#team iwatobi friendship
nanase-haru · 2 years
{A.M.V.} Free!! x Uta no Prince-sama / Mamoru Miyano (Inspired): “Canon” (Second opening theme of Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000%) {In that series, Miyano voices “Tokiya Ichinose”. This is not sung by “Tokiya” technically, but might give Tokiya’s image.} I used Miyano’s inspiration to make a Free!! A.M.V.! {It is my very first for this fandom, though I watched as it aired!}
Series: Free!! (C) Kyo-Ani “Canon” (C) Broccoli-Games / ELEMENTSGARDEN {Note: This is a FAN-work}
Characters/Pairs Featured: - RinHaru {Rin x Haru} - Rintori / NitoRin / RinAi {Rin x Aiichirou Nitori} - Ai x Rin x Haru as poly-ship or open relationships; (implied by the end) Feel free to view your preference!
My Commentary:
I would like to propose a Concept - Haru, Rin and Ai all have MULTIPLE HANDS. (This A.M.V. showcases the dynamics / story progression of all three; each of Haru and Ai with Rin, briefly, all acknowledging each other) Contains spoilers for: Free!! Seasons 1 & 2; {Rin; Haru; Ai scenes} “The Final Stroke” Part 2 start; but nothing specific from Final Stroke’s ending {Yet?}. (TFS Part 1 shows only in ‘scenic’ scene.) Others appear as support.
(Though I admit I am personally biased towards RinAi fandom-wise, I’ve also enjoyed the canon dynamic between Rin and Haru.) However, this work was partly made / inspired by an old mutual; this mutual really loved Rin+Haru dynamic too, so this is made in support! {They also like everyone as friends, as do I.} I’m not able to make much for this fandom usually (in the past, I did briefly rp {role-play} Ai, but do not actively write fic or anything much outside rp) but for the most part, this A.M.V. was very fun to make! Happy 10~ years anniversary to Free!! Time Spent: - About an hour and 30 min on the 1st verse + chorus. - Almost 4 and a half hours / a whole evening on the rest. - I am not even kidding when I say this thing must have crashed my editor (Windows Movie Maker... it’s an older version, sigh) at least x30+~50 times while attempting to finish Nitori’s scenes timing and the ending. As a result, this is technically a “first draft” (I know ending’s bit rushed, but I tried!) until I can go back and add in more timings and scene cuts! (Someday!...) - My editor tends to crash pretty frequently if I attempt 50+ clips; sometmes even after 20~ clips or so. This one has just about 40 clips, with bonus KyoAni’s own timings helping to smooth out the rest! - Sub-titles cannot be included at this time; I apologize! (However, lyric{s} below the ‘read more’!) It is recommended you view them in full (or in sections) before watching! - If you watch, I’d really love to hear your thoughts; I put a lot of effort in!
“I only swim FREE!.” - Haru
... DO YOU?
“I feel so useless.” - Ai
“A sight you’ve never seen before...”
{Lyric[s] Preview!}:
Distant feelings on a {‘SILENT’} hill, … all of my love… (Get ready!)
“Do not tremble in this cruel world…” Through the kiss of a song, better than thousands of words
We can give something up ({I} swear to you) Just to live in this moment (Hold my hand) For your sake and for mine, we’re ready to take off now…together!
“SO, let’s GO!”
Your beloved voice becomes a powerful impulse That makes dreams reality As our heartbeats synchronize… Ah, exceeding even miracles, (Feel your song!) Up among the stars, (Feel my song!) Until that dream Reaches the unseeable FUTURE, I’ll PLAY this song! {“Free”}
I was scared of truth’s LIGHT…
(Lyric{s} via Uta-pri Wikia!)
“Canon” (description via Wiki): {no, not the fandom term.} In music, a canon is a contrapuntal (counterpoint-based) compositional technique that employs a melody with one or more imitations of the melody played after a given duration (e.g., quarter rest, one measure, etc.). The initial melody is called the leader (or dux), while the imitative melody, which is played in a different voice, is called the follower (or comes). The follower must imitate the leader, either as an exact replication of its rhythms Rand intervals or some transformation thereof. Repeating canons in which all voices are musically identical are called rounds. (For the meaning behind the title / theme!) {In the A.M.V., I semi-relate (if vaguely) this theme to all three characters; plus, more directly, make the comparison to Haru + Free!! AND Relay Medleys.} (There is vague inspiration from the original Uta-pri as well, but not intended directly comparable.)
The final chorus of the A.M.V. is one I had in mind ever since first hearing this song way back around Apr 2k13, when the second part of Uta-pri aired. It may be slightly more modified in a “final” version, but for the most part!...
Distant {“Haruka”} feelings on a silent hill, all of my love… (Get ready!) [Haru <-> Rin] (+Haru; specifically...) “Do not tremble in this cruel world…” Through the kiss of a “song”, better than thousands of words We can give something up (I swear to you) Just to live in this moment (Hold my hand) For your sake and for mine, we’re ready to take off now…together! “So, let’s go!” Your beloved voice becomes a powerful impulse That makes dreams reality As our heartbeats synchronize… Ah, exceeding even miracles, (Feel your song!) Up among the stars, (Feel my song!) Until that dream Reaches the unseeable future, I’ll play this song! I was scared of truth’s light... [Ai -> Rin] Even at this great a DISTANCE, it’s too DAZZLING An unspeakable LONELINESS (No more crying) Thirsting for an impossible cure (Save my heart) [Ai <-> Rin] Since I met you, I’ve sworn to start living! The overlapping melodies of your voice seem to scorch my heart Resonating dreams echoing for eternity Like a sense of déjà vu, I knew today (Feel your love) A bloom of hope (Feel my love) An infinite rainbow Now our feelings are merging as we become one [Ai <-> Rin <-> Haru] The stars are waiting for the sky, they want to become a dream(?) The day will come when they bloom like a flower, and a rainbow awaits us on that day We’re ready to take off now…together! “So, let’s go!” Your beloved voice becomes a powerful impulse That makes dreams reality As our heartbeats synchronize… Ah, exceeding even miracles, (Feel your song!) Up among the stars, (Feel my song!) Until that dream Reaches the unseeable future, I’ll play this song! Feelings tied together on a shining hill…
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catlover-multifandom · 3 months
(in a free mood again here we gooooo)
Free canon moments I think about a lot
Rin writing “fuck” in the elementary school yard
mecha salmon roe
the mr steal yo mako face (you know the one.)
