#teacher abuse
blogofsara · 1 year
TW: Mention Of Abuse
I was psychologically, emotionally and verbally abused by my elementary school teachers but I didn't become a Serial Killer who kills teachers who yell at their students..... Dear Rosamund, your logic makes no sense! (Original screen: Auric180).
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Dark Forest Residences: Buckhackle
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Aliases / Nicknames: Uncle, Buck
Gender: male
Sexuality: heterosexual
Family: Lighthoot (mother), Tansyhowl (father), Tinestar (sister), Poppychatter, Tadpolemask (nieces), Cloudleap (mate, formerly), four unnamed unborn kits
Other Relations: Elkstar (mentor), Tadpolemask, Blightfrond, Orchidtooth, Rustpaw, Wornpaw (former apprentices)
Clan: Sandclan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: harsh mentor, killed apprentices by training them too roughly
Number of Victims: 5
Number of Murders: 2
Murder Method: smashing against a rock in anger, exposure
Known Victims: Tadpolemask, Blightfrond, Orchidtooth, Rustpaw, Wornpaw
Victim Profile: his apprentices
Cause of Death: killed by coyotes
Cautionary Tale: ??
Wornpaw panted under the harsh dryleaf sun. “Mentor, may I take a break? Please?”
Buckhackle sneered from the shade. “Once you master the move.”
Wornpaw struggled to keep her balance. “Please?” she asked.
Buckhackle shook his head. “Stay out here training until the Howling time. Then you can come back to camp.”
Buckhackle left for camp, and admittedly forgot about the apprentice. Her family mourned when she vanished, especially his mate, Cloudleap--but he didn’t care, and despite the multiple complaints, he was given an apprentice the next moon.
He trained Rustpaw even harder, pushing him to be stronger, faster, tougher.
One day, Rustpaw messed up a simple move. It was such a stupid thing, but Buckhackle saw red, slamming the apprentice down over and over again, not stopping until the Howling time started.
He had looked down at the little body with a mix of horror and frustration. Why should he be punished for the weakness of others? He threw Rustpaw’s corpse off a cliff and started back to camp.
He never made it past the coyotes.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor​
--Compared to him, Tadpolemask’s training looks gentle.
-He was Wornpaw’s cousin-in-law before Cloudleap died, as well as Orchidtooth’s brother-in-law.
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the-joyful-abyss · 5 months
يعني ايه ٩ ساعات متواصلين شغال محاضرات ولسه مكمل كمان ساعتين 🫠🫠🫠
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waambles · 1 year
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We love Gale memes, we don’t stand real Gale slander.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
One of my teachers from school was an evil doctor/Arby's manager, and he abused both powers in equal measure.
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ceoandslutler · 4 months
not to always complain about antis but why do they read/watch kuro if they hate sebastian this much
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he's the mc how do u have beef w him so bad, interpret him however u want but if you genuinely dislike him... why put yourself thru the torture of reading his story (and this is about him, no way to argue against that)
like are you just gonna ignore all his development with the other servants... he is the epitome of an allegorical queer coded outcasted non human character who finds kinship in other odd (queer) people. how are you ignoring that lol
you can interpret main characters as morally grey or evil (a lot of times they are) but atp it feels like antis hate him and ignore any changes or developments in his personality, at least acknowledge him as part of the 'phantomfam' he helped to create. there would be no phantomfam w/o sebastian because there would be no o!ciel and phantomhive manor w/o sebastian,,, hell, there'd be no kuroshitsuji w/o sebastian. actually fun fact it's called 黒執事 kuroshitsuji (black butler) not 貴族子 kizokuko (noble kid).
they hate him until they sexualise him into the molds they want, usually within the ships they like [nothing wrong with those ships per se but they're viewed as 'correct' while the most canonical ship is wrong(?)] or they only love him after they take away all his sexual characteristics and turn him into a cat loving spinster, a dad/mom figure with no other characteristics other than (1) love cat, (2) dad/mombastian, (3) cooking and cleaning, nothing else but that ruins him because he's not that flat of a character in the original work... from what we've seen he likes a lot of things, he enjoys playing this butler game with ciel, he likes being mean and flirty, he likes being around certain humans like agni who he genuinely seemed to respect despite being a demon, he likes the concept of death and finds it beautiful, he has an eye for fashion and a lot more.
