#technical analysis hub
forex368 · 5 months
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reidmarieprentiss · 6 days
No More Misunderstandings
Summary: You have a big crush on Spencer, everyone can see it except for Spencer himself.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Tech Analyst fem!reader
Category: fluff
Warnings/Includes: crushing, (un)requited feelings, bad communication, Spencer trying to flirt, gay Elle, Rossi not Gideon, happy ending, Elle is out but reader doesn't know
Word count: 9.4k
a/n: if this man ever asked me to hang out i would say yes in two seconds flat
main masterlist
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Every day, you settled into the hum of computers and the soft glow of monitors that painted the walls of the BAU's technical analysis hub, affectionately dubbed the "bat cave" by those who knew it best. Your role as a tech analyst found you working side-by-side with the brilliant and bubbly Penelope Garcia, a woman whose personality was as colorful as her wardrobe. Despite the comfort of being shrouded in the semi-darkness of your tech-laden sanctuary, a certain type of light seemed to elude you—the spark of acknowledgment in Dr. Spencer Reid's deep, thoughtful eyes.
You harbored a crush so palpable that even the air in the room felt charged with your nervous energy whenever Spencer was near. However, your shy demeanor cloaked these feelings in a veil of secrecy that somehow, miraculously, Spencer himself never managed to pierce through. Everyone else on the team had noticed, from the knowing smiles of Derek Morgan to the gentle teasing of JJ, but Spencer remained blissfully unaware, his attention often drifting towards Elle Greenaway with an intensity that tugged painfully at your heart.
Penelope, ever the observant friend, never missed a beat. "Oh, honey," she would whisper, "it’s like you’re sending Morse code with those blushes and he’s living in a blackout."
Her words were gentle, tinged with humor and affection, yet each jest felt like a pinprick to your already tender sensibilities. Whenever Spencer visited the bat cave to discuss case details or gather information, your heart raced as you tried to provide him with everything he needed without tripping over your words or, heaven forbid, your own feet.
"Hey, Spencer," you would start, your voice a careful mixture of professionalism and the warmth you couldn’t keep at bay.
"Hello," he would respond, his eyes scanning the screens filled with data. His focus was razor-sharp, dissecting information with the same precision he used on everything but the emotional currents swirling around him.
Each interaction was a dance. You would inch towards openness, leaning in to catch a whiff of his cologne or to appreciate the subtle shift of his hair when he ran his fingers through it in concentration. But as soon as he glanced up, those hazel eyes like windows to an enigmatic soul, you would recoil slightly, cheeks aflame, words retreating as quickly as they had dared to emerge.
Later, as the screen showed live feeds of the team moving through their environments, Penelope would nudge you gently with her elbow, her voice low and teasing. "You know, if we had a dollar for every time you fumbled around that man, we could retire and buy an island in the Bahamas."
You’d offer a small, embarrassed laugh, grateful for the low lighting hiding the worst of your blush. "I just... I don’t know how to act around him, Penelope. What if he doesn’t..."
"Feel the same?" she'd finish for you, her tone softening. "Sweetie, the heart’s a funny creature. It doesn’t play by the rules of logic that Spencer loves so much. But who knows? Maybe one day, he’ll surprise you and actually look up from those case files and see what’s right in front of him."
The comfort in her voice was soothing, yet each day ended the same—with you watching Spencer, Spencer watching Elle, and Penelope watching over you, a guardian angel clad in technicolor, armed with an arsenal of jokes and just the right words to keep you smiling through the uncertainty.
The day had been rolling along as usual in the BAU's bat cave, the rhythmic clicking of keyboards providing a steady backdrop to the glow of computer screens. Penelope had excused herself for a quick bathroom break, leaving you alone amidst the towers of technology. Just as the door clicked shut behind her, the shrill ring of the phone sliced through the quiet, startling you slightly. Calls from the field were usually Penelope’s domain, her cheerful voice a soothing constant for the team. Today, it seemed, you would have to step into her shoes.
“Y/N speaking, what can I do for you?” Your voice wavered slightly, anxiety bubbling up as you prepared for your usual toggle through databases and security feeds.
When Spencer’s voice responded from the other end, a different kind of alertness prickled across your skin. “Hi, Y/N, we need to cross-reference known associates of the unsub with recent flight records. Can you pull up the lists and cross-check for any matches?”
Your heart thumped erratically, his voice weaving through the receiver like a familiar song that never failed to stir your soul. You tried to maintain a steady tone, hoping your voice didn’t betray the sudden nervousness that his presence, even just over the phone, incited. “Sure, Spencer, just a moment.”
As your fingers danced across the keyboard, the professional mask you wore each day slid comfortably into place. You were adept at your job, a fact that never faltered, even under the weight of your emotions. Quickly pulling up the necessary records, you began the process of cross-referencing, your mind briefly detached from the flutter in your stomach.
“Looks like there’s a match. Michael Davidson, on a flight from Atlanta to D.C. this morning,” you reported, a trace of pride threading through your words at the efficiency with which you’d located the information.
“Great, Y/N. Thanks,” Spencer’s voice came through, a hint of relief palpable even through the static of the connection. His appreciation, simple and straightforward, filled you with a warmth that went beyond professional satisfaction.
Hanging up, you let out a breath you’d been holding. Penelope chose that moment to breeze back into the room, her presence as effervescent as ever. Catching the tail end of your smile, she quirked an eyebrow playfully.
“Spill the beans, buttercup. You look like someone just handed you a golden ticket,” she teased, settling back into her chair.
“It was just Spencer needing some quick info,” you shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant as your heart continued to beat a staccato rhythm against your ribs.
Penelope’s smile widened, her eyes twinkling with unspoken understanding. “Oh, just Spencer, huh?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, trying to brush it off casually. “Derek would never betray you by talking to me,” you teased, hoping to steer the conversation away from your flustered feelings.
Penelope’s eyes sparkled even more as she winked at you. “Oh, he’s allowed to have side pieces, my love. I’m a generous goddess.”
You burst out laughing, your nervousness momentarily forgotten as Penelope’s playful banter eased your tension. “I’ll let him know you said that,” you shot back, turning back to your screen, trying to focus on anything other than the residual warmth from talking to Spencer.
Penelope, never one to let you off the hook easily, leaned in closer. “Should I let Spencer know he isn’t allowed to have any side pieces then?” she asked, winking at you again, her tone as sweet as honey but with a hint of mischief.
“Penelope!” you gasped, feeling your face flush all over again. The blush you thought had faded returned with a vengeance as you turned away, hoping she wouldn’t see just how red you were.
She laughed, clearly pleased with herself. “I’m just saying, babe. The boy’s got options, but I think we both know his best one is sitting right here.”
You groaned, covering your face with your hands as you let out a small, embarrassed laugh. “You’re impossible.”
“Just doing my part to make sure he doesn’t miss any signals,” Penelope sang, tapping her keyboard lightly, her grin as wide as ever. You couldn't help but smile too, secretly grateful for her teasing. After all, it was these moments that made the crush a little more bearable.
During one of Rossi’s famed pasta-making sessions, a relaxed atmosphere filled his spacious kitchen, with the rich aroma of tomato sauce simmering on the stove and the sounds of laughter mingling with soft Italian music playing in the background. Rossi, the consummate host, guided everyone through the steps of making the perfect pasta dough, his hands moving with the ease of long practice.
You found yourself stationed next to Spencer, who was diligently kneading a mound of fresh pasta dough. His hands, beautiful and dexterous, worked the dough with a precision that was mesmerizing. The veins on his hands stood out, accentuating every deliberate movement, and you couldn’t help but be captivated by the fluidity of his motions. It wasn’t just his intellect that drew you in; even his seemingly mundane physical actions had a way of catching your undivided attention.
Derek and JJ, who were partnered up on the other side of the kitchen island, caught your fixed gaze and shared an amused look between them. Derek’s smirk grew as he nudged JJ, whispering loud enough for you to overhear, “Looks like someone’s more interested in the handwork than the handiwork.”
JJ chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she joined in the teasing. “Yeah, I think Y/N’s planning on writing a thesis on the manual dexterity of certain geniuses.”
Flustered, you tore your eyes away from Spencer’s hands, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. You attempted to focus back on your own portion of dough, which had begun to stick to the counter more than it should. Spencer, oblivious to the exchange, looked up and noticed your struggle.
“Hey, you need to dust a bit more flour on the surface,” he said, his voice gentle, unaware of the reason behind your distraction. He reached over to sprinkle some flour on your dough and then on the countertop, his fingers briefly brushing against yours. The brief contact sent a pleasant jolt through you, further flustering you.
Rossi, ever the observant host, noticed the playful dynamic and decided to rescue you from your embarrassment. “Alright, everyone, let’s focus on the art of pasta! Y/N, why don’t you help me with the sauce?” he suggested, giving you a knowing smile as he handed you a wooden spoon.
As you helped Rossi stir the simmering sauce, carefully blending the herbs into the rich, aromatic mixture, you couldn’t help but cast furtive glances across the kitchen. There, Hotch had taken up the spot you vacated next to Spencer, now deeply engaged in the art of pasta making under Rossi’s enthusiastic instruction. While Hotch was methodically following Rossi’s guidance, Spencer’s attention occasionally drifted.
Across from them, Elle was rolling out her dough with a confident flourish, laughing at something Hotch had said. You caught Spencer's eyes as they met Elle's, a shared glance of amusement passing effortlessly between them. The ease of their silent communication was stark, their smiles syncing in a moment of private jest that seemed to exclude the world around them—including you.
That simple, silent exchange felt like a punch to the gut. The laughter and camaraderie around you suddenly seemed a bit dimmer, a bit more distant. It wasn’t just jealousy that twisted in your stomach—it was the aching realization of how much could be said in a single look when there was a real connection; a connection you feared might never form between Spencer and yourself.
You turned your attention back to the sauce, the spoon moving mechanically in your hand as Rossi continued to chat about the nuances of Italian cooking. He didn’t seem to notice your distraction, caught up in his culinary passion. But inside, your thoughts were swirling as tumultuously as the sauce you stirred.
Trying to shake off the sinking feeling, you focused on the positives—the laughter of your team, the comforting weight of the wooden spoon in your hand, the delicious smell that filled the kitchen. But despite the festive atmosphere, a part of you remained reserved, quietly nursing the tender hope that maybe, just maybe, one day Spencer would look at you with the same warmth and understanding he so effortlessly shared with Elle. Until then, you resolved to keep smiling, keep stirring, and keep hoping.
The BAU briefing room felt unusually empty without Penelope's vibrant presence, Elle's keen insights, and Derek's charismatic confidence filling the space. With them on vacation, the dynamic had shifted, and you found yourself stepping into roles that stretched beyond your usual behind-the-scenes expertise. The weight of Penelope's responsibilities now rested squarely on your shoulders, a challenge you accepted with both determination and a hint of trepidation.
As the team gathered for the briefing on the new case, Hotch turned to you. "Y/N, could you walk us through the case description and the current leads?" His voice was calm, authoritative, yet imbued with a supportive undertone that did little to ease the flutter of nerves in your stomach.
Nodding, you stood, remote in hand, feeling every pair of eyes in the room settle on you. Public speaking was not your greatest fear, but it was hardly your favorite endeavor—especially not with Spencer's intense gaze locked on you. It was as if his eyes were a pair of spotlights, illuminating not just your words but every minute reaction and emotion that flickered across your face.
