#team septic shock
woso-fan13 · 9 months
Sicktember 2023: 18 (USWNT)
“Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold”
It’s funny, really, how a refusal to admit a minor mistake can change everything. Because you had gotten cold during the team walk, but you couldn’t admit that. Everyone had warned you that it was freezing out, but you had insisted that you were okay in just a sweatshirt. 
Christen had fussed at you as soon as you appeared in the lobby, “why are you in just a sweatshirt? Wear your coat, you’ll catch a cold.”
You instantly corrected her, saying that being cold doesn’t cause you to get sick. You did omit the fact that being cold can significantly increase your risk of getting sick, but she didn’t need to know that. You just protested, saying that you would be fine. 
And if only one person had said something, you may have admitted to needing a coat when you stepped outside. But almost every one of your teammates had stopped you, asking about your lack of a coat. You couldn’t admit to being cold now, you just had to pretend to be fine. 
Really, though, maybe none of this has anything to do with not wearing your jacket that day. Maybe everything would have still happened the exact same way if you had worn the heaviest jacket you could find. There was no way to know now. 
You were grateful that camp had ended the day after the fateful walk, as you were able to make it home and hide from your teammates before you got sick. It wasn’t bad in the beginning, a basic cold. 
But you couldn’t admit to being sick, and you couldn’t explain to your teammates that you had become deconditioned because you didn’t practice while you were sick, so you ignored it. You ignored it until your symptoms progressed so far that you couldn’t ignore it any further. 
You had, it appears, ignored your symptoms so well that you didn’t notice your cold turn into pneumonia. You also didn’t notice this infection leach into your bloodstream. You didn’t really notice anything until you were admitted to the hospital for septic shock. 
So you stayed, alone, fielding every form of communication from your teammates besides text messages. You couldn’t answer any calls or video messages, in case they notice your surroundings. You simply texted them updates as if everything were fine at home. 
Your teammates were unaware as your kidneys failed. They got a little mad that you hadn’t responded to any text messages, unaware that you were fighting for your life in the hospital. 
They only became aware when Christen’s cell phone rang in the middle of the night, an unknown number. She almost didn’t answer, but something in her gut told her it was important. 
It was. He was calling to inform her that your condition had progressed to the point of you needing to be intubated, and, as your medical contact, they needed her consent for various treatments because you were unable to. 
Christen was, ironically, shocked. She woke Tobin quickly, explaining what the voice over the phone had told her. And, only then, she allowed herself to cry. 
She cried for the little girl that she thought of as a daughter. She cried for the little girl who had made her a medical contact without her knowledge. She had cried for the little girl who felt too scared to tell her that she was the closest thing to family that she had. 
She cried for the little girl, alone in the hospital, machines keeping her body alive. 
And she cried when the earliest flight wasn’t for 3 hours. 
The news spread quickly through the team, and, thus, through the whole NWSL. Within the hour, it seemed that everyone knew that the funny, constantly happy young player who had wormed her way into everyone’s hearts was currently in the hospital, her own heart working to keep her alive. 
6 hours- a quarter of a day- later, Christen and Tobin rushed into your hospital room. This time, it was Tobin who broke down, crying for her surrogate daughter. 
And the only thing that the two could do was sit and wait and pray to whoever may be listening that you would be okay. 
This time, they had to wait 3 days until the next change, as the doctors began weaning you off of your sedation, seeing if you would wake up. 
This time, it was 6 days before your eyes were opened and you were breathing on your own. You were still very out of it, but the presence of the two women comforted you and allowed you to rest. 
One week after Christen received that awful phone call, she was making a different phone call. She held the phone steady as familiar faces joined the call, your teammates anxiously waiting for Christen to update them. 
One week after Christen received that awful phone call, she sat on the edge of the hospital bed and tilted her phone screen. 
One week after Christen received that awful phone call, she couldn’t help but smile as she watched the relief wash over her teammates when you appeared on the screen. 
You were awake and sitting up. You were smiling and talking and alive. 
Two weeks after Christen received that awful phone call, you were walking out of the hospital tucked between Christen and Tobin. Your coat was on and tightly zipped. 
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maaarine · 1 year
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The Cause of Depression Is Probably Not What You Think (Joanna Thompson, Quanta Magazine, Jan 26 2023)
"A literature review that appeared in Molecular Psychiatry in July was the latest and perhaps loudest death knell for the serotonin hypothesis, at least in its simplest form.
An international team of scientists led by Joanna Moncrieff of University College London screened 361 papers from six areas of research and carefully evaluated 17 of them.
They found no convincing evidence that lower levels of serotonin caused or were even associated with depression.
People with depression didn’t reliably seem to have less serotonin activity than people without the disorder.
Experiments in which researchers artificially lowered the serotonin levels of volunteers didn’t consistently cause depression. (…)
Although serotonin levels don’t seem to be the primary driver of depression, SSRIs show a modest improvement over placebos in clinical trials.
But the mechanism behind that improvement remains elusive.
“Just because aspirin relieves a headache, [it] doesn’t mean that aspirin deficits in the body are causing headaches,” said John Krystal, a neuropharmacologist and chair of the psychiatry department at Yale University.
“Fully understanding how SSRIs produce clinical change is still a work in progress.”
Speculation about the source of that benefit has spawned alternative theories about the origins of depression. (…)
Repple warns, however, that another explanation for the effects his team observed is also possible: Perhaps the depressed patients’ brain connections were impaired by inflammation.
Chronic inflammation impedes the body’s ability to heal, and in neural tissue it can gradually degrade synaptic connections.
The loss of such connections is thought to contribute to mood disorders.
Good evidence supports this theory.
When psychiatrists have evaluated populations of patients who have chronic inflammatory diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, they’ve found that “all of them have higher-than-average rates of depression,” said Charles Nemeroff, a neuropsychiatrist at the University of Texas, Austin.
Of course, knowing that they have an incurable, degenerative condition may contribute to a patient’s depressed feelings, but the researchers suspect that the inflammation itself is also a factor.
Medical researchers have found that inducing inflammation in certain patients can trigger depression.
Interferon alpha, which is sometimes used to treat chronic hepatitis C and other conditions, causes a major inflammatory response throughout the body by flooding the immune system with proteins known as cytokines — molecules that facilitate reactions ranging from mild swelling to septic shock.