Steve the cat existing
Haru and nagisa working at wcdonald’s or whatever it’s called in the freeverse
romio mentioning florida
haru makoto asahi and kisumi having a hangout in asahi’s apartment (at least I think it was his, it was in a df episode)
makkou the dog
🎶 tabidachi no asa ni miageru sora ni 🎶
Haru and seijuro being friends
Haru’s mascot obsession (relatable im also obsessed with yuru kyara now)
Rei in the novelization
“Nagisa’s mermaid” video and then it got booed when they accidentally played baby videos of haru and makoto lol
Nagisa’s sister’s sketch friend that isn’t quite her boyfriend
Kaede coming back from the concept art grave in s3
the high of s3 in general because I remember counting down the days for it to come out and oh boyyyyyyy summer 2018 has such a special place in my heart. pure euphoria!!
Rin giving Sousuke a koala shirt
everyone pointing out that Rin has cleavage
“no chips at the pool” **SHOTS FIRED**
Makoto’s mixer nightmare
Rei getting drunk on chocolate
the fact that makoto haru Nagisa and rei would have sleepovers together and haru gets so happy to be with them and he fell asleep early HES SO CUTE
Haru and asahi getting worried thinking makoto would fall for mlm scams in Tokyo
Haru’s profile picture being Iwatobi chan
the squid festival drama cd track and Rei’s puns from s1 that everyone ignored
Haru and Albert’s friendship happening because they just like the same fish and they don’t need words to eat mackerel together
Rin crying over the rat movie
shizuru’s existence in general. he’s so funny and silly and he looks like makoharu had a child
the mackerel body pillow that makoto gave haru for his birthday
continuing off the last one: the team thinking haru turned into a mackerel and nagisa telling makoto he has to kiss him to make him back to normal 💀
the scene in s1e1 where Nagisa kicks the can to scare makoto
Rei being uptight and serious and very professional man™ and then gradually loosening up and being less guarded and being his genuine silly smart self and having fun and you can see how much love he has for everyone as the show goes on… and the love and genuine affection he has for his friends keeps increasing even when you thought his heart was already the biggest it could get. it gets so much bigger. and the fact that he learned to swim and got to nationals for an individual event in 3 years. Rei I love you no one could ever make me dislike you you’re a beautiful butterfly
the general babygirlification of rin matsuoka as the series progresses
free mastering the “character that is a jerk at first but the second they’re forgiven/not a jerk you absolutely love them to pieces” archetype (rin, sousuke, hiyori!)
haru being an old man when it comes to technology: “sorry I haven’t looked at my phone in 2 weeks”
perfect body
haru almost dying like 10 times throughout the series
haru giving makoto his gold medal in that one artwork AAAAAAGGGHHHHWJFJEDJEKS
more of a fandom thing, but the whole makoto train scare back when fs1 came out
in df when ryuji is trying to teach haru and makoto translates it to haruspeak, they show you makoto smiling when haru turns around and half his face is cut off from the screen because he’s shorter than makoto lololol
Haru trying to escape the premises the second he sees kisumi
the scene of haru driving in Tokyo and makoto freaks out the entire time… guys I think they somehow got actual footage of me driving when my mom is in the passenger seat
the reigisa montage before their races at nationals in df. MY HEART
the entire show honestly… if there’s one thing you got from this post, it’s that I will never be free of free (I’m perfectly happy to keep it that way)
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ilovereadingandstuff · 9 months
Just finish season 2 of Free!: Eternal Summer and...there's something on my mind.
Spoilers ahead!
While I can say season 2 in just as magical as season 1 because it develops other themes that hadn't been touched in the previous season like the last year for 3rd years students, the pursuit for a dream and what to do in the future, it also introduces new characters and a more-in-detph of Rin and Haru's pasts...There something that still bothering me since finishing episode 13: Haru and Rin's relationship.
And with this, I'm not gonna lie: I ship them. Like, damn, sorry, but they're the typical 'rivals to lovers' and 'childhood friends' that I like to watch on series...but the thing is that I don't see it in canon.
Rin's whole thing is kinda simple: He chose as a dream to be an olimpic professional swimmer to achieve the dream that his dad never could. He had a past childhood with Sousuke but they separated paths due to their different philosophy. Then he started Elementary or Junior High at Iwatobi, made friends with Makoto, Nagisa and especially with Haruka...then he moved to Australia, quit swimming because of hopelessness, then moved to Iwatobi again and reignited his passion for swimming because of the meaninful friendships he made by it (enphasis on Haru, because even HE HIMSELF make emphasis on that).
While, Haru's whole thing is that he had a childhood with Makoto, Nagisa and Rin (by the short time they spend together)...and while the whole first season recides heavely on RinHaru's relationship because of Rin's sorrow...I felt that Rin's presence on Haru's point of view was half-baked. Then, with season 2, I feel like TRULY RInHaru's whole dynamic is based on that rivarly that Rin created and... it's sooo one-sided!! like there is no reciprocity!!
Like, from Rin's perspective, Haru is a truly important person to him, to the point that EVEN Sousuke makes a point of it and spells it out to Haru!! But, from Haru's perspective, I feel like Rin does not make that much of an impact the same way that Haru for Rin has!! Like, the thing that shocks me the most is that, even after going to Australia for 2 days, share a bed, Rin introduced him to his home-stay family (who, by the way, did not hesitated to embarrased Rin on saying that he talked a lot about Haru when he was a kid) and by Rin's efforts, Haru finally discovered what his dream truly was...at that last moments at the final relay, when was Haru's time to show what was that that specifically made him love to be there...Makoto, Nagisa and Rei show up as his friends and team. They are one of the reasons of why Haru swims in the first place...while Rin never make an appareance not even once on that moment.
That scene completely shut me down the idea of Haru's reciprocity of feelings for Rin the way Rin feels for him. Like, after all that, when he finally explains what is his dream, his motives to it...his friends appear at his side except for Rin...for who Haru supposedly said before that he wanted to swim against...for who Haru gets inspired or motivated...who created, in the first place, the situation to Haru to discover his dream!!
Like...maybe it's just me that wanted to RinHaru be more canonical that it truly is...maybe i'm just getting started to the series and I haven't seen the important stuff yet...But either way, if that's how I see it is from the very beggining...what Rin is feeling about Haru, Haru does not share the same for Rin...or at least is not that of a big deal yet.
Also, I may be to delulu and obssess over rivals to lovers, but let's ignore that for a little while.