the way they treat him is akin to how society treated women in the victorian era... either the angel of the house (maternal figure, or in his case, paternal but they do momify him a lot, no sexualised identity or made limited and very 'pure'/'demure') or the hated demonised prostitute (evil evil demon taking advantage of little boy, no parental feelings and no feelings AT ALL, worthless). it's laughable how half of the fandom have such an innate dislike of sebs that they want to deny the changes within him or in the best case scenario, they'd minimise it. not to mention how they want ciel to be the perfect little sex-repulsed victim but other people have made posts about that before. my focus is on sebastian who is so grossly mischaracterised by antis, they are either purposely misunderstanding him or just very obtuse.
you guys have two interpretations of him and both are either dead wrong or at best extremely misinformed lol
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mxtxfanatic · 2 months
Just for the record, I actually don’t hate any mdzs character. Mxtx’s stories are so well-crafted that I love the roles that every character plays. I love the chills and digust that Jin Guangyao inspires in me. I loved the hatred that Xue Yang causes to flare up in me when I reread the Yi City arc. I love the amusement I get every time Jiang Cheng lives up to his failed-hero role, doubly so when I remember that he is also a failed-villain because Xue Yang is actually the better version of him lmao. I love dissecting Nie Mingjue’s hypocrisy in what it means when Wei Wuxian thinks of him as an “upholder of morality.” I love the pity that I feel for Lan Xichen such that I struggle to commit to how I view him just like how he struggles with how to view those he loves. And the complexity and diversity of each character’s life experiences and autonomous choices is the icing on the cake that makes fans’ (me included) obsessions over them wholly understandable.
What I hate is feeling coerced into liking a character how fandom wants me to like them, especially if the “evidence” supporting liking said character is just popular fanon that the fandom has taken as gospel truth. The more I feel pressured into ignoring a character’s canon personality to adopt a fanfic version of them whose only similarity is that they share a name, the harsher I want to be with my critique of them. Don’t give me morally righteous!Nie Mingjue who totally would’ve defended the Wen and I won’t give you hypocrite!Nie Mingjue who deserved to be cut into pieces, just not by the person who did it. Don’t give me best brother, best jiujiu!Jiang Cheng and I won’t give you pathetic manbaby!Jiang Cheng who deserved to have Wei Wuxian’s golden core removed from him the hard way for his ungratefulness and for his sister to come back to life to bitch slap him for how he treats her son. Don’t give me best bro wangxian shipper!Lan Xichen and I won’t give you morally weak!Lan Xichen who deserved every bit of the psychological torture Nie Huaisang put him through for his inability to truly stand by any of his brothers, biological or sworn.
Don’t give me some “everyone is secretly good with no flaws” bullshit and I won’t feel the need to balance it out by listing every single one of their sins and nailing it to the door like Martin Luther. I like these characters. Don’t turn me into a hater, cause if you think I’m mean now? Lol
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I don’t know who need to hear this.
but if highschool, college, university, or just anything like that is stressing you out to the point of suicidal thoughts and tendencies
you just have to quit, there’s nothing wrong with it.
your life is worth so much more than stupid grades or a degree.
for all the people in highschool who were always told “if you don’t do high school you will never get into college/university” I’m so fucking sorry but those people were lying their fucking asses off.
you don’t need a highschool education to get into shit, hell it’s mostly about the money. Knowledge is awesome and valuable but it’s not worth killing yourself for.
don’t burn out in highschool literally this is not even a fucking joke it DOES NOT MATTER fuck highschool.
grades are a sham, the education system is flawed as hell, and your life IS WORTH MORE THAN A 100%/A+
your life is worth so much more than that, grades don’t matter you’ll hurt yourself so much if you keep thinking that.
you can homeschool, you can become a apprentice, you can learn well anything you want online now! You can call up a local science teacher and ask them to tutor you, HELL! do whatever it takes to keep your life and your love for knowledge.
school sucks, I know too many people to say otherwise. Your feelings are valid you ARE NOT A FAILURE for not doing amazing at your homework or at school fuck anyone who says that!
genuinely those fuckers don’t know shit about anything, learning is mistakes and failures and learning FROM IT if you never got a chance to try again how is it your fault you didn’t improve?
don’t kill yourself over school that is such a stupid thing to do, you can quit school and still get a education!!!! people just want you to stay in school and get abused and stressed to death.