The sudden influx of inflammatory cytokines leads to appetite loss, fatigue and a slowdown in mental and physical activity — all symptoms of major depression.
Patients taking interferon often report feeling suddenly, sometimes severely, depressed.
If overlooked chronic inflammation is causing many people’s depression, researchers still need to determine the source of that inflammation.
Autoimmune disorders, bacterial infections, high stress and certain viruses, including the virus that causes Covid-19, can all induce persistent inflammatory responses.
Viral inflammation can extend directly to tissues in the brain. Devising an effective anti-inflammatory treatment for depression may depend on knowing which of these causes is at work.
It’s also unclear whether simply treating inflammation could be enough to alleviate depression.
Clinicians are still trying to parse whether depression causes inflammation or inflammation leads to depression. “It’s a sort of chicken-and-egg phenomenon,” Nemeroff said.
Increasingly, some scientists are pushing to reframe “depression” as an umbrella term for a suite of related conditions, much as oncologists now think of “cancer” as referring to a legion of distinct but similar malignancies.
"And just as each cancer needs to be prevented or treated in ways relevant to its origin, treatments for depression may need to be tailored to the individual."
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teecupangel · 1 year
Submitted by @saberamane
Just watched Roanoke Gaming (on youtube) video’s on the Spartan’s of Halo and how, realistically, their augmentation could be done/what would need to be done for the ‘super serum’ to work. And just…the angst and hurt/comfort of that would be so good if, say…Desmond were to go through that and then be magically poof'ed to AC??
Each of the ancestor’s would surely see different uses and advantages of such strength and enhancement’s…but also the pain of them? Both physical and mental? Desmond would need a lot of loving and comfort.
Some notes taken from the video’s and lore, so everyone is on the same page without necessarily needing to watch the videos-(though you should, they are very good.)
Skeletal Augmentations:
At 14, the Spartans were already over 6 foot tall due to overhauling the pituitary gland to induce puberty immediately to ‘flash grow’ them, making them grow taller than normal at an accelerated rate, which had the side effect of weakening the bones as they grew too rapidly for proficient calcium to be placed applied to the growing bones.
This lead to a surgery to 'correct’ the fragility. Basically the bone is 'shaved’ before a carbide ceramic coating was manually fused to the bones, giving them support. This was described as feeling like the bones were made of glass and then shattering inside the body. No more than 3% of the bone could be replaced or the surgery would fail.
Surviving the initial surgery did not mean it was successful. While healing the body was under extreme stress, and could lead to shock, cardiac or respiratory arrest, leading to death. With the bone 'shaved’ it would encourage your body to begin rebuilding the bone, making the bone grow around the new ceramic coating.
The bones, after healing, are nearly unbreakable, withstanding hundreds of thousands of pounds of pressure before breaking.
If the surgery fails because more than 3% of the bone was lost and you don’t die, you will become paralyzed or debilitated because your white blood cells will necroes, leading to septic shock that will eventually lead to the rest of the body being infected with the sepsis.
This surgery makes Spartan’s very heavy and leaves a lot of scarring, as the surgery is highly invasive.
Muscle Augmentation:
More and denser muscle fibers, leading to faster stamina recovery as well as more overall strength, from some sort of injection.
A side effect of this injection could lead to an enlarged heart in 5% of subjects.
The injection feels as though the veins have been injected with napalm and are being torn out of the skin.
The muscle augmentation without the bone augmentation would allow the subject to contract their muscle with so much force they’d shatter their own bones.
Neurological Augmentation:
Quicker and more efficient communication between neurons, leading to faster reaction times.
Subjects can nearly see things in 'slow motion’.
Reaction time is 20 milliseconds, movements seeming nothing but a blur to other unenhanced individuals.
Running 38 mph is an easy feat.
Migraines can be a recurring issue.
Desmond is basically super human, but he got that way with a lot of invasive surgery and trauma against his will.
teccup additions:
Roanoke Gaming has an entire playlist of Halo Lore and other videos if you’re curious.
For those not that familiar with Halo lore (which is understandable as Halo is a series that likes to put a lot of lore in the novels), the most famous of the Spartans, Master Chief, is a Spartan II. The games mostly focus on either Spartans from Spartan II (like Master Chief) or Spartan III (most members of Noble Team from Halo Reach are from SPARTAN III so if anyone wants to create a Halo x AC crossover that has Desmond be part of the Halo Universe first, you can put him as part of Spartan II or III training.
Either way, there are many ways to kick him to the AC verse but, on the top of my head, if you wish for Desmond to be part of the Halo verse before getting kicked into the AC verse:
The Isus could have been part of the Forerunners (an ancient species of extremely technologically advanced beings that had ruled over the milky way) and the Solar Flare hadn’t just hit the earth, it had hit EVERY part of the milky way by being the start of a chain reaction of every sun in the solar systems in the milky way.
Of course, we can keep the whole AC timeline intact with one caveat: the next Solar Flare would not happen in December 2012, it would happen in August of 2552 (if you want it to be a reference: August 12 would be Altaïr’s death day). This is an important month in Halo lore because this is the month when the Battle of Reach ended (which was one of the bloodiest campaigns during the Human-Covenant Wars (Covenants are the baddies who worship the Forerunners as gods so they’re kinda like alien-inclusive version of Juno’s Instruments of the First Bitch))
By setting it on the Battle of Reach, we will have the choice of letting Desmond be part of Master Chief’s storyline or of Noble Team’s storyline.
If we consider that the Calculations knew that Desmond would be in Reach during the time of the next Solar Flare, the device would be in Reach as well and the main point is to ensure Desmond gets to the Grand Temple there.
We can wave it off as there being Grand Temples all around the Milky Way, all connected to one another and Desmond has to activate one of them to activate all of them. Once all have been activated, the field will surround all planets with the Grand Temple (fertile planets filled with life) and will be spared from the chain reaction of Solar Flares.
Of course, this is not taking into consideration the possibility that the species in Halo lore haven’t noticed the incoming Solar Flare. To combat this and make Desmond have no choice, perhaps it’s something that only builds up towards the last few months (around maybe Feb or March?), not enough time to fully study it and combat it with confidence.
Anyway, the main point is that Desmond would come into contact with the Grand Temple in Reach and activate it.
