#tdp 3x04
The only reason why Nyx has the staff is for Callum to say the "boomerang?" line, right 😆
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raayllum · 11 months
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3x04 / Through the Moon / 5x04
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
Macaque: "No that's you! You're the one always running off! Looking for more power or more sources of immortality—you're the one who wouldn't quit while we were ahead!"
In a moment of "I'm getting really sad about Macaque and MK parallels", I just keep thinking about how all MK's wanted to do was quit while they were ahead, but he hasn't been able too. He's been pushed and pushed and pushed at every turn. His journey "is just beginning", and "forever's a long time"—there's been no choice for things to stay the same. I wonder if truly Wukong had a choice either. "You ever wish things will just stay like this, like they are right now?" "Psshhhkkk where's the fun in that?"
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skywing-human · 2 years
Rayla: I hate myself
Callum: What? Noo! Don’t say that! You’re amazing!!!
Rayla: Listen, you already have enough love in your system for the both of us. Let me continue with my self loathing.
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The whole Boomerang bit was cute... until I got hit with the realisation...
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Boomerang came back y’all... boomerang came back...
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blouscail · 5 years
Okay but did y’all collectively just miss the Wonderwall joke?? When they were at the OASIS???
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kuviras-eyeliner · 4 years
Not enough people are stressing how much 3x04 in TDP is so crucial towards the plot
So y’alls, this is kind of random because it’s not about The Legend of Korra, or Avatar, but about The Dragon Prince.
(Inspired from @raayllum​. absolutely amazing!!)
In 3x04, I’m like 90 percent sure that that’s the episode where Callum confesses to Rayla, and my heart-
I think we all need to take a moment to realize just how upset Rayla must feel. Considering that first of all, Rayla was forbidden from her home, she left for days, still carries the distant guilt-ghost and burden of almost killing Ezran, and all of her parental figures dying, I can’t imagine how horrible she must feel. And on top of that, she has to go on a huge journey to deliver the dragon prince, fight in a war and figure out how to save the biggest amount of people. She’s forced to keep on battling in her worst days, and she doesn’t have a choice.
She’s finally breaking down in that episode, and I can’t even explain how horrible she must feel.
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But the catch is? Imagine having someone like Callum telling you that you are enough. You’re upset, upset with the world, upset with yourself and you feel so angry and frustrated. The thing I love about The Dragon Prince is how well Rayllum was built, and that people are just really being so understanding. But not enough people understand how much Rayla went through, and just how comforting it is to understand that someone is there for you.
Imagine being at your lowest point, times ten and that’s what Rayla felt like. Rayla comes from a family and place where vulnerability is seen as despised as weak, so I can only imagine just how upset Rayla felt with herself after releasing all her bottled up feelings bit by bit. Rayla is forced to build up walls, so now, having someone like Callum, her former enemy reaching out to her, can be just so powerful and amazing.
So now imagine this: your former enemy reaches out to you and tells you that you are valid, that you’re more than enough.
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Imagine the person you least expected to even talk to you about your feelings, to tell you that you’re valid and you are important. 
He’s telling Rayla that she’s more than enough.
Just shut up. You’re talking crazy, just listen to me. You’re too good to feel this bad about yourself. I know that, and you should know that.
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You have true courage and a big heart. I’ve seen you get knocked down so many times before, and every single time, you get up again. That’s true strength. And... you’re ten times funnier than any human I ever know.
[Rayla laughs]
This is what I want to talk about: Rayla is actually going through so much right now. Rayla is forced to hide up all of her feelings, and use fighting as a strategy to release her anger, which isn’t a very safe way. She’s forced to put up barriers and really can’t do enough to make her feel better, and she’s carrying the guilt of over five people (Tiadrin, Lain, Ethari, Runaan, almost killing Ezran, Callum’s stepdad...), and feels like she can’t tell anyone. We’ve all had low points, but imagine being at your lowest, worst point and having someone come for you, follow you, not reject you and stay with you.
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Notice just how quickly her expression changes around him. That’s how much reaching out to someone can help you.
See, you know you’re amazing. You’re smart, fast, and beautiful. Rayla, you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met.
Today is national world mental health day. Please take it easy today, and know you are valid!! Stay safe, do what makes you happy and know that you’re loved.
If you need help, please feel free to pop into my messages or send any request!! I love y’all <3
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darkwolfgoddess · 3 years
Let's start this first part off with Kitty Aunt's TDP Livestream Golden moments(with Wolfy being a party crasher)!
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Second part will be out in seconds!
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mimosaeyes · 5 years
TDP timeline
aka I skimmed the (first) three TDP seasons, counting the days, so you don’t have to. Not that you would.
Here’s the TLDR:
Season 1 takes place over 5 days
2 days pass offscreen, between 1x09 and 2x01
Season 2 takes place over 8 days
3x01 picks up right after 2x09
Season 3 takes place over 7 days
So from 1x01 to 3x09, it’s been just 22 days
‘But the moon looks full in 1x01 and in 3x09!’ I hear you protest. ‘Shouldn’t it be a full month?’
Explanation, details, evidence, ambiguities, and milestone events under the cut. My count is based on the colour of the sky, specific time references (thanks Callum), and phases of the moon.
