Chapter Sixteen: Cooking is a way of life
Chapter Seventeen: The price is never right
Chapter Eighteen: Tequila under the stars
Chapter Nineteen: Who's the top? (your MOM-)
Chapter Twenty: Welcome back to traumatized kids weekly, I'm your host-
Chapter Twenty-One: The kids we left behind
Chapter Twenty Two: WHY AM I DREAMING OF US MARRIED (Your in love idiot is that why?)
Chapter Twenty Three: Yes, I'd like to purchase one racoon mom. Yes, her name is Lily.
Chapter Twenty Four: This is my boyfriend's, boyfriend, Geoff-
Chapter Twenty Five: He's like whiskey, she's like champange
Epilogue: Lilly Tarun
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
TDI X Reader- Paintball Deer Hunter (Chapter Nine)
If you haven't read: Eight
We wake up to the noise of a helicopter flying over us, I watch Leshawna hit her head on the top bunk just like before. 
"Ooh! Okay. That dude is really starting to get on my last nerve." She complains, rubbing her head. 
"Oh, whatever. He just loves ruining our mornings. Beth, Lindsay, go warm up the shower for me." Heather orders and I raise a brow. She seems to catch it so she stammers for a second. 
"Now!... Please." She rolls her eyes and I smile. "And remember-" 
"Not too hot this time, I know." Beth yawns, still wearing her headgear. 
 I sigh, shaking my head.
Now we're all in front of the bathroom, waiting for the door to open so we can all use it. "What's the hold-up?" Bridgette asks. 
"Heather needs her private time." Lindsay answers in a simple tone. 
"How long is Quennie gonna take in there? I got urgent business." Leshawna impatiently speaks up, holding herself. "She could still be a while." Beth sighs. 
"Ugh, that's it I'm going lumberjack style." Gwen groans, walking away and then the loud speaker squeaks before Chris starts talking. 
"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet. Breakfast is in three minutes at the campfire pit." Chris tells us then Beth knocks. "Um, Heather?"
"Can one of you guys come in here and lotion my back? It's peeling." Heather responds and we all quickly rush away from the communal bathroom, Leshawna and I gripping each other's hands since we have to go to the bathroom so badly.
"Are you ready for today's extreme max impact challenge?" Chris pumps up. "We are ready!" Owen of course hypes it up as usual.
 "Incoming!" The host throws a can of beans that go to hit Gwen but Trent catches it in time. Chris then hands the other ones out normally.
"This is breakfast." He tells us.
"No, breakfast is crepes, croissants, even chef's crappy burnt eggs." Heather interjects angrily and I stare down at my can.
"Beans, beans, they're good for your heart. The more you eat the more you-" Before the big guy can finish his song, Chris knocks him out with one of the cans of beans.
"Today's challenge is about survival. We're going hunting." He lifts a paintball gun and I could feel Duncan's excitement radiating off of him from where I was standing. 
"Now that's more like it." The boy I was just talking about smiles softly. "Isn't that a paintball gun?" Harold points at the green gun. "Why yes Harold, it is." The host points it at the auburn haired boy's stomach with a grin, then shoots it.
"So we won't be killing anything?" Bridgette questions. 
She smiles at his response. 
"This is the first ever paintball deer hunt. I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods. So finish breaky." As soon as Chris finishes his sentence Owen burps loudly, we look over to see he had finished twenty cans of beans. He sighs contently. "Got anymore?"
A thing of guns now sits in front of us, we stand in the front of the woods. Also accompanied with the guns and a box in front of them is Chris with a shit-eating grin laid upon his face.
"And now for the team breakdowns. The Killer Bass hunters are: Harold, Geoff, and Bridgette, locked and loaded with Bass blue paint." He throws green guns to the three. 
"And using orange paint are the Gopher hunters, Leshawna, Beth, Owen, Lindsay." Throwing them red guns.
"Waa-hoo! This is awesome, man." Owen cheers. "You also get these stylin' glasses and wicked camo caps. The rest of you are now deer." He points at us and we all just stare at him. 
"Here are your antlers, noses, and little white tails." He chuckles, turning around to shake his hips showing off the tail. I go up and grab my stuff even though I know he's going to throw it I would rather just get it on now.
"Yeah, right. I'm not wearing that." Heather folds her arms. "There's no way I'm a deer." Duncan adds on to the complaining but Chris throws the costume on him anyways to his distaste. I snicker, wiggling my own hips as I look back to the tail.
We go into the woods after everyone puts their stuff on. I walk in front of my group happily. "Why are you so giddy?" Heather questions. "I love hide and seek, this is just different." I smile.
"Right, this may be the lamest thing I've ever done in my life." Gwen sighs out. "Oh, come on, it could be fun." Cody tries to be enthusiastic but the others stare him down so I stand up for him. "I mean he's right, there's no point to be such downers." I place my hands on my hips, but they don't move an inch so I sigh. "We'll see you later, Debbie downers." I wave them goodbye taking Cody by the arm with me.
"I was so psyched to be a deer. I'm small but quick. Lot's of practice from dodging spitballs in math class." Cody smiles but now he's in a wheelchair covered in bandages.
"Why'd you come with me?" Cody suddenly speaks up after we've been walking in silence for a few moments. "Don't think too much into it, love." I nudge him, starting to mess with the trees around me, jumping up to grab onto the leaves up high. 
"That's kinda hard to do." He mumbles, I then halt my movements, standing in front of him. "Here, Cody." I start with a sigh. 
"You obviously still like me right?" I ask in a hypothetical way, of course he nods vigorously. "If you don't flirt with me at all. I'll kiss you after the challenge. Win or lose." I cross my arms. Looking at him dead in the eyes. His eyes go wide as his face turns a bright red. 
"Only. If you don't flirt with me in any kind of way." I repeat myself to make sure I'm clear. He nods, now he's not letting out a peep.
"Start your paintballs! Game on!" Chris yells over the P.A. We make our way through the woods calmly, not seeing anybody so far. 
"I didn't know you were friends with Heather?" Cody finally says something.
 "I guess." I shrug, looking down at my light pink painted nails that Heather did last night.
He went quiet again then spoke up. "I'm gonna go on my own if that's okay?" He turns to me and I nod. "Yeah, I'll catch you later." I smile, both of us go our separate ways.
As I'm going down a path I spot Geoff coming towards my way so I rush behind a bush. I watched him start walking by, he was whistling, not really paying attention to anything around him. But of course I lose my balance as I lean forward and end up tripping from behind the bush falling onto Geoff who balances us out. I chuckle nervously as I look up at him. 
"Awe, you look so cute, dude!" He tells me and I raise a brow, letting go of him. "Um, thanks. But aren't you, y'know... gonna shoot me?" I glance around to see nobody else nearby. "Oh, right." He points the gun at me and I wince, waiting for the pain but it never comes. "I can't do it." He huffs. 
"You're just too adorable, like a real deer!" He exclaims, rubbing his face in a frustrated way. As he deals with that problem I take it as a chance to make a run for it. Running off a path and deeper into the woods. As I keep going I squint my eyes to see Heather sitting on a tree stump.
Carefully I maneuver over to her, then sneak up behind and poke her sides. 
"Boo!" I laugh as she jumps, hitting my arm. 
"Don't do that." She glares at me. "Ah, but it's so much fun." I chuckle, forcing her to scoot over so I can sit next to her. "What are you doing?" She quizzes me.
"Being friends, duh." I smile sweetly, kind of sarcastically too. "Would you want me to be on your lap instead?" I tease her, she scoffs, looking away from me.
We sit practically in silence until we spot Cody and Beth walking this way. She puts her hands on her hips. "What took you so long?" Heather questions in an irritated tone. 
"Here, I hope you know what I had to go through to get those." Beth says, handing a chip bag to Heather who snatches it from her. 
"There's like 11 chips left." She shakes the bag then sniffs it. "And they're barbeque." Heather scrunches her face in disgust, sticking her arm out from her body. "Go exchange them for dill pickle." She drops the bag on the ground, it looks like Beth goes to grab it but instead she stops herself, putting her foot down.
"What did you just say?" Heather looks shocked. I watch nervously but also proud of Beth. 
"I'm just gonna... Yeah." Cody reaches down and grabs the bag of chips then scurries off into the woods.
"Take it back." Heather demands. Beth takes a deep breath, 
"No." She repeats the same word as before. 
"Take. It. Back." Heather angrily says. 
"No, I'm tired of being your slave." Beth stands up for herself, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a challenge to complete." Beth storms off then orange splats onto Heather's arm next to me. "Ouch!" She whines.
"Whoever you are, this is so not cool!" I get up immediately as another shot gets her. I notice Bridgette and Harold high five and they might not be as caring as Geoff so I book it.
As I have to go on my own once again, I spot Gwen and Trent talking together. I furrow my eyes, hiding behind a tree to eavesdrop. Of course I shouldn't but I'm nosy and why not?
"So, do you still have that thing for [Name]?" Trent asks, I scrunch my nose, not expecting to hear my name so quickly into listening in. "Mm, I think I'm getting over it, she won't talk to me now after avoiding her. Which I get... I guess. So I don't see anything happening anyways." Gwen sighs. 
"Well you were hurting. Of course you weren't going to talk to her for a little bit." He feeds into her delusions about it being okay to avoid somebody who didn't even do anything wrong.
"Yeah, you're right. Y'know I think you're really helping me get over her." Gwen smiles at him and I gag silently then I just continue on my way to a different area.
"Attention human wildlife and hunters. Please report back to camp. It's time to show your hides and tally up the score." Chris's voice is heard over the woods.
We all slowly find each other, heading out of the forest. I see Leshawna, Beth, and Heather covered in paint as Lindsay walks besides them, seemingly not having a trace of paint on her.
They're covered in orange and blue.
"What happened?" I snort but Heather puts her hand up and then slaps it over my mouth. "Don't ask." She then storms away. I snicker, but follow right behind her.
"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Stealing from the chef, eating chips in the woods, being mauled by bears. Do you know what I see here?" Chris paces back and forth. I sadly stare at Cody's injuries. "I see a very undisciplined group. I see a disgraceful mess. I see a massive waste of paint products. And I have to say... that was awesome!" Chris goes from looking disappointed and angry to now grinning ear to ear.
"When you guys opened fire on your own team, wicked t.v. guys." He complimented me. 
"Hey where are Duncan and Courtney?" Harold speaks up, then the two come up walking together, their antlers connected to each other. "Oh this is too much." Gwen taunts. Owen laughs as well. "You know you guys can take off the antlers now." I giggle behind my hand. "Duncan you sly dog, you." Owen comments.
"The girl can't keep her antlers off me," Duncan jokes but it backfires on him as Courtney kicks him in the crotch. 
"Can't even bend over." He cries out, one tear sliding down his cheek.
"Easy Courtney, our medical tents are really only equipped for one at a time. And Cody's pretty messed up." Chris tells the girl as his arm rests on Cody's wrapped head.
Then Bridgette and Geoff help the oh-so happy looking couple. Duncan now holding himself on the ground. 
"Well, since three of the Gophers are dripping in paint-" Lindsay turns around to show her blue backside, cutting off the host. "Make that four members and some of them aren't even deer. I think we have our winner." He turns to the killer Bass. "You're off to a hunting-camp shindig." He then looks at us. "Gophers. I'll see you at the campfire ceremony. Again." He says plainly.
I head over to Cody, bending down to his level. 
"Are you okay?" I question him and he laughs in pain. "No, not at all." His voice is muffled but I can make it out, he grunts though cause he moved the wrong way. "We should've stayed together." I told him.
"So we both could get mauled?" He jokes... kind of. I shake my head laughing. "We probably would've never bumped into Beth and got those chips." I say.
I ended up sticking with him until the campfire ceremony and even then I was still with him, his wheelchair in front of my tree stump, I kept him in place.
"I mean seriously, twice in a row? What is wrong with you people?" Heather goes off on us. I roll my eyes. "I can't wait to see Beth get kicked off. I just wish I could vote off two campers at once." Heather says, and Leshawna just gives her an amused look.
"Okay, I know I got mauled by a bear but I'm feeling good about this. I'm a quick healer. And besides Heather's as mean as a snake dude. Her own team shot her 18 times. They'll never kick me off." cody smiles, confident that he's right about what he's saying
"Who do I vote for? Well, Heathers have been a pain in my butt since day one. But I got to say, Cody." Leshawna sadly says.
"Yeah, that Cody. Not so useful in challenges anymore." Owen shrugs.
"I totally admire Belle for standing up to Heather, but she's so dead now." Lindsay holds her face.
"I don't want to do this but Cody... Only because he needs to heal at home. He won't be able to do that here." [Name] frowns.
"There are only eight marshmallows on this plate when I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper-" 
"Who doesn't receive the marshmallow must immediately return to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers and leave. Can't we just get this over with?" Gwen cuts him off, speaking faster than he did. In response Chris looks unhappy. 
"Fine, whatever. Spoil the moment. Trent, Lindsay, Owen, Gwen, Leshawna, [Name], Beth." We all take our squishy fluff. "Campers this is the final marshmallow tonight." It's now between Heather and Cody. 
She gets up and snatches her marshmallow from the host's hands. "You are all lucky. Okay? Very lucky." She glares at us all.
"Cody, the dock of shame awaits, bro." The boy stares at the host, not being able to move. "I guess we can help you get there."
"I got it." I stand up, starting to push the wheelchair just as Beth tried to get up to offer. 
"Bye Cody." Gwen says, everyone sadly joins in and waves him goodbye. 
"See ya, buddy." Leshawna grins. 
"Take care, dude." Owen says.
We get to the dock and going down further. "I'm so sorry Cody about what happened. I'm gonna be honest. I voted for you." We come to a stop and I get in front of him. His eyes widened.
 "Before you get upset, I just want you to know I did it because I want you to heal properly, you're not going to do that here." I tell him, wanting to comfort him but he's covered in injuries, literally head to toe.
"Can I uncover your mouth?" I tilt my head, he hums a muffled "mhm." I gently do so, surprisingly his mouth is not scathed in any way.
"Remember what I said in the woods?" I smiled softly, he looked confused for a second then his eyes brightened. 
"Really? You don't have to do it if you don't want to."
