#tdi leshawna x reader
writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
Chapter Two: Meet the Stars
TDI! Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader
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Duncan and you had been separated for around three hours now, you had both on seperate boats and you were aleady getting twitchy. You both had brought a total of four things from juvie, as well as two confiscated items of yours. Duncan had bought his switchblade, a handheld pistol, a bracelet, his meds, a picture of his mom, as well as a small heart locket that held a picture of you when you were around nine.
You had bought a handheld pistol, a dagger with your initials on it, a locket that had a picture of Duncan in it, a picture of seven year old Duncan and you, a deck of cards, and lastly a lighter.
The older boy had been furious when Chris informed you that neither of you would be on your meds for this little 'expedition.' and by furious I mean, had quickly shoved Chris into a wall holding a knife to his throat. "I can deal without my shit. But unless you want a fucking wild animal released she get's her shit at least once a week got that, asshat?" Duncan hissed. Chris's eyes flickered towards you, as you took a selfie of the two while doing a piece symbol with a large smile.
You were crazy.
He loved crazy.
Crazy made money.
Chris didn't want you on your meds. His exact words were that you were "So much more fun without them!" he didn't seem to mind the fact that Duncan had shortly thereafter had shoved him into a wall and put his forearm to his neck. "She's going to get her meds, at least once a week, every friday, got that?" he had whispered. "You know what that's a great idea. She'll have this strange contradicting personality, people will think she's crazy!"
Chris truly, loved an insane idea.
You had leveled the gun at his head in record time, your phone gone in a flash. "Don't, call me crazy." Your voice was shaky.
"If you say so scorpion. Let's get a move on!" Chris smiled patting your shoulder as he quickly got guards to seperate you and Duncan both. Now you were on a boat on your way to an island which sure looked nice from the picures.
The medicine you took kept you steady, kept you from losing your cool on everyone around you. It kept you sedated, calm, cool, and collected. Without you turned into an injured animal that had just been cornered.
Wild, rabid, and feral.
So that was the deal, you would get your meds every friday because then you'd have a confusing contradicting personality which would get viewers intrigued and therefore more money!
The weekend after Chris had picked you up, he had seven armed guards seperate you and Duncan and put you on two different boats. Duncan had yelled for a long time and eventually got three of his guards down. You had broken the finger of a guard that had grabbed your shoulder and had broken the shin of one of the others.
You were staring at your hands by the time you felt the boat hit the dock slowly. They were already shaky. Your eyes flickered upwards and your stomach was quickly full of dread. It was a dump, the island, was an actual god forsaken waste of space. You jumped off the boat not bothering to find the ladder.
"Here she is, Y/N our resident scorpion." The insane TV show host yelled from his post on the dock. Your eyes flickered quickly around the island, at least what you could see. A pit formed itself in your stomach. "This was not what we were told, Mclean. I don't like being lied too." You nearly screeched at him, you were seething with anger.
"Oh I know princess. Your parole officer told me about that. She also told me to tase you and bring you back if you started making a fuss." The psychotic man smiled at you. Duncan watched you wearily from his spot on the dock and noticed your stance.
Hands clenched, body tense, eyebrows furrowed, eyes slitted, jaw set. Yes, all the looks of a L/N, ready to pounce.
Suddenly before you could jump there was arms around your shoulders and hands around your waist. "Scorpion, you better put that tail of yours down. I'm too pretty to die!" Chris giggled as Duncan dragged you away.
He grabbed your waist right before you could jump at the TV host. "Hey, ain't worth it, Y/N. We both know it." He hissed in your ear and gently threw you into the group of people. You sighed your body untensing and your fingers found his.
You stared at the people around you. A pretty blonde with a surfboard, a goth-chick who was fine as hell, a girl who clearly looked like she got everything she wanted, a girl with brown hair that seemed nice enough, a buff girl in a blue outfit, a girl with a shit ton of additude, a set of girls you would've thought were twins, a dude everyone thought was fine (you didn't see it), a tall chubby blonde boy, a nerdy looking redhead, a kid who was clearly homeschooled, a short boy who was looking at the goth chick with a huge smile, a dude who clearly played the guitar, a sporty dude, a blonde muscle-boy with a hat, and lastly a goody-two-shoes who was cute.
Suddenly you heard a loud yell and saw a flash of redhair hit the dock. Courtney ran to grab the girl out of the water. "She could be seriously injured guys." She scolded your group.
"If she thinks a concussion is a serious injury you've never actually been hurt have you?" Duncan laughed and honestly you had to resist the urge to giggle as well.
A chance of 100,000 dollars, and the ability to fuck around with some assholes?
This is going to be the best couple weeks ever.
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maybegays-blog · 7 months
Request back open! and 1 more request rule added. Also Total Drama is added to the list aswell (season 1 women that I’m in love w)
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dozing-marshmallow · 11 months
Pls i NEED more Chris McLean x reader. I NEED😭🙏 ive read everything of him on here😓
So pretty please something like chris mclean x wife reader and like, the whole tdi cast gets to meet her bc they didnt believe that Chris had a wife at first?😇
TRUST ME WHEN I SAY I feel the exact same way😫 I love Chris so much and it’s such a huge pleasure that I can write for him while having other people who love him enjoy it as welllll. I will be writing him for a very long time so you can always expect something new evolved around him to come up ;)<3
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Having your daily hug with Chris, the tender moment reminds you of what he told you earlier.
“Were you being serious when you told me the kids laughed at you when you told them you were married?"
“Mhmm.” he responds from underneath you,“They called it a sick joke and told me that stand up comedy was way out my league.”
“Aw darling.” you kiss his forehead,“I’m guessing you’re gonna ask a favour for me to stop by to prove them wrong?”
He raises an eyebrow,“What do you mean? Stand up comedy is in my league. I just don’t prefer it, doesn’t mean I’m not good at it.”
He can be so silly sometimes,“I meant your marital status, baby.”
“Oh, yeah...” he holds onto your wrists,“Please?”
You let your body relax completely on top of his, still smiling,“Your wish is my command.”
“Aw what’s the matter, McLean? Couldn’t your wife make it?” Duncan was the first to pick up on ridiculing Chris, eyes still puffy from his chronic cries of laughter from last night. On another circumstance, Chris would’ve been fuming, had he not have reason to smirk.
“How sweet of you to worry, Duncan!” the host begins off, clasping his hands,“But she’s made it in one piece!”
On cue, you walk into the mess hall, linking your arm with Chris’,“Hii everyone! So happy to finally see you all in person!”
All conversation died.
Everyone turns to you.
This woman they’ve never seen before... 
His... His wife?
Were they hearing that right?
No way... He was being serious?
Chris was rolling on the inside at the shared alike look of being slapped spread across the contestants, especially of the mocking kind.
“I...didn’t know you had enough space in your heart to love someone else!” Beth’s the first to break out of her ice of shock to chirp.
“Surprised?” Chris chuckled, allowing you to introduce yourself, which was not what you guys decided.
“Yeah, I’m (Y/N)! This hot mess’ wife...” turns out improvising in front of teenagers wasn’t as fun as it sounded,“Sorry, I’m...not too good with words, so...help yourself to these cupcakes I made for you guys. I made them as a way to say how huge of a pleasure it is to meet you all!”
As you turn around to unwrap the trays, Leshawna clears her throat to privately address the cohort,"One of two things are gonna happen. One, those cupcakes are filled with maggots and hair. Or two, it's the first actual food we're gettin’ on this set."
Everybody nods in agreement.
They were right to inspect the wrapping and texture with their noses and eyes.
Yet didn’t expect to have the flavour of delicate buttermilk crumble on their tongues.
Oh my God...
Maybe they were deprived from having treats so long on the show, but it was unanimously categorised as a whole new delicious nonetheless.
The punk delinquent scoffs over,“Yeah... I’m not buying that’s his wife.”
“That evil maniac with a permanent smile is probably holding her hostage!” The ginger geek dramatically pinpoints.
“I can see why, these are too die for!” Owen squeaks, scoffing down an entire cupcake, wrapping included, not comprehending what situation it would mean for you if you really were abducted.
“Hm... Maybe he’s paying her.” Gwen suggests alternatively after taking another glance at you: it was your arm around him. Too touchy to be forced...
“I’d understand if he was hot like me, but he’s not even halfway there! Where would he find someone willing to do all that for him? No amount of money should convince anyone to ever lose their dignity for the likes of him." Justin criticises out of his internal debate of skipping the cupcakes or not.
“You’d be shocked if you’ve seen the fansite.” Noah opposes like it was the most known thing.
Speaking of which,"Sierra.” Heather directs, taking sudden control of the situation and everyone’s eyes to peel towards the superfan whose mouth was staining in the same dye as her magenta hair, perking up from her snacking at the mention of her name,“You know everything about everybody. Say, is Chris paying that woman to pretend to be married to him for laughs?"
The girl whose lifeline was Total Drama quickly swallows the last portion of her cupcake to appease her idols with a packed answer,“Oh, no! It’s all true! Unfortunately. Those two got married way before Total Drama was aired. A lot's happened... My mom waited years for Chris to propose to her and there he goes, chasing after that nobody! Do you have any idea how painful it is to see my mom’s husband having an affair? (Y/N) is nothing but a block of concrete, blinding Chris from seeing his true soulmate! A.k.a my mom!” The last few sentences gradually grazed with personal prejudice, but not enough to throw the next cupcake away.
“Wait, but if Chris did get married to your mother... Wouldn’t that make you his stepdaughter-?“ Alejandro posited, already having a hard time imagining Chris take that role biologically.
"So Chris,” Cody interrupts the impending awkward ambient Alejandro’s phrasing would bring, steering the conversation back, still bewildered,“...really does have a wife."
Bridgette takes her slo mo time in grabbing another frosted vanilla good, rethinking, the same man that laughed at their pain,"I...honestly don't know how to feel about that."
"Huuu... I feel like I went overboard with cupcakes, Chris!” you freak out to your husband, fidgeting with the sleeves of your turtleneck,“Why did I pick to make something so childish? I should've picked something more formal... Like a dish from my home country..."
"Relaaaaax, no one else is thinking about that." Chris assured, biting into one of your delicacies.
You continued to murmur on,“I wanted to make something universal, a collection of sweets so in case one likes a certain flavour more than others... I thought teenagers around here liked cupcakes... I feel like such a fool... I hope they don’t think I see them as childish...”
He grabs one and holds it horizontally to your lips, painting them yellow,“It’s not just teenagers that like them, (Y/N). Besides, they are children. Children like things that are childish.”
That’s true... Your paranoia’s sunk,“Well... They seem to be enjoying themselves. I’ve been worrying for nothing.” you smile, drawing your finger on his stubble to take for licking,“You had some icing there.”
Turns out, you were really nice.
The angel to Chris’ devil.
The sun to Chris' moon.
The calm to Chris’ energetic.
“So (Y/N)... I just...have a quick question on behalf of everyone else.” The CIT girl shields her mouth with her hand, like she didn’t want anyone else to hear.
“Of course, Courtney. Whatever would you like to know?” you welcome her, all kinds of possible questions cloud your mind.
She tightens your shoulders in her palms,“What the hell do you see in Chris?”
...You expected that one,“Why, I see a strong, handsome, hilarious man. A goal-driven, deep down caring, loving, in need of love man.”
Now the only true thing she heard was “goal-driven”- to kill them as spiritually as possible. Maybe even physically.
"You're not brainwashed, are you?" Her eyes widened like your answer had tossed her deeper in her horror.
"Get her to blink two times in a row if she needs help!" Tyler shouts, unintentionally defeating the purpose of being discreet from his clean intention.
"Hm?” Teenagers are so funny!,“It's not brainwash when it's love! After all, wouldn't you say you've found yourself in love with someone you never thought you'd be with?" You smile warmly at the type A when the butterflies fluttered an external reaction across her freckled face.
"Th-That's different!” she impulsively shrieked before closing her mouth in embarrassment. She looks around, and after making sure no one was judging her, she continues speaking, back to her whispering voice,“That’s Duncan. This is Chris.”
“Well, we both seem to have a type for the ones that went to jail, don’t we?” you wittily mention, giving her a wink to the similar parallel.
Leaving Courtney to her common dynamics contemplation, there was no better timing for Owen to ask if you had any more cupcakes to give.
“I’m so happy you liked them! I’ll tell you what, I can make more and send them to you."
“Don’t get too flattered. Bed crusher there would eat anything, even things you can’t call food.” The overruling antagonist scornfully gestures, her hair as black as her heart.
“...Ah, right.” you shouldn't have thought so highly of yourself over baking. To Owen, they probably weren’t good, just something to give his appetite.
“Well... That's not entirely true...” The foodie looks to the side uncomfortably for a moment from Heather’s harsh perspective,“Having eaten a lot of things gives me a solid judgement on a variety of tastes. With that said, I’d specifically be really happy to eat (Y/N)’s baked cupcakes again. You can't buy that kind of quality!"
Aw! “Thanks, Owen!” it’s no mystery why everyone was in his support back first season!
“You didn’t use any store bought cake mix, did you?” DJ asks, his naturally kind pitch of voice crunching up an otherwise accusing delivery his words may have played.
“Nope! If I was gonna have half of the ingredients already done for me, I may as well have just ordered the finish product.” the truth radiates through your magnetism, not as magnetizing as your husband, smothering you away in his arms.
For some reason, no one said anything right away. Like taking an exam, silence had scattered among these group of teenagers.
"I'm convinced she has Stockholm syndrome."
Up till Harold breaks it.
"Stockholm syndrome?! Come onn, you know that’s not a real thing!” Lindsay asserted, turning to Beth,“Is it a real thing?"
The nice-hearted nerd smacks a hand to her forehead. Rather than finding humor in uninformed Lindsay, Trent finds his eyes trapped on the sight of Chris’ hand holding onto yours, fingers locked, palms resting. Above all his faults, Chris...still had you.
That kind of love...hard to find, lucky to have.
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
TDI X Reader- The Sucky Outdoors (Chapter Six)
If you haven’t read: Five
“Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor-survival-skills, I’m not gonna lie to you, some of you may not come back alive.” Chris announces, trying to scare everyone. Most of them gasps and he begins to laugh. 
“Just joking. All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You just have to find it.” He throws one map to Heather then the other at Duncan, along with compasses.
 “Oh, and watch out for bears, lost a couple interns in preproductions.” He turns to the camera. “First team back for breakfast wins invincibility.” He blows an air horn. Gwen already getting up and walking away, Heather follows suit, “Well, off you go.” Chris shrugs.
“Gwen still hasn’t talked to me, she does everything in her power to avoid me! She was about to use the bathroom but when I went to join she said nevermind. This is getting annoying.” [Name] sighs, holding herself. 
“Did he say there are bears up in here?’ Leshawna shakily asks, I place a hand on her forearm. “We’ll be fine.” I assure her. 
“I had a little encounter with a bear once. Let’s just say his head looks neat up on my mantle.” Owen proudly states and Izzy talks to Lindsay about something which is where I get up and get away from my team. 
Now we’re making our way through the forest starting off on a trail. Gwen speeds in front of us, I bite my bottom lip then jog up to her. “Hey,” I begin and she just makes a small noise in response. “Can we talk now?” I question in a lower tone so nobody else hears us. 
“[Name], please.”
“You said later, it’s been later. How long are you going to avoid me, Gwen?” I moue, she looks like she’s about to say something but instead shakes her head, walking faster away from me and the team. I stop in my tracks, watching her walk. 
“Ugh! She is so the next one to leave!” Heather groans, itching her arm. “Who?” Trent asks. “Who do you think? She dumped Harold’s red ant farm into my bed.” She exclaims. “Yeah, but you did read her diary out loud to the entire world.” Trent reminds her and I try my best to stay quiet…that was until she stops in front of all of them.
“So, that was pretty harsh.” He rubs his head after they had all bumped into one another like dominoes. “She is going down!” Heather stomps her foot and when she begins to walk I trip her. She didn’t fall but it was enough to get her to get mad. Before she speaks I put a hand up. “Try it and we’ll see who goes home first.” I snap, snatching the map and compass, picking up the pace. 
I get us to our team’s site, ignoring everyone. All I heard was bits and pieces of them talking after I put one earbud in my ear. Mainly Izzy and Owen talking about bears.
I set up a spot on a tree stump and sit down, pulling out my book to read. Nobody chooses to bother me either, I think after seeing me snap they figured that’s what was best for me at the moment.
I stay off to the side. The team started a fire and Owen left to get food for all of us.
“Ugh, I’m so hungry.” Heather complains. “Maybe read another one of our diaries to the world since you seem to feed off of attention.” I say out loud, not looking up from my book. My teammates snicker and I even heard Gwen laugh over Heather’s obnoxious scoffing.
“Yo, who ordered the pepperoni… extra cheese?” A delivery guy shouts, reading off the receipt. “It’s for the camera crew, over here.” The cameraman waves him over. The mean girl gasps, “no way.’ She was cut off by the sound of the bushes rustling. It was Owen carrying a thing of fish. “I am man! I bring fish!” He shouts, “Are you kidding me!?” Heather ungratefully speaks, so when I walk past I “accidentally” smack her upside her head. “Ow!”
“Oops.” I shrug.
“Aw, man, you’re awesome.” Trent thanks the big guy. “Oh I love fish! I love fish!” Izzy bites into a raw fish. “I guess we should cook it first, huh?” Izzy laughs. “How do you know how to fish?” Heather questions. “My grandpa taught me.” He says, hands on his hips. “I caught a shark once. It bit me on the butt. Check it out.” He bends over to show us,we all shield our eyes. 
“Oh my eyes!” “My eyes!” “That is so awesome!” Izzy exclaims. 
Before we eat I go back to the tree stump, laying down instead of reading this time. Staring up at the sky. Thinking about Gwen. About everything going on. Do I like her? I mean, we connect so well but should I even pursue that? We have 6-7 weeks until this is over. Would we even talk afterwards? 
“Hey, why are you over here alone?” I mentally groan realizing it’s Cody’s voice speaking to me. “Cody, I don’t want to be flirted with right now.” I tell him, he stays quiet and at first I actually thought he walked away. But instead he sits down on the stump next to me. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that.” He chuckles nervously, my face scrunches and I look up at him. “Hey, I know I was a bit much.” He puts his hands up, defensively. “A bit? Cody, you sniffed me every time you were near me.” His face turns a bright red, even the darkness couldn’t protect it. We look at each other then laugh. “I’m sorry about it all, and what Heather did.” He puts his head down.
“Me too, Gwen won’t even talk to me anymore.” I frown, playing with the ends of my shirt. He takes a breath. “It might be a lot right now. She’ll come around.” He smiles, I nod, placing a hand on his. “Thank you.” I whisper, his head turns away from me, turning flustered once again. 
“Hey, we’re best friends now. You can’t be doing that.” I tease him, only making it worse, he shoves my hand away, but joins me back in laughing. 
Once we calm down he turns to me with a serious expression. “Do you like Gwen?” He suddenly asks, and I think to myself before answering. 
“I don’t know…” I pause then groan out loud. “I know I like her friendship but relationships are difficult especially in this setting.” I line my lips tightly, he doesn’t respond. Only listen. “I can see that being a problem.” 
