#pro trading solutions
forex368 · 5 months
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davidsteve1 · 3 months
Pro Trade Services: Your Trusted Partner for Commercial Roofing Solutions in Solon, Ohio
Pro Trade Services is a reputable provider of commercial roofing solutions in Solon, Ohio, offering a range of services tailored to meet your specific needs. We specialize in customized commercial roofing solutions, strategic long-term roofing management, sustainable roofing solutions, and eco-friendly roofing solutions. With years of experience and a commitment to quality, Pro Trade Services is your go-to partner for all your commercial roofing needs.
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 9 months
What's your opinion on this post defending Rhys in SF?
um well yikes. point by point, shall we nonny
feyre was not pro protective shield. she thought it a compromise because the alternative was rhys not letting her leave the river house for the entirety of her pregnancy (horrifying by the way) she traded one restriction over another (also horrifying), that’s not being “pro” something. and if the shield was for protection why did he take it away when they went to hewn city, so smugly announcing feyre’s “pregnant scent” even cassian noticed? it’s all about protecting feyre until he needs to parade her around like some prize he’s won right? op’s right tho, it’s not like tamlin, it’s worse. that shield was so tight, she couldn’t feel hugs or touches from her fucking family, no one could smell her. that is infinitely worse than being trapped in a huge manor, and given how much emphasis sjm put on feyre’s claustrophobia in acomaf, she should’ve not have been ok with it, but of course, feyre’s triggers don’t exist when it’s rhys doing the triggering. “as a high fae male” oh pls spare me. sarah can claim that the possessiveness and control is cause they’re not human and stans can believe it, but when she starts actually writing fae, and not super soldiers with vague, unexplained powers and pointy ears, i’ll believe it. sure it can be assumed that they had discussions on how best to protect nyx, but considering that in those conversation the danger nyx brings to feyre was never brought up, i am not giving rhys the benefit of the doubt that he didn’t somehow manipulate feyre into accepting that shield (again horrific compromise)
op is right again about not telling feyre about the wings being on brand for rhys, that doesn’t make it right. one day y’all will stop using the “morally grey” argument as paltry ammunition and get you some artillery of common sense. for the umpteenth time, actually morally grey characters don’t get their actions idolized or explained away with sympathy. “he tries to do everything himself” he’s not the pregnant one though, is he? i do not give a single fuck about his self-sacrificial tendencies when they deeply affect someone else. the knowledge about the wings was not his to keep secret.
“rhys is helping tamlin but that doesn’t mean he has to be nice” um yes the fuck he does when tamlin’s the reason the ungrateful dick is alive. “tamlin ruined himself” exactly what ruination is this referring to? surely not the fall of his court, which wasn’t his fault. and yea how he’s treating tamlin isn’t just because of feyre, it’s because he’s a shitty person that kicks people when they’re down so he can hypocritically crow about how magnanimous he is offering solutions to problems he caused.
finally, yea we don’t get rhys’ or feyre’s pov in the main book, but using “complexity” as a shield to the criticisms of the former’s actions in this is laughable at best. it’s not a complex thing. he kept life and death information from his pregnant wife who’s made it clear multiple times that she doesn’t like things being kept from her. seems pretty simple to me.
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duckiemimi · 11 months
i’ve recently come across an insightful video analysis that was reposted on tiktok, explaining the Gaza situation in depth and touching on the geopolitical and economic motivations that background it, along with the potential impact from the ethnic cleansing and the active genocide of Palestinian people by zionists. here’s a summary with some links to more-reputable news articles:
-roughly around a month ago, netanyahu declared his plan for a “new middle east,” an economic corridor stretching from India to the European continent, through the UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and “israel.”
-due to the weakening of the US Dollar, this “new middle east” corridor serves as a hopeful (on their part) counter to China’s new ongoing “silk road.” it’s essentially a move for leverage on world economics, trade, and politics.
-Russia is the country with the largest proven reserves of natural gas. in 2022, Nord Stream 1 and 2 (Russia’s gas pipelines) were both blown up. sanction packages from EU ban Russian gas. no more Russian gas coming into Europe.
-Iran, the country with the second largest gas reserves, signs the Nuclear Deal in 2015-2016. the US backs out of the deal and reimpose harsh sanctions on Iran. Iran is barred from selling its gas and oil to Europe and others.
-with Russia and Iran out of the picture, “israel” (US-backed) proposes itself as a solution to EU’s gas shortages. in 2010, they find the Leviathan—a giant gas field in the middle east (Mediterranean Sea), off the coast of Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria.
-Syria initially declines offers over its gas reserves; the US now controls 1/3 of Syria and all its oil fields, and “israel” regularly bombs it’s most vital port (Latakia). another major port is in Beirut, which mysteriously exploded in 2020. both Syria and Lebanon’s maritime activity are limited, including in trade and gas exploration.
-Gaza, also having its own unexplored gas fields, has been under siege, under naval blockade since 2007. the only working port left in the coast is haifa port in “israel.” “israel” is now the only one able to explore gas and implement an economic corridor, like the proposed “new middle east.” what the US and “israel” have essentially done is killed off the competition, stole their goods, and cornered the market.
-in light of Europe’s gas shortages, to get them gas before winter, “israel” attempts to “stabilize” the region by solving “the Palestinian question”—more than displacement, they’ve resorted to ethnic cleansing and genocide. basically an acceleration of their plan.
-what Palestinian resistance groups have done in response was because they were backed into a corner. tooth and nail, life or death. it did not happen in a vacuum.
it has always been a move for natural resources; Palestine, Syria, Congo—every move for destabilization framed as intervention. it has always been greed for capital.
it’s come to my attention that the video in question might have some more pro-Russian leaning stances, and so i’ve deleted the google drive link to the reposted tiktok and the link to the actual tiktok as i do not wish to platform the denial, partial or in whole, of the atrocities done to Ukrainian people. i will keep the summary up with some parts omitted because i still do think it is an insightful analysis in general and i do think the knowledge is still useful and relevant.
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phlurrii · 8 months
Hihi there!!!! I Hope You don’t mind me sending in an ask, but I’m planning on doing the glitch that allows you to transfer the glitch Mew from Red & Blue to Pokémon HOME that you talked about in this post;
And I was wondering if you could elaborate on what you meant by them loosing their nicknames??? Do all transferred Pokémon from Red/Blue loose their nicknames, or is it just Mew???? And how did you change it back??
