#tears of Themis headcannon
etheries1015 · 11 months
Do you think the TOT group would mind tattoos?
Kind of self induldgant. I have an entire sleeve so I started wondering... How would the TOT gang react to that?
Overall I think they would be more open minded to it, seeing as they come from a generation where people getting tattoos are much more common. Yet they were also born just in time for their parents and grandparents to have wavering ideas about tattoos.... How would their upbringing affect how they feel about them?
General warnings: Female reader
- I don't think he would be too fond of tattoos, just a vibe? He still is in the nobility mindset, so sometimes he finds his thoughts moving towards what he grew up around. However he will shove this line of thought down his throat. Just because he isn't FOND of them, doesn't mean he JUDGES others who decides to get them.
- probably has seen a lot of different people with tattoos in his line of work. They don't bother him, and he understands there are different reasons people decide to get them.
- He prefers someone who will probably be a bit more modest about showing them off publicly
however in private you are free to wear whatever you like. Encourages you to show them off in front of him, even. Tattoos or not, you still look like a princess in his eyes.
- loves that you can express yourself freely in such a way. All sorts of people express who they are through different means, and one of yours is tattoos. Will ask you about why you got them and their meanings, if they have any.
- Might be a little bit possesive in a way? Especially if your tattoos are in more of a hidden part of your body... He finds it attractive when he can see those parts of you and him alone.
- I REALLY get the vibe that he is more a traditionalist. Tattoos depending on what they are can be seen as unprofessional, and would prefer you to cover them up whenever you are working along side with him. Mostly in the sense of he wants others to respect you. He already has that respect for you, but he's afraid many of your clients will not treat you the same.
- Stares at them when you two are alone and have free time to yourselves. You ask him if he wants to touch them, but he blushes and looks away
- MEANINGS! He likes to hear about the meanings behind the tattoos. Stories about what happened in your life around that time, its his excuse to get you to talk about yourself
-honestly doesn't care THAT much. You're a smart person and he holds a lot of respect and affection for you, tattoos are simply apart of you and he comes to embrace that as well.
- If he catches someone staring at your tattoos too long...he gets a little bit defensive. Glares at them, pulls you closer towards him...sometimes you attract too much attention and he gets jealous!!!
- Literally does not give 2 shits
- Probably begs you to let him design your next tattoo
- likes to paint on your skin what he thinks would look good on you.
- so many dresses and outfits to show them off. Your body is a canvas! Tattoos are the art!
- when you two cuddle, he likes to draw his fingers around the pattern of your tattoos, comparing them to brush strokes and analyzing your tattoo artists work.
- "you're such a baddass, miss!" He often says when he flirts with you. You simply roll your eyes and laugh
- MATCHING TATTOOS. He would want something very small and discrete though, somewhere only you two could see.
- you can be very free about your tattoos around him. Zero judgement
- I have very minimal information on him if I'm being honest so I'm not entirely sure , but I'll give a couple ideas from what I do know.
- He doesn't care
- He loves you and the ways you choose to express yourself.
-honestly as if they don't really exist. He doesn't pay too close attention to it, its just you and your body, what does it matter? Having a tattoo doesn't change the fact your still his partner!
- Sometimes when you are home alone and you are freely showing them off, he will look at them. Comment on the artistry, ask about them, gives a good topic to talk about.
- Considers getting one too at some point. But probably best to sway away from it, due to his job (Maybe ?)
- Wear whatever you want and do whatever you want. Tattoos does not change the fact he fell in love with you and doesn't see you any differently for it.
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lunarswritings · 2 years
Inaccurate Random Tears of Themis Headcannons
I litterally don’t know what to write so if u wanna send an idea go for it, if you already sent one I didn’t get it so send it again! If u wanna use these headcannons for whatever just go for it
Warnings: small mentions of death and maybe ooc idk what I’m doing at this point, maybe angst?? Didn’t proof read as much as I should oops
During the 8 years Luke was gone. While Luke would go to the grocery store and go to the candy isle and look at the candy and chips him and Rosa used to eat
Sometimes he would buy Rosa’s favorite candy when he’s feelin a little emotional :(
When Luke was free sometimes he would look at Rosa’s social media to check up on her and even search her up and look at the cases she’s taken
Okay little theory here but I feel like Luke knows the whereabouts of Rosa’s parents since he worked for the government and has A+ searching skills
What if they’re dead and he doesn’t want to tell Rosa omg
Okokok off topic anyway
He checks up on em (if they’re alive) and makes sure they’re ok bc yk family whooo
I don’t think it’s been canon on when Artem fell in love with Rosa but I think it would be super cute if he had a small lil crush before chapter 1
He probably didn’t know it was a crush and thought of it as admiration?
I bet he tried to start a small conversation with her and tried to give her a small compliment of her work and talk about something related to work because that’s totally relatable??
Poor Rosa did not get the message but she still admired him!!
Yk in that sr date Artem said he got a matching set of all his kitchen utensils
If he broke any of them or they worn out somehow I bet he bought the same set and has duplicates of everything just so he could replace that one tool so he has a small box for them
Artem would read the about page of every recipe because he thinks it’s important and is afraid he’ll miss something, even if it’s just a simple history of said meal he’s not taking any risks
As soon as Artem heard what Rosa’s favorite dish is, he searched up a recipe and kept making it until it was PERFECT, down to the seasoning
Bonus points if he knows your spice level
Ok so Idk what canon language Stellis has, maybe Stellis has its own language or maybe it’s Chinese or whatever dub y’all picked
But I feel like when Vyn first was learning the Stellis language he would use formal instead of causal for everything
Yk when ur taking your second language classes and there’s an informal and formal version for addressing people or yourself and other words
or maybe it depends on the language idk
As Vyn was learning the Stellis language he would almost never use informal words when he first learned it since he had his royal image and never used casual terms
I bet people thought his accent was either funny or cute but not in a bad way
Eventually he got better
But he gets really happy when a book he wants has it in the Svart language since he can read the book faster
Movies with Svart subtitles? He’s watching it
He probably takes longer to read documents in Stellis’s language but not like really long
“Wow he’s really taking up all the words and thoroughly checking!”