As you began to outline the case, detailing the patterns and possible psychological motivations of the unsub, Spencer's scrutiny never wavered. His stare was not judgmental nor dismissive; rather, it was analytical, perhaps even a bit curious, as if he were trying to read the nuances of your presentation, to understand not just the facts but the person delivering them.
"Based on the geographical profiling and the behavioral pattern, we believe the unsub may be operating within a ten-mile radius of downtown," you explained, pointing to the map projected behind you. Your voice steadied as you delved deeper into the analysis, the familiar terrain of data and evidence providing a solid foundation beneath your initially shaky confidence.
Spencer's focus, rather than rattling you further, began to foster a sense of resolve within you. You found yourself speaking more confidently, your nerves tempered by the realization that this was still your team—your family in all but blood. They weren't here to judge; they were here to listen and to learn from what you had to offer.
As the briefing wrapped up, Hotch nodded in approval. "Good work, Y/N. Keep us posted on any updates from Garcia's systems until she returns."
You nodded, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. Glad it was over, you were already preparing to scamper back to your office when you heard a voice that sent a familiar shiver down your spine.
“Y/N?” Spencer's voice, calm yet inquisitive, caught your attention.
You spun around to face him, trying not to let your fluster show. “What’s up?”
“Can you put the map back up on the screen, please?” he asked, already standing by the large projection screen.
“Ye–yeah, of course.” Your fingers fumbled with the remote as you quickly reactivated the display, bringing the map back onto the screen.
“Here,” Spencer said, still not looking back at you. “Come look at this.”
You walked over to stand beside him, your eyes inadvertently drawn to his long fingers as they traced paths along the map, pointing out specific areas. The same hands that had mesmerized you earlier were now gliding over the screen, drawing you into his thought process.
Spencer started talking about the geographical profile, rattling off information with his typical rapid-fire brilliance. But what took you by surprise was how he spoke to you—not as the team’s tech analyst, but as if you were another profiler, someone he wanted to consult. This was new, and it left you momentarily stunned. He’d never done this before.
“Spencer?” you asked quietly, your voice barely audible in the spacious room. He hummed in response, still focused on the map as he tugged thoughtfully at his bottom lip—a gesture you’d come to adore and envy.
“Why are you asking me about this?” you continued, your curiosity growing along with your nerves. “Why not Rossi? Or Hotch?”
Spencer paused, finally turning to face you, his eyes filled with the same focused intensity he usually reserved for solving cases. “Because you see things differently,” he said softly. “You have a different perspective, and that’s valuable. Sometimes it’s not just about profiling. It’s about how we approach the data, and you… you understand patterns in a way that’s unique.”
His words caught you off guard, but they filled you with an unexpected warmth. You weren’t just the tech analyst who plugged in the data—they saw you, Spencer saw you, as part of the team, as someone with valuable insights.
Your heart fluttered in your chest as you held his gaze for a moment longer than you intended. “Thanks, Spencer,” you whispered, trying to suppress the blush creeping up your neck.
He smiled, a small but genuine curve of his lips, before turning back to the map. “Now, what do you think about this area here?” he asked, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for you two to be collaborating like this.
For once, you weren’t just lost in thoughts of him—you were part of the conversation, and it felt good.
After you felt you'd helped all you could, you excused yourself back to your office, ready to sink back into the more solitary part of your work. However, Spencer seemed to have other plans, as he walked alongside you, his footsteps synchronized with yours, indicating he wasn't quite done talking. His expression was one of mild concern, a usual precursor to his deep dives into various subjects.
As you walked, he continued to unravel his thoughts about the case, tying loose ends and circling back to previous points with a precision that was nothing short of impressive. It was typical of Spencer to thoroughly dissect each aspect of a case, often taking tangential routes in the conversation that surprisingly led right back to the main topic, a testament to his prodigious mind.
However, as engrossed as he was in discussing the case, his next words veered sharply from the professional to the personal, catching you completely off guard and momentarily stalling your mental gears. The shift was so sudden that it took a moment for you to register what he was actually asking, pulling you out of your case-focused mindset and into a more introspective space. This unexpected question not only showed his human side but also reminded you of the depth of his observational skills, not just in work but in personal matters as well.
"How is Felix, by the way?" Spencer asked, an innocently curious tilt to his head as he regarded you, his pace slowing slightly.
"What?" The name jolted you, an echo from a past chapter of your life you hadn’t opened in ages, and certainly not one you had expected Spencer to know anything about. You blinked, momentarily confused, trying to piece together the leap in conversation.
"Felix? How are they?" Spencer repeated, his interest seemingly piqued by your reaction—or perhaps just his natural inclination toward thorough understanding.
You paused, standing now in the doorway of your office, the background hum of computer servers providing a soft soundtrack to this unexpected moment. "Um, I don't know," you admitted, still trying to navigate the strange turn the conversation had taken.
"Oh, I’m so sorry, did you two separate?" Spencer’s tone was filled with genuine apology, his face reflecting concern.
You managed a small, somewhat awkward laugh, finding both the absurdity and the sudden intimacy of the conversation slightly overwhelming. "Well, yes. A long while ago." Your response came out lighter than you felt, the surprise of the question making your heart race for reasons other than your usual nervousness around Spencer.
As Spencer absorbed your response, his expression remained unreadable, a common trait when he was deep in thought or processing information. He nodded, perhaps filing away the conversation for later reflection, before excusing himself with a polite but somewhat distant farewell. His departure was quick, efficient, the way he typically transitioned back to work, yet it left a trail of questions in its wake.
You watched him go, a blend of relief and curiosity mingling in your thoughts. The inquiry into your personal life was uncharacteristic of Spencer, who usually maintained a strict boundary between professional and personal discussions, at least when it came to initiating such topics himself. The interaction lingered in your mind, an outlier in the usual pattern of your interactions.
"Maybe it's because Elle isn't here," you thought silently, turning back to your computer.
After leaving your office, Spencer quickly texted Elle to update her that you were no longer seeing Felix, contrary to their assumption. Elle replied enthusiastically with two thumbs up, urging him to ask you out soon or she would take the opportunity herself. 
Throughout the week, with Penelope, Elle, and Derek away, the dynamic at the BAU shifted noticeably. Spencer seemed to step out of his usual reserved demeanor, engaging more frequently, particularly with you. His attempts at conversation often appeared to teeter on the edge of something beyond mere professional interest, though it was so subtle that it often flew under your radar.
Tuesday morning, Spencer leaned against the counter, watching you struggle with the temperamental coffee machine that had decided today was the day to revolt. "You know, statistically, manual coffee presses have a lower failure rate compared to electric ones," he commented, a slight quirk to his lips.
You glanced at him, chuckling lightly, "Is that so? Maybe I should switch, then."
"Yeah, and they make better coffee. Maybe I could show you how to use one sometime?" His tone was casual, but there was a tentative note to it, almost hopeful.
As the coffee machine finally sputtered to life, producing a somewhat decent cup of coffee, Spencer’s offer lingered in the air, subtly altering the atmosphere between you. His suggestion about the manual coffee press had been light, almost playful, but it carried an undercurrent of personal interest that left you unexpectedly flustered. Despite this, you masked your reaction with a casual nod, trying to maintain an even keel.
"Sure, I could always use better coffee," you responded, your voice steady despite the slight quickening of your heartbeat. You focused on fixing your coffee, adding just the right amount of cream and sugar, using the mundane task as a moment to collect your thoughts.
Spencer watched you for a moment, perhaps sensing the shift in your demeanor but respecting the boundary you subtly enforced with your nonchalant reply. His smile was gentle, not pushing further, as he too turned his attention back to preparing his own drink.
Wednesday at lunch you sat in the break room flipping through case files, Spencer slid into the seat across from you with his own lunch—a homemade sandwich seemingly crafted with meticulous care. "I read somewhere that sharing meals can enhance group bonding and individual rapport," he began, looking directly at you with an earnest expression.
You looked up, smiling at the factoid, you loved hearing Spencer talk. He was always so endearing. "That sounds about right. Food does bring people together."
"Maybe we could test that theory. There's a new Thai place nearby that’s supposed to be great," he suggested, his voice smooth but slightly hurried.
"That would be an interesting experiment," you agreed, your thoughts inadvertently glossing over Spencer's subtle personal invitation. Instead, your mind wandered to the social dynamics of the team, or perhaps more pointedly, the possibility of Spencer going out with Elle without having to extend a direct invitation—an idea that stoked a twinge of jealousy, burning in your stomach like an ugly green monster. 
Spencer nodded, his expression shifting subtly as he detected the undercurrent of your thoughts, interpreting them as disinterest in a personal outing. He tried to mask any hint of disappointment, maintaining his typical composed demeanor. Internally, however, he wrestled with the sting of what felt like another missed connection, another attempt at reaching out quietly rebuffed.
"It would be a great way to explore some new flavors... maybe just the two of us first, to see if it’s worth recommending to the team?" His tone was measured, carefully modulating between casual and sincere, revealing his hope that this might pave the way to a more personal connection between the two of you.
Despite his clear wording, your mind twisted his intentions, clouded by the assumption that his ultimate aim was to impress Elle upon her return. This idea gnawed at you, the thought of being potentially used as a stepping stone in Spencer’s strategy to engage Elle more personally. It tainted the sincerity you might have otherwise perceived in his proposal.
"Yeah, that sounds like a good plan," you responded, trying to mask your feelings with a nod and a polite smile. "Testing it out sounds sensible... then we can tell Elle and the rest if it's good." Your voice carried a hint of forced cheerfulness as you inadvertently redirected the focus back to Elle, reinforcing your misinterpretation of Spencer's motives.
Spencer noticed the subtle shift in your tone, the slight stiffness in your smile. He paused, a flicker of confusion crossing his features as he tried to gauge whether his message had been misunderstood. "Yes, of course," he agreed, his voice faltering slightly as he picked up on your emphasis on Elle. Disappointment edged into his heart, sensing a barrier he hadn't anticipated—one that perhaps wasn't his to cross just yet.
He nodded slowly, offering a gentle smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'll send you the details later then," Spencer added, stepping back to give you space, his mind busy piecing together where the conversation had veered off track.
Thursday while you were digging through old case files in the archives, Spencer wandered in, ostensibly looking for a book. He lingered by your side, helping to shift the heavy tomes. "You know, there's this book on cognitive science I think you'd really like. It talks about pattern recognition and emotional intelligence in ways I think you'd find fascinating," he offered, his fingers brushing against yours as he handed you a different file.
"Sounds intriguing," you responded, your attention still partially on the file in your hands. The hint of a smile played at the corners of your mouth, touched by the realization that Spencer was not only paying attention to your interests but was actively thinking about ways to engage with you on a more personal level.
"I could lend it to you. We could discuss it over coffee?" Spencer's suggestion came with a hopeful undertone, as gentle and tentative as the expression in his eyes.
Your reaction, however, was immediate and unexpected—a sudden choke on your spit as his words caught you off guard. A brief fit of coughing ensued, and Spencer's concern was quick to surface. He reached out instinctively, placing a comforting hand on your back with a gentle touch. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.