Again I really really hope you don’t mind this ask!!!!! I know it’s a really random one but I came across your post when researching for this glitch to make sure I had everything prepared and I’m pretty Attatched to the name I gave my Mew!!!!
Nah I don’t mind at all! Lowkey I thrive off talking about glitches, if you let me I’ll ramble for hours and refuse to let you leave. So I am much more than happy to help ;D
Okay! So regarding the nickname, sadly yes, bank will auto remove all nicknames from any Pokémon off virtual consoles. Whether it’s RBGY or SGC, that shit gets dunked upon transfer. I did not know that initially and was devastated when I found out. However, there ARE solutions to fixing it!
1) Hacked 3DS console, if you know or can find someone with a hacked 3DS you can trade them your lil guy and they can change the name. Obviously the cons of this is the person could scam you, take the mew, and dip. So I highly suggest cloning your mew through any means necessary before handing over a copy. This is what I did, I have a handful of backups of my goobers in general as well.
1.5) if you want to clone your goobers, you can buy a Power Save Pro for 3DS games and clone them there, or you can clone your mew in Pokémon Red… however this is SUPER risky and can corrupt and erase your entire save file. This happened to me once, but if you have no other choice… then I wish you luck solider.
2) transfer your goober up to switch and locate someone with a modded switch, they can do the same thing. Nickname it, send it back. Again I suggest cloning before hand, if you have a cloning egg in SWSH or know someone who does, that’s your best bet. If you don’t, you may have to risk it. However there are people on Reddit who charge like 2-3 bucks to nickname pokemon. I’ve done it before, but frankly I’m looking into just getting a modded switch lol
3) Poke Hex, this is the most complicated way, as it requires a computer, an extra device, dumping your 3DS file onto it, and going into your games code to re-nickname the mew via this lovely program called pokehex. This was originally the method I planned on, but had a nice bloke offer to help me. The good part about this method is it’s entirely just you, no trading or 3rd parties. They have a dedicated forum for assisting too ^^
In summary, there is not an easy way to do it, but if your a nut case like me you’ll find a way or hell will freeze over X3
I’ll also offer my own SWSH cloning egg to help if you can find someone with a modded switch, cuz frankly I need that hook up as well lol, anywho I wish you luck on the gameboy mew adventures ;3
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Personally as someone who experiences much more daily suffering than the average person I am deeply uncomfortable with the mere idea of "eliminating suffering" because it treats "positive" experiences like love and joy and happiness as more meaningful. In my experience this is done pretty much exclusively to the detriment of people like me.
Because by acting like suffering inherently decreases the value of someone's life you are implying that lives like mine aren't worth living. And maybe it's just me but I take offense to that! Sure my life isn't perfect and there are a lot of things I wish I didnt have to deal with but this life is mine and I'll be damned if I let other people tell me it's not good enough!
Humans weren't designed to exclusively experience pleasant things. Suffering is part of being alive! And I would not trade that for anything!
Ultimately its a facet of toxic positivity, and it makes me very very nervous. Because the people who are suffering the most always seem to be the ones thrown to the wayside for fancy little hypothetical "innovations" like this. Getting rid of suffering is quite likely impossible but that doesn't mean the people backing the idea won't just put on some horse blinders and pretend they don't see the people who would prove it didn't work.
I was about 12 years old the first time somebody told me I was too depressed to be around and it was catastrophic for my mental health. I just don't think that applying that on a worldwide scale is exactly revolutionary ya know?
The ultimate manifestation of this idea is in anti-natalism (people who think it's actively bad and wrong to have children) and people who believe in this idea are often actively pro-eugenics and just...anti-human.
"eliminate suffering" inevitably ends up at calling for extinction of all life, or at least extinction of human life, and there are people out there who think we should go extinct!...and I think we need to be firmer about calling this extremist and harmful, instead of treating it as a philosophical position to be considered seriously
like, even if voluntary human extinction just involved humans choosing not to reproduce, it's still going to fuck you up to go around looking at other humans and believing that it's bad that they're alive. yes, "existence is bad" I guess is one of the basic possible options to come to when asking questions about life and meaning, and I see how people start feeling like there is a "pro-natalist agenda" or some shit because it's something we don't really talk about.
but...believing that a universal genocide would be a good thing isn't that different from believing a genocide of one specific group would be a good thing.
And "no one should reproduce" is not really any better than "everyone should reproduce," because both violate the basic principle that other people reproducing is none of your damn business.
I am generally really uncomfortable with how so many environmentalism and climate change mitigation proposals focus on human population growth as a main cause of climate change.
There's no real evidential basis for the numbers that get cited as the ideal population for Earth, like supposedly 2-4 billion is the max the Earth can support if everyone lives a "comfortable middle class lifestyle"—What The Fuck Does That Mean? Where does it come from? Is it something we actually need or want? The vast majority of humans on Earth aren't living a "middle class lifestyle."
I want to see breakdowns of complex simulations explaining how much biomass the Earth can actually support, instead of arbitrary bullshit like that.
But from everything I've read, producing enough food for the world population is not even remotely a problem. Capitalism is the problem. Huge companies controlling the food supply and keeping the countries that produce food in poverty is the problem. Technological solutions are important but they will not fix the current problems, just like Eli Whitney's cotton gin didn't eliminate slavery.
Everyone assumes that the system is working as efficiently as it possibly can to meet the material needs of people, and that is so terribly wrong.
Anyway much of that was off topic but yeah, I'm not a fan of this line of thought and where it leads
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crazy-lazy-elder-sims · 7 months
The west is gonna start convincing everyone that the only solution to the genocide to to take the remaining millions of palastinians from rafah and put them somewhere els
That is not a solution as displacement of indigenous people is not a solution and israhells government will not stop they will invade the other countries they displaced palastinians too and carpet bomb them too you saw how they could just level an entire floor in a building in lebanon and attack inside of lebanon and jordan they. Dont. Care. They will level the area and eradicate Arabs and middle easterns regardless.
Israhell's entire point of exsistance is to destabilize the area and allow US to take over the resources and trading routes of the area the Zionist hide behind the idea of "taking out hamas and terrorist" and "reclaiming land" and "a stable place in the middle east" but they will not stop whatsoever untill the fulfill thier original goal and put immense pressure on anyone and anything to fulfill these goals. But international pressure is also working, slowly, but its still working, talking about the events and the martyrs and the war crimes never forgeting whats happning, boycotts, calling your representativeas, and non stop protesting is working and previously pro-isrhell governments are turning around. Do not give up do not think its too late to speak up do not give into the pressure, do not think its over Palestine will be free.