"I keep to my word Cody, just shut up." I laugh, leaning down and placing a soft peck on his lips then standing up straight. The boat shows up and I turn to it then back at him. "Here's your ride." I clasp my hands together. 
"Thank you, [Name]. Even though I know you don't like me back." He weakly smiles.
"It's no problem, I hope you heal perfectly. Now you can say you kissed a rich girl when I win the money." I wink, helping him onto the boat and I hear him chuckle only before he winces in pain.
The boat leaves and I wave him off.
I take a deep breath then walk back to my cabin. 
Okay you've probably seen it is now officially a Heather x Reader story now. But if you wanted it to be Cody tomorrow I will be coming out with a Cody x Reader story! It will be placed in Season three World Tour. I'm super excited to start writing that. I might start a Gwen story but I'm kind thinking how I can work that out or if I want to.
I hope everyone is enjoying this story because I know I'm having a lot of fun writing for everyone. Thank you so much for interacting, spamming everything I appreciate you all so so so much.
Link to other writings If you want to request an imagine you can comment or dm privately!
taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
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noemilivv · 8 months
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Total Drama Island Masterlist
a/n: i do not currently write for TDI, but i made this so people don’t have to scroll down to view my TDI works
Cody — Cody x Intimdating!Reader
Courtney — Courtney x Reader that’s good w/ explosives
Lindsay — None yet
Gwen — Gwen x Intimidating!Reader
Duncan — None yet
Noah — Noah x Intimidating!Reader
Trent — None yet
Geoff — None yet
Alejandro — None yet
Izzy — Izzy x Reader who’s good w/ explosives
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prettytingzz · 2 years
Helloooo! Could you do Chris and his s/o gets into a fight?(sorry if this is rude)
No not at all. I was waiting for some action🤣🤣 (so sorry this is super late I’ve been so busy😭😭) fyi gonna be prettyyy short. LETS BEGIN
The question is what would y’all be arguing about? Hmmm
Set the scene
"Chris, not everything revolves around you! How hard is it to just spend time with me?" You asked while following Chris in the bedroom.
As Chris was packing his bags for the finale, he turned to you and said, "What are you even talking about, y/n? I do spend time with you, and you know I'm busy with this show that I'm doing."
The look of disbelief crossed your face. “Chris! I know you're busy with the show. If I knew the show was more important than us when we got together I would've left you.” Knows they hit a nerve for Chris, but is too angry and annoyed to stop. “But I stayed because I wanted us to work. I wanted this to be about you and me. Not me and you plus this damn show!"
By now, Chris had stopped packing and was looking at you. "If you wanted to leave, then leave! Who am I to stop you, y/n! I was fine before I met you, and I will be fine again when you leave!” 
There were just words thrown at each other, which resulted in Chris leaving slamming the door and you crying. 
Hmmm that went different than we expected it lmaoo.😭 But I hope you enjoy it and again I'm sorry this is late!
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twiixr4kidz · 2 years
Helloo!! I was wondering if you could do TDI or Sally Face head cannons of before/while dating?
i'd love too!! this one will be TDI, but feel free to ask for SF ones so i can write those too >:)) here r some dating hcs for some of the characters i didn't do the last time!!
she may be a total bitch most of the time, but you're an exception
there's a soft side to heather that nobody but you gets to see
she's a whole different person around you
soft, gentle, and quiet heather?? WHAT??
sure, she still orders you around because that's who she is
you'd be pulling my leg if you said you didn't expect her to tell you to go get her something to drink or something to snack on, to do a particular favor for her that she doesn't want to do herself, and so on
but she's also a lot more understanding
steals your clothes but refuses to be caught dead in them because your "styles are too different" or something
she'll do what it takes to win, but she will NEVER throw you under the bus.
she loves modeling outfits for you, and insists you rate them on a scale of 1 to 10
1 means "incredible" and 10 means "spectacular" because her fashion is, to her, on point every time
insists on styling you, and painting your nails and messing around with makeup if you let her
insists you take her shopping and then carry bags full of clothes and shoes she spent thousands on, and you'll be damned if you didn't say yes
bro's love language is music
he writes songs for you, songs about you, songs about things that remind him of you
you become this core part of his music writing process, like you're his whole MUSE
he's also hella charming
the "shows up at your house and throws rocks at your window before serenading you with the most beautiful melody you've ever heard" type
he's also the "writes the most intimate, beautifully worded love letters to you whenever you cross his mind" type
he's sickeningly sweet and you're going to get used to it
he has such a way with words it's hard NOT to love
he also LOVES grand gestures and displays of love
if it's not your thing, he can respect that. but if you're cool with it? he goes ALL OUT.
paths with rose petals, renting whole movie theaters for date nights, FREE FOOD AT RESTAURANTS??
you aren't sure how he does it, but he does it all for you
and that alone is enough to make the butterflies in your tummy go haywire
she's independent
she's a strong, powerful woman who loves to do things for herself, and she NEEDS you to respect that about her
because even though at the end of the day, she'll curl up next to you and sleep like a baby, she's kicking hella butt all day long
and you think she's a total badass for it
whether she's yelling at chris for being a jerk, or someone else for doing something they absolutely shouldn't have, you're cheering her on from the sidelines
and she does the same for you
your relationship is built on a strong mutual respect for each other
she's a sucker for calling you weird names to confuse everyone
the words "pookie wookie bear" sometimes leave her lips, and everyone is in pure shock because of how unexpected it was
PLEASE watch the sunrise with her
she wakes up early every morning just to watch the colors of the night melt into those of the day, and if you pose the idea of joining her, she will FREAK. OUT.
she'll never directly say it, but she is so touch starved please hug her
bro's a party animal, a cowboy, AND a gentleman
he's both the "let's get drunk as fuck and do stupid shit" kinda guy, AND the "opening car doors and letting you walk across his jacket so your shoes don't get wet" kinda guy
you have worn his hat on NUMEROUS occasions
he loves taking you with him EVERYWHERE
to parties, to fancy restaurants, to rodeos?? literally wherever he wants to go, he's gonna let you come
he'll also proudly become your personal uber
if there's anywhere you wanna go, you can bet he'll drive you
he ALWAYS keeps an extra pair of pjs set aside for when you come over
it's a t-shirt of his and a pair of old pajama pants that don't fit him anymore
and for as much as he loves going out, he also loves staying in
he makes really good wings and even better nachos, and he always has a bunch of really yummy snacks and drinks so the two of you can chill on his couch with a bunch of blankets and binge-watch tv shows
he'll do this thing called a "tv show roulette" where he picks a show neither of you have seen and you pick a random episode (or vice versa) and try to guess what's happening
he's shown up at your house with a bouquet of roses almost every week since you got together tbh
leshawna absolutely does not mess around when it comes to love
she's doting but not in an overwhelming way
she's an absolute sweetheart and a total badass
she'll defend you when you need it, but also lets you fight your own battles
she LOVES taking you to her favorite spots so she can share her love for them with you
she knows the coolest facts about everything
like if she sees something that makes her remember a fact, she proudly blurts it out
she also tells you whenever she sees something that makes her think of you
she absolutely loves cuddles
PLEASE take her on late night drives
music blaring, windows down, nothing but the cool night air in your hair and the sweet smell of that night life
bro fell HARD
he tripped over his own two feet and fell down the stairs onto his head for you
that being said, he can and will do whatever you want him to
even if you don't explicitly ask him to
if you mention you're craving a specific food or drink, he'll get it for you within an hour
he'll splurge his entire wallet on you
as long as you watch his favorite sports teams with him, ofc
he's hella sensitive and cries A LOT, but he doesn't want you to think of him as any less than a man for it
please please PLEASE reassure him because it gives him a lot of anxiety
he likes getting outside and playing games with you, even though he's super uncoordinated and gets hurt a lot
you're going to have to start carrying a first aid kit with you EVERYWHERE because this boy has fallen up escalators before
when you're out and you mention that you feel chilly, his jacket is on your shoulders faster than you can say "FUCK"
he may be a little dumb, but he tries his best and always makes sure you know how much he loves you
there is not a day that goes by where she doesn't remind you that you're the hottest person she's ever seen
if you mention being insecure, she won't really get it, but she will say something along the lines of "you don't have to worry about that, i only date hot people :)"
she's a total dumbass and you're going to have to pull her out of sticky situations
super clingy and she sticks to you like GLUE
she smells really good too
absolutely INSISTS you go shopping with her so she can show you all of these cute outfits, and maybe even pick something out for yourself
she doesn't care what kind of shopping it is, even if it's grocery shopping, SHE LOVES IT
sometimes jokes fly right over her head and you're going to have to explain to her what they mean and why they were funny, but it's honestly kind of cute how dense she can be
sure she's a dummy, but she's your dummy
and what she lacks in brains, she makes up for in everything else
she's gorgeous, sweet, caring, and a total dork
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Five: Hug me (Or kiss me)
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You and Duncan stared as most of the 'Screaming Gopher's' team jumped down. Then it got to Owen. Geoff, Gwen, and You go to the outhouses all stationed around various areas on the island. When it's your turn to go in, you start to laugh. "He's going to drown us all if he jumps. I for one, am to young to die."
Then you go back to the moutain and see he still hasn't jumped.
"We're all doomed aren't we?" Duncan whispered in your ear. "Oh most certainly." You laugh under your breath.
Then you watch as your end falls from the sky, and hits the water like a bomb making water splash all around you dispersing the campers in every which way. Duncan and you landed right by each other, his legs tangled with yours.
"Have I ever told you how much I hate water?" Duncan groaned his body shivering from excess fear he was shoving down. "Actually yes, countless of times." You laughed ruffling his hair as he pinned you to the grown smiling. "Don't touch the hair, princess."
"Yes, yeah! Who's the man?" Owen yelled from the safe zone in the water. The Screaming Gophers had won, the team cheered and you groaned. "Coward fucking Courtney." Duncan hit his head against the sand in contempt. "Be nice." You lightly punched his shoulder.
"What's wrong?" You heard Trent ask. "I think I lost my bathing suit." Owen muttered. "Ew." All the campers voiced their varying opinions of grossness.
As their prize the Screaming Gophers got wagons to wheel their boxes, but that didn't really bother you. The rest of your team? Yeah, it bothered them. Duncan kicked his, you just carried yours on your shoulders. "Lift with your back wasn't meant to be taking literally." Duncan teased you smiling as Eva and Courtney argued.
Tyler finally voiced his need to take a piss (for some reason) and suddenly Sadie and Katie had to go as well much to Eva's dismay. Luckily, it didn't take them very long but you noticed when Satie and Katie returned their thighs were a redish tint, but you stayed silent.
"Poison Ivy?" Duncan asked from next to you. "Oh for sure." You smiled as Chris asked you guys what was taking so long, lightly screaming when he saw Courtney's eye which was now pulsating.
Duncan rememebered when you both were around nine and were sent to 'Wilderness Survival School for troubled kids' and one of your teachers left you all in the middle of nowhere in a forest for three weeks without any supplies.
Bridgette began asking them what kinda plants had been around them when they had left, and she very quickly realized their mistake. "You guys squatted on poison ivy." She laughed behind her palm. "Oh no way, that's awesome." Chris laughed at the now freaking out girls.
Finally they ran into the water and you guys left them behind.
Geoff tried to give you all a 'inspiring speech' but in reality it made you realize how close you were to tackling someone. Courtney decided she was going to be the 'project' manager and yelled at Duncan almost immediately.
She put you in charge of building the motor which you did with ease. They had you build small engines at juvie a LOT and she had Duncan use his switchblade to cut the boxes open. But everyone else failed their jobs... spectactuarly.
The other team's hottub looked terrific.
Yours look like it did drugs.
So obviously, they won.
Yours had exploded the second Chris had touched it. "Well, I think we have a winner here." the host yelled. "The Screaming Gophers!" He announced their prize. "I'll see your sorry butts at the campfire tonight." He yelled at you guys.
Once it was time for dinner, Katie (or was it Sadie?) finally asked the question everyone was dying to know. "So- uh- what do we do now?" she muttered. "We have to figure out who we're going to vote off." Courtney explained her eye still swelling. "Well, I think it should be you sweetheart." You smiled pointing at her. "Or maybe the brick house here." Duncan pointed at DJ. "What! Why?" Courtney whined.
"Because, unless I'm mistaken, you two are the only ones here with the chicken hats, and if we ever have to lift a truck I like our chances better with the big guy." Duncan bumped shoulders with DJ causing the man to smile.
"You guys need me. I'm the only one-" Courtney began to whine. "We know, who used to be a real C.I.T." Bridgette groaned rolling her eyes. "I hate to break it to you hun, no one gives a shit." You laughed at Courtney's expression. "So who would you pick?" Bridgette asked finally letting the girl speak.
"What about him?" Courtney pointed at Tyler causing Lindsay to scream at the other table. "At least he jumped off the cliff." Duncan pointed out. "Chicken wing." You chimed in causing Courtney to yell "Shut it!" At you. "Okay, let's just chill out, this is getting way too heavy." Geoff got between you both causing you to growl.
"I've had enough prison food for one day. I'm gonna take a nap, you coming Y/N?" You both stood up to go walk off but Courtney stopped you. "You can't do that, we haven't decided who's going yet." She complained causing you to groan. "I just told get why we lost, eh. They're the ones that have six girls." That made you stop dead in your tracks because there ain't no way Ezekiel just said that.
Before Duncan could stop you, you had shoved Ezekiel's face against the table slamming it hard. "What's that supposed to mean?" Bridgette growled. "Yeah home school, enlighten us." Eva hissed. "Well guys are much stronger and better at sports then girls are." Ezekiel said his voice muffled against the table. "Dumbass." Duncan groaned from behind you.
Geoff saw this look in your eyes and took a step back. "Oh snap, he did not just say that." Geoff laughed putting a hand to his face. "My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh, and to help them in case they can't keep up." Eva grabbed Ezekiel by the throat pulling him up. "Still think we need your help keeping up?" She growled. "Not really." Ezekiel shrugged. "Okay guys let's give him a break." Geoff had Eva drop him. "At least he doesn't think guys are smarter then girls." Geoff explained and suddenly Ezekiel decided to say..