From there, he will save the planets with a Grand Temple (but this does mean not all of the planets will be saved and any ships in space will not be saved as well) and he’ll be transported to whichever timeline you’d like him to be in AC.
Now, if you want a purely AC fic with the Spartan Augmentation added into the lore, we can go down this route:
The Great Purge happened when Desmond was 13 and the Farm will be hit
(Bonus drama: make Desmond have a fight with Bill who is trying to get them out and it ends with him running away but getting captured by Abstergo, hearing his mother screaming his name before the sounds of gunfire silenced her, replaced by screams all over the Farm)
Spartan II ‘subjects’ were 5 to 6 years old when they started their augmentation but Desmond was included in Abstergo’s own version of Spartan ‘training’ (either keep the name and make it something sort of an insult to Kassandra or make it a reference to Deimos who was technically Spartan or change the training name to something more ‘Templar-ish’) as an ‘experiment’.
He and the other Assassin children would be part of a special experiment to check if age is truly a factor in a subject’s surviving the augmentations.
Cross would have been a Spartan from an earlier iteration and he’s the first true success. He was augmented early (like around 5ish years old) and that’s how Abstergo decided they needed to experiment on different ages.
Assassin prisoners are free guinea pigs.
Of course, this means that Lucy is also part of the program as an innocent 12-year-old child. Perhaps even make her something like a sister to Desmond during their horrific augmentation, indoctrination, and training life together.
This would add more angst to the story if Lucy either dies during training or she is one of the successful Spartans who becomes loyal to Abstergo in the process, giving a more or less Cain and Abel setup between her and Desmond.
Either way, Desmond survives the training thanks to his higher-than-normal Isu genes and it’s because of his ‘abnormal’ gene makeup that Warren Vidic noticed him, taking him out of Spartan Training and making him become part of the Animus Project.
Same setup where Desmond relives his ancestors’ memories. AC1 plot ends with Bill being the one to rescue Desmond. From there, we go for the rest of Desmond Saga’s plotline which will end with Desmond using the device to save the world in 2012.
Lucy’s subplot, if we go for her living through the Spartan training, will end in Rome when she replaces Cross in the final showdown. Desmond will be the one to kill her and she dies in his arms. Whether they reconcile while she’s dying or she dies telling him that she hates him for leaving her will be up to you.
Either way, Desmond gets transported into his ancestor’s timeline after he uses the device.
Whichever setup you use, I believe that Desmond and his ancestors’ relationship would be similar in the sense that:
Altaïr would be the quickest to understand him because they have the most similar upbringing: children raised to be soldiers. Desmond would also recognize the Levantine Brotherhood’s rigid ranking system as familiar and would consider Altaïr as his team leader even if it’s only the two of them (Malik would be more or less his commanding officer)
Altaïr and Desmond’s relationship would be more akin to two puppets trying to be more than what their ‘masters’ expect them to be with Altaïr taking the lead as he’s more independent than Desmond who just accepts any orders given to him.
Ezio, on the other hand, would be the most awkward around him as he’s unsure of how to ‘handle’ Desmond. On the other hand, Desmond would totally be unsure of what to do when he’s around the Auditores and it would be easy for them to push him to stay and just… try to relax.
Ezio and Desmond’s relationship would be more akin to a ‘normal’ boy trying to befriend and understand a military kid. Ezio would most definitely spend his time trying to teach Desmond how to relax and have fun. (If this is an Ezio who knows who Desmond is thanks to Minerva’s recording, he’d also be the most protective)
Ratonhnhaké:ton would try to communicate to Desmond like he’s a wild animal at first because of how Desmond’s first solution to any problem they face is to kill the source but he’ll soon realize that Desmond isn’t acting like a wild animal but an abused one.
Ratonhnhaké:ton and Desmond’s relationship would be more akin to someone trying to help another person but not sure of how to do it. He also doesn’t have a similar support system as Ezio does and Achilles may do more harm than good thanks to his personality and how he handles his charges (ex: Ratonhnhaké:ton and Shay for different reason). Haytham is also a big red flag when it concerns Desmond as Haytham is a Templar.
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fade from black. Heart monitor beeping in tune with opening bass line.
Exterior , hospital room. Very steal, possibly ICU. PT in bed not obviously sick, but obviously exhausted. Nasal tub and supplemental O2. pick line and bilateral ivs. Providers are scrambling, pushing medications. Code team is being called. PT in bed is still looking fine sans exhaustion. ((SONG FIRST VERSE)) PT sings as she's set up for CPR and intubation. Close up of PT eyes "flash before your eyes" moments starts at
ext: playground young PT is struggling with an adult who easily dislocated young pts elbow. Young PT is shown easily rolling ankles and falling dislocating fingers breaking their fall. A slightly older PT is shown having a sycopy episode from PT POV. music cuts out heart rate speeds up gasping is heard.
Fast cuts of PT crying at different stages of life, as a child jumping up and down insistent guardians being dismissive (being put to bed). As a teen arguing with a teacher/school nurse (trying to cope with it in the school bathroom) as a young adult arguing with doctor after doctor after doctor.
Verse 2
Ext: mental ward PT pasing close up on grippy socks, PT in pain. Drs condescending nodding along with an increasingly frustrated PT. She's sitting across from another PT that looks almost identical to her in the room they share. PT and roommate sing every other line like a conversation. (Invocation of an uncanny valley)
More medical gaslighting, more hospital stays. Case walking pneumonia. Case endometriosis. Case that leads back to opening septic shock.
PT wakes up at home, looking well rested. ALL of the medical accommodations you can think of are viable. PT has visible surgical scarring. But no other visible disability, shown walking with an aid.
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kriscynical · 2 years
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A Lifesaver's Gift
On the night of September 2nd my mom and I had to rush my dad to the ER because he came downstairs gasping for breath and shaking so hard we couldn't understand anything he was saying. One incredibly scary night and three days in the hospital later, we found out he had been in septic shock from an infection he had felt no symptoms of. The ER doctors told us if he had waited another two hours to get help, he would have died.
The head nurse (of an entire team, of course) who cared for him after he was admitted was named Jasmine, and he found out in his conversations with her that she had a 9-year-old daughter who wanted to be an artist when she grew up, either through illustration or animation. Of course he told Jasmine about me and what I do. The day before he was discharged, he texted me and asked if I could draw a Jasmine for her daughter as a gift.