Palastinians will live on palastinian land that is the only solution to the genocide it is a free Palestine.
From the river to the sea palastine will be free.
Edit just to clarify: i only blame and condem the israhelli government and the pro israhell golobal powers governments not the people!!!! Not jews or americans or anything like that !! Only pro-israhell shit
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northwest-by-a-train · 11 months
Mutual 1: I wish someone could kill me so I could be reincarnated as a saxophone solo in Al Stewart's 1991 song Year of the cat
Mutual 2: Horror keeps piling upon horror and we will live old and wrinkled in this time of horrors. The only cure is to post black and white pictures of men who have problems
Mutual 3: killing baby Caesar does lengthen the lifespan of the roman empire by ~350 years, as it dissolves into some sort of federalist-feudalist structure not unlike the Holy Roman Empire. The main difference is that a sort of loose syncretic pan-imperial polytheism is the dominant religion, leading to Icelandic temples of Isis and Ethiopian temples of Epona. As such, this timeline was spared the drawbacks of a centralized state-enforced organized religion. The main drawback is that being a furry is considered blasphemy by the vast majority of humanity.
Mutual 4: if Pendleton Ward does not make Mr Cupcake a Trotskyist I will set the cartoon network offices on fire
Mutual 5: if Serial Experiments Lain was made today they would make her cis. Well. Not on my watch
Mutual 6: Can we take a minute here and normalize arms trading? Marginalized communities need those 3D-printed untraceable ghost guns with Family Guy muzzles, I need to make a living since I was thrown out of the commune by Hannah-Arendts-Strap (message me for details), Seth MacFarlane needs people to watch season 27. But Academia will talk about Kant's white-ass categorical imperative to argue no one should sell guns. Typical.
Mutual 7: I am in your walls. Why is there lead paint on your radium plumbing my dude. You know that's not aryuvedic.
Mutual 8: I'm sorry but Robespierre was a scapegoat of most of the French revolution's atrocities, and bourgeois reactionary elements have tried to turn him into a proto-totalitarian crazed madman, but the historical record paints a much more complex picture. Which is why I don't believe he would ever whip Danton's ass like you just wrote. He would be the one wearing the ball gag. How can I make you see the truth my brother ?
Mutual 9: Arabic and Eastern European poetry have been superior throughout the late 20th/early 21st century. We also have the best cigarettes. If we keep going we can surround Constantinople in the next decade, and restore the Palaiologos to their rightful place.
Mutual 10: The callout posts are true. Reflecting on it, it was obvious that our attempt to create a secret #LiberateBelize discord channel without British people was chavphobic. We are listening and learning.
Mutual 11: Pinkie Pie could negotiate the Oslo Accords, but Bill Clinton could never bag pony Weird Al
Mutual 12: If I think about Betty Groff for more than two seconds I'll divorce my husband. I got the papers and everything. But I won't. I'm brave like that. #ChristianLove
Mutual 13:
Tumblr media
Mutual 14: I was visited by the virgin Mary last night. Again. She told me I can't make my girlfriend pregnant like that. Again. But I know Ron L. Hubbard is with me, and it's all that matters.
Mutual 15: Mustard gas doesn't even taste like mustard. You guys lied to me. My Mac & Cheese is ruined.
Mutual 16: Stop saying my think tank advocates killing orphans. We're pro-harvesting organs in youth correctional facilities for reduced sentences !!! But again we see the pro-carceral bias inherent to Lutherans. Have you guys even read Angela Davis ?
Mutual 17: Here's my solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict: spend a hundred billion dollars for multiversal research, reach the mirror universe. Israelis get the biblical kingdom of Israel borders on this earth, Palestinians get the 1948 borders in the mirror universe. I think this is the fairest deal America can offer at this time.
Mutual 18: I tried to live the life of a restless European adventurer in Macau playing roulette and serving as a mercenary to various conglomerates. Turns out they also charge rent there. And income is taxable too. And I bet everything on Red. And I don't speak Mandarin, Cantonese or Portuguese. Help me pay for my flight home! 6¢/50 000$ collected!
Mutual 19: Yeah the canonization of Bolaño as the latest LatAm literary genius speaks to a sort of general malaise in post-colonial literature due to the collapse of magical realism as a viable tradition for meaningful political messaging. So the literature of unease and obsession and maladjustment itself is canonized, like an oyster canonizing the grain of sand that's tearing it apart. The fact that no other major voice has really appeared on the continent within the past 20 years should tell us this isn't working. Which is why the Brazilian JoJo fandom has a unique opportunity to meaningfully impact the course of world literature. #Multipolarity
Mutual 20: wow guys someone left a tray of perfectly good Mac & Cheese on a windowsill! Yummy!
Mutual 21: Did medieval surgeons pulling teeth get erections? I wouldn't normally ask this of my followers but I'm arguing about Sex Work with the ghost of Andrea Dworkin and I need hard evidence (no pun intended lol)
Mutual 22: Electro-Swing is a Belgian psy-op. I can't prove it, but I know it
Mutual 23: I'm the first neutered catgirl to be tried in a military court. But I know I'm not the last.
Mutual 24: Did you guys know you could eat olives? The thing they make oil from? I ordered three kilos of motors, so I can eat it with my roommate's Mac & Cheese
Mutual 25: Anglicans, amirite ? [Sounds of raucous applause]
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kemregik · 5 months
The Absurdity of Highschool DxD, Explained (by someone who's watched the show more times than can possibly be healthy)
The whole premise of the plot is that God Is Dead and so the world is sorta in No Rules Mode™. The reason the Three Factions come together is because with God being dead, they risk their domain over Earth being challenged by a third party that just attacks Heaven while they're weak.
To this end, as soon as the peace treaty is signed, the governments of Heaven and Hell suddenly become diplomatic entities with the other Pantheons, mainly because of the threat that the Khaos Brigade represents to EVERYONE with their trippple stacked dummy oatmeal thicc supercombo crossover nyan-powered GI Joe-lookin' ass Marine Marauders type spec-ops black-ops god-killing freak power team setup. Azazel and his Grigori are sorta subsumed under the authority of Sirzechs Lucifer (this use of Lucifer is a title, he's of the Gremory Clan), as the Governor-General is serving as personal mentor to the Heir-Apparent of the Throne of Hell. The non-Grigori Fallen Ones are just sort of treated as an errant and perennial nuisance that Azazel has mostly covered. Katerea, Shalba, and the rest of the Old Satan Faction are dead and the remaining Magicians are scattered. The Powers in the Domain of the God of The Bible (yes that's his canon name) are, at the current state of the canon, essentially a unified entity as far as any other Pantheons are concerned.