"Well they are!"
Duncan had to pull you off of him.
That night at the campfire Duncan sat on the bench and you sat at his feet . "Dude, you've got a lot to learn about the real world." He advised the homeschooled boy. "Killer bass, at camp marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp marshmallows represent life. You've all cast your votes and made your decision. Thee are only eleven marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper that does not recieve a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back... ever. The first marshmallow goes to... Geoff." Chris explained the 'game.'
You weren't worried.
He went down the list of names rather quickly.
"Duncan. Y/N." Chris called out and Duncan threw a marshmallow into your mouth. You hated toasted marshmallows. Finally Chris made his last annoucement. "Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening." It was between Courtney and Ezekiel. You stared at your bloodied knuckles.
"Courtney. Can't say I'm surprised, I saw you picking your nose, not cool bro. Dock of shame is that way." Chris pointed and for some damn reason Ezekiel looked surprised.
After the rest of them ate their marshmallows you walked back to the cabins going past the dancing gophers. You stepped up onto your cabin's steps and everyone quickly went inside leaving Duncan and you alone. He kissed your knuckles. "Your anger is a beaut everytime." He quietly teased grabbing your waist to bring you closer.
"Mhm." You laughed.
"Well, goodnight scorpion." He kissed your cheek and you fucking blushed to your dismay. "Screw you, tiger." You kissed his cheek right back and dissapeared before he could say anything. You left the 'green-haired dickhead' standing there holding his cheek in surprise.
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Four: Dinner is Served (Or is it lunch?)
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One year ago
"How the hell did you get a pack of cigs in here?" Duncan turned around to see his girl stalking up towards him. She wore the similar orange jumpsuit, and had her hair tied back into a harsh looking hairdo. "I'm just special." He shrugged getting her to roll her eyes.
"Want one?" He asked his best friend. "When have I ever said yes to that question?" She gave him the 'look' as his fellow inmates had dubbed it. "I hope one day you realize how much that affects your health, Duncan Tarun."
"Are you worried about me, L/N?" He teased her. "If anything I should be worried about you." She sat down next to him as they looked out at the yard. "You sure know how to put a downer on things doll." He muttered his fingers tapping nervously on his thigh. "Your dad died, today, one year ago. I killed him because you came to my house almost dead, Duncan. You have to be feeling something." The girl sounded more annoyed at herself then him.
"I've told you a hundred times, I wanted you to kill him. He was hurting my mom. If you hadn't done it, I would." Duncan explained. It was silent for a moment before she reached out for his hand, he took it without a second thought.
"I don't blame you for your anger. Your anger has kept us alive countless of times, Y/N. Without you my dad would've killed me at four. You are worth losing everyone." Duncan squeezed her hand as her head plopped down on his shoulder.
"Aren't I the one supposed to be comforting you?"
"We're best friend, doll. It's what we do."
Present day
Chris had you all crowded into the small cafeteria as clearly, very angry man started yelling. "Listen up, I serve it three times a day, and will eat it three times a day. Grab your tray, get your food and sit your butts down." Chef Hatchet yelled at the line of campers.
"He seems like a nice guy." Duncan muttered to no one in particular causing you to stiffle your laughter. "Got something to say, smart ass?" Chef yelled at Duncan as you grabbed your plates, the food looked almost sentient.
"No, sir." Duncan stood straight to attention doing a mock salute and you had to pinch your thigh to stop yourself from laughing. "I'll be keeping an eye on you. No one likes a smart guy." Chef growled ushering you both off.
"You are going to get your ass beat, you know that?" You hissed in his ear causing Duncan to laugh. "I bet you'd like to see that, darling." you both sad across from Izzy who waved cheerfully at you.
As Duncan stabbed his food to keep it from wandering off, you on the other hand just let it leave. It was probably healthier to just simply not eat it. Then Chris walked in. "Welcome to the main lodge." He announced to the eating campers.
"Yo, my man can we order a pizza?" Geoff asked before a knife slid inches from his face embedding itself into the door. "Woah, it's cool G, brown slop is cool. Right guys?" Geoff replied nervously as Chef Hatchet sent a terrifying glare his way.
"Mine had a redish tint, actually. But too each his own." You muttered causing Duncan to chuckle. "Your first challenge is in one hour." Chris announced walking back out. Katie (Or was it Sadie) voiced her concerns but DJ quickly quieted them.
When you all finished Chris had you meet at a top of a very large hill wearing swimsuits. He told the girls to cover up before going so he'd get videos of the girls in swimsuits.
It was creepy, but whatever got the job done. You had pulled your hair back into a french braid that fell down your back, and wore a maroonish-purple two piece swimsuit, you felt insecure about your stomach being on live television so you stole Duncan's jacket to have around your shoulders and zipped up high enough to cover your stomach.
"Your first task is to jump of this 1,000 foot high cliff into the lake." Chris explained the task, talking about man-eating sharks, and hoops or whatever. Frankly, you were bored. After you had finished the challenge he wanted you to build a hot tub which didn't sound very fun, but you know.
Bridgette went first as you and Duncan discussed which one of you would go next. Two dudes went, then Eva and you smiled before flipping onto your hands. "Wait, don't jump into the water with my jacket." Duncan warned you.
"Make me." You stuck your tongue out, still upside down as you walked toward the edge of the cliff, you then made a half heart symbol with your fingers causing Duncan to groan, and fell backwards down the cliff whooping for joy.
Duncan leapt after you.
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You both landed in the safe spot, easily. Then Harold came down, and landed on his crotch screaming like a little girl. "Well that's cute." Duncan muttered his hand finding itself around your waist. You smiled leaning into his arms before he unzipped the jacket, bolting off with it.
You ran after him, you were screaming curses. "How long would you say they've been together." Courtney asked Bridgette. "Oh, probably a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if they were married." The blonde shrugged. "That's fair." Courtney laughed quietly as they watched you tackle Duncan you both wrestling in the sand.
Eventually you pinned him down, both of you breathing hard, your faces red. "Your so pretty without the sweater, embrace yourself." He explained before you could hit him.
"Fuck you."
"You wish, cutie."
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Thirteen: Princess and the Frog
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You were bored, out of your mind. So bored that you had started to juggle which wasn’t something you had done since you were maybe three.
Your mothers had sent Duncan and you to an acrobat camp because your fathers wanted you to get stronger in your upper body.
The tiny rubber spheres flew into your hands and back up again with practiced ease. You were so caught up in watching them fly you didn’t notice the chocolate covered underwear that just flew in front of you. But then you did. 
Your eyes quickly found the redhead responsible. “Harold, what the hell.” You let the balls fall into your hands and you had half the mind to throw them at the boy. Despite his protests you walked away now annoyed.
But before you could get very far you heard Chef Hatchet on the speakers calling you to the dock of shame.
The way he was talking didn’t have you excited. 
As you lightly jogged over to the dock you saw your green-haired devil who was walking on his hands beside Geoff. “Hey cutie.” You resumed juggling. “Hey darling.” Duncan said as his hands felt the difference from the grass to the hard boards. 
“Just kiss already, geeze.” Geoff rolled his eyes as you all lined up. 
“You call this proper formation!” Chef Hatchet was losing his absolute mind. His stick whapped everybody no matter what they were doing. T
he stick hit Duncan’s arms making them fall down, you noticed his body tense. Memories of his father were surely coursing through him. “No fun?” Chef yelled, sounding confused on why the balls were in your hands and he quickly threw them in the water, his stick hit your thigh making you stand on both legs at attention. 
You were going to start yelling.
“Shut up.” Duncan hissed beside you, he was not going to let you lose your cool on Chef, not today. You both had gone to a million military schools. You’ve had worse teachers than this. One lady actually had fourteen-year-old Duncan and you ran fifty laps while carrying twenty pound bags.
Do you want to know why?
Because you asked when lunch was.
“Today’s challenge will not be an easy one. In fact I do not expect everyone to come out alive.” Chef yelled into the megaphone making the sound ring in your ears.
When faced with trauma people deal with it in a multitude of ways. Some revert into a submissive state, some fight back with a vengeance, some deal with it with laughter, some turn themselves off.
Duncan and you were the last too. 
Your mind was quiet and your face went blank and you had a rigid posture.
Three years ago
“You are a grown adult so act like it. My training will make you stronger than you ever were before, youngling.” The man got close to your face and spit flying across your cheeks, you nodded.
“We are fourteen? The only thing making us stronger is milk… sir.” Duncan winked and the man hit him across the face without a second thought.
Duncan on the other hand was… pissed.
“My orders are to make sure every baby here drops out of my boot camp. Except one.” He yelled through the megaphone and your eye twitched. “The last one standing wins immunity for their team.” He whipped Owen.
Then he began down his set of rules. “Yes, Master Chief.” God, that sound was too familiar, you cringed at your words. 
The first challenge was to hold a boat over your heads for as long as physically possible. But Chris wanted you to do another monologue bit in the outhouse.
“I am an obedient soldier. No matter if I want to or not.” You muttered staring at the camera, you held your hands as if trying to wring the sweat out of them, your leg shaking anxiously. You were trained at a very early age. Your wants, and needs? Didn’t matter. “
Master Chief explained the rules of the challenge and Gwen watched as Duncan directed you towards the canoe, his hands were on your hips as if you were blind and couldn’t see. She noticed that there was something going on in your mind. Some unseen battle.
You lifted the canoe above your head and had to laugh when Owen and Geoff thought this would be easy. 
“Come on you sissies you’ve only been at it for three hours.” Chef yelled at you and you noticed how weak the other team was becoming. Duncan had an abusive father, and you’ve had to take care of a man who was supposed to take care of you since you were five. You were beyond used to pain.
Geoff caught Harold's underwear.
Harold took his hands off the boat. 
What a stupid, stupid, man.
“Is there a problem here?” Chef’s head bent down to look at you spit flew on your face and you almost lost it right there. This was too familiar.
The moon was bright above you.
Duncan had his chin tucked into your collarbone. He was snoring softly. He knew you wouldn’t fall, you never did. Lindsay on the other hand, lost the challenge for her team as she rang the bell. “Wake up, tiger.” You whispered as your team dropped the canoe gratefully. “I’m up, I’m up baby.” Duncan’s voice was filled with a rasp that made your heart skip a beat.
Chef and Chris had you all go to the cafeteria and you stared at the trash cans in front of you. “You remember when my dad didn’t give me money to buy food that month after my mom died, so I had to eat from the trash.” You chuckled into your palm smiling at the memory. “Fucking racoon.” Duncan laughed much to Courtney’s horror.
“You’ve got ten minutes to eat before night training.” Chef announced. 
The entire camp groaned at the mention of night training. Duncan shook his head and you wanted to start shaking with laughter. Gwen asked a VERY obvious question. “Where’s the food?” 
“Right here. At war you take what you can get!” Chef smiled, taking a lid off the trash. The rancid smell filled the room.
It was probably good that you were getting used to not eating. 
You went with Duncan as he pranked Harold for throwing the underwear at you. He gave him kitchen grease. Which was probably deadly but it’s okay. You rolled your eyes as Harold spit out the drink. “This is why you don’t have a girlfriend, Tarun.” You put a hand on your hip.
“Okay look, I know you like me sweetheart. He knows you like me, everybody knows it.” Duncan leaned close, wrapping his arm around your waist causing you to smirk, booping him on the nose.
“So here’s a tip. You want to kiss me? I might let you.” He winked and you rolled your eyes blowing him a kiss. “In your dreams, baby. But don’t let me stop you from dreaming.” 
Geoff gave Duncan a look as you went back to talk to Bridgette who had asked you to help her do something with the trash.
“Oh you're in love aren’t you man?” Geoff noticed the look the green-haired boy gave you. “None of your business, blondie.” Duncan ran a hand through his hair.
You were having dance classes at two in the morning.
By a man in military clothing.
Still not the strangest thing you’ve done to be honest.
You looked to your side but Duncan had disappeared, he reappeared next to the boom-box and turned it off. Chef screamed at him. “Tarun what are you doing?” You yelled at him.
“If someone drops out, we’re done for the day.” Duncan said matter of factly. “You're done when I say you're done.” Chef yelled, ordering him to do 20 pushups. 
That’s strange.
Duncan does one hundred pushups every morning. 
(Juvie habits)
“Anyone else have something they want to say?” Chef challenged the campers surrounding him. Gwen went to the restroom. Suddenly before you could stop yourself you raised your hand. Chef raised an eyebrow as did Duncan. You didn’t ever challenge authority.
“Can I do twenty as well?” Your face broke into a small smile and Duncan almost leapt with joy. 
Chef ordered you to do twenty and you bent down next to the boy. “Oh my days, did I just see a certain girl disobey her superiors? When did you learn how to do that?” Duncan smiled as he did his twenty in sync with you.
The music continued.
“I do a lot of things for people I have crushes on. Thought you knew that, Tarun.” You winked and he had to stop his twenty because did you just say what he thinks you just said?
Chef put you in the cafeteria again and he ordered you to write a three-hundred-word essay on why ‘he was the best’. You’ve had a lot of vain people be in charge of you. But that’s a whole other level.
It was three a.m, by the time everyone was done. 
Honestly your essay wasn’t even about Chef Hatchet.
It was about the idiot beside you.
Just instead of writing Duncan you put ‘Master Chief. It worked, it worked REALLY well actually. “She’s my new favorite.” Chef declared. “Teacher's pet.” Duncan yawned and you smiled innocently.
Duncan of course had to challenge the teacher.
God he never grew up.
You of course had to save him. “No, he’s going to go right to bed.” You dragged the boy away from the sergeant. “If you get eliminated I am going to murder you.” You jabbed a finger in his chest. “Didn’t know you cared, doll.” Duncan yawned again, he was amazed you were still up.
“I don’t. But if we lose this challenge because you are a rebellious idiot I will eat all of your hair gel.” You said. Duncan smirked, you talked a LOT of nonsense when you were tired. “Just don’t get yourself killed because I will make sure your mother beats you if you do.” You kissed his cheek and went to splash some water on your face.
“I love her.” Duncan muttered.
“No, really, bro?” Geoff rolled his eyes.