No he’s just trying to read the poor document
His speed improves tho dw
Vyn used to get a little bit self conscious since he stuck out a lot with his silver hair and he was a foreigner but he stopped thinking about it after a few months
Plus the fan club of Vyn maybe helped in some way?
If Vyn has a small idea of Rosa’s schedule or favorite places sometimes when he’s free he’ll visit or try to go to routes that match Rosa’s schedule
It’s like a “I’ll take a different hallway so I can see my crush for a few seconds” during school
There’s a 50% chance Giann did a “we’re going to Disneyland!” Prank where he’d wake child Marius at 4am to pack his bags and then tell him it was a lie
Marius def cried and went to his dad at like 4 am
Marius gives Disney kid vibes and he definetly loved Tangled
He loved Eugene
Omg what if Rosa and Marius did a rapunzel and Flynn rider costume for Halloween for funsies
Oh my god it’s perfect.
When Marius was in high school I bet at least once he got locked in the art room since he was glued in the art room and the teacher had to kick him out , imagine he couldn’t see him one time and he got locked in
He probably either
A: panicked and called his dad
B: texted his dad and fell asleep in there
Marius likes pineapple on his pizza idk why
Maybe he likes the idea of annoying people who hate it I suppose
Marius found out Rosa’s favorite lipstick/gloss shade and got the makeup department of PAX to make it so Rosa could get a PAX lipstick and for free
“It’s like you’re carrying a piece of me with you!”
Speaking of PAX
I wonder if Marius gives Rosa discounts
If she asked he’d do it anyway
Marius sometimes searches up Rosa online to see anything the news says about her
Maybe when they’re dating he double checks to see if there’s any article catching on their relationship
You know those edits people make of celebrities
What if people made edits of Rosa and Marius when their relationship was public
That’s so funny to think about
Marius would def look through that and look at the comments
Would def have beef with whatever news company said something bad about her
Rosa used to have a romance novel phase
Maybe in like middle school or high school since as a lawyer she doesn’t have time or think about romance
Until like a while after tho
Def would fangirl about them to Luke and get him to read said novel (which he did obviously)
She recites every piece of evidence before a trial and has planned out every possible response to anything the prosecution say the night before
sometimes teaches Vyn slang in Stellis language bc she finds it funny as Vyn contemplates the meaning of them
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writeluna · 2 years
childhood sweethearts with artem wing
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a/n: this was first posted on HoYoLab app
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Artem has always been a really kind kid, helping his teachers and his fellow kids
You both were in kindergarten when you first met, you were getting bullied by other kids, when this small blue eyes boy intervened
You didn't heard what he said that makes the bullies back away, you were just too mesmerized by him to notice it
He introduced himself giving you his chubby little hands to help you stand up properly
You started noticing how he always helps his teacher when they are carrying something or handing out other kids supplies
It was when elementary school started, you both became actual friends
It was your first day and you were nervous, when this same blue-eyed boy who once helped you came towards you, recognising you from kindergarten
He asked you if you wanted to sit together and start both of yours first day together, you agreed, relieved to have someone with you
That's how you started getting close, you get to know about him, like his parents were lawyer and how much he wanted to be like them as well
It was one time in your 5th grade when there was a cooking day where your grade could participate too, Artem somehow convinced you to participate in it with him as partners
That's where you found out that he have a natural talent or just a fascination for cooking
And watching you eat his food also made his heart beats faster, he loved it seeing you enjoy his food,, since than he decided to always bring you some kind of special dish that he has made himself.
You both were really close friends to the point where you could just go to each other's home without any care or informing
When you started secondary school, he started hitting his puberty as well making him really popular, but no matter how many people wanted to be friends with him, he'll always choose his childhood bestie over anyone
There was one time when children were taught about women menstruation, he came to you asking you about it,, that was definitely a somewhat awkward conversation you both had but he was really serious about it with a little bit of blushing Artem in between.
After that conversation, he wasn't afraid or shy to ask you about it, helping you if you need something
At that point he had many people confessed to him but he wasn't interested in any of them saying it wasn't his goal to get in a relationship at the moment, but when he saw someone confessing to you in front of him, he wasn't really happy about it
He told you to not date anyone because it might "effect on your studies," that's what he always said not mentioning how it kinda stings to his heart just by imagining you with someone else
He always told you to prioritise your goals and yourself over everything
After completing your school, he opted to go to a law school while you decided to do something you love
He always support you no matter what, during stressful times he was always there for you with his amazing cooking and his calming company
Before every big exams you both have a movie night, calling it a relaxing day and break from studies to calm your mind
During this time, you both started to realise that there were something more between you than just friendship.
You noticed the way he stares at you just a bit longer, the way his company feels too comforting, how his words feels too healing that it was supposed to be
He was starting to become more than just a close friend to you, he held a special spot for himself in your life which no one can ever replace
For Artem it was same, he would spend all his time in your company if he could, the want to protect you was growing and it doesn't felt like a friendly thing anymore
He wanted to cook for you, watch movies with you, read you books, cuddle with you, sudden hand holding started to give him butterfly, you being close to him gives him this excitement and calmness at the same time, it started to drive him real crazy
But both of you never said anything to each other, afraid that this could ruin this beautiful friendship
Even Neil his mentor knew how much affection Artem holds for his dear friend, it was obvious to anyone who really knows Artem that he was in love
When he got his doctorate degree, he wanted you to be there in his graduation ceremony
When he was invited by Celestine to join the law firm as a senior partner, he told you first, he wanted to share all his happiness with you first
When Artem decided he wanted to take the Senior Attorney's bar exam, you're more nervous for him than himself, but he really didn't suprised you when he passed that exam getting himself the name of country's youngest senior attorney.
That's when he decided that he wants to confess to you, with the help of Neil and pressure from Celestine, he planed out a perfect date for you to take on, something dreamy that you always wanted, something you once told him when you're both watching a movie
It was the perfect and the best day for both of you, you both enjoyed each other's company, cause no matter if you wanted to or not wanted to get in a relationship with him,, the truth will always be that you both held each other greatly in your heart ♡
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kiskyz · 2 years
May I request yandere Luke or Marius with a reader who actively tries to avoid him?
