#(its to emphasize Ais story and the like)
nanase-haru · 2 years
{A.M.V.} Free!! x Uta no Prince-sama / Mamoru Miyano (Inspired): “Canon” (Second opening theme of Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000%) {In that series, Miyano voices “Tokiya Ichinose”. This is not sung by “Tokiya” technically, but might give Tokiya’s image.} I used Miyano’s inspiration to make a Free!! A.M.V.! {It is my very first for this fandom, though I watched as it aired!}
Series: Free!! (C) Kyo-Ani “Canon” (C) Broccoli-Games / ELEMENTSGARDEN {Note: This is a FAN-work}
Characters/Pairs Featured: - RinHaru {Rin x Haru} - Rintori / NitoRin / RinAi {Rin x Aiichirou Nitori} - Ai x Rin x Haru as poly-ship or open relationships; (implied by the end) Feel free to view your preference!
My Commentary:
I would like to propose a Concept - Haru, Rin and Ai all have MULTIPLE HANDS. (This A.M.V. showcases the dynamics / story progression of all three; each of Haru and Ai with Rin, briefly, all acknowledging each other) Contains spoilers for: Free!! Seasons 1 & 2; {Rin; Haru; Ai scenes} “The Final Stroke” Part 2 start; but nothing specific from Final Stroke’s ending {Yet?}. (TFS Part 1 shows only in ‘scenic’ scene.) Others appear as support.
(Though I admit I am personally biased towards RinAi fandom-wise, I’ve also enjoyed the canon dynamic between Rin and Haru.) However, this work was partly made / inspired by an old mutual; this mutual really loved Rin+Haru dynamic too, so this is made in support! {They also like everyone as friends, as do I.} I’m not able to make much for this fandom usually (in the past, I did briefly rp {role-play} Ai, but do not actively write fic or anything much outside rp) but for the most part, this A.M.V. was very fun to make! Happy 10~ years anniversary to Free!! Time Spent: - About an hour and 30 min on the 1st verse + chorus. - Almost 4 and a half hours / a whole evening on the rest. - I am not even kidding when I say this thing must have crashed my editor (Windows Movie Maker... it’s an older version, sigh) at least x30+~50 times while attempting to finish Nitori’s scenes timing and the ending. As a result, this is technically a “first draft” (I know ending’s bit rushed, but I tried!) until I can go back and add in more timings and scene cuts! (Someday!...) - My editor tends to crash pretty frequently if I attempt 50+ clips; sometmes even after 20~ clips or so. This one has just about 40 clips, with bonus KyoAni’s own timings helping to smooth out the rest! - Sub-titles cannot be included at this time; I apologize! (However, lyric{s} below the ‘read more’!) It is recommended you view them in full (or in sections) before watching! - If you watch, I’d really love to hear your thoughts; I put a lot of effort in!
“I only swim FREE!.” - Haru
... DO YOU?
“I feel so useless.” - Ai
“A sight you’ve never seen before...”
{Lyric[s] Preview!}:
Distant feelings on a {‘SILENT’} hill, … all of my love… (Get ready!)
“Do not tremble in this cruel world…” Through the kiss of a song, better than thousands of words
We can give something up ({I} swear to you) Just to live in this moment (Hold my hand) For your sake and for mine, we’re ready to take off now…together!
“SO, let’s GO!”
Your beloved voice becomes a powerful impulse That makes dreams reality As our heartbeats synchronize… Ah, exceeding even miracles, (Feel your song!) Up among the stars, (Feel my song!) Until that dream Reaches the unseeable FUTURE, I’ll PLAY this song! {“Free”}
I was scared of truth’s LIGHT…
(Lyric{s} via Uta-pri Wikia!)
“Canon” (description via Wiki): {no, not the fandom term.} In music, a canon is a contrapuntal (counterpoint-based) compositional technique that employs a melody with one or more imitations of the melody played after a given duration (e.g., quarter rest, one measure, etc.). The initial melody is called the leader (or dux), while the imitative melody, which is played in a different voice, is called the follower (or comes). The follower must imitate the leader, either as an exact replication of its rhythms Rand intervals or some transformation thereof. Repeating canons in which all voices are musically identical are called rounds. (For the meaning behind the title / theme!) {In the A.M.V., I semi-relate (if vaguely) this theme to all three characters; plus, more directly, make the comparison to Haru + Free!! AND Relay Medleys.} (There is vague inspiration from the original Uta-pri as well, but not intended directly comparable.)
The final chorus of the A.M.V. is one I had in mind ever since first hearing this song way back around Apr 2k13, when the second part of Uta-pri aired. It may be slightly more modified in a “final” version, but for the most part!...
Distant {“Haruka”} feelings on a silent hill, all of my love… (Get ready!) [Haru <-> Rin] (+Haru; specifically...) “Do not tremble in this cruel world…” Through the kiss of a “song”, better than thousands of words We can give something up (I swear to you) Just to live in this moment (Hold my hand) For your sake and for mine, we’re ready to take off now…together! “So, let’s go!” Your beloved voice becomes a powerful impulse That makes dreams reality As our heartbeats synchronize… Ah, exceeding even miracles, (Feel your song!) Up among the stars, (Feel my song!) Until that dream Reaches the unseeable future, I’ll play this song! I was scared of truth’s light... [Ai -> Rin] Even at this great a DISTANCE, it’s too DAZZLING An unspeakable LONELINESS (No more crying) Thirsting for an impossible cure (Save my heart) [Ai <-> Rin] Since I met you, I’ve sworn to start living! The overlapping melodies of your voice seem to scorch my heart Resonating dreams echoing for eternity Like a sense of déjà vu, I knew today (Feel your love) A bloom of hope (Feel my love) An infinite rainbow Now our feelings are merging as we become one [Ai <-> Rin <-> Haru] The stars are waiting for the sky, they want to become a dream(?) The day will come when they bloom like a flower, and a rainbow awaits us on that day We’re ready to take off now…together! “So, let’s go!” Your beloved voice becomes a powerful impulse That makes dreams reality As our heartbeats synchronize… Ah, exceeding even miracles, (Feel your song!) Up among the stars, (Feel my song!) Until that dream Reaches the unseeable future, I’ll play this song! Feelings tied together on a shining hill…
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oflgtfol · 4 months
animatic is really cool but im mostly linking it cuz its an easy way to link to the monologue in general. like this shit is so crazy. just the words alone are crazy but then harlan ellison himself also voiced this and its crazy its crazy i tell you. i love you AM i love AM so much what a weirdo. i fucking love how ellison voices AM here as someone who is fucking insane and unraveling at the seams but has so so so much control. the way AM's voice shakes and gets progressively out of "breath" as the monologue goes on so that you can feel just how fucking much he hates he can barely even contain it. hate? HATE?? *maniacal laughter* also just in general i just love the muffled voice effects in this specific rendition <3
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an-idyllic-novelist · 11 months
dark schneider with shinobu!reader headcanons - part two
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Warnings: ooc, violence, KNY manga spoilers, Bastard!! anime season two spoilers, strong language, violence, mentions of PTSD.
If you are not comfortable reading this type of story, please push the back button and read something more pleasant.
Hey guys, welcome to part two the fluffier version of the yandere headcanons, featuring the handsome, arrogant wizard Dark Schneider of the Netflix's anime series Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy and the character!reader who is Shinobi Kocho from the beloved world of Demon Slayer aka Kimetsu no Yaiba! The link to them will be here.
For those who just came here and haven’t read part one, please do so before proceeding. The link to part one is here.
As it is portrayed in the series, there will be multiple references to heavy metal bands. I claim no ownership over them, including the lyrics of Operation: Mindcrime, composed by the American heavy metal band Queensryche in 1988 under the album of the same name.
Special thanks to @ccruzmoon, @anniespostssworld, @enryegotrip, and @mitra555 for their feedback and help with making this one of the best sequels I’ve written for a headcanon series in a long while! :)
So, with that being said, sit back, relax, and let's dive back into a world of magic and musical mayhem!
Golems from the ancient world aren’t much different than the ones used today. They are sentient, programmed to perform certain tasks, and able to regenerate themselves should their bodies be destroyed by an enemy. In fact, they were deemed as prototypes of an ‘AI - Drone’. Yoko didn’t know much beyond what her father had shown her in the temple’s sacred texts, but she did emphasize just how lucky you were to have discovered one in a weapons’ storehouse belonging to the Dark Rebel Army, with its parts and programming still in excellent condition. You have had it for over a year, and you can certainly tell that it wasn’t used for thermal optics or firing weapons at opponents from great distances like the AI-Drones were originally designed to do in war. 
For one, Led Zeppelin was made of metal dripped in gold, with stubby legs and a long feathery tail as well as wings. It could change its body’s mass from the size of a dumpling to a pillow in the blink of an eye, and had a mouth of razor-sharp teeth that served two purposes: storing items in its body, and showing recordings it took from its point of view. Oh, and biting people who came too close to you, its owner. Apparently, according to the technicians in the samurai residence, Led Zeppelin immediately bonded with you, the first person it saw once they had reactivated its factory settings. 