I taught myself so much, because the current ways we teach people fucking sucks ass.
remember the grades and numbers and all that shit does not matter, what matters is that you love learning things and you keep learning.
I will fucking slap you dead ass in the face if you say anything more, if your family is abusive and you have to be a high achiever? WELL still don’t fucking kill yourself over their dumb fuck obsession with you being “good at school” there’s no such thing as winning and losing at learning!!!!!!!!
genuinely there’s no such thing! You just don’t get it the first time! But learning and education is about love for knowledge it’s about kindness and respect it’s about finding new things it’s about being happy and knowing things you never did before!
it’s not about you “failing” it’s about learning that’s fucking it.
don’t kill yourself over the modern education system take fucking strikes, advocate for no time limits, advocate for better mental healthcare, advocate and SCREAM protest against it all.
your life is worth living, your life is beautiful and you have done everything to deserve it, you are someone is is worth something, and I will listen and we will fight.
you will get to the next day you will get to the next one after that you will live happily even if you think it’s impossible.
you will and you will love you will cry and you will see and dream and live a life YOU want.
abolish school, and we will make a new system that isn’t fucking what it was!
you are worth so much more than grades and papers, so don’t think so hard about it. You are you and you are worth it <3
-sincerely your local suicidal fucker
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bookshelfdreams · 4 months
hey do y'all ever think about the fact that Charles probably has told Edwin about being beaten as a child at some point during their 34 years of friendship? And that Edwin likely never found it remarkable enough to ask further questions because back when he was alive, beating children was completely normal
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theteacherdom · 5 days
Date idea
I kidnap you, tie you up and fill up all your holes as I please!
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undead-merman · 11 months
Day Twenty One: Teacher Telepathy
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Eden and GN Pc
This idea was from @inkyquince's professor Eden. Yes, I wrote this for Inky and Necro
Contains student and teacher relations, thoughts of kidnapping, abuse and extortion of reader, stalking, adoption with the intent to lock you up and fuck you
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Fucking coffee grinder broke right on his first day. Snapped right in his hands before he could even make a cup. Normally he’d fix it, but this one was a welcoming gift from Sirris, some electrical hunk of shit instead of an old school mechanical one like he prefers. He doesn’t know how to fix this fucking thing.  He’s not even sure what happened to the old one. So now he’s without coffee and a grinder for it. He’d have to stop by that little run down place right at the forest edge to pick up another.
He grabbed his ham and cheese lunch, wrapped in a brown paper bag, a bottle of filtered water, and house keys before heading out. The sun had yet to rise, leaving the shadows as thick as dark as the thoughts of people passing by.
All of them, fucking disgusting.
Each one echoed in his head like a chamber. Disturbed and deprived thoughts from everyone, though a few thoughts resonate fear when he walked by. Fearing his face, his build, his walk, or even his scars. Some even … Lusted after him, thoughts they believed to be private were loud about what they’d do to him.
It just made his mood worse.
When he got to school and managed to get some coffee from there, it was watery, tasted like trash and some kind of cleaning chemical. He dumped it after the first drink and decided to opt for his water to settle him over as he sat in his room and looked over each class roster. Nothing special, not surprised.
So before everyone filed into his workshop, he took the time to start whittling and enjoy the rare silence.
The classes were as loud as he expected. Not just out loud, he could quiet them down in a second, but their thoughts were all over. It gave him a migraine instantly.
Some of them thought this class meat they could fuck around, either with each other or. He made sure to nip that idea right in the bud. It was a hassle just dealing with everyone. Though there was you. You minded your own business, you were particularly cute, not rowdy/ but one thing that stuck out was how calm your thoughts were. They weren’t as foul as the others in town. Sure you weren’t focused entirely on the task assigned but the thoughts about the dog you saw at the orphanage made him smile to himself.
His eyes hardly left you. He studied every part of you. The way you carried yourself, talked to your peers. He didn’t even realize till the end of class that he’d been completely enraptured by you. Even by the end of the school day, his thoughts lingered on you. Even when he got home and took a shower,
he found his thoughts lingering on you still.