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sunbloomdew · 1 year
thoughts on Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
by your one and only casual anime watcher, who is now dipping their toes in sports anime
god, free! was amazing!
it's been a while since i enjoyed an anime this much, and i think this proves that i should watch more sports anime. all of the ones i watched so far were really good (sk8 the infinity and yuri on ice), something is up with this genre
so anyway, free!. i love swimming and water so it was already an ideal premise for me. the characters are all super likeable and have different sides to them. i wouldn't say they are perfect, but what i can give them, is that they all feel like genuine friends, who enjoy spending time together.
REI WAS THE TRUE MVP. this boy saw that the other three had problems with rin and went "alright, lemme fix this" AND THEN HE DID!! nah, for real tho, i think without him, rin's reconciliation with the rest wouldn't happen. i appreciated that rei did this not only for the sake of his team, but also for himself. i also liked that he openly communicated: "i want to know what happened between you, i am a part of the team and i don't want to be left out". maybe i haven't seen a good anime in a while, but i felt like this openess was really refreshing. i love him sm <3
BUT, i was scared shitless when this mf SWAM OUT INTO THE OCEAN AT NIGHT??!?!?! LIKE BRO. at the start of their training camp i saw where this was going, but i calmed down after makoto reassured rei, i was like "phew, crisis averted" AND IT WAS NOT. they all could have died and i was not okay. and then they just forgot. about that traumatic experience. cool cool
really, every character has something that i like about them. but my favourites are definitely rei and makoto <33
rei cause he is a sweetie, who likes pretty things, is overly logical but very in tune with his emotions and cmon, how could i hate him. he is basically me (i want his glasses). and makoto, cause. ya know. have you seen him??? cutie pie lil blorbo (ᵍʳᵉᵉⁿ ᶜᵒˡᵒᵘʳ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳˢ,,,)
and the ending, omg it was so cute!! i was so hyped! THEY WON, and then they got disqualified, BUT THEY WON FRIENDSHIP. seeing rin smiling again with his friends brought tears to my eyes
from supporting characters i rly like Gou and Amakata! Gou is just so determined, supportive and unwilling to give up – she wanted to see her brother happy again and she made it happen! what a good sister <33 for ms amakata i thought she was super funny and sweet. her not always accurate quoting, sunny demeanor and how dead set she was on keeping her past secret lmao
all in all, i enjoyed this series a lot! time for free! eternal summer hehe
peace outttt (❁´◡`❁)
(also, when i started watching i was like hmmmm, yeah haru and rin, then in the middle i went on ao3, saw the haru and makoto fics and was like "HE???" like i didn't think about them before but now i can't stop! but i ship both and also all three of them, that would be fun. in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter as much to me: i just enjoy the dynamics they have, regardless of if they are romantic or platonic; they all love each other is what im sayin <3)
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specterthief · 3 months
gimme the sweet, sweet rin/rei (swimming anime) mess
send me the rarest pair you can think of and I’ll tell you if I ship it and how I think it can work
I LIKE IT!!! rei isn't a character i feel like i have an especially solid grasp on (honestly i don't have as solid a grasp as i'd like on any of the characters, i've only seen the first season once and would need to refresh myself on it to go too in depth with this) but i loved their interactions in the back half of the season and think it's a really solid ship. it feels like one of those casts where the rapport between the whole group by the end is so strong that basically anything could work with a little nudging, and i can imagine the s1 finale could put them in an interesting place. rei's seeing rin at his best, finally, being able to put aside his burdens and have fun with his friends again (i think he'd find that beautiful!) and rin's just had rei do this incredibly selfless thing for the sake of his friendships despite their one on one interaction before being so hostile... much to chew on there
i also think it's inherently interesting for rin's character to focus in on the one person on the iwatobi team he doesn't have deep personal history with already - maybe predictably considering my sk8 takes i like thinking about how a relationship could build with someone who only knows him as he is now without a "purer" past version of him to compare to
they're fun and good and i'm sure i will have more opinions to add when i've seen more of the anime/seen s1 again!!
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merakicharm · 3 years
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Hats off to this amazing woman, who if she wanted to, could have interfered in her child's life, but every single time, let him choose for himself, by his own choice. And never once does she show her worries, she always breezes a smile and silently prays for her family. So hats off. Hats off for Miyako Matsuoka.
All those moments when she saw Toraichi Matsuoka in her son Rin, imagine how absolutely Broken she must have felt. Yet, she finds the courage to smile at her children, tease them, make them smile. Instead of choosing to bemoan the loss of her husband, she chooses to feel comforted every time she sees the kind hearted man and his influence in Rin. I can't even imagine her state without breaking into pieces.
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The fact that their family was still together, despite everything Rin had gone through, and that Gou and Miyako had gone through because of Rin's trauma, they still stuck together. They understood, and they cared. Rin loved, protected, cared for, stood up, and understood his sister and mother. Despite every hurdle he came across, he never forgot the family. Just like another man, who gave up his dreams of participating in the Olympics swimming relay, and became a fisherman, for the sake of his family.
This family just makes me want to break down and cry my heart out.
They were all seeing bits of Toraichi Matsuoka in each other, and that must have hurt so much. And yet, they are all so brave. So brave, and so kind. Just like a brown haired, bespectacled man with laughing black eyes and a happy smile at all times, had inspired them all to be.
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I really feel that Toraichi would have felt proud looking on at his little family. Really proud. Proud of Miyako. Of Gou. Of Rin.
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ladyzeia · 5 years
Sousuke's shoulder is finally healed following his surgery.
Summer is fading, but it's not over yet.
A story about four friends swimming together.
Characters:  Ai, Sousuke, Rin, & Momo
Here’s the piece I wrote for @fortheteamzine!  So happy I could be part of this wonderful project!  
Thanks to everyone who supported us!!  💖
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fencer-x · 2 years
So in the final scenes, we see shots of Shibuya in Tokyo and a girl we've never seen before wandering around, looking up at Haru's advertisement billboard and listening to Ikuya and Nitori discussing Haru's current state. We see her a couple of times, but she never speaks, and we never really see her fully.
The bits that we saw of her face made me think she was Ayumu grown up--but we see Ayumu later, and she has different hair and is still in Iwatobi.
So who is she?
Well, there's a theory buzzing around right now that this might be Yazaki Aki, the friend of Haru, Rin, and Makoto from elementary school (who added the "best" brick to the I swim best free for the team brick stack). She only appears in the novel and manga but plays a fairly substantial role. She forms her own girls' medley relay team.