The next challenge was to complete a death-defying course in one minute. There was something familiar about this course which you didn’t remember until you were jumping from one head to another as you raced up the wall.
You were twelve the first time you did this course
Five years ago
“It’s unfair, really.” Duncan laughed as he watched you fly through the obstacle course which was made for grown adult men. “How so?” The counselor looked at him mildly confused, this was supposed to be a punishment drill.
“Acrobatics have always been her favorite thing.”
Duncan did extremely well on the course, he did it slowly on purpose, just so he could grate at Chef Hatchet’s nerves, which earned him one night of solitary confinement. 
He wasn’t even scared of the punishment. He was scared of what his stupid mind was going to conjure up for him. 
At dinner, breakfast, lunch, you don’t know anymore you're dead tired. You stirred the mush that was your food before declaring. “I’m going to go check on him. Idiots should not be alone for that long.” You stood up and Geoff smiled at you.
“Does little ole Y/N, have a crush?” he asked. “Clearly, now shush or I’ll gouge out your eyes. Ciao!” You winked when the boy paled.
You used your phone's flashlight to find the door to the boathouse.
“Oi, tiger, you in here?” You called out into the darkness before your eyes adjusted, you saw Duncan smiling at you though it was obvious he was shaking. “Heya princess, come to claim your kiss?” He winked.
“Actually yes, maybe you’ll turn into a prince. I brought food.” You handed him the bowl as you sat down.
“I prefer bait.”
You giggle rolling your eyes. “I hate how I love your laugh.” He said in what you believed was mock amazement. It indeed was not. “I don’t get you, Duncan. How do you egg adults on like that?” You had to laugh. That was your number one fear. Adults.
“You're the one that doesn’t make sense. You're so free when it comes to kids our age. But the second it's an adult you clam up, and turn into a soldier, it’s crazy.” Duncan laughed in bewilderment. “I think it’s because I’m so used to taking care of them.” you shrugged your shoulders.
“You wanna ditch the shack for some pb&j’s?” Duncan asked.
“This isn’t you just trying to get me to eat, is it?” You leveled a fish as if you would smack him with it. “No? I’m hungry too, it’s not always about you.” he said quite dramatically. (He was just trying to get you to eat)
You snuck into the counseling tent and stole a bunch of food.
Also alcohol.
You were sharing the food with everyone. Duncan and Geoff were busy pranking Harold so he didn’t notice how many drinks you had. (Five shots of vodka to be precise) You were grabbing another one and before Bridgette could protest you chugged that one too.
“That was a mistake.” 
You quickly threw the contents of your stomach over the railing and Duncan walked out feeling a mild sense of worry.
“So the perfect soldier can be a kid sometimes too?” He smiled holding your hair back. You smiled clearly, still a bit drunk as you sat back up.
He gave you a bunch of peppermints. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been free like that, tiger.” You giggled. “I just want more.” You sighed wistfully.
“You could always give me that kiss, princess.” He cupped your chin smiling. “Are we sure that you're my type?” You questioned ruffling his hair and he leaned into your hand.
“Enjoy a funless life then.” He smiled dramatically, turning his back on you. “Enjoy prison, I’m sure the army would love to finally have me.” You smirked.
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“Oh you’d never leave me. Who’d make you laugh-” He whined his eyes shut and just like that you wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a kiss, a long one.
“Lucky for you we’ll never find out, baby.” You kissed him one more time and skipped away.
“LET’S GO MAN!” Geoff, Duncan, and DJ were losing their minds.
You smiled. Unbeknownst to you, Harold had been watching you, and he wanted revenge on Duncan… but from the side..? You look like an exact replica of Courtney.
The next challenge was a bore. All you had to do was hang upside down. Duncan got out first, weirdly enough. This was something you had practice with. You loved hanging upside down. It felt strangely amazing.
That was for the first thirty minutes. But after having a lot of alcohol. You have to come down.
So you guys lost.
At the campfire that night the strangest thing happened…
Courtney was voted out!
Duncan and you were confused.
Geoff and Bridgette were also confused.
Harold smiled.
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI! Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend!Reader
Chapter Six: Sleepless in Seatle (Or was it Canada?) ⛓
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Five Months Ago
Duncan was waiting for her in the cafeteria. He laughed once he saw her, because once her eyes met his, she groaned. "No, I am not eating." She turned away from him stalking off. "Aw, but they got your favorite, hotdogs!" He explained running after her. "I'm not hungry." She groaned trying to lose him as she walked even faster, he started running.
Finally, he tackled her and they both wrestled on the ground for a minute before he pinned her down. "Eat." He said with a warning in his voice. She shook her head. "Come on princess, I can't have you fainting again." He complained. "If I eat, Tarun. They'll make me take the meds, and I don't feel like myself with those." She explained your voice barely above a whisper.
"Okay." He sighed getting off her and pulling her up off the ground. He held her close for a minute sneakily putting an apple in her pant pocket. "Don't say anything." He whispered in her ear. She kissed his cheek coveying her thanks. "Don't mention it, L/N."
Duncan woke up with a start. Chris wanted you all up and out. He had you line up as he spoke. Duncan looked at you, since you were on the girl's side of the line. You wore a pair of shorts long enough to hide a majority of your cuts and bruises. You wore a short sweatshirt which revealed your stomach much to your dismay, you didn't have a choice when it came to the clothing Chris had bought you.
The fans screamed when they saw the tatoo on your lower back. 'Duncan Tarun' in cursive with a little tiger paw print beside the name. Duncan had a similar one only with your name and a scorpion tail on his collarbone.
"Okay, I hope your all ready for your next challenge because it begins in exactly one minute." Chris checked his watch. "Excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen complained causing you to smack yourself in the face. "Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen." Chris said sweetly which made you think Owen was not getting breakfast at all.
"Right after you complete your twenty kilometer run around the lake." You had to stiffle a laugh when Duncan muttered "What the fuck is a kilometer." but Eva had different plans. "Oh so you think your funny now. You know what I think would be funny-" She stalked up to Chris ready to beat the living daylight outta him but Duncan and Geoff held her back and you seperated Chris and Eva holding a gun at her head as Courtney gave her some advice.
"Thank you, M'Lady." Chris smiled cheekily at you causing you to swiftly punch him in the ribs before smiling back. "Your welcome." and you returned to your spot in line. Chris then had you all line up, before starting you on your run around the lake.
You and Duncan started off walking on your hands much to the confusion of the other campers. Owen tried to do the same think but failed spectactuarly.
You had gotten to eight kilometers before your hands had started to hurt, eventually you had to start running again, this time on your feet. "Your mom signing us up for gymnastics was such a good idea." You laughed breathing hard once you got to fourteen kilometers.
"Hell yeah." Duncan smiled as you finally reached the cafeteria.
You both sat down drinking some water with the other more athletic campers. Finally everyone was there. Owen was trying to bring Noah back to life, Harold was having a panic/athsma attack as Courtney berated him, Duncan was about to kill someone. You know, the usual.
Gwen realized something. "Wait... if they lost that means we won the challenge!" Her team cheered before Chris quickly shushed them. "That wasn't the challenge." He then showed a buffet and you had to laugh.
"Wait till Chis realizes the Juvie gave us one meal a day." Duncan laughed barely fazed by the buffet while other campers looked ready to pound down.
"I think maybe I'll eat a turkey leg. That's it." You laughed. "Mhm." Duncan smiled as you both let the other campers go first. He ended up having have a hotdog, and an orange, you had a turkey leg and a piece of garlic bread. The other campers ate until they were full for the next month.
"The challenge is to stay awake for as long as possible. The team with the last camper standing wins." Chris explained once everyone looked like they were about to enter food coma. "No way this lasts longer then an hour." Duncan whispered. "Oh obviously." You chuckled.
It had been twelve fucking hours.
"I'm going to start shooting these bitches I swear." You grumbled under your breath. "Calm down, doll." Duncan muttered rubbing his eyes. You all had been herded like wild animals into a pavilion sitting around a campfire.
Owen passed out.
"Unsurprising." Duncan commented. "You know, this is a pretty decent way to avoid nightmares." You laughed shrugging your shoulders. "I guess that is a benefit. At least we won't wake up screaming." Duncan nodded in approval.
Twenty three... god damn hours.
"Take my knife, and my gun, or else I literally will go on a murder rampage." You shoved the weapons into Duncan's hands. "Fair enough." He nodded, he had seen you go forty eight hours without sleep one time because the Juvie was on lockdown so they had alarms blaring the entire time which made it difficult for anyone to sleep... needless to say it wasn't pretty.
"Congratulations campers. You've made it to the 24 hour mark. Time to take things up a notch." Chris smiled happily gesturing to the pile of books next to him and Chef Hatchet who was dressed up in a sheep costume. "Fairytales." Chris explained.
"Oh this... this is terrifying." Duncan whispered.
Chef Hatchet started sprinkling you all with 'fairy dust' causing you to yawn because mixed with Chris's monotone voice and the quiet music in the background. It was getting difficult.
At 85 hours you started acting like you were on your meds. All happy, and sedated. Duncan started playing pranks to keep himself awake, first on Harold making him piss himself.
"What's the matter with you people? Come on fall asleep already." Chris appeared with a coffee in his hand. Gwen begged at his feet for the coffee. "You six stay with me. The rest of you please bathe, your killing the fish." Chris advised.
Chris monologued to the camera for a moment but you couldn't hear anything. Then he opened up a Canada history pop-up book and Duncan groaned beside you.
87 hours was when Eva passed out. You had resorted to standing on your head. Duncan was doing push ups.
Holy shit, he hated Cananda.
Duncan passed out next, his body fell to the floor and so did yours. Your eyes slid shut as Chris started talking about the war of 1812. Holy fucking hell, there was a reason you hated History class. Fucking boring. You felt Duncan's hands wrap around your waist pulling you close, and you passed out into the waiting arms of sleep.
Chris woke up Duncan since Gwen had won and Duncan brought you to the cabin, setting you down on his bed, knowing you'd freak out once you woke up.
Eva had different plans.
Someone had stolen her MP3 player.
"No one is going anywhere till I get my MP3 player back." She had kicked you all out and now you were standing against Duncan ready to keel over and die. Heather showed up with the MP3 player and returned it.
But you were more focused on Duncan then Eva's apology. "Your so cuteeee. Did I say that outloud... I'm sorryyyyy." You whined with a dopey smile swaying on your feet. "Alright darling. Time you get some sleep." Duncan laughed trying to ignore your comment.
Then it was time for campfire. Just like the day before everyone's name got called and Duncan threw your marshmallow into your mouth.
It was between Harold and Eva, and just like yesterday Chris held out a crazy long pause.
"Harold!" he gave the redhead his marshmallow. "Eva, the dock of shame awaits. She yelled at her fellow cabin mates before stalking off kicking Chris in the shins.
Courtney toasted your guys marshmallows giving a toast, but Duncan and you had wandered off, both of you feeling the affects of the exhaustion now.
"Duncan, why did we say yes to Chriss?" You whispered. You both layed on your backs on a hill by the cabins staring at the stars. "We wanted freedom." He chuckled. "I never wanted freedom. I wanted you." You whisper-sang the last part causing Duncan to burst out laughing at something that really wasn't that funny.
"You are my favorite, Y/N my loveeeee." Duncan whisper-sang as well now and you giggled like a madman. That's where the cameras found you the next morning, your legs entwined, and Duncan who had pulled you close in his sleep.
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty: Welcome back to traumatized kids weekly, I'm your host-
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(Just so you know Duncan is totally the Harley Quinn to ur Ivy <3)
You and Duncan were standing outside the outhouse looking at in mild humor. Leshawna walked up to you two. “Geoff sure misses Bridgette since she got kicked off, huh?” She asked, putting a hand on her hip.
The blonde was singing his heart out rather loudly in the outhouse. “Yeah, he’s weak.” Duncan muttered. You gave him a glance and he blushed. “Different when it’s you darlin’.” He whispered, kissing your forehead. 
A good chunk of the campers were playing frisbee, Heather and Lindsay were sunbathing on the docks. But your attention kept getting pulled to the outhouse nearby. Duncan called all the boys to the outhouse claiming he wanted to comfort the blonde. Gwen raised an eyebrow at you leaving along with them. 
She called you over, and you skipped over to the black haired girl, and asked “Whatever is the matter?” You asked, and the girl gave you a look as if she was trying to calculate your movements.
“Why are you going with them? It’s an all boys alliance.” She pointed out. You looked her up and down before smiling “I’d like to see you pull me out of Duncan’s eyesite.” She looked over your head and sss that even now Duncan was staring at you with a curious head tilt.
“Fair.” She muttered and let you go. 
You all arrived at the outhouse and Owen scooped Geoff in a big bear hug. “Voting Bridge off was a strategic move, mate. Plus she was reeking.” Duncan laughed, crossing his arms. 
“So, are you in?” He turned his hand into a fist and set it in the middle of them all. You set your hand on top of his without a thought. Slowly, everyone else set their hands on top of the two. “You in, Geoff?” You raised an eyebrow. The boy looked at all of you nervously. “I don’t know, girl. Going on without Bridge-” he sniffed the air. “Is that bacon?” He questioned and began running. “Aw man did I miss breakfast?” He groaned, chasing after the smell.
Duncan chuckled, shrugging. “Looks like Geoff is in.” You rolled your eyes punching his shoulder. Suddenly the intercom let out a high pitched squeal of feedback and you covered your ears groaning. The alarms at juvie were JUST like that and they’d go on, and on, and on, in a never ending cycle.
“Morning campers! The next challenge awaits you at the arts and craft center.” Duncan still had his hands around his ears, and he still had his hands around his ears once you walked over to the arts and craft center which in all reality was a shed. “More like the arts and junk-center.” You muttered, crossing your arms. “You’d actually be correct, sweetheart. It used to be an outhouse.” Chris smiled, giving you a pat on the head much to Duncan’s annoyance. 
“But now it's just where Chef parks his road hog.” The man shrugged and opened the shed door revealing a beautiful bike. “What a beaut.” Duncan said in amazement. “Reminds me of the bike you rigged up in second grade, baby.” You commented and Duncan stared at the bike a moment longer before agreeing. “Yeah it even had the flames you painted.” He pointed out. 
