#signal analysis guide
forex368 · 5 months
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Keywords: forex risk management currency trading tips forex trading mentor swing trading tips risk management tips forex mentor program smart risk management swing trading pro swing trading mastery market wizard insights market pulse pro signal mastery hub proven trading insights forex market mastery trade analysis pro fx education center market trends guide signal analysis pro advanced trading tips forex expert guidance technical analysis hub pro signal mastery expert trading mentorship risk free trading tips fx strategies pro trade insights hub market analysis pro trading mastery tips signal analysis guide pro trading solutions forex expert insights market trends tracker pro trading mentor insightful signal guide mastering forex trade educational trading hub fx strategy insights expert market trends scalping techniques pro risk guardian hub pips mastery tips trade prodigy guide trend mastery tips currency tips pro trade smart tips pro trading edge trading psychology hub mentor guidance pro fx webinars hub workshop trading pro forex seminar insights scalping wisdom hub market wizardry pro risk guardian tips pips mastery pro trade prodigy wisdom trend mastery guide trade expert tips risk free trading hub fx coaching tips insight mentor pro proven trading wisdom signal pro mastery smart risk mastery expert insights hub forex guru wisdom insight hub pro currency pro mastery trading coach wisdom trade smart mastery trade edge mastery trading psychology pro mentor guidance tips fx webinars mastery workshop trading wisdom forex seminar pro scalping tips hub market wizardry tips trend spotter pro trade pips mastery risk free trading wisdom trader wisdom hub trading wisdom tips chart mastery pro trend spotter tips trade pips pro risk free trader pro trading genius tips expert strategy hub fx wisdom mastery
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profiteadeveloper · 10 months
Mastering the DOUBLE BOTTOM FOREX TRADING for Maximum Gain 2023
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stockexperttrading · 11 months
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This blog serves as a user-friendly guide for those just stepping into the world of forex trading. It meticulously breaks down the concept of forex trading signals, highlighting their immense value for beginners in navigating the intricate forex market. It emphasizes the advantages of using signals, such as their potential to save time, reduce emotional stress, and offer a learning opportunity for novice traders. Throughout the guide, the presence of Funded Traders Global as a supportive and educational partner is evident, ensuring that beginners gain confidence in their learn more...
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orionsangel86 · 5 months
Death Appreciation Week!
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With Dead Boy Detectives hitting our screens on the 25th April, and with our girl Death of the Endless making a guest appearance, it seemed only fitting that we should celebrate her in the run up to the show's release.
So I will be running a Death Appreciation Week from Thursday 18th April to Thursday 25th April which will be a celebration of all things Death of the Endless!
Participation is easy. You can go through the prompt list below, and choose to create in whichever way you feel most comfortable. I am keeping this event as flexible as possible so the prompts aren't tied to set days, you just go for whatever you feel most inspired by whenever you can make the time and ideally if you are able to complete a prompt of your choosing each day of the event well then you are a star and I love you!
Prompt List
Death and Family - Dysfunctional as they may be the Endless are a family unit, and their parents are even worse.
Death and Mortals - Some have won her favour, others have slipped through her grasp.
Death and Immortals - even the God's must meet her in the end.
Death and Relationships - Who doesn't flirt with Death on occassion?
Lessons Learned - Death's words of wit and wisdom.
Death the Fashionista - She's rocked many looks over the years, but she's always been a goth fashion icon.
A Day with Death - every 100 years she takes mortal form.
The Sound of Her Wings - lets not forget she has them!
"A Cold Stuck-Up Bitch" - It's a long endless lifetime - Death's early years and how she's changed.
Death Tarot - a symbol of transformation, of change, and even of hope?
Rules for Participation
All types of fanworks are permitted. Fanart, fanfics, gifsets, meta analysis, polls, even just sharing your fave comic panels or official artwork is fine. The goal is to celebrate this amazing character in all her forms.
For your work to qualify for submission to the event, it has to prominantly feature Death of the Endless as the primary focal point. Whilst I encourage exploring her relationships with other characters, the point is to highlight Death as the central character in the work.
the hashtag #Death Appreciation Week must be tagged in all works for the event.
Anything goes! I welcome all ships, all types of work, all themes and content. NSFW is absolutely fine if that's your jam. We don't kinkshame here either. So long as everything is clearly tagged you can literally create what you want.
The prompt list is just a guide for inspiration but literally any fanworks that focus on Death can be included. You don't have to follow prompts if you don't want to.
This is a love fest for Death - which means no hate, discrimination, exclusion, etc. Please also keep criticisms and complaints out of the event tag.
Death of the Author - this is my Neil Gaiman Keep Out sign. As much as I love the guy, this is a fan event and I do not consent to anyone tagging the author in my posts. If he somehow finds it on his own thats on him lol, but please don't tag him.
Most importantly HAVE FUN - and share this post. Signal Boost please!
If you have any questions about the event, the prompts, or anything, please send me an ask or a dm. I'm happy to answer anything and help as much as needed.
With love and thanks to @seiya-starsniper for the awesome banner, and @marlowe-zara and @tryan-a-bex for their ideas and support. <3
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extasiswings · 6 months
Okay but I’m fascinated by muay thai as a metaphor for queerness here. Eddie and Tommy both know how, and can practice together, but Tommy is on another level—he has a whole setup in his garage, his home, it’s an integrated part of his life. Buck, on the other hand, is on the outside. He doesn’t do muay thai with Eddie, he doesn’t know how. But Tommy says he can teach him, when the overall conversation and ultimate outcome (Tommy kissing Buck and opening his eyes to the fact that he’s into men) is a big signal that the real thing Tommy is here for is to be Buck’s guide through this queer journey of self-discovery.