Well…supposed it is still a tad bit rude to keep referring to Led Zeppelin as an ‘it’ when ‘he’ has always been by your side, acting as a personal assistant and a subsequent comfort pet because goldfish have been extinct for the last century. When the night terrors began occurring last month, however, your Zeppelin had been stuck in the mechanical shop for a month because a few of his corroding parts were getting more difficult to find, courtesy of the Dark Rebel’s Army growing power in the country. 
But now the remaining safe haven in A-Ian-Maide was under attack by two Samurai Shoguns and a herd of sphinxes, your golem’s role would be more important than ever. He would keep Lucien Renlen safe, along with the women and children and the samurai who are stationed to look after them. When you gave this order, the golem shook his body rapidly - clearly he wanted to follow you into the battlefield outside. 
You smiled sadly as you shook your head too, cradling the tiny Zeppelin in your hands. “You have to. If there is anyone in this world who is capable of defeating the Dark Rebel Army and preventing them from reviving the God of Destruction,” You looked up, seeing a raven-haired young man in standard leather armor and about to burst into tears as he looked at you with wide, dark blue eyes. “It is the boy you are protecting. This is my final command as your owner.” When you said this, Zeppelin started weeping. You were startled. Since when golems could cry?
“Ara, ara, come now.” You cooed, wiping away the golden, oily tears with your thumbs. “You must be brave for me, Led Zeppelin. Farewell, my dearest companion.” Pressing a kiss against his tiny horns, you reluctantly took a few steps forward and placed Led Zeppelin on top of Lucien’s head. Giving the golem one final pat on the head, you turned around, ready to sprint from the main lobby and toward what might become your tombstone when a pair of wiry arms wrapped around your waist, squeezing you tightly from behind.
“[First Name], please don’t go!” You couldn’t feel his tears through your leather armor, and yet his voice was cracked. Desperate to keep you here behind the safety of the castle’s walls….even when these walls may come crumbling down the longer you are here. Untangling Lucien’s arms from your body, you turned around and faced him, covering his quivering hands with your own. 
“Lucien, I can’t. I need to be there for them, for Yoko. I can’t fail as I…as I had failed the two of you in Meta-llicana, the citizens. If I had only been quicker, stronger….none of this would have happened. And you wouldn’t have taken so long to recover. I’m so, so, sorry.” For a brief moment, you saw a glimmer of recognition in Lucien’s eyes. Perhaps you were already losing your mind? 
Shaking your head, you released Lucien’s hands from your grasp….and pulled him into a tight embrace. “Remember this, Lucien. To be born is a blessing. Do not look back in remorse, because nothing good comes from it. And remember to smile, even when it seems like suffering is coming towards you like an avalanche and it’s hard to breathe. But above all else….never forget that you are loved. Yoko loves you, and I love you. You are strong, and even if something happens to me…I know you will keep moving forward.” 
Leaning forward, you gently kissed Lucien. This is the same ritual Yoko had secretly been performing when she thought no one was around, oblivious to just how many times Led Zeppelin has caught her in action and you’ve seen it via the recordings. As the high priest’s daughter, she was the only other person left who could perform the Accept spell that would release Dark Schneider. Yet for the last two years, Lucien’s second identity never emerged. 
But you had hope. You believe that he will return…because he is the handsome, unsaintly, powerful hero of this universe. The show wouldn’t be the same without its main star, and it’s already been five episodes into the second season. 
Reluctantly, you took a step back from Lucien and Led Zeppelin, then another before you turned around and blitzed down the carpeted corridor towards the sound of battle cries, spell-casting, and the deafening roar of the sphinxes. A genocide opera almost fitting for an Insect Hashira ready to lay her life on the line….and bring her enemies down with her, no matter the cost. 
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“Let me out! Damn it you brat, I said let me out! Let me help [First Name] or else she’ll get killed out there! Do you want her to die, or do you want her to live with us as the queen of the world we’ll conquer?!” Dark Schneider screamed inside Lucien’s head, pouring more of his magic through the seal that has kept him imprisoned in this weak body. “I’m ready! I’m strong enough to destroy these bastards now! SO LET ME OUT ALREADY, GODDAMMIT!!” 
The rain made the rocks slick, so blitzing from one area of the crumbling castle to another at your speed was almost impossible without slipping and spraining your ankle.  Leaving yourself wide open isn’t an option either, especially when one of the Shoguns was using wire to incapacitate his enemies, just like what he had done with Jorg. Making yourself scarce wasn’t your fighting style, but you couldn’t always do what you wanted to do on a battlefield. 
Still…the wires….
You carefully thumbed one of them, eyeing it carefully before recognition flashed through your mind. Ah, now  you remember! It had been when that girl who fancied herself as redeemable even after she allowed her little brother to kill so many humans and make them his spider familiars! If that’s the case….
You unsheathed your sword, palming the leather handle for a moment before you swiftly swung the blade, cutting down the wires that kept you from reaching the other samurai, Vai leading them. As you walked towards them, it took all of your willpower to not look down and see the bloodied corpses of the men sprawled at your feet. 
He was surprised, yelling how it was possible that you could see the threads. His statement made you blink in shock, pausing your treatment of an injured samurai. The wires were invisible, and yet you could see them? How odd. You were sure they could see it too. 
Shaking your head, you quickly administered the necessary aid to your patient from the sewed pockets of your haori. 
 A full vial of Dragon’s Breath to cauterize the wound, dried vermillion petals soaked in alcohol for disinfection, followed by bandages. “Believe me, I wish I knew too, but this is neither the time nor the place, Vai.” You said, helping the patient onto his feet. “All right, let’s get him somewhere where he can lay low -“ 
That was when you all heard it: a roar that shook the earth, ripping across the air through the valley followed by warmth seeping down your neck. Fear coiled itself in your stomach as the low thudding of footsteps grew closer. Blinking slowly, you turned your head and saw it. A magnificent specimen of a male sphinx, it’s orange mane bristled and teeth baring. 
Oh, dear. That is not good. It’s one thing to have a magical creature being controlled by a wizard, but an angry one? Definitely not good. You licked your cracked mouth. 
“Can you distract that sphinx?”
“I said, can you distract this incredibly terrifying animal long enough so I can strike it from behind?” You said, patience wearing thin. “Can you do it or not?” 
Vai faltered for a moment, glancing at the sphinx before he groaned. “F-Fine, but be quick! It’s resistant to magic!” He exclaimed, taking the injured samurai from you and passing him to another comrade. 
You grinned. “Good thing what I have in mind does not involve using spells.” Bending your knees, you leaned back and blitzed forward. The sphinx unfurled its massive feathered wings, releasing strong gusts of wind that blew most of the samurai away, and high up in the air. Just where you needed to be. You inhaled sharply through your teeth, spinning your body so you were facing the sphinx, your dominant arm pulled back and holding your gleaming ninichrin blade. 
“Insect Breathing: Butterfly Dance Caprice.” 
You lunged forward, stabbing the sphinx in its backside and hind legs with the poison you had applied to the sword prior to the invasion as part of your weekly maintenance routine. You could have targeted the chest and behind the ears, but it would have taken longer for the poison to be absorbed into its body. The areas you struck in the male were much more vulnerable simply because they were used to attract potential females through an intricate dance, similar to what certain exotic birds did during mating season, at least that’s what you read in the encyclopedias back in your old world. 
Landing on the fractured stones of a destroyed keep, you watched in sadistic satisfaction as the sphinx crumbled into a heap, struggling to stand up for just a brief moment before losing consciousness. Good. It’s working. You thought. 
“I’m going ahead!” You yelled. “I’ll take down as many of these sphinxes as I can, and provide cover! If you see any threads blocking your path, tell me and I’ll cut them!” 
“How are you even doing this?!”
“Strike first, ask questions later!” 
And that was exactly what you did. You struck down the sphinxes who weren’t too high up in the air with your poison and sliced through the wires that weren’t coated with the heavy oil Yoko had released, flying across the battlefield like a butterfly just as you had done as a Demon Slayer. 
Who would have thought that one of the people you had saved during an outbreak of purple fever had been a magician gifted in the art of reconstructing an entire object to its original condition, so long as she had a piece of it? 
But there was no time for being sentimental, even for a second. The samurai were counting on you to even the odds that were in their favor. 
 Darting across the ruins of the castle, you heard a maniacal, grating laugh from amongst the sphinx’s roars. Skidding to a halt, you glanced up and saw a figure dressed in white and balancing himself in midair on a wire, holding Joshua captive in a web. Ah, that must be the Sorcerer Shogun responsible for killing Jorg. 
Supposed….it’s time to also test that too, hm? 
You inhaled a deep breath, closing your eyes as you crouched down towards with your sword by your side. Focus on opening the blood vessels in your legs, pumping oxygen through every muscle fiber and remaining absolutely still until you’re ready. You waited…and then you felt it. The muscles in your legs grew taunt, like a bowstring being pulled back and the faintest trace of thunder crackling beneath your feet. You smiled sadly.  Forgive me for using your own Breathing Style, Zenitsu. 
[Eye Color] irises snapped open. “Thunder Breathing: Thunderclap and Flash!” 
You pushed on your back leg, catapulting through the air as blue-white bolts of lightning swept beneath your feet. You raised your sword, slicing through the threads and allowing Joshua to get free.  Because you were ‘running’ at a high speed, you were not able to stop until you collided with the cliffside. You backflipped, using the momentum from your feet and the remainder of the Thunder Breathing technique to propel from the rocky terrain and propel towards the Sorcerer Shogun.