“Which brings me to our challenge! Rigging up your own wheels.” Chris smiled once he saw your eyes light up. This challenge he had made for you. “Yes, hot rods!” Owen scooped both DJ and you up, hugging you to his chest.
You groaned trying to shove the blonde's arm away, and Duncan sent him a withering glare which quickly made Owen drop you. “You’ll find all the parts you need in the bike depot.” Chris pointed at a pile full of bike parts and there were murmurs of “Bikes?”
“Anyways, whoever builds the best bike using tricks and props from the arts and crafts center wins. To prove I’m a nice guy I’ll throw in a manual.” Chris threw a manual to Heather before he drove off in his four wheeler. 
You smiled at the outhouse camera and clapped to yourself. “This is a challenge I can get behind. Before Duncan’s brothers left him, the older ones showed me how to rig my first engine.” You smiled wide. 
“So what do you need, darling. I say you rig up the engines for our bikes, then I build the bikes, and then we go whatever we want for the touch ups?” Duncan leaned on his right leg. “You got a lighter on you?” You asked suddenly. He smiled and showed you the various ones that were in different places on his body. In total there were six.
“Okay I’m going to need you to dismantle at least two of those for the fluid, and then I think I can get to work.” You smiled, putting your hands on your hips. Duncan was always fiddling so before you even finished your sentence the two lighters were dismantled and he gave you two medium sized containers full of an amber liquid. 
You snatched the liquid and took big scraps of metal before you disappeared with a wide smile on your face. “Your girl concerns me.” DJ commented absentmindedly. “Oh she should. But this is nothing, have you ever seen a three year old girl have access to fire and metal? It is chaos on steroids. Man, I miss my brothers.” Duncan laughed jumping into the pile of metal building your guys bikes.
Somewhere in New Jersey
A bunch of black haired boys sat in a large group huddled around the TV. “I still can’t believe the idiots finally realized they liked each other, god you remember when they were like six and held hands everywhere they went. I think James literally heard wedding bells.” The oldest one complained, running a hand down his face.
 “Oh I a hundred percent did, and the way he looked at her when she was screaming at Mick for taking her welding privileges.” James, the forth eldest one laughed and Mick stood up from his seat. “She burns down your office at work then we can talk.” He pointed a finger at his brother.
The seven brothers began arguing over who was in the wrong. 
The four girlfriends and three boyfriends stared at their respective partners in utter disbelief. “Someone make a mental note, let’s all just date each other next time.” Rachel took a chug of her champagne. “At least they’re pretty.” Joey sighed, staring at the still arguing siblings. “Pretty people get away with so much.” Ross signed into his palm, as all the girls chimed in agreement. 
(Yes, there was a Phoebe and a Chandler, and yes they get comments on it all of the time) 
To be honest? The three boys had very little faith in you coming back with two working engines. But sure enough you came back, with two working engines. Who cares if up and down your arms were nearly pitch black? Duncan smiled at your expression and met you halfway to pick up his engine to help with the weight.
“So how much of the forest is burnt?” He asked pecking you on the lips before you could stop him. “Well hello to you too, babe, and a good twenty-five percent of it.” You blushed rubbing the back of your neck. He laughed, and gave you a side hug. 
“Not bad.” He smiled. 
As Duncan held your bikes up, and you began rigging the engines to the said bikes. Owen asked “So what was your first time riding a bike like, guys?” He asked after he had pumped up his enormous tire.
“Oh you should’ve seen, Duncan, he wiped out so bad his entire collarbone came out of his skin, so you could poke it.” You laughed getting a smear of oil on your hands and you wiped it on your pants which were already covered in the black substance. 
“Not like your any better, sweetheart. After my brother Jimmy taught me how to ride a bike, he taught Y/N, and she flipped off the bike so far that she crashed straight through my oldest brother's room and you know, that's how we found out he was gay.” Duncan laughed when he saw how red you had turned and were shying into his chest now. 
“Oh. So you walked on his brother and some dude-” you cut off Geoff with an embarrassed nod. Duncan laughed, rubbing your shoulders before shrugging. “Anyway, she broke her leg and shoulder blades which is fun.” He teased before the rest of the boys went on about their experiences. 
Somewhere in New Jersey
“Oh I’m going to kill myself.”
“Please do, when you're at it feel free to kill me too.”
The entire day was spent messing with your bikes. After you had finished rigging up Duncan’s bike he went to work on hot gluing things in it. Then you went to work on yours. 
Your bike had a dark purple body and dark green handles which reminded you a lot of the joker, and you knew your boyfriend did that on purpose. 
Your ten years old
A week before Halloween that year you had watched the Joker and for fun wondered: hm I wonder if I could use my glow-in-the-dark makeup to make a cool joker-like face for a costume. So you decided to try out your idea, but you didn’t trust your judgment so you decided that when you were done you’d go over to Duncan’s house and see what he thought. 
After you were done and in his house, you waited for an hour in the dark of his room since you had a headache. Duncan was a bit late from school because he had a double detention, and you had only had one much to your fathers surprise. When Duncan walked into his room he saw a glow in the dark smile sitting on his bed fast asleep. 
You woke up to an eleven year old Duncan shrieking like a little girl much to your amusement. 
Your hands flew over your bike and in no longer than ten minutes, the engine was up and purring like a little feline. Owen clapped, impressed. “How are you gonna decorate?” Geoff asked, since he had finished his first and was how you say… bored out of his mind.
“Good question, any suggestions?” You raised an eyebrow hoping for a suggestion. You saw a lightbulb go off in the surfer's mind and knew right away you had asked the right person. “Now that you mentioned it, dudette… I got a few ideas on how we can spice up your ride.” He smiled clearly, brainstorming.
Two hours later there your bike stood before you, it looked like a slightly skinnier version of the one you had back in… oh shit what state was it in last-
Anyways, the bike had kept its color, there was a bottle of poison as the hood ornament, barb wire ran itself down the spine, dark red rope was tied on the handlebars, but there were no petals. “Hey dudette? I think you're missing something.” The blonde pointed out.
“Mm, I don’t think so.” You smirked and gave the boy a hug for his help. “Thank you, I’m not exactly the best when it comes to making things look pretty.” which quickly earned an objection from your loving boyfriend. “Uh- then how do you look hot every day?” You flipped him off causing him to smile.
Geoff smiled “Of course, man. You and Bridgette were close and anything for her.” He said and ruffled your hair before walking away. 
You went over to Duncan who was sitting on bike, testing it out. “Maybe they’ll call you Poison Ivy.” He laughed but quickly shut up once you kissed him. “Will you be my Batman then?” You whispered, touching his forehead with yours. “Ugh, I don’t wanna be the good guy,” he complained as you jokingly gave him a glare. 
“Can we be Punch and Jewlee instead?” You smiled at that. Punch and Jewlee were like a much less toxic-version of Harley and Joker. They had alien tech, loved each other like crazy, and were also criminals who dressed up like circus acts yadda yadda yadda.  
“Mm, yeah I think I’d be alright with that.”
“Couple costume for Halloween: unlocked.” 
After you had gotten through the first challenge, which resulted with you and Duncan getting into the next one. You noticed something, your engine wasn’t starting, you bent on a knee and opened up the panel that let you see inside, you noticed wads and wads of gum stuck in there. Your eyes flickered upward to Heather and you growled, she had your bike last. 
There was a knife in your hand in an instant and you had thrown it straight at her head which she just barely dodged. You tackled her before she could scream and held a different knife at her throat.
“I swear to GOD, I’m going to cut out every pearly white of yours so you’ll never be able to chew gum again,” you yelled at her. Chris stared at you with an amused expression. “Is it bad that I find this hot?” Izzy who had reappeared shook her head up and down very quickly, even though she was still smiling.
My parents gave me to the wolves when I was very young
By wolves I meant child-acting
I learned a lot of things from doing it though!
I learned which side of me looks better, the best way to lose weight, my favorite was how to combat vicious predators by beating them down, and one more thing.
TV producers are almost always predators.
-Izzy’s yearbook quote 
Izzy was worried about you, she was always worried about you. The way Chris touched you, the way he looked at you, was not alright. 
What she didn’t like whatsoever, was that Duncan didn’t do anything, you didn’t do anything, it was as if Chris had something he held over you both bending you to his very will. She despised that man, he was so much like her mother, so willing to let people get hurt for their own gain. 
Evil, Chris McLean reeked of pure and utter evil.
Duncan pulled you off of Heather and forced you to walk away. Not before Chris grabbed your wrist, and smiled. “I’d love it if you do that to me, sweetheart.” He winked and you ripped your arm out of his grasp, and you were about to start screaming at Chris, god there was nothing you wanted more than to scream at Chris. Duncan slipped his hand over your mouth before he glared at Chris and stalked off dragging you with him. 
Heather won, she pushed Lindsay under the bus though, god she should be happy you weren’t there, you honestly probably would’ve shot her dead. Owen wiped out so bad it’s not even funny. 
But what all the fans were more focused on was what was happening in the Screaming Bass cabin. “Y/N what the fuck was that!” Duncan pushed you inside of the cabin and closed the door behind him. He forgot about the cameras, you both were going to pay for that mistake.
“Heather sabotaged my bike, I’d like to see her do something for once in her life.” You yelled yanking at your hair. “Then there’s fucking Chris who is actually going to get shot by the end of the season if he doesn’t learn to keep his hands to himself.” You wanted to scream, sob, shoot something, fuck something, god emotions suck absolute ass. 
“Y/N, he has us here for however long he wants us here. Don’t you get it? If we screw up, even one time, we’re done, dead, we get life in jail before we can blink.” Duncan anxiously paced in the cabin.
“You are not the one getting groped by him, Tarun, there has not been a single breakfast where he hasn’t touched me, and personally I’d like a shower-“ Duncan cut you off with a glare and a menacing tone. “Do not forget that I’m under his reign here as well, sweetheart. He’s got creepy ass interns that will not relent.” Duncan’s eyes had bags under them, your eyes had bags under them. 
Somewhere in New Jersey
“How far away is Canada?”
“I already booked us a flight.”
You wrapped your arms around Duncan and held him tight. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I thought I could protect us. You deserve to have a period in your life where someone is not constantly hurting you.” You whispered against his chest. He sighed and slowly wrapped his arms around you.
“I mean New York was pretty fun. We did nothing but hit bars, sing, and get drunk.” He admitted quietly. “Move to New York?” You held up your pinkie finger. “Yep.” He linked his finger with yours and you sighed.
“This is just not our week is it, princess?” He whispered, putting his chin on top of your head. “Well you better be prepared for a very outta control me after tonight.” You muttered with a slight chuckle. “I’m glad we’re both so traumatized we keep grieving to a one day thing.” He laughed. 
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Three moments the cameras do not show
Breakfast that morning: 
You smiled at Chef and had been asking him about his day, and how his two little twin girls were doing. When you heard an all too familiar whistle. “Hey sweetheart, how’s my favorite killer?” Chris pressed himself against you to grab an apple out of the fruit bowl in front of you. You stared at a point behind Chef Hatchet, your body going extremely tense. “I’m doing wonderful, Chris.” You forced a smile upon your face. He laughed and walked away.
Chef sighed. “Sorry kid.” He muttered. “It’s whatever.” You walked back over to your table and sat down next to Duncan as still as a rock. Duncan sighed, he knew better than to touch you. “I’m sorry, I am so sorry.” He whispered. You nodded curtly and felt the urge to vomit somewhere.
When Duncan was waiting for you to use the restroom:
A redheaded intern with extremely curly hair had stalked up to Duncan from his perch by the bathroom door, whistling. “Hey cutie.” She giggled and grabbed his arm much to his annoyance. “Woah you have such strong muscles, and you're so handsome.”
God, he wished he could pretend it was Izzy. At least then he could force himself to believe it was just a teasing sister-friend thing. But Izzy’s not like this, Izzy’s sweet and she makes you smile so that makes her terrific in Duncan’s eyes.
But there is nothing sweet about this internship. The way she looks at Duncan makes him shudder, the way she touches Duncan makes him want to burn his clothes, the way she describes how’d she get rid of you makes him want to kill her.
There is nothing safe about women.
There is nothing safe about men.
That night: 
You had wanted to take another shower since you had gotten oil all over your hands and arms, so before you went to bed you had skipped over to the communal showers. But you had forgotten your PJ’s, which didn’t really bother you.
The other girls typically didn’t bring their clothes to the showers but you just wanted to get dressed as well as do your business one last time. As you had stepped out of the shower and quickly wrapped a towel around your body you stepped out of the showroom and began the short walk back to your cabin. You were almost there before you had seen Chris, your stomach twisted into knots.
“Ooh you look beautiful, babe. Any chance I could get you to drop the towel?” The producer begged. You grinned weakly. “You wish, hun.” You continued walking, but you felt a tug at the base of the towel, and suddenly it was on the floor. You turned neon pink and picked it up. “What a beautiful girl.” Chris winked and you realized he had done that. Your eye twitched as he left.
Duncan was not doing well either. He was waiting for you on the porch of the cabins, he was lacking a shirt, and was wearing his shorts like he typically did. Since he was bored because you seemed to be taking longer than you usually do, he began doing some push ups, but suddenly there was a large flash and a ton of giggles, his eyes flickered to the sound and saw a bunch of interns each holding cameras and each blushing, running away. 
\His stomach swooped and he went into the girls side of the cabin and grabbed his sweatshirt off your bed and was pulling it over his back by the time you had arrived.
Duncan noticed your eyes were red, clearly from crying. You sat down on the swinging chair beside him. “I hate adults.” You whispered, clutching the towel to your body as if it was a shield. Duncan felt violated from those interns.
“Lucky you, I hate the interns so I guess we must be perfect for each other.” He joked, but you felt Duncan’s heart twist into knots just like your own. 
His heart was just like your own. 
tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
TDI X Reader- Phobia Factor (Chapter Seven)
If you haven’t read: six
After the Killer Bass’s elimination we decided to go to the campfire and join them. Well there’s more to it but whatever. “What do you guys want? Come by to rub it in?” Courtney questions us with her hands on her hips. “We got some extra dessert after our tuck-shop party, thought you might want some.” Trent speaks for us as Beth jiggles the green jello in her hands. 