“Okay! Fires hot, fish are grilling, tent is tenting.” Owen stands proudly. “Nice going, man. Fish looks awesome.” Trent says. “Thanks man, I owe it to Grandpa.” He reminisces. “So, you and your grandpa really fought a bear once?” Trent quizzes, bringing up what Owen was talking about earlier. 
“Heck yes. It was the scariest day of my entire life.”
Lindsay gasps.
“We were out in the woods when we came across the great beast. I tell you he was 10 feet high if he was a foot. And then he roared his terrible roar! We grabbed our shotgun. We knew it was either him or us. It was nothing personal, just the law of the wild. And then, BAme! One shot was all it took to fell the great beast. We took his blood and marked ourselves to honor him. It was a good death.” Owen nods, telling us the story. 
“Yeah, right. There’s no way you took down a 10-foot bear. Hey, has anyone seen crazy girl?” Heather asks all of us. “I think she had to pee.” Lindsay thinks. “That was over an hour ago!” Trent jumps to his feet, worried. “Izzy! Izzy!” He calls out into the woods. “Izzy the Gopher! Where are you!?” Owen shouts then bushes rustle. Owen laughs. “Oh, good. I thought we lost you there for a minute man.” But a bear pops up instead of a crazy redhead. He screams. “Great Pyramid of Giza!” We all get up to our feet.
“We’re all going to die!” He starts to run around, the once bragging boy about killing a bear is now acting the very opposite of his story. 
I feel a hand grip my arm and I glance behind to see Gwen with a scared expression. If there wasn't a bear in front of us I totally would’ve teased her.”We;re gonna get eaten alive by a bear! Oh the horror! Somebody help us! I want my mommy!” Owen cries, still running in circles around us, that was until Heather trips him. The bear growls. “The trees! Climb into the trees!” Heather shouts and we all race to the trees, I help the girls get up then climb over myself, sitting between Heather and Gwen on a branch. 
“What do we do now?” Trent asks us, sitting on the top branch with Cody. 
“Don’t look at me.” Heather says. “It was your idea to climb the trees.” Gwen reminds her. I’m just upset because I left my book in the tent and now I’m stuck up here for who knows how long. “Well, why don’t you ask the bear-hunting expert? Hey, Owen, what now?” Heather yells up to him. “How should I know?” 
“Dude, you said you killed a bear.” Leshawna points out. 
“I was being theatrical.” Owen says. “This is all your fault. If you hadn’t been growling like that, we never would’ve attracted him to our site.” Heather spits.
“Excuse me for living!” He then bursts into a wail. Hitting his head on the tree. “Heather calm down, there’s literally nothing we can do now so shut it. Plus he’s the only one who got the fish.” I remark distastefully but just as I speak the bear sniffs our food over the fire. “Hey! Lay off our fish!” Heather shouts at the animal. “It’s probably already eaten Izzy!” Lindsay cries. “Then it shouldn’t be hungry anymore.” Heather points out, which is true but we all give her a look. “What? This is survival of the fittest. She should’ve just peed her pants like Cody.” I glance up at the boy who frowns, putting his head down in shame. Trent comforts him. 
Wood then creaks and Leshawna falls from the branch she sat on with Beth and Lindsay. Both Heather and Gwen grab onto each side of me, gasping. 
“Dear Abby, She’s going to die!”
The bear backs her up into the tree, growling lowly. “Uh, nice bear. AHH!! Somebody help me!” She screams and we all tell her to run but then it giggles. “Hey, are you okay?” It asks her. “Uh, did that bear just ask me a question?” Leshawna looked up at us. It then pops it’s head off, revealing it to be Izzy. Owen slides down the tree. “Oh my goodness, I did not see that coming!” He laughs.
“Okay, I’m so confused right now.” Lindsay says and for once I agree. “What are you? Some kind of weirdo?” Gwen irritatedly speaks up. “I thought it would be funny!” The redhead tells.
“Okay, okay, that was so funny. Like “Oh, it’s a bear! Oh no and like, we’re all gonna die now! Help! Help!” And I’m like, “Rrrr I’m gonna eat you!” Like I could actually do that. There’s no way, okay?” Izzy laughs continuously.
We get the fish and Heather hands Izzy one. “Rockin’ the fish sticks! Nice!” She compliments, then we hear rustling in the bushes again. “Wow.” Izzy giggles. “That costume is really good. I mean I thought mine was good but this is like really good.” She rambles. “It’s probably Chris trying to mess with us. Yeah nice try man.” 
I don’t wait, I stand up and pull Gwen with me. “Hey,” She goes to push back but my eyes widen to silently speak with her. “That’s not a fake, Gwen.” I whisper. 
“We know you’re not a bear, dude.” Owen boops its nose. 
“Uh, I don’t know, Owen. This looks kind of real.” Gwen says, I gently push her in the direction of the tree we were just on. “Chris did say there were bears.” Heather remembers now everyone is backing away.
“Oh, come on guys! They’re just trying to see if they can prank us twice.” Owen pets it. “This is not a real bear. And I’m going to prove it to you.” He goes for the top of his head. “Owen, don’t!” I try to stop him but he yanks the fur anyways.
“Wow. That does look kind of real.” he stares at the fur in his hand and the bear stands up on its hind legs, roaring in the blond’s face. 
I help Gwen up on the tree and climb up myself, “Yeah that’s a real bear!” Owen runs.
Now we’re back on the tree and it starts raining. Throughout the night was a little awkward, Heather used my lap as a pillow and as much as I wanted to shove her to the ground I decided against it so I won’t be involved with a technical murder. And I guess we need her to win. 
I looked over at Gwen who was staring down at her feet. “Hey, can we talk now?” I whisper, smiling weakly. She shrugs. “I guess.” 
I sigh,  “I’m not going to push you. Just know I want to still be cool. I don’t judge you at all. I would never put what happened against you or bring that up to you. I just miss talking to you.” I tell her, then stare off into the woods. She didn’t respond but in the corner of my eye I saw her smile and that’s good enough for me. 
The next day when we get down there’s finally no bear in sight. “Well, I think it’s safe guys. The bear’s gone.” Trent yells, stretching out his back. “And… the map.” Gwen picks up a soggy piece of paper. “Hey, I don’t know how raccoons sleep in trees, because I’m so stiff.” Izzy says as Owen stretches in front of her. “They must be really limber.”
“You know what Crazy girl? I don’t want to hear another word from you or the bear hunter here. If you two hadn’t been acting like bear bait last night, we could’ve actually slept in our tent!” She rants, throwing her hands in the air. 
A bird chirps behind them. “Shut up!” The three scream.
We all begin our way back to the camp ground, running there but getting second place behind the Killer Bass. 
“Oh no, they won! This is all your fault!” Heather shoves Owen to the ground, Izzy giggles quietly behind her hand. “Ah-ah-ah, not so fast, gopherinos. It seems the Killer Bass are missing a few fish.” Chris stops Heather. 
“Oh, you mean Katie and Sadie? I’m pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night.” Courtney boredly says. “Darn shame.” Duncan nods but the two they were just talking about come running to their team. “We made it!” Katie grins. “We’re safe! Oh my gosh guys, we got totally lost and then got into this massive fight!” Sadie explains, “And there was this huge bear and he was all, “Rawr! You’re in my crib! So get out!” Katie does a reenactment for us. “And we had to run and it was like, so scary.” Sadie tells. “Oh, Sadie I’m so sorry I said I was prettier than you.” The two turn to each other. “And I’m sorry I brought up the snack shack.” Sadie apologizes. “And I’m sorry I said your butt was too big to fit in the bus seats.” “You did?” Sadie asked? “Uh, well, not to your face.” Katie clasps her hands together in front of her. 
“Oh, who cares, we’re safe! And you’re my best friend and I love you!” The bigger girl hugs the other one. “Oh, I love you too!” 
Courtney steps up, clearing her throat. “Are you two finished with your little love fest?” They nod, still hugging one another. “Good, because thanks to you we just lost the challenge!” Courtney stomps her foot, angrily. 
“All right, Killer Bass, one of your fishy butts is going home. Gophers you’re going on an all-expense-paid trip to the tuck shop!” Chris announces and we all gasp, running to the dock.
After getting the snacks and getting back to our cabins we all chill by or in the hot-tub. Owen goes on about how good his chips are then turns out of the tub to throw up. Then not even seconds later asking for a different snack. 
I look over at Gwen who does not look too happy. I sigh, shaking my head. Heading inside of the cabin to be alone.
Link to all writings
Thank you everyone for reading! Just letting you know I won't post everyday so please don't say "update please" or stuff like that because I do feel rushed, I'm not trying to be rude I really appreciate everyone reading my stuff but I do have a life and I can't make it happen everyday and I apologize for that.
Taglist: (if you want to be added lmk)
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insanetvgirl · 11 months
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- Headcanons || Yandere Trent ( Romantic ) || Reality Show Au || Gender Neutral
- Headcanons || Request! || Yandere Cody with a Intern!Darling || Reality Show/World Tour Au || Gender Neutral
- Headcanons || Request! || Yandere Dawn (Romantic) || Reality Show Au || Gender Neutral
- Headcanons || Request || Yandere Scott (Romantic) || Reality Show Au || Gender Neutral
- Headcanons || Yandere Team Men(Scott,Lighthing and Brick) (Romantic) || Team up || Reality Show Au || Gender Neutral
- Headcanons || Yandere Mike and Zoey (Romantic) || Team up || Reality Show Au || Gender Neutral
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Sick of love
Yandere Roti X Mikan Tsumuki!Reader (romantic) (reality show au)
Prologue - Gosh! I need money
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Love letters!
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Reactions/Who is The most?
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Things i found, ideas and concepts!
- Yandere total drama ghosts concepts and ideas !
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Memes,Arts and Quotes/Incorect Quotes!
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Wips/Current requests and fics that i am making!
- Fanfic || Yandere Roti with a Mk!Darling + Plus reboot cast || Reality Show Au || Female
- Fanfic and Headcanons|| Yandere Roti with a Nice popular girl! Darling || School Au || Female
- Headcanons || Yandere Lindsay,Heather And Beth general headcanons || Reality Show au || Female
- Headcanons || Yandere Leshawna vs Yandere Heather || School Au || Gender Neutral
- Headcanons || Yandere Cody with a Damien!Darling || Reality Show Au || Male
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td-scenarios · 2 years
Could I request Cody, DJ, Chris and Leshawna with how they would react to the reader wanting to do their makeup?
Thanks a bunch!
yesyes! this ask is literally so slayyy like ty tumblr user dragon-pasta ur the cooliest <3
“You want to what?”
In theory, he doesn’t like the idea because of toxic masculinity
but on the other hand
Cody is the biggest simp in the world (and he’s always wanted his makeup done but shhhh you didn’t hear that from me)
Once he got over his inner turmoil, he’d be so ecstatic to go along with it! Like, he would even try his best to make sure you had everything and do everything to the best of his ability.
(even if you two are dating or not by this point) Cody would just be so flustered with how much you’d be touching his face like oh my goddd. Intimacy? From another person? He literally has no idea what that is and is so enamored with the thought of it.
He is finally experiencing it AND he gets to look pretty because of it? Consider this the best day of his life!
y’all know the one photo of the two girls where one is just on top of the other while applying the makeup? that definitely happens if neither of you guys have a proper vanity
TL;DR : You are now constantly asked to do his makeup and it’s really cute 
DJ just absolutely adores spending time with you and add getting his makeup done on top of that and it’s just the perfect day
However, he has to request specifically that you don’t use eyelash curlers on him. C’mon, how is he supposed to have luscious eyelashes if using those things have a risk of snipping them off? No way!
Other than that slight hiccup, makeup time with DJ is a delightful time
He would also ask what you’re doing while applying shit just so he can start doing his own makeup when he wants without bothering you
(though he still loves when you ask because that just proves that you really do like spending time with him)
eventually, he’d want to start reciprocating and doing your makeup! 
Doing eachother’s makeup is just something y’all would talk about constantly
Finally, when you two get the time, you would insist on doing her makeup first
You know how much she likes the natural makeup look on her (and you love it too), so you decide to go all out with  (if she’s okay with it ofc) 
But you would ask which colors and stuff she preferred before doing eyeshadow or lipstick and just making sure she’s still in touch with her comfort zone despite you mixing it up a bit
she looks gorgeous, because c’mon, she always does. 
We all know she likes to have her way and isn’t afraid to speak up, but with you she feels safe enough to let go and to let you do your thing. Really patient and just content the entire time
I don’t know, I just feel like doing makeup with Leshawna in general would be the best experience ever. Just nice chit chat and making each other laugh. Amazing vibes overall
When it’s her turn to do your makeup, she is just so careful and meticulous. 
Real tender shit yk <3
“I mean, I guess...” is his initial response
Getting his makeup done is apart of his job so he kinda sees it like a chore at times
He also takes it as you calling him ugly which hurts
You have to assure him that, no, he is still handsome or gorgeous or whatever term Chris likes the best
You just want to spend time with him and doing makeup is fun
After a bit of squabbling, he figures that doing this could be fun
(and he would save money on makeup artists if you do a really good job)
you do ofc
He secretly admires how well you did his makeup
If someone else can make him love himself more than he is basically already on one knee, ready to propose.
He doesn’t fire the makeup artists btw. He doesn’t wanna stress you out by making you do his makeup for him all the time but shhhhh you didn’t hear abt his soft side from me
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twiixr4kidz · 2 years
Helloo!! I was wondering if you could do TDI or Sally Face head cannons of before/while dating?
i'd love too!! this one will be TDI, but feel free to ask for SF ones so i can write those too >:)) here r some dating hcs for some of the characters i didn't do the last time!!
she may be a total bitch most of the time, but you're an exception
there's a soft side to heather that nobody but you gets to see
she's a whole different person around you
soft, gentle, and quiet heather?? WHAT??
sure, she still orders you around because that's who she is
you'd be pulling my leg if you said you didn't expect her to tell you to go get her something to drink or something to snack on, to do a particular favor for her that she doesn't want to do herself, and so on
but she's also a lot more understanding
steals your clothes but refuses to be caught dead in them because your "styles are too different" or something
she'll do what it takes to win, but she will NEVER throw you under the bus.
she loves modeling outfits for you, and insists you rate them on a scale of 1 to 10
1 means "incredible" and 10 means "spectacular" because her fashion is, to her, on point every time
insists on styling you, and painting your nails and messing around with makeup if you let her
insists you take her shopping and then carry bags full of clothes and shoes she spent thousands on, and you'll be damned if you didn't say yes
bro's love language is music
he writes songs for you, songs about you, songs about things that remind him of you
you become this core part of his music writing process, like you're his whole MUSE
he's also hella charming
the "shows up at your house and throws rocks at your window before serenading you with the most beautiful melody you've ever heard" type
he's also the "writes the most intimate, beautifully worded love letters to you whenever you cross his mind" type
he's sickeningly sweet and you're going to get used to it
he has such a way with words it's hard NOT to love
he also LOVES grand gestures and displays of love
if it's not your thing, he can respect that. but if you're cool with it? he goes ALL OUT.
paths with rose petals, renting whole movie theaters for date nights, FREE FOOD AT RESTAURANTS??
you aren't sure how he does it, but he does it all for you
and that alone is enough to make the butterflies in your tummy go haywire
she's independent
she's a strong, powerful woman who loves to do things for herself, and she NEEDS you to respect that about her
because even though at the end of the day, she'll curl up next to you and sleep like a baby, she's kicking hella butt all day long
and you think she's a total badass for it
whether she's yelling at chris for being a jerk, or someone else for doing something they absolutely shouldn't have, you're cheering her on from the sidelines
and she does the same for you
your relationship is built on a strong mutual respect for each other
she's a sucker for calling you weird names to confuse everyone
the words "pookie wookie bear" sometimes leave her lips, and everyone is in pure shock because of how unexpected it was
PLEASE watch the sunrise with her
she wakes up early every morning just to watch the colors of the night melt into those of the day, and if you pose the idea of joining her, she will FREAK. OUT.
she'll never directly say it, but she is so touch starved please hug her
bro's a party animal, a cowboy, AND a gentleman
he's both the "let's get drunk as fuck and do stupid shit" kinda guy, AND the "opening car doors and letting you walk across his jacket so your shoes don't get wet" kinda guy
you have worn his hat on NUMEROUS occasions
he loves taking you with him EVERYWHERE
to parties, to fancy restaurants, to rodeos?? literally wherever he wants to go, he's gonna let you come
he'll also proudly become your personal uber
if there's anywhere you wanna go, you can bet he'll drive you
he ALWAYS keeps an extra pair of pjs set aside for when you come over
it's a t-shirt of his and a pair of old pajama pants that don't fit him anymore
and for as much as he loves going out, he also loves staying in
he makes really good wings and even better nachos, and he always has a bunch of really yummy snacks and drinks so the two of you can chill on his couch with a bunch of blankets and binge-watch tv shows
he'll do this thing called a "tv show roulette" where he picks a show neither of you have seen and you pick a random episode (or vice versa) and try to guess what's happening
he's shown up at your house with a bouquet of roses almost every week since you got together tbh
leshawna absolutely does not mess around when it comes to love
she's doting but not in an overwhelming way
she's an absolute sweetheart and a total badass
she'll defend you when you need it, but also lets you fight your own battles
she LOVES taking you to her favorite spots so she can share her love for them with you
she knows the coolest facts about everything
like if she sees something that makes her remember a fact, she proudly blurts it out
she also tells you whenever she sees something that makes her think of you
she absolutely loves cuddles
PLEASE take her on late night drives
music blaring, windows down, nothing but the cool night air in your hair and the sweet smell of that night life
bro fell HARD
he tripped over his own two feet and fell down the stairs onto his head for you
that being said, he can and will do whatever you want him to
even if you don't explicitly ask him to
if you mention you're craving a specific food or drink, he'll get it for you within an hour
he'll splurge his entire wallet on you
as long as you watch his favorite sports teams with him, ofc
he's hella sensitive and cries A LOT, but he doesn't want you to think of him as any less than a man for it
please please PLEASE reassure him because it gives him a lot of anxiety
he likes getting outside and playing games with you, even though he's super uncoordinated and gets hurt a lot
you're going to have to start carrying a first aid kit with you EVERYWHERE because this boy has fallen up escalators before
when you're out and you mention that you feel chilly, his jacket is on your shoulders faster than you can say "FUCK"
he may be a little dumb, but he tries his best and always makes sure you know how much he loves you
there is not a day that goes by where she doesn't remind you that you're the hottest person she's ever seen
if you mention being insecure, she won't really get it, but she will say something along the lines of "you don't have to worry about that, i only date hot people :)"
she's a total dumbass and you're going to have to pull her out of sticky situations
super clingy and she sticks to you like GLUE
she smells really good too
absolutely INSISTS you go shopping with her so she can show you all of these cute outfits, and maybe even pick something out for yourself
she doesn't care what kind of shopping it is, even if it's grocery shopping, SHE LOVES IT
sometimes jokes fly right over her head and you're going to have to explain to her what they mean and why they were funny, but it's honestly kind of cute how dense she can be
sure she's a dummy, but she's your dummy
and what she lacks in brains, she makes up for in everything else
she's gorgeous, sweet, caring, and a total dork
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writerofadream · 8 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty Five: He's like whiskey, she's like champange
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^^ Duncan next chapter-
I’d like to apologize, I’ve been absent cause my friend was evicted and needed a place to stay and I was busy trying to help her out. Here’s a new chapter!