Yandere Marius HC with...
...reader that tries to avoid him
rip anon also this is kinda short so apologies:(
This is quite the predicament…
Marius doesn’t first realize what’s happening, despite being a master at reading people. He thought you were just “avoiding” him because he was annoying you. You’ve done this in the past why would it be any different?
It takes two days, which may seem like not a lot, but to someone as clingy as him, it’s like hell. He went from seeing you almost every day to not seeing you for two days. Even though he caught glimpses of you before you hid, it still wasn’t enough.
When he finally realizes it, he’s salty. Very salty. Grumpy at work, whining to Vincent, just overall not happy. Why would you avoid him? Maybe you finally realized how odd his feeling were. 
His solution is to annoy you more in situations you can’t escape.
If you're hanging out with Kiki, he’ll coincidentally also be there. Kiki is constantly in awe at your friendship with the wealthy executive president of the Pax Group, encouraging you to be closer friends with him to gain the benefits. Even when you explain how uncomfortable you are around him, she brushes you off telling you to use him to your advantage. “It’s not every day you know a billionaire.”
He also starts to cause situations that force you to ask him for help. 
Your car broke down? Oh, just ask your friends! Kiki’s busy, Artem’s busy, Vyn’s busy, Luke’s busy… All your friends are busy except one. Marius Von Hagen. Don’t you see? The world’s telling you to stop avoiding him!
If you continue to avoid him, he’ll start using more… “unlawful” methods. People will do anything for money. Soon your friends start to avoid you, and your rent rises. Yet that one person is still there. Just stop avoiding him.
If all else fails, although he didn’t want to, he can always take you.
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Requests are open, yall!
I wanted to let you know that you can make a commission for headcanons or a little scenario about the following fandoms and characters!!
Boku No Hero Academia
Chisaki Kai
Takami Keigo
Toga Himiko
Kaminari Denki
Kirishima Eijiro
Todoroki Touya
Todoroki Shoto
Uraraka Ochako
Ashido Mina
Kyōka Jirō
Yaoyoruzu Momo
Shingeki No Kyojin
Levi Ackerman
Hange Zöe
Mikasa Ackerman
Eren Jaëger
Jean Kirstein
Armin Arlert
Annie Leonhard
Jujutsu Kaisen
Nanami Kento
Gojo Satoru
Maki Zennin
Kugisaki Nobara
Yuuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Kimetsu No Yaiba
Rengoku Kyojuro
Tomioka Giyuu
Tengen Uzui
Kibutsuyi Muzan
Iguro Obanai
Genya Shinazugawa
Kamado Tanjiro
Shinobu Kōcho
Kanjori Mitsuri
Naruto Shippuden
Uzumaki Naruto
Sabaku No Gaara
Uchiha Sasuke
Uchiha Itachi
Hatake Kakashi
Nara Shikamaru
Inuzuka Kiba
Akasuna No Sasori
Tears Of Themis
Vyn Richter
Artem Wing
Luke Pearce
Genshin Impact
Kaeya Alberich
Kojou Sara
Raiden Ei/Raiden Shogun
Arataki Itto
Azumane Asahi
Bokuto Kotaro
Oikawa Toruu
Kuroo Tetsuro
Nishinoya Yuu
Sawamura Daichi
Kozume Kenma
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Akaashi Keiji
Hinata Shoyo
Shinosuke Kita
Terushima Yuji
Aone Takanobu
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crimsonbubble · 2 years
Hi, could you make nsfw headcanons of the guys from Tears of Themis? Please!
cw. nsfw, gn!reader, office sex and oral (artem), slight subby!luke, sadism and bondage (vyn), marking/scratching *not proofread, just pure horny
[I'm not in the ToT fandom that much so please excuse if some headcannons don't make sense :> and rememebr that these are simply my headcannons ^^]
♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡
- artem wing -
a true switch,, loves a good push and pull
let's you have your fun then turns the tables and vice versa
has tied your wrists together with his tie at least once
loves how you can't keep your mouth vacant for too long before it's on him,, pls leave marks on his neck and collarbone area
has a euphoric reaction to how your nails dig into his shoulder and back as he pleases you
has fucked you in his office a few times
loves getting under the desk blowjobs
♡ — ♡ ��� ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡
- marius von hagen -
I hc that he's one of the kinkiest
like the type to put his hand in your back pocket and grope your ass
definitely buys you an anklet so he can hear it jingle when he throws your legs over his shoulders
definitely pins your wrists against your back when he has you doggy style
can't keep his mouth to himself so he bites at your skin and leaves marks everywhere
drag your nails down his back pls
just leave scratch marks down his back as a souvenir
♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡
- luke pearce -
an absolute puppy i love him he's a little more on the subby side
he'd do almost anything for his partner
hmm let's you take the lead but doesn't mind taking charge when you need him to
loves to have your legs on his shoulders or around his waist while he pleases you
if you're gonna make out with him, run your hands through his hair and scratch at his scalp he'll melt
oml hold and squeeze his hips while you make out
the type to let out a soft moan and immediately go red,, i just know he'd make the prettiest sounds
omg drag your nails across his stomach and he'll whimper
♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡
- vyn richter-
he just gives off such mean dom sadist vibes idk
the type to tie you down and blindfold you
definitely edges you a few times as foreplay
then overstims you for his own amusement
definitely mixes degradation with praise bc he likes seeing your reactions
♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡
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particular-one · 1 year
════ ⋆★⋆ ════ intro.
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𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘𝐋𝐄. she/her. 18. multifandom writer. unfortunately an unhinged dan heng & childe fan. | requests: CLOSED.
read under the cut for more information (rules, fandoms, taglist, etc.)
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i don't accept nsfw requests or yandere requests. this is a personal preference. i'm fine with suggestive themes or sexual tension but that's the limit for me.
i do write headcanons, scenarios &. drabbles. the length usually depends on my mood, but it's usually at a minimum of 450. themes can be either platonic or romantic (only for characters of appropriate age). i write fluff, angst, and even crossovers or aus! feel free to ask.
currently accepting matchup requests. see info here.
will do/will not do list linked here.