Eddie is in between. He knows how, but it’s not an integrated part of his life the way it is for Tommy. Which tracks—Eddie in general is a master of compartmentalization. He keeps all the little pieces of him carefully siloed, never shall they cross. His queerness is no exception—he allows himself to embrace that piece of himself in specific ways, with specific people (the rituals are so very intricate, they really are), but the rest of the time he locks it away. Like coming back home after a quick trip to the gym.
I’ve been going back and forth since the shooting on the question of whether Eddie is aware of his feelings for Buck, because Eddie’s S5 arc especially was very queercoded. And I was thinking of that question as coextensive with “does Eddie know he’s queer?” But I think now that’s the wrong analysis—they are separate questions with separate answers—and after 7x04 (and the tease of 7x05) I think a) yes, Eddie absolutely knows he’s queer and is fine with it but tries to keep it separate from all the other pieces of him/the rest of his life, and b) he has not allowed himself to consider what if anything that means re: Buck. Eddie is all about control, and that’s what has enabled him to compartmentalize so well, but it’s like the guy from the call in the promo—you can’t control all of yourself all the time, you can’t keep yourself locked down that way, separated into smaller and smaller pieces, not allowing yourself to be your full self—eventually that separation will hurt you.
Buck is at step 1 of his journey. He’s just learning, Tommy is “teaching” him. And he’s about to drop a bomb in the middle of Eddie’s very carefully ordered life. Because if Buck is straight, it’s easy for Eddie to avoid ever having to examine his own queerness in connection with Buck. But if Buck is queer? If something is suddenly Possible in a way he assumed it wasn’t before? Then everything is different.
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It has long been clear what must be done, such as switching to renewable energy, expanding nature preserves, and eating less meat. Within the dry technocratic tomes produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), one can find surprisingly radical proposals reflecting this consensus. In addition to abjuring ‘cost-benefit’ analysis (marking a shift from money being the measure of all things), the IPCC has called for carbon-neutral building codes, a ban on new coal-fired power plants, and reducing cars through ‘effective [urban] planning’. The IPCC even blames the belief in ‘individual autonomy’ and ‘free-market ideology’ for allowing climate denial to fester, as well as ‘vested interests’ and ‘industry group lobbying’ for blocking reform. Despite our knowledge of what needs to be done, carbon emissions increase and mass extinctions continue relentlessly. Capital is at the helm, blindly steering the ship of fools towards ecological disaster. Unable to feel the wind or listen to its shouting passengers, capital can sense only price signals to guide its passage. In this way, capital destroys the world it cannot see.
Troy Vettese, Drew Pendergrass, Half-Earth Socialism: A Plan to Save the Future from Extinction, Climate Change and Pandemics
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tradgays · 4 months
The Necessity of Hierarchy in Gay Relationships: Embracing Tradgay Dynamics
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Gay relationships, much like their heterosexual counterparts, require effort and dedication to thrive. However, amidst the quest for equality and modernity, an essential aspect of partnership often gets overlooked: hierarchy. Establishing a clear structure within a gay relationship can be a game-changer, promoting harmony, growth, and intimacy. One type of relationship that exemplifies the benefits of hierarchy is the tradgay dynamic.
Tradgay relationships involve a deliberate adoption of traditional gender roles, with the alpha male assuming a dominant position and the beta male adopting a submissive role. This reversal of modern norms might seem counterintuitive, but it can lead to a profoundly satisfying and balanced partnership.
In tradgay relationships, the alpha male embodies characteristics commonly associated with traditional masculinity: strength, decisiveness, and protection. He takes on a guiding role, leveraging his logical thinking and problem-solving skills to navigate life's challenges. Conversely, the beta male taps into his feminine side, offering emotional support, nurturing, and caregiving. This division of labor allows each partner to shine in their respective domains.
A crucial aspect of tradgay relationships lies in the distinction distinction between masculine and feminine intelligence. While these terms are often misunderstood, they refer to different cognitive styles and aptitudes, rather than inherent gender traits.
Masculine intelligence tends to prioritize logic, analysis, and strategic thinking, whereas feminine intelligence emphasizes empathy, creativity, and interpersonal connection. In a tradgay relationship, the alpha male typically exhibits more masculine intelligence, while the beta male leans towards feminine intelligence. This dichotomy creates a rich dynamic, as each partner complements the other's strengths and weaknesses.
The importance of submission and obedience in tradgay relationships cannot be overstated. When the beta male submits to the alpha's guidance, he signals trust, respect, and a willingness to learn. This surrender allows the alpha to assume responsibility, providing direction and protection for the relationship. In turn, the beta is freed to focus on nurturing and supporting his partner, ensuring their emotional well-being.
Submission is not tantamount to weakness or subservience; rather, it's an empowered choice that acknowledges the alpha's strengths and expertise. By embracing obedience, the beta male grows as an individual, developing humility and self-awareness. He learns to quiet his ego and rely on his partner's counsel, ultimately becoming a better partner and person.
Critics might argue that this dynamic is regressive or heteronormative, but that overlooks the agency and autonomy involved in choosing a tradgay relationship
choosing a tradgay relationship. Both partners willingly enter into this dynamic, recognizing the benefits of a hierarchical structure. In fact, research suggests that couples with a clear power dynamic tend to report higher relationship satisfaction and stability.