The entire team at that hospital provided incredible, thorough care for my dad and I will forever be grateful to all of them for saving his life.
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brinleyparke · 11 months
Flash Fic Ideas/Prompts
(Most of these contain Mark Blaine bc I really liked him and thought they could have done more with his character).
AU – After getting fired from Ivo Labs, Mark gets a job at Tannhauser.
Barry/Mark Blaine
It's Take Your Kid to Work Day at SCPD. Barry takes Nora.
Mark babysits Nora.
Mark gets injured in the field by taking a hit for one of the team. (H/C)
Mark gets sick. (H/C)
Mark talking to Cecile while he was gone.
Mark's past
Post 7x07 AU – What if the icicle knicked Mark's intestine? He goes into septic shock. Frost begins to realize she might care for him more than she's willing to admit.
Post Crisis on Infinite Earths – Joe realizes he was wrong about Oliver all these years.
Slight AU future fic – Barry and Iris have a third kid, a boy. They name him Oliver.
Team Flash finds out Mark has pyrophobia.
The Red Death and her Rogues torture Mark
AU – What if Mark moonlighted as a stripper after getting fired from Ivo Labs bc just being a bartender wasn't enough to pay the bills?
AU –What if Mark was the one to fight Deathstorm? Maybe he has a latent meta gene that he didn't know about, or maybe Carla helped him give himself real ice meta powers so that Frost wouldn't be in danger?
What was going through Mark's head after being possessed by the negative speed force?
Moonlight x-over: What if Mark moonlighted (pun intended) as a Freshie after getting fired from Ivo Labs because just being a bartender wasn't enough to pay the bills?
Supernatural x-over: What if Mark worked at The Roadhouse instead of O'Shaughnessy's?
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warningsine · 2 months
Doctors say combining a simple blood test with artificial intelligence could help diagnose sepsis faster and identify patients at the highest risk of severe complications.
Sepsis is a serious condition in which the body fails to respond properly to infection. It can progress to septic shock, which can damage the lungs, kidneys, liver and other organs. When the damage is severe, it can lead to death, with an estimated 11 million sepsis-related deaths worldwide each year.
A new dual approach using a blood test and AI could spot the condition earlier and save lives, according to experts who combined the unique molecular signature of sepsis with AI tools to predict someone’s risk of organ failure and death.
Their findings will be presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Barcelona next month.
Dr Lisa Mellhammar, of Lund University in Sweden, said: “It’s vital that patients with suspected sepsis are identified prior to the onset of organ failure. Given the challenges associated with timely diagnosis and the fact that sepsis kills millions of people around the world every year, there is an urgent demand for an alternative approach.”
She said a blood test combined with a personalised risk model “has the potential to save lives by providing more accurate sepsis diagnosis and determining who may go on to develop more severe clinical manifestations”.
Researchers studied 1,364 plasma samples of adults admitted to the emergency department at Skåne University hospital with suspected sepsis between September 2016 and March 2023. Of the 1,073 patients with an infection, 913 had sepsis.
The team then analysed proteins associated with the body’s immune response to sepsis to see if there was a pattern. They created molecular signatures from their analysis, which was used to train an AI model to predict who was likely to go into septic shock.
Patients were classified as low, medium and high risk of developing septic shock, with the technology able to show how increasing risk was associated with a higher rate of death.
Researchers also identified panels of proteins that predicted dysfunction in six different organ types, including the heart, liver and kidneys. They then classified patients into five risk categories based on the probability of them having organ dysfunction and infection, and their risk of dying.
Mellhammar added: “A fast test that provides more accurate sepsis diagnosis and could also predict who is at greater risk of poorer outcomes now seems a genuine possibility. Any research like this needs clinical validation and many hurdles must be cleared before these biomarkers are used in the clinic. But we envision this as a tool that could be deployed worldwide as the future of early detection of sepsis.”
Dr Ron Daniels, the founder and joint chief executive of the UK Sepsis Trust, said: “It’s critically important that we speed the recognition of sepsis and identify sooner which patients need the most immediate attention, ensuring that we can save more lives whilst using antimicrobials more wisely.
“This research has huge potential to refine our understanding of sepsis and may in time help us to redesign clinical systems. As the authors acknowledge, sepsis is a complex syndrome and this technology is not yet street-ready, but it is a significant step in the right direction.”
It comes as NHS England prepares to introduce the first phase of “Martha’s rule” from next month. Patients whose health is failing and their loved ones will be granted the right to obtain an urgent second opinion about their care, as the initiative is initially adopted in 100 English hospitals from April at the start of being introduced nationally.
The rollout is the direct result of pressure put on politicians, NHS bosses and doctors by Merope Mills, a senior editor at the Guardian, and her husband, Paul Laity, telling the story of how their 13-year-old daughter, Martha, died of sepsis at King’s College hospital London in 2021.
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austinkooba · 2 months
Benefits of Standardized Health Care
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Standardization offers many benefits in patient care, resource allocation, and operational efficiency. As healthcare systems manage emerging best practices as well as numerous technological advances, standardized practices help medical providers adapt and thrive while the healthcare system grows in complexity.
Healthcare institutions worldwide implement standardized protocols across various medical specialties to ensure consistent and high-quality care. These protocols encompass sepsis management, surgical site infection prevention, medication administration, fall prevention, hand hygiene, emergency response, and chronic disease management. Standardization plays a crucial role in promoting interoperability across healthcare systems, allowing for the seamless exchange of patient information and collaboration among different providers and healthcare facilities.
Standardization covers strict adherence to established guidelines, protocols, and best practices across various healthcare facilities like hospitals, clinics, and medical centers. Standardized sepsis management protocols outline early recognition and evidence-based interventions to prevent progression to septic shock. Similarly, surgical site infection prevention protocols include preoperative procedures to reduce microbial load and postoperative monitoring to promptly detect signs of infection.
Medication administration protocols ensure accurate dosing and route administration, reducing the risk of adverse drug reactions. Fall prevention protocols include comprehensive assessments and interventions tailored to individual patients, mitigating the risk of falls and related injuries, especially among older adults.