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honkai star rail. genshin impact. fire emblem: three houses. twisted wonderland. hypnosis mic. ensemble stars. idolish7. haikyuu!!. tears of themis. persona 5 royal.
if you want to request something from a fandom that is not included here, feel free to ask! i might be familiar with it.
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#·˚ * 🔭 carlyle writes — all fics & headcannons #·˚ * 🔭 carlyle matchups — all answered matchups #·˚ * 🔭 carlyle asks: [anon/username] — all answered asks #·˚ * 🔭 carlyle's about — intro/pinned post #·˚ * 🔭 carlyle updates — irl, fandom and/or request updates #·˚ * 🔭 carlyle’s archives — reblogs of fics as my personal faves #·˚ * 🔭 carlyle reblogs: general reblogs of art, fics & other posts
masterlist coming soon!
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all written content found in this blog belongs to me. blog theme belongs to @seyche.
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bimblipop · 4 months
Taking requests!
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Welcome to my blog! Im a new writer trying to get into writing and i will post occasionally, but heres some things i write for:
Current status: NOT ACTIVE.
(Bolded means i mostly write for that fandom\more familiar. This means your request will most likely take much shorter then other ones.)
-Danganronpa 1,2, & 3. -[Ouran Highschool host club] -Food wars, Shoukogeki no soma! -South park -Twisted wonderland
-Demon slayer/Kimetsu no yaiba -The disastrous life of Saiki K -Genshin impact -Obey me, one master to rule them all! -[Tears of themis] -Love Unhoylc (Both orignal and class ver!) -Error 143 -Arcana twilight -[Mystic Messenger] -Spy x Family -Jujutsu Kaisen (Im most likely following the plot when Gege didn’t become a straight serial killer) -[Lullaby of demonia] (The gems are getting to me.😕) -love and deep space
-Honkai Star Rail
Rules for requests:
[Insert game or show here ] = I am not very familiar with this game/show. I recommend for you to not rquest for this if you want the piece to be detailed and canon/acurate.
-Do not request incest, r@pe, ped0philia. (Yes, student x teacher counts.)
-Im so sorry but i only do x readers or headcannons! I genuinely dont know how to do character x character (Romantic wise , i can do platonic!) 😭
-Please mention if you want headcannons instead of a full story in your request! I would prefer if you could be specific so i can have a idea of how to start writing a story (I struggle so hard with that part help)
-I post extremely slowly!!! I have a lot of other things going on in my life, so please don’t expect normally timed updates.
I hope you guys will enjoy my stories i put out on here, and im begging hoping for some requests. Bye!!!!!
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chiyoso · 8 months
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• BEFORE YOU INTERACT. know that you are entering a domain of jjk-ccentric aesthetics, (satoru coded) heavy scaramouche and satosugu simping, and will be interacting with a blog user who, unfortunately, strives for perfection when it comes to her edits, and especially her stories.
• INTERACTIONS. tough subject considering my constant burnout that makes me all distant n' stuff, BUT I PROMISE YOU, i'm not the type of mutual who ignores on purpose. for context, actually, i wasn't like this back then, but considering my mental health these days, i've been less active, less interactive, and etc SOLELY because of this unwanted stress, and if you still plan on sticking around, thank you genuinely.
╰► AND I DON'T MIND INTERACTING WITH ALL AGES. only except; if you are a minor who runs a nsfw blog, producing explicit content, with utmost strictness and big sisterly love, please, get that case away from me.
• DO NOT INTERACT IF. you become weak to mentions of; blood, heavy descriptions of fighting, injuries, murder, war, death, mental health, sensitive and heavy topics, relationship triggers, traumatic events, suicide, age gaps, cheating, vulgarity, and many more — all these fall under the warning category of dead dove.
╰► I DON'T WANT YOU INTERACTING WITH ME knowing these things will make you uncomfortable, i'm thinking of your physical and mental health over here, and over mine.
• MUTUALS. *sighs dreamily* fuck i love you. i love you. thank YOU for following me back, thank YOU for interacting with my burned out ass at all. god, thank you and i love YOU and thank YOU for being patient with me, im so fucking honored to be mutuals with you, even in my silence or inactivity, thank you, i love you so much, you're so special.
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jujutsu kaisen, genshin impact, undead unluck, honkai star rail, honkai impact 3rd, frieren, demon slayer, tokyo revengers, attack on titan, welcome to the ballroom, haikyuu, blue locke, mystic messenger, obey me, tears of themis, love & deepspace, the ssum, epic seven, wuthering waves, zenless zen zero, and more weeb things. / ··· tba.
gojo satoru, geto suguru, scaramouche, wanderer, alhaitham, cyno, lyney, neuvillette, pantalone, dottore, undead (andy), fushiguro toji, fushiguro megumi, kento nanami, ryoumen sukuna, muzan kibutsuji, shinzugawa sanemi, rengoku kyojuro, rengoku shinjuro, ken ryuguji (draken), hanma shuji, blade, jing yuan, welt yang, dan heng, nanook, lan, argenti, gepard landau, luka, dr. veritas ratio.
nsfw, sensitive and heavy topics, female reader, breeding, degrading, cum kinks, praise, fluff, angst, mental illnesses i have (e.g. depression), comfort, no comfort, headcannons, thirsts, drabbles, submissive, dominant, hate sex, somnophillia, non-con, overstimulation, public fucking, masturbation, age gap (21+ reader obv), violence (for plot), aphrodisiacs, possessiveness, obsessive tendencies, fighting, realistic, modern au, smau, death, trauma, crossovers, dumbification, husband/wife, older characters, minority (only purely platonic), dark content, pregnancy, cheating, mental health, personal letters, song recommended fics, and more things that fall into the warning category of dead dove.
incest, stepcest, true yandere, cuckhold, scat, piss, irl politics, polygamy relationships, male!reader, trans!reader, eating disorders, disorders i'm not allowed to discuss.
