#tdj fic
briwates · 5 months
Zero context WIP game ! Thank you @clawbehavior for the tag, excited to do this because I've got like 10 different wips and kept resisting the temptation to post snippets. These fics don't have definitive titles yet so the ones here are approximative descriptions
1. Ms Ji & the Kangs
“Yohan-ah, I love you, don’t cry” Isaac says, patting his baby brother’s stomach when he fusses. They’re both laying on Isaac’s bed after lunch, a bit drowsy in the early hours of the afternoon. Young-Ok watches the two as she folds laundry.
“Nanny, why does Yohan have no eyebrows ?” Isaac asks curiously.
She chuckles at the question, taking a tiny pair of socks out of the basket and folding them together. “Most babies are born without much hair, he’ll grow them later on.”
2. Conversations
Gaon swipes ‘accept call’ and props his phone against a utensil holder as Elijah’s lovely face comes into view. She has cut her hair into a bob, even bangs forming a curtain on her forehead.
“Gaon, it's an emergency ! You need to come to Geneva and do something !” Elijah’s voice immediately comes through the phone speaker, loud enough to be heard over the sound of meat sizzling on the stove. “Yohan is serious about growing that ugly mustache and the clinic receptionist keep trying to hit on him !”
3. Yohan through Isaac's photography
October 1991, Yohan showing me his teeth 
Gaon chuckles at the photo. It’s blurry like the objective had gone out of focus at the last minute. Yohan is giving the camera a smile and scrunching his nose, eyes closed under his fringe like he’s shielding them from the flash. Some milk teeth are missing from his gums, two permanent ones just peeking above the surface. He must have been no more than six or seven here.  
4. Gaon scrolls online forums
"Judge Oh, I have this file I wanted discuss with you"
Jinjoo comes up behind him to see just as he is about to unlock his computer. What greets Gaon after entering his password is the previous night's research topic brightly displayed on the screen. Shit. Carelessly, he had simply shut the laptop before going to bed, instead of closing the tabs and erasing his search history.
Panic and embarrassment seize Gaon on the spot. He's about two hundred-percent certain that Jinjoo got a glimpse of what was written on the screen. Omegaverse fanfiction of him and their boss. Gaon wants to explode.
"You have…a lot of open tabs, Judge Kim."
5. Another snippet from Conversations
“You have something under your eye”
“Hmm ?” Yohan hums, closing said eye when Gaon’s thumb gently swipes across his skin.
“Eyelash.” Gaon flicks it away “crap I should’ve told you to make a wish”
They’re laying on the couch in a tangle of limbs, Gaon on top of Yohan like a weighted blanket, chest to chest, book long abandoned on the coffee table. Kkomi is on the armrest behind Yohan’s head, sniffing at his hair. Gaon yawns into Yohan’s collar.
“We should go to bed.” Yohan says, voice hoarse.  
6. Sunah lives
It is routine until her ears catch familiar voices, ones she thought she would never hear again, along with the cries of a fussy child.
“Gaon-ah, give her to me”
Sunah turns around to see, to her surprise, peering over the café’s balcony, Kang Yohan, his niece, his former associate, passing over an agitated toddler.
“I told you we should have brought her stroller,” Kim Gaon’s reprimands are a refreshing thing to hear “She gets tired.”
“It would have been inconvenient though, with all the stairs and narrow streets.” Kang Elijah chimes in. She is on crutches now, standing just a few centimeters shy of her uncle’s height.
“That’s fine” Kang Yohan hauls up the little girl against his chest so that her head rests on his shoulder, pats her back. “Appa will be the stroller today."
Tagging @thedeviljudges if you feel like doing it !
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you're not alone
Read on Ao3
Warnings: gaon's canon abandonment issues
Pairings: gahan
Word Count: 1986
He still has nightmares about it. 
About opening his eyes and hearing the news that Kang Yohan is dead. About watching the broadcast with Jinjoo by his side, barely hearing her horrified gasps as his world turns, turns, stops. About feeling a familiar sadness, patient and without hope, spreading across the guilt like a moth to a flame.
He remembers the steely cold gaze from Lawyer Ko, the betrayed cries of Elijah, and the quiet murmur of alone, alone, alone. He had no more anchor; Soohyun was dead, a bullet spilling blood onto his hands, his knees, his face. His professor had betrayed him, planted a knife in him and twisted, whispering lies about the greater good. Elijah no longer wanted anything to do with him—as well she shouldn’t, he’s been the one to wreck everything for her.
