#tdwt duncney
courtneyinreallife · 1 year
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What do you mean these aren't the lines? Part Three
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art3misg33k · 1 month
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Alenoah is currently tied with Duncey on AO3!!! The gays are caught up ppl!!!
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average-riot · 9 months
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Total drama sketches pt. 2! (All my friends ship Aleheather but I ship Alenoah so I HAD TO COMPROMISE)
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kareuraa · 1 year
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THEM (but only in S1)
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curiositycryptid · 6 months
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This is totally how they adopted the raccoon (Brittany, I think?)
it’s been a while since I watched action so I don’t actually know how or why they adopted her but I’ve decided this is how and no one can convince me otherwise
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fraudulent-cheese · 29 days
Actually no, i want to expand on my relative dislike of WT. Because when people talk about this season's faults, i BARELY see people mentionning the complete flatterning of like half it's cast!
Oh sure, people are super willing to throw shit at TDA and especially TDAS for it's flanderisation of characters, but outside of some rogue posts by mutuals, i don't see ANY OF YOU pointing the finger at World Tour when i'd argue it's especially eggregious.
Owen's the easiest example of this, and while it didn't start this season it got so much during it. Nearly all of his lines revolve around food, his aerophobia, or Izzy for a single episode. His relationship with Alejandro is also super indicative of this; im willing to accept the HC that he was aware of Alejandro's dislike of him and just wanted to win him over, but that's absolutely not what the writters intended, no way in hell. He's just completely oblivious to his shitty behavior when he seemed at least somewhat aware of Heather's shifty behavior back on Island, or at least able to stand up for himself (shoutouts to that one Action episode). It's not fun to watch, either.
Bridgette too had her personality reduced to one or two traits, for either comedy reasons (because apparently people making out 24/7 is funny) or story reasons (establishing Alejandro as a threat who uses flirting and his general attractiveness to advance his strategy) and it suckssssss because she was! an actual character! and World Tour especially benefits from having a 'straight man' type character that can look at the other's weirdness and react to it like a normal-ish person! That and she could be an interesting presence to have on Team Victory, with her friendships with Leshawna and Courtney for instance.
DJ too is a BIG victim of the flanderisation thing; his personality is dumbed down to just being a huge scaredy cat, and his character is just The Curse. That's all he does and that's all he is, all he talks about. And that sucks because he too, was an actual person in Island and even Action! Sure, he was sometimes a pushover and had an accident-prone bunny, but he was also kind and could actually go out of his way to play pranks on people! But all of that is just gone in WT.
There's also the characters that weren't flanderised, and more just. Written entirely out of character. Outside of the entire Love Triangle (which i will get to) the biggest example of this is Leshawna to me. The writters straight forget the episode in Action where she's entirely dsitrustful of the Pizza they were offered (which did turn out to be tampered with) due to Chef being uncharasterically nice to them. Guess what Alejandro was doing. Being overly nice to her out of nowhere. Frankly she fell victim to the same thing Bridgette did; needing to be sacked for Alejandro's villany to be better established.
Ok fuck i need to mention the Love Triangle too because while people complain about it alot i don't think they complain about the correct stuff. i'll go rapid fire because it's been talked to death however; Gwen's liking of Duncan is a retcon, her acting like this is out of character for her frankly, Duncan's out of character by trying to emotionally manipulate his ex and the lore established to justify it makes it worse (remember the "At least im straight with people" line?), Courtney is villanised from even before this point which while her anger might've been targetted at the wrong person she was justified in being upset imo, Courtney's entire character is thrown out of a window in general this season, blah blah blah.
I'll end on the whole "the writters forgetting entire character traits/arcs" Cody still hitting on Gwen this season makes no goddamn sense and is super uncomfortable to watch. He's really such a nothing character man. Sierra deserved better than being a manic pixie stalker girl.
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dawningfairytale · 8 months
i often look at a ship and go: this seems toxic. they'd be cute together. now KISS.