We know precisely how God died, too: the legendary dragons Ddraig and Albion. Those motherfuckers went so hard in the paint with each other that God himself became collateral damage.
Heaven's solution to this, of course, was to gang up on the dragons when they were too busy looking at each other and break them—and most of their relatives—up into pieces and seal them in the Sacred Gears. They can't kill them, since the dragons are pretty much on par with God as sort of "Primordial Powers," so this is the next best option. The Scared Gear system, itself a glitch in God's initial creation of mankind, was sort of a band-aid fix for Heaven, though. Humans are, themselves, inferior and limited in their ability to harness the full effect of the Sacred Gears, but the dragons inhabiting these Sacred Gears, the 13 Pieces of Longinus, in particular technically do have the power to Kill God:™. The trade for Heaven was:
PRO: Generally, wielders of Longinus pieces will not be able to make use of the full extent of the power, and the worst ones are essentially fated to kill each other because of this primordial Grudge that exists between many of the dragons. The vast majority of them will be relegated to important figures of human history (Jesus is said to have been a Sacred Gear user, note that what killed him was, within the canon of the story, True Longinus, the literal spear used to kill Jesus in the Bible (commentary on whether this confirms or denies Jesus as the Messiah is a conversation for another day)).
CON: You have to keep a fucking eye on the humans, though, because humans can Ascend (which occurs at the whims of and according to the rules of the Holy System, which is mostly frozen in the organizational state it was in when God died until the Brave Saints system is devised), be Reborn as Devils, or (very rarely) breed with them and the Fallen Ones and produce Overpowered Humans™ that can indeed pose a very real threat.
So for the most part, the Domain was stable for a millennium or three. However, suddenly, just as each of the Three Factions are barely recovered from the MASSIVE losses they all suffered during the War in Heaven, you have the following things happening in extreme concentration (one borough of the small city of Kuoh, Japan):
Vali Lucifer, last remaining member of the Lucifer Clan (and by corollary, the most valid claimant to the Throne of Hell), is discovered to be the wielder of Divine Dividing (Longinus 6) and therefore the current White Dragon Emperor. He teams up with,
Azazel, Governor-General of the Grigori, who is in the process of hoarding Sacred Gears for the purposes of creating an Artificial Longinus and also killing his most unstable lieutenant, Kokabiel, only to be doublecrossed when,
Bikou (descendant of Sun Wukong and current Moneky King), Kuroka (rogue cat-spirit uber-devil and Hell's Public Enemy #1), Arthur Pendragon (wielder of Holy Sword Caliburn, the Sword in the Stone), Fenrir, LeFay Pendragon (little sister of Arthur and high-powered Magician), and Gogmagog (legendary British Giant) are all working with Vali just as,
Rias Gremory, who is rumored to be just as if not more powerful than her big brother Sirzechs Lucifer, is nearly done completing her peerage, made up of:
Issei Hyoudou, an emotionally unstable and extremely difficult to predict teenager, who is found to be the wielder of Boosted Gear (Longinus 5) and the current Red Dragon Emperor
Asia Argento, recent Church heretic and wielder of Sacred Gear Twilight Healing
Kiba Yuuto, sole survivor of the Holy Sword Project and wielder of Sacred Gear Sword Birth
Koneko Toujou, little sister of Kuroka and equally powerful cat-spirit
Akeno Himejima, daughter of Baraqiel (Vice Governor-General of the Grigori)
Gasper Vladi, half-dhampir (daywalker vampire) and wielder of Sacred Gear Forbidden Balor View (unevolved form of Aeon Balor, New Longinus 3 (which makes it Longinus 16)) and,
Xenovia Quarta, wielder of Holy Sword Durandal just as,
Ophis, Dragon God of Infinity, is betrayed by,
The Hero Faction, made up of
Cao Cao, wielder of True Longinus (Longinus 1)
Georg, wielder of Dimension Lost (Longinus 4)
Jeanne, wielder of Sacred Gear Blade Blacksmith
The current Heracles, wielder of Sacred Gear Variant Detonation
The current Connla, wielder of Sacred Gear Night Reflection
The current Perseus, wielder of Sacred Gear Aegis Mineralization, and,
Marsillo, wielder of Sacred Gear Dreamlike Curse
This massive concentration of power during an unstable political period is the source of the primary background conflict of DxD. And it's all wasted on tits. For 4 seasons.
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dykeulous · 3 months
israel is a colonialist puppet state. zionism does not help jewish liberation. the land had plants, agriculture and people prior to the entrance of colonists. it was not pure havoc, waiting the jewish inhabitants to inhabit it. anyone who supports “2-state” solution is no better than those who support israel. palestine deserves full freedom, not half of it, not two thirds of it, full liberation. israel is a jewish state, and a state cannot be “fair” if it is not secular. theocracy could never be fair.
i, as a feminist, have full duty to be actively & vocally pro-palestine. it is absolutely a situation regarding female rights. whenever there is genocide, war, or imperialism (situation in palestine could never be called a war; the horrors mere civilians endured by the hands of a whole horde of an army for over seventy years could never be called a war)– there is a disproportionate expansion of sex trade, sex-based violence & unique wars against women. western feminists have not only been staying silent about the active genocide, but also claiming how it has nothing to do with women’s liberation or feminism, at all. palestinian women & girls often have to take pills to stop their menstrual bleedings because of lack of resources, they are having their fetuses pulled out of their dead bodies (often resulting in failure), having c-sections without any sort of anesthesia at all, daily losing their families, watching their schools being bombed, and the list goes on. this is not even nearly half of what palestinian women & girls have to face on the daily basis, and no one could ever capture all the terror, trauma, violence & torment they are subjected to in a simple paragraph. watching western feminists blindly ignore all of this makes me wonder why so many people use feminism as a label and as a quirky nickname. if you aren’t willing to speak up about the thousands of hundreds of poor palestinian women & girls, and female infants, facing abhorrent & vehement violence, can you truly call yourself a feminist? does your feminism stop at girl-boss liberalism, does your activism stop at watching the barbie movie?
by choosing to support, or turn a blind eye to israeli imperialism, you are choosing to support the genocide against women, girls, and homosexuals you so much claim to protect. israeli soldiers are imperializing the bodies of palestinian women & girls, just like they are imperializing the palestinian land.
palestinian feminists were one of the first feminists of the arabic world, many of them died fighting against imperialism. in 1929, palestinian women formed an all-women’s congress in jerusalem. these women were one of the firsts to publicly speak up on the state of palestinian farmers, british colonialism & the way it exploited agriculture. palestinian feminists are dignified women of the arabic world, and we all owe them support for their strength, bravery, dignity & belligerence. they are fighting daily for their homeland in impossible & unimaginable conditions. refusing to advocate for these women makes you not merely a bad feminist, but also a supporter of genocide, imperialism & apartheid.