And Yohan was dead. 
So he fell. He gave in to the stupid ideas, the reckless plan, because if he was going to throw himself off a cliff, he was damn well going to try and take as many people as he could with him. 
Sometimes he gets left in the box, suffocating and cramped, wondering if this is what it feels like to be buried alive.
Sometimes everyone turns their back on him and he never gets in the door, never gets the chance to atone for what horrors he’s done. 
Sometimes he stands there, with a bomb strapped to his chest, and when he closes his eyes all he sees is black. 
He wakes up with tears in his eyes and an ache buried deep in his chest. He presses a hand there sometimes, and rubs as if it’ll make it go away, only for it to linger. With his sleep-slack brain, sometimes he feels the burning aftermath of another touch. 
Because Yohan wasn’t dead. 
No, someone had rushed up in a blur, slammed him against the wall, disarmed the bomb, and asked if he was late. 
His chest still burns with the memory of it, of rushing through every possible emotion at once only for his perception of the world to narrow down to how it feels to have this man, alive, in his arms. To close his eyes and for one moment, have everything be okay. 
Only to have it ripped from his chest. 
He still has nightmares about it. 
About being thrown bodily from a room laced with enough explosives to bring the whole thing down. About seeing Yohan’s face as he closed the door, detonator flashing bright in his hand. About how the ache in his throat is how he knew he was screaming as the bombs went off. 
He remembers collapsing like a puppet with his strings cut and a small part of him wondering what an apt metaphor that was. Because Gaon had never been instrumental in Yohan’s plans, he’d been the one to mess all of them up. If it weren’t for him, it never would have turned out like this. He was a pawn, carefully molded by Min Jungho and Jung Sunah, nothing but a convenient weak point to be taken in and exploited when the time came and he had comported perfectly. 
During one of their earlier arguments, Yohan had almost gotten it right. 
You’re nothing but a stray, he had said, a lost little stray looking for somewhere warm to belong. 
And here he still is now, alone again in the cold, with his tail tucked between his legs and nowhere to go. 
But he had work to do, because his pain would only be felt, not lived, as would someone else’s. So he had stood as tall as he knew how, taken a deep breath, and gone to kneel before Elijah, to explain all the he could and offer himself as whatever she needed him to be. 
A friend, a family member, or someone to crucify. 
But he had found a skeleton of a house and a map, covered in the last thing he expected to find and something to make the unspooling well of grief into something tangible. 
Because Kang Yohan was still alive and he had work to do. 
Grief became a yoke, shackled him to a drive for justice and his shoulders began to ache long before the nightmares began to sort themselves into distinct categories. 
Sometimes the bombs go off and Yohan really is gone; he sees a twisted mangled corpse and eyes that should never be empty. 
Sometimes Elijah screams and beats him, sometimes she looks at him with ice in her gaze, sometimes she cries in the arms of someone who she calls her guardian now, who will keep her away from him. 
Sometimes he goes to the house and drowns in all the ghosts. 
He wakes up screaming from those, chest burning, skin clammy, and reaching, reaching, always reaching. It burns, it always does, and he never gets back to sleep until he’s too tired to think anymore. 
He still has nightmares, but he’s grateful for them. 
Because he doesn’t know what he’d do if they showed him what else could be. 
Kang Yohan is still alive. He’s with Elijah. They’re safe. Elijah is getting treatment and Yohan is getting to breathe. 
But they’re not here. They are thousands of miles away and Gaon is alone. Punishment, penance, justice, even, but Gaon is here in his ill-fitting suits, up to his elbows in trying to make a world that doesn’t need Kang Yohan. 
He will always be a hypocrite, because he needs Kang Yohan. And he will always hate himself for wishing in split-second moments, in the dead of night when his skin burns cold, that he wishes he were really dead. 
Because then it might be a little easier to be alone. 
What he doesn’t know is that thousands of miles away, through cameras installed by paranoia and overprotectiveness, another man sits in the cold glow of a laptop and keeps watch. Over the tears, the screams, and hopes the somewhere, somewhere, Gaon knows that he was never a stray, that he does belong somewhere. 
Somewhere, where there’s a teenager in a wheelchair, a warm bed, and someone who will vow to ensure he never feels alone ever again. 
Ko Inguk: Your boy is pining.