Harrow was King of Katolis for 9 years. Viren gives us the exact time reference in 2x05.
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That checks out, because look how small Ezran and Callum are when posing for the official portrait, a few days after Harrow’s coronation.
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It’s unclear exactly how long Harrow serves as King before Sarai is killed by Thunder. We know it’s not very long, though, because kid Callum’s character model is the same. (I focus on that, because young adults Harrow and Amaya will look the same for longer than a child who’s still growing.) 
Yes, this could be a budget thing. But I still wouldn’t put the period between Harrow’s coronation and Sarai’s death beyond, off the top of my head, two years. It may be even shorter than that.
Harrow doesn’t take revenge for Sarai’s death until years pass. He and Viren kill Thunder just four months before 1x01.
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And now, to count the days.
Day 1 spans 1x01, 1x02, and 1x03. From dawn to night. Note the full moon on Day 1, in 1x03. It’ll become important later when I scrutinise lunar phases.
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1x04 is Day 2. And 1x05 is Day 3.
Now, 1x05 ends in the evening of Day 3, and when 1x06 opens, it’s morning. Since there’s no time skip in the rest of season 1, it’s probably just one night’s difference. 
That’s a bit weird, though, since Rayla’s wrist ribbon tightens a lot in that time.
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I’ll come back to this question of whether 1x06 starts the day after 1x05, in a moment.
1x06 spans Day 4.
Day 4, at nighttime, carries on in 1x07, then Day 5 starts.
1x08 continues Day 5, into the night. That same night continues into 1x09.
So: season 1 takes place over just 5 days, assuming the time between 1x05 and 1x06 is just one night.
Where do we get confirmation that this is the case? In 2x01, Callum says that they’ve spent 2 days with Lujanne, and that it’s been a week (7 days) since they left home.
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We also know it’s been a week because it’s a full moon in 1x03, and a half moon in 2x02.
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2x01 spans Day 8.
The night of Day 8 goes on into 2x02, and then Day 9 begins in that episode.
2x03 is the night of Day 9, into Day 10.
2x04 spans Day 11, and begins Day 12.
Day 12 continues into 2x05. A lot of 2x05 and 2x06 is flashbacks, so Day 12 actually lasts through both episodes.
Then we have our first significant time skip within a season! 2x06 ends with a dragon sighting while it’s still light out on Day 12. Then 2x07 opens at night in a cave, and Callum says:
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So we know that the rest of Day 12, and all the sunlit hours of Day 13, pass offscreen between 2x06 and 2x07.
2x07 therefore opens on the night of Day 13. Then it goes on to Day 14.
The nighttime of Day 14, continues in 2x08. Day 15 begins in that episode.
Day 15 continues into 2x09. And finally, the sun rises on Day 16 while Callum, Rayla, and Zym are crossing into Xadia.
(I’ve made sure not to double-count Day 16. I count it as part of the season 3 time span, since most of it is in 3x01, not 2x09.)
3x01 picks up right where 2x09 left off. We know this because they still have to get past Sol Regem. So 3x01 takes place on Day 16.
Day 17 begins in 3x02, and continues into 3x03 for evening and nighttime.
3x04 opens on Day 18. This is explicitly timestamped, as Callum refers to the events of 3x03 as happening yesterday.
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Day 18 spans the whole of 3x04, and then some of 3x05. Then Day 19 starts during 3x05, and goes into nighttime within that same episode. Thus we end 3x05 on a moon shot:
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That’s a waxing crescent moon in 3x05, on Day 19, which checks out. I’m pretty sure. I stared at charts for a while.
3x06 opens on the morning of Day 20. And Day 20 continues into 3x07, going into the night.
3x08 continues the night of Day 20, and goes on to Day 21.
3x09 spans the entirety of Day 22, into night.
Now for the thing I anticipated above the cut: doesn’t season 3 end on a full moon, like how season 1 begins on a full moon? 
Well, no.
Here is the moon on Day 20:
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...on Day 21:
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...and on Day 22:
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They look deceptively full, don’t they? But they aren’t. They’re waxing gibbous moons. That basically means they’re getting fuller, but aren’t quite there yet.
Gibbous moons can look full. My source is Neil deGrasse Tyson himself:
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That’s page 28 of his book, Merlin’s Tour of the Universe: A Skywatcher’s Guide to Everything from Mars and Quasars to Comets, Planets, Blue Moons, and Werewolves.
So, final bit of evidence to the contrary refuted, and now I can rest easy knowing I have no life.
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The "one feeling too far" scene is so full of miscommunication, it hurts 😟
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raayllum · 12 days
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But I do know I will pay the price for the decisions that I've made.
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the-overanalyzer · 5 years
tdp 3x04
Within the span of a few minutes I experienced the bittersweet nostalgia of hearing Jack DeSena tentatively say “boomerang?” followed by the unfathomable rage of an overly elaborate “anyway here’s wonderwall,” and the emotional whiplash may well claim my very life.
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Why is Nyx so interested in other people's business?
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Whenever someone says "baby dragon" in the show to me it sounds like "baby dwagon" 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Would love to know which primal magic can create such a barrier. My guess would be Sun, tbh.
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"Prince Kasef of Neolandia requests an audience."
Luna: tell him no
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