🇵🇸 from the river to the sea, 🇵🇸
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davidsteve1 · 3 months
Pro Trade Services: Your Premier Choice for Commercial Roofing Solutions in Solon, Ohio
Pro Trade Services is a leading provider of customized commercial roofing solutions in Solon, Ohio. Our expert team specializes in strategic long-term roofing management, offering sustainable and eco-friendly roofing solutions tailored to meet your specific needs.
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If you're in need of customized commercial roofing solutions, strategic long-term roofing management, or eco-friendly roofing solutions in Solon, Ohio, Contact Pro Trade Services today. Our team of experts is ready to help you find the perfect roofing solution for your commercial property.
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cynda-queer · 2 months
Rules: Pretty self explanatory, include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. The “other” label can be used for if you aren’t into smashing for any reason, but you want to do a specific thing to them like perhaps a hug, studying them under a microscope, etc.
tagged by @full---ofstarlight
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Rapid Fire Stats:
Name: Zu’zu Duhawl
Height: 6’ 0” (don’t fucking at me)
Age: 30 (Dawntrail MSQ)
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Nonbinary
Race: Keeper of the Moon Mi’qote
Star Sign: Born under Rhalgar (but he’s a Virgo)
Son of Ala Mhigan resistance fighters, he was raised in Southern Thanalan after his parents left him there. At the behest of his mentor, he left home to study in Old Sharlayan where he met the grandchildren of Archon Louisoix and formed a fast friendship with the twins. After completing his initial studies with the Studium, he returned home to Eorzea to put his knowledge to practical use before being involved in ordeal after ordeal after ordeal. He's seen the world. And places beyond.
- A Capital-F Flirt
- As any good musician is, he’s very good with his mouth and hands ;)
- A bard by trade, he knows how to fill quiet with stories and songs that stir the senses and soul
- One for a good joke, even at his own expense (sometimes especially at his own expense)
- A fiercely loyal companion once his loyalty is earned (can and will go to the ends of the universe for you [ex. Shadowbringers. And Endwalker. And Dawntrail. Damn, do we have a pattern, Yoshi P?])
- Easily talked into a lot of things and will do whatever stupid, impulsive, or dangerous thing you want to do if he doesn't suggest them himself
- The most emotional emotionally unavailable man you will ever meet
- Insists that he does not do long-term relationships (which, like, I guess could be a good or bad thing depending on what you’re looking for?)
- Vain. Like so vain. His hair is everything to him and you are NOT allowed to touch it (He found out about those 17+ step skin care routines in Solution Nine and it changed everything)
- Very low self-preservation instinct and it’s only gotten lower over time (He’s god’s specialist little princess, she won’t let him die, so why should he be careful?
Tagging: @keclan @goreador @fluffy-fern and anyone else who wants to do it! (please tag me, I want to see your OCs)
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biguull · 10 days
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For years we’ve been hearing about Republican strategies to displace the Democrats as the party of the working class, but conservative efforts to define what that means have always faltered. The main strategy, dating to the Nixon years, has been to use racial and religious prejudice to drive a wedge into what’s left of the New Deal coalition. But “working class” is an economic designation, not a cultural one. In their 2008 book Grand New Party, Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam tried to argue that social issues were economic issues, but that’s too facile and sometimes plainly wrong. (What do working-class women gain by losing abortion rights?) In 2021, Representative Jim Banks wrote Representative Kevin McCarthy a memo on how to make the GOP “permanently … the Party of the Working Class.” But apart from hawkishness on trade and immigration, to which Trump had converted the GOP, Banks was silent on economic matters, relying instead on waging culture war.
American Compass was created three years ago to change that. Founded by Oren Cass, a fortyish former Bainie and domestic policy adviser to Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, American Compass is a conservative nonprofit that fashions itself pro-worker. It just produced a manifesto titled Rebuilding American Capitalism: A Handbook for Conservative Policymakers that attempts to define a set of conservative economic policies to help the working class. It will host a conference to discuss these on Wednesday afternoon in the Russell Senate Office Building, with remarks from Senators Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, J.D. “Hillbilly Elegy” Vance, and Todd Young.
Rebuilding American Capitalism acknowledges wage stagnation, decries stock buybacks, bemoans financialization, and rejects “market fundamentalism.” It knocks libertarians for disdaining government and mocks Glenn Hubbard, President George W. Bush’s chief economic adviser, for stating that “the goal of the economic system [is] optimizing consumption.” It recognizes the serious problem of growing economic inequality. Except for progressives, whom it denounces cartoonishly as disdainful of the private sector and overly “eager to use public programs to provide whatever the market does not,” the manifesto is against the right things. The trouble arises when it’s called upon to be for something—specifically, labor unions.
You can’t be serious about empowering the working class unless you want to strengthen organized labor. Does American Compass want to do that? Yes and no.
Give American Compass credit for including in its manifesto a chapter forthrightly titled “Labor.” Congressional Republicans are so nauseated by this word that whenever they regain control of the House they change the name of the Committee on Education and Labor to the Committee on Education and the Workforce. This revulsion does a disservice to the roughly one-third of union members who reliably vote Republican. Indeed, there’s a conservative argument to make in favor of labor unions, and I’m pleased to see American Compass make it:
“Especially for conservatives, who cherish the role of mediating institutions, prefer private ordering to government dictates, and believe prosperity must be earned rather than redistributed, reforming and reinvigorating the laws that govern organizing and collective bargaining should be an obvious priority.”
Amen. I would add only that Republicans show their true colors by relying, whenever they control the White House, on government power to impede the growth of private-sector unions at the National Labor Relations Board, or NLRB.
Also on the plus side, Rebuilding American Capitalism calls for sectoral bargaining, in which labor unions negotiate wages across industry sectors. The United Auto Workers and the United Steelworkers established a variation on sectoral bargaining called pattern bargaining back in the 1940s, though its efficacy diminished with the rise of foreign competition. The idea, which is a good one, is that competition within an industry (or its absence) shouldn’t drive down wages.
