#teacher's lounge
schwegler · 9 months
Ah, yes, Morrissey, the queen Goth.
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wyrmwright · 1 month
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"porter and jace were always a duo" oh i'm sure
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morganbritton132 · 10 months
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…… this is Eddie rn……..
Eddie is a menace to society in general, but also specifically to his PR team. Once he knows that he can stir up a lot of drama by being vague about Steve’s job, he’s going to do it.
Of course, he is.
He once took a call mid-live interview because Steve was calling him like, “Oh, my husband is calling. He must be at recess. Hold on.”
He then proceeded to say on a hot mic, “What’s up, big boy?”
Eddie once said on a live-streamed game of D&D that Steve couldn’t join them because he was “doing homework.” Steve was working on a lesson plan in the literal same room as him.
Eddie was a featured guest at a convention and Steve was supposed to go with him but woke up that morning feeling off so he decided to stay behind at the hotel. Eddie obviously wasn’t going to tell people Steve’s private information so he said instead that Steve couldn’t come because, “He’s got a bad case of summer school.”
Without fail, someone inevitably takes the statement in the stupidest possible direction and Eddie gets a strongly-worded email from his PR Manager telling him to knock it off but also to clean up his mess. So, Eddie gets to shove a camera in Steve’s face to prove that while his husband is aging gracefully and beautifully, he is definitely not eighteen.
“Right, baby?” Eddie asks.
Steve pushes the camera out of his face so he can go back to cooking, “Right.”
“That was a pretty good explanation, right?” Eddie continues. Steve hums back in response so he asks, “What grade am I, Mr. Harrington?”
Steve, who is tired of his work friends making fun of him over this, doesn’t even look up from his cutting board to tell Eddie, “You’re a grade-A dick.”
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trooperst-3v3 · 2 years
Planning to spend the night at the Academy since I have early morning classes. As I was falling asleep in front of the teacher's lounge holoprojector, I was startled awake by the sounds of a HUGE thunderstorm. Lightning and rain and everything. What REALLY scared me, though, was that it took out the building's power for a bit.
You see, when you're half asleep, you don't always remember exactly where you are when you first wake up. Like, maybe you think you're still on the Finalizer at first. And loud noises + power outage on a star destroyer usually means a Resistance attack followed by explosions and death.
So, Anyway, now that I'm fully awake and have recovered from the minor panic attack I just experienced, I'm having a nice cup of tea and trying to convince Katie to spoon me so I can feel safe until I fall asleep again.
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fandomsandfeminism · 3 months
Is there anything more bone-chilling as a woman who teaches in a middle school than when a male coworker starts to complain about kids breaking the dress code? (Or not EVEN breaking the actual dress code since ours is really lax, but breaking the dress code in their mind)
It's never good.
It's never a good time.
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severussnapemylove · 7 months
Hagrid; “If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous; if it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.”
Albus; “What if it bites me and it dies?”
Minerva; “That means you’re poisonous.”
Pomona; “What if it bites itself and I die?”
Filius; “That’s voodoo.”
Minerva; “What if it bites me and someone else dies?” 
Albus; “That’s a coincidence.”  
Severus; “What if we bite each other and neither of us die?”
Y/N; “That’s kinky.”
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se7enpixels · 5 months
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The Teachers' Lounge // Das Lehrerzimmer (2023) dir. İlker Çatak
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kimtaeri · 4 months
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The Teachers' Lounge – Das Lehrerzimmer
dir. İlker Çatak
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bruqh · 1 month
when is brennan going to address the sandra lynn’s partner to aguefort faculty member pipeline
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willowser · 10 months
the idea of ua teacher bakugou honestly makes me so sad, because you have to consider the possibility of him not making it to the end as a hero which !! is heart-breaking !!
but at the same time — there is something really cathartic i think about him growing up and growing out of measuring his worth by being number one, by being the best. and i like to think of him as a grumpy professor !! a bit like aizawa !! or him keeping a close eye on the shy, quiet students, watching out for them and always there to bully them (affectionate) along their path . or for him to be an all might to someone, a young kid that looked up to dynamight in his hay-day, now getting to follow directly under his lead.
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birdb1tch · 1 month
“[…] when you realize porter and jace have always been kind of a due at the school” theyre hooking up!
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MBAV Villain Posters IX: The Brewed
Can I bite your head?
Zombie Benny decapitates Ethan in the latest instalment to the series. Always loved this one: the cold open, the return of Whitechapel franchises Lotta Latte & McFingers, and— of course— ZOMBIES!
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wyrmwright · 1 month
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bro he does NOT want to hear you practice your villain monologue
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tegan-baliey · 2 months
richie said he'd maybe go on a date with you if you made him the miku ramen. all thanks to my wingmanning :3
- @el1za-inthebathroom
I’m gonna fucking murder him he knows what happened last time I tried to make ramen
But thank you pookie
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eisbecherovka · 3 months
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geekynightowl1997 · 8 months
The Librarians are just teachers.
Jenkins- Principle
Flynn- English/ Drama
Eve- P.E.
Cassie- Math/ Science
Jacob- History/ Art
Ezekiel- Computer
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