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alzirrx · 1 year
In any other fandom it’s really hard to justify supporting toxic characters/ships, but not Total Drama. Almost all the characters are literally off-the-walls clinically insane, probably psychotic and insanely problematic, and every ship has so much wrong with it it’s ridiculous, but it’s okay because it’s all like that, it’s an unspoken understanding we all have to let ourselves justify cheating & attempted murder or else we’d all go down
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mioakem · 9 months
Ranking all canon gen 1 ships (including nemma and scottney bc of Noah and Courtney)
Gwuncan- ew, i feel like I don’t even have to explain it
Gidgette- honestly I’ve never liked it, they were cute in season one but after that they literally just made out all the time
Scottney- ugh they were fine, like they were kinda cute but also if they wanted to put Courtney with someone after Duncan cheated on her then it should’ve been with Trent bc she’s a petty queen
Gwent- ok they were good in season one but also they were kinda boring? Like idk I was never invested
Ozzy- they had their moments, I’ve grown to like Owen more and more which makes me like ozzy more, idk they’re pretty cute
Coderra- pls pls pls pls pls let me explain for a second 🙏 ok so ik ppl hate them but like….I just have this huge soft spot for crazy girls and idk something abt that one clip at the beginning of roti where she’s wearing his hat and he’s smiling at her is just so adorable and I can’t help but love them
Nemma- putting them as high as I possibly can bc I actually love them together. Idk they just work so well? And it was cute to see noah in love, idk why ppl hate them sm (well I do buttttt) they’re just the best, but sadly I physically can’t put them above the others
Lesharold- ok I’m like…actually a huge Lesharold shipper. They’re just too amazing to resist, like the dynamic? He’s a loser whos head over heals for her and she’s a baddie who he somehow pulled AND they’re in love? Holyyyy shit
Aleheather- words cannot express how much I love Aleheather. They simply are just enemies to lovers, dare I say they are the perfect example of that. Actually scratch that, they’re enemies who love each other, bc even when they started dating the enemy status never left, that’s why they’re this high up.
Duncney- I would like to start this out by saying that this is season 1 duncney. HOLY SHIT THEY ARE JUST THE BEST EVER. I am in love with their whole dynamic. They drive each other crazy, he brings out her wild side while she brings out his soft side. He has the biggest soft spot for her and he pisses her off to no end. Duncney is the most perfect thing on this planet and you cannot take that from my cold dead hands
Lyler- ok even though I’m obv a huge duncney fan I have to admit that lyler is actually my fav ship in the whole damn show. Like idk maybe it’s cause I just love both characters sm but something about them just makes me giggle and kick my feet, like every time I see lyler fan art I get this huge smile on my face bc they’re just so adorable, anyways best td ship, love them sm
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robstarsupremacy · 3 months
this is literally aleheather and duncney 😭
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xxalphaclownxx · 3 months
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the sole reason i dont ship aleduncan as much as id like is bc their dumb ass facial hair limits me
they get stuck together like velcro
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iaf · 2 years
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kareuraa · 10 months
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angmarenthusiast · 28 days
Total Drama Incorrect Quotes
Trent: All snacks are gone.
Cody: Would you rather kill Brick, or—
Jo: Yes, kill them.
Cody: I didn’t say the other thing—
Jo: I don’t need to hear it.
Brick: …I’m feeling a little unsafe.
*While the Squad is in a battle*
Brick, trying to warn about the location of an enemy: To the left!
Scott: Take it back now y'all!
Courtney: Gwen and I are no longer friends.
Courtney: What do you want to be for Halloween?
Duncan: Yours.
Courtney: …yeah, that would be pretty scary.
Beth: Are you good?
Duncan: In what sense?
Beth: Generally.
Duncan: Oh, definitely not.
Jo: If we’re in trouble, just throw Cameron at the problem, and hope for the best.
Alejandro & Heather: Surprise! We're having a baby!
Cody: What?!
Alejandro & Heather: *pull out adoption papers* It's you!
Izzy: That’s the longest worm I’ve ever seen.
Noah: That’s a snake.
Chef: What’s up with you?
Chris: What do you mean?
Chef: You’ve been nice and helpful and considerate all day. What’s your game?
Sierra: Care to give a free sample to a pretty person?
Cody, manning a bake sale and tired of their shit: Sure! You know one?
Sierra: Care to give a free sample to an ugly person?
Heather: When I first met you I thought you were weird and annoying. Cody: And? Heather: And you are
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canonically47 · 4 months
TDI: duncney
TDA: dunhar
TDWT: gwuncan & aleduncan
how does duncan get so many bitches???
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insensitiveroses · 10 days
the way the td tiktok fandom portrays duncney and aleheather gives me the ick
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