(Are you excited? This is the episode you get voted off! But it’s okay because I’ll do a ‘you both coming home’ chapter ‘spoiler: someone might be pregnant.’)
It had been pouring all week, you thought you were going to lose your mind. You love rain as much as the next eccentric teenager, but there comes a point where you're this close to drowning yourself in the next puddle you see.
You and your fellow campers sat on opposing stairs. Heather painted her nails while Gwen drew a picture of every single camper she had met, and then Duncan was carving a spear and held out his hand to you which was holding the various types of blades that he desired to carve.
Chris made an announcement that your mind didn’t really process because the RAIN WAS SO LOUD.
Gwen and Heather began arguing over Leshawna getting voted off. Honestly you were this close to accidentally dropping the knife into Heather's eye socket. There comes a certain point where anybody will lose their mind. 
That last challenge was horrifying. 
Your body subconsciously shuddered and in moments Duncan had his sweatshirt around you, but it seemed like he didn’t even move.
You smiled and pecked him on the lips. “Why are you making me like this weather?” Your boyfriend grumbled. “Because I’m your fantastic girlfriend and I make everything better.” You stuck your tongue out. “Mhm better be happy that’s true.” Duncan smiled.
Gwen and Heather both went inside their cabin, and slammed the door shut. You stifle a laugh. 
“Wanna go inside?” Duncan gave you a suggestive wink. You smiled, giving him another kiss before you ran inside.
“Come get me, Tiger.” You winked and he smiled jumping up onto his feet. “Alright scorpion.” You slammed the door shut in his face running to hide in your cabin stopping yourself from the giggles that wanted to burst.
The next morning the rain had finally stopped, but it had severely drowned everything around you. “You think you would’ve gotten into Noah’s ark?” You asked your boyfriend, genuinely curious. 
You wore a shirt that covered your neck (keepsakes from last night), and a pair of flared jeans that made you look like a hippie in the eighties, much to Duncan’s delight.
“Mm, I’m not sure. I don’t believe in things I can’t see.” He watched a chair float by, the cabins were currently floating in the water but no one else had gotten up yet. 
“Well what do you believe in?” Now you were curious and intrigued. “Well I believe in your strength. I believe in my moms wisdom. I believe in people.” He grabbed your hand and squeezed it. 
A small aww came out of your mouth and he blushed. “How about you darlin’?” He asked putting his chin on your shoulder.
“Hmm. I believe in myself and you. I believe I’ll see my mama again and I believe that if you put your mind to it you deserve it.” You declared and he laughed. 
“So much justice in that mind of yours but you never act on it.” He teased and you rolled your eyes.
“Because I was never meant too, honey we lived in the worst city, in the worst town, in the worst place. We were kinda destined to be horrible.” You sighed sadly. “But we’re going to do better than that aren’t we?” He asked, smiling. 
You nodded.
Suddenly you heard Gwen and Heather scream.
“Oh look at our favorite girls!” You smiled and walked out of the cabin briskly before falling into the water.
Duncan followed but he cannonballed in much to your annoyance. The girls were grumbling, which seemed all they could ever do. You watched a fin circle them. 
“Shark!” Duncan screamed, ruining your fun. All four of you quickly got out of the water and back onto the cabin, shivering from the chill.
You watched the shark eat the wood structures. “Have you ever been eaten before?” You asked, you knew a good chunk of his fathers punishments but not all of them. 
“I’ve been mauled by dogs when I was like six. Sharks, no.” He shook his head staring at the creature. “Owen!” Heather screamed and for a moment you thought the girl had an ounce of sympathy for the blonde, but then you remembered.
She was Heather.
Of course she didn’t have a heart.
She wanted the shark to eat the overweight boy and you knew your boyfriend (cough, husband, cough) would throw hands if anything happened to his third boyfriend, you smiled at the thought and Duncan raised an eyebrow and squeezed your hand.
You crashed into land and everybody quickly came off the boat grateful for the crash.
“Anything broken?” Both you and Duncan did a quick 5372 assessment of each other, which was fancy terms for a quick look over.
“Is anyone else creeped out about this island?” Gwen mumbled an anxious look across her face and you squeezed her shoulder in sympathy. 
Heather obviously decided to feed Gwen’s fear and you watched your boyfriend lay down on the sand by a bow and arrow. You laughed, and squatted down, kissing his forehead.
“Wake me up if you get hungry and we’ll go hunting.” Duncan grumbled before he tried to sleep on the sand causing Gwen to begin an argument, “We need to find food and shelter, we need to at least make a raft!” Gwen whined and without missing a beat Duncan pointed at you, who had made one as soon as you stepped on the island.
“I’m in love with a girl who completes everything in four seconds. Get used to it, sister.” Duncan said his eyes still shut in relaxation. 
“I’m not using that unless it’s made by a sane person.” Heather shrieked, causing you to roll your eyes. “I’m sorry, hun. I’d just prefer it done by a professional.” Gwen said sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck, a blush rising on her face.
You stared at the camera, annoyed. “I look at Duncan and we both think ‘Maybe juvie was the better choice.’”
As Duncan and Gwen begin their argument, you occasionally chiming in, you notice Heather walk off to find shelter. For the first time ever, you think, you might actually respect the diva queen. 
You watch her climb into a treehouse and you see a pulley on the outside of the door, your voice catches on your throat to be careful, and when she opens the door a skeleton falls from it causing her to fall backwards and scream.
One by one you'll notice huge bones lying around the area. There are dinosaur bones, as well as human bones. 
“Think we’re still upstream from camp?” Heather yells at Duncan. “I’ve been wrong before.” He says in his defense. You resist the urge to roll your eyes at the near constant bickering, half the time there was no point to the madness.
You all went back up the treehouse ladder to investigate the house once more. You poke the skeleton and are not surprised when you see the strings. “This is like Boney Island.” You grumbled, not enjoying how the skeleton made you think of your mom.
Heather agreed. “Unfortunately, the she-devil is right. This is another survival challenge. I’m not scared of you, Chris.” She yelled into the air hoping the mad-man would respond to her calls. 
Duncan and Gwen began arguing but you knew Gwen’s anger was just forged out of fear. You knew, Duncan knew the drill. You had escaped multiple prison’s and landed on islands before, there was no reason for him to be scared.
“Every camper for themselves. Let’s go Y/N.” Duncan ordered and grabbed your wrist, albeit a bit harshly and led you away, picking up his bow and arrow as well. 
Gwen waved goodbye sadly. 
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“Can you help me with my form?” You looked up and saw Duncan struggling with the quickly crafted bow.
You lightly smiled and took the bow gently out of his hands and showed him how to do the form. “Release the bow, any target.” He told you, smiling. You nodded curtly and your eyes searched through the forest before landing on a distant coconut. You held your breath for five seconds, and let out for ten.  
“Oh where did that go?” Duncan grumbled, causing you to point into the forest. 
You and Duncan were eating fruit by the beach as you watched Gwen try to dock on the boat you had crafted. You stifle a laugh behind your palm each time she falls into the water. Once she finally gets on she turns to look at you.
“Since you made the raft, Y/N you can come if you’d like.” Gwen made the offer but glared at Duncan. “I want your egg if you're coming.” She demanded and Duncan sighed, throwing the large egg into the grateful girl's hands.
You pushed the boat away from the sand and Heather ran from the treehouse screaming offers so you’d take the girl with you. You sent Duncan a look trying to convey that you were going to get off if Heather came on board.
Thankfully Gwen must’ve sensed your nervousness and began paddling away quicker than before. She had been paddling for around two hours before Duncan broke the silence. “You paddle like a girl.” He grumbled, and then you promptly punched him. 
Who said true love doesn’t exist?
 Gwen looked set on cursing him out but you spoke up when you saw the island again.
“Gwen, are you rowing in circles?” She shook her head as you redocked the island, “What the hell! That will cost you one omelet.” Duncan yelled, snatching the egg from off the boat.
They began to engage in a game of tug-a-war. “Get your hands off my egg, crazy.” Gwen screamed at Duncan, who’s eyes flickered with sadness.
You growled and stalked up to the two, dropping to your feet and swinging your leg under hers to knock her right down. You caught the egg right before it fell. Gwen pointed at the sky and you looked up. There was a huge dinosaur above you.
Duncan grabbed the egg out of your hands and began running.
“Come and get me birdie!” He yelled trying to draw its attention. Suddenly the large dinosaur swooped in and picked up Duncan in its talons, and flew back into the air. 
A hoarse scream fell out of your mouth.
You grabbed a stray line of rope and with all your strength threw it around Duncan’s ankles, and then the bird lifted you into the air. With all your expertise from military camp you scaled the rope, and climbed onto the feet of the dinosaur.
Duncan had his eyes shut, but he felt a hand on his wrist and they flew open. They softened once they saw you.
Over the harsh wind you heard him yell “Marry me?” and you tried not to cry. “Anytime, anyplace baby.” You yelled in return. 
Then the dinosaur dropped you, right into Owen’s arms.
Who for some reason had a beard?
Suddenly Gwen came barreling into you guys, and Owen scooped her up as well. “My brethren!” Owen yelled. But then a snake fell around his shoulders.
“Let me rephrase that… RUN!” he dropped you all to start running up the ladder into the treehouse.
You all quickly followed in pursuit. 
Gwen watched as you sat on Duncan’s lap, your stomach facing his. You wrapped your arms around him, and dug your chin into his collarbone, trying to feel his heartbeat. “Still here sweetheart. I promise.” He whispered.
“We need to confess our sins.” Gwen’s eyes flickered up to Owen and she scoffed. “I’m serious, I did it and I feel great.” The blonde smiled clearly dehydrated. 
“Oh my god, so you killed his dad?” Heather gawked at you. “You set her dad’s office on fire-” Gwen’s eyes widened staring at Duncan. You both nodded sheepishly. “...Yes, but still not as bad as what you did, Gwen. Even if that's your real name.” You teased, with a kind smile. 
“Or even Heather.” Duncan looked the rich-girl up and down. 
“My brother deserved it.” Heather grumbled.
You were staring at Chris dumbly. “Oh come on princess, surprised to see me?” he gave you a smirk and holy hell there was no greater urge you had then to punch his stupid face into the stupid ground and beat him until he was black and blue.
“Time for a campfire, my children.” Then he promptly skipped away.
“I’m going to kill myself.” Duncan grumbled as he washed the war paint off his face in your cabin.
“Honey, it’ll be alright. We always stick together right?” You hugged him from behind. “If I lose you tonight, I don’t know what I’ll do.” Duncan turned around and kissed your knuckles.
You smiled sadly. “Mi amor, even thousands of miles apart, I’d still be right with you. You are the keeper of my heart, forever until even the gods die.” You whisper and lightly kiss his lips.
“Plus, it’s not like there’s gonna be some plot twist or something.” a laugh falls out of your mouth.
“Tonight, there is a twist on the campfire. Since I lost so many interns in the production of this video, management said I’d have to let them vote a camper off. Which kinda is boring but whatever.” Chris grumbled, and Chef handed him the envelope before scurrying off. 
Chris opened it and his mouth dropped, his eyes widened, and somewhere in there you saw an ounce of pure and utter anger. Something that guarantees that the interns are going to have a hell filled week for the next couple months.
“The one who will be leaving us tonight is…”
Duncan squeezed your hand tight.
“Y/N L/N.” 
You felt something break, and it didn’t come from you. You looked at Duncan and saw his entire personality shift. He went blank, cold, and calculating. 
“HE’S OUR’S NOW BITCH.” You saw a redhead intern scream at you, before she went back to the intern-side of camp. Duncan nearly pulled out his gun, but you stopped his wrist.
“I love you, and if you don’t win, my love, I will kick your ass, understand?” You kissed his lips, and he nodded swiftly trying to withhold his anger.
You began walking away but Chris couldn’t stop himself.
“I’ll miss your face, along with other things, beautiful.” Chris winked, and a soft smile appeared on your face. You stepped in closer towards him. Then promptly punched him straight in the nose, and kicked him in the groin, he groaned and fell to the ground.
You stepped onto the boat of losers and began to drive away. 
But when has Y/N L/N ever played by the rules?
You stepped next to the captain with a fond smile, and quickly knocked him out, dumping him into a lifeboat and letting it go into the water. You walked back to the steering wheel and began to drive… straight to New York.
There was this anger, in the back of your mind. She was yelling at the top of her lungs, to have control, and like a calming wave, you let it. Being on that island, did you no favors.
You had it easy, food, a shelter, freaking Duncan. But now it was time to go back, to get the messy things done.
Anger was your coping mechanism. It kept you on the path you wanted, and the path you wanted currently entailed making sure that your fiancè would have his dream life to come back too. Anger gets things done, sadness does not.
[The camera zooms in on a small ring on your finger]
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I’d like to thank all my wonderful supporters, who stayed with me, throughout the series. There will be an epilogue probably tmw, and soon I’ll start the second season.
I love yall!
Mick got out of his seat and walked over to the door which was currently being pounded on.
He and his brothers were in shock, their little sister just got voted off? Poor Duncan, he was losing his shit on TV right now. Since the show started all the brothers had been at Mick’s house for viewing.
Mick opened the door and his jaw dropped. There you stood, you wore a pair of black jeans, along with an old WSC sweatshirt which looked like Duncan’s, and you had a cocky smile which Mick could tell was fabricated.
“Miss me?”
“Well I’ll be a son-of-a-gun.”
tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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writerofadream · 8 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Epilogue: Lilly Tarun
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You were waiting by the harbor, your leg swinging off the ledge you were perched on. You had just watched your boyfriend calmly walk off the dock back at camp, because Chef wanted him to go home, to go to you. That was the only reason he had been voted off in the first place.
By your estimations, your fiancé would be arriving very soon.
Anger was screaming in the back of your head, she knew that once he returned she’d be gone again. Quicker than a lost memory. She was telling you to get up, that you didn’t need anyone and you never needed anyone, she wanted you to grab your backpack, and start running. 
But your heart was aching.
All you wanted.
Was very close.
Suddenly, you saw it. The rickety boat, and unsurprisingly Duncan had thrown the Captain overboard as well, quite a while ago. Duncan was driving, you caught his eyes, and they were dark, sad, and dull. He docked the boat and stepped off, he didn’t know you were there yet. But that didn’t last very long. You let yourself fall off your ledge and onto the boardwalk and began running.
A smile broke on your face and you were whooping for joy. Before you could stop yourself, you launched yourself into a cartwheel which turned into a back handspring which ended with you flying on top of Duncan.
Anger was gone, you felt Duncan wrap his arms around you slowly, as if he didn’t believe you were there. “Am I imagining this?” He whispered his breath tickling your ear. “Mm, you tell me.” You smiled cheekily and landed a thousand kisses across his face causing a small smile to break onto him. “Hola mi vida.” He laughed and hugged you tighter, burrowing his face into your hair. 
“Can’t believe you lost.” You whisper-teased. But Duncan was silent, he had his hand on your stomach, and a shocked expression on his face. He had just felt the kick of Lily or James Tarun. You smiled fondly, you haven't had your period since your second to last night in camp, with Duncan.
“...Baby, are you pregnant?” He whispered and a smile landed on your face. 
“Duncan, you're gonna be a daddy.” You spoke quietly, holding a hand to his face, with a bright smile on your lips. Slowly, a huge smile appeared on your fiancè’s face and he picked you up, gently and twirled you around.
Planning for the wedding was easy as pie. Probably because you let Courtney do mostly everything.
She was so excited the girl had been freaking out. She had Gwen stitch you a beautiful dark green wedding dress. It reached the floor and dragged behind you, it had gold sparkles on the hem, and you had flared sleeves which made you look as if you were floating, you wore gold heels, and simple makeup. 
You stared at yourself on the day of your wedding. “Are you sure it’s okay?” Gwen was super nervous. She hadn’t done stitch work in forever.
In all honesty it was fine, just a little long. There was exactly one hour until the ceremony began. All the girl campers were herded into the bridal suite trying to calm you down. You nodded and smiled softly. “It’s great, Gwen.” You smiled, but Eva disagreed. “You think it’s too long.” Her eyes flickered up and down your body. 
Gwen laughed.
“I figured that would happen. So when it’s time to dance, just tug at whatever size you’d prefer and the rest of the dress will come off easily, making it the perfect size.” Gwen explained. “I still think you should’ve worn the monkey outfit I bought you! You could’ve attracted a sasquatch.” Izzy complained and you smiled ruffling her hair in a motherly fashion.
Sadie clapped her hands together and jumped up and down excitedly. “You look so pretty.” Katie whispered, you squeezed her hand.
Each of your bridesmaids had their preferred color and dress style. Bridgette wore an ocean-blue cocktail dress, Leshawna wore a cream-colored wrap dress, Gwen wore a dark blue victorian-style dress, Sadie and Katie wore neon pink rompers with beautiful sleeves, Izzy wore a rainbow colored jumpsuit, Courtney wore a greenish-brownish criss-cross dress, Lindsay wore a crimson red sundress, and Eva wore a blue suit.
Bridgette came up to the mirror and you made eye contact through the glass. “Are you doing okay?” She mouthed. You nodded a watery smile playing on your face.
The entire group of girls awed and gave you a big bear-hug. 
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Leshawna quickly opened it up, ready to yell at whatever boy it was this time. But instead it was your unofficial brother's girlfriends. “We thought she needed a hug.” Jasmine said with tears in her eyes, she was Leo’s girlfriend.
You all had a big group hug, with yourself in the middle.
“Remember, you have loved that idiot since you were born, right? You're perfect for each other.” Luna, Avery’s girlfriend, gave you a quick hug. It was five minutes till it was time. “Now this was forty dollars worth of makeup, do NOT make me cry,” The girl was fanning her face.
The rest of the bridesmaids did the same, all choking on their tears.
It was time. You sat at the end of the bridal train, holding your bouquet, your arm was linked with Chef’s. Who had a small smile on his face, and was biting the inside of his cheek to stop himself from crying. Izzy was in front of you, linked arms with Gwen. But just before it was time, Izzy turned around and walked quickly to you. 
“You have been more of a mother for me, then either of my parents ever had. I love you, and you deserve the world, mami.” The girl smiled watery and wrapped her arms around you. You choked on a sob. “I love you too, kiddo.” You hadn’t even realized it. But you already had a kid. Izzy Connelley, this freaky redhead, who you’d give anything for.
She quickly walked up to her spot with her arm intertwined with Gwen’s as the music began.
“Are you scared?” Chef asked, it was almost time for you to walk up. You thought for a moment.
“I’m not scared of a lot of things. He makes me fearless.” You said with a small nod. Chef smiled. This friendly, terrifying, angry, delinquent kid made him so excited for his little girls to grow up. 
He hoped they’d be just like you.
Then you stepped out into the shaded area, the wedding was covered by the trees. So you’d have some privacy. There were all the sane contestants back together again, in one area, for a wedding, and if people knew about that there’d be hordes and hordes of screaming fans.
You looked out at the people, with crooked smiles on their faces. 
You stifled a laugh as Leo flipped you off, which caused him to get punched by Avery, which caused them both to get punched by their partners. You felt your heart skip a beat once you saw your father standing by Duncan’s mom. After all these years it was still hard not to get mad at him, to not yell, but instead you just smiled.