Dark brown hair matted down, half of it covering the right side, with a single red eye widening in surprise as you flew towards him, smiling and inhaling through the mouth again. 
“Insect Breathing, Dance of the Centipede: Hundred Legged Zigzag. Thunder Breathing: Thunderclap and Flash!”
Using two separate Breathing Styles at once is almost impossible because of the strain it puts on the body and having complete control over both techniques without it faltering either of them. You zigzagged across the sky, and with the lightning under your feet, it allowed you to close the distance between you and the Sorcerer Shogun, sword aimed at his neck. But instead of putting the poor fool out of his misery, you just grazed his clavicle area. 
Still, a graze will allow the poison to seep into his body. Won’t be long before he’s knocked out as well. You thought, landing on the ground on wobbly feet. You blinked, steadying yourself and trying very hard to ignore the black dots clouding your vision. Oh dear, methinks that was a bit too much. Well, can’t stop now. You thought, sheathing your sword just when you heard your name being called. Turning around, you saw Joshua running towards you, his mouth open and….saying something? 
Darkness suddenly enveloped you from behind, yet before you could do anything you felt something heavy and furry collide against your back, knocking the air out of your lungs as you were suddenly planted face-first into the ground. You wheezed. You tried to push yourself up, but the pressure just increased. Damn it, you might have broken a rib. Maybe two of them. The deafening roar that pierced your ear told you what was pinning you down. A sphinx. Not the smaller males. This was a female, and it is the larger one of the aggressive species. More than that, she doesn’t play with her food. 
If she’s hungry, she’ll swallow you in a single gulp. 
Nausea clenched at your throat like a fist, making it difficult to breathe through your nose. Your vision was starting to grow blurry. No. No…I can’t…I need…to get…up! 
“It’s okay.”
You froze, startled upon hearing a very familiar voice inside the recesses of your mind. Lucien? Is that…how did you…?!
“Everything will be okay, [First Name]. We’re here now. Just hang tight.”  
That was when the smell of sulfur hit you. The sphinx’s paw that had you pinned down was suddenly off, allowing you to roll onto your back and let air enter your body, even as the flames were grazing  the sleeves of your haori.  You watched with blurry eyes as the magical creature was incinerated….along with the others that were in the sky…by vortexes of red flames that jutted…from the castle’s baileys and rooftops? 
There’s only one person in the world who could perform magic on that scale. You smiled. It’s him. He’s back, after two long years. 
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Dark Schneider is more than a little annoyed right now. 
He might have been able to take over after promising Lucien that he will keep [First Name] once he took possession of the body, but the badass comeback he had been planning to make in this series totally got screwed up by that weird-lookin’ peasant! Royal bodyguard? Sorry, no one gives orders to Dark Schneider, he’s the one that hands them out on a silver platter to his loyal servants. 
And why the fuck did the Sorcerer Shogun with Yorazashi threads quickly recover from the poison that his queen had personally given him?! No one is supposed to have plot immunity except for him, the gorgeous and saintly protagonist! 
He’s scripted to have a flashy battle with these clowns too, damn it! Macapine and Ba Thory are going down. He didn’t care if his salary was going to get cut in this episode, [First Name] needed him, right now. 
Raising his hand, the mighty evil wizard summoned the Goa Cyclone spell, followed by Spears ‘o Stone. The last one impaled the Shogun that had bugs in his body. Macapine was sent flying somewhere, and Dark Schneider hoped he would never come back for the rest of the season. Closing his eyes, he began to channel magic into the next incantation; this was a tricky spell, since it required a considerable amount of concentration for him to be able to accurately track down the person he wishes to find. 
Come, you know that you cannot refuse me
Let me into your mind,
So that we can watch the dragon burn 
Beneath the moonlight and stars of Revolution!
Operation Mindcrime!
Purple smoke and sparks of lightning billowed around him, swirling like a rising mist before immediately sinking into the crumbled stones beneath his feet. Dark Schneider’s magic thrummed as it traveled beneath the earth, driven by his desire to seek out the Insect Hashira, looking for the tiniest spec of her own white magic. Once his magic found that thin tendril, he was able to find her. 
She was being cradled by Kai’s arms while Yoko kneeled in front of her, the high priestess using her holy magic. Dark Schneider almost snarled at the sight of small lacerations on his queen’s face, the bruises on her hands and the sound of ribs being pushed back into place, eliciting a pained groan from her.
That’s enough. He thought, walking down the stairs, past the onlookers and Mifune, towards the battlefield with Lars tagging along behind him…and [First Name]’s golem. Yeah, the little bastard didn't like him one bit, not with how much he’s growling and snapping his teeth. He quickened his stride, almost blitzing through the carnage towards where the others were….wait, what is [First Name] doing?!
Yoko and Kai were yelling at her as she wobbled unsteadily towards a partially-eaten samurai, his lower half covered with what looked like the same creatures Ba Thory summoned to try to use on him, the greatest sorcerer in the world. 
“I appreciate your concern Yoko, Kai, but please let me…see what these creatures are. If they are what I think they are….we still have a chance to save everyone!” She looked at them with wide eyes, tired and desperate. “Please.”
Dark Schneider quickened his pace, almost running towards them with a furrowed brow. “Idiot.” He muttered. What could [First Name] even do in her current condition. Moreover, why is she trying so hard to save nobodies who barely made an impact on the second season of this show? She needed to take care of herself before taking care of others. How many close-calls of collapsing from overworking and suffering from night-terrors is it going to take until she understands that she can’t do everything if she’s weak? 
“Hey -” He called out, wanting to know what exactly is going on in this scenario when someone struck him in the back of the head with a fish. Glancing over his shoulder, the wizard felt annoyance and fear coil in his stomach simultaneously as he saw Yoko glowering down at him. 
“Late, late, late! You are so late!” She screamed, relentless in her assault as she continued to hit his head. “What took you so long?! What have you been up to for the past two years?! Almost the entire new cast of characters and we’re at risk of getting canceled unless we do something!” Her fists were quickly replaced with a mace that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. “But on top of it all, [First Name] says she can save everyone but we don’t even know how or what she’s talking about!”
“And why should I care what happens to them?” Dark Schneider barked as he rubbed his sore skull, his eyes narrowed in annoyance. “I don’t care about anyone else except for [First Name].”
The high priestess shook her fist in the air.  “What was that, you ungrateful little-!”
“That’s enough, Yoko!” [First Name] snapped, kneeling beside the fallen samurai next to Kai. Pulling out a scalpel, forceps and corked vial from her haori. 
She made an incision on one of the worms, causing it to squeal and writhe. Kai immediately plunged the tip of her sword into the leech, keeping it still long enough for [First Name] quickly used the forceps, pulling out a slimy, translucent worm about an inch, two inches long, holding it up in the air. 
“I knew it.” She whispered. “This is it.”
“What is it?” Kai asked. 
“This, my dear friend, is a regeneration worm. Difficult to find due to its rarity, but it is capable of healing wounds that cannot be repaired by magic,” [First Name] shared a hopeful smile with the taller woman. “Maybe…bring back our comrades from the brink of death. Like Schen Karr here.”
“You’re serious?”
“Quite.” [First Name] said. “Yoko! I need him!” 
“Trust me! Darsh, could you come here please? You too, Yoko!” [First Name] asked, waving her hand up and down in the air as she looked at him, hope and determination dancing in her eyes. 
Dark Schneider groaned. He knew that look. She wasn’t going to stop now until she collapses, so why does it turn him on so much? Well….he’ll just have to sweep her up in his arms like a princess and give some TLC later, right? Wait….did she just call him Darsh? He felt his face heat up a little. Damn it. Why does it sound so much better when she says than how Arshes called me that in the past?!
[First Name] quickly explained what he already knew about regeneration worms, and where Yoko’s healing magic comes into play. Kai was all for it and took off to inform the remaining samurai to gather what’s left of their fallen comrades. The high priestess went to work on Schen Karr, chanting blessed spells around Schen Karr while Dark Schneider and Led Zeppelin collected the worms. He had no problems finding the bastard Ba Thory and taking him apart piece by piece to get what his queen wanted, but how and why would a golem help out?
He knew about their storage capacity, nothing else beyond that. 
When he saw its jaws open and devour the leeches on the samurai’s body in three bites and regurgitate the worms on the ground in a neat pile by his feet, Dark Schneider withdrew his previous statement. 
While the handsome hero and his trusty sidekick Lars helped collect the worms, [First Name] would insert them inside her patients after she patched them up the wounds that Yoko's magic couldn’t reverse. The reddish-orange hues of dawn soon appeared over the mountainside as the heavy rain dissipated into a light sprinkle. The samurai crowded around, hugging each other or rushing around to help the citizens who got caught in the crossfire, bringing them to either Yoko or [First Name]. 
However, Dark Schneider could see that the healing process was taking its toll on his queen. She kept rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, trying to keep them focused on her task. She needed to rest, and yet there was still a line of people who needed treatment. He commended [First Name] for being as patient as she had been, because he would’ve snapped the whiny warrior’s neck in half right now for refusing to lie still. No one wanted a weird-ass worm inside of them, but she would never deliberately endanger a patient. Yoko agreed, trying to coax the man that everything will be alright, yet he remained defiant. 