I really hope that's who it is, even if nothing else comes from it. It feels fitting for a character who was a big part of these characters' formative years and the foundation of their friendship to finally be there, at the end, seeing what they've all become.
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snowsanji · 2 years
why blue lock is the hxh of sports animanga
i don't care that im only on chapter 123. im talking about blue lock and how it demolishes the tropes and themes of other sports animanga in the same way hxh destroyed the themes of shonen.
take a show like haikyuu, or free! or even stars align, and boil it down to its core theme. friendship and teamwork. in haikyuu its most highlighted through the way karasuno is able to come together and everyone has a role to play in their games. in free! we see the characters supporting eachother and even stars align, as dark as it is, falls back on the ideals of friendship.
not blue lock.
from day fucking one blue lock tells you there's no such thing as friends in soccer (im american its soccer im sorry). everyone in blue lock is here to become the best striker they can, no matter who gets hurt along the way. during the first arc they give you team Z to lull you in and have you fall back on the found family teamwork vibes that are prevalent everywhere else. and then they immediately slap you across the face and call you a fool. kuon betrays the team despite basically being their leader and you are finally thrust into the world of blue lock. a world without friendship and comradery. a world where only a true egoist can survive.
but, amongst the rubble, there is a single shining beacon of hope. isagi yoichi. despite consistently being told frienships won't last in blue lock, isagi holds on. he's kind and supportive to everyone in the room. he acknowledges good plays and doesn't put himself down when someone's better than him. he's uses the people around him to lift him up, lifting them along with him. he's often described as the key into awakening other players, such as barou and rin, by making them as best as they can be along with himself. it's almost impossible that isagi has made it thus far within blue lock without his ego taking him over. but he has.
let's looking closely at the second selection, specifically how isagi dealt with his close allies being taken away from him and vice versa. when bachira was taken by the top three in the very beginning, the loss was apparent. isagi had built bachira's playstyle and needs into his games and without him there it showed. his adaptability to bachria had to be scrapped as he moved forward working with nagi, barou and chigiri. and just as he had lifted up bachira's dribbling ability, he brought out chigiri's speed, nagi's traps and barou's villainess. and then when he switched into the top three team he adapted again to their playstyle. but none of this is to say he folds to the will of others. isagi is incredibly capable of scoring his own goals as well. which is why he's the anti blue lock player.
isagi yoichi's best playstyle is lifting up the teammates around him. they are his secret weapon. he's not built to steal goals from his teammates or only look out for himself. his greatest strength is his ability to change the tides of a game with a single pass to the right person.
but isn't this post supposed to be about how blue lock breaks apart these themes? if their protagonist is the ideal of every other sports themed animanga how are they changing things? because isgai barely wins. isagi is never regarded as the best player in blue lock. he's never the top of the rankings. he's survived but he's barely thrived. he's forced to work harder than most, he loses time and time again. the system of blue lock is built against people like him.
blue lock at heart is giving the reader a character who would fit in playing volleyball with karasuno or swimming with the iwatobi swim club and destroying him.
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slytherinsninja · 7 years
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matching bricks for you and the squad
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caffernnn · 3 years
One last thought before free final stroke releases. Everyone has said that if Haru has to choose between his bonds and a race or “swimming on a larger scale” he would choose his bonds and I think that too, but what if he doesn’t? 🤔 I would hate for KA to do that, but I can’t help thinking about it. Would love to hear you thoughts about it if you have any.
Buckle up, buttercup! I have perhaps too many thoughts on this one 😅
Okay so here’s the thing: I’ve definitely been sipping on the free!verse “friendship is magic and those special bonds can conquer anything” juice, but I can see Haru or one of the other main pro swimmers we’ll be following (Rin, Ikuya, etc) putting swimming first… at least in the first movie. Out of everyone to take on that possible arc, it feels like Haru is the main one left to isolate, break, and have to be reminded of who he swims for.
(This one got lengthy; read more under the cut) 🏊✨
This is a pattern in Free! that has been explored over and over. Haru has a teammate, rival, or friend that gets so lost in their own head that they refuse to let anyone reach them and try to put swimming and solitude first. Then, Haru and company step in with a race, a relay, pool time in general to show them that they’re so much stronger when they realize they’re not alone. They hug it out, the audience cries; rinse, repeat.
From the promos, it sets the stage for a specific emphasis on these six. Going through the characters like a checklist for this Free!verse rite of passage, it feels clear who is most likely going to be the next one to take on the cycle.
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(Note: I’m going to refer to the pattern described earlier as “the cycle” moving forward)
Painting it with a broad stroke, most of the characters on this list have taken their respective turns moving through the cycle.
- (Season One) Rin is, like, the king of this lesson. The whole first season was more or less dedicated to showing how he got so fixated on being a viable competitor that he forgot one of the main things that drew both him and his dad towards swimming in the first place: communicating and connecting with people in the water. That’s something Rin knows not to take for granted, and that’s shown through his immense character growth since season one. I think I stated in a past FS theory post how I’m curious about how Rin will handle the pressures and demands of finally reaching the world stage. With that said, he’s also not the main one I’m worried about taking on the main cycle.
- (Season Two) Sousuke paid his dues when he wrecked his shoulder overworking himself. He put success above everything to his own detriment, and he’s lucky that ignoring his own hurt while embracing his Samezuka team didn’t cause irreparable damage. We should watch him closely while he prepares to make his return to swimming because he’s at risk of overextending himself, but he’s had a good amount of time to sit with the firsthand consequences of trying to “do it all on his own,” so he’s not the one I’m primarily worried about.
- (Season Three) Ikuya’s whole journey in DttF was about him coming into his own and realizing his worth. The Iwatobi guys play a big part in this, their efforts in reconciliation starting to help him break out of his stubbornness and inferiority complex. He’s learning by the end of the season how to open up again (and actually appreciate Hiyori, but that’s another conversation) and see himself as an equal counterpart to the people he’s put on pedestals (Haru, Natsuya). His growth is still new, and I’d argue he’s the one who most recently completed his trek through the cycle. I’m sure he’ll inevitably have his own hardships highlighted in the movie, but he’s still riding off the high of freshly finding his inspiration/motivation again that I don’t see his narrative being the focal point.