Hand hygiene protocols promote compliance with hand washing and sanitation practices to prevent the transmission of infectious pathogens in healthcare settings. Emergency response protocols guide healthcare teams in timely and coordinated interventions during critical events such as cardiac arrest.
Chronic disease management protocols offer guidelines for monitoring, treatment optimization, and patient education to enhance disease control and prevent complications. By adhering to standardized protocols, healthcare organizations prioritize patient safety, optimize clinical outcomes, and promote consistency in care across diverse clinical settings.
When healthcare practices follow standardized guidelines, patients receive consistent treatment regardless of the healthcare facility. Consistent care leads to predictable outcomes, fostering trust between patients and providers and promoting confidence in healthcare services.
Standardized healthcare protocols also foster sustainability in healthcare systems by optimizing resources. These protocols streamline processes and eliminate unnecessary tests, procedures, and medications, thereby reducing waste and conserving valuable resources.
Standardization facilitates the creation of uniform documentation practices, ensuring the accurate recording of patient information. Streamlined data management enhances healthcare team communication and supports informed decision-making. Standardized healthcare processes empower professionals to operate efficiently, conserving valuable time and resources. By eliminating redundant tasks and reducing variability in workflows, standardized practices liberate significant staff hours. Medical professionals then can reallocate the time to prioritize direct patient care or engage in other critical activities.
In addition, consistency in healthcare delivery promotes positive patient experiences by fostering trust, reducing confusion, and enhancing communication between patients and providers. Patients benefit from knowing what to expect during their interactions with the healthcare system, leading to greater satisfaction and improved health outcomes.
Standardized frameworks lay a solid foundation for ongoing quality improvement. By setting baseline metrics and benchmarks, healthcare organizations can systematically identify areas for improvement, implement evidence-based practices, and monitor progress over time to enhance patient care. This approach fosters a culture of innovation and excellence in the healthcare system.
Finally, standardization promotes interoperability across healthcare systems, allowing the smooth exchange of patient information and collaboration among providers and healthcare facilities. Interoperability enhances care coordination, reduces duplicate testing, and ensures patients receive comprehensive, integrated healthcare services.
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Hospital in Aliganj Lucknow
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Experience peace of mind knowing that Hopewell Hospital in Aliganj, Lucknow houses a state-of-the-art ICU department, equipped to handle critical medical emergencies with utmost precision and care. Our ICU department is staffed with a highly skilled team of doctors, nurses, and support staff who are dedicated to providing round-the-clock monitoring and treatment to patients in their most vulnerable moments.
At Hopewell Hospital, we understand the importance of timely and effective intervention in critical situations. That's why our ICU is equipped with advanced medical equipment and technology to ensure that patients receive the best possible care. From ventilators and cardiac monitors to life-saving medications and procedures, we have everything needed to stabilize and support patients with critical conditions.
But it's not just about the equipment; it's about the people who use it. Our team of ICU specialists is trained to handle a wide range of critical medical conditions, from severe trauma and cardiac arrest to respiratory failure and septic shock. They work tirelessly to provide personalized care to each patient, tailoring treatment plans to meet individual needs and maximize chances of recovery.
In addition to medical expertise, our ICU staff is known for their compassion and empathy. We understand that being in the ICU can be a frightening and stressful experience for patients and their families. That's why we strive to create a supportive and comforting environment where patients feel safe and cared for every step of the way.
Whether you're facing a medical emergency or undergoing a complex surgical procedure, you can trust Hopewell Hospital's ICU department to provide the highest level of care and support. Your health and well-being are our top priorities, and we will do everything in our power to ensure that you receive the best possible outcome. When seconds count, count on Hopewell Hospital to be there for you.
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impossiblemakerfire · 7 months
Review of Septifix: All liquid waste stays out of the bathroom and kitchen because of the septic tank. Taking care of a septic tank can be hard, especially if you have a full schedule.
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Professional plumbers recommend that you check your septic tank and pump it out often, depending on how big it is. Homeowners also recommend proper disposal to keep your septic tank from getting clogged. Most people think of the septic tank as a place to put trash. They also flush away trash that doesn't break down, which can cause plumbing problems. Click on this link to go to the real site. If your septic tank has a smell, water backs up, or holds on to water, the problem needs to be fixed right away. If your septic tank doesn't always work well, you might lose your peace of mind. If your house smells bad, you won't be able to live there. A wastewater treatment plant that doesn't work well can cause expensive leaks and pipe corrosion. Also, the sewage from the septic tanks can make people sick and give them skin problems. You need to keep your septic tank in good shape so it can do its job. Visit the professional website for a great deal on Septifix.
Quick Septifix assessment:
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Septifix is a product. Uses: Treat septic tanks and get rid of bad smells Form of Item: Tablets Number: 1% have 6 tablets to use for 6 months The price is $69 per box (special provide for on-line users) Visit the official website: https://septifix.com/
What's Septifix?
With Septifix, you can clean and maintain your septic tank. The Septifix pills are easy to use. In three to five days, you can see the results. Richard V. is the owner of a plumbing company that employs about 200 people. His business is doing well in nine different states across the United States. One of the things it does is clean and empty septic tanks. He saw that people in the United States wanted a cheaper way to keep their septic tanks clean. He worked with 14 scientists for 3 years to come up with and improve a method. The Septifix system is made to get rid of stinky septic tanks and make them easy to clean. After a series of tests and experiments, the Septifix capsules were made. They are the most important bacteria for a septic tank because they release oxygen. A Septifix p.C. Incorporates six capsules. Only the official website for the product is where you can buy it. Septifix Reviews wants to cut down on logistics and marketing costs so that Septifix can be sold at a low price. Richard V. Team will no longer skimp on the product's quality, and they will make sure it works well for a long time. ALSO SEE: "Shocking Septifix Report: Why Is It So Popular Now?" We don't use bleach anymore! When the sewage worker saw that we didn't have to pump anymore, he was shocked. - Kathy M. from Stowe, Vermont. My septic tank is working well, and there hasn't been any smell in the garden for a while. It is a cheap way to fix a septic tank. -John C Los Angeles, CA. These are some of the things people who have used Septifix have said about it on the official website. First, what is this Septifix thing? Is it so hard to take care of a clean and smooth septic tank? Why do people care so much about this way to treat septic tanks? Are there mistakes in the evaluations? Now that I have some answers to these questions, the question would also come up for you, wouldn't it? Follow the Septifix review below to clear up any doubts you have about this product before you use it. It might need to help answer all questions and find out more interesting things about the system.