Then you saw Duncan, who was staring at you with a dumbfounded expression. You waved slyly, and a light blush pulled itself on his cheeks. He wore a dark green suit and his typical hair. You finally reached the platform and stepped on, giving Chef a kiss on the cheek.
“You hurt her and I’ll be putting your butt in my next dish, got that, Tarun?” He ordered the boy, who gave him a mock salute with a cheeky smile.
“Can’t believe we’re getting married.” He mouthed. You both stood in front of each other as DJ spoke, he was the priest, and was going on about legacy currently. “I can.” You mouthed before winking. Duncan raised an eyebrow as DJ finally got onto vows.
The boy was still staring at you, so DJ had to hit him over the head with the bible causing Duncan to curse. “You said you wrote your vows, now say them, dude.” DJ shook his head, before turning to you. “You could’ve had any dude, girl.” He said, disbelieving, causing you to laugh.
“Y/N L/N, I’d choose you in a hundred lifetimes, a hundred words, in any version of reality I’d choose you. I’d find you, I’d choose you. I love the way your eyebrows crease when you're upset, I love the way you can juggle balls but not pens, I love the way you talk, the way you breathe, the way you live. I love you. I have loved you since I first met you. When I was younger, there was this girl who I adored, and whenever she laughed it was like a question, and all I wanted was the answer. That girl was you, it will always be you.” 
“Now it’s your turn, Y/N.” DJ pointed at you and you smiled squeezing Duncan’s hand. 
“Duncan Tarun, you are more me, then I am. Whatever our souls are made of, whatever is left of them, mine and yours are the same. I thought I was unworthy of love, because I was alone for a really long time, my dad was not in his mind, and no one talked to me. But there was you, my neighbor who I had been in love with since forever, you made me remember what it felt like, to feel, to breathe. The only reason I live the way I do, is because my bestfriend. Duncan Tarun, if I were to live a thousand lives, I would want to have you in each one. Because what good is a puzzle without her missing piece?” 
Both of you turned to look at Duncan’s brothers and shook your heads, nearly in sync. “How did we get married before you?” Duncan sighed. 
“Now, I pronounce you idiot and girl in love with idiot. You may kiss the bride.” DJ laughed as Duncan grabbed you, and covered your face in kisses.
The entire place erupted into cheers from everywhere. The brothers were screaming and doing whatever older brothers do, your parents were smiling, the bridesmaids were outright sobbing, Eva was looking at everyone awkwardly but smiling all the same, Izzy was whooping and swinging from light to light, the groomsmen were ruffling Duncan’s hair, and giving you fistbumps. 
Now it was time for the party.
It was amazing. Everything about it was so perfect. You watched fondly as Izzy tackled Lindsay effectively breaking her phone. Duncan’s favorite song was playing right now, and you and him were dancing together. Trent was in charge of being the DJ. Your messed up, ugly, beautiful, insane, crazy, calm, family danced until they were breathing heavily.
You were dancing with Lindsay, giggling about Heather when your father came up to you. His hair was turning gray, he was thin, and had permanent bags under his eyes. “Can I have this dance?” He held his hand out. “Is this your grandpa?” Lindsay murmured in your ear and you shooed her off. You stared at the hand, your heart pounding.
This wasn’t right, this wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
You did not invite your father because you wanted to forgive him, you invited him as a common courtesy. That did not mean you had to talk to him. 
Duncan came up from behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist kissing your neck, before realizing who was in front of you, and he paused, his body tensing with anger. “Mr. L/N, what do you want?” He said very quietly. “I want a dance with my daughter, who I have not seen in a very long time.” Your father replied. 
Duncan stepped in between you both and bent down a little to look you in the eyes. “¿Quieres bailar con él, vida mía?” Which roughly translates into, ‘do you want to dance with him, my life?’. You nodded curtly and Duncan stepped away squeezing your shoulders.
You began to dance with your father.
“You look so much like your mother.” Your father kissed your forehead, and you flinched away. His eyes softened. “Honey, you know why I sent you away. Duncan’s father made me.” He explained. That turned on a switch in your mind.
“All of my life, you have made excuses on why you left me to the wolves. Mom died when I was a child, and as far as I know, so did my dad. You barely talked to me growing up, you never fed me, you never even told me you love me. So stop making excuses, Miles.” You hissed. Your dad recoiled.
“I gave you every opportunity to succeed. You got sent to the best camps, and got the best training. Any trauma those camps caused only made you stronger.” He returned. Your anger was back and with a vengeance.
“I WAS SEVEN. THE ONLY THING SUPPOSED TO BE MAKING ME STRONGER WAS MILK.” You screamed, your vision was turning red. Suddenly there were arms around you.
Duncan’s arms were around your waist picking you up, even though you were screaming and kicking, and Duncan’s mom guided you off. The groomsmen escorted your father off the property and the bridesmaids all glared at him.
Duncan and his mom put you in a room and closed the door. You were fanning your face. “Lindsay spent five hours on this makeup, I swear if one tear-” You groaned. Artemis walked over to you, with a soft smile.
“Honey, my husband was not a very nice-man and I see that resemblance in your father. Grief makes people do crazy things.” She whispered. “That anger is why my son adores you.” Artemis laughed softly. She was always quite timid. “She’s right, you know.” Duncan was leaning against the door his arms crossed.
“This is supposed to be our day, Scorpion. Do not let anyone else get in the way of that.” Duncan sighed, walking over to you and wrapping you in a hug.
Artemis stared at you both. Her son, and her unofficial daughter. Two crazy kids in love. She knows that you will kiss away all of her son’s scars, and make him a little more whole each passing day. Because the way you look at Duncan only proves how much you love him.
As you all walked out, the bridesmaids flocked over to you. “Do you want me to give your daddy a whoopin 'cause I will,” Leshawna had a hand on her hip looking at you. You laughed. “It's alright.” Courtney raised a hand “Do you want me to drain his bank account?” she held up a computer which held his bank information… somehow..
“Guys, I’m fine. Now let’s get this wedding back on!”
Duncan and Izzy were having a drink off, Owen and DJ were talking with your brothers, Gwen and Trent were still DJing, the brothers gfs/bfs were watching their partners fondly, Courtney and Leshawna were dancing, Lindsay and Eva were taking pictures, Artemis was picking up, Chef and his wife were slow-dancing. 
You were holding your stomach, content with feeling the kicks of baby Lily Tarun.
Suddenly a very drunk Chris walked in the room. You stood up quickly, that embarrassed camper instinct still very there. But it was replaced with anger. You wanted to hit him again. You really wanted to hit him again.
Owen sat on Duncan before he could do anything, and Leshawna and Eva grabbed both of your arms. 
“Just let him be, Scorpion.” Eva whispered, and eventually the struggle stopped and they dropped your arms and Duncan pushed Owen off of him.
“I have this thing where I get older but never wiser.” Chris and Owen were drunk singing and you wanted to shoot your brains out. “This is torture,” You grumbled as Avery walked over to you. “Hey kid.” He smiled ruffling your hair. 
“Hey, loser.” You stuck your tongue out at Avery and he jokingly flicked it.
You watched as James took a camera off a place you didn’t know a camera was and you rolled your eyes. “Why is your brother spying on us?” You asked your head on Duncan’s shoulder. The green-haired boy shrugged. “He said he did it for the vine.” He took a sip of his whiskey and you had to resist grabbing it.
“One thing I miss is alcohol.” You grumbled, sniffing the cup longingly. Duncan laughed. “You see, you're an alcoholic, and I’m a drug addict. We’re a perfect pair.” that caused you to laugh. Duncan looked up and saw Leo yelling that it was time for a picture.
[Picture description:
You and Duncan were kissing, his arms around your waist and your arms around his neck, Bridgette was the only one looking at the camera, Geoff had an arm wrapped around her hip and was kissing the top of her head. Izzy was swinging from the headlights and fell mid-air, Owen was trying to catch her. Trent and Gwen were at the DJ stand looking at records, Eva had her arms crossed and was looking at the ceiling in annoyance, Leshawna was laughing and staring at Owen laughing, DJ was watering the bouquet in your hand, Lindsay had her eyes closed and was smiling, Courtney was shaking her head in exasperation, the brothers were wrestling, and their partners were taking shots of tequila, Chef had his daughters crawling up him and he was laughing, and Sadie and Katie were hugging clearly very happy.]
The camera pans out and it shows the picture framed, and in red ink has the words ‘Family’ with a small heart by it. The camera pans out further and you see it's in a bar, and in the corner the words ‘The Total Drama Bar’ and you see a man with green hair serving up drinks, and a pregnant lady walking down the stairs holding her daughter…
Lily Tarun. 
Lily and James were searching in your bedroom looking for money. They found an old box that had the words ‘TDI’ on it. “Oi, James, look at this.” Lily ordered her younger brother who quickly walked over and sat on his knees beside his sister.
They opened up the box. Which was full of pictures. Their dad had green hair, which was odd. Grandpa Chef was in the pictures, as well as their aunts and uncles. Suddenly you walked into the room with a fond smile on your face.
“Okay troublemakers, who wants to hear the story about a place called Total Drama Island…” both of your kids raised their hands and came running to you as you sat on the bed holding the pictures.
“Now be warned kids, nothing about this story is false, but all of it is dangerous. It starts off in juvie, in a city far, far away…”
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tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Seven: Dodgeball to the death
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You all had been sleeping absolutely terribly the past couple days because Harold fucking snores. So at breakfast, Duncan was trying to eat but could barely move, and you had passed out in your porridge. "Duncan, you look like death dude." Chris's overly cheerful voice rang out.
"Sick it." Ducan hissed before putting his head down on the table. Courtney explained their predicament.
"Wow, four nights without sleep. How much is she hurting dude, how much are you hurting dude? I kinda want to test how far it takes to break, you both." Chris smiled like a maniac. "Want to find out?" Duncan hissed.
Instinctively your whole group hid under the table, getting used to Duncan's anger. But one small snore coming out of your mouth quieted him.
Then Harold walked in with a drawn on mustache on his face causing the place to erupt with quiet giggles.
"That was me!" You raise your hand lazily. Heather began to taunt your team, causing you to throw a knife at her pinning her hair to the wall. "Get your attack dog under control." Heather yelled terrifed trying to get her hair unstuck.
"She don't bite." Duncan waved her off. You smiled weakly flipping her off. "Yes she do!" Heather screamed.
Chris walked in then. "Listen up campers, your next challenge starts in ten minutes, and be prepared to bring it." He announced as you tipped over onto Duncan passing out.
You were playing dodgeball. Everyone had already gotten to the little ring, but Duncan was trudging behind. Once he walked inside he pointed at you looking mildly pissed off. "If you wake me up, it'll be the last thing you do, L/N." You rolled your eyes. Whenever Duncan was tired he got angry.
"This is all your fault, you know?" Courtney hissed at Harold.
Chris explained the rules making it seem harder then it needed to be. You were okay at dodgeball, it was basically like a prison riot. Chris gave you one minute to discuss strategies. Apparently Courtney could read your mind because she said-
"There is no way we are having Little Miss Crazy play. She'll kill them and get us disqualified." The girl whined and you growled. "Don't call me crazy." You hissed dangerously pissed as you stalked over and sat down by Duncan.
The games went on and your team got decimated by the Screaming Gophers. You weren't surprised. Yet, Courtney persisted with her idea of not having you play. So you watched.
You watched as Harold got his ass beat by LeShawna, Heather beat Tyler's ass, Courtney beg for a disqualification, DJ hit poor Gwen, it was a very interesting expierence.
Cody pulled a wild ass move out of his fucking ass. It looked impossible but he used the ball as a boomerang. Everyone was getting pissed on your team, yet Courtney persisted.
You played with Duncan's hair as he slept, and he subconsiously leaned into your hand, mumbling in his sleep. Whenever the other was close, the nightmares seemed to stop. It was... helpful. So when everyone was out on your team... again. Courtney gave this speech. "We need someone, tough, someone who wants to beat the other team to death." Everyone looked at Duncan and you.
"He'll kill us if we wake him up." DJ whispered his fears. "He won't kill us... I hope. He wants to win just as much as us." Courtney sighed not looking so sure. "Now wake him up, Y/N." She ordered. "Why me?" You laughed. "Your the only one who'd stand a chance against him in a fight." She explained and you shrugged. Made sense.
You pushed Duncan off the bench and he stood up growling. "You better have a good reason for pushing me off the bench, pincess." He nearly yelled in your face making you take a step back. "We're down two to zero. If we lose I'm going to make sure it's your ass that gets voted off, sunshine." You yelled back, making him retreat now. He may be your bestfriend, but your fucking Y/N L/N, you don't back down for shit.
He finally realized what was happening around you. "This is dodgeball, why don't you just play, you destroyed the boys last year at the anual game?" He sounded more confused then mad now. "That what's I'm saying, but miss goody two shoes thinks I'll lose my shit." You pointed at Courtney. "That's what I'm here for?" He pointed at himself.
"That's what I said!" You laughed.
"My only condition is that Y/N's co-captain. We both play, or no one plays." He explained to Courtney who nodded. "Here's a stratagey I picked up on our first visit to juvie."
You laughed remembering the event.
"It's called: rush the new guy." Also known as the first time Duncan got his ass beat in juvie rendering him with a broken collarbone and a double concussion. In shorts terms, you all converge on one person while playing dodgeball.
Soon enough you were dominating the game.
It had gotten to the point where it was 2 wins to 2 wins. This was the final game, to decide who won. It went from five players on both sides, to four, three, then two. It was a neck and neck game.
Then it was Harold vs Owen. "Well I can't say it was nice knowing him." You muttered. "Good night, Harold." Duncan sighed squeezing your hand.
But somehow the ginger dodged every ball thrown at him. "Where'd you learn to do that?" Geoff asked the boy. "Figure skating." He replied proudly. "Figures." Duncan shaked his head. Courtney told Harold he was going to have to catch the next ball thrown at him.
Which miraculously, he did.
Your team erupted into cheers. People hugged, but Duncan twirled you before bringing you back into his arms. "Wake me up again and I'll fight you, L/N." He whispered smiled kissing the top of your head. "I'd like to see you try, tiger." You smiled kissing his cheek causing the boy to blush.
You guys were getting closer by the second.
|Trending on X right now|
"Nice dodge skater nerd." Duncan 'complimented' Harold as you and DJ carried him on your shoulders cheering his name.
If you had asked Courtney, or the twin bestfriends, or Bridgette where you had fallen asleep they would've lied straight to your face and said in a bathoom.
If you had asked Geoff, Harold, or DJ where Duncan had fallen asleep they would've lied and said by the lake. In reality there was two people fast asleep their bodies entangled on Duncan's bed.
Duncan layed flat on his back with an arm as an extra pillow, and your head layed out on his chest, your hair falling down your back. You both were fast asleep, he had his hand sleepily playing with your hair twirling it around in his fingers and you had your hands attached to his shirt twisting it in your sleep.
Duncan wouldn't mind.
He never minded when it came to you.
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty: Welcome back to traumatized kids weekly, I'm your host-
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(Just so you know Duncan is totally the Harley Quinn to ur Ivy <3)
You and Duncan were standing outside the outhouse looking at in mild humor. Leshawna walked up to you two. “Geoff sure misses Bridgette since she got kicked off, huh?” She asked, putting a hand on her hip.
The blonde was singing his heart out rather loudly in the outhouse. “Yeah, he’s weak.” Duncan muttered. You gave him a glance and he blushed. “Different when it’s you darlin’.” He whispered, kissing your forehead. 
A good chunk of the campers were playing frisbee, Heather and Lindsay were sunbathing on the docks. But your attention kept getting pulled to the outhouse nearby. Duncan called all the boys to the outhouse claiming he wanted to comfort the blonde. Gwen raised an eyebrow at you leaving along with them. 
She called you over, and you skipped over to the black haired girl, and asked “Whatever is the matter?” You asked, and the girl gave you a look as if she was trying to calculate your movements.
“Why are you going with them? It’s an all boys alliance.” She pointed out. You looked her up and down before smiling “I’d like to see you pull me out of Duncan’s eyesite.” She looked over your head and sss that even now Duncan was staring at you with a curious head tilt.
“Fair.” She muttered and let you go. 
You all arrived at the outhouse and Owen scooped Geoff in a big bear hug. “Voting Bridge off was a strategic move, mate. Plus she was reeking.” Duncan laughed, crossing his arms. 
“So, are you in?” He turned his hand into a fist and set it in the middle of them all. You set your hand on top of his without a thought. Slowly, everyone else set their hands on top of the two. “You in, Geoff?” You raised an eyebrow. The boy looked at all of you nervously. “I don’t know, girl. Going on without Bridge-” he sniffed the air. “Is that bacon?” He questioned and began running. “Aw man did I miss breakfast?” He groaned, chasing after the smell.
Duncan chuckled, shrugging. “Looks like Geoff is in.” You rolled your eyes punching his shoulder. Suddenly the intercom let out a high pitched squeal of feedback and you covered your ears groaning. The alarms at juvie were JUST like that and they’d go on, and on, and on, in a never ending cycle.
“Morning campers! The next challenge awaits you at the arts and craft center.” Duncan still had his hands around his ears, and he still had his hands around his ears once you walked over to the arts and craft center which in all reality was a shed. “More like the arts and junk-center.” You muttered, crossing your arms. “You’d actually be correct, sweetheart. It used to be an outhouse.” Chris smiled, giving you a pat on the head much to Duncan’s annoyance. 
“But now it's just where Chef parks his road hog.” The man shrugged and opened the shed door revealing a beautiful bike. “What a beaut.” Duncan said in amazement. “Reminds me of the bike you rigged up in second grade, baby.” You commented and Duncan stared at the bike a moment longer before agreeing. “Yeah it even had the flames you painted.” He pointed out. 
“Which brings me to our challenge! Rigging up your own wheels.” Chris smiled once he saw your eyes light up. This challenge he had made for you. “Yes, hot rods!” Owen scooped both DJ and you up, hugging you to his chest.
You groaned trying to shove the blonde's arm away, and Duncan sent him a withering glare which quickly made Owen drop you. “You’ll find all the parts you need in the bike depot.” Chris pointed at a pile full of bike parts and there were murmurs of “Bikes?”
“Anyways, whoever builds the best bike using tricks and props from the arts and crafts center wins. To prove I’m a nice guy I’ll throw in a manual.” Chris threw a manual to Heather before he drove off in his four wheeler. 
You smiled at the outhouse camera and clapped to yourself. “This is a challenge I can get behind. Before Duncan’s brothers left him, the older ones showed me how to rig my first engine.” You smiled wide. 
“So what do you need, darling. I say you rig up the engines for our bikes, then I build the bikes, and then we go whatever we want for the touch ups?” Duncan leaned on his right leg. “You got a lighter on you?” You asked suddenly. He smiled and showed you the various ones that were in different places on his body. In total there were six.
“Okay I’m going to need you to dismantle at least two of those for the fluid, and then I think I can get to work.” You smiled, putting your hands on your hips. Duncan was always fiddling so before you even finished your sentence the two lighters were dismantled and he gave you two medium sized containers full of an amber liquid. 
You snatched the liquid and took big scraps of metal before you disappeared with a wide smile on your face. “Your girl concerns me.” DJ commented absentmindedly. “Oh she should. But this is nothing, have you ever seen a three year old girl have access to fire and metal? It is chaos on steroids. Man, I miss my brothers.” Duncan laughed jumping into the pile of metal building your guys bikes.