- (High Speed/Starting Days) Makoto had his own primary trek through the cycle way back in junior high. This is probably one of the points where the dichotomy of the proposed choice (swimming vs. bonds) is most explicitly highlighted. Nao’s question of “do you enjoy swimming or are you here for Haru” is one of the earliest instances where the idea of choosing between success and relationships is explored. Makoto distances himself so much because the question feels loaded and leading - Is it a bad thing to swim because his friend is there? Shouldn’t he want to “grow up” and have merit-driven goals? Even if he doesn’t want to, would he be okay letting Haru go in the pursuit of maturing? Is that really a choice he has to make? Makoto’s eventual conclusion that he loves both swimming and Haru, that both are intertwined into driving him forward, sets the stage for the rest of the series, honestly. I can’t deny the foreshadowing putting Makoto in a potential position of influence in FS, but it’s because of how tied he is to the pro swimmers that’ll inevitably take narrative priority.
- Asahi is a wild card in this framework, but still fits in as a guiding light and a possible outside perspective that could be vital in the story (if he doesn’t get overlooked). He’s someone who hasn’t necessarily been put through the cycle, but he’s a good example of someone who’s a shining light, rowdy and driven and arguably secure in his determination that he’ll make the most out any opportunity by finding his place on any team and taking on the world at his own pace. I’d love to see a side story exploring Asahi’s journey in more detail, because he’s such a unique position as someone who worked on channeling his own self-esteem early on and built new teams every time he had to move. Just from how they’re likely to prioritize characters, especially now that we’re in the endgame, I wouldn’t put my money on Asahi taking center stage.
And then there’s Haru. The unwilling protagonist. The one who played a part in everyone else’s turns through the cycle, his status as a teammate/rival/prodigy/friend launching them into the pitfalls before inspiring them to come back towards the light. He’s grown throughout every season bolstered by the question of why he swims, but I’d argue that now is his time to face the cycle head-on. This is when the idea of improving his times, of winning, hold more value to him than they ever have before. That’s why I think when Ryuuji and other competitors (Kaede, Albert) start telling him that he has to make a choice between loneliness and mediocrity, pushing him towards the path of isolation, it’s going to hit hard. His declaration to have everything he wants, to hold his friends close while taking on the world, is going to be seriously put to the test.
That’s what makes the most sense to me at this point. The story started with Haru, and now it ends with Haru. Will he have to make an unthinkable choice and have to sacrifice one of the vital parts of his dreams? Will he find a way to prove everyone wrong and have it all? I’m excited to find out.
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i hate that kyoani never developed rin's friendships with makoto or nagisa, i feel like he's closer to haru (duh) and rei based on what we've seen. we got makorin moments but they're rare which is why im annoyed when they get pushed as a trio because viewers rarely see them together. i love nagisa and rin so im sad we don't see them a lot. by S2 the show separate iwatobi and samezuka a LOT like damn
Hmm but they are together in pretty much any additional materials, dramas and stories, like christmas, halloween, new years, birthdays, sleepovers, just walks together and etc. The amount of moments of their friendship there will feed you enough, so like if you think they don't interact bc its not in the anime, you're wrong.
Since the plot revolves around Rinharu, Ikuya and right now team Japan shananigans its kinda impossible to put in Rin and Nagisa interactions there, just bc they are in different places or bc we don't really have enough screentime for lots of chilling together stuff on screen. I mean, even mains who usually interacted with each other all the time, can't now.
Obviously now that they're graduated we sadly can't be with Nagisa, Rei, Momo and Nitori as much, it's logical, we're mostly in Tokyo, they're not. I don't see what to hate about the fact that Kyoani just simply can't possibly make everyone interact with everyone for obvious reasons.
It's just in the current situation to demand more Rin x Nagisa in the 1,5 hour movie is a bit weird I think considering what the movie itself is about. Plus there is just not enough time to develop Rin's relationships with every side character on screen, but if you're worried about Rin, Nagisa and Makoto's friendship, you don't really need to, just check the dramas. Like what's great about Free is that there are so many additional materials, that you can always find your Makorin and Rin x Nagisa friendship in the after-seasons stuff if you need.
But also in Free like not everyone plays some huge role in each others lives, sometimes it's just warm relationships, but nothing to develop really. Both Rin and Haru as a center of it all, play important part in too many of other ppl lives bc of obvious reasons, but it can't be everyone. For example, Rin's friendship with Sousuke and Nitori is one thing. Rin's friendship with Makoto and Nagisa are another thing. They're good friends yeah, but he didn't affect their lives in any huge way, so I don't really see what to "develop" there. If you wanted them to just spend some time on screen together it's another thing really. As I've heard there are Makoto and Rin interactions in this movie, if you really needed it.
Plus since Free! is a slice of life that resembles a lot of life situations, just tell me yourself (if you're an adult) how much of your school friends you stayed in touch with after moving to university for example? Like tbh I'm surprised they're all still hanging out together even occasionally as it is. This sad truth of what Makoto constantly dreams about is just life. No one always gets to stay together for life, even when you were great friends. Just facts.
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divetothefandom · 4 years
His a lovely guy lately
Romantic and giving to everyone
Hella loyal to his friends
But he wasn’t always like this
And that’s why mt favorite thing about Rin is his character development.
He started off as an antagonist and someone who caused me repulsion… and he evolved to one of my favorite characters of the entire show.
He did a 180 and became the sweetest and kindest character.
How he helps Rei? The CD drama with Makoto and the cat? The audio where he hangs with Nagisa? We know for a fact he tutors other English! He became super sweet!
Of course, he is still fiery and passionate. So he can get angry, but he is not mean.
His relationship with his friends are super nice to see and how he fights for friendship so much.
“I’ll show you that I can have both. My dream, and a relay with friends.”
He is exactly what I think a good redemption arc is like (maybe not Zuko-level of great but he’s out there).
Oof, this character a kuundere angel. He always acts super chill and I don’t care but. He is really caring even if he doesn’t want to show it. Like, you’re so sweet, let us see that you jerk.
He had a very interesting arc with how he hid his injury and dealt with it.
How he learned to love a relay because of finding how fun and fulfilling it could be swim with friends which almost took the price.
I love how strong he is.
Man, he took a lot.
His best friend leaving for years.
Loosing contact with him.
He got injured
He lost his dream.
He had to swim full strength even though it hurt him.
He accepted losing his dream.
He took a huge risk to not give it up.
And isn’t he ready to reclaim his dream! FIGHT SOUSUKE!
He is a very tough cookie, he is resilient on the stuff that really matters and I love that.
He is much smarter than he lets on. And he’s often the fuel of enthusiasm for his team.
He is super funny and energetic.