Yohan stifles a scoff as he reads, turning off his phone without responding and glancing back at the footage. Kim Gaon is doing a remarkable impression of someone who is actively reading something, but the slump in his posture and the way he hasn't moved from the current section of the screen in ten minutes gives him away. He toys with the edge of the keyboard.
"When are you bringing him home?"
"Soon." He's given up trying to argue with Elijah.
"Yah, didn't you hear me?"
"'Soon' isn't a date."
He rolls his eyes and clicks over to the browser. On it is the confirmation for a flight to Korea and two return trip tickets. "Are you satisfied?"
Elijah squints at the screen with all the imperiousness of a teenager and sticks her nose into the air. "It'll do."
Yohan opens his mouth to retort when his phone buzzes again.
Ko Inguk: If you don't come get him I'll fly him out there myself.
And again.
Oh Jinjoo: You should really tell our friend about your plans, you know. He hasn't been sleeping well lately.
"Aish, you're all the worst," he grumbles, "I want Gaon-ah to come home just as much as the rest of you, why do you keep acting like I don't?"
"You called him Gaon-ah," Elijah sings and he halfheartedly tosses a pillow at her, "you should say that when you pick him up, 'Gaon-ah, come home, Gaon-ah, I miss you—"
"Listen here, you brat—"
He'd thought his days of being driven to some abandoned building and left in the flickering half-light of a dying lightbulb were over, but when Lawyer Ko shows up and tells him to get in the car, he sighs and gets it over with.
Probably some aspiring politician that wants something, he thinks as he paces back and forth in front of the plastic tarps. A waste of time for them, a potentially career-ending one at that.
A shadow lengthens on the floor.
"You have nothing to offer me," he says before they can say anything, "I won't be another pawn in the games of the elite. Whatever your speech is, you can forget it. Nothing you say will convince me."
The shadow pauses, and for a moment he thinks they'll just leave him and he can go home and—well, not sleep but lie still in the night and hurt, but then they come closer. He barely stifles a groan.
"Seriously, you're wasting your time. Just go while I still have plausible deniability." The shadow doesn't stop. "Listen, it's been a long day and—"
A hand covers his eyes and an arm of steel wraps around his chest before he has time to react, pinning his arms to his sides. He bites back a curse and reaches up—did Lawyer Ko set him up? Was this another plan? Did they know he was here?—trying to grab his attacker's wrist and wrench it away, when—
His fingers clasp a very familiar watch.
He freezes.
Slowly, so slowly, he traces the band as though it would disappear and shatter beneath his touch, relaxing into the hold. As he does so, it softens, no longer a restraint but a gentle support against a solid chest. His head comes to rest against a warm shoulder, the hand over his eyes resting there as his own fingers tremble.
He dares hardly breathe.
No response. He swallows, his throat suddenly dry.
A mouth, next to his ear. "What happened to not wanting me to say anything?"
And it's so perfectly insufferable that it could only be Yohan and he sags with the relief of it, clutching Yohan's arm as his feet slip out from under him. Yohan just chuckles, his hand still over his eyes, letting him lean against his front. "You—you—"
"Me," he says with far too much softness, "still getting used to those legs, are you, baby deer?"
"What are you doing here?"
"I came back for you."
His blood runs cold. "M-me?"
Yohan hums. Has he done something wrong? He's trying, really, he is, he's trying to do what was asked of him, he's trying to do the right thing, but it's hard, it's so hard—
"Elijah has been very insistent," Yohan says, effectively cutting off the thoughts, "as has Lawyer Ko, and Judge Oh. So yes, I've come for you."
Yohan pauses for a moment, then he mutters something under his breath that sounds suspiciously like damn you, Kang Elijah, before his grip shifts and his voice returns. "Come home, Gaon-ah."
"…come home?"
"Yes. Come home to Switzerland, come home to me. That's where you belong."
Gaon swallows. "Can I see you?"
"Depends. Will you come home?"
"Let me tell you face to face."
"You drive a hard bargain, Kim Gaon." And for a terrible moment, he thinks Yohan will say no, will slip back into the darkness and Gaon will be left to chase his shadow all over again, but then the hands are sliding around his shoulders and turning him to face him.
Half-expecting this to be a dream, he opens his eyes.
Yohan looks at him expectantly, the familiar smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Well? Will you—"
He doesn't get time to finish as Gaon throws himself into his arms.
"Yes," he near sobs, "take me home."