╰► TO AVOID CONFLICT in regard to not writing for the opposite sex and the transgender pov, i simply cannot. i'm inexperienced in that field, and even i struggle a lot when writing the female pov as well.
understand that i am not able to because i am female myself, and even if i do take the route to research, it wouldn't feel comfortable for me, and i'm bound to get things wrong on some aspects. that's all. ⸻ (quick link to go to my inbox)
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uh, well. i am kinda tempted to write for aged up for some characters, but ONLY to those who are closest to my age like fushiguro megumi, 1-2 year gap of me and etc. as for characters like yanqing, or anyone else around his age, i'm not one to age up ones that are canonically young until said to be older, with that established, i'll be only writing platonic for characters like him.
yeah. probably. go back to chiyosohub productions section and skim through the popular genres area, thats the shit i feel comfortable to write. ask for confirmation before requesting.
mmhm, all of the media, dividers, banners and layouts are all from me and edited by me, please don't copy what took ages for me to finally settle on, thank you. besides, every edit has a well hidden watermark and cleverly placed too by yours truly.
i'm not in the right mental state to fulfill requests quickly in contrast to other writers, however, do feel free to pitch in ideas and, i'm actually considering comms for my editing work, but lmk if you wanna support me that way.
right, i'm someone who frequently struggles with mental health, i consistently deal with burnout, exhaustion and perfectionism, plus i'm trying to break the cycle of my people pleasing too. my most recent relationship broke me to the point where nothing mattered but him, so, i'm quite literally learning to love things again—writing for example.
i'm not gonna be perfect at it, but i'll always try to strive for the best. i'm also stressing out about the fact that as someone who took a few years to take a break from school life, then suddenly i'm plunging in into a world where you train as an adult? shit is actually not helping my geto-like spiral lmao.
tl;dr writer deludes herself with hot fictional men, anime and games, all while college fucks up my sleep schedule even more. that, and her motivation's in constantly in vacation.
hope that answers your curiousities, good fuckin' luck interacting with my ass LMAO — chiyoso.
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etheries1015 · 11 months
Vyn Richter's type
Just a couple ideas on what type of person I think Vyn would be attracted to.
General warnings: my PERSONAL ideas. This is purely on what I have seen based upon his personality and stories in his cards, all of this is purely subjective and can be interpreted differently!
TW: None! But do let me know if I missed any, so I can update this section accordingly.
someone who is more outgoing and adventurous, always willing to try new things and new experiences.
someone understanding and patient
Someone who sees a more optimistic outlook in life
Someone who is kind and gentle, open communication and able to freely speak their mind around him.
Maybe someone who is a little more on the silly side and can play and enjoy life to the fullest. To see someone be the opposite of what he grew up around to be "perfect" would be the beginning of healing his idea of "perfection."
someone who will listen to him attentively, rely on him, and give him the sense of belonging he desires so much.
Someone who doesn't mind those moments where he lets his walls down, and just wants to be held in your grasp. To be hugged and loved, to feel the warmth of someone else when he was so used to being alone for so long.
I personally see him as someone who would want somebody who can read him as well as he can read others. Someone who can see past his lies and his hiding, his roundabout way of saying things. Not really someone who would CONFRONT him of these, yet someone who can adapt their words and give him a silent comfort of understanding in how they care for him.
Someone who can see the good in others.
Loyalty is probably the biggest more important thing he finds in other people. He wants to be comforted in the fact that you will rely on him and will always put him on the top of the list of people to go to, it would break his heart if you ended up going to someone else for your issues.
Someone who is able to deal with heavy topics, being a psychologist he is always running into patients with issues that may not be able to be resolved, and that can really take a toll on a person. He wants to make sure you have a strong head upon your shoulders and can allow him to lean on him whenever he is feeling that burnout from his job.
check out my masterlist!
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lunarswritings · 2 years
Being Sick
What if you were sick?
Characters: Artem, Luke, Vyn, Marius
Notes: Wrote this since I was sick for like a week, a classic hc but a good one!
Requests are open! I’ll write pretty much everything that’s SFW unless stated otherwise, you’re always welcomed to drop by even if it’s not a request^^
You felt fine in the morning but while getting ready your face felt really hot and your throat was feeling sore.
You shrugged it off and went to work
But as time went on when you were with Artem he noticed you were coughing and sneezing a lot, your voice also sounded off
“Are you sick?”
“Not really, just a sore throat.”
Artem finished up whatever you two were talking about and forced let you out early to go home
You came home and slipped into your lounge wear
Ngl you felt even worse so you were about to take a nap
But as soon as you were just about to fall asleep you heard someone knocking
You open the door lazily and there you see Artem with a paper bag and slightly blushing
You let Artem come in and he made some chicken noodle soup! (Or some other soup idk)
I feel like Artem knows some home remidies for when your sick so he’d give you some home remedy which made you feel wayyy better
Artem’s cooking is like amazing as we know so you finished that quickly
Artem basically took care of you and as you fell asleep he put a blanket over you and left awkwardly bc he didn’t have your permission to stay lmaoo
The next day you felt a lot better and decided to go to work again bc Artem helped you feel a lot better
Artem had a nice breakfast waiting for you because he knew you were gonna come lmao
Luke’s been taking care of you since you were little
He knows what your favorite comfort foods are when you’re sick
He could tell you weren’t feeling well when you were at Times Antiques with him
You kept sneezing and sniffling your nose
He insisted you rest instead and basically dragged you to his apartment upstairs
He told you to wait and he got some of your favorite snacks and ingredients to cook one of your comfort food when your sick
While some parts were a lil burnt you still enjoyed it bc it’s Luke’s cooking
You rested on the couch even though Luke wanted you to rest in bed while he would sleep on the couch
You were still feeling miserable despite the medicine
To distract you Luke put on your favorite movie or Sherlock Holmes
So while you were sleeping Luke picked you up and tucked you in bed so you could sleep comfortably
The next day Luke started to feel sick too…
Nothing gets passed this man
I think some of his clients have came to him while sick so he’d know what to do
You were at one of his lectures for funsies and tbh his voice is so calming to listen to
But Vyn could feel you were a bit out of it but he couldn’t figure out why
Spacing out plus you looked kinda tired
After the lecture was over he came over to talk to you
Your voice hinted the fact you were sick
Putting his hand on your forehead mid conversation also gave it away
You eventually confessed that today you weren’t feeling the greatest but didn’t think it was that bad
He instead that you went home or at least stayed at his place to rest
You didn’t want to burden him since he was so busy so you went back home
You said your farewells and Vyn dropped a “I’ll see you soon” you didn’t think much about
Turns out he came back 30 minutes later with some tea and pasteries as well as some medicine
You were NOT expecting that
Vyn brewed some expensive looking Chamolie tea and handed it to you
If you don’t like chamolie tea now u do bc the way he brews his tea??? Litterally amazing
The pasteries were also your favorite flavor because he knows you so well^^
Vyn handed you some awful tasting medicine but hey, at least you were feeling better
He’s so gentle with you it’s so nice jdkdhf
This guy definitely has never taken care of someone who is sick
Maybe some of his elders??? But it’s not something he’s experienced with
It started when you both went to an art exhibit in the afternoon
While you and him were making jokes about Marius being Z, Marius could tell something was off like how your voice sounded much more tired and sick, to the amount of tissues you were using and had to keep throwing away
You still held your ground and told him you were fine
Marius wasn’t having any of that
Marius Daytime Aurora flashbacks
He took you to his home bc his dad wasn’t home
Made you lay down in the guest room and had Vincent deliver everything a sick person could ever need
Give this man a raise
The medicine smelt terrible but despite the smell you still drank it bc Marius was planning on taking you to the doctor it’s just a cold Marius
Marius kept you company the entire time while you laid there with lots of tissues and a trash can nearby
He made the sick experience 10x better
He gave you your favorite snacks bc this man cannot cook and neither can Vincent tbh
He said he could get someone to cook your favorite foods for you but you rejected his offer
Maybe another time he’ll try to cook something simple
When you started to feel better you started to notice Marius sneezing more then usual
Now to take care of him..