What's Septifix?
Septifix is, as the name suggests, a system designed to fix problems with the septic tank. It's a simple and easy-to-use method that Richard V, one of the people who made the Septifix treatment product, saw work. It helps fix problems with septic tanks because it is strong, green, and releases oxygen. The method works to fix any sewage problems while the user flushes this Septifix tablet into their tank. This Septifix formula is said to be the easiest way to fix problems and keep things running without worrying about plumbing costs. It also helps protect the environment by letting water out of the tank that is 100% clean and free of dangerous gases and pollution. There are no dangerous chemicals in the product, and you don't have to do anything special to use it. It is completely safe to use. It is made in the USA according to certain standards to make sure it is a good medicine. SHOCKED! Are the person critiques fake? Right here is where you can find out the TRUTH!
How do you use Septifix?
A 55g Septifix pill has 14 traces in it. The Septifix tablet has 10 billion traces of bacteria that are the same kind as gram. Septifix helps keep your septic tank clean for longer. Don't take it: After being flushed into the septic tank, it breaks down . As it breaks down, sodium bicarbonate and oxygen are released. When a Septifix pill has completely broken down, it can let out up to ten liters of oxygen. PH stability After the pill is broken up, the oxygen is given to the pool without much thought. As a buffer, sodium bicarbonate can also be used. It makes the pH in the tank even.
Getting rid of smells
The waste products in the tank react with the oxygen inside the tablet. This slows down the process of getting rid of the bad smell in the tank. This 0.33 step is necessary to get rid of the awful smell. It usually lasts between three and five days. Getting the tank clean The awful smell is lessened by the Septifix pill. The tank can also be cleaned by her. Since there might be too much oxygen, the harmful anaerobic bacteria can't keep living. The organisms that make people sick are also killed. Because of this, your family will have less health problems.
What can you look forward to with Septifix?
Septifix will fix any problems you have with your septic tank. This device will save you money every year, and you might be surprised by how your tank looks. Septifix can help you keep your wastewater treatment plant from having serious problems with how it works. With Septifix tablets, you might be able to fix all your septic tank's problems. Septifix is a tablet that cleans out septic tanks. It is solid, safe for the environment, and releases oxygen. You can flush them down the toilet to get rid of problems with your septic tank. By using Septifix, hundreds of thousands of dollars can be saved every year. Your plumbing will work well, and you won't need to call a plumber or sewage man any more. You also help protect the environment because the water from your treatment plant is 100% natural and has no chemicals or pollution in it. This product is made to help septic tank owners keep their tanks safe, clean, pump them out, fix them, and make them look new again. Septifix is the only one of the bacteria that release oxygen and improve performance and prevent corrosion. It has a long-lasting effect that stays with you for a long time. Each 55-gram pill contains 14 different types of aerobic bacteria. This also includes compounds that make oxygen and pH values. The pills are safe and work well. Septifix helps the bacteria colonies in your septic tank grow and get better. That can be your home for up to 90 days. Septifix is the only treatment that keeps your septic tank clean for longer than any other. These capsules can be put in your septic tank and broken down . In line with the tablet, they fire up to 10 liters of sodium carbonate and oxygen.
How do you use the Septifix pills?
Septifix is easy to use and has a lot of power. As the tablets go into the septic tank, they will break up. This lets out up to 10 liters of sodium carbonate and oxygen per tablet. The air is sprayed into your septic tank in the form of small bubbles. The sodium carbonate acts as a buffer and evens out the pH of the water. Now, the oxygen reacts with the waste in your septic tanks to make the smell less strong. Over the next three to five days, the smell will go away completely. Our gift certificates have live bacteria that eat things like toilet paper, oils, and grease that are bad for your septic tank. This keeps your tank clean and makes it so you don't have to pump it as often or at all. You don't have to buy expensive pumps anymore, which can save you a lot of money every year. Certificate pills stop pipes, hoses, pumps, and valves from rusting by neutralizing the acid that forms in wastewater. They also get rid of blockages in your septic tank. >>>> Click here to make a reservation for the Septifix on the real website.
How the Septifix tablets came to be
The Septifix tablets were found by Richard V., a plumber and owner of a plumbing company. He had to run a plumbing business in nine states and be in charge of more than two hundred employees. His experience fixing plumbing problems for customers was the main reason he came up with a solution that could fix all septic problems without hurting the environment. He came up with this exact treatment for sewage sludge so that he could give his customers better service. After a lot of research by a team of experts, the formula for these pills to clean out septic tanks was improved. Richard is said to have worked with 14 very qualified researchers and a well-known organization in 2011 to improve these great parts. With the help of this team of very skilled researchers, Richard came up with a way to improve the way septic tanks work that is natural and good for the environment. Estimates show that these medicines can save you money and cut the amount you spend on your septic tank by about $10,000 per year. After almost three years of research, the group has come up with a way to clean and maintain your septic tank using herbs. Septic tanks need to be at a certain pH level and have enough oxygen in them to work well. Each Septifix tablet has fourteen different kinds of microbes. You don't want to hire a plumber or engineer to put the pills in your septic tanks. The Septifix pills can be set up in minutes and will solve your reason problems in a few days. The service is very well liked by its customers, and more than 21,000 people use it.
Septifix's good points
Septifix isn't a single tablet. It doesn't make the drains smooth. Many good things come from this small pill. More bacteria that can live Septifix medicines make an environment where healthy microorganisms can grow. These microscopic organisms grow and eat the waste. When there are less bacterial colonies in a septic tank, there is less waste. Lessening the making of smells The oxygen helps release hydrogen sulfide, which then reacts with the oxygen. In three to five days, the awful smell from the drains will go away.
The septic tank will be cleaned out completely.
The way the Septifix capsules are made now is very accurate. It lets the whole thing break down from the bottom up. This lets the septic tank be cleaned well and in an friendly way.
How to keep your sewage system safe
Septifix makes the environment inside the toilet safe again. With the help of acidic water, the plumbing system will not rust. This makes the sewage machine cheaper to run each year.
Septifix capsules can help cut down on the cost of hiring a plumber, which can cost a lot of money. After you've used these tablets, you won't be able to forget the number of your plumber.