Dark Schneider’s eyes narrowed when the idiot slapped his queen’s shaky hand, causing her to drop the forceps and the worm to fall onto the ground. Led Zeppelin gobbled up the little bugger so it wouldn’t go to waste, and [First Name] had the patient pinned down by the throat.
 She needed to stop, now. 
He pushed past the crowd, walking right behind Shinobu and carefully removing her hand from the bastard, pressing his chest against her back for a moment before he scooped her up in his arms. 
“And you’re done! Hey asshole,” He glowered at the sniveling rat. “Show a little more compassion that it was my queen treating you second-rate servants and not me, or you’d be dead already. Actually,” The wizard turned to Yoko. “Let them  die if they keep acting like this. The casting department should have more than enough money left in the budget to hire more actors for this season.”
Yoko shook her head, the corners of her mouth tugging into a small smile before someone else, one of the civilians, came forward and offered to take over. The high priestess nodded, with Led Zeppelin reluctantly staying behind as Dark Schneider walked away with [First Name]. 
“Thank you, Darsh. Although if my memory serves me correctly, I did not say that I am your queen.” The Insect Hashira said, looking up at him with an inquisitive frown. 
“So you’re telling me there’s still a chance.” Dark Schenider responded with a grin.He watched in amusement as she just stared at him, wide-eyed before she sighed,  closing them as she shook her head at him fondly. “You haven’t changed a bit. Still…I’m glad you and Lucien are all right.” 
“Why wouldn’t we?”
“The last battle did take a toll on you, the both of you, Darsh, and if I-” 
“That wasn’t your fault.” 
“But -”
“You weren’t the one who summoned the Demon Mail and used it to attack Princess Sheila or me. That was Abigail. You did what you had to do to ensure everyone had a chance to survive. What happened to Meta-llicana was not your fault, so don’t you dare say it is or so help me I will drop you right now.” He hissed, halting in his trek to look down at her. “Do you understand?” [First Name] didn’t respond, instead she just blinked rapidly at him, face frozen with shock from the words he said before he scoffed, turning his attention to their surroundings. 
It’s not exactly an ideal place to rest, but this area wasn’t too far from the others and didn’t have as much debris lying around. Using his magic, Dark Schneider levitated and transformed  two of the largest rocks into a pillow and a small mattress. He remembered [First Name] referring to them as a ‘futon’. He remembered her telling him, as Lucien, the difference between a four poster bed and what she had been used to sleeping back in her old world. This was the closest thing he could create from how she described them
His queen was…well, she was in awe of his greatness. Her hands clenched, fisting and pulling on the fabric of his shirt before he set her down. Well, actually he kept her in his arms as he kneeled down and tucked her under the duvet. “There. All cozy, isn’t it?” He smirked, resting his chin with one hand as he laid on top of the futon while the other stroked the top of her head. 
Laying on his side next to her, the wizard smiled as he saw [Eye Color] irises fluttering beneath his touch, trying to fight off the exhaustion when it was already a losing battle for [First Name]. Then all of a sudden, she sat up from the futon and he felt something warm and soft press against his cheek. Her lips. She just kissed him. Willingly. Holy fuck. 
[First Name] smiled sleepily. “Thank you…Darsh.” Her serene voice muddled down to a soft, drowsy murmur before she laid flat on her back under the futon, her eyes closing. Five minutes later, her breathing slowed to soft inhaling and exhaling through the mouth. All Dark Schneider could do was stare down at her with a wide, goofy grin and pink cheeks while the dog ears on top of his head wiggled. 
[First Name] loves me. She loves us, Lucien! He exclaimed in his mind, the bushy tail behind him wagging in excitement. If everything goes well, we might even hit third base before the second season is over! When all he heard was a disapproving silence in the background, Dark Schneider chuckled weakly, continuing to pet [First Name]’s head gently. Okay, okay, maybe that’s a little too soon, but c’mon, not even a kiss for the handsome hero who busted his ass to save this show from being canceled forever? We gotta give these viewers something!
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[Next will be season 2’s famous bath scene 😉 who wants to get tagged?]
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separocean-anxiety · 1 month
Okay look I haven't seen WALL-E in years but if they wanted to convey the whole "humans are MORE like machines than the ACTUAL robots now" thing without being horrendously fatphobic and ableist couldn't they have JUST animated them.
Think about it; WALL-E does that weird uncanny thing at the beginning where they use real live actual footage of people, which lends to the perception of this world as a future mirror of our own. Wouldn't it be neat if they emphasized humanity's newfound metaphorical resemblance to unquestioning machines by just animating them in CGI. You know. As in 3D models? Digital puppets???
Like you did not have to go and give them all the same body type and equate fatness and the inability to walk with laziness like oh my god you could've populated the Axiom with people with diverse bodies and mobility aids if needed without vilifying any single one and the mere FACT that they're animated would be the sign that something here is horribly awry: That humanity's evolved into an abstraction of itself at the will of a higher power (corporations, AI—in a meta sense, the animators themselves).
I say this as a long time fan of animation btw; this would use the medium to further enhance the story. In my head, this would just be more subversive and cool, a la the World of Tomorrow films, which did this entire concept way better thanks in no small part to Hertzfeldt's iconic "simple" animation style. The visual minimalism of the trilogy contrasts jarringly with the heavy lore and themes and philosophical ideas explored by its characters and it rocks.
Idk I'm just tired of being frustrated by this film; it's got stuff I really oughta love; its director made my favorite film of all time, a film that CENTERS AROUND DISABILITY AND IS RARELY ANALYZED FROM THAT ANGLE!!!!
I guess I should also note that I write all of this as a skinny able-bodied person but that doesn't make me any less pissed off about the choices that were made.
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horrorvisuals · 1 year
Obscure (2004)
Obscure is a survival horror game emphasizing co-op gameplay with its wide range of characters. Taking place inside a massive school building, it lets you control five main characters and is still playable on modern PCs!
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Obscure gives you the ability to control any of these five characters and what's better is, that they all have different features, personalities, and abilities.
There is technically a 6th playable character but I won't say more on that to not spoil things.
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As I was saying, abilities. They are pretty interesting. For example, Josh lets you know if there is anything left to do in an area. Items to pick up or things to interact with, that kind of stuff. Pretty crucial for thorough exploration. It's important in a survival horror game.
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Stan cracks locks easier due to his background, Kenny runs fast and packs a strong punch, Shannon gives tips when you're stuck on puzzles and heals other characters, and Ashley is better at using weapons.
They all have their own benefits!
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Obscure plays pretty much like any other survival horror game from back in the day. It features semi-dynamic camera angles, with semi-tank controls. Exploration, item management, combat, navigation, everything is here.
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As a somewhat unique feature though, Obscure also lets you combine some items with others and actively use them. For example, you can tape a flashlight to any firearm in the game if you can find adhesive tape.
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Aside from firearms, the game also features melee weapons and they're pretty simple to use. There is a good "feeling" to them. They pack quite the punch.
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In Obscure, darkness is your enemy. If you played Alan Wake, then you might recognize its flashlight mechanic. When focus your flashlight on dark areas, you banish the darkness around those areas. You also use it in the same way to weaken the monsters before attacking them.
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The character change mechanic is pretty slick too. You just press a single button and change the characters. Obviously, you don't just run around with a party of 5 people all the time. You always play in pairs.
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There are, however, meeting spots in the game and you are able to change to other characters in these spots. These also act as fast-travel points and help you navigate the environment more efficiently.
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Story-wise, Obscure has some intriguing moments and an overall compelling narrative. The game starts with Kenny playing basketball by himself after school. His stuff gets stolen and he follows the thief to a suspicious-looking cellar inside the school grounds.
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Later on, things happen, people disappear and you find yourself in a (mostly) abandoned school. It consists of massive corridors, classrooms, underground sections, and yards, it's a survival horror fanatic's dream.
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Obscure has a perma-death mechanic. If any of the characters die at any point in the game, they are out for good. Obviously, you can go back to a previous save and get them back but if you are looking for a more hardcore challenge, it's there.
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I keep emphasizing its co-op play feature but while Obscure is definitely more entertaining with a friend, it's completely playable solo as well. Whichever pair you choose, the other student is always controlled by AI and they're usually pretty decent.
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The best thing about all this is that Obscure is still playable on Steam. It plays well, it's compatible with higher resolutions and you can actually play co-op using Steam's Remote Play feature. It's just like couch co-op.
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Its sequel, Obscure 2 is also on Steam and it's also perfectly playable. I'll make another thread for it if you enjoy reading this one.
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Seriously, if you haven't played these games before, I can't recommend them enough. They are great games AND they're playable in co-op. How many classic co-op survival horror games do we have these days? Not many, let me tell you that.
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Let me know if you give it a shot. I'm curious if you're gonna like it. And if you have already played it, then tell other people why they shouldn't skip this one. Here is the Steam link for the game.
It's actually on sale right now along with its sequel.
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simply-ivanka · 5 months
Trump’s Best Lies Weren’t Trump’s
By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.