He still has nightmares about it.
But now, he wakes up to a low voice murmuring in his ear, a hand rubbing gentle circles into his chest, and a strong pulse beating under his fingertips.
"It's okay, Gaon-ah, it's okay. You're safe, you're home. You're not alone."
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uweiy · 2 years
Chapters: 2/5 Fandom: 악마판사 | The Devil Judge (TV) Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Kang Yo Han/Kim Ga On Characters: Kang Yo Han, Lee Young Min, Kim Ga On, Kang Elijah, Ko In Guk, Kkomi Additional Tags: Has Yohan suffered enough? Maybe so, will he suffer in this fic?absolutely, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Yohan is not ok, Gaon is not ok either, Nobody's okay, but maybe if they were together they'd be slightly more ok yk, Idiots in Love, Canon typical violence 
Summary:Because of Him, Young Min's entire golden palace, all his possessions, his life had started to fall apart like a house of cards.
One name had burned itself into the depths of his heart, then.
Kang Yohan. Kang Yohan. Kang Yohan.
Young Min clasps the suitcase shut and makes his way to the airport.
___ Written for the prompt:
If you dont mind, the devil judge prompt. Cha kyung hee's son knows Yohan still lives. So, when Yohan comes to Korea to visit Gaon, the son wants to take revenge (Whump!Yohan bc there's so little of it in fics) Bc Gaon almost loses Yohan again, he decides to leave with him to Switzerland
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clawbehavior · 24 days
Continue the story: The Devil Judge/Gahan edition
Fellow fandom folks,
We're doing a collaborative fic on A03 for The Devil Judge and Yohan/Gaon and we'd love for you to join. Here's how it works: each person writes one chapter of the story based on a topic we all voted on. You can write whatever you want in your chapter as long as it connects to chapters before it. This is a nice way to close out the third rewatch, get your creative writing juices flowing in a low-stress place, try your hand at writing if you're new, and importantly, celebrate jinyoung's impending return from the military on November 4th!! If 8 people or more join, we'll be writing until then!
How to join: Reblog or comment here if you want to write a chapter with us! Make sure to sign up by Thursday, September 5 if you want to write!!
Vote here: Answer this poll to vote on what our story will be about. Feel free to suggest other ideas. The topic with the most votes will get selected.
Writing logistics: After everyone signs up, I’ll put our names in a random generator to pick the order of writers.
How it works:
Publishing: You’ll have 1 week to read what’s been written so far and write your chapter. Chapters are due by Thursdays at 9 AM KST. I'll post a schedule.
Word count: Minimum of 2 sentences and not more than 500 words. This is a loose word count specifically to keep it chill. Don’t stress about making your chapter perfect. The idea is to have fun, go with the flow, and write whatever comes to you!
Posting on ao3: We’ll post the fic as one story with multiple authors. I’ll help you out when it’s your turn to add your chapter.
Keeping in touch: We can use a Tumblr post to brainstorm ideas and talk story stuff, or, if enough people are interested, I can set up a discord to chat
The goal is to have a good time and see where everyone’s creativity takes them.
Reblogging anyone I can think of to increase reach but obvs don't feel compelled to join if you're unable to. Please share so we can include everyone who's interested!!
@jehan-d-art @thedeviljudges @technitango @tenderlywicked @uhhhhmanda @mid-n0vember @yohangaontdj @gayautisticraccoon @briwates @ladykyrin @godotismissingx @yohanmoon @kingkangyohan @yohansgaon @fr-wiwiw @caroldanverscanrawme @chu-fei @neurotic-nereid @rageprufrock @bellarkeandclintashaandsuch @eyesof-kkomi @wildelydawn @rorapostsbl @fourth-quartet @knight-of-tuxedo @yohannoir @little-arcadia @absolutesuffering @itsza @onahita @mymediacollection @amethystina @naaginaqueen @alxina @femmefatale11
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rorapostsbl · 7 months
the thing that will always stick to me from the devil judge is how polar opposites yohan and gaon are and yet — they stand for the same things. it's just a load of misunderstandings, miscommunication, and yohan's past trauma.
and yet, in those moments when yohan has let his guard down enough for gaon to peek past the angry boy persona he has, the man is absolutely whipped.
he watches yohan with so much fondness in his eyes, eyes crinkled up, a full blown smile on his face as he just watches yohan?? truly?? be?? himself??
in my mind, gaon ditches the rotten system and goes with gaon to live in switzerland and they have their happily ever after with elijah, komi.