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writeluna · 2 years
childhood friends with marius von hagen
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a/n i was supposed to post it on marius's birthday but oops-
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you and marius probably met in kindergarten
him giving you his painting while asking if you want to become his friend
famous even in kindergarten but still wouldn't play with anyone but you
when you were in middle school, atleast once there was a rumour that you both were dating but he didn't care about it
during art class, when you are free to paint anything, he always paints something that is related to you both, be it a memory of you too or something he/you gifted each other
if you are not good at art than he'll definitely help you
he looks like a type who would be naturally good at studies, but still act like he doesn't know sh*t
study together
marius never had a mother figure in his life, so you were always there to scold him on his mistakes, support him and give him advices when he needed them
teases you alot, especially if you told him you have a crush on someone
internally feels jealous a little
gifts you a matching necklace
you have a literal box of paintings from marius which can also shows his improvement and progress of art
when he decided to go to Florence, he make sure to hang out with you as much as possible
you went to drop him to airport, and he did that romantic kdrama scene where he turned around and ran towards you and hugs you real tight and whispered "I'll miss you" into your ear
was a little emotional but wont show
he make sure to call you or text you everyday
he told you all about his new college and how much he's liking it
you both try to talk to each other daily, even when you were in whole different time zone
when the first 'Z' painting announced, you were the first who saw the painting before it's launched
during his first birthday after flying away from stellis, he was missing you and his family so much that you and giann went to Florence to surprise him
he was so happy, he almost cried
after all hell went down and marius was to take responsibility of PAX, you were there with him,, reassuring him that he can do this
whenever he felt like he was nothing like Giann in handling PAX, you were there to remind him that he's unique and he doesn't have to be like someone
when he lost his inspiration for painting because of all the stress and burden,, you arranged a painting date with him
he will always cherish the moments he has with you that day
you were there for him in his lows and he says that because of that you deserve to be with him in his bests,, secretly just an excuse to spoil you more
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maomao-words · 2 years
Hi, I'm sorry for bothering you when the request is closed but I hope you would read my request once it's open again. I was wondering if you could write about Tears of Themis boys with a MC who was being bullied (I mean like when in Vyn's story where she was sent bad messages) This is just my idea, it's fine whether you want to write it or not😄 Thank you very muchhh🙏🙏 By the way, I really love your writings😘❤️
Hewo my dear! I am finally opening my ask box again!
I tried to finish up responding to my oldest requests, but I realized I needed new inspiration in order to finish up what is left (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Thank you for liking my writings and I hope you like these just as much!
Prompts which inspired these headcannons: Here!
Trigger Warning: Bullying.
Tears of Themis: The boys reacting to MC getting bullied:
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Marius von Hagen:
“Is it okay to hug you?” Marius whispered in a teary voice, hands shaking as he extended them toward you. You weakly shook your head in denial again.
Marius was at the brink of madness. It all started a few weeks ago, when the youth first noticed small signs of discomfort in your behavior. Your phone almost never ceased to ring and beep, even outside of work hours. Each time you hesitantly glanced at the screen, the color would drain from your face and your lips would tremble.
You first claimed it was a difficult case you were in charge of; one which was causing you too much stress. Marius did not believe you, not when your eyes appeared bloodshot every morning he came to pick you up, nor when you harshly flinched each time a stranger came too close to you.
Something was wrong, but Marius wasn't too worried. All he needed was a name, and the problem would be solved in a few hours.
And yet, you refused. You sat down in front of him and kept your mouth tightly shut. Marius asked for the person's name, profession, age, anything, calmly at first then more desperately as time ticked by. But you didn't budge. Not when Marius begged you, and not when traces of anger began to appear at his face.
Only when silence dominated the room, and you glanced up to see your lover crying, that you finally crumbled.
The man was a member of the Pax Group's board of directors. You told Marius as he held you between his arms. You didn't know what he wanted, only that he kept pushing you over the edge, hoping that you would do something to ruin your partner's reputation and start a scandal.
“Just look at me. Forget everything else.” Marius' arms tightened around your waist and you closed your eyes in relief. You didn't see the sinister look on your lover's eyes in that moment, a look that promised vengeance for touching his most precious person.
Artem Wing:
Artem's face was calm. His eyes, gentle and familiar, gazed at you lovingly from across the office desk even after he pushed the most hideous of legal papers toward you.
You stood there speechless, re-reading the papers in you hands for what felt like the millionth time already. The papers seemed formally neutral, written in your lover's usual objective and highly professional style. But the words themselves spewed hatred at and promised vengeance in the most subtle way possible to the client who has been harassing you for the past few weeks.