The unexpected contact made you jolt, a reflexive response to the sudden intimacy of his touch. Realizing your reaction, Spencer quickly withdrew his hand, a flash of disappointment crossing his features as he stepped back, giving you space.
"Yeah, I'm fine, sorry," you managed to laugh it off, though your cheeks burned with embarrassment. You tried to smooth over the moment, still recovering from the unexpected cough and the even more unexpected contact.
Spencer's response was gentle, a soft nod accompanying his words. "It's okay, I'll, uh, see you upstairs," he said, stepping back with a hesitant smile. His decision to not press the coffee invitation further reflected his respect for your comfort, but inwardly, he felt he might have missed his opportunity for the day.
As he turned to leave, the brief contact and your embarrassed reaction replayed in his mind, leaving him wondering about the right approach to take next time. His intentions had been straightforward, but the execution hadn't gone as smoothly as he hoped. The way your eyes had widened, the laughter that followed the cough—it all suggested a mix of emotions that he couldn't quite decipher.
Watching him walk away, you felt a pang of regret. His retreat made you realize that your reaction might have been misinterpreted as discomfort, rather than the surprise and nervous excitement you actually felt. The idea of discussing a book over coffee with Spencer genuinely appealed to you, and you wished you could convey that without the awkwardness of the moment overshadowing it.
Gathering your thoughts, you considered reaching out to him later to clarify your interest, maybe even suggest a specific day for that coffee. The day hadn't gone as either of you planned, but it wasn't over yet, and perhaps there was still a chance to turn it around.
Friday afternoon as you both waited for the elevator, Spencer tried again, this time a bit more directly. "Did you know that the probability of meeting someone compatible is surprisingly high within work environments?"
You raised an eyebrow, trying to steady the rapid thumping of your heart. "Really now? I guess we’re in the right place, then."
"Yes, exactly," Spencer agreed, a bit more eagerly than you expected. "It’s like... finding the right piece in a puzzle."
"Like solving a case?" you asked, your voice shrinking with uncertainty, afraid that, once again, he had someone else in mind—someone who fit into his world effortlessly, maybe a profiler like Elle.
"Yeah," he smiled warmly, his eyes soft as they focused on you. "Just like solving a case."
Your heart cracked a little at his words. You interpreted the metaphor differently, convinced he was searching for someone like the other brilliant profilers on the team—someone you believed you could never be. With a forced smile, you said quietly, "Well, looks like you need a profiler-shaped puzzle piece then."
Spencer’s brow furrowed slightly, a flicker of confusion crossing his face as you stepped into the elevator. He stood there, frozen, not understanding the weight behind your words or why you seemed so distant.
As the elevator doors slid shut, he replayed the conversation in his mind, his heart sinking as he realized something wasn’t connecting. He had been trying to tell you, in his own way, that he was interested in you, that you were the piece he was talking about. But somehow, despite his best efforts, the message kept slipping through your fingers. Why weren’t you getting it? Why did every attempt seem to fall short?
Spencer watched the elevator descend, a sinking feeling settling in his chest. He had been so certain of his feelings for you, and yet, with every attempt, it felt like they drifted further away, lost in the unspoken misunderstandings between you.
When the freshly bronzed trio returned from their vacation, Spencer, seemingly on edge, wasted no time in seeking out Elle, his face etched with a mix of hope and frustration.
“So? Did you do it?” Elle asked eagerly as soon as they were within speaking distance, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. “Did she say yes?”
Spencer’s response was laden with disappointment. “Every time I try to ask her out, she thinks it’s a friendly suggestion, or—or she even mentioned you one time like I was thinking about you!” He ran his hand through his hair in exasperation, clearly puzzled by the recurring miscommunication.
Elle couldn’t help but laugh slightly, though her lips were closed, trying to mask her amusement at the situation. Spencer, on the other hand, whined in annoyance, “What?” He genuinely didn’t understand what he was missing.
With a fond smile, Elle prodded further, “Reid, how did you ask? And what did she say?” Her voice was gentle, coaxing him to unpack the details.
Spencer recapped all the moments from the past week—the coffee machine incident, the lunch invitation, the casual chat in the archives, and the awkward elevator conversation. Each retelling showcased his subtle, cerebral approach to what he thought were clear invitations.
“Oh, boy genius,” Elle said teasingly once he finished, her tone light but her words cutting to the heart of the issue. “I think I see the problem here.”
“What? What is it?” Spencer asked, desperation and confusion in his voice.
Elle placed her hand on his arm, a gesture meant to be comforting but one that did not escape your notice, intensifying the ache in your heart. “She thinks you’re interested in me!” Elle revealed, her insight sharp.
“Why would she think that?” Spencer asked, his bewilderment evident. The connection between his actions and your perception seemed utterly foreign to him.
Elle’s explanation was straightforward, “Because, Spencer, every time you make an attempt, it’s so subtle and wrapped in layers of intellect that it’s easy for her to miss the romantic intent.”
Her words seemed to pierce through the fog of confusion surrounding Spencer. The realization that his attempts at expressing romantic interest were getting lost in translation—or rather, lost in his own intellectual approach—was a revelation. He nodded slowly, the gears turning as he processed this new insight.
“Plus, if she’s mentioning me and no one else, she must think you’re looking for ways to take me out!” Elle added, emphasizing her point with a light chuckle, though her eyes remained sympathetic to Spencer’s plight.
The weight of Elle’s explanation settled heavily on Spencer. It dawned on him how his interactions, though well-intentioned, might appear to others, especially to you. His style, inherently analytical and often indirect, had inadvertently sent the wrong signals, steering your thoughts towards a narrative where he was interested in Elle rather than clarifying his feelings for you.
This misunderstanding struck a chord within him. Spencer had always prided himself on his communication skills when it came to the nuances of unsubs and case theories. Yet, here he was, stumped by personal emotions and interpersonal communications that veered off course.
“Okay, so... I’ve been too subtle,” Spencer acknowledged, almost to himself as much as to Elle. “And she’s misreading the subtlety as disinterest—or worse, interest directed at someone else.”
Elle nodded, squeezing his arm gently. “Exactly, Spencer. You’re thinking like a profiler trying to decipher hidden meanings, but sometimes, directness is key. Maybe it’s time to just tell her how you feel, plainly and clearly. No puzzles, no hints.”
“But—but what if she’s not interested?” Spencer stammered, the creeping sense of insecurity wrapping around him like a heavy blanket. His confidence from earlier was starting to erode. “I mean, she did turn me down on multiple occasions,” he added, his voice softening with self-doubt.
Elle sent him a playful glare, her expression one of disbelief. “Be serious, Reid,” she said, her tone firm but affectionate. “Everyone here can see that she’s into you. Ask anyone.”
Without giving Spencer a chance to stop her, Elle raised her voice, calling across the room, “Hey, JJ!”
Spencer's eyes widened in panic, his face flushing. “Elle! No!” His voice cracked as he tried to stop her, but it was too late.
JJ approached the two of them, a curious smile on her face as she looked between Spencer and Elle. “What’s up, you guys?” she asked, her easy going demeanor not yet aware of the situation she was about to walk into.
“Do you think Y/N is into anyone? Should we set her up?” Elle asked with a mischievous smirk, clearly enjoying Spencer’s discomfort.
JJ’s reaction was immediate—she burst into laughter, glancing between Elle and the now-mortified Spencer. “Are you kidding?!” she laughed, unable to believe the question was even being asked.
“No! Do you have anyone in mind?” Elle pushed, her smirk widening as she kept the act going.
Spencer looked like he wanted to sink into the floor, his mortification plain as he stood there frozen. His mind raced, desperate to find a way to steer the conversation away from himself. But JJ, still chuckling, fixed her gaze directly on Spencer, her expression turning to amused confusion.
“Spencer? Duh! She’s basically in love with you!” JJ declared, her blunt response leaving no room for misunderstanding.
Spencer blinked in disbelief, his mind stumbling over the directness of JJ's words. "W-What?" he stammered, his heart pounding in his chest.
JJ just shook her head, laughing softly. “Reid, it's so obvious. Trust me, you should ask her out.”
"Right," Spencer exhaled heavily, the weight of his nerves tangible in that single word. His eyes followed JJ as she walked away, her knowing smile and shake of her head a clear sign that she was rooting for him.
Elle, observing the entire interaction, turned back to Spencer with a look of determination. “Do you believe me now? You just need to be blunt,” she said firmly, reinforcing the advice with her unwavering gaze. Her stance was one of staunch support, wanting to push Spencer past his habitual overthinking.
Spencer nodded, feeling a bit more fortified by the support of his colleagues. Elle’s insistence on being blunt was exactly the nudge he needed. It was clear that subtlety had not served him well in this arena, and it was time for a change in strategy.
Throughout the week, Spencer made several more attempts to ask you out, each time with a bit more directness than the last, but somehow the message never quite landed. Each time deepening his frustration and your oblivious disappointment.
Spencer joined you at the coffee machine again, a site of many a casual encounter but today, he was armed with determination. "I was thinking," he began, carefully measuring his words, "that maybe you and I could try that new café downtown this Saturday."
You smiled, stirring your coffee absentmindedly, your mind on a deadline you were close to missing. "That sounds like a great break from work. It’ll be good to get the team out and about. Should I send an email to everyone?"
Spencer’s heart sank a little. "Uh, well, I meant more like a... never mind. Yes, let’s get everyone involved," he conceded, hiding his disappointment.
In the midst of discussing a particularly complex case, Spencer tried to weave in a personal invitation as naturally as he could. "And after we wrap this up, maybe you’d like to join me for dinner? I know a place that’s quiet, great for discussing... cases."
You nodded, focused intensely on the case details. "Oh yeah! I already told Pen I’d grab dinner with her after the case, do you want to join us?"
Spencer’s heart sank just a bit as he adjusted his glasses, a gesture that had become a telltale sign of his internal resignation. His intention of a quiet dinner, meant to create a private space for you and him, vanished with your invitation to Penelope. Still, he managed a smile, not wanting his disappointment to show.
“Sure, that sounds great,” Spencer replied, trying to keep his tone light and cheerful. Inside, however, he was strategizing his next move, wondering how he could ever convey his feelings without the constant backdrop of the team.
As the day progressed, his mind kept circling back to the conversation. He appreciated your inclusiveness—always making sure no one felt left out, a trait he admired deeply. Yet, he couldn’t help but wish for a moment where it could just be the two of you, away from the dynamics and distractions of the team.
As you both walked to the parking lot after a long day, Spencer decided to be as clear as he could. "I enjoy spending time with you," he said earnestly. "I was hoping we could maybe go out this weekend, just you and me. What do you think?"
You paused, turning to face him with a puzzled smile, unaware of the mounting frustration behind his calm demeanor. "Sure. What do you want to do? I heard of a nightclub that's supposed to have a disco on Saturdays, we could see if everyone is interested?”
Spencer’s patience, worn thin from repeated attempts, finally faltered. “That doesn’t really sound like my scene,” he replied, a note of desperation creeping into his voice as he motioned between the two of you. “Could we go somewhere more subdued? Just us?”
The simplicity of his request, paired with the intensity of his gesture, made you pause. "You want to hang out? With just me?" you asked, a hint of confusion lacing your words.