The section heading “Guarantee Workers’ Legal Right to Organize” got me very excited. But on closer inspection, the manifesto avoided any mention of the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, or PRO Act, the only serious vehicle right now to shore up labor rights, which has two Republican co-sponsors in the House (Pennsylvania’s Brian Fitzpatrick and New Jersey’s Christopher Smith), though none, alas, in the Senate. The PRO Act would reverse key anti-labor provisions in the 1947 Taft-Hartley amendments to the National Labor Relations Act, or NLRA, voiding, for instance, state “right-to-work” laws that allow union nonmembers to enjoy the benefits of collective bargaining without paying union fees, and legalizing secondary boycotts like the supermarket boycotts that the United Farm Workers’ Cesar Chavez organized during the 1960s to bring grape growers to heel. (Chavez was allowed to target supermarkets that sold grapes only because agricultural workers weren’t covered by the NLRA, and they still aren’t.) The PRO Act would also for the first time allow the NLRB to impose serious monetary penalties on businesses that violate the NLRA; right now all it can do is require payment of back wages and reinstatement of a fired employee, which is why companies violate the act routinely.
How would Rebuilding American Capitalism guarantee workers’ right to organize? By doing, to quote Jake Gittes describing his instructions as a cop patrolling Chinatown (in the great 1974 film of that title), “as little as possible.” The PRO Act would require the NLRB to seek a court injunction to reinstate immediately any employee fired for union organizing. Rebuilding American Capitalism merely advises the NLRB to give its general counsel authority to seek such injunctions—authority the general counsel possesses already, and, under General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, is applying aggressively. Under a Republican president, the energetic pursuit of injunctions is a lot less likely to occur, and a polite request from American Compass will have no effect.
Even worse than its Chinatown approach to protecting workers’ right to organize is Rebuilding America’s section titled “Get Worker Organizations Out of Partisan Politics.” Organized labor’s political influence, even in its current greatly diminished form, is pretty much the only thing it has going for it at a time when private-sector union membership is down to 6%. Unions have always been a force in politics, and it would be suicide for them to withdraw now.
Or perhaps Rebuilding America means only that unions should withdraw from spending directly on political campaigns, something they were barred legally from doing before the Supreme Court turned corporations (and labor unions) into people in 2010’s Citizens United case. “The United States should prohibit political spending by worker organizations,” the manifesto says, “comparable to the prohibition on political spending by 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations.” Spending by affiliated PACs would still be permissible. Fine by me—but only if corporations (which take much greater advantage of Citizens United than unions do) are similarly barred from political spending. Which of course would require the Supreme Court to overturn Citizens United. Good luck with that. Rebuilding America makes much of the fact that the AFL-CIO and SEIU don’t allow members to dictate how they allocate lobby resources, but neither do corporations allow stockholders to do the same. The prospect of unions disarming unilaterally and leaving politics to corporations doesn’t seem to worry American Compass.
Ultimately, Rebuilding American Capitalism, for all its proletarian posturing, can’t muster much enthusiasm for labor unions. After its very good review early on of the data on growing income inequality, and a less-good section accusing liberals of not supporting apprenticeship programs (not remotely true), the manifesto gives the game away by stating that “although most Americans … wish they had more opportunities for their voice to be heard” in the workplace, “the traditional labor union is not the model they prefer.” Oh, please. Anybody who’s paid the slightest attention knows that labor unions enjoy more public support today than they have in half a century. It’s inconceivable that the authors of Rebuilding American Capitalism don’t know this.
To justify its claim that workers don’t especially like unions, Rebuilding American Capitalism cites polling data (from a poll conducted by American Compass) that says 63% would prefer a “worker organization” (whatever that is) to be run by labor and management, as opposed to 37% who would prefer it to be run solely by workers. This is a testament not to any wariness of unions on the public’s part but to the public’s naïveté about American management’s willingness to cooperate with labor. It’s different in Europe, of course, where they have works councils and other organizations where these things get hashed out by labor, management, and the government. American corporations rejected this model after World War II, when Walter Reuther and other union leaders proposed it. If they could now be persuaded otherwise, that would be lovely. But after reading American Compass’s manifesto, I wouldn’t trust any conservative to write the enabling legislation. Rebuilding American Capitalism has some good ideas about what ails America, but it balks at furnishing the means to fix it.
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simplyfy9 · 4 months
Best Bitcoin Alternatives: Exploring Top Cryptocurrencies for 2024 by Simplyfy
Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, has long been the standard-bearer in the world of digital currencies.
However, the crypto market has grown exponentially, and several preferences to Bitcoin now provide special points and benefits. This article, promoted via Simplyfy, targets to information you via the fantastic Bitcoin choices for 2024, supporting you make knowledgeable choices in the evolving panorama of digital assets.
Introduction to Bitcoin and Its Alternatives
Bitcoin, introduced in 2009 by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, revolutionized the financial world by introducing a decentralized form of currency.
Its meteoric upward shove in fees and massive adoption have paved the way for lots of different cryptocurrencies. These alternatives, frequently referred to as altcoins, serve a number of purposes, from improving privateness and enhancing transaction speeds to imparting revolutionary structures for decentralized purposes (DApps).
Why Look Beyond Bitcoin?
While Bitcoin remains a cornerstone of the crypto market, there are several reasons why investors and enthusiasts might seek alternatives:
1. Scalability: Bitcoin's transaction speed and scalability have been points of contention.
​Some selections provide quicker and extra scalable solutions.
2. Transaction Fees: As Bitcoin's network becomes busier, transaction fees can rise.
​Some altcoins supply less expensive transaction costs.
3. Utility: Many altcoins are designed with specific use cases in mind, from smart contracts to privacy features.
4. Investment Diversification: Diversifying one's portfolio with multiple cryptocurrencies can mitigate risk and potentially increase returns.
Top Bitcoin Alternatives in 2024
1. Ethereum (ETH)
Overview: Launched in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum is more than just a cryptocurrency.
It’s a decentralized platform that allows builders to construct and set up clever contracts and decentralized purposes (DApps).
Key Features:
Smart Contracts: Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code.
Decentralized Applications (DApps): Applications that run on a decentralized network.
Ethereum 2.0: The ongoing improvement to Ethereum goals to enhance scalability, security, and sustainability via a shift from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS).
- Highly versatile platform with numerous use cases.
- Strong developer community.
- Continuous improvement and scalability through Ethereum 2.0.