You shook your head helplessly as you felt tears of relief gathering behind your eyelids. Your nightmare was finally going to be over.
You never told Artem. You hid the countless messages, threatening phone calls, and perverted letters arriving at your house from him. Of course you trusted Artem. He was your reliable superior and mentor, tender lover and soon to be husband, but you knew how important this client was to the firm.
You knew how happy Celestine and Artem were when this high-ranked politician drafted a contract with your firm, promising a steadfast support. The chance everyone was waiting for was finally here. The firm would be able to expand much further, more workers could be hired, and better wages would be available.
But one word from you could make everything crumble.
So you held your tongue and did your best to hide your discomfort and pain.
Now, as Artem held you between his arms as you began to sob your heart out, you finally felt at ease. "It's okay," Artem's gentle voice echoed near your ear, "You don’t have to be strong all the time. I can fight for you once in a while.”
Vyn Richter:
“Seeing you like this and not being able to help – it breaks my heart.”
The words were gently whispered in Vyn's calm voice. The cup of tea in your hand was warm, with white petals swimming at the bottom. The sunlight was bathing the living room in its gentle rays. A quiet melody could be heard in the background.
A sole tear escaped your eye. You put down the cup and slowly walked toward your lover. His arms were already open for you.
Vyn knew. He knew you were being harassed. He knew the culprit, a middle-aged woman whose son you defended in court a while back, and he knew how much she blamed you for her son's imprisonment.
But Vyn was unable to act. You refused his offer to report her on your behalf and you did not attempt to solve this issue by yourself. You were trying to accept the mother's grief and sorrow, hoping that would make her feel better. What good imprisoning her would do? you weakly told him.
Vyn was aware of all of this, and try as he might, he was unable to go against your wishes.
But things went too far. You no longer smiled freely as you used to do. Your rest and comfort were always interrupted by endless streams of calls and messages, pushing you further and further toward the edge. You were losing yourself.
You hid it all from him to the best of your abilities. But Vyn was as relentless as you. He was always there, distracting you from the pain for as long as he could, offering warm cup of teas, delicious dessert, and tender hugs whenever you got home.
But Vyn wanted you to heal, even against your wishes. He wanted you to put yourself as a priority above everyone and everything else. All you have to do was be happy. He can shoulder your guilt in your stead.
Luke Pearce:
“Hey, listen to me. You’re safe. Nothing is going to hurt you.” You nodded at your lover's tender words and buried your face deeper into the crook of his neck. The nightmare was almost over.
When the bullying and harassment first began, a few weeks ago, you calmly accepted it all and hid everything from Luke.
Oh, sweet, sweet Luke. If he ever knew the culprits, the two young men will disappear before a day goes by. But you didn't want that. You had a case to build, and allowing yourself to be their victim would only solidify your claims in court.
So you concealed it. You shoved the twisted letters at the bottom of your underwear drawer, and shut off your phone whenever your lover was around. Everything was calculated. All but the weight of all the venom spewed by the two men which, despite all of your effort, started to take its toll on your mental health.
Your temper started to get worse and your mood swings escalated. You felt suffocated. You had to endure it all without telling anyone until sufficient evidence was gathered and a court session was established. You had to do it. Not only for your own sake, but for the sake of all of the young women before you, who were harassed endlessly by these two monsters in human skin.
But all along, you have underestimated Luke. He wasn't just someone close to you. He was family. He was a soulmate. He was everything to you.
Luke understood what you wanted to do. He waited for you.
So the night where every proof was collected and all was settled, you found him waiting for you, arms open with a tender smile in tow. No words were spoken between you as you bathed in the warmth of Luke's unconditional love and affection.
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mxrmaid-poet · 1 year
seraphina’s masterlist
Last Updated: 04-29-24
Hii all, I’m seraphina (she/her), a uni student majoring in media and marketing ✨
I plan on producing much more content this year, you can also find me on a03 and on my only other active side blog, @vesperss
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top posts 🕯
character ai
masterlist | 01 02
ikemen prince
bath and body works scents
starbucks orders part one
chatime drinks part one
driver’s licenses
video edits
ikemen vampire
video edits
ikemen villains
meme tag!
tears of themis
video edits
lovestruck video edits
“next story!”
character playlists
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friend codes
vampire - P2BKTRHFV
prince - P6V6ALW4U
villains - P3496AVG6
tot - 201218909
love & deepspace -
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just-somehuman · 1 year
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Silly Wanderer header lol
A little about me ~☆
Names I go by: Nemo, Lune or my username on any social platform you find me on (there's a lot)🕺
Gender and sexuality: Female, heterosexual
Religion/faith: Christianity. Denomination: protestant - methodist.
Interests: music, composition, writing, reading, gaming, astronomy, genetic engineering, science in general lol, programming
Instruments I play: piano (11 years), recorder (7 years), saxophone (2 years). The hand drum was my first instrument (11 years ago) but I stopped playing it after I started the piano 😭
Fanfictions I write: Obey Me!, AyakashiRR, AOT, and Genshin fanfictions. They are most commonly angst, however I do have two psychological and supernatural horrors in the works!
Novels I write: I actually have no idea. It's just a variety, I guess. My personal favourite that I've written is a fable (made that one wayyy too dark for a children's story). Currently, I'm writing a science fiction book.
Fandoms I'm actively in ~☆
- Obey Me!
- Obey Me! Nightbringer
- Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
- Genshin Impact
- Honkai Star Rail
- Starry Love
- Legend of the Phoenix
- Tamashi: Rise of Yokai
- MazM: Phantom of the Opera
- My Child Lebensborn
- Mysterious Forum and Seven Rumours
- Matsuro Palette
- Guilty Parade
- Life Gallery
- Project Sekai
- Cat Museum
- Fran Bow
- Iron Lung
- Mr Hopp's Playhouse
- No Players Online
- Sentient
- I also play Roblox btw 💀 I've only been playing Royale High lately though.