“Yes!” Spencer exclaimed, his voice echoing a bit louder than he intended in the quiet space between conversations around you. His hands were in the air, a gesture of his exasperation and earnestness. Realizing how his reaction might have seemed, he quickly lowered his hands and softened his tone. “I mean, yes, I would like to spend time with you. Just us. Maybe somewhere quiet where we can talk. Just... talk.”
Your heart was beating so fast you could barely contain it, “Just the two of us?” 
The realization struck you fully now, the words "just the two of us" hanging in the air, tinged with possibility. Spencer nodded, his eyes earnest and hopeful, watching for your reaction.
"Yes, just the two of us," he confirmed, his voice steadier now, filled with a quiet intensity. His gaze never wavered from yours, as if trying to convey all the sincerity he felt directly into your heart.
Your heart raced with the understanding of what he was asking, the implications of this simple request suddenly reshaping the narrative you had constructed in your mind about his feelings. The thought that Spencer, with his brilliant mind and shy demeanor, wanted to spend time alone with you, not for a case discussion or team outing but for something personal, sent a thrill of excitement mixed with nervous anticipation through you.
"Yeah, Spencer," you grinned, your heart still racing but excitement slowly overtaking your nerves. "That sounds nice. Um, I'm free Saturday."
"Saturday works for me," Spencer nodded, his own smile broadening with quiet confidence. "I'll call you?"
You nodded quickly, almost too eagerly, but you didn’t care. "Yeah, mhm, that sounds perfect."
For a moment, you both stood there, a shared anticipation buzzing in the air between you, neither wanting to break the connection just yet. When Spencer finally turned to leave, you found yourself smiling uncontrollably, the prospect of Saturday lingering in your mind, a warmth spreading through you that hadn't been there before.
Your excitement about the upcoming date with Spencer bubbled within you, yet you chose to keep it close to your chest. The thrill of it all felt so fragile, like a dream you didn’t want to jinx by sharing too soon with the rest of the team. This cautious optimism marked your days, turning ordinary moments into a series of hopeful glances at the calendar as Saturday approached.
Meanwhile, Spencer found himself seeking counsel from Elle, who was all too eager to lend her expertise, not just on potential date activities but on the more intimate aspects of dating as well, particularly women. Knowing Spencer’s limited experience—his only kiss having been with Lila Archer during a particularly intense case—Elle took it upon herself to offer some advice.
“Okay, Spencer, listen,” Elle began, her tone both serious and sisterly. “If the moment feels right and you think you want to kiss her, make sure you read her signals. It’s all about mutual understanding and respect, right?”
Spencer nodded, absorbing every word. Elle continued, “Make eye contact, see how she responds. If she seems receptive, maybe lean in halfway and let her meet you the rest of the way. It’s a two-way street.”
“Halfway,” Spencer repeated, mentally noting the advice. Elle’s directness and her willingness to discuss these details without any embarrassment provided him with a strange comfort.
“And, Reid, just be yourself. You’re a great guy. Let that show,” Elle added, giving him an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
Spencer felt nerves and gratitude at Elle’s advice, it was straightforward and practical, and helped ground him. He trusted her judgment, appreciating her sharing of her personal experience, especially when it came to navigating relationships—something he found infinitely more complex than the most puzzling cases.
The phone call on Saturday morning added to the bubbling excitement of the upcoming date. Spencer’s voice was clear and a tad nervous, which you found endearing. He promised a unique experience and asked you not to wear black, a request that piqued your curiosity and set your mind racing with possibilities. What kind of place would require such a specific dress code? The mystery only heightened your anticipation.
You quickly texted him your address, along with a playful note about your curiosity regarding the attire guidelines. Spencer replied with a simple smiley face, keeping the details of the date under wraps, which intrigued you even more.
As you prepared for the evening, you chose an outfit that was comfortable yet charming, avoiding black as instructed. The time leading up to Spencer’s arrival seemed to crawl by, each minute stretching longer than the last. You found yourself glancing at your reflection, adjusting your hair, and double-checking everything, ensuring you were ready when he arrived.
Finally, the sound of a car pulling up snapped you out of your reverie. Glancing out the window, you saw Spencer stepping out of his car, looking around with a nervous excitement that matched your own. 
As you stepped outside, your nerves fluttered slightly, but your smile was genuine when you saw Spencer waiting by his car. Waving shyly, you greeted him, "Hi, Spencer."
Spencer looked up, his eyes lighting up as he took in your appearance. "Y/N, you look great," he breathed out, his compliment wrapped in a warm smile that seemed to ease some of the tension between you.
"Thanks, I like your cardigan," you replied, noting the soft, well-worn cardigan he wore that somehow made him look even more approachable and endearing.
His smile widened at the compliment, and he seemed to relax a bit more. "Thanks! It's an old favorite," he admitted, holding the car door open for you. 
As you both stepped into the cozy, softly-lit space filled with the gentle sounds of purring and the occasional meow, Spencer immediately began sharing interesting facts about cats. “Did you know that ancient Egyptians considered cats sacred and even had a goddess named Bastet who was depicted as a lioness?” he said, looking into your eyes as you walked past a playful tabby.
Your response was a mix of admiration and amusement. “I didn’t know you were an expert on ancient cultures too,” you teased, feeling comfort and excitement as Spencer chuckled softly, clearly enjoying the opportunity to share his knowledge.
While playing with a particularly friendly cat, Spencer used the opportunity to flirt in his unique way. He gently lifted the cat, holding it out towards you. “It’s interesting how animals can facilitate social interactions, isn’t it? For instance, it's been found that people are more likely to engage in conversations in the presence of animals. They act as social lubricants.”
You laughed, reaching out to pet the cat and feeling a bit flustered by his proximity and the way he looked at you when talking about social dynamics. “Is that your subtle way of telling me you needed a furry wingman for our date?”
Spencer grinned, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Maybe, but it seems to be working, doesn’t it?”
“I don't know, say lubricant again,” you teased. Spencer's grin widened at your playful challenge, and the atmosphere between you sparked with a shared humor that made the moment light and enjoyable. 
He leaned in slightly, adopting a mock-serious tone, "Lubricant," he repeated, emphasizing the word, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
You laughed even harder, your eyes bright with amusement. "Hearing you say 'lubricant' is so funny!"
Spencer, caught up in your joy, couldn’t help but laugh along. “Why?” he asked, his own grin wide as your laughter proved infectious.
"It’s just... it can be a dirtier word," you giggled, trying to explain through your laughter. "And I can’t imagine our resident genius using the word lubricant!"
Spencer's laughter joined yours, ringing out genuinely as he caught the playful jab. The lightness of the moment brought a relaxed glow to his features. "I assure you, the application of the word was purely scientific," he teased back, still chuckling. 
The café around you seemed to buzz with the warmth of your shared amusement, creating an intimate bubble amidst the quiet hum of other patrons and the soft padding of cat paws. "I suppose," Spencer continued, his smile lingering, "I should be more careful with my vocabulary around you. You're giving me a whole new perspective on language."
Your laughter gradually subsided into a series of light chuckles, but your eyes were bright with delight. "I think I like this side of you, Spencer," you said, a playful sincerity in your voice. "It’s nice to see you in a different light, not just as the genius profiler but also someone who can joke around about...lubricants."
Spencer's eyes softened, clearly touched by your words. "I'm glad," he said softly, his voice carrying a note of appreciation. "It’s not often I get to show this side, and I’m happy to share it with you." 
As you observed the cats seemingly gravitate towards Spencer, who seemed both amused and delighted by their attention, an idea sparked in your mind. It was the perfect segue into a lighthearted flirtation, mixing your shared love for animals with a touch of mystical charm.
"You know, it’s said that animals, especially cats, have a keen sense of good and bad," you started, watching Spencer's reaction as a particularly fluffy cat chose his lap as its new throne. "They're often drawn to people with good auras. I guess they must sense something pretty great about you."
Spencer looked up, his expression a mix of surprise and pleasure at your comment. He laughed softly, a sound that warmed you to the core. "Is that so? Well, I must be on the right track then. Maybe they sense my excellent choice in company for this evening," he replied smoothly, his gaze locking with yours in a moment charged with a gentle intensity as a cat nuzzled its way into your lap as well.
Your heart fluttered slightly at his words, and you smiled, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks. "Oh, so we’re using cat behavior to gauge our decisions now?" you teased back, leaning in a little closer. "In that case, I think they’re on to something because I’m feeling pretty good about my choice too."
Spencer’s smile widened, and he reached over to gently nudge a playful kitten back onto the table, his actions thoughtful and tender. "I'll take that as a high compliment, coming from someone who clearly knows her way around cats and their mysterious ways," he said, his voice soft but filled with an underlying warmth that suggested he was as affected by the exchange as you were.
As the evening wound down, and the café began to prepare for closing, Spencer drove you home. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and you found yourself sharing little anecdotes from your childhood, while Spencer listened intently, always eager to learn more about you.
Before you knew it, you were standing in front of your home. The end of the evening had come too quickly, a sentiment you both silently acknowledged as you lingered at the doorstep, not quite ready to say goodbye.
"Y/N...I had a really nice time today," he said, his voice carrying a warmth that seemed to wrap the evening in a perfect close.
"Me too, Spencer, thank you for asking me. I was kind of shocked," you admitted, your words sincere and open. The evening had unfolded beautifully, but part of you had still been wrestling with the disbelief that it was all really happening.
"Really? Why?" Spencer's curiosity was piqued, his gaze intent on you, wanting to understand more.
You smiled shyly, a nervous habit kicking in as you rubbed behind your ear. "I just... liked you for so long, I never thought you were interested in me too," you confessed, the words tumbling out more easily than you'd expected. The truth had been a quiet companion for so long, and saying it aloud to Spencer felt both freeing and terrifying.
Spencer's expression softened even further, a gentle understanding coloring his features. "Y/N, I’ve been trying to ask you out for two weeks," he confessed. His chuckle was light, trying to ease the tension.
Spencer's revelation brought a mix of relief and amusement. "Really? I had no idea you were trying," you replied, a smile breaking across your face, reflecting both the surprise and joy of the moment.
He nodded, a bit of sheepishness showing through his usual composed demeanor. "Yes, it turns out I'm not as skilled in expressing personal interest as I am with criminal profiles," he admitted, his light laughter mingling with yours.
The air between you felt lighter, a shared understanding dawning that, despite the initial miscommunications, there was a genuine and mutual interest. "Well, I'm glad you kept trying," you said, your tone sincere. "And I'm sorry I didn't pick up on it sooner. I guess I was just scared to get my hopes up."
Spencer reached across the small space between you, his hand hesitating just a moment before gently taking yours. "No more missed signals, okay? Let's promise to be more straightforward with each other," he suggested, his gaze steady and reassuring.
You nodded, squeezing his hand in agreement, feeling a warmth spread through you at the contact. "It's a deal," you responded, your heart feeling both settled and exhilarated by the new promise laid between you.
“So... in honor of being straightforward…” Spencer began, his voice soft but steady, a shy smile playing on his lips. He stepped closer to you, his eyes searching yours, a quiet vulnerability in his gaze. Gently, he took both of your hands in his, his touch warm and reassuring. “Can I kiss you?”
Your heart raced, the moment feeling both tender and surreal. The way he held your hands, the genuine care in his voice—it was everything you'd hoped for, wrapped in Spencer’s uniquely thoughtful way. You felt yourself nod before you even spoke, your breath catching slightly. “Yes,” you whispered, smiling softly, your eyes never leaving his.