“So, what? You’re just being nice?” Courtney rebuttals.
“Okay, Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air it out.” Gwen rolls her eyes and Owen farts. “Ew, dude.” Trent gives the big guy a look.
Beth then brings over the green jello to the Miss C.I.T. who ends up squealing, stepping back. “No!” She then collects herself. “I mean, no thanks. I’m good.” She politely declines the offer. 
“What? Are you on a diet or something?” Duncan quizzes her. 
“No, I just don’t like green jelly, okay?” She defends herself, Beth  then goes past her and over to DJ, he gasps. “Snake!” Flipping the tray over. Cody bends over, grabbing the worm. “Chill, dude, it’s just a gummy worm.” He shows it off to the poor guy. 
“Sorry for tripping. Snakes just freak me out.” He apologizes. “I feel you, chickens give me the creeps, dude.” Tyler comforts his teammate. 
“You’re afraid of chickens?” Gwen asks in disbelief, Duncan chuckles. “Wow, that’s-that’s really lame man.” 
“So suddenly, everyone’s having this big share fest by the fire. Like Beth went on and on about her mortal fear being covered by bugs. Harold’s afraid of Ninjas. Even Heather admitted she’s afraid of sumo wrestlers.” Gwen tells the camera, growing interested in each one she tells. 
“What’s my worst fear? I guess being buried alive.” Gwen answers. 
“Walking through a minefield… in heels.” Lindsay distresses.
“Flying man. That’s some crazy stuff.” Owen speaks up, shivering.
“I would never go up in a plane. Never.” Izzy holds her hands at her chest. 
“I’m scared of hail. It’s small but deadly, dude.” Geoff expresses. 
“Being left alone in the woods.” Bridgette says and Sadie sniffs, holding a wooden plank from the dock. “Bad haircuts.” Sadie cries out. “Oh, okay, I change mine. That’s so much scarier than a minefield.” Lindsay shutters at the thought. 
“Having to diffuse a time bomb under pressure.” Cody scratches his cheek, then we all turn to Courtney. 
“I’m not really afraid of anything.” She holds her knees to her chest. “Baloney.” Duncan coughs. “Oh, really? Well, what exactly is your phobia, Mr. Know-it-all?” She questions him, his face drops instantly and he glances around. 
“Uh, Ce-Celine Dion music store-standees.” He slumps, holding his face. “Exsqueeze me? I didn’t quite get that.” Cody snickers, cupping his hand to his ear, I agree, covering my mouth as I laugh. “Dude, did you say Celine Dion music store-standees?” Trent chimes in. “Ooh, I love Celine Dion!” Lindsay excitedly admits. 
“What’s a standee?” 
“You know, that cardboard cutout thing that stands in the music store?” Trent clarifies. “Don’t say it dude.” Duncan whines, pointing to the other guy speaking, but gets ignored. “Kind of like a life-size but flat Celine.” I sit up straighter, holding onto Cody’s knee to stop myself from laughing. 
“Shut up!” He covers his ears. “What about you guys?” He directs between Trent and I. 
“Okay, well, I hate mimes. Like a lot.” Trent says, “Similar to Trent, clowns.” I boredly tell them, Courtney rolls her eyes at us. “All right Courtney. You’re afraid of something. Spit it out.” Trent orders and I nod but she sits taller. “Nope, nothing.” 
“If that’s true you would’ve jumped during our first challenge. But you didn’t.” I then bend my arms, pretending to flap my wings.” “Shut up!” She shouts at me and I laugh.
Chris whistlers as we all give him our attention. I sit between Heather and Cody. “Campers, your next challenge is a little game I like to call. “Phobia Factor.” Prepare to face your worst fears.” He announces. 
“Worse than this?” Leshawna lifts her food in disgust. “We’re in trouble.” Gwen mutters. “Now for our first victims… Heather!” A card flies into his hand and he reads off of it. “Meet us all in the theater. It’s sumo time!” She spits out her drink in shock. “Gwen you, me, the beach. A few tons of sand.” Her eyes go wide. “Wait how did they know those were your worst fears?” Lindsay asks, Gwen slaps her own forehead. “Because we told them.”
“At the campfire last night.” Trent reminds her, Beth and the blonde look at each other. He then comforts Gwen, rubbing her back as her head lays down on the table. I stare at them without realizing, my mind going blank as I go off into space. 
Immediately getting out of it once Lindsay speaks again. “Wait, they were listening to us?” 
“It’s a reality show, Einstein. They’re always listening to us.” Gwen sarcastically says.
I know I don’t like Gwen how she likes me but still being avoided and her bringing in the comfort of Trent as if I did something wrong hurts. I truly thought we were close friends…
“That’s like eavesdropping!” Lindsay pouts.
“Chef Hatchet, didn’t you have a special order for Tyler here today?” The muscular cook smirks, showing Tyler a fried chicken, the teen picks it up, he stares at it for a moment. Then he bites off the head and then an actual live chicken head pops up and Tyler screams in fear.
We go to the first thing which is for Beth, it’s a blow up pool filled with bugs DJ vomits just by looking at it. I cross my arms glancing over to Cody who was a worryful expression. For it being Beth’s worst fear she jumps right in. Coming out with worms all over her. “And Beth sets the bar way up there!” We cheer for our girl; she has a big smile planted on her face.
Lindsay and Sadie get wigs on their heads. Owen and Izzy have to go on a roughed up looking plane. Leshawna runs, screaming away from Hatchet who’s in a spider costume. 
Next is Heather standing across from a sumo wrestler. “Heather, stepped up to the plate, scoring the Gophers their second point on the board.” 
The wrestler comes running and the girl crouches down, the wrestler trips, falling off the stage. 
Next was Gwen being buried alive, Trent comforts her, giving her a walkie so they could talk. I want to jump in and also comfort the girl but again… Not my place anymore I guess. She wants something I don’t.
As we’re moving onto the next thing, Trent runs past us. “Just talk to him bro and ask him to go away!” Chris yells after him. I tense up realizing I don’t know when a clown is going to come for me. I unconsciously grip onto Cody’s arm. 
“Okay, then, we have 2 minutes before Gwen’s done. Cody, you’re up.” His eyes go up to the host after looking down to see my hands wrapped around his arm. He then looks back up to my face. “You got this.” I give him a thumbs up after letting him go. 
We follow Chris to this trash bomb. I decided to stay with the boy, maybe helping him disconnect it. “All right, Cody This garbage bomb’s going off in exactly 10 minutes. Everything you need to know to defuse it is on these schematic blueprints.” Chris lifts up a blue paper he rolled out. 
“What? No way! I can’t do this!” He exclaims, holding his head, clearly stressed out. “Then I suggest you find a safe place to hide, bro.” The host then throws the paper and I catch it before it hits the ground. “Later, dudes! Also, [Name]! Be careful.” He winks, walking away and my body freezes. 
“Wait, you’re not gonna watch?” Cody questions. “No way, that’s a live bomb, dude!” He then runs away. 
He turns to the trash bomb sighing. “You don’t have to stay, you know?” He takes the paper from my hands and I shrug. “I know but I don’t mind helping.” I smile motioning for him to pull the paper out so we can both read it. 
As we’re reading the paper he speaks up. “What makes you so scared of-” I cover his mouth quickly. “Don’t even, it’s going to manifest it.” I whisper aggressively. “They could be a killer under that mask. Or- or, a kidnapper. And for some reason people just let them go to parties and carnivals.” I rant, not realizing one was right behind me. “[Name], you might want to start running then…” 
Then that stupid clown horn squeaks in my ear and I scream, running away from Cody and the trash bomb. The thing laughs at me and I cry out in fear. “Stay away!” I take off my shoe mid run and throw it back at the clown. It stays hot on my trail and I run past the dock where Trent was soaking wet and Chris was sitting down controlling a cloud of hail following Geoff. 
I notice Heather on the porch and wave more arms around. “Heather! Please!” I wail, going up the porch and throwing her in front of me, shielding myself from the clown that giggles, squeaking the horn again. “What- Let go-” 
It stands on the bottom of the stairs. “Heather, please! Please, don’t make me let go.” I plead with her and she looks back at me, noticing the tears in my eyes. She rolls her eyes and places her hands on her hips. “What do you even want me to do?” She questions and I squeeze my eyes shut, gently holding onto her arms. “Tell it to go away.” I mumble, she then walks down the steps, taking off her sandal. “All right, go away you stupid clown. Shoo! Get away!” She slaps it with her shoe repeatedly and it sadly puts its head down, walking away. 
“Yeah! Go away!” I cheer, and then run up to Heather after I know it’s gone, embracing her tightly. “Thank you! I owe you big time!” I grin, before running off, not letting her respond to me.
An explosion occurs and I gasp. “Shit, Cody!” I run to the area where the explosion happened and he’s sitting on the ground covered in trash. “[Name]? Is that you?” He groans, his arms out since he can’t see and even though I’m disgusted I help him up off the ground. 
“I’m so sorry, the clown was just following me and flight or fight, response you know? Heather luckily helped me but I’m still so sorry, I should’ve done something to help.” I ramble on and he tiredly laughs. “It’s okay, I really need a show though.” He sighs, taking the banana peel off his head. We make it through the forest and as we’re walking through he goes in front of me, still groaning from the pain of the explosion.
Bridgette then hits him, screaming before running off. He grunts, falling to the floor once again. “Oh my god, are you okay?” I ask him and he just lays there for a moment. “I’m fine, just- just give me a minute.” He gives up and I laugh.
After Cody takes a shower and I wash my hands we make our way to a pen where Chris and Tyler are standing. The Gophers all made it through their challenges. 
“All right gang, we’re ninth inning. Tyler, for your challenge you need to get in this pen for three minutes with these chickens.” Chris unboxes a momma chicken with two baby chickies. “You can do it Tyler!” Bridgette shouts. “Yeah, unless you’re chicken.” Duncan taunts. Tyler ends up sitting down, cradling himself back and forth. 
“I’m not sure we’re getting anywhere on this one.” Chris says boredly.
“Tyler, this is the last challenge. Quit being such a girl!” Courtney yells at the boy. “You have to do this or we’re going to lose!” Courtney rolls her eyes. 
“Actually if you do the math you can’t possibly win.” Cody calculates then shows the calculator. “The score’s 8-3.”
“Not necessarily. We’ve got one more challenge set up.” Chris says. 
“Who? It can’t be me. But I didn’t-” Courtney goes on confused. “You didn’t have to. We’re always watching you and your reactions.” Chris reminds her. 
“I knew it. Didn’t I tell you guys, they were eavesdropping?” Lindsay angrily asks. “Oh, who cares? It’s not going to make a difference.” Courtney frowns. 
“Let’s make this interesting then. I’ll give you triple points if you can complete it.” He tells her.
We now stand in front of a huge wooden pool of green jello. “You’re afraid of jelly?” Duncan laughs. “Shut up! Only the green kind. It’s like sugary, jiggly snot!” She cries out in disgust. 
“You can face your fear and dive straight into this pool of jelly or let your team lose yet another challenge!” Courtney slumps, making her way to the ladder. “This is insane! I could seriously die doing this.” She climbs up.
“Oh this is just cruel.” Gwen says, “It’s probably warm by now! Warm green jelly. Snotty, bouncy, ugh!” She stifles. 
“You’re not going to make me quit!” Courtney yells down. “That’s it, keep climbing!” Duncan smiles.
“She’s just trying to psych you out!” Bridgette chimes in. “Like you said, Courtney! It’s okay if you can’t do it!” Duncan shouts, I yell up a chicken clucking sound just like I did in our first challenge earning a scowl in response. Once she stands up on the board she thinks about it then covers her face. “I can’t do it! I’m coming down!” She yells, her team all lower their head in disappointment as the Gophers cheer once again. 
“And there you have it! The Gophers won invincibility this week… Again!”
After everything calms down we all chill in our cabin, mostly everyone was on the boys side except me, Gwen, Heather and Lindsay. 
“I gotta go to the bathroom.” Gwen huffs, standing up, stretching out her body. “Ooh! Me too, I’ll come with!” Lindsay grins, following after the goth girl. Gwen scoffs but opens the door for the blonde and they walk out. Heather then stands up and I raise a brow at her. “Dang you have to go too?’ 
“No, I wanted to talk to you about something.” She tells me and I put my book down, giving her my attention. “What’s up, Heather?” I smile softly. “You said you owe me earlier right?” She asks and I slowly nod. 
“Well, before that, I want to apologize for my actions with the whole diary thing. And then by owing me a favor I’d like you to pretend to be my friend for a little bit.” She crosses her arms and I’m taken aback for a moment. 
“Seriously?” I lean closer to her as if I didn’t hear her correctly the first time. “Yes, just don’t expect me to be all nice with Gwen.” She says and I glance around. “What’s the point of this?” 
“Just- please?” She huffs. 
“I-I guess? Just pretending to be friends?” I furrow my brows, her face turns a light shade of pink. “Nevermind-” 
“No, no, I’m down, we can be friends.” I wink, then go back to my book.
Links to other writings
Also if you’d like to request an imagine that is separate from the story let me know!!!
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
The Big Sleep- TDI x Reader story (ch:three)
If you haven’t read: Two
An air horn goes off and Leshawna shoots up, hitting her head. "Ow! It's 7:00 in the morning. Do I look like a farmer to you?" She shouts out the window. I tiredly laugh, yawning. We all get dressed making our way outside.
"Morning! Hope you slept well!" Chris greets us. "Hi Chris, you look really buff in those shorts." Heather feeds into his already major ego, fluffing him up. "I know." He winks, snapping at her. "Okay, I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." Chris taps his wrist. "Oh, excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen speaks up, clearly in distress about it. "Oh, you'll get breakfast Owen, right after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake." He announces, pointing to the body of water in front of us.
"Oh, so you're funny now?" Eva raises a brow. "You know what I think would be funny-" Geoff and Duncan hold her back from getting at the host of the show who's completely unbothered. "Eva, try to control your temper." Courtney whispers but gets ignored, "You're enjoying this aren't you?" She raises a fist. "A little." Chris admits.