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fr-wiwiw · 4 months
it seems more ppl are discovering or finally give TDJ a go. been seeing new peeps around and new fics by wonderful authors
never thought i'd be this brainrot by a kdrama & certainly never knew a kdrama fandom would keep existing more than a year after the drama release!
it might be my hormone these days but i feel sentimental, i never felt like this with a kdrama fandom nor characters before. idols/animes/games/movies.. i get it.. kdramas? now that's a whole lotta rare. finding 100 fic is already a blessing but this??? man.. keep the brainrot & horny bonkers people 💖
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xsvtwd · 9 months
AU where gaon has come to terms with his sexuality way back & can call his feelings for yohan what they are from the very beginning but ofc everyone around him still tries to convince him yohan is a monster INCLUDING yohan (strong you’re too good for me feels) which leads to very intense pining & angsty/angry gaon + lana del rey’s happiness is a butterfly as an inspiration for gaons pov
do you see my vision?? ANYONE????
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uhhhhmanda · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 악마판사 | The Devil Judge (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kang Yo Han/Kim Ga On Characters: Kang Yo Han, Kang Elijah, Kim Ga On (The Devil Judge), Jung Sun Ah (The Devil Judge) Additional Tags: Dirty Talk, sunah’s warped POV, only 4 instances of Jung Sunah’s favorite word, Voyeurism, PWP, brat gaon, brat tamer yohan, sunah’s going to have to jump a lot more than two stories this time Summary:
Jung Sunah hides in the Kang mansion and watches the young master fuck Kim Gaon.
@gayautisticraccoon, @gaylilsherlock, @clawbehavior, @briwates, @fr-wiwiw, @thedeviljudges
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briwates · 28 days
when he gets the photo, he has to sit down. roly poly baby with the sweetest eyes staring at the camera out of focus.
from this asks game
Thank you for the ask !! i've thought all day about how to write around this prompt, and I finally found my answer :D it got a little long so fic under the cut
yohan was out of town for a work placement when isaac had called him. their much anticipated addition to the family was coming earlier than expected, shortening at once the number of days he was checking off the calendar since the big announcement.
An emergency c-section. heejin had been rushed to the hospital in the early evening, two weeks before the planned due date. yohan paces with frustration in the break room, wishing he could be there with his brother and sister-in-law to welcome this baby. The first yohan would get to see and hold up close. damned mandated overtime.
"i'll send you her picture" isaac had said over the phone. small consolation for missing the event. yohan would have to hold onto that until he could hold his niece, tiny and solid and real.
throughout the evening, he refreshes his email again and again, sneaking away from his colleagues on "coffee breaks" to the computer room, necessity of late afternoon work. the overtime was killing him even more than usual today, cases that usually piqued his interest now made pointless in the face of what he was missing at home. or at least, the closest thing he could call home.
the clock displays 10:03pm when yohan's phone rings again, right after the last of his coworkers wave him goodbye and shut the door. alone in the office, he jumps off his seat to grab the device, scrambles to pull at the charging cord and press the "accept call" button on his Samsung Eternity, fingers shaky.
"hyung ?"
"she's here" isaac tells yohan between sniffles when the phone is against his ear. "elijah is here. yohan-ah, i am a father."
"congratulations hyung" yohan manages to croak out. the excitement materializes like a ball in his chest that is about to burst. he feels ready to start bouncing off walls. "how is noona ?"
"she's tired, but happy. she's feeding elijah. nanny is with her" there is a pause, another sniffle before isaac adds sheepishly, "the emotion overtook me so strongly that they sent me to wash my face, i am calling you from the hospital hallway"
yohan chuckles. it is just like his brother to burst into tears at emotional moments
"who does she look like ?" he asks, curious to know. they had a bet.
"hmmf" isaac blows his nose "i think she takes after heejin the most, but you should see her for yourself"
the email. yohan runs to the computer room again with the phone against his cheek, praying, hoping no one has locked it for the night. the door creaks as he pushes it open for the nth time in three hours, the first desktop displaying bouncing bubbles as a screensaver.
"i have sent you her first picture." isaac's voice gets watery again "i will hang up now, yohan-ah. they both need me."