Spencer’s smile deepened with relief and excitement. Slowly, he leaned in, his movements deliberate and gentle, giving you every moment to close the gap as well. When your lips finally met, it was soft, sweet, and full of the promise that had been building between you for so long. The world seemed to pause, leaving just the two of you in that quiet, intimate moment, finally aligned in your shared feelings.
When you pulled back, there was a brief silence before you both laughed lightly, the tension melting away completely. "That was… nice," Spencer said, his voice low, his smile radiating warmth. 
"Yeah, it really was," you agreed, still feeling the butterflies in your chest as you held onto his hands just a little tighter. 
“Oh, and for the record,” Spencer chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he took in your reaction, “I don’t like Elle—romantically, of course. She’s my best friend.”
Your face flushed with sudden embarrassment, realizing he'd caught on to your earlier assumptions. “Oh, I—well, uh...” you stammered, struggling to find the right words.
Spencer's smile remained soft and reassuring. “It’s okay, Y/N,” he said warmly, squeezing your hands gently. “Elle is super gay, not sure how you missed that, and... I really like you.”
His words, so genuine and direct, melted away the last bit of tension you’d been holding onto. You laughed lightly, the awkwardness dissolving into relief. “Well, that’s good to know,” you said with a grin, finally allowing yourself to fully relax into the moment.
Spencer's grin mirrored yours as he added, “I just wanted to clear that up. No more misunderstandings.” His gaze softened as he looked at you, the weight of unspoken feelings now out in the open. 
“No more misunderstandings,” you agreed, feeling the warmth of his words and the certainty that everything between you was finally where it should be.
tag list <333 @dirtytissuebox @yokaimoon @khxna @noelliece @dreamsarebig @sleepey-looney @cocobean16 @placidus @criminalmindssworld @lilu842 @greatoperawombategg @charismatic-writer @fxoxo @hearts4spensco @furrybouquettrash @kathrynlakestone @chaneladdicted @time-himself @mentallyunwellsposts @sapph1re @idefktbh17 @gilwm @reggieswriter @loumouse @spencerreidsreads @i-live-in-spite @fanfic-viewer @bootylovers44 @atheniandrinkscoffee @niktwazny303 @dead-universe @hbwrelic @kniselle @cynbx @danielle143 @katemusic
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j-psilas · 9 months
Have you seen THIS (EVIL) MAN?
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This is the Silent Chief Yurt, a notorious character from FromSoftware's Demon's Souls. More specifically, it's concept art for the face beneath his armor, which, due to the game's technical limitations, is never revealed in-game.
Yurt is a nasty trick by the developers. Everything in Demon's Souls is permanent: quest choices, leveling, missable loot, and the lives and deaths of NPCs. The game trains you to be very careful with something as important as a key NPC, because they could just die permanently, leaving you without access to their associated quests and gameplay functions.
So with that in mind, you discover Yurt as a prisoner in a hanging cage, and naturally you free him.
Literally everything about this guy—his voice, his mannerisms, his sinister black armor—says that he is evil, and not to be trusted. Still you hesitate, because of what the game has taught you about NPCs thus far.
And if you hesitate for too long, and leave Yurt alive, he will assassinate nearly every key NPC in the hub area, one by one. No magic, no miracles, no advanced items, no quests. Your entire playthrough will be ruined because of this evil bastard.
So that's Yurt, who lives in infamy to this very day. They gave him a suitably villainous face design, no?
Cold, calculating, remorseless. Lacking both scruples and volumizing conditioner.
Imagine my surprise when, watching Death Note for the first time last year, I spotted this motherfucker sitting at a board room of sinister businessmen:
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This is Kyosuke Higuchi, a smarmy evil business executive—and yeah, he sure looks quite a lot like Yurt, doesn't he?
Sure, his hair is spikier, with more volume, but he has the distinctive widows peak, receded hairline, and long sideburn-like pieces. He also has the same long face, hollow cheeks, pointy chin, sharp nose and cheekbones, and narrow, suspicious eyes. The design suits him as well as it suits Yurt. He's more hot-headed than Yurt, more reckless and prone to mistakes, but he's murderous, duplicitous, and rotten to the core.
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When my partner @impossiblejellyfishfart and I first noted the similarity, we lost our ever-loving minds. It seemed improbable at first, but it made more sense as we mulled it over. Death Note aired from 2006-2007, a popular adaptation of a popular manga, and Demon's Souls was released in 2009, just two years after the end of Death Note.
With this timeline in mind, it seems likely that the character artist for Demon's Souls took inspiration from Higuchi's design—crumpled him up a bit, slicked his hair down, made him look more cold-blooded and serpentine. Yurt's face is only a quick sketchy portrait, after all, never seen in-game. Likely it was meant only to inspire the character's writing and vocal performance.
That was our assumption... until!
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This is the villain from Wicked City, a schlocky OVA from 1987 that my partner and I watched last weekend. (I don't recommend it, by the way. Visually interesting, textually vapid, morally repugnant; it's exactly what you'd expect from a sleazy unrated OVA. At best, it offers a glimpse into the period, and could be a valuable piece for a textual analysis. But it's miserable watching after the first twenty minutes or so.)
More to the point...
That's the same face again, right? That's nearly the same face!
Sure, he's missing the long, dangly sideburns, and his widow's peak his very slight—but it's a very similar face, about as different from Higuchi as Higuchi is from Yurt.
Upon recognizing the Evil Bastard Face™ here as well, we knew that it must be some kind of convention in Japanese animation, stretching further back than we'd initially thought. What is its origin point? What is the first major instance of this face appearing in popular screen media from Japan? I'm asking your assistance here, anime scholars of the Internet. When was this combination of facial features codified as "The Evil Bastard?"
Wicked City is derivative in many, many ways—I sincerely doubt it was the first appearance of Evil Bastard Face. Can you all find an example that predates 1987?
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likealittleheartbeat · 6 months
this is more of a personal ask so if you do not feel comfortable answering it, feel free to ignore.
what did u mean in your previous post about 'finding your lane finally'? what profession/outlet did u find for writing about your interests if i may ask?:) it just sounds interesting!
So I really have never enjoyed the career I’ve been in, and I’ve been considering grad school for a long time (even did a semester in a professional track counseling program that I did fine in but really did not enjoy). I read academic texts for fun, which no one else I’ve met does, so it seemed like the best path. But I have always struggled to feel confident in figuring out which field would really let me integrate all my interests that I could reasonably break into without having to do a whole bunch of extra work. I’ve considered studying Literature bcuz I love literary fiction, thematic analysis, structuralism, and literary hermeneutics; Film Studies bcuz I love a lot of tv and film but I’m not super into the more masculine parts of the canon nor as many technical aspects of the craft; Gender and Sexuality Studies to get at the focus on queer subjectivity and dynamics that are a core interest for me; History since I was a history major in undergrad and still really enjoy that type of research; Religious Studies so ai can dive into Buddhist and Reformed Christian religious ideas; even American Studies so I can touch on indigeneity, colonialism, and gender in American contexts, which is another special interest of mine.
But none of those fields felt like they’d let me obsess over the contemporary tv and movies that form the hub from which all those other interests spring. American studies felt close, but I really wanted to study media beyond its American context when applicable, and I really don’t care about a lot of political and legal mechanisms tbh unless the stuff I’m watching is engaging with them.
Today while reading a book of essays on the development and impacts of the Boys Love genre in Asia, I was looking at what each of the scholars studied in (I’ve done this a lot as I’ve been trying to figure out what to do) and one of them, whose writing and analysis was inspiring me, had studied Media Studies. A lightbulb turned on.
It’s wild because media studies was my sister’s major in undergrad, and I even edited and helped develop her essays throughout college and her final thesis. It had never occurred to me, though. I realized media studies would let me explore the development, content, conveyance, and reception of all the stuff that makes me feel the most fulfilled 🥰 And I could take it toward working in the tv industry or, probs more likely, a career in academia (which I know has plenty of it’s own issues and criticisms but it also seems like it might possibly be a great fit for me personally).
But yeah, that’s the realization I had today. Just feels good to have some clarity.
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Digital Marketing Course Content
Fundamentals of Digital marketing & Its Significance, Traditional marketing Vs Digital Marketing, Evolution of Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Landscape, Key Drivers, Digital Consumer & Communities, Gen Y & Netizen’s expectation & influence wrt Digital Marketing.  The Digital users in India, Digital marketing Strategy- Consumer Decision journey,
POEM Framework, Segmenting & Customizing messages, Digital advertising Market in India, Skills in Digital Marketing, Digital marketing Plan.  Terminology used in Digital Marketing, PPC and online marketing through social media, Social Media Marketing, SEO techniques, Keyword advertising, Google web-master and analytics overview, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile marketing
Display adverting, Buying Models, different type of ad tools, Display advertising terminology, types of display ads, different ad formats, Ad placement techniques, Important ad terminology, Programmatic Digital Advertising.
Social Media Marketing
Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing& its significance, Necessity of Social media Marketing, Building a Successful strategy: Goal Setting, Implementation.  Facebook Marketing: Facebook for Business, Facebook Insight, Different types of Ad formats, Setting up Facebook Advertising Account, Facebook audience & types, Designing Facebook Advertising campaigns, Facebook Avatar, Apps, Live, Hashtags  LinkedIn Marketing: Importance of LinkedIn presence, LinkedIn Strategy, Content Strategy, LinkedIn analysis, Targeting, Ad Campaign  Twitter Marketing:- Basics, Building a content strategy, Twitter usage, Twitter Ads, Twitter ad campaigns, Twitter Analytics, Twitter Tools and tips for mangers. Instagram & Snapchat basics.
