pureanonofficial · 2 years
In a half romantic, half amused way Antoinette sometimes indulged in daydreams in which she met him. The fantasy took various forms. Sometimes she just ran into him at a party and he said 'Who is that interesting-looking girl with the lovely grey eyes? With those hands she simply must play the piano.' And sometimes, in her more ambitious moments, she substituted for him at a concert and afterwards he said, 'My God, I couldn't have done it better myself.'
Mary Burchell, When Love Is Blind
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smitchsmats · 1 year
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A quick Mari Lwyd in markers for Junicorn! As a bonkers Welsh Horse Girl, I absolutely love Mari Lwyds. Festooned, beribboned, and absolutely insane (affectionate), this wondrous being will have you out doing rap battles with your neigh-bours. Shyly dedicating this to some of my favourite Tymblrs. @merchymynydd @becausegoodheroesdeservekidneys @teashoesandhair
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wikipedie · 2 years
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The train is late and your family is dead
I think grief is like a really ugly couch. It never goes away. You can decorate around it; you can slap a doily on top of it; you can push it to the corner of the room—but eventually, you learn to live with it. ― Jodi Picoult, Leaving Time
Joan Didion, The Year of Magical Thinking | The Mentalist season 1, episode 7: Seeing Red | Linda Pastan, The Five Stages of Grief | The Mentalist season 2, episode 23: Red Sky in the Morning | teashoesandhair, grief | The Mentalist season 1, episode 5: Redwood | Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (for Beatrice) | The Mentalist season 4, episode 23: Red Rover, Red Rover | The Mentalist season 5, episode 2: Devil's Cherry | Anne Carson, Glass, irony and god | Jamie Anderson | Anne Carson, Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides | The Mentalist season 7, episode 13: White Orchids | Glennon Doyle Melton, Love Warrior
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trans-cuchulainn · 9 months
of course the important part of watching sex education is watching all the credits until you see @teashoesandhair listed
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artofelaineho · 1 year
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it is all so bright and it hurts to look at, and I think that even though I have been sightless for so long, the world has not left me.
Here, the World Entire by Anwen Kya Hayward (@teashoesandhair)
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ghostcasket · 4 months
Hey I'm wondering if you save the link to your hallmark boyfriends story. I was looking through my likes and past reblogs and I think it probably got lost somewhere, I wanna reread it :(
here u go <3 for your reading pleasure
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prettylittlelyres · 7 months
Heads Up Seven Up
Tagged by @aziz-reads - thank you!
Käthe is overhearing a conversation - about herself - that her parents are having.
"Every week that passes is another week that the rumours can twist and grow into something gnarled and horrible. Do you know what people are saying about her now?” I guessed Mama shook her head. “No, nor do I,” said Papa, “And that’s exactly the problem.” He and Mama came back into the parlour, and Mama sat down in her armchair again. “I’m sure you heard most of that,” Papa said, “But if you didn’t, the gist of it was that I am doing this for your own good. I want you to be happy. I want you to be settled and stable in a good marriage, where you can have children. Does that make me a bad father?”
I had to go with slightly more than seven lines for context!
Tagging @sleepyowlwrites @concerningwolves @ettawritesnstudies @ellierenae @teashoesandhair @abalonetea and anyone else who wants to join in!
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withthingsunreal · 2 years
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some bums from the Walker Art Gallery for @teashoesandhair
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zorilleerrant · 1 month
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by: @im-not-buying-it-ether
We're getting the ones on my phone because there is NO way to keep track of all my files on my computer... I mean I'll do it if anyone wants but I don't know that it will yield anything comprehensible.
Billy CYOA
Jason moms
Don't Ring The Bell
Spirit Detectives
The event comes suddenly.
Ultra Sun/Ruby
Dick time loop
Angel doesn't come back
Clois cheating
Clois tentacle sex
Giles 5+1
The Question in: Jigsaw Puzzles
Tunnel portal
Ruo - Vengeance in the Counterfactual
and I think that's everything I added since the last time I did this game! (altho I'll still take questions about those if anyone can find the other post about it)
uhhh... I will try to tag but there will be repeats! sorry! trying to get anyone I saw mention their writing/OCs lately.... @glassandmetalwings @wolfsbanesparks @hungry-hyena @theshaddowedsnow @confusedshades @elodieunderglass @teashoesandhair @hipipi @batri-jopa @elirium ok idk... if anyone else wants to play tag me anyway I want to see your silly titles
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words-after-midnight · 4 months
Nine People I'd Like to Know Better tag
This post brought to you by "I'm doing a couple of tag games and then probably going offline for most of the rest of the weekend to focus on editing and other miscellaneous life demands."