The Septifix pill doesn't have any chemicals that are bad for you. These pills no longer have any chemicals in them that could hurt people or the environment. - Septifix pills need no unique managing or care instructions. - Any person can take Septifix pills. - This is the best way to make the septic tank smooth. - Other products and services don't have as many long-term effects. - It can save you money on shopping. - You can get your money back in 60 days.
Septifix can only be purchased from the official website, septifix.Com. After taking the pill, you should wash your hands with soapy water. Click to book Septifix from the official site and get the lowest price.
What makes Septifix different from other products that clean septic tanks?
Septifix is the only septic tank treatment on the market that uses substances that get rid of oxygen. Each pill can contain up to ten liters (or more) of oxygen and is made to reduce the smell that hydrogen sulfide causes. It's also the best treatment because it has 10 billion lines of cardio bacteria, which is almost twice as many as other treatments. This makes sure that natural oils, fat, and other organic residues that can cause clogs don't build up as much. Septifix gives big discounts when you buy 18 months' worth at once. If you buy something from their reputable website and your septic tank doesn't get better in 60 days, you can get your money back.
Does this pill work well in septic tanks?
The Septifix Review says that more than 87 percent of the 21,000 people who have used Septifix since 2014 are repeat customers who have bought at least once. Even though it seems to work for most customers, you might need help from an expert in some situations. If Septifix tablets don't give you the results you want, you can try them again.
Septifix Supplement Legit?
Over 14 years of research and development went into making Septifix, which is a great septic tank cleaner that uses new oxygen cleaning technology. It has been used by more than 213,374 septic tank owners in the US to keep their cesspools working well and stop clogs from making their tanks smell bad. 87 percent of the people who use this Septifix treatment again are proof that it works. As we've already said in our Septifix reviews, all purchases made through the site come with a 60-day money-back guarantee. This can be easily claimed if the product no longer helps your septic tank. =Click Here to Get Septifix
Regularly Requested Questions
How does Septifix work? One tablet of Septifix is enough to flush a septic tank that works well most of the time. Clogged tanks can be fixed by flushing 3 tablets of Septifix in the first month. Then, flush away one tablet each month. How long will it take to get my Septifix order? After your order has been confirmed, it will be shipped to you in 5–7 days. With the help of UPS, Septifix is delivered right away to your home or office. How much time do I have to take Septifix? To keep your septic tank running well, you should take at least one Septifix pill every month. Advanced constipation should be treated with 3–4 pills per month for the first month, then 1 pill per month after that. As long as Septifix is used, there is no need for a professional renovation. Is it safe to use Septifix? Septifix is free of dangerous chemicals, is not poisonous, and is safe to use. You are also helping the environment by making sure that all of the water coming out of your treatment plant is clean and free of chemicals and other pollutants. What's going to happen if Septifix doesn't work for me? Septifix guarantees your money back for 60 days if you buy something online. Septifix will do everything it can to make your septic tanks work better. You can get your money back in full.
Cost of the Septifix:
All applications have the option to get cash back after 60 days, so you can choose the cheaper package. Septifix is the best and easiest way to clean your septic tank the right way. Septifix is worth the money you spend on it. If you think the product isn't right for you, you can email us or call us toll-free to get your money back. So don't think twice. Now is a good time to buy a complete Septifix kit for your septic tank. Choose from the unique programs and get special discounts. Sample Pack: 1% of Septifix (6-month supply) for $69 each plus a small shipping fee Popular Bundle: Three 18-month supplies of Septifix for $49 each, with free shipping The second most popular package has two 12-month supplies of Septifix for $59 each and free shipping. You can choose any package, but discounts are available for up to two applications. You'll also get money back. You can now get the Septifix for the easy septic tank from a real website. Click here to place an order right away, before the stock runs out.
Septifix thoughts for the end
Septifix is a wonderful product that every family should own. It's easy to use and could save you a lot of money each year. Septifix is a product that can get rid of the bad smell and the need to unclog your bathroom. It's safe and won't hurt you in any way. Septifix tablets also help protect the environment. With Septifix drugs, the septic tank doesn't need to be emptied. Septifix can also save you money. Because your pipes, toilet, and septic tank are all working well, you can live in a clean, worry-free home. Septifix takes care of your stuff getting clogged so you don't have to worry about it. Click here to place an order right away, before the stock runs out. Read the full article
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ihrinsights · 7 months
Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Applications - A IHR Insights Blog
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Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is a blood product derived from human plasma that contains a highly concentrated mixture of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies. IVIG has emerged as a crucial treatment option for various immunodeficiency disorders and autoimmune conditions. With its growing list of applications, IVIG has become an innovative therapy in the management of patients with diverse diseases. In this blog, we will discuss some of the essential applications of IVIG therapy in clinical practice. 1. Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders (PIDDs): IVIG plays a vital role in the treatment of PIDDs, where the immune system is compromised or fails to function correctly. Patients diagnosed with PIDDs have a higher susceptibility to recurrent infections and often require frequent hospitalizations. Regular administration of IVIG replenishes the missing or inadequate antibodies, thus boosting the patient's immunity and preventing recurrent infections. 2. Secondary Immunodeficiency Disorders: These may occur as a result of underlying diseases (e.g., cancer, HIV), malnutrition, or specific medications like immunosuppressive drugs. IV immune globulin can help in supplementing antibody levels and provide passive immunity to these patients. 3. Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases: IVIG has shown promising results in treating several autoimmune conditions such as immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), and Kawasaki Disease. It works by modulating the immune response, suppressing inflammation, and blocking autoantibody production. 4. Neurological Disorders: IVIG has gained attention in managing neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS), myasthenia gravis (MG), and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSDs). Studies have shown that IVIG administration can improve muscle strength, reduce exacerbations, and alleviate neuropathic pain in these patients. 5. Hematological Conditions: In addition to ITP, IVIG has been used in treating diseases like autoimmune hemolytic anemia and pure red cell aplasia. It aids in modulating the immune system's response and reducing the destruction of blood cells by autoantibodies. 6. Transplant Rejection Prevention: IVIG has demonstrated efficacy in preventing graft rejection following solid organ transplantation by suppressing the immune response against foreign tissue. Thus, it plays a role in improving graft survival rates and reducing complications. 7. Sepsis and Septic Shock: Some studies have explored the use of IVIG therapy as an adjunct treatment in the management of severe sepsis and septic shock due to its immunomodulatory properties. However, further research is needed to validate its efficacy in these scenarios. Read More from our latest study on Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Market report. In conclusion: Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy has emerged as a versatile treatment option for various immunodeficiency disorders, autoimmune conditions, neurological diseases, and transplant-related complications. – Analyst Team IHR Insights [email protected]
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r0seart · 7 months
Goretober day 24: Amputation
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Here’s a mildly graphic recreation of my headcanon of Sirius having to self amputate is right foot that became slightly deformed from severe frostbite. He broke the ankle bone by smashing it with a rock, then started cutting with the knife he had (the one he used to attack the fat lady), and then when it became too much for him Crookshanks ate off the rest of his foot. It was a team effort.