Search Engine Optimization
Introduction to SEO, How Search engine works, SEO Phases, History Of SEO, How SEO Works, What is Googlebot (Google Crawler), Types Of SEO technique, Keywords, Keyword Planner tools  On page Optimization, Technical Elements, HTML tags, Schema.org, RSS Feeds, Microsites, Yoast SEO Plug-in  Off page Optimization- About Off page optimization, Authority & hubs, Backlink, Blog Posts, Press Release, Forums, Unnatural links.  Social media Reach- Video Creation & Submission, Maintenance- SEO tactics, Google search Engine, Other Suggested tools
Advertising Tools & Its Optimization
Advertising & its importance, Digital Advertising, Different Digital Advertisement, Performance of Digital Advertising:- Process & players, Display Advertising Media, Digital metrics  Buying Models- CPC, CPM, CPL, CPA, fixed Cost/Sponsorship, Targeting:- Contextual targeting, remarking, Demographics , Geographic & Language Targeting.  Display adverting, different type of ad tools, Display advertising terminology, types of display ads, different ad formats, Ad placement techniques, Important ad terminology, ROI measurement techniques, AdWords & Adsense.  YouTube Advertising:- YouTube Channels, YouTube Ads, Type of Videos, Buying Models, Targeting & optimization, Designing & monitoring Video Campaigns, Display campaigns
Website Hosting Using Word Press
Website Planning & Development- Website, Types of Websites, Phases of website development, Keywords: Selection process  Domain & Web Hosting:- Domain, Types of Domain, Where to Buy Domain, Webhosting, How to buy Webhosting  Building Website using Word press-What is Word press, CMS, Post and Page  Word press Plug-ins- Different Plug-ins, social media Plug-ins, page builder plug-ins: the elementor, how to insert a section, how to insert logo, Google Micro sites
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charlierakib · 8 months
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facebook ads manager
How to set up your facebook ads manager
Introduction to Facebook Ads Manager
Why Facebook Ads Manager is Essential
2.1 Benefits of Using Facebook Ads Manager
2.2 Targeted Advertising
2.3 Budget Control and Optimization
2. Setting Up Your Facebook Ads Manager Account
3.1 Creating a Business Manager Account
3.2 Linking Facebook Pages and Ad Accounts
3.3 Understanding Account Structure
3. Navigating the Facebook Ads Manager Dashboard
4.1 Overview of Dashboard Sections
4.2 Customizing Columns for Insights
4.3 Utilizing Filters for Data Analysis
4. Creating Effective Ad Campaigns
5.1 Choosing Ad Objectives
5.2 Defining Target Audience
5.3 Setting Budgets and Schedules
5. Designing Compelling Ad Creatives
6.1 Image and Video Best Practices
6.2 Crafting Engaging Ad Copy
6.3 Call-to-Action Strategies
6. Understanding Ad Metrics and Analytics
7.1 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
7.2 Interpreting Data for Optimization
7.3 A/B Testing for Improved Performance
7. Troubleshooting Common Issues in Facebook Ads Manager
8.1 Ad Disapprovals and Policy Compliance
8.2 Billing and Payment Concerns
8.3 Technical Glitches and Solutions
8. Advanced Tips for Facebook Ads Manager
9.1 Dynamic Ads and Product Catalogs
9.2 Retargeting Strategies
9.3 Lookalike Audiences for Expansion
9. Staying Updated with Facebook Ads Manager Changes
10.1 Facebook Updates and New Features
10.2 Adapting Strategies to Algorithm Changes
10. Success Stories: Brands Excelling with Facebook Ads Manager
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
12.1 Overlooking Analytics Insights
12.2 Ignoring Audience Feedback
12.3 Neglecting Mobile Optimization
11. Future Trends in Facebook Advertising
13.1 Integration with Virtual Reality
13.2 Artificial Intelligence in Ad Targeting
13.3 Social Commerce Opportunities
12. Conclusion
13. FAQs About Facebook Ads Manager
15.1 How can I set a realistic budget for my Facebook ad campaigns?
15.2 What is the relevance score, and how does it impact ad performance?
15.3 Can I run ads on Instagram through Facebook Ads Manager?
15.4 How often should I update my ad creatives for optimal results?
15.5 Are there any industry-specific tips for successful Facebook advertising?
Facebook Ads Manager: Navigating the Landscape of Digital Advertising
In today’s digital age, advertising has evolved into a sophisticated landscape, and Facebook Ads Manager stands at the forefront of this revolution. As businesses strive to connect with their target audience in meaningful ways, understanding the intricacies of Facebook Ads Manager becomes paramount.
Introduction to Facebook Ads Manager
Facebook Ads Manager is a comprehensive tool designed to empower businesses in creating, managing, and optimizing their Facebook and Instagram advertisements. It provides a centralized platform for every aspect of the advertising process, from setting up campaigns to analyzing performance metrics.
Why Facebook Ads Manager is Essential
Benefits of Using Facebook Ads Manager
In the vast realm of online advertising, Facebook Ads Manager offers a myriad of benefits that can significantly impact the success of your marketing campaigns.
Targeted Advertising
One of the key advantages of Facebook Ads Manager is its unparalleled ability to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This level of precision ensures that your ads are reaching the right audience, maximizing the return on investment.
Budget Control and Optimization
Unlike traditional advertising methods, Facebook Ads Manager allows you to have complete control over your budget. You can set daily or lifetime budgets, giving you the flexibility to optimize spending based on real-time performance.
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Creating a Business Manager Account
Before delving into the world of Facebook advertising, it’s essential to set up a Business Manager account. This centralized hub lets you manage all aspects of your business on Facebook, including ad accounts, pages, and team members.
Linking Facebook Pages and Ad Accounts
Once your Business Manager account is ready, the next step is linking your Facebook pages and ad accounts. This streamlined process ensures seamless coordination between your organic content and paid advertisements.
Understanding Account Structure
Facebook Ads Manager operates within a hierarchical structure, comprising ad campaigns, ad sets, and individual ads. Understanding this framework is crucial for effective campaign management and optimization.
Navigating the Facebook Ads Manager Dashboard
Overview of Dashboard Sections
The dashboard is the command center of your advertising efforts. Familiarizing yourself with its various sections, such as Campaigns, Ad Sets, and Ads, is vital for efficient navigation.
Customizing Columns for Insights
Tailoring the columns displayed on your dashboard provides deeper insights into ad performance. By including relevant metrics like click-through rate and conversion rates, you can make data-driven decisions.
Utilizing Filters for Data Analysis
Filters are powerful tools within Facebook Ads Manager that allow you to isolate specific data for analysis. Whether you’re examining the performance of a single ad or an entire campaign, filters enhance your ability to draw actionable conclusions.
Creating Effective Ad Campaigns
Choosing Ad Objectives
Every successful ad campaign starts with a clear objective. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or generating leads, selecting the right ad objective sets the foundation for success.
Defining Target Audience
The heart of effective advertising lies in understanding your target audience. Facebook Ads Manager lets you define your audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring your message resonates with the right people.
Setting Budgets and Schedules
The financial aspect of advertising is a crucial factor. With Facebook Ads Manager, you can set daily or lifetime budgets, control ad delivery schedules, and allocate resources strategically for optimal results.
Designing Compelling Ad Creatives
Image and Video Best Practices
Visual appeal is paramount in capturing audience attention. Learn the best practices for creating eye-catching images and videos that convey your message effectively.
Crafting Engaging Ad Copy
Compelling ad copy complements striking visuals. Explore strategies for writing copy that resonates with your audience and encourages them to take the desired action.
Call-to-Action Strategies
A well-crafted call-to-action (CTA) is the final nudge that converts potential customers into actual ones. Discover effective CTA strategies that prompt users to engage with your ads.
Understanding Ad Metrics and Analytics
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Monitoring key performance indicators is crucial for gauging the success of your campaigns. From click-through rates to conversion metrics, each KPI provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your ads.
Interpreting Data for Optimization
Data is only as valuable as your ability to interpret it. Facebook Ads Manager offers a wealth of analytics; understanding how to leverage this data ensures ongoing optimization for better results.
A/B Testing for Improved Performance
A/B testing involves experimenting with different ad elements to determine what resonates best with your audience. Implementing A/B tests within Facebook Ads Manager can lead to valuable insights and improved campaign performance.
Troubleshooting Common Issues in Facebook Ads Manager
Ad Disapprovals and Policy Compliance
Navigating Facebook’s ad policies is essential to prevent disapprovals. Understand the common reasons for ad rejections and ensure compliance with Facebook’s guidelines.
Billing and Payment Concerns
Smooth ad operations require hassle-free billing. Address common billing and payment issues to ensure uninterrupted advertising.
Technical Glitches and Solutions
In the digital realm, technical glitches can occur. Familiarize yourself with common technical issues and their solutions to maintain a seamless advertising experience.
Advanced Tips for Facebook Ads Manager
Dynamic Ads and Product Catalogs
Take your advertising to the next level with dynamic ads and product catalogs. Learn how to showcase relevant products to users who have shown interest, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
Retargeting Strategies
Retargeting allows you to re-engage users who have interacted with your brand. Explore retargeting strategies to bring back potential customers and boost conversion rates.
Lookalike Audiences for Expansion
Lookalike audiences enable you to reach users similar to your existing customer base. Understand how to leverage this feature for audience expansion and increased brand visibility.
Staying Updated with Facebook Ads Manager Changes
Facebook Updates and New Features
The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and so is Facebook Ads Manager. Stay abreast of the latest updates and features to ensure your advertising strategies remain cutting-edge.
Adapting Strategies to Algorithm Changes
Facebook’s algorithms determine ad delivery and visibility. Learn how to adapt your strategies to algorithm changes for continued success in reaching your target audience.
Success Stories: Brands Excelling with Facebook Ads Manager
Explore real-world success stories of businesses that have leveraged Facebook Ads Manager to achieve remarkable results. Gain inspiration and insights from their journeys to apply to your own campaigns.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Overlooking Analytics Insights
Failure to analyze and act upon analytics insights can hinder your advertising success. Avoid common pitfalls by regularly reviewing performance data and making data-driven decisions.
Ignoring Audience Feedback
Audience feedback is invaluable for refining your ad strategy. Pay attention to comments, messages, and reviews to understand your audience’s sentiments and adjust your approach accordingly.
Neglecting Mobile Optimization
With a significant portion of users accessing Facebook on mobile devices, neglecting mobile optimization can lead to missed opportunities. Ensure your ads are mobile-friendly for a seamless user experience.
Future Trends in Facebook Advertising
Integration with Virtual Reality
The future of advertising may involve immersive experiences through virtual reality. Explore the potential integration of virtual reality into Facebook Ads Manager for innovative and engaging campaigns.
Artificial Intelligence in Ad Targeting
Harness the power of artificial intelligence for more precise ad targeting. Learn about the emerging trends and tools that utilize AI to enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns.
Social Commerce Opportunities
As social commerce gains momentum, discover how Facebook Ads Manager can facilitate direct shopping experiences within the platform. Stay ahead of the curve by exploring social commerce opportunities.
In conclusion, Facebook Ads Manager is not just a tool; it’s a powerhouse for businesses aiming to thrive in the digital marketplace. From precise targeting to creative ad design and continuous optimization, mastering the nuances of Facebook Ads Manager can elevate your advertising game to unprecedented heights.
FAQs About Facebook Ads Manager
1. How can I set a realistic budget for my Facebook ad campaigns?
Setting a realistic budget involves understanding your business goals, audience size, and the expected cost per result. Start small, monitor performance, and adjust accordingly.
2. What is the relevance score, and how does it impact ad performance?
The relevance score measures the relevance and engagement level of your ads. Higher scores often lead to lower costs and better placement within users’ feeds.
3. Can I run ads on Instagram through Facebook Ads Manager?
Yes, Facebook Ads Manager allows seamless integration with Instagram. You can create and manage your Instagram ads within the same platform.
4. How often should I update my ad creatives for optimal results?
Regularly updating ad creatives prevents ad fatigue and keeps your content fresh. Consider refreshing your creatives every few weeks to maintain audience interest.
5. Are there any industry-specific tips for successful Facebook advertising?
Each industry has its nuances, but universal principles like understanding your audience, compelling creatives, and continuous optimization apply. Tailor your strategy based on your industry’s unique characteristics.
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study-in-uk-msm-unify · 9 months
Emerging Industries: Opportunities in the UK Job Market
Planning to study in the UK? Want to explore career opportunities in the United Kingdom?
In the ever-evolving world, the UK stands as a hub for innovation and growth, bringing numerous emerging sectors that offer promising career prospects. As technology continues to reshape the global economy, several industries in the UK have captured attention, presenting exciting opportunities for job seekers and entrepreneurs alike. Take a look at some of the career opportunities you could take advantage of.  