Embracing tradgay principles can also help mitigate conflicts and resentments common in modern relationships. By establishing clear roles and expectations, couples avoid unnecessary disagreements and misunderstandings. The alpha male's guidance provides a sense of security and direction, while the beta male's support fosters emotional intimacy.
Furthermore, tradgay relationships offer a refreshing respite from the performative aspect of modern dating. Without the pressure to conform to egalitarian ideals, couples can focus on building a genuine connection based on mutual respect, trust, and admiration.
In conclusion, the importance of hierarchy in gay relationships cannot be overstated. Tradgay dynamics, with their emphasis on submission and obedience, provide a framework for healthy partnerships that honor individual strengths and weaknesses. By recognizing the value of masculine and feminine intelligence, couples can cultivate deeper connections and build stronger bonds.
It's time to reclaim the beauty of hierarchal relationships and celebrate the diversity of human connection. By embracing our true selves and desires, we can forge meaningful relationships that bring joy and fulfillment to all parties involved.
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ceoofhelaegon · 6 months
Aegon Poster Analysis
Hey guys, so I'm back...and I have a lot of thoughts, probably gonna ramble a lot but what else is new?
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I love that his first poster is him on the throne, I mentioned to some of my mutuals that Aegon's face is different from the poster but not totally different.
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In the poster he is still doubtful of his position, he still doesn't want to King but unlike the travesty of episode 9, he not completely against the idea of being King, he is deciding being King or not but he's coming around.
I believe that is completely intentional that Criston is there, in season 2 we will probably see Criston guiding Aegon, even before Otto is fired which fuels the Otto getting fired later.
"My hand is a steel fist." Aegon will be the closest to Criston.
As we saw in that disgusting episode 9, only Criston's presence made Aegon move, he touched his shoulder in a fatherly way and only then Aegon moved.
The way that Aegon is sitting signals that he really doesn't want this, he never saw this as his fate and he is struggling to accept it, waiting for the trailer.
Also, it's interesting that Aegon is the furthest away from Alicent...my analysis about their relationship was right, Aegon won't go to her at all.
Also also, Aegon and Rhaenys are almost in the same place is to foreshadow Rook's Rest? 👀
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But most importantly...
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lunarlianna · 2 years
Asteroid Hekate in signs
Hecate, the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy, was the daughter of the Titans Perses and Asteria, inheriting dominion over heaven, earth, and sea. She played a pivotal role in guiding Demeter during her search for Persephone, using her flaming torches to illuminate the night, and later became Persephone’s minister in the Underworld.
The asteroid Hekate in a natal chart often reflects themes associated with the goddess of crossroads, highlighting key decision points and transitions in life. It may indicate heightened intuitive abilities, a connection to the spiritual realm, or a fascination with occult practices and rituals. This placement can also suggest an affinity for feminine wisdom, empowerment, and embracing inner strength, as well as a strong sense of justice and empathy for the marginalized. Additionally, the presence of Hekate’s asteroid might reveal an individual's aptitude for navigating life’s challenges, making crucial decisions, and embracing transformative life paths.
The asteroid Hekate gains notable significance in a natal chart when it closely conjoins (within 2-3 degrees) key points like the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Ascendant, the Midheaven (MC), or the ruler of the 1st house. Its influence is also heightened if Hekate is at 29 degrees, part of a stellium, or in close proximity to the lunar nodes (North Node or South Node). You can find it on astro.com, extended chart selection, type 100.
Asteroid Hekate in signs
With Hekate in Aries, your drive for bold action and innovation leads to transformative moments through daring choices and new ventures. This placement often draws you to unconventional or esoteric practices, pushing boundaries and challenging norms. You may seek guidance from leaders who have faced similar issues and rely heavily on your intuition, though you might be sensitive to negative energy, potentially experiencing migraines. Be aware of shadow aspects such as impulsiveness, a tendency to be overly aggressive, or a reluctance to consider the consequences of your actions. You might also struggle with impatience or a need for instant results.
With Hekate in Taurus, you combine a focus on stability and material security with transformative experiences, often gaining spiritual insights through your pursuit of comfort and financial stability. You may find clarity in nature and your interactions with plants, and should trust your senses while avoiding over analysis. However, be mindful of shadow aspects such as becoming overly materialistic, resistant to change, or complacent in your comfort zone. You might also struggle with stubbornness or difficulty adapting to new ideas. Sensitivity to throat issues and smells can be a signal to listen to your body and emotions. Embrace the pleasures of the senses while ensuring you remain open to growth and flexibility in your decision-making.
With Hekate in Gemini, your sharp, intuitive mind excels in communication and learning, guiding you through key decisions and sparking transformative insights into mystical subjects like magic, witchcraft, and astrology. Your skillful communication on these topics may attract both admiration and criticism. While you might seek guidance from siblings or relatives and feel a strong urge to explore esoteric arts, be mindful of shadow aspects such as becoming scattered, overly skeptical, or prone to gossip. You may also struggle with inconsistency or over-intellectualizing your spiritual insights. Pay attention to sensations like tingling in your hands when around negative energy and approach your quest for knowledge with both curiosity and discernment.
With Hekate in Cancer, emotional intuition and family connections are central to your spiritual path, with significant changes often linked to your home and loved ones. Your empathy and spiritual insight help you navigate emotional challenges, and your nurturing nature drives you to support others in need. Trusting your intuition and emotional guidance is key, but be aware of shadow aspects such as becoming overly dependent on others for validation or allowing emotional sensitivity to overwhelm your decision-making. You might also struggle with moodiness or difficulty letting go of past hurts. Pay attention to unexplained stomachaches or sensations around your heart, which may indicate unresolved emotional issues that need attention.