May 8, 2024
In an act of editorial cowardice, the Economist devotes a leading editorial plus an entire special section to the problem of disinformation yet never mentions the Steele dossier and Hunter Biden laptop lie.
Its package is timely for all the reasons I’ve written about: Disinformation is likely to flow in even greater abundance to influence the 2024 vote. But it also botches the most important insight. The anonymous AI-generated disinformation on the web that preoccupies the magazine’s editors is trivial in effect next to official disinformation from government sources circulated by mainstream media.
The Economist details a surreptitious Russian plot to blame America for dengue fever in Africa. It ignores a story of open disinformation of gobsmacking continuing influence, which has half of America watching as the other half (and most of our political class) lie about what happened after 2016. If the magazine thinks these voters aren’t drawing conclusions that will shape the 2024 outcome, it needs its medication adjusted.
Let’s step back: Political causes may be good or bad, but few or nonexistent are those campaigns or campaigners who have been unwilling to lie in their causes.
Eisenhower lied about the U-2 program in one of the best causes ever, keeping a check on Soviet ICBM development.
Sam Harris, the popular podcaster and neuroscientist, exhibited his essential adulthood when he recognized and approved the laptop lie because of the importance he attached to defeating Trump.
Knowing when you lied and why you lied is psychologically healthy. Do I think Leon Panetta, the longtime respected congressman and Obama CIA chief, is of healthy mind? Yes. He and colleagues saw that it would help Joe Biden to associate Hunter’s laptop with Russia and left unspoken between them that it was a lie.
The Economist, in contrast, gives us a blaring, billboard-like exhibition of the psychological disorder known as splitting. See if you recognize the pattern:
Splitting means claims and assertions hostile to Mr. Trump should be repeated and emphasized; any that aren’t should be suppressed.
The Steele dossier should be trumpeted until it stops being useful for discrediting Mr. Trump and starts to discredit his enemies—in which case it should never be mentioned again.
If a statement is true and favorable to Mr. Trump, the only motive for voicing it is pro-Trumpism. (This will create problems for weather reporters if Mr. Trump says it’s raining and it’s actually raining.)
Russian meddling can’t both have happened and have been trivial—because the first part sounds anti-Trump but the second doesn’t. This is unacceptable to the splitting mind.
I know it would be unthinkable at this late date for our media and political elites to come clean. It would amount to abdicating the election to Mr. Trump.
Telling the truth, unfortunately, needed to start long ago before it could change the moment we’ve reached today.
And yet the perverse consequences ought to be beating us over the head. As David Brooks of the New York Times tweeted after Mr. Trump won 11 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016: “Our job in the media is to capture reality so that when reality voices itself, like last night, people aren’t surprised. Pretty massive failure.”
In 2015 Donald Trump was a noisy celebrity ranting about illegal immigration. Nine years later, he and his legions have an epic narrative to tell themselves, true in many particulars, about the U.S. government and media thwarting them with lies and fabricated evidence.
Most of all, in bold letters, our current fix should recall the wisdom of the media’s former motto: “Without fear or favor.” Or as Walter Lippmann put it a century ago, “In his professional activity it is no business of [the reporter’s] to care whose ox is gored.”
We tell the truth and let the chips fall because we don’t know where the chips will finally land even if we think we do. Moreover, once we allow ourselves to start lying to the public for its own good, inevitably our reasons for doing so become more corrupt and self-seeking over time. Whatever his demerits, the press now paints Mr. Trump in impossibly lurid colors to justify its past behavior. Witness also the “Trump bump” in paid subscriptions and TV ratings. Lying about Mr. Trump works commercially for media owners even as it benefits Mr. Trump too. In fact, nothing has been more profitable, even salvational, for many mainstream media companies than MAGA.
But the ultimate exploiter is Joe Biden, cynically using Mr. Trump’s antichrist image as a lever to shove his unwanted self down his own party’s throat despite age and poor polls.
If Mr. Trump now wins—he would only have to draw a middling hand in November—the recriminations against Mr. Biden deservedly will be scalding and eviscerating. The blame game might wreck the Democratic Party for a generation.
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shadowslocked · 5 months
The thing that fascinates me about Caines adventure in Candy Kingdom is that there is a layer of complexity to it
Like, it could have been “retrieve the syrup truck from the bandits” and left at that, but instead the situation is made more complex by motives and an additional character
The gators aren’t just stealing the syrup because they want to, Gumigoo is specifically doing it to save his sickly mother. He also refers to his home as a ‘village’, meaning it likely is not nearly as large or prosperous as the Kingdom. This introduces a class conflict between the two sides, with the lower class resulting to stealing from the higher class in order to try to help those in their village
Added on, the Queen doesn’t fret about the syrup being taken for any noble reason. She wants it back simply because it belongs to her, making you more inclined to side with the Bandits/Gumigoo
Then you have the Fudge, a chaotic element in the story that the cast likely can only meet by being knocked off the road. Its goal is simple in wanting to eat candy people, having no moral dilemmas about committing murder to satisfy its hunger.
While most of the cast would be inclined not to entertain helping the Fudge, Jax is all for the possible chaos and destruction it could unleash.
I’m not sure if it’s due to Caine or him giving the NPC-AI a boost, but the story essentially introduces three to four routes you can take
1) Help the Queen, 2) Help the Gators, 3) Figure out a way to help both, 4) Join the Fudge
And even just making this list, I’m realizing there’s actually a lot of other ways this adventure could theoretically go. Such as letting the gators take the truck but then helping the Fudge destroy the Kingdom. The adventure doesn’t strictly have one outcome, it’s influenced by the players actions to surprising degree
A lot of the elements of the adventure seem to fit with another Cast members desire. The Fudge and chasing down the bandits is for Jax who craves action and violence, the Kingdom appeals to Ragatha and Gangle. While it’s not something that they encountered, it’s very likely they would have been affected by Gumigoos story abou lt wanting to save his mother. Kinger is more neutral and seems to be along for the ride. Caine tried to appeal to Zooble by emphasizing the improved AI, likely meaning they feel more realistic than previous versions.
It makes me curious if some future adventures will have the same level of complexity to them. Naturally, probably, because it also makes the show more interesting. But given its nature, it could also get away with a more simple idea like the first episode if it played its cards right
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just-orbiting-you · 12 days
I know you are mainly a jikook focused account but im wondering what do you think of vmin because after watching ays and just so many small things piling up here and there for me in chap 2 i feel like my view on them and their dynamic has changed drastically.
i’ve been itching to talk about vmin lately.
i think a lot of what i feel about vmin comes from my feelings about taehyung. so do be warned here.
vmin have that “we grew up together so we stay in touch but have nothing in common anymore so its awkward” energy to me. i think they definitely were very close at one point, i find it hard to believe you can fake moments like jimin comforting tae in bv3 without having somewhat of a connection.
even then, they’ve always had a strong difference in maturity and personality which made them butt heads. again, my read on them:
- i happened to read a tkkr post saying that the members have talked at length about jimin’s anger and how he was so problematic. and would want them to answer for that claim, because idk where the hell that came from. to me, jimin emphasizes his consideration of others and maintains this expectation for the people around him. from what we see and what they tell us, he is kind and polite, but angry when there’s reason to be. jimin is heralded by much of army for being emotionally mature.
- tae on the other hand, is self-serving to a fault, so much so that its at others’ expense. he comes first, everyone else is second, much more immature. tae also touts a “macho” exterior (from what i saw in ays, seemingly not totally joking). even jimin said that he used to mock him openly.
my vmin lore is rusty, but the dumpling incident and the bunk bed story are enough to showcase their differences. jimin was considerate enough to give tae the top bunk, assuming they would switch so it would be equal. but tae refused. why? cuz he had it good and didn’t want to give it up. they had scheduled practice, it wasn’t supposed to take long, if tae waited to eat they could all eat together. but it was all about him he had to eat first. tae expects people to rush to him at the drop of a hat, make accommodations last minute and include him in things when he shows up in the middle of a shoot. these are all things i don’t think jimin would even dream of doing and it creates a rift.
in are you sure, you really see how jimin has learned tae’s immaturity very well to the point where he just gives in at any chance. he’ll join in on joking but often kind of babies him. where jungkook doesn’t put up with tae’s bullshit, jimin will. and that probably comes from putting up fights with him about it for so long that he gave up. it’s just how tae is. and if tae sees anyone else acting in ways he wouldn’t (ham/pink sausage clip, sunscreen on the boat) he calls it out immediately. jimin will say something is harsh to protect tae, but tae does it in an oddly insulting way.
the sunscreen specifically showed me a difference between vmin. tae says “even if i was scared, i’d never cower in front of jungkook.” purely because jimin backed down while playfighting with jungkook, he had to make a weird backhanded comment about jimin’s “pride” and how he isn’t manly enough to fight back. and i think this is a main difference between vmin identity wise, where jimin is very comfortable in his masculinity and gender expression, to the point where he told fans calling him masculine and strong wasn’t what he wanted. but tae not only had this plan to bulk in the military but has these weird power fantasies about jungkook that jimin debunks immediately. i think this boils down to another difference in personality you might not expect. but tae’s attitudes here i feel match the assumptions i would make about his friend group. so it ends up making sense.
i think similarly to how tae has seemingly found stronger connections outside of jimin, i think jimin has always had a strong friendship with jungkook, but also has built a true connection with hobi and more recently yoongi as well. namjoon has been a collaborator and mentor for jimin music wise and they get along well too. i think they have filled the vmin gap in their friendships with better ones. jimin will support all of his members til the end, which includes tae. i think with how absent i feel they have been in each other’s lives as of late, tae doesn’t even think to publicly support jimin.
on shipping them, its null and void. vmin shippers are also just another tae stan in disguise.
of course its nice to maintain friendships with old friends, but the fandom still calling them soulmates feels like we are hanging on by a thread. there’s not much left behind the aesthetics of a fanmeet, “i like you the most,” and a screen recording of a youtube performance. we never will truly know how their friendship has changed but that’s my two cents.