Tagged most recently by @blind-the-winds and @ahungeringknife; thank you!
Soft tagging: @author-raine-willis, @dyrewrites, @xaz-fr, @acertainmoshke, @ragnarokproofing, @stesierra, @heymacareyna, @macabremoons, @moonshinemagpie.
Last song: Agnes Obel - Familiar
Favorite color: Red
Currently watching reading: Not watching anything unless you count having random youtube vids in the background while working on stuff, which I don't, so I'm replacing this with something relevant to me. Currently not reading a whole lot due to being busy, but alternating between Sunset (Arc 2) by @sunset-a-story & @touloserlautrec, Here, the World Entire by @teashoesandhair, and Dark August by Katie Tallo. My book club is doing Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski this month, which I'm looking forward to but haven't picked up yet.
Spicy/sweet/savory: All of the above, but if I have to pick one, savory.
Relationship status: Currently single.
Current obsession: I am currently fixated on a specific plotline I'm fleshing out for The Dotted Line, which is extremely annoying, seeing as I am trying so hard to stay on task with Life in Black and White's edits/query prep. We (don't) love to see it.
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belphegor1982 · 4 months
Find the word in your WIPs
I was tagged by both @rose-of-pollux and @tuttle4077 for a "Find the word in your WIP" game! Here are the rules: Find the words from the list in your WIPs and post the paragraph they belong to.
Thanks a lot :D They both gave me different words, too, so let's go!
I ended up using What Nightmares May Come (my long HH fic) a lot, if only because it's so long (64k+ words, gah, if only the inspiration could come back!!) but also from The Message (the follow-up to Mon Pays et Paris), three The Mummy WIPs, and one word from a Legend of Vox Machina somewhat long WIP. And since it got so long, I'm putting most of it under a cut ^^'
Tagging @thisstableground, @tinydooms, @laurelindebear, @teashoesandhair, @kabbal and @kaantt 💜
List of (new) words: chase | average | fast | minute | whole
sigh (from The Message, Hogan's Heroes)
“Did you clear that up with Colonel Hogan?” he asked. LeBeau stuck out his chin in a familiar show of stubbornness.
“Of course I did,” he said just a second too quickly.
Kinch shook his head.
“Man, now I know why you won’t play poker with Newkirk. He’d clean you right out.” He sighed. “LeBeau, you can’t just take a radio because you feel like it. Do you know how many of the guys miss listening to the Andrew Sisters or the World Series?”
hint (from A Fifth of Glenlivet, The Mummy)
The tea was light and slightly sweet, with a hint of mint. Egyptian style. Rick – though more of a coffee guy – had to admit that for what he considered to be lightly flavoured hot water, it wasn’t that bad, especially without the obligatory splash of milk generally favoured by the British.
heart (from Manifold, The Mummy)
She waits a little, enjoying the wind on her face and the shade the balloon casts over them; then she asks without looking at him, her voice very low, her heartbeat very loud, “Whom did you fall in love with first: Elizabeth, or Tom?”
toast (from In A Mellow Tone, The Mummy)
“Good Heavens. And I thought my parents had their hands full with me and Evy.” Jonathan put his palm into his hand and grinned. “How much of a scamp were you when you were a kid?”
“Not that much,” Harry said with a sharp smile, “but I usually got away with a lot, even more than Nellie did. You see, I didn’t often let myself get caught.”
“Sound philosophy,” said Jonathan, raising his half-empty pint in a toast Harry met with his own. “So you have four siblings?”
operation (from What Nightmares May Come, Hogan's Heroes)
The conversation in Klink’s office seemed to be over, so Kinch unplugged the coffee pot and replaced the lid. They were all thinking the same thing; all operations would have to come to a complete stop. The absence of the sub already meant they couldn’t go through with their orders of ‘assisting escaping prisoners’; but this meant that the other part, about ‘cooperating with all friendly forces and using every means possible to injure and harass the enemy’, was nixed as well if nobody could set foot outside camp.