With Hekate in Leo, creativity and self-expression are central to your spiritual journey, guiding you through important decisions related to leadership and personal projects. Your intuitive abilities enhance your creative efforts and empower you to address issues of justice and support those in need. However, be mindful of shadow aspects such as becoming overly self-centered, egotistical, or seeking validation through external approval. You might also struggle with arrogance or an inability to accept constructive criticism. While it’s important to embrace your unique qualities and trust your instincts, ensure that your self-expression remains balanced and considerate of others.
With Hekate in Virgo, your mystical approach is practical and detail-oriented, leading to transformative experiences through service and organization. You may find empowerment in adhering to spiritual rituals and daily routines, using your intuitive insights to guide your work and health practices. However, be aware of shadow aspects such as becoming overly critical, perfectionistic, or excessively focused on minutiae at the expense of broader perspectives. You might also struggle with excessive self-judgment or the tendency to impose your standards on others. Balancing your meticulous nature with compassion and flexibility is key to effectively supporting others and addressing your own needs.
With Hekate in Libra, you prioritize balance and harmony in your spiritual and mystical practices, often facing key decisions in partnerships and collaborations. Your heightened sense of justice and empathy guide you to support others and address issues of fairness. While seeking advice from partners, close friends, or family is valuable, it’s important to trust your own instincts and judgments. However, be mindful of shadow aspects such as becoming overly reliant on others for validation, struggling with indecision, or avoiding conflict at the expense of your own needs. Ensuring that your pursuit of balance does not lead to self-neglect or the suppression of your authentic voice is crucial.
With Hekate in Scorpio, your mystical connection is profound and transformative, guiding you through significant crossroads related to power and deep change. Your psychic abilities and understanding of hidden truths help you navigate these transformations, and your commitment to justice drives you to address underlying issues. You prefer to seek answers on your own, often delving into deep, introspective journeys rather than relying on others. However, be mindful of shadow aspects such as becoming overly secretive, intense, or fixated on hidden motives. While solitary exploration is valuable, avoiding external feedback may limit your perspective. Embrace the process of exploring your inner depths while remaining open to outside insights.
With Hekate in Sagittarius, you’re drawn to exploration and philosophical inquiry in your spiritual journey. Transformative experiences often arise through travel and higher learning, leading you to uncover broader spiritual truths. Your intuitive insights guide you toward global and humanitarian causes, and you may seek advice from spiritual leaders, teachers, or professors, placing great trust in those with higher knowledge. Your path may be illuminated through religion, philosophy, and exposure to different cultures. However, be mindful of shadow aspects such as becoming overly idealistic, dogmatic, or dismissive of practical details.
With Hekate in Capricorn, your spiritual journey is marked by structure and discipline, often leading to transformative moments in your career or public life. Your practical approach to mystical practices and strong sense of responsibility enables you to navigate challenges and support marginalized communities through organized efforts. You’re likely to seek guidance from a father figure or someone with similar qualities and may, in turn, become a mentor or fatherly figure to others. Your direction in life is found through hard work and dedication, but be mindful of potential shadow aspects, such as becoming overly rigid or critical. Embrace your maturity and wisdom to guide both yourself and others effectively.
With Hekate in Aquarius, your spirituality is driven by innovation and unconventional ideas. You may face important decisions involving technology and humanitarian efforts, and your intuitive insights can lead to breakthroughs in progressive causes. You likely rely on a carefully chosen inner circle for advice and offer compassionate, objective guidance in return. Trusting your intuition is key, as you use it to provide visionary and altruistic support to others. However, be cautious of potential shadow aspects, such as being overly detached or idealistic. Embrace your unique approach to guide yourself and others toward a clearer, more meaningful path.
With Hekate in Pisces, your spiritual connection is deep and intuitive, often manifesting through dreams, artistic expression, or spiritual practices. You may experience transformative moments and feel a strong empathy and sense of justice, guiding you to support marginalized individuals. Your psychic abilities are likely heightened, and you might turn to astrology, tarot, or other spiritual tools for advice. Be cautious of getting lost in “what if” scenarios; instead, trust your intuition and maintain a grounding practice, such as therapy. Ultimately, your direction in life involves being compassionate and using your unconscious gifts to navigate a higher path, while avoiding the pitfalls of escapism and confusion.
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galactic-rhea · 2 months
do you have any star wars hot takes?
Well, besides my ~several~ posts about Padmé?
Hmh, yeah, I liked the prequels quite a lot. They aren't perfect, but nothing is perfect, maybe it's because even if I didn't know anything about the plot I was used to hear how awful and bad they are and then I found them to be very enjoyable.
The dialog didn't even bother me that much, my biggest problem with them are the Padmé deleted scenes.
Another hot take, I guess, would be that while I understand the sentiment, I try to avoid using any words or interviews by GL, because if there's something I have learned about enjoying something, is to not let the author guide your hand through it unless you're working on a complete analysis of the author's circumstances at the work within its historical context, because even if they intended something, I also care about what it's shown, and if the author did a good job, usually their intend will be clear nevertheless.
This doesn't mean I ignore everything GL says, but nuance, you know?
For example, GL totally did not intend at all to make Anakin shown neurodivergence symptoms, or to have BPD, or to have any subtle queerness signals, yet that's how I feel when I watch SW.