Looking down, he saw his cock twitching to life, the dark head began to swell and leak. He ran a hand from his stomach down to his mess of pubes as he thought about your face. The heat of arousal just builds as he adds more kindling to it. Thinking about if you were a virgin or not. You seemed like it. His hand grabs his dick and began pumping.
How tight would you be around him? Were you a quiet moaner or a screamer? You seem like the type to like it rough, and he could provide that. Ram into your hole and until you see stars.
He spills on his hand, and he takes a moment to look at what he’s done. There's shame, though not as much as he’d thought there’d be. His contentedness outweighs anything else. He could do this again and have no problems with the fact that you are his student.
It’s been a few weeks now, he’s gotten used to the schedule, he knows almost everyone’s names now, even if he didn't really did not care for most of his students.
But you, he likes you. He keeps an eye on you in class. Watching you as you work and being one of the rare student’s he comes up to help instead of telling them to pay more attention in class before kicking them off the machines for the day. He would have been fine with simply having perverted thoughts about you and jerking off in the shower every night. He really would have, but you saw one of his whittled pieces and smiled looking over it.
Those soft hands of yours gliding over the carved out wolf, your head filled with nothing but genuine awe. Shit, he wanted to ruin you now. You were too docile and sweet for this damn town. He built a cage under his bed for you. It was a spur of them moment thing on a weekend after Sirris dragged him along for drinks. He hated drinking, he wasn’t even sure why he agreed. But the buzz in his stomach and head had him trying to busy his hands and lead to a half finished cage. And when he woke up to see it, he made sure to finish it. The idea of you under there had him just staring, picturing you inside, as he stroked his cock a bit harder this time around than normal. Grumbling when he realized his cum flew and he had to clean the bars.
He’d made his coffee for the day, sat at his seat waiting for the morning to start when he heard a knocking on the door. He frowned, sat up from the chair and swung it open, expecting some snotting idiot to ask him for an extension on a project. No, it was you. Project in hand.
You sat in with him making small talk that he strangely found himself enjoying as he gazed at your project. You did well. Surprisingly so, most students just turn it in for a grade with stuff he’s seen a dozen times before, but you added your own flair and seemed to work hard on it.
You’d be good as a house spouse. Fixing his clothes, taking time to sew up that rip in his nice cable knit sweater. He let one question out, just to test the waters and masking it as concern for you. You answered and seemed happy he was asking something more personal than just to put your name and date on your paper. He asked more, and before he knew it, his watch went off, five minutes before the first bell. You gave him a smile and a wave.
‘Mr. Eden looks handsome today.’
His heart went into his throat as you went out the door. He locked the door and fucked his fist. Cumming all over his hand with two minutes still left.
You came into his room more frequently. He could hear your thoughts. You found him safe, even nice. He couldn’t have been farther from those things. In fact, he was the most dangerous thing to you at this school. But he loved that. He loved how safe and secure you felt when he simply was just in the room with you. Would you feel the same way he sat you on his lap during class? Skull fucked you while there was a test going on?
“Mr. Eden are you married?”
He could be. He’d marry you. Not only that, but he’d take excellent care of you. Make sure you never felt lonely, the bed was always warm, He’d even make dinners for you if you made breakfast and coffee. He answers. No. he doesn’t elaborate. And you were content with that, just the way he likes it.
Though your fist catches his eye. Bruised, just ever so slightly, probably even covered up with some kind of make up. He studied you more as you looked at his news carving. Just under your school shirt right at the neck, rubbed off by the collar, was a bruise, one from a rope. He shouldn’t be surprised. You lived at the orphanage. He’d heard about your debt, he was acquainted with Bailey, after all.
Maybe, just maybe, he’d give Bailey a call about you?
Sure enough, he was right. He’d been getting you to pay over four thousand a week for the past few months. Figures. Bailey asked if he was interested in you, already sniffing out the reason. He didn’t fully respond, though that was because he didn’t have to.
“The brat hasn’t been able to make their payments. Probably won’t even have this week's either.”
Bailey still owed him that favor… He mentioned it, and he heard a very rare laugh come from him.
“You want them?”
That alone caused him to rub the front of his legs, feeling his trousers becoming tight.
It was faster than he expected. Bailey made a comment he was getting soft when he requested it look like an adoption, even though he didn’t actually care about signing it. It just had to look that way to you.