"okay" yohan breathes, hastily typing his password for the second time, urgency and and impatience making him fail the first. "take care hyung. say hi to noona for me. i will be home soon"
isaac hangs up shortly after, leaving yohan to stand over the computer again, clicking refresh incessantly.
when he gets the photo, he has to sit down. roly poly baby with the sweetest eyes staring at the camera out of focus. elijah is swaddled and wearing a hospital beanie, as pink as her pudgy little face.
yohan takes in her features. her bright eyes. her tiny nose. her round cheeks and sweet little pout. the ball about to burst in his chest only gets bigger, he cannot take his eyes off the screen. his niece. born into the world, precious and perfect.
yohan ignores the sting in his eyes and opens another tab to book the first train tickets to Seoul the coming saturday, the wait for the birth now replaced by counting down the hours to holding elijah in his arms, real and solid and forever his to protect.
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an inconvenient stabbing | aftermath
Read on Ao3 Part 1
Warnings: ptsd, dissociation, implied/referenced unintentional self-harm
Pairings: none! or all!
Word Count: 1354
It can be difficult to go back to work after such an event. During a live trial, Judge Oh...needs a moment.
It says something, doesn’t it, that she actually has to look down to see that there’s blood underneath her fingernails. 
Her hands lie there, limp and sterile under the cold light. Her fingers twitch. They don’t feel like hers anymore. Has her skin always looked like that?
She should stop. Should have stopped when she could no longer tell her fingers what to do. Should have stopped when the palms of her hands lost the ability to tell the difference between air and skin. Should have stopped when she looked down to see blood under her nails. 
But she doesn’t. They do not belong to her anymore, so why would they do as she says?
Jinjoo watches her hands with no small bemusement. An outsider to her own body, relegated to the boundaries of her own existence as it decides what it does. Is this what it’s like to watch her?
From some distant memory, she hears Jung Sunah’s voice, talking about how she sparkled. 
She doesn’t feel very sparkly. 
She looks down again. The blood looks like her dress robes. Is that what sparkles? She was chosen for her looks, was it how she looks in the red? Does it sparkle over her shoulders the way it does on her hands, under her nails? Is this the way she was meant to sparkle?
To seek the truth, the justice, the right so much that she cuts her hands on the insides of crystals?
Jinjoo floats, suspended, in a world of mirrors. 
Far, far away, across too many reflections to keep track of, she thinks she hears someone call her name. 
A blur of motion in front of her and she blinks, tilting her head. Judge Kim is here. Why is he here? Did she miss a meeting? She doesn’t think so. He’s crouching in front of her. He looks upset. Her mouth doesn’t want to ask what’s wrong. His mouth is moving. Oh. 
He’s calling her name. 
Her many reflections can’t find words to answer. 
He’s looking down and back up at her. He pulls something. She looks down. He’s holding her hands. The blood smears across his skin, sparkling in the light. Does he sparkle too, now? Her reflections shiver and the sight is enough to make her want to close her eyes. 
Judge Kim is speaking again. He’s looking at someone over her shoulder. Who else is here? Before she can ask—or ask her mouth to ask—there’s another blur of movement. Oh. She’s moving. 
Her legs walk smoothly across the mirrored floor, guided by a hand underneath her arm. Mirrored hallways pass them by. Where are they going?
She blinks and she’s in another room. The blood doesn’t sparkle on her hands anymore. She thinks she might like it better. 
Judge Kim isn’t in front of her anymore. She can only see part of him now. There must still be a hand on her shoulder. The sound of someone’s voice bounces across the mirrors. Is it Judge Kim? She asks her head to look up.
Judge Kang’s office. She’s in Judge Kang’s office. Is she allowed to be in here? There’s still a hand on her shoulder. But Judge Kim is moving across the room. Whose hand is on her shoulder?
The voice bounces across the mirrors again. She tries to follow its path, losing it many times before she finds it. 
Judge Kang. Judge Kang’s hand is on her shoulder. He’s looking at her, his mouth is moving. She can hear sounds but not words. She asks her ears to listen. 
But Judge Kang isn’t talking anymore. He’s just staring at her. Is something wrong?
The hand on her shoulder moves, coming closer to her face and oh—oh, he’s—is she crying?
The tear sparkles on his hand. 
Judge Kim is back. He’s crouched—crouched?—crouched in front of her with—with a first-aid kit. He has one of her hands in his and he’s dabbing at the cuts with a cotton ball soaked in antiseptic. The sting ripples along the edge of the reflections. 