"You have 30 seconds." He taunts, pointing at his watch. I just start walking to the lake, Cody jogs after me. "What?" I ask and he just grins. "Okay... then..."
We get into a line. "Okay, runners! On your mark, get set, go!" Chris yells, I start off with a slight jog, not completely pushing myself here. Cody of course keeps up with me. "You're good at this." He compliments and at this point I just feel like I'm good at everything with how many compliments I'm getting and I do not need to feed into my ego. "So are you, Cory was it?" i know his name but I like messing with people. "Cody, but you can call me Cory. You can call me anything you'd like." Hey says and I mentally curse then run faster. "Hey, wait up!" He calls.
"Pick it up people! If you're not back in time, you don't eat!" Chris yells into a mega phone just like he did on the cliff. Only this time he's driving past us on a moped.
I roll my eyes, running past plenty of others with a bored expression. I was on my school's track team, this is nothing.
Cody and I make it into the lodge with DJ, we all sit together, catching our breaths and cooling down. All of us sat silently to calm down. I throw my head down, waiting for everyone to fill in the lodge. "Clear the table stat!" Owen bursts through the door, holding a knocked out Noah. "Oh, we made it." Leshawna crawls in as Owen is doing compressions on Noah.
"What took you so long?" Courtney snaps at Harold who's gripping onto his chest trying to breathe in and out. "I think I'm having heart palpitations."
"Hey, wait a minute. If they lost that means we won the challenge!" Gwen says, everyone stops what they're doing to cheer, even Noah wakes up from whatever he was in. "Whoa there! Hold your horses, guys. That wasn't the challenge." Chris says.
"What did he just say?" Gwen squinted her eyes, but disappointment was cut short when curtains I didn't even see were there open to a whole buffet table. "Who's hungry?"
"After a whole week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet." Gwen admits.
"And then I saw it, the buffet table. It was beautiful. There was Turkey and Nanaimo bars and baked beans in maple syrup. Could I have a minute?" He then pretends to cry, holding his head.
Everyone ended up stuffing themselves. I got disgusted by all the chewing. I ended up only eating a tiny bit before leaving the lodge. I sat outside until I heard Chris talk about how it's a two part challenge. Some awake-a-thon and being the last one standing wins invincibility.
We're all sat out by the fire and I just feel bored, not even tired. Maybe because I didn't eat as much as everyone else did.
12 hours in, Owen went on about being up but not even seconds later passed out. I laugh, taking out my MP3 Player and earbuds to listen to music but it was really just to eavesdrop or be peaceful.
"The awake-a-thon was definitely the most brutal thing I've ever done in my life." Gwen tiredly tells the camera.
"This is the most boring thing I've ever done in my life." Gwen says.
"So my strategy is to get two campers to form an alliance with me and take to the final three. The only question is, who can I find that is either desperate or dumb enough to do whatever I say?" Heather shares her idea.
Lindsay's now doing a handstand and one of my earbuds is now out of my ear. Because even seeing this I do not understand what this blonde is doing right now. "What are you doing?" Gwen asks her, I thank her mentally because I didn't want to be the one to ask. "Trying to get the blood to rush to my head. I think it's working." She says simply. "Can I try?" Beth excitedly questions. "Sure."
I turn to Leshawna. "I wonder how they're gonna go out." I chuckle and she snorts. "Heather will definitely take care of that." We both quietly laugh.
Cody looks up at me and waves, I do a peace sign back causing him to tiredly grin. "What's going on between you two?" Leshawna giggles, nudging me and I try not my best not to laugh. "He has some stupid crush on me. It'll pass." I wave it off as nothing.
"I know like 4 people that got some stupid crush on that girl. Wouldn't say I'm surprised though. Did you see the way she effortlessly ran today? Amazing." She perks up but then catches what she's saying and then stammers. "I mean... like she literally ran that without breaking a sweat it seemed. That's crazy."
Eva gets up to go to the bathroom. I turn back to Leshawna. "Do you have your eye on anyone?" I play with the string of my ear buds.
"Nah, we ain't here for all that." She was lying. I could tell by the way she holds herself. I raise my eyebrows and she nervously laughs. "I'm serious." I put my hands up in defense. "Okay, okay." I whisper. "What about you?" She brings it back to me, which I should've known was going to happen. I catch myself glancing over to Gwen then over to Heather but I shake my head. "There's definitely some attractive people here but I don't know about crushing." I hum, leaning back on the wood.
Now hitting the 24 hour mark I sat with Gwen, 9 of us awake and 7 of the Killer Bass. Courtney's running in place.
Tyler screams, jolting a few people up. "Congratulations campers. You've made it to the 24 hour mark. Time to take it up a notch." He uncovers a pile of books as Chef was wearing a pink lamb costume and holding a lyre? "Fairy tales."
"Oh he's not serious." Gen says. "I think he is." I roll my eyes and Chris clears his throat, opening a book. "Once upon a time, there was inside this boring kingdom... a boring village. And inside this boring, sleepy village, filled with very boring children who did very boring things..." Next was Chef spreading glitter in a tu-tu dancing ballet.
Dj tied himself straight onto a tree but knocked it down after instantly falling asleep. "Timber!" Gwen yawned.
Now at the 40 hour mark, 4 Killer bass and 7 of us remained. I'm not lying in front of Gwen. My limbs sprawled out. We're five now as Beth and Lindsay pass out.
"Okay, favorite song?" Gwen asks me, and I think for a minute. "Breaking dishes." I stretched then sat up. "Favorite color?" I ask. "Midnight blue, yours?"
"The rainbow, I couldn't pick any color then the others would be left out." I rant a little bit and Gwen awes at my answer right before yawning. I sprung into slight action, getting onto my knees and ankles shaking her jokingly. "Don't fall asleep. Okay, quick. Favorite movie moment?" I question her.
"You're gonna think it's cheesy." She says and I chuckle. "I might but hey mine's probably stupid." I assure her... kind of. "You might?" She laughs, "I gotta be honest." I smile as we both calm our laughter. "But seriously, no judgment here." I put my pinky up and she links hers with mine. "Okay, the kiss at the end of that road-trip movie. You know the one with the guy and the three girls?" My jaw drops. "Really? I love that movie." I gasp, grabbing onto one of her hands. "No way, people always call that movie stupid." And as I went to say something in response a naked, sleepwalking Owen walked in front of us.
Our eyes widen sharply before following over to see his clothes laid out on the ground.
"Did I mention that I ate the entire dish of baked beans and maple syrup? Funny thing about baked beans, they make me sleepwalk." He awkwardly informs the audience.
Gwen was now laying on her stomach as I stayed sitting up. "Wow, they sleep together too." I laugh and she tiredly smiles. "Even though this is to go all the way to just one person I hope we make it to the end together." Gwen yawns, I stare up at the sky humming in agreement. But if I'm being truly honest I know I can't get too attached to anyone. At the end of the day this is 100,000 dollars on the line.
Now we're both watching the stars, laying flat on the ground, her pinky linked with mine. "Are you awake?"
"Yeah, it's weird but I think I'm so tired that I'm not tired anymore. Does that make sense?" She explains, I yawn once again causing her to yawn too. "Definitely, but we can get through this. Think of how good not being eliminated will feel." I remind her. "True."
We then look for constellations again and really I'm just listening to her talk. It was quite soothing but as I'm listening I look around at the others. I notice Heather alone and staring at me. Since she's so tired her reflexes were slow so I caught it before she looked away. I smile to myself. "You still there, [Name]?" Gwen wiggles her pinky and I chuckle. "I'm right here." I assure her.
At 51 hours Gwen and I are now standing and watching Justin not moving, in some weird pose. "Look at him, he's like a statue. He hasn't moved in over 50 hours." Gwen points out and we both yell at him, making random noises but he doesn't even falter. "Amazing, look at the concentration." She compliments but I stare at him closely, rubbing the back of my neck once I realize his eyes are painted. "Aren't his eyes blue? Like menacingly blue?" I quiz, waving a hand in his face but Gwen actually pokes him in the cheek. His head shakes and his real eyes open. We both gasp. "
"His eyelids are painted, I saw it!" Eva calls. "Shut up! Oh, I've got to see this." Chris laughs, sprinting to Justin who smiles nervously, knowing he's just been caught. "That is so freaking cool," Chris admits. "But you're still out, dude." He walks away, the model slumps sadly.
Hours pass, hitting 84 and I don't even understand how we're making it this far. It's all worth it though to see Noah spooning Cody, kissing his ear. The two wake up screaming.
Now it's up to Gwen, Heather, Trent and I. "i'd kill for a coffee right now." Gwen tells us, I nod bringing my knees to my chest. I sat in front of Heather, besides Gwen. "What is the matter with you people?" Chris comes up to us with a coffee in hand, sipping it quite loudly. "Come on, fall asleep already," He whines.
Gwen crawls to his knees. "You gotta hook me up man. I'll even eat the grinds." She pleads with the annoying host. "All right, you six stay with me. The rest of you go and get a shower, for heaven's sake you stink!" He orders the losers and I sigh wishing I was them right about now.
"I didn't want it to come to this. I said that to Chef Hatchet last night. I said, "Chef, I don't want it to come to this." But darn it, these campers are tough. And so I've come up with the most boring, sleep inducing activity I can find." Chris announces to the camera or the audience- whatever. I'm too tired to think.
"Oh, Come on. What now? Okay, you know what? Bring it on." Gwen places her hands on her hips.
"The history of Canada." The red covered book pops open. "A pop up book." It was a beaver. "Chapter on: The Beaver, national symbol and a "dam" fine hat." He reads, we all groan but I can feel my sleepiness really kick in. Eva fell asleep and so did Heather.
Trent starts to fall back, Gwen and I try to save him but it is too late. "Damn." I shake my head.
"Time for a bathroom break. Any takers?" He asks us three.
"I've held it this long, Mouse and Sweetheart." I wince as he holds himself. "I can go all day." He tells us. "Yeah but can you hold it for ten more chapters?" Gwen Crosses her arms. That gets him to get up and make his way to the bathroom. "You've got 5 minutes." Chris tells the bad teen. "Long as you don't mind a little company." Chris adds the last part. "Fine but stay out of the stall." Duncan snaps at the camera man who nods his head.
Gwen and I sit down and she sighs. "I don't know how much longer I can do this." She groans. "Keep it up, Gwenny. You got this." I rub her arm and her face turns pink. "You too."
A cameraman gives Chris a paper. "We have news! It looks like Duncan's taken a dive on the can, which means the official winners of the awake-a-thon are Gwen-" She goes to fall face first to the ground but I catch her, bringing her up into my arms. "And [Name]!"
"The Screaming Gophers win!" Chris holds up our weak hands.
I stand up, throwing Gwen over my shoulder and carrying her to our cabin with as much strength as I can muster. Gripping onto the railing to steady myself up the stairs as she's knocked out cold. I whimper up the final stair, bursting in through the door and lying her down on her bunk before I end up collapsing on the ground, instantly falling asleep on the hardwood floor. 
Link to all chapters
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty Four: This is my boyfriend's, boyfriend, Geoff-
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Chris was monologuing again. You watched as the man landed the helicopter, currently Duncan was giving you a piggyback while jumping on one foot while Heather and Gwen bet if he would drop you or not. (the answer was not)
The current bid was one-hundred-and-fifty bucks. 
Chris gave you all the signals from above to line up. You let yourself fall off Duncan’s waist and skipped over to the line, dragging Duncan to join you. He laughed as unbeknownst to you stared at you with heart eyes.
As Chris landed he held up a pair of cuffs, and Duncan laughed. “Macy sent you a care package.” He smirked pointing at the cuffs.
“How do you know it wasn’t Marcel?” You crossed your arms. “Because Marcel loves me.” Duncan pointed out. “... Didn’t he sit on you until you admitted that you had taken drugs?” You covered your smile with your hand.
“It’s how he shows his love.”
Chris had you and Duncan cuffed up together. Duncan held up his hand which brought up yours as well. You both were staring at it and you resisted the urge to chuckle. “You know what this reminds me of…?” Duncan muttered.
“Christmas 2017!” You both laughed in unison.
Duncan was thrown against a wall, and you were thrashing against the guards holding on to you. But, the guard happened to be Marcel who discretely made sure that you guys would be cuffed together. Duncan at his hands, as well as your hands, annoyed.
You gave the guards a glare that would make the world's manliest man shrink in his spot. That’s how you and Duncan worked, he thought of the future, how you both would get out of this mess, you focused on the present trying to put the fear of god in anyone who tried to mess with either of you. 
End of flashback
“This isn’t fair, they’re a couple who can work well together.” Heather whined.
Chris bopped her on the nose. “When you get a guy that the viewers love then we’ll talk. Stay sadly single, kid.” Chris smiled and the girl fumed causing you to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing.
The first challenge was to feed your partner. You had to laugh at that. Duncan was beaten so often that growing up you had to feed him so he’d you know, survive. But the only problem was that the food looked strange. Duncan had an idea pop into his head and a smile on his face. 
“Arm wrestle me for it.”
You smirked and took that challenge, you both clasped arms and laid your elbows on the table. You began the arm wrestle, smiling at your boyfriend. “Do you think we’ll have kids?” He asked randomly. “Hmm, maybe. I’d like a boy.” You gritted your teeth trying so hard not to fail. 
“I think I’d like a girl, name her Lily after your mom, and then maybe have a boy and name him after James.” Your heart melted and an audible aw came out of your mouth.
“I think we’d live in New York. You’d open up a half-way-house for ex-cons, I’d open up a bar.” Duncan continued. The overly feminine side in you was eating this up and you were so distracted that Duncan slammed your arm against the table.
“Where are my children?” You had a big smile as you entered your home. “Mami!” You watched as your younger son ran down the hallways of your apartment and jumped into your arms. “James.” you yelled back equally excited.
“Mama.” Your older daughter ran down the hallway, shortly after her brother and jumped into your arms as well. You twirled you children in the air, who were giggling, so happy that their mama was home. 
“Now where’s your father.” You said with a mock-serious tone. 
Suddenly your husband walked into the room, his hair freshly wet and patted against his head. “Hola mi vida.” He smiled and hugged the three of you close to his chest, and gave you a peck on the lips. Much to your children's horror.