But probably my favorite thing is how nothing affects him.
Cannonically he has never felt stress, which… I’m fucking jealous about. MOMO DONATE ME SOME MENTAL PEACE.
But no matter how harsh things get, he’s always with a smile on and it’s like problems avoid him.
He’s so happy go lucky and sweet.
Duck boy, is so sweet and giving.
But my favorite thing is that…
He always sticks around people he looks up to and he works very hard.
He is able to handle someone like season 1 Rin which will always have my respect and then handled Momo.
He learned to dominate the breast stroke to swim with Rin.
Oof, he has such a cool and endless energy, I love his enthusiasm.
But I like how he’s a leader and an inspiration whenever he’s around.
Mostly for Momo, to the embarrassment of everyone else.
But how he can make hard decisions like kicking Rin off the relay (objectively the smartest choice for his team).
But he’s also very comprehensive and didn’t even scold Rin about it. He just said “swim like that for us too.” I would’ve kicked him off the team, but Seijuro? He saw potential.
And even enough potential to make him the team captain.
He is a visionary, and in Take your Marks he read the whole race situation on his own, which makes him smarter than everyone else lol.
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Aoashi English Dub Reveals Cast & Crew, Release Date
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  We're about to blow our orange whistle and get the game started for Aoashi's English dub, but before we can kick off on April 23 at 2:00pm Pacific Time, we have to warm up by running down the draft picks:
  Ciarán Strange (Richard in Requiem of the Rose King) as Ashito Aoi
Eric Vale (Trunks in Dragon Ball Z Kai) as Tatsuya Fukuda
Marisa Duran (Lou/Louise in SHADOWS HOUSE) as Hana Ichijo
Monica Rial (Bulma in Dragon Ball Z Kai) as Noriko Aoi
Blake McNamara (Seth Rich Cutter in Appare-Ranman!) as Shun Aoi  
Additional episode 1 cast:  
Greg Silva as Futamihama Coach
Kim Morton as Kogure
Meg McClain as Nanami
Kelsey Maher as Sawa
Jennifer Alyx as Female Assistant 1A
Aaron Campbell as Goalie's Father
Nazeeh Tasha as Male Baishinji Player 1A, Male Spectator 1A
Ben Balmaceda as Male Baishinji Player 1B, Male Futamihama Player 1D
Alex Mai as Male Futamihama Player 1A, Male Spectator 1B
JR Joseph as Male Futamihama Player 1A
Paul Cline as Male Futamihama Player 1C, Male Underclassman 1A
Justin Green as Male Underclassman 1B
  ADR Director: Shawn Gann
Assistant ADR Directors: Emi Lo & Marcus Stimac
Lead ADR Engineer: Paul Cline
Assistant ADR Engineers: Ian Emerson & Noah Whitehead
ADR Script Writer: Leah Clark
ADR Script Supervisor: Bonny Clinkenbeard
ADR Prep: Ry McKeand
ADR Mix Engineer: Matt Grounds
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      RELATED: Crunchyroll Reveals SimulDub Lineup for Spring 2022, First SPY x FAMILY Cast Details
    Based on the manga by Yugo Kobayashi, Aoashi is directed by Akira Sato (RELEASE THE SPYCE) at studio Production I.G, with series composition by Masahiro Yokotani (Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club) and character designs by Toshie Kawamura (B-PROJECT).
  If you're a fan of sports anime, don't miss Episode 1 of Aoashi's English dub when it drops on April 23 at 2:00pm PT, right here on Crunchyroll!
   "I'll take you to the world." Ashito Aoi is a middle schooler who lives in Ehime, and the ace of an unremarkable soccer club. The day that they lost the final tournament of middle school, Ashito runs along the ocean in frustration, before running into a man who had been watching his game. That man is Tatsuya Fukuda, the coach of the high-school-aged Youth team of a leading J-League team, "Tokyo City Esperion FC." After sensing immense potential in Ashito's still-unrefined skills, he describes his ambition. "I want to build a team, and use it to take over the world. Our club isn't going to be a milestone for players who take on the world. Our club is going to be the world. And to make this happen, I'm going to need some 'aces' to train." After hearing Fukuda's offer, Ashito decides to head to Tokyo and try out for his team── Aoashi is considered the cutting edge of soccer manga, and now it's finally getting a TV anime adaptation! Loss, growth, and friendship: everything in youth is here!
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    Der shy man behind @Shymander, Liam is a timezone-fluid Aussie with a distinct fondness for anime, Eurovision and creating odd stats projects despite hating math.
By: Liam Dempsey
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smileandasong · 3 years
guess who just finished season 1 of free?? i liked it so much!!!! i love that it was all about friendship. the end of the last meet had me EMOTIONAL hahaha. my immediate instincts were right - rin and haru need to kiss. i laughed out loud when they were wrestling on the ground and the other guys came up and nobody even batted an eye that rin was sitting on top of haru hahahaaa. i really, really liked it. but im scared that if i watch season 2 there will be girlfriends and stuff! i liked that it was just about the team.
the way i completely forgot to respond to this i'm so sorry FRIEND I KNOW, I KNOWWWWWW!!!! and VERY pleased that you see rin and haru as the true free! ship!!! like no offense to mako, love that guy but like....rin and haru, ALWAYS! it's the perfect ship, truly the only shortcoming of it is that the people at funimation decided to let v*c mignona voice rin in the dub........literally, how could you all do my man dirty like that? BUT YEAH!!! now you see why free! was so popular on tumblr when it first came out. it is legitimately good and compelling and has some of the best character growth and development that i've seen in any anime ever??? everyone please stan free iwatobi swim club!!!
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lunaslashsea · 4 years
Crossover Fanfic Recs
The Addams Family/Harry Potter
'Family Values' by Ishtar Petunia Dursley discovers that taking care of two small boys is too much for her, so she passes the guardianship of Harry Potter over to a distant relative — Morticia Addams. With Harry growing up in a very different type of Family, Dumbledore desperately tries to get him back. But the Harry Potter who finally arrives at Hogwarts, along with his "cousins" Pugsley and Wednesday, will be nothing like what Dumbledore expects.
The Addams Family/Rise of the Guardians
'Nightmares for Christmas' by Neyiea Not all children are happy that their nightmares have disappeared, and as such North finds himself receiving a very unexpected letter several days before Christmas.
Big Hero 6/The Martian
'Big Hero Martian' by althor42 There would have been no rescue for Mark, if NASA had not noticed he was still alive. Unless of course, a certain Big Hero noticed instead.