Is she still crying?
In one of the reflections, she watches another tear run down her face, over her cheek, down under her jaw. Judge Kang’s hand lifts again, a finger running under her chin to catch and lift, brushing them…away? Why? Why is she here? What’s going on?
“We were hoping,” comes the voice, muted through so many reflections but there, “that you would be able to tell us.”
“I—“ is that her voice?— “I can’t feel my hands.”
“You might be having a panic attack,” Judge Kim says—says, she can hear him—“or dissociating, do you know how long this has been happening?”
No. No, she doesn’t.
“Has this ever happened to you before?”
She shakes her head again, another sparkling tear landing in her lap. 
“It’s okay,” Judge Kim says, “it’ll pass. You’ll be okay, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.”
He sets aside the cotton and gathers her hands in his. He holds them there, in her lap. 
“Squeeze my hands.”
She asks her hands to squeeze and she—she can’t. “I can’t—I can’t.”
“Here,” Judge Kang says, his hand settling on her shoulder, “we’ll all squeeze together. On the count of three, ready?”
Jinjoo squeezes
"Good. Again."
And again. Judge Kim's hands are warm. Hers are not.
"One more time."
She looks down at her hands and sees the blood. Another sparkling tear falls and mixes with the red. This feels familiar.
"You'll get blood," she mumbles, "you'll get blood all over your hands."
"It's alright. I'm alright." Judge Kim squeezes her hands. "It's okay."
Everything hurts. Does everything hurt? Why does her body hurt and refuse to tell her?
"Don't drift away again," Judge Kang says sharply, his hand shaking her shoulder, "stay with us."
That also feels familiar.
Why does it feel familiar?
She shifts and her hands sparkle in the light and—
That's right.
She had come in to work this morning for the live trial. They had called for a recess and she and Judge Kim had gone back to their office. As Judge Kim sat down, a scarf had fallen from his chair.
It was not the same scarf, but the sight of it had been enough to remind her of—
"Yah," Judge Kim calls as her eyes fill with tears and she gasps, "it's okay, Jinjoo, you're okay. You're safe."
"It hurts. It hurts—"
"You're not there, you're fine. You're safe. Look around, see? You're in the Chief's office."
Yes, yes, that's right. She's in a different office. She looks around, sees the painting, sees his desk—she's fine. She's fine.
She buries her face in her hands. "I'm being ridiculous."
"You are traumatized," Judge Kim—Gaon scolds, "that's not ridiculous."
"So what, am I never supposed to go to our office again?"
"That can be arranged."
Both of them look up at Judge Kang in surprise. He looks back at them with the slightest fond bemusement.
"There are many offices in this building. You could be moved to another."
But Jinjoo likes that office. It has good ventilation and is near the coffee machine, and it's where all of her inside jokes with Gaon are. She doesn't want to let this silly little thing ruin it.
"You both," Gaon pronounces when she gives voice to that thought, "have a gift for understatement."
Judge Kang chuckles as Gaon reaches for her hands again.
"You don't have to decide right now, but it's not some 'silly little thing,' Jinjoo. It's going to take time to deal with it."
"Oh, like you two are so great about that?"
It's her turn to make both of them splutter and she shakes her head.
"I know it's going to take time. But I am going to be frustrated about it."
"Get used to it," Judge Kang says as Gaon gets up to fetch a tissue box, "it won't happen anytime soon."
"Whatever you say, ahjussi."
Jinjoo laughs as they start to bicker. The mirrors fade away and the sunlight sparkles into the room.
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clawbehavior · 17 days
TDJ Collab fic is officially live on a03!! Stay tuned for chapter 1 arriving next week, where @tenderlywicked kicks off the story of gahan finding each other again.
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wildelydawn · 1 year
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So I found out that The Devil Judge is on Netflix and my productivity is out the window.