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unrepentantgeek · 4 months
So we all agree Wish is awful and the original concept would've been leagues better. There are probably dozens of posts and video essays talking about it from every aspect about the things wrong with the writing, AI graphics, & music. All probably from a proper, professional &/or academic viewpoint. But here's my two cents on what's wrong from a viewer's perspective of the story.
A large part of it is pacing. Right from he beginning whoever decided to nix the original concept got that wrong.
First, it went straight from the opening song to the talk with the Asha's friends before her interview. No proper introduction to the city/island, no showcasing of Asha's ambitions or their origins. No hinting or foreshadowing that something was wrong. During said talk, the lack of focus or comparison- not even with a flashback- made the bit about how the friend who's turned 18 changed fall flat. Heck, as far as I can see they tried to play it off for laughs as if they wanted him as comic relief.
Jumping a little here. First, they could've been more clear about why Asha was so shocked her family wasn't on her side and why they have more faith in their king than her. Then there's the musical number "you're a star" and its scene don't fit in at all. They match the tone the goat sets once it starts talking but it's so out of phase with the rest of the movie it's like a fever dream that just doesn't fit and tries and fails to be a proper Disney style musical number.
Then after that once Magnifico has realized something is up. He was pretty close to going from 0-180, or flat out did. They fail to really portray why he's the way he is, why he's so angry, why the star is such a threat to him. They didn't even really show or say why the citizens would continue to believe in him or why they might believe Asha or at least take Magnifico's side of the story with a grain of salt. Also there's no evidence showing that Asha is right, and the first real sign Magnifico really is a villain is his use of the dark magic book and stealing people's wishes for power.
For the final pacing issue, making Asha heck fairy godmother was kinda out of the blue even looking at the scene in the forest for her ruse. And I'm not sure it made sense.
But the most problematic, damning pacing issue of all is actually the second one- the interview and wish granting ceremony. You can't make Magnifico the male lead for a platonic "At All Cost" scene/musical number, two seconds later make him seem unclear and petty in his reasoning for not granting Asha's grandfather's wish and failing to emphasize where the problem or lack of problem lies in granting wishes. Then make him petty and passive aggressively full on secret villain in the wish granting ceremony scene and have Asha desperately basically straight after. (My solution? Either be slower and more clear in showing Asha Magnifico is a villain, or make him the opposite of her expectations right from the start.) Honestly making Magnifico the male lead for the At All Cost number at all is a mistake unless he's not a villain at all; a 'slow reveal beyond the audience being in on it' villain, or a twist villain you spend at least half the movie trusting.
On a similar note, there are inconsistencies which could have been solved by choosing solidly between making Magnifico a twist villain or making him an obvious flat out villain. The latter can be done while still having shock at the display of the villain's true colors, but instead it kinda seems like they tried to make Magnifico both kind of villains at once.
None of this is helped by how ever since the bigwigs killed the 2D animation department after Treasure Planet and Atlantis Disney has had a habit of mocking or flat out insulting nearly everything that used to give Disney movies their magic.
All in all, I'd say there's three versions of this story. There's what we *did* get, a soulless cash grab. There's the story I bet Disney *meant* to tell, which could have been compelling with better pacing and writing. (I give some insight and hintson how this could've been done in my views on the pacing) Then there's the original concept, which I bet could've truly been a tribute to what made Disney movies great.
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waves-art-blog · 11 months
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"Very brave of you to come down here!", Wesker's unmistakable light raspy voice sounded behind Haddie, who was about to make a move on the chest. She let go of the lock, which let out a soft metallic clack after it hit the chest. The young woman straightened up and half turned towards the uniformed person, so that he could only see her profile. Haddie was calm. Her determined gaze was fixed on Wesker. He did little to frighten her. "And you have nothing better to do than follow me down here, Blondie?" the young woman spoke in a calm and firm voice, her lips twisted into a slight smirk. She turned away from the box, the contents not that important, before walking up to Wesker and stopping in front of him. "So?" she asked him, reminding him of her question when no answer came from him. "And what about you? Don't you actually have something better to do than be down here?", instead of answering he threw the question back to her. Once again he bypassed her question. What he did more often. As he spoke, he walked around her. Circled her. Like a cat playing with its prey, just waiting for the right moment to strike! Undeterred, Haddie stood calmly, knowing all too well the feeling of being circled by a predator. Even when Wesker grabbed her after standing behind her, holding his knife to her throat, she remained calm. He was just playing with her, trying to scare her! "Very brave or very stupid to put yourself in this death zone, Haddie!" the girl heard his voice close to her ear. She pushed the air out of her lungs in amusement. Without much resistance, Haddie pushed his hand with the knife away from her and freed herself without any problems. She walked slowly and smoothly to the stairs and turned to Wesker one last time. "You disappoint me by wasting your time with you!", Haddie emphasized the words the way he always pronounced them, "I'd say playtime is over, blondie! For now!" Before hurrying upstairs to get away from the basement to finish the exam, Haddie threw a few last words at his head, "Au revoir, À plus tard!" Then she was gone, leaving a Wesker alone in the basement.
Hello, It's me again... after a long time again.. I Know! OTL
And thank you to reading until this point, I had only a small Idea for a small Fanfanfiction behind this Artwork, but i was longer as I though ^^' Sorry for any grammar mistake!
Or... you skip only the Story-Section... ^^'
Well, then: Welcome to the Description!
I do not know what to say about it. The idea for the picture I had already had a little longer in the head and now finally get implemented.
For the background I chose the basement, because I think it fit the color scheme of the image best! Even though it currently seems a bit like it's the endgame broken out and the clock is ticking…. Maybe it's actually the collapse and Haddie has to run fast right away to get to the gate in time!
To that it is the first picture what I protect with Glaze against AI theft! If you have perhaps noticed the small Unfeinheiten on the picture and wondered what that is: Glaze protection!
🔹  Character: 🔹   Haddie Kaur & Wesker (Dead by Daylight/Resident Evil)
🔹  Program & Material(s): 🔹   Clip Studio Paint
🔹 DON´T repost, steal, repaint, NFT, AI or something else. Copyright by me. 🔹 YOU DON´T HAVE ANY PERMISSION TO USE THIS ARTWORK 🔹
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aihoshiino · 1 year
chapter 126 thoughts
my only complaint about this chapter is that we didn't get to see miyako hitting him with bricks on panel. no notes.
more seriously, one of the things i was worried about happening was saitou abandoning miyako & strawberry pro. by extension for all that time being kind of glossed over so i'm really glad to see that he isn't being uncritically welcomed back to the cast, especially by miyako - the person who was arguably hurt by him the most. knowing that she rightfully got to beat his ass and that he's going to have to actively earn her trust back has me immediately super on board with the repairing of that relationship.
something i also really liked with the manga finally explicitly acknowledging just how incredibly well miyako has done to keep strawberry pro. going and to get it to such a stable, well-respected place. even now ichigo is back and is helping to smooth over some of the issues they were facing, it's not that he's better at what they door that miyako was lacking in any way - they just happen to have complimentary skill sets and having another person to rely on means miyako isn't stretched as thin.
unfortunately, the one thing i really didn't like in this chapter was ruby. i talked about this elsewhere earlier today so i'll just repeat myself here to save from having to paraphrase myself and type it all out again: "Tbh as someone who really really loves Ruby it's so frustrating to see OnK so consistently drop the ball on like... doing interesting things with her and giving her focus? The depictions and examination of Ruby's lingering feelings about Sarina's mother and the way her unaddressed trauma is even starting to poison her love for Ai was so juicy and compelling and it felt like it had a lot of care and tenderness for Ruby as a deeply hurt person at her breaking point." The absolutely jarring pivot from that incredible focus on Ruby's rawest, ugliest feelings to Ruby spending her page time gushing about her oniichansensei with a framing that plays it clearly for laughs and nudge wink incest bait is incredibly frustrating. It's pretty clear that her infatuation and her shoujo brain disease is being played for laughs to emphasize how childish those feelings are but... I guess it just leaves a nasty taste in my mouth that a female character in Oshi no Ko finally getting to deal with and work through something that wasn't Aqua related has again jumped tracks back to revolving around Aqua.
THAT SAID, THOUGH. HOLY SHIT, AQUA. that warning from ichigo would have been worrying enough on its own but that final page of aqua with one white star and one black, surrounded by crows... it has me VERY excited for us to get back into the swing of things with the main story and to see exactly what is going on in my favourite fucked up little boy's fucked up little head <3
miyako should get to hit ichigo some more. no notes.