Somewhere in New Jersey
A bunch of black haired boys sat in a large group huddled around the TV. “I still can’t believe the idiots finally realized they liked each other, god you remember when they were like six and held hands everywhere they went. I think James literally heard wedding bells.” The oldest one complained, running a hand down his face.
 “Oh I a hundred percent did, and the way he looked at her when she was screaming at Mick for taking her welding privileges.” James, the forth eldest one laughed and Mick stood up from his seat. “She burns down your office at work then we can talk.” He pointed a finger at his brother.
The seven brothers began arguing over who was in the wrong. 
The four girlfriends and three boyfriends stared at their respective partners in utter disbelief. “Someone make a mental note, let’s all just date each other next time.” Rachel took a chug of her champagne. “At least they’re pretty.” Joey sighed, staring at the still arguing siblings. “Pretty people get away with so much.” Ross signed into his palm, as all the girls chimed in agreement. 
(Yes, there was a Phoebe and a Chandler, and yes they get comments on it all of the time) 
To be honest? The three boys had very little faith in you coming back with two working engines. But sure enough you came back, with two working engines. Who cares if up and down your arms were nearly pitch black? Duncan smiled at your expression and met you halfway to pick up his engine to help with the weight.
“So how much of the forest is burnt?” He asked pecking you on the lips before you could stop him. “Well hello to you too, babe, and a good twenty-five percent of it.” You blushed rubbing the back of your neck. He laughed, and gave you a side hug. 
“Not bad.” He smiled. 
As Duncan held your bikes up, and you began rigging the engines to the said bikes. Owen asked “So what was your first time riding a bike like, guys?” He asked after he had pumped up his enormous tire.
“Oh you should’ve seen, Duncan, he wiped out so bad his entire collarbone came out of his skin, so you could poke it.” You laughed getting a smear of oil on your hands and you wiped it on your pants which were already covered in the black substance. 
“Not like your any better, sweetheart. After my brother Jimmy taught me how to ride a bike, he taught Y/N, and she flipped off the bike so far that she crashed straight through my oldest brother's room and you know, that's how we found out he was gay.” Duncan laughed when he saw how red you had turned and were shying into his chest now. 
“Oh. So you walked on his brother and some dude-” you cut off Geoff with an embarrassed nod. Duncan laughed, rubbing your shoulders before shrugging. “Anyway, she broke her leg and shoulder blades which is fun.” He teased before the rest of the boys went on about their experiences. 
Somewhere in New Jersey
“Oh I’m going to kill myself.”
“Please do, when you're at it feel free to kill me too.”
The entire day was spent messing with your bikes. After you had finished rigging up Duncan’s bike he went to work on hot gluing things in it. Then you went to work on yours. 
Your bike had a dark purple body and dark green handles which reminded you a lot of the joker, and you knew your boyfriend did that on purpose. 
Your ten years old
A week before Halloween that year you had watched the Joker and for fun wondered: hm I wonder if I could use my glow-in-the-dark makeup to make a cool joker-like face for a costume. So you decided to try out your idea, but you didn’t trust your judgment so you decided that when you were done you’d go over to Duncan’s house and see what he thought. 
After you were done and in his house, you waited for an hour in the dark of his room since you had a headache. Duncan was a bit late from school because he had a double detention, and you had only had one much to your fathers surprise. When Duncan walked into his room he saw a glow in the dark smile sitting on his bed fast asleep. 
You woke up to an eleven year old Duncan shrieking like a little girl much to your amusement. 
Your hands flew over your bike and in no longer than ten minutes, the engine was up and purring like a little feline. Owen clapped, impressed. “How are you gonna decorate?” Geoff asked, since he had finished his first and was how you say… bored out of his mind.
“Good question, any suggestions?” You raised an eyebrow hoping for a suggestion. You saw a lightbulb go off in the surfer's mind and knew right away you had asked the right person. “Now that you mentioned it, dudette… I got a few ideas on how we can spice up your ride.” He smiled clearly, brainstorming.
Two hours later there your bike stood before you, it looked like a slightly skinnier version of the one you had back in… oh shit what state was it in last-
Anyways, the bike had kept its color, there was a bottle of poison as the hood ornament, barb wire ran itself down the spine, dark red rope was tied on the handlebars, but there were no petals. “Hey dudette? I think you're missing something.” The blonde pointed out.
“Mm, I don’t think so.” You smirked and gave the boy a hug for his help. “Thank you, I’m not exactly the best when it comes to making things look pretty.” which quickly earned an objection from your loving boyfriend. “Uh- then how do you look hot every day?” You flipped him off causing him to smile.
Geoff smiled “Of course, man. You and Bridgette were close and anything for her.” He said and ruffled your hair before walking away. 
You went over to Duncan who was sitting on bike, testing it out. “Maybe they’ll call you Poison Ivy.” He laughed but quickly shut up once you kissed him. “Will you be my Batman then?” You whispered, touching his forehead with yours. “Ugh, I don’t wanna be the good guy,” he complained as you jokingly gave him a glare. 
“Can we be Punch and Jewlee instead?” You smiled at that. Punch and Jewlee were like a much less toxic-version of Harley and Joker. They had alien tech, loved each other like crazy, and were also criminals who dressed up like circus acts yadda yadda yadda.  
“Mm, yeah I think I’d be alright with that.”
“Couple costume for Halloween: unlocked.” 
After you had gotten through the first challenge, which resulted with you and Duncan getting into the next one. You noticed something, your engine wasn’t starting, you bent on a knee and opened up the panel that let you see inside, you noticed wads and wads of gum stuck in there. Your eyes flickered upward to Heather and you growled, she had your bike last. 
There was a knife in your hand in an instant and you had thrown it straight at her head which she just barely dodged. You tackled her before she could scream and held a different knife at her throat.
“I swear to GOD, I’m going to cut out every pearly white of yours so you’ll never be able to chew gum again,” you yelled at her. Chris stared at you with an amused expression. “Is it bad that I find this hot?” Izzy who had reappeared shook her head up and down very quickly, even though she was still smiling.
My parents gave me to the wolves when I was very young
By wolves I meant child-acting
I learned a lot of things from doing it though!
I learned which side of me looks better, the best way to lose weight, my favorite was how to combat vicious predators by beating them down, and one more thing.
TV producers are almost always predators.
-Izzy’s yearbook quote 
Izzy was worried about you, she was always worried about you. The way Chris touched you, the way he looked at you, was not alright. 
What she didn’t like whatsoever, was that Duncan didn’t do anything, you didn’t do anything, it was as if Chris had something he held over you both bending you to his very will. She despised that man, he was so much like her mother, so willing to let people get hurt for their own gain. 
Evil, Chris McLean reeked of pure and utter evil.
Duncan pulled you off of Heather and forced you to walk away. Not before Chris grabbed your wrist, and smiled. “I’d love it if you do that to me, sweetheart.” He winked and you ripped your arm out of his grasp, and you were about to start screaming at Chris, god there was nothing you wanted more than to scream at Chris. Duncan slipped his hand over your mouth before he glared at Chris and stalked off dragging you with him. 
Heather won, she pushed Lindsay under the bus though, god she should be happy you weren’t there, you honestly probably would’ve shot her dead. Owen wiped out so bad it’s not even funny. 
But what all the fans were more focused on was what was happening in the Screaming Bass cabin. “Y/N what the fuck was that!” Duncan pushed you inside of the cabin and closed the door behind him. He forgot about the cameras, you both were going to pay for that mistake.
“Heather sabotaged my bike, I’d like to see her do something for once in her life.” You yelled yanking at your hair. “Then there’s fucking Chris who is actually going to get shot by the end of the season if he doesn’t learn to keep his hands to himself.” You wanted to scream, sob, shoot something, fuck something, god emotions suck absolute ass. 
“Y/N, he has us here for however long he wants us here. Don’t you get it? If we screw up, even one time, we’re done, dead, we get life in jail before we can blink.” Duncan anxiously paced in the cabin.
“You are not the one getting groped by him, Tarun, there has not been a single breakfast where he hasn’t touched me, and personally I’d like a shower-“ Duncan cut you off with a glare and a menacing tone. “Do not forget that I’m under his reign here as well, sweetheart. He’s got creepy ass interns that will not relent.” Duncan’s eyes had bags under them, your eyes had bags under them. 
Somewhere in New Jersey
“How far away is Canada?”
“I already booked us a flight.”
You wrapped your arms around Duncan and held him tight. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I thought I could protect us. You deserve to have a period in your life where someone is not constantly hurting you.” You whispered against his chest. He sighed and slowly wrapped his arms around you.
“I mean New York was pretty fun. We did nothing but hit bars, sing, and get drunk.” He admitted quietly. “Move to New York?” You held up your pinkie finger. “Yep.” He linked his finger with yours and you sighed.
“This is just not our week is it, princess?” He whispered, putting his chin on top of your head. “Well you better be prepared for a very outta control me after tonight.” You muttered with a slight chuckle. “I’m glad we’re both so traumatized we keep grieving to a one day thing.” He laughed. 
|Trending on X right now|
Three moments the cameras do not show
Breakfast that morning: 
You smiled at Chef and had been asking him about his day, and how his two little twin girls were doing. When you heard an all too familiar whistle. “Hey sweetheart, how’s my favorite killer?” Chris pressed himself against you to grab an apple out of the fruit bowl in front of you. You stared at a point behind Chef Hatchet, your body going extremely tense. “I’m doing wonderful, Chris.” You forced a smile upon your face. He laughed and walked away.
Chef sighed. “Sorry kid.” He muttered. “It’s whatever.” You walked back over to your table and sat down next to Duncan as still as a rock. Duncan sighed, he knew better than to touch you. “I’m sorry, I am so sorry.” He whispered. You nodded curtly and felt the urge to vomit somewhere.
When Duncan was waiting for you to use the restroom:
A redheaded intern with extremely curly hair had stalked up to Duncan from his perch by the bathroom door, whistling. “Hey cutie.” She giggled and grabbed his arm much to his annoyance. “Woah you have such strong muscles, and you're so handsome.”
God, he wished he could pretend it was Izzy. At least then he could force himself to believe it was just a teasing sister-friend thing. But Izzy’s not like this, Izzy’s sweet and she makes you smile so that makes her terrific in Duncan’s eyes.
But there is nothing sweet about this internship. The way she looks at Duncan makes him shudder, the way she touches Duncan makes him want to burn his clothes, the way she describes how’d she get rid of you makes him want to kill her.
There is nothing safe about women.
There is nothing safe about men.
That night: 
You had wanted to take another shower since you had gotten oil all over your hands and arms, so before you went to bed you had skipped over to the communal showers. But you had forgotten your PJ’s, which didn’t really bother you.
The other girls typically didn’t bring their clothes to the showers but you just wanted to get dressed as well as do your business one last time. As you had stepped out of the shower and quickly wrapped a towel around your body you stepped out of the showroom and began the short walk back to your cabin. You were almost there before you had seen Chris, your stomach twisted into knots.
“Ooh you look beautiful, babe. Any chance I could get you to drop the towel?” The producer begged. You grinned weakly. “You wish, hun.” You continued walking, but you felt a tug at the base of the towel, and suddenly it was on the floor. You turned neon pink and picked it up. “What a beautiful girl.” Chris winked and you realized he had done that. Your eye twitched as he left.
Duncan was not doing well either. He was waiting for you on the porch of the cabins, he was lacking a shirt, and was wearing his shorts like he typically did. Since he was bored because you seemed to be taking longer than you usually do, he began doing some push ups, but suddenly there was a large flash and a ton of giggles, his eyes flickered to the sound and saw a bunch of interns each holding cameras and each blushing, running away. 
\His stomach swooped and he went into the girls side of the cabin and grabbed his sweatshirt off your bed and was pulling it over his back by the time you had arrived.
Duncan noticed your eyes were red, clearly from crying. You sat down on the swinging chair beside him. “I hate adults.” You whispered, clutching the towel to your body as if it was a shield. Duncan felt violated from those interns.
“Lucky you, I hate the interns so I guess we must be perfect for each other.” He joked, but you felt Duncan’s heart twist into knots just like your own. 
His heart was just like your own. 
tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
TDI X Reader- Paintball Deer Hunter (Chapter Nine)
If you haven't read: Eight
We wake up to the noise of a helicopter flying over us, I watch Leshawna hit her head on the top bunk just like before. 
"Ooh! Okay. That dude is really starting to get on my last nerve." She complains, rubbing her head. 
"Oh, whatever. He just loves ruining our mornings. Beth, Lindsay, go warm up the shower for me." Heather orders and I raise a brow. She seems to catch it so she stammers for a second. 
"Now!... Please." She rolls her eyes and I smile. "And remember-" 
"Not too hot this time, I know." Beth yawns, still wearing her headgear. 
 I sigh, shaking my head.
Now we're all in front of the bathroom, waiting for the door to open so we can all use it. "What's the hold-up?" Bridgette asks. 
"Heather needs her private time." Lindsay answers in a simple tone. 
"How long is Quennie gonna take in there? I got urgent business." Leshawna impatiently speaks up, holding herself. "She could still be a while." Beth sighs. 
"Ugh, that's it I'm going lumberjack style." Gwen groans, walking away and then the loud speaker squeaks before Chris starts talking. 
"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet. Breakfast is in three minutes at the campfire pit." Chris tells us then Beth knocks. "Um, Heather?"
"Can one of you guys come in here and lotion my back? It's peeling." Heather responds and we all quickly rush away from the communal bathroom, Leshawna and I gripping each other's hands since we have to go to the bathroom so badly.
"Are you ready for today's extreme max impact challenge?" Chris pumps up. "We are ready!" Owen of course hypes it up as usual.
 "Incoming!" The host throws a can of beans that go to hit Gwen but Trent catches it in time. Chris then hands the other ones out normally.
"This is breakfast." He tells us.
"No, breakfast is crepes, croissants, even chef's crappy burnt eggs." Heather interjects angrily and I stare down at my can.
"Beans, beans, they're good for your heart. The more you eat the more you-" Before the big guy can finish his song, Chris knocks him out with one of the cans of beans.
"Today's challenge is about survival. We're going hunting." He lifts a paintball gun and I could feel Duncan's excitement radiating off of him from where I was standing. 
"Now that's more like it." The boy I was just talking about smiles softly. "Isn't that a paintball gun?" Harold points at the green gun. "Why yes Harold, it is." The host points it at the auburn haired boy's stomach with a grin, then shoots it.
"So we won't be killing anything?" Bridgette questions. 
She smiles at his response. 
"This is the first ever paintball deer hunt. I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods. So finish breaky." As soon as Chris finishes his sentence Owen burps loudly, we look over to see he had finished twenty cans of beans. He sighs contently. "Got anymore?"
A thing of guns now sits in front of us, we stand in the front of the woods. Also accompanied with the guns and a box in front of them is Chris with a shit-eating grin laid upon his face.
"And now for the team breakdowns. The Killer Bass hunters are: Harold, Geoff, and Bridgette, locked and loaded with Bass blue paint." He throws green guns to the three. 
"And using orange paint are the Gopher hunters, Leshawna, Beth, Owen, Lindsay." Throwing them red guns.
"Waa-hoo! This is awesome, man." Owen cheers. "You also get these stylin' glasses and wicked camo caps. The rest of you are now deer." He points at us and we all just stare at him. 
"Here are your antlers, noses, and little white tails." He chuckles, turning around to shake his hips showing off the tail. I go up and grab my stuff even though I know he's going to throw it I would rather just get it on now.
"Yeah, right. I'm not wearing that." Heather folds her arms. "There's no way I'm a deer." Duncan adds on to the complaining but Chris throws the costume on him anyways to his distaste. I snicker, wiggling my own hips as I look back to the tail.
We go into the woods after everyone puts their stuff on. I walk in front of my group happily. "Why are you so giddy?" Heather questions. "I love hide and seek, this is just different." I smile.
"Right, this may be the lamest thing I've ever done in my life." Gwen sighs out. "Oh, come on, it could be fun." Cody tries to be enthusiastic but the others stare him down so I stand up for him. "I mean he's right, there's no point to be such downers." I place my hands on my hips, but they don't move an inch so I sigh. "We'll see you later, Debbie downers." I wave them goodbye taking Cody by the arm with me.
"I was so psyched to be a deer. I'm small but quick. Lot's of practice from dodging spitballs in math class." Cody smiles but now he's in a wheelchair covered in bandages.
"Why'd you come with me?" Cody suddenly speaks up after we've been walking in silence for a few moments. "Don't think too much into it, love." I nudge him, starting to mess with the trees around me, jumping up to grab onto the leaves up high. 
"That's kinda hard to do." He mumbles, I then halt my movements, standing in front of him. "Here, Cody." I start with a sigh. 
"You obviously still like me right?" I ask in a hypothetical way, of course he nods vigorously. "If you don't flirt with me at all. I'll kiss you after the challenge. Win or lose." I cross my arms. Looking at him dead in the eyes. His eyes go wide as his face turns a bright red. 
"Only. If you don't flirt with me in any kind of way." I repeat myself to make sure I'm clear. He nods, now he's not letting out a peep.
"Start your paintballs! Game on!" Chris yells over the P.A. We make our way through the woods calmly, not seeing anybody so far. 
"I didn't know you were friends with Heather?" Cody finally says something.
 "I guess." I shrug, looking down at my light pink painted nails that Heather did last night.
He went quiet again then spoke up. "I'm gonna go on my own if that's okay?" He turns to me and I nod. "Yeah, I'll catch you later." I smile, both of us go our separate ways.
As I'm going down a path I spot Geoff coming towards my way so I rush behind a bush. I watched him start walking by, he was whistling, not really paying attention to anything around him. But of course I lose my balance as I lean forward and end up tripping from behind the bush falling onto Geoff who balances us out. I chuckle nervously as I look up at him. 
"Awe, you look so cute, dude!" He tells me and I raise a brow, letting go of him. "Um, thanks. But aren't you, y'know... gonna shoot me?" I glance around to see nobody else nearby. "Oh, right." He points the gun at me and I wince, waiting for the pain but it never comes. "I can't do it." He huffs. 
"You're just too adorable, like a real deer!" He exclaims, rubbing his face in a frustrated way. As he deals with that problem I take it as a chance to make a run for it. Running off a path and deeper into the woods. As I keep going I squint my eyes to see Heather sitting on a tree stump.
Carefully I maneuver over to her, then sneak up behind and poke her sides. 
"Boo!" I laugh as she jumps, hitting my arm. 
"Don't do that." She glares at me. "Ah, but it's so much fun." I chuckle, forcing her to scoot over so I can sit next to her. "What are you doing?" She quizzes me.
"Being friends, duh." I smile sweetly, kind of sarcastically too. "Would you want me to be on your lap instead?" I tease her, she scoffs, looking away from me.
We sit practically in silence until we spot Cody and Beth walking this way. She puts her hands on her hips. "What took you so long?" Heather questions in an irritated tone. 
"Here, I hope you know what I had to go through to get those." Beth says, handing a chip bag to Heather who snatches it from her. 