But you know, nuance, you can learn a lot about the author when you pick up something that the author didn't even intent consciously (see Bram Stoker and the themes in Dracula) since every piece of art comes with a very specific set of historical context, but I'm getting a bit too in deep about media analysis.
My other hot take is that the second movie of the sequel trilogy (alright i forgot the name) isn't the worst one, but apparently is the most hated one? And I love grumpy old Luke, he deserves to be a bit grumpy and sarcastic.
Besides these I'm not even sure what's considered a hot take in this fandom...I liked the witches in the acolyte?
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mysticstronomy · 10 months
Wednesday, December 6th, 2023
Welcome back,
Afew years ago a team of chemists unboiled an egg. Boiling causes protein molecules in the egg to twist around one another, and a centrifuge can disentangle them to restore the original. The technique is of dubious utility in a kitchen, but it neatly demonstrates the reversibility of physics. Anything in the physical world can run both ways—it's one of the deepest features of the laws of physics, reflecting elemental symmetries of space, time and causality.
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If you send all the parts of a system into reverse, what was done will be undone. The information required to wind back the clock is always preserved. Of course, undoing a process may be easy in simple systems but is less so in complex ones, which is why the egg unboiler was so nifty.
But there's a troubling exception: black holes. If a massive enough star collapses under its own weight, its gravity intensifies without limit and locks matter in its grip. Jump into one, and there's no going back. Merge two together, and you can't split them apart.
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A black hole presents an almost completely featureless façade to the universe. Looking at it, you can't tell what fell in. The black hole does not seem to preserve information. This irreversibility, first appreciated by physicist David Finkelstein in 1958, was the earliest inkling of the black hole information paradox—“paradox” because how could reversible laws have irreversible effects? The paradox signaled a deeper disease in physicists' understanding of the world.
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Scientists have many reasons to seek a grand unified theory of nature, but the information paradox is their most specific motivation, and it has guided their way when they have little else to go on.
At last, more than 60 years after this puzzle began to appear, physicists are seeing hope for a solution. In the year leading up to the pandemic and through the months of lockdown, a coalition of theorists took huge strides to understand the paradox—the most progress in decades, some say.
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They bolstered the idea that black holes, despite appearances, are reversible, and they dissolved the official paradox. Physical theory is no longer at odds with itself. The work is contentious, though, and by its proponents' own admission, it is at best a starting point for a full explanation of black holes.
Until recently, most of the “progress” physicists have made on this paradox over the decades has consisted of realizing the problem is even harder than they'd thought. Finkelstein's original work left loopholes.
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For one, it was based on Einstein's general theory of relativity, which physicists knew was not the full story, because it left out quantum effects. In the 1970s Stephen Hawking—in the work that made him a household name—took a first crack at including those effects. His calculations predicted that black holes slowly release energy. But this emission carries no information about whatever had fallen in, so it doesn't help wind back the clock.
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If anything, the outgoing trickle of particles worsens the predicament. The black hole eventually empties itself of energy and evaporates away like a puddle on a summer's day. All the matter it imprisoned is not freed but wiped out of existence. Hawking's analysis elevated a general unease into a full-fledged crisis for physics.
Originally published on www.scientificamerican.com
(Saturday, December 9th, 2023)
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signode-blog · 2 months
How to Trade Stochastic Momentum Index: A Comprehensive Guide
Trading in the stock market can be a daunting task, especially with the multitude of technical indicators available to traders. One of the lesser-known but highly effective indicators is the Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI). This tool can be incredibly beneficial for traders looking to refine their strategies and make more informed decisions. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what the…
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starlightseraph · 5 months
i, in a moment of weakness, unblocked one of the major rpf bloggers just to see how they would turn the sweet, loving smiles and pictures of the olivier awards into some intricate web of secret relationships and abusive partners, and i was not disappointed.
i think the months during which tumblr was flooding my dash with an endless stream of these posts (despite my attempts at blocking) had desensitised me to all of the genuinely awful things that get posted. i thought it was weird and gross, but i’d lost sight of just how completely tinfoil hat insane it is.
case and point:
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HUH? what??
that is not what this looks like to any reasonable person. what it does look like is a conversation between them, during which georgia signals (with some urgency) that another person is trying to make it through behind them. she gestures that they need to move, and david notices. anna, facing the aisle, sees this person clearly, and tries to guide michael out of their way. michael, not quite sure where the person is, backs up first, before realising that he blocked their way more.
there. what the rpf people seem to think is michael’s agitation really only looks like he’s trying to move out of someone’s way, without being able to see them, while in the middle of a conversation. i do that head-to-one-side-then-to-the-other move whenever i’m in that situation. idk how they got “recoiling” from anna. georgia is clearly pointing to people, not desperately flapping around to get david’s attention.
i’ve watched this video several times. to form my initial opinion, to screen record, and to clip the recording. i looked out for specific instances the rpf blog mentioned, including a barely there “slap” of georgia’s hand in the first fraction of a second of the video, and i see nothing but perfectly normal body language for people standing in an aisle in a crowded room. you can quite literally see her hand formed into a pointing position, with one finger towards the group and another directing towards the isle. like it’s literally right there in the video, she’s pointing.
and here, a lovely group photo. except…
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am i genuinely losing my ability to read people??because they look fine. not like they’re the most comfortable and free they’ve ever been, but they are at a crowded, televised awards show and they probably have limited time to take photos. ughhggg
then, this:
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for the first screenshot, there’s a third distinct possibility: she’s poking fun at him. do these people really not understand banter in a relationship?? i would happily post about my loved ones or see them post about me with a “don’t encourage them” joke. playful annoyance and insults are super healthy, and from the way david sticks to his point in the video from georgia’s story, i’d guess he’s responding in a “watch me” way. as long as no one feels undervalued, which david’s firing back would suggest he doesn’t, it’s fine.