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amphibiousmercurial · 5 months
Dreamscapes and Time Warps: Leonora Carrington’s Surrealism
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“Surrealism is like a secret door to the unknown right in the middle of the ordinary.”
It is something that could have been said by Leonora Carrington if you happened to meet her in a dream. Imagine wandering through an art gallery where a horse turns and says to you, “I warn you, I am only an invention of your imagination.” This is the intriguing parallel world that Carrington opens up for us in her story “The Debutante.” But these lines do more than tickle your fancy; they poke at the very stuff of our world much in the same way that her painting “The Giantess” has a mythic figure looming over a dream world, blurring lines between the dream world and our waking life.
She was not just one face more in that surrealist crowd: Leonora was a new torch trailblazing with the mysticism and feminism. Born in England but made in Mexico, she transformed all her experiences from both worlds into her productions. Her works often like to emphasize themes of change and challenge stale stereotypes linked to women in her time. Take a look at “The Giantess,” and more than seeing an immense form, one will feel the powerful spiritual presence she represents—nearly as though she were ushering one into a world lorded over by goddesses.
The movement of Surrealism itself post-World War I, motivated by a shared longing for freedom from the fetters of linear thinking, was started by André Breton with the 1924 publication “Manifesto of Surrealism”. Freud’s explorations of the unconscious inspired surrealism; it was less a stylistic influence than a revolution of the mind. It wasn’t just Carrington. Icons like Salvador Dalí and René Magritte were painting scenes so bizarre, yet so fascinating, they challenged our very ideas about what is real—think of Dalí’s “The Persistence of Memory” and its droopy clocks.
Today, with the help of modern technologies such as virtual reality and AI, surrealism still does not lose its relevance. They include surrealistic technologies in their daily life to make the absolutely irrational a little bit familiar but still exciting. Pushing us to question and redefine what’s real, they keep the spirit of surrealism fresh and alive.
And it wasn’t all, it was Carrington keeping the surrealist flame alight.
Others included Remedios Varo with her mystical-science mash-ups, telling stories one felt were known but not quite remembered; Kay Sage, whose lonely landscapes drew one into a silent, self-reflective world; and Toyen, whose art penetrated far into the realms of the eroticism and dreamlike state. Moving to the 21st century, surrealism seems to be as strong and meaningful to the human condition as it ever has.
Artists such as Leonora Carrington have left for us not just a gallery of startling images; they have left a dynamic legacy that challenges us to dream greater, question further, and wander around in the strange corridors of our own consciousness.
Their contribution stretches much farther than the visual; they become portals to a dimension where the conceivable limits of perception are stretched and bent. In such a world, surrealism by Carrington and her contemporaries is not a mere part of the art scene; it is dynamic, ever-present provocation to see the world with a vastly different set of eyes.
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republicsecurity · 11 months
A Summary of Texts
We are going to provide a short summary of the stories and texts that have so far appeared on this blog. Choose what you want to know about the Republic and its Security Forces.
Description and Reports
Neuro-Based Conditioning: Enhancing Minds, Elevating Lives
Discover the intricate world of neuro-based conditioning utilized by organizations like the Nursing Corps, Life Guards, Security Forces, and Enviro Corps. hese alterations in personality traits are integral to the process, fostering qualities like resilience and adherence to protocols. As you explore the potential benefits, weigh them against the side effects, including temporary shifts in beliefs and fatigue.
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Imagined Communion: A Paramedic Remembrance Ceremony
"Imagined Communion" paints a vivid picture of paramedic remembrance ceremonies, where red-clad figures gather in unity.
"Unseen Communion" reveals a hidden paramedic ceremony, shielded from public view. Paramedics, veiled by helmets with advanced displays, experience a deeply personal multimedia show, evoking their commitment and shared bond. The ceremony culminates in silent acts of reverence, showcasing the humanity beneath the armor.
The juxtaposition of public facade and private experience highlights the dual purpose of these ceremonies. For civilians, it's a polished spectacle; for paramedics, an intimate journey through loss and camaraderie.
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Civic Religion
In the Paramedic Corps, revered figures known as Saints are venerated, embodying ideals of healing, empathy, compassion, and courage. These figures, notably St. Raphael, St. Paisios, St. Camillus, and St. Michael, form a unique civil religion that intertwines duty, service, and spirituality. Celebrations honoring these Saints are marked by enduring traditions, including symbolic endurance marches and spirited competitions, reinforcing paramedics' shared identity and mission.
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Conditioned to LOVE
The Republic's intensive conditioning processes in security organizations have led to a notable shift in sexual preferences, often favoring same-gender attraction. Despite initial surprise, most conscripts express contentment with their evolved sexual preferences, finding a sense of harmony and self-discovery. Discussions about romantic affiliations have become normal, and individuals often embrace their altered desires, appreciating the 'strong and silent' type.
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(y)our son, (y)our para
In a meticulously orchestrated event, paramedic conscripts reunite with their families, highlighting the intersection of personal emotion and institutional control. The paramedics, stripped of their individuality through uniformity and conditioning, momentarily revert to their birth names, emphasizing the regimented nature of their identities.
The carefully curated reunions serve as controlled escapades into normalcy, allowing families to reconnect under the watchful eye of the paramedic corps. These gatherings, veiled in emotional warmth, ultimately serve the purpose of preserving the paramedics' unwavering dedication and discipline.
Simulation (f)or Reality
A paramedic equipped with advanced armor suits and a Heads-Up Display (HUD), is prepared for an emergency call. When the call arrives, they respond swiftly, relying on the real-time information provided by their HUD to treat a supposed accident victim. The protagonist and their partner efficiently stabilize the patient, utilizing the assistance of an AI assistant integrated into their suits. But there is more.
Tales from the Forces
All dressed up for the Show
As JAK5Z and BGS25 march together, JAK5Z admires BGS25's impressive armor suit, expressing his desire for one like it. BGS25 explains the suit's complexities, mentioning the required training and conditioning, both physically and mentally. He elaborates on the invasive neural-psychological training, emphasizing the suit's role in providing real-time feedback and optimizing performance. During their march, they encounter a civilian family, showcasing the public's fascination and respect for paramedics in their specialized gear.
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Poetry and Song
Marching Song
Helmet on my head, visor before face, AI's voice in my ear, guiding my pace, Chow in the stomach, fuel for the soul,
In a paramilitary setting, paramedics and cadets engage in marching competitions, covering impressive distances in full armor suits. The text features a song sung during these marches, describing the experiences and emotions associated with wearing the uniform.
Through this song, the paramedics find solace and identity, reclaiming control amidst imposed uniformity. BGS25, the experienced paramedic, imparts the song's deeper meaning to the cadet, emphasizing the shared experiences and bonds that transcend the physical aspects of the uniform.
Our Heroes
Inside the Lives of Rescue Corps Helicopter Crews
Dive into the thrilling world of the Rescue Corps helicopter crews as our intrepid reporter takes you behind the scenes. Clad in their iconic red flightsuits and sporting shaved heads, they are the embodiment of dedication and discipline. Their stories reveal a commitment that goes beyond the ordinary, shaped by intensive conditioning, rigorous training, and unique paths to becoming essential heroes in the Rescue Corps.
Meet the Cool and Courageous C3GMR: Your Guide to the Ultimate SAR Drone Pilot Adventure!
Step into the exhilarating world of C3GMR, a SAR drone pilot in the Rescue Corps, where every moment is charged with adrenaline and dedication. With a physique that turns heads and a heart of gold, C3GMR embodies heroism both inside and out. Clad in the iconic red uniform, he navigates the challenges of his role with skill and precision, showcasing his commitment to saving lives. While his muscles may be under lock and key due to Corps rules, his passion for service knows no bounds. Beyond the drone controls, C3GMR reveals his journey from a small town to the prestigious E-3 designation, a testament to his dedication. Amidst codes and designations, love finds its way into his heart, connecting him with a fellow conscript in a tale of shared paths and deep affection.
Propaganda and Media
"'I'm doing my part"
The video opens with an upbeat atmosphere in a bustling city. The narrator emphasizes the importance of unity and community in society. The focus shifts to paramedics, showcasing their heroic efforts in various situations. The video promotes diversity among paramedics, emphasizing that they serve everyone regardless of differences. The message encourages viewers to join the cause, uniting with paramedics to make a difference. The video concludes with a powerful visual of paramedics and citizens standing together.
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prolificsinsights · 3 months
Harnessing the Power of Data and AI for Digital Transformation
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the synergy of data and artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing businesses across various industries. Digital transformation with Data AI is not just a buzzword; it's a strategic imperative for organizations aiming to stay competitive and innovative. 
The Journey of Digital Transformation 
Digital transformation begins with a robust data strategy. Companies like Prolifics emphasize the importance of managing, analyzing, and uncovering value from enterprise data. A well-defined data strategy ensures that data is not just collected but also effectively utilized to drive business outcomes. For instance, a banking client of Prolifics realized continuous value by leveraging advanced analytics to enhance their decision-making processes. 
Unleashing the Potential of Data Analytics and AI 
Data analytics and AI play a pivotal role in transforming raw data into actionable insights. Prolifics' expertise in data validation, modeling, and visualization enables businesses to predict future trends, optimize operations, and uncover transformative patterns. Consider the case of an insurance provider that strengthened its data analytics capabilities, leading to improved claims processing and customer satisfaction. 