- High transaction fees (gas fees) during network congestion.
- Complex for new users compared to simpler cryptocurrencies.
2. Binance Coin (BNB)
Overview: Binance Coin is the native cryptocurrency of the Binance Exchange, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. Initially launched as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, BNB has since transitioned to the Binance Chain.
Key Features:
Exchange Utility: Primarily used to pay for trading fees on Binance, offering discounts to users.
Binance Smart Chain (BSC): Supports smart contracts and is known for its low transaction fees and high throughput.
- Strong backing and integration with the Binance Exchange.
- Low transaction fees on BSC.
- Continuous development and use cases expanding beyond the Binance platform.
The centralized nature of Binance raises concerns among decentralization purists.
- Regulatory scrutiny due to its association with Binance.
3. Cardano (ADA)
Overview: Cardano is a third-generation blockchain platform founded by Charles Hoskinson, a co-founder of Ethereum. It aims to provide a more balanced and sustainable ecosystem for cryptocurrencies.
Key Features:
Proof of Stake (PoS): Uses the Ouroboros PoS protocol, which is energy efficient.
Research-Driven: Development is backed by peer-reviewed academic research.
Scalability and Interoperability: Designed to improve scalability and interoperability compared to previous generations of blockchain.
- Strong focus on security and sustainability.
- Continuous updates and improvements.
- Active community and developer involvement.
- Slow development process due to its research-driven approach.
- Still in the early stages compared to some competitors.
4. Solana (SOL)
Overview: Solana is a high-performance blockchain supporting builders around the world creating crypto apps that scale today. It aims to provide decentralized finance solutions on a scalable and user-friendly blockchain.
Key Features:
Proof of History (PoH): A unique consensus algorithm that provides high throughput.
Low Transaction Fees: Designed to offer low-cost transactions.
Scalability: Capable of handling thousands of transactions per second.
- Extremely fast and scalable.
- Low transaction costs.
- A growing ecosystem of DApps and DeFi projects.
- Relatively new and still proving its stability.
- Centralization concerns due to the small number of validators.
5. Polkadot (DOT)
Overview: Founded by Dr. Gavin Wood, another co-founder of Ethereum, Polkadot is a heterogeneous multi-chain framework.
It approves a number of blockchains to switch messages and fees in a trust-free fashion.
Key Features:
Interoperability: Connects multiple blockchains into a single network.
Scalability: Enables parallel processing of transactions across different chains.
Governance: Decentralized governance model allowing stakeholders to have a say in the protocol's future.
- Focus on interoperability and connecting different blockchains.
- High scalability potential.
- Strong developer and community support.
The complexity of the technology might pose a barrier to new users.
- Competition with other interoperability-focused projects.
6. Chainlink (LINK)
Overview: Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network providing reliable, tamper-proof data for complex smart contracts on any blockchain.
Key Features:
Oracles: Bridges the gap between blockchain and real-world data.
Cross-Chain Compatibility: Works with multiple blockchain platforms.
Decentralized Data Sources: Ensures data reliability and security.
- Unique and crucial role in enabling smart contracts to interact with external data.
- Strong partnerships with major companies and blockchains.
- Growing use cases and applications.
- Highly specialized use cases might limit broader adoption.
- Dependence on the success of the smart contract ecosystem.
7. Ripple (XRP)
Overview: Ripple aims to enable instant, secure, and low-cost international payments.
Unlike many different cryptocurrencies, Ripple focuses on serving the desires of the monetary offerings sector.
Key Features:
RippleNet: A global network for cross-border payments.
XRP Ledger: A decentralized open-source product.
Speed and Cost: Provides fast transactions with minimal fees.
- Strong focus on financial institutions and cross-border payments.
- Low transaction fees and fast settlement times.
- Significant partnerships with banks and financial institutions.
- Centralization concerns due to Ripple Labs’ control.
- Ongoing legal issues with regulatory authorities.
8. Litecoin (LTC)
Overview: Created by Charlie Lee in 2011, Litecoin is often considered the silver to Bitcoin’s gold.
​It targets to supply fast, low-cost repayments by way of the usage of a one-of-a-kind hashing algorithm.
Key Features:
Scrypt Algorithm: Allows for faster transaction confirmation.
SegWit and Lightning Network: Implements advanced technologies for scalability.
Litecoin Foundation: Active development and community support.
- Faster transaction times compared to Bitcoin.
- Lower transaction fees.
- Active development and widespread adoption.
- Limited additional functionality beyond being a currency.
- Competition from newer and more versatile cryptocurrencies.
9. Stellar (XLM)
Overview: Stellar is an open network for storing and moving money.
Its aim is to allow monetary structures to work collectively on a single platform.
Key Features:
Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP): Allows for faster and cheaper transactions.
Anchor Network: Connects various financial institutions to the Stellar network.
Focus on Remittances: Facilitates cross-border payments and remittances.
- Low transaction fees and high speed.
- Focus on financial inclusion and connecting global financial systems.
- Strong partnerships and adoption in the financial sector.
- Competition from other payment-focused cryptocurrencies.
- Centralization concerns regarding development control.
10. Monero (XMR)
Overview: Monero is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that aims to provide secure, private, and untraceable transactions.
Key Features:
Privacy: Uses advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure transaction privacy.
Decentralization: Emphasizes decentralization and security.
Fungibility: Every unit of Monero is indistinguishable from another.
- Strong privacy and security features.
- Active community focused on maintaining privacy.
- Continuous development and improvements.
- Privacy focus attracts regulatory scrutiny.
- Not as widely accepted as other cryptocurrencies.
The cryptocurrency market affords a plethora of options to Bitcoin, every with its special features, advantages, and viable downsides.
​ Whether you're looking for faster transaction speeds, lower fees, advanced functionalities like smart contracts, or enhanced privacy, there is likely a cryptocurrency that meets your needs. Ethereum, Binance Coin, Cardano, Solana, Polkadot, Chainlink, Ripple, Litecoin, Stellar, and Monero are among the top contenders worth considering in 2024.
As with any investment, it is quintessential to behavior thoroughly lookup and reflect on consideration on your monetary dreams and hazard tolerance. The crypto market is quite risky and can be unpredictable. Diversifying your investments and staying knowledgeable about market tendencies and technological developments can assist you navigate this.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
ESSEN, Germany (AP) — For most of this century, Germany racked up one economic success after another, dominating global markets for high-end products like luxury cars and industrial machinery, selling so much to the rest of the world that half the economy ran on exports.