"There's like 11 chips left." She shakes the bag then sniffs it. "And they're barbeque." Heather scrunches her face in disgust, sticking her arm out from her body. "Go exchange them for dill pickle." She drops the bag on the ground, it looks like Beth goes to grab it but instead she stops herself, putting her foot down.
"What did you just say?" Heather looks shocked. I watch nervously but also proud of Beth. 
"I'm just gonna... Yeah." Cody reaches down and grabs the bag of chips then scurries off into the woods.
"Take it back." Heather demands. Beth takes a deep breath, 
"No." She repeats the same word as before. 
"Take. It. Back." Heather angrily says. 
"No, I'm tired of being your slave." Beth stands up for herself, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a challenge to complete." Beth storms off then orange splats onto Heather's arm next to me. "Ouch!" She whines.
"Whoever you are, this is so not cool!" I get up immediately as another shot gets her. I notice Bridgette and Harold high five and they might not be as caring as Geoff so I book it.
As I have to go on my own once again, I spot Gwen and Trent talking together. I furrow my eyes, hiding behind a tree to eavesdrop. Of course I shouldn't but I'm nosy and why not?
"So, do you still have that thing for [Name]?" Trent asks, I scrunch my nose, not expecting to hear my name so quickly into listening in. "Mm, I think I'm getting over it, she won't talk to me now after avoiding her. Which I get... I guess. So I don't see anything happening anyways." Gwen sighs. 
"Well you were hurting. Of course you weren't going to talk to her for a little bit." He feeds into her delusions about it being okay to avoid somebody who didn't even do anything wrong.
"Yeah, you're right. Y'know I think you're really helping me get over her." Gwen smiles at him and I gag silently then I just continue on my way to a different area.
"Attention human wildlife and hunters. Please report back to camp. It's time to show your hides and tally up the score." Chris's voice is heard over the woods.
We all slowly find each other, heading out of the forest. I see Leshawna, Beth, and Heather covered in paint as Lindsay walks besides them, seemingly not having a trace of paint on her.
They're covered in orange and blue.
"What happened?" I snort but Heather puts her hand up and then slaps it over my mouth. "Don't ask." She then storms away. I snicker, but follow right behind her.
"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Stealing from the chef, eating chips in the woods, being mauled by bears. Do you know what I see here?" Chris paces back and forth. I sadly stare at Cody's injuries. "I see a very undisciplined group. I see a disgraceful mess. I see a massive waste of paint products. And I have to say... that was awesome!" Chris goes from looking disappointed and angry to now grinning ear to ear.
"When you guys opened fire on your own team, wicked t.v. guys." He complimented me. 
"Hey where are Duncan and Courtney?" Harold speaks up, then the two come up walking together, their antlers connected to each other. "Oh this is too much." Gwen taunts. Owen laughs as well. "You know you guys can take off the antlers now." I giggle behind my hand. "Duncan you sly dog, you." Owen comments.
"The girl can't keep her antlers off me," Duncan jokes but it backfires on him as Courtney kicks him in the crotch. 
"Can't even bend over." He cries out, one tear sliding down his cheek.
"Easy Courtney, our medical tents are really only equipped for one at a time. And Cody's pretty messed up." Chris tells the girl as his arm rests on Cody's wrapped head.
Then Bridgette and Geoff help the oh-so happy looking couple. Duncan now holding himself on the ground. 
"Well, since three of the Gophers are dripping in paint-" Lindsay turns around to show her blue backside, cutting off the host. "Make that four members and some of them aren't even deer. I think we have our winner." He turns to the killer Bass. "You're off to a hunting-camp shindig." He then looks at us. "Gophers. I'll see you at the campfire ceremony. Again." He says plainly.
I head over to Cody, bending down to his level. 
"Are you okay?" I question him and he laughs in pain. "No, not at all." His voice is muffled but I can make it out, he grunts though cause he moved the wrong way. "We should've stayed together." I told him.
"So we both could get mauled?" He jokes... kind of. I shake my head laughing. "We probably would've never bumped into Beth and got those chips." I say.
I ended up sticking with him until the campfire ceremony and even then I was still with him, his wheelchair in front of my tree stump, I kept him in place.
"I mean seriously, twice in a row? What is wrong with you people?" Heather goes off on us. I roll my eyes. "I can't wait to see Beth get kicked off. I just wish I could vote off two campers at once." Heather says, and Leshawna just gives her an amused look.
"Okay, I know I got mauled by a bear but I'm feeling good about this. I'm a quick healer. And besides Heather's as mean as a snake dude. Her own team shot her 18 times. They'll never kick me off." cody smiles, confident that he's right about what he's saying
"Who do I vote for? Well, Heathers have been a pain in my butt since day one. But I got to say, Cody." Leshawna sadly says.
"Yeah, that Cody. Not so useful in challenges anymore." Owen shrugs.
"I totally admire Belle for standing up to Heather, but she's so dead now." Lindsay holds her face.
"I don't want to do this but Cody... Only because he needs to heal at home. He won't be able to do that here." [Name] frowns.
"There are only eight marshmallows on this plate when I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper-" 
"Who doesn't receive the marshmallow must immediately return to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers and leave. Can't we just get this over with?" Gwen cuts him off, speaking faster than he did. In response Chris looks unhappy. 
"Fine, whatever. Spoil the moment. Trent, Lindsay, Owen, Gwen, Leshawna, [Name], Beth." We all take our squishy fluff. "Campers this is the final marshmallow tonight." It's now between Heather and Cody. 
She gets up and snatches her marshmallow from the host's hands. "You are all lucky. Okay? Very lucky." She glares at us all.
"Cody, the dock of shame awaits, bro." The boy stares at the host, not being able to move. "I guess we can help you get there."
"I got it." I stand up, starting to push the wheelchair just as Beth tried to get up to offer. 
"Bye Cody." Gwen says, everyone sadly joins in and waves him goodbye. 
"See ya, buddy." Leshawna grins. 
"Take care, dude." Owen says.
We get to the dock and going down further. "I'm so sorry Cody about what happened. I'm gonna be honest. I voted for you." We come to a stop and I get in front of him. His eyes widened.
 "Before you get upset, I just want you to know I did it because I want you to heal properly, you're not going to do that here." I tell him, wanting to comfort him but he's covered in injuries, literally head to toe.
"Can I uncover your mouth?" I tilt my head, he hums a muffled "mhm." I gently do so, surprisingly his mouth is not scathed in any way.
"Remember what I said in the woods?" I smiled softly, he looked confused for a second then his eyes brightened. 
"Really? You don't have to do it if you don't want to."
"I keep to my word Cody, just shut up." I laugh, leaning down and placing a soft peck on his lips then standing up straight. The boat shows up and I turn to it then back at him. "Here's your ride." I clasp my hands together. 
"Thank you, [Name]. Even though I know you don't like me back." He weakly smiles.
"It's no problem, I hope you heal perfectly. Now you can say you kissed a rich girl when I win the money." I wink, helping him onto the boat and I hear him chuckle only before he winces in pain.
The boat leaves and I wave him off.
I take a deep breath then walk back to my cabin. 
Okay you've probably seen it is now officially a Heather x Reader story now. But if you wanted it to be Cody tomorrow I will be coming out with a Cody x Reader story! It will be placed in Season three World Tour. I'm super excited to start writing that. I might start a Gwen story but I'm kind thinking how I can work that out or if I want to.
I hope everyone is enjoying this story because I know I'm having a lot of fun writing for everyone. Thank you so much for interacting, spamming everything I appreciate you all so so so much.
Link to other writings If you want to request an imagine you can comment or dm privately!
taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
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writerofadream · 8 months
Fairytale Ending? ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Two: Trent's jealous of his girlfriend's crush.
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You stared at the food on your plate. Slowly you pushed it in front of you. Dunan gave you a disapproving glare. “Eat.” He ordered pushing the plate right back at you. “I’m not hungry,” You grumbled. “You are eating for two, honey, eat.” Leshawna sat down next to you.
A faint blush appeared on your cheeks causing Duncan to sport a goofy grin.
“Fine.” You whispered and slowly began putting the food into your mouth. “Good girl.” Duncan whispered in your ear causing you to turn about fifty shades of red. “Get a room, ya nasties.” Leshawna rolled her eyes.
Chris walked in. “Welcome to day two of Total, Drama, Action.” He yelled dramatically. 
It had been a few months since you had been on Total Drama Island, and looking at the man still made you feel nauseous. Duncan squeezed your thigh, and sighed.
“You gonna do that everytime, asshole?” He questioned. “Yep.” Chris smiled wide, and annoyingly. “Alright then.” Duncan rolled his eyes causing a small giggle to leave your mouth.
“Today’s movie genre… aliens!”
Chris smirked once he saw your eyes light up. “Our unpaid interns-” You felt Duncan tense, next to you and you put your head on his shoulder, trying to convey comfort. Slowly he relaxed. “You got three basic rules-” Chef began his ramble.
“Today’s challenge- find an alien egg.” Chris held up a map.
“Sorry losers, ain’t no one knows alien movies more than I do.” Duncan crossed his arms looking at the people around him. Gwen rolled her eyes and pointed at you, who was now looking at him with a look of utter disbelief.
“Wanna bet, tiger?” You smirked.
“Off with the head, off with them all.” He recited, clearly challenging you. “Deck of Aliens, we watched it three years ago.” You responded. “See to it that we kill all the humans.” You recited raising an eyebrow. “Last two alive, we saw it when we were eight.” Duncan scoffed.
“What if the aliens kill us, what if they try to mate with us- UGH.” Duncan said quickly. “Honey, I brought the kids to the Apocalypse. You made me watch that after the OBGYN said she had never seen it.” You cross your arms.
“We’re gonna crush those aliens, and have them for breakfast.” You smirk as a look of realization dawns on his face, he didn’t remember the name. “Alien Chunks!” Gwen yelled out. “I love that movie.” She laughs.
“I’ve seen it twenty seven times.” she explains. Duncan has to scoff at that. “I saw fifty-seven.” He says, and you laugh. “A hundred and thirty four times.” you smile as you watch Gwen’s face drop.
“You’ll both be tough to beat. But I’ll still beat your asses.”
“You sound like my father.” Duncan laughed as he watched you spit out your drink, and turn to look at him, exasperated.
You watched, sadly as Duncan cartwheeled into your arms. You gave him a hug. “I can’t wait till she comes out so we can teach her gymnastics. Oh, I’m so excited she’ll look like you but be troubled like me-” a soft smile appeared on your face as you watched your husband excitedly rant, albeit quietly.
Movement was something you valued. You adored gliding on the trapeze, walking on your hands, and doing a variety of stunts. But now that you are pregnant, every movement hurts. Walking made your hips sore, laying down made your neck hurt, sitting made your legs hurt.
Luckily for you, you had a husband that liked nothing more than to touch his wife.
Currently, you were walking through a big metal building that you were confident was filled with gasses that were not safe for the child inside you.
Duncan had grabbed you and strung you over his back like a backpack. Not that you were complaining, your feet HURT.
There was this weird slurping sound that was driving you to the brink of madness though. You looked up expecting to see Beth smacking some sort of food in her brace-filled mouth. “Shh.” Gwen grumbled clearly annoyed. Owen promptly farted.
“If my baby dies of gas inhalation I swear I will beat your ass.” You hissed at Owen who blushed. “If the baby dies because of one of them can I kill them?” Izzy asked with a large smile. “Yes.” Duncan answered for you.
The slurping continued and you mimed putting a gun to your head.
“What is that?” Trent finally grumbled. You all looked at Beth who turned red and apologized. “Ever since I got my braces off  I don’t make that sound anymore.” She explained trying to justify herself. “I hear that sound anytime she talks.” Duncan muttered under his breath causing you to softly giggle.
“It must be, Chef.” You whispered as the idea popped into your mind. 
“So you want to run, or kick some alien ass?” Duncan asked as he tilted his face, exposing his neck which you promptly lined with kisses. “Kick ass.” You murmured and high-fived with Gwen who was staring at you with heart eyes. “..AHEM-” Trent coughed into his palm causing Gwen to whir around.
“I mean, Trent, do you have any ideas?”
“Let’s kick some alien butt!” Trent quickly recovered. “After you.” Gwen pointed at the wall in front of the group. “I’m pregnant, I have a reason to not want to die, also I’m pretty sure Duncan will kill me if I die, so after you sweetheart.” You pinched Trent’s cheek as you tried to hop off Duncan’s back, but he quickly made you jump back on.
Beth quickly stalked up. “I did not go through eight years of braces-” her rant was cut off as she found out what the noise was. You all waited anticipating her response.
“... it’s just Bridgette and Geoff.” she grumbled and you all looked over the wall to see the two blondes making out. “Do you ever get tired of sucking his face?” You asked Bridgette who promptly flipped you off. 
“Cute.” You smiled cheekily walking past her.
Duncan quickly caught up, and threw you over his shoulder with ease. You sighed propping yourself up on your back as Leshawna waved, laughing at you. 
“That boy ain’t gonna let you do nothing while you're pregnant.” She pointed out. You rolled your eyes, turning red. Suddenly the GPS that Chris gave you all began beeping, signaling that Chef was close. “Danger.” Yours said. “Danger.” 
You walked into your home, your stomach making a small growl. You felt embarrassed, your kitchen was bare of any food. You checked anyways, you opened up the fridge and were unsurprised at the lack of anything in there.
You made a mental note to steal an apple from Duncan’s house sooner rather than later.
You closed the fridge door and saw your father waiting there with a wild smile on his face. You were surprised for two reasons.
Your father was there, and clearly trying to talk to you
Your father was smiling
He scooped you up in a hug and you felt your stomach clench. “Oh I love my wonderful daughter.” He reeked of alcohol. Suddenly one of his hands clasped the back of your neck, sending an adrenaline filled tingle down your spine.
That was the place they tasered you at military camp.
Never again, Duncan had told you, he’d never let it happen again.
Your instincts went into overdrive, and you grabbed his hand, specifically his pointer-finger and twisted it backwards, making him drop you. Then you pinned him to the wall. Your mind was screaming danger, over and over. 
You didn’t see your father, you saw General Eyses, you saw Leo, you saw all of your tormentors.
Duncan felt you tense, and had gently set you down in seconds flat, and wrapped his arm around you to keep you from lashing out. “Onward.” He grunted as he felt you struggle against his strength. Gwen shrugged before following him.
“Stay back here love-birds.” You yelled at Geoff and Bridgette.
It was an exhausting day. Simply because it was extremely boring. You couldn’t find the nest of alien eggs and you felt tiredness coming upon you. Duncan watched you warily as you took a misstep and fell straight-
Into his arms.
Your eyes were flickering open and closed. Duncan sighed, clearly very worried and pulled you into his arms, carrying you bridal style. “Is she doing alright?” Gwen questioned. “She’s always been exhausted. But when you're pregnant and anorexic, that doesn’t help.” He explained quietly.
“Oh.” Trent muttered.
Finally you all had made it to the boiler room, and saw the vomit-colored eggs beneath you. “Woah, they look so real.” Trent said aloud. “Woo hoo! We won.” DJ yelled quickly waking you up. You gave Duncan a look “Why didn’t you wake me up.” you grumbled forcing him to let go of you. 
“Because I like holding you.” He muttered causing a light blush to come on your cheeks.
“We still have to get the eggs back to home base.” Duncan explained to your team. As the room emitted some steam causing goosebumps to appear on your biceps and along your forearms.
Suddenly a beep was heard from Gwen’s GPS signaling that Chef was tracking them.
You grumbled staring at the ceiling for a moment. “If I go into early labor because of this I will sew your **** to your head and call you a limp **** for the rest of your ******* life.” You yelled at the camera.
Your fellow teammates looked at you mildly concerned.
Then you promptly flipped down into where the eggs were, landing with ease that no one else could’ve accomplished. You quickly began throwing eggs up to your friends and Duncan helped pull you back up. 
Chef appeared from a doorway and shot DJ in mere seconds.
Duncan had to drag a waving you away from him. “Bye Chef!” You yelled as you were dragged outside. But you saw Chris in a helicopter above you.
“The military has come to your rescue m’lady. Sadly I can’t let you leave with the alien eggs. I’d think about changing my mind for a kiss.” 
Duncan growled before he laughed as he watched you flip the helicopter off. “Kiss my ass.” You yelled up towards him.
“That can be arranged.” The maniac smiled before dropping a bomb on you. “DUCK.” Duncan yelled as he covered your body with his, just as the bomb exploded with green goo. 
“Does this mean we’re out?” You heaved, standing back up. “I think so, princess.” Duncan sighed, putting an arm around your shoulder. “I’m disappointed. I wanted a million.” You sighed, putting a head on his shoulder.
“I think we’ll be fine without it. We’re only here because Chris said he’d report that we’d violated our parole, remember?” Duncan pointed out, causing you to grumble. “Trust me. I remember.”
Then you began the trek back to ‘home base’, following Chris. Duncan was holding you close, and every few minutes put kisses on your head as if he was trying to assure himself you were still there. As you reached home base, you sat on the bleachers as Chef walked out holding the gilded Chris’s.
“Don’t we have forty of those at home?” Duncan pointed out. You sighed, and nodded. Leshawna gave you a strange glance. “He sends me one, twice a month.” You explained. “You should get a restraining order.” Leshawna advised.
Duncan gave her a confused look. “What’s a restraining order?”  You both said in unison. 
Leshawna blinked a few times, clearly very concerned. Chris threw you a gilded Chris, then he threw Duncan one. “Do you know what a restraining order is?” You asked Beth who sat next to you. “It’s when a person you don’t like isn’t allowed to be near you or else they go to jail.”
Duncan slowly made eye contact with you.
“You're telling me… this whole time we could’ve just got a restraining order against our parents?” He whispered. “Apparently.” You whispered in reply, very shocked.
“All that trauma… for nothing.” He shook his head in disbelief, as you nodded in agreement. “Did you really not know that was a thing?” Beth asked, with a raised eyebrow. You nodded. She sighed, shaking her head.
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
Dodge Brawl- TDI x Reader (Chapter four)
If you haven’t read: Three
I groan in pain as I wake up after hearing all the girls leave the cabin. I look around trying to remember where I am. Then of course my mind reminds me from the past three days of not being able to sleep. I lifted myself up from the ground, and someone had placed a blanket over me so I tugged it off. 
Since everyone left that must mean they’re heading to eat so I stretch my sore limbs from laying on the ground. “Gwen, we should get going to the main lodge.” I gently shake her, she turns away from me mumbling something, swatting my hands away. “Gwen, we might get in trouble.” I shake her again and this time she faces me, eyes still closed. “Do I have to?” She whines and I snicker.
“Unfortunately we do.” I frown, standing up straight to crack my back once again. She hums, sitting up to yawn, rubbing her eyes. “How did I get here?” She queries tiredly, as I throw on a new, clean shirt. “I carried you.” I nonchalantly say. Not noticing her eyes widened. “Did you sleep at all?” She stammers after clearing her throat and I wince at the thought of the sleep I just had. 
“Yup, right here on this very floor.” I kick at the ground, exhausted. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” She expresses guilt but I shake my head. “Don’t worry about it, let’s just go eat.” I yawn, helping her up from the bed then throwing the blanket from the ground onto my top bunk for now. 
As we make it out of the door I see Harold walking out of his cabin, seeing something black above his top lip. I blink a few times, maybe I was imagining it. As we get off the porch we make our way to the main lodge and Gwen keeps accidentally bumping into me so I link our arms so she can remain steady. 