That's it for Tuttle's words! Now for Rose's :o)
sea (from What Nightmares May Come, Hogan's Heroes)
“Let’s hope that your escape will earn him a one-way ticket to the Russian front,” Hogan grimly quipped, his eyes serious. “In the meantime, you get to stay at the… ‘guerilla Hilton’ for a couple of days, we fit you with civilian clothes and official papers, and you do a little cross-country ‘round the German countryside. There’s a British sub in the North sea, a little off Wangerland. You’ll be in England faster than you can say ‘fish and chips’.”
star (from What Nightmares May Come, Hogan's Heroes)
Hogan whistled between his teeth. “So they’re basically stuck here for God knows how long?”
“No chance of a plane, I suppose?”
“I asked. Apparently, if our guests were two-star generals, they would consider sending one.” Hogan didn’t miss the discreet sarcasm in his radioman’s deadpan voice.
pleasant (from A Fifth of Glenlivet, The Mummy)
Something loosened in the set of Jonathan’s shoulders.
“Good. Because if you’re planning to steal more toolkits for my sister then it’s better if… Well, you know. She’s had a lot flung at her because she has the gall to be a scholar and a girl, and ‘only half-English’ to boot.”
Something told Rick that particular turn of phrase glossed over many others, much less pleasant. Which both siblings probably had their own share ‘flung at’ them, come to think of it.
walk (from Underture, The Legend of Vox Machina)
Scanlan let his hand fall and rolled his eyes.
“Look, you don’t need to get your panties in a knot. I can see better than you at the moment, so the way I see it there’s only one way you won’t fall behind and get lost.” He walked back to Vax and thrust out his hand with a grin large enough to be obvious even in the dark. “Wanna hold hands?”
linger (from What Nightmares May Come, Hogan's Heroes)
“Oh, perfectly, Major,” Klink muttered in an almost defeated tone, resisting the urge to rub his temples. The lingering headache had been small this morning, the inevitable result of a restless night, but Hochstetter excelled in the art of making migraines in other people’s heads grow in a way even Hogan did not.
Thanks again :o)
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lesmiserabelles · 9 months
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tagged by gemma @macbethwitches to share some of my favourite people from history (thank you 💖)
this was actually so tricky, so i've narrowed it down to people whose lives i've most enjoyed reading about - which was still a challenge!!
stephen tennant, georgiana cavendish, james baldwin, marie antoinette, alfred tennyson, sappho, e.m. forster, thomas-alexandre dumas, virginia woolf
tagging @aconissa @villierscy @afoxnamedmulder @teashoesandhair @sapphiclizziebennet
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katenepveu · 2 months
hey to @teashoesandhair -- immediately thought of you when I saw this bumper sticker last week.
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(Image description: blurry photo of a bumper sticker reading, "Honk if you'd rather be watching the 1999 cinematic masterpiece 'The Mummy' starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz." End description.)
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gaslightgallows · 2 months
Last Line Game
I was tagged by @oldshrewsburyian and then had to go hunting for the last bit of fiction I wrote… two weeks ago.
(fast and loose) rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
She was brewing coffee with an air that frightened Elinor, so instead of arguing semantics, Elinor went and cleared off the table.
Everything is fine, surely.
Tagging (with no obligation to participate!) @rivendellrose @meldanya44 @firesign23 @widowshill @kazoobreakdown @lineffability @fellshish @teashoesandhair @timetravelbypen @elisaintime @lizardbeths @cylonqueen @actual-changeling and anyone else who wants to participate
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jax-but-tumbling-down · 5 months
puts you in this
no you don't
it'll take you 5 hours just to lock the damn thing.
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squtternutboshing · 8 months
I don't have much time to write these days because of Sweet Baby Boy™️ but I'm going to attempt my own mini version of NaNo this month and @teashoesandhair and I are going to do check-ins and word sharing and maybe even a lovely afternoon writing together. Managed to complete my chapter matrix and write 2500 words today, feeling motivated!
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