Big Hero 6/Marvel
'Magnets for Trouble' by PitViperOfDoom Months after Callaghan's downfall, Hiro receives a surprise in the mail: a special invitation to this year's Stark Expo. With Fred for company, he leaves the protection of the city temporarily in the hands of the rest of the team and flies across the country to meet the man with twice the brains and bank account of Alistair Krei and several times the infamy.
But of course, it can't be that simple, can it? Really, after how his last expo went, he should have seen this coming.
Bleach/Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
'Teamwork for Hire' by junko After the defeat of Aizen, Ichigo has lost his superpowers but not his skills so he's been hiring himself out to any sports team looking for a strong player. When Nagisa Hazuki approaches Ichigo to join the Iwatobi High School Swimming Club, something piques Ichigo's interest…
Bleach/Harry Potter
'Crazy=Genius' series by blackkat Minerva McGonagall isn't about to let Harry go back to the Dursleys after his first year. She finds an alternative, and along the way, Bazzard Black finds that he might have more family left than he'd ever thought.
'Lost Boys' by glacis After the Triwizard fiasco, Harry leaves Britain behind for a new life. Uryuu befriends Ichigo at a much younger age. Sirius escapes. Points converge and lost boys find a family. Isshin fails. So does Ryuuken. Kisuke finds a friend. Ukitake covers and cleans up. Fate changes.
'There May Be Some Collateral Damage' by metisket Ichigo's been ordered to go undercover at a magic school to bodyguard a kid named Harry Potter, and this would be fine, except that he's about as good at bodyguarding as he is at magic. And he considers it a good day, magic‐wise, if he hasn't set anything on fire.
Bleach/Hunger Games
'Storm the World with Reckless Abandon' by SSAerial So due to one of Urahara's failed experiments that Ichigo unluckily got a full blast of (because life hates him and trouble is attracted to him like a clingy fangirl he could do without), Ichigo ends up in a dystopian universe where people take perverse pleasure in watching kids fight to the death. Which just, no. So Panem now has to deal with a pissed of Ichigo who's determined to stop the Hunger Games and pummel Snow to the ground. And Panem doesn't have a snowball chance in hell in stopping him.
Bleach/Lord of the Rings
'Behold the Flowing Years' by Straight‐Outta‐Hobbiton Ichigo escapes his dimension to start anew, away from the memories of death and friendships past that he can't seem to put to rest. Rohan is a beautiful country, and Théoden is a good king, but evil only grows stronger within the borders of Mordor, and Ichigo finds himself once more forced to protect those whom he has grown to love.
'Foreign Recruit' by SSAerial Ichigo doesn't know where to start. He has no friends, no family, no personal attachments to the world he got dumped into. The Soul King never specified what he was supposed to do in a world where technology is ahead of its time and aliens and secret governments exist. As for the people he has to deal with… Well, it isn't like he hasn't dealt with colorful personalities before.
'All My Ghosts are at Rest' series by Zakad An older Ichigo and Uryu leave Soul Society and all its problems behind to search for the near-mythical homeland of a particular Shiba ancestor. They find the Elemental Countries and one little boy who is desperate need of a family.
'Bite' by blackkat Orochimaru and his sons crash‐land in Karakura. Soul Society is most definitely not prepared for what's coming.
'A New Home' by Rain1701 In an effort to save her life and freedom, Hitsugaya Toshiro winds up landing head‐first in the Naruto universe two months before the start of canon. Not much stays the same after that.
'Soul of Fire' by Zeionia aka Disturbed After being betrayed by Soul Society, Ichigo and his sisters leave Karakura behind to find shelter with the remains of their grandfather's clan in the Land of Fire. Instead of the peaceful life they were hoping for, they reach Konoha just as a new danger appears to threaten the Uzumaki. Heart‐broken and tired of fighting, will Ichigo be able to protect his sisters and his new home?
'Stardust' by Vathara What if some Alterans found another way to survive the Wraith? Five thousand years before the Stargate opens, contact with creatures of energy changes the way of life for an Alteran colony…
Card Captor Sakura/Harry Potter
'Cardcaptor Harry' by LunaStorm In which both Albus Dumbledore and Clow Reed would have done well to remember that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in any philosophy… or predicted by the most imprecise branch of magic…
Doctor Who/Marvel
'Alien Taskforce' by TheSovereigntyofReality Just because S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers didn't listen to Tony after the Battle of New York, it doesn't mean no one did.
Downton Abbey/Marvel
'Tony Stark Meets an Extremely Unimpressed Time Traveler, or, Thomas Barrow Makes a Surprisingly Good 21st Century Butler' by Alex51324 In which Tony Stark ditches a boring party, makes an addition to the household staff, throws a much better party, and tries not to sexually harass his new butler.
Or, In which Thomas Barrow has a little trouble getting home from the pub, is generally unimpressed with many aspects of the 21st century, never thought of himself as a conservative dresser before, and may or may not be falling in lust with his new employer.
Gilmore Girls/Stargate
'Physics of the Spin' by Mhalachai Rory Gilmore always thought she was Christopher Hayden's daughter, but things are a little more complicated than that…
Good Omens/Supernatural
'Misfire' by VivatRex Crowley finds himself in another universe; Aziraphale goes to fetch him. In the meantime, Team Free Will has to figure out what to do with the 6,000 year old demon that won't stay in a devil's trap and keeps rooting through Dean's vinyl collection. Shenanigans ensue.
Gundam Wing/Naruto
'Worlds Apart' by Mieren Something went horribly wrong and Duo and Naruto are in the wrong worlds. Ninja vs technology. How could this possibly go wrong?
Harry Potter/Marvel
'Behind the Shield' by GeeEs It was a good thing the new scientist, Dr. Harry Evans, was working out so well. Because nothing else was going Fury's way. And that was before Loki made off with the Tesseract and some of his people. Maybe AU to Mortem Cantor by Kyandua.
'How Harry Failed to Conquer New York' by Impossible_Insanity
'I See The Moon' by hctiB‐notsoB While on the run, Bruce meets a young man who speaks to the moon. He's probably not quite the sanest friend Bruce could have made, but, well… beggars can't be choosers.
'Mischief's Heir' series by mad_fairy Mostly Harry Potter with the addition of Loki in the first parts
'Mortem Cantor' by Kyandua After losing everything he holds dear, Harry Potter is thrust into a new world; one with Superheroes and evil Villains that make Voldemort look like a kitten. Struggling to survive in this new world - and, meanwhile, gaining the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. - he attempts to live a NORMAL life. But, he is Harry Potter after all... what could possibly go wrong?