“Hey everyone it’s Gwen and [Name]!” Chris sets forth to the two teams, Gwen keeps her head down and I practically lead us the whole way to our seats. Our team cheers and claps for us and I overheard Lindsay ask why they’re clapping for us. I roll my eyes, sitting the tired girl down. Cracking my back just like before sitting down myself. 
“I’m so tired.” Gwen complains. “I can’t feel my face.” She face plants onto the table, I flinch to the noise. “My back is killing me, why did no one wake me up from the floor?” I irritatedly questioned my team, “We tried, you wouldn’t budge, hun.” Leshawna says, I sigh, “Oh.” 
“Hey, fish heads. Way to kick off your strongest player!” Heather stands up and Courtney throws her oatmeal, hitting Gwen in the face since Heather dodged it. I huff, taking out a napkin and grab Gwens face, roughly cleaning it while glaring over at Courtney who actually looked a little afraid of me. 
“Okay, campers, listen up! Your next challenge begins in 10 minutes and be ready to bring it!” He notifies us, I finish cleaning Gwen’s face and we start eating. 
Now standing in a glass closed in court, I feel more tired than when I was eating breakfast. I still hold onto Gwen, we’re now both holding each other up at this point. Duncan walks into the court and falls down on the bleachers pointing to his team warningly. “Wake me up and it’s the last thing you do.” He points at Tyler who gulps, scared of the pierced boy.
Chef whistles earning all of our attention, walking by slowly and attempting to be intimidating, which works very well. “Today’s challenge is the classic game of dodgeball. The first rule of dodgeball is-” 
“Don't talk about dodgeball?” Noah sarcastically questions him, Owen giggles at the stupid joke. 
“As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball-” Chris carries on, throwing a ball roughly at Courtney who catches it. “Ooh- Ow!” She groans. “You’re out.” He finishes.
 “You can’t just do that!” She throws the ball back at the host who ignores her. “If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court.” He explains,
 “Throwing balls. Gee, another mentally challenging test.” Noah rolls his eyes, bored and obviously being sarcastic once again. “I know right?” Lindsay inquires, his face drops and Courtney judges the ditzy girl. 
“Okay, now, Geoff, try to hit me.” Chris throws the ball to the party animal. “If you’re holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball. But if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you’re out.” He tells everyone and I impatiently sigh.
 I think most of us know how to play Dodgeball but I know him being a host he has to explain every single thing. I feel like I’m back in second grade nonetheless though. 
“So, what do I do again when the ball comes at me?” Lindsay asks innocently just as Geoff throws the ball at Chris who blocks it with another ball, it bounces off over to Lindsay’s way. “You dodge!” He shouts, it hits her right in the face causing everyone to gasp and her to fall backwards. 
“Ooh! You were supposed to dodge!” He exclaims. “Ow…” She stands up, holding her forehead in pain. “Right.” Uncovering the injury to see a large bump. 
“You have one minute until game time. Gophers, you’ll have to sit two people out each game time.” Chris turns to us and then we all crowd one another around Heather. 
“Okay, we can’t get lazy.” Heather says, hands on her hips. Izzy, Leshawna, and Beth raise a brow as Gwen and I slouch tiredly. “The Killer Bass are gonna be trying extra hard to catch up.” Gwen yawns as the mean girl speaks, a glare hits her way. “Who wants to sit the first one out with the two sleeping beauties here.” Heather buzzes.
“All right, I’ll volunteer.” Noah acts as if it was a tough decision to make for everyone. “Now, let’s see all you keeners get on out there and dodge.” He enthusiastically points to our team, confusing Chef. 
The first game I sat beside Gwen and Noah.
Heather, Lindsay, Owen, Leshawna, and Cody are in the game. “Bring it on fishes, otherwise winning three times in a row just won’t be as satisfying.” Heather trash talks and I gotta admit it was kind of attractive to watch, but I have a feeling speaking into the universe with so much confidence we’re going to lose. “Oh, you’re going down!” Tyler yells. “We’re gonna bring dinner to the table and then we’re gonna eat it!” He slyly says and I chuckle at his teammates reactions to the bad comeback. 
“Both teams ready? Best of five games wins. Now let’s dodge some ball!” Chris declares, Chef whistling starting the first game. The sound from the whistle makes my ears vibrate then start to ring and I hold my head in pain. 
Owen makes the first point, Leshawna making the next one. But Katie hits Lindsay and the blonde gets another bump on her face. Owen catches Courtney’s next throw and Chef has Gwen go on the court. I frown. I don’t understand why they don’t exclude her from today but seeing how Chris is this show is not going to be so nice and caring to us so. 
Not even seconds after the girl entered that rectangle she gets hit in the face with a rubber ball. It was meant for Owen but he dodged, DJ winces, apologizes to the girl who tiredly smiles, perfectly okay with being out of the game. 
After the first game I end up closing my eyes, resting backwards on the bleachers. I accidentally fall asleep, missing the whole second game. 
“Wake up!” Somebody slaps my arm multiple times, I push the person away. “Come on, you can’t not play. Don’t be like Noah.” The voice snaps, I hear Noah say something in defense but it all sounds muffled. I open my eyes, annoyed to see Heather standing above me. “I won the last challenge, can’t I be left alone?” I ask in a raspy tone, rubbing my eyes to see more clearly.
I watch the girl actually pause to think about it and I look around. I guess I can play one game. 
“Okay, I’m not a monster, she really does look horrible and I guess I would feel bad seeing someone look like that on a court.” Heather doesn’t look at the camera, embarrassed from what she admitted to. 
I sigh, “It’s fine, I’ll play.” I stretch out my body, getting off of the bleachers and I went to walk to the court but Heather grabs the back of my shirt to pull me back. “Not yet, we’re making a game plan.” She tells me then I look at who I’m playing with. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Heather.” I cross my arms, I then glance over to the opposite team to see Duncan awake and getting ready to play. I take a deep breath in. I’m playing with Beth, Justin, Izzy and Owen. I guess it isn’t horrible but I don’t know now that we’re being lined up in front of the K.B.’s 
“Good luck, mouse!” Duncan winks and I roll my eyes. 
The first two throws at the other team were dodged by Courtney and Duncan and I watched as they all at once throw four balls at each teammate one by one and once it gets to me I put my finger up. “Don’t even think about it.” I tiredly glare at them.
 “Mouse, we gotta get you out somehow.” He slyly tells me and I pick up a dodgeball. 
“I’m going out with my dignity, pincushion.” I throw the ball up in my hand then look at Courtney. “Here, catch, pumpkin.” I toss it to her but something catches her off guard and it falls from her hand. She scoffs, leaving the court. My team cheers but I back up. “I didn't mean to do that, I was trying to get her to catch it!” I try to shout, picking up another ball, not wanting to get hit. Especially by Duncan. 
“Sure.” He laughs, I look over to Katie with a pleading expression, her eyes widened with an empathetic look.  “You believe me, right?” I ask her and she nods. “Of course, [Name]!” She smiles, I go over to the line. “Good, catch this!” I then smirk and throw the ball roughly, hitting her right in the thighs. She gasps and my team cheers once again. 
“That was on purpose that time!” Duncan lifts his arm and I laugh. “Of course it was!” I smile, DJ throws the next ball at me and I catch it without a second thought. He puts his head down and walks from the court too. “Sorry, DJ!” I wave at him. “It’s cool, [Name]!” He grins. “No it’s not.” Courtney shames him. 
Next was Geoff, when he wasn’t expecting it I threw another ball, hitting him. “Aw, man!” 
Now it was me and Duncan. “Mouse, you did good, but you’re not getting me out.” He proudly states and I shrug. “Maybe but we can have a little fun.” 
“Sure we can.” He huffs, he throws a ball and I dodge it, throwing one myself and he moves out of the way before it hits him. Our teams cheer for both of us and I go to throw another ball but trip forward and Duncan takes it as an opportunity to throw one at me and it hits me right in the chest. But it wasn’t a hard throw, definitely one of his gentle ones. 
The whistle goes off and The Killer Bass gets the win for that round. Duncan comes over to me, “good round, mouse.” He compliments and I purse out my lips. “Could’ve been better.” I mess with him, walking away. My team high fives me even though I lost and Heather speaks up. 
“Okay, not that Noah here cares but we are not losing another game to these guys, got it? And where is Lindsay? Ugh!” She angrily storms off the court and I jog after her, opening the door for her. “Where are you going?” I question her. 
“To find Lindsay, what does it matter?” She folds her arms. “I’ll join, maybe it will wake me up for the last game if there is one.” She walks through the door and I follow after. “Who said I wanted you to join?” She scoffs, “I don’t really care if you want me to. I’m helping you whether you like it or not.” I say, she doesn’t respond this time so we end up walking together in silence looking for the bleached blonde. 
But the quiet starts to bother me so I speak up, “You’re very bossy.” Maybe not the best thing to start off with but hear me out people. She ignores me. “It’s not a bad thing but you should loosen up. Have fun while you’re here.” I nudge her but that irritates her and she comes to a stop. “I’m not here for friends, I’m here to win. Go back to the court already. Can you not tell, I do not like you?” She snaps but I just smile at her, beginning to laugh.
“If that’s what you wish but just know I can always be a friend even if you say you don’t like me and want to put on some mean persona. But when you are looking for that friend, remind yourself, not a minion. A friend. A real one.” I tell her and her arms were crossed and tensed up the entire time, wearing the same scowl on her face until I left.
A camera catches Heather starting to etch a smile upon her face, watching the girl walk away then she shakes her head going back to an angry expression to find Lindsay.
I entered back into the court to see the two teams already playing again. I sit next to Gwen. We sit quietly watching the play. 
Heather walks Lindsay into the courthouse and shoves the blonde forward. “You sit down and stay here.” Heather demands. “Okay.” Lindsay sadly listens. “How are we doing?” Heather asks Noah who wasn’t even paying attention. Beth gets knocked out. “Sports are not my forte, remember?” He reminds her. “You know you could actually give it a shot and pretend to care.” She says to him just as Leshawna gets knocked out. The whistle blows and the k.b.’s win another round. 
“This is so unacceptable.” Heather shakes with rage, I stand up. “Hey, it's not the end of the world, darling.” Placing a hand on her shoulder but she pulls away. “Don’t touch me, we’re going to lose!” She expresses and I frown, looking at the other team 
“Yeah but 1 out of 3, we’ll be okay.” I try to reassure her but it’s no use. “Okay this is it, the final tie breaking game.” Chris announces. “Go team, go!” Noah cheers in a monotone voice. 
“Gophers, Bass, let’s send the sample to the lab and see what you're made of.” That was corny but kind of good you have to admit it. Chef whistles.
Cody, Gwen, Heather, Leshawna, and Owen are on the court and we’re actually doing good again. This game is the longest and this time Heather keeps me benched for some reason. I could’ve helped us score a bunch of points but for some reason everytime I went to join my team she’d stop it with some sort of excuse. 
Gwen throws a ball and it hits Courtney in the face, “That’s for the oatmeal!” Leshawna bursts into laughter. “You messed with the wrong white girl!”
Owen is the last one in the game, Harold on the opposite side and every ball that Owen throws the auburn hair boy somehow dodges every single one.
Courtney calls for a time out and I cross my legs. Everyone cheers as they go back in. Heather then grips onto my arm and I carefully glance over at her as she is anxiously watching everyone happening before her very eyes. Not paying attention to my stares. I smirk joining her in looking at the court. 
Owen winds up his throw, “Cowabunga!” He shouts, throwing the ball, hitting Harold in the stomach and he flies back with the ball into the glass behind him. But Harold caught it meaning we lost. Heather weakly lets me go and I feel a small breeze from the loss of her holding my arm.
The final whistle blows declaring Killer Bass as the winner. 
“It’s impossible! Why!?” Owen falls to his knees, Chris walks up to us as the Killer Bass carries their winner in the air, cheering happily for not losing a third time. “Gophers, what happened?” Chris frowns, disappointed.
“What can I say? Weak effort.” Noah says and we all glare at him. “Oh, shut it, Noah.” Gwen walks away. “You know for once I agree with her.” Heather exclaims and we all leave.
“I guess I’m kind of a role model now that I’ve won the dodgeball competition.” Harold throws a chip into his mouth. “People will probably all want my autograph when the show is over and stuff.”
We all sit at the campfire and I sigh. “Campers, you’ve already placed your votes and made your decision. One of you will be going home and you can’t come back… Ever.” Everyone seems nervous except for Noah, who’s definitely going home but has the confidence of the opposite. 
“When you hear me call your name, come pick a marshmallow. Owen, Gwen, Cody, Trent, Heather, Beth, Justin, [Name], Leshawna, Izzy.” He pauses at the last two. Lindsay and Noah. I squish my marshmallow between two fingers and boredly watch what happens next, knowing who I voted for. 
“The final marshmallow goes to… Lindsay.” The blonde cheers, grabbing her marshmallow as Noah’s in disbelief. “What!? Are you kidding me?”
“All right see if I care. Good luck because you just voted out the only one with any brains on this team.” He rants and we all throw our marshmallows at him. “Ow!”
“You need to learn a little thing called respect, turkey.” Leshawna wipes her hands and we all laugh, cheering. 
“Whatever, I’m out of here.” He sasses.
Gwen hugs me and we cheer together, after a few moments I let go and go to walk over to Heather who makes eye contact with me, smiling at first but seeing Gwen next to me she scoffs and walks away.
Link to all chapters
Chapter: Five
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
The Big Sleep- TDI x Reader story (ch:three)
If you haven’t read: Two
An air horn goes off and Leshawna shoots up, hitting her head. "Ow! It's 7:00 in the morning. Do I look like a farmer to you?" She shouts out the window. I tiredly laugh, yawning. We all get dressed making our way outside.
"Morning! Hope you slept well!" Chris greets us. "Hi Chris, you look really buff in those shorts." Heather feeds into his already major ego, fluffing him up. "I know." He winks, snapping at her. "Okay, I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." Chris taps his wrist. "Oh, excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen speaks up, clearly in distress about it. "Oh, you'll get breakfast Owen, right after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake." He announces, pointing to the body of water in front of us.
"Oh, so you're funny now?" Eva raises a brow. "You know what I think would be funny-" Geoff and Duncan hold her back from getting at the host of the show who's completely unbothered. "Eva, try to control your temper." Courtney whispers but gets ignored, "You're enjoying this aren't you?" She raises a fist. "A little." Chris admits.
"You have 30 seconds." He taunts, pointing at his watch. I just start walking to the lake, Cody jogs after me. "What?" I ask and he just grins. "Okay... then..."
We get into a line. "Okay, runners! On your mark, get set, go!" Chris yells, I start off with a slight jog, not completely pushing myself here. Cody of course keeps up with me. "You're good at this." He compliments and at this point I just feel like I'm good at everything with how many compliments I'm getting and I do not need to feed into my ego. "So are you, Cory was it?" i know his name but I like messing with people. "Cody, but you can call me Cory. You can call me anything you'd like." Hey says and I mentally curse then run faster. "Hey, wait up!" He calls.
"Pick it up people! If you're not back in time, you don't eat!" Chris yells into a mega phone just like he did on the cliff. Only this time he's driving past us on a moped.
I roll my eyes, running past plenty of others with a bored expression. I was on my school's track team, this is nothing.
Cody and I make it into the lodge with DJ, we all sit together, catching our breaths and cooling down. All of us sat silently to calm down. I throw my head down, waiting for everyone to fill in the lodge. "Clear the table stat!" Owen bursts through the door, holding a knocked out Noah. "Oh, we made it." Leshawna crawls in as Owen is doing compressions on Noah.
"What took you so long?" Courtney snaps at Harold who's gripping onto his chest trying to breathe in and out. "I think I'm having heart palpitations."
"Hey, wait a minute. If they lost that means we won the challenge!" Gwen says, everyone stops what they're doing to cheer, even Noah wakes up from whatever he was in. "Whoa there! Hold your horses, guys. That wasn't the challenge." Chris says.
"What did he just say?" Gwen squinted her eyes, but disappointment was cut short when curtains I didn't even see were there open to a whole buffet table. "Who's hungry?"
"After a whole week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet." Gwen admits.
"And then I saw it, the buffet table. It was beautiful. There was Turkey and Nanaimo bars and baked beans in maple syrup. Could I have a minute?" He then pretends to cry, holding his head.
Everyone ended up stuffing themselves. I got disgusted by all the chewing. I ended up only eating a tiny bit before leaving the lodge. I sat outside until I heard Chris talk about how it's a two part challenge. Some awake-a-thon and being the last one standing wins invincibility.
We're all sat out by the fire and I just feel bored, not even tired. Maybe because I didn't eat as much as everyone else did.
12 hours in, Owen went on about being up but not even seconds later passed out. I laugh, taking out my MP3 Player and earbuds to listen to music but it was really just to eavesdrop or be peaceful.
"The awake-a-thon was definitely the most brutal thing I've ever done in my life." Gwen tiredly tells the camera.
"This is the most boring thing I've ever done in my life." Gwen says.
"So my strategy is to get two campers to form an alliance with me and take to the final three. The only question is, who can I find that is either desperate or dumb enough to do whatever I say?" Heather shares her idea.
Lindsay's now doing a handstand and one of my earbuds is now out of my ear. Because even seeing this I do not understand what this blonde is doing right now. "What are you doing?" Gwen asks her, I thank her mentally because I didn't want to be the one to ask. "Trying to get the blood to rush to my head. I think it's working." She says simply. "Can I try?" Beth excitedly questions. "Sure."
I turn to Leshawna. "I wonder how they're gonna go out." I chuckle and she snorts. "Heather will definitely take care of that." We both quietly laugh.
Cody looks up at me and waves, I do a peace sign back causing him to tiredly grin. "What's going on between you two?" Leshawna giggles, nudging me and I try not my best not to laugh. "He has some stupid crush on me. It'll pass." I wave it off as nothing.
"I know like 4 people that got some stupid crush on that girl. Wouldn't say I'm surprised though. Did you see the way she effortlessly ran today? Amazing." She perks up but then catches what she's saying and then stammers. "I mean... like she literally ran that without breaking a sweat it seemed. That's crazy."
Eva gets up to go to the bathroom. I turn back to Leshawna. "Do you have your eye on anyone?" I play with the string of my ear buds.
"Nah, we ain't here for all that." She was lying. I could tell by the way she holds herself. I raise my eyebrows and she nervously laughs. "I'm serious." I put my hands up in defense. "Okay, okay." I whisper. "What about you?" She brings it back to me, which I should've known was going to happen. I catch myself glancing over to Gwen then over to Heather but I shake my head. "There's definitely some attractive people here but I don't know about crushing." I hum, leaning back on the wood.
Now hitting the 24 hour mark I sat with Gwen, 9 of us awake and 7 of the Killer Bass. Courtney's running in place.
Tyler screams, jolting a few people up. "Congratulations campers. You've made it to the 24 hour mark. Time to take it up a notch." He uncovers a pile of books as Chef was wearing a pink lamb costume and holding a lyre? "Fairy tales."
"Oh he's not serious." Gen says. "I think he is." I roll my eyes and Chris clears his throat, opening a book. "Once upon a time, there was inside this boring kingdom... a boring village. And inside this boring, sleepy village, filled with very boring children who did very boring things..." Next was Chef spreading glitter in a tu-tu dancing ballet.