for the second: i cannot even imagine what would possess someone to edit a happy photo of a husband and wife, remove the wife, and edit in someone else. it has the same vibe of obsessed teenagers sticking cutouts of their own faces over photos of band members. especially with the blog’s caption, it feels like they’re implying that georgia is an annoyance or dead weight in david’s public life. she’s his wife, she deserves to be with him publicly whenever they want.
at the very least, find some real pictures of david and michael together to use as fuel for this dumpster fire.
the aforementioned rpf blog that i unblocked has spoken many times about how she’s autistic and can have trouble interpreting nonverbal cues. i can’t help but wonder if these analysis posts are, to some extent, an overcompensation, overlooking the simple explanation in favour of something complex. or maybe these people don’t have a good frame of reference for normal relationships, or they’ve spent so much time in an online echo chamber, originally spurned by some tiny notion, that they’ve forgotten how real people interact.
i’m neurodivergent myself (though not the more commonly recognised autism or adhd; i have other conditions that fall under neurodivergence). the result is that i’m hyper vigilant and often paranoid. in middle school, people would call me sherlock because i’d notice things that let me predict behaviour or work out the details of a person’s recent activities by looking at them. i’ve always found it very easy to read people and situations, and, from experience, i’m almost always right. i’ve never tried to do this, it just kind of happens subconsciously, and has for all my life. i generally don’t talk about these observations because i’ve creeped people out more than a few times by offering pens before they’ve realised they’ve lost theirs or dodging objects while facing another direction. but here i feel my observations can hold value coming from someone who has no trouble interpreting social interactions and with high situational awareness.
i really am just baffled by the insanity of all of this. “reaching” and “doing too much” come to mind. if david and georgia and anna and michael wanted us to know or say something, they would tell us. explicitly. if they really wanted people to think something, they would actually portray themselves that way, and not in a secret, can’t-hide-their-true-feelings way.
i’ve sighed so many times while writing this.
i’m actually quite proud of myself for going this long without unblocking them; when i see something i consider to be a batshit train wreck, i find it very hard to look away and i’ve gotten sucked into hate-reading many things in the past. not that i hate these blogs (although i do find their behaviour unacceptable and very confusing), but that’s the best descriptor i could come up with lol
anyways, all i really want is for the four of them to be happy and free from the amateur tmz reporters. ideally, this stuff will never reach them or have any impact on their lives, but it could, and that’s the most concerning thing to me. even if they are unhappy, i can’t imagine that seeing strangers saying that their misery is so obvious would be any less than horrible.
such brazen speculation is disrespectful to them, their privacy, and their agency to make good personal choices and share information responsibly. if they don’t tell us, they don’t want us to know, and it’s really as simple as that.
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helgahaze · 4 months
Shine Bright: A Guide to Light Up Your Inner Sun
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Astrologically, the Sun is the heart of individuality, a generator of joy, one of the three main sources of energy in the chart. Self-esteem relies on it, as well as self-concepts, the ability to desire, choose what's pleasing, create, and innovate.
A blazing Sun is necessary for self-realization and all forms of healthy relationships, but its most valuable gift is the sense of connection with oneself. When cultivated, a vast number of destabilizing factors and problems dissolve on approach, naturally, like shadows in the light.
It's difficult to manipulate a Sun person. Yet, they're not in constant confrontation with everything and everyone. A blazing Sun merely creates a protective screen in the psyche against external opinions, judgments, and pressures. In a harmonious scenario, it's not a deaf wall of "everything else is irrelevant, I'm all that matters," but a flexible membrane allowing a person to navigate situations and circumstances.
Perpetual lack of strength, interest in life, feelings of uncertainty and inadequacy are astrologically described through tension on the Sun. People with a natal Sun in discord often use phrases like "I don't know who I am/don't understand myself/I don't know what I want." Here lies a nuance that can derail finding a working solution.
"I don't know/don't understand" belongs to the earth-air lexicon of mental forms. The Sun, however, belongs to the fiery principle. Active, self-sufficient, expressive, spontaneous, bright, uncontrollable. It's the drive that arises from within. It ignites and flares up from sincere actions in accordance with one's true nature, not from incoming information. It's lived and integrated into personality through feelings and sensations, not through mechanical fitting and sorting through possible options in the mind.
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The task of astrology here is to compute actions that create, sustain, and/or enhance this state of drive.
How to start calculating them?
Make your natal chart in any astroprocessor.
Find in which sign the Sun is placed.
Select the appropriate description from this post.
Test what looks appealing.
Invent your actions with a similar meaning, especially in the spirit of "I've always wanted to try, but somehow never got around to it."
Track the result in the form of excitement, curiosity, joy, the sensation of movement, increased energy.
The target indicator state looks something like this:
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If the Sun is afflicted by disruptive aspects or other factors, mechanically performing only these actions won't fix the whole problem. It's a more complex and challenging task requiring an analysis of the entire chart context. But with these actions, it's still better than doing nothing at all. They, at the very least, send a signal inward that the patient is more alive than dead and interested in moving in the desired direction. In other cases, when the Sun is at a functional level, solar hygiene actions increase energy, help strengthen the bond with oneself, and actively support the internal engine's revolutions.
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Sun in Aries
Goal: to be first, to initiate, to defeat everyone, to quickly achieve visible results.