If you are wondering, it did get infected later on. Still, he managed to spend his time during GOF without going into septic shock. It quickly got dealt with during Lie Low at Lupin’s. Oh dear this is turning into a headcanon dump.
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recovery4ever · 11 months
Addiction and Sepsis: An Urgent Connection to Understand for Heartland Residents
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Septic shock, colloquially known as sepsis, is the body’s extreme reaction to an infection. It is a potentially fatal event and affects multiple body systems, especially the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Sepsis is also associated with addictions like alcohol, opioids, inhalants, and illicit drugs. A recent article published by professionals at the Banyan Treatment Center examines the connection between addiction and sepsis and provides the following insights:
Alcohol Misuse. In patients suffering from sepsis, alcohol interacts with opioids and other medications, which can lead to an increased risk of organ failure and death. Despite the risks, some people suffering from sepsis can still self-medicate with alcohol.
Drug Abuse. Similarly, drugs such as cocaine illicit drugs and opioids increase the risk of sepsis. Drug users often share needles, increasing the risk of contracting diseases such as HIV, hepatitis C and B, and sepsis.
Treatment Advancing. The development of antibiotic treatments and statistics-based preventive protocols has helped reduce the risk. Treatment for drug addiction may also reduce the risk of developing sepsis.
At Banyan Treatment Center, experts are dedicated to helping patients struggling with addiction and maintain their overall health. If you would like to read the full article about the connection between addiction and sepsis you can do so here. The team at Banyan Treatment Center is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
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onenettvchannel · 11 months
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THIS JUST IN: Entertainment Reporter of ABS-CBN News has died due to Septic Shock [#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE]
(Prepared by Rarity Belle / Fashion Police Correspondent of PonyvilleFM News)
QUEZON, MANILA -- A highly respected male Veteran Journalist, Entertainment and Showbiz reporter for ABS-CBN News named Mario Dumaual, passed away on Wednesday morning (July 5th, 2023 at 8:01am -- Manila local time). His death was a result of a severe case of Sepsis, which caused a critical issue leading to a heart attack and septic shock. He was recently treated at the Philippine Heart Center (PHC) in East Avenue, Dilliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila.
He was a prominent figure in the country's film and television industries, contributing significantly to traditional news media. Born in Naga, Camarines Sur in late-July 1959, Dumaual started his career as a journalist assigned to the 'Star Patrol' segment on TV Patrol, although we were unable to verify his exact home location independently on our news team to OneNETnews.
Having graduated from the University of the Philippines - Los Baños (UP-LP) in 1975, Dumaual initially worked as a writer at the Ministry of Agriculture before transitioning to a financing and shipping company. In 1982, he joined a newspaper outlet the Times Journal, covering the Manila International Film Festival (MIFF) during the 80s, before eventually joining ABS-CBN News for TV Patrol.
With a career spanning over 4 decades without a personal retirement, Dumaual demonstrated tremendous professionalism in his news reporting, particularly in the areas of show business, entertainment and lifestyle, effectively relaying stories to the Filipino audience. Per the official press statement via Facebook post, his wake will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2pm (July 6th, 2023) at the Loyola Memorial Chapels & Crematorium Commonwealth (LMCCC). The internment is scheduled for Sunday (July 9th, 2023) at Loyola Memorial Park (LMP) in Marikina, Metro Manila.
OneNETnews was able to reach out to Dumaual for a comment through text correspondent. Dumaual dies at the age of 64 y/o.
SOURCE: *https://push.abs-cbn.com/2023/7/5/mario-dumaual-passes-away-at-64-1625 [Referenced News Article via Philippines Ultimate Showbiz Hub for ABS-CBN News] *https://news.abs-cbn.com/entertainment/07/05/23/mario-dumaual-reporter-to-the-stars-leaves-trailblazing-legacy [Referenced News Article via ABS-CBN News] *https://www.facebook.com/100051850187531/posts/837167344688264 [Referenced Press Statement FB Post via Mario Dumaual] *https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/311549 [Referenced Editorial Blog via Medical News Today] *https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/blood-and-lymph/septic-shock [Referenced Editorial Blog via NHS Info Scotland] and *https://www.phc.gov.ph/about-phc/hospital-area.php [Referenced Map and Biography via PH Heart Center]
-- OneNETnews Team
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missiongastrohospital · 11 months
In this heartwarming patient testimonial, we meet a remarkable 79-year-old woman from Lunawala who shares her inspiring journey of overcoming hepatic encephalopathy + hepatorenal syndrome + septic shock + esophageal varices with underlying liver cirrhosis with the help of Dr. Dhaval Gupta and Mission Gastro Hospital team (Dr Chirag N shah, Dr Dhaval Gupta and Dr Pratin Bhatt)
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sapphic-schizo · 1 year
can't wait for great salt lake to dry up and everyone in utah to die in the great MLM wars of 2030. kimberleigh-anneigh spotted gouging out lakynn's eyes with a Mary Kay mascara wand, fighting over the last six pack of non-alcoholic skinny margs. lakynn puts up a glorious struggle, digging her Color Street nails deep into the flesh of kimberleigh-anneigh's arm, but in the end it is futile. kimberleigh-anneigh emerges victorious, posting one final triumphant facebook post: join my team today and save big on mary kay #mommyslittlehelper #slay. the post features a picture of her holding the skinny margs (non-alcoholic) with the instagram filter "gingham." she dies from septic shock several days later.
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