Dj tied himself straight onto a tree but knocked it down after instantly falling asleep. "Timber!" Gwen yawned.
Now at the 40 hour mark, 4 Killer bass and 7 of us remained. I'm not lying in front of Gwen. My limbs sprawled out. We're five now as Beth and Lindsay pass out.
"Okay, favorite song?" Gwen asks me, and I think for a minute. "Breaking dishes." I stretched then sat up. "Favorite color?" I ask. "Midnight blue, yours?"
"The rainbow, I couldn't pick any color then the others would be left out." I rant a little bit and Gwen awes at my answer right before yawning. I sprung into slight action, getting onto my knees and ankles shaking her jokingly. "Don't fall asleep. Okay, quick. Favorite movie moment?" I question her.
"You're gonna think it's cheesy." She says and I chuckle. "I might but hey mine's probably stupid." I assure her... kind of. "You might?" She laughs, "I gotta be honest." I smile as we both calm our laughter. "But seriously, no judgment here." I put my pinky up and she links hers with mine. "Okay, the kiss at the end of that road-trip movie. You know the one with the guy and the three girls?" My jaw drops. "Really? I love that movie." I gasp, grabbing onto one of her hands. "No way, people always call that movie stupid." And as I went to say something in response a naked, sleepwalking Owen walked in front of us.
Our eyes widen sharply before following over to see his clothes laid out on the ground.
"Did I mention that I ate the entire dish of baked beans and maple syrup? Funny thing about baked beans, they make me sleepwalk." He awkwardly informs the audience.
Gwen was now laying on her stomach as I stayed sitting up. "Wow, they sleep together too." I laugh and she tiredly smiles. "Even though this is to go all the way to just one person I hope we make it to the end together." Gwen yawns, I stare up at the sky humming in agreement. But if I'm being truly honest I know I can't get too attached to anyone. At the end of the day this is 100,000 dollars on the line.
Now we're both watching the stars, laying flat on the ground, her pinky linked with mine. "Are you awake?"
"Yeah, it's weird but I think I'm so tired that I'm not tired anymore. Does that make sense?" She explains, I yawn once again causing her to yawn too. "Definitely, but we can get through this. Think of how good not being eliminated will feel." I remind her. "True."
We then look for constellations again and really I'm just listening to her talk. It was quite soothing but as I'm listening I look around at the others. I notice Heather alone and staring at me. Since she's so tired her reflexes were slow so I caught it before she looked away. I smile to myself. "You still there, [Name]?" Gwen wiggles her pinky and I chuckle. "I'm right here." I assure her.
At 51 hours Gwen and I are now standing and watching Justin not moving, in some weird pose. "Look at him, he's like a statue. He hasn't moved in over 50 hours." Gwen points out and we both yell at him, making random noises but he doesn't even falter. "Amazing, look at the concentration." She compliments but I stare at him closely, rubbing the back of my neck once I realize his eyes are painted. "Aren't his eyes blue? Like menacingly blue?" I quiz, waving a hand in his face but Gwen actually pokes him in the cheek. His head shakes and his real eyes open. We both gasp. "
"His eyelids are painted, I saw it!" Eva calls. "Shut up! Oh, I've got to see this." Chris laughs, sprinting to Justin who smiles nervously, knowing he's just been caught. "That is so freaking cool," Chris admits. "But you're still out, dude." He walks away, the model slumps sadly.
Hours pass, hitting 84 and I don't even understand how we're making it this far. It's all worth it though to see Noah spooning Cody, kissing his ear. The two wake up screaming.
Now it's up to Gwen, Heather, Trent and I. "i'd kill for a coffee right now." Gwen tells us, I nod bringing my knees to my chest. I sat in front of Heather, besides Gwen. "What is the matter with you people?" Chris comes up to us with a coffee in hand, sipping it quite loudly. "Come on, fall asleep already," He whines.
Gwen crawls to his knees. "You gotta hook me up man. I'll even eat the grinds." She pleads with the annoying host. "All right, you six stay with me. The rest of you go and get a shower, for heaven's sake you stink!" He orders the losers and I sigh wishing I was them right about now.
"I didn't want it to come to this. I said that to Chef Hatchet last night. I said, "Chef, I don't want it to come to this." But darn it, these campers are tough. And so I've come up with the most boring, sleep inducing activity I can find." Chris announces to the camera or the audience- whatever. I'm too tired to think.
"Oh, Come on. What now? Okay, you know what? Bring it on." Gwen places her hands on her hips.
"The history of Canada." The red covered book pops open. "A pop up book." It was a beaver. "Chapter on: The Beaver, national symbol and a "dam" fine hat." He reads, we all groan but I can feel my sleepiness really kick in. Eva fell asleep and so did Heather.
Trent starts to fall back, Gwen and I try to save him but it is too late. "Damn." I shake my head.
"Time for a bathroom break. Any takers?" He asks us three.
"I've held it this long, Mouse and Sweetheart." I wince as he holds himself. "I can go all day." He tells us. "Yeah but can you hold it for ten more chapters?" Gwen Crosses her arms. That gets him to get up and make his way to the bathroom. "You've got 5 minutes." Chris tells the bad teen. "Long as you don't mind a little company." Chris adds the last part. "Fine but stay out of the stall." Duncan snaps at the camera man who nods his head.
Gwen and I sit down and she sighs. "I don't know how much longer I can do this." She groans. "Keep it up, Gwenny. You got this." I rub her arm and her face turns pink. "You too."
A cameraman gives Chris a paper. "We have news! It looks like Duncan's taken a dive on the can, which means the official winners of the awake-a-thon are Gwen-" She goes to fall face first to the ground but I catch her, bringing her up into my arms. "And [Name]!"
"The Screaming Gophers win!" Chris holds up our weak hands.
I stand up, throwing Gwen over my shoulder and carrying her to our cabin with as much strength as I can muster. Gripping onto the railing to steady myself up the stairs as she's knocked out cold. I whimper up the final stair, bursting in through the door and lying her down on her bunk before I end up collapsing on the ground, instantly falling asleep on the hardwood floor. 
Link to all chapters
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty Two: WHY AM I DREAMING OF US MARRIED (Your in love idiot is that why?)
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Everyone was sitting on stumps as you all watched the horror movie play from the projector. Unsurprisingly, Duncan and you had seen the movie, so Duncan was excitedly watching it, and you were staring at it rather bored.
“The killer is gonna go for the car.” You said, sounding terribly bored, with your head in your hands. There were about a hundred other things you’d like to do.
Duncan’s attention turned over to DJ who was cowering in his seat. “Dude, how do you get any girls?” Duncan asked and DJ scowled right before going back to cowering.
Duncan’s eyes flicked over to you as if asking you what women see in DJ. “I mean we like guys with animals.” You shrugged, not really knowing how to answer. “Good thing I got two snakes, and a piranha.” Duncan smiled as you ruffled his hair.
“That’s right, sugar.” 
“...does it help I have seven older brothers who have been begging me to date you since I’m pretty sure you were born?” Duncan sighed smiling into his palm.
“They were shipping a newborn and a one year old?” You said raising an eyebrow and Duncan’s smile dropped. “No- forget I told you that.” You rolled your eyes. But you finally noticed that DJ was still shaking in his seat even after the movie had ended.
“What part scared you the most?” Duncan asked his friend, sounding way too interested to be safe, trying to convey that ‘this idiot looks like he’s about to wet his pants, shut your mouth.’ But Duncan smirked, sending you a discreet wink as he continued.
“Was it the part where everyone met a grisly death? Or was it the psycho killer with the-'' as he pulled out his ‘hook’ hand, Leshawna stifled her laughter as she watched you mimic his movements. 
“Really, what’s your obsession with having a hook for a hand?” You set your hands on your hips causing Duncan to laugh. “You look just like your mom.” He smiled, and your heart crinkled at the memory. Duncan had begged Chris to put on a horror movie for you, since you had been having a terrible day so far. 
Grief sucks. Grief sucks a lot. 
“Come on Deej, for a slasher flick, that was pretty tame.” Gwen sighed, staring disappointed at the man, who shrieked sheepishly. You nodded agreeing with her. “Yeah there was no hacking. Not like Blood-Bath 2 Summer Camp of Terror.” You muttered as you sat back down. Have you ever heard the quote “Grief comes and goes in waves?” 
Annoyingly, it’s not wrong. “Yo, that’s my favorite movie! I love it when the killer dude sticks that guy's hand in the lawn mower.” Gwen mimicked her words, and you smiled softly. 
“Or when he pushes that one chick off the dock, and she lands on a propeller blade that slices her in half.” You remembered that was the one scene that got Duncan to scream when you were eight. 
Duncan today just gave you a look that meant ‘I swear if you tell them I’m going to tackle you’.
Suddenly Duncan noticed that DJ was still freaking out each time you mentioned the events so Duncan got in real close and whispered. “Or when he shoves the biggest dude into the woodchipper and plays with the confetti.” DJ screamed like a little girl and jumped into Leshawna's arms.
“Marry me?” You lightly chuckled, wrapping your arms around Duncan and leaning down (he was sitting where you were standing) before kissing his cheek. “Keep doing that and I might.” He mumbled before he realized what he said and stood straight up.
“It’s just mindless guts and gore.” Heather grumbled rolling her eyes. “Hey horror movies have a lot of psychological trauma.” Duncan pointed out and your eyebrows furrowed on your forehead before you spoke again. “So did both our childhoods…” you pointed out to Duncan. “Why do you think they were so fun?” Duncan said sadly kissing your forehead.
“Does anyone know what our challenge is this week?” Heather finally asked. “That’s a good question, it’s Sunday doesn’t he usually tell it to us at midnight?” You asked, suddenly looking around for the man.
Eventually Duncan and you found Chris and Chef on the dock hurriedly packing. “Is there a fire, Chef?” Duncan raised an eyebrow. The man ran onto the boat before he could respond.
“Bye beautiful, I'm gonna tell everyone we’re married.” Chris yelled to you as the boat quickly lodged off. The rest of the campers had followed you in pursuit since they had long-realized that out of the two of you, you were the better tracker. 
“You forgot this!” Owen yelled as he picked up a backpack from the dock. A newspaper fell out, you stared at it before Owen picked it up. “This is totally the challenge isn’t it?” Duncan whispered in your ear, you weakly smiled, nodding.
“Escaped psycho killer on the loose.” Owen read aloud. “Be on the lookout for a man wearing a hockey mask, who has a hooked hand and is holding a chainsaw. You raised an eyebrow. “This might be for you.” Duncan realized. 
“The plot to the Chains of Massacre: Deep in Camp, how’d he know that was my favorite movie?” You mumbled to your boyfriend who looked sheepish. “I may, or may not talk to the cameras about you a lot.” Duncan said all in one big quick sentence.
You turned around to look at him as the other campers discussed what was happening. “That’s a little bit terrifying, cute, but terrifying cause I do the same just not to the cameras, honestly a lot to Bridgette.” You admitted quietly. “Oh trust me I don’t shut up about you around her.” Duncan quietly chuckled remembering the multiple incidents.
Suddenly Owen pulled some stuff out of the backpack. Chris’s hair gel, the taser for Duncan and you, as well as a picture of you working out, a little remote, the strangest part was that during the time the picture was taken Duncan had been working out with you as well and he had been cut out of the picture. “Woah, maybe this is for real.” Gwen whispered, shocked. 
Duncan sneaked around the group before snatching the tasers and the remote out of Owen’s huge hands. He threw all three into the water and whooped.
The ankle monitor that was designed to keep you from leaving the island and would shock you unless given permission was finally done. A small smile graced upon your face. “Also, can I have that?” You snatched the picture of you out of Owen’s hands and Duncan threw you his lighter.
You held it under the picture before telling the group to continue on with their concerns. 
Duncan watched as the flames reflected in your eyes and he smiled. Doing those tasks was the first step of surviving Chris McClean.
Sadly somewhere on the island Chris laughed, replicas, everything was merely replicas. Duncan cheerfully waved goodbye to Heather as she stormed off. “Five bucks, Chef kills her on ‘accident’?” You whispered to him and he stifled a laugh. “Oh 100%.” He smirked, shaking your hand. 
Gwen shrugged, flipping the girl off behind her back before saying. “The first thing we should do is strategize back at camp. Anyone in?”
You nodded giving her a thumbs up and Duncan shrugged, “I kinda don’t go anywhere without her so-” he smiled pointing at you and you punched his shoulder. 
You all sat down around the campfire, but the sitting on the stump was killing your posture slowly so you sat on the sand but very quickly a tired green puppy *cough, Duncan, cough* had wrapped his arms around you and buried his chin into your collarbone and somehow was already snoring.
“I don’t understand how your boy hasn’t ability to sleep on command.” Leshawna sighed clearly wishing she was asleep instead of listening to Gwen go in with the rules.
“Where’s Izzy and Owen?” The goth girl demanded. “I believe they are currently breaking rules on through three, teacher.” You smiled cheekily. “That’s Ms. Teacher to you, sweetheart.” Gwen smirked right before  winking. 
You gave her a weak smile in return before she went off in her monotone voice going on about which camper should do what and yadda, yadda, yadda. 
Your eyes flickered to sleep and you snuggled into Duncan’s chest listening to the soft sounds of him fast asleep. You awoke to Gwen lightly hitting your shoulder. “Why is Leshawna gone?” She asked you. “She went to get some chow.” You sadly forced yourself around Duncan’s arms and his strong grip even when he was fast asleep.
You had gotten a little rest and felt like a new woman. “How do you know that?” Gwen asked as you both sat down on opposing stumps. “I listen a lot, even when I’m asleep.” You sighed, it was a reflex you picked up from Duncan. Gwen crossed out Geoff and DJ, and you picked up two sticks lighting them aglow. 
“You know what ticks me off? I was trying to help them.” Gwen grumbled.
“Live and learn sweetheart. Most people aren’t gonna listen to us because we act differently, or we’re girls.” You signed the flames flicking at your skin but the amount of times you’ve been burned you barely had any nerves anymore. “You really are a pyro aren’t you?” Gwen sighed.
You shrugged, and were about to continue before you heard a whimper come out of Duncan barely audible to the bums ear. But Duncan rarely cried in his sleep, only when he was on the stupid nicotine patches. Gwen noticed how worried you looked about Duncan and she sighed, she missed Trent.
You stared for one more minute before realizing he wasn’t going to make a peep again. You shaked off your jitters before you sighed.
“So? I like burning things. It’s fun.” You smiled watching as the sticks slowly got smaller. “Is that why you went to juvie?” Gwen sounded too interested now. Your eyes found hers and you smiled cockily, summoning the girl you made for yourself in juvie. 
“Now, why on earth would I tell you that?” You raised an eyebrow, you stuck one of the flaming sticks against the paper on accident, causing Gwen to quickly run off. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Juvie, Juvie, Juvie.” You heard the supposed killer whisper, and your eyes flicked over to Duncan as his eyes flickered in his sleep, almost awakening to the whispering. 
“Alright, killer. You and me.” You quickly walked off trying not to wake Duncan. But the second you walked off Duncan was whisked away by Chef, and put in a cot in his cabin.  
“Okay, have you ever woken up a person having a nightmare? Imagine that but with an ex-con who I know for a fact has knives on his body. I mean in a different setting I’d love for his knife to be on my throat. Just not on live television.” You laughed staring at the outhouse camera.
You met the killer on the dock, and smiled, flicking the lighter in your hands on and off. “Hey, goalie boy. Ever got beat by an exhausted girl?” Surprisingly you launched yourself at him even though the chainsaw was going. 
You scaled up Chef and used all your body weight to throw him backwards, causing him to land on his back and you straddling him as you took the hook, and chainsaw out of his hands. You took the mask off of Chef and smiled.
“Hey, Chef.” You helped him up as he saved you a side-hug and ruffled your hair. “Just so you know, I got Gwen and Duncan is in the cabin asleep, kid.” Chef let you escort him back to the tent.
Which was full of all your friends, unsurprisingly. 
“Hi, Y/N! We need to fight some time!” Izzy was so excited to see you. Everyone congratulated you. But something on the camera caught your eye.
Duncan was asleep but a masked killer stood over him like a looming shadow. “Who the hell is that in the cabin with my boyfriend?” You almost screeched. Scratch that, screeched. 
Everyone bolted out of the tent. 
Duncan’s dream
He came home from work, (where did he work?), and stepped into a house that wasn’t his own. He walked in, holding a briefcase and saw a woman that looked suspiciously like you sitting in a chair rocking a baby back and forth. 
“Hey, sweetheart.” The woman whispered since the baby was fast asleep. “Hello, mi vida.” Duncan smiled, kissing your cheek. (Oh my god was that you?) 
He was forced awake when he saw a chainsaw man standing over him. His first reaction was to, you know, stab his eyes out, and beat him to death, but then you all quickly ran in.
“DUNCAN.” They all yelled at him. But he was focusing on you, the absolute fear in your eyes and on instinct he reacted. 
He launched himself at the chainsaw man and kicked the hook straight off and pinched a nerve which made the man drop the chainsaw, he then grabbed the man’s short hair and pulled back as far as he could exposing his neck which was the signal for neck kick.
Duncan couldn’t see it, but he felt the impact as your carefully aimed kick was sent straight at the killer's throat, who very quickly started high pitched before he stomped off.
“Well that was fun, same time next week?” Duncan said, trying to mask the outright fear he felt now. But you smiled, rolled your eyes and gave him a kiss, which calmed him like a drug.
Gwen came over and gave you a high five. “I might steal your girl, Duncan.” Gwen smiled, staring at you with mock dream eyes (hopefully), Duncan laughed “You wish.”
That night Duncan and you got partial immunity which meant that in the situation one of you was voted off your votes would be cut in half.
Which honestly didn’t really matter that night because literally everyone voted for DJ, so it was a waste of winning a challenge. Anyways on that happy note, see you next episode.
Bonus: Your favorite memory of your mom
Ages: 4
The tired woman looked up from her newest dish, but once she saw it was you she smiled happily.
“Yes, bunny, how may I assist you?” She helped you to sit on top of the counter. “How do I make brownies for Duncan? I have no money to buy a huge present.” You said the last part sadly.
She laughed and was curious “What would his big present be, sweetheart?” You smiled not truly understanding how deep your next words would be. “A new daddy. One that makes Duncan happy.” You clapped and your mom sighed sadly.
“Mm, you got a good heart my love. Yes, I will help you make brownies for Duncan’s birthday.” She smiled at you, you despised cooking but wanted to make your best friend happy. 
So that’s what you did that afternoon, you cooked, well mostly she cooked, you whined how boring it was, but your mom turned on music and told you to get your wiggles out on the counter that held no ingredients.
You danced as your mama cooked and she smiled slowly beginning to dance with you. After the brownies finished cooking, your mom let you have a taste test and you smiled wide.
“Thank you, mami! You're the best and I love you so very much.” You wrapped your arms around her neck kissing her cheek.
“Of course, bunny. Anything for you.” She smiled, attacking your face with kisses causing you to giggle. She sighed relishing in the sounds of her beautiful daughter so full of energy and joy.
The results had gotten in yesterday about the disease, she knew how long she had left but you didn’t know. 
She’d miss her daughter growing up.
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