When you had gotten the news, you’d busted into his room blabbering and pulling him into a hug with big wet eyes. Your thoughts were loud today, like new year's celebrations. It was cute, he found himself petting your head and when you calmed down he could hear the thoughts you were trying to push out of your own mind.
‘He’s going to be my dad now… I shouldn’t think about that kind of stuff.’
He’d never dug into thoughts. Not like this. He chased after what you tried to bury. Fantasies about you and him. Not as filthy as what he had in mind, but the fact you saw him in that light had him clenching his hand so hard his nails were digging into his callouses. What was stopping him from pushing you onto the desk and fucking you, just like you both wanted? Tying you up and dragging you home to lock under his bed until you couldn’t do anything but drool over his cock and beg for him to claim you as his own.
He moved closer. Slowly dragging his hand-over your knee and working over your thigh. He could hear you, even though you weren’t talking. He adored the little conflict running through your mind. Even more so with the fact you didn’t move away. Your mind ran a muck, and he kept pushing. You didn’t stop him. Eternally, you were hoping for more. And he gave it to you. Large hands pushing into your underwear to grope you. His middle finger rubbing against your hole.
Soon enough you were in his lap, his fingers inside you, sloppy and wet. The sounds of your hole being abused, and your heavy breathing were loud in his empty classroom. Your fingers digging into the flesh of his arm as he watched you like a predator. You were just as tight as he hopped, if not more so.
Your toes and legs curled as you came from his hand alone. You were gasping for breath. He simply unfastened his buttons and pulled down his zipper. Slowly pulling out his fingers before pulling another confiscated packet of lube out and squeezed it onto his cock.
And he was going to have you all to himself when he finally got you home too.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
My teacher traumadumped on me because he had just gotten out of an abusive marriage. Also, he was shirtless.
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marejuka · 3 months
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Crush on my teacher pt.2 tehe pt1 here
!TW! cnc
Maybe after the hook up we had he cant think of anything else but my body. Everytime im in his class he cant keep his head right and starts staring at me,all the other Students make jokes hes in love with me.
I just brush them off and say that they are crazy for that,in secret i desire him too..
I want nothing but his older hands on my young body, after a few weeks i Show up at his house.
I wore my fav dress,pretty underwear and my best perfume. He lets me inside and we start chatting as if im not his Student and this isnt allowed. He gives me wine and we sit down,talk about everything,but everytime i make a move he backs away. Its weird because he seemd to crave me so bad and now he isnt even looking at my clavage.
I get dissier and Number every second..there was something in my wine...?
When i cant move normaly anymore he starts groping me and undressing my body. I moan and plead,i can feel his dick getting so hard from my whimpers.
He starts Fingering me and my pussy is getting embarresing wet from him assaulting me. While he pulls his dick out he keeps telling me what hes gonna do to me and that i should be happy that he didnt beat me up to get me weak.
He makes me cry and whimper his Name all night long.
On the next Day i Wake up covered in bruises and his cum still in my holes
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
It’s not everyone but it’s obvious that certain parents, like these two monsters, use homeschooling as a way to avoid their kids encountering teachers and administrators who would sound the alarm.
At the very least, there should be regular on-site visits to make sure the child is in decent shape and actually receiving an education.
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littleplasticrat · 6 months
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Yeah so look in the schedule I made in January, Dammon was the pin up character for April. I considered cancelling it in light of recent news, but I think there's an opportunity to do some good instead. The character is not the actor and vice versa. I love Dammon and have been excited to tackle his pin up, and I've got some concept sketches I feel good about.
I will therefore be donating the entirety of my Patreon profits from April to an esims for Gaza drive which I read about here. I will be donating the profits from May to Mermaids UK, which supports trans youth in my country. I'm announcing this not to jerk myself off about the donation, but to try to meet the hatred that shocked all of us Dammon fans with some kindness. Please don't use any of this as an opportunity to be cruel.
If you're interested in getting involved but don't have any money or don't want to see NSFW art, reblog this post or this post about donating to Palestine, or share a link to a local charity of yours that supports gender diverse people. Thank you!
Anyway, click the button below to see the full picture from above (NSFW, includes a tiefling peach). This is not the April pin-up (which I'll post at the end of the month when it's finished), but I like to do studies of characters before I get working on a big painting.
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bowenoke · 4 months
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god supplements
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