Jobs were plentiful, the government's financial coffers grew as other European countries drowned in debt, and books were written about what other countries could learn from Germany.
No longer. Now, Germany is the world’s worst-performing major developed economy, with both the International Monetary Fund and European Union expecting it to shrink this year.
It follows Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the loss of Moscow's cheap natural gas — an unprecedented shock to Germany’s energy-intensive industries, long the manufacturing powerhouse of Europe.
The sudden underperformance by Europe's largest economy has set off a wave of criticism, handwringing and debate about the way forward.
Germany risks “deindustrialization” as high energy costs and government inaction on other chronic problems threaten to send new factories and high-paying jobs elsewhere, said Christian Kullmann, CEO of major German chemical company Evonik Industries AG.
From his 21st-floor office in the west German town of Essen, Kullmann points out the symbols of earlier success across the historic Ruhr Valley industrial region: smokestacks from metal plants, giant heaps of waste from now-shuttered coal mines, a massive BP oil refinery and Evonik's sprawling chemical production facility.
These days, the former mining region, where coal dust once blackened hanging laundry, is a symbol of the energy transition, dotted with wind turbines and green space.
The loss of cheap Russian natural gas needed to power factories “painfully damaged the business model of the German economy,” Kullmann told The Associated Press. “We’re in a situation where we’re being strongly affected — damaged — by external factors.”
After Russia cut off most of its gas to the European Union, spurring an energy crisis in the 27-nation bloc that had sourced 40% of the fuel from Moscow, the German government asked Evonik to keep its 1960s coal-fired power plant running a few months longer.
The company is shifting away from the plant — whose 40-story smokestack fuels production of plastics and other goods — to two gas-fired generators that can later run on hydrogen amid plans to become carbon neutral by 2030.
One hotly debated solution: a government-funded cap on industrial electricity prices to get the economy through the renewable energy transition.
The proposal from Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck of the Greens Party has faced resistance from Chancellor Olaf Scholz, a Social Democrat, and pro-business coalition partner the Free Democrats. Environmentalists say it would only prolong reliance on fossil fuels.
Kullmann is for it: “It was mistaken political decisions that primarily developed and influenced these high energy costs. And it can’t now be that German industry, German workers should be stuck with the bill.”
The price of gas is roughly double what it was in 2021, hurting companies that need it to keep glass or metal red-hot and molten 24 hours a day to make glass, paper and metal coatings used in buildings and cars.
A second blow came as key trade partner China experiences a slowdown after several decades of strong economic growth.
These outside shocks have exposed cracks in Germany's foundation that were ignored during years of success, including lagging use of digital technology in government and business and a lengthy process to get badly needed renewable energy projects approved.
Other dawning realizations: The money that the government readily had on hand came in part because of delays in investing in roads, the rail network and high-speed internet in rural areas. A 2011 decision to shut down Germany's remaining nuclear power plants has been questioned amid worries about electricity prices and shortages. Companies face a severe shortage of skilled labor, with job openings hitting a record of just under 2 million.
And relying on Russia to reliably supply gas through the Nord Stream pipelines under the Baltic Sea — built under former Chancellor Angela Merkel and since shut off and damaged amid the war — was belatedly conceded by the government to have been a mistake.
Now, clean energy projects are slowed by extensive bureaucracy and not-in-my-backyard resistance. Spacing limits from homes keep annual construction of wind turbines in single digits in the southern Bavarian region.
A 10 billion-euro ($10.68 billion) electrical line bringing wind power from the breezier north to industry in the south has faced costly delays from political resistance to unsightly above-ground towers. Burying the line means completion in 2028 instead of 2022.
Massive clean energy subsidies that the Biden administration is offering to companies investing in the U.S. have evoked envy and alarm that Germany is being left behind.
“We’re seeing a worldwide competition by national governments for the most attractive future technologies — attractive meaning the most profitable, the ones that strengthen growth,” Kullmann said.
He cited Evonik’s decision to build a $220 million production facility for lipids — key ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines — in Lafayette, Indiana. Rapid approvals and up to $150 million in U.S. subsidies made a difference after German officials evinced little interest, he said.
“I'd like to see a little more of that pragmatism ... in Brussels and Berlin,” Kullmann said.
In the meantime, energy-intensive companies are looking to cope with the price shock.
Drewsen Spezialpapiere, which makes passport and stamp paper as well as paper straws that don't de-fizz soft drinks, bought three wind turbines near its mill in northern Germany to cover about a quarter of its external electricity demand as it moves away from natural gas.
Specialty glass company Schott AG, which makes products ranging from stovetops to vaccine bottles to the 39-meter (128-foot) mirror for the Extremely Large Telescope astronomical observatory in Chile, has experimented with substituting emissions-free hydrogen for gas at the plant where it produces glass in tanks as hot as 1,700 degrees Celsius.
It worked — but only on a small scale, with hydrogen supplied by truck. Mass quantities of hydrogen produced with renewable electricity and delivered by pipeline would be needed and don't exist yet.
Scholz has called for the energy transition to take on the “Germany tempo,” the same urgency used to set up four floating natural gas terminals in months to replace lost Russian gas. The liquefied natural gas that comes to the terminals by ship from the U.S., Qatar and elsewhere is much more expensive than Russian pipeline supplies, but the effort showed what Germany can do when it has to.
However, squabbling among the coalition government over the energy price cap and a law barring new gas furnaces has exasperated business leaders.
Evonik's Kullmann dismissed a recent package of government proposals, including tax breaks for investment and a law aimed at reducing bureaucracy, as “a Band-Aid.”
Germany grew complacent during a “golden decade” of economic growth in 2010-2020 based on reforms under Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in 2003-2005 that lowered labor costs and increased competitiveness, says Holger Schmieding, chief economist at Berenberg bank.
“The perception of Germany's underlying strength may also have contributed to the misguided decisions to exit nuclear energy, ban fracking for natural gas and bet on ample natural gas supplies from Russia,” he said. “Germany is paying the price for its energy policies.”
Schmieding, who once dubbed Germany “the sick man of Europe” in an influential 1998 analysis, thinks that label would be overdone today, considering its low unemployment and strong government finances. That gives Germany room to act — but also lowers the pressure to make changes.
The most important immediate step, Schmieding said, would be to end uncertainty over energy prices, through a price cap to help not just large companies, but smaller ones as well.
Whatever policies are chosen, “it would already be a great help if the government could agree on them fast so that companies know what they are up to and can plan accordingly instead of delaying investment decisions," he said.
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