AI for Data Analytics 
Artificial intelligence for business is a game-changer, especially when integrated with data analytics. AI algorithms can process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds, providing deeper insights and more accurate predictions. This capability is crucial for businesses looking to innovate and stay ahead of the curve. For example, a gaming company reduced its reporting time from days to minutes by adopting AI-driven data analytics solutions. 
Ensuring Seamless Database Migration 
Database migration is a critical component of digital transformation. Migrating to modern data platforms allows businesses to take advantage of advanced analytics and AI capabilities. Prolifics offers comprehensive data and AI services that ensure smooth transitions, minimizing disruptions and maximizing data integrity. This process involves meticulous planning and execution, ensuring that the migrated data is secure, consistent, and readily accessible. 
The Comprehensive Approach: Data and AI Services 
Prolifics' data and AI services encompass a wide range of solutions, including data governance, data privacy, master data management (MDM), and data hubs. These services are designed to ensure that data is accurate, secure, and readily available to drive business insights and innovation. Effective data governance, for instance, not only improves data quality but also enhances decision-making and operational efficiency. 
Stories of Success 
The true impact of data and AI is best illustrated through success stories. A notable example is a gaming company that leveraged Prolifics' data and AI services to drastically reduce its reporting time. By implementing advanced analytics and AI solutions, the company was able to streamline its operations and make faster, data-driven decisions. 
In conclusion, digital transformation with Data AI is a powerful enabler for businesses seeking to thrive in the digital age. By harnessing the potential of data analytics and AI, organizations can unlock new opportunities, enhance their operations, and stay ahead of the competition. Prolifics' expertise in data and AI services offers a roadmap for businesses to navigate this transformative journey successfully. 
For more information on how data and AI can transform your business, visit Prolifics.
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fearsmagazine · 3 months
LATENCY - Review
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SYNOPSIS: Hana, a professional gamer struggling with severe agoraphobia, receives an intriguing offer to test cutting-edge gaming equipment that utilizes AI to decipher brain activity. Seeing an opportunity to sharpen her skills, Hana embarks on this technological journey. However, the boundaries between reality and Hana's subconscious start to dissolve as she delves deeper into the experiment, prompting her friend Jen to urge caution. Hana grapples with doubts about the true purpose of the device and its potential for malevolent consequences.
REVIEW: James Croke presents a gripping narrative of a troubled character who beta tests a cutting-edge technology, leading to a gradual unraveling of her hold on reality and life. This timeless and cautionary science fiction tale explores the potential perils of technological advancements.
The narrative of LATENCY revolves around Hana's agoraphobia, confining her to a single location. Despite her limited interactions, each one is strategically designed to shed light on her character. Jen, more than just a friend, acts as Hana's lifeline to the outside world, simultaneously enabling and challenging her situation.
A crucial element in the story is the tech—a brain interface that allows Hana to control her computer with her mind. The device's instructions emphasize the importance of prolonged use for improved functionality. However, as Hana wears it, the boundaries of her reality begin to blur. The question arises—is the device influencing her experiences, or is it her subconscious, her id, directing the device?
This plot concept bears similarities to the classic 1956 film The Forbidden Planet, where an alien technology manifests Dr. Morbius' id. However, LATENCY differs in that it is a smaller-scale tale set 20 minutes into the future, exploring contemporary themes relevant to our discussions surrounding smartphone usage. Croke's plot is firmly grounded in reality, serving as a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of our current technological advancements.
The production design of the film focuses on Hana's apartment, creating a fairy-tale-like environment while simultaneously presenting a darker and more sinister world outside, reflecting her phobia. The messy and gloomy production design mirrors Hana's mental state. Director Croke utilizes computer effects and subtle physical effects to open and close the film, gradually introducing and building upon the visual effects that play on the viewer's expectations of Hana's experiences. Croke's visually compelling shots build mystery and tension, though some sequences could have been trimmed to maintain the film's energy. Hana's character does not undergo significant costume changes, and the same is true for the other characters. J-Punch's score effectively enhances the film's atmosphere and complements the intensity of the CGI action sequences.
The film relies heavily on Sasha Luss's performance as Hana. Luss brings a vibrant energy to the role and does well in the limited physical action scenes. She effectively conveys the emotional distress and fear of the growing terror, creating a likable character with her natural charm. The rest of the cast provides admirable support, their performances are largely in support of Luss's portrayal of Hana. With the exception of Alexis Ren, who plays Hana's friend Jen, the other characters remain in shadow or are hidden behind Hana's apartment door.
LATENCY is an intriguing science fiction tale with horror elements that resembles episodes of "The Twilight Zone," "Outer Limits," or "Black Mirror." Although the film boasts a great atmosphere, impressive visual effects, and a commendable performance by Sasha Luss, it still has some rough patches. These slow the film down and if trimmed might have made it more effective as an intense hour-long episode of a sci-fi series. Nevertheless, director James Croke displays a talent for creating atmospheric films and elicits an excellent performance from his lead actress. Considering that this is his feature film debut, one can expect his next project to be even more impressive.
CAST: Sasha Luss, Alexis Ren, Margarita Bakhvalova, & Robert Coleby. CREW: Director/Screenplay - James Croke; Producers - Wych Kaosayananda, Gary A. Hirsch, Barry Brooker, Jordan Gertner & Scott Clayton; Cinematography - Wych Kaos; Score - J-Punch; Editor - Thunchanok Suthanintr; Production Designer - Toey Jaruvateekul; Costume Designer - Siyachanin Rungpatchararoj; Prosthetic Artist - Nithichote Porncahi; VFX Supervisor - Damon H Chung; Key Visuals - Wiriyah Phetchkij; OFFICIAL: N.A. FACEBOOK: N.A. TWITTER: N.A. TRAILER: https://youtu.be/704AfJhfckU?si=ZrSx1Gim8exYsQXf RELEASE DATE: In theaters June 14th, 2024
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay), or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
Listen to Our Interview with director & writer James Croke - HERE
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themovieblogonline · 4 months
Furiosa: Anya Taylor-Joy, Alyla Browne, and the Magic of AI
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Get ready because "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" is here, and it's blowing minds with its interesting use of AI. Directed by George Miller, this prequel brings an innovative blend of acting and technology to the screen. Starring the dynamic Anya Taylor-Joy and the talented child actor Alyla Browne, "Furiosa" is not just a visual feast but a testament to the future of filmmaking. Anya Taylor-Joy and Alyla Browne: A Seamless Transition If you’ve noticed the striking resemblance between Alyla Browne as young Furiosa and Anya Taylor-Joy as the adult version, you’re not alone. This seamless transition is no mere coincidence. George Miller, the genius behind this post-apocalyptic saga, employed artificial intelligence to blend the features of both actors. Anya Taylor-Joy, in an interview on “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” revealed that Miller's idea was to create a smooth transition for the audience, already familiar with Charlize Theron's Furiosa in "Fury Road." To achieve this, Taylor-Joy underwent two days of intense and unique facial recording sessions. The result? About 35% of her features were merged with Browne’s at the movie’s beginning, ramping up to 80% by the time she takes over the role. It's wild and fascinating to see the technology at work. The Role of AI in Filmmaking The details of this AI wizardry are still under wraps, but primary visual effects providers DNEG and Framestore, along with Metaphysic AI, played significant roles. Metaphysic AI, are known for developing tools for actor aging and de-aging. While the technology is impressive, it also brings ethical and legal challenges. Anya Taylor-Joy addressed these concerns during her interview, referencing the 2023 SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes. She emphasized the importance of consent and transparency in using AI, pointing out the potential risks if misused. The industry needs to navigate these waters carefully to ensure the technology benefits all involved. The Furiosa AI use is quite creative as it's a use case I've heard of but am now seeing fully realized. Furiosa: The Story and Performances "Furiosa" explores the origin story of one of the most iconic characters in the Mad Max universe. Alyla Browne portrays the young Furiosa with a raw intensity that sets the stage for Anya Taylor-Joy’s powerful performance as the adult Furiosa. Taylor-Joy, known for her captivating roles in films like "The Queen's Gambit" and "Emma," brings a new depth to the character, seamlessly connecting the dots between Browne's portrayal and her own. As "Furiosa" paves the way for future installments, it sets a precedent for storytelling and technology. The collaboration between actors and AI opens up endless possibilities. With George Miller at the helm, fans can look forward to more groundbreaking films in the Mad Max universe. A Brief History of the Mad Max Franchise The Mad Max franchise, created by George Miller, began in 1979 with "Mad Max." Starring Mel Gibson, the film depicted a dystopian future where society has collapsed. It was followed by "Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior" (1981) and "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" (1985), cementing its place in pop culture. The 2015 reboot, "Mad Max: Fury Road," introduced Charlize Theron as Furiosa and revitalized the franchise with its high-octane action and stunning visuals. "Furiosa" continues this legacy, blending the old with the new and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in filmmaking. So, gear up and get ready to dive into the world of "Furiosa." This film not only continues the epic Mad Max saga but also showcases the future of cinema with its innovative use of AI. Don't miss out on this thrilling ride! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGApSGZe_kQ Read the full article
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