Ignites from:
Sports and impulsive activities (sprints, but not marathons).
Entrepreneurship, project launches (starting, but not continuous management).
Publicity, active self-demonstration.
Competition, rivalry.
Creativity in the format of "this is done by my hands, here's the result, I'm better than everyone else".
Sun in Leo
Goal: to play, to shine with oneself, to show off, to be noticeable, to reflect and continue oneself in one's projects.
Ignites from:
Manifestation of spontaneous desires and whims.
Creative activities, realization of the impulse to create something new.
The state of play, feline excitement, when you lose track of time.
Publicity, focusing others' attention on one's uniqueness.
Creativity in the format of "I did this, this is mine, everyone saw it, right?".
Sun in Sagittarius
Goal: to be an authority, to scale up, to live by meanings and goals, to fill space with oneself.
Ignites from:
Studying aimed at expanding and changing one's worldview (ideas, concepts, abstract knowledge).
Teaching, expert performances, public philosophizing, expressing one's opinion.
Active exotic travels, exploratory trips, new experiences that influence one's worldview.
Scalable goal-setting and goal achievement.
Creativity in the format of "what the author wanted to say", the main thing in the creation is the ideas and meanings it conveys.
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Sun in Taurus
Goal: to multiply, to stabilize, to experience calm pleasure ("I like this"), to interact with the material.
Ignites from:
Unhurried, measured, productive activities with tangible results.
Wealth, accumulation, collecting.
Receiving income, gifts.
Harmonious demonstration of acquired beauty ("here's my house/my garden, yes, I created this beauty myself, I like it, so I'll show it to you too").
Creativity in the format of "I create beautiful material things".
Sun in Virgo
Goal: to do useful and practical things, to organize, to fix.
Ignites from:
Routine, meticulous activities (sorting papers, wardrobe revisions, arranging books by cover color).
Taking care of beauty and health.
Tangible use that can be provided to others.
Creating practical, aesthetic, detailed designs (jewelry, floristics, interior items).
Creativity in the format of "I create useful beautiful order".
Sun in Capricorn
Goal: to manage, to plan and bring to a concrete result, to structure, to make durable.
Ignites from:
Responsibility, systematic "construction" of oneself and one's life.
Active elevation of one's social and/or professional status, advancement upward in any vertical hierarchy.
Administration, organization, creation and implementation of rules and systems, preferably complex and intricate ones.
Strict luxury, ascetic premium, high quality without flaunting.
Creativity in the format of "I do fundamental and precise work for a specific result".
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Sun in Cancer
Goal: to nurture, to surround with care, to live through, to adapt.
Ignites from:
Sensations of simple everyday things (the sun warms, the cat is soft, smells delicious).
Immersion in psychology, studying feelings, emotions, subconscious processes.
Creating coziness at home.
Time spent with loved ones.
Creativity in the format of "I create atmosphere".
Sun in Scorpio
Goal: to intensify, to concentrate, to destroy the obsolete, to manipulate, to expose the essence.
Ignites from:
Thorough research and analysis (psychology, finance, science).
Any kind of energy practices, especially deep and complex ones.
Going through crises and personal transformations in the process.
Sensations of overcoming, risk, adrenaline, limits, and second wind.
Creativity in the format of "I expose the essence and expand the boundaries of what's possible".
Sun in Pisces
Goal: to feel, to sense, to connect with all living things, to believe, to follow an ideal/dream.
Ignites from:
Music, photography, painting and illustration, cinema and theater, literary creativity and poetry (drawing, writing, directing, filming, composing independently).
Dreamy solitude and contact with nature.
Exploring ambiguous mysteries, myths, symbols (from legends and history's puzzles to foreign languages).
Charity and helping those in need.
Creativity in the format of "I create magical worlds and illusions".
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Sun in Gemini
Goal: to learn, to educate oneself, to communicate, to be curious.
Ignites from:
Working in multitasking mode.
Continuous circulation of information, satisfying one's own curiosity.
Hangouts, trips and travels.
Acquiring light, superficial, practical knowledge.
Creativity in the format of "I create simple, interesting, and relevant things".
Sun in Libra
Goal: to build relationships, to harmonize, to evaluate, to establish and maintain balance.
Ignites from:
Intellectual conversations.
Positive feedback and recognition from others.
Consultations, discussions, expertise.
Relationships, having connections in circles of certain status.
Creativity in the format of "I create beautiful, refined, and balanced things".
Sun in Aquarius
Goal: to invent, to be free and original, to solve global problems, not to hold back and not to be bored.
Ignites from:
Communication with like-minded people, generating ideas, studying complex concepts (both humanitarian and technical).
Sensations of speed and height, wind in the ears, endless horizon in front of the eyes, impressions.
Working with technologies, future projects, startups, large meaningful tasks.
Antics, jokes, laughter, showing off, absurdity.
Creativity in the format of "I create the future".
Aspects and other individual placements of each chart will complement and transform these values. Here was considered only one element of interpretation out of many—the zodiac sign of the Sun.
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ausetkmt · 2 months
How To Analyze people Ultimate Guide: Learn Psychology, Body Language, Perception, Types of Personalities & Universal Rules
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How To Analyze people Ultimate Guide: Learn Psychology, Body Language, Perception, Types of Personalities & Universal Rules - Includes Diagrams!
This is your greatest guide that will help you navigate through the social jungle we find ourselves in. Learn the advanced art of analyzing people
The ultimate guide on analyzing people is finally here!