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thedeviljudges · 10 months
Touch starved and sensitive Yohan who turns into a puddle of sighs and moans when Gaon touches him the first time they do any kind of sexual activivity 😵‍💫 or not even sexual, just Yohan melting into Gaon constantly after years of guarding himself and not letting anyone in
yasssss!!!!!!!!! see, i have a fic in mind i've wanted to write for two years basically based on this!!! yohan has never been with anyone before, and the leading up to learning how to be touched. it starts small with hand holding and hugs until he's ready for the next step. basically, touch exposure. gaon going at yohan's pace, knowing it's gonna take some time because there are certain parts of yohan that make his skin crawl and panic with anxiety. just yohan learning to equate touch with kindness and love in return. 🥺
that said, it aligns so well with this hc because any sort of physical touch with yohan requires a great deal of trust, and yohan doesn't do that easily imo. and i know a lot of ppl tend to be lax about sex, and that's great and all, but i also think it can be an intimate experience, especially for someone like yohan who hasn't gotten a chance to be emotionally intimate (with very few, at least). couple that with physical touch is like, very overwhelming. i think we often overlook that connection and how it can be very stimulating but maybe too much for anyone who has boundaries in place bc of trauma.
so absolutely yes!!!!!! when they get to that point, at every step, yohan absolutely melts into gaon's touch. even better, he actively seeks it out!!!!!! he asks for it openly and honestly without being afraid to do so, and gaon's there, patient and so happy when yohan expresses his needs to him!!!!!
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nuwildcat · 1 year
In response to your tags on that tdj gif set... please tell me you've read everything by godotismissing??? If you want filth, they've got it in delicious spades 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
ack! I missed this entirely!
FUCK YES I HAVE BUT THERE SHOULD BE MORE! I mean look at their dynamic *gestures wildly in enthusiasm*
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Hrrrg, yeah no I'm good I swear....(I am not okay).
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technitango · 3 months
This was written for the Week 1 prompt "Favorite Pairing", for The Devil Judge 3rd Anniversary event. In this case I decided to write something a bit angsty but also sweet between Elijah, and her cat, Kkomi. This ficlet takes place during canon, somewhere after the events of the end of episode 15 and the start of episode 16. Happy 3rd Anniversary to The Devil Judge!
CW: panic attack
Also posted on ao3 here.
a little light in the darkness
Elijah couldn't breathe.  Her chest was tight where her tremulous fingers gripped against the fabric of her dress, pressing against her ribcage in a seemingly fruitless attempt to get her lungs to take in oxygen. Cold sweat broke out across her forehead and under her arms. Elijah clutched at her throat, swallowing dryly around the lump lodged there. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, rocking back and forth.  The day's shocking events kept replaying through her mind on an endless loop, a nightmare on vicious repeat.
Yohan. They had taken Yohan away. Her Yohan.  Elijah shook her head, trying to dislodge the images physically from her brain. She wanted desperately to scream, to throw anything in her reach, but she was frozen, a child trapped in her own broken body.  I couldn't do anything.  They had stolen Yohan away from her, and she had been useless.  Elijah slammed a fist into her leg and felt nothing. She gasped, hitting her thigh over and over, vision blackening at the edges, heart beat loud and wild in her own ears.  A small thump reached her through the cacophony of noise in her own mind, followed by an inquisitive and plaintive cry.  Mrrrow~ Kkomi’s cold and wet nose nuzzled curiously against Elijah's hand, yanking Elijah out of the whirlwind of her own thoughts imprisoning her.  Elijah lifted her head and blinked owlishly down at the white cat.  Kkomi tilted her head to the side, ears twitching. She made a small mrrrp~ sound and then proceeded to climb purposefully into Elijah’s lap until she had both paws planted firmly on Elijah’s chest. Kkomi stared Elijah down for a moment, and then shoved her head under Elijah’s chin, rubbing aggressively and demanding attention.  Elijah tentatively raised a shaking hand to Kkomi’s head, running her fingers behind the cat's ears, scritching beneath her chin just where she preferred. A purr started in Kkomi’s throat, at first small but soon growing in intensity. The cat leaned happily into Elijah’s ministrating fingers, and then did several circles before settling herself onto Elijah’s chest contentedly. Her purrs vibrated comfortingly against Elijah’s skin.  Elijah felt the tears forming unbidden at the corners of her eyes, the sob building in her throat. Finally the first few drops fell, and Elijah buried her head deep into Kkomi’s fur. The sobs wracked her small frame and her shoulders shook.  Kkomi stayed, even as Elijah's sobs increased in their intensity and Kkomi's fur dampened with Elijah's tears.  “Kkomi, it’s you and me against the world.” Elijah whispered fiercely and brokenly through her tears. She could breathe again.  
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stars-after-dark · 8 months
tdj people please help a homie out: how old are yohan, gaon and soohyun meant to be generally 😭 i have it down somwhere that yohan is 44 and gaon is like 29 but i don't trust anything i have written here
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