'On Punching Gods and Absentee Dads' by Enigmaris Harry finds out that his dad is alive, has been the whole time. Instead of being overjoyed, Harry's disgusted. His dad left earth and abandoned his friends. Every painful thing he's ever gone through can be traced back to one man. Now Harry's got super strength he can't control and an almost unnecessary amount of magical power. His dad might be living it up with the Avengers now but not for long. With the help of his friends, Harry comes up with a plan for revenge. Get ready Avengers, Harry's out to punch a god.
'Safeguard' by esama The Chitauri invasion launches a whole new age – for everyone.
Inuyasha/Yu Yu Hakusho
'Devoted' by Ookami‐chan Loving someone means seeing to it that they receive nothing but the very best of care. In all things.
'Healing Soul' by Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf Canon, IY slightly alternate ending, BG blend but more manga than anime; YYH boys' last year of school but otherwise through series, anime only.
'By Any Other Name' by Deviant Nature Kagome's return after an unexplained, prolonged absence leaves her family with questions she refuses to answer except to assure that it's over. While she attempts to readapt to the present, Kurama is feeling the pressures of human society's expectations. But the solutions to his troubles aren't as straight‐forward as he had hoped. Note: Unrated version is on MediaMiner.net as 'Par Tout Autre Nom'
Harry Potter/Ranma 1/2
'Harry Hibiki and the Philosopher's Stone' by USA_Tiger On the night Voldemort attacks the Potter's home, a completely different person finds Harry before Sirius Black or Hagrid. Harry is found and adopted by Nerima's very own eternal lost boy Ryoga Hibiki! Soon Harry will be joining his classmates at Hogwarts but how will Hogwarts handle this kind of Harry? And how does it affect the prophecy, what is the 'power he knows not?
Harry Potter/Sherlock
'The Avalon Seven' by sifshadowheart Major Non‐Canon A/U, Harry is treated for abuse and massive injuries by John Watson as a John Doe. To help solve the mystery of the battered boy John calls in his partner Sherlock — whose father has much more information about his patient than John ever thought possible. Turning to an old acquaintance, Siger Holmes contacts the Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Wallace…Harry's rightful guardian.
First several chapters will be covering Pre‐Hogwarts years, story starts with Harry at age four so it'll be a while before any sort of slash or real conflict happens. Very political fic with lots of twists and turns. Because the plot‐bunnies won't leave me alone!
'Magnificent' by esama The birth of the Ministry of Magic and his relationship with the British Government.
'Whispers in Corners' by esama Everything started with a stumble — his new life in a new world as well as his surprisingly successful career as a medium.
Harry Potter/Sherlock/Star Trek
'Harder Choices' by sifshadowheart Post‐Avalon Seven A/U…a.k.a. This is what happens when plot‐bunnies start mating and multiplying.
Hadrian saves Earth…at a cost
'An Englishman in Konoha' by pupeez4eva Itachi Uchiha is a strange child, who regularly converses with things no one else can see, drinks far too much tea, and has a strong and unyielding obsession with being the best big brother ever (or, in a world where England is reborn into the Naruto universe, Itachi ends up a little…different).
The Hobbit/Sherlock
'All Things Old and New' by teacup_of_doom All around the world, people are remembering past lives. Bilbo Baggins discovers that Tookish streaks can span lifetimes — and can have unintended, hilarious, consequences.
Katekyou Hitman Reborn!/Naruto
'Force of Nature' by Ramabear (RyMagnatar) He had died— honorably, he'd like to think, despite living as a villain and an assassin for over half a century— and that, as far as Xanxus had ever figured, would be the end of that. No heaven. No hell. Just life when you were breathing and nothingness when you stopped.
Except that it didn't, quite, turn out that way. Except he came back as the son of the kindest, sometimes saddest father in the world. In both worlds. A father that he knew, without a doubt, to be his flesh and blood. All at once, Xanxus had everything he'd wanted as a child. A home. A family. Stability. And he was going to fight like hell and beat down anyone who tried to take it from him, no matter what his age.
(In which Sakumo raises a son who speaks multiple languages from birth, all of them gibberish to the poor single father jounin, spits vulgarity with the same ease as he does his praise and burns with an unshakable determination to build himself a family that will not fall, no matter who or what is thrown against it.)
'Uchiha Kyōya' by Tsume_Yuki In a world where Fugaku has three sons, he wishes he'd stopped at the one. There's nothing wrong with the youngest, it's just…
The middle child.
'In Which Neither Coulson nor Sherlock are Dead' by TheDullYellowEye … and John sort of joins the Avengers. While Coulson's recovering from being stabbed in the chest by a magical spear, Fury is rapidly running out of Agents willing to play babysitter for the newly founded Avengers. So he calls in Captain John Watson, late of the British Royal Army, and blogger and best friend to the infamously antisocial presumably deceased Sherlock Holmes.
Naruto/One Piece
'Lost Uzumaki' by Silver Dragonfly (lillikira) Shanks was used to strange meetings on the various islands of the Grand Line. However, this one was unusual even for the Grand Line. A Lost Uzumaki is found and Naruto has no plans of not becoming part of his family. (A Series of Snapshots about the finding of lost family.)
'One World's Tragedy is Another World's ...Gain?' by Foodmoon Pern goes to hell in a handbasket. Ir'ca tries to rescue the future of dragonkind by being a thief and somehow ends up in the Land of Fire. It's probably a good thing Kakashi handed over the Hat a while back...
'Deduction in Shadows' by GremlinSR Shikaku just wanted to finish his paperwork before lunch so he could squeeze in an afternoon nap. His plans are derailed by a six year old orphan when she sneaks into his office with proof that somebody has been kidnapping the children of Konoha and covering it up.
He never does end up getting that nap.
Or: A Holmes is reborn into the ninja village Konoha. Chaos ensues
Rise of the Guardians/Marvel
'Constellations of Old' by kuroi_atropos When the Man in the Moon recognizes Thor as a representative of Asgard, he decides to send the Guardians of Childhood to ask for help vanquishing the last of shadows, as well as a few other things he could use some help with.
'Winter Gods' by avearia The Guardians discover that, outside of Earth, many races actually worship Jack as a God. Meanwhile, the Avengers deal with the implications that come with an almighty spirit, otherworldly religions, and the revelation that Santa is real.
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