1. Fintech (Financial Technology)
The UK has strengthened its position as a leading fintech hub, with London being a prominent center for financial innovation. Fintech includes a wide array of sectors, including mobile payments, blockchain, and cybersecurity. Job opportunities in this field span software development, data analysis, financial consultancy, and regulatory compliance.
2. Technology and IT 
In the emerging era of the digital world, technology continues to dominate businesses worldwide. As, a result the demand for technologically advanced professionals tends to rise. Software developers, data analysts, cybersecurity experts, and artificial intelligence specialists roles are in high demand. With the increasing use of technologies and the need for innovative solutions, these roles offer tremendous growth opportunities and competitive salaries. 
3. Healthtech
The combination of healthcare and technology has given rise to HealthTech, a sector dedicated to enhancing medical services through innovative solutions. From telemedicine to health analytics and AI-driven diagnostics, HealthTech offers diverse career paths for healthcare professionals, software developers, data scientists, and researchers.
4. Renewable energy and sustainability
With an increased focus on sustainability and combating climate change, the UK has been investing significantly in renewable energy sources. Wind, solar, and hydroelectric power are among the sectors experiencing rapid growth. Job roles in renewable energy range from engineering and project management to research and policy development, catering to those passionate about environmental conservation.
5. Cybersecurity
With the increasing frequency of cyber threats, the demand for cybersecurity experts is on the rise. Businesses and governments are investing heavily in safeguarding digital infrastructure. Job roles in cybersecurity encompass ethical hacking, network security, data protection, and risk analysis, presenting ample opportunities for skilled professionals in this field.
6. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
AI and machine learning are revolutionizing various industries, including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. The UK is fostering innovation in AI research and development, offering roles in AI programming, data engineering, robotics, and AI ethics.
7. Creative industries
The UK has a rich heritage in the creative sector, encompassing fields like media, design, gaming, and entertainment. Roles in creative industries span from content creation and graphic design to video production and game development, appealing to individuals with artistic and technical skills.
In conclusion, the UK job market is filled with opportunities within emerging industries, showing the nation's commitment to innovation and progress. Whether one's passion lies in sustainability, technology, healthcare, or creative endeavors, these sectors offer an array of possibilities for career growth and contribution to shaping the future.
By embracing change, acquiring relevant skills, and staying adaptable, individuals can position themselves to thrive in these dynamic and promising industries, contributing to both personal success and the advancement of these transformative sectors in the UK.
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karangoly · 11 months
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Hotel Aroma Chandigarh, nestled in the heart of the city, is no ordinary hotel. It’s a hub for Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Events (MICE) that brings together key players, stunning venues, a variety of meeting types, and faces the challenges and opportunities within the industry.
Key Players
At Hotel Aroma Chandigarh, key players come together to create unforgettable MICE experiences:• Hotel Staff: From event coordinators to chefs, they ensure that every aspect of your event is impeccable. • Event Planners: Collaborate with hotel staff to design and execute events that leave a lasting impression. • Technology Partners: Provide state-of-the-art equipment to make presentations and conferences seamless.
The venue is the heart of every MICE event, and Hotel Aroma Chandigarh offers an array of versatile spaces. Whether you’re hosting a conference, a seminar, an exhibition, or an incentive trip, this hotel provides the ideal backdrop for your event.
Meeting Types
Hotel Aroma Chandigarh caters to a wide range of meeting types:• Conferences: Ideal for large gatherings of industry professionals, equipped with modern facilities. • Seminars: Perfect for educational and interactive sessions in a comfortable setting. • Incentive Travel: Reward your top performers with a memorable stay in Chandigarh. • Exhibitions: Showcase your products and services in elegant exhibition spaces.
Every MICE event comes with its unique set of challenges:• Logistics: Ensuring attendees’ smooth arrival and departure. • Budget Constraints: Making the most of your budget without compromising on quality. • Technology Hiccups: Handling technical issues swiftly and effectively.
SWOT Analysis
Now, let’s conduct a SWOT analysis of MICE at Hotel Aroma Chandigarh:• Strengths: Aroma Chandigarh’s central location, experienced staff, and state-of-the-art facilities are its strong points. • Weaknesses: Potential limitations could include space availability and the need for flexible scheduling. • Opportunities: The rise of hybrid and virtual events provides exciting prospects for the future. • Threats: Economic uncertainties and travel restrictions may pose challenges.
In conclusion, Hotel Aroma Chandigarh stands as a dynamic and versatile venue for MICE events, with a dedicated team of key players who ensure success. The hotel offers a range of meeting types to suit diverse needs, and while challenges are part of the journey, a well-executed SWOT analysis shows the ability to adapt and thrive.
MICE events at Hotel Aroma Chandigarh are about more than just business; they are experiences that leave a mark. Whether you’re planning a conference, a seminar, an exhibition, or an incentive trip, this hotel provides the perfect stage for your event, with the support of an exceptional team
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infinity-trading · 11 months
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beevean · 1 year
I have a question: does Sonic Advance 3 let you replay levels? I saw your team analysis post and had the idea for a challenge run that involves using the worst possible team as soon as both characters are available. But if level replays are a thing, it would technically make all levels possible with all teams.
Advance 3 has a hub world system, where every zone has a little hub world that contains 3 acts + the boss (if you've played Kirby's Adventure, it's almost like that). You don't even have to play all acts in order, but the boss will only unlock once you beat them all. You can access previously beaten zones through the Sonic Factory, where you also change teams.
Also, once you beat the game, you unlock the Time Attack where you simply select the team and the act you want to play. There is a category of speed run called All Stages that relies on Time Attack to make things easier, while the Any% and the 100% categories are bound to the limits of having to navigate the hub worlds (so team swaps are discouraged, mostly performed after every level and by resetting the whole game lol)
I have some challenge runs in mind, yes :P an interesting one I saw was using exclusively teams with Knuckles lol.
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foodandbeverages · 1 year
Organic Acid Market Potential Growth, Share, Demand And Analysis Of Key Players- Analysis Forecasts To 2032
In 2022, it is anticipated that the organic acids market will reach US$ 11.3 billion. The market for organic acid is expected to reach US$ 18.8 Bn by 2032, growing at a constant CAGR of 5.3% throughout the projected period.
Market prospects are anticipated to be favorable due to the expanding use of organic acids in the food and beverage industry. In addition, during the course of the projection period, there will be chances for market expansion due to the rising demand for organic acid alternatives.
These acids have multiple applications in animal feed industry to inhibit bacterial growth and provide hosts with nutritional content. They are used in cosmetics to get rid of dead cells and nourish skin. Owing to these factors, demand for organic acids is expected to rise in the forthcoming years.
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Consumers are adopting a healthy lifestyle and are conscious about the intake of any products that contain chemical ingredients which be harsh on their skin or cause any side effects because of daily consumption.
Consumer preference for brands that are offering organic products without harmful chemical additives is expected to influence the demand for organic acids. To fulfil rising consumer demand for natural products, manufacturers are developing technologies and clean label products that do not cause any harm to environment and human health.
Asia Pacific is expected to witness surge in demand for organic acids due to less stringent policies. North America is expected to be the hub for manufacturing and export of different organic acids due to easy availability of infrastructure and technical know-how.
“Growing preference for clean label products across the food & beverage sector, coupled with increasing incorporation of organic acids in animal feed will steer growth in the market over the forecast period,” says an FMI analyst. 
Key Takeaways:
The     organic acid market is expected to grow at CAGR of 5.2% and 4.2% in North     America and the Latin America, respectively, through 2032.
Asia     Pacific is expected to account for 30% of the total organic acid market     share share.
The     Europe organic acid market is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 4.5 Bn     over the forecast period.
Total     sales in the U.S. organic acids market will reach a valuation of US$ 2.1     Bn in 2022.
The     India organic acid market valuation will total US$ 1.07 Bn in 2022.
By     application, sales in the poultry and farming segment are projected to     account for 30% of the total market share.
Based     on product type, demand for citric acid will continue gaining traction.
Competitive Landscape
Key organic acid manufacturers are focusing on research & development to offer various products with no chemical additives. Key players are collaborating and developing new products to penetrate untapped markets. For instance:
Eastman     Chemical Company announced the acquisition of 3F Feed & Food, a     European pioneer in the commercial and technical producer of livestock     feed and human food additives. 3F’s operations and assets, which are based     in Spain, will improve and support Eastman’s animal nutrition industry’s     sustained future demand and will be integrated into the company’s     Additives & Functional Products division.
Explore More Valuable Insights
Future Market Insights, in its new report, offers an impartial analysis of the global reduced fat butter market, presenting historical data (2017-2021) and estimation statistics for the forecast period of 2022-2032.
The study offers compelling insights based on  Product Type (Lactic Acid, Formic Acid,  Acetic Acid, Citric Acid,  Propionic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Gluconic Acid, Fumaric Acid), Application (Poultry and Farming, Pharmaceuticals, Industrial, Food & Beverages)Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Oceania, MEA).
Frequently Asked Questions
How     much is the global organic acid market worth?
What     is the demand outlook forecast for the organic acid market?
At     what rate did the demand for organic acid grow between 2027 to 2021?
At     what rate will organic acid demand grow in Europe?
What     is the North America organic acid market outlook?
Empower your business strategy with our comprehensive report on the organic acid market@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/global-organic-acids-market
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Unearthing Marketing Gold: How Reddit Inspires Creative Strategies
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In the highly dynamic world of marketing, novelty is a prized commodity. The ceaseless search for fresh perspectives and innovative tactics often leads marketers far and wide, even to unconventional platforms. One such platform is Reddit, a vibrant online community with many unique ideas and trends.
Dive into the digital mosaic that is Reddit, a platform that serves not just as a social news aggregator, a web content ratings hotspot, and a buzzing forum for riveting discussions but also increasingly as a burgeoning hub for inventive marketing strategies. As the marketing world begins to uncover the vast potential of this dynamic platform, Reddit is being recognized as a veritable gold mine for creative strategies.
On this unique global stage, internet users convene to share a diverse range of content, from intriguing text posts to hyper-relevant direct links. Each submission invites engagement and discussion, with users affectionately known as ‘Redditors,’ holding power to upvote or downvote content, directly influencing its visibility and popularity.
These dynamic interactions occur within distinct Reddit niches, lovingly called ‘subreddits.’ Each subreddit is a self-contained community with a specific theme, topic, or interest and a dedicated set of followers. With its multifaceted nature, Reddit is more than just a platform; it’s a canvas for your voice, your story, and your perspective to contribute to a larger, ever-evolving conversation. Delve into Reddit and experience a world where every voice matters and every idea could be the seed of the next big marketing breakthrough.
The Reddit Advantage
So, how does Reddit hold value for marketers? Reddit’s strength lies in its unique structure and demographic. As of 2023, Reddit boasts over 62 million daily active users worldwide. This user base is highly diverse, spanning various interests, professions, and cultures. Most importantly, these users form an engaged, vocal community rich in ideas and discussions. This makes Reddit a fertile ground for marketers to source inspiration and insights.
Subreddits are the bedrock of Reddit’s functionality. They are communities centered around specific topics, and there’s a subreddit for almost every interest imaginable. These subreddits harbor user-generated content and discussions, presenting a unique opportunity for marketers to tap into niche markets and generate highly-targeted campaigns.
Technical Tactics: Mining Reddit for Marketing Ideas
Here’s where we delve into the technicalities of harnessing Reddit’s potential for marketing strategies.