- All Over Me (Roblox)
- Jim's Computer (Roblox)
- Attack on Titan
- Himouto! Umaru-Chan
- Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto
- One Punch Man
- Junji Ito Collection
- School Babysitters
- Theater of Darkness: Yamishibai
- The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
- Parasite: The Maxim
- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
- Kagewani
- Jujutsu Kaisen 0
- Orenchi no Furo Jijou
- I'm currently watching many, but these are all the ones I've finished
Web series:
- The Walten Files
- UrbanSPOOK
- Vita Carnis
- Interface
- Mandela Catalogue/Magazine
- Ashur Gharavi
- brandon works
- Hallo Aus Berlin ❤
Fandoms I'm not actively in ~☆
- Ikemen Vampire
- AFTERL!FE: The Sacred Kaleidoscope
- Midnight Cinderella
- Dangerous Fellows
- Mystic Messenger
- LoveUnholyc (dunno how to spell it 💀)
- Tears of Themis
- Vocaloid
Fandoms I'm interested in ~☆
- Twisted Wonderland
- Sally Face
- Omori
- The Backrooms
- Little Misfortune
- Little Nightmares
- Hazbin Hotel
- Danganronpa
- Undertale
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Devil May Cry
- Final Fantasy
- Resident Evil
- my eyes deceive
Content I post here ~☆
It's mainly Obey Me! and AyakashiRR, occasionally Genshin Impact or something else. I used to post a lot of AOT, I might get back into that. Anyways, what you can expect to find is:
- In game screenshots and my two cents 💀
- Memes/fake tweets
- Headcannons
- Fanfictions (mainly angst. I don't do NSFW)
- Theories. I theorise and over-analyse a lot 💀
- My rambling and ranting about random stuff 🤡
- Sometimes there's just completely random stuff that is completely out of place but whatever
Other stuff I'm interested in ~☆
- Urban legends
- Paranormal stuff
- Internet mysteries
- True crime
- So you know Nexpo, Snarled's "Something Scary" volumes, Leminio, and the Infographics Show's serial killer videos? Yeah, that. All of that.
This is just a summary of stuff. I've probably missed a lot since I'm focusing on not burning the brownies I have in the oven right now (it's my first time baking 💀) and I just wrote off the top of my head.
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darxk · 1 year
scouting for new books [open]
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status: open
i'm very new to this whole tumblr thing but please bear with me
maybe message me for now for requests until i get a hang of this platform???
if you want to know how your request is coming along, please check the writing room
please detail whether you would like your request to turn into headcannons (like dot points), a long(ish) story (i'm still struggling with writing those, sorry) or a short story. if not, my imagination will run wild i'll pick my preferred option which would probably be short story.
specificness is extremely needed for these requests. i have a creative limit so some ideas or visual imagery would be greatly appreciated to go along with your request
also reader personalities will vary from story to story and a majority will be f! reader, maybe a few gn! readers and i'll try to write m! reader.
things i will not write
nsfw - very uncomfortable with writing even make out scenes TvT
omegaverse - mpreg and "alpha/delta/omega" thongs makes me highly uncomfortable
anything inappropriate or problematic like pedophilia or anything racist, homophobic (unless it's like internalised angst to happy ending where reader is accepted), etc. the only times where it will be included in stories will to be applied to the antagonising characters that will receive a truck load of karma their way.
things i will write
death fics
shipping fics
x readers (adult character = adult reader | child character = child reader | teen character = teen reader | etc.)
reader & character platonic/familial stories
(maybe) love tringle (depends on the request's specifics, i also am not sure if i can pull it off tbh)
chatfics (sometimes)
alternate universes - e.g highschool/college au, nobody dies au, everyone remembers au, celebrity/idol/musician au, specific profession au, etc.
things that will probably take time to convince me
yandere behaviour (fictionally, i don't hate it but i also want to stay away from romanticising)
possessiveness (if it's like over protective, maybe but like oppressive possessiveness is a little too much)
making out/pda (idk not too comfortable) ___________________________________________________________
character/ship list is below, i might take on requests for others but the character/ships listed will be the ones i'm most open to writing about
for platonic/familial pairing with reader or ships, anything other than problematic to me like say... mori and yosano is ok. (context for non bsd fans: mori was (sorta-?) abuser and contributed to yosano's early trauma)
these stories will be free but very slow to update as i too am human with a personal life outside of the screen/cyberworld like school, friends and family. if you try to harass me over the updates and etc. i will drop your request and block you.
characters available
alice in borderlands -> chishiya shuntaro, kuina hikari, arisu ryohei, niragi suguru_,
genshin impact -> xiao, kazuha, zhongli, raiden shogun, yelan, alhaitham, scaramouche, albedo, ningguang, dehya^
tears if themis -> vyn richter, marius von hagen
bungou stray dogs -> yosano akiko^, koyou ozaki^
jujutsu kaisen (i am a bit behind on the manga) -> gojo satarou, yuji itadori, maki zenin, megumi fushiguro, toge inumaki, nobara kugasaki
other -> kang sae-byeok (squid games), five hargreeves (umbrella academy), jinx (arcane)
* = these people will be quite shallow because i haven't deep dived into their characters or there won't be as many ideas/the motivation to write them
_ = only angst because i dislike this character
^ = only fluff because i can't bring myself to break their heart T-T
ship fics available
alice in borderlands -> arisu x usagi, kuina x ann
genshin impact ->
beigguang (beidou x ningguang)
zhongchi (zhongli x childe)
alkaveh (kaveh x alhaitham; my fav)
eimiko (yae miko x raiden ei)
bungou stray dogs ->
soukoku (dazai osamu x chuuya nakahara)
shin soukoku (akutagawa ryuunosuke x atsushi nakajima)
fyolai (fyodor dostoevsky x nikolai gogol)
ranpoe (ranpo edogawa x edgar allen poe)
fukumori_ (fukuzawa yukichi x mori ougai)
odango (oda sakunoske x ango sakaguchi)
rimlaine (paul verlaine x arthur rimbaud)
kousano (yosano akiko x koyou ozaki)
other ->
kang sae-byeok x ji-yeong (squid games)
wenclair (wednesday addams x enid sinclair; wednesday addams (netflix: 2022)
hiccstrid (hiccup x astrid; how to train your dragon)
^ = only fluff because i can't bring myself to break their heart T-T
_ = only angst because mostly negative feelings about the ship
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