Have you ever wondered what goes on in people's minds? Do you ever wish you could read minds?
Although "mind reading" is still science fiction, however this book will reveal to you the inner mechanisms of the mind and how people think and operate
You Will Learn
Subtle analyzing techniques
Human psychology
How to read body language
How to interpret the meaning of specific facial expressions
Personality types
Universal rules
And much, much more!
By the end of this book you will become a expert in analyzing people from all walks of life, and master the subtle art of analyzing
A lot of us have undergone some sort of psycho/over analyzing behavior, however this book reveals a comprehensive and effective approach that can be translated into the real world. This equates to you gaining the advantage in the social realm among your peers, colleagues, employers and significant other
After reading this book you will be able to perceive social signals that people in society take for granted, signals that indicate quite a lot of meaningful information and this gives you an advantage when engaging anyone
What Separates This Book From The Rest?
In depth analysis
Expert tips & secretes
Practical information
Up to date & relevant strategies
Incorporates aspects of human psychology
And much, much more!
The valuable insights in this book are priceless and gives you an edge that others won't have, enabling you to always be a few steps ahead, gaining advantage and a in depth understanding of how people think
Includes 13 tips on analyzing people and scenarios
What are you waiting for? Change your life forever! Understand the subtle art of analyzing and how people operate
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rosewaterraindrops · 1 year
Nandermo Blocking and Season Finales
In past seasons, people more knowledgeable than me have written meta on the way Nandor and Guillermo are positioned at different levels in relation to one another, and I found it super interesting! Every previous season finale has left us with a very specific image of Nandermo that we've carried with us to speculate about what their relationship will be like in the next season. So I wanted to do an analysis on Nandermo's relative levels/blocking in the two-part finale of S5 and see how it compares to previous season finales.
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Here’s a rundown of the previous season finales. 
S1 (top left): This one is sending mixed signals. Guillermo is looking down at Nandor, but it’s in an act of servitude. Nandor’s scolding Guillermo, thinking he’s the one in charge, and he has no idea that Guillermo is beginning to discover his vampire-killing powers. 
S2 (top right): Guillermo is elevated, looking down at all four vampires, and this time he’s very clearly the one in charge. Nandor is literally tied up and helpless and forced to confront how powerful Guillermo really is - and we know that Nandor defends him and respects his power in S3.
S3 (middle row): This time, Guillermo is looking down at Nandor, who’s kneeling on the ground, and they’re both happy about it. Guillermo has just passed Nandor’s “test” and they’re about to embark on their journey, which will end with Guillermo becoming a vampire. Nandor even happily agrees to take Guillermo’s bag to the train station. This is the most equal we’ve ever seen them be (up to that moment).
S4 (bottom right and left): They’re on the same level, both sitting down in chairs, and I don’t think either one of them is fully clear on where their relationship currently stands. Guillermo slips back into his familiar role after Freddie is gone, but something feels off. They don't even appear in a frame together, which is why I had to get two different screenshots. It’s not very companionable, it’s awkward, and it sets up a tense dynamic in S5.
By and large, these finale images have given us hope that Nandor and Guillermo will be on more even footing in the following season. The blocking never reinforces Guillermo as a servant, but rather elevates him in relation to Nandor and aligns with each finale’s sense of anticipation - how will the two of them respond to the latest change in their power dynamic? How will Guillermo assert himself further next season, and how will Nandor react?
That brings us to the end of S5. We get some really pivotal moments in which the dynamic is shifting yet again, starting with the scene in S5E9 in which Nandor has found out about Guillermo’s turning.
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I think they made a deliberate choice to have the cages be elevated here. They could have made it so that the Guide and Guillermo are looking down at the prisoners somehow. But instead, even from his cage, Nandor is the one fully looking down at Guillermo. It’s emphasizing the emotion of the current moment: Nandor is angry and ready to enact his revenge on Guillermo for his “betrayal”, and Guillermo is full of regret. 
Then in S5E10, they reconcile, Nandor has Guillermo drink human blood, and we get this moment.
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Guillermo literally rises up to be above Nandor as he embraces his vampirism, and Nandor is looking on with wonder. It’s reminiscent of the S3 finale, in which Nandor was happy to be looking up at Guillermo - and that time, Nandor had just promised to make Guillermo a vampire. When it comes down to it, Nandor wants Guillermo to embrace power and vampirism, and when Guillermo takes joy in his power, Nandor does too. 
So what’s the last Nandermo image we’re left with until S6? It’s this:
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We have never, not once, had a season finale that ended with Nandor looking down at Guillermo - until now. Their dynamic has been constantly shifting ever since S1, but the consistent thread has been that Guillermo gains power and confidence, while Nandor gains more respect for Guillermo as a companion and a warrior.
But now? Guillermo has just rejected power, rejected vampirism, in favor of being human, and seconds later he’s on his knees, looking up at Nandor, being ordered by Nandor to clean up Derek’s corpse. Nandor isn’t surprised or awed, he’s not happy, he’s not confused or pensive - he’s just sympathetic and probably very disappointed. He likes when Guillermo embraces power and Guillermo just did the exact opposite of that. This is a clear image of a servant and his master.
I’m sure this isn’t a full regression to their S1 dynamic, and I assume the show will find a way to make it new and interesting. But this is a striking last image of Nandermo that we’re left with until the next season, and when compared to the previous finale images of Nandermo, it really stands out in an unsettling way. Let’s hope that in S6, Guillermo doesn’t take too long to embrace power again - because we know that that’s what he and Nandor really want.
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