Keyword and Trend Monitoring: By leveraging data analysis tools like RedditInsight or Later for Reddit, marketers can track trending topics, keywords, and user sentiments across different subreddits. This enables a timely and data-driven approach to marketing idea generation.
Competitor Analysis: Marketers can follow subreddits related to their industry or competitors to gain valuable insights. Reddit users often share honest opinions and experiences about products and services, which can guide marketers in refining their own offerings.
Audience Engagement: Marketers can actively participate in subreddit discussions about their niche. This not only helps in gaining firsthand knowledge of consumer preferences but also builds credibility within the community. However, respecting community norms and avoiding overt advertising is crucial, which can lead to a backlash.
AMA (Ask Me Anything) Sessions: Hosting an AMA session on a relevant subreddit can be a powerful way to connect with a target audience. It boosts visibility and enhances the brand image by showcasing transparency and willingness to engage.
Content Promotion: Original, valuable, and non-promotional content can be shared on relevant subreddits to drive traffic and improve brand visibility. The key here is to ensure the content adds value to the subreddit and abides by its rules.
In conclusion, with its vibrant and engaged communities, Reddit presents a rich ground for marketers to source fresh ideas and connect with their target audience. By understanding its unique structure and dynamics and by leveraging data analysis tools, marketers can unearth a wealth of creative strategies, thereby striking marketing gold.
However, it’s essential to remember that Reddit is a community-driven platform, and successful marketing on Reddit relies heavily on genuine engagement and respect for community norms. In the Reddit sphere, the golden rule is value first, marketing second.
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sealinfotech · 15 hours
SAP Consulting Company in Dubai: Your Trusted Partner for SAP S/4 HANA Solutions
Dubai, a global business hub, is known for its fast-paced growth and adoption of cutting-edge technologies. Among these, SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing) stands out as a game-changer for businesses aiming to streamline operations and enhance productivity. With the rise of digital transformation, SAP S/4 HANA has become an indispensable tool for organizations seeking real-time analytics and simplified processes. This is where a reliable SAP Consulting Company in Dubai comes into play.
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Why Choose SAP S/4 HANA?
SAP S/4 HANA is the next-generation enterprise resource planning (ERP) suite designed to help businesses run simple in a digital and networked world. It offers a high degree of flexibility, enabling companies to innovate and adapt to new business models and environments. Here are some key benefits of adopting SAP S/4 HANA:
Real-Time Analytics: SAP S/4 HANA allows businesses to access and analyze data in real-time, leading to faster decision-making and improved efficiency.
Simplified Processes: With its streamlined architecture, SAP S/4 HANA reduces the complexity of IT landscapes, making it easier for businesses to manage their operations.
Enhanced Performance: Its in-memory database technology ensures quicker data processing and improved performance for business applications.
User-Friendly Interface: The SAP Fiori user experience (UX) offers an intuitive interface that makes it easier for employees to interact with the system.
Scalability and Flexibility: SAP S/4 HANA can be scaled according to business needs, making it suitable for companies of all sizes and industries.
The Role of a SAP Consulting Company in Dubai
Implementing SAP S/4 HANA in Dubai is a complex process that requires expertise and experience. This is where a SAP consulting company in Dubai becomes crucial. From initial assessment to implementation and post-go-live support, a professional consulting firm offers end-to-end services to ensure a successful SAP S/4 HANA deployment.
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1. Assessment and Strategy Development
The first step in any SAP S/4 HANA implementation is to understand the business requirements and develop a comprehensive strategy. A SAP consulting company in Dubai will assess the existing IT landscape, identify gaps, and create a roadmap for the transition to SAP S/4 HANA. This involves:
Business Process Analysis: Understanding the current business processes and identifying areas for improvement.
Customization Needs: Determining the need for custom solutions based on unique business requirements.
Data Migration Plan: Developing a strategy for migrating data from legacy systems to the new SAP environment.
2. Implementation and Integration
Once the strategy is in place, the implementation phase begins. This involves configuring the SAP S/4 HANA system according to the business needs, integrating it with other applications, and ensuring seamless data flow across the organization. The key activities during this phase include:
System Configuration: Setting up the SAP S/4 HANA system to align with business processes.
Integration with Existing Systems: Ensuring that SAP S/4 HANA integrates smoothly with existing software applications such as CRM, HR, and supply chain management systems.
User Training and Change Management: Training employees on the new system and managing the change to minimize disruptions.
3. Post-Implementation Support and Optimization
The role of a SAP consulting company in Dubai doesn’t end with the go-live. Post-implementation support is essential to address any issues that arise and to optimize the system for better performance. This includes:
Troubleshooting and Issue Resolution: Addressing any technical or functional issues that may arise after the system goes live.
System Optimization: Analyzing system performance and making adjustments to improve efficiency.
Ongoing Training and Support: Providing continuous support and training to ensure that employees can make the most of the new system.
Why Choose SEAL Infotech for SAP S/4 HANA in Dubai?
As a leading SAP consulting company in Dubai, SEAL Infotech has a proven track record of delivering successful SAP S/4 HANA implementations across various industries. Here’s what sets us apart:
1. Expertise and Experience
Our team of certified SAP consultants has extensive experience in implementing SAP S/4 HANA solutions for businesses of all sizes. We bring deep industry knowledge and technical expertise to every project, ensuring a smooth and efficient implementation.
2. Customized Solutions
We understand that every business is unique. That’s why we offer customized SAP S/4 HANA solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to streamline your supply chain, improve financial reporting, or enhance customer engagement, we’ve got you covered.
3. Comprehensive Support
From initial assessment to post-go-live support, we provide end-to-end services to ensure a successful SAP S/4 HANA deployment. Our support doesn’t end with implementation; we’re here to help you optimize and maintain your system for long-term success.
4. Commitment to Innovation
At SEAL Infotech, we’re committed to staying at the forefront of technology and innovation. We continuously update our skills and knowledge to bring you the latest SAP solutions that can drive your business forward.
In today’s fast-paced business environment, having the right technology partner is essential for success. As a trusted SAP consulting company in Dubai, SEAL Infotech is dedicated to helping businesses harness the power of SAP S/4 HANA to achieve their goals. With our expertise, customized solutions, and comprehensive support, we ensure that your SAP S/4 HANA journey is smooth, efficient, and successful. Contact us today to learn how we can help your business thrive with SAP S/4 HANA in Dubai.
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wigilham · 15 hours
Social Trade Copier Discord Community
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GDPR Certification in Bangalore: A Path to Data Protection Compliance
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In an era where data is increasingly valuable, organizations must prioritize the protection of personal information. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), introduced by the European Union, serves as a comprehensive framework for protecting personal data and upholding privacy rights. Although it is an EU regulation, its impact is global, and organizations in Bangalore that deal with EU citizens’ data must comply with GDPR requirements. GDPR Certification in Bangalore is a crucial step for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to data protection, enhance consumer trust, and avoid hefty penalties for non-compliance.
In this blog, we explore GDPR implementation, services, and audits in Bangalore, detailing how organizations in this dynamic city can ensure they meet the stringent data protection standards of the regulation.
GDPR Implementation in Bangalore
GDPR implementation is essential for companies in Bangalore that handle the personal data of individuals residing in the European Union. Despite being geographically distant, businesses in the city—ranging from IT service providers to e-commerce platforms—are often engaged in global transactions, making GDPR compliance a priority. The GDPR regulation applies to any organization that processes data on behalf of EU citizens, regardless of where that organization is based.
The first step in implementing GDPR is conducting a detailed analysis of current data processing practices to identify potential gaps in compliance. Companies must develop a roadmap to ensure adherence to GDPR principles, which include:
Lawful, Fair, and Transparent Processing: Organizations must process personal data in a lawful manner, ensuring that data subjects are aware of how their data will be used.
Data Minimization: Only necessary data for the intended purpose should be collected.
Accuracy and Accountability: Data must be accurate, and companies must be able to demonstrate their compliance efforts.
Data Security: Appropriate technical and organizational measures must be taken to protect data from unauthorized access or breaches.
A significant challenge in GDPR implementation in Bangalore is navigating cultural and operational differences, particularly in the tech industry where data collection practices vary significantly. Therefore, businesses must train their employees on GDPR regulations, ensuring they are well-versed in data protection principles.
GDPR Services in Bangalore
Bangalore, known as India’s technology hub, is home to numerous GDPR consulting and service firms that assist organizations in navigating the complex landscape of data protection compliance. These GDPR services offer end-to-end solutions, from initial assessment to full compliance and certification, helping companies stay aligned with EU regulations.
The services offered typically include:
GDPR Gap Analysis: A thorough review of an organization’s existing data processing operations, identifying areas where improvements are required to meet GDPR standards.
Data Protection Officer (DPO) Services: Under GDPR, certain organizations are required to appoint a DPO to oversee data protection strategies. Many companies in Bangalore rely on external service providers to offer DPO as a service, ensuring that they have expert oversight without hiring full-time personnel.
Data Breach Management: GDPR mandates that data breaches be reported within 72 hours. Bangalore-based firms offer real-time breach management services, ensuring that organizations can respond quickly and efficiently.
GDPR Training and Awareness Programs: Continuous education is crucial for maintaining GDPR compliance. These services provide tailored training programs for employees, ensuring that everyone in the organization understands the importance of data privacy and the specifics of GDPR Services in Bangalore.
With a range of providers available, from multinational firms to specialized local consultants, businesses in Bangalore can access comprehensive services that simplify GDPR compliance efforts.
GDPR Audit in Bangalore
GDPR audits are a critical step in maintaining ongoing compliance. In Bangalore, businesses engaged in data processing must undergo regular audits to evaluate the effectiveness of their data protection policies, procedures, and controls. These audits serve as a proactive measure to identify vulnerabilities before they result in costly data breaches or regulatory penalties.
A typical GDPR audit in Bangalore involves several key steps:
Initial Risk Assessment: Auditors begin by assessing the current data protection framework within the organization, identifying areas that may pose a risk of non-compliance.
Review of Data Processing Activities: This includes a thorough examination of how personal data is collected, processed, and stored, ensuring that these activities comply with GDPR principles.
Evaluation of Technical and Organizational Measures: Auditors will assess whether the company has adequate security measures in place, such as encryption, access controls, and regular data backups.
Documentation and Reporting: Comprehensive documentation of data protection efforts is critical under GDPR. Auditors check if businesses maintain proper records of data processing activities, risk assessments, and data breach responses.
Recommendations for Improvement: Upon completion, auditors provide detailed recommendations to address any weaknesses found during the audit, offering a roadmap to ensure continuous GDPR compliance.
Regular GDPR audits in Bangalore not only demonstrate a company’s commitment to data privacy but also help mitigate the risk of data breaches, which can have serious financial and reputational consequences.
GDPR compliance is not just a regulatory necessity for companies in Bangalore—it is a commitment to safeguarding individuals’ data and enhancing business integrity. Whether through effective implementation, utilizing professional GDPR services, or conducting regular audits, organizations in Bangalore can meet the high standards of the GDPR and stay ahead in today’s data-driven global economy.For companies looking to remain compliant with global data protection regulations, GDPR Registration in Bangalore is a strategic advantage, ensuring they operate responsibly and build trust with their stakeholders.
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