“No fair you used our relationship against me.” You complained nearly pouting.
“I told you the truth because I want you to eat. I see the way you throw away your meal sweetheart. I want you to eat.” Duncan sighed and a sad smile crossed his face. 
“Fine. But did it have to be camp food.” You complained as you looked back at the dish.
“Might as well start off with the worst of the worst.” Duncan shrugged, and you sighed. “You better be happy you're cute.” You lightly picked his cheek causing him to smile like a cheeky child. 
You opened your mouth and in seconds your boyfriend was shoving food in it. T
hen the challenge ended really quickly because why do we not give an anorexic person too much food at once? Because they’ll throw up.
You emptied your guts into the trash can as Duncan held your hair back. He rolled his eyes as you flipped him off, still actively throwing up. “Love you too sweetheart.” He smiled sadly, rubbing an arm up and down your back trying to convey comfort.
You sickly glared at the camera. “Food can go suck my big fat **** for all I ******* care.” You grumbled holding your stomach, in the outhouse.
Unsurprisingly Owen and Heather won, because she has a partner that has a vacuum as a mouth. Duncan sighed, rubbing your back as you laid your head on the table, every nerve you had left screaming in pain.
“Dollface, I need you to start eating at least once a day. There wasn’t barely any food, and you still got sick. I need you to try, okay?” Duncan kissed the back of your head and ruffled your hair. You nodded curtly. You should try.
You would try for him,
Chris had you all gather on the docks. You had your head against Duncan’s shoulder and he had an arm wrapped around you, holding you close as if you would fall away from him. 
“Last chance for a wimp key.” Chis waved the enticing key in front of you all, and you had half a mind to snatch it out of his hands and jam it in his jugular. You smiled at the thought, man whenever you get voted off is gonna be exciting.
“What’s the challenge, Chris?” Geoff asked, who was attached to Gwen, the goth-girl kept rolling her eyes at every other sentence the blonde spoke.
“There are three canoes on the beach, one for each team. Your challenge is to paddle the canoe while wearing handcuffs. All the way to Boney Island, once there you will get a package. Now go, go, go!” Chris was distracted by the herd of campers so you held your breath to stop yourself from laughing, when you saw Duncan shove the man to the ground.
Duncan sat in front, because sitting in the back made him seasick, and sitting in the front made you seasick. 
You quickly got into the water, and began to paddle.
You had arrived at Boney Island, third, Chris’s helicopter dipped so he could yell out the next instructions. Yadda, yadda, yadda, put the packages back in the cave, while piggy-back riding the other. Before you could protest that you were too heavy, Duncan snatched your hand and put both of them around his shoulders and hoisted you up.
A blush spread itself across your face.
You got to the cave rather quickly but were met with carnivorous beavers. “Ain’t nobody that tough.” Duncan grumbled and you both cartwheeled back to shore. (Well you cartwheeled, Duncan walked on his hands)
The next challenge was to make a totem pole of shame using the heads of your ex-fellow-campers. That would be easy, hopefully. Your memory was amazing, but Duncan’s was the best, he remembered everything that happened from ages five through seventeen. 
Everyone else was struggling, Owen was getting mad because Heather wanted to talk crap about Izzy, and Gwen and Geoff had terrible memories and couldn’t decide who was who, Katie or Sadie. You remembered that Katie was the one who was more quiet, Sadie was the one that helped you when you were sick.
You saw a carving of Izzy and Duncan tossed you his knife, sensing what you were thinking.
You carved the word ‘Kid’ and put a small heart next to it. Chris came over and saw what you had done. He had the audacity to laugh, and say “Aw, little Miss. Tough ain’t so tough.” which promptly caused Duncan to throw Courtney’s head at him.
“I love you so much.” 
“I know.”
Duncan and you had won. Chris held up both of your hands and slurred his words. “The winnerz arep Dunkykim anndl Y/Nes.” you had to stifle your laughter and the second you guys got back on the canoe you almost cried laughing.
That night at the campfire, you and Duncan got your marshmallows first, then Leshawna, Heather, and then Owen. It was left between Geoff and Gwen. You watched your boyfriend’s eyes fall on Geoff, and the sad realization hit.
You squeezed his hand. “Geoff will be going home tonight.” Chris declared and you watched Gwen stand up in indignation and yell at you all. “He’s the nicest guy!” she screamed. 
“Ciao dudes, y'all were cool, Duncan and Y/N invite me and Bridge to the wedding.” Geoff gave you the peace sign and you smiled sadly as Duncan nodded, biting the inside of his cheek to stop himself from crying.
tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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writerofadream · 8 months
Fairytale Ending? ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter One: And we're back welcome to another season I'm your host-
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[In the new intro you and Duncan are passed out on a desk while there’s a whiteboard full of potential baby names that Izzy brainstormed]
As the bus pulled to a screeching stop, Duncan stepped out first. “Man, I missed the smell of the city.” He took a big breath in. You stepped out after him, your baby hump beginning to look noticeable.
“You know, what do you think the chances of this season affecting the baby?” He turned to look at you, concerned. “I think she’ll be fine, sweetheart.” You smiled, he was very overprotective about the child. 
“Hey mami! How’s the baby doing?” Izzy, now deemed E-Scope came up to you feeling ever rambunctious as she gave you a hug. “She’s doing fine, kiddo. Kicking more every day.” You smiled at the younger girl. 
“Aw, I’m so happy for you guys.” Bridgette came up squeezing Duncan’s shoulder and giving you a kiss on the cheek. A small smile appeared on your face at the girl’s appearance. 
Duncan smiled as Geoff ruffled his hair. The older boy wrapped his arms around your waist, feeling his daughter kick, and attacked your neck with kisses, before he snuggled his chin into the crook of your neck.
“I am not going to wait here for much longer.” Heather complained. “Little miss-rich is going to give up a million big ones?” You laughed in disbelief, causing Duncan to smile. 
Sooner rather than later Chris pulled up in a log bus, he gave you a sly wink. “How’s my favorite baby mama?” He asked. “I’m this close to getting a restraining order.” You grumbled stepping onto the bus, ignoring the small growl that fell out of Duncan’s mouth as he glared at Chris.
“I’m renting this thing by the hour. All aboard!” Chris began driving as Izzy stayed behind.
You watched Owen call out to her causing her to howl like Tarzan.
A smile fell on your face once you felt Duncan get a hand on your thigh, you laid your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes as the bus gently swayed. “You’ll be here for the next six weeks.” Chris explained as the bus drove through different movie sets.
“In ten weeks my kid is gonna be born.” Duncan laughed excitedly. Trent clasped his shoulder giving it a small squeeze. “You deserve it my man.”
The fans were eating this crap up.
|Trending on X right now|
You stared at the camera in the makeup room. “He wants to give us mini statues of him if we win. He is literally giving whoever wins the exact same thing I got as my wedding present.” You grumbled rolling your eyes. 
As the entire set thumped from the apparent monster on set, Duncan wrapped a protective arm around you, shielding you from whatever danger there was. You leaned into his embrace, shutting your eyes tight as you wrapped your arms around your stomach.
“Today’s genre… the monster movie!” Chris chuckled evilly as the monster roared in the background. 
DJ passed out beside you. You gulped as you felt another kick from the girl in your stomach. “For your first challenge, everyone must get from here to the cast trailers while our state of the art monster trys to stop you.” Chris ordered. 
“Now… action!”
You raised an eyebrow. “That means go.” You all began shoving each other out of the way, and you protected your stomach. Heather accidentally elbowed your stomach and you quickly headbutted her in annoyance.
“Is the baby okay, are you okay?” Duncan yelled over the commotion worry in his eyes. You smiled, and nodded.
You were all running and Duncan and you abruptly stopped when you saw the two blondes making out. “Kids these days.” You sighed, shaking your head as Bridgette flipped you off.
Duncan laughed, twirling you, before dipping you close to the ground laying a kiss on your lips.
Duncan was carrying you bridal style as you were being chased by a bear. “Are you sure I’m not too heavy?” You fret. Duncan scoffed.
“Honey, you were eighty pounds when you got pregnant, now you're ninety. We carried double that when we were only twelve.” He laughed. You blushed, and hid in his arms.
Duncan slid on his knees, narrowly avoiding the monster’s grasp, but the monster caught Gwen and Trent instead.
“You notice how everyone sorta coupled up?” Duncan asked absentmindedly as he hid behind a cardboard car, not even panting. “Mm, no idea why.” You twisted the ring on your finger subconsciously.
Duncan smiled at the nervous habit you had picked up, and he set a kiss on your lips.
Suddenly you watched a scaly green finger tap his shoulder. He turned around to see the monster and your eyes widened. “You better not drop me, Chef.” You grumbled as the monster scooped you both up. Duncan groaned. “We were so close.” He yelled over the wind.
Finally you made it over to the bouncy castle and the monster dropped Duncan, but set you down carefully so the baby wouldn’t be harmed.
“How are you his favorite?” Duncan laughed turning on his side in the rubber castle to stare at his beautiful wife. “Because I’m the only one nice to him.” You returned with a cheeky smile. “How are you not terrified of him?” Gwen asked, jumping beside you. 
You shrugged. “I’ve seen a lot of scary things in my lifetime. Very few things scare me.” You laughed squeezing Duncan’s hand. He was your life, your support system.
Trent shook his head exasperated. “That’s amazing my dude.” Geoff laughed, giving you a fist bump causing you to smile. “She’s amaze balls!” Izzy lightly fell over your legs, careful to avoid your stomach. You chuckled as you watched your husband ruffle the hair of the girl you both thought of as a daughter.
The day passed extremely quickly. It started off with Duncan talking about your new life in New York causing the boys to freak with excitement.
“I own a bar, and it’s called ‘Total Drama Bar’ right now. I got one of my brother’s handles but it’s great. Free drinks on me whenever this is all over. We have this awesome apartment right above it and you can hear all this great music, Trent. I love living there and I’m so happy and amazed how she got all of this for us.”
Duncan explained to Trent, DJ, and Geoff who whooped at the promise of free alcohol. 
You told the girls a similar story.
“Guys, I love my new job, the half-way house holds all these unique girls and their stories. Gwen, one day you have to visit so you can hear some of them for your book. Lindsay, you'd love our street. It's got these amazing stores. Courtney the school nearby, I was wondering if you’ve heard of it-”
Everyone was talking about their lives and what had happened after the last season had ended.
Soon, it was night and Duncan had dragged you in the corner of the bouncy house and laid down, nearly begging to cuddle. “I love you mi vida, more and more every day.” He kissed the top of your head and you smiled. Everyone had quickly fallen asleep, but not Duncan.
He was obsessed with the way you looked. He loves talking to you, he loves loving you.
Man, he was obsessed with you.
You screamed at the foghorn and your hands flew over your ears. Too familiar, way way too familiar. But before you could go into a full panic attack, Duncan was in front of you, whispering his assurances that you were far away from that awful place.
He slowly took your hands off your ears and kissed the top of them before scooping you up in a hug. Suddenly Owen had popped the bouncy house and you scrambled outside. But you noticed a certain redhead was missing. More panic flew at you. “Where’s Izzy?” You hissed your heart beating in a way that you knew was not good for the baby. Duncan had his arms wrapped around you, squeezing tightly enough to replace a weighted blanket.
Izzy suddenly appeared. “I had a date with the monster, he does not take no for an answer.” She winked suggestively and you nearly smacked her over the head. You scooped her in a hug, and in that moment Izzy knew you were her family. Through and through.
Chris came out of his trailer and laughed at the chaos around him. “Can’t believe ya’ll survived. Guess I lost the bet.” He didn’t sound too disappointed.
“Luckily, your next challenge is an award.” Chris began to explain the reward’s and the rules but your heart was still beating so quickly. It had to slow down or something was going to happen to the baby. Duncan was whispering in your ear.
“I love you, you are safe, you are around family, you are my life, and I’d give up anything to make you happy and feel comforted.” He repeated the mantra and slowly but surely your heart rate went down to a normal pace.
You watched Owen eat tons of food in mere seconds. Your husband was fascinated but you were, in simple terms, disgusted.
“It’s truly shocking that you are not experiencing cravings. It must be a side effect of your anorexia.” Courtney had been documenting your pregnancy since you had announced it. 
“I love you girly, but do me a favor and don’t talk about it.” You muttered absentmindedly staring as Owen consumed unholy amounts of food.
“Owen, that was fake food.” Chris explained after the boy ate everything. “Oh…” Then he burped out a key. “Wait, do I win?” Owen asked and Chris stared at him for a moment before giving up. “Yeah. Sure, whatever. God I should’ve just been a doctor.”
The boys had won… but lost.
Because the winner was an idiot. The prize was the choice between a smashed camper or a good one. But Owen chose the smashed one causing the boys to groan, yell, and scream curses. The girls cheered and did a big group hug in happiness.
“DAMN IT.” You yelled as the monster smashed the other trailer.
After the Chef had repaired your trailer you were finally allowed to go in. Unsurprisingly the girls quickly started arguing. Honestly Chris needed to do you a favor and just stop inviting Heather. It would make all of this so much easier.
Maybe you could ask…
You stepped out of the cabin after Bridgette and you had drawn straws and were sleeping together. You got bottom bunk because you didn’t want to accidentally fall and hurt the baby, which she understood.
After the girls had fallen asleep you had gotten a text.
Mi amor <3: i miss you
Me: i know :(. Why do we keep coming back on this show
Mi amor <3: because we want our future kids to think we were hip
Me: … pls tell me u didnt just say ‘hip’
Mi amor <3: I did Mrs. Tarun.
Mi amor <3: …oh goody…
Mi amor <3: i love you, sm more then youll ever know, imma attack you with love in the mornin since chris locked every exit out of this darn thing
Me: ‘darn thing’ oh god we’re old
Mi amor <3: 😭
“This is your five a.m wakeup call-” The foghorn was not as loud this time, but still loud. Before you could stop yourself you screamed “KILL YOURSELF ASSHOLE.” and the rest of the girls loudly agreed while groaning.
“It was a joke, you can sleep… for now.”
You quickly passed out once more.
“What does tomorrow hold in store for our beloved married couple, and the rest of our crew. Find out next time on…
tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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